Sharing Lessons On Mangrove Restoration (2012)

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Sharing Lessons on Mangrove Restoration

Proceedings and a Call for Action from an MFF Regional Colloquium

30–31 August 2012, Mamallapuram, India
The designation of geographical entities in this book, and the presentation of the material, do
not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Mangroves for the Future
or IUCN concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of Mangroves for
the Future or IUCN.

This publication has been made possible by funding from Norad and Sida.

Mangroves for the Future would like to acknowledge the additional editorial contributions
from Mr Jake Brunner, Dr D. T. Wettasinghe and Mr L. C. A. de S. Wijesinghe.

Published by: IUCN, Gland, Switzerland with Mangroves for the Future, Bangkok, Thailand

Copyright: © 2012 IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural

Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is author-

ized without prior written permission from the copyright holder provided the source is fully

Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without
prior written permission of the copyright holder.

Citation: Macintosh, D.J., Mahindapala, R., Markopoulos, M. (eds) (2012). Sharing

Lessons on Mangrove Restoration. Bangkok, Thailand: Mangroves for the
Future and Gland, Switzerland: IUCN.

ISBN: 978-2-8317-1558-2

Cover photo: Nypa planted in an abandoned shrimp farm, Trat, Thailand © MFF

Available from: IUCN Mangroves for the Future

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Sharing Lessons on Mangrove Restoration
Proceedings and a Call for Action from an MFF Regional Colloquium
30–31 August 2012, Mamallapuram, India

Organised by

Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India

The MFF National Coordinating Body, India


Mangroves for the Future (MFF)

with support from

Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project (BOBLME)

M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai


IUCN India Office


List of abbreviations v
Foreword vii
Preface ix
Call for action xiii

Session I: Economic and Environmental Values of Mangroves

 Valuation, carbon sequestration and restoration of mangrove 19
ecosystems in India
J. R. Bhatt and K. Kathiresan
 Indonesian mangroves: critical challenges and strategies for their 39
sustainable management after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
Sukristijono Sukardjo
 An overview of mangrove restoration efforts in Pakistan 51
Shamsul Haq Memon
 A collaborative approach between tourism and coastal communities: 63
a present-day need and opportunity for mangrove management and
conservation in Sri Lanka
P. Upali Ratnayake
 Mangrove restoration efforts in Sri Lanka 75
T. R. Ranasinghe
 Status of mangrove plantations in the living delta: an overview of the 81
coastal afforestation experience of Bangladesh
Ishtiaq Uddin Ahmad
 Mangrove conservation and restoration in the Indian Sundarbans 93
P. Vyas and K. Sengupta

Session II: Lessons Learned from Mangrove Rehabilitation Projects

 Lessons learned from the programme Let’s Plant Mangroves: 105
a case study from villages in Banten and Central Java provinces, Indonesia
W. Mahardi
 Restoration of deteriorated wetlands in Kumana (Yala East) National Park, 115
Sri Lanka: a pilot project on mangrove restoration
P. Suranga Ratnayake, Y. Mapatuna and P. N. Dayawansa
 Afforestation of coastal mudflats in Gujarat, India 123
C. N. Pandey and R. Pandey
 Genesis and present status of restoration practices in saline blanks in India 133
V. Selvam, R. Ramasubramanian and K. K. Ravichandran
 Mangrove restoration and planting in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries 141
and lagoons in Asia – ideology versus sustainable ecosystem science?
Jayampathi I. Samarakoon

Session III: Guidelines for Good Practices in Mangrove Restoration

and Rehabilitation
 Mangrove rehabilitation through community involvement: 161
establishing mangrove conservation awareness and education
Sylvanna Antat, Lyndy Bastienne and Terence Vel iii
 Local knowledge management for mangrove management 169
Tanirat Tanawat and P. Boonplod
 Active versus passive restoration of mangroves: developing 179
models for sustainable rejuvenation of mangrove ecosystems
used for shrimp farming in North-Western Province of Sri Lanka
Sevvandi Jayakody, J. M. P. K. Jayasinghe and Anushka H. Wijesundara
 Restoration and return of mangroves and fisheries in abandoned 191
aquaculture farms
V. Selvam, A. Sivakumar and R. Ramasubramanian
 Clam seed production and benefit sharing in Xuan Thuy 199
National Park, Viet Nam
Nguyen Viet Cach
 Mangrove planting, community participation and integrated 205
management in Soc Trang Province, Viet Nam
Klaus Schmitt
 Monitoring framework for replanted mangrove areas – 227
sharing the experience from Pakistan
Ghulam Qadir Shah
 Towards Coastal Health Archive and Monitoring National 239.
Programmes (CHAMPS) for assessing change, and identifying
drivers of change, in tidal wetlands and coastal margins [abstract]
Norman Duke

Session IV: Mangroves, Climate Change and DRR

 Navigating mangrove resilience through the ecosystem-based 243
adaptation approach: lessons from Bangladesh
Paramesh Nandy and Ronju Ahammad
 Disaster risk reduction through mangrove conservation and 255
rehabilitation: a case study in the Ayeyarwady Delta of Myanmar
Maung Maung Than
 Adapting to natural disasters and contributing to climate change 265
mitigation: mangrove community forestry in Viet Nam
Sen Le Thi Hoa, R. Suzuki and M. F. Thomsen
 Ecological mangrove restoration: re-establishing a more biodiverse 277
and resilient coastal ecosystem with community participation
Alfredo Quarto

Annex 1 Colloquium programme 293

Annex 2 List of participants 297


ADB Asian Development Bank

BAPPEDA Regional Development Planning Board (Indonesia)
BAPPENAS State Ministry of National Development Planning (Indonesia)
BAU Bangladesh Agricultural University
BDT Bangladesh taka
BFD Bangladesh Forest Department
BFRI Bangladesh Forest Research Institute
BOB IGP Bay of Bengal Inter-Governmental Panel
BOBLME Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project
CBACC-CF Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal
Afforestation Project
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CBEMR Community-based Ecological Mangrove Restoration
CBMR Community-Based Mangrove Reforestation
CBO Community-based organization
CEC Central Executive Committee
CFD Coastal Forestry Division (Pakistan)
CHAMPS Coastal Health Archive and Monitoring National Programmes
CMC Co-Management Committee
COP Conference of Parties
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
DFID Department for International Development (UK)
DLS Department of Livestock Services (Bangladesh)
DoF Department of Fisheries (Bangladesh)
DRR Disaster risk reduction
DWLC Department of Wildlife Conservation (Sri Lanka)
EBA Ecosystem-based adaptation
ECCDI Ecosystems Conservation and Community Development Initiative
EMR Ecological mangrove restoration
ETM Enhanced Thematic Mapper
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FB Fund Board
FFF Forest, Fish, Fruit
FREDA Forest Resource Environment Development and Conservation Association
GEER Gujarat Ecological Education and Research Foundation
GEF Global Environment Facility
GIS Geographic Information System
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GPS Global Positioning System
HRA High Risk Area
ICM Integrated Coastal Management
ICAM Integrated Coastal Area Management
IDR Indonesian rupiah
IMFFS Integrated Mangrove Fishery Farming System
INGO International non-governmental organization
INR Indian rupee v
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
JFM Joint Forest Management
JFMC Joint Forest Management Committee
JMM Joint Mangrove Management
LDCF Least Developed Countries Fund
LKR Sri Lanka rupee
M&E Monitoring and evaluation
MAP Mangrove Action Project
MAPP Method for Impact Assessment of Programmes and Projects
MEALS Mangrove Empowerment and Livelihood Security
MERN Mangrove and Environmental Rehabilitation Network
MFD Myanmar Forest Department
MFF Mangroves for the Future
MLE Monitoring, learning and evaluation
MMAF Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (Indonesia)
MMK Myanmar kyat
MOECAF Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (Myanmar)
MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forests (India)
MSSRF M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
NAQDA National Aquaculture Development Authority of Sri Lanka
NGO Non-governmental organization
NSAP National Strategy and Action Plan
PAN Potential Area Number
PC People’s Committee
PFE Permanent Forest Estate
PoW Programme of Work
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
REDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation
SBR Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
SCCDP Sindh Coastal Community Development Project
SFD Sindh Forest Department (Pakistan)
SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
SPOT Système Pour l’Observation de la Terre
SRS Simple random sampling
SUPARCO Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Organization
TAO Tambon Administrative Organisation
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
VDMC Village Development and Mangrove Council
VND Viet Nam dong
WCS Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles
vi WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

Since 2008, the Mangroves for the Future (MFF) initiative has, through its small and large
grant facilities, supported mangrove planting and restoration activities in the MFF member
countries. These activities have supplemented a large repository of other information and
data on mangrove restoration built up over the past two to three decades, and especially
following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Since the 2004 tsunami, mangrove restoration has become a priority for national governments
in their quest to provide security against sea storms and other natural hazards. Governments,
coastal ecologists, international and national NGOs, local CBOs and coastal communities
have shown great interest in mangrove-related activities for this and other reasons, includ-
ing biodiversity conservation and livelihood support. Thus, international funding agencies
and bilateral donors, as well as government agencies, have provided considerable financial
support for numerous mangrove projects; these have been quite diverse in terms of their
objectives, including inter alia mangrove conservation and restoration, planting of mangrove
bioshields, and mangrove education and protection. Similarly, the project implementing
agencies (particularly INGOs, NGOs and CBOs) also have displayed diverse interests and
management approaches. This diversity of interests, approaches and attitudes to mangroves
and their management must be understood in the context of the larger development per-
spective and the concept of integrated coastal area management.

Members of coastal communities traditionally have used mangroves and their products widely
for timber, fuelwood, food and livelihood activities, especially fisheries, but also including
coastal agriculture, aquaculture and salt production. Many of these traditional practices date
back centuries, but still continue in particular geographic settings, revealing that many coastal
communities continue to depend on the health and productivity of mangroves, estuaries and
lagoons for many of their basic needs.

Among the numerous mangrove projects that have been supported, some have contributed
substantially to improving coastal ecosystems and associated livelihoods. Yet many projects
have also had disappointing results, and too many have simply planted mangrove seedlings
without giving adequate attention to the wider ecosystem and socio-economic impacts of
mangrove planting. Overall, because of the highly project-oriented nature of these activities,
there has been very little critical evaluation of the consequences of these projects, or compil-
ing of the lessons to be learned. In Sri Lanka, for example, an evaluation of mangrove planting
projects noted that greater control should be exercised in future interventions in conservation
and management of mangroves, and requested that guidelines on mangrove restoration
best practices be prepared and made widely available. Furthermore, it recommended that
until such guidelines are provided, mangrove planting should receive prior approval from the
relevant authority.*

In summary, it has become clear that mangrove restoration activities need to be examined
from the standpoint of their societal values, and how they can contribute to improving the
health of coastal ecosystems and conserving biodiversity within the context of integrated

* IUCN, 2011. An Appraisal of Mangrove Management in Micro-tidal Estuaries and Lagoons in Sri Lanka.
Colombo: IUCN Sri Lanka Country Office, 116 pp. ix

coastal area management. To address these concerns, MFF’s Regional Steering Committee
decided that a Regional Colloquium should be held to share best practices on mangrove
restoration and critically review the lessons learned.

The Colloquium
The Colloquium was held on 30–31 August 2012 at the Radisson Blu Resort Temple Bay,
Mamallapuram, near Chennai, India. Its main objectives were to:

1. Examine the various experiences from the countries where mangrove projects have been
carried out.
2. Enable countries to critically examine the merits and demerits of these mangrove projects.
3. Share experiences so that countries can replicate the good practices.

The Colloquium programme is provided in Annex 1. The event was concluded with an optional
field trip to the Pichavaram mangroves near Chidambaram on 1–2 September.

Fifty international participants (from MFF member and outreach countries; selected MFF
partners; other identified international experts) and national participants from India attended
the Colloquium (Annex 2).

The Colloquium was opened ceremonially by lighting the traditional oil lamp. Ms Meenakshi
Datta Ghosh, Country Representative, IUCN India, welcomed the participants and Dr Steen
Christensen, MFF Coordinator, gave an introduction and brief about the Colloquium.
Dr J. R. Bhatt, Member Secretary of the MFF National Coordinating Body, India, speaking on
behalf of Mr M. F. Farooqui, Special Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govern-
ment of India, traced the events leading to the holding of the Colloquium, and highlighted
the importance of its outputs in the deliberations of the upcoming CBD Conference of the
Parties (COP-11) in India in October 2012. Dr N. M. Ishwar, MFF National Coordinator, India,
proposed the Vote of Thanks.

The Colloquium included presentations from MFF member countries and other invited coun-
tries in the Asia region on their experiences from mangrove restoration projects, particularly
in relation to improving coastal ecosystems and the livelihoods of local people. In particular,
the colloquium provided an opportunity to:

 Examine the available scientific information and knowledge.

 Debate the contrasting viewpoints stemming from the diversity of ideas and perceptions
among different resource users and interest groups concerning mangrove ecosystems.
 Address the inadequacy of information for building knowledge on the economic signifi-
cance of mangroves.
 Seek sustainable solutions to the complex problems currently encountered, not only from
science, academia, lobby groups, industries and government representatives, but also
through a society-wide dialogue.


Topics for the Colloquium included:

a) The economic and financial values of mangroves, and the need for restoration.

b) New planting and restoration – the basic tenets including geomorphological context of
coastal ecosystems, interest in mangroves, impacts of mangroves in their natural state
and planted (or cultivated) state, impacts of mangroves on other economic activities/
sectors such as fisheries, agriculture, tourism, biodiversity, hazard mitigation, and urban
planning (in terms of flood protection and drainage).

c) Demonstration of the benefits of mangrove restoration activities, and examination of the

intended or unintended harmful effects of such activities on the ecosystem.

d) Mangrove planting based on simplistic thinking and insensitive to physical geography,

geomorphology, and the complexity of ecosystem structure and functioning.

e) The need for accommodating the collective voices of the primary resource users of
mangrove ecosystems.

f) Guidelines for good practices, monitoring indicators, and accountability mechanisms.

g) Examination of the predictable relationships between mangroves and impacts of climate

change, specifically in regard to protection from coastal hazards (for example cyclones,
erosion, floods, and in their role as bioshields), and food security (for example drainage,
soil salinization and waterlogging).

The closing session of the Colloquium was held on the afternoon of 31 August, with the
distinguished presence of Mr Hem Pande, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India. The participants deliberated and agreed on the recommenda-
tions contained in a “Call for Action” paper, to be provided to the CBD COP-11 in Hydera-
bad, India, in October 2012 (see next section). Dr Balakrishna Pisupati, Chairman, National
Biodiversity Authority of India, briefed the participants on the expectations from COP-11,
and Mr Hem Pande explained the links between COP-11 and the outputs of the Colloquium.

The Colloquium closed with the presentation of certificates for those who attended the
scientific presentations training course, conducted immediately before the event by Dr
Chris O’Brien, Regional Coordinator of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project

Dr Steen Christensen, MFF Coordinator, gave the closing remarks, and Mr Shamsul Haq
Memon from Pakistan proposed a Vote of Thanks on behalf of the participants.

Call for action

The Ministry of Environment and Forests of India, together with Mangroves for the Future
(MFF), a regional initiative to promote investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for
sustainable development, convened a Regional Colloquium at Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu,
30–31 August 2012, to share lessons on mangrove conservation, restoration and rehabilitation.

Resource persons from nine MFF Member and Outreach countries – Bangladesh, India,
Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam – and inter-
national experts from Australia, Denmark, Germany and the United States participated in
the Colloquium. After reviewing lessons learned from mangrove restoration and planting
projects undertaken since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, guidelines for good practices in
mangrove restoration and rehabilitation were discussed, with a focus on the need for com-
munity involvement, benefit-sharing and livelihood improvement, long-term monitoring, and
accountability. The Colloquium also considered the role that mangroves can play in climate
change adaptation and mitigation, including their potential contribution to ecosystem-based
disaster risk reduction.

However, the Colloquium also recognized that, despite the wealth of scientific knowledge,
technical expertise and good practices available to support mangrove restoration/rehabilita-
tion and monitoring, they are not being applied widely or well-enough to offset the continued
degradation of mangroves in most countries.

Resulting from the sharing of experiences from mangrove restoration/rehabilitation projects,

plus critical examination of the status of mangrove ecosystems today in the nine participating
countries, A Call for Action was prepared, to go forward to the International Conference on
Biodiversity (COP-11) in Hyderabad, India, 1–19 October 2012.

A Call for Action

Recognizing that millions of people in South and Southeast Asia still depend heavily on the
health and productivity of mangroves, estuaries and lagoons for their basic food, materials
and livelihood needs;

but also recognizing that large areas of mangrove habitat continue to be destroyed or
degraded in many countries, despite the collective efforts of governments, NGOs and inter-
national agencies to rehabilitate mangroves since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami;

and recognizing that a wealth of scientific knowledge and good practices in mangrove
restoration/rehabilitation exist that can be shared among the countries of the Indian Ocean
and Southeast Asia;

The Colloquium calls for the following principles and practices be incorporated into: a) gov-
ernment policies and national plans for coastal area management; b) regional cooperation
and development programmes; and c) individual projects supporting the rehabilitation and
sustainable use of mangroves for the benefit of coastal communities and the wider society:

Sound Management Principles

1. Mangroves should be managed according to the ecosystem-based approach and fol-
lowing the principles of wise-use as defined by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands;
and further links and synergies between these approaches should be developed. xiii

2. Site-specific and appropriate restoration and management approaches are necessary, as

part of an integrated coastal area management approach; mangroves cannot be restored/
rehabilitated and protected in isolation from other coastal and upstream processes, and
the human impacts on them.

Economic Justification
3. Greater investment in national and regional mangrove restoration programmes is needed,
supported by stronger policy and legislative measures to protect mangrove ecosystems
and the welfare of traditional mangrove-dependent communities.

4. The full economic value of mangrove ecosystem goods and services should be estimated
so that sound development planning decisions can be made, and innovative sustainable
financing mechanisms (e.g. access and benefit-sharing, income generation from man-
grove ecotourism) designed to support mangrove conservation and sustainable use.

Enabling Policies and Safeguards

5. There is a particular need to enact policies to restore abandoned aquaculture farms
using techniques that can recover the hydrological and soil conditions to their near-to
original state, so that they can be converted back to productive wetlands or integrated
mangrove-aquaculture systems.

6. Special care should be taken in the management of micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and
lagoons. Because of their semi-enclosed nature and demographic pressures, they are
highly sensitive to human impacts, amongst others. Mangrove restoration in such areas
must follow guidelines that safeguard other aquatic fishery habitats and fishery-based
livelihoods, plus the other ecosystem services that estuaries and lagoons provide.

7. Coastal mudflats and other low-lying shore types should also be treated with particular
care to avoid planting mangroves below their natural intertidal level, or where there are
mudflat habitats critical to endangered wildlife.

Actions to Ensure Success

8. The following actions are essential to ensure effective long-term mangrove management
and sustainable use:

 Consultation with and participation of local communities in all mangrove restoration,

protection and management activities.

 Resolution of land tenure, resource access or use issues, policy failures or other issues
that will affect the outcome of mangrove restoration and sustainable use management

 Respecting and using the traditional knowledge and cultural beliefs that local people
have about mangrove ecosystems.

 Mangrove restoration and environmental awareness and educational programmes

for key mangrove resources user groups, plus learning and participatory activities,
particularly for children and youths.

 Applying modern, macro-level technology for coastal monitoring (e.g. remote sensing
and GIS) that can detect large-scale and long-term environmental change.

 Monitoring of specific mangrove restoration and rehabilitation areas using simple,

empirical and modern techniques (agreed and standardized), which can involve local
communities and operate over meaningful time periods (5–10 years).

 Strengthening and empowering grassroots institutions to plan, implement and monitor

mangrove restoration programmes in partnership with other stakeholders.

 Interventions that improve the livelihoods of traditional mangrove users, preferably

by providing alternative and more diversified livelihood opportunities to reduce the
pressures on mangrove resources.

 Partnerships and co-management involving local communities/other civil society

groups (including the private sector) and government are essential to achieving posi-
tive long-term outcomes and recognition for the role of local communities in mangrove
restoration and management.

Climate Change Considerations

9. Mangroves are capable of sequestering very high quantities of carbon compared with
other forest types. Applied research should be conducted on the ecological and economic
value of mangroves as a carbon sink, and the potential to benefit mangrove-dependent
communities through the emerging forest carbon marketing mechanisms.

10. Where appropriate, mangrove ecosystem restoration/rehabilitation should be included

in national climate change adaptation strategies, because mangroves can play a major
role in building resilience against climate change and natural disasters in the coastal zone
by providing coastal communities with increased food and income security; as well as
improving environment and physical protection against erosion, storms and other extreme
climatic events.

Regional Cooperation
11. Regional programmes (such as MFF, BOBLME and BOB IGP) should be upscaled and/
or extended, as these have demonstrated great potential for promoting regional good
practices, information sharing and capacity development to support coastal and marine
ecosystems management.

12. Applied research to develop a regional inventory of mangrove resources, case studies
and best management practices, and to identify gaps in knowledge about mangrove
ecosystems, should be initiated as a regional effort to support the development of national
and transboundary management plans for mangroves.

13. The Colloquium urged that the many agencies, bodies, programmes and projects working
in the coastal zone should collaborate to the extent possible to improve regional under-
standing of coastal resources management, in order to optimize results and benefits,
and avoid duplication of work.

October 2012
Miani Hor P R OV I N C E

Ahmedabad Bharuch
INDIA Sundarbans
Bhavnagar PROVINCE
Surat Mahanadi Barguna Char MYANMAR
Navsari ORISSA Sadar Fasson T H A N H H OA Xuan Thuy
Valsad P R OV I N C E Nat. Park
Chilika Devi AY E YA R WA DY Da Loc

A ND H RA Mawlamyine Kyun
Godavari Ngapudaw Pyapon VIET NAM
0 15 km Curieuse Marine Krishna Laputta Bogalay
Nat. Park Curieuse I.

Praslin Island Chidambaram

TA MI L Pichavaram RANONG
NADU Muthupet
Kuraburi PHANG NGA
Au Tho B
Mundal / Puttalam Batticaloa
Arachchikattuwa Negombo
Mont Fleuri Kumana Nat. Park
Madu Ganga
Roche Caiman Rekawa
Port Launay

Mahé Island

Depok Mangunhardjo
Segara Anakan

0 500 1000 km

Map of the main localities and study sites mentioned in the text. For details see individual papers. Map © IUCN.
Session I

Economic and Environmental Values of Mangroves

Valuation, carbon sequestration potential and restoration
of mangrove ecosystems in India
J. R. Bhatt¹, K. Kathiresan²
¹ Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi, India
² Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Parangipettai 608502, India
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)

Mangroves are an important component of India’s coastal resources endowment. Distributed
along the east and west coasts, and covering an area of 4,663 km², these relatively rare
ecosystems play an important role in supporting livelihoods and human well-being through
a range of ecosystem services. Although these habitats continue to decline globally, they
are being well-maintained in India through a range of effective conservation and restoration

Restoring and conserving mangroves form a key component of India’s ecosystem-based

climate change response strategies. This paper provides an overview of the status and trends
of mangroves in India, emphasizing the value of the mangrove ecosystem services that have
influenced policy and decision-making. It describes the likely impacts of climate change on
these ecosystems, and provides an overview of the restoration techniques used in various
parts of the coastal zone. Lastly the paper discusses the policy environment for conservation
and sustainable management of mangroves.

India has evolved techniques for better conservation and management of mangroves based
on scientific principles. A GIS-based mangrove atlas has been prepared with detailed infor-
mation about mangrove resources and management issues. The major issues have been
identified as mangrove degradation and a lack of people’s participation in mangrove man-
agement. The causes of these have been identified as, respectively, hypersalinity and the
lack of supplementary livelihoods. After testing several techniques to reverse mangrove
degradation, the “fishbone design” has been selected as the best model for restoration. To
mobilize and organize local communities, a Joint Mangrove Management (JMM) model has
been successfully demonstrated. These models are now being replicated in other areas.

Keywords: mangroves, economic benefits, restoration, carbon sinks, India

1. Introduction
Mangrove forests are among the most productive ecosystems on earth. They are carbon-rich
forests with a standing crop greater than any other aquatic ecosystem. Mangroves are often
called “tidal forests”, “coastal woodlands” or “oceanic rainforests” (Kathiresan and Bingham
2001; Kathiresan and Qasim, 2005; Spalding et al., 2010; Kathiresan, 2011a).

About 90% of mangrove forests are found in developing countries, though they are near-
ing extinction in 26 countries. Their long-term survival is threatened by fragmentation of the
remaining forests, making it possible that the ecosystem services supplied by mangroves will
be lost entirely within 100 years (Duke et al., 2007). Globally, mangrove habitats continue to
disappear; the annual rate of loss was 0.66% in 2000–05 (FAO, 2007). This paper examines
the status of mangrove forest cover in India, the planting techniques and practices being
followed, and the value of the mangroves in terms of carbon sequestration.

1.1 Mangrove forests in the world and India

Mangroves are largely restricted to the tropics and a few warm temperate regions between
latitudes 30° north and 30° south, with the largest proportion found between latitudes 5° 19

north and 5° south. About three-quarters of the world’s mangroves occur in just 15 countries.
Mangroves cover an estimated 15.2 million ha (0.4% of all forests, <1% of tropical forests)
in 123 countries and territories (FAO, 2007). This estimate, however, is 12.3% less than
the most recent estimate by Giri et al. (2011). Mangroves are most extensive in Asia (39%),
followed by Africa (21%), North and Central America (15%), South America (12.6%), and
Oceania (Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, South Pacific) (12.4%) (FAO, 2007).
They grow better in wet equatorial climates than they do in seasonally monsoonal or arid
climates. Growth and biomass production of mangroves decrease with increasing latitude.

Mangroves comprise a relatively small group of 73 species of trees and shrubs (Spalding et
al., 2010). Eleven mangroves species face an elevated threat of extinction. Particular areas
of concern include the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central America, where as many as
40% of mangrove species are threatened with extinction. Globally, mangrove species found
primarily in high intertidal and upstream estuarine zones are most threatened because they
are often the first cleared for development of aquaculture and agriculture. The loss of man-
grove species will have devastating economic and environmental consequences for coastal
communities, especially in areas with low mangrove diversity and high mangrove area or
species loss. Several species at high risk of extinction may disappear well before the next
decade if existing protective measures are not enforced (Polidoro et al., 2010).

India has a total mangrove cover of 4,662.56 km² (Forest Survey of India, 2011), or 0.14% of
the country’s land area, 3% of the global mangrove area, and 8% of Asia’s mangroves. About
59% of this cover is on the east coast along the Bay of Bengal, 28% on the west coast border-
ing the Arabian Sea, and 13% on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. India’s mangroves can
be broadly categorized into deltaic, backwater-estuarine and insular types. Deltaic mangroves
are found along the east coast within the deltas of the Ganges, Brahmaputra, Mahanadhi,
Krishna, Godavari and Cauvery Rivers. Estuarine mangroves are found on the west coast in
the estuaries of the Indus, Narmada and Tapti Rivers. They are also grow in the backwaters,
creeks and neritic inlets of these areas. Insular type mangroves are found in the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands. Their growth is supported by tidal estuaries, lagoons and rivulets.
These differences in distribution can be attributed to two reasons: i) the east coast has large
estuaries with deltas formed by runoff and deposition of sediments, whereas the west coast
has funnel-shaped estuaries and generally lacks deltas; and ii) the east coast has a gentle
slope with extensive flats for mangrove colonization, whereas the west coast slopes steeply.

On the east coast of India, no studies have singled out damming of rivers as leading to
destruction of mangroves. However, some studies by the M. S. Swaminathan Research
Foundation have found a change in mangrove species composition caused by reductions
in the periodicity and quantity of fresh water reaching the mangrove environment. The most
extensive mangroves in this region are found in the Sundarbans in West Bengal (46.2%).
Extending across the boundary between India and Bangladesh, the Sundarbans is the largest
single block (about 10,000 km²) of mangrove forest in the world. It is the home of globally
threatened species such as the Royal Bengal tiger, sea turtle, fishing cat, estuarine crocodile,
Gangetic dolphin, and river terrapin (Forest Survey of India, 2011). Tables 1 and 2 opposite
detail the status and trends of mangrove cover in India’s states and union territories.

Table 1 Mangrove cover by state, India (km²)

State/ Change
Territory 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2009 2011 from 2009
Andhra 495 405 399 378 383 383 397 333 329 354 353 352 –1
Goa 0 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 16 16 17 22 +5
Gujarat 427 412 397 419 689 901 1,031 911 916 991 1,046 1,058 +12
Karnataka 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 0
Kerala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 5 6 +1
Maharashtra 140 114 113 155 155 124 108 118 158 186 186 186 0
Orissa 199 192 195 195 195 211 215 219 203 217 221 222 +1
Tamil Nadu 23 47 47 21 21 21 21 23 35 36 39 39 0
West Bengal 2,076 2,109 2,119 2,119 2,119 2,123 2,125 2,081 2,120 2,136 2,152 2,155 +3
Andaman and 686 973 971 966 966 966 966 789 658 635 615 617 +2
Nicobar Is.
Daman and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1.56 +0.56
Puducherry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Total 4,046 4,255 4,244 4,256 4,533 4,737 4,871 4,482 4,448 4,581 4,639 4,662.56 +23.56
Change +209 –11 +12 +277 +294 +44 –389 –34 +133 +58 +23.56 – –
Source: Forest Survey of India (2011).

Table 2 Density of mangrove cover by state, India

Moderately Change from
State/Territory Very dense dense Open Total 2009
Andhra Pradesh 0 126 226 352 -1
Goa 0 20 2 22 5
Gujarat 0 182 876 1,058 12
Karnataka 0 3 0 3 0
Kerala 0 3 3 6 1
Maharashtra 0 69 117 186 0
Orissa 82 97 43 222 1
Tamil Nadu 0 16 23 39 0
West Bengal 1,038 881 236 2,155 3
Andaman and 283 261 73 617 2
Nicobar Is.
Daman and Diu 0 0.12 1.44 1.56 0.56
Puducherry 0 0 1 1 0
Total 1,403 1658.12 1601.44 4662.56 23.56
Source: Forest Survey of India (2011).

2. Valuation of mangrove systems in India

Mangroves provide a wide range of ecosystem services. They serve as breeding, feeding and
nursery grounds for many fishes in offshore and inshore waters. They also provide feeding
and breeding grounds for birds, reptiles and mammals. They are a source of forest products
such as firewood, timber and honey. The benefits provided by these ecosystems are much

wider in range than those provided by concrete seawalls or other physical structures con-
structed for coastal protection.

A study of the role played by mangroves in fisheries income has revealed that a mangrove-
rich area provides up to 70 times more catch and income than a mangrove-poor area
(Kathiresan and Rajendran, 2002). In addition, many rural communities use mangroves to
produce honey, fodder and traditional medicines. Experience from the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami indicates that mangroves, along with Casuarina plantations, reduced the impact of
waves and protected shorelines against damage along the Tamil Nadu coastline (Danielsen
et al., 2005; Kathiresan and Rajendran, 2005). However, in places the tsunami damaged
mangroves; for example, between 51% and 100% of mangroves in the four Nicobar islands
of Camorta, Katchal, Nancowry and Trinkat were damaged. Badola and Hussain (2005)
carried out an economic assessment of the storm protection function of the Bhitarkanika
mangrove ecosystem in three selected villages, using the cyclone of 1999 as a reference
point. This found that the highest losses were in the village sheltered not by mangroves but
by embankments, and the lowest per capita damage in villages with mangrove barriers. Das
and Vincent (2009) validated the storm protection function of mangroves in Orissa on India’s
east coast. They established that villages with wider mangrove belts between them and the
coast suffered significantly fewer deaths than those with narrower or no mangrove belts.

In recent years, a growing body of research has explained the contribution of mangroves
in concrete economic terms, making comparison possible with other economic uses with
defined cost and benefit streams. Putting a monetary value on ecosystem services provides
an incentive for landowners or those with land-use rights (both government and private
owners) to make sustainable land-use decisions. It can also help in rationalizing incentive
systems through the use of instruments such as payments for ecosystem services, a means
of incentivizing local resource stewardship.

Globally, mangrove forests have been estimated to provide US$1.6 billion or more each year in
ecosystem services (Costanza et al., 1997), and also support coastal livelihoods. In American
Samoa, mangroves covering just 0.5 km² have an estimated annual value of US$50 million
(Spurgeon and Roxburgh, 2006). In Thailand, high values of US$2.7–3.5 million/km² have
been reported (Sathirathai and Barbier, 2001).

Limited efforts have been made to value ecosystem services in India. The country’s mangroves
account for 2.5% of the global economic value of mangroves, estimated at US$4,522,398,075
(Costanza et al., 1997). Khaleel (2008) estimated the economic value of mangroves in North
Malabar at US$10,960 per hectare per year. This makes them about 25 times more valuable
in economic terms than paddy cultivation (Kathiresan, 2011b). The protection value of one
hectare of intact mangroves in Orissa against a cyclone in 1999 was estimated at US$8,700,
when one hectare of cleared land fetched only US$5,000. Thus, protecting mangroves as
storm shelters generated more economic value (Das and Vincent, 2009).

3. Carbon sequestration potential

Mangroves are among the most carbon-rich forests in the tropics. Their carbon sequestra-
22 tion potential is estimated to be up to 50 times greater than tropical terrestrial forests. This is

because of their high levels of below-ground biomass and considerable storage of organic
carbon in mangrove sediment soils. Globally, mangroves accumulate up to 25.5 million tonnes
of carbon annually (Ong, 1993), and provide more than 10% of the organic carbon essential
to the world’s oceans (Dittmar et al., 2006). Covering 2,118 km², the mangroves of the Indian
Sundarbans are thought to absorb over 41.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide daily, valued at
around US$79 billion in the international market. Maintaining this function will help to control
rises in atmospheric temperatures and associated climatic changes.

Globally, mangrove deforestation generates emissions of 0.02–0.12 picogrammes of carbon

per year, up to 10% of total emissions from deforestation. Thus, failing to preserve mangrove
forests can cause considerable carbon emissions and lead to climate change (Spalding et
al., 2010; Donato et al., 2011). Therefore, mangrove restoration could be a novel mitigation
option against climate change.

Mangroves are especially valuable for carbon sequestration because they accumulate large
amounts of carbon in the soil, whereas terrestrial forests keep most of it in tree trunks and
branches. Older mangrove forests accumulate relatively more soil carbon that younger for-
ests. The other positive aspect of mangroves is that, with time, planted mangroves sequester
similar quantities of carbon to natural forests.

Technical difficulties hamper carbon measurement in mangrove ecosystems, especially

below-ground carbon accumulation, the dynamic nature of mangrove forests, and the need
to better understand and quantify the other economic values of mangroves, especially for
aquaculture and coastal infrastructure development.

Both the Clean Development Mechanism and the Verified Carbon Standard have established
methodologies for measuring, monitoring, and paying for the carbon captured in mangrove
forests. However, the tools available so far do not adequately address the most important
aspect of mangrove carbon: the soil carbon (Zwick, 2010). Mangroves are open ecosystems
with both shore gain (by accretion) and shore loss (by erosion) occurring simultaneously in
different parts of the ecosystem as a result of positive or negative sedimentation rates. The
dynamic nature of mangroves should be taken into account when selecting sites for carbon
sequestration. It will also be necessary to develop guidance and standards for sequester-
ing carbon through wetland restoration projects, which can deliver tangible and equitable
benefits for local communities.

4. Potential impacts of climate change on mangrove ecosystems

Mangroves are highly adapted to coastal conditions. In the face of climate change, many of
the regulating services of mangroves have increased relevance, especially their capacity to
moderate the force of storms and floods. Various studies indicate that mangroves reduce
wave forces by up to 70–90% with their extensive and dense above-ground root systems.
Mangrove ecosystems moderate climatic extremes by providing shade and increasing air
humidity, while also reducing wind velocity and soil water evaporation. In short, they are a
first line of defence for coasts and coastal communities, since they buffer storm and wave
forces, even those generated by cyclones, while binding coastal land that would otherwise
erode away. 23

As stated before, mangroves provide a symbiotic link between land and sea, so are bound
to be influenced by terrestrial, atmospheric, hydrological and marine conditions. They are
potentially vulnerable to changes in any of these, and hence are especially likely to be affected
by climate change (Solomon et al., 2007). The ability of mangroves to adapt to rising sea
levels hinges on the response of individual species (hence the importance of species selec-
tion), and the availability of space for mangroves and other coastal vegetation to migrate
inland. However, such possibilities could be drastically limited if land use in coastal zones
does not provide that space.

The principal components of global climate change are: i) rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels; ii) rise in atmospheric and sea temperatures; iii) increase in extreme high water events
and storms; iv) changes in precipitation; and v) sea level rise. These components may act
synergistically upon mangroves, which are likely to be one of the first ecosystems to be
affected because of their location at the interface between land and sea. However, mangroves
exhibit resistance and resilience against some of the potential impacts of climate change.

4.1 Rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) forecasts an atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentration of 730–1,020 parts per million (ppm) by 2100 (Solomon et al., 2007).
Predictions of the likely impacts of rising carbon dioxide levels on mangroves are based on
small-scale experiments, on only a few species, principally on seedlings and saplings rather
than mature trees, and in simplified conditions. In some species, growth is increased by raised
levels of carbon dioxide, whereas in others it is unaffected or even reduced. The effects may
be temporary and could also vary according to salinity conditions (Ball and Munns, 1992;
Ball et al., 1997; Snedaker and Araújo, 1998).

The possible effects on mangrove ecosystems include a slight extension into areas of higher
salinity (because of enhanced water-use efficiency), and some changes in species composi-
tion, as species may be differentially affected.

4.2 Temperature rise

Over the past century, the global average surface temperature has risen by about 0.74°C; the
rise by 2100 may be 1.1–6.4°C (Solomon et al., 2007). Experimentally increasing temperature
usually results in increased biomass production. At the ecosystem level, the impact is likely
to be insignificant: mangroves experience diurnal temperature ranges greatly in excess of
the predicted rise in average temperature.

The global distribution of mangroves is limited by temperature, with the position of the 20°C
winter isotherm almost exactly delimiting the global distribution of mangroves. A rise in global
average temperature may plausibly allow a modest geographical expansion of mangroves
north and south of the equator. This would probably be limited by intermittent cold events
and by topography.

4.3 Storms
An increase in the frequency and severity of tropical storms is predicted as the climate
24 changes (Solomon et al., 2007). Severe storms cause defoliation, tree death and soil erosion.

Mangrove ecosystems recover over a period of years. An increase in severity and frequency
of storms would limit both the possibility and the rate of recovery.

4.4 Increased precipitation

A global increase in average precipitation of up to 25% is predicted, with considerable regional
variation (Solomon et al., 2007). Mangroves require a delicate mix of fresh water and sea
water to be able to live, grow and perpetuate. Increased precipitation may generally benefit
mangroves, allowing for example increased growth and reproduction, and improved prop-
agule survival and settlement. The outcome may therefore be an expansion in mangrove area.

4.5 Sea level rise

Average sea level is predicted to rise by 0.18–0.59 m by 2100; some models put the likely
rise at up to one metre (Snedaker and Araújo, 1998; Nicholls and Cazenave, 2010). About
three-quarters of this rise is attributed to thermal expansion of sea water, and the rest to
melting of ice. Some studies show sedimentation keeping pace with current rates of local
sea level rise, others conclude that the majority of mangrove sites have not been keeping
pace (Alongi, 2008; Gilman and Ellison, 2010).

Overall, it has been estimated that global climate change is likely to result in the loss of
10–20% of mangroves worldwide, with some areas likely to lose a much higher proportion
of their mangroves than others. Particularly vulnerable regions include East Africa, the Bay
of Bengal, and the western Pacific (Alongi, 2008).

A recent study revealed the disappearance of two islands in the Indian Sundarbans, Supar-
ibhanga and Lohacharra, and identified twelve more in the southernmost part of the region
threatened with submergence (Anon, 2006). These changes have been attributed to rising
sea levels. Another issue in the Sundarbans concerns the Sundari tree (Heritiera fomes),
which is heavily affected by top-dying disease. This is believed to be caused by an array of
factors linked to climate change – increased soil salinity, excessive flooding, sedimentation,
nutrient imbalance and cyclone-induced stresses.

5. Management of mangroves – some lessons from India

5.1 Preparation of GIS-based mangrove atlas
In 1996, the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) began a detailed study
of mangrove management in the eastern coastal states of India, financed by the India–
Canada Environment Facility. Using data collected from 1996 to 2004, MSSRF published
a comprehensive mangrove atlas for Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa (Selvam et
al., 2001; Ravishankar et al., 2004a, 2004b). This GIS-based atlas contains a wealth of
scientific information about mangrove resources, used extensively by various agencies to
develop mangrove management plans. The atlas was the first successful step taken in India
to understand mangrove conservation and management (Kathiresan, 2005).

5.2 Demonstration of Joint Mangrove Management (JMM)

The MSSRF mangrove atlas helped to identify the critical issues influencing better man-
agement of mangrove resources. One issue was the lack of a participatory approach in
management. To tackle this, MSSRF and several State Forest Departments successfully 25

demonstrated a pilot project on Joint Mangrove Management (JMM) (see also Selvam,
Ramasubramanian and Ravichandran, this publication). This was a breakthrough in the
restoration and conservation of mangroves through people’s participation in India. The JMM
project involved 5,240 families from 28 villages in three states – Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh,
Orissa – on India’s east coast. About 1,475 ha of mangroves were restored by planting 6.8
million mangrove saplings, with survival rates of between 75% and 80%. To empower local
people, 194 self-help groups were organized to implement poverty alleviation programmes
such as supplementary income-generating activities for firewood, fodder, fencing and house
construction. Based on this pilot project, comprehensive guidelines for promoting JMM in
India have been proposed (Kathiresan, 2005). The model has also been replicated in other
parts of India (Selvam, 2001; Ravishankar and Ramasubramanian, 2004; Kathiresan, 2005).

5.3 Supplementary livelihoods

People who depend on mangrove resources can be provided with supplementary livelihoods
to reduce exploitation pressure and conserve these resources. Possible livelihood activi-
ties include animal husbandry (pig, goat and cattle rearing), cultivating higher-yielding crop
varieties, changing cropping patterns and practices, duck raising, small cottage industries,
tailoring, carpet weaving, mushroom cultivation, seed collection, apiculture, honey collec-
tion, pearl and fish culture, fishing and ecotourism. Unlike other forests, the direct economic
benefits from mangroves are limited. Fishing in mangroves is the only source of income for
mangrove-dependent communities. However, activities that integrate mangrove conservation
with fishery development can be promoted, such as traditional canal fishing methods, crab
fattening in mangrove waters, and oyster and clam culture. These can increase the economic
stake of the local community in mangrove restoration, conservation and management.

For example, MSSRF, with financing from MFF, has demonstrated an Integrated Mangrove
Fishery Farming System (IMFFS), in which mangroves, halophytes, fish, crabs and shrimps
are cultivated in the same farm (see also Selvam, Sivakumar and Ramasubramanian, this
publication). In IMFFS, which has been piloted with communities, government agencies and
shrimp farmers, aquaculture ponds are designed to provide space for growing saline-tolerant
vegetation, including mangroves and halophytes. Up to 35% of the available space is kept for
mangroves and halophytes, and the rest used to hold sea water for fish culture. This system
is currently undergoing further development for polyculture of several food fishes.

6. Mangrove restoration techniques – some lessons from India

Restoring mangroves is often recommended when the ecosystem has been modified to
such an extent that it cannot regenerate naturally. Although restoration frequently empha-
sizes planting as the primary method, mangroves can regenerate naturally if the normal tidal
hydrology is restored and the supply of seeds or propagules of mangroves from adjacent
stands re-established. If hydrology is normal, but the influx of seeds or propagules is dis-
rupted, then mangroves can be successfully established by planting. Alternatively, when the
hydrology is disrupted but the availability of seeds or propagules is normal, then mangroves
can be established by hydrological restoration (Kathiresan, 2011b).

Successful reforestation of abandoned fish ponds requires the restoration of original soil
26 conditions and hydrology. Earthworks need to be carried out to remove the pond dykes and

close the fish ponds. As these dykes are usually constructed with soil from pond excavation,
restoration can be carried out by simply reversing this process, and filling the ponds with the
material from the surrounding dykes.

Planting of mangroves is largely confined to two types: i) direct planting of seeds or prop-
agules in the muddy areas; and ii) planting of seedlings obtained from nurseries. In the first
type, propagules can be used directly as long as they are plentiful. The second can be
adopted for seeds that are available seasonally and in small quantities. In this type, nurseries
are developed in the upper parts of intertidal areas, using polythene bags, for 6–12 months
(or until saplings grow to 30–60 cm; see below). The plants are then transplanted in the field
according to their zoning patterns. Direct planting of propagules is often unsuccessful if the
area is exposed, with unfavourable climatic conditions or strong waves, or if propagule-eating
crabs are abundant. In such areas, nursery seedlings should be used.

The propagules of Rhizophoraceae mangroves – Rhizophora, Kandelia, Ceriops and Brugui-

era – can be planted directly, whereas the relatively small seeds or propagules of Avicennia,
Sonneratia and Excoecaria can be raised in a nursery and then transplanted. The nursery
should preferably be established in mangrove areas, where original mangrove soil is available.
Young plants can occasionally be flooded by sea water, but this is not essential. A source of
fresh water (not sea water) should be readily available, as young plants need regular watering
in their initial stages. Growing bags should be filled with the original mangrove soil. Seeds or
propagules with a high germination success rate can be put directly in the bags, but for all
other seeds it is advisable to let them germinate first in special germination trays. These should
be filled with pure sand, keeping the humus content as low as possible to avoid develop-
ment of fungi. Seeds do not need external nutrients to germinate. Some seeds need special
treatment before being sown. Fruits of Sonneratia spp. must be kept in wet sand until they
rot; then they can be removed and left to dry for a few hours before being sown. Seedlings
of most species prefer some protection from direct sunlight for better growth. Seedlings are
ready for planting in the field as soon as they have developed a strong stem, usually when
they are 30–60 cm tall. Development of air-breathing roots (pneumatophores) starts after
planting in the field. Planting should preferably take place in a period when low tides occur
during the day and very high tides are less frequent.

In India, different planting techniques are followed depending on local conditions, especially
tidal amplitude. In Gujarat, a “raised bed” is used for dibbling Avicennia seeds to avoid
problems with strong tidal currents and washing away of seeds. In Karnataka, mangroves
are planted in holes made in coconuts to ensure better rooting and establishment. In Kerala,
mangroves are raised in cut bamboo containers and transplanted. In the eroded areas of
Tamil Nadu, dead palmyra palms are used to strengthen the substrate, and mangrove seed-
lings are also planted in earthen pots. In Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, canal planting in
a fishbone pattern has proved successful in saline blank areas where the tidal amplitude is
low (see also Selvam, Ramasubramanian and Ravichandran, this publication).

6.1 Canal-bank planting – a specific planting technique

Mangroves in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh are widely degraded, usually as a result
of high soil salinity due to irregular tidal flushing and low tidal amplitude. To overcome this 27

situation, the canal-bank planting technique has been developed. In this, canals are con-
structed to promote regular tidal inundation of highly saline soils, which leaches out salts and
improves conditions for regeneration of mangroves. This approach has been successfully
demonstrated in mangrove forests at Pichavaram, Tamil Nadu, by MSSRF (MSSRF, 2002).
The technique was first attempted in 1987 in mangrove forests at Muthupet, Tamil Nadu,
and different models have since been developed (Baruah, 2004; Table 3). Among these,
the fishbone design has been found to perform best and is currently the preferred model.

Table 3 Different models of canal-bank planting used in mangrove forests at Muthupet,

Tamil Nadu
Year of
Model implementation Specification
Linear design 1987–1998 Canals in parallel rows at right angles to the major
source of water. Canal top width 1 m to 1.5 m.
Box design 1998–1999 Parallel rows interconnected at regular 20-m intervals,
(modified linear thus looking like boxes. Dimension of main canals and
design) side canals is the same: top width of 2 m, bottom width
of 75 cm and depth of 75 cm.

Modified box 1999–2001 Width of main canal increased from 2 m to 3 m for bet-
design ter flushing. A metre-wide gap left on all four sides of
the box-like structure.

Fishbone design 2001–2004 A feeder canal leads to distribution canals on either

(technically the side, angled at 30° in the direction of water flow. Width
best design) of feeder canal is 3 m (top), 1 m (bottom) and 1 m
(depth). Width of distribution canal is 2 m (top), 75 cm
(bottom) and 75 cm (depth).

Modified 2004 Distribution canals are linked to avoid blind endpoints.

fishbone design Feeder canals are at 50-m distance and distribution
canals are at 20-m distance. Design also looks like a
box design, but the distribution canals are angled at
30°, not perpendicular to the feeder canal.
Source: Baruah (2004).

6.2 Species selection for restoration

Species selection is critical for successful restoration of mangroves. Selection can be based
on criteria such as planting purpose, adaptability, occurrence, availability of mature prop-
agules, size of propagules, and zoning pattern of species.

6.2.1 Purpose of planting

Species selection must be carefully tailored to the desired objectives of planting (Table 4).
Coastal protection, for example, has been largely successful with Sonneratia alba, Sonnera-
tia apetala, Avicennia officinalis and Rhizophora spp. in countries such as India, Viet Nam,
China and Bangladesh.

6.2.2 Adaptability of species

Every mangrove species has adapted to the climatic and edaphic conditions of its preferred
site. For example, adaptability to salinity varies among different mangrove species: Avicennia

Table 4 Species selection according to planting objective

Planting objective Mangrove species
Regeneration of mangroves Avicennia marina, A. officinalis, Aegiceras corniculatum,
Excoecaria agallocha, Acanthus ilicifolius
Coastal protection against tidal Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, S. alba,
waters, erosion and cyclones A. marina, A. officinalis, H. fomes, Kandelia candel
Protection of lagoons and estuaries A. marina, Avicennia alba, A. officinalis, Bruguiera cylin-
drica, R. apiculata, R. mucronata, Rhizophora stylosa,
Sonneratia caseolaris, S. alba, K. candel, A. ilicifolius
Dyke protection along the sea and A. marina, A. alba, A. officinalis, Ceriops tagal, R. apicu-
aquaculture farms lata, R. mucronata, R. stylosa, S. caseolaris, B. gymnor-
rhiza, E. agallocha
Introduction to new mudflats R. mucronata, R. apiculata, A. marina, A. officinalis,
A. corniculatum
Harvest of forest products, timber, S. alba, S. apetala, A. marina, A. officinalis, R. apicu-
charcoal and firewood lata, R. mucronata, C. tagal, B. gymnorrhiza, K. candel,
H. fomes, Xylocarpus granatum
Enhancement of fishery resources Avicennia spp., Bruguiera spp.
Source: Kathiresan (1994, 2011b).

Table 5 Adaptability of mangrove species to different sites

Mangrove Species Adaptability / Preferred Site
A. marina Relatively dry tidal lands, river banks or highly saline
flats, arid zones
B. gymnorrhiza, H. fomes Areas with a large freshwater supply
C. tagal Highly saline areas
Nypa fruticans Site covered with grasses and subject to lower tidal
inundation, low salinity
R. apiculata Muddy sites of estuaries and mudflats
R. mucronata Muddy sites of estuaries and mudflats
R. stylosa Close to sea, areas of low tidal amplitude
S. alba Close to sea, moderately saline areas
X. granatum Low saline sites, areas of low tidal amplitude
Source: Kathiresan (1994, 2011b).

and Aegiceras are salt excretors; Rhizophoraceae members are salt excluders; and Excoe-
caria, Sonneratia and Xylocarpus are salt accumulators. Hence, species adaptability needs
to be considered when selecting species for planting, as Table 5 shows.

6.2.3 Natural occurrence of species

Mangrove species selection can be based on species that occur naturally in the locality. It is
also necessary to collect data on the historical occurrence of species. For example, in the
Muthupet mangrove forest in south-east India, R. mucronata was recorded as present in
the 19th century, though it is now absent. Therefore, efforts to replant R. mucronata in the
area should be encouraged. Introducing such species will conserve native species, as well
as enrich species diversity.

6.2.4 Availability and maturity of seeds and seedlings

Species selection can be based on the availability and maturity of planting material from
the locality. This in turn depends on successful flowering and fruiting of the species. Some
native species may not produce a sufficient amount of seeds, and these should not be used
for restoration work. Only those which produce sufficient quantities of mature seeds should
be considered for planting.

6.2.5 Size of propagules

In general, large viviparous propagules can establish themselves in waters more subject to
tidal buffeting, and small propagules tend to establish themselves landwards. This differential
ability of seeds to establish at different tidal heights is attributable to their size. Under natural
conditions, small propagules drift further inland and establish themselves in shallower water
where it is easier for them to anchor themselves (thus producing a species zoning based
on propagule size).

6.2.6 Zoning pattern

Zoning is critical to the success of any restoration. In general, Rhizophora spp. are known to
survive well at tidal heights corresponding to mid-water and low-water levels, and Avicennia
spp. survive better at mid-water, but not at low-water, levels (Table 6).

Table 6 Zonal preference of mangrove species

Tidal zone Species preference
High and mid-water levels A. marina, B. cylindrica, B. gymnorrhiza, Bruguiera parviflora,
Bruguiera sexangula, Ceriops decandra, C. tagal, E. agallocha,
Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Heritiera littoralis, H. fomes,
S. caseolaris, X. granatum and Xylocarpus mekongensis
Mid and low-water levels Rhizophora spp., S. alba and A. corniculatum
High-water level N. fruticans and Lumnitzera spp.
Source: Kathiresan (1994, 2011b).

6.3 Habitat selection

Site selection for restoration should be based on criteria such as tidal amplitude, soil condi-
tions, light conditions, sedimentation, pollution status, and weed and pest problems. The
site should also be free from migratory sand deposition and algal growth.

6.3.1 Tidal amplitude

Tidal amplitude, measured as the distance between the highest high-tide and lowest low-
tide water marks, is an important factor in species selection. The frequency of flooding var-
ies widely depending on intertidal slope, tidal variation and other factors. Rhizophora spp.,
S. apetala and S. alba prefer high tidal amplitudes; Avicennia spp. prefer a moderate tidal
amplitude; and Xylocarpus moluccensis, S. caseolaris, N. fruticans, B. gymnorrhiza, A. ilici-
folius and E. agallocha prefer low tidal amplitudes.

6.3.2 Soil conditions

Salt-tolerant mangrove species include: A. marina, Lumnitzera littorea, Lumnitzera racemosa,
30 Rhizophora spp., A. corniculatum, C. tagal, E. agallocha, K. candel, S. alba, X. granatum and

X. mekongensis. Mangrove species requiring low salt levels are S. caseolaris, N. fruticans,
H. fomes, B. sexangula, B. cylindrica, X. moluccensis and A. ilicifolius. These species prefer
sites with a flow of fresh water. Where the presence of salt marsh species such as Suaeda
indicates hypersalinity of the soil, these species must be removed before restoration can
start. Mangroves are often killed if their pneumatophores are covered by silt, affecting their
ability to transport oxygen to their roots. Rhizophora spp. can survive in such soils and also
in areas with high levels of hydrogen sulphide because they have aerial roots.

6.3.3 Light conditions

A. marina exhibits good resistance to high sunlight intensity with hot and dry conditions.
Other species that tolerate more light are L. racemosa, L. littorea, S. alba, X. granatum,
X. mekongensis, K. candel, E. agallocha, C. tagal, B. gymnorrhiza and A. corniculatum.
Species unsuitable for hot and dry conditions include N. fruticans, B. sexangula, H. fomes,
S. caseolaris, B. parviflora, H. littoralis and Cynometra iripa. Mangrove species that can
tolerate shady conditions include A. ilicifolius, B. gymnorrhiza, B. sexangula, B. cylindrica,
C. decandra, E. agallocha, X. granatum, X. mekongensis and H. littoralis.

6.3.4 Sedimentation
Changes in coastal mangroves can often be attributed to changes in hydrology. In areas
where sediment accretion is high, pneumatophore-bearing Avicennia spp. are not suitable,
and stilt-root bearing species should be planted instead.

6.3.5 Pollution
Members of the Rhizophoraceae family may be suitable in sites with high metal pollution and
oil pollution. Avicennia is also known to be tolerant to high organic pollution.

6.3.6 Weed and pest problems

The mangrove fern Acrostichum spp. causes major losses to mangrove forestry, and is
indicative of acid soil conditions. Salt marsh species such as Suaeda can also interfere with
the growth of mangrove seedlings in planting sites. Their presence indicates hypersaline soil.
In such areas, it is necessary to flush the soil properly with tidal water if restoration is to suc-
ceed. It should also be noted that Avicennia spp. suffer more damage from herbivores than
Rhizophora spp. In general, planting with mixed species (especially using Rhizophoraceae
mangroves) provides greater resistance against harmful insects and diseases.

6.4 Conditions for planting

6.4.1 Zoning patterns
When planting mangroves it is necessary to follow the natural pattern of species zoning in an
area. In general, mangrove plants follow a pattern according to the length and size of their
seeds (see above). For example, long propagules tend to colonize along the tidal zone and
smaller ones establish themselves in landward intertidal areas.

6.4.2 Seasons
Planting seasons vary according to species, salinity and other conditions. For example,
in the Indian Sundarbans, seeds are available from July–September for B. gymnorrhiza,
R. mucronata and X. granatum; September–October for S. apetala; June–July for A. alba; 31

and August–September for A. marina. The extreme seasons during which salinity is high,
or waves are high with strong winds, are unsuitable for planting mangroves. In general, the
post-monsoon seasons with moderate salinity are ideal for restoration/plantation activities.

6.4.3 Timing of planting operations

Proper planning of time, duration, number of seedlings, labour requirements and transport
facilities is necessary for successful planting operations. The ideal time for planting is when
the tide is low. Seedlings have to reach the planting sites before low tide so as to be ready for
planting. For direct planting, it is possible to plant seeds as and when the tidal level permits
workers to implant seeds at arm’s length.

6.4.4 Planting depth and spacing

Propagules are generally planted with their pointed tip in the muddy soil. The depth of planting
increases with the length of the propagules; small seeds should be embedded gently in the
soil. Plant spacing is normally 1–2 m; using a longline rope helps to keep plants evenly spaced.

6.4.5 Soil conditions

Generally, mangroves prefer soft, clay mud for their growth, not calcified hard or sandy areas.
As for frequency of soil flooding, a higher frequency suits species with longer propagules,
and a lower frequency those with shorter propagules.

6.4.6 Gap filling

Mangrove seedlings require protection against grazing pressure and damage by fish nets.
Damaged seedlings should be removed and the gaps infilled with fresh seedlings.

6.4.7 Storage of planting material

The propagules of Rhizophora, Avicennia, Bruguiera, and Ceriops (but not of Kandelia) can
be stored for a week in brackish water. Fruits or seeds of Sonneratia and Xylocarpus can be
stored for longer periods.

6.5 Monitoring of mangrove restoration

New plantations need to be closely monitored to ensure their survival and growth. The
following risk factors and appropriate remedial measures should be given close attention
(Kathiresan, 1994, 2011b).

 Algal growth: Often a serious issue. The overgrowth of filamentous algae such as Ulva,
Enteromorpha and Chaetomorpha can cover the leaves of seedlings and topple them
into the water. This happens during summer and post-monsoon seasons, and can be
prevented by hand-picking and erecting bamboo fencing for support.

 Water hyacinth: This aquatic weed accumulates during the monsoon season through the
inflow of fresh water and bends the seedlings down. It can be removed by hand-picking.

 Infestation by crabs, gastropods and barnacles: Several species of crabs are known
to grasp plant shoots. Often a heavy load of barnacles attaches itself to the low and
32 middle tidal levels of the stems of seedlings. This can be prevented by scraping carefully

with the help of a knife, without damaging the seedlings. In areas where barnacle, crab
and gastropod infestations are serious, it is best to use taller, nursery-raised seedlings
for planting.

 Infestation by insects: Moth larvae and other insects also create problems. They can
be controlled by simply washing the seedlings with sea water.

 Siltation: Occurs during the monsoon period. Silt deposits on the leaves and stems often
retard growth and can even kill plants. They can be cleaned off by washing the seedlings
with sea water.

 Cattle grazing: This is a serious problem. Besides grazing, trampling by cattle can flatten
the young seedlings. This can be prevented by erecting thick wire fences, or by planting
E. agallocha, A. ilicifolius or Caesalpinia crista for protection.

 Garbage: Solid waste materials dumped into waterbodies and the sea can clog mangrove
habitats. This can be prevented by erecting bamboo fences and water gates to trap the
waste at its entry points.

 Strong currents/high waves/strong winds: These create dangerous situations. To

overcome such problems, strong fences should be erected, or planting should be at a
deeper level and the seedlings supported with bamboo poles.

6.6 Integrating coastal livelihoods in restoration programmes

An integral part of implementing mangrove restoration plans is ensuring community participa-
tion. As discussed in section 5.2, the success of JMM has been in providing technical inputs
to identify the causes of degradation, developing restoration techniques, and mobilizing and
organizing the local communities. Similarly, in the Sundarbans, the Forest Department has
formed 54 forest protection committees and 11 eco-development committees covering
47,325 families in an area of 87,287 ha. This initiative has led to a remarkable improvement
in the relations between people and the Forest Department, in saving most of the tigers that
stray into inhabited areas, in protecting plantations, and in voluntary patrolling to protect the
forest (see also Vyas and Sengupta, this publication). Other eco-development activities in
the Sundarbans include:

1. Improving village roads, bridges and culverts.

2. Constructing jetties.
3. Supplying seedlings for forestry, orchards, and fuelwood and fodder plantations.
4. Providing poultry and pig-raising units.
5. Providing bee hives for apiculture.
6. Installing solar street lights and solar lanterns in remote villages.
7. Carrying out artificial insemination and immunization of cattle.
8. Conducting medical camps.
9. Providing smokeless chullahs (cooking stoves), nylon nets, and fencing nets.
10. Training local people in crab fattening, sewing, apiculture, nursery techniques and other
activities to improve their skills and help them attain economic self-sufficiency. 33

Ecotourism generates employment for local people in the Sundarbans. Entry fees are col-
lected from tourists entering the buffer area of the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve, and 25% of
the revenue earned in the Reserve area is ploughed back into the eco-development commit-
tees. The success of these eco-development activities depends on the level of participation
of the community, particularly of women members, in planning and implementation. Proper
monitoring and evaluation is also vital.

Examples also exist of using microcredit operations as an incentive to promote commu-

nity engagement. The Gujarat Ecology Commission, for example, has conducted a suc-
cessful initiative in Gujarat with financing from the India–Canada Environment Facility and
Gujarat state government. By involving local communities in regenerating mangroves, about
4,000 ha has been brought under mangrove cover in ten different villages within five years.
Community participation has been institutionalized by forming 10 CBOs at the village level.
A corpus fund has been created in each village by depositing part of the daily wage in a
bank account. Out of a wage of INR 80, INR 56 is paid in cash and INR 20 deposited in the
corpus fund. The remainder is treated as the community’s contribution to the project fund.
Sixty percent of this fund, along with the interest, is reserved for maintaining mangroves and
other assets created under the project. The balance of 40% is used as a revolving fund to
issue loans (at interest rates not exceeding bank rates) for income-generating activities by
CBO members.

7. Mangrove conservation in India: policy and regulatory framework

The policy and regulatory framework for conserving India’s natural resources is fairly well
developed. Articles 48-A and 51-A (g) of the Directive Principles of State Policy of the Consti-
tution of India affirm that “the State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment
and to safeguard the forests and wildlife in the country, and it is a duty of every citizen to
protect and improve the national environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and
to have compassion for living creatures”. Under the system of democratic decentralization
enshrined in the 73rd Constitutional Amendment of 1993, local bodies consisting of elected
representatives, one-third of whom are women, have been entrusted with the responsibility
of safeguarding local environmental assets.

The conservation of coastal ecosystems, including mangroves, is set out in several policy
and legal instruments. The National Forest Policy of 1988 stresses the principal aim of con-
servation as ensuring environmental stability and maintaining ecological balance, including
atmospheric equilibrium. The production of direct economic benefits is subordinate to this
goal. The National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and Devel-
opment of 1992 highlight conservation and sustainable development of mangroves, as well
as coastal areas and riverine and island ecosystems. Similarly, the National Forest Policy and
National Wildlife Action Plan emphasize the conservation of mangroves based on scientific
principles, including social and cultural aspects.

India’s National Environment Policy, approved by the Cabinet in 2006, emphasizes main-
streaming conservation and sustainable use of environmental resources within develop-
mental planning. The policy recognizes the role of coastal ecosystems such as mangroves
34 in supplying various services necessary to support human well-being. It also recognizes

the threats to these ecosystems from unplanned coastal development, and recommends
including sustainable management of mangroves in integrated coastal zone management.

Besides these instruments, there are special acts such as the Karnataka Tree Act and Tamil
Nadu Hill Preservation Act, which are specific to the states and apply to particular tree spe-
cies needing protection. Mangroves are also protected by a range of regulatory measures,
such as the studies required under the 1994 Environmental Impact Assessment Notification
for specialized industries; monitoring of compliance with conditions imposed under envi-
ronmental clearances issued by regional offices of the Ministry and State Pollution Control
Boards; enforcement of emission and effluent standards among industries and other entities;
and taking legal action against defaulters.

Integrated coastal zone management is central to the conservation and sustainable use of
mangrove ecosystems in India. The Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) Notification of 1991
(revised in 2011) marks an important effort in this direction. The Notification recognizes
mangrove areas as ecologically sensitive and categorizes them as CRZ-I, which puts them
under the highest order of protection. Paragraph 8 (v) (4) (a) of the Notification provides that
critically vulnerable coastal areas, including the Sundarbans and other identified ecologically
sensitive areas, shall be managed with the involvement of the local coastal communities,
including fisher folk. The destruction of mangroves by activities other than those specified
in the Notification is prohibited and subject to punishment under the 1986 Environment
Protection Act.

Relevant promotional measures by government include a centrally sponsored scheme for

conservation and management of mangroves. Under this, 38 sites have been identified as
suitable for planting mangroves or mangrove conservation and management. The central
government provides full funding, on request, to coastal states and union territories for imple-
menting approved management plans for these sites. Activities include survey and demarca-
tion, afforestation and restoration of mangroves, alternative and supplementary livelihoods,
protection measures, and education and awareness. During the past three years, the Ministry
of Environment and Forests has provided INR 213 million to states and union territories in
support of this scheme. Further, under the World Bank-financed Integrated Coastal Zone
Management Project, INR 240 million has been allocated to delineate ecologically sensitive
coastal areas, including mangroves. The project has also allocated INR 610 million, INR 185.1
million and INR 43.7 million respectively to Gujarat, Orissa and West Bengal for restoring and
regenerating mangrove plantations.

8. Conclusions
Mangrove ecosystems are a key component of ecosystem-based mechanisms for adapt-
ing to climate change. To ensure they can play this role, however, restoration efforts need
to be scaled up. An urgent need also exists to link management plans to landscape, as well
as seascape, drivers and pressures. Sustainable management of livelihood interactions
forms a crucial part of this process. Implementing an ecosystem-service-focused manage-
ment approach requires major improvements in the capacity of site managers to undertake
integrated management, as well as research on ecosystem service values. Our current
understanding of mangrove ecosystem services is still limited. More research on biodiversity 35

and ecosystem services is needed, including the impact of declining services on livelihoods.
Lastly, we need to promote, on a larger scale, public participation and local stewardship
of mangrove ecosystems. This will require vigorous efforts to create awareness at multiple
levels, and incentive-based systems to enhance coastal communities’ participation in con-
servation and management processes. These efforts are in line with the emphasis of India’s
National Environment Policy on mainstreaming sustainable management of mangroves into
forest sector regulation, and on adopting a comprehensive approach to integrated coastal
zone management.

Apart from the effects of global climate change, the annual loss of mangroves due to human
activities is currently about 1% to 2% of their area. Without action, we may face the prospect
of “A world without mangroves … a world deprived of the ecosystem services offered by
mangrove ecosystems, perhaps within the next 100 years” (Duke et al., 2007).

The authors are thankful to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India,
IUCN-MFF India, and the authorities of Annamalai University, for providing facilities and
helping to complete this paper.

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Indonesian mangroves: critical challenges and strategies
for their sustainable management after the 2004 Indian
Ocean tsunami
Sukristijono Sukardjo
Centre for Oceanological Research and Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Pasir Putih 1,
Ancol Timur PO Box 4801, Jakarta 11048, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

With an area of mangroves estimated at 9.7 million ha (State Forest Area: 3.9 million ha, Non-
state Forest Area: 5.8 million ha), Indonesia is home to some of the world’s most valuable
natural resources. Unfortunately, the mangroves designated for conservation – with biodi-
versity and fish habitat values as well as value as reducers of seawater intrusion and flood-
ing – have been completely destroyed in many locales and degraded extensively by human
activities in others. Activities contributing to the destruction of marine and coastal resources
include large-scale illegal fishing, fishing with explosives and cyanide, coral harvesting, and
mining. The total area of damaged mangroves in Indonesia is 5.3 million ha (State Forest
Area: 1.6 million ha, Non-state Forest Area: 3.7 million ha), or more than half of the country’s
remaining mangrove cover. The mangroves of Indonesia are reasonably well-documented
and described floristically and ecologically, albeit in a widely scattered literature. They are
common property and, therefore, different political, social, and economic and culture sectors
have different perspectives on their values and functions. These lead to constant debate and
conflict, while the degradation of mangroves continues on a vast scale. Indonesia’s National
Strategy for Mangrove Ecosystem Management is an attempt to put these ecosystems into
a national perspective, and thus provide a basis for conservation and development at the
level of provinces and districts (kabupaten). Also, as part of the intrinsic interest of these
ecosystems, questions about the underlying causes of mangrove impoverishment should
provide some insights into the general understanding of mangrove systems, their values,
uses, and conservation and management strategies.

Keywords: mangroves, resource conservation, resource management, tsunamis, Indonesia

1. Introduction
Indonesia is a maritime country with many characteristic coastal habitats, inhabited by a com-
plex mix of ethnic groups. A National Strategy and Action Plan (NSAP) has been prepared
as part of the MFF programme in Indonesia to guide MFF implementation at the national
level, with mangroves as the flagship ecosystem for integrated coastal zone management.

This paper provides an overview of the challenges and strategies for managing Indonesia’s
mangroves sustainably. It is based on the most recent data available from the lead gov-
ernment agencies concerned with mangroves, namely the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Home Affairs, and State Ministry of Environment
(Sukorahardjo et al., 2005). It also reviews the National Strategy for Mangrove Management
(Sukardjo et al., 1997), and the revised version of 2006, Indonesia’s National Strategy for
Mangrove Ecosystem Management. The paper also presents a review of the ecological,
socio-economic, institutional and legal issues surrounding mangrove management in Indo-
nesia, followed by a brief overview of the MFF NSAP.

2. The mangroves of Indonesia

2.1 Ecological Issues
Indonesia stretches over 5,000 km from Sumatra in the west to Indonesian New Guinea in
the east. It is the largest archipelagic state in the world, with a land and marine territory of
about 7.7 million km², covering some 17,504 islands with over 81,000 km of coastline (only 39

Canada has a longer coastline). Indonesia’s coastal and marine habitats include the most
extensive mangrove forests in Asia, as well as seagrass beds and spectacular coral reefs, all
of which provide breeding grounds for a large number of commercially valuable fish species,
crustaceans (crabs and shrimps) and bivalves (cockles, mussels and oysters) (BAPPENAS,
2003). Mangroves are found throughout the archipelago in 22 of the 27 provinces, but are
most concentrated in Indonesian New Guinea, East and South Kalimantan, Riau and South
Sumatra. More than half of Indonesia’s mangroves are found in Indonesian New Guinea
(Moosa et al., 1996).

Although their general locations are known, the total area of Indonesia’s remaining mangrove
forests is uncertain. Various sources have put the figure at between 2.17 and 4.25 million ha.
The latest (1995) official Ministry of Forestry estimate is 3,533,600 ha of State Forest Area
distributed among several forest categories (Table 1).

Table 1 Ministry of Forestry estimates of mangrove area in Indonesia, 1995

Category Area (ha) Proportion (%)
Protection Forest 424,800 12
Nature Reserves 674,000 19
Normal Production Forest 683,600 19
Limited Production Forest 372,400 11
Conversion Forest 928,900 26
Forest converted 449,300 13
Total 3,533,600 100

In Sulawesi, estimates range from 285,000 ha to 81,000 ha of mangroves; the majority is

found in South Sulawesi Province (Table 2). The methods of assessment and interpretation
vary widely and thus the estimates of the total remaining mangroves in Sulawesi also range
widely. Clearly further survey is required, but the lower estimates are thought to be more
accurate, and the true figure may be even lower owing to rapid mangrove conversion. The
larger estimates are most likely the result of inaccurate interpretation of aerial photographs:

Table 2 Ministry of Forestry estimates of mangrove area in Sulawesi, 1995

Province Area range (ha)
South Sulawesi 34,000–104,030
Southeast Sulawesi 25,000–100,900
North Sulawesi 4,833–38,150
Central Sulawesi 1,700–42,000
Total 80,833–285,080

Apart from Indonesian New Guinea, where the current level of exploitation of mangrove is
relatively low, the remaining large areas of mangroves in Sulawesi , Sumatra and Kaliman-
tan are under increasing threat from competing resource users, particularly developers of
brackish-water fish and shrimp ponds (tambaks), who frequently have conflicting aims and
40 limited understanding of the functions of the mangrove ecosystem or its carrying capacity.

There is an urgent need for a set of guidelines on how to evaluate and classify an area of
mangrove forest in terms of its present functions and its carrying capacity for sustainable
management options; in other words, the most appropriate land use option for the future.

Mangrove forest is an evergreen plant community found mainly in the tropics on the fringes
of naturally protected shorelines such as deltas and estuaries. The paucity of species occur-
ring in mangrove forests is due to the peculiar conditions of their existence, few plants being
able to tolerate and flourish in saline mud and with frequent inundation by sea water. The
mangrove habitat is a dynamic land–water interface zone that can change through rapidly
varying depths of inundation in both time and space. As such, mangroves provide a link-
age between the land and the sea. Plants, animals, non-living material and plant nutrients
are transferred landwards or seawards through mangroves. They act as a filter in reducing
the damaging effect of major environmental changes, and as a source of nourishment for
both aquatic and terrestrial animals, Mangroves also play a pivotal role in coastal protection
and the maintenance of habitats for a large range of common, threatened and endangered
species; hence they are of great importance in the maintenance of regional biodiversity. It is
axiomatic that the management of mangroves has always to be a part of the management
of the surrounding habitats and ecosystems into which they integrate.

