J. R. Chasnov
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
(Received 15 September 1994; accepted 2 November 1994)
The decay of a homogeneous turbulence generated by an axisymmetric distribution of random
impulsive forces acting at the initial instant is studied by means of large-eddy simulations. The
impulsive forces may be either parallel or perpendicular to the symmetry axis. For impulsive forces,
which result in a k4 low wave number energy spectrum of the turbulence, it is determined that the
flow approaches isotropy on all scales of motion at long times, provided the Reynolds number is
large. However, for the type of impulsive forces originally proposed by Saffman [J. Fluid Mech. 27,
581 (1967)], in which a k2 low wave number energy spectrum is produced, the turbulence
approaches isotropy only at the smallest scales, and remains significantly anisotropic at the largest
and energy-containing scales. Nevertheless, a similarity state of the flow field establishes itself
asymptotically, in which the kinetic energy per unit mass of the turbulence decays as tC6”. Q 1995
American Institute of Physics.
600 Phys. Fluids 7 (3), March 1995 1070-6631/95/7(3)/600/6/6.00 6 1995 American Institute of Physics
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where Pij(k)=Sii- kikjfk2, and Sii is the usual Kronecker sz.&ij(k)= f( Sii- Si3~~js)M(k), (9)
delta. The projection operator Pi](k) appearing on the right-
hand side of (3) occurs because the pressure forces respond where the factor of 4 has been inserted for later convenience.
instantaneously to the initial impulse, so as to maintain the The spectral tensor of the velocity correlation at the initial
incompressibility of the fluid. The spectral tensor @ij(k,t) of instant thus becomes
the velocity correlation after the fluid is acted on by the (10)
impulsive forces is thus given by
which, in terms of the e basis, can be written as
~ii(~O’)=Pi,~(k)Pj,(k)J~~,(k), (4)
where AS,,,,,(k) is the spectral tensor of the force correlation,
which is assumed to exist. The result (4) was previously
obtained by Saffman.4 We now specialize to two particular
impulsive force distributions that exhibit statistical axisym-
metry and could conceivably be generated in a laboratory
C. Specification of the spectral tensor of the force
A. Impulse parallel to the symmetry axis correlation
The physical situation we envision is that of grid- The initial spectrum of the homogeneous turbulence
generated turbulence, in which the grid is randomly shaken flow field immediately after generation by the random impul-
along the direction of the mean fluid velocity. The impulsive sive forces is now completely specified, provided the form of
force of the grid on the Fluid should ideally be a stationary the spectrum M(k) of the force correlation is known. For
random function of time and of the coordinates in the plane simplicity, we assume that M is a function only of the wave
perpendicular to the mean velocity. Taylor’s hypothesis can number magnitude k. The general form we choose for M(k)
then be invoked to relate the grid turbulence experiment to is
the decaying homogeneous turbulence considered here.
We shall, without loss of generality, assume symmetry
M(k) = G3 asw$2 M3(t)I-2 exp[ -ks(f)‘], (12)
about the x3 axis. The spectral tensor of the force correlation
corresponding to the above physical experiment can be writ- where ua is the root-mean-square velocity of the fluid imme-
ten as diately after generation by both types of impulsive force dis-
vZij(k)= cS,,SjsM(k); (5) tributions, kp is the wave number at which the initial spheri-
cally integrated energy spectrum of the turbulence is
and the corresponding spectral tensor of the velocity corre-
maximum, and s = 2 or 4, corresponding either to the Saff-
lation generated at the initial instant thus becomes man tlow4 or the Batchelor-Proudman flo~,~ further details
~ij(~O’)=P,(k)Pj,jk)M(k). (6) of which will be presented in the next section. The normal-
ization constant a, is given by
It will later be convenient to write the spectral tensor in
* terms of two unit vectors, which are perpendicular to k and
thus explicitly satisfy the continuity equation.7 These unit as= (13)
vectors are defined as
