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Module Descriptor: This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes to
identify one’s roles and responsibilities as a member of a

Nominal Duration: 3 Hours

Summary of Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Describe team role and scope
LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team
LO3. Work as a team member

LO1. Describe team role and scope

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
1.1 The role •Group structure The • Lecture/ Competency in this
and objective •Group following Discussion unit may be
of the team is development resources • Group Work assessed through:
identified from •Sources of should be • Individual Work •Role play involving
available information provided: • Role Play the participation of
sources of •Communicating •Access to • Face to Face individual member
information with others, relevant learning to the attainment of
1.2 Team appropriately workplace or • Blended organizational goal
parameters, consistent with appropriately Learning •Case studies and
reporting the culture of the simulated scenarios as a basis
relationships workplace environment for discussion of
and •Developing where issues and
responsibilities ways in assessment strategies in
are identified improving work can take teamwork
from team structure and place •Socio-drama and
discussions performing •Materials socio-metric
and respective roles relevant to methods
appropriate in the group or the proposed •Sensitivity
external organization activity or techniques
sources tasks • Written Test
•Google • Online Exam
Meet • Online Oral
•Zoom Questioning
Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 1
LO1. Describe team role and scope
Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read Information Sheet 2.1-1 On how
Describe team role and scope in
accordance with SOPs

Compare answers with the answer

Answer Self-Check 2.1-1 key 2.1-1. You are required to get all
answers correct. If not, read the
information sheets again to answer
all questions correctly.

Listen to the lecture/discussion on

additional information about the
Watch the video on YouTube about the The videos of the task shows the
information on how to Describe team role actual procedure on how Describe
and scope in accordance with SOPs team role and scope
in accordance with SOPs
After doing all activities of this LO,
you are ready to proceed to the
next LO on Identify one’s role
and responsibility within a team

Information Sheet 2.1-1

Describe team role and scope
Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

 Know skills needed for teamwork

 Learned on Clarifying Roles & Responsibilities


A Team is a group of people working together to achieve common objectives

and willing to forego individual autonomy to the extent necessary to achieve
those objectives.

A smallest team consists of 2 people and the upper limit can be to the size
of the organization. The whole organization can work as a team if its members
develop a common style of working i.e., constructive and cooperative. This is
normally described as teamwork. An organization is viewed as a network of
teams, temporary and permanent.

For a team to achieve its common objectives, its members should share
its objectives and be identified wholeheartedly with them. By joining a team, the
individual member “signs on” the team’s objectives, he enters into a contract as
a condition of becoming a member of the team. A team member is willing to
forego personal autonomy to the extent necessary to achieve common objectives,
by joining a team, one has to limit his freedom to do as he likes.
There cannot be a team without a leader who has ultimate responsibility for
deciding the degree to which autonomy of the team member has to be
constrained. He has to exercise his responsibility in a way that it does not erode
the commitment of the team members. He needs to establish the constraints
through a consultation process of problem solving and negotiations.

Skills needed for teamwork

Aside from any required technical proficiency, a wide variety of social skills are
desirable for successful teamwork, including:

• Listening - it is important to listen to other people's ideas. When people

are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce
other ideas.
• Questioning - it is important to ask questions, interact, and discuss the
objectives of the team.
• Persuading - individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then
to ultimately rethink their ideas.

• Respecting - it is important to treat others with respect and to support

their ideas.
• Helping - it is crucial to help one's coworkers, which is the general theme
of teamwork.
• Sharing - it is important to share with the team to create an environment
of teamwork.
• Participating - all members of the team are encouraged to participate in
the team.

Communication - For a team to work effectively it is essential team members

acquire communication skills and use effective communication channels
between one another e.g. using email, viral communication, group meetings and so on.
This will enable team members of the group to work together and achieve the team’s
purpose and goals.


1. Understand the chain of command

• Ask your supervisor about the duties and responsibilities for other departments
• Identify the procedure of communicating with other departments
• Follow house policies when dealing w/ other departments

• Allows effective use of time
• Increase efficiency of service to customers

Note: Duties, responsibilities and communication procedures vary between

properties. Ask your supervisor about property specification.

2. Be a team player

• Fulfill your job description and your employer’s expectations.

• Follow the chain of command.
• Communicate with team members
• Welcome new employees
• Maintain good working relationship with other departments
• Help fellow worker who are feeling ill or are very busy.