2.2 Socio-economic issues

Mangroves represent a rich and diverse living resource, now recognized to be a major pro-
tector of coastal environments and a valuable national economic resource. The economic
potential of mangroves stem from three main sources: forest products, estuarine nearshore
fisheries, and ecotourism (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002). Yet in general there is still
little understanding among policy makers or the general public of the values and functions
of mangrove forests, and, as a result, they are often regarded as degraded and worthless
areas which should be used for other more productive purposes. The intrinsic value of the
mangrove ecosystem is enormous, however, and only becomes apparent when large invest-
ments have to be made in constructing coastal protection structures and water treatment
plants that attempt to reproduce the natural functions of the mangrove forest. The losses
thus incurred are substantial, and offer adequate justification for establishing an appropriate
management plan for mangrove forests (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

Due to pressure from a growing human population, particularly in coastal areas, which leads
to changes in land use and overexploitation of natural resources, mangroves are being
depleted rapidly and degraded throughout the tropics. It has been reported that the con-
version of mangrove areas to brackish-water fish and shrimp ponds (tambaks) represents
the single greatest threat to mangroves in Indonesia. Survey results in Sulawesi, and casual
observations from elsewhere in Indonesia, suggest that this is true, yet official statistics do
not bear this out. In 1977 it was estimated that tambaks covered 174,605 ha in Indonesia;
by 1993 this estimate had risen to 268,743 ha. Although this represents an increase of 54%
in terms of total conversion, it is only 5,884 ha per year over the 16-year period. Various
estimates of the total area of mangroves in Indonesia show that, at best, about 513,670 ha
of mangroves have been lost between 1982 and 1993, or 46,497 ha per year, whereas under
the worst scenario, 1,760,825 ha have been lost during the same period, or 160,075 ha per
year. Although logging, conversion to agricultural use and coastal infrastructure development 41

obviously account for some of these losses, “unofficial” clearing, i.e. clearing agreed at the
local level only for low-technology tambak development, is considered to be responsible for
a far greater proportion of mangrove loss than official figures show. These refer primarily to
well-managed, high-technology tambak development and not the low-technology, specula-
tive type so often found in regions such as Sulawesi.

A growing awareness of the protective, productive and socio-economic functions of tropi-

cal mangrove ecosystems, and of the consequences of their deterioration, has highlighted
the need for the conservation and sustainable integrated management of these valuable
resources. Given their multiple-use potential, it is imperative that the management of terrestrial
and aquatic mangrove-based ecosystems be undertaken within the context of integrated
coastal area management planning (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

There are essentially three options for the management and development of mangroves:
i) preservation of the ecosystem in its natural state; ii) utilization of the ecosystem to extract
various goods and services on a sustainable basis; and iii) conversion (or destruction) of the
natural ecosystem, usually for a single replacement use (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).
For all three options, however, there is a basic lack of data on the best ways to proceed. For
example, management plans for sustainable harvesting of wood products from mangrove
forests using a variety of socio-economic criteria have only recently been generated; and
the replanting of mangroves in abandoned tambaks is still the subject of much research and
experimentation. The pressures to utilize mangrove forests sustainably, or otherwise, gener-
ally come from the people living in or around these forests, who rely on them as a source of
raw materials and food; and state agencies such as the Ministry of Forestry, which wishes
to harvest mangrove wood products. The pressure to convert mangrove areas to other uses
generally comes from outside the area, either from private enterprise wishing to develop
shrimp farming for export, or from private enterprises and government agencies wanting
to develop a coastal area for urban, industrial or recreational purposes (UNEP/GEF/LPP
Mangrove, 2002).

In practice, ecological and economic considerations cannot be separated when evaluating

management alternatives for mangroves. This statement reflects the growing appreciation
of the social and economic importance of mangrove ecosystems. To measure the value of
mangroves accurately, the value of the goods and services produced by the ecosystem need
to be considered and incorporated into the assessment of the relative merits of development
alternatives. This requires the application of innovative economic evaluation techniques that
take into account such externalities (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

It is also recognized that the involvement of local people in the planning and implementation
of mangrove management is essential for success (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002). The
socio-economic surveys carried out by the Sulawesi Mangrove Project have shown that
mangroves are still perceived by many as an expendable resource. Both local people and
some government staff appear to see little or no value in mangroves beyond their value as a
source of coastal land for development and the assertion of land rights and ownership. This
development value is perceived to outweigh any benefits from the continued existence of
42 mangroves for coastal stabilization, crab production, fish nurseries and feeding grounds. It

will require an enormous effort of political will, backed by the necessary financial resources,
human capacity and public awareness programmes, to reverse this destructive trend. Such a
policy will require government to improve awareness and understanding of the value of man-
grove forests among local people; and to provide mechanisms for enhancing security of land
tenure within mangrove areas, either via full ownership or some form of stewardship system.

3. Institutional and legal aspects of mangrove management

3.1 Institutional issues
In Indonesia, the utilization of mangrove forests and the mangrove forest ecosystem involves
at least 18 different government agencies (see Table 3 below). Although each agency has a
defined role, the definition is often unclear and frequently isolated from the roles and respon-
sibilities of the other agencies. There is much overlap between the responsibilities of various
government agencies and their roles are duplicated. The effect of this duplication and lack
of coordination is a confusing fragmentation of policies and a costly duplication of human
resources, equipment and administrative efforts which Indonesia can ill afford (UNEP/GEF/
LPP Mangrove, 2002). These problems are not confined solely to Indonesia; the Philippines
and Thailand, for example, also suffer from a similar overlap of responsibilities among the
agencies concerned with mangrove management.

The list of agencies in Table 3 serves to reinforce the multiplicity of the uses to which man-
groves are put and their value to the country. However, unless the responsibilities of each
agency are clearly defined and communicated to the other agencies, and a priority ranking
of responsibilities and jurisdiction by agency agreed and implemented, the current confused
situation will persist and the undeniably good intentions about managing mangroves sustain-
ably will dissipate (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

Among those agencies with some form of mandate for the management of mangroves, a
few key agencies, such as the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture, State Ministry of
National Development Planning / BAPPENAS, State Ministry of the Environment, and Envi-
ronment Impact Management Agency, have the most responsibilities. Of these, the Ministry
of Forestry has the greatest responsibility, owing to its broad jurisdiction over all coastal
forests, including mangrove forests, yet it has no cross-sectoral responsibility or authority to
ensure that its activities are in harmony with those of other line agencies. These include the
Ministry of Agriculture, which also plays a role in management of the mangrove resource,
especially with regard to tambak production and nearshore fisheries. Most line agencies with
management responsibility for a particular resource are unlikely to be integrated properly with
the plans of other sectoral agencies.

Herein lies the fundamental institutional paradox in the management of mangroves and other
coastal zone resources – different agencies act in their perceived sectoral best interests and
generally fail to take an holistic view of the situation, even though the separation of sectoral
interests in the coastal zone is contrary to the principles of sustainable resource management.
This multi-sectoral stance notwithstanding, however, no single line agency, however large
its mangrove mandate, should have overall responsibility for management of the resource,
nor can it under the present government regulations (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).
Within the institutional structure of the Indonesian government, only a coordinating ministry 43

Table 3 Agencies involved in the management of mangrove forests in Indonesia

1. The Office of the State Minister of the Environment has responsibility for coordination
of regulations, guidance, monitoring, and evaluation of reports on the implementation of
national policy on mangrove management.
2. The Ministry of Forestry has responsibility for guidance in the management of mangrove
forests which encompasses protection, conservation and sustainability, rehabilitation,
reforestation and utilization.
3. The Environment Management and Control Agency, has responsibility for approv-
ing environmental impact assessments and environmental management and monitoring
plans for proposed alternative uses of mangrove forests.
4. The Indonesian Institute of Science has responsibility for coordinating information
about the development of scientific knowledge and technology relating to the manage-
ment of mangrove forests.
5. The State Ministry of National Development Planning / BAPPENAS) has responsi-
bilty for coordinating planning, programmes and finance for management of mangroves.
6. The Department of Industry has responsibility for providing information on the quality
standard of raw materials and ensuring efficiency in their utilization, along with the recy-
cling of products derived from mangrove forests.
7. The Department of Home Affairs has authority for the coordination and guidance of
activities related to planning, implementation and control of the management of mangrove
forests in the regions.
8. The Department of Agriculture has responsibility for providing technical guidance for the
management of agricultural commodities connected with mangrove forest resources.
9. The Department of Education and Culture has responsibility for promoting education
based on knowledge of mangrove forests.
10. The Department of Information has responsibility for distributing information concerning
the management of mangrove forests.
11. The Office of the State Minister for Research and Technology has responsibility for
research and the development of science and technology in the management of man-
grove forests.
12. The National Land Agency has responsibility for directing the allocation of land accord-
ing to regional land-use plans and legal requirements.
13. The National Coordinating Agency for Survey and Mapping has responsibility for
coordinating the inventory of mangrove forests and collecting basic data required for the
development of a Geographic Information System (GIS).
14. The Department of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications has responsibility for
developing tourism in mangrove forests.
15. The Department of Transmigration and Forest Settlement has responsibilty for the
clearance of, and development of settlements in, mangrove forests.
16. The Department of Health has responsibilty for setting standards for the quality of raw
materials derived from mangrove resources used in making medicines, their processing,
and associated quality control procedures.
17. Parliament has an active role in the implementation of mangrove forest management
through the laws and regulations which it approves.
18. The National Marine Council plays an active and leading role in coordinating, integrating,
evaluating, directing and monitoring the uses of marine resources (living and non-living),
and for establishing the National Policy of Ocean Sciences and Technology, including
policies for marine sciences in Indonesia. The Council is chaired by the President of the
Republic of Indonesia.

such as BAPPENAS, with the support of the local government planning agencies, or the
State Ministry of the Environment, have such powers. It is this jurisdiction over the regional
spatial plans (rencana umum pembangunan tingkat daerah and rencana umum tata ruang
daerah) that provides the key to the successful implementation of sustainable coastal zone
management (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

On the common understanding that new layers or levels of bureaucracy are neither required
nor practical, it is necessary to proceed within the existing institutional framework with a
mandate to manage mangroves at central and regional levels. The framework for linking
together sectoral line agencies on policy issues provided by coordinating agencies such as
BAPPENAS for national policy, and BAPPEDA Tk I and II for regional policy, is perfectly
adequate. What is currently lacking or insufficient in this regard can be summarized as follows:

 A clear definition among the various line agencies of their various roles and responsibilities
for managing the mangrove resource sustainably.

 Sufficient appreciation among both line agencies and, to some extent, coordinating agen-
cies, of the pivotal role played by the latter in deciding the most appropriate management
strategy and plans for mangrove resources and other vital coastal resources via applica-
tion of the Spatial Planning Act of 1992.

 Sufficient planners and resource scientists in the local BAPPEDA Tk I and II offices to
provide the inputs needed for spatial plans and natural resource databases.

An urgent need exists for a readjustment in government away from narrow sectoral inter-
ests towards a more integrated, multi-sectoral approach to managing resources, including
mangroves, and this can only be achieved by strengthening and expanding the planning
and coordinating roles of BAPPENAS and the Ministry of the Environment at the central
level, and BAPPEDA at the regional and local levels. It should not be forgotten that, although
central agencies can provide policy guidance to the regions, it is the regional authorities at
both Tk I and Tk II that actually implement policy. The many examples of inappropriate local
use of natural resources, including mangroves, can be attributed largely to a lack apprecia-
tion by the various government and private resource stakeholders of the planning process
coordinated by the BAPPEDA Tk I and Tk II and underpinned by the Spatial Planning Act.
Highlighting, strengthening and expanding the role and effectiveness of the BAPPEDA Tk I
and Tk II in ensuring the most appropriate allocation of resources and their sustainable use
is one of the fundamental objectives underlying Indonesia’s National Mangrove Strategy.

This goal has already been partly achieved through the efforts of the Land Resources Evalu-
ation Project, the Marine Resources Evaluation Project, and the Mangrove Rehabilitation and
Management Project in Sulawesi, all of which aim to improve the planning and management
capacities of regional BAPPEDA staff. The main objectives of the Marine Resources and
Sulawesi Projects are to work with BAPPEDA to improve the planning and sustainable
management of coastal and marine resources, to develop further and strengthen the existing
marine and coastal information system, and to provide inputs to provincial and local spatial
plans (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002). 45

3.2 Legal issues

Basic legislation for the coastal environment (including mangroves) is already in place, in the
form of statutes on maritime jurisdiction, environmental protection, and the conservation of
living natural resources (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002). In addition, aspects of environ-
mental protection and natural resource management are increasingly being incorporated
into public policy. The regulatory framework for coastal resource management, including the
management of mangroves, is derived from several sources. At the highest levels are the
fundamental principles contained in the 1945 Constitution, the State Philosophy (Pancasila),
and the various policy statements expressed in Presidential Decrees or coordinated govern-
ment statements. Some of the most important policies are found in the periodic Outlines
of State Policy, the Long-Term (25-year) Development Plans, and the Five-Year National
Development Plans. Table 4 lists the laws, regulations and decrees relevant to the coastal
zone and mangroves (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

Table 4 Laws, regulations and decrees applicable to mangroves in Indonesia

1. Basic Law of 1945, Article 33, Paragraph 3

2. Law No. 5, 1960, Basic Agrarian Provisions
3. Law No. 5, 1967, Basic Forest Provisions
4. Law No. 5, 1974, Principles of Government in the Regions
5. Law No. 11, 1974, Irrigation
6. Law No. 5, 1979, Village Government
7. Law No. 4, 1982, Basic Provisions for Environmental Management
8. Law No. 9, 1985, Fisheries
9. Law No. 5, 1990, Conservation of Living Natural Resources and their Ecosystems
10. Law No. 9, 1990, Tourism
11. Law No. 24, 1992, Spatial Land Use
12. Govt. Regulation No. 64, 1967, Delegation of Authority, Estates, Fisheries, and Forestry
Affairs to Swantantra Region 1
13. Govt. Regulation No. 28, 1985, Forest Protection
14. Govt. Regulation No. 29, 1986, Environmental Analysis
15. Govt. Regulation No. 15, 1990, Fisheries
16. Govt. Regulation No. 20, 1990, Monitoring Water Pollution
17. Govt. Regulation No. 27, 1991, Swamps
18. Govt. Regulation No. 35, 1991, Rivers
19. Govt. Regulation No. 45, 1992, Regional Autonomy at Regional Level 11
20. Presidential Decree No. 57, 1989, Steering Committee for National Land Classification
21. Presidential Decree No. 32, 1990, Management of Protected Areas

It is clear that the highest levels of government in Indonesia provide strong policy guide-
lines for the sustainable management and conservation of natural resources, including
coastal resources and mangroves, and that such guidelines provide a firm foundation on
which to draw up a National Mangrove Charter for Indonesia. Yet although the basic leg-
islation to conserve and manage mangroves sustainably is present in principle, it is not yet
46 fully realised in practice. For the most part, Indonesia’s existing laws, decrees and regula-

tions do not provide a clear basis for establishing detailed policies for coastal activities and
resources, including the management of mangroves, or for creating an integrated manage-
ment system that would combine the activities of various agencies within a single, focused
programme (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

With respect to biodiversity conservation, Law No. 5 of 1990 on the Conservation of Living
Natural Resources and their Ecosystems adopts the concepts of sustainable use and eco-
system integrity. This law also provides the basis for establishing and operating protected
natural areas, including areas in the coastal zone. One of the main ways of achieving the aims
of Law No. 5 is defined in Law No. 24 of 1992, which integrates other management functions
in the context of overall spatial land-use management. This law is one of the strongest in that
it provides a mechanism for identifying sustainable land-use options in the provinces and
districts, and a legal basis for ensuring that land use conforms to spatial plans. It is this law
which is likely to provide a foundation for strengthening the legal and institutional framework
for effective management of coastal resources in general, and mangroves in particular. It
must be remembered, however, that even with detailed enabling legislation in place, and an
improved understanding among different agencies of the laws and regulations relating to the
use of mangroves, effective law enforcement can still be undermined by social and economic
constraints, for example low wages for forest guards (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

4. Overview of National Strategy and Action Plan

4.1 The need for strategic action
The problems and issues concerning the sustainable management of Indonesia’s mangrove
resources are generally well-known and well-understood. What is required is a strategy and
series of actions which take account the constraints to achieving the objectives of sustainable
mangrove management, and provide appropriate solutions for achieving those objectives
(UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002). A fundamental distinction needs to be made between
the types of strategy and action plans being considered in Indonesia. In the first place there
is a National Strategy, which deals primarily with national objectives and policies concerning
the mangrove resource, and appropriate strategic actions that must be taken by the central
coordinating and line agencies concerned with the management of mangroves. This general
strategy provides the rationale and guidelines for the formulation of more specific provincial
strategies and action plans (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

Mangrove management activities involve cross-sectoral land-use planning exercises that are
an integral part of the provincial and local spatial planning activities coordinated by the regional
development planning boards. An important distinction for mangroves is that there should be
a specifically designed management plan for clearly defined areas of the coastal zone that
include mangroves, which is incorporated into the more general spatial plans. This decision-
making framework will includes roles of the central, provincial and district governments.

It must be stressed that it is the provincial, district (kabupaten: sometimes also translated as
“regency”) and sub-district (kecamatan) agencies which will implement the mangrove strategy
and action plans. Thus, their full involvement in devising appropriate strategic actions and
more detailed management plans for areas of mangroves, and other coastal resource under
their jurisdiction, is crucial to success in the sustainable management of those resources. 47

The priority actions must be ranked or prioritised in some way, and the agency or agencies
best-qualified to undertake each action must be identified. Those actions requiring immediate
implementation are referred to as key strategic actions, and are the trigger mechanisms for
implementing the national and the provincial strategies. Without these key actions, steady
attrition of the mangrove resource through its conversion to unsustainable alternative uses will
continue, and the current institutional and legal uncertainty regarding the use of mangroves
will remain unchanged (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002).

To meet the mangrove management and preservation goals outlined in the National Strategy
and Action Plan for Mangrove Management in Indonesia, several key strategic actions have
been identified. The reader is referred to the National Strategy for more details about these
and other necessary actions identified for implementation throughout Indonesia, as well as
the agencies responsible for implementation and follow-up actions. The key actions are
summarised below (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002):

 Key strategic ecological actions

1. Objective: To define more precisely the location, area and condition of the mangrove
resource in Indonesia.
Action: Implementation of a nationwide country study of mangroves.

2. Objective: To assist the integration of data on mangroves and other coastal resources
generated by different agencies.
Action: Prepare provincial strategic action and mangrove management plans for the
preservation and sustainable use of mangroves, and integrate with a provincial coastal
and marine management strategy.

3. Objective: To protect and conserve a significant proportion of the one-million-plus

hectares of undisturbed mangroves in Indonesian New Guinea.
Action: Inclusion of the mangrove forest in Lorentz National Park and declaration of
this conservation area as a World Heritage Site.

 Key strategic institutional actions

1. Objective: To establish an effective body to coordinate the formulation, implementa-
tion and monitoring of a strategy and action plan for the sustainable management of
mangroves under the concept of coastal zone resource management.
Action: The amalgamation of the National Committee on Mangrove Ecosystems and
Coastal Zone Management with a recently formed National Wetlands Committee to
form a committee with the prime objective of planning integrated sustainable resource
management in the coastal zone. Mangroves, seagrasses and coral reefs are different
coastal zone resources that would be handled by separate resource Sub-Committees
or Working Groups.

 Key strategic socio-economic actions

1. Objective: To improve knowledge and awareness of the values of mangroves among
all levels of society, but particularly among decision makers and local people who live
48 in and around mangrove forests.

Action: Initiation of national mangrove awareness programme in the media and in

educational institutions.

2. Objective: To formulate an appropriate economic valuation system for mangroves

(and other coastal resources) that takes into account the externalities present in any
natural system, and applies these to the development of sustainable management
plans for mangroves that satisfy the guiding principles of protection, conservation and
sustainable development.
Action: Establish a Mangrove Evaluation Sub-Committee, or Working Group in the
National Committee, to address these issues and act as a “clearing house” for pro-
posed methods of measuring externalities and developing management plans.

 Key strategic legal actions

1. Objective: To strengthen the understanding, application and enforcement of the Spa-
tial Planning Act (Law No. 24 of 1992) with respect to coastal zone planning.
Action: Organise a national workshop on the application of the Spatial Planning Act
with special reference to the coastal zone in general and mangroves in particular.

2. Objective: To achieve legal recognition of the importance of the coastal zone in national
development, the interdependence of natural resources in the coastal zone, and the
need for integrated planning of the sustainable management of those resources.
Action: The coastal environment should receive special legal recognition through
the issuance of a Presidential Decree that fosters an integrated approach to coastal
issues, including the management of mangroves.

4.2 Proposed national study of mangroves

A nationwide study of mangroves in Indonesia has been proposed in the National Strategy
for Mangrove Management in Indonesia. The primary objective of the country study would
be to make an inventory of Indonesia’s remaining mangrove resources, aimed at determining
the following (UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002):

 Area of mangrove forest in each province.

 Species composition of the mangroves in each province.
 Approximate volume of mangrove timber in each province.
 Major threats to the mangrove resource in each province.
 Condition and trend of the mangrove forest in each province.
 Official status of the mangrove resources in each province (protected forest, production
forest, and so on).

These data would be entered into the Department of Forestry’s GIS system and made avail-
able for use in compiling provincial and district coastal resource management plans.

BAPPENAS, 2003, Indonesian Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2003–2020 [Kemen-
trian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembagunan Nasional
(BAPPENAS)]. Two volumes. Jakarta: National Development Planning Agency. 49

Moosa, K., Dahuri, R., Hutomo, M., Suwelo, I.S. and Salim, S. (eds), 1996. Indonesian
Country Study on Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management. Ministry of
State for Environment, Republic of Indonesia, in cooperation with Directorate for Nature
Management, Kingdom of Norway, 166 pp.
Sukardjo, S., 2010. Biodiversity and ecological conservation of mangroves in Indonesian
South China Sea Areas: a botanical exploration of mangrove ecosystems. Journal of
Science and Technology in the Tropics 6, 135–155.
Sukardjo, S., Affandi, R., Mulyadi, A.T., Ginting, N. and Parry, D.E. (eds), 1997. National Strat-
egy for Mangrove Management In Indonesia. Two volumes. Jakarta: Ministry of Forestry.
Sukorahardjo, S.S., Hanggono, A. and Mahabror, D. (eds), 2005. Metadata Kelautan Nasional
di Selat Malaka. Jakarta: Pusat Riset Teknologi Kelautan DKP [Research Center for Marine
Technology], 149 pp.
UNEP/GEF/LPP Mangrove, 2002. Action Plan for Mangrove Management in Indonesia.
Second Draft Report. Online at:

An overview of mangrove restoration efforts in Pakistan

Shamsul Haq Memon

Sindh Coastal Development Authority, P.I.D.C House, M.T. Khan Road, Karachi, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

Mangrove ecosystems exist in the transition zone between land and sea, characterized by
tidal inundation and low oxygen levels necessitating morphological and physiological adap-
tations by the species surviving in this zone. Globally, 92 species of mangrove plants have
been reported, of which 50 occur in South Asia.

Mangroves are highly productive tropical ecosystems which supply multiple goods and
services of a provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural nature. These include the pro-
duction of woody plants, food, spawning grounds, habitat for marine and terrestrial animals,
and protection of shorelines from storm damage and erosion.

In the coastal zone of Pakistan, the Indus Delta accounts for 97% of the country’s remaining
mangrove cover. The other 3% is found in scattered patches along the Baluchistan coast.
Mangroves are a highly dynamic and fragile ecosystem. They are being depleted at an alarm-
ing rate by both natural and anthropogenic forces. The severest threat faced by mangroves
in Pakistan is the declining inflows of fresh water from the Indus River, which may undermine
their long-term sustainability.

In Pakistan, mangrove cover has declined rapidly over the past few decades, reportedly
falling from 600,000 ha in 1932 to 86,000 ha in 2005. The most recent estimates, based
on a remote sensing study by the Sindh Forest Department (SFD), indicate a slight rise in
mangrove cover to about 100,000 ha. This trend seems to be due to increasing awareness
and advocacy on the importance of mangroves by government and non-governmental
organizations at various levels. The increasing attention has led to greater advocacy, result-
ing in supportive legislative reform and an increase in investment by government and donor
agencies in conserving this important ecosystem.

This paper analyses trends in the management of mangroves in Pakistan, focusing on the
key lessons from Pakistan’s experiences with mangrove restoration and management. It also
highlights the linkages between livelihoods and mangrove conservation in Pakistan, with a
particular emphasis on the coastal economy, food security and coastal protection.

Keywords: mangroves, ecosystems, environmental protection, restoration, Pakistan

1. Introduction
The 990-km coastline of Pakistan is shared by its two coastal provinces of Sindh (230 km)
and Baluchistan (760 km), divided respectively into the physiographical regions of the Indus
Delta and the Karachi coasts, and the Lasbella and the Makran coasts.

The Indus Delta is the most prominent feature of the Sindh coast. The present delta is located
at the head of the Arabian Sea, between Korangi Creek and the Rann of Kutch. It has sev-
enteen major creeks and several smaller creeks and extensive mudflats. The Baluchistan
coast extends from the mouth of the Hub River in the east to the middle of Gwater Bay in
the west. The Lasbella coastal belt lies between the Hub River in the east and the Hingol
River in the west, bordering Sonmiani Bay. The Makran coast forms the western part of 51

Makran, extending to the border at Jiwani. The two coasts have different climatic and physi-
cal characteristics: the Sindh coast is influenced by the tail end of the southwest monsoon;
the Baluchistan coast has a Mediterranean climate.

1.1 Natural resources of the Pakistan coast

The coast of Pakistan is blessed with a wide variety of natural resources, such as mangrove
forests, coastal and inland fisheries, and marine and terrestrial wildlife, including large num-
bers of migrating waterbirds. These resources provide livelihood opportunities for coastal
communities and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

1.2 Mangrove forests

Mangroves are among the few plant species globally which are adapted to the harsh envi-
ronmental conditions found in coastal and estuarine areas. Pakistan is fortunate to have
mangroves forests along its coastline, as these constitute an important natural resource for
the livelihoods of coastal communities and for coastal protection.

Mangrove forests in Pakistan mainly occur in the estuarine areas of the Indus Delta along
the Arabian Sea coast in the south of Sindh Province. The Indus Delta is home to one of
the largest arid land mangrove forests in the world. The actual area under dense mangrove
vegetation has declined tremendously as a result of several stresses. Nasir and Ali (1972,
cited by IUCN Pakistan, 2005) reported eight species of mangroves along the Sindh coast:
Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops tagal, Ceriops roxburgiana, Rhizophora
apiculata, Aegiceras corniculatum, Sonneratia caseolaris, and Bruguiera conjugata. Of these,
A. marina is the dominant mangrove species in Pakistan. Miani Hor is home to R. mucronata
and C. tagal; these species are also found in Daboo and Khai creeks in the Indus Delta. In
Pakar and Daboo creeks near Shah Bunder, A. corniculatum can be found, but it has almost
disappeared from elsewhere in the delta. Three species, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, C. tagal
and A. marina, have disappeared from the Hub River Delta over time as a result of habitat
loss (Champion et al., 1965, cited by IUCN Pakistan, 2005), and species such as Ceriops
decandra, R. apiculata and S. caseolaris can no longer be confirmed (Nasir and Ali, 1972,
cited by IUCN Pakistan, 2005). A. marina, the dominant species, accounts for about 99.9%
of the mangrove forest cover along the coastline thanks to its high salt tolerance and ability
to survive in stressful conditions.

Baluchistan harbours a few pockets of mangroves in the deltaic swamps of seasonal rivers
such as the Hub, Porali, Hingol and Dasht, which drain into the Arabian Sea at Kalmat Khor,
Miani Hor, and Gwater Bay. Mangrove forest dominated by A. marina covers only a small
area of about 7,340 ha in Baluchistan Province.

1.3 Factors responsible for degradation of mangroves in Pakistan

Historically, Pakistan’s mangrove forests were treated not as productive assets but as open-
access wastelands by managers, planners and policy makers. As a result, they have been
widely destroyed and degraded, mainly to meet increased demand for timber, fuel and
fodder, and to provide grazing land for thousands of camels from the Sindh hinterland. A
steady decline in freshwater flows and associated sediment loads has also contributed to
52 the degradation of mangroves.

Over the past two decades, however, the status and conservation of Pakistan’s mangroves
have received more attention, and serious efforts are now being made to restore and protect
them. These efforts are described below.

2. Materials and methods

The analysis in this paper is based mainly on a review of secondary literature produced by
various agencies involved in restoration of mangroves in Pakistan, including the Sindh Forest
Department (SFD), Sindh Coastal Development Authority, IUCN Pakistan, WWF Pakistan,
and other local organizations. In addition, relevant published literature available online was
also accessed and reviewed. The methodological approach followed three steps:

2.1 Analysis of mangrove ecosystem management

Information collected from existing management plans and baseline studies of mangrove
ecosystems was used to assess the shift in approach from conventional forestry focusing
on commercial management of riverine forests and irrigated plantations, to management
of mangrove ecosystems emphasising their protective functions and services. The analysis
also covered a shift in management approach from traditional “top-down” decision-making
to “bottom-up” and “participatory” decision-making.

2.2 Analysis of mangrove restoration efforts

This analysis aimed to determine trends in mangrove reforestation efforts and the nature of
engagement by a growing number of stakeholder agencies in mangrove protection, reha-
bilitation, awareness and advocacy. Pakistan has a long experience of mangrove restora-
tion using innovative planting techniques, used also for mangrove restoration in Middle
Eastern countries. The impact of mangrove rehabilitation efforts by different agencies was
analyzed to demonstrate changing trends in mangrove cover in Pakistan. The mangrove
cover analysis was based on remote sensing studies carried out by agencies such as the
Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Organization (SUPARCO), SFD, WWF Pakistan
and IUCN Pakistan.

The analysis of policy and legislative reform concerning mangrove forests was based on a
review of official gazette notifications issued by government.

2.3 Analysis of livelihood aspects

The livelihood aspects of mangroves were analyzed in relation to the importance of mangrove
ecosystems for coastal communities and the protective role played by mangroves in mitigat-
ing the impacts of natural disasters. Using data on historical and recent trends in extreme
events in coastal areas of Pakistan, this paper highlights the need for integrating mangrove
conservation into disaster risk management plans for Pakistan’s coastal zone.

3. Results and discussion

The management of mangrove ecosystems in Pakistan has seen a shift in approach over the
past century. After being largely overlooked by conventional forest management until the late
1970s, mangroves have drawn increasing attention for their management and conservation
from the mid-1980s to the present day. This shift and its implications are discussed in the
following sections. 53

3.1 Paradigm shift from conventional forest management

The forest types of southern Pakistan are characterized by an arid climate with scanty and
sporadic rainfall. Three prominent types influence the landscape of the region: riverine forests
on the flood plains of the Indus River; the mangroves of the Indus Delta; and plantations
raised along irrigation canals.

The available literature indicates that, for many years, conventional forest management
focused on commercial objectives, with resources devoted to managing and exploiting
riverine forests and irrigated plantations. As mangroves had less immediate commercial
importance, they were legally classed as protected forests.

This situation prevailed until the mid-1980s, when the first serious effort to conserve man-
groves was made. During this time, a management plan for mangroves was prepared and
field activities for mangrove restoration were initiated by SFD and later by IUCN Pakistan.
A 20-year mangrove forest management plan was prepared for Sindh after a thorough
assessment of the mangrove stock at different densities and other conditions. This was
the first serious attempt at the scientific management of mangrove forests, and constituted
an active shift in focus towards the protective functions of these forests. It also led to the
establishment of a separate Coastal Forest Division headed by a Divisional Forest Officer
with adequate subordinate staff.

The analysis also reveals that certain policy decisions concerning the management of water
resources in the Indus River in Pakistan led to mangroves occupying a pivotal position in
the advocacy campaign run by some civil society organizations, who have constantly advo-
cated for regular inflows of fresh water into the Indus Delta to maintain a sustainable and
healthy mangrove ecosystem. The advocacy campaign gained particular momentum after
the signing of the Water Apportionment Accord of 1991 by Pakistan’s four provinces (which
remains in force today).

At the same time, there has been an obvious improvement in awareness and understand-
ing of the values of mangroves both globally and within Pakistan. Nationally, these values
have been assessed by various mangrove valuation studies conducted by IUCN Pakistan,
WWF Pakistan and others. These estimate the per hectare value of mangroves in Paki-
stan to exceed US$8,000 (Baig and Iftikhar, 2010). As a result, over the past two decades
mangrove restoration has assumed greater importance at all levels from the local to the

The changes in management approach in Sindh have been influenced by changing global
perceptions of forestry as being about people, not just about trees. This has led to a focus
on forestry as being essential for social and ecological needs rather than simply commercial
gains, and a greater emphasis on forest conservation and forest-based rural development
by donors and international NGOs. This shift in emphasis to social forestry can justifiably
be called a paradigm shift, since it involved changes in conventional assumptions about
forests and their governance, thus leading to an increasing investment in the conservation
of mangroves by different agencies.

3.2 Analysis of mangrove restoration efforts

Mangroves are a highly productive ecosystem supplying numerous goods and services.
Growing appreciation of the value of these goods and services, and the negative impacts of
mangrove loss on coastal livelihoods and environments, has led to urgent steps being taken
to restore mangrove habitat structure and functions. In Pakistan, these efforts have taken
into account three basic principles:

 Stakeholder involvement: Ecosystem management is more about people than anything

else. This approach has been built into mangrove projects through participatory planning,
decision-making and implementation.

 Ecological approach: This approach embraces modern ecological concepts such as

the interdependent nature of natural resources and human actions, the dynamic nature
of ecosystems, the delineation of ecosystems based primarily on ecological processes,
and the need to characterise ecosystems at multiple scales. This approach has been
followed in most mangrove restoration projects in Pakistan.

 Management based on sound scientific principles: The quality of policy and eco-
system management decisions depends heavily on the quality and quantity of available
information and science. This requires not only sound science, but also the right science,
i.e. knowledge and understanding of how major ecosystems function, how they can
support and tolerate human use, and how policies and management decisions affect
resource use and recovery. Coupled with scientific information, restoration strategies
make extensive use of local knowledge in identifying planting sites, collecting seed, and
choosing suitable mangrove species.

An analysis of development projects linked to mangroves in the past two decades indicates
that government, international and local NGOs, and small grassroots organizations have all
supported integrated development and management of mangroves. Recently, regional initia-
tives such as MFF have also contributed to restoration of mangroves in Pakistan (Table 1).

Since 1985, about 80,000 ha of mangroves have been replanted or rehabilitated along
the Sindh and Baluchistan coasts. The Indus Delta has dominated mangrove restoration
activities. These efforts have helped to stabilise mangrove populations, and also led to the
reintroduction of R. mucronata to the Indus Delta in the mid-1980s using seed collected
from Sonmiani in Baluchistan. R. mucronata probably disappeared from the Indus Delta in
the 1970s, but is now being planted on a large scale using seed collected from the trees
originally planted in the 1980s.

A major leap in large-scale mangrove restoration in the Indus Delta is foreseen with two major
initiatives due to start in 2012. Both will be financed by the government of Sindh; one will be
implemented by SFD and the other by IUCN Pakistan. Together, these two initiatives plan
to restore 100,000 ha of mangroves in the Indus Delta over the next seven years.

The Indus Delta also holds a world record for mangrove planting, with 541,176 saplings
planted in one day on 15 July 2009 by a force of 300. This record drew significant media

attention nationally and internationally. Such events have helped greatly in drawing policy
support for mangrove conservation in Pakistan.

Table 1 Mangrove projects launched in the Indus Delta

Agency Period Planted area (ha)
IUCN/SFD 1985 3,000
SFD/World Bank 1993–1999 17,100
SFD/IUCN 1993–1999 150
SFD/Government of Sindh 2000–2006 16,000
SFD/Government of Pakistan 2003–2008 5,000
Sindh Coastal Development Authority/Government of Sindh 2003–2008 8,000
SFD/Government of Sindh 2003–2008 10,000
WWF 2003–2008 100
UNDP/Sonmiani Development Organisation 2004–2006 300
WWF/Royal Netherlands Embassy 2007–2011 1,500
IUCN/Royal Netherlands Embassy 2007–2013 1,200
Sindh Coastal Development Authority/ADB ª 2006–2013 8,000
SFD/Government of Sindh ª 2009–2014 5,000
SFD/Government of Sindh ª 2011–2017 50,000
IUCN 2010 150
SFD/IUCN ª 2011–2017 50,000
IUCN/Pakistan International Bulk Terminal ª 2012–2014 500
MFF ª 2011–2012 900
ª Ongoing projects.

A growing trend in mangrove restoration can also be observed along the Baluchistan coast,
thanks largely to donor-funded initiatives implemented by IUCN Pakistan. Reportedly, these
initiatives have also introduced mangroves at some newly identified sites along the Balu-
chistan coast to protect coastal towns against coastal erosion and address the problem of
shifting sand dunes.

Some of the more notable achievements of all these initiatives include:

 Re-introduction of R. mucronata in the Indus Delta.

 Introduction of various techniques for mangrove restoration.
 Introduction of participatory approaches for mangrove conservation.
 Diagnostic studies on socio-ecological aspects of mangroves.
 Mangrove valuation studies.
 Awareness and advocacy on mangrove conservation.

3.3 Community involvement in mangrove restoration

Over time, the global shift from conventional top-down forest management to participatory
management has gained ground in Pakistan. Community participation has been encour-
aged by NGOs, and initiatives coupling strong community mobilization with incentives have
produced good results in areas such as Keti Bunder and Sandspit on the Sindh coast. These
56 results include:

 Coastal communities have developed linkages with the agencies working on mangrove
plantation and restoration.
 A sense of ownership has been developed for mangrove planting and restoration.
 Coastal communities have become aware of the importance of mangrove restoration.
 Communities are themselves now able to identify suitable land for mangrove planting.
 Communities have also come to appreciate that mangroves are the best defence against
tidal surges.

3.4 Plantation techniques used in Pakistan

Pakistan has experimented with various plantation techniques for restoring mangroves and,
through experience, has developed some effective site-specific approaches. The techniques
commonly used in the Indus Delta are discussed below.

3.4.1 Direct sowing through propagules/seeds

This is the commonest and most successful technique used in Pakistan. It uses mature
propagules or seeds collected from the field and sown directly into the soil. The technique
has been used for all mangrove species found in Pakistan. For example, R. mucronata and
C. tagal can be planted by putting one-third of the pointed length of a propagule into the
soil and leaving the rest above the ground. In general, a small pit is made for planting Avi-
cennia and seeds are sown inside as well as outside the pit. Two or more seeds are sown
in the same pit to ensure germination success. Seeds are sown directly into the soil using
finger pressure.

3.4.2 Wildlings
Wildlings are naturally germinated, 1–2 month old saplings extracted with a ball of earth
using an auger and transplanted in the planting site. This technique is used mainly to plant
A. marina. In some cases, Avicennia seed is broadcast in plots near planting sites to produce
wildlings for later planting. In these cases, wildlings are normally used to fill gaps and replace
dead plants when both natural seed and nursery stock are unavailable. If done properly,
wildling planting gives good results.

3.4.3 Planting nursery stock

Mangrove nurseries can be established at suitable sites in the intertidal zone near plantation
areas using polythene bags. They are used mainly to supply supplemental stock for planting
and restocking failures when natural seed is unavailable. All mangrove species in Pakistan
have been raised successfully in nurseries. Field planting is done using corers or augers to
dig a planting pit. Nursery seedlings are usually ready to plant at three months.

3.4.4 Broadcasting
This technique is normally used for planting in riverine forests along the Indus River. However,
it has also been used experimentally in the Indus Delta. Its main purpose is to increase plant-
ing density and restock gaps.

Based on the experience in Pakistan, adopting a planting technique consistent with site
conditions is recommended. In high-lying areas, trenches may be dug for planting to ensure
plants are sufficiently inundated. In low-lying mudflats, direct sowing of Avicennia spp. is 57

normally most successful; in higher mudflats, direct sowing of both Avicennia and Rhizophora
propagules or seeds has been shown to give good results.

3.5 Use of GIS to monitor changes in mangrove cover

Pakistan has long experience of using GIS to monitor changes in mangrove cover. The first-
ever analysis of mangrove cover in Pakistan based on remote sensing and GIS technolo-
gies was conducted in the late 1980s using Landsat images. This study revealed changes
in mangrove cover based on density classes, and categorized mangrove cover into dense,
medium and sparse classes.

Since then, GIS has been widely adopted for mangrove cover assessment by the Ministry
of Environment, WWF Pakistan, the Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar, SUPARCO, IUCN
Pakistan and the Sindh Coastal Development Authority. All of these organisations are now
equipped with facilities and trained analysts for GIS-based temporal analysis of forest cover.
GIS techniques are also being used in site selection, monitoring and impact assessment of
mangrove restoration.

An analysis of mangrove cover changes and the impact of restoration efforts in the Indus
Delta reveal a small increase in mangrove cover during the past decade. According to a recent
study conducted by SFD, in 2010 mangrove cover reached about 108,000 ha (Figure 1).


















Figure 1 Mangrove cover trend analysis

3.6 Analysis of changes in mangrove-related legislation

The legal basis for protecting and conserving mangroves has seen various changes over
the past 50 years. Initially notified as Protected Forest in the late 1950s, almost half of the
area of mangroves in the Indus Delta was put under the control and oversight of SFD. Later,
64,400 ha of these protected forests were transferred from SFD to the Port Qasim Authority
for port operations. A small part of the mangrove area remained under the administrative
control of the Karachi Port Trust, but lacked any formal legal status (Table 2).

Table 2 Legal status of mangroves in Pakistan

Stakeholder Area (ha) Status
Sindh Forest Department 280,580 Protected Forest
Port Qasim Authority 64,405 Protected Forest
Sindh Board of Revenue 260,000 Wasteland
Karachi Port Trust and Defence Housing Authority 2,000 No legal status
Total mangrove area 606,985 –

Owing to ignorance of their ecological significance, the remaining mangroves were classified
as wasteland and put under the administrative control of the Board of Revenue. This may have
been one of the main factors leading to large-scale degradation of mangroves in Pakistan,
as without legal protection the mangroves became open-access resources. The absence
of effective legal protection and administrative weaknesses encouraged encroachment of
mangroves in urban areas of Karachi and deforestation of mangroves in rural areas. Arguably,
this indifferent attitude towards mangroves persisted for most of the ensuing few decades.

The past two decades have seen growing concern for environmental and natural resources
conservation in Pakistan, including mangrove conservation. This attitudinal shift can be traced
to the catalytic role played by international and local civil society organizations in creating
awareness of and advocating for environmental issues. Natural disasters in coastal areas of
Pakistan and South Asia more widely, such as tsunamis and storms, have also played an
important role in drawing the attention of policy makers to conserving mangroves. The out-
come of these changes is that all remaining mangrove areas in Sindh Province were re-notified
as Protected Forests in November 2010 and put under the control of SFD. Furthermore,
legislative reforms concerning mangroves and participatory management of mangroves
and other forest types have been incorporated into a recent review of the Provincial For-
est Act 1927 and put before the provincial legislative assembly of Sindh. This shift in policy
and management is indicative of a growing realization among policy makers that mangrove
ecosystems are important to the coastal economy and coastal protection, and is expected
to have further positive impacts on mangrove conservation in Pakistan.

3.7 Livelihood aspects of mangrove restoration in Pakistan

Pakistan’s mangroves provide a number of valuable goods and services, including supporting
the fisheries sector by serving as breeding grounds for shrimp and fish species. About 200
fish species found in the Indus Delta are reported to provide livelihoods for local communi-
ties. Some studies indicate that mangrove ecosystems contribute to annual production of
fish and shrimp ranging in value from US$750 to US$16,750 per hectare, indicating their
potential connection in marine fisheries production (Rönnbäck, 1999). Mangroves are also
an importance source of fuelwood for local communities and fodder for livestock.

The role of mangroves in disaster protection has received global attention. From the perspec-
tive of local communities, they offer protection against tidal surges and provide a defensive
shield against cyclones and tsunamis. Historical records indicate that Pakistan’s coast has
long suffered from natural disasters. The oldest records date back to the earthquake of

November 325 BC near the Indus Delta/Kutch region. This caused a tsunami that destroyed
a large Macedonian fleet (Lisitzin, 1974; Murty and Bapast, 1999, cited by Zaigham, 2012).
Reportedly, Alexander the Great was passing through the region at that time. Other large
earthquakes have included the following (Oldham, 1883; Zaigham, 2001, cited by Zaigham,

 893–894 AD: Debal, lower Sindh. Several towns destroyed and 150,000 killed.
 2 May 1668: Shah Bunder, lower Sindh. About 50,000 killed.
 16 June 1819: Allahbund, Sindh. About 3,200 killed.

Pakistan also experienced an 8.7 magnitude earthquake off the Makran coast in 1945, which
caused a huge tsunami in the Arabian Sea and killed more than 4,000 people. Deadly storms
occurred along the Karachi coast in 1965, causing 10,000 casualties. Recently, cyclone 2A
killed 6,200 people after making landfall at Shah Bunder on 20 May 1999.

Observations indicate that the frequency of cyclones and earthquakes in Pakistan has
increased over time. From 1971 to 2001 the Sindh coast witnessed 14 cyclones (Memon,
2012). From 2001 to 2011, eight cyclones were recorded along the Pakistan coast. Two
recent high-intensity cyclones, Yemyin and Phet, narrowly missed the Sindh coast yet still
managed to cause considerable damage. Given these threats, conserving mangroves is
essential to enhance the resilience of local communities against the impacts and challenges
of extreme events.

4. Conclusions
The long-term restoration of mangrove ecosystems demands a multi-faceted approach,
comprising replanting, management planning, and the development of planting capacity
and awareness among relevant agencies and coastal populations.

Pakistan is seriously engaged in managing and developing its natural resources, especially
its mangroves. These coastal forests provide valuable ecosystem services and also supply
coastal communities with important natural resources.

The management of mangrove forests has seen a shift from neglect to active protection,
and from a top-down approach to a bottom-up, participatory approach reflecting recognition
of the many local, national and regional values of mangroves. These shifts have led to the
evolution of various techniques for mangrove restoration, used successfully to rehabilitate
degraded areas and stabilise mangrove populations, particularly in the Indus Delta, which
harbours most of the mangroves found in Pakistan. Policy shifts have resulted in greater
legislative support for mangrove conservation and its integration into disaster risk manage-
ment strategies. Although these policy changes are relatively recent, increasing investment
by government and other agencies in mangrove conservation reflects confidence in Paki-
stan’s regulatory framework and augurs well for the sustainability of the country’s mangrove
restoration programme.

Pakistan’s long experience of restoring its mangroves offers some useful lessons for other
60 countries in Asia to adapt and follow.

The author is grateful to the MFF Regional Secretariat for extending an invitation to attend
the Regional Colloquium in Mamallapuram, and to Mr Mahmood Akhtar Cheema, IUCN
Pakistan, for subsequent writing guidelines and encouragement. This paper would not have
materialized without the technical support of former colleagues Dr Ghulam Rasool Keerio,
Conservator of Forests (Rtd), and Mr Syed Ghulam Qadir Shah of IUCN’s Sindh Office. The
additional support from Mr Nadeem Mirbahar of IUCN’s Sindh Office is also appreciated.
Valuable inputs were provided by Mr Riaz Wagan, Conservator of Forests, and Mr Agha Tahir,
Project Director, Mangroves Project. Lastly the support extended by Mr Muhammad Haneef
Pathan, Director General, Sindh Coastal Development Authority, is gratefully acknowledged.

Baig, S.P. and Iftikhar, U.A., 2010. Are the Mangroves for the Future? Empirical evidence
of the value of Miani Hor Mangrove Ecosystem as the basis for investments. Karachi:
IUCN Pakistan, 35 pp.
IUCN Pakistan, 2005. Mangroves of Pakistan: Status and Management. Karachi: IUCN
Pakistan, 110 pp.
Memon, N., 2012. Disasters in South Asia: a regional perspective. Karachi: Pakistan Institute
of Labour Education and Research, 35 pp.
Rönnbäck, P., 1999. Analysis: The ecological basis for economic value of seafood production
supported by mangrove ecosystems. Ecological Economics 29, 235–252.
Zaigham, N.A., 2012. Impact of controlled environmental flow and earthquake activities on
Indus Delta causes irreversible poverty. 10 pp. Online at:
com/2005/index.php?element=58 (last accessed on 23 July 2012).

A collaborative approach between tourism and coastal
communities: a present-day need and opportunity for
mangrove management and conservation in Sri Lanka
P. U. Ratnayake
Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority, 80, Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

Conservation of mangroves is a primary responsibility of mankind as a contribution to society,
the environment and related ecosystems. In this regard Sri Lanka has taken many initiatives, a
leading example being the restoration of 2004 tsunami-hit mangroves in lagoons in the east,
west and south of the island. The involvement of communities, experts and nongovernmental
organisations in this endeavour was commendable. However, the lack of continuous eco-
nomic benefits to the neighbouring communities has challenged the long-term sustainability
of mangrove rehabilitation efforts in many areas. External intervention and resources, over a
considerable period, seems essential to conserve and restore the original flora. Considering
current trends, introduction of tourism with visitor facilities for research, study and ecotour-
ism activities will be an opportunity to generate additional or alternative income for man-
grove stakeholders. When mangroves are used as a resource base to generate substantial
economic benefits from activities such as operating eco-lodges, mangrove tours and other
mangrove ecotourism activities, the stakeholders will be motivated to protect their resource
base while using it sustainably.

In the study area in Kalpitiya, tourism was the primary source of income for 51.8% of the
community and a secondary source of income for 28.5%; the tourist activities were mostly
associated with mangrove environments. The study also revealed that mangrove areas
generate many non-economic benefits such as providing an environment and nesting sites
for birds, enabling the existence and continuity of wetland ecosystems, and protection of
rare, site-specific faunal species. Protection against coastal hazards such as erosion and
tsunamis, and providing a green cover were also noted. Moreover, due to the high tourism
demand and visitor interest in nature and related ecosystems, a sustainable independent
system capable of generating continuous economic benefits to the community through tourist
facilitation could be developed. In turn, the sensitive and important mangrove habitats that
are mostly found in lagoons, estuaries and wetlands can be protected sustainably by an
independent tourism-centered system and its neighbouring stakeholders.

Keywords: mangroves, nature conservation, tourism, economic benefits, Sri Lanka

1. Introduction
Mangrove is a type of forest growing along tidal mudflats and shallow coastal water areas
extending along rivers and streams where water is generally brackish. The mangrove eco-
system is dominated by mangrove trees as the primary producer interacting with associated
aquatic fauna, and social and physical factors of the coastal environment. Table 1 below
details the varying distribution of mangrove species in countries and regions.

Mangroves possess characteristics that collectively make them structurally and functionally
unique. Morphological and ecophysiological characteristics and adaptations of mangrove
trees include aerial roots, viviparous embryos, tidal dispersal of propagules, rapid rates of
canopy production, frequent absence of an understorey, absence of growth rings, wood with
narrow, densely distributed vessels, highly efficient nutrient retention mechanisms, and the
ability to cope with salt and to maintain water and carbon balance (Alongi, 1998).

Being the only woody halophytes living at the confluence of land and sea, mangroves tra-
ditionally have been used heavily for food, timber, fuel and medicine, and currently occupy
about 181,000 km² of tropical and subtropical coastline (Alongi, 2002).

Table 1 Distribution of mangrove species diversity

Country/Region No. of species recorded
Australia 47
Indo-Malaysia 51
East Africa 11
West Africa 8
East America 11
West America 12
Sri Lanka 20
Source: Alongi (2002); pers. comm.

Mangrove plant communities are a comprehensive economic and non-economic contribu-

tor to mankind. They are a valuable ecological and economic resource, being an important
nursery and breeding site for birds, fish, crustaceans, shellfish, reptiles and mammals (Melana
et al., 2000; Alongi, 2002). Mangroves are a renewable source of wood, accumulation sites
for sediments, contaminants, carbon and nutrients, and protect coastal communities against
coastal erosion (Liyanage, 2010). Natural hazards such as storms, cyclones and most recently
the Indian Ocean tsunami have repeatedly shown the value of mangroves and the need to
prevent unregulated, destruction and extraction by man (Melana et al., 2000). Among the
main reasons for the destruction of mangroves are urban development, aquaculture, mining
and the overexploitation of mangroves for timber, fish, crustaceans and shellfish. Over the
next 30 years, unrestricted clear felling, further development of aquaculture and the continu-
ing overexploitation of fisheries will be the greatest threats. Lesser threats will include altera-
tion of hydrology, pollution and climate change. The loss of mangrove biodiversity is, and will
continue to be, a severe problem, as even pristine mangroves are species-poor compared
with other tropical ecosystems (Alongi, 2002).

Mangrove conservation and restoration are often viewed with suspicion in terms of long-term
sustainability, due to a lack of awareness, knowledge and the absence of systemic tangible
benefits at the community level. The scarcity of land for human needs, which continues to
exert pressure on mangrove and wetlands, is a major challenge. There is a pressing need to
develop alternative conservation approaches that link mangrove conservation and restoration
with other forms of coastal industry development, especially tourism, as a means to ensure
mangroves’ future sustainability. If mangrove forests continue to be exploited at current rates
without addressing the need for sustainable management, they will be largely gone by about
2030. The future of mangroves depends on the development of technological and ecological
advances in multi-species genetics and forestry modelling; the greatest hope for the future
of mangroves is for a reduction in human population growth (Alongi, 2002).

1.1 Tourism towards environment

World tourism is the single largest industry; it generates almost one billion international tourist
64 arrivals and about US$450 trillion in receipts globally, and is growing at around 3.5%–4%

annually, the highest growth rate for a single industry. These facts show the significance and
size of the tourism industry in the world economy. Furthermore, the positive relationship
between tourism demand and economic development in developed countries ensures that
this industry will maintain its growth in the future (UNWTO, 2011).

The potential demand for nature tourism is enormous. UNWTO (2004) showed that nature-
related tourism represents about 20% of total tourist arrivals globally, and is growing at
10%–30% annually, thus doubling the size of the nature tourism subsector every three to
four years. Wight (2001) estimated that some 40% of all tourists travel with a view to seeing
some form of wilderness during their trip. Ecotourism comprises about 10% of total tour-
ism demand, and is growing at 7% annually, which is much faster than the overall growth
of world tourism, estimated at about 4.1% per year (WTTC, 2010). The above numbers
suggest that if tourism demand in 2015 is 1.561 billion arrivals, as forecast by WTTC (2010),
approximately 312 million tourists will engage in nature-based facilities and activities.

1.2 Sustainable tourism and mangrove conservation

Sustainable tourism development requires the informed participation of all relevant stakehold-
ers, as well as strong political leadership to ensure wide participation and consensus-building.
Achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process that requires constant monitoring of
impacts, and introducing necessary preventive or corrective measures whenever necessary.
Sustainable tourism calls for maintaining a high level of tourist satisfaction and ensuring a
meaningful experience for tourists, raising their awareness about sustainability issues, and
promoting the uptake of sustainable tourism practices. Sustainable tourism depends on the
three interconnected impacts of environmental, socio-cultural and economic issues (UNEP,

The mangrove environment provides a comprehensive natural resource base as a foundation

to attract tourists. The sustainability concept is widely discussed at present in all tourism
initiatives. Coastal tourism resource bases, particularly vulnerable and sensitive mangrove
ecosystems, which are distributed within limited areas in countries, need special attention
to ensure their sustainability. Using sustainability concepts as a tool and vehicle for careful
use of the coastal ecosystem, tourism has the potential to help conserve mangroves and
interrelated ecosystems by providing economic gains to immediate stakeholders to ensure
the wider non-economic benefits of mangroves (Ratnayake, 2007; Liyanage, 2010).

In summary, mangroves are a unique ecosystem that contributes direct economic benefits
and major non-economic benefits to society. However, it appears that many stakeholders
show little regard for this important ecosystem. Introducing tourism will bring economic ben-
efits to the community and other associated stakeholders that will bring home the importance
and value of mangroves for their livelihood, and motivate them to protect mangroves. This
study aims to ascertain the economic and non-economic benefits (both direct and indirect)
generated by mangroves.

2. Materials and methods

Data required to compile an overview of mangrove restoration areas, their geographical
distribution and the local and locational values of the present mangrove ecosystem and 65

social systems were collected. The overview also reflects the contribution by MFF and
other conservation initiatives to restore or reinstate disturbed sensitive areas in the country
damaged by natural hazards, and records their present status. The study pays specific
attention to communities’ knowledge (both general and scientific) about the surrounding
mangrove forests and their associated ecosystem and biodiversity. The study also investi-
gated the direct benefits that will gain positive responses and support from the neighbour-
ing coastal community, when tourism initiatives for restoration and conservation are suc-
cessfully concluded.

The research mainly focuses on how to assess independently which restoration and con-
servation initiatives are sustainable, for the next generation of the society (by 2030). The final
aim of the study is to identify what kind of tourism (tourists, facilities and activities), and what
type of nature research and education, are necessary and acceptable to support livelihood
development systems in areas where mangroves are most at risk.

3. Results
The 20 species of mangrove found in Sri Lanka fall into four groups based on the frequency of
occurrence. The four most common genera are Avicennia, Rhizophora, Bruguiera, and Son-
neratia. Ten common species, three rare species and three very rare species are recorded.
Table 2 shows the distribution of mangrove areas by coastal district.

Table 2 Extent of mangrove in coastal districts in Sri Lanka (ha)

Puttalam 3,210 Gampaha 313
Jaffna 2,276 Galle 238
Trincomalee 2,043 Ampara 100
Batticaloa 1,303 Colombo 39
Kilinochchi 770 Kalutara 12
Hambantota 576 Matara 7
Mullaitivu 428 Total 11,315
Source: Forest Department, Sri Lanka.

Mangrove restoration has taken place in all coastal districts affected by the Indian Ocean
tsunami in 2004. Restoration commenced in the southern and eastern regions and later
extended to northern and western regions. MFF small and medium grants made a substantial
contribution towards this process. Necessary support from experts and organisations such
as the Coast Conservation Department and Forest Department has also been obtained.
Further research is called for on the damage caused by the tsunami and its future impacts;
appropriate mangrove species; and replanting methods, locations and timing.

Ecological and economic benefits of, and threats to, mangrove forests surfaced in the study.
Services provided by mangrove forests are:

 Nursery grounds for fish, shrimp and crabs.

 Harvesting grounds for crabs, shrimp and some fish species.
 Production of leaf litter and detritus – valuable food resources for animal life in estuaries
66 and coastal waters.

 Protects coastal areas and communities from storm surges, waves, tidal currents, tsu-
namis and other natural hazards.
 Produces organic biomass and reduces organic pollution near the shoreline.
 Serves as recreational grounds for birdwatching and observation of other wildlife.
 Provides wood and timber for low-cost housing, firewood and charcoal.

Threats faced by mangrove forests are:

 Conversion to fishponds and salt beds.

 Reclaiming for various developments.
 Indiscriminate extraction of firewood and wood.
 Dumping of solid waste.
 Tsunamis, tidal waves, soil erosion.

Proposed solutions are:

 Establishment of nurseries, and management and research centres.

 Plantation of mangroves with appropriate species based on scientific findings.
 Introduction of alternative means of mangrove-based income generation, such as ecot-
ourism, for coastal communities.

The community’s perception of current economic benefits from tourism in mangrove res-
toration areas in Kalpitiya was assessed using a random sample amounting to 10% of the
population. Situated in North-Western Province, Kalpitiya is the largest open lagoon in Sri
Lanka, and is surrounded by many mangrove-covered islands. At present, the government
is developing tourist facilities to promote formal tourism in a selected group of islands and
mangrove forests.

The results presented in Table 3 show the community’s high level of dependence on tourism.
It is the principal source of income for half the community (51.8%) and the secondary source
for another 28.5%. However, less than 20% are aware of the environmental value of man-
groves, and almost 75% extract firewood from mangrove forests. These numbers illustrate
the gravity of the threat facing mangroves. The community is largely engaged in providing
ad hoc facilities to tourists, especially domestic tourists. They are using coastal resources
for economic gain, but sadly are unaware of the value of these resources, nor do they seem
to care. Only 11.7% claim they do not harm this valuable ecosystem.

About 27% of the households earned their entire household income from the tourism indus-
try. Around 11% earned about half their household income, and another 23% some part of
their income, from tourism. About 39% do not derive any income from the tourism industry.

Overall, the community’s knowledge about mangroves was limited. Only 7% had a high level
of awareness, and the rest knew little or nothing about mangroves. However, their willingness
to learn about mangroves and readiness to co-operate are important for future development
and should be appreciated. Most of those sampled (77.4%) agreed to learn about mangrove
ecosystems to enable their participation in tourism and ecotourism initiatives. 67

Table 3 Socio-economic characteristics of the Kalpitiya area community

Characteristic No. of households Proportion (%)
Primary source of family income
Tourism related 71 51.8
Non-tourism related 66 48.2
Total 137 100.0
Secondary source of family income
Nil 75 54.7
Tourism related 39 28.5
Non-tourism related 23 16.8
Contribution of tourism to total family income
Nil 53 38.7
100% 38 27.7
About 50% 15 10.9
Less than 50% 31 22.6
Total 137 100.0
Level of awareness of the environmental value of mangrove
Nil 86 62.7
Very poor 17 12.4
Limited 27 19.7
High: mangrove protection is essential 7 5.0
Total 137 100.0
Wish to improve awareness about mangroves 106 77.4
How the community presently utilizes mangroves
Fire wood 81 59.1
Does not utilize mangrove 16 11.7
Firewood and other uses 34 24.8
Uses other than firewood 6 4.4
Total 137 100.0
Future plans relating to mangroves
To start a tourism business 67 48.9
To add more tourism facilities 31 22.6

The community is unhappy about current tourism practices, which are mostly ad hoc activi-
ties, but are willing to work with the tourism authorities to improve them. The majority (62%)
have a positive attitude towards tourism and ecotourism, which they regard as a worthwhile
activity. Their comments show that they believe that tourism and ecotourism will develop
and will be sustainable in their area.

Global tourism shows continuous growth; nature-interested travellers and ecotourists are
important contributors to this trend. Countries with high-nature-value landscapes and bio-
diversity can cater to such tourists. Sri Lanka being a tropical country as well as an island
has comparative advantage in this market segment (Table 4).

Table 4 Global tourist arrivals and estimated numbers of ecotourists and travellers interested
in nature (in millions)
Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 ª
A. Tourist arrivals 782 898 924 880 935 1046
B. Nature-interested travellers (20% of A) 156.6
179.6 184.8 176.0 187.0 209.2
C. Ecotourists b (avg. 7% of B) 10.9 12.6 13.0 12.3 13.1 14.6
ª Projections. b
Estimates. Sources: UNW TO (2011); Ratnayake (2007).

In line with international trends and peace in the country, international tourist arrivals have
started growing quickly (46% in 2010 and 31% in 2011) in Sri Lanka (Table 5).

Table 5 Monthly and annual tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka

Month 2010 2011 2012 Average growth (%)
January 50,757 74,197 85,874 15.7
February 57,300 65,797 83,549 27.0
March 52,352 75,130 91,102 21.3
April 38,300 63,835 69,591 9.0
May 35,213 48,943 – –
June 44,730 53,636 – –
July 63,339 83,786 – –
August 55,898 72,463 – –
September 47,339 60,219 – –
October 52,370 69,563 – –
November 72,251 90,889 – –
December 84,627 97,517 – –
Annual total ª 654,476 855,975 330,116 b –
Annual growth (%) 46.1 30.8 18.3 –
ª 454,475 in 2009. b
By April 2012. Sources: SLTDA (2011, 2012).

3.1 Environmental and economic benefits of tourism

Tourism development increases the demand for quality accommodation, food and bever-
age, and other ancillary facilities. Moreover, visitors now look for specific places to visit, gain
knowledge during the tour, respect nature and help maintain its balance. They are demanding
diversified tourism products with high quality standards and services, pristine locations, and
knowledge on the valuable ecosystems encountered during their travels.

The main positive economic impacts of tourism stem from foreign exchange earnings, contri-
butions to government revenues, and generation of employment and business opportunities.
Tourism expenditures and the export and import of related goods and services generate
income for the host economy and can stimulate the investment necessary to finance growth
in other economic sectors. Tourism can also contribute to environmental protection, conser-
vation and restoration of biological diversity, and the sustainable use of natural resources.
The need to protect valuable pristine sites and natural areas can lead to the creation of new
non-conventional tourist destinations, activities and facilities.

Sri Lanka has about 36 lagoons and estuaries distributed across the country. Almost all of
these areas are either on or near present tourist routes. Even in the north and east of the
country, which are emerging areas for tourism, the remaining mangrove forests are located
close to potential tourist routes.

Development of visitor facilities for awareness, education, accommodation, research, study

and publication, with basic infrastructure, will provide unique value to nature-loving visitors
and people living in those areas. Networking these facilities, both within the country and
among other countries with similar resource bases and visitor facilities, will also strengthen
their marketing.

To capitalise on potential and international visitor interest, appropriate visitor facilities, knowl-
edge gathering and research centres, activities within and in neighbouring areas, and nature
friendly accommodation in close proximity to mangrove areas, should be available. These
facilities can generate additional income for the communities living close to mangrove habi-

As a model, three home stay units were developed close to Kalpitiya Lagoon, and 12 man-
grove tour assistants and 17 lagoon tour assistants were identified. Annual projected income
(using the lowest estimates) for each unit (with 30 nature lodges for tourists) is presented in
Table 6.

Table 6 Income projections for home stay units near Kalpitiya Lagoon
Estimates Occupancy Room rate US$30/day Boat ride US$30/trip
Potential 15 days/month for 6 2 trips per day, for 15
months; 8 days/month days per month, for 6
for other 6 months = months each year
138 days/year
Income 138 days x US$30 = 2 trips x 15 days x
US$4,140 6 months x US$30 =
Total cost 30% = US$1,242 30% = US$1,620
Profit or additional US$2,898 US$ 3,780
income per annum

Hypothetical projections show the financial benefits of tourism. Communities will be able to
earn more income by providing camping, research, nature activities, and study tours (Table 7).

Based on tourism initiatives in mangrove areas and lagoons, there will be non-economic
benefits such as a protected environment for breeding and nesting of birds, protection of
habitats for specific rare fauna and flora species, and maintenance of wetland ecosystem
services. Use of mangroves for firewood adversely affects all non-economic benefits; it can
also lead to more serious environmental issues in the long run. Most community members
who extract firewood from mangrove forests are unaware of the possible environmental
problems. Financial difficulties drive them to use firewood for cooking. This suggests that
alternative sources of income may indirectly protect mangroves and associated ecosystems.

Table 7 Proposed tourism facility development models for mangrove areas

Model (options) I II III IV
Visitor day Nature walk/ Boating/ Observation and Nature walk/
activities trekking birdwatching recording boating
Accommodation Home stay Camping Ecolodge –
Knowledge Nature information Nature library Nature research Nature informa-
centre centre centre tion centre
Visitor activities 1 Reading/video Reference/ Reference/ Tourist
recording data collection information
Restoration Nursery work Replanting Restoration/ Land preparation
Monitoring Watering/fertilising Plants aftercare Plants aftercare –
Visitor activities 2 Village walk Fishing Assist in cultivating Visit attractions
Visitor activities 3 Study cultural Round tour Excursions to –
aspects other areas

Controlling the number of facility units in a given area, and number of visitors at any given time
of the day, will increase the financial returns to the community without harming the resource
base. Income generation based on mangrove resources will provide the necessary motiva-
tion to protect the mangroves with minimal intervention. Linked with effective management
methods, this will be sustainable in the long run and will ensure the environmental benefits
of mangrove forests without any disruption.

4. Discussion
Clearly, mangrove environments have a very high potential to attract the positive attention
of the tourism sector, due to their natural biodiversity and the diversity of the associated
ecosystems. The diversity of mangrove communities and their geographical locations offer
considerable potential for the development of research centres, eco-friendly accommodation,
nature trails, birdwatching, game fishing, observation platforms and interpretation services
by local people. Nature-based activities could include replanting mangroves jointly with visi-
tors, and research projects conducted by visitors in collaboration with local youth. These
activities could open up a variety of avenues and opportunities for income generation for the
communities living around mangrove habitats.

Initial inputs and support are required to train local personnel, and technical inputs are needed
to create awareness among local people to facilitate introducing tourism initiatives. Once
the initiatives are in place, and communities begin to generate alternative incomes using
mangroves as a resource base, they will start protecting mangroves motivated by income
and respect for mangrove resources. The community will have opportunities to generate
income by organizing tourism programmes to mangrove areas and by providing facilities
to tourists. The capacity of mangroves to generate alternative incomes from domestic and
international tourism will increase when facilities are provided for nature-based activities. As
additional income begins to flow in, the community will gradually move towards conserving
sensitive mangrove areas. They will soon realize that keeping mangroves is more profitable
than cutting mangroves. Hence, long-term sustainability of the conservation initiatives can

be ensured. This model can be replicated in any area or country after a careful assessment
of the area targeted.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

Introducing new activities to sensitive environments must be linked to careful studies, sys-
tematic management methods, and strict guidelines for stakeholders. So it is necessary to:

a. Carry out comprehensive studies on the resource base and its sensitivity to different levels
of intervention, i.e. carrying capacities in the long run.
b. Identify areas that have to be conserved with no intervention. In other areas identify
appropriate tourism facilities and activities e.g. introduce one of the proposed models.
c. Assess the level of community awareness and the assistance that will be needed to form
community business centres in the identified areas.
d. Identify training needs such as capacity building and skills development for providing
tourism activities and facilities.
e. Effectively manage the services developed with due care for the sensitive resource base.
f. Assist with technical and financial (borrowing) support to develop tourism facilities.
g. Use ecotourism as a tool for the conservation of mangroves while generating income.
h. Extend marketing support by linking with other similar products found locally and inter-
nationally, at least during the first two years in order to establish market sustainability.
i. Set up a mechanism to monitor interventions and take corrective action to support sus-
tainable conservation of mangroves.

Sincere thanks are due to IUCN Sri Lanka and the MFF Secretariat in Bangkok; Kalpitiya
Tourism Integrated Project of the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority; the Sri Lanka
Navy in Kalpitiya; Turtle Conservation Project; and the fishing community in Kalpitiya.

Alongi, D.M., 1998. Coastal Ecosystem Processes. New York: CRC Press, 419 pp.
Alongi, D.M., 2002. Present Status and Future of the World’s Mangrove Forests. Foundation
for Environmental Conservation 29, 331–347.
Department of Wildlife Conservation of Sri Lanka (DWLC), n.d. Ecotourism Definition . Online
at: (last accessed on 15 October 2006).
ESCAP, 1999. Economic Impacts of Sri Lanka. ESCAP Tourism Review. New York: United
Forest Department, n.d. Mangrove Ecosystems in Sri Lanka. Colombo: Forest Department
of Sri Lanka.
Kotagama, S., 2005. Eco-tourism and community development. Online at: (last
accessed on 20 December 2006).
Liyanage, S., 2010. Pilot Project: Participatory Management of Seguwanthive Habitat in
Puttalam District, Sri Lanka. Wetlands International, pp. 180–187.
Melana, D.M., Atchue III, J., Yoo, C.E., Edwards, R., Melana, E.E. and Gonzales, H.I., 2000.
Mangrove Management Hand Book. Manila: Department of Environment and Natural
72 Resources, 96 pp.

Ratnayake, P.U., 2002. Tourism Potentials Towards Ecotourism in Sri Lanka. Maastricht:
Maastricht School of Management.
Ratnayake, P.U., 2007. Challenges to Ecotourism Development in Sri Lanka: An Assessment.
Phuket: Prince of Songkhla University.
SLTB, 2003a. Ecotourism Development of Sri Lanka: National Policy, Regulations and Guide-
lines. Colombo: Sri Lanka Tourist Board and Ministry of Tourism.
SLTB, 2003b. Ecotourism Development Strategy of Sri Lanka. Colombo: Sri Lanka Tourist
Board and Ministry of Tourism.
SLTDA, 2011. Annual Statistical Report. Colombo: Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority.
SLTDA, 2012. Monthly Statistical Bulletin for April 2012. Colombo: Sri Lanka Tourism Devel-
opment Authority.
UNDP and IUCN, 2008. National Strategy and Action Plan (draft) under Mangroves for the
Future (MFF), India.
UNEP, 2002. Ecotourism: Principles, Practices & Policies for Sustainability. Paris: United
Nations Environment Programme and The International Ecotourism Society.
UNWTO, 2004. World Tourism Barometer 2003. Madrid: United Nations World Tourism
UNWTO, 2011. Tourism Towards 2030. Madrid: United Nations World Tourism Organisation.
Wight, P.A., 2001. Ecotourism: Not a homogeneous market segment. Pp 37–62 in: Weaver,
D. (ed.), The Encyclopaedia of Ecotourism. Wallingford: CABI Publishing.
WTTC, 2010. World Travel and Tourism Council. Online at: (last accessed
on 20 January 2010).

Mangrove restoration efforts in Sri Lanka

Thalatha S. Ranasinghe
Marine Environment Protection Authority, 758, Baseline Road, Colombo 09, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

In Sri Lanka, mangroves have been associated with 22 brackish water bodies; their estimated
total extent is between 4,000–12,000 ha. Mangroves are scattered in different climatic zones
and are associated with rare plant and animal species. Mangroves provide many benefits to
coastal populations in terms of economic goods and ecological services, such as fisheries,
ecotourism, building materials, aquaculture, medicines, and as a natural wastewater treat-
ment system, and habitat for birds and mammals.

The main reasons for loss and degradation of mangroves in Sri Lanka have been identified
as extraction of timber, conversion of mangrove lands for agriculture and salt production,
coastal industrialization and urbanization, and for coastal aquaculture. After the 2004 tsunami
disaster, the central government and some NGOs realized the significance of this mangrove
cover that serves as a natural barrier against the wave storms. They initiated projects for
restoration and replanting at selected locations.

The sustainability of these mangroves restoration projects and their achievements were
evaluated through a study of published literature, project reports, research papers and pres-
entations relating to these mangrove rehabilitation efforts. On-site observations, question-
naires for, and interviews with, the community, and discussions with project leaders were
also carried out.

Six restoration/replanting project sites at Rekawa, Negombo and Puttalam Lagoons, and in
Madu Ganga area were inspected; their level of success varied. In Rekawa Lagoon, replanta-
tion had commenced in 2007; of the 15,000 seedlings planted just 200 survive today. The
project failed as the seedlings utilized were not suited to the environmental conditions at the
site. The Negombo Lagoon projects, started in 2005 and 2007, were 70% successful, with
85,000 survivors out of the 125,000 seedlings planted. These projects provide many benefits
both to the environment and the community. In Puttalam, replantation projects commenced
in 2005 and 2010; 160,000 seedlings of Rhizophora sp. were planted over 15 hectares. They
were 65% successful and the plants are now 3–4 m tall. The Madu Ganga area replantation,
started in 2005, failed; only 50–70 survivors out of 10,000 seedlings planted. The failure was
ascribed to low salinity levels and excessive growth of sea weeds at the site.

Almost all the villagers around the successful mangrove replantation sites are engaged in
fishery activities. Most are now aware of the significance of mangroves and the prospects
are excellent for conserving mangroves for the benefit of future generations. The mangrove
vegetation here controls shoreline erosion and also traps sediments.

Reasons for the failure of some replantation projects, as revealed by the survey, can be sum-
marized as follows: mangrove seedlings used were not suited to the environmental conditions,
poor habitat selection, improper planting methods (e.g. planting at a substrate depth outside
the natural range for mangroves in that area), lack of monitoring after planting, and indirectly,
the decision makers’ lack of knowledge/enthusiasm on the ecological role of mangroves.

