Complete Madeira Buyers Guide-2022-05-29
Complete Madeira Buyers Guide-2022-05-29
Complete Madeira Buyers Guide-2022-05-29
“Madeira the island that has it all, eternal spring, exotic fruits, abundant
seafoods and enchanting coastal villages, if paradise is on earth, then I
found it in Madeira”
Adela Riding – The Madeira Orchestra
Contents guide
Introduction to Madeira��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2
Madeira today �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
Living in Madeira������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 14
Healthcare������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16
Working in Madeira��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
Contact us�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Madeira property
Madeira is autonomous and has its own Variable property values
administration. The property laws are the same as the
Portuguese mainland. Madeira has a reliable property The property market in Madeira and real estate
market and buying a home in Madeira has historically agencies generally operate differently to say, the UK
been all about the lifestyle rather than the return on market. In the UK, a property owner who is interested
Preparation starts
investment, this has changed notably in 2017 with in selling their property will ask for a valuation from
an estate agent, the agent will visit the property and today:
quality holiday rentals making high returns. After the
2007 market peak, property prices fell everywhere, normally give a fair achievable market value and a Experience shows that
Madeira was affected less because over supply issues resale market price is agreed upon. In Madeira it is a well planned move
quite often the property owner who sets the price, to Madeira requires
Residency and
the visa situation
European Union and European Free Trade a further €6,000 per dependent is also
Association (EU and EFTA) member nationals required. This figure proves an immediate
have a right to come and permanently live reasonable income requirement is already
and work in Madeira and do not require any budgeted by the applicants. The reasonable
visa. All other non-EU and EFTA nationals will income requirement in Madeira is estimated
need to consider the available visa options. currently at €2,000 per month per couple to
live plus €500 monthly per dependent child,
Want to relocate to this figure is calculated to include rent. After 5
Schengen visa years of residence under the D7 visa, you can
apply for permanent residence. You will also
The short stay visa, sometimes known need a criminal record clean of certain crime
Residency involves quite as the Schengen visa, is for stays of up to a
serious questions about
types. You will have to be resident in Portugal
maximum of 90 days in any 180 day period. for at least 180 days per annum and declare
living in Madeira. Living It can be granted for purposes of tourism,
here full time means your global income to the Portuguese tax
family visits, business, temporary work or authorities. The other significant advantage
you will be paying
Portuguese taxes on
other stays in Portugal of a temporary nature. of a D7 visa is your ability and right to travel
your entire personal The Schengen visa allows you to travel around the Schengen Area as an EU citizen.
income. Do not believe around the Schengen Area countries for the
that because you’re duration of the visa. After the 90 days period Golden visa
paying tax elsewhere you must leave Madeira. This visa is suitable
that you will not need The much talked about Golden visa is a way
for those that want a holiday home in Madeira
to pay tax in Portugal. to come and go from Portugal and Madeira as
for occasional use.
Be sure to get an early a European Union citizen, it is also a later path
assessment of your to a Portuguese passport. The Golden visa
current income structure allows travel by the application to Madeira
and taxation in Madeira D7 visa as often as they wish, for a long as they want
before you actually If you are planning relocating permanently to stay, effectively if gives the right or option
move. of permanent residency. There is a minimal
to Madeira, you will need to be able to
We recommend a prove that you can support yourself and proven stay period per annum of 7 days in
paid consultation with your family in your new life here. This is Madeira. The property route to a Golden visa
Madeira Corporate achieved by use of the D7 visa. The D7 visa requires an investment in real estate or land
Services well ahead of is suitable for retirees, remote workers and from €500,000, the base figure of €500,000
any potential move to cannot be from a mortgage. There are
those who classify their activity as a digital
nomad. To obtain a D7 visa in Madeira you considerable advantages in flexibility from
must prove a reliable or passive income. This obtaining a Golden visa, a holder does is
income can be from a retirement pension, also not required to become tax resident
Contact Madeira a certified financial investment, real estate unlike the D7 visa. After 5 years the Golden
Corporate Services here investment or a salary. From our experience visa applicant can apply for a Portuguese
and to make a successful application for the passport, this requires some Portuguese
D7 visa, you will need at the outset of your language skills. Once a passport is issued, the
application €24,000 per couple in cash, new passport holder can choose to sell their
deposited into a Portuguese bank account, original property investment.