• Help achieve personal and department goals
• Encourages consistent product and service
• Improves staff morale
• Improves communication and efficiency
• Increase pride in occupation

Clarifying Roles & Responsibilities

A critical step in achieving high performance is for team members to understand

their roles and responsibilities. Teams with clearly defined roles create
accountability for results by effectively utilizing team members. They also
minimize conflict, frustration and decreased productivity resulting from unmet
expectations, overlap of work and gaps in responsibilities. Teams without clear
roles often experience role confusion that contributes to poor morale,
productivity, and performance.

For a team to perform, it must define its key goals and create individual
accountability for results. This point cannot be emphasized enough!
Frustration and conflict are frequently associated with team members who are
unclear regarding their roles, responsibilities and accountability.

The players on successful athletic teams or musical groups know their roles and
how their actions affect other players. In these examples the results of several
people doing the same job would be obvious. In work teams, however, overlaps
and gaps in roles are more subtle. It takes an attentive team to continuously
track what it needs to accomplish and how it plans to achieve these results.
Achieving results in work teams requires that all positions and assignments be
well, executed. Teams need to define these assignments based on what needs to
be accomplished.

The concept of role refers to the behaviors people expect from a team member.
When expectations do not match behavior, team members may experience
conflicts with one another, creating a drag on team energy and momentum. To
ensure that this does not happen and that the team leverages the potential of its
members, the team should define areas of responsibility, identify individual roles
and agree on both.

Define Areas of Responsibility

Areas of Responsibility are groupings of similar tasks associated with the
accomplishment of key team goals or segments of work. Each team member that
takes primary responsibility for making a contribution to this “chunk” of work
or team goal is accountable for results in that area of responsibility. These areas
should be general enough for the additions of new tasks over time that support
the goal, but specific enough to let everyone know the team has someone focused
on delivering results in this area.

The team should brainstorm the question:

• What must be accomplished by this team in an appropriate period of

time (select the time frame – 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc.)

The team should focus on major tasks or goals in order for the team to be
successful in the given time frame.

These goals should be high level, such as, “Build sponsorship with operational
leadership” rather then, “Gain support from Joe Smith by the beginning of next
month”. Each of these major tasks or goals becomes an area of responsibility.

Reviewing the team Vision may help to get the team started. Write responses
on flip chart and post.

Have the team agree on the major work areas that have been identified. Get
clarification on items causing confusion or that members disagree with. It is
important that the team does not take on work not related to the team’s purpose.
Narrow the list by identifying any tasks that can be combined (combine similar
goals or work). Is there anything missing or anything that doesn’t make sense?

Clarify Roles

Knowing everyone’s role and being familiar with the responsibility of those roles
create efficiency and flexibility. Ideas for clarifying roles on the team include:

• Review team members’ roles frequently.

• Relate team member expectations to the team’s overall purpose.
• Clarify responsibilities when action planning.
• Learn what others do on the team.
• Figure out ways to help each other.

Setting aside time to really evaluate what you do and how those impacts (or not)
the company you work for is important to understanding the value you and your
role has with that organization. Are you a key player on your team? If not, does
the role provides opportunities for you to advance toward this?

After fully understanding your current role, value within your company, and its
possible benefits and setbacks for your future, it’s time to take action. So many
people become complacent in their careers and on the job.

If after evaluating your overall situation you discover that it’s actually beneficial
to step out of your current role—step out of it. Don’t be afraid to follow after what
your heart truly desires.

Self-Check 2.1-1

Directions: Match the correct answer in Column A (Premises) to

Column B (Responses). Write the correct answer in the space

provided before the number.

Column A Column B
___1. group of people working together A. Smallest Team
___2. consists of 2 people B. Team
___3. listen to other people's ideas C. Listening
___4. To interact and discuss the objectives D. Questioning
___5. individuals are encouraged to exchange, E. Persuading
defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas.
___6. it is important to treat others with respect F. Participating
and to support their ideas.
___7. it is crucial to help one's coworkers, G. Helping
which is the general theme of teamwork
___8. it is important to share with the team H. Sharing
to create an environment of teamwork
___9. all members of the team are encouraged I. Respecting
to participate in the team
___10. This will enable team members of the group J. Communication
to work together and achieve the team’s
purpose and goals.
___11. Importance to understand the chain of command K. Allows effective use of
___12. must follow the chain of command L. Be a team player
___13. Importance of team player M. Improves
communication &
___14. without clear roles often experience
role confusion that contributes to poor morale. N. Teams
___15. groupings of similar tasks associated
with the accomplishment of key team goals O. Areas of responsibility
or segments of work

