Philosophy Reviwerq1 Sev1 1

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1.Who was the Ancient Greek thinker more popularly A. A and B B. C and B C. A and C D. All the above

known for Mathematical formula, the Pythagorean

8. Which of the following statement is True?
A. Both partial and point of view are good contributors in
A. Aristotle B. Confucius C. Plato D. Pythagoras
doing philosophy

2. What does the term philosophy mean?

B. Reflection is not required in doing philosophy

A. Love of Good will B. Love of Critical Thinking

A. Both stamen A and b is true.

C. Love of Wisdom D. Love of God

B. Both Statement A and b are false.

3. What branch of Philosophy came from the Greek words

C. Statement A is true stamen B is false
meta and physika?
D. Statement A is false statement B is true
A. Aesthetics B. Ethics C. Logic D. Metaphysics
9. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates partial
4. What point of view looks at all aspects of a situation?
point of view?

A. Holistic point of view B. Holism perspective

A. Watching internet

C. Partial point of view D. Partition point of view

B. Participating in a mandated seminar

5. Who was an Ancient Greek philosopher whose way of

C. Referring to only one source of information for your
life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence
research paper
on Western philosophy?
D. Listening to both your teachers and parent’s advice on
A. Aristotle B. Plato C. Thomas Hobbes D. Socrates
ow you improve your grades.

6. What reflection allows us to think holistically?

10.Who among the following students may have already

A. Holistic Perspective B. Primary Reflection developed a broader philosophical perspective?

C. Partial Perspective D. Secondary Reflection A. Trish, a loner but a kin observer

7. Which of the following statement is correct about B. Mara who regularly monitors the emotional well-being

Philosophy? of her classmates

A. Philosophy is multidimensional . C. Sansa, who always listen to all sides of the argument

before giving any advice

B. Philosophical reflection develops reflective skills

D. Theon, who consistently chats with her classmate about

C. Before engaging in philosophical inquiry, you should
their hobbies and perspective in life.
consider only your primary reflection
Module 1

Nature of Philosophy Philosophy as the "love of wisdom" (from Greek: "Philo" = love, "Sophia" = wisdom).

* Philosophy is the study of beings, ultimate causes, and principles through reason.

* Philosophy uses the natural light of reason, is multidimensional, and covers material and immaterial things.

* Key Principles:

- Identity: Whatever exists is itself.

-Non-Contradiction: Something cannot both be and not be at the same time.

- Excluded Middle: Everything either is or is not, no middle ground.

Value of Philosophy

- Promotes reflective thinking, helping with life’s challenges and relationships.

- Allows one to distinguish between holistic (considering all aspects) and partial (considering limited aspects) points of view.

Philosophical Reflection

* Based on Gabriel Marcel’s ideas of primary and secondary reflection.

- Primary Reflection: Analytical, fragmented thinking (instrumental).

- Secondary Reflection: Holistic thinking that unites experiences.

Key Philosophers:

Socrates: Advocated for ethical systems based on reason.

Plato: Student of Socrates, known for works that greatly influenced Western philosophy.

Aristotle: Developed metaphysical and scientific systems foundational for both Christian and Islamic philosophy.

Thomas Hobbes: Known for political philosophy emphasizing collective security.

Branches of Philosophy:

Metaphysics: Study of reality and existence

Logic: Study of correct reasoning.

Epistemology: Study of knowledge, its sources, and limits.

Ethics: Study of morality.

Aesthetics: Study of beauty and art.

Module 2 D. All of the answers are correct.

1. Which of the following scenarios demonstrates the 4. Which among the statements is a fact as opposed to an

scientific method? opinion.

A. A mother is questioning her son’s real reason for his A. San Fernando City is not a pretty city.

excessive absences from school.

B. Pasig is the best city in the Philippines.

B. Evaluating two physical activities regarding their ability

C. Only awesome people live in the Naguilian.
to increase work performance.
D. The Philippines has around 104 million people.
C. A lawyer is asking further questions about the suspect’s
5. If you read something that said that one thing was
whereabouts during the crime.
better than another, and that made you have an emotional
D. Testing and quantifying compassion which are all
response, what did you likely just read?
realities that do dwell in the realm of materialism
A. Essay B. Fact C. News D. Opinion
2. Which of the following demonstrates the appeal to force
6. Which of these is an opinion?