Some recommendations towards improving and conserving the mangroves cover are: build-
ing awareness among people – schoolchildren and officials of government departments and 75

NGOs; improving coordination among institutions; introducing a system to share knowledge

and data; in-depth studies on mangrove habitats to determine suitable species for different
climatic areas, and facilitating small grants for community-based mangrove rehabilitation

Keywords: mangroves, restoration, lagoons, biodiversity, wetlands, Sri Lanka

1. Introduction
Mangroves, wetlands rich in biodiversity, are subject to severe depredation worldwide. In Sri
Lanka, mangroves are associated with 22 brackish waterbodies such as lagoons and estu-
aries, and are estimated to cover 4,000–12,000 ha. The largest mangrove system, around
3,385 ha in extent, is located in Puttalam Lagoon. Other large mangrove areas are found in
Batticaloa and Trincomalee districts. Mangroves are found in different climatic zones and
are associated with rare plant and animal species. Fishing in these lagoons and estuaries
provides a livelihood for over 120,000 coastal people. Mangroves provide many benefits to
coastal populations in terms of economic goods and ecological services, such as fisher-
ies, ecotourism, building materials, aquaculture, medicines, a natural wastewater treatment
system, and habitats for birds and mammals.

Ecologically, tropical mangrove forests are important in maintaining and building the soil, as
a reservoir in the tertiary assimilation of waste, and in the global cycles of carbon dioxide/
nitrogen/sulphur. Mangroves play a significant role in coastal stabilization and promoting
land accretion, fixation of mud banks, and the dissipation of wind, tidal and wave energy.

Mangrove utilization falls into two categories. First, the use of the mangrove ecosystem as a
whole or its conversion to other uses; and second, the use of products from the mangrove
ecosystem. A relatively recent commercial use of mangroves is for recreation and ecotourism.

The main reasons for loss and degradation of mangroves in Sri Lanka have been identi-
fied as increasing population density, conversion of mangrove lands for agriculture and salt
production, firewood and timber extraction, and coastal industrialization and urbanization.
Many mangrove habitats have been heavily exploited and are no longer found in large areas
in many locations. Over the past two decades, the mangrove vegetation in many lagoons
and estuaries in Sri Lanka, especially on the north-western coast, has been rapidly cleared
to make way for commercial aquaculture of shrimp for the booming export market. Wherever
mangrove forests have been cleared, the yields of coastal fisheries have fallen drastically
because mangroves are the breeding grounds of many economically important fish species.
The loss of mangroves removes a life-supporting resource, not just for the fish populations
but also for the coastal population.

After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the central government and some NGOs realized the
importance of mangroves as a natural barrier against storm waves, and launched projects
to restore the damaged mangroves. The objective of this study was to evaluate the progress
and achievements of six selected projects initiated mostly around five years ago, with a view
76 to understanding the possible reasons for their success or failure, as the case may be.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Study sites
2.1.1 Rekawa Lagoon
Rekawa Lagoon is located about 200 km south of Colombo in Tangalle, in Hambantota
District. The lagoon, about 250 ha in extent, with its wide basin and narrow meandering chan-
nel, is the dominant feature of the area. Mangrove and scrub forest (about 200 ha) surround
the lagoon, which is bounded on the seaward side by a broad sandy beach approximately
10-km long. Landward of the lagoon is a large tract of paddy fields (about 500 ha), mostly
abandoned due to high salinity. The Rekawa Lagoon study site has nearly 5,400 people liv-
ing in 1,200 families. About half of the population is engaged in sea and lagoon fishing, and
the other half in agriculture.

Rekawa Lagoon is shallow with the water depth averaging 1.4 m. Fringing mangroves such
as Rhizophora mucronata and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza make up only a small portion of the
mangrove forest system and form only a narrow band around the shoreline. Less-dominant
mangrove species mixed with other vegetation grow inland from the fringing mangroves and
form an additional band around the lagoon.

Freshwater inflows to the lagoon have been impeded by numerous irrigation structures built
to supply agricultural land along the three main rivers flowing into the lagoon. Several cause-
ways near the lagoon mouth impede the flow of sea water and shrimp and fish recruitment
to the lagoon. These changes have affected the overall productivity of the lagoon fish and
shrimp industry, and the water quality of the lagoon.

2.1.2 Negombo Lagoon

Negombo Lagoon, located about 35 km north of Colombo, is a large estuarine lagoon in
Gampaha district, in south-west Sri Lanka. The lagoon is fed by number of small rivers and
a canal. It is linked to the sea by a narrow channel to the north near Negombo town. It is
surrounded by a densely populated region containing paddy fields, coconut plantations
and grassland. The lagoon has extensive mangrove swamps and attracts a wide variety of
waterbirds including cormorants, herons, egrets, gulls, terns and other shorebirds. Most of
the people in the area are engaged in lagoon fishing and the shrimp industry. Mangrove cover
is declining rapidly owing to land clearing for large-scale shrimp aquaculture.

2.1.3 Puttalam Lagoon

Puttalam Lagoon has the largest mangrove area (3,385 ha) in Sri Lanka. Coastal communi-
ties depend on the lagoon fishery and mangrove forests for their survival. Mangroves are
heavily exploited by coastal communities for fuelwood, timber for buildings, stains for nets
and sails, timber for fencing, and so on. Mangroves are disappearing from many areas of
Puttalam Lagoon as a result of land clearing for large-scale shrimp aquaculture and agricul-
ture. In addition, large areas of mangrove forest in Puttalam Lagoon have been destroyed
to construct houses, hotels, factories and boat landing areas. Therefore, mangrove forests
in the lagoon are under the serious threat of extinction due to overexploitation by coastal
communities, aquaculturists and land developers (Kapurusinghe, 2011). In Puttalam district,
where the most extensive and rare mangrove species exist, more than 3,000 ha of mangrove
lands were converted to industrial shrimp farms under government patronage. 77

2.1.4 Madu Ganga

The Madu Ganga lakes are located on the south-western coast of Sri Lanka. These twin
lakes, with surface areas of 915 ha and 390 ha, are connected by a narrow channel 3-km
long. Madu Ganga has a unique biodiversity, consisting of ten major vegetation types includ-
ing the predominant mangroves and marshlands. Together these comprise 303 species of
plants belonging to 95 families, including 19 endemic and nationally threatened species, and
nine invasive alien species. Due to the great variety of plants, a large number of invertebrates,
reptiles (including snakes), birds, amphibians and mammals can be found around the lakes.
The mixture of vegetation types and the 21 small and large islands within the twin lakes have
made these two wetlands an ideal habitat for 111 bird species (Gattenlöhner et al., 2007).
Pollution from pesticides, sewage, agricultural chemicals and industrial effluents are gradually
becoming major threats. Many fisher folk communities bordering the lakes and the sea have
lost their means of livelihood since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

2.2 Methodology
Background information was gathered through a study of the published literature, project
reports, research papers and presentations relating to these mangrove rehabilitation efforts.
Socio-economic data were collected from villages near the mangrove planting areas through
discussions and questionnaires. Questionnaires were distributed among 20 individuals in
the villages close to each site to collect qualitative data such as perceptions of ecological
and economic values. Five water quality parameters were measured on-site during February
2012, using portable multi-parameter (Thermo Scientific) test kits provided by the Marine
Environment Protection Authority. The value of each parameter, at each site, is the mean of
measurements of five water samples. Plantation performance was assessed from discus-
sions with project leaders and participants, photographic records, and on-site observations.

3. Results
Tables 1, 2 and 3 opposite detail, respectively, percentage survival of mangrove seedlings
at selected replanting/restoration sites; the values of five water quality parameters at each
site; and a measure of the increase of ecological and economic values due to replanting.

4. Discussion
Varied degrees of success were observed at the six mangrove replanting and restoration
project sites. In Rekawa Lagoon, the new planting programme established in 2007 was
unsuccessful because the natural environmental conditions were unsuitable for the seed-
lings used. Repeated attempts to establish seedlings failed. The salinity level was too low
in Rekawa Lagoon. It is also known that restoration efforts generally fail where people live in
close proximity to mangrove sites, as in this case. However, in this village, women’s groups
actively participate in mangrove restoration and conservation efforts. Also, they conduct
community awareness and development programmes. Most people here are aware of the
importance of mangrove forests and the benefits they provide.

At the Negombo Lagoon sites, the replanting of mangroves was 65–80% successful and
has generated benefits for both the environment and the local community. The environmental
conditions here are suitable for the growth of mangroves, and the ecological and economical
78 values of the area have increased as a result of to these restoration efforts.

Table 1 Species and number of seedlings planted, and number of surviving plants
Rekawa Madu Negombo- Negombo- Puttalam- Puttalam-
Lagoon Ganga Molawatta Kurana Kalpitiya Anawasala
Start year 2007 2005 2005 2007 2005 2010
Species Rhizophora sp. Rhizophora R. mucronata R. mucronata R. mucronata R. mucronata
Bruguiera mucronata
No. of 15,000 10,000 100,000 25,000 150,000 10,000
Survival 1.34 0.6 65 80 60 90
rate (%)

Table 2 Water quality at the six study sites

Rekawa Madu Negombo- Negombo- Puttalam- Puttalam-
Parameter Lagoon Ganga Molawatta Kurana Kalpitiya Anawasala
Temperature (ºC) 29.24 31.65 26.9 25 29.3 30.1
DO (mg/l) 8.05 4.67 5.44 6.06 6.31 6.05
Conductivity (mc/cm) 25.32 28.51 18.79 19.39 19.29 19.12
pH 8.16 7.47 8.63 10.1 7.8 8.3
Salinity (ppm) 4.71 17.67 28.3 29.1 29.2 30.5

Table 3 Positive answers for increased ecological and economic values after replanting
Rekawa Madu Negombo- Negombo- Puttalam- Puttalam-
Lagoon Ganga Molawatta Kurana Kalpitiya Anawasala
Increase in 4 2 14 14 16 15
ecological values
Increase in 4 2 14 15 16 15
economic values
Note: 20 people responded to the questionnaire.

At Puttalam Lagoon, the mangrove restoration project at Kalpitiya began in 2005 with com-
munity participation. The goal of this project is to initiate a long-term community-based con-
servation and management programme to increase the extent of tropical mangrove forests
and local biodiversity in the lagoon. The project has been 60% successful; the mangrove
plants are growing well and are now 3–4 m tall. The mangrove species selected for planting
(R. mucronata) is well adapted to the environment and ecosystem, and this accounts for the
success of the project. The ecological and economical values of the area have increased. In
the Puttalam Lagoon project at Anawasala, 10,000 seedlings of R. mucronata were estab-
lished in 2010. This effort was also successful and the plants are now about 1.5-m tall. The
Puttalam Lagoon communities’ awareness of mangrove forests and their benefits is at a
higher level than that of the Rekawa and Madu Ganga communities.

At Madu Ganga, the replantation programme in 2005 failed; only around 60 of the 10,000
seedlings planted survive. This failure can be ascribed to the low salinity levels in the area,
which not only had a direct negative effect on the mangrove seedlings, but also promoted
an excessive growth of seaweed that smothered the seedlings. The Madu Ganga communi-
ties’ awareness of mangrove forests and their benefits are at a lower level than that of the
Rekawa, Negombo and Puttalam communities. 79

5. Conclusions and recommendations

The failure of mangrove restoration projects can be ascribed to:

 Inadequate monitoring of seedlings after planting.

 Poor habitat selection without adequate site assessment.
 Faulty selection of mangrove species for replanting.
 Improper planting of mangrove seedlings at a substrate depth beyond the natural range
for mangroves in the area.
 Poor coordination among the institutions involved.
 Decision makers’ inadequate knowledge of the ecological role of the mangroves.
 For economic reasons, mangrove planting is often limited to just one or two species.

In every area where mangrove replanting was successful, the villagers are engaged in fishery
activities and their main income is from fishing. In the past, mangrove forests were destroyed
to extract timber. In general, however, most villagers in the study sites are now aware of the
importance of mangrove forests and the chances of successful and sustainable conserva-
tion of mangroves are higher. To enhance the success of mangrove restoration projects, it
is recommended to:

 Build awareness of the importance of mangroves amongst villagers, schoolchildren, and

government and NGO officials in an efficient manner.
 Improve coordination among institutions and introduce a system to share knowledge and
available data.
 Conduct more research on mangrove habitats and related marine ecology.
 Facilitate small grants for community-based rehabilitation projects.
 Introduce, raise awareness of and adopt Ecological Mangrove Restoration (EMR) methods.
 Acquire knowledge of the processes essential to developing and supporting the produc-
tivity of the ecosystem as a whole, rather than its parts.
 In turn, this knowledge needs to be supported by appropriate technology and suitable

The author kindly acknowledges the help of the General Manager and staff of the Marine
Environment Protection Authority. Sincere thanks are due to the IUCN Country Office in
Sri Lanka for the opportunity to undertake this study; to Dr Terney Pradeep Kumara of the
University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, for technical assistance; and to the staff of the Turtle Con-
servation Project, Sri Lanka, for their cooperation.

Gattenlöhner, U., Lampert, S. and Wunderlich, K. (eds), 2007. Mangrove Rehabilitation
Guidebook. Published in the framework of the EU-ASIA PRO ECO II B Post-Tsunami
Project in Sri Lanka. Radolfzell: Global Nature Fund, 66 pp.
Kapurusinghe, T., 2011. Experiences in mangrove restoration in the Puttalam Lagoon. Pp.
72–73 in: IUCN, An Appraisal of Mangrove Management in Micro-tidal Estuaries and
Lagoons in Sri Lanka. Colombo: IUCN Sri Lanka Country Office, 116 pp.
Status of mangrove plantations in the living delta: an
overview of the coastal afforestation experience of
Ishtiaq Uddin Ahmad
Country Representative, IUCN Bangladesh, House 16, Road 2/3, Banani, Dhaka 1213.
Email: [email protected]

Bangladesh is a largely deltaic country lying at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal, at the
foot of the Himalayan Ganges. It slopes gently towards the sea, from an elevation of less
than 1.5 m to 0.2 m above mean sea level. The country’s coastal belt lies in the tropical zone
between latitude 21°–23° north and longitude 89°–93° east, and is densely populated. The
Bay of Bengal is particularly prone to the formation of tropical cyclones, experiencing about
10% of the tropical cyclones that form worldwide. The countries surrounding the Bay suffer
most in terms of loss of life and property from cyclones, with more than 40% of the world’s
total deaths annually due to cyclones suffered by Bangladesh alone. A large number of
cyclone casualties are caused by the associated storm surges.

To address the threat from extreme weather events, Bangladesh launched a coastal affor-
estation programme in 1960–1961 to create a protective belt around its coast and islands.
This included mangrove planting, which began in the intertidal zone outside the coastal
embankment in 1966. Bangladesh is a pioneer in coastal afforestation in terms of the scale
of this programme and also its positive outcomes. In many areas, small-scale planting in
unstable environments showed early success and was enthusiastically adopted by forest-
ers. This success led to the objectives of the plantation programme being expanded beyond
mitigating the effects of cyclones and storm surges.

Four types of changes – rapid accretion, sand smothering, sediment winnowing and erosion
– adversely affect mangrove plantations in Bangladesh. From independence to 1992, a total
area of 672.2 km² was eroded and 939.3 km² accreted, giving a net gain of 13.4 km² of new
land every year. The mangrove afforestation programme was carried out in a very unstable
environment, so there was always the risk of some plantations being lost in the time it takes
for trees to reach maturity. Bangladesh foresters pioneered the field of mangrove afforestation
by raising 1,773 km² of mangrove plantations over the past five decades along the coast
and in offshore areas, mostly in the central part of the country’s coastal zone. From 1961 to
2010, 23% of this plantation area was eroded and 10% encroached, but 67% survived as
sustainable plantations.

Considerable variations in the level of salinity, inundation of the forest floor, rate of sedimen-
tation and soil texture occur along the coastal belt of Bangladesh. These factors not only
influence the growth of different species but also their survival. Different species also vary in
their silvicultural requirements. Except for Nypa fruticans, the maximum mangrove species
seedling time is from June to October.

With a view to using mangrove plantations as a weapon against the impact of climate-
change-induced sea level rise, the value of mangroves can hardly be underestimated, espe-
cially their role in protecting coastal areas against cyclones and storm surges. Bangladesh’s
long, virtually barren shoreline is exposed to wind and wave action. So there is a need to build
a “bioshield” of mangroves to protect coastal communities against extreme weather events.

Keywords: mangroves, afforestation, cyclones, climatic changes, Bangladesh


1. Introduction
1.1 The geography of Bangladesh’s coastal zone
The coastal zone of Bangladesh is densely populated, except for extensive areas of natural
mangrove forest in the Sundarbans Forest Reserve and the district of Chittagong. Most
of the country’s long coastline was without tree cover until regular mangrove afforestation
began in 1966. Exposed to direct wind and wave action, the lives and property of the coastal
population were constantly at risk. A permanent greenbelt along the coast and around
islands would, it was believed, considerably reduce the losses caused by frequent cyclones
and tidal surges. With this purpose in view, a massive mangrove plantation programme was
launched and is still underway in Bangladesh. This mangrove planting was an innovation in
conventional forestry practices, raising doubts about its feasibility in the minds of many, but
it has since proved its worth.

Bangladesh is a largely deltaic country lying at the northern end of the Bay of Bengal, at the
foot of the Himalayan Ganges. It slopes gently towards the sea, from an elevation of less than
1.5 m to 0.2 m above mean sea level (Ali, 1992). The country’s coastal zone lies in the tropi-
cal zone between latitude 21°–23° north and longitude 89°–93° east. Its coastline extends
about 710 km along the Bay of Bengal from the mouth of the Teknaf River in the south-east
to the mouth of the Raimangal River in the west. The coastal zone comprises a total of 19
districts in Khulna, Barisal, Chittagong and Dhaka divisions.

The mean temperature in coastal areas ranges from 19°C in winter to 29°C in summer.
Annual rainfall varies from about 3,000 mm in the west, down to 2,300 mm in the centre,
and as high as 4,000 mm in the east. About 80% of total annual rainfall occurs during
the monsoon in July–September. Virtually no rain falls during the dry winter months from
December to February. The Bay of Bengal is particularly prone to the formation of tropical
cyclones, experiencing about 10% of the tropical cyclones that form worldwide. The coun-
tries surrounding the Bay suffer most in terms of loss of life and property from cyclones,
with more than 40% of the world’s total deaths annually due to cyclones suffered by Bang-
ladesh alone. A significant number of cyclone casualties are caused by the associated
storm surges – in Bangladesh the proportion is about 90% (Tarafdar, 1977). Cyclones are
most common before and after the monsoon period, with the greatest number in May and

The soils of Bangladesh’s coastal zone are formed mostly from recent (Quaternary) sedi-
ments deposited by various rivers. The nutrient properties of coastal soils are more-or-less
uniform along the coastline (Table 1). They have a loamy texture with a high clay content.
Silt is the dominant component followed by clay and sand. The pH values range from 7.5
to 8.3, indicating slight to moderate alkalinity. There is a trend of constant pH with depth in
most of the seasons. The organic carbon content of the soils is low to medium, ranging from
0.5% to 2.5%. It is higher at the soil surface and decreases gradually with depth. The action
of tides and waves prevents the formation of a rich organic topsoil. Total nitrogen content
ranges from 0.05% to 0.2% with a mean value of 0.09% (Khan et al., 1998). Despite their
comparatively low organic matter content, coastal soils are rich in mineral nutrients and are
moderately fertile (Hassan, 2000).

Table 1 General characteristics of coastal soils in Bangladesh

Western coast Eastern coast South-eastern coast
(Patuakhali, (Noakhali, (Chittagong, Cox’s
Bhola) Chittagong) Bazar)
Texture ª Sil to Sicl Sil to Sicl Sil to Sicl
pH 7.5–8.1 8.0–8.3 7.5–8.0
Electrical conductivity (dSm-¹)
Wet season 1.5–2.5 3.0–4.5 Not available
Dry season 3.0–7.5 5.5–12.0 Not available
Salinity Slight to Moderate Slight to Moderate Slight to Moderate
Organic carbon (%) 0.5–1.8 0.5–2.5 0.6–2.0
Total nitrogen (%) 0.05–0.15 0.08–0.20 0.05–0.15
Nitrogen (ppm) 65–125 60–150 50–120
Phosphorus (ppm) 15–20 15–20 10–15
Potassium (ppm) 200–300 200–250 150–250
Sulphur (ppm) 150–250 150–250 200–300
Sil = Sandy loam; Sicl = Silty clay loam.
Sources: Hassan (1987); Chaudhuri and Choudhury (1994); Karim (1994); Khan et al. (1998).

Erosion and accretion occur continuously along the coast of Bangladesh. Permanent delta-
building activity is reported to be minor, however (Jabbar, 1984). The net gain in land area
between 1972 and 1991 was 268 km², i.e. 13 km² per year (see Table 2). Data on erosion
and accretion in the Meghna estuary during the 220 years from 1776–1996 indicate a loss
of 1,969 km² of land and a gain of 3,881 km², producing a net gain of 2,187 km² or about
10 km² per year (Anon, 1997). The rate at which new land is raised above sea level in the Gan-
ges Delta suggests a mean increase of more than 35 km² per year in 1970–80 (McConchie,
1990a). Although accretion is occurring along the central coast, particularly on Bhola Island,
erosion is taking place at an alarming rate on some of the inhabited islands. For example,
Sandwip Island has been reduced to 250 km² from 650 km² by continuous erosion over the
past 200 years. The process of sedimentation creates problems in drainage and navigation,
but also helps in land building. Both erosion and accretion will remain active on a large scale
along the greater part of the coast, leading inevitably to further dramatic changes and major
effects on land resources.

Bangladesh has an exceptional hydrological setting. Three major rivers – the Ganges, Brah-
maputra and Meghna – drain a catchment area extending across Bhutan, Nepal, India, Bang-
ladesh and China. The total area of this drainage basin is about 1.5 million km², of which about
62% is in India, 18% in China, 8% in Nepal, 4% in Bhutan and 8% in Bangladesh. Ninety per
cent of the water from this basin flows into the Bay of Bengal through the lower Meghna estu-
ary in Bangladesh. This outflow is second only to that of the Amazon River system in South
America. In both breadth and annual volume, the Padma River–lower Meghna River system
is the third largest in the world. In its lower 100 km, the combined water flow of the Ganges,
Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers is two and a half times the volume of the Mississippi River.

Delta-building activity in Bangladesh is driven mainly by sediment discharged by the Ganges,

Brahmaputra and Meghna Rivers, plus many smaller rivers. Deltas are the most rapidly chang-

Table 2 Accretion and erosion in the coastal areas of Bangladesh, 1972–1991

Area Erosion (km²) Accretion (km²) Loss/gain (km²)
Sundarbans 74.73 14.45 –60.28
Bhola area 69.63 329.49 –259.86
Noakhali-Chittagong 494.39 587.04 +92.65
Cox’s Bazar 33.43 8.88 +24.55
Total 672.18 939.86 +267.68 (13.38/yr)
Source: BUET/BIDS (1993).

ing setting on Earth. Here, rivers deposit large volumes of sediments in the nearshore zone
as their current velocity decreases. These sediments are then reworked and redistributed
by wave and tide action to form bars (chars), mud banks or islands; or they accrete along
mainland beaches. Among the factors determining the rapidity of delta formation are the
rate of river discharge, volume of sediment load, currents, wave action and tidal range. This
process is further complicated by the impact of high-energy episodic events such as floods,
storms and cyclones, which can cause rapid and unpredictable large-scale morphological
changes (McConchie, 1990a).

In Bangladesh, the discharges of the large rivers and many smaller rivers have combined to
produce the largest delta on Earth. The deltaic sediments are more than 5-km deep, and
extend over 100-km offshore along much of the coastline. It has been estimated that the total
volume of sediments carried by the rivers flowing through Bangladesh is about 2.5 billion tons
annually (Holeman, 1968). How much of this sediment is deposited on the coast is uncertain,
however. In wetter years, it may increase to about two billion tons. A sediment load of 1.5
to 2.5 billion tons per year would be enough to cover about 200,000 ha to a depth of one
metre, assuming it were fully deposited and stabilized. Most of the sediment is deposited
beyond the continental shelf, however, and only a small portion contributes to delta-building.

1.2 History of coastal afforestation

The first experiments with mangrove afforestation began in China in the late 1950s. In Bang-
ladesh, a coastal afforestation programme was launched in 1960–1961 to address extreme
climatic events such as cyclones. Creation of a shelterbelt along the coastline was seen as
the most practical and affordable way of protecting the lives and property of the coastal
population against natural disasters and extreme weather events.

As already noted, cyclones and tidal surges commonly cause serious losses of life and prop-
erty in Bangladesh’s coastal zone. During the 1960s, the coastal zone experienced severe
cyclones and tidal surges. Available cyclone records for the area begin as early as 1984, but
at least eight severe cyclones hit before then in the period from 1960 to 1970 alone. The
observed protective role played by natural mangroves in the Sundarbans led the Bangladesh
Forest Department to try to establish mangrove plantations. Planting activities began in 1966
in the intertidal zone outside the protective coastal embankment. Limited planting in unstable
environments showed promise in many areas and was enthusiastically adopted by foresters.
The programme gained momentum with funding from the World Bank in 1978, and has since
grown to be the largest such mangrove afforestation effort in the world. Administratively,

the plantation programme is executed by four Coastal Afforestation Divisions, each division
having several Range offices and Beat offices along the coastline and islands of Bangladesh.

The primary objective of establishing mangrove plantations in coastal areas was to mitigate
the disastrous effects of cyclones and storm surges. The early success of the plantation
programme resulted in the adoption of several additional objectives. At present, the objec-
tives of the coastal afforestation programme are to:

 Protect the lives and property of the coastal population against cyclones and tidal surges.
 Conserve and stabilize newly accreted lands, and accelerate further accretion with the
ultimate aim of transferring a large part of this land to agriculture.
 Produce timber for fuelwood and industrial use.
 Inject urgently needed resources into the national economy (i.e. timber and new land).
 Create employment opportunities for remote rural communities.
 Develop suitable habitats for wildlife, fish and other estuarine and marine fauna.

The overall objective of this paper is to describe the coastal afforestation experience of
Bangladesh, focusing in particular on site suitability, survival, and the growth performance
of the mangrove plantations established so far.

2. Materials and methods

This paper is based on a review of secondary information, including reports, books, journals
and other relevant documents. A content analysis methodology was used to identify the
outcomes and learning from the coastal afforestation carried out so far by the Forest Depart-
ment. The primary selection of data sources was based on a set of keywords, including site
selection, suitability, growth and survival of plants, mangrove species for plantation, history of
afforestation, and so on. The author also drew on his experience as a former Chief Conserva-
tor of Forests to identify and recommend ways forward for coastal afforestation in Bangladesh.

3. Results
3.1 Site selection
The existing shrub and tree vegetation along the coastline of Bangladesh is typically scanty
and scattered. Denser, naturally occurring vegetation is only found in areas with natural man-
grove forests, such as the Sundarbans. As the long coastline is virtually barren and exposed
to wind and wave action, a need exists to establish tree cover using artificial regeneration.
However, the open nature of the coast, and the various physical processes that shape it,
also pose a major challenge to establishing plantations.

Proper selection of sites is vital for ensuring successful plantations. Geomorphological

changes in coastal areas can be rapid and unpredictable, making it difficult to identify suitable
sites correctly. Wind action in some places can cause a shifting of soils, particularly sands.
McConchie (1990a) identifies four processes affecting mangrove plantations in Bangladesh:
rapid accretion, sand smothering, sediment winnowing, and erosion. Dalmacio et al. (1991)
identify some practical considerations in site selection. Figure 1 illustrates some of these site
characteristics determining suitability for planting or sowing.

Closer ripples indicating unstable site unsuitable for planting

Wider ripples indicating site is stabilising and suitable for planting with some risk

Ripples of sand dune; site unsuitable and planted seedlings or saplings may be buried

Accreted land with crab burrows, indicating a stable site for planting

Accreted land with grasses indicating a stable site, ideal for planting

Figure 1 Different soil surface types and their suitability for mangrove planting. Source: Khan
(1990; cited by Siddiqi, 2001).

As mangrove afforestation is carried out in unstable environments, there is always a risk that
some planting will be lost during the time it takes for trees to reach maturity. The experience
of field staff is a key factor in identifying suitable sites.

3.2 Survival of mangrove plants

The Bangladesh Forest Department initiated the artificial regeneration of mangrove species
in the country and has pioneered the various afforestation techniques used along the coast.
These have allowed Bangladesh’s foresters to raise about 177,000 ha of new mangrove cover
over the past five decades, mostly in the central coastal zone. Table 3 details the achieve-
ments of the planting programme up to 2010. It shows that a significant proportion of new
planting has been lost to erosion and human encroachment.

Table 3 Coastal mangrove plantations, 1961–2010

Forest Department Total Failed plantation (%) Net

Division plantation (km²) Eroded Encroached Total plantation (%)
Noakhali 705 21 14 35 65
Bhola 371 33 5 38 62
Patuakhali 243 9 1 10 90
Chittagong 454 25 14 39 61
Total 1,773 23 10 33 67
Source: Ahmad (2011).

3.3 Growth of mangrove plants

Considerable variations in inundation of the forest floor, rates of sedimentation and soil texture
occur along the coastal zone of Bangladesh. These factors influence not only the growth of
different mangrove species but also their survival. Different species also have different silvi-
cultural requirements. Taken together, these factors mean that some species perform well
and can be planted widely, whereas others do less well and have a necessarily restricted
distribution. Table 4 details mangrove seeding times, and Table 5 below details the perform-
ance of various species in different locations as documented by Siddiqi and Khan (1990).

Table 4 Timing of seeding in selected mangrove species.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sonneratia apetala
Sonneratia caseolaris
Avicennia officinalis
Avicennia alba
Avicennia marina
Excoecaria agallocha
Heritiera fomes
Xylocarpus mekongensis
Xylocarpus granatum
Cynometra ramiflora
Aegiceras corniculatum
Lumnitzera racemosa
Nypa fruticans
Phoenix paludosa
Bruguiera sexangula
Ceriops decandra
Rhizophora mucronata
Source: Siddiqi (1993).

4. Discussion
Stable ground is mostly suitable and risk-free for establishing plantations. The coastal environ-
ment is highly unstable, however. Unpredictable and often rapid geomorphological changes
affect coastal plantations in various ways. Even established plantations may be eroded away
or buried by heavy sediment deposition or sand dune movement (McConchie, 1990a, 1990b).
Thus geomorphological changes play a major role in the success or failure of a plantation.

Table 5 Growth performance of mangrove species along the coast of Bangladesh

Age Mean MAI of Mean MAI of
Species Location (yr) ht (m) ht (m) dbh (cm) dbh (cm)
Sonneratia apetala Patherghata 11 12.00 1.09 12.99 1.18
Char Kashem 3 10 10.50 1.05 11.88 1.19
Char Kurki 4 11 12.71 1.05 12.74 1.16
Char Osman 6 11 10.65 1.16 11.38 1.03
Bogachatter 7 13 8.34 0.96 10.08 0.78
Hali Shahar 9 11 9.47 0.64 13.57 1.23
Sonneratia caseolaris Galachipa 3 11 10.76 0.86 21.11 1.92
Char Islam 4 9 5.60 0.97 15.31 1.70
Avicennia officinalis Char Kashem 3 12 6.89 0.62 12.22 0.94
Char Kurki 4 13 8.42 0.53 16.09 1.24
Char Osman 6 14 9.30 0.65 14.99 1.07
Bogachatter 7 11 5.30 0.66 10.59 0.96
Bandar 8 13 4.41 0.48 8.82 0.68
Hali Shahar 9 9 3.70 0.34 4.16 0.46
Avicennia marina Bogachatter 7 11 5.82 0.41 13.21 1.12
Hali Shahar 9 9 3.21 0.53 4.02 0.45
Grokghata 10 10 5.23 0.36 7.79 0.77
Avicennia alba Bandar 8 13 4.16 0.52 5.56 0.80
Grokghata 10 10 4.67 0.32 6.68 0.67
Bruguiera sexangula Char Hare 2 10 2.25 0.47 1.31 0.13
Char Kashem 3 12 2.76 0.23 2.82 0.24
Char Kurki 4 13 4.07 0.23 5.38 0.45
Dhal Char 5 11 4.19 0.31 4.50 0.41
Char Osman 6 10 3.54 0.38 3.12 0.31
Bogachatter 7 12 1.76 0.35 0.70 0.06
Bandar 8 13 2.89 0.22 1.93 0.15
Hali Shahar 9 10 1.42 0.14 0.78 0.08
Char Kurki 4 12 7.40 0.62 11.14 0.93
Dhal Char 5 11 7.67 0.70 9.70 0.88
Char Osman 6 14 7.32 0.52 9.62 0.50
Bogachatter 7 14 3.77 0.27 7.00 0.50
Ceriops decandra Dhal Char 5 9 1.23 0.13 – –
Bogachatter 7 12 1.38 0.11 – –
Bandar 8 12 1.41 0.12 – –
Xylocarpus mekongensis Char Kashem 3 11 3.75 0.34 3.32 0.30
Note: ht = height; dbh = diameter at breast height; MAI = mean annual increment.
Source: Adapted from Siddiqi and Khan (1990).

An optimum rate of silt deposition is likely to stimulate the growth of planted mangrove trees
(Imam, 1984). Maximum rates of plant growth have been noted on sites with 20–25 cm of silt
deposition (Ahmad, 2011) during the dry season. The rate of silt deposition along the coastline
is not uniform, however. In several plantation areas, the rate is so high that the planted seed-
lings or established saplings are partially or completely buried. Older plantations may survive
88 heavy deposition, but young plantations are highly susceptible to excessive silt deposition.

In some localities, accretion rates of up to one metre a year have been observed. Howlader
(1999) reports silt deposition of up to three metres in only 9–10 months at some sites. As
accretion progresses, however, the shoreline shifts and tidal waters approach plantation sites
more slowly and gently, gradually bringing smaller amounts of silt.

In many cases, the afforestation efforts of the Forest Department have been thwarted by the
encroachment of settlers seeking new land after losing their old lands to erosion. Creative
solutions have to be found to balance, on one hand, the need for stabilisation and water and
soil conservation on newly formed lands, with, on the other, the need to settle what may be
termed environmental “refugees”. An improved land management system is needed for the
period between the emergence of the land and its handing over to the Forest Department,
and the subsequent transfer of the land to the Ministry of Land.

A key feature of such a management system would be the application of social forestry prin-
ciples to the planting and conserving of mangrove forests. If people can be persuaded that
mangroves are important for their future livelihoods because they help to stabilise new land,
and at the same time have value for their present livelihoods (through a stream of income
from benefit-sharing arrangements), illegal encroachment could be reduced or even stopped
altogether. At the same time, alternative means of livelihoods could be developed to reduce
the pressure on mangroves.

Expanding the area of mangrove plantations is a prime weapon against the predicted impacts
of climate change, including accelerated sea level rises and an increase in the peak intensity
of tropical cyclones by up to 5–10%, which together will lead to enhanced storm surges and
coastal flooding. As the climate changes, cyclones may penetrate further inland and cyclone
High Risk Areas (HRAs) are likely to increase in size. Currently, about 8.3 million people live
in HRAs in Bangladesh. This could increase to 15 million by the 2020s and over 20 million
by the 2050s, driven by the combined effect of population growth and the expansion of
HRAs (Ahmad, 2011).

Given the importance of afforestation in coping with the effects of climate change, it is essen-
tial that knowledge and information are widely distributed to the coastal population, as well
as to Forest Department staff and concerned NGOs. Large-scale campaigns and training
programmes should be developed, focusing on the role that forests can play in strategies
to address climate change. Officials working on social forestry can play a crucial role in the
efforts to reach and involve coastal communities. Transfers of Forest Department staff from
coastal to other areas, and the flux of new staff in coastal areas, make it essential to provide
flexible training opportunities. Staff newly posted to the coastal zone should receive train-
ing on topics and skills tailored to coastal issues and conditions. At the same time, coastal
personnel require frequent refresher courses in new knowledge and technologies.

Erosion in coastal areas leaves many people homeless, forcing them to move elsewhere to
find land and livelihoods. The raised lands formed by sedimentation in mangrove plantation
areas are an attractive target for these environmental refugees. To date, little consideration has
been given to sustainable land management because of the pressures of human encroach-
ment and agricultural practices. Technically in breach of the law, but driven by need, settlers 89

do not stop to consider that protecting the plantations will enhance their safety against future
natural disasters. So illegal encroachment continues, with over 600 ha of plantations affected
in Noakhali Coastal Afforestation Division alone in recent years (Canonizado, 1999).

Newly accreted lands gradually become unsuitable for mangroves, requiring replanting with
other tree species to stabilise them fully for protective purposes. At this point a compro-
mise is needed between the coastal forestry practices of the Forest Department and the
genuine need for cultivable land among the landless. This land can be used for crops such
as rice, pulses and vegetables, although its productivity is low. Given the opportunity, how-
ever, people seem to be willing to raise tree crops in addition to agricultural ones if they
receive support and a fair share of the benefits. Nandy and Paul (2001) suggest that such
lands could be effectively managed through partnerships between settlers and the Forest
Department. They believe that providing rights to land in some form, and the necessary
support, would encourage settlers to take responsibility for ensuring the sustainability of
newly accreted areas.

Although participatory forestry appears to be a strong alternative, it should be used with

caution in coastal lands. The reclaimed land cannot be allowed to disappear or be degraded
at any cost. There may be influential persons behind the landless people using them to grab
government land. The primary objective of the mangrove afforestation programme, that is,
to maintain a protective wall against cyclones and tidal surges, must be ensured. Long-term
studies should be undertaken to formulate a pragmatic model of participatory forest manage-
ment appropriate to raised coastal lands.

As an extension to the coastal afforestation programme, the government of Bangladesh

is implementing a project to reduce the vulnerability of communities in five coastal districts
most susceptible to the effects of climate change. In partnership with the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP), the government is working to enhance community resil-
ience and introduce new options for income generation. The project has adopted a suc-
cessful community-based adaptation intervention known as the “Forest, Fish and Fruit” (FFF)
model (see Nandy and Ahammad, this publication). This model adds a new dimension to
the programme by creating additional sources of income and establishing a “green shield”
surrounding some of Bangladesh’s most vulnerable communities (UNDP, 2011).

5. Conclusions and recommendations

Coastal afforestation can protect vulnerable coastal communities from tropical cyclones and
storm surges by reducing the risk of casualties, loss of property and environmental damage.
The experience of past climate-induced disasters, including cyclones Sidr, Nargis and Aila,
has shown that resilience to cyclones and storm surges is greater where mangrove green-
belts, coastal forests and other buffer ecosystems exist. Mangroves can mitigate or reduce
the impacts of these natural disasters.

Bangladesh’s coastal afforestation programme comprises a number of stages that could

involve communities, group farmers and contractual farmers. These include seed collection,
site selection, preparation of the nursery bed, seed sowing, and nursery maintenance for at
90 least six months.

Highly endangered coastal habitats are effective in sequestering carbon and locking it away
in soils. Habitats such as mangroves, seagrass beds and salt marshes sequester as much
as 50 times more carbon in their soil per hectare than tropical forests (Pidgeon, 2009).

Coastal forests also have a huge potential for satisfying a land-hungry country like Bangla-
desh. Coastal afforestation accelerates the process of land stabilization, and by creating new
forest resources it enriches biodiversity and natural resources. People living in the coastal
zone have been adapting to a dynamically changing environment for centuries. Climate
change poses an additional challenge as the changes are likely to be substantial and will
happen over a relatively short period of time. The exact implications of climate change for
Bangladesh are still unclear. Yet, despite this uncertainty, policies must be developed and
implemented on a delta-wide basis to prepare the country for any future changes.

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Mangrove conservation and restoration in the Indian
Pradeep Vyas¹, K. Sengupta²
¹ Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, Forest Department, West Bengal, India
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
² IUCN Large Grant project, Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, West Bengal, India

The Sundarbans, the largest single block of mangrove forest in the world, is shared between
India (about 37%) and Bangladesh (about 63%). The Indian part of the Sundarbans covers
9,630 km² between latitude 21°13' and 22°40' north, and longitude 88°03' and 89°07' east.
Of this, 4,200 km² is exclusively mangrove forest with a high faunal and floral diversity. The
Indian Sundarbans has been declared a World Heritage Site and a Biosphere Reserve by
UNESCO. It also has a pioneer Tiger Reserve and includes one National Park and three
Wildlife Sanctuaries.

The Sundarbans area experienced a neotectonic shift sometime in the 16th century resulting
in unequal flow of fresh water, with a greater share of water flowing to its eastern part (cur-
rently in Bangladesh). This has greatly influenced mangrove distribution and growth. Human
influence in the Sundarbans began when the British East India Company started regular
reclamation of swamps by clearing of large tracts of mangroves to earn revenue, and the first
regular settlements were established from 1830 onwards. Currently, over 4.2 million people
live on the fringes of the Indian Sundarbans, resulting in high anthropogenic pressures on
the mangroves and their resources. In recent years, climate change, regulation of freshwater
flow, illicit mangrove felling, poaching and unplanned embankments for settlements have
emerged as the main threats to the ecosystem. The central part of the Indian Sundarbans
receives almost no fresh water because of heavy siltation and clogging of the Bidyadhari
channel. Seawater intrusion has further affected the growth of dominant mangrove species
such as the freshwater-loving Heritiera fomes. The influence of salinity and effects of climate
change, though not well-understood, appear to be promoting the invasion of alien species
in some parts of the Sundarbans. Human pressures and ecosystem changes are combining
to threaten the population of endangered Royal Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris), one of
the iconic species of the Sundarbans.

Current efforts to restore cleared or degraded mangroves in the Sundarbans include the
large-scale mangrove afforestation programme conducted by the West Bengal State For-
est Department on mudflats, degraded areas and embankments. The Forest Department
has also initiated efforts to improve relations with local communities by forming Joint Forest
Management Committees (JFMCs), which include Forest Protection Committees and Eco-
development Committees.

Keywords: mangroves, restoration, nature conservation, deltas, Sundarbans, India

1. Introduction
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive and taxonomically diverse wetlands on
Earth. They consist of a diverse group of salt-tolerant, mainly arboreal, flowering plants that
grow primarily in tropical and subtropical regions (Ellison and Stoddart, 1991). Estimates of
mangrove area vary from several million ha to 15 million ha worldwide (FAO/UNEP, 1981).
A recent estimate puts the total area at about 14,653,000 ha (Wilkie and Fortuna, 2003).

Mangroves are marine tidal forests which thrive around the mouths of large rivers and in
sheltered bays in tropical countries where annual rainfall is fairly high. Mangrove plants include 93

trees, shrubs, ferns and palms. These plants are found on riverbanks and along coastlines,
being unusually adapted to anaerobic conditions in both seawater and freshwater environ-
ments. They produce pneumatophores, or respiratory roots, which project above the mud
and water to absorb oxygen. Mangrove ecosystems act as a buffer zone between the land
and sea, protecting the coast against erosion by wind, waves and water currents. They help
to stabilize banks and coastlines and provide habitats for many types of animals.

The Sundarbans ecosystem is the world’s largest mangrove forest, spread across India
and Bangladesh on the Bay of Bengal. The entire area is covered by a complex network
of streams, rivers, tidal creeks and channels, bringing fresh water from the perennial rivers
and seawater to create a dynamic and biodiverse ecosystem – home to about 70% of all
species of mangroves in the world (Chaffey et al., 1985). A total of 84 species of flora have
been recorded in the mangrove forests of the Indian Sundarbans, 34 of which are true

Human settlements in the Sundarbans, and the lives and livelihoods of their inhabitants, are
integrated into this dynamic ecosystem. In many parts of the world, however, mangrove
deforestation contributes to declining fisheries, degradation of clean water supplies, saliniza-
tion of coastal soils, erosion and land subsidence, as well as the release of carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere. Recently, the phenomenon of climate change has generated interest
in understanding the carbon cycle of mangrove forests. These and other factors have made
the conservation and restoration of mangroves a high priority.

The biodiversity, ecology and conservation issues affecting the Sundarbans both in India
and Bangladesh have been discussed in several publications (Das and Siddiqi, 1985; Mitra
et al., 2004; Gopal and Chauhan, 2006). In this paper, the current management practices
in mangrove conservation and restoration in the Sundarbans are described, and the results
from stakeholder interviews and analyses are presented.

2. The Indian Sundarbans

The Indian Sundarbans deltaic complex has been formed by alluvial deposits carried down by
several major river systems. The main source is the Ganges River, specifically its distributary
the Hooghly River. Geologically, the Sundarbans is of comparatively recent origin (Chaudhuri
and Choudhury, 1994). Until a few thousand years ago, the whole area was under the sea.
The deposition of debris and formation of the Sundarbans delta occurred recently with the
change of the main course of the River Ganges from the Bhagirathi to Padma towards the
east between the 12th and 15th centuries AD. This was the result of a neotectonic move-
ment in the Bengal basin which gave it an easterly tilt. During the 16th century, the flow of
the Ganges shifted almost entirely eastwards into Padma River (now in Bangladesh), and the
Matla/Bidyadhari rivers, which had formed a network of creeks in the delta, were completely
cut off from their freshwater sources.

According to Naskar and Mandal (1999), there are 40 species of major mangroves, 32 spe-
cies of minor mangroves, and 30 species of back mangroves and associates. These are
grouped into 39 families, 60 genera and 83 species. Among the important mangrove families
94 are the Rhizophoraceae, Avicenniaceae, Meliaceae, Sonneratiaceae, Sterculiaceae and

Myrsinaceae. The mangrove forest is a dynamic ecosystem in a continuous state of erosion

and accretion, leading to subsidence or erosion of existing banks and the appearance of new
lands and mudflats. Mangrove succession starts with the appearance of the pioneer wild
rice species Porteresia coarctata, known locally as dhani ghas, on newly accreted mudflats.
With the passage of time, this species traps propagules of Avicennia and Sonneratia spp.
which grow well on firm, freshly silted mudflats. Once the land is consolidated, goran (Ceriops
spp.) and genwa (Excoecaria agallocha) colonise the area. The date palm or hental (Phoenix
paludosa) is the climax species which develops on high land where it grows gregariously.

Not all parts of the Sundarbans are vegetated. There are some saline blanks which have
been identified with the help of satellite images. These are high lands where water does not
reach even during full tides. The extent of such blanks is very limited, however. They are
generally devoid of any vegetation, although some show signs of primary succession and
others support either scrubby growth of Ceriops decandra or scanty growth of E. agallocha
and P. paludosa.

3. Anthropogenic pressures in the Indian Sundarbans

The Sundarbans is being subjected to various anthropogenic and natural processes affect-
ing the distribution, quality and diversity of its mangroves. A census in 2000 found the total
population of the area to be over 4.2 million, most living in extreme poverty. People inhabit
the reclaimed area of the Sundarbans, where the water is saline and unsuitable for human or
agricultural use. The ground (potable) water is found at depths of 300–400 m and its exploita-
tion is costly. Exposure to storms and cyclones, which generally occur in the pre-monsoon
period, further increases the vulnerability of poor village communities.

The Sundarbans has extremely poor infrastructure, so travel from one village to another is
usually by small boat. This inaccessibility acts as a serious constraint to the development
of the region. Because of a lack of irrigation, farmers cannot grow more than a single crop
during the year. During the lean periods, people make their living by fishing and also by col-
lecting firewood, honey and beeswax from the forest. The Royal Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris
tigris) may confront people when they foray into the forest, resulting in injury and even death.
Anthropogenic pressure on the ecosystem, especially the reclamation of land for agriculture,
led to the extinction of swamp deer (Cervus devaucelli), hog deer (Axis porcinus) and bark-
ing deer (Muntiacus muntjak) by the end of the 19th century. The Javan rhino (Rhinoceros
sondaicus) and the wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) have also become extinct from the region.

The Sundarbans differs from many other forests in the world in its highly inaccessible terrain,
with islands criss-crossed by creeks and inundated twice daily at high tide. The islands in
the Sundarbans are also dangerous due to the presence of the Royal Bengal tiger, which is
known for its propensity to treat any humans on the islands as its natural prey. The behaviour
of the tiger is also unique because of its almost amphibious nature and the fact that it preys
on people within the confines of the forest, but wisely does not harm humans in the villages
if it strays there.

Consultations with stakeholders (local communities, researchers and NGOs) to identify

important anthropogenic factors influencing the ecosystem have revealed that human-wildlife 95

conflict is considered the biggest threat, followed by climate change, salinity changes, shrimp
seed collection by local people, other livelihood pressures on natural resources, and pol-
lution (Table 1). Any threat to the Sundarbans is also a threat to the mangroves. The rise in
human-wildlife conflicts may result in a hostile attitude among local communities towards the
mangrove ecosystem, leading to its degradation beyond restoration limits. Climate change
and its associated sea level rise affects the erosion pattern of coastal mangrove islands in
the Sundarbans. Salinity is affected by climate change and the availability of fresh water from
upstream river sources, which in turn affect the growth, distribution and diversity of man-
groves. A lack of employment has led to the large-scale involvement of local people, especially
women and children, in collecting tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) seed for shrimp farms.
This practice adversely affects the regeneration of mangroves on riverbanks as the drag-
nets used for collection destroy regenerating mangroves. Collection also adversely affects
the aquatic biodiversity of the Sundarbans and creates many socio-economic problems.

Table 1 Results of a survey to identify factors considered threats by local communities,

NGOs, forest officials and researchers
Factor Threat (%)
Human-wildlife conflict 24.4
Climate change 19.9
Salinity change 18.8
Shrimp seed collection 11.5
Pressure of natural resources 16.6
Environment and water pollution 8.8
Source: Vyas (2012).

The stakeholder consultation further revealed that 98% of people believe that tigers protect
the Sundarbans, otherwise the mangroves would have been cleared for the want of land
in this densely populated landscape. Local communities also believe (97% of respondents)
that mangroves protect them from tropical cyclones. This has great significance, especially
after Cyclone Aila in 1999, which caused massive damage to the area (Mitra et al., 2011). All
respondents believe that the Sundarbans is important to protecting livelihoods and villages;
this indicates a high level of awareness among local communities and is a positive indicator
for the future security of the Sundarbans. However, the survey also indicated how serious
the livelihood pressures are on the mangroves, as tigers have killed more fishers entering
the Sundarbans without a boat licence certificate than the authorised number of certificate
holders (Vyas, pers. comm.).

4. Restoration and afforestation programmes

The Sundarban Biosphere Reserve (SBR) has developed a two-pronged strategy for con-
serving and restoring mangroves in the Indian Sundarbans: a) preventative management to
ensure that degradation is minimized; and b) ameliorative management to restore degraded
mangroves and bring newly accreted mudflats under mangrove cover before they are
encroached. Many mangrove nurseries have been established in different part of the Sundar-
bans to provide high-quality propagules for planting. An independent monitoring mechanism
has also been established to assess the success of the afforestation programmes.

Since the declaration of the SBR in 1989, a total of 17,000 ha of mangrove plantations has
been established on mudflats, in degraded mangrove forests, and on river embankments
(Table 2).

Table 2 Mangrove plantations established in the Sundarban Biosphere Reserve since 1989
Average survival (%) of
Year Total area (ha) 1-year-old plantation ª Average survival (%) b
1989 655 79 66
1990 350 85 71
1991 775 75 75
1992 882 80 81
1993 865 83 58
1994 948 78 73
1995 493 84 76
1996 530 86 –
1997 612 83 76
1998 930 73 96
1999 960 93 94
2000 1,020 91 –
2001 1,146 92 –
2002 770 68 –
2003 750 68 –
2004 830 81 –
2005 760 83 –
2006 800 86 –
2007 800 90 –
2008 400 – –
2009 500 89 –
2010 1,220 92 –
2011 265 – –
Total 17,288 – –
Sources: ª Monitoring Wing, Forest Department, Government of West Bengal. Monitoring of 1-year-old plantations.
Review report on plantation programme (1989–2000), State Level Steering Committee on Sundarbans mangroves and
Sundarban Biosphere Reserve; survey in 2001.

The planting technique involves cutting trenches at 4-m intervals along the river line and
digging pits (30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm) between the trenches in August–September. Dibbling
of 2,500 seeds is done at a spacing of 4 m x 1 m, and afterwards 2,500 propagules are
planted at a spacing of 4 m x 1 m. The species planted are mainly Xylocarpus granatum
(dhundul), Sonneratia apetala (keora) and Heritiera minor (sundari) as potted seedlings; and
Rhizophora apiculata (garjan), Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (kankra) and Nypa fruticans (golpata)
as propagules. Seeds of Avicennia spp. (baen), E. agallocha and Ceriops spp. are mainly
dibbled in the trenches after they are filled with loose mud by tidal waters. During the first
year of the plantations, guards are engaged to protect the sites from prawn seed collectors,
whose drag-nets often uproot the seedlings. The guards also help to fill in trenches dam-

aged by wave action. From the second year onwards, guards are engaged to protect the
plantation from illicit tree felling and other damage. Mangrove plantations are not maintained
after the first two years.

This afforestation programme is monitored by the independent monitoring wing of the govern-
ment of West Bengal’s Forest Directorate every year. In addition, the GIS cell of the Forest
Department also monitors changes in mudflats and erosion patterns.

Although there exist saline blanks in various parts of the Sundarbans, no efforts have been
made to bring these degraded mangrove areas under restoration. This is because such a
programme would involve risks to human life from the presence of tigers in these forests. It
has also been observed that these small openings of salt-rich degraded mangroves create
an edge effect, and provide habitat for certain wildlife species.

Commercial exploitation of mangroves in the Indian Sundarbans, known as coupe opera-

tion, was stopped in 2001. Before this date, 1,000 ha were commercially exploited every
year, after which the felled areas were left to regenerate naturally. This practice was stopped
as it was observed that, owing to poor implementation of the felling rules, some restricted
mangrove species such as X. granatum, S. apetala, H. minor, R. apiculata, B. gymnorrhiza
and N. fruticans were being rapidly depleted. The normal supervision of the coupe operation
was not possible in the Indian Sundarbans owing to the threat from tigers. Between 1985
and 2001, tigers reportedly killed 24 people during coupe operations and injured many oth-
ers. Hence they were always treated as a barrier to commercial mangrove felling operations
in the Sundarbans (Curtis, 1933).

The SBR’s two-pronged protective management strategy is achieved by intensive patrolling,

especially along international borders. A total of over 20 permanent and temporary camps
equipped with boats, radio transmitters and firearms have been set up in the Indian Sunda-
rbans to protect its mangroves.

No ecosystem can be conserved without the active involvement of local communities and
sharing benefits with them. A large section of the surrounding population depends on the
natural resources of the Sundarbans for its livelihood, mainly fishing and honey collection.
These people used to be in regular conflict with the law enforcement authorities. The strained
relationship between the Forest Department and local communities has seen large-scale
poaching of mangroves and wildlife, and retaliatory killing of tigers and other wildlife that
stray out of the forest into villages. In 1996, the SBR initiated a Joint Forest Management
(JFM) programme to involve the local communities in management. To date, 65 Joint Forest
Management Committees (JFMCs, also known as Forest Protection or Eco-development
Committees) have been formed with over 35,000 members protecting 64,000 ha of forest.
The local communities are entitled to collect non-timber forest products freely and to a 25%
share of the revenues from ecotourism. A large scale eco-development programme has been
launched in the SBR to support alternative livelihood activities for poor mangrove resource
users. These include establishing self-help groups for various income-generating activities,
rainwater harvesting for irrigation and drinking, installation of solar lights, and construction
98 of village roads, jetties and deep tube wells.

The impact of the JFM programme has been well-documented. Since 2001, no tiger or other
wildlife has been killed in retaliation by local people. In fact, over 40 tigers and 500 other
endangered animals have been rescued by villagers in the past decade (Table 3). The illicit
felling of mangroves has fallen sharply, thus helping to prevent degradation. Recently, the
SBR began implementation of an MFF Large Grant project entitled “Alternative livelihood
options for vulnerable mangrove resource users in Sundarban Biosphere Reserve, West
Bengal”. This project is expected to study various aspects of alternative livelihoods issues in
the Sundarbans from different stakeholders’ perspectives.

Table 3 Stray tigers rescued with people’s cooperation in Sundarban Biosphere Reserve,
2002–03 2003–04 2004–05 2005–06 2006–07 2007–08 2008–09 2009–10
No. of tigers 11 4 4 1 1 2 3 14
Source: Forest Department, Government of West Bengal.

5. Conclusions
The Sundarbans is a dynamic ecosystem. Newly accreted mudflats are a common phe-
nomenon requiring afforestation. Because of hostile weather conditions and tidal erosion,
large areas need a greenbelt of protective mangroves – in total, 3,500 km of embankments
with villages need to be protected against tidal erosion. As a result of changes in salinity and
reduced freshwater inflows in the Indian Sundarbans, a number of species are becoming
locally extinct (Banerjee et al., 2010). These include the Sundari tree (Heritiera fomes), from
which the Sundarbans derives its name. The West Bengal Forest Department is undertaking
an extensive mangrove conservation and restoration programme in the Sundarbans, includ-
ing mangrove plantation and nursery maintenance. Non-mangrove plants are also grown to
meet local needs and so reduce human pressure on mangroves. Since the establishment
of the SBR, over 17,000 ha of mangrove forests have been successfully grown and main-
tained. These measures are helping to stabilise mudflats, restore the mangrove ecosystem,
and conserve threatened species.

The Sundarbans supports the world’s single largest population of tigers, which have adapted
to an almost amphibious life, swimming long distances and feeding on fishes, crabs and
monitor lizards. The soils of the Sundarbans are constantly being changed, moulded and
shaped by the action of the tides. The Sundarbans play a major role as nursery for a diversity
of marine organisms and as a buffer against cyclones which are a unique and natural proc-
ess. The mangroves in the Sundarbans are not only dominant as fringing mangroves along
the creeks and backwaters, but also grow along the sides of rivers in muddy as well as in
flat sandy areas (UNESCO, n.d.).

An average of 45 people were killed annually by tigers between 1975 and 1982. This has
caused certain conflicts with local people who use the adjacent Tiger Reserve for collec-
tion of honey and firewood and for fishing. The legal protection provided to the Sundarbans
on the Indian side is adequate. The Indian Forest Act 1927, with its amendments, Forest
Conservation Act 1980, Wildlife Protection Act 1972, and Environment Protection Act 1986,
are being implemented effectively, with rules and regulation regarding environmental pollu- 99

tion strictly enforced. The existing laws are sufficiently strict in respect of the protection and
conservation of the Sundarbans on the Indian side (UNESCO, n.d.).

With the existing infrastructure, the Forest Department is making its best efforts, although
there is a need to maintain and enhance the level of financial and human resources to
effectively manage the Sundarbans. This includes an ecosystem approach that integrates
the management of the existing protected areas with other key activities occurring in the
Sundarbans, including fisheries and tourism. There is a need to develop alternate livelihood
options for the local population to eliminate the dependence of people on the Sundarbans
ecosystem for sustenance. Maintenance of participatory approaches in planning and man-
agement of the Sundarbans is needed to reinforce the support and commitment from local
communities and NGOs to the conservation and management of the Sundarbans. Research
and monitoring activities also require adequate resources (UNESCO, n.d.).

Due to emerging challenges such as increasing salinity, the impact of climate change and
population growth, there is a need for high-quality, management-oriented research and sup-
plementary livelihood programmes to address the needs of local communities. Dealing with
the issue of alien invasive species needs to be prioritised before it becomes a serious threat.
Developing synergy among various stakeholders may be an effective strategy to address the
conservation and restoration issues of mangroves in the Indian Sundarbans (UNESCO, n.d.).

The authors are grateful to the Forest Department, Government of West Bengal, for providing
information and support to reach the remote islands of the Sundarbans. The authors would
also like to thank MFF India for supporting and editing this paper.

Banerjee, K., Vyas, P., Chowdhury, R., Mallick, A., and Mitra, A., 2010. The effects of salinity
on the mangrove growth in the lower Gangetic delta. Journal of Indian Ocean Studies
18, 389–396.
Chaffey, D.R., Miller, F.R. and Sandom, J.H., 1985. A forest inventory of the Sundarban,
Bangladesh, Main Report. London: Overseas Development Administration, 196 pp.
Chaudhuri, A.B. and Choudhury, A., 1994. Mangroves of the Sundarbans Volume One: India.
Gland: IUCN – The World Conservation Union, 247 pp.
Curtis, S.J., 1933. Working Plan for the Forests of the Sundarban Division for the period from
1933 to 1951. Calcutta: Bengal Government Press.
Das, S. and Siddiqi, N.A., 1985. The Mangroves and Mangrove forest of Bangladesh. Man-
grove Silviculture Division, Bulletin No. 2. Chittagong: Bangladesh Forest Research Insti-
tute, Chittagong, 69 pp.
Ellison, J.C. and Stoddart, D.R., 1991. Mangrove ecosystem collapse during predicted sea
level rise: Holocene analogues and implications. Journal of Coastal Research 7, 151–165.
FAO/UNEP, 1981. Forest Resources of Tropical Asia. Tropical Forest Resources Assess-
ment Program. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 475 pp.
Gopal, B. and Chauhan, M., 2006. Biodiversity and its conservation in the Sundarban man-
grove ecosystem. Aquatic Science 68, 338–354.

Mitra, A., Banerjee, K. and Bhattacharyya, D.P., 2004. The Other Face of Mangroves. Depart-
ment of Environment. Kolkata: Government of West Bengal Press, 185 pp.
Mitra, A., Halder, P. and Banerjee, K., 2011. Changes of selective hydrological parameters
in Hooghly estuary in response to a severe tropical cyclone (Aila). Indian Journal of Geo-
Marine Sciences 40, 32–36.
Naskar, K.R. and Mandal, R.N., 1999. Ecology and Biodiversity of Indian Mangroves. Volume
2. New Delhi: Daya Publishing House.
UNESCO, n.d. Sundarbans National Park. Online at:
Vyas, P., 2012. Biodiversity conservation in Indian Sundarban in the context of anthropogenic
pressures and strategies for impact mitigation. Rajkot: Saurashtra University.
Wilkie, M.L. and Fortuna, S., 2003. Status and trends in mangrove area extent worldwide.
Forest Resources Assessment Working Paper No. 63. Rome: Food and Agriculture
Organisation of the United Nations. Online at:

Session II

Lessons Learned from Mangrove Rehabilitation

Lessons learned from the programme Let’s Plant
Mangroves : a case study from villages in Banten and
Central Java provinces, Indonesia
Weka Mahardi
Directorate of Coastal and Marine Affairs, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries,
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16, Jakarta 10110, Republic of Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Degradation of the mangrove ecosystem in the northern coastal area of Central Java is very
serious, more than 70% of the mangroves are in a severely damaged condition, or around
4,826 ha out of a total mangrove area of around 6,798 ha according to statistics of the Min-
istry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) in 2011. This condition has been caused by land
use conversion, cutting of mangrove trees for milkfish and shrimp ponds, industrialization, oil
pollution, and charcoal production. Degradation of mangroves can cause coastal erosion,
seawater intrusion, and land subsidence. As one of the efforts to restore mangroves which
have been degraded, the Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs of MMAF developed a
programme for mangrove rehabilitation called Let’s Plant Mangroves. This programme has
been implemented since 2009 and 420,000 mangrove seedlings have been planted covering
an area of 42 ha (in seven villages in four provinces).

Besides replanting mangroves, there were other activities like environmental education, a
student competition, training in alternative income generation and mangrove rehabilitation,
integrated coastal management training, and a campaign on environmental awareness. A lot
of benefits accrued to the local communities, and after two years of implementing the pro-
gramme there were positive impacts from recovery of the mangrove ecosystem. They have
practiced how to develop a seedling nursery to supply mangrove seedling needs for other
programmes in different locations. By this activity, local community groups received some
supplementary income. Members of the groups are increasing every year. A housewives’
group applied what they learned from the training and they can produce different mangrove
products and milkfish post-harvest processing. The younger generation is more aware of
environmental rehabilitation; it is important to create this awareness at an early stage, so
they can give advice to their parents and become involved in protecting the environment.

The methodology used in this study included: i) analysis of data, interviewing to local commu-
nity and local government; ii) monitoring, learning and evaluation (MLE) regarding relevance
and quality of design, efficiency and effectiveness of implementation to date, livelihoods and
future impact, potential for sustainability, weaknesses, and summary of key observations and
recommendations; iii) writing of lessons learned; and iv) suggestions for replication of the pro-
gramme. The information sources used were demographic data, livelihood and income data
before and after the programme was implemented, a questionnaire, and MLE documents.

Based on evaluation of case studies in three villages, two of them, namely Depok village and
Mangunharjo village, were considered successful in bringing benefits to the local communi-
ties. They were able to increase their income from processing mangrove products and post-
harvest processing, develop a nursery for mangrove seedlings and establish an environmental
inspection group. In addition, after the mangrove seedlings grow up, nursery grounds can be
recovered and the coastline can be protected from wave attack. The results in Tanjung Pasir
village were less successful, with many seedlings dying. These failures and successes should
both be used as lessons to help replicate the programme in other locations. For example,
soil type and hydrological conditions must be considered when planting mangroves.

Keywords: mangroves, environmental degradation, restoration, evaluation, Indonesia


1. Introduction
1.1 Background to the problem
Java is the principal island of Indonesia’s five main islands (Sumatera, Java, Kalimantan,
Sulawesi and Papua). The north coast of Java is divided into five provinces: Banten, Jakarta,
West Java, Central Java, and East Java. The northern coastal areas of Java are generally
in a degraded condition. Coastal erosion, land-use changes and the loss and degradation
of mangroves have all contributed to declining environmental quality. More than 70% of the
mangrove forests in this area are severely damaged: of the total mangrove cover of 6,798 ha,
about 4,826 ha are degraded (Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs, 2011a, 2011b, 2011c,
2011d). The reasons for this include land conversion, cutting of mangrove trees for milkfish
and shrimp ponds, industrialization, oil pollution and charcoal production. Degradation of
the mangroves has led in turn to coastal erosion, seawater intrusion and land subsidence.

The length of the coastline in Central Java Province is 493 km. Degradation of the coastline is
severe. Coastal erosion has reached around 6,567 ha in 13 regencies (Directorate of Coastal
and Ocean Affairs, 2011e). This condition is threatening the lives of local people and some
villages have been evacuated because of the coastal erosion; for example Bedono village in
Demak and Tanggul Tlare village in Jepara.

Responding to this situation, the Directorate of Coastal and Marine Affairs has since 2009
implemented a programme called Let’s Plant Mangroves. Some 420,000 mangrove seed-
lings have been planted across 42 ha in seven villages in four provinces. This programme is
intended not only to rehabilitate mangroves, but also to raise awareness about the importance
of preserving and caring for mangrove ecosystems.

In fiscal year 2010, programme activities were implemented in Tanjung Pasir village (Banten
Province) and Depok village (Central Java Province), and in Mangunharjo village in Semarang
City in 2011. In Tanjung Pasir village, 40,000 mangrove seedlings were planted; in Depok
60,000; and in Mangunharjo 40,000.

The aims of the Let’s Plant Mangroves programme include: i) long-term recovery of the
coastal area through replanting of mangroves; ii) raising the awareness of all levels of society
about the importance of mangrove ecosystems; iii) encouraging communities to participate in
efforts to improve the coastal environment through their own mangrove planting; iv) increasing
public participation in the rehabilitation of mangrove ecosystems to create a coastal greenbelt;
and v) giving support and imparting skills to local communities through the introduction of
potential income-generating initiatives.

Public awareness of the importance of the mangrove ecosystem is still low, and for that reason
people still think it would be more profitable economically to replace mangrove forests with
pond-based aquaculture. The real challenge today is changes in land use from mangrove
habitat to aquaculture or fishponds. This phenomenon has caused the carrying capacity of
the mangrove areas to decline, reducing their ability to protect coastal areas from environ-
mental stresses such as coastal erosion and seawater intrusion. To increase environmental
awareness among the local community, environmental education is needed, especially dur-
106 ing children’s early school years, to provide a complete understanding of the importance of

environmental sustainability. Basic education can provide theory in the classroom and also
engage students in field activities to preserve the environment through local action. The Let’s
Plant Mangroves programme provides a direct example to students of real and immediate
action that can be taken to rehabilitate damaged mangrove ecosystems.

The present study was conducted to observe the effectiveness of the program’s implemen-
tation to date, and to assess its shortcomings. The results are expected to provide valuable
inputs and lessons for the future implementation of this programme in other locations.

1.2 Problem statement

The main problem identified is mangrove degradation in the coastal area of the three villages
in the study. It was hypothesized that the causes of this problem are largely: i) land use con-
version and cutting of mangroves; ii) low of awareness within the local community about the
mangrove ecosystem and coastal environment; iii) low sustainability of action in protecting
the mangrove ecosystem; and iv) low household incomes.

1.3 Objective
The objective and outputs of the Let’s Plant Mangroves programme are that an effective
coastal environmental co-management regime is established through: i) empowered coastal
local communities and school students, and functional coastal environmental co-manage-
ment institutions; ii) reduced environmental destruction of coastal ecosystems in selected
areas through practical action to replant mangroves; iii) introduction of sustainable income-
generating activities to coastal communities; and iv) replication of the programme in other
locations using a learning approach.

1.4 Social and economic context

1.4.1 Tanjung Pasir village
Tanjung Pasir is located about 17 km north of Jakarta in Teluk Naga district (Tangerang
regency, Banten Province). The district of Teluk Naga has an area of 564 ha and sits at an
elevation of 0–3 m above sea level. The average annual precipitation is 150–200 mm. In 2010,
the total population of Tanjung Pasir village was 9,168 people (4,693 males or 51.2%, and
4,475 females or 48.8%, distributed in 2,424 families) (Table 1).

Table 1 Total population of Tanjung Pasir village

Community Population
Sub-village association Male Female Total Families
I 01 s/d 05 864 813 1,677 439
II 01 s/d 05 942 889 1,831 512
III 01 s/d 07 1,057 1,006 2,063 568
IV 01 s/d 04 806 810 1,616 391
V 01 s/d 03 380 371 751 191
VI 01 s/d 03 644 586 1,230 323
Total – 4,693 4,475 9,168 2,424
Proportion (%) – 51.2 48.8 100 –
Source: Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs (2011e). 107

The education level of the population based on available data can be explained as follows:
playgroup level, 50 people; elementary school level, 1,107 people; junior high school level,
497 people; senior high school level, 259 people; academy level, 20 people; and bachelor
level, five people.

The livelihoods of the Tanjung Pasir working population are divided into: fishers, 1,759; gov-
ernment employees, 17; security workers, 15; private sector employees and entrepreneurs,
165; farmers, 365; and farm workers, 158.

The local community’s understanding of natural resources and environmental issues is still
low. Their thinking is short-term, focusing on exploitation of natural resources such as cutting
of the mangrove forest and converting it to fishponds and aquaculture production.

Tanjung Pasir villagers can be classified among the the rural poor, as they are only able to meet
their basic consumption needs. Based on interview data, the daily income of fishers is around
IDR 30,000–50,000 (US$3.33–5.55). Not all fishers have a boat and fishing gear. Those who
do not work as labourers for a local fishing boat skipper. Assuming an average of 20 days
fishing in a month, their monthly income is still only IDR 600,000–1,000,000 (US$66–111).

The potential uses of natural resources include fishponds, marine tourism and fisheries.
Marine tourism is related to island ecotourism, as there is a port leading to the Thousand
Islands region. Fishers catch about 5–30 kg/day, depending on the season, weather and
type of boats and fishing gear used; their catch is sold to the local fish auction.

1.4.2 Depok village

Depok village is located about 22-km south of Pekalongan City. It is one of the resort areas
in Pekalongan district, Central Java Province. Some areas are occupied by fishponds or
other types of aquaculture. Most of the livelihoods of its inhabitants are based on fishing and
shrimp farming, with an average education level of junior high school. The village population
is around 15,000 people.

About 15 years ago, the coastal area of the village was still covered by mangrove vegetation.
However, because the community’s perspective was predominantly short-term and income-
oriented, they cut the mangroves and converted the area into milkfish and shrimp ponds.

The environmental problems facing the village today are: i) coastal erosion affecting around
200 m of land; ii) low education and low environmental awareness; iii) cutting mangroves for
shrimp ponds; and iv) waste pollution from tourism.

1.4.3 Mangunhardjo village

This village is located in Semarang City and has a total population of 7,429 people. The
education level is as follows: elementary school, 1,609 people; junior high school, 1,039
people; senior high school, 1,237 people; academy educated, 171 people; and bachelor
degree, 128 people. The livelihoods of villagers are divided into: fishers, 156; farmers, 175;
farm labourers, 154; traders and entrepreneurs, 39; general labourers, 296; government

employees, 53; pensioners, 21; and others, including the service sector, 3,394. Fishponds
cover an area of 192 ha in the village (Bappeda Semarang City, 2010).

1.5 The Let’s Plant Mangroves programme

As one of its efforts to restore the degraded areas of mangrove, the Directorate of Coastal
and Ocean Affairs of Indonesia’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) developed
a programme for mangrove rehabilitation called Let’s Plant Mangroves. This has been imple-
mented since 2009, and has led to 420,000 mangrove seedlings being planted on 42 ha in
seven villages in four provinces. The programme has involved local communities in plant-
ing, maintenance and filling gaps where plants have died. Beside mangrove planting, other
programme activities include: i) training in new livelihood opportunities through alternative
income-generating activities and post-harvest processing; ii) raising public awareness to
protect and conserve the coastal environment; iii) environmental competitions for youths, stu-
dents and community members; and iv) exhibitions on conserving the mangrove ecosystem.

The programme locations and the dates on which activities started are: i) Pantai Indah Kapuk,
Jakarta (2009); ii) Depok village, Central Java (2010); iii) Tanjung Pasir village, Banten (2010);
iv) Ambon City, Maluku (2010); v) Mangunharjo village, Semarang City, Central Java (2011);
and vi) Wonorejo village, Central Java.

2. Materials and methods

The methodology for conducting this study included:

 Data analysis and interviews with local community members and local government rep-
 Application of a monitoring, learning and evaluation (MLE) approach based on the fol-
lowing criteria:
3 Relevance and quality of design
3 Efficiency and effectiveness of implementation to date
3 Climate change and gender equality considerations
3 Livelihoods and future impact
3 Potential for sustainability
3 Weaknesses
3 Summary of key observations and recommendations
 Compiling lessons learned and developing suggestions for replication of the programme.

3. Results
3.1 Data analysis and interviews
An analysis of primary and secondary data on the implementation of the Let’s Plant Man-
groves programme yielded the following findings:

1. Replanting of mangroves. A high proportion of the mangrove seedlings planted in

Depok village survived (about 90%, or more than 54,000 seedlings). Similar success
was achieved in Mangunharjo village (90% survival, or around 36,000 seedlings), but,
conversely, in Tanjung Pasir village almost all the seedlings died.

2. Training of local community. In Depok, project participants who received training were
able to adopt new livelihood activities including mangrove syrup production, fish meal
production, and mangrove batik-making.

3. Environmental awareness. The local community began to understand the importance

of mangroves, and in some cases planted mangroves by themselves. In Depok village,
local community groups actively discussed and took part in planting of mangroves.

4. Income generating. Beside fishing and fishpond farming, the local community in Depok
began implementing alternative livelihood options using the skills they gained from pro-
gramme training.

Interviews using a questionnaire were conducted to obtain information from the local com-
munity. In Depok village, seven people were interviewed from the selected community groups.
The questions included:

1. Do you think the Let’s Plant Mangroves programme is beneficial for the coastal environ-
ment in your area?
All the people responded that the programme is useful.