Answer Key 2.1-1

1. B- Team

2. A. Smallest Team
3. C- Listening

4. D- Questioning

5. I- Persuading

6. F.- Respecting

7. G- Helping

8. H- Sharing

9. I- Participating

10. J. Communication

11. K. Allows effective use of time

12. L. Be a team player

13. M. Improves communication & efficiency

14. N. Teams

15. O. Areas of responsibility

LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team

Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment

Criteria Methods
2.1 Individual •Team roles and The • Role Play Competency in
roles and objectives following • Lecture/ this unit may be
responsibilities •Team structure resources Discussion assessed
within the and parameters should be • Face to Face through:
team •Team provided: learning •Role play
environment development •Access to • Blended involving the
are identified •Sources of relevant Learning participation of
2.2 Roles and information workplace or individual
objectives of •Communicating appropriately member to the
the team is with others, simulated attainment of
identified from appropriately environment organizational
available consistent with where goal
sources of the culture of the assessment •Case studies
information workplace can take and scenarios
2.3 Team •Developing place as a basis for
parameters, ways in •Materials discussion of
reporting improving work relevant to issues and
relationships structure and the proposed strategies in
and performing activity or teamwork
responsibilities respective roles tasks •Socio-drama
are identified in the group or •Google and socio-metric
based on team organization Meet methods
discussions •Zoom •Sensitivity
and •LMS techniques
appropriate • Written Test
external • Online Exam
sources • Online Oral
Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 2
LO2. Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team
Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read Information Sheet 2.2-2 On how
Identify one’s role and responsibility within
a team in accordance with SOPs

Compare answers with the answer

Answer Self-Check 2.2-2 key 2.2-2. You are required to get all
answers correct. If not, read the
information sheets again to answer
all questions correctly.

Listen to the lecture/discussion on

additional information about the
Watch the video on YouTube about the The videos of the task show the
information on how to Identify one’s actual procedure on how Identify
role and responsibility within a team in one’s role and responsibility within
accordance with SOPs a team
in accordance with SOPs
After doing all activities of this LO,
you are ready to proceed to the
next LO on Work as a team
Information Sheet 2.2-2
Identify one’s role and responsibility within a team
Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
 Identify your own role and responsibility within your team

When roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, team members are more
productive. There is less duplication of effort; less confusion, disappointment, and
frustration; and greater productivity.
Self-Check 2.2-2

I. True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is false.

1.) Job Description outlines the primary roles, tasks and responsibilities
associated with the position.
2.) Understand the care Plan would clarify the specific support each individual
3.) Communication with team members and supervisors can help clarify roles
and responsibilities
4.) Regular feedback can help ensure you’re fulfilling your role and
responsibilities effectively and provide opportunities to clarify any areas of
5.) Regular reflecting on your own work can help to identify what task you’re
routinely performing.
6.) Regularly reassessing your role and responsibilities can ensure that you
continue to contribute effectively to the team.
7.) When roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, team members are
more productive
8.) Roles and objectives of the team is identified from available sources of
9.) Team parameters, reporting relationships and responsibilities are
identified based on team discussions and appropriate external sources
10.) Individual roles and responsibilities within the team environment are

II. Domestic Helper why is it important to identify your own role and
responsibility? 5 points
Answer Key 2.2-2

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True’
9. True
10. True
LO3. Work as a team member
Assessment Contents Conditions Methodologies Assessment
Criteria Methods
3.1 Effective •Communication The • Group work Competency in
and appropriate Process following • Role Play this unit may be
forms of •Workplace resources • Lecture/ assessed
communication communication should be Discussion through:
s are used and protocol provided: • Face to Face •Role play
interactions •Team planning •Access to learning involving the
undertaken with and decision relevant • Blended participation of
team members making workplace or Learning individual
based on •Team thinking appropriatel member to the
company •Team roles y simulated attainment of
practices • Process of environment organizational
3.2 Effective team where goal
and appropriate development assessment •Case studies and
contributions •Workplace can take scenarios as a
made to context place basis for
complement •Communicating •Materials discussion of
team activities appropriately, relevant to issues and
and objectives, consistent with the strategies in
based the culture of proposed teamwork
standard the workplace activity or •Socio-drama and
company •Interacting tasks socio-metric
practices effectively with methods
3.4 Contribute others •Sensitivity
to the •Deciding as an techniques
development of individual and • Written Test
team work as a group • Online Exam
plans based on using group • Online Oral
an think strategies Questioning
understanding and techniques
of team’s role •Contributing to
and objectives Resolution of
on workplace issues and
context 3.3 concerns
Protocols in
reporting are
observed based