e%)= ,~~~,, ei2)W= Ikxe(l)(k)l z (7)
We consider here whether a similarity state of the decay-
where n=(O,O,l) is the unit vector along the symmetry axis. ing turbulence may develop asymptotically in time, provided
Using the relation Pij(k)=e{1’(k)ef’)(k)+e$2)(k)e~)(k), it is the Reynolds number of the flow is large. Saffman4 has
easy to show that (6) becomes shown that when s = 2 in (12), the form of the spectral ten-
sor, (8) or (ll), persists for all times near k=O. It is custom-
. (8) ary to define the associated dynamical invariant of the flow
field in terms of the leading-order spectral coefficient of the
spherically integrated energy spectrum E(k). By spherically
B. Impulse perpendicular to the symmetry axis integrating either (8) or ill), using (12), the energy spectrum
Here, the grid-generated turbulence experiment we envi- at the initial instant can be shown to have the form
sion is the same as above, except that now the grid is ran-
domly shaken in the direction perpendicular to the mean E(k,O+)= i asuikil (t)‘exp[-is(:)‘], (14
fluid velocity. To maintain the statistical axisymmetry of the
force distribution and the resulting flow field, we assume that so that when s=2, E(k,t) behaves for all times near k=O as
the random impulsive forces acting on the fuid have no pre- E(k,tj--2rk”B,, where
ferred direction in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry
axis. The spectral tensor of the force correlation may now be (15)
written as
(+B, 2/7t-10/7
9 (17) When the impulsive forces are parallel to the symmetry axis,
the spectral tensor at t = O+ is given by (8), with M(k) given
where the power-law exponent -y is only approximate (a by (12), and we construct random fields that satisfy (8) by
more precise exponent of -1.36 results when the time de- setting
pendence of B2 is taken into account).
Of special interest to the present work is the approach of
&(k)=O, yn2(k)=[ (I- $~M(k)]1i2 exp i2T0,
the initially axisymmetric turbulence to isotropy. As a simple
measure of the anisotropy of the energy-containing scales, cm
we define the parameter y to be where 0 is a uniformly distributed random number between 0
and 1, chosen independently for each k, subject to the com-
(18) plex conjugate symmetry of the Fourier components of the
velocity field. Similarly, when the impulsive forces are per-
The value of y is easily computed for the tlow fields gener- pendicular to the symmetry axis, the relevant equations are
ated at the initial instant: we determine that AO)=8 or fiO> (11) and (12), and the random fields are chosen as
=$ for impulsive forces which are parallel or perpendicular l/2
to the symmetry axis, respectively. Nonlinear transfer pro- exp i2rrB1,
cesses may reasonably be expected to bring the turbulence
closer to statistical isotropy ( y= 1) at later times. (21)
We have already noted an interesting difference between +2(k)= ; l”T) 1’2 exp i2&,
flows with s=2 or 4 in (12), which may affect the eventual
return to isotropy of the flow fields. When s=2, the perma- with 0, and 6a random numbers as above. The three compo-
nence of the large-scale structure of the flow precludes the nents of the velocity field may then be determined directly
entire flow from ever becoming isotropic. However, the pa- from (20) and (21) using (19). The particular realization of
rameter y is primarily a measure of the anisotropy of the the velocity field constructed above is a generalization of the
energy-containing scales, SO it is yet unclear whether these method proposed by Rogallo13 for isotropic turbulence.
scales will approach isotropy, or whether the anisotropy In Fig. 1, we present the time evolution of the power-law
present in the largest scales will affect the asymptotic state of exponent (logarithmic derivative) of (u’). Time is normalized
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totics of y clearly demonstrates that only when s=4 (solid
lines) does y approach its isotropic value of unity, whereas
when s = 2 (dashed lines), y deviates substantially from unity
j -O.4 at the latest times. In fact, the asymptotic values of y for the
Saffman flows are computed to be approximately yh1.5 or
f& -0.6 ~0.8 for impulsive forces parallel or perpendicular to the
85 -0.5 symmetry axis, respectively.