A. Philippines has around 104 million people.

A. If we can’t choose which cruise to go on, we can flip a

coin to decide. B. Quezon City is the largest city in the Philippines

B. If you lose your job, you will need to apply for C. There are twenty towns in the Province of La Union

unemployment compensation.
D. The beaches in San Juan, La Union are the best tourist

C. If you don’t agree to the terms of the annulment, I will spot.

spread rumors about you all over town.

7. Which question can help you determine whether a

D. I should be able to go before you in line for vanilla ice statement is a fact or an opinion?

cream because I arrived at the shop first.

A. Both of A and B

3. What would have been a better approach for Guinevere

B. Neither of A nor B
to convince her friends that continuing to hike is safe?
C. Is this statement provable either true or false?
A. Telling them about how one of her friends was ever hit
D. Does this statement express an author’s personal belief,
by lightning.
idea, or feeling about a topic?
B. Citing guidelines she had been provided by a park
8. Why do you think opinion is based on our own
ranger for how to tell when it is safe to continue.
C. Giving them the precise number of times that she
A. What might be our perception is different from others.
herself had hiked up the mountain without a problem.
B. Our perception depends on the people that we D. Just last week, he scored 24 points in the Municipal

encounter. Meet championship game.

C. It strengthens our critical thinking skills and reasoning 12. Which sentence expresses an opinion?

A. It is easier to wrap a big gift than a small one.

D. Without our opinion, we cannot give positive judgment

B. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.
to an issue.
C. Christmas is the time of giving and sharing your
9. Which statement best describe opinion?

A. Belief that can be proven.

D. Paper lanterns are symbols of Christmas in the

B. Belief that cannot be proven. Philippines.

C. A personal belief that makes sense 13. Which of the following is NOT an opinion statement?

D. Statement which most people share. A. Avril Lavigne is the greatest singer ever!

10. Which among the following statements is true about B. Nearly 65% of our teens are over – weight.

C. Chocolate cake is the most delicious kind of dessert.

A. Like self – actualization.

D. I think that San Fernando City is the best state in which

B. It is for younger ages only. to live.

C. Always ends with conclusion. 14. What type of fallacy is present in the statement

“Before we begin the debate, everyone here should know

D. Requires logical and critical thinking.
that my opponent is a convicted felon”.
11. What do you think is considered as opinion on the
A. More Licensing B. Equivocation
paragraph below? Harley is six feet tall. He is a twelveth

grade student of Naguilian Senior High School. Just last C. Arumentum ad Baculum D. Argumentum ad Homine

week, he scored 24 points in the Municipal Meet

15. According to Husserl, the success of natural science
championship game. I think he will be a varsity player in
led to gradual scientific rejection of ________.
A. Existence B. Nature
A. Harley is six feet tall.
C. Matter D. Spirit
B. I think he will be a varsity player in college.
16. When Husserl described human experience as the
C. He is a twelveth grade student of Naguilian Senior High
immediate data of consciousness, he meant ________.
A. dualism B. materialism

C. pure objectivity D. pure subjectivity

17. What type of fallacy is present in the statement, “My 19. What type of fallacy is present in the statement,

father smoked four packs of cigarettes a day since age “Forgive me office, there are lot of boarders in this

fourteen and lived until age sixty-nine. Therefore, smoking apartment including me. Only the owner was issued a

really can’t be that bad for you.” quarantine pass. We don’t have food; we can’t give our

ATM to the owner. That’s why I went out. So, I did not
A. Ad misericordiam B. false analogy
violate the Quarantine Protocol.”
C. Hasty Generalization D. Post Hoc
A. Ad misericordiam B. false analogy
18. Which among these headlines presented information
C. Hasty Generalization D. Post Hoc
that are fair, objective, and moderate?

20. What type of fallacy is present in the statement, “All of

A. It’s time to consider other means of cash aid distribution
us in the family, from our ancestors up to now, are inclined
B. Government vows to faster distribution of coronavirus
with teaching, so it is only right that you took up education
as your course.

C. We can also learn lesson from Vietnam how they

A. Ad misericordiam B. false analogy
distribute their cash aid.
C. Hasty Generalization D. Post Hoc
D. Other countries around the world have much better

means in cash aid distribution

Module 2.1 ( maam richie) 6. Truth is a property of an extensive body of
interrelated statements; hence, statements have
Pre-test degrees of truth and falsity.