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Buying a new
or old property
Some people will be looking for a ruin or Buyers are encouraged to cherry pick to
a place with considerable work to be done. the location. If you are hoping to make a
You might well get something that has return on your investment, select the best
been built in a great position that would plot with the best view, it is always going
not be available now. Equally, if a vendor to appeal to renters and buyers when you
is desperate to sell their home, you might want to later resell. The biggest upside of
get one at a great price compared to a buying brand new in Madeira is less upkeep
new property. There are several definite hassle and costs, everything is new, you
advantages of buying new or off plan, if you will not need to budget for repairs. Buying
can afford to, you can choose your fittings when building work is ongoing or off plan
from a selection of options to make your means you will have the developers team
villa bespoke. Off-plan projects will get you onsite, any niggles, flaws or changes in the
exactly what you really want and in Madeira property will be fixed easily.
this is a popular route. High build quality
New-builds come with certainties and
and improved building controls mean
a guarantee, so problems can be quickly
that new homes need to meet certain EU
solved as these are contracted in to the
and ministry standards. New builds have
to be well insulated, for sound as well as
heating, eco-friendly and comply with EU
International copyright © C-Architecture Ltd · Creative-Architecture International copyright © C-Architecture Ltd · Creative-Architecture
Your lawyer appointment is one of the most important first steps in your
property search, they will keep you safe when you need it most.
TOP TIP: If you need euros for your property purchase, we recommend
using a currency specialist.
Personal tax in
Portugal and Madeira
Portugal has long been favoured for those looking We suggest early investigation into your tax
to buy a holiday home or for those relocating in position to clarify your future tax position. Do not
their retirement. Portugal’s best kept secret is the make the mistake of investigating your tax position
preferential tax regime for new long-term residents, just in your own country, you will also need to clarify
this is called the Non-Habitual Regime or NHR. The what will be your tax position in Madeira. This means
Portuguese government introduced the NHR regime 2 investigations, one for the sale of assets in your
in 2009 to encourage individuals and families to home country and residential exit plan, plus another
move to Portugal. It provides beneficial tax treatment simultaneously as entry planning into the Portuguese
for the first 10 years of residence and is open to those tax system. There might well be a case where asset
in employment as well as retirees. Qualification is sales in your current home country that attract high
restricted to those who have not been tax resident in taxes can be or reduced or removed by taking simple
Portugal for any of the previous five tax years. There advice from a Portuguese tax planner. You should
are no other major requirements, it is very simple consider tax planning your residential status before
The NHR tax regime and often initially overlooked. Any income received you sell major assets.
operates partly under the from an International private pension is partly exempt
principle of ‘exemption’ from normal Portuguese tax provided it is taxed in Crypto assets and Portugal
making it unique in the
another country under the terms of the tax treaty. Madeira tax residents with crypto currencies should
European Union. An
independent analysis of
For instance, this means UK and EU private pension not believe that the Portuguese tax authorities will
your income structure income will be taxed only in Portugal (and not in not tax the gains when sold. In Portugal the current
by a local professional another country) at a low 10% rate. This is the case for tax law is undefined or not yet regulated with regards
is recommended, this is private pensions like SIPPs and company pensions. to crypto currency. This means the Portuguese
in order to achieve the Some but not all UK and EU government pensions tax law will apply on gains made from the sale of
full efficiency of the NHR remain taxable in the source country. This becomes crypto assets. There are several events that need to
regime. particularly attractive for instance, when you factor in happen to demonstrate the gains are in fact gains
pension freedom rules which allow could allow you and not wages. Earnings that are seen as wages are
to take lump sums from your pension funds. The NHR variably taxed in Portugal at up to 48%. There are
regime can be attractive for other sources of income recommended investment routes to holding crypto
like dividends, which will be tax free in Portugal. For currencies through tax planning, these will safely
company owners the NHR offers an outstanding full remove risks should the tax law with crypto become
tax exemption on company dividends, this means regulated. The President of Madeira has publicly
company directors can receive all dividend income, stated that Madeira is aiming to become a future
Contact Madeira tax free. international centre for trading crypto currencies.
Corporate Services here
The mortgage market in Madeira is days. For residents in Portugal and
about having a competent contact in a Madeira, life insurance is required
bank handling your application. Non- for mortgages, while it is sometimes
resident mortgage applications can optional for non-residents.
borrow 70% - 75% of a property value
A property valuation from a
while Madeiran resident taxpayers can
recognised institution is a bank
borrow up to 80% of a property value.
requirement in any mortgage product,
TOP TIP: Portugal and Madeira being part of unfortunately some valuations can fall
If you need to fund a the EU, offers low interest rates with a short of agreed sale prices, getting
property purchase, bonus of an early repayment fee of just mortgage approval is therefore a
consider releasing the
0.5%. Mortgages are both flexible and condition that can be attached to a
equity in your current
property for an easy long term with an upper application age property purchase.
funding solution. limit of 75 years. A good bank contact
can provide several options within a few
Construction loans
For those wishing to build their own villa it is good to know Portuguese
banks offer joined construction loans and repayment mortgages,
we advise you speak to a few of the banks in Madeira in know the
different conditions. In Portugal it is reasonably easy to arrange a joint
construction loan and mortgage product, however the land on where
you intend to build needs to be legally owned by the applicant first, you
will also require the regional architectural approval before the bank will
release funds. This takes time and patience. Any approved construction
loan is then released in stages against construction milestones, at each
stage a bank representative will visit to assess the construction phase
has been completed, shortly after this the stage of funds are released.