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 3
LO3. Work as a team member
Learning Activities Special Instructions
Read Information Sheet 2.3-3 On how
Work as a team member in accordance
with SOPs

Compare answers with the answer

Answer Self-Check 2.3-3 key 2.2-2. You are required to get all
answers correct. If not, read the
information sheets again to answer
all questions correctly.

Listen to the lecture/discussion on

additional information about the
Watch the video on YouTube about the The videos of the task show the
information on how to Work as a team actual procedure on how Work as
member in accordance with SOPs a team member
in accordance with SOPs
After doing all activities of this LO,
you are ready to proceed to the
next LO on Look for solutions to
routine problems
Information Sheet 2.3-3

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
 Effective and appropriate forms of communications are used and interactions
undertaken with team members based on company practices
 Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team activities and
objectives, based standard company practices

A team environment allows individuals to bring their diverse perspectives to problem
solving, which in turn increases their success at arriving at solutions more efficiently
and effectively. The contributions of everyone are more valued when solicited in
team meetings.

6 Qualities That Make a Great Team Member

The ability to achieve goals in the workplace requires collaboration with others.
Developing strong teamwork skills can help you to succeed in your career, no matter
your level or industry. In this article, we discuss what it means to be a team player at
work, the common characteristics and qualities of a great team member and how you
can improve your own teamwork skills.

Key takeaways:
 For every role, employers seek candidates who can work well in a team
 “Team players” typically have strong communication, collaboration, active
listening, and problem-solving skills.
 To build your teamwork skills, consult with your manager or a trusted coworker to
identify your areas of improvement.

What is a team player?

A team player is someone who actively contributes to their group in order to complete
tasks, meet goals or manage projects. Team players actively listen to their coworkers,
respect ideas and aim to improve the product or process at hand.

Team players understand that their team’s success is their own success, and they
share responsibility when their team experiences difficulties along the way.

Team player qualities and characteristics

There are many common soft skills that make individuals great team players. Soft skills
aren’t as easily learned as technical ones, but they can be developed with practice.
Employees in most roles and industries can grow their careers with professional skills.
Professional skills can help you get a new job, advance positions, build workplace
relationships and improve your job performance.
Professional skills are abilities that can help you succeed in your job. A professional skill
describes a habit, personality trait or ability that positively affects your performance in
the workplace. Having such skills can benefit people in nearly all job positions,
industries and work environments. Professional skills are also called soft skills, meaning
skills easily transferred from one job to another. Soft skills describe how we relate to our
environment and the people around us. By contrast, hard skills refer to more technical
or specialized knowledge related to a specific job or industry.
Here are 15 types of soft skills that can help further your professional career:
1. Leadership
Whether you work in a supervisory position, leadership skills can be a valuable asset in
your career. Leadership abilities mean you can motivate, instruct and offer guidance to
others. People with leadership skills are confident in their abilities to help others work,
collaborate, problem-solve or succeed at their responsibilities.
Skills related to leadership include:
 Confidence
 People management
 Accountability
 Prioritization
 Motivational skills
 Coaching
 Project management
 Analytical skills
 Creativity
 Mentorship
 Inspirational abilities
 Goal setting
 Stress management
 Politeness

2. Teamwork
People who work well on teams have interpersonal skills that help them effectively
collaborate. Many employees work in groups with their coworkers or supervisors to fulfill
at least some of their job responsibilities. Professionals with teamwork skills understand
how to accomplish their tasks while remaining aware of others' assignments and needs.
Skills needed to excel at teamwork include:
 Cooperation
 Reliability
 Willingness to help others
 Friendliness
 Ability to persuade or convince others
 Respectfulness
 Tolerance
 Working towards a common goal
 Collaboration
3. Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence refers to how we express our feelings, relate to others and
interpret others' behaviors. Professionals with emotional intelligence can perceive how
others feel through their actions, speech or behaviors. If you have emotional
intelligence, you also can identify, evaluate and assess your feelings. Emotional
intelligence helps professionals in many social settings, whether with clients, coworkers
or managers.
Here are some skills to develop if you want to hone your emotional intelligence:
 Self-awareness
 Empathy
 Initiative
 Conscientiousness, or the desire and ability to treat others well
 Self-regulation
 Trustworthiness
 Sympathy