1,the Correspondence Theory of truth asserts that A. Coherence Theory of Truth

truth must
B. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
A. be agreed by upon by two people
c. Correspondence Theory Truth
B. corresponds with experience and fact
d. Dialectical Theory of Truth
C. be based on myth and reality
7. This theory of truth is tantamount to the belief in
D. be agreed by upon by three people only the good or practical consequence that an idea would
2. This theory of truth is the agreement of things with
one another. A. Coherence Theory of Truth

A. Pragmatic Theory of Truth B. Correspondence B. Pragmatic Theory of Truth

Theory of Truth
C. Correspondence Theory of Truth
C. Coherence Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth
8. It is the idea that something is true if it accurately
3. The truth of a belief is tested by its satisfactory describes the world.
results when it is put into operation.
A. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
A. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
B. Correspondence Theory of Truth
B. Coherence Theory of Truth
C. Coherence Theory of Truth
C. Correspondence Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth
9. A statement is not known to be true if the fact
4. This theory of truth deals with the consistency of corresponding to the statement is not, in principle,
the truth of statements claimed within the system that verifiable in some manner.
is being used.
A. Correspondence Theory of Truth
a. Correspondence Theory of Truth
B. Coherence Theory of Truth
b. Coherence Theory of Truth
C. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
c. Pragmatic Theory of Truth
D. Dialectical Theory of Truth
d. Dialectical Theory of Truth
10. You can never know something is true until you
5. You know that “Snow is white" if and only if snow is can test its validity. If you cannot test it, you cannot
white. know it.

A. Correspondence Theory of Truth A. Pragmatic Theory of Truth

B. Coherence Theory of Truth B. Coherence Theory of Truth

c. Pragmatic Theory of Truth C. Correspondence Theory of Truth

d. Dialectical Theory of Truth D. Dialectical Theory of Truth

11. Formal discussion entails process. C. Government vows to faster distribution of
coronavirus aid
A. argument B. lecture
D. We can also learn lesson from Vietnam how they
C. discussion D. debate
distribute their cash aid
12.Informal discourse does not entail tedious
4. Statements are true on the degree to which it
"hangs together" with all the other beliefs in a system
A. lecture B. debate of beliefs.

C. argument D. discussion A. pragmatic B. coherence

13.It is true if it is in exact conformity to what is C. deflationary D. correspondence

observed in their actual status and relations.
5. The five senses are useful tools to verify the
A. rational B. concrete truthfulness of propositions.

C. reasonable D. empirical A. coherence theory B. pragmatic theory

14.Light Railway Transit is a train. C. correspondence theory D. semantic theory

A. common senses B. complex confirmation 6. Why do we need epistemology?

C. self-evident D. corresponds to argument A. To overcome poverty

15.Reason is the chief source and test of truth. B. To acquire and validate knowledge

A. Rational B. Concrete C. To become geniuses

C. Reasonable D. Empirical D. To succeed in life

Post test 7. Knowledge is ultimately grounded on___________

1. Beliefs and statements are true if they are . A. Emotions B. Convictions

consistent with actual state of affairs.
C. Beliefs D. Sense perception
A. correspondence B. coherence
8. Philosophers who believed that knowledge is based on
C. pragmatic D. deflationary sense perception.

2. Beliefs that lead to the best "payoff", that are the A. Idealists B. Rationalists
best justification of our actions that promote success,
C. Empiricists D. Nominalists
are truths.
9. Identify which of the following statements is factual?
A. pragmatic theory B. semantic theory
1. My brother arrived at 11 pm.
C. correspondence theory D. coherence theory
2. My brother always come home late because he is a good
3. Check the headline information fair, objective, and
for nothing individual.
3. Man is a living organism.
A. It’s time to consider other means of cash aid
distribution 4. Free trade simply promotes the selfish greed of
B. Other countries around the world have much better
means in cash aid distribution A. 1 and 4 B. 2 and 3

C. 1 and 3 D. 2 and 4
10. Identify which statements above are mere opinions.  Holism:

A. 1 and 3 B. 2 and 4 o Holistic judgment involves looking at all

aspects of a problem or situation for a
C. 2 and 3 D. 1 and 4
sound decision.