Once the construction is completed and the property has been issued
a habitation licence, the loan automatically becomes a repayment
mortgage. Construction loans will require a life insurance policy.
Property law in
Portugal and Madeira
The property law in Madeira being part of Portugal, is represent government law, rather than either party in a
the same as Portugal. Although you don’t need to have a property transaction, this makes the notary impartial. A
lawyer to oversee your purchase in Madeira, however we lawyer in Portugal is independent and can be engaged by
recommend you seek out a reliable independent lawyer you to exclusively represent your interests and ensure your
with considerable property purchase experience. property purchase is legal.
They will be able to assess whether a contract is legal, Under law you will require a notary in any property
if you should pay the lawful deposit and advise you on purchase, however a lawyer is a personal decision.
who should own the property plus important checks on
Highly recommended:
the legal property status. An essential person to help
with your property purchase is the notary, who will get If you are seeking an experienced and reliable lawyer to
involved in the transaction. Their role will be to carry out represent you in a property purchase, then we recommend
some confirmation checks on the property, attend to the Dr. Ambrósio Jardim or Ms Lilia Caldeira from Madeira
signing of the title deed and in cases of off-plan builds Corporate Services.
to later register the property. The role of the notary is to
Once you have decided to buy a property, you
will require a fiscal number, we recommend
you consult a Notary or lawyer first, this
is important for your NHR application and
potential later residential status.
money to Madeira
The most expensive and common error made by A 3% saving when talking about a €500,000
foreign buyers with foreign currency is asking their transfer, is a saving of €15,000. When buying
regular bank to exchange their funds to Euros for a property in Madeira the funds that are being
them, this will attract a very poor exchange rate. used are nearly always your lifesavings.
Using a specialist currency firm instead will save
For your safety and protection of your funds,
you money, it’s also instant. When you begin your
here are some questions you should ask a
property hunt, all your funds could be in GBP, USD
currency specialist:
or another currency, so at some point you will need
to exchange them into Euros and transfer them 1) Make sure you choose a specialist who are
to your bank account in Madeira. A fair currency authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority or
exchange is important, the exchange is something FCA for short.
that buyers often leave as one of the last things to
2) Go with a specialist that uses segregated
organise when they purchase an overseas property.
client accouGo with a specialist that uses
Use a specialist currency exchange service, currency
segregated client accounts, this will ensure that
specialists hold expertise in currency and how
your money goes into a client bank account
to handle international payments effectively and
opposed to the company account. This will
minimise your risk. Register with an experienced
ensure your money would be safe, no matter
currency specialist, you will be assigned a personal
what happened.
contact who will be on hand to provide support and
advice throughout the currency buying process. 3) Find out how long the company has been in
Better exchange rates will save you up to 4% business. This will indicate the years of experience
on a transaction, a specialist firm will be able to they have in helping clients.
offer better rates of exchange than a bank, this is
because, as well as operating with lower margins,
they have access to the currency markets instantly.
Our recommendation:
We recommend London based Lumon for
international currency transfers.
They are a swift, low cost currency provider
who move funds fast using segregated client
We recommend dealing with Rob Harold who
can be reached by clicking on the link below.
Living in Madeira
One of the most appealing aspects to spending own swimming pool, this will attract the lowest water
time in Madeira is value for money, buying a coffee, costs in Europe. The cost of household help tends to
a beer, having lunch or using public transport you be low and of a good quality. Climate in Madeira is
will find that day to day living is very good value. exceptional all year, with year-round warm weather
and no real winter. During the summer months
Your food budget will be noticeably less with island
Madeira is a refreshing August high of 27 degrees
produce from local markets also offering a broad and
with cooling sea breezes, therefore homes in
traditional shopping experience. Portuguese wine
Madeira do not usually have radiators as they are
and local fish will become staples in your shopping
not required. At my own Funchal apartment, located
basket and the more you explore outside Funchal
150 meters altitude above the sea, we do not have or
the more you will notice the increased affordability.
require any home heating. Properties that are above
Buying a car is more expensive in contrast to many
400m of altitude could require some winter heating,
other parts of Madeiran life, they are also cost more
this would be very relevant on the north side of
than northern Europe. There are no toll roads in
Madeira that has considerably different weather
Madeira and public transport options are plentiful,
conditions to the warmer southside.
efficient and run-on time. If you intend to have your
Calendar events
JAN The walking festival. JUL Madeira wine rally
FEB The Madeira carnival. The Funchal jazz festival
MAR Festival of the custard apple. AUG The gastronomic festival.
