Some Thermodynamic Properties Of Larnite (Β-Ca Sio) Constrained By High T/P Experiment And/Or Theoretical Simulation
Some Thermodynamic Properties Of Larnite (Β-Ca Sio) Constrained By High T/P Experiment And/Or Theoretical Simulation
Some Thermodynamic Properties Of Larnite (Β-Ca Sio) Constrained By High T/P Experiment And/Or Theoretical Simulation
Zhihua Xiong1,2, Xi Liu1,2,*, Sean R. Shieh3, Sicheng Wang1,2, Linlin Chang4, Junjie Tang1,2,
Xinguo Hong5, Zhigang Zhang6, and Hejing Wang1,2
The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, Ministry of Education of China, Beijing 100871, China
School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada
College of Earth Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Mineral Physics Institute, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11974, U.S.A.
Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China
Pure larnite (β-Ca2SiO4; Lrn) was synthesized at 6 GPa and 1473 K for 6 h by using a cubic press,
its thermal expansivity was investigated up to 923 K by using an X‑ray powder diffraction technique
(ambient P), and its compressibility was investigated up to ~16 GPa by using a diamond-anvil cell
coupled with synchrotron X‑ray radiation (ambient T). Its volumetric thermal expansion coefficient
(αV) and isothermal bulk modulus (KT) were constrained as αV = 4.24(4)×10–5 K–1 and KT = 103(2) GPa
[the first pressure derivative KTʹ obtained as 5.4(4)], respectively. Its compressibility was further studied
with the CASTEP code using density functional theory and planewave pseudopotential technique. We
obtained the KT values as 123(3) GPa (LDA; high boundary) and 92(2) GPa (GGA; low boundary),
with the values of the KTʹ as 4.4(9) and 4.9(5), respectively. The phonon dispersions and vibrational
density of states (VDoS) of Lrn were simulated using density functional perturbation theory, and the
VDoS was combined with a quasi-harmonic approximation to compute the isobaric heat capacity (CP)
and standard vibrational entropy (S0298), yielding CP = 212.1(1) – 9.69(5)×102T–0.5 – 4.1(3)×106T–2 +
5.20(7)×108T–3 J/(mol∙K) for the T range of ~298–1000 K and S0298 = 129.8(13) J/(mol∙K). The micro-
scopic and macroscopic thermal Grüneisen parameters of Lrn at 298 K were calculated to be 0.75(6)
and 1.80(4), respectively.
Keywords: β-Ca2SiO4, compressibility, entropy, heat capacity, larnite, thermal expansivity, thermal
Grüneisen parameter, thermodynamic property
with the former taking place at ~8 GPa and the latter at ~12
GPa (Kanzaki et al. 1991; Wang and Weidner 1994; Akaogi
et al. 2004; Sueda et al. 2006). To understand these reactions,
especially the one related to the CaPv, which is the dominant
Ca-bearing phase in the lower mantle of the Earth (Mao et
al. 1977; Irifune et al. 1989) but unfortunately unquenchable
to room P for further characterizations such as single-crystal
crystallographic study and calorimetric investigation (Liu and
Ringwood 1975; Mao et al. 1977; Irifune 1994), it is neces-
sary to investigate the thermodynamic properties of Lrn as
extensively and accurately as possibly. These thermodynamic
properties of Lrn then can be combined with the thermodynamic
properties of Ttn to rigorously constrain the thermodynamic
properties of CaPv via an accurate experimental determination