 Secondary Reflection:
 Divine Image:
o A subjective, personal perspective based
o St. Thomas believes that to find who we on one's experiences and deeper insights.
are, we must find the divine image within
 Philosophical Reflection:
o Philosophy is the study of all things, not
 Embodied Spirit:
limited to one subject or method of
o The living, animating core within each inquiry, reflecting on truths and
person that drives thoughts, words, and perspectives.
 Transcendence:
 Forgiveness:
o It involves acknowledging personal
o Transcendence involves recognizing limitations and identifying possibilities for
forgiveness as a path to freedom from improvement.
bitterness and anger.
 Pythagoras on Environment:
 Anthropocentric Philosophy:
o Describes the environment as a
o Human beings are viewed as the most harmonious order of nature, reflecting
significant entity, using the environment beauty and balance.
for their benefit.
 Sustainable Development:
 Ecofeminism:
o Ensures the current use of resources does
o A philosophical idea that links the not compromise future generations'
suffering of women and nature to a male- ability to meet their needs.
dominated society.
 Prudence and Frugality:
 Ecological Crisis:
o Making decisions about resource use to
o Deep Ecology explains that ecological minimize waste, maintain ecological
crises result from humanity’s balance, and promote sustainability.
anthropocentric attitude.
 Ethics in Everyday Actions:
 Environmental Laws:
o The branch of philosophy focusing on
o The Ecological Solid Waste Management morality, like returning lost items as an
Act of 2000 (RA 9003) focuses on ethical act.
reducing solid waste through sustainable
 Critical Thinking:
o Uses logical analysis and evidence to
 Ecological Virtues:
distinguish facts from opinions and biases.
o Prudence and frugality guide wise,
responsible use of natural resources,
ensuring minimal waste.
Module 2.2 Pre test

1. Which fallacy literally means hitting the person below B. Other countries around the world have much better
the belt instead of focusing on the issue at hand? means in cash aid distribution

A. mora licensing B. equivocation C. Government vows to faster distribution of coronavirus

C. argumentum ad baculum D. ad hominem
D. We can also learn lesson from Vietnam how they
2. According to Husserl, the success of natural science lead
distribute their cash aid
to the gradual scientific rejection of__________.
7. Which among these headlines has no errors in terms of
A. spirit B. matter
spelling, grammar, and content?
C. nature D. existence
A. Robredo Chides Government for Unclear
3. Who institutionalized the pragmatic method of Communication on New Quarantine Rules
B. Robredo Blames the Government as They Don’t Have
A. John Dewey B. Socrates Clear Rules in Quarantine

C. Ludwig Wittgenstein D. George Hegel C. Robredo Charge the Government as Culprit of Confusion

4. What is Husserl’s point of view with regards to in Quarantine

consciousness? D. Robredo blames those in Executive Branch for

A. The study of consciousness is the same as the study of Communication’s Unclear

nature 8. Which among the following statements contain

B. The study of human consciousness differs from the way substantiated generalizations?

scientists study nature A. “Drug war a massive failure”—Robredo

. C. It does not matter whether we study consciousness B. Robredo lies to world, shames the nation and herself in
similarly or differently than the way scientists study nature. UN message

D. Husserl was not interested in the study of C. The real albatross on Leni Robredo’s neck
D. Let Leni plan on her own drug war
5. This fallacy is committed when one reaches a
9. Which among the following authors could be the most
generalization based on insufficient evidence.
credible according to his or her Twitter account’s
A. ad misericordiam background?

B. false analogy A. Banat By – Simpleng tao na mahilig bumanat

C. hasty generalization B. Atom Araullo- Journalist. @ UNHCPPh Goodwill

D. post hoc Ambassador

6. Which among these headlines presented information C. AkoNgaSY Lyco- Speak now or be silent forever. Follow

that are fair, objective, and moderate? me I will not follow you

A. It’s time to consider other means of cash aid D. Senyora- Full time haciendera and professional

distribution husgadera
10.Which among the following publishers pose no o Secondary reflection integrates personal
particular agenda or bias? experiences and broader existential
concerns to form a more comprehensive
A. Bulag Ang ABS-CBN sa Katotohanan by Antonio Brigas
view of the self.
B. ABS-CBN Naipasara Sanhi ng Di Pagrenew ng Prangkisa
5. Analytic Method (Wittgenstein, Bertrand Russell)
by GMA News
o Examines language and logic to clarify
C. Nararapat Lamang na Huwag ng Magbukas ang ABS-CBN
thought and remove ambiguity.
by Balat Sibuyas
o Wittgenstein introduced the concept of
D. Bye Bye Kapamilya by the Avengers
language games to explain that words
. have different meanings depending on

Methods of Philosophizing: context.