APRIL Madeira film festival SEP The Madeira wine festival
MAY Madeira flower festival OCT The nature festival
Reids Palace classic car show NOV The chestnut festival
JUN Classic car rally / Atlantic festival DEC Christmas lights / New Year celebrations
(the fireworks competition) (Europe’s largest firework display)
In Portugal there is a national health service that
is generally excellent, English is widely used as the
second language of communication. The WHO ranks
Portugal as world number 12, while Madeira punches
far above this in terms of doctor to patient ratios. The
UK is WHO number 18 and Germany WHO number
25. As a resident you will be treated in the same
way a Portuguese citizen, although state healthcare being charged extra costs in the hospital and on
in Madeira is free of charge there is sometimes a prescriptions, it will also make medical emergencies
small contribution required. The hospital network less stressful. Non-residents and temporary visitors
currently consists of 4 units and to make overseas to Portugal will need to purchase private health
patients feel more comfortable they have been insurance to cover their stay in Portugal. Those on
implementing patient monitoring and personalised short visits from the European Union and European
care programmes. Madeira is also building a state-of- Economic Area and Switzerland can access public
the-art replacement main hospital, the enormous new healthcare in Madeira through their European Health
hospital is in Funchal at a cost of €330 million. The new Insurance Card or EHIC. Private healthcare in Madeira
hospital will be the centre for patient care in Madeira is also popular and readily available with over 20
and the government intends the full operation of the private clinics, there is also a quality new private
hospital in 2026. hospital brisling with the latest modern medical
equipment. Reassuringly, the Madeiran region offers
Eligibility for the Portuguese healthcare system
the 4th highest doctor to patient ratio in Europe.
is based on being registered as a resident and
means regular healthcare services are available.
Being resident can include temporally non-working
residents, the retired with a fully paid home country
social security contribution, it also includes the
employed in Portugal who are paying social security
contributions. Enrolment in the Portuguese healthcare
system is not automatic with residency but a separate
process. To use the healthcare system successfully
residents will need to obtain an utente number
from the healthcare services, this will then save you
Transferring your
pension to Madeira
Retirees living in Portugal who are in too aware in recent months that currencies
receipt of a EU or UK state pension can fluctuate, a currency broker is required
Passporting your pension opt to receive it into their national bank and offers much better rates than banks.
and investments to or a Portuguese bank account. There are In Portugal the taxation of pensions
Madeira requires a different ways to receive it, either in your depends on what type of classification,
smooth financial planning
own country or directly in Portugal. For they differentiate between state retirement
and we recommend
having a professional
non-EU countries it will depend upon if and occupational private pensions,
local review of these there is an agreement in place between the government service pensions and
matters. country where your pension is located and personal pensions. If you have complex or
Portugal. multiple pension funds it is advisable that
you seek advice from a financial advisor
If you are for instance, British and opt to
before you relocate to find the most tax
have your UK pension paid into your UK
efficient way of structuring your assets.
bank account in sterling, the rate received
It is very important that they look at your
when you transfer it into euros will vary
investments as a whole as this is where
depending on the exchange rate. However,
the correct passporting of your retirement
if you use a currency trader to send euros
funds becomes important as you might be
into your Portuguese account, they can set
liable for taxations that could be otherwise
up a regular payment plan for transfers that
avoided with early tax planning.
will help you budget every month.
If you receive your pension in a currency
that is not the Euro, you might well only be Recommendation:
Once again we recommend talking with
Rob Harold at Lumon for arranging regular
international payments, he will be able to
help you structure the best value way to
move regular funds from overseas.
Shipping your
goods to Madeira
Moving your household effects and personal inventory checked, ready for the container to be
possessions to Madeira will require a removal crew locked, sealed and driven to the port.
When planning your who are professionally trained export packers to
move to Madeira you Your household effects will have their own 20ft or
ensure your goods are safely and appropriately packed
will need an experienced 40ft container, which is ideal if you wish to transport
for shipping. Special items, such as pianos, clocks and
team available to assist a full household of contents. There is also the option
glass cabinets etc will need tailor made, professional
you in the big move. of groupage containers; where you only pay for the
shipping crates to ensure they arrive safely in Madeira.