of the P-T conditions of Equation 2. The thermal expansivity
of Lrn has been investigated by different techniques, but the
volumetric thermal expansion coefficient at 298 K (α298) varies
from ~1.80 × 10–5 to 4.25 × 10–5 K–1 (e.g., Remy et al. 1997b;
Swamy and Dubrovinsky 1997). The isothermal bulk modulus
(KT) of Lrn has also been investigated (Remy et al. 1997b;
Swamy and Dubrovinsky 1997), but its value at 298 K varies
from ~119 to 166(15) GPa (the first pressure derivative of KT,
Figure 1. Phase diagram of composition Ca2SiO4: (a) Phase diagram KTʹ, set as 4). Heat capacity measurements have been performed
at 1 atm (T in K); (b) Phase diagram at high-P and high-T conditions
from 52.66 to 296.48 K (Todd 1951) and from 406.0 to 964.6 K
(HP-HT). The phase sequence in a is from Remy et al. (1997a). The
(Coughlin and O’Brien 1957). With an empirical sum equation
solid univariant curves of γ = β, γ = αʹL, and β = αʹL in b are from Remy
et al. (1995). The solid circle in b represents the P-T condition of our of Debye and Einstein functions to extrapolate the heat capacity
Lrn-synthesizing experiments, which locates in the stability field of the data down to 0 K, an S0298 value as 127.6(8) J/(mol∙K) has been
Lrn phase, but near the high P-T extension of the β = αʹL univariant curve. derived, which has never been verified by any means so far. It
In addition, Liu (1978) observed a K2NiF4-structured Ca2SiO4 phase at thus appears that a substantial amount of work has to be con-
~24 GPa and 1273 K, and Wang and Weidner (1994) detected the phase ducted to fully understand the thermodynamic features of Lrn.
transition between the β phase and the αʹL phase at ~9 GPa and 1350 K. In this study, we synthesized pure Lrn in its P-T stability
field by using a massive cubic press, determined its thermal
in the stability field of the phase αʹL-Ca2SiO4, αʹH-Ca2SiO4, or expansivity by using an in situ high-T powder X‑ray diffrac-
α-Ca2SiO4, and then quickly quenching into water (Remy et al. tion method (ambient P), and its compressibility by using a
1997a, 1997b; Fukuda et al. 1997), a process that might introduce synchrotron X‑ray radiation combined with a diamond-anvil
different amounts of defects in the products (e.g., twins are com- cell (DAC; ambient T). Its compressibility was further studied
mon in Lrn; Groves 1983; Kim et al. 1992). To preserve the Lrn with the CASTEP code using density functional theory and
structure, some “stabilizer” such as P2O5 (Saalfeld 1975), B2O3 planewave pseudopotential technique. Using density functional
(Remy et al. 1997a), vacancy of either Ca (Rodrigues 2003) or perturbation theory, its phonon dispersions and vibrational
Si (Yannaquis and Guinier 1959), or other species (Lai et al. density of states (VDoS) were simulated, and the VDoS was
1992) was usually introduced into the system. combined with a quasi-harmonic approximation to compute the
According to the phase diagram of the composition Ca2SiO4 isobaric heat capacity (CP) and vibrational entropy (S). Finally,
at high-P and high-T conditions (Fig. 1b), Lrn has a vast stabil- the microscopic and macroscopic thermal Grüneisen parameters
ity field. At the low-P side, Lrn transforms to the γ-Ca2SiO4 of Lrn at the ambient P-T condition were calculated.
phase at ~2 GPa and room T (Hanic et al. 1987; Remy et al.