1. Dialectic Method (Socrates, Hegel) Different Fallacies:

o Socrates used disciplined conversation to 1. Ad Hominem (Attacking the person)

discover truth, focusing on understanding o Attacking the individual rather than

concepts like justice. addressing the argument.

o Hegel added to this by proposing the 2. Ad Baculum (Appeal to force)

thesis-antithesis-synthesis model, where
o Using threats or force instead of logical
ideas evolve through contradictions.
2. Pragmatic Method (John Dewey, William James)
3. Ad Misericordiam (Appeal to pity)
o Truth is judged by practical outcomes. If
o Evoking pity to influence an argument
applying a belief leads to success, it is
rather than addressing its merits.
considered true.
4. Ad Populum (Bandwagon appeal)
o Focuses on solving real-world problems
rather than creating abstract systems of o Suggesting something is true or better
thought. simply because many people believe it.

3. Phenomenological Method (Edmund Husserl) 5. Appeal to Tradition

o Emphasizes the importance of subjective o Asserting something is true because it has

experience and the "pure subjectivity" of been practiced for a long time.
the thinker.
6. Appeal to Ignorance
o Husserl believed in "bracketing" biases to
o Claiming something is true because it has
reach truth, focusing on immediate
not been proven false (or vice versa).
experience rather than preconceptions.
7. Petitio Principii (Begging the question)
4. Primary and Secondary Reflection (Gabriel
Marcel) o Circular reasoning where the conclusion is
assumed in the premises.
o Primary reflection focuses on the
objective analysis of the self versus the 8. Hasty Generalization

external world.
o Drawing a conclusion based on
insufficient evidence.
9. Cause and Effect Fallacy A. spirit B. matter C. nature D. existence
3. When Husserl described human experience as the
o Assuming that because two events occur
immediate data of consciousness, he meant
together, one causes the other.
10. Fallacy of Composition
A. Pure subjectivity B. Pure objectivity
o Assuming what is true of a part must also
C. materialism D. dualism
be true of the whole.
4. What is Husserl’s point of view with regards to
11. Fallacy of Division
o Assuming what is true of the whole must
A. The study of consciousness is the same as the study of
also be true for its parts.
12. Equivocation
B. The study of human consciousness differs from the way
o Using a word in different meanings in an scientists study nature.
argument, leading to a false conclusion.
C. It does not matter whether we study consciousness
Key Concepts: similarly or differently than the way scientists study nature.
D. Husserl was not interested in the study of
 Fact vs Opinion:
o Fact: Can be proven true or false.
5. What type of fallacy is present in the statement, “My
o Opinion: Personal belief, cannot be father smoked four packs of cigarettes a day since age
proven or disproven. fourteen and lived until age sixty-nine. Therefore, smoking

 Evaluating Sources: really can’t be that bad for you”?

o Consider credibility, accuracy, A. ad misericordiam B. false analogy

reasonableness, and support (CARS) C. hasty generalization D. post hoc 30

when evaluating information.
6. Which among these headlines presented information
o Ensure sources are reliable and up-to- that are fair, objective, and moderate?
A. It’s time to consider other means of cash aid distribution
 Critical Thinking in Philosophy: B. Other countries around the world have much better

o Using methods of philosophizing and means in cash aid distribution

avoiding fallacies helps distinguish truth C. Government vows to faster distribution of coronavirus
from opinion and analyze arguments aid
D. We can also learn lesson from Vietnam how they
1. What type of fallacy is present in the statement, “Before distribute their cash aid
we begin the debate, everyone here should know that my
7. Which among these headlines has no errors in terms of
opponent is a convicted felon”?
spelling, grammar, and content?
A. mora licensing B. equivocation
A. Robredo Chides Gov’t for Unclear Communication on
C. argumentum ad baculum D. ad hominem New Quarantine Rules