2. How did the local community participate to support this programme?

All the people stated that they were involved in the programme.

3. What is your livelihood?

Three people answered fishponds farmer; three answered enterpreneurer; and one per-
son answered fisher.

4. Does this programme need to be continued?

Six people answered that the programme should be continued; one did not answer.

5. What is the condition of the planted mangroves?

Five people answered good, one person answered not too good, one person did not

6. What do you think of the benefits gained from Let’s Plant Mangroves?
All replied that the programme is producing a lot of benefits.

7. Have you any suggestions for the programme in the future?

Three people answered that they need a greenbelt along the coastline.

8. What are the weaknesses of the programme?

One person answered that it would be better if mangroves were planted along the coast-
line, one person answered that some seedlings did not survive, five people did not answer.

9. What is your expectation for rehabilitation of mangroves in your village?

One person answered that it is important to find solutions to shrimp and milkfish mortality.
Another person mentioned the importance of a greenbelt for environmental rehabilitation,
and one person stated that the mangrove seedlings planted must be tended. Four people
did not answer.

In Tanjung Pasir village, four people were interviewed from the selected local community
groups. The questions included:

1. Do you think the Let’s Plant Mangroves programme is beneficial for the coastal environ-
ment in your area?
Two persons stated that the programme is useful, one person thought that it is not useful
and one person responded that he did not know the programme well.

2. How did the local community participate in supporting the programme?

All respondents stated that they are involved in the programme.

3. What is your livelihood?

They all replied that they work as fishers.

4. Does this programme need to be continued?

They all replied to say that the programme needs to continued.

5. What is the condition of the mangroves that have been planted?

Four people answered that many mangrove seedlings have died.

6. What do you think of the benefits gained from Let’s Plant Mangroves?
All replied that the programme is producing a lot of benefits.

7. Have you any suggestions for the programme in the future?

Two people suggested that Avicennia spp. should be planted, one person mentioned
that he needed more training, and one person stated that he needed a fishing net.

8. What are the weaknesses of the programme?

All people stated that maintenance is needed if the mangrove seedlings are to survive.

9. What is your expectation for rehabilitation of mangroves in your village?

Three people stated that they expect wider-scale planting of mangroves.

3.2 Monitoring, learning and evaluation

Based on the interviews and the analysis of primary and secondary data on the implementa-
tion of Let’s Plant Mangroves, the programme can be judged as important for rehabilitation
of coastal areas, and should be continued (Table 2 below).

4. Discussion
Based on the above assessment, various aspects of the Let’s Plant Mangroves programme
can be evaluated.

4.1 Replanting of mangroves

For replanting of mangrove, the activities need to be carried out in stages:

 Procurement of mangrove propagules. Mangrove seedlings were collected by local com-

munity members from a nearby location and taken to develop in the nursery. Local group
members collected mangrove propagules of Rhizophora mucronata or Avicennia sp. in
the early stage of the programme. The criteria for selecting mangrove propagules are

Table 2 Summary of score sheet in Depok, Tanjung Pasir and Mangunharjo villages (evalu-
ated by Arief Marsudiharjo, Prayogi and Weka Mahardi).

Tick box and Depok village Tanjung Pasir village Mangunharjo village
summary score Arief Prayogi Weka Arief Prayogi Weka Arief Prayogi Weka
Relevance and B B B B B C B B B
quality of design
Efficiency of B B B C C C B B B
Climate change B B B C C C B B B
and gender
Effectiveness to date B B B C C C B C C
Likelihood of future B B B C C C B B B
Potential for B B B C C C B B B
Overall rank B B B C C C B B B
Note: A = Very good: fulfills the purpose; B = Good: generally fulfills the purpose; C = Adequate: needs some improvement;
D = Poor: must be improved.

that they should be of prime quality, 50–70 cm long, with a cotyledon at least 2 cm wide.
Group members were also involved in filling polythene bags with soil media, constructing
a nursery, clearing land for planting, etc. These activities involved 20–30 people.

 Requirements for a nursery location are: inundated by water at least during high tide each
day; near to the planting area; and accessible – it should be near a road or settlement.
Each month, the nursery should be maintained by clearing any grass growth. The criteria
for mangrove seedlings grown in the nursery and used in rehabilitation are: i) four months
old; ii) at least six leaves have developed; iii) substratum in polythene bag is mud or soil
from mangrove areas; and iv) 75 cm tall with a dark-green leaf colour.

 Making marker sticks. Bamboo sticks 80 cm long and 5 cm wide, painted red at their
top end, are used as markers (one stick per seedling). The sticks can be used during
monitoring when counting the number of planted mangroves that have survived.

 Planting location. Mangrove seedlings are planted in pond areas or along the coast at
a density of 1,000 seedlings/ha. Land clearing is needed before planting of mangrove
seedlings. The local community is involved in this activity, which takes 3–7 days.

 For adapting to natural conditions, shade nets are used in the roof of the nursery. After
the seedlings are ready to plant, they are removed from the nursery and transported to
the planting location by motorbike or bicycle. It takes 2–3 days for all mangrove seedlings
to be transported to each pond at the mangrove planting area.

 Mangrove seedlings are planted in a hole made using a stick. The planting activity involves
group members in the local community.

 Monitoring conducted six months after planting using a census method revealed a sur-
vival rate of 95% in Depok village and Mangunharjo village, with good growth (seedlings
were 0.5–1 m high and had eight leaves). However, in Tanjung Pasir village almost all the
seedlings had died.

4.2 Training
Training was held in Depok village in 2010 for 40 participants drawn from all stakeholder
groups involved in coastal management in Pekalongan City. After training, the participants
can teach other village members to improve their skills and increase their incomes.

4.3 Competition related to environmental preservation

In Mangunharjo, Let’s Plant Mangroves organized a competition for children, involving both
speaking and drawing contests. This competition proved effective in raising the environmental
awareness of the participating students and local people.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

The programme Let’s Plant Mangroves consists of several valuable components, including:
i) replanting of mangroves; ii) public awareness campaigns on environmental conservation;
iii) training to increase skills to support alternative livelihoods and post-harvest processing;
and iv) competitions for young people in environmental conservation. Several recommenda-
tions can be made based on the programme’s results to date:

 Synergies should be sought between local government and central government in man-
aging mangrove rehabilitation.
 The involvement of communities in managing programme activities should be maintained.
 Follow-up activities need to be organised so that programme achievements will be sus-
tained after the programme ends.
 The programme budget should be planned and managed more effectively to maximise
benefits for participating communities.
 Results of project activities need to be documented and could be used in a best practice
manual or guidebook.

Thanks to God who has given His mercy and guidance so this paper could be finished.
Many thanks are due to: Dr Subandono Diposaptono; Mr M. Eko Rudianto, Directorate of
Coastal and Marine Affairs; Dr Ranjith Mahindapala, Programme Manager, MFF Regional
Secretariat; Dr Steen Christensen, Coordinator, MFF Regional Secretariat; Dr Wenresti Gal-
lardo and Dr Amara Yakupitiyage, Project Advisory Committee, Asian Institute of Technology;
and Dr Don Macintosh, Senior Advisor, MFF Regional Secretariat.

Bappeda Semarang City, 2010. District of Tugu in numbers. Online at:
Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs, 2011a. Identification for Degradation and Rehabilita-
tion Planning on the North of Central Java. Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs, 2011b. Identification for Degradation and Rehabilita-
tion Planning on the North of West Java. Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.
Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs, 2011c. Identification for Degradation and Reha-
bilitation Planning on the North of Banten Province. Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries.
Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs, 2011d. Identification for Degradation and Rehabilita-
tion Planning on the North of East Java. Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Directorate of Coastal and Ocean Affairs, 2011e. Management Plan of Tanjung Pasir Village,
District of Teluk Naga, Tanggerang, Banten Province. Jakarta: Ministry of Marine Affairs
and Fisheries.

Restoration of deteriorated wetlands in Kumana
(Yala East) National Park, Sri Lanka: a pilot project on
mangrove restoration
P. Suranga Rathnayake¹, Y. Mapatuna², P. N. Dayawansa³
¹ Department of Wildlife Conservation, 811/A, Jayanthipura, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
² Sustainability Learning Centre, 228, Kadawatha Road, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
³ Department of Zoology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

Kumana (Yala East) National Park on the south-east coast of Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province
(6º30' to 6º42' N, 81º04' to 81º15' E) is reputed for the diversity and abundance of its avifauna.
The park provides food, shelter and roosting sites for large numbers of migratory waterfowl
and waders, and is a breeding site for several thousands of resident aquatic birds of more
than 33 species. In view of its importance, the park has been recognized as a Ramsar wet-
land of international importance.

In recent years, a slight reduction in the numbers of waders, waterfowl and other aquatic birds
has been noted in the Kumana wetlands. Recent observations point to increased competi-
tion for nesting and roosting sites during the breeding and migratory seasons, indicating that
available mangrove resources are limited.

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami caused substantial damage to the mangroves of Kumana
National Park. Natural regeneration has been extremely slow and inadequate. For this rea-
son, a pilot project was carried out to determine the feasibility of restoring mangroves in
the main bird feeding, roosting and breeding sites in the park, namely the Bagura and
Kumana wetlands, both of which are fringed by mangroves. Two trial plots of mangroves were
established in the selected wetlands in early September 2011. Two species of mangroves,
Sonneratia caseolaris (low salinity species) and Rhizophora mucronata (high salinity spe-
cies), were selected for planting. Healthy plants from a nursery run by a community-based
organization (CBO) associated with the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWLC) were
used in the trials.

At the time of transplanting in the field the mangrove plants averaged 12 cm in height and
three leaves per plant. At the trial plot in Bagura wetland, a total of 2,048 R. mucronata
saplings were established in 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm plots with community participation.
This plot was assessed after six months in March 2012. Results were promising, with 1,889
plants found to be surviving (92.2% survival rate). Interestingly, 53.5% of the plants were
well-established without any signs of damage, which is quite high for a dynamic habitat
where severe conditions prevail, especially high herbivore pressure. A total of 793 plants
were damaged, 60% by grazing (as revealed by their appearance). Direct observations
indicated that wild buffalo are the main culprit. Of the 472 herbivore-damaged plants, over
90% were regenerating. After six months, the average height of undamaged plants at Bagura
was 19.6 cm (an increase of 38.8%). Preliminary data from the trial plot of S. caseolaris in
Kumana wetland indicate that, six months after planting, the mortality rate is less than 10%
and growth rates are much higher than those of R. mucronata.

Preliminary results from the trial plots suggest that restoration of mangroves in the Kumana
National Park is feasible. Provided conditions remain favourable, it should be possible to
restore ecosystem characteristics that support birds, the primary attraction of the park.

There is great potential for nature-based tourism and ecotourism in Kumana National Park,
owing to its rich birdlife and scenic beauty. In this respect, it is important to implement further 115

management strategies for restoring deteriorated habitats in the park’s wetland ecosystems
to support its avifaunal population.

Keywords: mangroves, restoration, Ramsar wetland, aquatic birds, Kumana National Park,
Sri Lanka

1. Introduction
Kumana (Yala East) National Park lies on the south-east coast of Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province
(6º 30' to 6º42' N, 81º04' to 81º15' E) and is reputed for its avifaunal richness and abun-
dance. In view of its avifauna the park has been listed as a Ramsar wetland of international
importance since October 2010. Sri Lanka’s Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWLC) is
responsible for managing this protected area and the adjacent Panama-Kudumbigala Sanc-
tuary, which is also a part of the Kumana Ramsar site. Kumana NP is an important habitat
for numerous waterbirds, including the vulnerable Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilus javanicus)
(DWLC website; Miller et al., 2010).

The diverse ecosystems of the park, dominated by wetlands, provide feeding and roosting
sites that attract large flocks of migratory waterfowl and waders. The park is a regular breeding
site for more than 33 species of waterbirds. Every year several thousands of resident aquatic
birds and migratory waders and waterfowl are attracted to the park, making it a key destina-
tion for birdwatchers and an internationally important site with great scope for nature-based
tourism and ecotourism (DWLC website; Miller et al., 2010). As its prime attraction throughout
the year, birds are the flagship species of Kumana NP. Therefore, aligning management to
support birds should be a major management goal of the park.

The dominant vegetation types of the park comprise semi-arid thorn-scrub with areas of
dense forest, grasslands, wetlands and mangroves. The latter provide crucial feeding, roost-
ing and breeding habitats for aquatic birds, including numerous migratory waterfowl and
waders (DWLC website). The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami that hit the eastern coast, causing
physical damage and changing hydrological regimes, also caused major damage to the man-
groves along the coast, including the mangrove ecosystems of Kumana NP (Bambaradeniya
et al., 2005; IWMI, 2005; UNEP and MENR, 2005).

Mangroves are woody shrubs and trees that are salt and flood tolerant and hence dominate
intertidal areas of lagoons, estuaries and sheltered bays along tropical and subtropical coast-
lines (Pinto, 1986; Tomlinson, 1986; Ball, 2002; Jayatissa et al., 2002). These tidal forests
are of enormous ecological and economic importance (Tomlinson 1986; Bandaranayake,
1998, 2002). Despite the importance of mangroves in providing ecosystem goods and
services, they are disappearing in an escalating manner (Pinto, 1986; Alongi, 2002). Hence
the conservation and restoration of mangrove ecosystems deserve high priority (Jayatissa
and Wickramasinghe, 2006; Jayasekare et al., 2010). Restoration of mangroves in Kumana
should get the same attention.

During recent years, a slight reduction in the numbers of nesting birds in Kumana wetlands
116 has been evident. Also, recent observations on breeding of birds at the Kumana wetland of

the park indicate an increased competition for nesting sites (P. N. Dayawansa, pers. comm.).
Mangrove vegetation is an obligatory resource for aquatic birds; to display breeding behaviour
patterns, roosting, taking hide and ambush, etc. (Nisbet, 1968; Jayson, 2001).

Mangrove vegetation that serves as nesting sites and habitat for waterbirds, seems to be a
limited resource during their peak breeding season that regularly commences in the month
of May. Ecosystem characters such as complex structure, diversity, linkages and resilience
of mangrove ecosystems depend heavily on the availability of mangrove vegetation (Jayson,
2001; Jayasekare et al., 2010). Availability of food resources for numerous species of wildlife
too is indirectly influenced by mangrove vegetation (Tomlinson, 1986; Cannicci et al., 2008).
Therefore, it is necessary to restore the affected areas with suitable species of mangroves
to facilitate recovery of the ecosystem.

A preliminary project was started in September 2011 to determine the feasibility of restoring
mangroves at reputed bird breeding sites in the park, namely Bagura and Kumana wetlands,
both of which are fringed by mangrove vegetation.

2. Materials and methods

The pilot project was carried out from September 2011 (commencement of replanting) to
March 2012 (initial gathering of data on population dynamics). However, the study of popu-
lation dynamics is a long-term study. It will involve the collection of ecological data every six
months for a period of three years and annual monitoring thereafter, and is to be carried out
with the involvement of local community, including schoolchildren.

Planting the wrong species in the wrong place is a major reason for failure of mangrove
rehabilitation projects (Lewis, 2005). Therefore, selection of mangrove species for resto-
ration was based on published guidelines (Jayatissa and Wickramasinghe, 2006), and a
survey of mangroves species in Kumana before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
As soil salinity is a primary factor controlling the survival and growth of mangrove seedlings
(Jayatissa and Wickramasinghe, 2006), salinity tolerance was also considered. Two species
of mangroves, namely, Sonneratia caseolaris, a low-salinity loving species, and Rhizophora
mucronata, a high-salinity loving species, were selected for restoration. Sonneratia is the
preferred species for constructing bird nests and Rhizophora for roosting.

The Bagura and Kumana wetlands were selected as study sites in view of their avifaunal
significance. Bagura wetland is regularly used throughout the year as a roosting site by many
waterbirds, whereas Kumana wetland is frequented by breeding waterbirds, especially in
the peak breeding season starting in May. Both wetlands are excellent feeding sites for all
species of waterbirds. The status and distribution of mangrove vegetation before the 2004
Indian Ocean tsunami was obtained by personal communication with experts, and the cur-
rent situation was assessed by carrying out a ground survey in the area.

Nursery plants of Sonneratia and Rhizophora raised in polythene bags were obtained from
a community-based organisation (CBO) in Rekawa in Southern Province associated with
DWLC. The polythene bags were 5 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height and the potting
mixture was a 1:1:1 mix of sieved loam soil, sand and organic matter (degraded mangrove 117

litter). Seedlings were irrigated with fresh water and, when well-established, were transferred
from the CBO nursery in Rekawa to Kumana. Healthy plants were selected and acclimatized
for a period of three months at Kumana NP before planting out in the trial site. The planting
pits were 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm, and at the time of transplanting the height of the plants
averaged 12 cm, with three leaves per plant.

Two trial plots were established, one each in Bagura and Kumana wetlands, in early Septem-
ber 2011. A total of 2,048 Rhizophora plants were planted at Bagura and 1,500 Sonneratia
plants at Kumana, and protected with branches to avoid predation by herbivores. The Bagura
trial assessments were made six months after planting in early March 2012, and the Kumana
trial plot is currently being assessed.

3. Results
3.1 Bagura wetland trial
In early March 2012 (six months after planting), 1,889 plants of the 2,048 planted out were
surviving and 159 plants had died, i.e. 92.2% survival and 7.8% mortality of plants over the
six-month period. A mortality rate of 7.8% may be considered nominal for a harsh natural
habitat. Of the 1,889 survivors, 1,096 plants were well-established without any signs of
damage, which is quite satisfactory for a dynamic habitat where severe conditions prevail,
especially with high pressure from herbivores. Of the 793 plants damaged, 59.5% suffered
from browsing as indicated by their appearance. Direct observations indicated that wild
buffalo are the main source of browsing pressure. Over 90% of the 472 herbivore-damaged
plants were found to be regenerating.

After six months, the average height of undamaged plants was 19.6 cm – an increase of
7.6 cm (or 38.8%) over six months, which is quite rapid in such dynamic habitats. The number
leaves per plant varied from five to nine after six months.

3.2 Kumana wetland trial

An evaluation is currently underway. Preliminary results indicate that the survival rate is more
than 90%, and that the growth rate of Sonneratia is faster than Rhizophora.

4. Discussion
The progress of the trial plantings of R. mucronata and S. caseolaris at Bagura and Kumana
wetlands respectively has been encouraging. These results suggest that replanting man-
groves in Kumana NP, and thus restoring ecosystem characteristics that support birds, the
primary attraction of the park, is eminently feasible. Accomplishing this will undoubtedly
support the rich birdlife of the park and help maintain the quality of the park as a breeding
site for waterbirds, and retain its Ramsar status. In the long run, establishment of mangrove
vegetation in the wetlands will facilitate restoration of ecosystem characters of major wetlands
affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Jayathissa and Wickramasinghe (2006) reported that many attempts to restore mangroves
have failed completely, as they were poorly planned and managed. As already noted, plant-
ing the wrong species in the wrong place is a major reason for many failures (Lewis, 2005).
118 Salinity of the habitat appears to be a primary factor controlling the survival and growth of

mangrove plants. Taking this into consideration, appropriate species were selected based
on salinity distribution: two species of mangroves, namely the low-salinity loving S. caseolaris
and high-salinity loving R. mucronata, were selected for restoration. The initial success of
the current project can be ascribed to the appropriate selection of species for replanting and
use of healthy plant material.

Herbivore pressure is by far the biggest contributor to the 7.8% mortality of plants at Bagura
wetland. This factor is difficult to control as buffalo are abundant in the area. However, the
community members involved in restoration were advised to avoid buffalo trails while replant-
ing mangroves, and to use branches to protect the plants from the animals. No attempt was
made to fence the replanted blocks as this is not a realistic option in wetland areas.

The height of saplings increased from the initial 12 cm to 19.6 cm after six months, despite
the harsh conditions that prevail in such habitats. Although this relatively slow growth rate
(1.27 cm per month) may well be frustrating, according to Jayatissa and Wickramasinghe
(2006) such slow growth at the initial stages is common in natural regeneration of mangroves.
An important hurdle in a hostile environment is the initial survival and establishment of the
plants, which is always challenging. Once established better productivity can be expected.
A systematic monitoring programme should be put in place to follow progress and ensure

Community involvement was assured by sourcing nursery plants from a CBO associated
with DWLC. Community involvement was further assured by using local community labour to
replant mangroves, which also made the project more cost-effective. Community members
were made aware of the significance of the project by educating them about mangroves,
their significance and conservation.

The implementation plan of the current project built in the involvement of the community
through participation. Community participation will bring about desirable attitudinal changes
in the local community, in addition to the project’s major objective of environment restoration.

Nature-based tourism is on the increase throughout Sri Lanka and Kumana National Park is
an ideal location for this type of tourism. Also, there is a great potential for ecotourism among
adjacent hamlets such as Panama, the doorway to Kumana NP. In light of this, it is important
that management strategies should be directed towards restoring deteriorated habitats of
the wetland ecosystems and conserving the avifauna of the park.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

The initial success of a mangrove restoration programme depends on appropriate selection
of the site and mangrove species, and how the programme is implemented. Involvement of
the community at all stages of the project will bring additional benefits. Continuous assess-
ment and monitoring of the progress of the transplants are critical to ensure the success of
a restoration programme.

The results of the trial plantings at Bagura and Kumana clearly indicate that restoration
should be extended to other deteriorated habitats associated with the wetlands of Kumana 119

National Park with proper appraisal and further involvement of the community, for instance
by establishing community nurseries in adjacent villages.

The authors acknowledge the Department of Wildlife Conservation for the support it provided
to initiate this project.

Alongi, D.M., 2002. Present state and future of the world’s mangrove forests. Environmental
Conservation 29, 331–349.
Ball, M.C., 2002. Interactive effects of salinity and irradiance on growth: implications for
mangrove forest structure along salinity gradient. Trees 16, 126–139.
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Tsunami Damage in Terrestrial and Marine Coastal Ecosystems of Ampara and Batticaloa
Districts of Eastern Sri Lanka. Gland: IUCN, 50 pp.
Bandaranayake, W.M., 1998. Traditional and medicinal uses of mangroves. Mangroves and
Salt Marshes 2, 133–148.
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of mangrove plants. Wetlands Ecology and Management 10, 421–452.
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2008. Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests:
A review. Aquatic Botany 89, 186–200.
IWMI, 2005. Notes on preliminary tsunami damage rapid assessment for coastal wetlands
in Sri Lanka (south coast). Colombo: International Water Management Institute.
Jayasekara, B., Wedage, I. R. and Dayawansa, P. N., 2010. Diversity and distribution of man-
grove flora in the Attaragoda wetland, Galle with some notes on avifauna. Proceedings of
International Forestry and Environment Symposium, Sri Lanka. Nugegoda: Department
of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
Jayatissa, L.P., Dahdouh-Guebas, F. and Koedam, N., 2002. A revision of the floral com-
position and distribution of mangroves in Sri Lanka. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean
Society 138, 29–43.
Jayatissa, L.P. and Wickramasinghe, W.A.A.D.L., 2006. Guidance for mangrove replanting:
1. Interspecific variations in responses of mangrove saplings to two contrasting salinities.
Ruhuna Journal of Science 1, 47–60.
Jayson, E.A., 2001. Structure, composition and conservation of birds in Mangalavanam
Mangroves, Cochin, Kerala. Zoosprint Journal 16, 471–478.
Lewis, R.R., 2005. Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of
mangrove forests. Ecological Engineering 24, 403–418.
Miller, F.P., Vandome, A.F. and McBrewster, J., 2010. Kumana National Park. Düsseldorf:
VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 128 pp.
Nisbet, I.C.T., 1968. The utilization of mangroves by Malayan Birds. IBIS 110, 348–352.
Pinto, L., 1986. Mangroves of Sri Lanka. Colombo: Natural Resources, Energy & Science
Authority, 54 pp.
Tomlinson, P.B., 1986. The Botany of Mangroves. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
120 413 pp.

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pared for UNEP/Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR) of Sri Lanka,
87 pp.

Afforestation of coastal mudflats in Gujarat, India

C. N. Pandey¹, Richa Pandey²

¹ Gujarat Forest Department, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
² Office of Additional PCCF (D&M), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Email: [email protected]

India registered an increase of about 24 km² in its mangrove cover between 2009 and 2011.
The greatest increase (12 km²) was reported from Gujarat, and is attributed to the state’s
strong mangrove conservation and afforestation efforts. Gujarat has 66% of the country’s
coastal wetlands, suggesting an extensive range of potential sites where mangrove planta-
tions could be established. This calls for a long-term afforestation strategy. To this end, in
2010 Gujarat launched an ambitious mangrove afforestation programme aimed at establish-
ing about 100–120 km² of mangroves a year. In addition, recognizing that a holistic approach
is required for long-term conservation of mangroves, Gujarat has conducted a number of
area-specific research studies on mangrove reproductive and pollination biology, the status
of natural regeneration, and the preferred substratum and inundation conditions of different
mangrove species. This work has established that mangrove plant associates and faunal
components play an important role in the overall functioning of mangrove ecosystems.

Based on these findings, and instead of only raising mangrove plantations, a mangrove habi-
tat development plan has been developed for the intertidal mudflats of South Gujarat. This
plan takes into account the substratum conditions, inundation conditions, natural zoning of
mangroves in the area, and existing mangrove species. The plan also includes an inventory of
all the potential mudflats more than 1 km² in area. Each mudflat has been given a permanent
identity by means of a Potential Area Number (PAN). Mudflat-specific treatment plans have
also been developed, identifying the mangrove species and mangrove associates that can be
established in the different zones and sub-zones of each mudflat. These plans will promote
biodiversity, whereas the location-specific permanent identification numbers will facilitate
long-term monitoring. Following these criteria, treatment plans have been developed for 70
mudflats covering about 810 km² across seven coastal districts of Gujarat. Implementation
of the mangrove habitat development plan began in 2011–2012.

Keywords: mangroves, afforestation, mudflats, sediment properties, tidal range, Gujarat, India

1. Introduction
The state of Gujarat contains the second largest area of mangroves (1,058 km²) in India (total
mangrove area: 4,662.56 km²). The state’s mangrove cover has shown an increasing trend
from 1987 to 2011 (Forest Survey of India, 2011). This cover is unevenly distributed across
13 coastal districts forming four mangrove regions: Kachchh (Kori creek), Gulf of Kachchh,
Saurashtra and South Gujarat (see Table 1 below).

The species diversity of mangroves in Gujarat is relatively low. A total of 15 mangrove spe-
cies have been recorded from the state (Pandey and Pandey, 2009). However, a survey of
the diversity and regeneration of mangroves in South Gujarat in 2009 by the GEER (Gujarat
Ecological Education and Research) Foundation found a remarkable floristic diversity and
rich growth of mangroves in this area. The study identified a number of new mangrove
areas, as well as potential mangrove areas in the southern districts of Navsari and Valsad.
Subsequently, the state started establishing mangrove plantations in these districts. As the
mangrove afforestation programme has developed, it has been felt necessary to identify
potential mudflats where investment may be encouraged for mangrove afforestation and 123

Table 1 Distribution of mangroves in Gujarat

Mangrove Proportion
Mangrove region Districts area (km²) (%)
Kachchh Kachchh 778 73.53
Gulf of Kachchh Jamnagar and Rajkot districts and areas 161 15.22
under Marine National Park and Sanctuary
Saurashtra Amreli, Junagadh 2 0.19
South Gujarat Bhavnagar, Ahmedabad, Anand, Vadodara, 117 11.06
Bharuch and Surat, Navsari and Valsad
Total 1,058 100
Source: Forest Survey of India (2011).

habitat development. To this end, the Gujarat Department of Forests and Environment sanc-
tioned a special project under its climate change programme to identify coastal mudflats in
South Gujarat where mangrove restoration or afforestation could be carried out.

2. Materials and methods

The intertidal areas of seven districts in south Gujarat – Valsad, Navsari, Surat, Bharuch,
Anand, Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar – were surveyed for their potential to support man-
groves. For this task, IRS LISS-III satellite imagery from 2008–09 was used to identify coastal
mudflats of more than 100 ha for ground verification. Where possible, mudflats of less than
100 ha were grouped together for ground verification. Small patches of mudflat which could
not be combined were omitted from this exercise.

A total of 90 potential areas was delineated, each of which was verified on the ground for its
potential to support mangroves. For each mudflat, details of the existing vegetation (man-
grove and mangrove associates), land use, sediment and tidal conditions, and vulnerability
to natural and anthropogenic pressures, were collected and used to prepare a mudflat
treatment plan for each potential area. Figure 1 and Table 2 summarise this methodology.

Identification of mudflats using IRS

LISS-III satellite imagery

Development of large-scale maps for each

identified mudflat for ground verification
and corroboration of ground details with
Google imagery

Ground truthing and collection of site and

local information

Zoning based on ground infomation into

zones A, B and C, and preparation of a
treatment map and plan for each zone

Prioritization of each potential area based

on their vulnerability against natural and
anthropogenic pressures

124 Figure 1 Schematic representation of methodology. Source: Pandey et al. (2012).


Table 2 Probable coastal areas and potential areas of seven districts of South Gujarat
Number of identified Number of potential areas
District coastal areas (>100 ha) after ground verification
Valsad 12 6
Navsari 16 9
Surat 14 11
Bharuch 19 16
Anand 8 8
Ahmedabad 11 9
Bhavnagar 10 11
Total 90 70

2.1 Referencing of potential areas

Every potential area was given a unique index number, or Potential Area Number (PAN), for
referencing purposes.

2.2 Zoning of potential areas

Mangrove habitats show distinct zoning as one moves from the high-tide line towards the
land. Depending on the local substratum and inundation conditions, various mangrove spe-
cies occupy specific zones in the mangrove habitat. Each potential area was categorized
into three zones based on substratum and inundation conditions: A, B and/or C (Table 3).

Table 3 Soil and inundation features of zones A, B and C influencing potential for mangrove
restoration or afforestation
Zone A Zone B Zone C
 Regularly inundated (more  Inundated on 4–6 days out  Inundated on fewer than
than 7 days out of 15-day of 15-day tidal cycle 4 days out of 15-day tidal
tidal cycle)  Substratum is relatively cycle
 Substratum is soft clay harder (hard clay or mixed  Substratum is harder
 Located near or along a type)  Mangrove associates may
creek  Creeks in the nearby areas be planted
 Direct mangrove plantation  Mangrove plantation is pos-
is possible sible after channelling
Source: Pandey et al. (2012).

2.3 Vulnerability assessment

Each potential area was assessed for natural and anthropogenic pressures. Anthropogenic
pressures included illicit tree felling, livestock grazing, sand mining and pollution. The potential
areas were categorized into high, moderate or low vulnerability to anthropogenic pressures
on the basis of these factors. In general, any potential area with three or more such factors
was treated as highly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures. Potential areas with one or two
factors were treated, respectively, as low or moderately vulnerable to anthropogenic pres-
sures. Natural pressures were assessed in terms of susceptibility to soil erosion, proximity
to the shoreline and absence of biological or mechanical shields. As with the anthropogenic
pressures, potential areas with all three factors were generally treated as highly vulnerable
to natural pressures, whereas those with one or two were treated, respectively, as low or 125

moderately vulnerable. The opinions of local communities and Forest Department field staff
were also sought while deciding the vulnerability category for each potential area.

3. Results
Ground truthing revealed that 70 of the 90 surveyed mudflats had potential for mangrove
restoration or afforestation. These potential areas were sheltered mudflats; the other 20 were
either sandy beaches or exposed areas, so were not considered further.

3.1 Distribution of the potential areas by district

Among the seven coastal districts surveyed, the highest number of potential areas was
reported from Bharuch (16), followed by Surat and Bhavnagar with 11 each. Valsad, Navsari,
Anand and Ahmedabad were found to have 6, 9, 8 and 9 potential areas, respectively. The
reference numbers of each potential area and their classification by zone in each district are
provided in Table 4.

Table 4 Zoning and reference numbers of potential areas by district

Potential area (ha) in different zones Potential Area Number
District A B C Total (PAN)
Valsad 785.61 705.18 153.40 1,644.19 PAN 1 to PAN 6
Navsari 490.96 4,833.88 2,980.65 8,305.49 PAN 7 to PAN 15
Surat 1,512.94 4,489.81 567.69 6,570.44 PAN 16 to PAN 26
Bharuch 8,410.04 5,895.29 879.66 15,184.99 PAN 27 to PAN 42
Anand 4,283 9,976.50 3,591.49 17,850.99 PAN 43 to PAN 50
Ahmedabad 756.59 7,310.06 12,827.97 20,894.62 PAN 51 to PAN 59
Bhavnagar 4,541.92 5,526.28 541.22 10,609.42 PAN 60 to PAN 70
Total 20,781.06 38,737 21,542.08 81,060.14 –

Ahmedabad has the largest potential area for mangrove restoration or afforestation, followed
by Anand, Bharuch, Bhavnagar, Navsari, Surat and Valsad. The areas located in Bharuch
district were found to be most suitable for mangrove restoration and afforestation with direct
planting (Zone A), whereas Anand district has the most suitable areas for mangrove restora-
tion and afforestation after channel development (Zone B). Ahmedabad district was found
to be most suitable for planting mangrove associate species (Zone C).

3.2 Mangrove and mangrove associates reported from potential areas

A total of 13 mangrove species (Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Avicennia officinalis,
Acanthus ilicifolius, Aegiceras corniculatum, Ceriops tagal, Bruguiera cylindrica, Bruguiera
gymnorrhiza, Excoecaria agallocha, Lumnitzera racemosa, Sonneratia apetala, Rhizophora
mucronata, Xylocarpus sp.) were reported from potential areas in South Gujarat. Except for
Xylocarpus sp., all have been recorded in natural mangrove habitats in Gujarat (Pandey and
Pandey, 2009, 2010). Further, the maximum number of mangrove species was reported from
the potential areas of Valsad. In the case of Bharuch, Anand, Ahmedabad and Bhavnagar,
only A. marina was reported. Moving from south to north (Valsad to Anand), the number of
species of mangroves and mangrove associates decreases. Table 5 summarises the diversity
126 of mangrove and mangrove associate species in the districts (see also annexes 1–3).

Table 5 Floristic diversity of mangroves and mangrove associates in South Gujarat

Number of mangrove
District Number of mangroves associates
Valsad 11 38
Navsari 3 30
Surat 8 (6 natural + 2 planted) 23
Bharuch 1 13
Anand 1 6
Ahmedabad 1 8
Bhavnagar 1 9

3.3 Potential area development plan for mangrove restoration

Detailed maps identifying waterbodies, area and location of zones A, B and C, and geo-
references (for example approach roads) were prepared for each potential area. One such
map from Valsad district is given in Figure 2. These maps were prepared on the basis of
the details of substratum, inundation conditions, suitability of various species of mangroves
and mangrove associates for mangrove restoration in the potential area. The plant species
recommended for each zone are listed in annexes 1–3.

Figure 2 Map of a potential area: PAN 1 of Valsad. Source: Pandey et al. (2012).

3.4 Vulnerability index of potential areas

The potential areas of each district were further categorized into different vulnerability classes
(Table 6). Bhavnagar district recorded the highest number of potential areas vulnerable to
anthropogenic pressures, followed by Navsari. It is important to note that Anand district did
not have any potential areas that could be classified as highly vulnerable. Considering natural 127

Table 6 Vulnerability index of potential areas in South Gujarat

Number of potential areas vulnerable to
Number of
potential Anthropogenic pressures Natural pressures
District areas High Moderate Low High Moderate Low
Valsad 6 1 3 2 Nil Nil 6
Navsari 9 6 3 Nil 5 Nil 4
Surat 11 4 3 4 5 Nil 6
Bharuch 16 4 6 6 14 Nil 2
Anand 8 Nil 1 7 2 Nil 6
Ahmedabad 9 4 2 3 1 Nil 8
Bhavnagar 11 8 Nil 3 11 Nil Nil

pressures, Bharuch district has the highest number of most vulnerable potential areas, fol-
lowed by Bhavnagar, Navsari and Surat.

4. Conclusions
Mangrove conservation and restoration in degraded or potential afforestation areas are
essential for the ecological security of the coastline and socio-economic wellbeing of local
coastal communities. However, an informed and scientific approach is needed that accounts
for all relevant biotic and abiotic factors influencing the area under question. This paper out-
lines a holistic approach to restoring and developing mangrove habitats on suitable mudflats.
This approach also incorporates suitable mangrove associates along with the mangrove
species in an effort to augment the biodiversity of the area, thus improving the structure and
functioning of the ecosystem, and improving the sustainability of restoration and afforesta-
tion efforts. This diversified approach would also improve the ecological and socio-economic
functions of the mangrove habitats. The work developed in Gujarat also provides a model
for effective planning, implementation and monitoring of mangrove restoration programmes
covering scattered and isolated mudflats. This model combines remote sensing with ground
truthing in such a way that field-based information is given precedence, resulting in more
realistic and site-specific planning. The methodology, as well as the planning and monitoring
model, has wide-ranging regional and global applicability.

As mentioned earlier, Gujarat has a mangrove area of 1,058 km². This study has identified
an additional area of over 810 km² with potential for mangrove restoration or afforestation.
However, the study covered only the intertidal regions of seven of the 14 coastal districts of
Gujarat, and, based on its findings and implications, a similar exercise has been launched for
the other seven districts. It is estimated that 1,500–2,000 km² may potentially be available
in the state for further development as mangrove habitats. Six of the 16 identified potential
areas in Bharuch district have already been adopted for mangrove restoration or afforestation
under the government of India’s Green India Mission.

The seeds of this study were sown during an MFF-funded small grants project on the flo-
ristic diversity of mangroves in Gujarat, and the authors thank MFF for this. We express our
128 gratitude to the government of Gujarat for sponsoring this project. We are also thankful to

the GEER Foundation, especially Mr Bipin Khokhariya, Kamlesh, Sheenath, Rakesh Patel,
Mukesh Mali, Bhargav Brahmbhatt and Mehul Joshi, for their support and contribution to
this study. Thanks are due to the GIS Centre, Vadodara, Gujarat Forest Department, for
developing the final maps, and to the officials and staff of the Gujarat Forest Department for
facilitating the field work which made this study possible, and for using its outputs to improve
strategies for mangrove restoration.

Forest Survey of India, 2011. India State of Forest Report 2011. Dehradun: Forest Survey of
India. Online at:
Pandey, C.N. and Pandey, R., 2009. Study of Floristic Diversity and Natural Recruitment
of Mangroves in Selected Habitats of South Gujarat. Gandhinagar: Gujarat Ecological
Education and Research (GEER) Foundation, 918 pp.
Pandey, C.N. and Pandey, R., 2010. Study of Pollination Biology and Reproductive Ecology
of Major Mangroves of Gujarat. Gandhinagar: Gujarat Ecological Education and Research
(GEER) Foundation, 92 pp.
Pandey, C.N., Pandey, R. and Khokhariya, B., 2012. Potential Area Mapping for Mangrove
Restoration in South Gujarat. Gandhinagar: Gujarat Ecological Education and Research
(GEER) Foundation, 248 pp.

Annex 1 List of mangroves and mangrove associates reported from potential areas
No. Scientific name Type Growth form
1 Acanthus ilicifolius L. Mangrove Tree
2 Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco Mangrove Tree
3 Avicennia alba Bl. Mangrove Tree
4 Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh Mangrove Tree
5 Avicennia officinalis L. Mangrove Tree
6 Bruguiera cylindrica (L.) Bl. Mangrove Tree
7 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Mangrove Tree
8 Ceriops tagal (Perr.) Robinson Mangrove Tree
9 Excoecaria agallocha L. Mangrove Tree
10 Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. Mangrove Shrub
11 Rhizophora mucronata Lamk. Mangrove Shrub
12 Sonneratia apetala Buch.- Ham. Mangrove Tree
13 Xylocarpus sp. Mangrove (Planted) Shrub
14 Adansonia digitata L. Mangrove Associate Tree
15 Aeluropus lagopoides (L.) Trin. ex Thw. Mangrove Associate Herb
16 Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Mangrove Associate Tree
17 Caesalpinia crista L. Mangrove Associate Climber
18 Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. Mangrove Associate Shrub
19 Capparis sepiaria L. Mangrove Associate Shrub
20 Carissa congesta Wt.Icon. Mangrove Associate Shrub
21 Casuarina equisetifolia L. Mangrove Associate Tree

No. Scientific name Type Growth form

22 Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn. F. Mangrove Associate Shrub
23 Cressa cretica L. Mangrove Associate Herb
24 Cyprus sp. Mangrove Associate Herb
25 Derris indica (Lamk.) Bennet. Mangrove Associate Tree
26 Derris scandens Benth. Mangrove Associate Climber
27 Derris trifoliata Benth. Mangrove Associate Climber
28 Eragrostis sp. Mangrove Associate Climber
29 Erythrina viregata L. Mangrove Associate Herb
30 Euphorbia neriifolia L. Mangrove Associate Tree
31 Hygrophila auriculata (Schum.) Heiene Mangrove Associate Herb
32 Hyphaene indica Becc. Mangrove Associate Tree
33 Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy Mangrove Associate Climber
34 Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Brown Mangrove Associate Climber
35 Ixora pavetta Andr. Mangrove Associate Tree
36 Lantana camara var. aculata (L.) Mold. Mangrove Associate Shrub
37 Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dub. Mangrove Associate Tree
38 Maytenussen egalensis (Lam.) Excell. Mangrove Associate Shrub
39 Moringa oleifera Lam. Mangrove Associate Tree
40 Nauracanthus sphaerostachyus (Nees) Dalz. Mangrove Associate Herb
41 Opuntia elatior Mill. Mangrove Associate Shrub
42 Pentatropis capensis (Linn.f.) Bullock Mangrove Associate Climber
43 Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Mangrove Associate Tree
44 Porteresia coarctata (Roxb.) Tateoka. Mangrove Associate Herb-grass
45 Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C. Mangrove Associate Tree
46 Salvadora persica L. Mangrove Associate Tree
47 Selicornia brachiata Mangrove Associate Herb
48 Sesbania sesban Mangrove Associate Shrub
49 Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L. Mangrove Associate Herb
50 Sida acuta L. Mangrove Associate Herb
51 Suaeda monoica Forssk. Ex. Gmel. Mangrove Associate Shrub
52 Suaeda nudiflora Roxb. Mangrove Associate Herb
53 Tamarindus indica L. Mangrove Associate Tree
54 Tamarix indica Willd. Mangrove Associate Shrub
55 Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland. Ex Corr. Mangrove Associate Tree
56 Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. Mangrove Associate Tree
57 Zizyphus nummularia (Brum.f.) W.& A. Mangrove Associate Shrub

Annex 2 List of mangroves and mangrove associates suggested for Zone A and Zone B
No. Zone A Zone B
1 Acanthus ilicifolius Acanthus ilicifolius
2 Aegiceras corniculatum Aegiceras corniculatum

No. Zone A Zone B

3 Avicennia alba Avicennia alba
4 Avicennia officinalis Avicennia marina
5 Bruguiera cylindrica Avicennia officinalis
6 Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Bruguiera cylindrica
7 Ceriops decandra Bruguiera gymnorrhiza
8 Ceriops tagal Ceriops tagal
9 Excoecaria agallocha Kandelia candel
10 Kandelia candel Lumnitzera racemosa
11 Lumnitzera racemosa Rhizophora mucronata
12 Rhizophora mucronata Sonneratia apetala
13 Sonneratia apetala Suaeda maritima
14 Porteresia coarctata Porteresia coarctata

Annex 3 List of plant species suggested for Zone C

No. Non-mangrove Substrata Growth form Spacing
1 Tamarix indica More sandy + clay Shrub 3mx3m
2 Salvadora persica Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
3 Thespesia populnea Hard clay and soft clay Tree 5mx5m
4 Phoenix sylvestris Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
5 Opuntia elatior Hard clay Shrub 3mx3m
6 Manilkara hexandra Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
7 Euphorbia neriifolia Hard clay Shrub 3mx3m
8 Casuarina equisetifolia Sandy Tree 5mx5m
9 Zizyphus mauritiana Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
10 Tamarindus indica Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
11 Cocos nucifera More sandy + clay Tree 5mx5m
12 Pongamia pinnata Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
13 Borassus flabellifer Sandy Tree 5mx5m
14 Anacardium occidentale Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
15 Azadirachta indica Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
16 Bambusa arundinacea Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
17 Adansoina digitata Hard clay Tree 5mx5m
18 Clerodendrum inerme Hard clay Shrub 3mx3m
19 Caesalpinia crista Hard clay Climber 5mx5m
20 Suaeda maritima Hard clay Shrub 3mx3m
21 Suaeda monoica Hard clay Herb 2mx2m
22 Suaeda nudiflora Hard clay Herb 2mx2m
23 Salicornia brachiata Hard clay Herb 2mx2m
24 Porteresia coarctata Soft pure clay Herb-grass 2mx2m
25 Aeluropus lagopoides Hard clay Herb-grass 2mx2m
26 Asparagus racemosus More sandy + clay Climber 5mx5m
Genesis and present status of restoration practices in
saline blanks in India
V. Selvam¹, R. Ramasubramanian², K. K. Ravichandran³
¹ M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, 3rd Cross Street, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India
Email: [email protected]
² M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, 7-4-19, Sashasai Street, Ramaraopet, Kakinada, India
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
³ M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, 3rd Cross Street, Taramani, Chennai 600113, India

Unvegetated areas, or saline blanks, are a common feature of mangrove wetlands in arid and
semi-arid regions. They are characteristic of mangroves of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh,
though the reasons for this are not clearly understood and, as a result, many attempts to
restore these areas have yielded limited results.

Participatory research by the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) has shown

that the clear-felling system used in mangrove management in India from the early 20th cen-
tury to the late 1970s was the main cause of degraded saline blanks. Clear-felling of mangrove
trees in coupes exposed large areas of mangrove wetland to sunlight, causing evaporation of
the water. Almost 80% of the water is lost in this way, increasing soil bulk density and changing
the original flat topography of the area into a trough-shaped form. Tidal water entering these
troughs during high tide became stagnant; its subsequent evaporation increased soil salinity
to a level lethal to mangroves. As a result, no regeneration of mangrove plants occurred in
clear-felled areas, and attempts to restore these areas by planting also failed.

Drawing on these findings, a simple and cost-effective restoration technique was developed
and demonstrated with the participation of stakeholders including the State Forest Depart-
ment and local communities. This technique involves a canal system with supply and feeder
canals that allow tidal water to move freely in and out of the degraded area, thereby avoiding
stagnation of saline water. This free and energy-neutral flushing by tidal water reduces soil
and water salinity, increasing the moisture of the degraded areas and making them biophysi-
cally suitable for supporting mangroves. MSSRF and the State Forest Department of Tamil
Nadu demonstrated this technique in Pichavaram in an area of about 10 ha. Stakeholders
there raised three important questions: i) who will maintain the artificial canals created for tidal
flushing; ii) how can mangrove restoration activities be scaled up; and iii) how can livelihood
pressures such as felling of trees and grazing of animals be managed.

Answering these questions led to the development of a Joint Mangrove Management (JMM)
programme, pilot tested in seven mangrove wetlands in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal by MSSRF, together with State Forest Departments and
local communities. Between 1996 and 2004, a total of 33 villages in the four states and
about 5,200 families participated in the testing, and more than 1,500 ha of mangroves were
restored by planting 6.8 million mangrove saplings. The Ministry of Environment and For-
ests of India subsequently formed a sub-committee to review the restoration protocol and
JMM approach. The sub-committee declared it the best approach currently available, and
included it in the National Mangrove Action Plan. At present, State Forest Departments on
the east coast of India and in Gujarat use the canal technique to restore degraded mangrove
wetlands in suitable areas.

Keywords: mangroves, saline blanks, restoration, Pichavaram, India

1. Introduction
Saline blanks, also called salinas or salt flats, are common in arid and semi-arid mangroves
(Macnae, 1968; Cintrón et al., 1978). They have also been recorded in many of the mangrove 133

wetlands of India (Balsco, 1975; Selvam et al., 2005). All of these saline blanks are hyper-
saline, with soil salinity exceeding 100 parts per thousand (ppt) in some areas (Cintrón et
al., 1978; Gordon, 1988). An analysis of remote sensing data of the Muthupet mangroves in
Tamil Nadu, which lie in the coastal, semi-arid zone of the north Tamil Nadu plains, showed
that of the 12,000 ha of declared mangrove area, hypersaline blanks accounted for nearly
7,200 ha, or 60% (Selvam et al., 2002). Similarly, 55% of the Pichavaram mangroves, also
located in the same zone, were found to be saline blanks with few mangroves. The manage-
ment plan of the Muthupet and Pichavaram mangrove wetlands records that many unsuc-
cessful attempts to vegetate these saline blanks have been made since the 1930s (Ahmed,
1937; Thangam, 1961).

Another problem is that local communities have not been given an opportunity to partici-
pate in the management and decision-making processes for these mangroves, as well as
other mangroves in India. The combination of a lack of participation and hypersalinity has
resulted in the mangroves of India, including those of Tamil Nadu, being in a highly degraded
state. This was the situation when the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF)
started its community-based mangrove management projects along the east coast of India,
especially in the Pichavaram mangrove wetlands. This paper describes: a) the causes of
the development of saline blanks; b) techniques to restore these blanks; c) joint mangrove
management processes to scale up restoration programmes that were tested in mangroves
along the east coast of India, with communities and State Forest Departments as partners;
and d) the current status of restoration of Indian mangroves.

2. Materials and methods

The restoration of saline blanks in mangroves was divided in two phases. In Phase 1, MSSRF
identified the causes of formation of saline blanks, and developed and demonstrated appro-
priate restoration techniques. This phase was implemented in the Pichavaram mangroves in
Tamil Nadu. Phase 2 consisted of Joint Mangrove Management (JMM) programmes, pilot-
tested with communities and State Forest Departments, in seven major mangrove wetlands
located along the east coast of India.

2.1 Causes of saline blank formation and development of restoration methods

Participatory studies and scientific field investigations were used to identify the causes of
saline blank formation in the Pichavaram mangroves. In the participatory studies, rapid rural
appraisal and participatory rural appraisal were used to elucidate the views of the commu-
nities on the causes, and interviews were held with Forest Department officials. Following
these, joint field visits were conducted with officials and community representatives, which
revealed stagnation of tidal water in many parts of the Pichavaram mangroves. These were
followed by a scientific study to assess the reasons for tidal water stagnation, in which the
micro-topography of the forest floor was measured at 2-m intervals and visual observations
made of tidal flushing patterns. Micro-topographic measurements were taken along nine
randomly selected transects covering both saline blanks and healthy forest areas. The floral
structure along these transects was also analysed using standard methods described by
Cintrón and Novelli (1984). Soil and pore water salinity along the transects were measured
using the method described by Gordon (1988). Based on these observations, a restoration
134 technique was developed and tested in about 10 ha of saline blanks.

2.2 Joint Mangrove Management (JMM)

To scale up restoration activities, and also to give local communities a role in decision-making
for mangrove management, JMM programmes were developed and pilot tested in mangrove
wetlands in the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal. A science-
based, people-centred and process-oriented approach was followed in pilot testing of JMM
to plan, restore and sustain mangrove wetlands.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Causes of saline blank formation
The study of micro-topography, tidal flushing patterns, soil and pore water salinity, and plant
community structure, in Pichavaram revealed the following differences between healthy
mangroves and saline blanks:

 The micro-topography in healthy mangroves was smooth (Figure 1, top) and flushed by
tidal water freely during high tide and low tide. No stagnation of tidal water was observed.
In healthy areas, soil salinity was moderate, ranging from 12–51 ppt. Pore water salinity
was between 22 and 64 ppt. Plant diversity was high.
 In saline blanks, the topography was trough-shaped (Figure 1, bottom), so tidal water
entering these areas stagnated. Evaporation of the stagnant water led to a high soil salin-
ity of 68–112 ppt, and a pore water salinity of 70–120 ppt. This hypersalinity prevented
natural regeneration of mangroves.

Figure 1 Smooth topography of healthy mangroves (top) and trough-shaped topography

of saline blanks (bottom). The latter causes stagnation of tidal water leading to hypersalinity.

Further investigations revealed that past management practices were primarily responsible
for the development of the trough-shaped hypersaline blanks. The Pichavaram mangrove 135

wetland has been managed by the Forest Department since 1911. From 1935 to 1975, it was
managed under a coupe-felling system, in which mature mangrove forests were clear-felled in
coupes at regular intervals for timber, poles and firewood. About 500 ha of healthy mangrove
forest was clear-felled in 20 coupes in Pichavaram between 1935 and 1975 (Venkatramani,
1951; Thangam, 1961; Venkatesan, 1972). Over several decades, this system triggered a
chain reaction leading to mangrove degradation (Figure 2).

Clear felling under Exposure of Evaporation of soil

coupe system mangrove wetland water

Stagnation of tidal Development of trough- Subsidence of

water shaped topography sediment

Evaporation of tidal Development of No regeneration of

water hypersalinity mangroves

Figure 2 Flow chart of a chain reaction triggered by past mangrove management practices
leading to degradation of mangrove wetlands

According to Allen (1984) and FAO (1994), subsidence of sediment is a common feature in
wetland soils exposed to prolonged solar radiation. Stephens and Speir (1969) observed
surface subsidence of mangrove sediments in the Florida Everglades, where peat soils that
formed under mangroves were cleared for agricultural development.

3.2 Development of restoration technique for saline blanks

As detailed above, the stagnation of tidal water in the trough-shaped blanks and subsequent
increase in salinity were mainly responsible for their degraded condition. It was hypothesized
that, if provision was made for free movement of tidal water in and out of the trough-shaped
areas, the saline blanks could be restored. To test this hypothesis, a 10-ha area of saline
blanks was selected and, based on its topography, a canal system was designed and
constructed. This consisted of a main canal and a number of feeder canals laid out in a
“fishbone” pattern (Figure 3).

The main canal was connected to a nearby natural canal. It was observed that during high
tide, tidal water entered the trough-shaped area and spread across the entire area through
the feeder canals. At low tide the water drained out completely. As a result of this tidal flush-
ing during both the summer and the monsoon seasons, soil and pore water salinity declined
steeply and soil moisture increased.

Mangrove plants (Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina) were
planted along the main and feeder canals at 1-m intervals. In the first year, the survival rate
was about 80%; thereafter, the number of plants in the demonstration area increased because
of the regeneration of propagules flushed into the site by tidal waters.

Figure 3 Fishbone canal system developed to facilitate free tidal flushing of saline blanks.
Photo © MSSRF.

3.3 Development of JMM programmes

At the end of the successful demonstration at Pichavaram, three key questions surfaced:

1. Who will maintain the artificial canal system?

2. How to upscale restoration activities?
3. How to sustain the restored mangroves?

Answering these questions led to a community-based JMM programme, pilot tested in the
Muthupet and Pichavaram mangroves of Tamil Nadu; the Krishna and Godavari mangroves
of Andhra Pradesh; the Devi and Mahanadi mangroves of Orissa; and the Sundarbans of
West Bengal.

In these areas, as a first step, mangrove user communities were identified and project villages
selected based on the intensity of resource use, socio-economic conditions, and willingness
to participate in JMM. After an intensive development process facilitated by MSSRF, a village-
level institution, the Village Development and Mangrove Council (VDMC), was established
in each village with a decision-making and an executive body. The decision-making or the
general body consisted of a male and female representative from each participating family,
and the executive body consisted of community leaders and members, and representatives
of the State Forest Department, with equal representation of women and men. The capacity
of these institutions was regularly improved through orientation workshops, training in par-
ticipatory project management methods, exposure visits to successful participatory natural
resource management projects, and technical training in restoration.

3.4 Micro-planning
Participatory rural appraisal and a socio-economic survey were used to identify the concerns
of the communities and the State Forest Departments relating to mangrove conservation
and management, and community and village development. Micro-plans were prepared and
implemented to address these concerns. Funding for the plans was mobilized from a small
grant project supported by the Mangroves for the Future Initiative, the State Forest Depart-
ments, financial institutions and government institutions.

3.5 Mangrove management unit and restoration

A mangrove management unit is defined as the part of a mangrove wetland traditionally used
by a village community to meet its their basic needs. The communities, State Forest Depart-
ments and MSSRF jointly identified and demarcated suitable management units for project
villages, and also designed the canal systems for restoration. Funds were provided to the
VDMCs, who mobilized both women and men for constructing canals, collecting propagules
and planting. The VDMCs also prepared plans for plantation maintenance in consultation with
the Forest Departments. Different villages followed different methods to protect the planta-
tions and nearby mangroves. The VDMCs were required to involve women in all activities
and provide equal wages to women and men. This obligation was initially resisted by the
men, but later accepted as a norm after persistent efforts by MSSRF.

3.6 Livelihood and poverty reduction

Apart from ensuring access to mangrove resources, particularly fishery resources, a number
of livelihood-strengthening and poverty-reduction activities was implemented in the project
villages. These played a critical role in sustaining people’s interest in participatory mangrove
management. For example, in one of the villages a primary school was started with project
support; it has now grown into a middle school. This motivated parents to participate actively
in the processes of mangrove management. In addition, a substantial sum was given to
each VDMC as a corpus fund, to be used for making loans to its members. This avoided
exploitation by money lenders. For livelihood augmentation, three different kinds of interven-
tions were implemented:

1. Interventions that would enhance or strengthen the current livelihood activities.

2. Demonstrations of potential income-generating opportunities in a participatory mode, so
that viable options could be taken up in the future.
3. Vocational skills training.

In the event, people proved more interested in interventions that enhanced or strengthened
existing livelihood activities, rather than alternative livelihood or income-generating activities.

3.7 Outputs of JMM

 Established 33 VDMCs for joint mangrove management with about 5,240 mangrove user
families as members.
 Restored 1,447 ha of degraded mangroves through these village-level institutions.
 Planted about 6.8 million mangrove saplings in the restored areas, of which 75–80%
survived. A substantial increase in plant density due to natural regeneration was noted
138 after one or two years in the restored areas.

 About 12,000 ha of flourishing mangrove forests were brought under JMM.

 Organised 194 self-help groups, comprising both women and men, and linked them to
various government livelihood schemes.

Mangrove restoration activities generated 90 person-days of work per hectare; hence the
JMM pilot projects generated 135,000 person-days of work in total. Even today, JMM is
creating employment for rural communities as mangrove restoration activities are continuing.

3.8 Current status

The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) of India formed a sub-committee to evaluate
the mangrove restoration technique and JMM programmes. The MOEF declared these as
the best available approaches and included them in its National Mangrove Action Plan. As a
result, actions to restore and conserve mangrove wetlands at the national and state level have
increased, as reflected in the increased allocation of resources by the central government to
state governments for mangrove restoration and management programmes.

Two of the pilot mangrove areas, Pichavaram in Tamil Nadu and Godavari in Andhra Pradesh,
have been completely restored through replication of the JMM model by the respective
State Forest Departments. A recent Forest Survey of India report indicates that the country’s
mangrove forest cover has increased by 616.56 km² over the past two decades, from 4,046
km² in 1987 to 4,662.56 km² in 2011 (FSI, 2011). The community-based JMM programme
is reported to have played a catalytic role in this growth, not only by developing and dem-
onstrating suitable models, but also by inducing changes in the programmes and policy of
MOEF (FSI, 2011).

4. Conclusions and recommendations

As described above, a location-specific, science-based, community-centred and process-
oriented approach is needed for sustainable management of mangroves and other coastal
resources and ecosystems. Such an approach can be promoted through a multi-stakeholder
community–NGO–government–private partnership. The concerns of the mangrove user
community should be incorporated into the coastal and marine governance framework, by
giving them opportunities to participate in decision-making and policy-making processes.
This will create a “win-win” situation for all stakeholders in coastal resources management
in India.

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Board of Tanjore, 87 pp.
Allen, A.S., 1984. Types of land subsidence. Pp. 133–142 in: Polland, J.F. (ed.), Guidebook
to studies of land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal. Paris: UNESCO.
Blasco, F., 1975. Mangroves of India. Pondicherry: French Institute of Pondicherry, 175 pp.
Cintrón, G., Lugo, A.E., Pool. D.J. and Morris, G., 1978. Mangroves of Arid Environments in
Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands. Biotropica 10, 110–121.
Cintrón, G. and Novelli, Y.S., 1984. Methods for studying mangrove structure. Pp. 91–113 in:
Snedaker, S.C and Snedaker J.G. (eds), The Mangrove Ecosystem: Research Methods.
Paris: UNESCO. 139

FAO, 1994. Mangrove forest management guidelines. Forestry Paper No. 117. Rome: Food
and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 320 pp.
FSI, 2011. Status of Forest of India Report 2011. Dehradun: Forest Survey of India, 286 pp.
Online at:
Gordon, D.M., 1988. Disturbance to mangroves in tropical-arid Australia: hyper salinity and
restricted tidal exchange as factors leading to mortality. Journal of Arid Environments
15, 117–145.
Macnae, W., 1968. A general account of the fauna and flora of mangrove swamps and forests
in the Indo-West Pacific region. Advances in Marine Biology 6, 73–270.
Selvam, V., Navamuniyammal, M., Gnanappazham, L., Ravichandran, K.K. and Karunaga-
ran, V.M., 2002. Atlas of Mangrove Wetlands of India: Part I: Tamil Nadu. Chennai: M. S.
Swaminathan Research Foundation, 100 pp.
Selvam, V., Ravishankar, T., Karunagaran, V.M., Ramasubramanian, R., Eganathan, P. and
Parida, A.K., 2005. Toolkit for establishing coastal bioshields. Chennai: M. S. Swami-
nathan Research Foundation, 117 pp.
Stephens, J.C. and Speir, W.H., 1969. Subsidence of organic soils in the U.S.A. Pp. 523–534
in: Tison, L.J. (ed.), Land Subsidence. International Association of Scientific Hydrology
Publication No. 89, U.S.A.
Thangam, E.S., 1961. Working plan for the Cuddalore Forest Division (1956–1966). Chennai:
Department of Forests, Government of Tamil Nadu.
Venkatesan, K.R., 1972. Working plan for the Cuddalore Forest Division (1966–1976). Chen-
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Mangrove restoration and planting in micro-tidal
barrier-built estuaries and lagoons in Asia –
ideology versus sustainable ecosystem science?
J. I. Samarakoon
Consultant, IUCN Sri Lanka, 53 Horton Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]

This paper provides a preliminary synthesis of information on mangrove restoration and
planting for some micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons in Sri Lanka, Indonesia
and India. Activities relating to mangrove restoration, planting and bioshields are compared
and analyzed on the basis of the hypothesis that mangrove restoration and planting (and
bioshields) cause long-term changes in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons that
undermine their functional integrity as social-ecological systems by diminishing their fishery
value, mainly through accelerated sediment entrapment. The hypothesis could be falsified
by appropriate measurement of sedimentation rates and fishery yield.

The comparisons did not intend to recognize linear cause-effect relationships between man-
grove restoration and planting, and sedimentation processes, since the systems are complex
and fraught with many uncertainties within a diverse web of relationships. The aim was to
determine if mangrove restoration and planting appear to support the hypothesis in a rec-
ognizable manner as a dominant relationship. The evidence supports the hypothesis. The
incorporation of the precautionary principle into these activities is indicated. The results reveal:

 Mangroves and inappropriately sited bioshields are implicated in accelerated sedimenta-

tion and diminishment of the fishery in Rekawa Lagoon, although the economic value of
mangroves was shown to be unrealistically high. The economic study was supported by
an organization that funded mangrove planting and bioshields.

 Mangrove restoration and planting that accelerated in Negombo Lagoon under the
UNDP/UNESCO Regional Mangrove Project in the 1980s, and gathered momentum
under subsequent funding arrangements, contributed substantially to the acceleration
of the sedimentation trend.

 Heavy sedimentation and stabilization by mangroves in Segara Anakan as demonstrated

by historical records dating back to 1903 resulted in the diminishment of the fishery habitat
by 50%. Major investment in restoration of the ecosystem appears to be failing since
among others, further rehabilitation of mangroves may have been unwarranted.

 Mangrove restoration and planting, as well as inappropriately sited and technically incor-
rect bioshields, appear to have contributed to accelerated sedimentation. The investment
in bioshields may be regarded as wasted public funds.

 Restoration of Chilika Lagoon since the 1990s under the Chilika Development Authority
has been highly successful. Restoration apparently did not include any activities related to
mangroves, although studies showed that they had been degraded and lost in the past.
Hydrological restoration by itself restored fishery livelihoods and safeguarded biodiversity.

A large technical literature is available for mangrove restoration, planting and bioshields.
Some material relates to these activities in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons.
These entities are among the most threatened coastal ecosystems in Asia. Millions of coastal
community households depend on their ecosystem services for livelihoods. Mangrove res-
toration and planting in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons currently appear to 141

be isolated from the diversity and complexity of the social-ecological relationships that drive
change in these systems. An inter-disciplinary discourse is required at a regional level within
the integrated coastal management context.

Keywords: mangroves, estuaries, lagoons, restoration, livelihoods, Sri Lanka

1. Introduction
Dynamic micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries belong in a class of complex coastal ecosystems
occurring in Sri Lanka and other tropical Asian countries, including India, Indonesia and
Viet Nam. Incorrectly termed lagoons, they range in size from India’s Chilika Lagoon (about
1,000 km²), the largest in Asia, to the more common size of tens to hundreds of square kilo-
metres. They are critical for fishery-based livelihoods of coastal communities in developing
countries. Micro-tidal lagoons are later stages in the geomorphological evolution of barrier-
built estuaries, mainly by way of sediment entrapment from land drainage and naturally
impeded tidal hydraulics (Day et al., 1989).

The fundamental ecological variables that determine the functionality and sustainability of
micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons are hydrological, and include the balance
between sediment entrapment, stabilization and tidal flushing. This is the case simply
because the natural destiny of barrier-built estuaries is disappearance by infilling (Perkins,
1974). Therefore, variables that accelerate sedimentation processes simultaneously hasten
the transformation of these entities, from open waters supporting viable fishery habitats into
mosaics of stabilized mud flats and creeks. In the tropics, mangroves exist in these entities,
typically as fringing intertidal vegetation. Oceanography determines the nature of tidal influ-
ences, which may range from micro-tides to macro-tides. Tidal amplitude directly influences
the extent of intertidal fringing mangroves. Watershed dynamics and sediment loads may
contribute positively to mangroves, while concurrently impacting hydraulics in a negative way.
Some of these counteracting processes could have a lesser impact in larger than in smaller
water bodies. Each entity will be characterized by its particular ecological, social, cultural
and institutional histories, which impart differing economic values and need to be assessed
individually (Constanza, 2008). Therefore, the scientific prospects for mangrove restoration
or assisted rehabilitation involving planting are linked to the scales, associated processes,
and patterns that determine ecology (Wiens, 1989; Farnsworth, 1998).

Mangroves generally occur in eight biophysical settings (Cintrón and Shaeffer-Novelli, 1992).
This paper refers to mangroves in drowned river valleys that originated during the Holocene
Transgression, and subsequently evolved into barrier-built estuaries and lagoons. Although
mangroves date to the Cretaceous, their present scale and form are more recent; they evolved
from about 10,000 years BP when the eustatic sea level stabilized as observed today (Ellison
et al.,1999). To simplify the diversity and complexity of environmental settings, Lugo (2002)
used three levels in discussing mangrove conservation in the Caribbean and Latin America.
This paper uses the same arrangement and refers mainly to regional mangrove ecosystems.

Mangrove “restoration” in developing countries usually takes the form of assisted rehabilita-
142 tion in open access, common pool and common property resource systems that belong to

the state (and this is what mangrove restoration refers to in the present paper). Mangroves
planted as seedlings in these publicly owned spaces yield benefits when the vegetation
reaches partial maturity after 10–15 years. In the interim, changes in initial conditions, negative
externalities such as accelerated sedimentation, as well as the problem of “free rider” goods
could come into play, resulting in social conflict (Ostrom, 1990). Who benefits and who loses
thus becomes an important consideration. In those micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries that are
relatively shallow, mangrove restoration results in land or wetland build-up unless water flow
is maintained by design (for example, the fishbone channel mangrove planting technique in
India; see Selvam, Ramasubramanian and Ravichandran, this publication). Who will own such
land or wetland? Will ownership be determined through a clash of power where economically
weaker coastal communities may lose?

The opportunity for generating benefits is linked to the scale on which restoration of man-
groves occurs to compensate for degraded vegetation, and how it relates to essential hydro-
logical processes, since water surface area, volume and flow are needed for fishery habitats
and many other non-fishery uses. In the event that mangroves compete for “fish living space”,
should removal of mangroves be considered? The case study of Segara Anakan poses this
question. In New Zealand, managing the spread of mangrove vegetation into estuaries is
done through carefully planned removal (Schwarz, 2003). In Hawaii, introduced mangroves
even warrant categorization as invasive plants for the purpose of conserving biodiversity,
including control by defoliation (Convention on Biological Diversity, 2003).

This paper was designed as a contribution to the controversy pertaining to mangrove restora-
tion and planting, and bioshields, that warrants discussion at a regional colloquium. Sri Lanka
addressed the same subject at a previous inter-disciplinary colloquium combined with field
assessments of mangrove restoration and planting (and bioshields) in micro-tidal estuaries
and lagoons. It contributed towards a partial review of policy and recognition of safeguards.
The purpose of this paper is to support MFF’s Strategic Implementation Framework (2006),
(mainly in regard to two of its Programmes of Work (PoWs):

 Improving the knowledge base for coastal planning, policy and management (PoW 1).
 Promoting adaptive coastal management programmes that include ongoing ecological
and socio-economic assessments and monitoring (PoW 14).

Both of these PoWs enable learning and refinement of policies, associated project imple-
mentation processes, their governance, and indicator-based monitoring and evaluation.
This paper flows from the author’s close technical relationship with IUCN Sri Lanka as a
contribution to adaptive management of mangrove restoration and planting (and bioshields)
in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons. Adaptive management aims to identify
uncertainties in the management of an ecosystem while using hypothesis-testing to further
learning (Resilience Alliance, 2010).

Guidelines are available for mangrove restoration and planting, including a distinction between
“restoration” and “planting” generally (Saenger and Sideek, 1993; Field, 1998; Lewis, 2005).
Kathiresan (2003) explains mangrove-related sedimentation, and India’s MFF National Strat-
egy and Action Plan provide guidelines that are valuable for micro-tidal barrier built estuar- 143

ies (MFF, n.d.). Other “Best Practice Guidelines for Mangrove Restoration” are available
that ignore potential negative externalities including entrained sedimentation (IUCN, 2007).
Therefore, it would be useful to synthesize available knowledge from a landscape perspective
suited to ecosystem-based management of mangroves. This may enable convergence with
the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (FAO, 2003; Cochrane and Doulman,
2005), which regards mangroves as integral parts of the fishery landscape.

Without safeguards, subdivision and conflict in hydrologically unified micro-tidal barrier-built

estuaries and lagoons could occur. Those engaged in mangrove restoration and planting may
claim territorial rights over parts of public property in which investments have been made (for
example tourism interests), with ensuing conflicts. Additionally, in economic terms, a negative
externality is involved when micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons are considered as
natural capital in the public domain. Those investing in mangrove restoration and planting
are rarely dependent on their fishery resources for livelihood support. The risks to them are
non-existent, since they may have already received payment for the activity, whereas the
fishery-dependent resource users, arguably the poorest segment in most developing coun-
tries, must bear the full cost of adverse impacts arising in the longer term.

The paper presents an indicative synthesis of information from a concerned ecologist’s

perspective, to indicate some dimensions for discourse that relate both to ecosystem frag-
mentation and its socio-economic consequences. The author has the impression that core
beliefs that drive mangrove restoration require expansion and diversification to make the
activity responsive to the dynamic complexity of micro-tidal, barrier-built estuarine ecosys-
tems. They are arguably the most vulnerable among coastal ecosystems, where millions of
livelihoods depend upon their ecosystem services (Constanza, 2008). Perhaps an ecolo-
gist’s concerns may resonate with similar thoughts of other participants at the colloquium to
stimulate discourse on the spatial and temporal complexities of mangrove restoration that
require examination in the context of integrated coastal management in Asia.

The author is conscious that the colloquium participants are predominantly mangrove spe-
cialists who believe in the “goodness” of mangroves. Anything that appears threatening to
the interests of mangrove restoration may provoke cognitive dissonance, that is, an inability
to deal with evidence that contradicts a belief. Therefore, it is necessary to state at the
outset, in order to encourage empathy, that this paper only suggests an additional way of
thinking about mangroves. Actions and consequences in complex ecosystems cannot be
reduced to linear cause–effect relationships. Nevertheless, in the event that beliefs about
complex systems have been too simple, it should be possible to demonstrate unintended
consequences flowing from “good” activities, and to ask cogent questions about their sci-
entific foundation (Merton, 1996). Colloquium participants then may choose to discuss the
need for verification of key inferences, and whether conventional theory (existing beliefs)
needs modification.

2. Materials and methods

This section provides material for assessing, indicatively, the “scientific foundation” of the
existing practice of mangrove restoration, including planting and bioshields. The site infor-
144 mation (see Tables 1, 2 and 3 below), selected from an array of published and unpublished

material, is combined with the author’s insights from field experience, to explore the hypoth-
esis that, after mangrove restoration, long-term changes in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries
and lagoons undermine their functional integrity as social-ecological systems by diminishing
their fishery value, mainly through accelerated sediment entrapment. This hypothesis can be
validated or rejected by comparing sedimentation rates and fishery yields before and after
mangrove restoration.

A case study approach is used to provide evidence in support of the hypothesis. Chilika
Lagoon was selected since it is a micro-tidal barrier-built estuary where there has been no
mangrove restoration. A caveat is required in regard to interpretation of the case studies,
since an ecological perspective is applied predominantly, while also making an effort to bring
in interdisciplinary considerations. In Indonesia, Segara Anakan is being studied in a socio-
ecological context that should provide more incisive information (Taurusman et al., 2010).

A case study approach to test hypotheses may appear inadequate to support inferences for
complex social-ecological-political entities, according to the perceptions of some scientists
who prefer to think in simple cause–effect, linear relationships (Holling, 1978; Ostrom, 2007).
However, it is precisely the absence of cause–effect relationships in complex systems that
frustrate purely technocratic approaches. There are too many variables involved to fully
comprehend complex ecosystems, not to mention the impossibility of conducting the kind
of controlled experiments that might yield scientifically credible answers. Therefore, in seek-
ing to understand complex systems, systematic use of case studies is warranted (Ostrom,
2007; also see Bryant and Wilson, 1998; Wilson, 2009). They enable recognition of dominant
ecological patterns and processes (Wiens, 1989), which would justify heuristic inferences
(Kuhn, 1970).

The case studies share criteria that enable logical comparison (Table 1). They present sce-
narios across orders of magnitude to enable some understanding of the manner in which the
impact of mangrove restoration is related to the scale of the total estuary system. Tables 2
and 3 provide sets of basic information. The latter enables sensitization to the magnitude of
the natural capital involved. The proposed questions that may be addressed in the discourse
are, Do the case studies warrant inter-disciplinary analysis of the hypothesis presented by
the author? and, What are the meaningful regional approaches that may be useful?