Moving to Madeira space your possessions take up within a container.
requires a sea freight If you are moving to Madeira from a country outside This method can take longer as there is a period of
container and specialist of European Union (including the UK) there is also consolidation before the shipment is in transit.
local experience.
important paperwork and documentation that needs
Once your goods arrive in Madeira they will be
Please contact us, to be completed to enable the goods to be custom
our partners are the
subject to customs clearance. Once the goods have
cleared, for the move into Madeira to take place. It is
specialists. been cleared, your removal company should be
important to find a removal company competent and
working in partnership with a reputable local moving
experienced in handling these extra processes and
company in Madeira who is familiar with local roads and
access to properties, to ensure that your possessions
To start the process, an experienced moves are carefully delivered and unpacked upon arrival.
estimator come to your home and assess the personal
It’s important to choose a removal company who are
items and furniture you have, as well as discuss with
members of the British Association of Removers (BAR)
you your packing requirements. They will also look at
and work to recognised quality standards, ensuring
other things such as access around your property for
that your move to Madeira will be handled carefully and
the removals vehicles. It’s also likely that your move to
professionally from beginning to end. Membership of
Madeira will involve your effects going into storage for
BAR and the FIDI organisation (the global alliance of
a period of time. Your moving company should be able
quality-certified international moving and relocation
to arrange storage for you.
companies) guarantees that your money and your
Removal operatives will arrive at your home to move are protected. Financial security, operational
Click here to register pack and wrap your items ready for shipment with competence, worldwide support and redress facilities
with Burke Bros the container being loaded on the last day and the guarantee you complete peace of mind.
Working in Madeira
Working in Madeira is not the same as hotel industry. The main hotels who seek
the rest of Europe, work will be harder to English speakers are the family owned
find, also it is often a requirement to speak Pestana Group, the other being the
some Portuguese. Many local Madeirans upmarket Savoy Group who are expanding
that have a good job will keep their job for aggressively. Also, within these companies
their entire working life. The opportunities exist opportunities for employment within
for expats looking for work are mainly in the vacation club Industry where earnings
the tourist market where fluent English is can be lucrative and speaking Portuguese
required and good contacts are important. isn’t required.
Many expats choose to either make money
Madeira is a growing IT business
from holiday rentals or by starting a business
destination and those with a flair for
working in tourist activities where some
business and marketing will find superfast
great opportunities exist. There are also
fibre internet and some government and
some good opportunities in the Real Estate
European Union schemes to help support
sector on Madeira´s south side, however
business activities.
some Portuguese language skills are
usually necessary. The biggest employer
of the expat community in Madeira is the
International copyright © C-Architecture Ltd · Creative-Architecture MADEIRA BUYERS & PROPERTY G U I D E | 20
A rental property
for income
In Madeira the market for short term holiday rentals high levels of occupation in all months. Important
is booming. considerations when considering purchasing a rental
property are the future management costs, these
As Madeira has attractive year-round temperatures
will include the cost of the booking commission, the
it follows suit that Madeira has year-round quality
cleaning or household service company, local IVA or
tourism. It is not uncommon for expats to use their own
VAT to be paid on the booking and the administrative
property or purchase properties for holiday rental
cost of the accounting records. There will also be
income. Unlike many other countries or islands, there
personal taxation attached to the income generated
are no restrictions doing this in Madeira, it is however
from a rental property. There is the general wear and
important to obtain the correct licences and make the
tear to consider, especially if the location is isolated as
correct registrations and complete annual tax returns.
future guests will be more inclined to use the kitchen.
To take full advantage of this lucrative opportunity
Overall, a Madeira property for income purposes is
Madeira offers, you should first understand the tourist
an attractive proposition, with the right management
market in Madeira is based on quality tourism and
and tourist marketing it can provide an ongoing and
hence quality accommodation in a good location will
reliable income.
get more bookings. Madeira, having good weather
year-round and with no low or close season, provides
The English School of Madeira is ideal to all those
who have children and wish for an English language
education. The education ethos is well rounded and
the school is small and intimate, there is also a wide
nationality range of children, the majority being of
Portuguese parents.
Contact Miguel
Contact us…
Madeira has so much to offer, is still relatively
undiscovered and is a great place to live and start a
wonderful new life. If you are considering a property in
Madeira, contact us today. We are an experienced team
with the experience to make your dreams come true.
You will shortly have the 36-page Bespoke Villas
brochure delivered in your post box.
Talk to us today
[email protected]
or directly on
+351 9666 77630