2. According to Husserl, the success of natural science lead B. Robredo Blames the Government as They Don’t Have
to the gradual scientific rejection of__________. Clear Rules in Quarantine
C. Robredo Charge the Govrnment as Culprit of Confusion A. Bad faith is real as transcendence.
in Quarantine
B. You make your choice, and you take responsibility for
D. Robredo blames those in Executive Branch for your choice.
Communication’s Unclear
C. Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of
8. Which among the statements contain substantiated this faith is to see what you believe
D. You may choose to see your perpetual freedom either
A. “Drug war a massive failure”—Robredo as a limit or as a possibility

B. Robredo lies to world, shames the nation and herself in __________ 3. Essential Hinduism is based on the belief in
UN message karma, which is its first literary expression in Upanishads?
A. There is nothing mightier in the world than karma
C. The real albatross on Leni Robredo’s neck
B. There is no distinction between God and human being
D. Let Leni plan on her own drug war
C. Everything in this life is a consequence of actions
9. Which among the following authors could be the most performed in previous existence
credible according to his or her Twitter account’s
D. Karma tramples down all powers, as an elephant to a
clamp of lotuses
A. Banat By – Simpleng tao na mahilig bumanat
__________ 4. Which is True among the following
B. Atom Araullo- Journalist. @ UNHCPPh Goodwill statement of St. Augustine?
A. To live a chaste life is difficult.
C. AkoNgaSY Lyco- Speak now or be silent forever. Follow
B. For to be pure is also to be unholy.
me I will not follow you
C. Only the single ones are called to be chaste.
D. Senyora- Full time haciendera and professional
husgadera D. We are responsible to our neighbors as we to our
10.Which among the following publishers pose no
particular agenda or bias? __________ 5. If we are freed from our bitterness and
anger because of the actions/ words of another, we call
A. Bulag Ang ABS-CBN sa Katotohanan by Antonio Brigas
this __.
B. ABS-CBN Naipasara Sanhi ng Di Pagrenew ng Prangkisa
A. Failure B. Forgiveness
by GMA News
C. Loneliness D. Vulnerability
C. Nararapat Lamang na Huwag ng Magbukas ang ABS-CBN
by Balat Sibuyas __________ 6. Three philosophers believed that there is
perfection in every single flower, this refers to ____.
D. Bye Bye Kapamilya by the Avenger
A. Beauty of Nature B. Forgiveness
Module 3
C. Loneliness D. Love
1.He stated that freedom is not about wanting to do things
but being-for –itself acting upon autonomous choices __________ 7. This was Hindus believe that the soul is
eternal but is bound by the law of _______?
. A. Rene Descartes B. Socrates
A. Heaven B. Karma C. Nirvana D. Samsara
C. Sartre D. Thomas of Aquinas
__________ 8. Who stated that “To one who has faith, no
2. The following statement is what Sartre asserts except explanation is necessary? To one w/out faith, no
one. explanation is possible”.
A. St. Augustine of Hippo D. All the above

B. St. Ignatius of Loyola __________ 15. For the Indians, God first created sound
and the universe arose from it.
C. St. Basil the Great
A. False B. True
D. St. Thomas of Aquinas
C. Unsure D. None of the Above
__________ 9. What does the Church recommend, or God
provides to every one so that purity of heart, mind and Lesson 1: The Human Body Imposes Limits and
body be maintained and daily lived? Possibilities for Transcendence

A. Fasting B. Modesty  St. Thomas Aquinas: The body and soul are
united, with the soul animating the body and
C. Prayer D. All the above
allowing intellectual activities.
__________ 10. Experiencing richness, positivity and
 Aristotle's De Anima II: The soul is the form of the
transcendence shows us the virtue of _____.
body and is responsible for life and activities such
A. Beauty B. Forgiveness as nutrition, sensation, and thought.

C. Love D. Vulnerability  Thomas Merton: Emphasizes the journey of

__________ 11. He stated that the body is not the essence finding one's true self through inner spirituality

of the soul; but the soul by nature of its essence can be and connection with the divine image.

united to the body, so that, properly speaking, not the soul  Jean-Paul Sartre: Humans are condemned to be
alone, but the “composite,” is the species. free, responsible for their choices and actions.