1995, 1997b; Reynard et al. 1997), and the invariant point of Experimental and simulating methods
β-Ca2SiO4 + γ-Ca2SiO4 + αʹL-Ca2SiO4 locates at ~0.34 GPa and The polycrystalline Lrn sample used in our thermal expansion and compres-
711 K (Hanic et al. 1987). At the high-P side, the relationship sion experiments was synthesized with the CS-IV 6 × 14 MN cubic press at the
High-Pressure Laboratory of Peking University (Liu et al. 2012b). In the high-P
between Lrn and the αʹL-Ca2SiO4 phase (Wang and Weidner 1994) synthesizing experiments, we used the assembly BJC-1 (Liu et al. 2012c), with its
or K2NiF4-structured Ca2SiO4 phase (Liu 1978) is still poorly pressure calibrated at ambient T by using the high-P phase transitions of Bi (I-II
constrained (Fig. 1b). transition at 2.55 GPa, and II-III transition at 2.69 GPa) and Ba (I-II transition at
Lrn also participates in some other geologically important 5.5 GPa). The temperature in the high-P synthesizing experiments was measured
and controlled by employing a Pt94Rh6-Pt70Rh30 thermocouple (type B), with any
reactions such as
potential pressure effect on the e.m.f. ignored. We prepared the starting material
3Wal = Ttn + Lrn (1) for the high-P synthesizing experiments with the following steps: we first mixed
under acetone the powders of SiO2 and CaCO3 in a molar ratio of 1:2, which
and were pretreated at 1 atm and 573 K for 72 h; we second pressed this mixture into
a pellet and degassed it at 1 atm and 1273 K for about 48 h; we third crushed
Ttn + Lrn = 3CaPv (2) finely the pellet under acetone into a powder, which was later stored at 383 K
in a drying oven. The starting material for the high-P synthesizing experiments Results and discussion
was sealed into an hBN capsule. The synthesizing conditions were 6 GPa and
1473 K with a heating time of 6 h. In total we conducted five high-P synthesizing High-P synthesizing of pure Lrn
experiments under nominally identical physical conditions, and obtained four
coherent samples and one dust-like sample. It appeared that some unknown factor The BSE images taken from the polished surfaces of the
played a role in the high-P synthesizing process. coherent samples suggest two coexisting phases: the predomi-
Some portions of the coherent samples from the high-P synthesizing experi- nant phase has a volume percentage higher than ~98%, appears
ments were processed and examined by a scanning electron microscope (Quanta
relatively dark, and attains a grain size of ~10–50 μm; the trace
650 FEG), a confocal micro-Raman system (Renishaw system RM-1000), and
an electron microprobe (JEOL JXA-8100), and confirmed to be pure Lrn. Other phase appears relatively bright and has a grain size of ~1–2 μm.
portions of these samples were slowly ground down to a fine powder, which was 10 electron microprobe analyses were conducted on 10 arbitrarily
used in our thermal expansion and compression experiments. selected grains of the predominant phase, and their average is
The thermal expansion experiments at ambient P were carried out with an Ca2.02(2)Si0.99(1)O4, suggesting a homogeneous composition closely
X’Pert Pro MPD diffractometer system equipped with an Anton Paar HTK-1200N
oven. A Eurotherm temperature controller (Eurotherm 2604) collected with a type S
matching the stoichiometry of Lrn. Ten Raman spectra were
thermocouple, which was checked against the melting point of NaCl, was used collected on 10 arbitrarily selected grains of the predominant
to control the temperature. Other details of the X’Pert Pro MPD diffractometer phase, and they are similar, and in excellent agreement with
system included a Cu target, operation voltage of 40 kV and current of 40 mA. The the Raman data of Lrn reported by Piriou and McMillan (1983)
whole experimental system was carefully checked up to 1273 K by using quartz
and Remy et al. (1997a). It follows that the predominant phase
as an internal standard (Hu et al. 2011). Following the heating and data-collection
procedures reported in Liu et al. (2010), we carried out the high-T experiments up in the coherent samples is Lrn indeed. On the other hand, the
to 1023 K. At every studied T, X‑ray data were collected from 10 to 70° 2θ, with a trace phase is mostly likely a reaction residue (CaO) left from
scanning step length of 0.017° 2θ and a scanning time of 10 s for each scanning step. the formation of Lrn.
As demonstrated by He et al. (2011) and Wang et al. (2012), unit-cell parameters As suggested by our preliminary Raman spectroscopic data,
with high accuracy were readily extracted by a full powder X‑ray pattern refine-
ment with the MDI’s program Jade 6.0 (Material Data, Inc.).
the dust-like sample is distinctly dominated by the γ-Ca2SiO4
The high-P angle dispersive X‑ray diffraction experiments (ambient T) were phase, which could be produced during temperature quench-
conducted with a symmetrical DAC at the beamline X17C, National Synchrotron ing or pressure release. The Ca2SiO4 system is infamous in its
Light Source, Brookhaven National Laboratory. The experimental techniques back-transformation (either partial or complete) of its high-T
were generally identical to those used in our previous studies (e.g., Liu et al.