3. Results and discussion

The case studies demonstrate that mangrove restoration/rehabilitation (and bioshields) are
simply one set of land-use options, interacting with others. This is important to note, because
for almost three decades, since initial efforts to promote mangrove conservation started in the
mid-1980s (Vannucci, 1988a; 1998b), the prevalent inclination has been to view mangrove
restoration in isolation instead of holistically. The controversy that prompted this colloquium
indicates changing perceptions. Harmonization among land uses is necessary, preferably
through integrated coastal management (ICM), where the goal is to improve the quality of
life of human communities who depend on coastal resources while maintaining the biological
diversity and productivity of coastal ecosystems. Thus ICM must integrate government with
the community, science with management, and sectoral with public interests in preparing
and implementing actions that combine investment in development with the conservation of 145

Table 1 Characteristics of the selected sites that enable meaningful comparison

Surface water


Extent of
area (ha)

Study site
Rekawa Lagoon ª Yes 278 100 Yes Yes Moderate Marginal
Negombo Lagoon b
Yes 3,000 253 Yes ? Intense >3,000
Segara Anakan Lagoon c
Yes 2,600–3,000 >3,000 Yes ? Intense –
Batticaloa Lagoon d
Yes 15,000 650 Yes Yes Intense >20,000
Chilika Lagoon e
Yes 100,000 ? No (?) No (?) Intense >50,000
Sources: ª; Rekawa Special Area Management Coordinating Committee
(1996). b Devendra (n.d.). c d
com/Studies/Final/Batticaloa/Study%20-%2005%20-%20NECCDEP.pdf. e Ghosh and Pattnaik (2006).

Table 2 Some basic parameters of the five selected estuaries and lagoons
Mean Basin Trapped
Area tidal Salinity Nature of Mangrove area sediment Management
(ha) range (ppt) tidal inlet area (ha) (km²) load (m³/yr) status
Rekawa Lagoon (lagoon)
278 ª <10 cm <5 Opens 70 <200 Not Sporadic effort.
when inlet briefly, measured Fishery livelihood
opens assisted diminished
Negombo Lagoon (barrier-built estuary)
3,000 <40 cm 0–30 Open 230 720 70,000 Sporadic efforts.
perenially Fishery livelihood
Segara Anakan Lagoon (barrier-built estuary)
3,225 b <1.5 m 0–25 Open 1,995 835 2.6 million Restoration by
perennially (as islands) ADB, mangroves
following 12,610 rehabilitated,
restoration (intertidal) fishery dimin-
Batticaloa Lagoon (barrier-built estuary)
15,000 10–40 cm 0–25 Closes 321 >800 Not Sporadic effort.
when inlet seasonally measured Fishery livelihood
opens endangered
Chilika Lagoon (barrier-built estuary)
100,000 <1.5 m 0–15 Open Nil / ? 4,300 1.8 million Restored tidal
perennially Mangroves (to be inlet and fishery;
following existed in verified) managed by Chi-
restoration the past lika Development
Sources: ª Ganewatte et al. (1995). b
White et al. (1989).


Table 3 Some indicative fishery-related economic values of the five selected estuaries and
Population Estimated Daily income of Average value Value of investment in
engaged in annual income fisher household of estuary or studies, restoration,
fishing (US$ m) (US$) lagoon (US$/m²) management, etc. ª
Rekawa Lagoon b
144 0.71 >15 0.26 About US$100,000
(doubtful validity: (estimate)
see text)
Negombo Lagoon c
3,000 4.8 <3 0.16 About US$300,000
Segara Anakan Lagoon d
? ? ? ? US$78 million
Batticaloa Lagoon e

20,000 12.2 2 0.08 About US$2 million

Chilika Lagoon f
50,000 ? ? ? US$12.7 million g
ª Estimated and reported investment to enable comparison with value of fishery earnings.
Ganewatte et al. (1995), Joseph and Kumara (2001), Ranasinghe and Kallesoe (2006).
The unit value of a square metre is indicative of the minimum sedimented area around a mangrove plant.
White et al. (1989), ADB (2006).
Samarakoon and Samarawickrama (2012).
Ramsar site. Ghosh and Patnaik (2006).
Government of India and World Bank data, 1996–2004.

environmental qualities and functions” (GESAMP, 1996). Harmonization becomes possible

where the “thinking” that drives particular land uses acquires clarity. The axiomatic “law of
unintended consequences”, which draws on Merton’s (1936, 1996) insights and theoretical
explanations, provides one option.

3.1. Sedimentation processes, mangrove restoration, planting and bioshields

Rekawa Lagoon and Chilika Lagoon constitute the extremes of the size range. Rekawa
Lagoon, the smallest, is most vulnerable to changes in its hydromorphology (the relationship
between the forces of water flow and sediment deposition and shaping). It is also associ-
ated with a historical legacy of obstructed environmental flows. Man-made impediments to
the flow of water, for example water control structures, increasingly exposed the system to
the impact of coastal processes (longshore drift and wave action), which resulted in closure
of the tidal inlet, impeded tidal flushing, and accelerated sediment entrapment (Ganewatte
et al., 1995). Chilika Lagoon, several orders of magnitude larger, likewise suffered the impact
of coastal processes on tidal flushing. The tidal inlets of both systems were blocked by spits
formed by longshore drift. This similarity demonstrates shared vulnerability to the domi-
nance of coastal processes. Changes in the hydrological and hydraulic patterns influence
this vulnerability.


Regardless of existing vulnerability, mangrove planting under the label of restoration and reha-
bilitation was promoted under the special area management planning process for Rekawa
Lagoon, and subsequently by organizations dedicated to mangrove interests. Mangroves
expanded by 100 ha in 10 years between 1984 and 1994 (IUCN/CEA, 2006), amounting
to about 30% of total water area. None of the decision-making entities shared livelihood
interests with the local communities based on the lagoon’s fishery. Post-tsunami, mangrove
restoration and planting was justified by economic studies (Ranasinghe and Kellesoe, 2006).
However, the methodology was questionable and conclusions did not match the reality of
the fisheries. A high value was assigned based on the assumption that marine fish catches
were served by the nursery function of the lagoon. The authors chose to ignore that the tidal
inlet of Rekawa Lagoon remains closed during most months of the year, unless breached
manually. In 2009, independent validation (IUCN, 2011) revealed that the number of full-
time fishers had decreased to about fifteen, and the catches consisted mainly of tilapia
(Oreochromis sp.), and other freshwater varieties that rarely or never migrate to the sea. The
lagoon fishers enthusiastically collected mangrove seedlings, for a payment, for mangrove
planting since it was more profitable than fishing (IUCN, 2011). Persuading poor people in
need of every form of income, through cash incentives, cannot be interpreted as sustainable
development in their own interests (Sen, 1995; 1999). The costs of mangrove restoration
stemming from negative externalities are borne by the same communities years after the
project implementing entities depart.

In the case of Rekawa Lagoon, mangrove restoration and bioshields were brought into
management in an unintegrated manner despite the existence of Coordinating Committee
(Rekawa Special Area Management Coordinating Committee, 1996). Whoever came onto
the scene with money to pay for seedling collection by the labour of local residents, could
complete a mangrove restoration project, receive allocated funds and claim success. Selec-
tion of a planting site was indiscriminate since it had no relationship to any historical pres-
ence of mangroves that were subsequently degraded. The technical rationale for restoration
was ignored (Erftemeijer and Lewis, 2000). The result of mangrove restoration was further
acceleration of sedimentation, now combined with eutrophication and a diminished fishery.

In the case of Chilika Lagoon (Ghosh and Pattnaik, 2006) the integrated and participatory
planning placed hydrological and hydraulic restoration at the top of the “restoration agenda”.
Physical interventions did not occur that could impede hydrology, and included interventions
for removal of water reed spread (not mangroves). All management decisions were guided
by enhanced governance. The intended consequences were demonstrated spectacularly
in many ways including increases in fish catches and human well-being.

Both Negombo Lagoon and Segara Anakan Lagoon were vulnerable to sediment entrapment
that impeded hydrology, hydraulics and hydromorphology. As both are an order of magnitude
larger than Rekawa Lagoon, water surface area may have slowed the process of sediment
entrapment and infilling, but could not avert it. Mangrove planting and rehabilitation in Nego-
mbo Lagoon and in Segara Anakan, although on different scales, accelerated the process
of sedimentation. In the case of Negombo Lagoon, infilling by itself did not undermine the
fishery entirely, since the tidal inlet was maintained by coastal engineering works. This allowed
148 recruitment of larval and juvenile stages of fish and crustaceans into the water body where

seagrasses contributed to the nursery function. Maintenance of the tidal inlet, however, was
for the purpose of safeguarding free access for marine fishing craft to this most important of
Sri Lanka’s fishery anchorages (Samarakoon and Van Zon, 1991).

Segara Anakan had mangroves on an order of magnitude scale greater than in Negombo
Lagoon. Sediment entrapment and mangrove spread (Table 4) were proportionately greater
(White et al., 1989). The total extent of expansion of mangroves into the water body between
1903 and 1996 was 3,540 ha, which reduced the fishery area by about half. The tidal inlet
failed by the early 1980s, undermining the fishery within the estuary as well as the coastal
shrimp stocks that depended on the estuary as a nursery. The ADB restoration programme
started in the late 1980s (ADB, 2006). The fishery was partially restored by coastal engineer-
ing that opened the tidal inlet, which allowed larval and juvenile recruitment. The situation
was seriously undermined when all the planned ADB interventions could not be concluded in
an integrated manner. The river diversion project which was necessary for sediment deflec-
tion from the water area was abandoned before project completion. On the other hand, the
“intertidal” mangrove rehabilitation of more than 1,000 ha was completed successfully. This
led to an imbalance between the two inter-linked project components. Sediment inflows per-
sisted while the large-scale mangrove rehabilitation was highly effective in trapping sediment
downstream, stabilizing and converting it to marsh. At project conclusion the expectation
was that the lagoon would transition inevitably to a marsh-tidal creek system (ADB, 2006).

Table 4 The rate of loss of total estuary and water areas in Segara Anakan, 1900–1984
Water area loss (ha)
Year Total area (ha) Net water area (ha) Total Per year
1900 6,898 6,675 – –
1924 6,791 6,445 230 10
1940 6,645 6,049 396 25
1946 6,061 5,412 637 106
1961 5,444 4,737 675 45
1978 4,831 3,852 885 52
1980 4,680 3,636 214 107
1982 4,375 3,206 432 216
1983 4,313 2,959 247 247
1984 4,050 2,761 198 198
Source: White et al. (1989).

Comparable events in Negombo Lagoon, partially attributable to indiscriminate mangrove

planting, occurred over a period of about 30 years (Nagabatla et al., 2008) When eventually
the opportunity for hydraulic restoration was provided by way of a project co-financed by
ADB, the Coast Conservation Department (the project implementing agency) could not pre-
vail to implement dredging. It was unable to overcome opposition from members of coastal
communities who owned land abutting the area demarcated for dredging. These were the
once “landless” poor who captured land from the lagoon by way of planting mangroves,
now grouped as a land-owning political force (CCD, 2005; Samarakoon and Samarawick-
rama, 2012). 149

Some of the private properties that became a management problem in Negombo Lagoon in
2004 were created through mangrove planting dating back about 25 years to the time when
the UNDP/UNESCO Regional Mangrove Project RAS/79/002 encouraged mangrove reha-
bilitation at the same locations. A relationship with hydraulics then was not foreseen by the
proponents. It is notable, in the context of temporal “uncertainties” of complex ecosystems,
that in 1986, during a field visit organized as a part of a regional symposium, prizes were
awarded to school children in Negombo Lagoon under the slogan “Let us conserve man-
groves”, while in the background their parents engaged in housing expansion on degraded
mangrove areas (Field, 1988). This reflects the reality of dynamics in micro-tidal barrier built
estuaries and lagoons; the uncertainties are such that the “applauded present of 1986” would
be buried with time, but rise to “bite back” in a different context.

Batticaloa Lagoon, an order of magnitude larger than Negombo Lagoon and Segara
Anakan, was faced already with accelerated sedimentation stemming from development
activities that fragmented the integrity of its hydrology and hydraulics (Santharooban and
Manobavan, 2005; IUCN, 2011). Mangrove restoration and bioshield development consti-
tuted a layer of land uses that contributed to accelerated in-filling and fragmentation (Sama-
rakoon and Samarawickama, 2012). The North-East Coastal Community Development
Project, financed by ADB, engaged in substantial mangrove planting activities (termed res-
toration/rehabilitation) both before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami (JUGAS Ltd.,
2010). Organizations involved with bioshields (also termed “greenbelts”) chose to ignore
technical guidelines available from some two decades previously (Soerianegara, 1988) and
in the immediate aftermath of the Indian Ocean tsunami (FAO, 2007). Neglect of technical
guidelines by funding organizations, as well as by subsidiary implementing environmen-
tal NGOs, was perhaps motivated more by the availability of money, post-tsunami, and
the urgency of spending in order to access more, rather than by any empathy towards
communities exposed to coastal hazards. This is akin to the phenomenon in the arena of
post-tsunami relief and reconstruction in Sri Lanka that Stirrat (2006) termed “competitive

Bioshields, when mature after 10–15 years, technically must possess the proper dimensions
to be effective as windbreaks and to decrease the force of run-up of wind-driven, short period
waves, for example 500-m wide and 1000-m long, with inter-plant spacing of a metre at
maturity (FAO, 2007). Moreover, bioshields need to be at points along the coastline where
wave run-up occurs, rather than inside sheltered waters such as barrier-built estuaries where
waves are practically non-existent. The author’s observations indicate that the bioshields
planted in Batticaloa Lagoon did not adhere to these technical specifications.

Why were mangrove bioshields implemented in an aberrant form? The short answer is that
mangroves do not exist naturally fronting coastlines in Sri Lanka. Therefore, it is not pos-
sible to nurture mangroves where bioshields actually belong. But funds were available for
bioshields, and consequently recipients and funding organizations, driven by their immediate
interests, planted mangroves opportunistically wherever they would grow and termed them
“bioshields”. Caution in this regard was emphasized in the MFF Sri Lanka National Strategy
and Action Plan (IUCN, 2009).

Before implementing mangrove bioshields on a broad regional scale with global funding, Baird
(2006) expressed concerns about greenbelts (another term for bioshields): “The crux of the
issue for me as an ecologist is that bad science is being used to justify worse policy, with the
potential for major social injustice. Hopefully, it is not too late to reverse this injustice before
my profession becomes complicit in one of the great land grabs in post-colonial history”.

Chilika Lagoon’s hydrological restoration (see Tables 1 and 2 for a comparison of scale)
demonstrates how management focused on the highest-order variables in an ecosystem
can be effective (Holling, 1978), without being distracted by lower-order ones such as man-
grove restoration and planting. This interpretation of Chilika Lagoon’s success should be
considered in greater detail in terms of the political and socio-economic interests of planning
and implementing partners. Nevertheless it is noteworthy that successful restoration in this
largest Asian micro-tidal barrier-built estuary demonstrates both the significance of spatial
scale as well as the strategic approach to restoration.

3.2. Perceptual causes of unintended consequences

This paper is a contribution to rethinking the way we view mangroves. The evidence in support
of the hypothesis affirms the need for such a rethink. So it is necessary to ask the question,
Why was mangrove planting, which clearly defied basic scientific principles, implemented
in a way that appears to have harmed the functioning of these social-ecological systems?
Partial answers can be derived from applying the axiomatic law of unintended consequences
to the case studies from Sri Lanka (Table 5). The justifications for the interpretations may be
taken up for discussion at the colloquium to assess their generalizability in Asia:

 Ignorance: Absence of adequate grasp of the geomorphological evolution of these

entities and their hydromorphological destiny, while neglecting inter-disciplinary analysis
before planning mangrove restoration, rehabilitation or bioshields.

 Error: Generalization of the “goodness” of the intention, irrespective of the physical and
social contexts of the ecosystems. Successful and large-scale mangrove restoration had
been carried out in other locations such as Bangladesh (Vannucci, 1988a, 1988b), there-
fore it was deemed appropriate across Asia. The author, having discussed problems of
mangrove restoration in Negombo Lagoon with international experts, was aware of their
reluctance to consider site-specific appropriateness. Metaphorically, mangrove planting
in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries is akin to performing organ transplants while allowing
the patient to die. Error was also aggravated by disregard for existing technical guidelines.

 Immediate interests: Implementing mangrove planting simply because money was

available, and more money would be forthcoming based upon the speed of completion
of already funded activities, accompanied by disregard for monitoring, feedback and
sustainability evaluations. Following the UNDP/UNESCO field visit to Negombo Lagoon
in 1986, and the award of prizes for mangrove activities, many local community-based
organizations and NGOs acquired funding from various sources, including international
ones, to plant mangroves. The concerns of traditional lagoon fishers generally were
rejected, since the NGOs with money had support from seedling collectors and planters.

 Values: The moral and ethical dilemmas of engaging in mangrove planting based on pay-
ments for services of community members, while undermining their long-term livelihood

 Self-fulfilling hypothesis: In the 1980s, numerous academics became involved with

the UNDP/UNESCO/NARESA Regional Mangrove Project (UNDP/UNESCO, 1988)
implemented primarily on the west coast of Sri Lanka, which offered career rewards. Any
provisional statements about mangroves soon became the guiding principle for reinforcing
the positive ecological role of the vegetation and the correctness of mangrove restoration.
Scientists set up experiments and carried out field surveys to support the “provisional
statement”, instead of seeking to test and reject it if necessary. However, it needs to be
noted that scientists deny the “control” of the hypothesis over their actions since it is
largely unconscious and often deniable.

Table 5 Comparison of how the law of unintended consequences influenced decision-

making in three of the study sites
Five attributes of the law of unintended
consequences influencing decisions



Study site Remarks

Rekawa Yes Yes Yes Yes/U Yes/U The dominant influence was that
Lagoon mangrove planting was in fashion
(Vannucci, 1988b) and an assumption
that the poorest fisher communities
would benefit.
Negombo Yes Yes Yes Yes/U Yes/U As above, combined with the inclina-
Lagoon tion not to adequately understand
the motivations and values of local
communities enrolled into mangrove
planting through incentives.
Batticaloa Yes Yes Yes Yes/U Yes/U As above, combined also with a total
Lagoon disregard for existing technical guide-
lines. The power of funding agencies
such as ADB, FAO in partnership
with the Forest Department, or IUCN/
MFF in partnership with the Ministry of
Environment, was overwhelming.
Note: “Yes” indicates influence of a particular attribute in driving these activities. “U” means unclear. More than one attribute
may have combined to influence thinking and decision-making.

3.3. Science and ideology

Marta Vannucci, when she was Chief Technical Advisor of the UNDP/UNESCO Mangrove
Programme in Asia and the Pacific, declared, “The situation vis-à-vis mangroves has changed
drastically over the last twenty years and mangroves are now in fashion” (Vannucci, 1988b).
Fashion is a form of behaviour that generally is imposed by a dominant class in society.
Fashion shares attributes with ideology, in that the latter “is a set of ideas proposed by
152 the dominant class of a society to all members of the society (a “received consciousness”

or product of socialization)” (Wikipedia, 2012a). The author’s contention is that mangrove

rehabilitation, as practiced today in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons, is driven
more by ideology than by tested propositions (science).

4. Conclusions and recommendations

The supported hypothesis requires that serious consideration be given to fully incorporating
the precautionary principle into planning mangrove restoration, rehabilitation or bioshield
establishment, particularly by organizations such as MFF, which at present has a leadership
role (hegemony) in mangrove matters. The precautionary principle states, “that if an action
or policy has a suspected risk of causing harm to the public and to the environment, in the
absence of scientific consensus that the action or policy is harmful, the burden of proof that it
is not harmful falls on those taking the action” (Wikipedia, 2012b). This is already recognized
in the Draft Code of Conduct for the Sustainable Management of Mangrove Ecosystems
(Macintosh and Ashton, 2003).

Mangrove planting as practiced at present risks allegations that it embodies environmentally

dangerous implications, namely, negative externalities, free riding on the commons, stimulat-
ing “creeping normalcy” (chronic disasters), contradicting the Millennium Development Goals
that seek to reduce poverty, and a lack of accountability.

Mangrove conservation, restoration, planting, removal, non-restoration and bioshield estab-

lishment are all options for incorporation into sustainable management depending on the
social-ecological history of particular geographic entities. Balanced incorporation of available
options is possible within the framework of ICM.

Mangrove planting in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries and lagoons appears to have been
done in the past, and is continuing to be done now in Sri Lanka, with funds from various
sources including the private sector, without adequate consideration of the complex eco-
system structure and hydraulic functioning of the parent ecosystem. The relevant literature
and reports since 1990, as well as a colloquium report (IUCN, 2011; Samarakoon and
Samarawickrama, 2012) reveal the diverse unintended consequences that have resulted.
The lessons from experience appear to have been ignored by funding organizations in their
haste to implement projects because of a combination of behavioural causes, including
ignorance, error, immediate interest, inequity and self-fulfilling prophesy.

Misplaced bioshields planted in barrier-built estuaries and lagoons in Sri Lanka have exposed
their fundamental technical errors, demonstrated through the “natural experiment” of the
impact of a flood event; and therefore the investments are a waste of public funds.

The following recommendations would offer a practical solution to help ensure that these
same errors and failures are not repeated in future:

 Convene a regional technical committee to produce draft guidelines for mangrove res-
toration and planting in general, giving specific consideration to the geomorphological
settings of micro-tidal, drowned valley wetlands in which mangroves exist (Cintrón and
Shaeffer-Novelli, 1992); the hierarchical arrangement of mangrove ecosystems (Lugo, 153

2002); site-specific social-ecological-political history; the landscape perspective; and

recent technologies.

 Convene a regional sub-committee from the Asian countries in which MFF is active, and
which have barrier-built estuaries and lagoons (i.e. India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Viet Nam),
to produce guidelines congruent with the broader framework developed under the pre-
ceding recommendation, to ensure safeguards that incorporate the ecosystem approach
to fisheries (FAO, 2003) and the precautionary principle, with due consideration also given
to the emerging approaches to management of social-ecological systems (Ostrom, 2007).

The author is thankful to IUCN Sri Lanka for the opportunity to prepare the paper; Sanjiv de
Silva, Researcher, International Water Management Institute; Professor Senevi Epitawatte, Sri
Jayawardenapura University; and Dr Devaka Weerakoon, University of Colombo, for critical
review and useful comments.

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Session III

Guidelines for Good Practices in Mangrove

Restoration and Rehabilitation
Mangrove rehabilitation through community involvement:
establishing mangrove conservation awareness and
Sylvanna Antat¹, Lyndy Bastienne², Terence Vel³
¹ Seychelles National Parks Authority, PO Box 1240, Laurier Avenue, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
² Mangroves for the Future, UNDP Office, PO Box 130, Victoria, Mahé, Seychelles
Email: [email protected]
³ Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles, PO Box 1435, Ministry of Education, Mont Fleuri, Mahé, Seychelles
Email: [email protected]

Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles (WCS) is an NGO formed in 1994 to promote conservation in
the Seychelles through environmental education. From July 2009 to December 2010, WCS
undertook a wetlands education and rehabilitation project with financing from the MFF initia-
tive. Project activities were organised at six different locations on the islands of Mahé and
Praslin, and in Curieuse Marine National Park. The purpose of the project was to advocate for
wetlands and mangrove ecosystems conservation, and to build capacity and understanding
for wetland values and restoration through co-operative actions with children, the relevant
national authorities, and local communities. To achieve this, schoolchildren, the general public
and other stakeholders were involved in mangrove planting and rehabilitation activities at
the six project sites. Four of these sites saw survival rates of between 10% and 40% in the
planted seedlings. The Curieuse Marine National Park site had an 8% survival rate, and no
seedlings survived at one rehabilitated site.

Most planting success can be attributed to the location chosen and the advice received
from national mangrove experts on the best sites for rehabilitation. Only schoolchildren took
part in planting activities at two of the project sites, whereas the others saw the participation
of local community members, staff of a private hotel, and conservation officials. Compared
with previous attempts, an increase was observed in the number of male WCS members
participating in mangrove rehabilitation activities. Obviously, much work remains to be done
to educate people about the importance and value of mangroves and wetland habitats in the
Seychelles. A need still exists to raise awareness and provide training for youths, as well as
local communities, in monitoring changes within wetland habitats. This is necessary to facili-
tate the rehabilitation of wetlands and to ensure community engagement in their conservation.

Keywords: mangroves, wetlands, rehabilitation, nature conservation, education, Seychelles

1. Introduction
The loss of mangroves leads to a number of threats to human safety and shoreline develop-
ment, including erosion, flooding, storm waves and surges; reduced water quality and biodi-
versity; destruction in fisheries habitats and reduced catches; destruction of coastal habitats
and reduction in revenue from tourism (Gilman et al., 2006). For these reasons, mangrove
rehabilitation initiatives are usually undertaken to reduce these threats and increase resilience
of mangrove habitats (Quarto and Lewis, 2003). However, in order for rehabilitation to be
successful, there are a number of steps that need to be taken into consideration, including
understanding the ecology of each species being planted, as well as any modifications to
the original mangrove habitat, restoration of appropriate hydrological conditions, plus the
actual planting technique (Lewis et al., 2006).

1.1 History of Seychelles mangroves

Before the arrival of settlers in 1744, the pirates visited the Seychelles islands, which were rich
in marine and coastal biodiversity. Most of the coastal fringes were surrounded by mangrove
swamps. The settlers that came after the pirates built roads along the coastline, and in some 161

places the sea had access under the roads and thus the mangroves kept thriving. But in a
large number of areas sea access was completely cut off, the remaining water stagnated
and the animals died along with the mangroves. Overall, 90% of the original mangrove
swamps around the country had been destroyed by the 1970s, making the protection and
conservation of the remaining 10% all the more urgent (Gillham and White, 1973). Eventu-
ally mangroves started to be used by the people for timber, poles and firewood; Rhizophora
mucronata was used as a dye to polish floors and in the early 20th century mangroves were
exploited for commercial gains on some islands (Beaver, 1984). Today, most of the mangrove
habitats in the Seychelles have been destroyed by development and land reclamation, except
for a small area behind the reclaimed land in the north-east where the conditions created
have been favourable for mangrove establishment (K. Beaver, pers. comm.).

1.2 Objectives
The mangrove restoration project undertaken by Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles (WCS) had
the aim of bringing back the mangrove habitats to their original status, following removal of
mangrove species around the islands due to development and natural hazards. It is hoped
that through mangrove restoration, erosion of the coastal areas and the shoreline can be

There is a need for community education and awareness on the importance and function of
mangroves, as many Seychellois do not completely understand the value of wetlands and
the services they provide. Meanwhile, the Seychelles, consisting as it does of coastal islands
vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, has a need to protect mangroves and other
coastal wetlands that can help in protecting infrastructures and coastal developments from
these impacts. Without proper understanding of the importance, value and role of mangrove,
it is difficult for this to be achieved and for these resources to be used appropriately. Therefore,
sensitization of Wildlife Club members as well as the local communities needs to be carried
out, to ensure their engagement in wetland conservation actions.

2. Materials and methods

In order for the objectives to be met, a number of activities had to be carried out. These
included developing leadership in coastal conservation in young people through recognition
and training; increasing awareness and stakeholder input in mangrove conservation through
participation; and implementing educational programmes and experience-based learning
on mangroves and coastal management, including mangrove rehabilitation activities on two
islands in the Republic of Seychelles.

2.1 Description of rehabilitated sites

Three districts around the main Mahé Island, as well as one site in the Curieuse Marine
National Park, were chosen for rehabilitation:

 Roche Caiman Site 1 was planted where no mangroves were growing, in a bare area
with high wave activities. Seedlings were obtained from an established site and then
transplanted to new site. Planting was carried out by WCS schoolchildren and 200
seedlings were planted.

 Roche Caiman Site 2 was an area where mature mangrove trees were already growing
a few metres from the shoreline and thus provided shelter for seedlings. Some seeds
were obtained from Curieuse Island and grown in the club’s nursery before transplant-
ing. Seedlings were also planted by WCS schoolchildren as well as the Roche Caiman
community. A total of 150 seedlings were planted.

 Port Launay Site 1 was in an area that was not sheltered, where there was the estab-
lishment of mature mangrove trees; an area cleared for the construction of a concrete
bridge giving access to the five-star resort adjacent to this Ramsar site. Seedlings were
obtained from Port Launay mangrove area. Planting was carried out by WCS students
and 100 seedlings were planted.

 Port Launay Site 2 was in an area that was sheltered, among mature mangrove trees.
Some seedlings were obtained from Providence while others were obtained from Port
Launay. WCS schoolchildren planted the seedlings with the participation of the local
community, Constance Ephelia Resort (a hotel located within the Port Launay Mangrove
Ramsar Site), hotel staff and some tourists. A total of 800 seedlings were planted.

 Mont Fleuri rehabilitation was in a sheltered area, amidst other mature mangrove trees.
WCS schoolchildren had the task of planting the seedlings and they were assisted by
the Wetland Unit of the Department of the Environment, in charge of all management
activities pertaining to the Seychelles wetlands. A total of 100 seedlings were planted.

 Curieuse mangrove seeds were planted in a sheltered area, where mangroves were
not growing, but surrounded by mature mangrove trees. All seeds were obtained from
Curieuse. WCS Praslin and La Digue schoolchildren and leaders, as well as staff from the
Seychelles National Parks Authority and MFF representatives, participated in the planting
process. This time, 600 seedlings were planted.

2.2 Conditions for rehabilitation

Roche Caiman Location 1 was rehabilitated using three species of mangrove seedlings,
which increased diversity at this location when compared with the other five sites. There was
no study conducted on current flow or structure of the soil, but the planting session was
guided by the Wetlands Unit. Roche Caiman Location 2 was another area where no studies
were conducted. However, advice was obtained from mangrove experts on where to plant
the seedlings at Location 2. At Port Launay Location 1, again no studies were conducted,
no advice was followed and planting took place without any expert input. Port Launay Loca-
tion 2 saw the advice of experts being given on the best areas for planting the seedlings.
Mont Fleuri was also an area where no study was conducted. However, the Wetland Unit
of the Department of Environment participated in the planting of seedlings in that area, and
in this way provided information on the best method to use when planting, and the best
area for planting mangrove seedlings. Meanwhile, the Curieuse planting and rehabilitation
activity saw the participation of Seychelles National Parks Authority researchers and staff,
with expert knowledge being given to the planting team. Two species of mangroves were
planted. However, the difference with Curieuse is that it was treated as an experiment to

find out whether the two species used could grow in the area of Curieuse, where they are
currently not growing.

2.3 Youth involvement and public participation

Youth involvement in the planting and rehabilitation activities was through the establishment
of working groups, so that most WCS students formed part of a group and could participate
in the activities. At the same time, while youths always show an interest in WCS activities and
were eager to participate, there were generally more girls than boys who participated. With
this rehabilitation project, WCS ensured that apart from actual planting of mangroves there
were also clean-up activities, art works and educational exhibits, as well as presentations and
community visits to improve on education and awareness. This meant that while girls were
more taken with the learning activities and community visits, more boys got involved in the
planting and other supporting activities including arts and exhibits. The WCS coordinators
also worked closely with the Department of Community Development in order to get the
local communities on board and enable them to participate in the rehabilitation activities. The
media was an additional tool used, where information about the activities that were being
carried out was provided, and the local public was encouraged to participate. At the same
time, youths had the tasks of conducting community visits to encourage participation and
to gather information about the public perception of their wetland habitats, their role towards
such habitats and what they perceived as their responsibilities.

3. Results
At Roche Caiman Location 1, no mangroves survived from the 200 planted, while at Roche
Caiman location 2, a total of 15 mangroves survived from 150 seedlings planted there. Port
Launay location 1 had 26 of 100 mangrove seedlings surviving in the first year, while 320
out of the 800 planted seedlings survived at Port Launay Location 2. Mont Fleuri had 40
seedlings surviving from 100 planted and Curieuse had only 48 mangroves surviving from a
total planted pool of 600. In summary, of the seedlings that were planted, one site had 0%
success (Roche Caiman 1) while the others had 8% (Curieuse), 10% (Roche Caiman 2) and
26% (Port Launay 1). The other sites (Port Launay 2 and Mont Fleuri) had 40% survival rates.

Through the campaigns that were carried out, in at least three out of the six locations the
general public took an interest in the rehabilitation activities and participated in the actual
planting of mangrove seedlings. In addition, Port Launay Location 2 also had the participa-
tion of a private hotel and tourists.

4. Discussion, conclusions and recommendations

Mangrove rehabilitation should help in protecting coastlines from storms, and reducing salt
intrusion into agricultural production areas, found along the coastal fringe, especially on
Mahé Island (Hong, 2001). However, there is a need for proper management of rehabilitated
areas to prevent mortality of such large numbers of mangrove seedlings as described above.
Ongoing management is one of the main reasons why local communities should be part
of the process, so that they can feel a sense of ownership of the rehabilitated areas, exist-
ing mangrove and wetland habitats; and in this way making it easier to engage them in its
conservation and monitoring of progress (Hong, 2001). This was attempted in the mangrove
164 rehabilitation activities of WCS in Seychelles. However, measuring the impact on awareness

of the local communities through participation in such activities is difficult, though through
their involvement the communities are now more eager and willing to engage in activities and
projects that restore and conserve wetlands (Martin and Vel, 2011).

Different types of mangrove species require different parameters in terms of soil types, tidal
inundation period, and salinity. They also have different capacities to withstand wave intensity
and currents (Ravishankar and Ramasubramanian, 2004). The lower success rate at Curieuse
and lack of success at Roche Caiman Location 1 can be attributed to the high wave impacts
at those two locations. Those two locations are also sites where tidal inundation period is
longer than any other sites so that mangroves were completely submerged for a long period
of time when compared to the other sites. Furthermore, those two areas had no mangroves
growing prior to planting, which could be an indication of the lack of suitability of those areas
for mangrove survival (Page et al., 2003). Another factor that could be associated with the tidal
inundation period and subsequent death of mangroves is the effect of sedimentation. This
usually results in burial of aerial roots so that even as mangrove thrives at the initial stage of
growth, they eventually die because of this smothering. High wave action and submergence
for long periods can help bring about this process (Ellison, 1998).

Mont Fleuri, Roche Caiman Location 2 and Port Launay Location 2 were all areas that were
relatively sheltered from strong wave action. Mature mangrove trees were also growing in
these areas, indicating their suitability for mangrove growth. Although the planting sites at Port
Launay Location 1 were not in a sheltered area, they were not exposed to the full impact of
wave action. The presence of mature mangrove trees also showed that the area is suitable
for mangrove growth, which accounts for the comparatively good survival rate of 26% at
this site (Page et al., 2003). Another explanation for this limited success could be the type of
mangrove that was planted in this location, compared with the other Port Launay rehabilita-
tion area. Some mangroves can tolerate higher salinity, root burial or longer tidal inundation
period, which means that they will thrive in the same environment that leads to death of other
mangrove species (Ellison, 1998).

Overall, the mangrove rehabilitation activities undertaken at the six locations had a low suc-
cess rate, with the highest recorded survival rate only 40%. A large part of this can be attrib-
uted to a lack of knowledge in the proper methods and techniques for planting mangroves,
as well as a lack of proper criteria used in selecting sites for planting of mangrove seedlings.
As there has not been a lot of work carried out on mangrove rehabilitation in the Seychelles,
it is difficult to find people with the proper knowledge on when to collect seedlings for plant-
ing, handling of these seedlings, types of soils that different mangrove species are adapted
to and the impacts of wave actions on the survival of seedlings. In short, there is very limited
local knowledge on the parameters needed for successful rehabilitation of mangrove habitats
(T. Vel, pers. comm.).

Data collection to measure growth was part of the rehabilitation project. This was an initia-
tive that also involved the participation of the local community, so that they could take over
the project, and thus feel a sense of ownership of the project, the rehabilitated site, and the
mangrove wetlands in general. However, the project was not handed over to the community,
upon completion of seedling planting activities, because of time constraints, and again lack of 165

proper communication and coordination (T. Vel, pers. comm.). However, the local people who
participated in the activities have indicated a desire to preserve their local wetlands, though
they have also expressed disappointment at the lack of proper enforcement of legislation
and lack of proper management of wetland areas. These people do, however, recognize
the benefits of healthy wetlands and coastal ecosystems, increasing their willingness to
contribute in the protection of wetland ecosystems (Martin and Vel, 2011).

Nonetheless, it is evident that a lot more work needs to be done in order to both increase the
rehabilitation success of mangroves, while encouraging participation of the local communities
in rehabilitation of mangrove habitats in their districts, as well as in monitoring changes in
mangroves around their place of residence. At the same time, more education and aware-
ness needs to be carried out to ensure that there is greater understanding of the importance
of mangrove habitats and of their role in its conservation. Building a conservation ethic in
new generations will allow local communities and leaders to understand the future benefits
of mangrove conservation (Gilman et al., 2006).

In order for this to happen, there is a need for research work to be carried out on proper
methods of monitoring mangrove parameters, so that baseline information can be gathered
on these variables, allowing proper site selection process when it comes to rehabilitation
(Krauss et al., 2008). Therefore, it is of vital importance to provide training to young people,
community members and local research staff in conducting monitoring and assessments
of relevant mangrove parameters; and to facilitate adaptive management, but also increase
regional capacity in restoration and enhancement of mangrove wetlands. Youth involvement
is very important for passing on information, monitoring techniques and awareness to other
young people, teachers and parents in their community. Additional work also needs to be
done to ensure gender balance in conservation initiatives so that all members of youth groups
and communities feel a sense of ownership of these ecosystems (Payet and Agricole, 2006;
Gilman et al., 2006).

As part of the priorities in addressing mangrove responses, resistance and resilience to

climate change effects should be increased, through reduction and elimination of other stres-
sors that degrade mangroves. This can be achieved through ongoing and proper education
and awareness programmes aimed at the local communities (Gilman et al., 2006).

To this end, the Seychelles National Parks Authority has started a project to monitor, detect
and quantify changes through time in the community structure and health of mangroves
within the Curieuse Marine National Park. The aim is to provide baseline data for future
studies and research work, while understanding the current conditions of mangrove spe-
cies and habitats in the Seychelles. This will allow dissemination of information on mangrove
ecosystems, increase education and awareness as well as provide training in rehabilitation
and conservation of mangroves.

Furthermore, following another small grant facility project implemented by a local NGO,
Sustainability for Seychelles (S4S), the Department of Environment, in collaboration with S4S
and the Constance Ephelia Resort, is working on a management plan for mangroves at Port
166 Launay. The aim here is to carry out monitoring activities so as to follow changes within the

mangrove habitat, facilitate rehabilitation and engage community and youth involvement in
monitoring and conservation of the mangrove habitat (K. Beaver, pers. comm.).

It should be noted that efforts are also being made to ensure countrywide support and par-
ticipation in rehabilitation, through engaging the commitment of political figures, such as the
Minister and Principal Secretary for Environment, in mangrove planting activities. WCS has
been supported in their efforts through media coverage of its activities and dissemination to
the general public, through support from the Ministry of Education for student involvement
in projects, as well as through parents supporting their children’s participation and their own
personal involvement where required. It is these kinds of support and involvement that will
lead the Seychelles people to a better understanding of the role of the wetlands, especially
mangrove habitats, and help strengthen conservation and improve coastal management (T.
Vel, pers. comm.).

It is important to keep in mind though that the cost of rehabilitation may sometimes be too
high, which may make it more cost effective not to directly plant mangrove seedlings, but
rather to take other steps that will create a favourable environment for mangroves to colonise
the habitat (Lewis, 2001). This might not always happen, though, as some ecosystems have
been altered to such a great extent that even assisted changes will not make a difference to
colonisation. This is where actual planting is sought, but the result are not always what one
might expect, and most replanted mangroves die. Again, proper research and monitoring of
these areas should be carried out, with proper understanding of the biological parameters
in which different mangrove species strive (Lewis et al., 2006).

The WCS project “Mangroves are a Must! Establishing Mangrove Conservation Awareness
and Education in the Face of Climate Change in the Seychelles Islands” was financed by
the MFF Small Grant Facility. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the WCS
coordinators, leaders and students for their active participation in the activities organised
under the project, as well as organisations and business operations that have provided sup-
port to the project, including the Seychelles National Parks Authority, Curieuse Marine Park
management, Praslin and La Digue schools, Ephelia Resort, the Port Glaud community, the
Ministry of Education, the Department of Environment, Alliance Française of Seychelles,
the Roche Caiman community and the Department of Community Development. Extensive
support has also been received from the MFF National Coordinator to ensure effectiveness
and successful completion of the project by WCS and its national partners.

Beaver, K., 1984. Mangroves. Pp. 41–50 in: Pillay, P. and Seaton, A.J. (eds), Conserving
the Environment, The Seychelles Environment. Ministry of Education and Information.
Ellison, J.C., 1998. Impacts of sediment burial on mangroves. Marine Pollution Bulletin 37,
Gillham, M. and White, D.A., 1973. The mangrove swamps of today. Extra Mural Study Tour.
Cardiff: University College, pp. 23–25.
Gilman, E., Van Lavieren, H., Ellison, J., Jungblut, V., Wilson, L., Areki, F., Brighouse, G.,
Bungitak, J., Dus, E., Henry, M., Sauni Jr. I., Kilman, M., Matthews, E., Teariki-Ruatu, N., 167

Tukia, S., and Yuknavage, K., 2006. Pacific Island Mangroves in a Changing Climate and
Rising Sea. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies No. 179. Nairobi: United Nations
Environment Programme.
Hong, P.N., 2001. Reforestation of mangroves after severe impacts of herbicides during the
Vietnam war: The case of Can Gio. Hanoi: Centre for Natural Resources and Environ-
mental Studies, Vietnam National University.
Krauss, K.W., Lovelock, C.E., McKee, K.L., Lopez-Hoffman, L., Ewe, S.M., and Sousa, W.P.,
2008. Environmental drivers in mangrove establishment and early development: A review.
Aquatic Botany 89,105–127.
Lewis, R.R., 2001. Mangrove Restoration – Cost and Benefits of Successful Ecological Resto-
ration. Proceedings of the Mangrove Valuation Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pen-
ang, 4–8 April, 2001. Stockholm: Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics.
Lewis, R.R., Brown, B., Quarto, A., Enright, J., Corets, E., Primavera, J., Ravishankar, T.,
Stanley, O. and Djamaluddin, R., 2006. Five steps to successful ecological restoration of
mangroves. Yogyakarta: Mangrove Action Project, 64 pp.
Martin, M. and Vel, T., 2011. Wildlife Clubs of Seychelles Small Grant Facility Project: Man-
groves are a Must! Final Technical Report, February 2011.
Page, H., Schroeter, S., and Reed, D., 2003. An inexpensive method to identify the elevation
of tidally inundated habitat in coastal wetlands. Bulletin of Southern California Academy
of Sciences 102, 130–142.
Payet, R. A. and Agricole, W., 2006. Climate Change in the Seychelles – Implications for
Water and Coral Reefs. AMBIO 35, 182–189.
Quarto, A. and Lewis, R.R., 2003. A summary guide to mangrove restoration, Draft 10.
Ravishankar, T. and Ramasubramanian, R., 2004. Manual on mangrove nursery raising
techniques. Chennai: M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, 48 pp.

Local knowledge management for mangrove
Tanirat Tanawat¹, Pradit Boonplod²
¹ Thailand Environment Institute, 16/151 Muangthongthani, Bangplood, Prakkred, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
² Thailand Environment Institute, 16/151 Muangthongthani, Bangplood, Prakkred, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Email: [email protected]

A range of threats to coastal areas in southern Thailand, in particular the mangrove charcoal-
making concessions of 1968–1991, and the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004, has
provided the main impetus for local communities’ efforts to rehabilitate degraded mangrove
areas. Merging local wisdom with external knowledge, community participation in mangrove
rehabilitation has helped to dissolve conflicts and promote fairness within Thailand’s coastal
societies. It has also provided answers to the question of what benefits should be gained by
communities from mangrove rehabilitation.

A study of learning and knowledge management for rehabilitating and managing mangroves
in four coastal communities on Thailand’s Andaman Sea coast found active processes of
searching out, collecting, learning, applying and disseminating local knowledge. Activities
such as selecting mangrove species, cultivating seedlings and saplings, and maintaining and
protecting mangroves, all draw on a combination of existing local knowledge and external
knowledge derived from self-learning in daily occupations and the transfer of know-how
from local community experts.

Key factors affecting knowledge management in the communities are the efficiency of internal
communication, the nature of people’s occupations, and the capacity of community leaders.
National policies and the activities of supportive organizations are also important influences.
However, communities also want to develop their own capacity for systematically collecting,
editing and presenting their knowledge, as well as developing new generations of leaders
who will preserve community wisdom and its use in effective mangrove management.

Keywords: mangroves, rehabilitation, knowledge management, participatory approach,

tsunamis, Thailand

1. Introduction
The communities living along the Andaman Sea coast in southern Thailand have strong tra-
ditional links to mangrove forests. Today, even though many have taken up rubber and fruit
production as their main occupation, they still depend on coastal fisheries for supplemental
income, particularly during the rainy season when rubber production is usually low.

The degradation of community mangrove resources during the charcoal concession period
(1968–1991) affected traditional forest uses, but also led to some communities launching their
own mangrove rehabilitation efforts. In 2004, the Indian Ocean tsunami caused significant
damage to the remaining mangroves, though they in turn helped to protect coastal commu-
nities and reduce the damage to people’s lives and property. The experience of the tsunami
stimulated local concern for the integrity of mangroves and gave rise to many new mangrove
rehabilitation initiatives in community areas. These have developed into a broad community-
based mangrove management process supported by government and other organizations,
which draws on local wisdom and external knowledge transferred for appropriate adaptation
and merging with the local context (Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, 2008).
Much of this community knowledge or local wisdom is still tacit, however, lacking organisation
as a systematic, written body of knowledge, and is spread through informal mechanisms 169

that can be difficult to access or are limited to specific groups. Without continuous transfer
of knowledge, some knowledge has been lost with the passing of local gurus or experts
(Luangmanee, 2002, cited by Simarak et al., 2006).

This study was initiated to study and analyze the community learning process and local knowl-
edge management related to mangrove rehabilitation and management. Local approaches
to knowledge management are believed to play an important role in the sustainability of
community-based mangrove management.

2. Materials and methods

This study defines local knowledge as knowledge, ideas and beliefs accumulated in the
community, derived from people’s experiences and their adaption of external knowledge,
used to live in harmony with the existing area and resources, and transferred from genera-
tion to generation. Knowledge management is defined as a process for supporting human
and organizational development by improving knowledge creation, modification, applica-
tion, sharing and learning. This study puts an emphasis on knowledge management for the
purpose of sustainable management of mangrove resources, which includes rehabilitation,
preservation and utilization of mangrove resources for a sustained supply of social, economic
and environmental benefits. This aims to ensure maximum and long-lasting direct benefits
for coastal livelihoods, fishery productivity, and the preservation of coastal ecosystems and
the environment as a whole.

2.1 Study sites

Four communities in four locations along the Andaman Sea coast of Ranong and Phang
Nga provinces in southern Thailand were selected: i) Baan Bang Hin in Kapur Bay, Kapur
district, Ranong; ii) Baan Bang Kuay Nok in the Naka coastal area of Suk Samran district,
Ranong; iii) Baan Bang Tib in Kuraburi district, Phang Nga; and iv) Baan Muang Mai on Kor
Khao Island in Takua Pa district, Phang Nga.

2.2 Methodology
The study sought to characterise and understand community learning processes and knowl-
edge management approaches using a combination of quantitative data (collected from a
household questionnaire survey) and qualitative data (collected from in-depth interviews,
focus group discussions, field observation and document review). Figure 1 opposite outlines
the research process and key issues.

The quantitative component of the research focused on the heads or representatives of the
households in the study communities. The sample size for the questionnaire survey was
determined using Yamane’s formula for a random sample (see Yamane, 1973), and the
sample itself selected by a simple process of drawing lots. This procedure generated an
overall survey sample of 501 households, distributed as follows:

 Baan Bang Hin: 180 households (total: 324).

 Baan Bang Kuay Nok: 154 households (total: 249).
 Baan Bang Tib: 129 households (total: 190).
170  Baan Muang Mai: 38 households (total: 41 households).

Questionnaire survey: General informa-

Document study: The landscape and
tion on mangrove forest resources and
history of the community, social and
their uses, knowledge and sources of
cultural types, economic conditions
knowledge, learning processes and use
and production systems.
of knowledge.

In-depth interviews: Knowledge details, methods

and learning tools, applying knowledge

Focus group discussion: Knowledge needed and gaps in

communities’ knowledge, mechanisms for using knowledge,
methods and tools for knowledge management,leadership
Observation: Systems of
roles and those involved in knowledge management relationship, roles and
leadership, communica-
tion within communities

Comparative analysis and synthesis: Factors that

influence learning processes and knowledge management

Approaches to knowledge management

Figure 1 Research procedure, methods and issues

The qualitative component of the research focused on two groups of data providers: first,
community leaders such as village heads, religious leaders, members of the local Tambon
Administrative Organization (TAO) and mangrove conservation committee members; and
second, local community experts with in-depth knowledge of mangrove resources. There
was some overlap between the two groups, as local experts included coastal fishers, herbal
medicine makers, community researchers, religious leaders, village heads, TAO members,
and members of the community mangrove conservation committees.

3. Results
3.1 General description of study sites
The four study communities are sited in the coastal zone of the upper Andaman Sea. They
are all small settlements, established close to coastal mangrove forests between 50 and
150 years ago. Most of their inhabitants are Muslim, except for Baan Muang Mai, which is
predominantly Buddhist. The main occupations in order of importance are agriculture, coastal
fisheries and external wage labour.

During the rainy season, villagers cannot collect much latex from their rubber plantations,
so they turn to fishing as a supplemental occupation. Most of the coastal fishing sites are
around nearby canals lined with mangroves that serve as a natural windbreak for fishers.
The communities obtain direct benefits from the mangroves in the form of plants and aquatic
animals that provide food sources. They also harvest aquatic species for sale, use Nypa palm
(Nypa fruticans) to make thatching for housing, make herbal medicines from some mangrove
plants, use mangrove wood to make tools, shelters and housing, and obtain income from
tourism in mangrove forest areas. 171

The coastal zone in the study area is a narrow strip running from north to south and sloping
from east to west. Some mangroves are scattered along the coastline, particularly around
the islands (koh) and bays (ao), and also some canals. The width of the mangrove belt varies
from 5 m to over 1,000 m in places. Although their distribution and abundance vary from
site to site, the main mangrove species are Kong Kang Bai Lek (Rhizophora apiculata), Kong
Kang Bai Yai (Rhizophora mucronata), Taboon Kaw (Xylocarpus granatum), Taboon Dam
(Xylocarpus moluccensis), Jik Talay (Barringtonia asiatica), Nguak Pa Mor Krua (Acanthus
volubilis), Prong Dang (Ceriops tagal), Samae Talay (Avicennia marina), Hwai Ling (Flagellaria
indica), Peng Talay (Phoenix paludosa) and Nypa Palm (N. fruticans). Most of the mangroves
in the study area are still regenerating after exploitation by charcoal concessions in areas with
moderate to high fertility. Some areas were damaged by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and
are now covered with dense growths of Tob Tab (Derris trifoliata) and Nguak Pa Mor Dok
Muang (Acanthus ilicifolius), which hinder replanting.

3.2 Local knowledge of mangrove management at study sites

Each community plays the central role in forest rehabilitation and management locally, with
external organizations providing mainly support. Local wisdom derived from direct experience
and learning is vital for mangrove rehabilitation and management, developed and adapted
for each individual site as necessary. This knowledge can be divided into three categories:
i) knowledge on the mangrove ecosystem; ii) knowledge on mangrove rehabilitation and
conservation; and iii) knowledge on utilizing mangrove resources. The questionnaire survey
found that each community has a variety of knowledge, with some exceptions mostly in
site-specific issues:

 Knowledge that communities share in common is mostly about the mangrove eco-
system and the uses of mangrove resources, because each mangrove area has a similar
composition. The main body of knowledge relates to plant and aquatic species, the tidal
system, and basic utilization of mangroves through coastal fisheries, edible food plants
and herbal medicines.

 Site-specific knowledge that communities have covers mangrove rehabilitation and

conservation, and mangrove utilization. Different communities have experienced and
learned from different issues depending on their involvement in external actions such as
supporting government units in clearing mangroves, monitoring of mangroves by officials
and researchers, receiving a national award, and taking part in local research grants on
various coastal and mangrove-related topics. Baan Muang Mai on Kor Khao Island has
also had opportunities to learn from developing communal mangrove-based tourism.

 Knowledge gaps or additional knowledge required by the communities were high-

lighted by the questionnaire survey as follows:
3 Mangrove cultivation technique for windbreaks (85%).
3 Sustainable utilization of mangrove resources (76%).
3 Ecotourism management (35%).
3 Increasing the abundance of aquatic life and development of aquatic life banks (32%).
3 Strengthening community groups and organizations (25%).

Focus group discussions with community leaders and local experts revealed that most
wanted more knowledge on sustainable mangrove utilization to provide economic incen-
tives for community members, and on strengthening community groups and organizations.

3.3 Community learning processes in mangrove management

The learning process related to mangrove rehabilitation and management in the study com-
munities is primarily a self-learning process that draws on local expert knowledge and external

 Self-learning about mangroves: Most respondents (85%) who fish in the mangroves
reported that learning from experience was more important to them than transferred
learning from community experts. However, most of the respondents (65%) who fish
beyond the mangroves mentioned that they learned about mangroves from community
experts during exchange forums, or by participating in various activities.

 Local communication and transfer of know-how within communities from the local
experts to community members takes place through monthly village meetings, Friday
prayer services, mangrove reforestation events, youth training events, village radio broad-
casts, and small group or individual discussions. Both monthly village meetings and Friday
prayers provide a constant communication channel with a definite schedule in the Muslim
communities. Moreover, Friday prayers offer an opportunity to reinforce learning through
related Islamic concepts communicated by Kut Ba or religious chanting. However, the
small size and clustered pattern of households in the study communities, which allow
frequent informal gatherings, mean that group and one-on-one discussions are a key
channel of communication.

 In addition, some exchanges and learning about mangroves take place through
external channels, as many communities have received support from the local govern-
ment Mangrove Resources Development Station since the end of mangrove charcoal
concessions in 1997. Since then, other external agencies and organizations have also
provided support to the communities. Hence most communities have had good oppor-
tunities to gain experience and explore new ideas through workshops and site visits,
as well as visits by guest lecturers and external experts. Some communities have also
received national awards or recognition from other communities for their participatory
mangrove management practices, resulting in further opportunities to share knowledge
and experience during site visits and other related events.

3.4 Mechanisms and tools for local knowledge management

Community groups, external organizations and various activities organized in the community
all play a part in applying knowledge and skills in mangrove management. Many communities
also manage their knowledge through a variety of common and specific ways. These can be
categorized into internal and external mechanisms (see Table 1 below).

Mangrove resources rehabilitation activities are an important and widely used tool in local
knowledge management. This tool can be used to apply both internal and external knowl-

Table1 Mechanisms for local knowledge management

Roles Found in
Internal mechanisms
Coastal fishers Personal/individual knowledge manage- Every community
ment through searching, learning and
adapting in their daily occupation.
Groupings within the Groupings of community leaders, coastal Every community
community fishers and others in conservation groups,
occupational groups and other groups to
learn, integrate and adapt their internal
knowledge with external knowledge.
Religious leaders Transfer of Islamic concepts related to the All communities except
importance of natural resources through Baan Muang Mai
Kut Ba, the religious chanting at Friday
prayer services.
Local school Encourage all students to participate regu- Only Baan Bang Tib
larly in community activities, and use com-
munity mangroves as a learning centre by
inviting local and external experts to share
and transfer their knowledge and experi-
ences about mangroves to students.
Herbal medicine-makers Transfer their knowledge to those inter- Only Baan Bang Tib
ested in herbal medicine, both local vil-
lagers and outsiders. Even though herbal
medicine has become less popular as a
treatment, they are still a living source of
knowledge on mangroves.
A team of community Study internal knowledge in communities, Baan Bang Kuay Nok
researchers bring in other external knowledge, and and Baan Bang Tib
initiate a new body of knowledge derived
from a participatory research process.
External mechanisms
Tambon Administrative Support community mangrove rehabilita- Only Baan Bang Tib
Organization (TAO) tion activities and organise forums for
knowledge exchange among communi-
Mangrove Resources Apply knowledge through rehabilitation Baan Bang Hin and
Development Station activities and monitoring, and also support Baan Bang Tib
knowledge transfer and exchange through
various meetings and activities.
Non-profit organizations Support community-level knowledge man- All communities except
agement and new learning through com- Baan Bang Hin
munity leaders’ capacity development,
adapting and transferring knowledge
within the community, and also connecting
local knowledge with external sources.
Community networking Promote new learning and knowledge Baan Bang Kuay Nok
transfer through site visits, meetings and and Baan Bang Tib
other collaborative activities. Some com-
munities have developed wide networks
through external awards and recognition,
and their practices have become widely
known and accepted.

edge, and also to support knowledge transfer among community members through dem-
onstration and actual practice from community and external experts. Moreover, rehabilitation
activities are relatively easy to implement and do not require much resources.

Knowledge exchange activities have often been found to be a useful tool for initiating and
sharing knowledge in the form of monthly meetings and small group discussions within com-
munities, seminars and workshops outside the community, and study tours or case studies
for other communities and stakeholders supported mainly by government units or non-profit
organizations. Furthermore, participatory development planning activities are also useful for
sharing and transferring knowledge since they involve surveying, fact-finding, and applying
and communicating knowledge.

3.5 Factors affecting the learning process and knowledge application

The factors influencing community learning processes and knowledge management were
assessed through a SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
(Table 2). Data from in-depth interviews and field observation were merged into the SWOT
analysis as they revealed additional factors affecting community learning and the application
of knowledge.

Table 2 SWOT analysis of the community learning process

Strengths Weaknesses
+ The community leader is respected and – The community leader has high confi-
makes sacrifices. dence but there is a lack of development
+ Strong family relationships. of a new generation of leaders.
+ Clustered settlement pattern promotes – Communal conflicts.
regular interaction and discussion. – New, separate settlement by immigrants.
+ Knowledge can be communicated and – Lack of communication mechanisms and
transferred directly to younger generations. activity in community.
+ Religion and education are inter-linked in – The new generation has been educated
the community. outside the community.
+ Continual learning activities in the commu- – Lack of transfer of fishing and herbal medi-
nity, such as village meetings and religious cine knowledge to younger generations.
ceremonies. – Lack of skills in gathering and compiling data.
– Negative attitude towards government
Opportunities Threats
+ External agencies encourage and support – Tourism and large development projects
sustainable community development. may affect mangrove forests and cause
+ Various easily accessible and understand- negative social change.
able communication channels. – Local government staff are limited to
+ Policy support for learning resources in the implementing the policies of their agency.
community and development of the local
+ Management of coastal resources through
people’s participation.

Internal factors are vital for promoting the learning process and applying knowledge in com-
munities, particularly the efficiency of local communication channels and the nature of local
occupations or other relevant activities, as most new knowledge is derived from adapting to 175

practical challenges in fisheries and mangrove conservation. Inter-generational transfer of

knowledge has also proved important, as has regular internal communication that helps all
villagers stay informed. Leadership and intra-communal relationships are fluid and change
over time, but in general they still help to expand the scope and application of new knowledge.

The influence of external factors is also important in the learning process and local knowl-
edge management. Tourism is an external factor that can also become an opportunity for
community members to apply their mangrove knowledge in providing tours, information
and other services to visitors. National policy can also help by creating a role and mandate
for government officials to collect and disseminate knowledge on mangrove management.

4. Discussion
Knowledge about mangroves: The study communities have a diverse knowledge about
mangroves, covering the mangrove ecosystem, rehabilitation and maintenance of man-
groves, and how to utilize mangrove resources. Most of this knowledge covers common
issues, except for some specific external learning drawn from systematized knowledge
such as research into specific aquatic species, or from managing mangroves at a learning
centre. This diverse knowledge derives from the action of different internal or external factors
influencing each community, for example dealing with government officials, tackling illegal
fishing by outsiders, or coping with the influx of visitors to areas that are a tourist attraction.

Learning process and local knowledge management: Most villagers learn themselves
from occupations related to mangroves, such as fishing, or learn from local experts in their
communities. Some villagers also gain knowledge from outside experts and published docu-
ments at meetings, workshops and visits outside their communities sponsored by external
agencies. These include exchange programmes in which one community with substantial
local expertise and a variety of knowledge transfer mechanisms provides a learning centre
for other communities with mangrove forests. Most communities also share similar patterns
of disseminating and sharing knowledge through monthly village meetings, reforestation
activities, youth camps, and group discussions. In Muslim communities, Islamic concepts and
rituals, for example the chanting at Friday prayers, strongly influence ideas and their transfer.
Furthermore, some communities have also built a strong reputation and are widely recognised
as “best practice and learning centre” sites, a designation which creates more opportunities
to share learning with other best-practice communities in other coastal regions of Thailand.

Communities have their own mechanisms and tools for knowledge management,
including groups and organizations such as coastal fishers or herbal medicine makers who
have developed specialised knowledge and practices, or a team of community researchers
who bring a systematic process of learning and knowledge dissemination, or local conser-
vation groups which organize regular communal activities. In Baan Bang Tib, the religious
leaders and teachers have transferred a variety of knowledge, influencing both internal and
external learning processes. The communities’ external mechanisms have become more evi-
dent with changes in national policy as there are now government units working continuously
to support communities in the study sites. Activities organised by non-profit organisations to
build community capacities after the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 have been
176 another important mechanism of support.

Key factors affecting the learning process and local knowledge management include
the nature and quality of community leadership. Strong leaders can have both positive and
negative impacts (for example, if they are over-confident and do not invest time in developing
new young leaders). Natural and man-made threats can also have both positive and negative
impacts depending on a community’s readiness and perspective, particularly if it decides to
treat a critical situation as an opportunity to organise collaborative action. Other important
external factors include the nature of assistance from external agencies, and the content of
national policy, as they offer an opportunity to initiate a clear participatory resources man-
agement process. However, further obstacles may be created if some government officials
cannot perform their duties in line with national policy priorities.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

The study communities need to develop their capacities in systematically collecting, editing
and presenting their knowledge by collaborating with local academic or regional technical
institutes to develop a local knowledge base and school curriculum related to mangrove
ecosystems, coastal fisheries and mangrove products. Religious concepts related to natural
resources management clearly have a major impact on attitudes and behaviours, and should
be a specific focus of any further comparative studies. Knowledge exchange should focus on
issues specific to one community rather than common issues, as this will increase the overall
sum of knowledge. Lastly more attention should be paid to learning about and developing
communities’ communication channels.

Communities should put greater emphasis on developing new young leaders to maintain
local knowledge and use it in mangrove management. This is particularly important in the
context of climate change, which is expected to impact mangrove and coastal resources
disproportionately through higher sea levels, changes in water volume and quality, and accel-
erated coastal erosion.

The relevant agencies should encourage youths and communities to be proud of their local
knowledge, and help them to compile and record tacit knowledge for disseminating, scaling-
up, adapting for expansion, and transferring to younger generations. Support for local knowl-
edge management related to mangrove resources should aim to present and disseminate
this knowledge to the public in easy-to-understand and adaptable formats.

Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, 2008. Research knowledge and local knowl-
edge to manage the mangrove forest. Bangkok: Sang Swang World Place Company,
196 pp.
Simarak, S., Luangmanee, W., Pongsiri, M., Deerun, T. and Srihlar, S., 2006. A Final Report
on the Mechanism Development for Local Knowledge Management Project. Bangkok:
Thailand Research Fund, 229 pp.
Yamane, T., 1973. Statistics: an introductory analysis. Third edition. New York: Harper and
Row, 1130 pp.

Active vs passive restoration of mangroves: developing
models for sustainable rejuvenation of mangrove
ecosystems used for shrimp farming in North-Western
Province of Sri Lanka
S. Jayakody¹, J. M. P. K. Jayasinghe², A. Wijesundara³
¹ Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
² Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected]
³ Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila, Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)

A narrow coastal belt of 120 km in Puttalam district of Sri Lanka’s North-Western Province
is where more than 90% of the island’s shrimp farms are located. But the industry is increas-
ingly constrained by disease and environment-related problems, and, as a result, many farms
are now being abandoned. Most shrimp farms have been constructed by clearing prime
mangrove and associated coastal ecosystems. The present study, conducted during 2010
in Puttalam district, aimed at assessing the current status of the shrimp culture industry,
identifying sensitive areas for restoration, and finally developing models for each identified
location for restoration. Information about the shrimp farms, such as their size, present status
(functional/abandoned), current vegetation characteristics of the farm and the surrounding
area (density and diversity), type of vegetation prior to shrimp farm construction, distance to
ecologically sensitive areas, type of ownership of land, as well as current mangrove restora-
tion projects in the vicinity, were collected. This was done by visiting all the farms and also
by interviewing service providers to shrimp farms, officers of farmer associations, community
leaders and relevant government officials. Maps were prepared using Google Earth.

The results indicated that the total area taken up for shrimp farming in the project area was
2,534.5 ha. Of the 814 farms in the area, 290 were abandoned, accounting for 1,531.7 ha.
The highest percentages of abandoned farms were in Mundal (78.1%) and Kalpitiya (78%),
both prominent mangrove areas in Sri Lanka. Results also revealed that most of the large-
scale farms had been abandoned, whereas the majority of operational farms were small-
scale ones. The study also revealed a gradual natural restoration in sites where shrimp farms
had been abandoned, where they were in close proximity to existing mangrove patches.
Excoecaria agallocha and Suaeda monoica were the dominant species in the established
secondary vegetation. Comparison of such areas with actively restored areas indicated a
higher diversity in the former. Long-term leasing of land, as well as the recent trend to con-
vert large abandoned farms into salterns, hinder restoration efforts. Models developed for
the ecological restoration of abandoned shrimp farms are described: passive restoration is
recommended, with only active protection of the area from further encroachment, clearing
and development. Since small-scale farmers run most of the active shrimp farms today,
involving them in restoration activities with mangrove planting, and transferring of rights of
such restored areas to the local community, are vital.

Keywords: mangroves, restoration, shrimp culture, participatory approach, Sri Lanka

1. Introduction
1.1 Shrimp farming in Sri Lanka
Shrimp farming has been identified as one of the main non-traditional foreign exchange earn-
ers in Sri Lanka, and a source of direct and indirect employment in North-Western Province
(Corea et al., 1995). Shrimp farming was started in Sri Lanka in the early 1980s by a few
multinational companies, but developed slowly. The first commercial production entered
the market in 1984 in very small quantities (Jayasinghe and Macintosh, 1993). During the 179

period from 1992 to 1996, the industry saw a rapid and uncontrolled expansion driven by
high economic returns. Small-scale farms of around 0.4 ha each were developed in clusters,
mainly encroaching on lagoon reservations and ecologically sensitive areas belonging to the
government (Senarath, 1998).

In the initial stages of shrimp farming in Sri Lanka, the farms were located in agricultural land,
wetlands, and in bare lands. The proportion of farms on salt marshes and mangroves was
around 30% during the early stages of development (ADB/NACA, 1997). But, with the rapid
expansion, more wetlands were converted either legally or illegally for shrimp culture, and
about 65% of farms were located on wetlands by 1996.

Land conversion into shrimp farms on the salt marshes was widespread as these areas
could be converted to ponds with relative ease, and the adjoining mangroves were indirectly
affected by high pollution, edaphic changes and other manipulations (Corea et al., 1998).
In the latter part of the development of this industry, more and more farms were developed
on salt marshes and mangroves, mostly on state-owned land. As a result, the land value
of mangroves and salt marshes increased tremendously, discouraging their reclamation for
other uses or for restoration. In addition, with increasing land values, the illegal land owners
have used all measures to retain their lands instead of handing them back to the government.
Hence clear ownership of land along the shrimp-farming belt has become a complicated
political issue.

1.2 Rejuvenating ecosystems in the shrimp-farming belt

Shrimp farming is now constrained by the frequent outbreak of diseases (Anh et al., 2010)
stemming from over-stocking, pond construction in unsuitable areas, self-pollution, reduction
in environmental capacity, destruction of ecologically sensitive habitats, siltation of water-
ways, conversion of pyritic soil in intertidal areas, and sand-bar formation at natural outfalls
that restrict tidal exchange (Corea et al., 1995; Jayasinghe and Orlina, 2004). Continual crop
failure has resulted in culture ponds being abandoned in large numbers, leaving a large area
for potential restoration (FAO, 2005).

Interactions between shrimp aquaculture and coastal wetlands have received considerable
attention as the majority of the farms are located in mangrove and salt marsh habitats. The
environmental services and ecological functions (both direct and indirect) of these ecosys-
tems were underestimated when allocating land for coastal aquaculture (Dewalt et al., 1996;
Hai and Yakupitiyage, 2005; Sousa et al., 2006; Arquitt and Johnstone, 2008).

Mangrove ecosystems demonstrate close links between vegetation assemblages and geo-
morphologically defined habitats (Li and Lee, 1997; Alongi, 2008). Mangrove species dis-
tribution is influenced by several environmental gradients which respond, either directly or
indirectly, to particular landform patterns and physical processes. In addition, vegetation can
change through time as landforms accrete or erode.

Specific characteristics enhance the establishment of mangroves, such as availability of an

extensive and suitable intertidal zone (as found on low gradient or macro-tidal coasts in the
180 tropics) with an abundant supply of fine-grained sediment. The growth becomes lush under

high rainfall or abundant freshwater supply through run-off or river discharge (Woodroffe,
1992). Mangroves can grow on a wide variety of substrata, including sand, volcanic lava or
carbonate sediments found in low-energy, muddy shorelines, particularly in tropical deltas
(Clark, 1998). Sediments are important for the establishment and continuity of mangroves,
whether natural or planted, and some can be allochthonous such as terrigenous mud,
brought in from outside the ecosystem. Mangroves can themselves create autochthonous
sediments by contributing to organic peat derived largely from the roots of mangroves in
carbonate areas, where there the supply of terrestrial sediments is limited as they are often
calcareous skeletal or reef substrates or calcareous mud. Understanding these character-
istics is important for their restoration (Field, 1998). Ecological restoration of abandoned
areas will improve environmental sustainability of the shrimp farming areas by re-establishing
previous natural habitats and their original functions, benefiting not only biodiversity and
ecological integrity, but also all the land-use practices in the region, including shrimp farming
itself. Yet, to initiate such an effort in the shrimp farming belt of North-Western Province, a
status assessment is a priority.

The main objectives of the present study, therefore, were to review the present status of
shrimp farming; to identify the distribution of shrimp farms and estimate the extent of aban-
doned shrimp-farming areas; and to identify models for ecological restoration, with a view to
providing options and interventions for enhancing environmental sustainability and economic
productivity, especially in mangrove ecosystems.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Area of study
The area covered by the study included the Puttalam Estuary and its surrounding coastal
wetlands, Mundal Lagoon and associated wetlands, the northern and southern portions of
the Dutch Canal, and associated areas in North-Western Province. The Puttalam Estuary
is a hypersaline water body. Seasonal salinity variation is high and depends mainly on the
rainfall. This estuary, along with Dutch Bay, is the second-largest brackish waterbody in Sri
Lanka. The lower reaches of the estuary, where shrimp farming is concentrated, is divided
into two sections, Puttalam basin and Eththale Estuary, which together are about 30-km long
and 3–12 km wide with a mean depth of about 1.5 m. The salinities recorded in this area are
relatively high (Arulananthan et al., 1995).

The northern portion of the Dutch Canal connects to the Puttalam Estuary at Palaviya and
to Mundal Lagoon at Mangala Eliya, and is about 18 km in length. The southern portion
of the Dutch Canal connects to the Deduru Oya at Chilaw and the southern tip of Mundal
Lagoon at Pulichchikulam, and is about 19 km in length. The total area of Mundal Lagoon is
3,080 ha, whereas the Puttalam Estuary is 15,064 ha. Together, they form one of the most
important man-made (canal) and natural (estuary and lagoon) aquatic systems in Sri Lanka,
and one of the country’s most important mangrove ecosystems (Arulananthan et al., 1995;
Wijeratne et al., 1995).

The southern stretch of the Dutch Canal sees a considerable influx of fresh water through
seven rivers. The Anavilundawa Sanctuary, Sri Lanka’s second Ramsar wetland, is located in
this area. Mundal Lagoon is separated from the adjoining sea by a low ridge of sand dunes 181

and barrier flats. The lagoon is about 12 km in length and 4-km wide. It is also shallow, with
a recorded maximum depth of around 2 m.

2.2 Sampling and data collection procedures

Sri Lanka’s National Aquaculture Development Authority (NAQDA) has declared five shrimp-
farming administrative zones in North-Western Province: Chilaw, Arachchikattuwa, Mundal,
Kalpitiya and Puttalam. The present study activities were concentrated in the Arachchikat-
tuwa, Mundal, Kalpitiya and Puttalam zones. Each shrimp-farming zone is subdivided into
sub-zones – of the 32 sub-zones in total, 23 were covered by the study (see annex on page

The presidents and secretaries of the shrimp farmer societies were interviewed to collect data
on the number of farms active in the area, the number of farms abandoned (not in operation
during the previous three years), and the area of active and abandoned farms. The collected
data were fed into downloaded maps of the respective areas using Google Earth. The pre-
pared maps were taken back to the farmer societies and feed distributors for verification,
and finally ground truthing was done for cases where the respondents’ classifications did not
match. Data were summarised by sub-zones and zones, and the total number of active and
abandoned farms and the area under each category were calculated. Data on ownership
– actual owner, rented (from private party/ government), state land, illegal encroachment –
were also compiled. After the maps were verified, data were collected on past rehabilitation
programmes from a desk-based study and interviews. Ground truthing was done by visiting
the sites. A desk-based study was also made of the locations of important ecosystems in
the area using available literature and maps. Data were collected from the regional offices of
the Forest Department and the Department of Wildlife Conservation on actual and proposed
protected areas in the study area. The gathered information was compiled and each area
visited to verify its current status.

Line transects and quadrat (1 m x 1 m) sampling were conducted to determine the density
and diversity of flora in areas of ecological importance. The number of sampling points and
the length of transects varied between sites and was determined according to the length,
shape and the topography of the sites. Abandoned farms were visited and their diversity was
measured within ponds, dykes and inlet canals using the same methodology.

Results were used to propose models for restoration reflecting the diversity, land ownership
and willingness of shrimp farmers to engage in mangrove and other ecosystem restoration.

3. Results
3.1 Current status of shrimp farming in North-Western Province
Shrimp farming in the project area extends over 2,534.55 ha. Of the 814 farms in the area,
290 have been abandoned, accounting for 1,531.74 ha. Although these represent only 35%
of all farms, they account for a large proportion of the area (more than 60%) because they
are mostly large-scale farms with pond areas of 1.2–2 ha. The highest number of aban-
doned farms (191) is in zone 3, covering 939.27 ha, followed by zone 2 (48 farms, 247.66
ha) (Table 1).