A. Aristotle B. Descartes Freedom opens up possibilities but also

C. St. Thomas D. Socrates
Human Person in Various Philosophical and Religious
__________ 12. Of what book of Aristotle can we read
that the soul is the source of these phenomena and is
characterized by them, viz. by the power of self-nutrition, 1. Hinduism:

sensation, thinking and movement. o Believes in the eternal soul bound by the

A. Apology B. Meditation VI law of karma.

C. De Anima II D. Suma Theologica o The ultimate goal is moksha, liberation

from the cycle of reincarnation (samsara).
__________ 13. The following steps are the eightfold path
of Buddhism EXCEPT 2. Buddhism:

A. Right conduct B. Right means of livelihood o Four Noble Truths teach that life is
suffering, caused by desires, and can be
C. Right Choice D. Right Mindfulness
overcome by following the Eightfold Path
__________ 14. Which is True about St. Thomas’ teaching to reach Nirvana.
on human beings?
o The Eightfold Path includes right belief,
A. Human being as moral agent. aspiration, speech, conduct, livelihood,
effort, mindfulness, and meditation.
B. Human being is both spiritual and body elements
Lesson 2: Evaluating One's Limitations and Possibilities for
C. Human being had the unique power to change
themselves and things for the better.
 St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas:
o St. Augustine: Emphasizes faith as the ______ 2. What theory asserts that all life forms have an
foundation for understanding God and equal right to exist, and human needs and desires have no
living a moral life. priority over those of the entire organism.

o St. Thomas: Discusses the unity of body A. Anthropocentric B. Ecocentric

and soul and the human ability to change
C. Deep Ecology D. Ecofeminism
for the better.
______ 3. This model states that the ecological or
o Both emphasize love and moral
relational integrity of the humans provide meaning of our
responsibility as keys to transcending
morals and values, and it is nature centered.
personal limitations.
A. Anthropocentric B. Ecocentric
Forgiveness and Transcendence:
C. Deep Ecology D. Ecofeminism
 Forgiveness: Frees individuals from anger and
bitterness, enabling spiritual growth. ______ 4. What theory is a philosophical idea that both
female and nature suffer from their treatment by a male
 Vulnerability and Failure: Accepting these allows
dominated society?
personal growth and opens opportunities for
transcendence. A. Anthropocentric B. Ecocentric

 Love: Love brings richness and transcendence, C. Deep Ecology D. Ecofeminism

according to both Christianity and Buddhism. ______ 5. Who is the philosopher that said that the

Key Activities: evolution begins with the generation of opposites in a

region nature?
 Reflect on Limitations: Identifying personal
strengths and weaknesses to plan for A. Anaximander B. Immanuel Kant

transcendence. C. Herbert Marcause D. Pythagoras

 Understanding Human Freedom: Exploring how ______ 6. In Sitio Batumbakal people are disregarding the
freedom imposes both possibilities and nature by throwing and dumping their waste in the rivers.
responsibilities. The act of the residents is punishable under what law?

Important Philosophers and Concepts: A. Anti-dumping law B. Pollution Control Law

 Thomas Merton: Self-discovery through C. Local Government Law D. The clean Water Act of
spirituality and the divine image. 2002

 St. Augustine: Philosophy as the love of wisdom ______ 7. Before you can acquire a business permit for a
and God, with a focus on moral responsibility. water refilling station business, the Municipal Health Office

 Jean-Paul Sartre: Freedom and its inherent of your municipality will inspect the quality of water in

responsibilities in shaping one’s existence. your area. This is a mandate under what law?

A. Anti-dumping law B. Pollution Control Law

Module 4
C. Local Government Law D. The clean Water Act of 2002
1. Based on this model, humans are superior and central to
______ 8. By means of this quality people can conserve the
the universe, thus it is human centered.
nature by having wisdom, or insight regarding how they
A. Anthropocentric B. Ecofeminism use the environment

C. Ecocentric D. Deep Ecology . A. Careful B. Prudence

C. Frugality D. Thriftiness _
_____ 9. These are some effects of Anthropocentric model,
EXCEPT? (sabi ni chat gpt B. daw)

A. Earth Pollution B. Greenhouse

C. Famine D. Soil Erosion

______ 10. The denomination of humanity is linked to the

denomination of nature based on the Anthropocentric
model. The statement is______?

A. False B. Partly True C. Partly False D. True

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