4. Organization
Organizational abilities help you accomplish projects and duties. Professionals with
organization skills understand how to prioritize tasks, create plans and implement
solutions. A person's time management often relates closely to their organizational
abilities as many employers need projects completed efficiently by their deadlines.
Skills needed to excel in organization include:
 Stress management
 Creation of plans
 Delegation
 Attention to details
 Punctuality
 Executive functioning, such as prioritizing duties
 Time management
 Distribution of resources
 Dependability
5. Flexibility
Supervisors often appreciate employees who can adapt to a variety of situations and
challenges. Professionals who are flexible can understand various perspectives, find
alternative solutions to problems and alter their work responsibilities or processes as
To become more flexible, consider strengthening these skills:
 Remaining calm in stressful situations
 Adaptability
 Open-mindedness
 Approaching challenges with a positive mindset
 Proactiveness
 Critical thinking
 Patience
6. Communication
Most professionals use a variety of communication methods such as in-person
conversations, meetings, emails, instant messaging systems and telephone calls.
People skilled at communication understand how to efficiently deliver information,
exchange ideas and pay attention to the other person's message. Communication skills
most often involve either written or verbal words, but may also involve interpreting body
language. Professionals with communication abilities also can adeptly manage
challenging social situations, such as negotiating or finding compromises.

Skills related to communication include:

 Conflict resolution
 Etiquette
 Advocacy
 Networking
 Business writing
 Customer service
 Facilitation
 Kindness
 Explaining the thought process behind decisions or actions
 Respect
 Clarity
 Active listening
 Negotiation
 Concision, or using words efficiently
7. Self-motivation
Self-motivated professionals take the initiative. If you're self-motivated, you typically
need minimal supervision to start or complete your duties. Many supervisors appreciate
employees who accomplish tasks and work hard regardless of their supervision level.
To work on your self-motivation, consider developing these skills:
 Self-starter
 Independence
 Desire to achieve
 Resilience
 Commitment to goals
 Optimism
 Initiative
 Ambition
 Willingness to grow and change

8. Problem-solving
Most work environments have some unpredictability. Managers often prefer to hire
people who respond proactively to new or challenging circumstances. Problem-solving
skills help professionals evaluate altered or new situations, create effective plans and
devise alternative solutions. Abilities related to problem-solving include:
 Risk management, or the ability to evaluate potential hazards of various plans
 Innovation
 Determination
 Remaining calm during stressful situations
 Analysis
 Creativity
 Understanding of data
 Decision-making
 Research abilities
9. Openness to learning
Professionals willing to learn new information and skills may receive more attention from
hiring managers. Most jobs, industries or companies change over time, so employers
appreciate candidates receptive to learning new concepts, abilities or processes.
To show your willingness to learn, focus on developing these abilities:
 Receptiveness to constructive criticism
 Enthusiasm
 Openness to personal growth
 Initiative
 Learning agility, or the ability to develop new skills
 Self-motivation
 Continual engagement with industry, local, global or other news
10. Integrity
Integrity means that you are honest, dependable and have strong ethics or principles.
When an employer hires someone with integrity, they trust that person and believe the
new hire can uphold the company's values. Integrity also means a willingness to take
responsibility for your behaviors and actions.

Skills related to integrity include:

 Principled
 Honesty
 Trustworthiness
 Understanding of ethics
 Loyalty
 Reliability
11. Self-confidence
Professionals with self-confidence believe in their abilities to effectively accomplish their
job. If you have self-confidence, you project positive feelings about your skills to others.
Having self-confidence helps convince prospective employers of your capability to
accomplish job responsibilities.
If you want to develop self-confidence, focus on these skills:
 Courage
 Self-awareness
 Describing your abilities to others
 Tenacity
 Being assertive
 Optimism
 Determination
 Self-reliance
 Understanding and assessing your abilities
12. Public speaking
If you regularly lead company initiatives, public speaking skills can help your career.
Professionals can use public speaking skills in a variety of situations, such as offering
their thoughts during meetings, contributing to discussions about group projects or
communicating complex ideas to a coworker. Public speaking skills assist you in
effectively communicating your message to different people.
Abilities related to public speaking include:
 Confidence
 Poise
 Awareness of body language
 Planning your main talking points or ideas in advance
 Leadership
 Thinking and reacting to changes quickly
 Clarity
 Increasing the volume of your voice
 Organizing ideas
 Articulation
 Connecting with your audience, such as through eye contact
 Altering vocal tone
 Openness to constructive feedback
 Concision
13. Open-mindedness
People with open minds are receptive to new ideas, methods and knowledge. They also
can respect, appreciate and learn from other people. Most jobs prefer employees who
can communicate effectively with people who hold different perspectives or come from
different backgrounds.
To work on becoming more open-minded, try developing these skills:
 Inquisitiveness
 Considerate of others
 Introspection, meaning the ability to evaluate your thoughts and emotions
 Empathy
 Actively listening
 Willingness to have new experiences
 Positive thinking
14. Professionalism
Professionalism refers to skills and behaviors that respect others. An employee with
professionalism shows courteousness to others, takes responsibility for their tasks and
proves they're a dependable coworker.
Professionalism skills may include:
 Reliability
 Kindness
 Poise
 Civility
 Respectfulness
 Accountability
 Maturity
 Communication

15. Positive attitude

Professionals with positive attitudes have optimism, motivation and enthusiasm A
positive attitude can help you improve others' moods, collaborate more effectively and
increase your job satisfaction. Many managers prefer hiring employees who bring
passion and joy into their environment. Abilities and traits related to having a positive
attitude include:
 Optimism
 Enthusiasm
 Passion
 Cheerfulness
 Finding alternative solutions
 Helpful
 Self-confidence
 Energetic
 Positive thinking
 Receptive to feedback

Here are several qualities you can focus on to be a better team player:
1. Understanding your role
As a team member, you understand your role within the team and work to achieve your
duties to the best of your ability. Though you may offer help or solutions to other team
members, you also respect the boundaries of your position.
2. Welcoming collaboration
Working with a team requires strong collaboration skills to navigate different opinions
and ideas. Even if you believe your idea is best, listen to others, seek compromises,
and stay respectful when receiving criticism.

3. Holding yourself accountable

Take responsibility for your mistakes and look for solutions. Understand how your
actions impact the entire group. In doing so, you will learn from your errors and
command more respect from your team.

4. Being flexible
You should accept any tasks your manager gives you. Flexibility in your role allows you
to learn more and help your team. Look at every opportunity as a chance to learn.

5. Having a positive attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude even during stressful times helps the rest of your
teamwork through that difficult time without getting upset. Your positivity will create a
better atmosphere.

15 Ways to Develop and Maintain a Positive Attitude at Work

There are often times at work when it's especially important to have a positive attitude.
These may include meeting with colleagues or clients, giving an important presentation
to supervisors, allocating work to team members or solving a problem for a manager or
colleague. Learning strategies for maintaining a positive attitude at work can help you
stay productive, motivate others to do their best work and better achieve your
employer's goals.
Benefits of positivity in the workplace
Having a positive attitude can provide many benefits to your personal and professional
life, from providing you with the opportunity to affect others in a positive way to help you
to feel more confident about your decisions. The primary benefits of practicing positivity
in the workplace include the following:
Creates a positive environment
When you implement a positive attitude at work, your colleagues and team members
may be more likely to follow your example. When you focus on the positive aspects of
your job and avoid the negative, others in the office may notice and adjust their own
negativity. Practicing positivity can help you gain the trust of the employees who work
closely with you.
Reduces stress
By changing your reaction to stressors at work and thinking positively, you may be able
to accomplish more tasks. This can help you reduce your concerns about your work and
lower your overall stress levels. It can also allow you to improve your overall well-being
while you're at work, so you can relax while you're at home and not worry about work.
Increases productivity levels
When you feel better about your work, you may be able to think more logically.
Focusing on the positive aspects of your work can also make it easier to accept new
tasks and projects and eliminate distractions by providing you with more energy. Being
less distracted can help you complete your work quicker and more efficiently.
Improves customer relations
A positive attitude is often foundational to providing quality customer service. By
approaching customers with a positive attitude, they may feel more comfortable
speaking with you and become more likely to purchase a product or service. Positivity
can also help promote a long-term relationship with them.