polymorphs at room P (Fig. 1a), and the operating factors
2011; He et al. 2012; Xiong et al. 2015): a T301 stainless steel plate was used as
the gasket, a 4:1 methanol-ethanol mixture as the pressure medium, and a couple include the maximum synthesizing T, the cooling kinetics, the
of ruby chips used as the pressure marker (the ruby fluorescence method; Mao et grain size, and the release of strains and charge repulsions in
al. 1978). The incident synchrotron radiation beam had a wavelength of 0.409929 the β-Ca2SiO4 phase (Remy et al. 1997a). Our observation made
Å, and its size was ~25 × 20 μm2. Each X‑ray diffraction pattern at certain P was in this study similarly suggests that the back-transformation
collected for 60 min using an online CCD detector, and later processed to generate process is not always escapable for the samples synthesized at
the conventional one-dimension profile using the Fit2D program (Hammersley
1996). Subsequently, the positions of the diffraction peaks were determined with
high P, in agreement with Remy et al. (1995) and Reynard et al.
the Jandel Scientific PeakFit V4.11 program, and the unit-cell parameters were (1997). Anyhow, the first attempt in synthesizing a large amount
obtained by using the UnitcellWin program. of pure Lrn in its P-T stability field (Fig. 1b) has been at least
The first-principles simulations carried out to investigate the compression partially successful, in spite of the complication caused by the
behavior of Lrn were completed with the CASTEP code using density functional
back-transformation process.
theory (Hohenberg and Kohn 1964; Kohn and Sham 1965) and planewave pseudo-
potential technique (Payne et al. 1992). We treated the exchange-correlation It is worthy to point out that the univariant curve of β = αʹL
interaction by both the local density approximation (LDA) (Ceperley and Alder determined by Klement and Cohen (1974) and Hanic et al. (1987)
1980; Perdew and Zunger 1981) and generalized gradient approximation (GGA) may be reasonably extrapolated to ~6 GPa (Fig. 1b). Assuming
with the Perdew-Burker-Ernzerhof functional (Perdew et al. 1996), and we used there was no any back-transformation from the αʹL phase to the
a convergence criterion of 10–6 eV/atom on the total energy in the self-consistent
field calculations. We employed a planewave basis set with a cutoff of 900 eV to
Lrn phase in our synthetic samples, the P-T condition (6 GPa
expand the electronic wave functions, and a norm-conserving pseudopotential to and 1473 K) of our synthesizing experiments does support this
model the ion-electron interaction (Lin et al. 1993; Lee 1995). We sampled the extrapolation. In contrast, the P-T condition (9 GPa and 1350
irreducible Brillouin zone with a 4 × 3 × 2 Monkhorst-Pack grid (Monkhorst and K) for the phase transition from the Lrn phase to the αʹL phase
Pack 1976). The effects of using larger cutoff and k point mesh on the calculated
constrained by the in situ synchrotron X‑ray experiments of
properties were found to be insignificant. The computation cell contained four
Ca2SiO4 molecules (28 atoms), with the initial structure model from Tsurumi et Wang and Weidner (1994) does not. More high-P experimental
al. (1994). The equilibrium lattice parameters and internal coordinates at differ- investigation on this issue seems necessary.
ent pressures were optimized by minimizing the Hellmann-Feynman force on
the atoms and simultaneously matching the stress on the unit cell to the target High-T phase transition and thermal expansion coefficient
stress. These theoretical techniques were used in our previous studies targeting (room P)
the structures and thermodynamics of some silicate minerals (e.g., Deng et al.