Table 1 Operational status of shrimp farms by zone, 2010

Farm numbers Area
Total farm Operational abandoned
Zone Sub-zone area (ha) area (ha) Total Operational (ha)
5 Palaviya/ 13.76 2.43 2 1 11.33
5 Sewwanthivu 98.34 53.82 25 13 44.52
5 Manathivu 49.78 30.55 10 5 19.22
5 Anaikutti & Mee Oya 135.17 70.42 26 10 64.75
5 Wadathamunai 62.32 30.76 7 7 31.57
5 Wanathavillu 27.92 2.43 4 2 25.50
4 Karambe, Eththale, 209.22 61.51 28 13 147.71
3 Poonapitiya, 185.35 131.12 65 43 54.23
3 Mangala Eliya & 225.01 50.59 136 85 174.42
3 Madurankuliya 791.57 80.94 154 36 710.63
Madurankuliya 0 0
Pulidiwayal 0 0
2 Bangadeniya, 116.95 116.95 15 9 0
2 Kusala, Kottage, 133.95 133.95 29 26 0
Kuda Wairankattuwa
2 Wairankattuwa 106.84 106.84 26 14 0
2 Bogahawetiya 19.02 19.02 7 5 0
(Nagul Eliya,
2 Muthupanthiya 44.52 110 65 65 0
2 Pinkattiya 152.16 357 100 98 0
2 Pulichchikulam 93.89 190 48 25 0
2 Udappu, 68.80 170 67 67 0

3.2 Floral diversity and density of abandoned shrimp farms and restoration
Although most of the abandoned shrimp farms were in zone 3, these are mainly state-owned
lands held under long-term leases. As a result, the leaseholders did not agree to support
restoration of their abandoned shrimp farms. Therefore, models were developed for areas
with true potential for restoration and where the community was supportive, and for sites with
an urgent need for restoration, such as those adjacent to protected areas and mangrove or
salt marsh patches identified as important for conservation.

A total of 33 plant species were identified in abandoned shrimp farms and associated areas.
These consisted of 12 species of core mangroves and 22 mangrove and salt marsh associ-
ates, as well as flora in dry shrub land and cultivated land (coconut plantations and paddy
fields). (Table 2).

Table 2 Flora identified in shrimp farms and associated areas

Core mangrove species Associates and other plant species
Acanthus ilicifolius Dolichandrone spathacea Salicornia brachiata
Avicennia marina Suaeda maritima Potamogeton spp.
Avicennia officinalis Suaeda monoica Arthrocnemum spp.
Lumnitzera racemosa Derris trifoliata Oryza sativa
Excoecaria agallocha Derris spp. Azadirachta indica
Aegiceras corniculata Pongamia pinnata Lantana camera
Bruguiera cylindrica Pemphis acidula Phragmtis spp.
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Hibiscus tiliaceus Phoenix pusilla
Ceriops tagal Thespesia populnea Cissus quadrangularis
Rhizophora apiculata Clerodendrum inerme Salvadora persica
Rhizophora mucronata Premna obtusifolia
Heritiera littoralis Acrostichum aureum

In undisturbed abandoned shrimp farms of over three years, E. agallocha (0.18 ± 0.09
plants/m²), S. monoica (0.13 ± 0.10 plants/m²) and S. persica (0.08 ± 0.03 plants/m²) were
the dominant flora. Young plants of Rhizophora spp. (0.03 ± 0.01 plants/m²) dominated
the undisturbed inlets with water. Saplings of Avicennia spp. (23 ± 12 plants/m²) were the
most abundant type of sapling in the sampled areas. In disturbed abandoned shrimp farms,
E. agallocha (0.23 ± 0.14 plants/m²) dominated. A total of 19 species were recorded in
abandoned shrimp farms.

In actively replanted areas along the western flank of Puttalam Lagoon, R. apiculata was
dominant, mainly along the edges of the lagoon. Evidence of attempts to replant species
such as Avicennia spp. was observed, but only a few of the plants had survived.

Disturbed abandoned shrimp farms which were previously salt mash ecosystems were domi-
nated by S. monoica (0.18 ± 0.06 plants/m²) and S. brachiata (23 ± 19 plants/m²). Relatively
undisturbed abandoned shrimp farms which were previously salt marsh ecosystems were
dominated by S. brachiata ( 29 ± 9 plants/m²) and other salt marsh flora, with the typical salt
marsh structure. However, most of the abandoned shrimp farms in the salt marshes had
been converted to coconut plantations and salterns, especially in the Puttalam area.

Four restoration models were developed for: Anavilundawa and Pinkattiya (adjacent to
Anavilundawa Ramsar sanctuary); Seguwanthivu, Manathivu and Anaikutti (presence of
relatively undisturbed mangrove and salt marsh vegetation); Muthupanthiya (presence of
large abandoned farms adjacent to a mangrove patch extending up to the Dutch Canal);
184 and Uddapuwa and Pulichchikulam. The model developed for Uddapuwa and Pulichchiku-

lam is not discussed here as the communities were not in favour of replanting when it was
suggested to them.

3.2.1 Model developed for the Anavilundawa, Pinkattiya area

This area has large numbers of small operational farms, as well as a few large abandoned
farms. The proposed mangrove restoration aims to improve natural biodiversity and plant
density. Accordingly, the species recommended for planting are A. marina, A. officinalis,
R. mucronata, R. apiculata, L. racemosa, A. corniculata and E. agallocha, which are naturally
present in this area. Resilient species should be planted first at a higher density that takes
into account natural mortality rates. The prevailing winds in this area are mainly from the
north-east and south-west; it is therefore recommended that shrimp farm bunds (dykes)
facing the prominent wind direction are kept intact to prevent wind erosion. They should
be removed or levelled off once the plants are established and the top layer of soil secured.
At the same time, it is proposed that farmers operating active shrimp farms are involved in
replanting their inlets and outlets, as Hai and Yakupitiyage (2005) have indicated the benefits
of Rhizophora spp. to shrimp.

Acquiring the abandoned land for restoration by the government (e.g. Department of Wildlife
Conservation) or by community-based organizations (CBOs) is also recommended. Once
restored, the ownership should be transferred to, or the area maintained by, a relevant body
that can provide adequate protection to the area, while sharing some of the benefits with
local stakeholders.

The model anticipates that species such as A. corniculata, A. ilicifolius and E. agallocha can
also establish themselves naturally from existing mangrove patches.

Table 3 Proposed budget per 2-ha unit for restoration model in Anavilundawa, Pinkattiya
Item Cost (LKR ª)
Land acquisition 250,000 b
Expenditure for acquisition procedures 7,500
Land preparation (involves bund removal and restoration of hydrology) 10,000 c
Purchase of planting materials
A. marina (205 plants) d 3,075
Rhizophora spp. (1,111 plants) e 16,665
Transport and planting cost 5,000
Incentive for aftercare f

6 months 10,000
12 months 10,000
24 months 10,000
48 months 10,000
Note: This model is prepared assuming that all 46 ha of abandoned land is taken up by government, NGOs, or in
government-NGO partnerships, for restoration and managed with community involvement.
ª Sri Lanka rupee (1 USD = 130 LKR).
LKR 62,500 per 0.5 ha.
Restoration cost per 2-ha plot in the acquired land.
25 m x 5 m spacing.
32 m x 2 m spacing.
A percentage should be deducted from the proposed incentives if more than 25% of plants die.

3.2.2 Model developed for Seguwanthivu, Manathivu and Anaikutti area

The existing mangrove patches in this area are small and scattered. To improve the ecological
services they provide, they need to be enriched with vegetation and connected through plant
corridors where possible. The species recommended for replanting are Avicennia spp. (5 m
x 5 m spacing), the most prominent true mangroves of this area, and Rhizophora spp. (4 m
x 4 m spacing), with the same conditions and incentives mentioned in the preceding section.
Since some abandoned farms have been converted to salterns, the implementation of a
well-formulated policy and action plan for salt pan development in the area by the Provincial
Environmental Authority is needed. This would include updating the current lists of mangrove
patches, surveying the land, demarcating the boundaries, preparing management plans,
posting officials and providing sufficient infrastructure, and establishing co-management
committees. Since this area is sparsely populated, rejuvenation of mangroves could be taken
up directly by state authorities.

3.2.3 Model developed for Muthupanthiya

The models developed for Anavilundawa and Pinkattiya area could be adopted for this area
since the same mangrove patch extends to here, and the same incentives could be provided
to local inhabitants.

The model proposes strict implementation of existing environmental regulations, such as

those provided in the Forest Ordinance, Fauna and Flora Protection Ordinance, and the
Environmental Act of North-Western Province, with regard to the restoration of natural veg-
etation. Where possible, immediate land acquisition should commence within islands for the
purpose of restoration. It is also proposed that land should not be given out from islands for
shrimp farming or any other development activity in future. It was noted that people tend to
clear the vegetation, not only in the farm area, but also along the prevailing wind direction
to facilitate increased dissolved oxygen within their ponds. This activity adds to the damage
caused to the mangrove vegetation in the vicinity of shrimp farms. The model proposes
promoting ecotourism by the local communities, which will lead to coupled tourism between
Anavilundawa Ramsar sanctuary and Muthupanthiya and Pinkattiya mangrove ecosystems
and islands. This will indirectly protect the ecosystems in this area.

4. Discussion, conclusions and recommendations

It has been observed that in many locations in Southeast Asia, abandoned shrimp ponds
have shown at least a partial return to mangrove forest through natural recolonization (Lewis,
2005). During the present study, several abandoned shrimp farms were found where partial
recolonization was evident. In areas not disturbed by freshwater influx, recolonization by salt
marsh species was found to be more rapid than by true mangrove and mangrove associate
species, but such sites are rare mainly because of conversion into salterns.

A period of about five years after shrimp farming ends may allow sufficient time for shallow
extensive culture ponds to be recolonized by mangroves, provided the local hydrology or the
tidal regime is restored and the surrounding social and institutional conditions are favourable
(Lieth, 2008). Favourable social conditions can be achieved by partial handover of ownership
to stakeholders (Primavera et al., 2011). The importance of clarifying the aims of mangrove
186 rehabilitation programmes and integrating such aims with the welfare of the local communities

is vital, and this has been stressed by others for mangrove ecosystem sustainability (Field,
1998). This includes species choice (Datta et al., 2012), site choice and a good knowledge
of the actual uses of mangroves (Walton, 2006). A lack of such knowledge hinders effective
restoration, and it is vital that future research addresses these gaps.

In the identified areas, mangrove reforestation could be done with minimal technical input,
but the lessons of past replanting activities need to be considered carefully. Drawbacks seen
in past replanting included a lack of community incentives, as well as the use of the wrong
species in the wrong season and in the wrong locations (for example Avicennia spp. replanted
in Puttalam Lagoon in deep-water areas, where the survival rate was zero).

The current study also documented the rapid expansion of salterns in the area, which could
represent another silent wave of mangrove and salt marsh destruction. Although no environ-
mental impact assessment is needed for such conversions on a small scale, the cumulative
effects of several conversions could damage both aquatic and terrestrial habitats.

Large-scale abandoned farms are threatened by the current interest among small-scale
farmers in dividing them into small farms and acquire them on leases. Some abandoned large
farms are within the boundary of the Anavilundawa Ramsar sanctuary; hence the relevant
authorities need to maintain vigilance.

The current study also highlighted the possibility of restoring mangroves in shrimp farm inlets
and outlets not considered previously as potential areas for restoration. For this to be suc-
cessful, however, the perception among shrimp farmers that such restoration is fruitless must
be addressed through awareness raising and active demonstration of benefits. Individualistic,
self-interested behaviour is the motivation for participation decisions (Barbier, 2008) and is
achieved through dialogue with stakeholders.

The occurrence of invasive species such as L. camara in abandoned farms is another reason
for restoring these habitats, as such species could spread from disturbed lands to forest

Lastly, human factors critically influence the success of forest restoration (Walters, 1997),
so the restoration of abandoned shrimp farms should be harmonised with local resource
extraction and land tenure patterns. Different social groups should be actively mobilised, and
encouraged to use their skills and knowledge for mangrove replanting. Political will, backed
by appropriate policies, will help to ensure effective restoration.

The authors would like to thank IUCN Sri Lanka for funding this project. Mr Leslie Wijesinghe
is acknowledged for editing an earlier version of this paper.

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on water quality, growth and survival of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius,
1798). Aquaculture 250, 700–712.
Jayasinghe, J.M.P. and Orlina, N.A., 2004. White spot virus disease in Sri Lanka: present status
and the role of better management practices in reducing the risk of disease outbreaks. Paper
presented at NACA Workshop on Aquaculture, 21–22 April 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Jayasinghe, J.M.P.K. and Macintosh, D.J., 1993. Disease outbreaks in shrimp culture grow-
out systems in Sri Lanka. Journal of Tropical Agriculture Research 5, 336–349.
Lewis, R.R., 2005. Ecological engineering for successful management and restoration of
mangrove forests. Ecological Engineering 24, 403–418.
Li, M.S. and Lee, S.Y., 1997. Mangroves of China: a brief review. Forest Ecology and Man-
agement 96, 241–259.
Lieth, H.S., Sucre, M.G. and Herzog, B. (eds), 2008. Mangroves and Halophytes – Restora-
tion and Utilization. New York: Springer.
Primavera, J.H., Rollon, R.N. and Samson, M.S., 2011. The Pressing Challenges of Mangrove
Rehabilitation: Pond Reversion and Coastal Protection. Pp. 217–244 in: Wolanski, E. and
McLusky, D.S. (eds), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Waltham: Academic
188 Press.

Senarath, U.R.M., 1998. Environmental management of brackish water aquaculture systems

in Sri Lanka. Pathum Thani: School of Environment, Resources and Development,. Asian
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Walters, B.B., 1997. Human ecological questions for tropical restoration: experiences from
planting native upland trees and mangroves in the Philippines. Forest Ecology and Man-
agement 99, 275–290.
Walton, M.E.M., Samonte-Tan, G.; Primavera, J.H.; Edwards-Jones, G. and Le Vay, L., 2006.
Are mangroves worth replanting? The direct economic benefits of a community-based
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Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

Annex Shrimp farming zones and sub-zones

Zone Sub-zones
Zone 1 Thalwila Ambakandawila
Chilaw Madampe Marawala/Suduwella
Thoduwawa/Iranawila Wattakkalliya/Jayabima
Zone 2 Bangadeniya Nagul Eliya/Muthupanthiya
Arachchikattuwa Kusala/Kottage Pinkattiya
Wairankattuwa Udappuwa
Bogahawetiya Pulichchikulam
Zone 3 Punapitiya/Watawana Madurankuliya South
Mundal Koththanthiv Madurankuliya/Sembatta
Keeriyankalliya Pulidiwayal
Mundal/Mangala Eliya
Zone 4 Karamba
Kalpitiya Mampuriya/Eththale
Zone 5 Palaviya/Poorvasakuda Mee Oya
Puttalam Sewwanthivu Wadathamunei/Samagipura
Manathivu Wanathawillu

Restoration and return of mangroves and fisheries in
abandoned aquaculture farms
V. Selvam¹, A. Sivakumar², R. Ramasubramanian³
¹ M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, 3rd Cross Street, Taramani, Chennai, 600113, India
Email: [email protected]
² M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Vedaranyam, India
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
³ M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, 7-4-19, Sashasai Street, Ramaraopet, Kakinada, India
Email: [email protected]

More than 92% of the global aquaculture production in 2007 (56.7 million tonnes) was
produced in Asia. Aquaculture in Asia, including that of India, is characterized by small-
scale, family-operated farms and constitutes one of the important sources of income and
employment for rural coastal communities. However, in recent years, coastal aquaculture
has suffered setbacks in terms of production, value and area. For example, in India shrimp
production which was around 1.06 million tonnes in 2007–08 fell to 0.76 million tonnes in
2008–09. Monoculture, disease, poor seed quality, excessive use of artificial feed, increased
input costs and decreased market value are considered as important factors accounting for
this decline in aquaculture production. Above all, poor environmental management and a
lack of different activities to diversify livelihoods within aquaculture farming are also respon-
sible for the current status of coastal aquaculture in India; and the social impact of decline
in prawn farming has been enormous. Many of the farmers, who converted their agriculture
land into aquaculture farms, are currently getting no income either from agriculture or from
aquaculture; many of these families now migrate either temporarily or permanently in search
of employment and livelihood to nearby urban areas. In this situation, the projected Integrated
Mangrove Fishery Farming System (IMFFS), wherein cultivation of mangroves, halophytes
and culture of fish, crabs and prawns are integrated, provides a tangible solution to make
coastal aquaculture sustainable, while also strengthening resilience of the coastal communi-
ties. This also provides opportunity to integrate livelihoods with mangrove bioshields and to
promote ecologically sensitive alternative land-use practices.

In IMFFS, which has been demonstrated with the participation of the local community, gov-
ernment agencies and shrimp farmers, aquaculture ponds are designed to provide space for
growing saline-tolerant vegetation including mangroves and halophytes. Space for planting
is created by constructing bunds inside the pond in a zigzag manner, or as small mounds
(mitochondrial in shape). These bunds and mounds are created by digging the soil from the
bottom of the pond. This makes the pond deeper and below the tidal level. As a result, tidal
water fills the pond by gravitation during high tide and drains out during low tide. The tidal
inlet and outlet are designed in such a way that nearly one metre of water remains in the
pond as standing water. Further, the ponds are designed in such a way that nearly 30–35%
of the space is left for planting mangroves and halophytes, while the remaining 65–70% is
left for holding sea water for fish culture. Three species of mangroves and two halophytes
are planted along the inner bunds, mounds and outer bunds of the ponds. The survival and
growth rate of mangroves and halophytes are almost equal to the growth rate observed in
natural conditions. Regarding fish culture, experiments conducted to culture sea bass in these
ponds indicated that this can generate an income of about US$1,500 in a period of eight
months from a one hectare pond. Further experiments are ongoing to utilize this system for
polyculture of mullet and shrimp. The IMFFS is also a good farming system for culturing of
mud crabs since the well-developed root system of mangroves provides these crabs with a
refuge, while detritus generated from mangrove litter provides them with food.

Keywords: mangroves, halophytes, aquaculture, shrimp culture, India


1. Introduction
Livelihood security of the coastal communities and ecological security of the coastal zones
become vulnerable due to high population density, urbanization, industrial development, high
rate of coastal environmental degradation and frequent occurrence of cyclones and storms.
More than 100 million people depend on natural coastal resources to sustain themselves;
an extremely vulnerable existence. This vulnerability is likely to be further aggravated by
increases in sea level due to climate change. An estimate indicates that the predicted sea
level rise would lead to the inundation of approximately 5,700 km² of coastal lands in the
coastal states of India, and that nearly seven million coastal families could be directly affected
(Aggarwal and Lal, 2001).

One of the major land-use changes predicted is conversion of saline-affected agriculture

lands into aquaculture farms. However, the current situation of aquaculture warrants a more
responsible and sustainable aquaculture system and practice. Development and demon-
stration of new approaches such as seawater-based integrated agro-aqua farming systems
would not only ensure livelihood security of the poor coastal families and ecological security
of the coastal areas, but also enhance adaptive capacity of coastal communities to sea level
rise and climate change.

2. Materials and methods

The Integrated Mangrove Fishery Farming System (IMFFS) is being demonstrated by the
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) in the coastal areas of Tamil Nadu and
Andhra Pradesh in India with the participation of private aquaculture farmers and fishing
communities. Meetings were held in each target village with traditional leaders, youth and
women groups, and members of other village-level institutions to introduce the concept of
IMFFS. Following this, a committee consisting of three men and three women was set up
in each village, and two workshops were organized for all committee members to discuss
the status of aquaculture in the region, and also the conceptual framework of IMFFS and its
sustainability. In consultation with local communities, private aquaculture farmers, representa-
tives of the Fisheries Department and Revenue Department, and local engineers, several
protocols of the IMFFS models were designed and developed; two were eventually chosen
for implementation (Figures 1 and 2).

In both models, the ponds were designed to provide 30% of the available space for planting
mangroves and halophytes, and the remaining 70% for holding sea water for fish culture. In
Model 1, the inner bunds (built as an extension of the outer bunds), were created to provide
space for mangrove plantations. Bunds/mounds were created with soil excavated from the
pond floor. With this deepening, the pond becomes tidally fed by gravity, with water entering
the pond during high tide and draining out during low tide. The tidal water inlet and outlet
were constructed to retain 90–120 cm of standing water in the pond for fish culture. In Model
2, the inner bunds were replaced by mud mounds. The peripheral bunds and the mounds
accommodated the mangrove plantations.

Pond water was refreshed daily as per the tidal inflows, thus eliminating the need for an aera-
tor to oxygenize the water. The movement of water also brings in a healthy supply of food
192 into the ponds, thus removing the need for artificial feed.

I Outlet
R No energy
No artificial feed
No chemicals
N Water spread area
Inlet D for fish culture

Halophytes can also be grown

as cash crops

Inner bunds Inner bund provides space for

mangrove plantations

Figure 1 Design for a seawater-based integrated agro-aqua farming system with inner bunds


Water spread area for fish culture

No energy
No artificial feed
No chemicals


Halophytes can also be grown

as cash crops on top of mounds

Slopes of the mounds used for mangrove plantation

Figure 2 Design for a seawater-based integrated agro-aqua farm with earth mounds

In February 2008, 1,723 Rhizophora mucronata saplings, and 1,327 Avicennia marina sap-
lings were planted in a one-hectare pond. The R. mucronata saplings were planted in two
rows along the lower edge of the bunds, whereas the A. marina saplings were planted about
two metres above the R. mucronata plantation. Both R. mucronata and A. marina were
planted at one-metre intervals in the row. Data on height, number of branches, and number
of leaves, their length and breath, length of internodes between two leaves, number of stilt
roots formed in R. mucronata, and number of aerial roots originated in A. marina, were col-
lected every three months. Survival rates were recorded once a month. 193

In a one-hectare IMFFS farm, sea bass (Lates calcarifer) was cultured by stocking 1,000
juveniles, collected from the estuarine waters and grown for eight months. The weight of the
wild juveniles was between 15 g and 30 g. During the growing out period no artificial feed or
other chemicals were added to the system. The daily tides ensured water changes, which
not only helped keep the water clean but also brought food in the form of juvenile fishes of
various species, including tilapia.

3. Results
3.1 Mangrove plantation
The survival of R. mucronata plantation was around 65% in the first year, and the dead
ones were replaced with nursery-raised saplings during the second year. Low survival of
R. mucronata was due to an attack of sap-sucking scale insects of the Coccidae family,
which severely affected the leaves of the plants. It was controlled by spraying a 5% solution
of neem oil. A. marina showed 89% survival in the first year. During the second year and
subsequent period no mortality was observed in both plantations. R. mucronata reached an
average height of 119 cm at the end of two years whereas A. marina reached 81 cm. Other
growth parameters are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Growth performance of R. mucronata and A. marina in a one-hectare IMFFS farm

R. mucronata A. marina
1 year 2 year 1 year 2 year
Plant height (cm) 74.8 119.2 33.6 81.2
Number of leaves/plant 36 108 23.4 82
Leaf length (cm) 12.1 14.7 4.5 5.4
Leaf breadth (cm) 5.3 6.1 1.6 2.6
Internodal length (cm) 4.2 5.2 3.4 4.9
Number of branches/plant 4.2 15 2.5 12
Number of stilt roots/plant 4 16 0 14

3.2 Fish culture

The survival rate of the sea bass was about 20% at the end of the 8 month period of farm-
ing. After this period, about 155 kg of sea bass, 10 kg of eel, 25 kg of mullet, 5 kg of shrimp
(Penaeus monodon) and 5 kg of mangrove crab (Scylla spp.) were harvested (Table 2). Besides
sea bass, other fish, shrimp and crab species entered the IMFFS farm with tidal waters.

Table 2 Harvest of fish cultured in a one-hectare IMFFS farm after eight months
No. of juveniles Average size of Quantity Average
released juveniles (g) harvested (kg) price per kg Value (INR) ª
Sea bass 1,000 25 155 220 34,100
Eel – – 10 50 500
Mullet – – 25 40 1,000
Shrimp – – 5 200 1,000
Crab – – 12 200 2,400
Total – – 207 – 39,000
194 ª Indian rupees.

3.3 Crab culture

After the fish harvest, the mangrove crab Scylla was reared in the same IMFFS farm. About
400 juveniles collected from the mangrove wetlands were released into this pond. They were
harvested after a 4 month growth period (Table 3). Clearly, productivity in terms of biomass
and income from the fish farm will be more than from the mangrove farm. Considering the
period of farming, the productivity and income from crab farming are more than from sea
bass farming.

Table 3 Harvest of crab cultured in a one-hectare IMFFS fish farm after four months
No. of juveniles Average size Quantity Average
released of juveniles (g) harvested (kg) price per kg Value (INR)ª
Scylla 400 50–100 83 250 20,750
Sea bass – – 15 180 2,700
Eel – – 8 60 420
Mullet – – 15 30 450
Other fish – – 15 25 375
Shrimp – – 2 175 350
Total – – 138 – 25,045
ª Indian rupees.

4. Discussion
In India, in the late 1980s, brackish water shrimp farming emerged as an important fishery
sector that earned foreign exchange. It is characterized by small-scale family-operated farms.
Currently, more than 150,000 farmers are growing prawns in about 160,000 ha of brackish
water areas on the east and west coasts of the country. Ninety-one percent of the shrimp
farmers in the country have a holding of less than 2 ha, 6% between 2 and 5 ha, and the
remaining 3% have an area of 5 ha and above (Yadava, 2002). Until the mid-1990s, the culture
system adopted was semi-intensive, and prawn production grew at a rate of 8.4% per year.
However, after outbreaks of viral diseases, coastal aquaculture suffered setbacks in terms
of production, leading to the abandoning of farming across large areas.

To evolve a low-input, eco-friendly, integrated farming model, the Integrated Mangrove Fishery
Farming System (IMFFS) was initiated, where mangroves, halophytes and fishes are raised
together to make coastal aquaculture sustainable. The results clearly indicate that in IMFFS
farms, mangrove species can be successfully grown while accruing profits from fish and
crab culture.

Integrating mangroves in fish farms began many years ago with the Indonesian tambak
system, where mangroves were planted to provide firewood, fertilizers and protection from
wave action (Schuster, 1952). The gei vai ponds in Hong Kong (Lee, 1992), mangrove-shrimp
ponds in Viet Nam (Binh, 1994; Johnston et al., 2000), aqua-silviculture in the Philippines
(Baconguis,1991), and tambak tumpang sari or lambak empang parit in Indonesia (FitzGer-
ald, 2002), are traditional models that integrate mangroves and fish culture. According to
Primavera (1998), in these various models, mangroves and other trees are planted on a
central platform occupying 60–80% of the total area, while a peripheral canal is maintained 195

for growing fishes and shrimps. The present IMFFS farm is different in that more space is
kept for fish and shrimp culture to make the system economically viable.

Integrated mangrove fishery farming is an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient system

of farming, where no artificial chemicals are used, and the water is refreshed through tidal
currents. This results in a sustainable farm, rather than semi-intensive and/or intensive coastal
aquaculture farms, which rely on external energy and inputs in the form of artificial feeds,
chemicals, water changes, and so on. According to Kautsky et al. (2000), semi-intensive
and intensive shrimp pond farming have had a limited life due to their environmental impacts.
The productivity and profitability of the integrated farm can be further enhanced through
introducing hatchery-produced shrimp larvae, mangrove crabs and high-value fish species
in the ponds (FitzGerald, 2002). Sukardjo (1989) showed that the traditional Javan integrated
mangrove farming system of tambak tumpang sari increased food supplies and contributed
significantly to the socio-economic well-being of the coastal rural population.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

In tropical countries, brackish water aquaculture is being practiced in areas where mangroves
are present. The development of aquaculture farms in the mangrove areas is one of the main
reasons for the reduction of the global extent of mangroves. Integrated mangrove fishery
farming brings back mangroves which provide both ecological security and livelihood secu-
rity for the coastal community. It also provides sustainability to coastal aquaculture farming.
The IMFFS approach has a huge potential for rehabilitating abandoned shrimp farms in the
coastal belt, both at the national level and in the global arena. After a period of 3 to 4 years,
IMFFS becomes more suitable for crab culture, since the mangrove root systems provide
shelter, and detritus from mangrove leaves provides food for commercially valuable crabs
such as Scylla spp. The mangrove root system will provide a natural environment for the
crabs to hide, feed and grow. Polyculture of fishes, shrimps, crabs, mussels, blood clams
and seaweed can also be taken up in the IMFFS farms to enhance productivity and income.

IMFFS has great potential to enhance the adaption capacity of coastal communities to sea
level rise and climate change, since the model addresses both livelihood security of disad-
vantaged coastal families and ecological security of coastal areas through their rehabilitation.
Furthermore, it has the potential for policy interventions relating to rural development, coastal
aquaculture, and building adaption capacity to climate change.

The authors thank Dr Ajay Parida, Executive Director, and Professor M. S. Swaminathan,
Chairman, M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, for their guidance and encouragement.
The authors also thank the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, New Delhi, and
Mangroves for the Future, India, for financial support. Thanks are due to SSS Marine Farms,
Chidambaram, for providing land, on lease, for developing the prototype model.

Aggarwal, D. and Lal, M., 2001. Vulnerability of Indian coastline to sea-level rise. New Delhi:
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology.

Baconguis, S.R., 1991. Aquasilviculture technology: key to mangrove swamp rehabilitation

and sustainable coastal zone development in the Philippines. Canopy International 17,
5–7, 12.
Binh, C.T., 1994. An assessment of integrated shrimp-mangrove farming systems in the
Mekong Delta of Vietnam. MSc thesis. Pathum Thani: Asian Institute of Technology.
FitzGerald, W.J., 2002. Silvofisheries: Integrated mangrove forest aquaculture systems. Pp.
161–262 in: Costa-Pierce, B. (ed.), Ecological Aquaculture – the Evolution and the Blue
Revolution. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
Johnston, D.J., Trong, N.V., Tien, D.V. and Xuan, T.T., 2000. Shrimp yields and harvest
characteristics of mixed shrimp-mangrove forestry farms in southern Vietnam: factors
affecting production. Aquaculture 188, 263–284.
Kautsky, N., Rönnbäck, P., Tedengren, M. and Troell, M., 2000. Ecosystem perspectives on
management of disease in shrimp pond farming. Aquaculture 191, 145–161.
Lee, S.Y., 1992. The management of traditional tidal ponds for aquaculture and wildlife
conservation in Southeast Asia: problems and prospects. Biological Conservation 63,
Primavera, J.H., 1998. Tropical shrimp farming and its sustainability. Pp. 257–289 in: de Silva,
S.S. (ed.), Tropical Mariculture. London: Academic Press.
Schuster, W.H., 1952. Fish culture in the brackish water ponds of Java. lndo-Pacific Fisheries
Council Special Publication 1, 1–143.
Sukardjo, S., 1989. Tumpang sari pond as a multiple use concept to save the mangrove
forest in Java. Biotropica Special Publication 37, 115–128.
Yadava, Y.S., 2002. Shrimp Farming in India – Lessons and Challenges in Sustainable Devel-
opment. Aquaculture Authority News 1, 1–4.

Web references

Benefit sharing and clam seed production in Xuan Thuy
National Park, Viet Nam
Nguyen Viet Cach
Director, Xuan Thuy National Park, Nam Dinh, Viet Nam
Email: [email protected]

Xuan Thuy National Park is a Ramsar site located in Viet Nam’s Red River Delta. It is of high
economic importance: thousands of shrimp farmers, clam seed producers and clam col-
lectors depend on its mangroves and mudflats. Since its designation as a Ramsar site in
1989, the park has been almost completely converted to shrimp production as a result of
demand for natural resources. Although the area under mangroves has recovered as a result
of mangrove planting on new mudflats, the park’s core zone remains a de facto open access
area. The park’s management board can neither officially accept the presence of people in
the core zone, nor strictly follow national laws that forbid human use of the core zone. In an
effort to defuse competition and conflict over these resources, the management board has
piloted a benefit-sharing agreement for households involved in highly profitable clam seed
production. The other signatories are the local government and management board. Accord-
ing to the park’s analysis, the agreement has generated significant revenue to support local
welfare services but has failed to address over-harvesting of clam seed.

Keywords: mangroves, clam culture, economic benefits, Xuan Thuy National Park, Viet Nam

1. Introduction
Established in 1989, Xuan Thuy National Park was the first Ramsar site in Southeast Asia
(and the fiftieth worldwide). Located in Nam Dinh Province and with a legal area of 12,000 ha,
the park contains some of the last remnants of the coastal ecosystems of the Red River
Delta. The park is internationally significant as a migratory bird habitat, notably for the globally
threatened black-faced spoonbill (Platalea minor). There are 46,000 households living next to
the park, half of which depend on the extraction of aquatic products from the park. The park
therefore makes a major contribution to the local economy. In 2004, the park was recognized
by UNESCO as a core zone of the Red River Biosphere Reserve.

Xuan Thuy has undergone significant changes in land cover and use. A study using a time-
series of satellite images shows that the area of mangroves increased from 14,000 ha in
1975 to 16,000 ha in 1986, before falling to 6,000 ha in 1992 and recovering to 13,000 ha
in 2002. These changes resulted from government support in the early 1990s for converting
mangrove “wastelands” to shrimp ponds and subsequent internationally funded replanting
efforts. The net effect is that the mangrove core zone has migrated seaward as the park
has accreted sediment deposited by the Red River. This has formed Lu Island, which lies
parallel to the coast.

The Ramsar Convention stipulates the sustainable and wise use of wetland resources to
promote the biodiversity values of wetland areas. In this respect, Xuan Thuy National Park
offers a mixed story. National regulations prohibit any kind of use in the core zone. In practice,
for many years the park management has been unable to stop local people entering the
core zone to collect clams, clam seeds, and other aquatic products. This pressure reflects
the high economic value of these products and the fact that ultimate authority over the
park’s resources rests with the Nam Dinh Provincial People’s Committee (PC), not the park
management board.

The past decade has seen a substantial increase in the quantity and value of the aquatic
products that local people collect from the park. The average revenue from clam culture
alone is VND 10–20 billion (US$0.5–1 million) per year. This increase has put more pressure
on the park and its natural resources. Every day, thousands of people enter the core zone to
collect aquatic products. This is not only against the law, but in the absence of any form of
management regime it has also resulted in conflicts, some of which have turned violent. The
challenge for the park management is how to manage both the collection and the distribution
of these benefits without any precedent or institutional structure.

2. Materials and methods

In 2005, Xuan Thuy National Park funded a project to develop a co-management mecha-
nism governing the sustainable and wise use of natural clam seed in the park for the benefit
of the local people. (Other regulations are in place for the clam culture beds.) The following
steps were carried out: surveying the livelihoods of local communities; assessing the park’s
natural clam seed resources; and organizing consultations with local communities, local
authorities and scientists.

This project has institutionalized local partnerships and addressed problems ignored by the
existing legal documents. For example, how to use wetland resources wisely? What are
the specific rights and responsibilities of the management board, clam seed collectors, and
commune authorities?

Wise use is based on the following principles: aquatic resources are highly productive with a
high capacity for regeneration; reasonable exploitation can both generate income and sustain
the resource over the long term; and wise use of aquatic resources can be put into practice
by proper planning, use of technology, and cooperation between institutions.

In terms of the rights and responsibilities of stakeholders:

 Clam seed collectors are allowed to lease mudflats from the park, access credit and
technical know-how, and participate in formulating regulations and monitoring implemen-
tation. The collectors pay VND 0.5–3 million/ha/year (US$25–150/ha/year) depending
on the quality of the mudflat. Every year during the April-to-July clam seed collecting
season, the mudflats are allocated to households on short-term leases. Clam seed col-
lectors can use only manual (not mechanized) collection devices, and are not allowed to
convert any natural habitats, use destructive fishing practices, pollute the environment,
hunt, or sub-contract the collection area. The total area of clam seed beds is 1,000 ha,
including 700 ha in the Red River estuary and 300 ha at Lu Island. In a good year, these
can provide seed for up to 1,300 ha of clam culture with seed also sold to other provinces.

 Local authorities are responsible for protecting the park’s natural resources and provid-
ing technical and financial support to the community. In return, they receive a portion of
the revenue from the leases, which is then spent on local welfare.

 The park management board is in charge of managing and monitoring the co-manage-
200 ment agreement.

3. Results
In August 2006, the Nam Dinh Provincial PC approved the pilot project on managing clam
seed at the mouth of the Red River inside the park. The management board, which comprises
representatives from Giao Thuy district, Giao An and Giao Thien communes, and the park,
implemented the pilot project from 2006 to 2010. The park management board has con-
centrated on making sure that clam seed collection does not damage the park’s biodiversity.

The clam management board, which is chaired by the Giao Thuy District PC, holds local
meetings and consults with the District Party Committee on project implementation. A man-
agement agreement has been prepared. The two Commune PCs have disseminated infor-
mation about the project. As a result, the awareness and attitude of local people toward
conservation have improved significantly. The Commune PCs have also issued legal docu-
ments to ensure that aquatic resources are harvested sustainably.

Every year, at the end of the clam seed collection season, the clam resource management
board requests the Commune PCs to submit progress reports. The revenue from leasing
the mudflats has contributed to the commune’s budgets, and has been used to invest in
improved public services. Table 1 summarizes the revenues of both communes.

Table 1 Commune revenues from benefit-sharing agreement, 2006–2010

Number of Revenues
households Area (ha) VND ª US$
Giao Thien Commune
2007 24 260 420,070,000 26,419
2008 20 170 111,240,000 6,621
2009 11 150 188,000,000 10,162
2010 13 150 96,000,000 4,638
Total – – 815,310,000 47,841
Giao An Commune
2006 215 450 400,000,000 26,667
2007 240 450 385,000,000 24,214
2008 235 450 410,000,000 24,405
2009 245 400 370,000,000 20,000
2010 210 400 312,000,000 15,072
Total – – 1,887,000,000 110,358
Viet Nam dong.

4. Discussion
When designing the pilot project, the park underestimated the impacts of seed collection.
In fact, clam seed production has fallen substantially over the past few years, as reflected
in the decline in area of leased mudflats and revenues since 2007 in Giao Thien Commune
shown in Table 1. This decline can be traced to the following causes:

 Very few mother clams remain in the clam collection area to deliver seeds to the clam
seed beds via longshore currents, because clam collectors gain no direct benefit from
limiting their harvest. 201

 Households collect clam seeds when they are too small (initially the seeds were the size
of sand grains; now a magnifying glass is needed to see them). If this trend continues,
the clam seeds will become commercially extinct.
 Possible changes in ocean currents and the status of the mudflats, which have become
less favourable to clam seed development.

The current agreement does not set sustainable harvesting limits. In effect, the agreement
is a benefit-sharing arrangement put in place to avoid social conflicts rather than a sustain-
able management agreement that regulates harvesting. So the focus is on dividing up the
proceeds rather than ensuring a sustainable yield.

According to the policy approved by Nam Dinh Provincial PC, this revenue is allocated as
follows: 80% to a local welfare fund, 15% to an environmental protection fund, and 5% to
the park to cover the operating expenses of the clam management board. However, given
the limited revenue and availability of other funding, the park has returned its share of the
revenue to the communes.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

The pilot project succeeded in establishing strong multi-stakeholder cooperation to ensure
a fair distribution of the benefits from clam seed production in Xuan Thuy National Park. The
project increased local incomes, provided additional revenue to commune budgets, and
reduced the scope for conflict. Environmental protection clubs have been formed that testify
to the degree of community support for the co-management agreement.

In February 2012, based partly on the Xuan Thuy experience, Viet Nam’s Prime Minister
issued Decision 126 on piloting benefit-sharing in the management, protection, and sustain-
able development of protected areas. The park was chosen as one of two sites to implement
the decision. In line with the decision, the park will carry out the following five components:

1. Sustainable use of clam seed beds resources in frequently flooded areas in the Red River
estuary and around Lu and Ngan Islands.
2. Sustainable local community use of aquatic resources inside the mangrove forests in the
core zone of the park.
3. Community-based mangrove management model in the park’s buffer zone in Giao An,
Giao Lac and Giao Xuan Communes.
4. Sustainable use of the clam culture areas while still protecting the important bird areas in
the ecological restoration zone on Lu Island.
5. Sustainable collection of medical plants in the Casuarina forests on Lu Island.

In October 2011, the park received an MFF small grant to implement component 2 of Deci-
sion 126. A UNDP/GEF project is supporting component 3; the Viet Nam Conservation Fund
may support the other three components.

Despite the challenges, the park management board is confident of its ability to implement the
Prime Minister’s benefit-sharing decision with the support of ministries, local authorities, and
202 international organizations. If successful, the park will demonstrate Viet Nam’s commitment

to meet the Ramsar requirement for “wise use” and strengthen Xuan Thuy’s importance as
a core zone of the Red River Biosphere Reserve.

I would like to acknowledge the support from MFF for participating in the Regional Collo-
quium. Thanks are also due to Dr Donald Macintosh, Jake Brunner and Nguyen Bich Hien
of IUCN for their assistance with this paper. Lastly, I would like to acknowledge the help of
my colleagues at Xuan Thuy National Park in collecting the data and information presented
in this paper.

Mangrove planting, community participation and
integrated management in Soc Trang Province, Viet Nam
Klaus Schmitt
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
134 Tran Hung Dao, Soc Trang City, Viet Nam
Email: [email protected]

The highly dynamic coastline of Soc Trang Province in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam is in
most parts protected from erosion, storms and flooding by a narrow belt of mangroves. This
protection function is threatened by the unsustainable use of natural resources in the coastal
zone. This situation will be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change, particularly by the
increased intensity and frequency of storms, floods and rising sea levels. The GIZ (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) project “Management of Natural Resources
in the Coastal Zone of Soc Trang Province, Viet Nam” makes a contribution to addressing this
issue by protecting and sustainably utilising the coastal wetlands for the benefit of the local
population through mangrove rehabilitation and management with an emphasis on resilience
to climate change. Lessons learned from five years of mangrove planting, protection and
management can be summarised in five statements:

1. Planting mangroves alone is of little use. Newly planted mangroves must be protected
from human impacts such as destructive fishing or resource collection methods. This has
been achieved by participatory involvement of local communities through co-manage-
ment. Co-management is an effective way of maintaining and enhancing the protection
function of the mangrove forest belt and, at the same time, providing livelihoods for poor
local people. Payment for ecosystem services from a clam cooperative on the sandbanks
in front of the mangrove forest contributes to the sustainability of co-management.

2. Site-specific, appropriate solutions are needed. This covers selection of suitable species,
site selection for planting different species, appropriate planting techniques, and selection
of the best planting times. Testing of new planting techniques which mimic successful
natural regeneration will help to address the uncertainty about the impacts of climate
change. Mangroves can only be planted in erosion sites after fences and wave breakers
have reduced the erosion and stimulated sedimentation. The impact of wave breakers
on shoreline dynamics must be predicted using numerical current and erosion modelling.

3. Looking at the status quo is not enough. Historic information contributes to a better
understanding of coastal dynamics. It also allows the selection of species for rehabilita-
tion which grew naturally in a given site before human interventions.

4. Integrated coastal area management is needed. Parts of the coastal zone cannot be
effectively managed using an isolated, sectoral approach. Mangrove planting, protection
and management must form part of an integrated approach.

5. Raising the awareness of and communicating with all stakeholders is a prerequisite for
successful mangrove and integrated coastal area management.

Keywords: mangroves, participatory approach, integrated coastal zone management, cli-

matic changes, Viet Nam

1. Introduction
The Mekong Delta of Viet Nam plays an important role as the “rice bowl” for the whole country
(Nguyen, 1994). The expansion of shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta has contributed to
economic growth and poverty reduction, but has also led to concerns about environmental
and social impacts (Phan and Hoang, 1993; de Graaf and Xuan, 1998; Páez-Osuna, 2001; 205

Primavera, 2006). The lack of an integrated approach to the management, sustainable

utilization and protection of the coastal zone and economic interests in shrimp farming has
led to the unsustainable use of natural resources, thereby threatening the mangrove forest
belt’s protective function. This threat will be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change
through the predicted increase in intensity and frequency of storms, floods and sea level rise
(Carew-Reid, 2007; IPCC, 2007; MoNRE, 2009; MRC, 2009).

Soc Trang Province is one of 13 provinces in the Mekong Delta region and is located south
of the Hau River, the southernmost arm of the Mekong River. The province covers a total
area of 331,176 ha, of which about 62% is used for agriculture, just over 3% for forestry and
more than 16% for aquaculture. The population of the province is just over 1,285 million,
of which about 29% are Khmer and 6% are ethnic Chinese (2008 figures from Soc Trang
Statistics Office, 2010).

The 72 km coastline of Soc Trang is characterised by a dynamic process of accretion

and erosion created by the discharge regime of the Mekong River, the tidal regime of the
Vietnamese East Sea (South China Sea), and the coastal longshore currents driven by the
prevailing monsoon winds (Chu et al., 1999; Lu and Siew, 2006; Nguyen, 2009). In some
areas, a loss of land due to erosion of up to 30 m per year has been recorded, while in other
areas land creation through accretion processes can reach up to 64 m per year (Joffre, 2010;
Pham, 2011).

The project “Management of Natural Resources in the Coastal Zone of Soc Trang Province,
Viet Nam”, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Develop-
ment and implemented by GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit),
aims to protect and sustainably use the coastal wetlands for the benefit of the local popula-
tion through mangrove rehabilitation and management with an emphasis on resilience to
climate change. The project started in 2007, and after five years of implementation the key
lessons learnt from mangrove planting, protection and management can be summarised into
five statements: i) planting mangroves alone is of little use; ii) solutions must be site specific
and appropriate; iii) looking at the status quo is not enough; iv) whatever is done must be
part of an integrated approach to coastal area management; and v) raising awareness of
all stakeholders and communicating with them is a prerequisite for successful mangrove
management as part of an integrated coastal area management approach.

2. Material and methods

A systematic assessment of past experiences with mangrove planting and rehabilitation,
and an analysis of the reasons for success or failure, were carried out. Records from man-
grove plantings since 1993 were compared with the results from field surveys (mangrove
survival and growth rates) carried out in 2008. Additional information was obtained from a
mangrove cover change analysis using topographic maps from 1965, SPOT satellite images
from 1995, Landsat ETM images from 2001 and QuickBird satellite images from 2006/7
(Pham, 2011). The analysis of the effectiveness of mangrove protection and management
was based on interviews with local people and staff from local authorities (Joffre and Luu,
2007; Pham, 2011). Historic topographic maps dating to 1889, plus aerial photos from
206 archives and libraries in Aix-en-Provence, Paris (France) and Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam)

were compared with the results from Pham (2011), and information from key informants with
long-term knowledge of the area, for an analysis of changes in the coastline and mangrove
forest cover (Joffre, 2010).

Two mangrove planting trials mimicking natural regeneration were established: i) small-scale
planting of high numbers of seedlings close to established trees and shrubs; and ii) planting
in canopy gaps created in even-aged plantations.

In October 2009, seedlings of Ceriops tagal and Rhizophora apiculata were planted in 24
plots of between 26 and 36 m² in area at the seaward edges of 2–6 m high mangrove forest
dominated by Avicennia marina. The planting densities ranged from 8 to 40 seedlings/m²
(Meinardi, 2010). Additional planting of A. marina was carried out in June 2010 with densi-
ties of 4–20 seedlings/m². In August 2011, all plots were enlarged to 100 m² and A. marina,
Bruguiera cylindrica and C. tagal were planted in varying species compositions and densities
of 5, 10 and 20 seedlings/m².

Canopy gaps were created in a 13-year-old Rhizophora plantation with an average tree
height of 6–8 m. The gaps ranged in size from 7–45 m². The species C. tagal and R. apiculata
were planted in nine of these gaps at densities ranging from 21–46 seedlings/m² in October
2009. Nine gaps were left for natural regeneration to occur and three plots were marked as
control without felling any trees (Meinardi, 2010). In August 2011 all plots were increased in
size to 12–54 m² and A. marina, C. tagal and R. apiculata were planted at densities ranging
from 5–14 seedlings/m².

To monitor mangrove species, data on number, height, knots and diameter are recorded in
randomly placed sampling plots as described in Pham et al. (2011). The resource use moni-
toring programme compares indices, thus avoiding the need for expensive baseline data.
The indices are the amount of resources harvested, and the effort required for the harvest
of a defined quantity. The resources harvested and units are: juvenile and sesarmid crabs
(number of crabs), long snails and blood cockles (kilogrammes); goby fry (grammes); mud-
skippers (number); sea snake and rats (number) and dry wood (tac*). The data are recorded
using time as a measure of effort. The recoding is done by the local resource users, who do
not use watches to record the time they spend collecting resources; they record only short
or long collecting trips. As collection time normally does not exceed four hours, a period of
one hour is used to calculate effort for a short trip and three hours for a long trip.

A two-dimensional depth-averaged numerical hydrodynamic model was developed for the

design of wave-breaking barriers using the open source software RMA·K ALYPSO (Schrage
et al., 2009). The numerical wave model SWAN was coupled with the hydrodynamic model to
obtain the wave parameters for different scenarios. The results of the hydrodynamic model-
ling were then used in the morphodynamic model GENESIS (Hanson and Kraus, 1989) to
compute the most effective position and dimensions of erosion protection measures. Physical
tests in a wave flume were carried out to determine the most effective design of the actual
structure of the wave-breaking barriers (Albers, 2011; Albers and von Lieberman, 2011).

* A tac is a pile of cut wood 0.3 m x 1 m x 1 m in size. 207


3. Results and discussion

This section focuses on the key lessons learned from five years of mangrove planting, pro-
tection and management.

3.1 Planting mangroves alone is of little use – they must also be managed
Techniques for mangrove forest restoration have been described by many authors and com-
prehensive overviews can be found in Kairo et al. (2001), Lewis (2005, 2009) and Kathiresan
(n.d.). These authors emphasise the importance of identifying the main objectives of a restora-
tion programme. Furthermore, selection of species must be based on a sound understand-
ing of their autecology and community ecology, hydrological patterns, tidal amplitude, soil
conditions, salinity and morphodynamics (erosion, accretion). Mangrove species can also be
selected based on the species that occur naturally in the site. Based on this, the appropriate
species need to be selected for each site, and must be planted using appropriate planting
techniques at suitable times. The nursery technique is another important factor which will
contribute to the restoration’s success (Melana et al., 2000; Hoang and Pham, 2010). To
ensure that newly planted mangrove forests can grow undisturbed and eventually fulfil their
protective function, they must not only be planted as described above, but must also be
protected from human impacts such as destructive fishing methods, logging and encroach-
ment. In some specific sites, they must also be protected from waves (see section 3.2).

In the case of the coastal zone of Soc Trang, where the main objective of restoring mangroves
is to protect the coast against tidal waters, erosion and storms, mangrove restoration has
been carried out since 1993 (Pham, 2011). Between 2000 and 2007, mangrove protection
and management in Soc Trang was done using forest protection contracts and forest land
allocation along the coast. Land was allocated to farmers (around 4 ha per household) and
protection contracts made with payments of VND 50,000 (about US$3 based on the aver-
age exchange rate in 2007) per hectare per year (Pham, 2011).

The effectiveness of this approach to mangrove management was analysed by Joffre and
Luu (2007) and Pham (2011). They concluded that individual household-based forest protec-
tion contracts did not result in effective protection and management of mangrove forests. In
fact, the opposite was the case: the amount paid per hectare per year was not enough to
actively engage people in forest protection activities. Instead, it encouraged them to make
their own income by cutting the forest for fuelwood instead of protecting it. The experience
with forest protection contracts clearly shows that mangrove protection and management,
which rely on individual ownership of small plots of forest, does not work in a situation where
a highly dynamic coast is only protected by a narrow belt of mangroves. This has also been
confirmed by the director of the Forest Protection Sub-department of the neighbouring
province of Bac Lieu (pers. comm.).

The project therefore decided to pilot a form of mangrove management where larger areas
of forests are managed jointly through a co-management agreement between the local
communities and local authorities. Co-management has been used successfully for man-
agement of natural resources worldwide and a comprehensive overview is provided by
208 Borrini-Feyerabend et al. (2004, 2007).

3.1.1 Mangrove co-management – a pilot study in Au Tho B village

Co-management is based on participatory negotiation, joint decision-making, a degree of
power-sharing, and fair distribution of benefits among all stakeholders (Borrini-Feyerabend
et al., 2004). Co-management in the context of protection and sustainable natural resource
management in mangrove forests of the Mekong Delta can be described as a partnership
agreement in which a resource user group gets the right to use natural resources sustainably
on a defined area of state-owned land (Protection Forest), while being held responsible for
the management and protection of those resources. All stakeholders share the responsibility
and authority for the management of a given area and a defined set of natural resources.
Resource users and local authorities jointly negotiate a formal agreement on their respective
management roles, responsibilities and rights.

The co-management process can be described in three main phases: organising for the
partnership; negotiating co-management plans and agreements; and implementing and
revising the plans and agreements: “learning-by-doing” (Borrini-Feyerabend et al., 2007).
For mangrove co-management in Soc Trang, these phases were divided into smaller steps
and implemented within the framework of key principles:

 Obtain acceptance from all stakeholders for the piloting of co-management.

 Carry out surveys on natural resource use and socio-economy of the pilot site.
 Follow a four-step process of: consultation and organisation; negotiation and agreement;
implementation; and monitoring and evaluation.
 During this process, four principles must be applied: integrated coastal area management,
participation, zonation and monitoring.

The key elements of co-management can be summarised as participation, an agreement

and a pluralistic governance body (Borrini-Feyerabend, 2011).

This paper will provide a brief overview of the co-management process in Soc Trang, co-
management implementation, main impacts and sustainability. A more detailed description
of the co-management process is given in Lloyd (2010) and Schmitt (2011).

The co-management process in Soc Trang started in mid-2007 with capacity building of
local authorities at the provincial and district levels. Understanding and acceptance of co-
management by all key stakeholders is a prerequisite for starting the participatory process.
The importance of political support at the provincial and district levels has also been high-
lighted by Marschke and Kim (2003). A pilot site was selected after key stakeholders agreed
to test co-management. The village of Au Tho B was selected because it has a lot of poor,
landless people from ethnic minority groups who rely on the collection of natural resources
from the mangrove forests for their livelihood. The next steps were surveys of the natural
resources use and socio-economy in Au Tho B.

The actual participatory process started with consultations. This involved many meetings with
villagers and staff from local authorities to introduce the co-management concept, identify
resource users and to get acceptance from all stakeholders at the local level. Then the user
group membership and leadership were organised, and in January 2009 the resource user 209

group was established formally under Decree 151* consisting of 240 households (by 2012
the number had increased to 289). The next step in the co-management process was nego-
tiation between the resource user group and the local authorities about acceptable ways to
jointly and sustainably manage the natural resources within the mangrove forest area of Au
Tho B, and at the same time protect the integrity of the mangrove belt. In September 2009,
after 12 negotiation meetings, a resource use agreement was signed between the resource
user group and the local Commune People’s Committee. During the negotiations, the project
carried out capacity-building activities by providing training for leaders from the resource
users and staff of local authorities.

The “Regulations on the Rights in Forest Protection and Natural Resource Use by the Co-
management Group in the Coastal Area of Au Tho B Village, Vinh Hai Commune” (the agree-
ment) have the objective “to enable co-management practice to protect the forest and ration-
ally and sustainably use natural resources within the Au Tho B coastal area”. The agreement
contains seven chapters: Objectives; Where and to Whom this Regulation Applies; General
Provisions; Natural Resource Management; Rewards and Penalties; Report Schedule; and
Implementing Provisions. Article 10 of the agreement covers regulations on what can and
cannot be done in each zone. It specifies the ‘six w’s’: who can do what, where, when, how
and how much (for details see annex on page 221).

Environmental awareness-raising, understanding of the agreement and effective communi-

cation between stakeholders, are important prerequisites for the successful implementation
of co-management (see section 3.5). They are also essential activities which must continue
as part of the implementation of co-management.

A pluralistic governance body for joint decision-making is also essential for the effective
implementation of co-management. For Au Tho B, a co-management board was estab-
lished with members from the resource user group, local authorities (village and commune
level), the technical department responsible for mangrove management and the farmers’ and
women’s unions. The board is responsible for overall steering and conflict resolution. It also
uses lessons learned during implementation and the analysis of monitoring data to revise
the agreement and zonation plan. A first review of the agreement was carried out after 20
months of implementation.

In Au Tho B, a participatory resource use monitoring programme has been put in place, car-
ried out by the resource users with the aim of monitoring the sustainability of the resource
harvest. Information based on the analysis of monitoring data will enable the co-management
group and board to make informed decisions for adaptive management and protection of
the mangrove forest. The monitoring programme has been designed so that it can ensure
sustainability through simple and easy data collection protocols, easy data entry using mobile
phones and data storage, analysis and report production with a user-friendly custom-made
database programme. This can also ensure that the results of the monitoring are reported
regularly to all key stakeholders.

210 * Decree 151/2007/ND-CP of 10 October 2007 on the Organisation and Operation of Cooperative Groups.

Whatever is done during the implementation of co-management, four principles must apply:
integrated management (see also section 3.4), participation, zonation and monitoring. The
co-management process must be undertaken in a participatory manner involving all stake-
holders. The mangrove forest under co-management in Au Tho B covers 94.5 ha. This area
is large enough to be divided into zones in which different management regimes are applied.
Zoning allows areas to be set aside for particular activities such as protection of key habitats,
nursery areas/breeding sites and resource use. The zones must be identified jointly during the
negotiation step and specific rules are attached to each of the zones. In Au Tho B, four zones
have been defined (Figure 1). Monitoring is one of the key principles of the co-management
process and at the same time part of the four-step process described above.

Protection zone
Sustainable use zone
Rehabilitation zone – inside forest
Rehabilitation zone – outside forest


Au Tho B Village

0 500 m
Figure 1 Mangrove management zones in Au Tho B Village, Soc Trang, Viet Nam

An actor-centred Method for Impact Assessment of Programmes and Projects (MAPP) was
devised by the German Development Institute (Neubert, 2010). This method was tested suc-
cessfully in Soc Trang (Eucker, 2009). MAPP will be used again for an impact assessment at
the end of the project period. Therefore, for the time being, we have to rely on proxy indica-
tors, which are statements by the people who have been implementing co-management on
a daily basis for almost three years:

 Co-management is an effective way of maintaining and enhancing the protection

function of the mangrove forest belt. During an interview by a film team from BBC
World News a woman said, “Now I have to go less far to collect resources”. This is a clear
indication that the application of resource use rules and regulations, in terms of access
(zonation, time restrictions, number of people) and the use of fishing tools, has led to an
increase in the abundance of aquatic resources and an improvement in the structure and
integrity of the mangrove forest. Effective protection of mangrove forests, with the exclu- 211

sion of resource use in a protection zone, leads to an increase in aquatic resources, as

has been shown by Laegdsgaard and Johnson (1995), Mumby et al. (2004) and Mumby
(2006). This is also supported by Kihia et al. (2010), who concluded that lower litter fall
occurs in mangrove forests with evidence of human disturbance.

 Co-management provides livelihoods for poor local people. During the same BBC
interview, a villager said “Since we started co-management we are very happy because
our daily income has increased; we benefit now from about VND 50,000–60,000 per
day”. The main source of income is from sales of goby fry, crabs, blood cockles and
snails – and again the increase in income indicates that resources are more abundant.

 Co-management contributes to better governance. During a different interview, one

villager said “Before we were afraid of forest rangers, now we are working together – and
there are fewer outsiders entering our area”. This clearly indicates improvements in col-
laboration between local people and local authorities. It also indicates an increase in the
sense of resource ownership by the resource users, which results in improved and more
effective protection of resources (Erdman et al., 2004).

A participatory monitoring programme has been developed with the aim to monitor the sus-
tainability of the resource harvest. A first analysis of resource-use monitoring data has already
provided a good indication of the sustainability of the harvest. Figure 2 shows a comparison
of two indices for the collection of juvenile crabs for a period of 17 months. The number of
crabs harvested fluctuates according to a seasonal pattern (February to July is the low season
for crab collection, Joffre and Luu, 2007). Although the monitoring period is relatively short,
based on the comparison of these indices over time, one can already conclude that there is
enough natural regeneration to support the current harvest volume sustainably.

70.000 1.600

60.000 1.400

Time (hr)


10.000 200

0 0
07 11

10 011
06 11

09 11
04 11

04 12
05 12
05 011

11 11
03 11

03 12
02 12
02 11

01 11
08 11

12 11
















Number Time Low season

Figure 2 Collection of juvenile crabs in Au Tho B Village

Figure 2 shows that the amount harvested follows a seasonal pattern and does not indicate
any decline due to overexploitation. The effort needed for collection, in terms of time spent,
212 closely follows this seasonal pattern and there is no indication that the effort increases over

time for the collection of a fixed amount of crabs. This supports the indication that there is
no overexploitation, that the natural regeneration is sufficient to support the current harvest
volume and, therefore, that the resource collection is sustainable.

Besides the sustainability of the resource harvest, the financial sustainability of mangrove
co-management must also be considered. Although it carries recurring expenses, in con-
trast to community forestry, for example, it does not provide the members of the user group
with the opportunity to earn high incomes from the sale of timber, a part of which could be
used to defray those expenses. It must be emphasised again that, in sites where there is
only a narrow belt of mangroves along a dynamic coastline, the primary aim of mangrove
co-management is mangrove protection. The sustainable collection of aquatic resources
and dry wood for local livelihood enhancement is a secondary aim.

For the sustainability of mangrove co-management, it is essential to ensure that recurring

expenses (for example to carry out meetings, maintain communication between stakehold-
ers and enter monitoring data) do not need to be paid by the co-management group. The
project has therefore started to pilot a payment for ecosystem services scheme with the aim
of covering the operational costs of co-management sustainably.

The sandbanks in front of the mangrove forests of Au Tho B are habitat for clams (lyr-
ate Asiatic hard clam, Meretrix lyrata) of high commercial value. These clams are currently
exploited in an unsustainable way because of open access to the resource. The project
has supported the establishment of a clam cooperative with the aim of sustainable com-
mercial utilisation of clams and increase of income along the aquatic value chain through
Marine Stewardship Council certification. The clam cooperative will benefit from ecosys-
tem services provided by well-managed and protected mangrove forests, which provide
food, habitat and nursery grounds for aquatic life. The importance of mangroves for food
security and income has been highlighted by Hamilton and Snedaker (1984), who con-
cluded that up to 80% of fish catches are directly or indirectly dependent on mangroves;
Schatz (1991), who concluded one hectare of healthy mangrove forest produces about
1.08 tonnes of fish per year; and Aburto-Oropeza et al. (2008), who showed a positive
correlation between fisheries landings in the Gulf of California and the local abundance of

After extensive consultation processes involving the clam cooperative, the co-management
group and local, district and provincial authorities, all stakeholders agreed that the clam
cooperative will gain financial benefits from a well-managed and protected mangrove for-
est. The fact that local people recognise the ecosystem services provided by mangroves
has also been shown by Warren-Rhodes et al. (2011) for rural communities in the Solomon
Islands. Based on the recognition of the ecosystem services provided by mangroves, the
clam cooperative agreed to a direct payment for these services to the co-management group
which protects and sustainably manages the mangroves. The clam cooperative included a
clause in their statute that they will pay for the operational costs of mangrove co-management
on a reimbursement basis against proof of expenses. Implementation of this payment for
ecosystem services will start at the end of 2012 and will contribute to the sustainability of
co-management by involving the private sector. 213

3.2 Site-specific and appropriate solutions are needed

Although this lesson seems obvious, there are still many situations in which decisions are
not based on the most appropriate solution. Lessons from national and international best
practice examples, and from an analysis of the successes and failures of mangrove rehabilita-
tion in Soc Trang between 1993 and 2007 (Pham, 2011), were used to produce a mangrove
management tool box, consisting of three manuals: Mangrove Nursery (Hoang and Pham,
2010); Mangrove Planting and Management (Pham et al., 2009) and Monitoring (Pham et al.,
2011). The mangrove planting and management manual not only highlights the importance
of site-specific species selection and planting time, but also covers new planting techniques,
which mimic successful natural regeneration through: i) small-scale planting of high numbers
of seedlings close to established trees and shrubs, and ii) planting in canopy gaps created
in even-aged plantations. The latter mimics the natural occurrence of canopy gaps and the
natural regeneration found in such gaps (Duke, 2001).

Results of the monitoring carried out 4, 8 and 16 months after the dense planting at the
seaward side of established trees and shrubs showed high survival and growth rates. For
C. tagal, for example, no significant change in survival rate was recorded (P=0.24; 0.39 and
0.57) as well as an increase in height from an average of 11.2 cm in February 2010 to 44.5 cm
after two years in February 2012. During the same period, R. apiculata increased in average
height from 27.8–81.9 cm. The repeated planting also mimics nature and can ensure that a
tapering forest edge is created towards the sea side. Results of the monitoring carried out
4, 8, 16 and 28 months after the planting in canopy gaps showed very low survival rates.
Only 1% of R. apiculata plants were still alive 28 months after planting, in contrast to 7.7%
of C. tagal. The average height after two years was about 39% less for R. apiculata and
about 47% less for C. tagal compared with the plantings in the open sites described above.

The actual amount of light reaching the forest floor in the canopy gaps declined over time
because of lateral growth of the crowns of the trees around the gaps. Therefore, limited
availability of light may be the main factor for the low survival and slow growth rates. More
analysis will be necessary to account for the impact of crabs, human disturbance and other
environmental factors. An extension of the sizes of the gaps to 12–54 m² and additional plant-
ing in August 2011 did not improve the survival rate. Therefore, a gap size of around 50 m²
may not be sufficient for successful regeneration. This is supported by an observation in a
nearby natural gap with an area of about 81 m², which shows abundant and more vigorous
regeneration than in the smaller gaps.

When testing approaches which mimic nature, it is important not to depend on a single
solution, but to spread the risk by applying different strategies to address uncertainty. This is
particularly important in the context of climate change. One example is mangrove planting in
erosion sites, which requires solutions appropriate and specific to the situation of each site.
Mangroves grow along sheltered coastlines and therefore can only be planted on erosion
sites after barriers have reduced the erosion and stimulated sedimentation.

The coast of Soc Trang is protected from flooding by an earthen dyke, which in turn is pro-
tected from erosion by mangrove forests. The latter has been demonstrated by Mazda et al.
214 (1997), who showed that a 1.5 km wide belt of six year old mangroves in the north of Viet

Nam reduced the height of incoming waves from 1 m to 5 cm, whereas in areas without
mangroves the waves were reduced to only 75 cm. The financial implications of this have
been elaborated by Brown et al. (2006), who concluded that US$1.1 million invested in man-
grove rehabilitation in northern Viet Nam saved US$7.3 million annually in dyke maintenance.

In several places along the coast of Soc Trang the mangrove belt has been destroyed by ero-
sion. Here the sea dyke is endangered. At such sites, coastal protection and climate change
adaptation through mangrove rehabilitation is only possible after the wave energy has been
reduced by physical barriers. The project has therefore put in place an erosion control model,
which combines “hard” and “soft” solutions, i.e. breakwaters and mangroves. The placement
and dimensions of the wave-breaking barriers have been designed based on a numerical
model to ensure that they reduce erosion, stimulate sedimentation, and avoid down-drift
erosion as much as possible. Wave-breakers and T-shaped bamboo fences yielded the
best results, and have additional advantages due to the strength, availability and low cost of
bamboo (Albers and von Lieberman, 2011; Albers, 2011; Albers 2012).

Co-management is also a site-specific solution. The steps and principles described in sec-
tion 3.1.1 apply to all co-management sites, but each site is different in terms of its socio-
economic conditions and natural resource use patterns, and this must be considered when
developing the process. Whether or not co-management is appropriate for a given site also
depends on biophysical and socio-economic conditions and resource-use patterns. For
example, in localities where mangroves cover large areas in sheltered sites or inland from the
sea dyke, other management regimes can be applied to manage the mangroves effectively,
as has been documented for Malaysia by Kamaruzaman and Dahlan (2008) and for Viet
Nam by Minh et al. (2001).

3.3 Looking at the status quo is not enough

The discharge regime of the Mekong River, the tidal regime and coastal longshore currents
combine to create a dynamic process of accretion and erosion along the coastline of the
Mekong Delta. This process has changed over time, influencing the shape of the coastline,
erosion patterns and, in turn, mangrove cover. This has been demonstrated in two studies
which aimed to understand changes to the coastline and mangrove forest cover of Soc Trang
between 1904 and 2007 (Joffre, 2010; Pham, 2011).

These studies show that since 1904 the coastline and mangrove forests have changed sub-
stantially, including a sequence of deforestation and reforestation in some areas, changes in
tree species composition and transformation of the coastline landscape from sand dunes to
mangrove forests. These dynamics of the coastline and mangrove forest cover result from a
combination of man-made factors such as deforestation for fuelwood, expansion of farming
areas, impact of defoliants used during the Viet Nam War, followed by reforestation, which
modified the original species composition, and natural factors such as accretion and erosion.

The use of a historical approach allows us to understand the sequence of changes that
occurred in this area. It helps to provide a better understanding of the “original” ecosystems
before human influences. Understanding the diversity of this coastal zone through its history
will assist in the development of future adaptation measures to protect and manage it, such 215

as choice of suitable species and site selection for reforestation. In short, historical informa-
tion contributes to a better understanding of coastal dynamics (Joffre, 2010).

3.4 Integrated coastal area management

Mangroves form a narrow belt along most of the coastline of Soc Trang. This belt cannot be
managed effectively through a sectoral approach, with only one sub-department looking at
the mangroves in isolation from what happens on either side of the mangrove belt (i.e. the
mudflats and sandbanks on the seaward side and the dyke, shrimp farms and agricultural
areas on the landward side). Furthermore, Kairo et al. (2001) expressed the need for inte-
grated management of mangrove forestry and fisheries. It is also essential to consider what
happens along the entire coastline of the province – and beyond its boundaries – when
planning and carrying out interventions, instead of just looking at individual spots in isolation
along the coast. Therefore, mangrove management must be part of an integrated coastal area
management (ICAM) approach. This is a holistic, cross-sectoral, multidisciplinary approach,
requiring institutionalised co-ordination and cooperation of local authorities from all levels,
and participation of all affected stakeholders.

Co-management and mangrove rehabilitation in erosion sites provide examples of this. The
co-management of natural resources must be looked at from an ecosystem perspective,
not purely a site-specific one. Co-management must consider what other land/resource
uses or controls are present in the vicinity of the site itself, and their interactions with the
co-management process. One example of this is the interaction with the clam cooperative
on the sandbanks in front of the mangroves as described in section 3.1.1.

Mangrove rehabilitation in erosion sites cannot be carried out effectively by just looking at
one specific erosion site. It is essential to consider interactions with other parts of the coast,
i.e. look at the coastal zone as a whole, through numerical modelling, and to put different
options in place depending on site-specific conditions.

An integrated, ecosystem-based approach is not only needed for planning and management,
but must also be applied to knowledge and expertise. Local knowledge must be integrated
with technical input from experts in relevant fields such as coastal engineering. This will result
in a true holistic, cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach.

3.5 Awareness raising and communication

Mangrove rehabilitation, protection and management must be part of an integrated approach
involving a wide range of stakeholders. These stakeholders can only participate effectively if
they are aware of the importance of mangroves and the benefits and services they provide;
and if they are informed about planning and management actions. This is supported by
15 years of research on co-management in fisheries and other coastal resources, which
points to awareness and communication as conditions that affect the success of co-man-
agement (Pomeroy et al., 2001), as well as by findings from mangrove management in East
Africa (Kairo et al., 2001).

The importance of raising awareness about environmental issues, understanding of the co-
216 management agreement, and effective communication among stakeholders, as prerequisites

for the successful implementation of co-management, have clearly been confirmed by the
experience from Soc Trang.

Many people have provided invaluable support to the rehabilitation, protection and co-
management of mangrove forests during the past five years of project implementation. On
behalf of all who supported the work, I would like to thank Mr Trinh Hiep, Mr Richard Lloyd
and Mr. Thach Soal (co-management), Mr Nguyen Duc Hoang, Mr Dominic Meinardi and
Dr Pham Trong Thinh (mangrove rehabilitation), Dr Thorsten Albers (erosion protection), and
Mr Olivier Joffre (history). I also would like to thank the GIZ project staff for their dedicated
work. Lastly, thanks are due to all counterpart staff from the Forest Protection Sub-depart-
ment, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Natural
Resources and Environment, and to the People’s Committees of Soc Trang and its coastal
districts for their enthusiastic support.

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Annex Regulations on the rights in forest protection and natural resource use by the Co-
management Group in the coastal area of Au Tho B Village, Vinh Hai Commune

Pursuant to the Law on Forest Protection and Development 2004. Within the framework
of the project “Management of Natural Resources in the Coastal Zone of Soc Trang Prov-
ince”. Based on the Co-operation Contract signed by the Co-management Group of Natural
Resource Users in Au Tho B Village and the Vinh Hai Commune People’s Committee on
1 January 2009, and following a negotiation process with approval from local authorities and
other relevant agencies, the Co-management Group of Natural Resources Users in Au Tho
B Village (hereinafter referred to as the Co-Management group) has established and prom-
ulgated the following co-management regulations on forest protection and natural resource
management in the coastal area of Au Tho B Village, Vinh Hai Commune:

CHAPTER 1 Objectives
Article 1. To enable co-management practice to protect the forest and rationally and
sustainably use natural resources within the Au Tho B coastal area to achieve the vision
contained in the Co-operation Contract dated 1 January 2009: “The forest and fishery
resources are well managed, protected, developed and reasonably used in accordance with
the Law; there are no poor households, people have stable incomes and children attend
higher school levels; and there is a clean and beautiful environment and less impact from
natural disasters”.

Article 2. To strengthen co-operation between the Au Tho B resource users, local authorities
and other related organisations to improve the standard of living for resource users in the Au
Tho B Village coastal area.

CHAPTER 2 Where and to Whom this Regulation Applies

Article 3. These regulations apply to the existing and proposed mangrove forest areas
(500 m into the mudflat area) which are contiguous to the area of Au Tho B Village, Vinh Hai
Commune. The area is bounded to the west by Lac Hoa Commune and to the east by Au
Tho A Village, Vinh Hai Commune.

Article 4. Natural resources mentioned in this regulation include fuelwood and aquatic prod-
ucts such as shrimps, crabs, fish, clams, cockles and others which are extracted from the
mangrove forest and mudflats, and from the sea in the area of Au Tho B Village. 221

Article 5. Members of the Co-management Group, visitors from outside and Au Tho B Village
community shall comply with this regulation.

CHAPTER 3 General Provisions

Article 6. The boundary for the area to which this regulation applies is clearly shown on the
attached map and marked on the ground by people in Au Tho B Village under instructions
from local authorities. Members and non-members of the Au Tho B Co-management Group
shall only access the mudflats and sandbanks using the four existing access pathways
marked on the map.

Article 7. Members of the Au Tho B Co-management Group shall be identified using mem-
bership cards. For members who are above or equal to 16 years old will be eligible to obtain
blue cards. For children whose ages are from 7 to under 16 years old will be issued with green
cards which their parents will be responsible for safe keeping. Only when parents allow their
children to go to the forest should they give these green cards to their children.

The household head will take the responsibility to manage his/her family’s membership cards.
The cards cannot be given to another person to use. In case a person loses his/her card, the
household head shall inform any person in charge and apply for a new one. Only members
of the Co-management Group with their membership cards on them can enter the forest to
collect dry wood and aquatic resources using the four existing access pathways, following
the regulations in this document.

Article 8. All members of the Co-management Group shall have the duty to be involved in
managing the natural resources of the Au Tho B coastal zone and monitoring and reporting
all illegal activities inside the map area to local authorities.