Demonstrates leadership capabilities

Managers and leaders often prefer to promote employees who have the potential to
influence others positively. When you have a positive attitude, you may be able to retain
your manager's attention more easily. This may result in a more positive performance
review and the potential to gain a promotion or advance into a new role within the
Improves decision-making
When you have a positive attitude, you can think more critically and focus on solutions
rather than challenges. A positive outlook can help you consider more favorable
outcomes. It allows you to examine the potential benefits of your decision rather than
the possible negative consequences.
Motivates others
Having a positive attitude at work can inspire others to curtail their negative habits and
become more positive. By your example, they can realize how positivity may benefit
them and begin working on cultivating a positive attitude for themselves. This may allow
your team to learn from their mistakes more quickly and implement processes to
improve efficiency.
Ways to develop and maintain a positive attitude at work
Having a positive attitude at work often takes practice, regardless of the industry or
company. Here are 15 ways you can start adopting and maintaining a more positive
attitude in the workplace:
Adjust your vocabulary
Using positive language rather than negative can help you improve your overall attitude
while at work. Consider replacing negative words with positive words in conversations.
For example, when discussing a team member's performance, let them know what
they're already doing right and provide them with advice to help them improve their
performance instead of telling them what they're doing incorrectly.
2. Consider how others feel
Try to practice empathy while at work by considering the feelings of others. In meetings,
let your colleagues know that you care about their ideas. Practice active listening
whenever possible by only speaking when others already have and by asking questions
for clarification when necessary.
3. Find solutions
Rather than making complaints, consider potential solutions to the issue. For example, if
you have a team member who you feel doesn't contribute to the team as much as the
others, consider assigning them new tasks or a new role on the team. You could also
meet with them to help them improve their performance. Whenever possible, try to
develop solutions and make an effort to become more conscious of when and why you
complain. Doing so can help you find more positive ways to address issues while at

4. Smile more often

Smiling more often may improve your mood. It can also help customers and colleagues
feel more comfortable interacting with you and change their negative attitudes into
positive ones. Make an effort to smile several times throughout your workday and
practice employing humor to improve the moods of others when appropriate.
5. Show your appreciation
Try doing nice things for others in your office without expecting anything in return.
Selfless acts of kindness most often result in appreciation from your colleagues, which
can make you both feel good and more positive. In addition, let your colleagues know
you care about their lives. For example, if you have a colleague, you know is about to
get married or celebrate a birthday, provide them with a card and a small gift.
6. Interact with positive people
Make an effort to increase your interactions with positive people, as this can help you
develop a more positive mindset. Try to engage with people who enjoy their job and
have new and interesting ideas to share with you rather than colleagues who gossip
about others or complain frequently. While it's not always possible to decide who to
interact with at work, try to encourage your colleagues to discuss topics that don't relate
to work during breaks and ensure that discussions remain constructive while working.

7. Practice gratitude
Be mindful of all the things you're thankful for and when your workday is over, think
about the best parts of the day. Focusing on the good in both your work and personal
spheres can make you react more patiently and positively to stressful situations. It can
be helpful to write down a list of the things you're most thankful for on a daily or weekly
basis, along with a few of the things that made you feel happy during the day or week,
such as your supervisor complementing your work or a task that was especially
meaningful to you.

8. Reward yourself
Developing rewards for yourself can help you improve your attitude while at work and
become more productive. For example, you could promise yourself lunch at a nearby
restaurant on Friday rather than bringing in your own lunch if you accomplish a certain
number of tasks throughout the week. Consider a slightly bigger reward for achieving a
monthly goal, such as a day off to do something you love.

9. Develop goals
Developing both professional and personal goals for yourself can allow you to work
toward achieving something important to you and overcome setbacks more quickly,
allowing you to reduce negative feelings more easily. Consider writing down a few daily,
weekly and monthly goals and list your long-term goals. On days when you're not
feeling as productive, you can review the goals you listed to improve your mood and

10. Get enough rest

You're more likely to be in a good mood and think logically if you get enough sleep each
night. Being well-rested allows you to better focus on your work without feeling tired or
becoming distracted. Most working professionals need between seven and nine hours
of sleep each night. Develop a nightly routine to help you fall asleep more quickly and
try to avoid watching television or spending time on the computer right before you go to
11. Take breaks
Taking breaks during the day can help you reduce potential stress and negativity while
improving your mindset. Go for a short walk or do some light stretches when you have
time. To ensure you have a little more time at the end of the day, consider completing
more time-consuming tasks earlier in the day and leaving smaller or easier ones for
after lunch. If you're feeling stressed, it may additionally be beneficial to your mental
health to take a day off from work to improve your mental health.
12. Keep visual reminders
Visual reminders to stay positive can help you maintain a better attitude and outlook,
even during stressful events at work. Tape small notes on your computer or around your
workspace with a positive affirmation to improve your mood. There are also apps that
you can download to help you begin your day with a more positive perspective.