2010, 2011; Chang et al. 2013). High-T X‑ray diffraction experiments were conducted up to
Based on the optimized structure with the LDA method, the phonon dis- 1023 K at ambient pressure (Fig. 2). We found that all major
persions and VDoS of Lrn were calculated by diagonalizing the dynamical
matrix whose elements were obtained using density functional perturbation
X‑ray diffraction peaks observed at temperatures below 973 K
theory (Baroni et al. 2001; Refson et al. 2006). The q-vector grid spacing for could be attributed to the Lrn phase (Jost et al. 1977; Yamnova
interpolation was 0.05 Å–1, which represented the average distance between the et al. 2011), and the new peaks appearing from 973 K on could
Monkhorst-Pack q-points used in the dynamical matrix calculations. The phonon be attributed to the αʹL phase (ideally Ca2SiO4; Saalfeld 1975).
dispersions were obtained at the high symmetry points (Z, G, Y, A, B, D, E, C).
As shown in Figure 1a, the stable form of Ca2SiO4 at relatively
The coordinates of these points on the surface of the Brillouin zone were Z = (0
0 ½), G = (0 0 0), Y = (0 ½ 0), A = (–½ ½ 0), B = (–½ 0 0), D = (–½ 0 ½), E = low T is the γ phase; its formation from the metastable Lrn
(–½ ½ ½), and C = (0 ½ ½). phase was not observed in our experiments though. This phase
Figure 2. XRD patterns collected at (a) 300 K, (b) 923 K, and (c) 973 K (ambient P). The material underwent the phase transition from the
β phase to the αʹL phase at a temperature between 923 and 973 K. A few weak peaks, as indicated by the asterisks, do not belong to the Lrn phase,
but are attributable to the γ phase, which might have been generated during the sample-grinding process. The relative intensities of these weak
peaks did not change as the experimental T increased, suggesting that the volume proportion of the γ phase did not increase and the potential phase
transition from the metastable Lrn to the γ phase did not actually take place at low temperatures (Fig. 1a).
transition is thus generally sluggish, in good agreement with the than that defined by this study.
observation made by Remy et al. (1997a). The mechanism in If the phase transition T from the metastable Lrn to the αʹL
this phase transition has been regarded as complicated and not phase on heating is assumed to be ~973 K, the extrapolated unit-
fully understood, with the affecting factors presumably including cell parameters of the Lrn phase at this T are then a = 5.5462 Å,
the synthesizing condition, impurity, and grain size of the used b = 6.8058 Å, c = 9.4156 Å, V = 354.87 Å3, and β = 93.345°.
Lrn material, and the details of the heating process (Remy et al. Compared to the unit-cell parameters of the αʹL phase at 973 K
1997a; references therein). (Table 1), which can be translated as a = 5.532 Å, b = 6.864
The phase transition T from the metastable Lrn to the αʹL phase Å, c = 9.443 Å, V = 358.53 Å3, and β = 90° (Saalfeld 1975),
on heating was located between 923 and 973 K by our experi- the relative changes in the unit cells accompanying this phase
ments (Fig. 2). In contrast, it was constrained between 960(5) transition are suddenly a reduction in the a-axis (~0.26%), some
to 988(5) K by in situ high-T Raman spectroscopy (Remy et al. expansions of the b-axis (~0.86%), c-axis (~0.29%), and volume
1997a) and between 984(10) to 1005(10) K by in situ high-T (~1.03%), and a huge jump of the β angle. It concludes that this
powder X‑ray diffraction (Remy et al. 1997b). Taking into ac- phase transition is indeed of first-order character, in agreement
count the differences in the used materials and heating processes with Barnes et al. (1980), Remy et al. (1997a, 1997b), and Liu
in these studies, the agreement is good. et al. (2002).