CHAPTER 4 Natural Resource Management

Article 9. The area to which this regulation applies (refer the attached map) comprises 4
functional zones:

1. Protection Zone: is part of the mangrove forest which is setup for good protection of
aquatic animals, providing them undisturbed habitats for natural breeding, ensuring bio-
diversity of the mangrove forest. This 12-ha area lies next to Sub-groups 3 and 4.
2. Rehabilitation Zone (inside the forest): is part of the inner mangrove forest belt where
the forest has lower density and has been replanted for the purpose of protection from
breaking waves and habitat provision for aquatic animals. This 22-ha area lies next to
Sub-group 4.
3. Rehabilitation Zone (outside the forest): is newly-planted forest lying 90 m from the
border of the inner mangrove forest towards the mudflats. This zone is set up to increase
the forest width for the purpose of protection from breaking waves and habitat provision
for aquatic animals. This 26.5-ha area runs parallel to Sub-groups 1, 2, 3 and 4.
4. Sustainable Use Zone: is part of the inner mangrove forest belt where trees are well-
grown and the density is high. This 34-ha forest lies next to Sub-groups 1 and 2 and can
continuously provide natural resources for people if used sustainably.

Article 10. Regulations on what can and cannot be done in each zone
Protection Zone Prohibited:
3 Entry of people without permission
3 Any other activity not explicitly permitted
3 Patrolling (with permission) from time to time, ensuring no illegal
activities are occurring
Rules for all zones Prohibited:
(except the Protection 3 Entry of non-members of co-management group
Zone) 3 Carrying and use of axes, knives, saws, spades, hoes in the forest
3 Activities which damage or destroy trees (including small trees)
such as cutting or digging
3 The use of chemicals and electric fishing devices
3 Use of long nets
3 Any other activity not explicitly permitted
3 Only members of co-management group can enter to collect
3 Catching of sesarmid crabs, juvenile crabs, elongated gobies,
mudskipper, snake, rat and cockles when the tide is low and mud
is visible
3 Using long hooks to catch crabs
3 Using bamboo trapping basket (chum) for collecting mudskipper
Periophthalmus schlosseri (ca thoi loi)
Rehabilitation Permitted:
Zone (inside the 3 Catching sesarmid crabs, small crabs, sea snakes and snails
forest) when the tide is high or low
Rules for specific zones

3 Catching by hand or with round nets (diameter less than 50 cm)

3 Collecting dry wood by hand in months 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
Rehabilitation Permitted:
Zone (outside the 3 Entering the forest when mud is clearly visible
forest) 3 Catching by hand or with round nets (diameter less than 50 cm)
Sustainable Use Permitted:
Zone 3 Catching sesarmid crabs, small crabs, sea snakes, snails, juvenile
elongated gobies when the tide is high or low
3 Catching by hand or using round nets (diameter less than 80 cm)
3 Collecting dry wood by hand in months 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12

Article 11. Monitoring of both natural resource use and activities occurring within the various
zones must be continuously undertaken as follows:

a) When requested, each household member of the Co-management Group shall detail the
time taken to collect resources and the amount of resources collected for a given time
he/she enters the forest.
b) These records will be compiled and summarised by selected monitoring recorders and
then given to the Group Head monthly for analysis.
c) Monitoring of activities occurring within the Au Tho B coastal area through observation
shall be undertaken by Group members at all times when they are in the area.
d) The Protection Zone shall be monitored only by authorised members who are determined
to patrol the zone by the instruction from local authorities.

e) In case of detecting illegal activities Group members shall follow the procedure outlined
in Chapter 5 below.
f) Each Sub-group Leader shall have a book for recording detected illegal activities and
suggested methods for prevention and shall inform the Group Head monthly.
g) In case of emergency, members should directly call the Village Head or Chairman of the
Commune PC. After receiving such notice, the Commune PC will assign one staff to
arrive on the scene as soon as possible (not later than 1 hour).

Article 12. Relevant agencies including the Village’s People’s Board, Civil Defence, Police,
Communal Detachment, Vinh Hai Commune’s People Committee, Forest Protection Office
(District-level), Sub-Department of Fisheries and Border Military Station 642 shall provide
favourable conditions for the Group’s activities and closely collaborate with the Co-manage-
ment Group to achieve the objective stated in Article 2.

CHAPTER 5 Enforcement
Article 13. In case of detecting illegal activities which damage the forest (such as cutting of
forest and digging for worms) Group members shall immediately inform a Sub-group Leader
or the Group Head. The Group Head or Sub-group Leader shall immediately inform local
authorities of the illegal activities. The Group Head, Sub-group Leaders and members are
allowed to make a record of illegal activities.

Article 14. In case of detecting illegal activities which do not damage the forest, though are
contrary to these regulations, Group members shall:

a) For the first offence: inform and educate the violator of their offence.
b) For the second offence: immediately inform a Sub-group Leader or the Group Head.
c) For the third offence: immediately inform a Sub-group Leader or Group head who will
report it to the local authorities.

CHAPTER 6 Rewards and Penalties

Article 15. Any member or non-member who detects violation of these regulations and timely
reports the matter will be rewarded accordingly. Any serious violation of Law on Forest Pro-
tection and Development or Law on Fisheries shall be directly dealt with by local authorities
regardless of the number of repetition.

Article 16. For illegal activities which do not damage the forest, though are contrary to these
regulations, if the offender is a member of the Au Tho B Co-management Group:

a) For the first offence: the exhibit(s) will be confiscated and his/her membership card will
be confiscated for 3 months and he/she will be subject to an educational lesson by the
Group Head.
For the second offence: the exhibit(s) will be confiscated as well as all membership cards
of the offender’s family for 3 months.
For the third offence: the exhibit(s) will be confiscated and a meeting held to vote for
terminating the offender’s membership.

For subsequent offences (purposely), the exhibit(s) will be confiscated and the offender
shall be dealt with by the local authorities.
b) If children under 16 years old repeat offences more than 4 times they will be dealt as if
he/she was an adult.
c) Households who skip 3 consecutive group/sub-group meetings will be dismissed from
the group.

Article 17. For illegal activities which do not damage the forest, though are contrary to these
regulations, in case the offender is not a member of the Au Tho B Co-management Group:

a) For the first offence: the exhibit(s) may be confiscated and the offender will be subject to
an educational lesson by the co-management member, Sub-group Leader, Group Head
or Village Head.
b) For the second offence: Sub-group Leader or the Group Head who will provide a further
educational lesson and may confiscate exhibit(s).
c) For the third offence: exhibits will be confiscated and the offender will be reported to the
local authorities.

CHAPTER 7 Report Schedule

Article 18. Sub-group Leaders shall report all the Sub-group’s activities as well as monitoring
results to the Group Head monthly.

Article 19. The Group Head and the Village Head shall report to Vinh Hai Commune PC by
documents every 2 months.

CHAPTER 8 Implementing Provisions

Article 20. The Co-management group and local authorities shall inform and propagate to
members about these regulations. Members shall comply with and effectively implement
these regulations.

Article 21. These regulations may be modified at any time during their implementation but
only as agreed by the majority of the Co-management Group and shall only become effective
when certified by the Vinh Hai Commune PC.

Article 22. These regulations were certified by the Vinh Hai Commune PC and took effect
in May 2011.

Monitoring framework for replanted mangrove areas –
sharing the experience from Pakistan
Ghulam Qadir Shah
NRM Coordinator, IUCN Pakistan Country Office, 1 Bath Island Road, Karachi, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]

Almost 97% of the mangroves in Pakistan grow in estuarine areas, amid the intertwining
creek system of the Indus River delta. The historical distribution of mangroves in the Indus
Delta has been altered greatly by both human and natural forces. Deforestation and grazing,
coupled with changes in hydrological regimes in the Indus River, are believed to be the main
causes of mangrove degradation in the delta.

Over time, awareness has grown globally of the values of mangrove ecosystems and their
contribution to coastal economies and coastal protection. Efforts to rehabilitate the degraded
mangroves in Pakistan, which started about three decades ago, have gained momentum in
recent years and now involve multiple agencies. However, in the absence of a transparent
and accountable mechanism of monitoring and evaluation, this restoration work has drawn
criticism from certain quarters in Pakistan as costly and ineffective.

Under the Sindh Coastal Community Development Project (SCCDP) being implemented in
the Indus Delta, IUCN Pakistan has been tasked with third-party monitoring and evaluation of
replanted mangrove areas. To this end, IUCN has successfully developed and implemented
a simplified framework for physical monitoring and evaluation of replanting sites. Using a
simple random sampling technique, replanted areas are surveyed annually to generate data
on indicators identified in the monitoring framework, including plant survival, plant growth,
species composition and natural regeneration. The resulting feedback has helped resource
managers to develop adaptive measures for identifying suitable sites for mangrove planting,
choosing appropriate species and planting approaches, and ensuring accountable perform-
ance from field staff.

It is assumed that improvements in performance indicators in future years will be due largely
to the improved management measures adopted by SCCDP partners in response to the
learning generated by monitoring and evaluation. Based on the experience from its use,
the methodology developed for SCCDP is recommended for monitoring and evaluation of
large-scale mangrove restoration works in similar conditions.

Keywords: mangroves, restoration, monitoring, deltas, Pakistan

1. Introduction
Almost 97% of the mangroves in Pakistan grow in estuarine areas, amid the intertwining
creek system of the Indus River delta (IUCN Pakistan, 2005). The historical distribution of
mangroves in the Indus Delta has been altered greatly by both human and natural forces.
Deforestation and grazing, coupled with changes in hydrological regimes in the Indus River,
are believed to be the main causes of mangrove degradation in the delta.

Over time, awareness has grown globally and in Pakistan of the multiple values of mangrove
ecosystems. This has led to a greater emphasis on conservation of mangrove ecosystems
in Asia, which has about 40% of the world’s total area of mangroves (Spalding et al., 1997,
cited by Mithapala, 2008).

The economic values of mangrove ecosystems have been widely studied in terms of their
direct and indirect uses, leading to a growing consensus on the important contribution of
mangroves to the productivity of coastal fisheries, livelihoods and coastal protection. Stud-
ies conducted in the Philippines, for example, reveal that one hectare of properly managed
mangrove forest could yield up to 200 kg of molluscs, 25 kg of shrimp, 15 kg of crabmeat,
100 kg of fish, and 40 kg of sea cucumber annually (Porter, 1988, cited by WWF/IUCN,
1998). Other studies have indicated that mangroves and other coastal forests can potentially
reduce the hydraulic impact of tsunamis by up to 80% and their flow speed by up to 70%
(Harada and Imamura, 2003, cited by Forbes and Broadhead, 2007).

Natural disasters have been frequent in Asia in recent decades, with over 900 extreme
events occurring since 1970 (Memon, 2010). Asia is home to more than 1.5 billion people,
600 million of whom are considered vulnerable to natural disasters because of their poverty
(Memon, 2010) and resulting lack of resilience against external shocks. Concern is growing
that climate change will increase the magnitude and frequency of natural disasters globally
and regionally. In Asia, Pakistan has been ranked as one of the countries most at risk from
natural disasters (NDMA, 2007).

Against this backdrop, the need to conserve mangrove ecosystems to protect the livelihoods
of coastal communities and reduce their vulnerability to disasters has gained increasing
acceptance in recent years. This has led to enhanced local and regional responses by gov-
ernment agencies and NGOs to conserve mangroves in Pakistan and further afield.

Efforts to restore Pakistan’s degraded mangrove ecosystems began about three decades
ago. They have gained momentum over time and now involve multiple agencies. Reportedly,
thousands of hectares of degraded mangroves have been replanted in the Indus Delta, and
thousands of hectares more have been targeted for restoration under ongoing and future

Defining quantifiable success indicators is considered essential to effective mangrove restora-

tion (Lewis, 2009). In the past, however, no monitoring and evaluation (M&E) mechanisms
were put in place to assess the success or failure of large-scale mangrove restoration efforts
in Pakistan. Due to the absence of transparent and reliable M&E, the investment in replanting
degraded mangrove areas has drawn criticism from certain quarters in Pakistan, with some
remarking that restoration is like “draining money into the sea” (Sindh Forest Department,

Given this uncertainty, Pakistan has identified an overwhelming need for a reliable and cost-
effective M&E methodology for restored mangrove areas, that will support quantitative and
qualitative assessments of the impacts and cost-effectiveness of restoration.

A number of factors restrict the effective use of M&E for mangrove replanting in Pakistan. The
restored areas lie in intertidal zones where accurate assessment of restoration is hampered by
tidal patterns, remoteness, and a lack of surveyed reference points. Increased resources are
required for frequent monitoring of large replanted areas. The use of remote sensing and GIS
228 technologies has greatly facilitated the task of mangrove mapping, but such measures are

costly, requiring experienced analysts and high-resolution data to support accurate assess-
ments. In general, GIS-based applications are used mainly in mapping identified patches
of mangroves, categorising them, and measuring spatial and temporal changes (Anon,
2008). Technological limitations and resource demands restrict the application of GIS and
remote sensing techniques to detailed assessment of physical parameters affecting survival
of replanted species, assessment of plant growth under different site conditions, and assess-
ment of natural regeneration.

Taking these constraints into account, independent M&E was made an integral component
of the Sindh Coastal Community Development Project (SCCDP), implemented by the Sindh
Coastal Development Authority with financing from the Asian Development Bank. This has
been the first-ever experience of using independent M&E in large-scale mangrove restora-
tion work in Pakistan. IUCN Pakistan was tasked with carrying out M&E for the project, and
to this end it has developed and successfully implemented a simplified methodology for
assessing replanted mangrove areas.

The assessment methodology is based on the guidelines and indicators identified in the
overall monitoring framework developed for SCCDP. The indicators include plant survival,
species composition, plant growth, natural regeneration, and effectiveness of the planting
approach and protection measures adopted by the Coastal Forestry Division (CFD). As far
as frequency of M&E is concerned, some authors suggest ten assessments over a period
of five years after initial planting (Lewis, 2009). However, since the project’s target areas are
extensive, this frequency was felt to be too cumbersome and costly. So IUCN has adopted
an annual monitoring approach.

The objectives of M&E under SCCDP are to:

1. Assess the success or failure of replanted areas, and the quantity and quality of mangrove
restoration work undertaken by CFD, and to report to the project executing agency.
2. Generate feedback on adopting corrective measures in the project’s mangrove restoration
component to enhance its overall outcomes.
3. Suggest a cost-effective and reliable method for future such assessments.

The results from this M&E approach have been well-received and highly appreciated by the
project agencies. The feedback generated from monitoring has helped resource managers
to implement adaptive measures for improving management of newly planted areas in terms
of site selection, choice of species, and enhancing survival.

The objectives of this paper are to detail the M&E methodology developed by IUCN for newly
planted mangrove areas under SCCDP, and to share the lessons from monitoring with other
stakeholders involved in similar restoration work in Asia.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Project area
The project area consists of 6,000 ha of newly planted mangroves in the Indus Delta, specifi-
cally the coastal areas of Thatta and Badin districts of Sindh Province. 229

The planting areas lie on completely and partially open mudflats in the creek system of the
Indus Delta at Keti Bunder (24°08'58" N, 67°25'22" E) and Shah Bunder (24°03'40" N,
68°01'30" E). The mangrove planting was carried out by CFD between 2009 and 2011
(Table 1).

Table 1 Yearly planting areas at SCCDP project sites

Actual area planted (ha)
Name of site 2009 2010 2011 Total area (ha)
Keti Bunder 832.5 832.5 1,300 2,849
Shah Bunder 967.5 683.5 1,500 3,151
Total 1,800 1,400 2,800 6,000

Planting used direct sowing of Rhizophora mucronata propagules and Avicennia marina
seeds collected from natural mangrove stands during the planting season (April–June for
Rhizophora and July–September for Avicennia). Monitoring of the planted areas was sched-
uled annually in November–December when tides and weather allowed access to the newly
planted mudflats.

2.2 Methods
The assessment followed a purpose-built methodology with the following key steps:

2.1.1 Choice of assessment approach

The ideal method for accurately assessing any replanted area is the whole population count.
However, this is most useful when the subject population is small. When the population is
large, it can be a costly as well as time-consuming method. To deal with large population
sizes, sampling techniques are commonly used to make inferences about the target popula-
tion from smaller subgroups.

Given the large extent of newly planted mangrove areas, simple random sampling (SRS)
was adopted for assessing project progress. SRS is a widely used sampling approach that
helps in making reliable inferences about a population from the data collected through the
independently selected samples. It is a cost-effective and comparatively quick sampling
approach (Wikipedia, 2012).

2.1.2 Recording of GPS coordinates

The first requirement for monitoring and evaluation of replanted areas was to record the
GPS coordinates of newly planted areas and ensure their conformity with the pre-planting
site maps developed by CFD. This was done through site visits during the various phases
of the project.

2.1.3 Random selection of sample plots

The creek system in the Indus Delta has not been surveyed and lacks any known geographi-
cal reference points. In these circumstances, adopting a completely randomized sample
selection approach is difficult. As in any other estuarine area, the major and minor creeks
230 in the planted areas are usually inundated, so access to planted mudflats must be by boat.

Given these constraints, an innovative method of randomization using extreme ranges of

GPS coordinates (east and north) encompassing the planted areas was used to generate a
list of random coordinates for the required sample size.

Since the degrees of latitude and longitude encompassing the planted areas did not change,
only minutes and seconds of east longitude and north latitude were used to select random
sampling coordinates. This was done by calculating the range of both east and north coor-
dinates separately, that is, by subtracting the lowest value of minutes and seconds from the
highest value. The resulting product was then converted to seconds and used as a sam-
pling frame to select the required number of random digits falling within this range. Random
digits were generated for both east and north coordinates using the online random number
generator at: Each random number
was converted to minutes and seconds and added to the lowest value of the respective
coordinates. This procedure was repeated for both east and north coordinates, generating a
set of random coordinates for each sample plot which was located in the field using a GPS
receiver. This randomized approach avoided any sampling errors resulting from human bias
in selecting sample sites, since none of the assessment team members had any prior idea
of where the randomly selected sample plot would lie.

2.1.4 Preparation of field maps

Field maps were found to be very useful in locating sample plots in the field. They were
prepared by marking the randomly generated coordinates for each sample plot using the
online Google Earth service. With the help of field maps and local knowledge, sample plots
were located in the field by traversing the target areas from the nearest possible creek edge
with a GPS receiver (see section 2.1.6). Traversing long distances through mangroves
should be avoided as far as possible, however, as it is time-consuming and tiring. Planning
the shortest-possible traversal route before starting proved to be the most effective strat-
egy for covering the sample plots.

2.1.5 Sample size

The sample size was selected on the basis of the area under consideration. A higher sampling
intensity was adopted for the first year after planting, and a reduced intensity for subsequent
annual assessments. Figure 1 below illustrates the number of sample plots from which data
were collected over three years of monitoring.

The sampling intensity of newly planted areas was reasonably high during the first and second
annual assessments, in which one sample plot represented 12 ha on the ground. A lower
sampling intensity was adopted during the third year of assessment, in which each sample
plot represented 35 ha (see Table 2 below).

2.1.6 Sample plot location

The list of randomly selected coordinates and field maps were used to locate the sample
plots in the field with the help of a GPS receiver. A team member trained in using the receiver
was assigned the task of locating sample plots by traversing the site from the nearest creek
edge. The team member would move in the probable direction of the sample plot, keeping
an eye on the changing GPS readings. The sample plot would be located at the point where 231

80 88
60 64
50 60 62 60 2009
40 2010
30 2011
20 24 24 26 26 24
10 19
New New 1 Year Old 1 Year Old 2 Year Old 2 Year Old

Keti Bunder Shah Bunder Keti Bunder Shah Bunder Keti Bunder Shah Bunder

Figure 1 Number of selected sample plots

Table 2 Sample size and area covered

Number of sample Area covered by
Year of assessment Year of planting plots sample plot (ha)
2009 2009 (New) 152 12
2010 2010 (New) 120 12
2009 (1 year old) 48 38
2011 2011 (New) 81 35
2010 (1 year old) 58 24
2009 (2 years old) 50 36

both the east and north GPS readings exactly matched the randomly chosen east and north
coordinates of the plot marked on the field map. While the other team members surveyed the
located sample plot, the team member with the GPS receiver would move in the probable
direction of the next sample plot to locate it. This strategy was adopted to make efficient use
of time and resources. Using this procedure, data were successfully collected from all of the
randomly located sample plots.

2.1.7 Layout of sample plots

Sampling involved a variable sample plot approach using two different plot layouts. During
assessments in the first and second years, 100 m long linear transects were laid out at each
sample location (Figure 2). These transects were laid along the nearest row of planted sap-
lings radiating in each cardinal compass direction from the marked GPS point. This meant
that along each linear transect a minimum of 33 saplings, and a minimum of 132 saplings in
total along four transects, would have a chance of being measured, if they were planted at
the usual spacing of about 3 m x 3 m.

This approach was found to be exhausting and time-consuming, so during the third year
of assessment 100m² square plots (10 m x 10 m) were used to collect data (Figure 3). To
randomize this procedure, the plots were laid out by systematically measuring 10 m from
the marked GPS point to the north, from there 10 m east, then 10 m south, and finally 10 m
232 west (back towards the point of origin) to complete the square plot. The laying out of sample

Figure 2 Layout of linear transect. Photo © IUCN Pakistan.

Figure 3 Layout of square plot. Photo © IUCN Pakistan.

plots was simplified by using a 40 m long nylon rope marked with a knot at 10 m intervals.
Four wooden pegs were used to stretch the rope to a distance of 10 metres in each cardi-
nal compass direction. Once the team finished recording data in the plot, they shifted and
dragged the two eastern points of the square plot in the opposite direction (to the west) to
lay out and survey a second grid on the opposite side. This procedure was found to be much
more convenient than the linear transect method. 233

2.1.8 Data collection and analysis

At each sample plot, data on the number of surviving and dead plants, species type and
planting distance were recorded on purpose-made datasheets. To measure growth rate,
the average height of plants and average number of leaves were also recorded. In addition,
data on natural regeneration and naturally growing mangrove plants were also collected
at each sample plot, as well as field observations on general topographical and biological
conditions, extent of grazing, and soil conditions. The age of plants was considered equal,
since they were planted during the same periods. The field data were supplemented with
additional information on the planting approach and protection measures adopted by CFD
to safeguard the planted areas. Photographs were also taken at each sample plot to record
its ground position.

The field data were compiled into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and analysed statistically to
calculate various parameters including mean, variance and standard deviation, and to deter-
mine the statistical significance of the sample data. Significance was analysed by applying
a t-test with a 0.05 significance level (95% confidence). Based on this analysis, conclusions
were drawn about the mean survival rate at both the planted sites.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Survival trends at planted Sites
The overall average survival rate of newly planted mangroves was found to be 80% at Keti
Bunder and 73% at Shah Bunder. Figure 4 details annual survival rates at the two sites.
Overall, a gradual reduction in the survival of newly planted areas was noticed in later years.
Any increase in survival of the previous year’s planting during the second year of assessment
can be attributed to restocking by CFD.

80 87 87
70 7881 81
70 76 7678 74
7271 60 6770
60 KB 2009 64 63
50 58 SB 2009
KB 2010 40 SB 2010
30 KB 2011 30 SB 2011
20 20
10 10
0 0
2009 2010 2011 overall 2009 2010 2011 overall

Figure 4 Survival trends in planted areas, Keti Bunder (left) and Shah Bunder (right)

The results indicate a significant improvement in the survival rate of mangrove areas planted
in 2010 and 2011, attributable to the adoption of improved management measures by CFD
in response to the feedback from M&E. This is reflected in the increase in survival rate of
planted areas from 76% in 2009 to 87% in 2011 at Keti Bunder, and from 64% in 2009 to
81% in 2011 at Shah Bunder.

In particular, the feedback from M&E led to CFD adopting corrective measures to select
potentially better sites for planting, choose appropriate mangrove species for planting con-
234 sistent with site conditions, and carry out accountability checks on field staff. For example,

M&E revealed that the survival rate of R. mucronata planted on low-lying open mudflats
and creek frontages was lower than that planted on grassy mudflats and the interspaces of
mudflats covered by sparse natural vegetation of A. marina, which provided nursing cover
to the Rhizophora propagules. The rates of survival of Rhizophora in such areas were 80%
and 78% at Keti Bunder and Shah Bunder, respectively.

It was also observed that open and low-lying mudflats were affected by rapidly receding
tidal waves, which flushed away Rhizophora propagules, and by algal mats and barnacles
which attacked the propagules, suppressing their growth and causing higher mortality (IUCN
Pakistan, 2009).

3.2 Species composition

The results showed that A. marina was the dominant choice of species at Shah Bunder,
constituting 61% of total planting, whereas R. mucronata was the main species at Keti
Bunder, constituting 64% of planting (Figure 5). A monocultural approach dominated in
planting, perhaps because of the relative ease of planting Rhizophora propagules, as well
as the varying availability of seed of different mangrove species at different times of the year.
The seed of R. mucronata becomes available earlier in the year, during April to June, whereas
that of A. marina becomes available during late July to mid-September. The seed of two
other mangrove species, Ceriops tagal and Aegiceras corniculatum, also becomes available
during April to June, but the quantities produced can be too small to establish large-scale
mixed mangrove plantations.

60 64
30 Keti Bunder
30 Shah Bunder
20 26
10 10
Avicennia Rhizophora Mixed/Other

Figure 5 Species composition in planted areas

Furthermore, planting efforts by CFD over the past few decades have focused mainly on
R. mucronata to enhance species diversity in the Indus Delta. Historically, eight mangrove spe-
cies have occurred in the Indus Delta, four of which are now locally extinct. A. marina accounts
for more than 95% of the remaining mangroves in the delta (IUCN Pakistan, 2005). As it is
more salt-tolerant, it has been able to adapt to the hypersaline conditions now prevailing as
a result of reduced inflows of fresh water to the delta. The other three species, R. mucronata,
C. tagal and A. corniculatum, account for the remaining 5% of the delta’s mangroves.

3.3 Plant growth

Although growth monitoring of mangrove species requires longer time-series data to deter-
mine growth rates accurately, some aspects of growth were observed during annual moni- 235

toring and evaluation. These included increases in height and leaf counts of A. marina and
R. mucronata, as well observations on growth in different site conditions.

Overall, a more-or-less identical pattern of growth was observed at both sites, with localized
growth variations related to site conditions. A. marina attained an average height of about
15 cm with six leaves at six months, and reached 45 cm at 30 months. Rhizophora prop-
agules reached an average height of about 30 cm with six leaves at six months, and 50 cm
with 12 leaves at 30 months after planting (Figure 6).

40 45 50
30 40
30 30 37 Plant height (cm)
20 25 30
20 Leaf count (no.)
10 15 10
6 12 6 10 12
0 0
6 months 12 months 30 months 6 months 12 months 30 months

Figure 6 Observed growth pattern of A. marina (left) and R. mucronata (right)

Furthermore, at both sites, good plant growth was observed in mixed plantations of Avicennia
and Rhizophora on grassy mudflats covered with Arthrocnemum and Aeluropus grasses.
Replanting of Rhizophora on grassy mudflats yielded the highest survival rates and healthi-
est plant growth, compared with open mudflats devoid of vegetation. Hence, replanting of
Rhizophora could be a preferred strategy for grassy mudflats. Planting on barren and low-lying
mudflats should be avoided as Rhizophora is susceptible to damage from algal growth and
barnacle attack. In these areas, direct seed sowing or planting with wildlings of Avicennia
may be better. Moreover, mixed plantations of mangrove species should be preferred for
their greater ecological benefits (Macintosh et al., 2002).

3.4 Natural regeneration

Natural regeneration increased steadily in the planted areas, owing to continued protection
which allowed the germination of new seedlings and the recovery of Avicennia plants stunted
by camel over-grazing.


2,000 Keti Bunder
1,500 Shah Bunder




2011 2010 2009

Figure 7 Natural regeneration in planted areas


Natural regeneration was more profuse at Keti Bunder than at Shah Bunder (Figure 7).
About 763, 1659 and 3619 saplings/ha were recorded at Keti Bunder, against 258, 77 and
512 saplings/ha at Shah Bunder, in the areas planted in 2011, 2010 and 2009 respectively
(IUCN Pakistan, 2011).

The progressively increasing rate of natural regeneration suggests that protecting degraded
mangrove areas from grazing and other human disturbance may be a useful strategy for
facilitating natural recovery of mangrove vegetation, as compared with replanting. The data
indicate that the number of naturally regenerated saplings exceeded the number of saplings
actually planted by the project.

It was also observed that consistent protection allowed recovery of the natural growth of
mangroves stunted by animal grazing. An estimated 68, 325 and 250 stunted mangrove
plants/ha were recorded at Keti Bunder, and an estimated 63, 0 and 129 plants/ha at Shah
Bunder, in the areas planted in 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively.

Based on these findings, it is recommended that during the early years of mangrove restora-
tion, attention should be paid to protecting existing mangrove vegetation against prevailing
threats rather than simply opting for large-scale replanting. Replanting can be considered
at a later stage to fill any large gaps. Such an approach would be both cost-effective and

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Large-scale mangrove restoration requires methodological approaches that yield a fair and
reliable assessment of the progress and impact of restoration. Such assessments provide
useful insights for resources managers looking to improve their performance and develop
adaptive management systems. They also help in building confidence and trust between
project implementing agencies and donors. For these reasons, M&E should form an integral
part of mangrove restoration strategies.

To be successful, however, M&E of large-scale mangrove restoration requires suitable meth-

ods that minimise human bias and yield reliable assessments effectively and efficiently. Such
methods should take into account the challenges of mangrove forest terrain, including its
remoteness, difficult access, and lack of reference points. This paper has described a suit-
able methodology used in monitoring and evaluation of large-scale mangrove planting in the
Indus Delta under the Sindh Coastal Community Development Project.

Based on the experience of using this methodology, it can be concluded that the applica-
tion of a simple random sampling approach generated useful and reliable information within
existing cost and time constraints. These results were welcomed by the project implementing
and executing agencies, and the donor.

The overall lesson from using the described methodology is that it can improve project per-
formance by producing information which allows planting survival rates to be increased. This
improvement stems largely from the better management practices adopted by the project

implementing agencies as a result of the positive feedback from annual M&E. It is recom-
mended, therefore, that the methodology developed for the Indus Delta be considered for
use by other large-scale mangrove replanting initiatives in similar conditions.

Anon., 2008. Modern Mangrove Monitoring Technique. Online at: (last accessed on
27 July 2012).
Forbes, K. and Broadhead, J., 2007. The Role of Coastal Forests in the Mitigation of Tsunami
Impacts. Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 30 pp.
IUCN Pakistan, 2005. Mangroves of Pakistan: Status and Management. Karachi: IUCN
Pakistan, 87 pp.
IUCN Pakistan, 2009. First Monitoring Report: Departmental Mangrove Planted Areas, Shah
Bunder and Keti Bunder. Karachi: IUCN Pakistan, 23 pp.
IUCN Pakistan, 2011. Third Monitoring Report: Mangroves Raised by Coastal Forestry
Division, Sindh Forest Department at Shah Bunder and Keti Bunder. Karachi: IUCN
Pakistan, 32 pp.
Lewis, R.R., 2009. Methods and Criteria for Successful Mangrove Forest Restoration. Pp
787–800 in: Perillo, G.M.E., Wolanski, E., Cahoon, D.R., and Brinson, M.M. (eds), Coastal
Wetlands: An Integrated Ecosystem Approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 941 pp.
Macintosh, D.J., Ashton E.C., and Havanon, S., 2002. Mangrove Rehabilitation and Intertidal
Biodiversity: a Study in the Ranong Mangrove Ecosystem, Thailand. Estuarine, Coastal
and Shelf Science 55, 331–345.
Memon, N., 2010. Disasters in South Asia: A Regional Perspective. Karachi: Pakistan Institute
of Labour Education & Research, 16 pp.
Mithapala, S., 2008. Mangroves: Coastal Ecosystem Series (Volume 2). Colombo: IUCN
Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group Asia, 28 pp.
NDMA, 2007. National Disaster Risk Management Framework: Pakistan. Islamabad: National
Disaster Management Authority, 60 pp.
Sindh Forest Department, 1997. Official memo by the Secretary, Forest & Wildlife Depart-
ment. Karachi: Government of Sindh.
Wikipedia, 2012. Sampling (Statistics). Online at:
tistics) (last accessed on 27 July 2012).
WWF/IUCN, 1998. Creating a Sea Change: The WWF/IUCN Marine Policy. Gland: WWF
and IUCN, 64 pp.

Towards Coastal Health Archive and Monitoring National
Programmes (CHAMPS) for assessing change, and
identifying drivers of change, in tidal wetlands and
coastal margins
Norman C. Duke
TropWATER, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia
Email: [email protected]

There is ample evidence of diminishing mangrove and tidal wetland areas worldwide that
provide fundamental and highly beneficial ecosystem services, such as blue carbon capture
and storage, shoreline stabilization, habitat and nursery functions, and more. Despite such
important benefits across regional landscapes and in specific locations, what is missing from
coastal assessment tools is a means to broadly evaluate, quantify and monitor changes to
such critical coastal resources. Presented here is a standard and encompassing strategy.
This can be used also for assessing and monitoring rehabilitation sites, and restoring resource
benefits when damaged or lost.

Current global assessments focus primarily on declining area and increasing loss, along with
serious threats to biodiversity. Each of these is extremely important, fuelling considerable cur-
rent concern. Yet the missing measures of habitat condition are arguably even more worrying.
By all accounts, habitat condition and functionality continue to deteriorate despite important
efforts to protect key areas – a situation exacerbated further by global climate change. An
urgent need exists to identify and quantify key stressors, particularly anthropogenic ones.
A broad methodology is required for monitoring coastal ecosystems threatened by ever-
increasing demands and pressures on these important areas.

To achieve success with such a strategy, an agreed protocol and methodology must dis-
tinguish regional changes due to natural events from numerous human impacts, whether
direct or indirect. Better targeting of particular stressors is needed to enhance the resilience
of coastal ecosystems, allowing them to better counter increasingly more frequent and dam-
aging additional pressures. Such a scheme is proposed, coupled with an evaluation system
that can be used to classify all drivers of change, and identify observed ecosystem responses.
Recent innovative adoption of current technologies further demonstrates how local com-
munities can participate with researchers, using the Shoreline Video Assessment Method
to usefully monitor estuarine and coastal margins. Armed with such insights and evidence,
managers of valuable coastal natural resources will be in a better position to optimize specific
management regimes that effectively mitigate key impacts, allowing coastal ecosystems to
more effectively respond and adapt – promoting their survival in an uncertain future.

Keywords: mangroves, wetlands, rehabilitation, climate change, ecosystem monitoring

Session IV

Mangroves, Climate Change and DRR

Navigating mangrove resilience through the ecosystem-
based adaptation approach: lessons from Bangladesh
Paramesh Nandy, Ronju Ahammad
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation Project
UNDP-BD, Ban Bhaban, Room No. 333, Agargaon, Dhaka 1207, Bangladesh
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author: P. Nandy)

Mangroves are important resources in coastal ecosystems that contribute multiple eco-
logical and social services. Bangladesh has a history of planting mangroves to stabilize
newly accreted land (char), transforming it into protective and productive ecosystems for
the benefit of coastal communities. Yet livelihood pressures caused by unequal access
to lands are pushing communities to deforest and encroach mangroves. Environmental
stress related to climate change, including rapid and sudden cyclonic wind, and storms and
inundation induced by sea level rise, is aggravating the existing threats to the critical social
and ecological functions of the mangroves. The project “Community-Based Adaptation to
Climate Change through Coastal Afforestation” has focused on community-based livelihood
development through coastal land restoration and integrating social roles in mangrove plan-
tation development and management. This paper highlights project findings related to the
ecosystem-based adaptation approach and its potential application for integrated mangrove
ecosystem management.

Community-based restoration of coastal lands is a productive resource regime for adaptation

and sustaining mangrove functions in Bangladesh. Supported by the project, local com-
munities in two coastal districts of Bangladesh have restored fallow, periodically inundated
and saline mangrove lands into collectively managed natural resources to be used for multi-
scale livelihood practices. An innovative land-use model, known locally as FFF (Forest, Fish,
Fruit), is contributing to community ownership of livelihoods and socially inclusive resource
governance. As part of the model, coastal communities participate in mangrove nursery
establishment, plantation management and preventing illegal human interventions.

This paper highlights the importance of mangrove policies that avoid narrow protection and
ecological goals, controlling social variables under the threat of climate change and managing
opportunities within the most desirable social context. Lastly, it is argued that shifting from
the conventional protection approach to an integrated social-ecological system provides
renewal opportunities for mangroves and communities to adapt to climatic shocks and build
resilience in the long run.

Keywords: mangroves, afforestation, climatic changes, livelihoods, Bangladesh

1. Introduction
Mangroves are highly productive ecosystems occupying brackish water zones along tropical
and subtropical coasts (Datta et al., 2012). Mangrove ecosystems support a range of ecologi-
cal functions for fish and crustacean species, including effective sediment trapping, nutrient
recycling, and protecting shorelines from erosion. As mangroves thrive in a highly dynamic
ecosystem, their growth and declining adaptive function often reflect the changing social
and ecological conditions of the coastal environment (Field, 1998). With coastal geomorpho-
logical changes, mangroves are facing rapid social changes; population pressure for food
production and urban development have changed the habitat into undesirable states along
coastlines globally (Alongi, 2008). Inadequate understanding of how different constituents
in the complex system respond to climate changes and develop adaptation measures is a
significant constraint for mangrove management (Nicholls et al., 2007). Mangrove resilience is 243

interrelated with complex ecological and social processes, as well as management responses
to coastal morphological changes and the impacts of climate change.

There are significant natural and planted mangrove zones along Bangladesh’s exposed, long
coastline. Natural mangroves along the south-west to mid-west coast originally covered
about 601,700 ha (4.07% of total land area and 40% of total forest area). Coastal man-
grove afforestation has long been a component of the government’s disaster risk reduction
programme to protect coastal communities. Mangrove plantations gained momentum for
stabilizing and improving newly accreted lands into forest vegetation and productive agricul-
tural lands. Records from 1960–2000 show mangrove coverage as 142,835 ha (BFD, 2012)
but due to cyclonic wind damage, succession or regeneration failure, and human demand
for livelihoods and commercial shrimp farming, the present extent may be just 132,000 ha.

Coastal ecosystems are facing increasing threats of extreme disaster and climate change
related stress in Bangladesh, and mangrove plantations will not substitute for ecological
restoration and enhancing the adaptation capacity of local communities. Loss of mangroves
is not only a threat to coastal ecosystem, but also affects the well-being of local communi-
ties. Coastal communities in Bangladesh depend on planted mangroves for limited forest
products; most of them depend on livelihoods closely related to climate-sensitive agriculture
and open fishing practices (Iftekhar and Takama, 2008). Until recently, mangrove plantation
in Bangladesh was limited in its scope for integrating dynamic coastal ecosystem characters
and diverse social needs within management interventions. With the growing incidence of
disasters, ecological restoration of mangroves will not suffice; access to new land tenure
and alternative livelihoods are increasingly important for adaptation of coastal communities.
Appropriate land use for alternative livelihoods and conservation of mangrove are required
as a part of the ecosystem-based integrated approach.

Mangroves provide opportunities for simultaneous change and development of new land
management interventions for adaptation in Bangladesh. Plantation mangroves are a poten-
tial adaptation and mitigation interface in Bangladesh due to afforestation opportunities in
newly accreted lands and successive user options for livelihood development. Bangladesh’s
National Adaptation Programme of Action and Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
have prioritized coastal afforestation in ecologically fragile areas. As yet no specific policy
has been developed for incorporating climate change risks in coastal land management or
developing collaborative resource management in planted mangrove ecosystems. Manag-
ing resilience in mangroves is related to an integrated socio-ecological approach for species
diversity and human capacity to endure shocks without diminishing critical and regular func-
tions. Sustainable management of coastal land resources is important not only for building
protective coastal ecosystems by mangroves, but also for developing equitable ownership
as a foundation of community well-being.

Participatory resource management can improve environmental integrity, economic efficiency

of actions and equity for local community in sustainable benefit distribution (Nandy and
Islam, 2010). Community-led local resource protection can draw participation and collective
actions to deal with climate change impacts and build resilience of socially disadvantaged
244 communities (Allen, 2006). Management of mangrove resources and sustainable livelihoods

of vulnerable social groups are indeed great challenges to promote adaptation and build
resilience. Christoplos et al. (2010) emphasized that an ecosystem protection approach
can bring “win-win” options for adaptation by collaborative and local participation for natural
resource management to conserve valuable ecosystem service flows for livelihoods, risk
reduction and long-term poverty alleviation.

Ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) is an emerging development approach which integrates

ecosystem conservation with community-based practices to produce sustainable goods
and services (Sterrett, 2011). EBA is important for integrating coastal communities through
ecosystem-based interventions, flexible decision-making, and participatory local resource
development. Developing adaptation programmes based on EBA draws management atten-
tion to the ecosystem level. The approach can combine restoration of critical mangrove
ecosystem services with multidimensional social and ecological opportunities for coastal
communities to enhance adaptation and resilience. The resource context and scale of par-
ticular interventions required to enhance resilience have to be determined.

This study aims to focus on adaptation practices in planted mangrove ecosystems in Bang-
ladesh. The project “Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change through Coastal
Afforestation” (CBACC-CF) is used as an EBA case study from Bangladesh. Supported
by GEF, UNDP and the Government of Bangladesh, and the first global Least Developed
Countries Fund (LDCF) adaptation project, it is working to reduce vulnerability to the impacts
of climate change induced risks in coastal regions of Bangladesh (CBACC-CF, 2012). The
project focuses on community-based adaptation initiatives for building protective coastal
ecosystems through raising mangrove plantations and innovative land use for sustainable
livelihoods. The following sections discusses how these land uses are improving the adap-
tive capacity of coastal communities and constructed mangrove ecosystems as a whole.

2. Materials and methods

Since 2009, CBACC-CF has been working in the most vulnerable sites in four coastal dis-
tricts of Bangladesh to reduce coastal communities’ vulnerability to climate change. Its focus
is on enhancing the resilience of coastal communities and protective ecosystems, through
community-led interventions in afforestation and livelihood diversification. A key project
strategy is combining different government departments and strengthening climatic risk
reduction efforts through institutional capacity building. The project target sites are Anwara,
Hatiya, Char Fasson and Barguna Sadar in, respectively, the Chittagong, Noakhali, Bhola
and Barguna coastal districts.

The implementing partners of the project are: Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD), Bangla-
desh Forest Research Institute (BFRI), Ministry of Land, Department of Agriculture Extension,
Department of Livestock Services (DLS) and Department of Fisheries (DoF). The project
emphasizes the importance of forming local Co-management Committees (CMCs), one
per coastal district, with representation from implementing local government agencies, civil
society, and elected members. Each CMC must have at least three women members.

Empowering the landless and marginalized groups of coastal communities and increasing
their adaptive capacity to cope with anticipated climate change impacts are the major thrusts. 245

To this end, the project is demonstrating diversified livelihood programmes, including adapta-
tion interventions based on afforestation, agriculture, livestock and fisheries.

The afforestation programmes with mangrove and non-mangrove species are implemented
with BFD on different types of accreted lands. The project is currently using Sonneratia
apetala on newly accreted lands, underplanted with nine other mangrove species (Heritiera
fomes, Excoecaria agallocha, Xylocarpus mekongensis, Cynometra ramiflora, Aegiceras
corniculatum, Bruguiera sexangula, Phoenix paludosa, Nypa fruticans and Ceriops decandra)
in moderate to highly accreted coastal habitats to minimize the adverse impact of S. apetala
monocultures, to enrich biodiversity, and to provide continuous forest cover.

Since 2010, the project has promoted and demonstrated eight different types of adaptation
measures including: mangrove plantations on newly accreted lands; model plantation of nine
new mangrove varieties; non-mangrove mound plantation in moderately accreted lands; dyke
plantation including the FFF model in moderate to highly accreted lands; and strip planta-
tion on roadsides in project sites. To promote resilient livelihood practices, demonstrations
and training programmes have been conducted on improved agricultural practices, modern
aquaculture practices, and improved livestock practices, with livelihood support provided
by the project.

The relevant baseline data (before project intervention), as well as data collected by the Project
Management Unit after project intervention, are used in this paper.

2.1 Brief description of the coastal land-use model in Bangladesh

The CBACC-CF project has pioneered an innovative land-use model for providing climate
resilient livelihoods for coastal communities living around mangrove plantation areas. The
key part of the model, known locally as the Forest, Fish, Fruit model (Triple F, or FFF), uses
largely encroached, periodically inundated and unproductive fallow lands behind mangrove
forests to develop participatory ownership and adaptation practices (Nandy, 2011). Much
of this fallow land was open access property captured by local elites through encroachment
for further deforestation (Nandy and Islam, 2010; CBACC-CF, 2012).

The project realized that livelihoods of people living around mangrove plantations depend
heavily on four climate-sensitive sectors: agriculture, forestry, fisheries and livestock. Climate
change impacts on these sectors contribute to the low adaptive capacity of coastal communi-
ties. The FFF model was developed to explore new options for resource and income genera-
tion by integrating all four sectors in one system to sustain a continuous flow of resources. The
model comprises short-term, medium-term, medium to long-term, and long-term resource
generation measures that contribute to recurrent income generation, leading ultimately to
livelihood sustainability and increased adaptive capacity of poor coastal communities.

Since project inception, land ownership has been transferred to coastal communities with
tenure for diversified livelihood practices. A ditch and dyke system is being used to promote
adaptation practices, and currently over 50 ha of fallow land has been developed for pilot
adaptation interventions in two coastal districts; another 70 ha is underway in another dis-
246 trict. In each hectare, eight ditches and nine dykes were developed and distributed to eight

families, on a ten-year land ownership agreement with renewal opportunities depending upon
the beneficiaries’ performance. Importantly, local people contribute half of the labour costs
by working in earth excavation for ditch and dyke development.

3. Results
3.1 Integrated approach to community adaptation through the FFF model
The FFF-based adaptation practices are providing alternative livelihood measures to coastal
communities, especially to manage income risks during lean periods or erratic shocks from
heavy rainfall or tidal inundation. Depending on crop duration and frequency of income
generation, these interventions are described as short-term and medium-term measures.
The project has introduced improved technologies and provided inputs to raise yields. High-
yielding varieties require optimum levels of organic fertilizer and other nutrients. Although the
implementing partners have provided skills development training, this has generally been
ignored by the beneficiaries as a result of the relief culture in the coastal zone of Bangladesh.

3.1.1 Short to medium-term adaptation measures

Short-term crops planted as dyke vegetation provide household needs and quick income-
generating options. Each family currently cultivates 6–7 types of leafy vegetables on a 60 m
long and 3 m wide strip on top of the dyke. Scaffolding erected on the edges of the ditch
provides space for creeping and hanging vegetables such as country bean, cucumber, bottle
gourd, bitter gourd and sweet gourds. In the first six months, 64% of the families produced
80–100 kg of leafy vegetables. Sale of the surplus vegetables increased family income, on
average, by nearly US$25 per month. Table 1 shows that each beneficiary has generated,
on average, BDT 35,000 (US$434) per year from adaptation interventions. Family income
ranges from BDT 21,000 to 67,000 depending on the level of management of their ditch
and dyke. The best performers have been able to earn an additional income of more than
BDT 67,000 (US$827) per family per year from their ditch and dyke allotment.

Table 1 Annual family income from different adaptation interventions (all figures are in thou-
sands of Bangladesh taka, BDT)

Annual Income from AI Annual

income AI 1 AI 2 AI 3 income Adaptive
Beneficiary before AI ª after AI Difference capacity
group (A) (B) (B – A) rank b
1 29.00 40.00 15.00 12.00 67.00 38.00 H
2 67.00 18.00 80.00 36.00 134.00 67.00 H
3 25.00 40.00 6.00 46.00 21.00 M
4 50.00 41.00 41.00 10.20 76.20 26.20 M
5 79.00 60.00 60.00 27.40 102.4 23.40 M
Average 50.00 24.50 47.20 18.32 85.12 35.12 –
ª Adaptation intervention: 1 = Agriculture; 2 = Aquaculture; 3 = Livestock.
H = High; M = Moderate.

Of the three types of adaptation intervention measures tested, aquaculture interventions are
the most lucrative, followed by agriculture interventions. This is largely because the majority
of beneficiaries are fishermen. The ditch is farmed with fast-growing fish varieties in demand
locally. This meets household protein needs and brings additional income from fish sold at 247

the local market. With the project’s support, a single ditch produces about 100–120 kg of
fish yearly, generating income of up to US$300 per family from fish sales. Coastal families that
depend on fishing, or work as day labourers on sea and river boats, for seasonal livelihoods
(July–September), expect the ditch arrangement to serve as an alternative adaptation prac-
tice. The ditch system is a highly appreciated multipurpose community asset for rainwater
harvesting, fish farming, and irrigating dyke vegetation in the dry season.

3.1.2 Medium to long-term adaptation measures

The dyke system also offers medium to long-term adaptation options and medium-term
income generation in 2–3 years with two high-yielding fruit varieties: BAU-Kul (Ziziphus mau-
ritiania) and BAU-Guava (Psidium guajava). Developed by the Fruit Tree Improvement Unit of
Bangladesh Agriculture University (BAU), they are a good source of vitamins and minerals,
and fruit twice a year. Each beneficiary has planted 24 seedlings of the fruit varieties between
forest tree species on their dyke. They bear fruit eight months after planting, but sizeable
harvests take 2–3 years. During interviews, beneficiaries have said they expect high yields
and income from the fruit trees. Each variety has the potential to produce 10–20 kg of fruit
per tree and generate a family income of about US$500 per year.

Coastal communities have not only pursued regular, short-term and medium-term alternative
income options, but also planted forest tree species on their dyke for long-term benefits.
Planting trees and palms (Cocos nucifera) on dykes will provide communities with timber,
fuelwood from branch pruning, and also food products. Forest trees, a component of the
FFF model, will afford protection to the model plantations themselves and the surrounding
land and community from climatic impacts.

The integrated adaptation measures provide additional income of US$25–30 per month per
family in the off-season (November to April) from farming and river fishing. The project has
until now been able to increase the adaptive capacity of at least 40% of the participating
coastal communities to a moderate or high level, whereas 20% have yet to be mobilized. A
noteworthy observation is that the successful FFF beneficiaries motivate other participants
to increase their resource-generation options.

3.2 Integrated approach to mangrove habitat restoration for climate change

adaptation and mitigation
The project is being implemented in coastal areas that are most vulnerable to the extreme
weather events expected to increase in frequency and intensity as the climate changes.
There is no alternative to mangroves for building coastal ecosystems to protect against
severe cyclones and tidal surges. The Bangladesh government has already focused on
establishing vegetative shelterbelts throughout the country’s exposed coastal areas (see
Ishtiaq Uddin Ahmad, this publication). A single pioneer mangrove species, S. apetala,
has been used exclusively in newly accreted lands because it is highly tolerant to being
submerged, even for 3–4 days. However, these monoculture mangrove plantations now
encounter numerous problems, aggravated by the impacts of climate change, and the
mature S. apetala plantations in Bangladesh’s coastal zone have a large number of gaps
owing to a lack of regeneration.

To enrich and sustain functional vegetation, the project has introduced nine commercially
important mangrove species to fill gaps in almost 100 ha of S. apetala plantations (see list
above). This effort will increase the density of trees and prevent damage from high winds
and other weather events. The species were evaluated and selected by BFRI for differently
inundated coastal habitats (Islam and Nandy, 2001). The model demonstration of the project
introduced new coastal forest guidelines and large-scale practices that will increase forest
productivity and sustain biodiversity throughout coastal areas.

In the past, mangroves were planted to address conventional disaster risk reduction and land
stabilization, not deforestation or climate change mitigation. Now, however, it is increasingly
recognized that well-managed coastal ecosystems provide a wide range of services that
can help local communities adapt to current and future climate change hazards. This is one
reason why the project has introduced commercially important mangrove species. Mangrove
plantations provide physical protection, and the root system of some species traps sediment
at such high rates they can even reverse the effect of sea level rise or river erosion through
land reclamation, and also bolster the protective capacity of the coast against storm surges
or cyclones.

The estimated loss of forest cover in Bangladesh from 1990–2010 averaged 2,600 ha per
year. The project’s efficiently implemented mangrove afforestation programme plants around
3,000 ha annually, matching the country’s annual loss of forest cover, and contributing to
global climate change mitigation efforts through the comparatively high carbon-retention
capacity of mangrove forests.

The project’s mangrove plantation activities are directed at ensuring ecological sustainability
for social benefits in coastal areas. The coastal communities were always engaged in man-
grove nursery and plantation management activities at project sites. The project’s accom-
plishments to date in developing an integrated approach to mangrove habitat restoration for
climate change adaptation and mitigation are listed below:

 Mangrove plantations have been established on 5,600 ha by engaging 128,000 man

days in cash-for-work (CfW) programmes.
 Dyke plantations (including the ditch and dyke arrangement of the FFF model) have been
established on 50 ha and another 70 ha is underway, engaging 71,400 man days in CfW
programmes, and involving 960 beneficiaries (400 have taken over their allotments; 560
have yet to be approved by the CMCs).
 Mound plantations established on 322 ha, engaging 96,004 man days in Cf W pro-
grammes, and involving 270 coastal beneficiaries.
 Strip plantations totalling 615 km have been completed with the involvement of 3,075
 A 100 ha model demonstration plantation of nine mangrove species is almost complete;
it involves 60 beneficiaries organised into groups.
 A total of 12,200 people have been trained in mangrove nursery production and commu-
nity-based nursery and plantation management. Some 1,406 coastal beneficiaries have
been trained in improved technologies for agriculture, aquaculture and livestock.

Local communities believe that climate change is increasing the risks to their lives and liveli-
hoods, and that there is no alternative to mangroves for reducing the impacts of tropical
cyclones and storm surges. Fishermen understand that the mangrove forest protects their
fishing boats and trawlers from direct hits by storm surges. Local communities living close
to mangrove sites have formed small groups for raising and maintaining nurseries as well
as for outplanting activities. With project support, participating beneficiaries receive cash
on a daily basis for work in raising seedlings, nursery maintenance and plantation. Special
agreements have been signed with selected beneficiaries who oversee and maintain the
plantation sites, for long-term benefits including the sharing of profits. Local BFD and BFRI
teams have built partnerships with the coastal communities, involving women’s groups in
site-specific project activities.

4. Discussion
The resilience of planted mangroves is closely associated with restoration practices that
enhance regenerative functions and minimize canopy gaps to improve ecosystem capacity
to cope with climate change impacts (Alongi, 2008). Managing gap dynamics in the large
mangrove forests of Bangladesh is important as mature trees are felled or uprooted by
extreme cyclonic wind and storm shocks. When man-made S. apetala monoculture man-
grove forests in Bangladesh reach maturity, the surviving trees represent only 25–30% of the
trees originally planted (Nandy, 2010). Filling the gaps in these S. apetala plantations should
be considered an urgent priority. The quality of regeneration in terms of species diversity is
crucial to improve ecosystem function of mangrove plantation regimes (Nandy et al., 2004),
Hence, the enrichment plantation approach with selected mangrove species would be the
way forward. Suitable candidates may be found among the nine commercially productive
species being tested in the project’s demonstration model.

The adaptation innovations address coastal land-use dynamics, and the management of
mangrove resources through community-led regimes, in Bangladesh. Multiplying co-benefits
by mangrove restoration and alternative livelihoods through the FFF model is a major step
towards building the resiliency of coastal areas in Bangladesh. It is a “win-win” strategy that
can counter the periodical inundation and salinity intrusion risks of traditional land practices,
and also generate production benefits. In the past, mangrove afforestation programmes
neglected community participation as a result of their protection-oriented management goals.
They also lacked ownership and livelihood options for resource generation. The current
practice enhances mangrove conservation by integrating the complex social and ecological
systems of coastal areas. On one hand, there is enrichment planting and community-based
nursery development and maintenance, and on the other, resource benefits through sustain-
able livelihoods, thus creating a potential ecosystem-based adaptation approach in coastal
areas of Bangladesh.

To generate long-term adaptation benefits, institutions must follow an integrative ecosystem

management approach (Folke et al., 2007). New adaptation interventions appropriate for
a flexible social-institutional system should be tried out. The community-based approach
of CBACC-CF has focused heavily on developing partnerships with diverse stakeholders
to ensure its adaptation interventions are successful. Collaborative land-use innovations by
250 coastal communities and local institutions trigger shared learning and joint problem-solving,

thereby enabling better understanding, anticipation and response to climate change. Adapta-
tion interventions in the model improve proactive planning and the exchange of information
to manage the risks of climate variability in sensitive seasons, whether it be for coping with
frequent inundation threats or using rainwater harvesting for aquaculture and watering dyke
vegetation. Broadly, access to local institutional services has improved community capac-
ity to integrate climatic information in their livelihood development efforts, and to deal with
current and anticipated risks.

Application of the community-based approach was always difficult, as specialized institutions

such as BFD, DLS or DoF were unable to provide long-term income generation options.
Nandy et al. (2003) emphasized the importance of institutional relationships, mutual trust
and land ownership in participatory resource management of mangrove ecosystems. Adger
et al. (2005) refer to transformational changes in managing coastal ecosystems, which offer
novelty in practices and adaptive decision-making to shift from a conventional approach to
new networking and institutional arrangements. Developing trust and networking between
local communities and institutions to help deploy innovative practices is a basic principle of
the project. The integrated approach, by involving all service providers such as agriculture,
fisheries and livestock, provides a continuous flow of resources and helps to develop mutual
trust and ownership.

The voluntary role of coastal communities in guarding mangrove forests is the ultimate
outcome of this integrated approach, and has been referred to as a positive transformation
due to the project. Owing to manpower constraints in BFD, a single forest guard is currently
responsible for guarding and protecting more than 1,500 ha of mangrove forest, whereas
CBACC-CF has accommodated eight families per hectare in the adjacent mangrove forest.
Under the agreements with these families, they will serve as a “watchdog” to control illegal
activities in the mangrove forest, and will no doubt also keep an eye on their FFF resources.
This type of positive transformation is a must for future EBA in Bangladesh; it will also serve
to supplement the existing institutional capacity of BFD. CBACC-CF is the first project in
Bangladesh in which landless and marginalized coastal communities are accessing govern-
ment lands through a benefit-sharing scheme (Nandy, 2012). Income generation from this
scheme will increase their food security and access to health services and education.

Responsibility for coastal land management in Bangladesh has always been fragmented
between local Forest and Land Offices. The project has mediated conflicts related to land
rights while sustaining a cost-effective adaptation programme. The FFF initiative creates an
institutional interface to provide climate change information and related critical services, in
an integrated manner, to enhance adaptation success. The defined and coordinated roles
among implementing government departments has improved institutional networking for
delivery of project services. The local CMC is currently the collaboration platform among
implementing government departments, to share progress, feedback from communities for
contingent risk management, and improve service transfer. Notably, after the project began,
capacity-building of local institutions enhanced the synergies in delivery of adaptation serv-
ices to coastal communities. Disaster and climate change related risks are currently well
addressed as a shared responsibility of service institutions such as the Forest, Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries Departments. 251

5. Conclusions
As of today, the project has introduced a number of innovative interventions. The key lessons
for scaling up these interventions can be summarised as follows:

 Mangrove ecosystems can generate large-scale social and ecological benefits if periodi-
cally inundated coastal lands are used for multi-level resource generation. By empowering
coastal communities with land rights through access to government lands, the project
has opened a new window of opportunity for rational coastal land use in Bangladesh.
Community-based innovative practices in newly accreted lands, and access to local
institutional services, improved their capacity to integrate climatic information in climate-
resilient livelihood development. The success of the project to date has been driven by
rainwater harvesting in the ditches for multi-level resource generation. A major lesson is
that many other opportunities are needed to expand the rainwater harvesting system to
promote aquaculture and irrigate dyke vegetation throughout the year.

 Transformation from conventional and standardized monoculture plantation to a much

more complex, managed forest can offer ecosystem benefits to current and future man-
grove plantations. Planting with a mix of species in gaps is likely to improve the adaptive
response of vulnerable mangrove patches to coastal geomorphological changes, as well
as provide social and economic benefits to coastal communities.

 The FFF model of the project, accommodating eight families per hectare on govern-
ment lands, appears to be a rational land-use model in a land-scarce country such as
Bangladesh. It converts unused land into a productive resource management regime
and protects the land from encroachment. However, specific policy interventions are
needed to deal with threats such as false ancestral land claims leading to illegal leasing
of mangrove lands.

 The voluntary guarding of mangrove forests by project beneficiaries is also an important

achievement of CBACC-CF that not only strengthens the institutional capacity of BFD,
but also secures the EBA approach from illegal interventions and ensures participatory
adaptation initiatives.

 Based on the project’s experience, it is recommended that policies are developed on the
sustainability of the protective coastal “greenbelt”, as well as climate-resilient livelihood
strategies to support EBA in coastal Bangladesh.

 For the first time, CMCs for adaptation have been adopted by the CBACC-CF project
for effective implementation of adaptation interventions in Bangladesh. The participatory
structure of these CMCs means that local communities are well-represented in decision-
making, including the selection of project beneficiaries in vulnerable coastal areas.

 Lastly, a key lesson is that disaster-prone coastal areas require a self-sufficient and sus-
tainable land-use system, supported by farmers’ organizations and societies, to remove
the disaster relief culture that exists amongst many coastal communities.

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Disaster risk reduction through mangrove conservation
and rehabilitation: a case study in the Ayeyarwady Delta,
Maung Maung Than
Technical Advisor, Mangrove and Environmental Rehabilitation Network (MERN), Yangon, Myanmar
Email: [email protected]

In May 2008 Cyclone Nargis devastated virtually all of the Ayeyarwady Delta of Myanmar, an
area that had not experienced such a disaster in recorded history. According to the Post-
Nargis Joint Assessment report, some 17,000 ha of natural forest and 21,000 ha of forest
plantation were damaged at an estimated cost of MMK 14 billion (US$140 million). Thus,
restoration of mangrove forests in the delta became a huge task for both the government
and civil society organizations.

Most NGOs working in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR) realized that collective action
was crucial. In August 2009, with the support of DFID’s Pyoe Pin programme and SIDA, the
Mangrove and Environmental Rehabilitation Network (MERN), comprising 17 local NGOs,
was formed to support joint work on DRR through mangrove restoration. MERN undertakes
mangrove conservation and rehabilitation, and livelihood improvements, by providing small
grants to members and by supporting joint projects that involve cooperation among several
members. All project activities are implemented through community-based organizations
(for example forest user groups).

In 2009–2011, a total of 41 villages and 6,460 households participated in projects to establish

mangrove plantations, improve livelihoods, raise awareness, and build capacity for com-
munity-led DRR across the delta. In total, about 340,000 mangrove and non-mangrove
trees were planted. To reduce the consumption of fuelwood, 600 energy-efficient stoves
were distributed. For livelihood improvements, 4,000 ducks, 25,000 fishes and cash crops
for home gardens were provided to poor families participating in mangrove rehabilitation. A
total of 800 villagers were trained to improve their technical and managerial skills for man-
grove conservation and rehabilitation. The mangrove species planted were mainly Avicennia
officinalis, Sonneratia apetala, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza. Their survival rate was more than
80%; attacks by crabs and rodents, plus uncontrolled grazing, being the main causes of
damage and mortality.

As there was little experience of networking among local NGOs, management was not well
synchronized in the early days of MERN. Understanding between members was enhanced
by learning and information sharing throughout project implementation. MERN also conducts
policy advocacy relating to revision of the forest law and community forestry instructions that
will empower local communities in sustainable forest management. Other challenges remain,
however, such as improper land-use planning, poverty, a lack of alternative energy sources,
and inadequate funds for mangrove conservation and rehabilitation in the Ayeyarwady Delta.

Keywords: mangroves, rehabilitation, Cyclone Nargis, disaster risk reduction, Myanmar

1. Introduction
Myanmar, with a total land area of 676,577 km², is the largest country in mainland Southeast
Asia. The population of the country was estimated at 58 million in 2009. Myanmar is still well-
endowed with natural forests covering 47% of the country’s total land area (31,773,000 ha).
The Permanent Forest Estate (PFE), comprising Reserved Forests, Protected Public For-
ests and Protected Areas, covers 31% of the total land area. Myanmar has a total length of 255

2,832 km of coastline, and 467,330 ha of mangroves (Forestry in Myanmar, 2011). Mangrove

forests are distributed in Rakhine State and Tanintharyi and Ayeyarwady Divisions.

The Ayeyarwady Delta, with a population of 4 million, was very badly hit by Cyclone Nargis
in May 2008. The official death toll was 77,738, with 55,917 reported missing. The United
Nations estimates 2.4 million people were directly affected, mostly in the delta. According to
the Post-Nargis Joint Assessment, some 17,000 ha of natural forest and 21,000 ha of forest
plantations were damaged at an estimated cost of MMK 14 billion (US$140 million). The loss
of environmental services from the natural mangrove forests was estimated at MMK 46 billion
(US$460 million) (UN/ASEAN/Government of Myanmar, 2008).

Myanmar is not a naturally disaster-prone country. Previous cyclones were not as strong
as Nargis. As a result, when Nargis struck, the country was largely unprepared. Moreover,
over the preceding 10–20 years, the delta’s mangroves experienced large-scale clearing,
removing a life-saving storm barrier.

It has been a herculean task to restore the delta’s mangrove forests. Local NGOs and CBOs
are key players in building the capacity of local communities for natural resource manage-
ment. Rather than action by individuals, experience elsewhere in Myanmar shows that col-
lective action is more effective.

The Mangrove and Environmental Rehabilitation Network (MERN) has emerged as a key actor
in DRR through mangrove restoration in Myanmar. Comprising 17 local NGOs, MERN was
formed in August 2009 with support from DFID’s Pyoe Pin programme and SIDA. MERN’s
main objective is to promote natural resource management activities through community par-
ticipation for sustainable utilization and DRR in the Ayeyarwady Delta and other coastal areas.

MERN’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) deals with policies and guidelines and its Fund
Board (FB) handles fund raising. Once established, MERN adopted a policy paper that
set its spatial and thematic priorities, time frame, and funding needs, and issued standard
operation procedures (SOPs).

2. Materials and methods

The main objective of this study is to evaluate the opportunities and challenges of mangrove
restoration projects undertaken by MERN members in the Ayeyarwady Delta in order to
extract lessons learned from small grant and joint projects, and to provide recommendations
for future work.

MERN’s articles of association, policy papers, SOPs, progress reports, and project monitor-
ing reports were reviewed in order to understand its objective and activities. Field observations
were made to evaluate projects by member organizations. Some members are working on
several projects in the delta through both small grant and joint projects. By direct observa-
tion in the field, challenges and opportunities were assessed. Staff of the Myanmar Forest
Department (MFD), project staff and community members were interviewed to identify the
project’s tangible and intangible benefits.

Lessons learned were identified at learning and sharing workshops with members. Conser-
vation and reforestation sites were visited to determine the condition and survival rates of
planted trees. Semi-structured interviews with line departments was made to understand
the impact of existing policies, laws, and instructions, and the extent to which they support
mangrove conservation and reforestation through public participation.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 MERN Policy
After its establishment, MERN developed a 5 year policy paper setting spatial and thematic
priorities with an estimated budget of US$7.3 million. It addresses six environmental issues:
deforestation, loss of biodiversity, land degradation, climate change and increase of vulner-
ability to natural disasters, competition for land use, and poverty reduction.

The policy paper has identified four objectives for the implementation of activities:

1. Enhance environmental sustainability and biodiversity.

2. Increase community adaptive capacity and resilience.
3. Reduce poverty and mangrove dependency.
4. Promote environmental governance.

In line with these objectives, targets to be completed within a 5 year time frame are:

1. Conserve 100% of critical mangrove ecosystem and hotspots, and ecologically enrich
these areas.
2. Protect 100% of vulnerable communities while focusing on policy priority areas.
3. Increase income for half of the poorest of the poor households in priority areas and secure
food and nutrition.
4. Encourage 100% participation of vulnerable communities in decision-making, natural
resource management and environmental conservation.

Geographical priorities in the Ayeyarwady Delta are five townships severely affected by
Cyclone Nargis: Bogalay, Laputta, Mawlamyine Kyun, Ngapudaw and Pyapon. As a result
of mangrove clearing for charcoal and shrimp production, these areas are highly vulnerable
to natural disasters, and will also be affected by sea level rise due to climate change.

MERN’s goals are probably too ambitious to be achieved within five years. There are many
limitations and barriers such as the lack of a legal framework, staff capacity constraints,
and bureaucratic red tape. To date, MERN has secured US$4 million of its US$7.3 million
fund-raising target.

In terms of overall geographic priorities, the Ayeyarwady Delta and Mon and Rakhine States
are the main areas of project intervention. There is a pressing need to extend activities to Tan-
intharyi Division where mangrove forests are under threat from conversion to shrimp ponds,
settlements, and industrial development. It would be difficult for MERN to cover important
freshwater wetlands such as Inle Lake owing to a lack of funds.

It is not easy to undertake community-led natural resource management, as the law does
not support such a bottom-up approach. For example, although it recognizes the impor-
tance of public participation, the Forest Law provides only very limited provisions for such
participation. In response, MERN has conducted policy advocacy to persuade decision
makers to review and revise legal instruments that could promote public participation in
natural resource management.

3.2 Policy advocacy

MERN has made policy recommendations to the Ministry of Environmental Conservation
and Forestry (MOECAF) on the 1995 Community Forestry Instructions and the proposed
new Forest Law and Environmental Law. Some members also participated in the prepara-
tion of a Disaster Management Law organized by the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief, and

MOECAF usually invites the MERN Chairman, some CEC members and MERN’s Techni-
cal Advisor to meetings and workshops at which they give advice, ideas and policy recom-
mendations. For example, MERN provided substantial input to a government strategy on
mangrove conservation and rehabilitation in the delta.

Ecosystems Conservation and Community Development Initiative (ECCDI), a MERN mem-

ber, has researched the status of community forestry in Myanmar and submitted recommen-
dations to the MFD. In principle, the MFD has agreed to include these recommendations in
the revision of the Forest Law, which was issued in 1992. The new Forest Law is expected
to be approved in the fourth session of parliament in 2012.

MERN, together with the Myanmar Timber Merchant Association and forestry scholars,
compiled a discussion paper emphasizing people’s participation in sustainable forest man-
agement to assist the revision of forest law. MERN members Forest Resource Environment
Development and Conservation Association (FREDA), ECCDI, and the Biodiversity and Nature
Conservation Association, were invited by MOECAF to provide input to the Environmental
Law that was recently passed by parliament.

MERN’s policy advocacy has had some success. MOECAF has agreed to take into account
MERN’s recommendations for revision of legal instruments. However, many opportunities
for policy advocacy relevant to the thematic areas of MERN still remain.

3.3 Capacity-building
MERN’s policy requires that 10% of all funds received are allocated for building the capacity
of its members. To do so, training on social mobilization, project cycle management, financial
management, mangrove forest management, and livelihood improvements has been carried
out with the assistance of a pool of resource persons. With assistance from DFID, members
have also been trained in evidence-based research.

MERN has also organized training courses for journalists on environmental issues, so that
they can better convey environmental messages to the public.

In 2010 and 2011, with SIDA’s support, three MERN representatives attended a forest cer-
tification training event in Sweden. With the support of Wetlands International, two MERN
representatives attended participatory monitoring and evaluation training workshops organ-
ized by the World Fish Centre in Cambodia in March and July 2012. With DFID funding, eight
participants from MERN’s members visited Viet Nam to study mangrove and coastal man-
agement and livelihoods development in 2011. In February 2012, three MERN representa-
tives were invited by IUCN to attend a conference on building coastal resilience in Thailand.

Despite these events, progress on capacity building is considered unsatisfactory relative to

the targets set in the policy paper. MERN has not effectively engaged the pool of resource
persons established to assist with capacity-building and research. Cross-visits between
projects are still inadequate.

3.4 Networking
MERN has established working relationships with several local and international organiza-
tions. MERN works closely with the Environmental Thematic Working Group of UNDP Myan-
mar. Several MERN members participate in the Food Security Working Group on livelihood
development and land management.

MERN has worked with several international organizations, including Oxfam Novib, Action
for Mangrove Reforestation, Kokusai Kogyo Co. Ltd from Japan, FAO, UNDP, IUCN, MFF,
WWF, Wetlands International, World Fish Centre, Forest Trends, and SSC Forestry, a Swed-
ish forest certification group. This has resulted in several capacity-building opportunities.

However, networking between MERN and other organizations is still at am early stage. It
needs to move towards practical collaboration that supports mangrove conservation and
rehabilitation activities in a timely and effective manner.

3.5 Joint projects

3.5.1 Achievements
MERN’s FB has raised funds for small grants and joint projects implemented by its members
(see Figure 1 below). The main fund (Basket A) is financed by donors, principally DFID. The
FB allocates 10% of these funds for capacity-building of its members. The balance is used
to fund members under a small grant scheme. For instance, any member can apply for a
small grant to carry out a project in line with MERN’s priorities. MERN reviews all proposals
to ensure relevance, technical quality, and value for money.

For joint projects (Basket B), funds come from three sources: donors, co-funding from Basket
A, and contributions from implementing partners. Joint projects involve member organizations
working on different thematic areas in the same geographic area. For example, one organi-
zation works on livelihood improvements while another works on mangrove rehabilitation.

Joint projects in which three or more member organizations work together have been carried
out in the Ayeyarwady Delta and Rakhine State. The project in the delta was funded by Oxfam
Novib (EUR 200,000) and the Pyoe Pin programme (US$60,000) for two years in Bogalay

Fund Main
raising funding
Donor A Donor B Co-funding Contribution

Policy Grant provision Project

basket basket
Capacity- (A) (B)
One integrated
Project X of Project Z of project
Member A in Project Y of Member C in
Area 1 Member B in Area 3 Implementing Implementing
Area 2 organisation A organisation C
in Theme X in Theme Z
organisation B
in Theme Y
Small grant projects Joint projects

Meeting policy targets and outcomes

Figure 1 Illustration of funding mechanism for small grant and joint projects

Township. The project in Rakhine State was funded by the multi-donor Livelihood and Food
Security Trust Fund (US$3 million) and Pyoe Pin (US$60,000) for three years.

The title of the joint project being implemented in the delta is Mangrove Empowerment and
Livelihood Security (MEALS). Three member organizations are working together in 16 villages
covering a total of 12,221 beneficiaries. The goal of the project is to sustain mangroves and
conserve biodiversity by improving local mangrove governance. MEALS applies the following
step-wise procedure to implement project activities:

1. Preliminary assessment
3 Village data
3 Selection of village
3 Set up
2. Baseline survey
3 Household awareness questionnaire
3 Resource map
3 Venn diagram
3 Histogram
3 Seasonal calendar
3 Wealth ranking
3 Climate analysis
3. Village awareness meeting
3 20 minute talk
3 Display
3 Drama
3 Storytelling
3 Group discussion
3 Video show

4. CBO formation
3 Member nomination
3 Member approval
3 Executive Committee election
3 Development of rules and regulations
3 Record keeping
3 Training
3 Saving
5. Village conservation plan
3 Household conservation initiative
3 Group conservation initiative
3 Village participatory patrolling scheme
3 Livelihood support fund

So far, 17 CBOs have been formed, and 19 staff have been trained in project management.
The project trained 34 CBO members in mangrove conservation and another 34 local people
in financial management. In total, 2,316 people have attended awareness-raising campaigns
on DRR and mangrove conservation and rehabilitation. Some 280 people have benefited
from a micro-grant scheme. Another important achievement for MERN is that through these
projects it further developed its SOPs.