13. Learn new things

Take some time each day to learn something new. This can help you become more
forward-thinking and develop a more positive attitude since you're increasing your
understanding. Learning something new can also help you improve your self-awareness
and become more mindful of others. Consider taking an online course, watching a
documentary, reading a book or participating in a discussion group.

14. Think ahead

You can often work more productively, avoid stress and improve your attitude by
thinking about things before they occur. For example, if you know you have a big project
with a deadline that's two months away, you can begin planning for the project early by
outlining the various tasks for your team to complete. Then, as it gets closer to the
deadline, you can become more prepared to assign those tasks and ensure that each
member completes them correctly.
15. Engage in self-reflection
Self-reflection involves thinking about your own feelings and behaviors and the reasons
for them. When you begin feeling negative emotions, self-reflection can help you
improve your thought processes and react more positively. During busier days at work,
consider finding a quiet area and practice breathing deeply. This can help you reduce
stress and consider your situation more calmly.

6. Committing to the team

You should be fully invested in the team. You will be a great team player if you can
show others that you believe in the group, the process and the goals. This sort of
positivity can radically increase morale and productivity.

Self-Check 2.3-3

A. Instruction: Read the following statements carefully. Identify the word or
group of word that corresponds the following statements. Write your
answer on the space provided. (Erasure means wrong)
Collaboration Team environment Team players Team player Organizational abilities
Soft skills leadership skills leadership skills Emotional intelligence Positive attitude

1) __________________allows individuals to bring their diverse perspectives to

problem solving, which in turn increases their success at arriving at solutions
more efficiently and effectively.
2) _________________ The ability to achieve goals in the workplace.
3) _________________ someone who actively contributes to their group in
order to complete tasks, meet goals or manage projects.
4) _________________understand that their team’s success is their own
success, and they share responsibility when their team experiences
difficulties along the way.
5) _________________ aren’t as easily learned as technical ones, but they can
be developed with practice.
6) ________________ describes a habit, personality trait or ability that positively
affects your performance in the workplace
7) People with ______________are confident in their abilities to help others
work, collaborate, problem-solve or succeed at their responsibilities
8) ________________ refers to how we express our feelings, relate to others
and interpret others' behaviors.
9) ___________________ help you accomplish projects and duties.
10)___________________can provide many benefits to your personal and
professional life, from providing you with the opportunity to affect others in a
positive way to help you to feel more confident about your decision


Directions: Match the correct answer in Column A (Premises) to Column B

(Responses). Write the correct answer below.

Column A Column B

1.Skills related to communication A. Optimism

2. To become more flexible,
consider strengthening these skills B. positive attitude
3. To work on your self-motivation,
consider developing these skills C. Innovation
4. Abilities related to problem-solving D. resilience
5. To show your willingness to learn,
focus on developing these abilities E. Enthusiasm
6. Skills related to integrity F. Adaptability
7. If you want to develop self-confidence,
focus on these skills G. Courage
8. Abilities related to public speaking H. Confidence
9. To work on becoming more open-minded,
try developing these skills I. Empathy
10. Professionalism skills J. Smile more often
11. Abilities and traits related
to having a positive attitude, include K. Etiquette
12. Look at every opportunity as a chance to learn. L. Being Flexible
13.. can inspire others to curtail their negative habits
and become more positive M. Honesty
14. Using positive language rather than negative can
help you improve your overall attitude while at work N. Adjust your vocabulary
15. It can help customers and colleagues
feel more comfortable interacting with you O. Kindness
and change their negative attitudes
into positive ones.

Answer Key 1.3-3

1) Team Environment
2) Collaboration
3) team player
4) Team players
5) Soft skills
6) professional skill
7) leadership skills
8) Emotional intelligence
9) Organizational abilities
10.) positive attitude


1. Etiquette
2. Adaptability
3. Resilience
4. Innovation
5. Enthusiasm
6. Honesty
7. Courage
8. Confidence
9. Empathy
10. Kindness
11. Optimism
12. Being Flexible
13. positive attitude
14. Adjust your vocabulary
15. Smile more often

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