The anisotropy of turbulent eddies should depend on
‘:E -1.2-, their length scale. To observe this effect, we apply the pro-
-- 6 jection of the velocity field defined in (19) to construct the
I& following spherically integrated spectral functions:
-1.4 -L$
-1.50+ * I
iwo 1500 2wo 2500 SW0 3500 4ooo 4500 5ow 02)
where * denotes the complex conjugate, and the angular
brackets used here denote an average over a spherical shell
FIG. 1. Time evolution of the power-law exponent of (II’). The solid lines
correspond to the results of the four large-eddy simulations, as explained in (of unit thickness) in wave space. The usual energy spectrum
the text, and the dashed lines correspond to the Saffman and Kolmogorov is obtained from E(k,t)=i[F,(k,t)+F,(k,t)]. In an isotro-
laws discussed in Sec. III. pic turbulence, F,(k,t)=F,(k,t), and this will serve as an
indication of isotropy for scales characterized by a wave
number magnitude k. In Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) we plot the
in terms of the initial large-eddy turnover time T,, where F1(k,t) and F,(k,t) spectra computed from the fow simu-
~O=LO/uO, and Lo is the initial spherically averaged integral lation when the impulsive forces are parallel to the symmetry
scale of the flow, given by Lo= &$k, for s = 2 or Lo axis and s = 2 in (12). At the initial instant, Fl(k,O+) = I), as
-2 Gf3k, for s=4. The curves are labeled by B, or B,, seen from (20). The spectrum of F,(k,t) develops rapidly in
the leading-order spectral coefficients of the energy spectrum time, and a k” low wave number spectral form becomes ap-
corresponding to s = 2 or 4 in (12), and; the Roman number parent at small wave numbers, due to the nonlinear transfer
I or II, corresponding to whether the impulsive forces are of energy from small to large scales. The form of the F,(k,t)
parallel or perpendicular to the symmetry axis, respectively. spectrum as k-+0 is exactly 47rB,k” for all times.
The dashed lines are the exact and approximate results dis- Using the invariant B,, asymptotic similarity states can
cussed in Sec. III. It is immediately apparent that similarity be constructed for the spectra F,(k,t) and F2(k,t):
states in good agreement with either the Saffman or Kolmog-
orov laws develop in all of the simulations. F,(k,t)=B;‘5t-“‘5&(i),
An evolution of the anisotropy parameter y(t) as defined (23)
F,(k,t)= B;t5t-4’5i2(i), i=B;‘5t”5k.
in Eq. (18), for short- and long-time evolutions, is shown in
Fig. 2. Over short-time evolutions, it is apparent that all four The last nine spectra of Figs. 3(a) and 3(b) are replotted on
of the flow fields rapidly become more isotropic than the the same graph in Fig. 4, ysi-:g the s@i?gs given by (23). An
initial state. However, consideration of the long-time asymp- excellent collapse of the F,(k) and Fz(k) spectra at different
FIG. 2. Time evolution of the anisotropy factor y, defined in (18). The dashed and solid lines correspond to s = 2 and s = 4 in (12), respectively; y= 1 for an
isotropic turbulence. Curves above or below ~1 correspond to impulsive forces parallel or perpendicular to the symmetry axis, respectively. (a) Short-time
evolution to t/Tn=lOO; (b) Long-time evolution to t/r0=5000.
k k
FIG. 3. Time evolution of the spectra defined in (22), for s=2 in (12) and FIG. 5. Time evolution of the spectra defined in (22), for s = 2 in (12) and
impulsive forces parallel to the symmetry axis. (a) F,(k,t); (b) F,(k,t). impulsive forces perpendicular to the symmetry axis. (a) F,(k,t); (b)
ww-w)k4, i-24)
I wish to thank R. Rogallo and A. Wray for allowing me
use of their homogeneous turbulence code for the Intel iPSC/
860 hypercube machine. I would also like to thank P. Moin
for his invitation to participate in the 1994 CTR Summer
Program, where much of this work was done, and fellow
participants C. Cambon, P. Durbin, N. Mansour, and K.
Squires for useful discussions during the program. The sup-
port of the Hong Kong Research Grant Council is also grate-
FIG. 6. Time evolution of the similarity spectra defined in (23), for s = 2 in fully acknowledged.
(12) and impulsive forces perpendicular to the symmetry axis.