An important project outcome was participatory patrolling of the 13,000 ha Meinmahla Wildlife
Sanctuary in Bogalay, in cooperation with the MFD. The sanctuary forms the largest area of
mangroves in the delta and served as a “bioshield” for nearby communities during Cyclone
Nargis. If it is totally protected, exposure to natural disasters will be greatly reduced.

The micro-finance component also demonstrated success, with several CBOs starting up
small businesses. The information campaigns initiated by the project are gaining ground as
community members are becoming increasingly aware of the costs of mangrove cutting and
the benefits of mangrove conservation.

3.5.2 Opportunities and challenges

There were opportunities and challenges in the course of project implementation. Opportuni-
ties included winning the cooperation of senior MFD officials, and the availability of skilled
staff for social mobilization and capacity building.

However, the project also encountered challenges that slowed progress. These included
resistance from low-level MFD officials to participatory patrolling of the wildlife sanctuary.
They may have been concerned about the loss of authority or income from bribes from illegal
cutting and fishing. Another challenge was that most of the villagers had a false expectation
of the project, hoping that it would contribute money directly to individual families.

3.5.3 Lessons learned

The joint projects have yielded a number of valuable lessons. The following come from the
MEALS project:

 Proper social mobilization and awareness-raising campaigns are vital for securing com-
munity buy-in.
 Close coordination, including monthly coordination meetings, between project imple-
mentation partners is crucial.
 Policy engagement (for example on joint forest management) is needed for successful
project implementation.
 The structure of the project team and delegation of authority must be clear.

3.6 Small grant projects

3.6.1 Achievements
MERN wants to use the small grant projects to demonstrate and replicate best practices.
In 2009–2011, eight MERN members implemented eight small grant projects in Bogalay,
Pyapon, Mawlamyine Kyun and Laputta Townships in the Ayeyarwady Delta and in Than Phyu
Zayat Township in Mon State. These grants covered mangrove rehabilitation and conserva-
tion, livelihoods and food security, capacity building and awareness raising, and coordina-
tion and environmental governance. Table 1 below lists the project titles and implementing

Table 1 MERN small grant projects

Title Organisation
Rehabilitating Mangroves and Improving Food ECCDI
Security of the Nargis Victims Through Enhanced
Technical Capacities and Community Agro-Forestry
Assistance for Community-Based Forest National Ecumenical Church Fund,
Management Myanmar
Rehabilitation and Restoration of Mangrove and Border Area Development Association
Awareness Raising and Capacity Building for Local Mon-region Society Development
Communities to Recover Mangrove Vegetation Network
Promotion of Community Initiative Environmental Metta Mon General Service Cooperative
Conservation in Rural Community
Mangrove Restoration and Community Forestry in FREDA
Hpo Au San Village
Feasibility Study for Desalination of Seawater and Envir-Kleen Technologists’ Association
Environmental Conservation in Mangrove Forest
Mangrove Conservation Awareness Raising through Social Vision Services
Demonstration Nursery

The small grant projects have benefited 6,460 households in 41 villages, rehabilitated 120 ha
of degraded land, mostly using mangroves and windbreak trees. Local people grew about
155,000 trees, including fuelwood species, multipurpose species, and fruit and cash crop
species, in and around their compounds and farm lands. The total area rehabilitated is about
160 ha. Local communities also received 4,000 ducks, 25,000 fish and about 600 fuel-
efficient stoves. Seventeen training events were held and over 800 persons were trained.
Awareness-raising events were held between two and four times in each village. The projects
262 distributed 5,500 pamphlets, 123 posters and 300 booklets.

3.6.2 Opportunities and challenges

Like the joint projects, the small grant projects faced opportunities and challenges. The
projects generally succeeded in securing the cooperation of line departments and local
authorities. Most MERN members were already familiar with the local communities they
worked with through their participation in post-Nargis emergency humanitarian assistance.

The major challenges were the lack of proper land-use planning, and a lack of experience
in establishing mangrove nurseries and replanting mangroves. Some projects could not
persuade villagers to participate in project activities because their immediate needs were
outside the scope of the project. Also there was often a lack of local ownership of the man-
grove plantations.

3.6.3 Lessons learned

The following lessons come from working with local communities on the small grant projects:

 It is not easy to improve the quality of newly-formed CBOs (such as community conserva-
tion groups and forest user groups) in a relatively short time. It is much easier if the CBOs
already exist.
 As the project periods were short, mangrove plantation and conservation were ineffective.
 Replication of best practices through establishment of demonstration plots was effective.
 Small grant projects are effective at raising awareness, short-term capacity building, and
developing knowledge products.
 Only the project outputs were evaluated; it is necessary to explore how these resulted in
outcomes and long-term impacts.

3.7 Performance of mangrove plantations

MERN has established 160 ha of mangrove plantations in small grant project areas. Besides
plantations, regeneration improvement felling and enrichment planting were carried out to
enhance the quality of degraded natural forests. The major species grown in the mangrove
plantations are Avicennia officinalis, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera spp., Sonneratia apetala,
Heritiera fomes, Lumnitzera racemosa, Excoecaria agallocha and Xylocarpus moluccensis.
Planted mangroves achieved a survival rate of 80% and reached a height of 1–3 m.

Major disturbances observed in mangrove plantations were attacks by rodents and crabs,
and uncontrolled grazing. The number of rodent attacks increased sharply in the Ayeyarwady
Delta after Cyclone Nargis. Crabs mostly attacked young seedlings. Caterpillar attacks on
S. apetala seedlings were noted in nurseries and during the early stages of plantations. Due
to the lack of land for buffaloes, which are used for paddy cultivation in the delta, uncontrolled
grazing is a major threat to plantations located near villages.

4. Conclusions and recommendations

Over the past two-and-a-half years, MERN has achieved several of its 5 year objectives,
notably the implementation of small grants and joint projects. Capacity-building and policy
advocacy were also partially successful. MERN represents the first attempt by local NGOs
to work together formally. So, inevitably, MERN has faced challenges working with members
with a range of interests and attitudes. 263

MERN has policies and SOPs to sustain the network and guide its project activities. But it is
too early to say whether these have been put in place systematically. MERN has to respond
to rapidly changing conditions in Myanmar and internationally as they affect the country. The
following points are intended to improve the quality of MERN’s future work:

1. Review policy targets against the achievements of the past two-and-a-half years.
2. Review and revise small grant and joint project guidelines, based on results so far.
3. Engage the media and develop knowledge products to raise public awareness on sus-
tainable mangrove management and DRR.
4. Speed up capacity-building efforts for members and other relevant stakeholders.
5. Extend advocacy work to local governments, as they are responsible for environmental
6. Raise the funds needed to achieve all targets by 2014.
7. Formulate proper strategies for mangrove conservation and reforestation in consultation
with relevant stakeholders.
8. Initiate public-private partnerships to support long-term sustainable mangrove use.
9. Lead the formation of CBOs, and facilitate networking among CBOs working on sustain-
able mangrove management.
10. Extend networking to cooperation and learning and information exchange between local
and international organizations.

I am very grateful to MERN, especially to Fund Manager U Aung Thant Zin, for help acquir-
ing relevant information, documents, and other materials for this study. I wish to express my
thanks to the Pyoe Pin programme for supporting travel expenses, accommodation, and
meals for my field observations in the Ayeyarwady Delta. My sincere thanks goes to project
staff, Forest Department personnel, Forest User Group members, and villagers who assisted
me with interviews, group discussions, and field work.

UN/ASEAN/Government of Myanmar, 2008. Post-Nargis Joint Assessment. Yangon: Tri-
partite Core Group, 213 pp.

Adapting to natural disasters and contributing to
climate change mitigation: mangrove community
forestry in Viet Nam
Sen Le Thi Hoa¹, Regan Suzuki², Morten Fauerby Thomsen³
¹ Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, 102 Phung Hung Street, Hue City, Viet Nam
Email: [email protected] (corresponding author)
² RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests, PO Box 1111, Kasetsart, Bangkok 10903, Thailand
Email: [email protected]
³ CARE International in Viet Nam, 92 To Ngoc Van Street, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Email: [email protected]

Da Loc Commune in Thanh Hoa Province in northern Viet Nam is vulnerable to increasing
extreme weather events. The damage caused by Typhoon Damrey in 2005 was a pivotal
moment for the commune, leading to mangrove reforestation initiatives for managing disaster
risk. Involving local communities as direct partners led to this project’s success compared to
earlier, less-participatory initiatives. In the time required for the mangroves to reach maturity,
a number of secondary benefits have emerged. Besides the income benefits from enhanced
aquaculture, mangroves also serve as powerful carbon sinks. Thus, while originally designed
as an adaptation measure, the project has strong mitigation benefits. It has also shed light
on a number of important issues:

 Official recognition of community management rights over the mangroves has been critical
in ensuring the sustainability and commitment of local communities. However, currently
these rights are short-term (five years). The sustainable management of the mangroves
is contingent on establishing longer-term community rights.

 Trade-offs have emerged that may threaten the project. The income potential of aqua-
culture practices that are destructive to the mangroves is a strong temptation. Careful
analysis of the costs and benefits of both adaptation and mitigation actions is needed.

 Unless equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms are in place and participatory decision-

making processes are incorporated for the well-being of vulnerable community members,
there is a risk that the success of the project will be compromised.

 Pre-existing, locally adapted knowledge can be highly beneficial to projects. Understand-

ing and incorporating local knowledge may lead to innovations that enhance effectiveness
and improve uptake by local communities.

Keywords: mangroves, participatory approach, disaster risk management, climatic changes,

carbon sinks, Viet Nam

1. Introduction
Da Loc is a coastal commune in Thanh Hoa Province, north-central Viet Nam, and covers
an area of 11,116 km². The East Sea and the Len River border the commune and support
much of the agriculture and aquaculture in its ten villages.

The commune’s geography exposes it to threats that are intensifying with climate change
(IPCC, 2007; ADB, 2009; Buffle et al., 2011). Da Loc experiences 5–6 typhoons a year, in
addition to continuous sea encroachment and flooding (Trinh, 2009). In 1982, the government
constructed a 5 km sea dyke around the commune to protect against typhoons. However,
despite substantial investment, the dyke has suffered continuous damage from extreme
weather events.

Mangrove afforestation is a promising option to protect both the community and the sea
dyke. Starting in 1989, the Japanese Red Cross, Save the Children and government col-
laborated to plant 350 ha of mangrove seedlings in offshore areas bordering Da Loc. After
testing several different mangrove species, they selected Kandelia candel and Sonneratia
sp. Survival rates proved disappointing, however; in some instances only 15–20% survived
within a year of planting.

In 2005, Typhoon Damrey inflicted serious damage on Da Loc. The sea dyke failed to pro-
tect the commune except where mangroves remained to buffer the storm. In these shel-
tered areas, agricultural land suffered less seawater intrusion, whereas elsewhere sea water
swept several kilometres inland, destroying settlements and livestock, and taking human lives
(Kempinski, 2009; Buffle et al., 2011). The long-term impacts on agriculture and freshwater
supplies are still being felt.

This demonstration of the value of mangroves inspired CARE International to take an active
role in the regeneration and further expansion of mangrove forests in Da Loc. CARE facilitated
a Community-Based Mangrove Reforestation (CBMR) approach, which empowered local
communities as stewards and beneficiaries of the mangroves.

2. Materials and methods

The methodology used in this study is qualitative and exploratory. Participatory Rural Appraisal
(PRA) facilitated the collection, presentation, and analysis of the data with local community
members. Research questions that directed the focus group discussions and interviews were:

 What have been the physical changes in the local environment over the recent past?
 What have been the impacts of any such changes on local communities and their liveli-
 What are the sustainable livelihood assets possessed by the community, particularly
linked to forests, which might contribute to adaptive capacity?
 How are community forestry management strategies contributing to adaptation and
mitigation needs?
 How are forest management strategies, including mitigation initiatives, potentially
adversely impacting the adaptive capacity of local communities?

The authors attended an inception workshop in Bangkok on 1–3 August 2011 to review the
proposed methodology. Investigative methodologies were drawn from common PRA tools,
alongside more climate change-specific tools developed by AIT/UNEP (2011) and CARE
(2009), including:

 Focus group discussions.

 Natural resource flow and spot maps.
 Extended livelihood profiles.
 Hazard, vulnerability, and action profiles.
 Ecosystem services’ change matrix.
 Risk reduction development service profiles (AIT/UNEP, 2011).
266  Supplemental seasonal calendars, hazard mapping and vulnerability matrix (CARE, 2009).

The principal researcher (Sen Le Thi Hoa) visited the case study sites on at least three occa-
sions. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were used, along with other
tools adapted to the context. Community participants were divided into groups of no more
than 20 people for the PRA exercises. In-depth interviews with individual households, village
leaders, local authorities, and selected relevant professionals were conducted. In addition,
secondary data from official documents were acquired. Lastly, a small workshop was con-
ducted to summarize, share, and validate the information collected.

3. Results
3.1 Climate change and perceived impacts in Viet Nam and in Da Loc
The fourth assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007
noted that most climate change assessments in Viet Nam at that point had been qualita-
tive, and that a pressing need existed for more empirical data. Despite this, it pointed to
clear climate change impacts already occurring, with weather conditions becoming more
extreme and unpredictable (IPCC, 2007). In its Second National Communication to the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Vietnamese govern-
ment reported increasing average temperature rises over the past several decades, more
cold fronts, and growing intensity of typhoons affecting coastal areas (GoV, 2010). Annual
average temperatures increased by 0.1°C per decade from 1900 to 2000 with summers
becoming hotter (Hoang and Tran, 2006).

3.2 Community perceptions of climate change

Most of the stakeholders surveyed have at least a basic understanding of the term “climate
change”, generally gained from local media and projects. Commune-level officials tend to
have a better understanding, and many have had opportunities to attend specific training
on climate change adaptation and mitigation. All community members claim to have been
negatively impacted by what they perceive to be climate change, pointing to declining agri-
cultural productivity attributed to erratic seasons and rainfall, seawater intrusion, and the
effects of natural disasters.

In common with seasonal shifts experienced in other parts of the country (Oxfam, 2008), Da
Loc villagers report that since the late 1990s, the dry season has lengthened considerably,
beginning a month earlier and lasting a month longer (Oxfam, 2008). Cold spells have also
changed in both duration and intensity, with villagers reporting unprecedented lows of 7°C.
Tieu Man, a regular natural flooding event that normally occurs at the end of April, signalling
the start of crop planting, has not happened for several years (Oxfam, 2008).

“The weather has been changing too much. It’s not regular as it was before. People now
experience very hot days, then a freezing cold winter.”
— Mr Dao Van Nhe, Dong Tanh village, Da Loc Commune.

“We used to have three or four definite seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter…
Now we have two: hot and cold. In previous years, rainfall came between spring and
winter. Now it rains in autumn and winter. With these changes, we cannot forecast our
agriculture production activities… It just rains whenever and however.”
— Mrs Nguyen Thi Dien, Dong Tanh village, Da Loc Commune 267

Fresh water is becoming scarcer. Groundwater tables are falling, partly because of human
activities such as land-use management and agricultural practices, and salt water has
intruded up to 10 km inland and is affecting the flow dynamics of the Len River.

3.3 Changes in natural assets and livelihood implications

Da Loc villagers estimate that since Typhoon Damrey struck, household incomes from agri-
culture and animal husbandry have dropped by an average of 20%, and by closer to 50% in
villages near the coastline. This is attributed, at least in part, to the lasting impacts of typhoon
storm surges as well as rising sea levels*.

During PRA, the villagers estimated that average rice yields have dropped from 6,940–
7,500 kg/ha to 4,170–5,560 kg/ha since Typhoon Damrey, reducing food security. The land
available for rice cultivation has also declined over time, mainly because of salinization and
conversion to aquaculture. In 2009 and 2010, more than half of the households were forced
to purchase rice for consumption, an increase of 15% from previous years.

Da Loc now faces serious freshwater shortages. Owing to a longer dry season and rising sea
levels, the Len River is affected by sea water throughout the year. This is forcing communi-
ties to explore other water-access options, including purchasing water for household needs,
filtering water, rainwater harvesting, and requesting water donations from other communities.

Irregular weather patterns are linked by villagers and district authorities to a number of new
and intensifying human, crop, and animal diseases. Villagers report an increased onset of
diseases such as rice seedling blight (Pyricularia oryzae, also known as rice blast fungus
or rice rotten neck), rice leaf-folder (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis), and what may be foot-and-
mouth disease among cattle and pigs, and avian influenza in poultry. These diseases have
emerged rapidly and present serious management challenges for the community.

Marginalized households and women in particular face growing health risks from the lack
of clean water:

“Women, who are more active and social in Da Loc, have been more affected by climate
change and environmental pollution than men because we are responsible for more work
like taking care of the family, the fields, and animals, as well as social activities.”
— Mrs Tran Thi Xuyen, Yen Dong village, Da Loc Commune

Although there is no direct evidence of a causal relationship between these diseases and
climate change, expected climate change impacts include increased incidence of human,
livestock, and crop disease (ADB, 2011).

Animal husbandry has been adversely impacted as drought, seawater intrusion and cold
spells have reduced the available grazing area. Reductions in fodder availability have curtailed
animal-raising activities, affecting poorer households in particular. Coupled with emerging
animal diseases, the PRA exercises indicated that the cattle population has declined by 45%
* According to MONRE (2008), average sea level rise along the shoreline of Viet Nam from 1993 to 2008
268 was about 3 mm per year.

since 2005, and more than half of households have stopped raising pigs. Although there are
moves to purchase commercially produced feed and medicine for animals, the costs have
effectively eliminated this option for poorer households. Seawater intrusion on coi grass
habitats and subsequent conversion into aquaculture are also leading to loss of income from
traditional local handicrafts such as sedge mats and other similar products.

Expanding brackish water habitats around the commune have also led to new opportunities
through aquaculture and capture fisheries. The reforestation of the mangroves has led to the
expansion of sandy mudflats that now cover 1,300 ha. These coastal wetlands provide an
ideal habitat for valuable brackish aquatic species such as molluscs, oysters, hard and soft
crabs, Còi fish, and shrimp.

PRA revealed the growing economic importance of aquaculture and especially molluscs.
Before the CBMR project, daily harvests of molluscs averaged 2 kg per person, selling at
US$1.20/kg. Today, as a result of improved habitat and strict harvest regulations, the yield is
5–10 times greater. Besides aquatic species, the areas around the mangroves also support
livelihood activities such as duck rearing and bee keeping.

However, questions are emerging about how equitably these new natural resources are
distributed. In 2010, about 46% of the mudflat area was allocated to individual households
for aquaculture at fixed rents set by the district and provincial government. Those able to pay
the high rents have been the primary beneficiaries. Conflicts are already emerging within the
community over mudflat access and the opportunity costs of strict mangrove conservation.

3.4 Adaptive capacities

As Da Loc faces more unpredictable seasons and increasing intensity and frequency of
extreme weather events, the community is drawing on its various livelihood assets to respond
(Buffle et al., 2011). Da Loc has demonstrated considerable resilience, understood as the
ability to adapt or recover from potential hazards (UN/ISDR, 2004) via livelihood diversifica-
tion. The livelihood assets that support both adaptive capacity and resilience in Da Loc are
summarized in Table 1 below.

3.5 Climate change vulnerabilities

With a long coastline (3,200 km) and densely populated river deltas, Viet Nam has a long
history of dealing with natural disasters. It is considered one of the five countries in the world
most-vulnerable to climate change (ADB, 2009). Da Loc is particularly vulnerable given its
high population concentration in low-lying areas. As many properties are only 2.3 m above
sea level, without dykes these assets would be lost.

In 2010, the incidence of poverty* in Thanh Hoa Province was 19.8%, and relative poverty
was 23.5%†. Agriculture-based livelihoods, land scarcity, and vulnerability to natural hazards
are identified by commune officials as major barriers to poverty alleviation.

* The Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (2011) categorizes extremely poor households in rural
areas as having an average monthly income of under US$20 per person; relatively poor households have an
average monthly income of US$20–26 per month.
† Thanh Hoa Province General Statistical Office (2010). 269

Table 1 Community assets in Da Loc Commune

Type of asset Livelihood assets Effects on adaptive capacity

Natural Land available: 1,350 ha including Land to support subsistence agricul-
450 ha of agricultural land ture (primarily rice)
Mangrove forests: 500 ha Benefits from mangroves including
Coastal mudflats: 1,300 ha disaster risk reduction and income
Len River and tributaries potential from aquaculture and car-
bon sequestration
Physical Sea dykes: 5 km Protection from natural disasters and
Road infrastructure extreme weather events
Accessible public transport Access to services, markets, etc.
Accessible pre-school, primary and Economic mobility through education
secondary schools Support for medical care
Health care station
Financial Formal credit systems through Investment opportunities in diversified
national banks income-generating activities
Informal credit system: private and
farmers’ group saving initiatives
Social Associations for women, farmers and Channels for disseminating informa-
youth, along with a Green Team that tion and raising awareness
raises awareness about environmen- Opportunity to respond to changes
tal issues with collaborative activities and
Hard-working, collective work ethic actions
Note: Fifty-two villagers participated in two focus group discussions. In-depth interviews were conducted with individual house-
holds, commune and district leaders, and CARE staff; and a workshop was held in Da Loc to supplement and validate data.
Source: Key informant interviews, 2011.

While community members are described as diligent and enthusiastic about collective work,
Da Loc faces a severe drain of human capital. In 2010 and 2011, an estimated 1,700 young
people from a total commune population of 7,694 (about 22% of the population) migrated
in search of employment (Thanh Hoa Statistics Office, 2010).

3.6 Responses to environmental changes and development needs

Da Loc is responding to climate change, environmental, and broader socio-economic
changes with coping, adaptive, and in some cases, inappropriate adaptive strategies. Some
of the most common adaptive responses include:

 Maintaining mangroves for their protective function.

 Changing areas of land use, crops, and cropping patterns to respond to seasonal weather
changes (Pereznieto et al., 2011).
 Increasing use of crop species that are resistant to drought and salt water.
 Employing agricultural techniques, such as use of fertilizer and pesticides, to respond to
declining crop productivity and diminished land resources; this has increased needs for
 Investment in irrigation systems in response to growing water scarcity (Pereznieto et al.,
 Transition from rice farming for subsistence to cash-based aquaculture.
 Reduction in livestock rearing owing to high costs and diminished natural resources.
 Digging of water ponds around fields for freshwater storage.
270  Migration to cities for employment (Thanh et al., 2010).

Many of these strategies represent planned adaptation, but not all are based on long-term
forecasting and full information. Coping measures such as the increased use of pesticides
and fertilizers are expensive and have health impacts. Others, such as a shift in livelihoods
from rice farming to aquaculture, have increased wealth, at least in the short term.

Da Loc has also developed its social capital. The community’s flood committees have been
instrumental in supporting disaster management, and the youth-based Green Team actively
raises awareness about climate change and environmental management.

4. Discussion
In climate change initiatives, adaptation and mitigation approaches do not always comple-
ment each other, and can conflict (Laukkonen et al., 2009). Efforts to mitigate climate change
may hinder the adaptive capacity of local communities and vice versa. However, the Da Loc
mangrove-planting project illustrates the potential for adaptation activities and mitigation
goals to be mutually reinforcing.

CARE’s initial project goals focused on disaster risk management and responding to envi-
ronmental and climate changes. However, mangroves are among the most effective carbon
sequestration ecosystems, capturing as much as four times more carbon than tropical rain-
forests (Khan et al., 2009; Donato et al., 2011). The project has therefore made simultaneous
contributions to both climate change adaptation and mitigation.

Although the synergies between adaptation and mitigation in Da Loc are strong, they are
not without trade-offs. Unanticipated opportunity costs have emerged through the growth
of a high-value mollusc industry, which is potentially destructive to the mangroves. Given
Viet Nam’s high level of interest in REDD+, Da Loc residents are aware of the potential
for carbon financing. If the CBMR project develops into a mitigation project that brings
in carbon finance, the added revenue may strengthen community support for mangrove

The CBMR project has made substantial contributions to adaptive capacity by diversifying
livelihoods. If the whole community is to benefit, however, mechanisms are needed to ensure
equitable sharing of benefits. These must include transparent, participatory processes for
determining access to and sharing of benefits, and ensuring that marginalized groups are
not further disadvantaged.

The project used a range of media sources and social events to build awareness about cli-
mate change and environmental management. These activities built community buy-in and
have been important in the success of the initiative. Besides the values of the mangroves,
the community recognizes the social benefits resulting from the project, including better
education, awareness, and strengthening of social capital.

Additionally, disaster risk reduction and adaptation strategies have benefited from incorporat-
ing local experiences and indigenous knowledge. For example, community members avoided
using pesticides to remove barnacles from mangroves. Instead, since they knew when the
barnacles had the thinnest shells, they planned the best times to remove them manually. 271

Because mangroves in Viet Nam are classified as protection forest, they cannot be directly
allocated to households or communities for management. However, the CARE project facili-
tated negotiation of agreements among local communities, the District People’s Committee,
and Forest Department offices, to establish the rights, roles, and responsibilities of the local
community in managing the mangroves. The community considers this a key accomplish-
ment and de facto recognition of its right to benefit from the mangroves. This agreement has
provided a powerful incentive for the improved management of the mangroves.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

Community forestry offers the potential to contribute to both adaptation and mitigation. By
placing communities at the centre of management strategies, community forestry provides
a platform for initiatives which seek to maximize mitigation while ensuring social and environ-
mental safeguards are upheld. Using the livelihood assets framework, community forestry
helps to ensure that adaptive capacity is safeguarded and that the balance between liveli-
hoods and conserving ecological assets is maintained. To undermine any natural, physical,
human, financial, or social assets is to diminish adaptive capacity. Preventing this should
therefore form the foundation of community forestry.

Despite the contributions that community forest management can make to strengthening
adaptive capacity, there are still potential pitfalls and points of tension. It is important to identify
where the fault lines may lie between different objectives and approaches (including forest
management, local livelihoods, conservation, adaptation, and mitigation) and possible trade-
offs. Mitigation initiatives, such as REDD+, while articulating safeguards and giving priority
to protecting local rights, ultimately aim at maximizing carbon sequestration in forests. This
goal may conflict with other interests and it is important that potential trade-offs are identified,
assessed, and taken into consideration during project design and implementation.

5.1 Recommendations
For practitioners and project developers
 Incorporating local knowledge helps to increase the effectiveness of adaptation and
mitigation practices, and promotes local adoption. Engaging communities through par-
ticipatory action research to identify solutions ensures buy-in and may yield useful and
innovative approaches.

 “Low-hanging fruit”, where adaptation actions have additional mitigation benefits and vice
versa, should be sought. Synergies can be deliberately planned for and incorporated into
adaptation and mitigation project design.

 Rural communities are among the poorest. Poverty alleviation and livelihood development
are critical to securing community support. An important part of livelihood development,
given the remoteness of many forest-based communities, is facilitating market access
and building capacity for added-value processing and marketing of natural products.

 Local communities need financial and non-financial incentives for forest protection through
activities such as patrolling and forest inventory.

For policy makers

 Mangroves in Viet Nam are classified as protection forest and cannot be allocated directly
to households or communities for management. For sustainable mangrove management,
however, land tenure reform should be accelerated with an emphasis on community land
titling as a means of securing long-term community commitment.

 Coordination among government agencies horizontally and vertically should be ensured.

This is particularly needed between district and provincial governments, and should
involve the agencies responsible for protected area management where this is not the
responsibility of the forest department.

 Carbon rights and the benefits accruing from them are a complex issue that must be
addressed at the national level to ensure community support and the fair recognition of
community contributions.

 Policy makers should identify models of successful mitigation–adaptation initiatives and,

where appropriate, scale them up, prioritizing the capture of lessons learned.

For further research

 It is important to assess the costs and benefits of adaptation and mitigation actions to
communicate tangible and non-tangible benefits, and trade-offs.

 There is a lack of quantitative data on climate change. A high priority should be monitoring
environmental changes that may be associated with climate change, to strengthen and
clarify the impacts and value of mitigation and adaptation actions.

 Knowledge-sharing and networking within and between countries should be supported.

An urgent need exists to build capacity and regional information sharing is an important
part of this task.

The research and publication of a series of five case studies was funded by the Climate
Knowledge Development Network, Asian Institute of Technology, REDD-net, UNEP and
Raks Thai (CARE Thailand). Data collection for the Viet Nam study was assisted by CARE
Viet Nam and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry in Viet Nam. We are grateful to
Nguyen Viet Nghi of CARE Viet Nam for his help with the data collection.

Our sincere thanks go to technical advisor Robert Solar and to Kristy Graham, Emily Brickell,
and Will McFarland of the Overseas Development Institute for their considerable inputs. We
wish to express special appreciation to our colleagues in the Strategic Communications Unit
at RECOFTC, particularly Prabha Chandran, Lena Buell, and Apinita Siripatt, as well as to
Capacity Building and Technical Service colleagues Dr Yurdi Yasmi and Ramida Thananan-
chat for their support in finalizing this paper.

The authors take full responsibility for the views expressed here. They do not necessarily
reflect the views of their institutions. 273

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Government of Viet Nam (GoV), 2010. Viet Nam’s Second National Communication to the
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Ecological mangrove restoration: re-establishing a
more biodiverse and resilient coastal ecosystem with
community participation
Alfredo Quarto
Mangrove Action Project, PO Box 1854, Port Angeles, Washington 98362-0279, USA
Email: [email protected]

Mangrove forests are vital for healthy coastal ecosystems in many regions of the world. They
support an immense variety of sea life, and are prime nesting and feeding sites for hundreds
of migratory bird species. Healthy mangrove forests purify water flowing through them to the
sea, and form a natural coastal shield against floods, storms or other natural disasters such
as hurricanes and tsunamis. And mangroves can sequester far more carbon per hectare
than tropical rainforests. Beyond these irreplaceable ecosystem services, mangroves provide
important socio-economic benefits to coastal communities. In regions where the forest has
been destroyed, local coastal communities face serious problems of diminished wild fisheries
and threatened traditional livelihoods.

Despite these important functions, more than half of mangrove forests globally have been
destroyed over the past century, mainly by human development. Reforestation programmes
in these areas would rebuild mangrove ecosystems and increase the potential for sustainable
development. Relatively few examples of successful, long-term mangrove rehabilitation exist,
however, partly because most attempts have not corrected the problems causing mangrove
loss in the first place. Moreover, the great majority of mangrove restoration efforts are merely
hand planting of a single species – Rhizophora, or red mangrove – forming monocultures
rather than truly restoring biodiverse, multi-species mangrove forests. Many plantings are not
restoration, but rather attempts at ecosystem conversion of natural mudflats to mangroves.

In search of a compromise between assigned economic worth and biodiversity, Mangrove

Action Project (MAP) promotes the concept and practice of Community-based Ecologi-
cal Mangrove Restoration (CBEMR). This holistic approach to mangrove restoration views
the proposed plant and animal communities to be restored as part of a larger ecosystem,
connected with other ecological communities that also have functions to be protected or
restored. Mangrove forests can self-repair, or successfully undergo secondary succession, if
the normal tidal hydrology is restored and if there is a ready source of mangrove seedlings or
propagules from nearby stands that are accessible to reseed an area. CBEMR focuses on
re-establishing the hydrology which will facilitate this natural regeneration process. CBEMR
also engages local communities in the restoration process, empowering them to be stew-
ards of their environment, and enabling them to regain the livelihoods destroyed when the
mangroves were destroyed. Three-day intensive workshops train local people to do CBEMR,
and community management plans ensure project sustainability.

Working with local communities and NGOs, MAP has been piloting small successful CBEMR
projects in Thailand, Indonesia, and El Salvador. Many challenges remain, however, such as
the need for more robust monitoring and evaluation with internationally recognized outcome
indicators; issues of land tenure and site availability; restrictions imposed by donors; carbon
offset plantings encouraging ecosystem conversion rather than true mangrove restoration;
and securing government permits and approvals. MAP plans to continue its CBEMR work
with new projects in Southeast Asia and Latin America, gradually brought to greater scale,
and in the process learn to overcome current challenges and further refine the CBEMR model.

Keywords: mangroves, restoration, biodiversity, participatory approach, carbon sinks


1. Introduction
1.1 Importance of mangroves and need for restoration
Mangrove forests are vital for healthy coastal ecosystems in many regions of the world. They
support an immense variety of marine life, are a refuge for juvenile fish, crabs, shrimp and mol-
luscs, and serve as nurseries for coastal fisheries. Healthy mangrove forests play an important
role in carbon sequestration – their ecosystems and associated wetlands account for nearly
a third of the world’s terrestrial carbon stores and sequester more carbon per hectare than
tropical rainforests (Ramsar Secretariat, 2002). Mangroves also form a natural coastal shield
against floods, storms and other natural disasters such as hurricanes and tsunamis. Beyond
these irreplaceable ecosystem services, mangroves also provide important socio-economic
benefits to coastal communities.

Despite these important functions, more than half of all mangrove forests have been destroyed
in the past century, mainly by causes stemming from human development (FAO, 2008). FAO
statistics indicate that mangroves are still being lost at a rate of about 1% a year. This means
that nearly 150,000 ha of mangroves are lost each year (FAO, 2008). In addition, mangrove
ecosystems and salt marshes are vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change such
as rising sea levels, higher temperatures and natural disasters. In regions where the forest
has been destroyed, local coastal communities are left with marginal or unproductive fisheries
and the loss of their traditional livelihoods.

Reforestation programmes where the mangroves have been lost would therefore rebuild
mangrove forest protection and restore the potential for sustainable development. The
improvement of mangrove ecosystems through restoration will enhance their functions as
a natural water treatment system and spawning grounds for fish, thereby improving health
and livelihood possibilities to the benefit of marginalized local communities; and restoring
the vital carbon sequestration powers of these forests.

1.2 Failure of usual mangrove restoration methods

Very few organizations have so far dealt effectively with mangrove restoration, and relatively
few examples exist of successful, long-term mangrove rehabilitation, partly because most
restoration attempts have not corrected the underlying problems responsible for mangrove
loss. The great majority of mangrove restoration attempts are merely hand planting of a single
species – usually Rhizophora, or red mangrove – forming monocultures rather than restor-
ing a biodiverse mangrove wetland. These attempts have largely failed, either leaving dead
seedlings and much disappointment in their wake, or establishing mangrove plantations or
monocultures with limited potential for biodiversity.

This practice of hand planting propagules and seedlings is aptly described by ecological man-
grove restoration pioneer Dr Robin Lewis as “the gardening method,” whereby monoculture
plantations of usually one or two varieties of mangrove are established (Lewis, 2009). These
plantations are less resilient to natural disasters, diseases or insect infestations. In tropical
areas where there may be two or more dozen mangrove species, it makes little sense to label
this “gardening” approach as “restoration”, because the natural biodiversity and productivity
of the original healthy mangrove forest is not an outcome of this simplified technique. Most
278 often, these “gardening” efforts fail to establish any significant lasting mangrove cover.

After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, there was an urgent, yet ill-conceived, reaction to
establish protective mangrove greenbelts. A wide call was issued and supported by many
governments, intergovernmental agencies, and NGOs. The majority of these rather hastily
planned mangrove “restoration” attempts failed because of badly chosen sites or wrongly
selected species for planting. Many red mangrove seedlings or propagules were hand-
planted in disturbed former mangrove sites, as well as mudflats and salt flats. Few of these
survived because the necessary conditions for seedling survival were not clearly evaluated
in advance (Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2005; Dahdouh-Guebas, 2006; Samson and Rollon,

The failures were due to many factors: poor site selection, lack of understanding of mangrove
ecology and hydrology, short project periods and a desire for quick results from donors, lack
of community consultation and participation, relief agencies with no previous experience with
mangroves, lack of follow-up and monitoring, and planting mainly Rhizophora spp. seedlings
and propagules, regardless of whether this was appropriate for the selected site. In short,
too often the wrong species were planted in the wrong place at the wrong time.

One reason for this monoculture approach is that the specific species planted can produce
desirable wood products that can be sold on local markets and so improve the livelihood of
people living in the surrounding communities. However, these plantations are often estab-
lished on mudflats, salt flats and even seagrass beds, thus attempting to convert one viable
and important ecosystem into another. This is not a wise solution when attempting to “restore”
ecosystem functions, even if these projects do successfully establish some mangroves. Most
often, these “gardening” efforts fail to establish any significant mangrove cover (Lewis, 2005,
2009; Dahdouh-Guebas et al., 2005; Samson and Rollon, 2008).

1.3 The CBEMR alternative

In search of a compromise between economic value and biodiversity, Mangrove Action
Project (MAP) promotes the concept and practice of Community-based Ecological Man-
grove Restoration (CBEMR). This is based on a set of basic ecological principles and is
capable of restoring a much more naturally functional and biodiverse mangrove ecosystem
than other, more capital and labour-intensive, methods such as monoculture hand-planting
(Lewis, 2009).

MAP saw the opportunity and need to introduce the ecological mangrove restoration method-
ology to improve the success of mangrove restoration. The challenge was to adopt and intro-
duce ecological mangrove restoration, only described previously in scientific journals, to the
socio-economic and cultural situation of mangrove communities, NGOs and governments
of developing countries in Asia. In the process, MAP has developed CBEMR, a sustain-
able model that engages and integrates local communities. This paper describes CBEMR,
its preliminary outcomes, and the resulting challenges, opportunities and lessons learned.

2. Materials and methods

2.1 Ecological mangrove restoration (EMR) defined
Ecological restoration has been defined as “the process of repairing damage caused by
humans to the diversity and dynamics of indigenous ecosystems” (Jackson et al., 2006). 279

Ecological mangrove restoration (EMR) is a holistic approach to mangrove restoration that

also includes a view of the proposed plant and animal community to be restored as part of
a larger ecosystem with other ecological communities that also have functions to be pro-
tected or restored. EMR was developed by MAP’s chief technical advisor, Dr Robin Lewis,
a consultant based in Florida with over 30 years of experience in mangrove restoration,
mostly in Florida and Latin America. Lewis has used EMR very effectively to restore both the
biodiversity and functionality of mangrove ecosystems (Lewis, 2009).

EMR aims at the restoration of certain ecosystem traits and the replication of natural func-
tions. It has been shown that mangrove forests worldwide can self-repair or successfully
undergo secondary succession over periods of 15–30 years if: i) the normal tidal hydrology
is not disrupted; and ii) the availability of waterborne seeds or seedlings (propagules) of man-
groves from adjacent stands is not disrupted or blocked (Lewis, 1982; Cintrón-Molero, 1992).

Because mangrove forests may recover without active restoration efforts, it has been rec-
ommended that restoration planning should first look at the potential existence of stresses
such as blocked tidal inundation that might prevent secondary succession from occurring,
and plan on removing those stresses before attempting restoration (Hamilton and Snedaker,
1984; Cintrón-Molero, 1992). The second step is to determine by observation over six months
to one year if natural seedling recruitment is occurring once the stress has been removed.
There should be evidence of volunteer seedlings appearing on site within one year of the
hydrological adjustments. If not, a reassessment of the hydrology and identification of other
potential problems should be undertaken. If seed limitation is a factor, then buckets of col-
lected seeds can be broadcast on an incoming spring tide. Only if natural recovery is not
occurring should the third step of assisting natural recovery through planting be considered.

Unfortunately, many mangrove restoration projects move immediately into planting of man-
groves without determining why natural recovery has not occurred. There may even have
been a large capital investment in growing mangrove seedlings in a nursery before the stress
factors are assessed; this often results in major failures of planting efforts. Instead, MAP sup-
ports the restoration of a naturally functioning habitat through the six-step EMR approach
to restoration and not “plantation forests” with disregard for natural species composition.
(Lewis, 2005).

2.2 MAP introduces CBEMR

MAP is partnering with local communities and other NGOs to restore degraded and
destroyed mangrove areas. MAP’s CBEMR programme works to restore natural hydrol-
ogy or water flows, thus greatly increasing the overall success rate for regenerating large
areas of degraded mangrove forests. This method has proven extremely successful in past
endeavours by Robin Lewis – for example in West Lake, Florida – and is being implemented
by MAP in small-scale projects in El Salvador, Indonesia and Thailand. The method is also
cost-effective and produces a more biodiverse restoration with excellent long-term results
(Stevenson et al., 1999). These small-scale projects are serving as working models, intended
to inform and inspire larger-scale, more intensive applications of EMR where it is needed. If
applied more broadly, the CBEMR method could restore ecologically biodiverse and healthy

mangrove ecosystems in an effective, long-term and economical manner (Lewis, 2005). MAP
is especially interested in restoring some of Asia’s estimated 250,000 ha (R. Lewis, pers.
comm.) of abandoned shrimp farms in former coastal wetland areas.

2.3 The six steps of EMR

Before beginning a mangrove restoration project, preliminary research is needed. In selecting
a specific site for mangrove restoration, the things to refer to include tide tables and measured
tidal levels. Also, one should look for available literature about the mangroves of the area
describing their distribution and tidal requirements. Are there any recent or even historical
relevant aerial photos? Have there been prior efforts to restore mangroves in the area, and if
so, what were their results in terms of successes and failures? What were the lessons from
these prior efforts? (Lewis et al., 2006; Brown, 2008).

2.3.1 Step 1: Understand the local mangrove ecology

It is important to understand both the individual species ecology and the community ecol-
ogy of the naturally occurring mangrove species at the site, paying particular attention to
patterns of reproduction, propagule distribution and successful seedling establishment. For
example, mangroves often occur in zones – groupings of the same species of mangrove
within a whole mangrove forest. Zoning occurs because different species of mangrove need
particular conditions to grow. Some species require more water than others; some may be
more tolerant of salinity.

2.3.2 Step 2: Understand the normal hydrology

One must understand the normal hydrology that controls the distribution and successful
establishment and growth of targeted mangrove species. Each mangrove species thrives at
a different substratum level, which partly dictates the amount of exposure the mangrove will
have to tidal waters. Thus, it is important to study tide charts for the area and take measure-
ments in healthy mangroves relating to substratum height and depth for the various species
of mangroves occurring at each depth.

It is also vital to imitate the slope and topography (relative height) of the substratum from a
nearby healthy mangrove forest. And, it is essential to note the critical periods of inundation
and dryness that govern the health of the forest.

2.3.3 Step 3: Assess the modifications of the mangrove environment

One must then assess the modifications of the mangrove environment that have occurred
and that may prevent natural secondary succession. Any plans for mangrove restoration
must first consider the potential existence of stresses, for example blocked tidal inundation,
that might impede secondary succession, and plan on removing those before attempting
restoration. It is important to understand the past use of the area. First and foremost, was
the area intended for restoration actually a mangrove area in the past? Often, mangroves are
planted in areas such as mudflats, salt marshes or lagoons on the assumption that the area
would be better off, or more productive, as a mangrove forest. This is ecosystem conversion,
not restoration. Mudflats have their own ecological purposes, such as serving as feeding
grounds for migratory shorebirds.

It is best to work with the local community to help determine how the mangrove area has
changed over time, and why, and what factors might be affecting mangrove regeneration.
Besides blockage of tidal exchange, these may include:

 Lack of fresh water.

 Hypersaline or acid sulphate soils (usually found after intensive shrimp farming).
 Overgrazing by livestock such as goats, cattle and camels.
 Shoreline abrasion and lowered substratum levels.
 Human or boat traffic at landing sites.
 Over-exploitation of trees for fuelwood.

2.3.4 Step 4: Selecting a restoration site

Select appropriate restoration areas that are both likely to succeed in rehabilitating a forest
ecosystem and cost effective through steps 1–3, above. Consider the available labour to carry
out the project, including adequate monitoring of progress towards meeting the quantitative
goals established beforehand. This step includes resolving land ownership and use issues
necessary for ensuring long-term access to and conservation of the site.

Survey techniques used to select a suitable site employ topographic survey instruments, such
as an auto-level, that help determine relative substratum elevation. An elevation survey can
also be undertaken using simple tools such as a water level, rubber tubing and metre sticks.

One basic theory behind hydrological rehabilitation is to recreate a natural slope and substra-
tum height which will support normal tidal flow, and the natural re-establishment and growth
of mangrove seedlings. Dyke walls of disused shrimp ponds need to be levelled, and ditches
need to be filled. If one cannot level dyke walls entirely, opening strategic breaches may be
enough to support the exchange of tidal waters and should lead to further degradation of the
walls over time. If heavy equipment cannot be obtained, one may need to recruit community
volunteers or employ community labour to get the job done.

2.3.5 Step 5: Design the restoration programme

A restoration programme is developed for the sites selected in step 4 to restore the appro-
priate hydrology, including the original tidal streams, and to use natural volunteer mangrove
recruitment for natural plant establishment. Tidal streams run through mangrove areas from
the terrestrial edge to the sea. They are narrower upstream, widening as they meander to
the coast. They are fed from the landward edge by ground water, springs, surface runoff
and streams. Because they are connected to the sea, tidal streams facilitate the exchange
of tidal waters in and out of the mangrove area, and are the routes for natural seedlings to
enter and colonize an area. When tidal streams are disturbed, seedling recruitment may be
blocked and the affected site’s existing mangroves may dry out, and die over time.

Determine by observation if natural seedling recruitment is occurring once the stress has
been removed; this means monitoring. Are seedlings coming into the area and naturally tak-
ing root? If so, what is the density of the natural recruits and what is the health and vitality
of the seedlings?

In the case of rehabilitating disused shrimp ponds, it may be enough to create “strategic
breaches” in the dyke walls. In this case, less rather than more cuts are better. This is because
the “tidal prism” (the amount of water that can enter an opened pond between high and low
tide) needs to be channelled to the maximum extent possible through a few key openings that
are wider downstream than upstream. This mimics the normal operation of tidal streams in
mangroves (see above). Fewer openings produce greater velocities as the flow is restricted,
which in turn produces scouring, which keeps the human-made openings open and reduces
the chances of siltation and closure. Creating too many openings will distribute the tidal prism
over many points, reducing the velocity and thereby inducing less scour and more siltation.

Even if mangroves survive for several years in a rehabilitated area, they may remain stunted,
or even die out, unless hydrological conditions are truly supportive of mangrove growth. If
seedlings have established in the rehabilitation area, but at lower densities than hoped for,
planting may be considered. But planting costs can double the overall cost of a project and
may limit the biodiversity of the site because of competition from planted mangroves. If no
seedlings have established in the area, even though a natural seed source is nearby, it will be
necessary to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the hydrological rehabilitation. Perhaps there
are still blockages to normal tidal flow or there is a disturbance in the seed source.

2.3.6 Step 6: Planting

Plant propagules or seedlings only after determining through steps 1–5, above, that natural
recruitment will not provide the quantity of successfully established seedlings, rate of sta-
bilization, or rate of growth, required for project success. Several good guides to effective
mangrove planting are available on the Internet. It is a good idea to do some small test plant-
ings to ensure that conditions are suitable for the desired species rather than mass plantings.
Mangrove species can be tested in small dense plots at the correct strata height. Any natural
occurring mangrove trees on site or volunteers will be an excellent reference for planting. As
mangrove do not grow naturally in straight rows, these should be avoided.

There are four sources of seeds/propagules for mangrove planting:

1. Raising seedlings in a nursery from local seed sources.

2. Direct planting of propagules.
3. Transplanting of wild seedlings.
4. Broadcasting fruits or propagules directly onto the water surface at incoming spring tides.

2.4 Community engagement

A critical element that MAP has added to Robin Lewis’s EMR model is community engage-
ment and empowerment, recognizing that sustainable mangrove restoration requires the full
participation of local affected people. For local populations, mangroves provide food, medi-
cines, tannins, fuelwood, charcoal and construction materials. For millions of indigenous and
local coastal residents, mangrove forests are vital for their everyday needs. Pisit Charnsnoh of
Thailand’s Yadfon Foundation has called mangroves the “supermarkets of the coastal poor,”
offering dependable, basic livelihood support that sustains their traditional cultures (Warne,
2007). MAP builds on these traditional community ties to the mangroves.

To involve the communities from the start of the project, it is important to learn about the past
and present condition of the proposed mangrove site and the relationship and use of the
mangroves by the local community. Also, any past efforts at mangrove restoration should be
evaluated. In the first place, the community will need to develop a management plan to deal
with the causes of mangrove destruction. This could be due to overexploitation for fuelwood,
illegal cutting, development encroachment, grazing by livestock, or other conflicting uses.
Often it will take time to develop and implement a workable solution. At other times a viable
strategy may not be found, impeding any mangrove restoration plans.

The CBEMR approach is introduced to local community members interested in acting as

future monitors and resource managers at the sites selected. This presentation is meant to
encourage the local community to get involved, which is one of the main points of interest
to help build the capacity of local communities to better manage and conserve their natural
resource base (Lewis et al., 2006).

Once the community is engaged, the local conservation group will develop a community man-
agement plan, which is critical to the process as the primary force preventing the repeated
degradation of the restoration site. Strong community stewardship ensures a central stake-
holder role in future mangrove management decision-making. A programme for monitoring
and evaluation of restored sites by local community members is built into the CBEMR process
with a 3–5 year plan to ensure success of the endeavour.

Attaining community-based management or co-management status will greatly aid the long-
term protection of the restoration site. Once the management plan is successfully imple-
mented, mangrove restoration can move forward in parallel (Lewis et al., 2006).

MAP offers three-day intensive CBEMR training workshops that instill the basic principles of
EMR in participants and also incorporate hands-on fieldwork at actual restoration sites. Each
workshop is geared towards the local conditions of the host country and region, involving
local mangrove ecologists, local officials, local communities and their associated CBOs and
NGOs in the process. Once the community is trained, MAP offers guidance and technical
support to ensure the success of restoration.

2.5 The overall project objectives of CBEMR

The CBEMR objectives are:

 Restoration and sustainable management of mangrove forests by the target communities

following the EMR approach at selected pilot sites.
 Protection and conservation of mangroves as carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots
through community participation and development of long-term plans for their sustain-
able and profitable use.
 Protection of the shoreline from wave action and erosion (precaution for cyclone and
tsunami-endangered areas) and improvement of water quality in the mangrove wetlands.
 Development of effective community networks and the initiation of strategic community-
based projects for the sustainable use and conservation of mangrove forests.

 Identify and develop sustainable alternative livelihoods to improve community welfare and
reduce the exploitation of mangroves and other natural resources.
 Provide an incentive for local community member participation in the EMR process via a
fair wage paid to those employed on both the restoration itself and the ongoing monitor-
ing and management follow-up activities.
 Dissemination of knowledge, both scientific and indigenous, on EMR methods.

3. Results
Working examples of successful EMR are found in Florida at West Lake (work done by
Robin Lewis over a decade ago), as well as in Indonesia at Tiwoho in North Sulawesi, where
MAP Indonesia and the local NGO, KELOLA, restored an area of abandoned shrimp ponds
(Lewis, 2005; Earthrise, 2011).

4. Discussion
4.1 Advantages of CBEMR over other current methods
MAP’s CBEMR programme involves a more methodological ecosystem approach than the
usual monoculture restoration efforts, incorporating natural mangrove dispersal and ecologi-
cal recovery. The key is in the restoration of the hydrology of the area being considered for
restoration, and then working with nature itself to help facilitate regeneration of the area’s
naturally occurring mangrove species. This is followed by adequate monitoring and evaluation
at each site to assess progress, take corrective action, and better ensure success and repli-
cability (Lewis et al., 2006). The CBEMR concept is based on a set of basic ecological prin-
ciples and is capable of restoring a much more naturally functional and biodiverse mangrove
ecosystem than other more capital and labour-intensive methods such as hand-planting. It
is also based on principles of community engagement and empowerment, recognizing that
sustainable restoration requires the active participation of the affected local communities.

4.2 Challenges, obstacles and opportunities ahead

4.2.1 Comparative analysis of current methodologies is needed
We need to define more clearly what constitutes “restoration” and what should be labelled
a “success.” Too often, just planting a certain number of Rhizophora propagules represents
success, when in reality these mass hand-plantings may be dismal failures with quite poor
seedling survivability, resulting in the forced conversion of one important wetland ecosystem
(the mudflat or salt flat) into another (the mangrove). This ecosystem conversion is often
unsuccessful in establishing a viable mangrove system, while simultaneously ruining the
original functionally important system. These mass single-species plantings most often result
in monoculture plantations at best or large-scale failures at worst – a waste of time and effort.

Frenetic one-day competitions have even been introduced to the “restoration” scene, when
mass plantings of over a million mangrove seedlings have set and reset superficial world
records in countries such as Pakistan and Senegal. However, what do such records mean if
these planted seedlings do not survive, or if once-viable coastal ecosystems are irreversibly
altered by converting from one system to another? Who is doing the follow-up and noting the
particulars of these “restoration” attempts? And there clearly needs to be a follow-up on the
many attempts at restoration to ensure restoration is actually occurring, and these need be

done over a period of at least five years or more to confirm the results. How can we learn the
lessons that need to be learned, and avoid the mistakes that need to be corrected, without
such follow-up verification and comparison with an agreed upon set of “best practices” for
mangrove restoration? Otherwise, where is the science in the methodology? Without proof
of authenticity, will our restoration attempts become mere hyperbole?

Further analysis is needed to determine more accurate values of selected benefits and
services, and the intrinsic worth of such factors as biodiversity and resilience to restore an
ecosystem that benefits both nature and livelihoods.

4.2.2 Need for more robust monitoring and evaluation of CBEMR

To ensure success, long-term monitoring and evaluation must be built into any restoration
framework. Too often, little follow-up in monitoring and evaluation occurs, and thus little is
gained in terms of lessons that could be learned from past mistakes or successes. Success
is often judged by percentage of surviving seedlings at 3–6 months, and sometimes one or
two years after the attempt at restoration, but we need at least five years to better understand
the nuances that determine success or failure at each unique restoration site. And we need
to define more clearly the outcome indicators used for determining that success. Are we
looking for restored biodiversity, forest density and height, or other factors?

According to Robin Lewis, determination of success is likely time-specific. He suggests

preparing a “time zero,” or baseline, report by setting up test quadrants and comparing
them statistically with similarly sized quadrants in the control areas (R. Lewis, pers. comm.).
According to Dr Norman Duke of Mangrove Watch, for tidal wetlands, “…there has been no
suitable assessment methodology that managers can readily use. So these valuable wetland
ecosystems have largely been neglected by managing agencies and monitoring programs - a
factor that arguably may have contributed to some declines” (Mangrove Watch, 2011; Baird
and Quarto, 1994). Mangrove Watch is helping to implement effective monitoring and assess-
ment programmes in Australia and is starting up in Thailand by providing training support.

4.2.3 Funding-driven restrictions

Donors have also made it hard for MAP to pursue effective CBEMR programmes by providing
only one or two years of funding, whereas at least five years of funding is required to carry
out CBEMR effectively because of the monitoring and evaluation needs. Donors seeking to
support only short-term results are unwittingly engendering long-term failures. Funding for
monitoring five years after the end of an EMR project is required.

4.2.4 Lack of landowner permission

One frequent obstacle centres on legal access or permission to sites needing to be restored.
Time and again, MAP has gained permission from a landowner to restore a particular site,
only to be told afterwards that the agreement to proceed is no longer valid because the
landowner has had a change of mind, or some other legal or titling issue has surfaced. This
forces MAP to look elsewhere for a suitable site, resulting in lost time and effort.

4.2.5 Siting challenges caused by climate change

286 A new siting challenge is caused by a phenomenon of climate change: rising sea levels.

Mangroves will need open lands behind them to colonize when rising sea levels force them
inland, otherwise they will be permanently submerged and drowned. Therefore, forethought
must go into planning to establish and preserve a buffer behind the mangroves where man-
groves can “migrate” inland as the sea level rises to re-establish themselves above the rising
low tide mark. This will prove a challenge because of the extensive development happening
behind mangroves, including roads, shrimp farms, industrial complexes, hotels and urban
centres. These will potentially hinder or block the necessary access areas which mangroves
can colonize as sea levels rise. The infrastructure and dykes, berms and roads can also block
important freshwater inputs into the mangroves, causing stress.

4.2.6 Ecosystem conversion encouraged by carbon offset plantings

As a result of the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, carbon offset plantings are being
implemented worldwide under the Clean Development Mechanism. This mechanism allows
developed countries to meet a part of their greenhouse gas reduction obligations through
carbon offset projects in developing countries (Jackson et al., 1995). To date, however,
only afforestation and reforestation projects have been accepted under the Kyoto Protocol.
This has led to criticism that the Protocol encourages plantation-style forests consisting of
monocultures with little resemblance to naturally occurring forests, and so does not truly
address the issue of continued deforestation and degradation. In addition, it may encourage
the planting of mangroves in areas where they do not naturally occur to the detriment of other
coastal habitats (such as mudflats).

4.2.7 Issues of employment

Traditional monoculture planting often involves long-term employment in nurseries and plant-
ing sites, whereas CBEMR, especially if it uses heavy equipment, creates little local employ-
ment. So finding ways to employ local people in the protection and maintenance of the
restoration site is a challenge. Most projects are designed to be relatively short (1–3 years)
so finding long-term financial support is also a challenge to enable long-term employment.

CBEMR can try to involve paid local labour in the physical hydrological work, depending
on the availability of labour and the time available. Yet nearly all abandoned shrimp ponds
have been constructed using heavy equipment, and sometimes it is unfeasible to correct
the hydrology by slow and difficult hand-digging.

4.2.8 Issues of alternative livelihoods

Alternative livelihood introduction is costly but important for community buy-in and project
sustainability. Creating livelihoods increases the inputs, resources and costs of the project
compared with just the technical aspects of EMR (such as restoring hydrology). CBEMR
is about community development, as well as mangrove restoration. Mangrove restoration
needs to be integrated into the community rather than just seen as a separate activity. This
can be expensive and time-consuming, but it ensures greater long-term success.

4.2.9 Land tenure and securing suitable restoration sites

Finding sites to restore is currently the greatest barrier and challenge to implementing CBEMR
in Southeast Asia. In Thailand, nearly all abandoned shrimp ponds under the control of the
Department of Marine and Coastal Resources have already been planted out by the depart- 287

ment. Other abandoned ponds which were formerly mangroves are either in private hands
with land deeds or illegally occupied where the land is under dispute. If land is privately owned,
then purchasing the land would be required, which is expensive. In two previous projects in
Thailand and another now underway, the greatest time and effort has been spent in trying to
locate and secure suitable sites. The first project in Krabi, Thailand, had to change site three
times and nearly one year passed before physical CBEMR work could begin. The Lang Da
village site also came with the restriction that the shrimp pond wall could not be breached,
so MAP had to rely only on the natural erosion of the sluice gate for tidal exchange. The
wealthy landowner, whose main concern was operating fishing trawlers, allowed the use of
the site for CBEMR research, but MAP could not reach a long-term agreement with him.

Another site in Thailand was on community mangrove land used illegally to construct shrimp
ponds. At first the illegal occupier agreed to return three ponds to the community for EMR,
but then changed his mind. It was only after a long effort involving many meetings, a com-
munity petition, and discussion with government offices, that one pond was made available
to the community; this decision took six months of a one-year project.

The same problem of securing CBEMR sites is also occurring in India, Cambodia, Indone-
sia and the Philippines. In the Philippines, abandoned fish and shrimp pond lands are held
under leases. And, in Cambodia, the Participatory Management of Coastal Resources of
Cambodia project under the Ministry of the Environment could not locate any available sites
in Koh Kong Province despite an eight-month search.

4.2.10 Government permission and permits

In Thailand it is illegal to bring heavy equipment into the mangrove zone without a permit.
This can be a lengthy and expensive process, raising another barrier to CBEMR. MAP’s first
attempt to get such a permit required letters and approvals from various government depart-
ments requiring a great deal of time to secure. After about three months (six months into the
one-year project), MAP gave-up and resorted to human labour. This example fortunately
turned into a win-win situation as the project funds stayed in the community. Yet this could
be a major barrier if heavy equipment is required to restore the hydrology. In other locations,
it may prove a minor obstacle if good relations can be developed beforehand with the right
people and responsible offices.

4.3 Going forward

MAP is currently engaged in a CBEMR project on the Andaman Sea coast of Thailand,
and is actively seeking both project partners and donors for new CBEMR projects in such
locations as the Gulf of Fonseca (El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua); the Choco Coast
of Colombia; the Sundarbans of India; Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela; and additional sites in
Thailand. The sites will be strategically selected to:

1. Further improve the CBEMR methodology.

2. Systematize the resolution of the challenges presented above.
3. Demonstrate CBEMR feasibility on a larger scale.
4. Explore integration of CBEMR into national and international initiatives such as national
288 coastal ecosystem plans, carbon offsets, payments for ecosystem services, and REDD+.

To disseminate knowledge on CBEMR and allow its wider application in different coun-
tries, MAP is organising a series of CBEMR workshops to train stakeholders from different
backgrounds in CBEMR methods. The plan is to establish regional core groups of trained
restoration practitioners. These core groups will share information and experiences on how
best to implement EMR projects taking local conditions into consideration.

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Warne, K., 2007. Forests of the Tide. National Geographic 211, 132–151.

Annex Links to Videos on EMR

Ban Tale Nok EMR Demonstration Project:

Krabi Mangrove Training:
EMR Animation Indonesia:

Annex 1 Colloquium programme

30 AUGUST 2012 (Day 1)

08 00 – 08 30 Registration
08 30 – 10 00 OPENING CEREMONY
Welcome address Ms Meenakshi Datta Ghosh
Country Representative, IUCN India
Mangroves for the Future – Dr Steen Christensen
Introduction, and a brief on Mangroves for the Future (MFF) Coordinator
the Regional Colloquium
Inaugural Address Dr J. R. Bhatt
Director, Ministry of Environment and Forests
Government of India
Vote of Thanks Dr N. M. Ishwar
Mangroves for the Future (MFF) India
10 00 – 10 30 Coffee/Tea break
10 30 – 12 30 SESSION I:
Economic and Environmental Values of Mangroves and the Need for
their Restoration/Rehabilitation: Status and Challenges
 Valuation, carbon sequestration and restoration of mangrove
ecosystems in India (J. R. Bhatt and K. Kathiresan)
 Indonesian mangroves: critical challenges and strategies for their
sustainable management after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
(Sukristijono Sukardjo)
 An overview of mangrove restoration efforts in Pakistan (Shamsul Haq
 A collaborative approach between tourism and coastal communities:
a present-day need and opportunity for mangrove management and
conservation in Sri Lanka (P. Upali Ratnayake)
12 30 – 14 00 Lunch break
14 00 – 15 30 SESSION I (continued)
 Mangrove restoration efforts in Sri Lanka (T. S. Ranasinghe)
 Status of mangrove plantations in the living delta: an overview of the
coastal afforestation experience of Bangladesh (Ishtiaq Uddin Ahmad)
 Mangrove conservation and restoration in the Indian Sundarbans
(P. Vyas and K. Sengupta)
15 30 – 16 00 Coffee/Tea break
16 00 – 18 00 SESSION II:
Lessons Learned from Mangrove Rehabilitation Projects
 Lesson learned from the programme Let’s Plant Mangroves: a case
study from villages in Banten and Central Java provinces, Indonesia
(W. Mahardi)
 Restoration of deteriorated wetlands in Kumana (Yala East) National
Park, Sri Lanka: a pilot project on mangrove restoration (P. Suranga
Ratnayake, Y. Mapatuna and P. N. Dayawansa)
 Afforestation of coastal mudflats in Gujarat, India (C. N. Pandey and
R. Pandey)
 Genesis and present status of restoration practices in saline blanks in
India (V. Selvam, R. Ramasubramanian and K. K. Ravichandran)
 Mangrove restoration and planting in micro-tidal barrier-built estuaries
and lagoons in Asia – ideology versus sustainable ecosystem science?
(Jayampathi I. Samarakoon)
19 30 Colloquium Dinner

31 AUGUST 2012 (Day 2)

08 30 – 10 30 SESSION III:
Guidelines for Good Practices in Mangrove Restoration/Rehabilitation
 Mangrove rehabilitation through community involvement: establishing
mangrove conservation awareness and education (Sylvanna Antat,
Lyndy Bastienne and Terence Vel)
 Local knowledge management for mangrove management (Tanirat
Tanawat and P. Boonplod)
 Active versus passive restoration of mangroves: developing models
for sustainable rejuvenation of mangrove ecosystems used for shrimp
farming in North-Western Province of Sri Lanka (Sevvandi Jayakody,
J. M. P. K. Jayasinghe and Anushka H. Wijesundara)
 Restoration and return of mangroves and fisheries in abandoned aqua-
culture farms (V. Selvam, A. Sivakumar and R. Ramasubramanian)
10 30 – 11 00 Coffee/Tea break
11 00 – 12 30 SESSION III (continued):
 Clam seed production and benefit-sharing in Xuan Thuy National Park,
Viet Nam (Nguyen Viet Cach)
 Mangrove planting, community participation and integrated manage-
ment in Soc Trang Province, Viet Nam (Klaus Schmitt)
 Monitoring framework for replanted mangrove areas – sharing the
experience from Pakistan (Ghulam Qadir Shah)
 Towards Coastal Health Archive and Monitoring National Programmes
(CHAMPS) for assessing change, and identifying drivers of change, in
tidal wetlands and coastal margins (Norman Duke)
12 30 – 14 00 Lunch break
14 00 – 16 00 SESSION IV:
Mangroves, Climate Change and DRR: The Way Forward and a Call
for Action
 Navigating mangrove resilience through the ecosystem-based
adaptation approach: lessons from Bangladesh (Paramesh Nandy and
Ronju Ahammad)
 Disaster risk reduction through mangrove conservation and rehabilitation:
a case study in the Ayeyarwady Delta of Myanmar (Maung Maung Than)
 Adapting to natural disasters and contributing to climate change
mitigation: mangrove community forestry in Viet Nam (Sen Le Thi Hoa,
R. Suzuki and M. F. Thomsen)
 Ecological mangrove restoration: re-establishing a more biodiverse and
resilient coastal ecosystem with community participation (Alfredo Quarto)
16 00 – 16 30 Coffee/Tea break
16 30 – 17 30 Presentation of the Draft Call for Action Statement and Closing
Impressions on the Colloquium Ms Meenakshi Datta Ghosh
Country Representative, IUCN India
Key Messages from the Regional Professor Donald Macintosh
Colloquium – Call for Action Senior Advisor, MFF
CBD COP-11 – Expectations Dr Balakrishna Pisupati, Chairman,
National Biodiversity Authority, India
Regional Colloquium and the Mr Hem Pande, Additional Secretary
links to CBD COP-11 Ministry of Environment and Forests, India
Vote of Thanks Dr Steen Christensen, MFF Coordinator
Mr Shamsul Haq Memon, Pakistan
Distribution of certificates – Scientific presentation course

1–2 SEPTEMBER 2012 (Field Visit)

1 September 2012
 Visit to Auroville and its Botanical Garden
 ICT-based Village Resource Centre of M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF),
 Overnight in Chidambaram

2 September 2012
 Visit to mangroves in Pichavaram
 MSSRF-initiated restoration of abandoned shrimp farms
 Return to Chennai

Participants in the MFF Regional Colloquium. Photo © Ranjith Mahindapala.
Annex 2 List of participants

Mr Dudy Kurnia Nugroho ADI Dr Steen CHRISTENSEN

MFF Indonesia Coordinator MFF Secretariat
UNDP Indonesia Country Office IUCN Asia Regional Office
Menara Thamrin Building, 9th Floor 63 Sukumvit Soi 39
Jl. MH Thamrin Kav. 3 Bangkok 10110
Jakarta 10250, Thailand
Indonesia Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Ms Nisha D’SOUZA
Mr Ishtiaq Uddin AHMAD IUCN India Country Office
IUCN Bangladesh Country Office 20 Anand Lok
House 16, Road 2/3, Banani August Kranti Marg
Dhaka 1213 New Delhi 110049
Bangladesh India
Email: [email protected] Email: nisha.d’[email protected]

Ms Sylvanna ANTAT Ms Simone-Sarah DE THURAH

Seychelles National Parks Authority M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
PO Box 1240 Chidambaram
Victoria, Mahé India
Seychelles Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Dr Norman Clive DUKE
Ms Joanita Lyndy BASTIENNE 66 Woodgee Street
UNDP Office, Currumbin
3rd Floor Les Palmes Building, Queensland 4223
PO Box 310 Australia
Victoria Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Ms Kumudini EK ARATNE
NCB Coordinator
Dr J. R. BHATT IUCN Sri Lanka Office
Ministry of Environment and Forests, No. 53, Norton Place
Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Colombo 07
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003 Sri Lanka
India Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Mr Nguyen Viet CACH MFF Secretariat
Xuan Thuy National Park IUCN Asia Regional Office
Giao Thuy 63 Sukumvit Soi 39
Nam Dinh Bangkok 10110
Viet Nam Thailand
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]


Mr Sandeep GAUR Prof. K. K ATHIRESAN

IUCN India Country Office Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology
20 Anand Lok Annamalai University
August Kranti Marg Parangipettai 608502
New Delhi 110049 India
India Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Prof. Donald John MACINTOSH
Ms Meenakshi Datta GHOSH Mangroves for the Future
IUCN India Country Office 25 Gustav Wieds Vej
20 Anand Lok Aarhus C., DK 8000
August Kranti Marg Denmark
New Delhi 110049 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Mr Weka MAHARDI
Directorate of Coastal and Marine Affairs
Dr A. GOPALAKRISHNAN Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology Mina Bahari 2
Annamalai University Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16
Parangipettai 608502 Jakarta 10110
India Indonesia
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Ms Bui Thi Thu HIEN Dr Ranjith MAHINDAPALA

MFF National Coordinator MFF Secretariat
IUCN Viet Nam Country Office IUCN Asia Regional Office
1st Floor, 2A Building, Van Phuc Diplomatic 63 Sukumvit Soi 39
Compound, 298 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi Bangkok 10110
Viet Nam Thailand
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr N. M. ISHWAR Mr Shamsul Haq MEMON

MFF India Coordinator Sindh Coastal Development Authority
IUCN India Country Office P.I.D.C. House, M.T. Khan Road
20 Anand Lok Karachi
August Kranti Marg Pakistan
New Delhi 110049 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Mr Paramesh NANDY
Community Based Adaptation to Climate
Mr Bijaya Kumar K ABI Change through Coastal Afforestation
Hatapatana P.O. Project, UNDP-BD
Kadaliban, Dist. Kendrapara Ban Bhaban, Room No.333, Agargaon
Orissa Dhaka 1207
India Bangladesh
298 Email: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
Project (BOBLME) 7-4-19, Sashasai Street
Andaman Sea Fisheries Research and Ramaraopet, Kakinada
Development Centre, 77 Moo 7, Vichit India
Phuket 83000 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Ms Thalatha Sreeni RANASINGHE
Marine Environment Protection Authority
Mr Hem PANDE No. 758, Baseline Road
Joint Secretary Colombo 09
Ministry of Environment and Forests Sri Lanka
Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Email: [email protected]
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003
India Mr Pubudu Suranga RATHNAYAKE
Email: [email protected] Department of Wildlife Conservation
Kumana National Park, Panama
Dr Richa PANDEY Sri Lanka
Office of Additional PCCF (D&M) Email: [email protected]
3rd Floor, B Wing, Aranya Bhawan Sec-10
Gandhinagar Mr P. Upali RATNAYAKE
Gujarat Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
India 80, Galle Road
Email: [email protected] Colombo 03
Sri Lanka
Dr Ajay K. PARIDA Email: [email protected]
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation
3rd Cross Street, Institutional Area Dr Jayampathy Indrasiri SAMARAKOON
Taramani 39A Inner Fairline Road
Chennai 600113 Dehiwela
India Sri Lanka
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr Balakrishna PISUPATI Mr Dimuthu SAMARATUNGA

National Biodiversity Authority IUCN India Country Office
5th Floor, TICEL Bio Park 20 Anand Lok
Taramani August Kranti Marg
Chennai 600113 New Delhi 110049
India India
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Dr Alfredo QUARTO Dr Klaus Dieter SCHMITT

4872 Deer Park Road 134 Tran Hung Dao
Port Angeles, WA 98362 Soc Trang City
USA Viet Nam
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 299


M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation Thailand Environment Institute
3rd Cross Street, Institutional Area 16/151 Muangthongthani
Taramani Bangplood
Chennai 600113 Prakkred
India Nonthaburi 11120
Email: [email protected] Thailand
Email: [email protected]
Dr Le Thi Hoa SEN
Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry Mr Maung Maung THAN
102 Phunghung, Hue City MERN, 41/15, Shwe Ohn Pin Housing
Viet Nam Yan Aye Road
Email: [email protected] Yankin Township
Mr Syed Ghulam Qadir SHAH Myanmar
IUCN Pakistan Country Office Email: [email protected]
1 Bath Island Road, Karachi
Pakistan Dr Ravishankar THUPALLI
Email: [email protected] 123, Valmiki Street
East Tambaram
Ms Sachi SINGH Chennai 600059
B-32, TARA Crescent, Qutub Institutional India
Area, New Delhi 110016 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected] Dr C. VENK ATRAMAN
Zoological Survey of India
Dr Arunachalam SIVAKUMAR 130, San Thome High Road
M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation Chennai 600028
Vedaranyam India
India Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Mr Pradeep V YAS
Ms Siriporn SRIARAM Sundarban Biosphere Reserve
MFF Thailand Coordinator Forest Department, West Bengal
IUCN Asia Regional Office Bikash Bhawan
63 Sukumvit Soi 39 Salt Lake City
Bangkok 10110 Kolkata 700091
Thailand India
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Prof. Sukristijono SUK ARDJO Ms Anushka Hashini WIJESUNDARA

Bojong Gg Rawasari Rt. 002/00 Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Pamoyanan Kota Bogor Makandura
Selatan Bogor 16136 Gonawila
Indonesia Sri Lanka
300 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
Mangroves for the Future (MFF) is a partnership-based initiative promoting investments in coastal
ecosystems that support sustainable development. MFF provides a collaborative platform for the
many countries, sectors and agencies tackling the challenges to coastal ecosystem conservation
and livelihood sustainability, and is helping them to work towards a common goal.

MFF builds on a history of coastal management efforts before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami, especially the call to sustain the momentum and partnerships generated by the immedi-
ate post-tsunami response. After focusing initially on the countries worst-affected by the tsunami
– India, Indonesia, Maldives, Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Thailand – MFF has now expanded to
include Pakistan and Viet Nam. MFF will also continue to reach out to other countries in the
region facing similar challenges, with the overall aim of promoting an integrated, ocean-wide
approach to coastal area management.

MFF seeks to achieve demonstrable results through regional cooperation, national programme
support, private sector engagement and community action. This is being realized through con-
certed actions and projects to generate and share knowledge more effectively, empower institu-
tions and communities, and enhance the governance of coastal ecosystems.

Although MFF has chosen mangroves as its flagship ecosystem, the initiative embraces all
coastal ecosystems, including coral reefs, estuaries, lagoons, wetlands, beaches and seagrass
beds. Its management strategy is based on specific national and regional needs for long-term
sustainable management of coastal ecosystems. These priorities, as well as newly emerging
issues, are reviewed regularly by the MFF Regional Steering Committee to ensure that MFF
continues to be a highly relevant and responsive initiative.

Learn more at:

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