The variation of the unit-cell parameters of the Lrn phase To derive the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, the
with T as determined in this study is shown in Figure 3, and it following equations have been fitted with our T-V data
is almost linear for the investigated T interval. This result is in ⎡T ⎤
general agreement with Fukuda et al. (1997), but contradicts VT = V0 exp ⎢⎢ ∫ α T dT ⎥⎥ (3)
Remy et al. (1997b): the data from Remy et al. (1997b) clearly ⎢⎣ 0 ⎥⎦
demonstrated non-linear correlations between the a-axis and T and
(Fig. 3a), between the b-axis and T (Fig. 3b), between the c-axis α T = a0 + a1T + a2T −2 (4)
and T (Fig. 3c), and between the β and T (Fig. 3e). As T increases
from ~300 to 923 K, our data suggested that the a-axis increases where VT, V0, and αT are the high-T volume, room-T volume,
by 0.61(1)%, the b-axis by 0.73(1)%, the c-axis by 1.12(1)%, and and volumetric thermal expansion coefficient at temperature T,
the volume by 2.62(1)% (Table 1); the ratio of the relative thermal respectively. a0, a1, and a2 are the constants obtained in fitting the
expansions along the a-, b-, and c-axes is 1:1.10:1.84, suggesting experimental T-V data. Due to the generally linear relationship ob-
that the c-axis is much more expandable than the other two axes. served between the volume and T (Fig. 3), a1 and a2 should be close
In contrast, the data from Fukuda et al. (1997) suggested that the to 0, so that their values have been fixed as zero in our data-fitting
a-axis increases by 0.61%, the b-axis by 0.65%, the c-axis by process. The obtained parameter is then a0 = 4.24(1)×10–5 K–1.
1.02%, and the volume by 2.45% for a similar T interval (from Similarly, replacing the volume data in the Equations 3 and 4
298 to 918 K). It follows that the volumetric thermal expansion with the axial dimensions, the axial thermal expansion coefficients
constrained by Fukuda et al. (1997) should be generally smaller can be obtained. Our experimental data yield a0 = 1.00(1)×10–5
The obtained CP values have been applied to the calculation Table 7. Coefficients of the CP polynomials of Lrn (ambient P)a
of the vibrational entropy at T K using the following equation T = 10–50 K T = 50–293 K T = 293–1000 K
k0 = 8.0(2)E-1b k0 = –3.56(7)E1 k0 = 2.121(1)E2
k4 = –1.6(2)E-1 k4 = 1.13(1)E0 k1 = –9.69(5)E2
T CP k5 = 9.2(3)E-3 k5 = –2.77(9)E-3 k2 = –4.1(3)E6
ST0 = ∫ dT (13)
0 T k6 = 2.7(1)E-6 k3 = 5.20(7)E8
CP = k0 + k1T–0.5 + k2T–2 + k3T–3 + k4T + k5T2 + k6T3 [J/(mol∙K)].
The vibrational entropy at 298 K (S0298) calculated from the CP val- b
E-n represents ×10–n.
ues in the T range of 0 to 298 K obtained in this study is 129.8(13)
J/(mol∙K), in good agreement with the only available value derived
from the existing low-T heat capacity measurements, 127.6(8)
J/(mol∙K) (Todd 1951).
Grüneisen parameter
The Grüneisen parameter is often used to describe the pres-
sure dependences of some thermodynamic, elastic, and transport
properties that are crucial in the investigation of the deep Earth.
It is dimensionless, and varies slowly with P and T, and therefore
appears very attractive to geophysicists.
The mode Grüneisen parameters (γi) of the Lrn phase (298 K)
have been calculated according to the following equation
∂ln ν i KT ⎛⎜ ∂ν i ⎞⎟
γi = − = ⎜ ⎟ (14)
∂lnV ν0i ⎜⎝ ∂ P ⎟⎟⎠T
where ν0i and νi are the frequencies of the vibration mode i of the
Lrn phase at room P and high P, respectively (at ambient T). With Figure 8. Isobaric heat capacity of Lrn. Our CV results from the first-
the high-P Raman data for the Lrn phase from Reynard et al. (1997) principles method were combined with our experimentally determined
and our bulk modulus determined in this study, we calculate the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient and isothermal bulk modulus
value of the γi of the 20 Raman vibration modes, and find that it to derive the CP values.
varies from ~0 (peaks 152 and 520 cm–1) to ~1.90 (peak 255 cm–1),
with an arithmetic average of ~0.69(52). The details are summa-
rized in Figure 9. As expected (Gillet et al. 1991; Fujimori et al.
2002), the γi values for the lattice modes are generally larger than
those for the internal modes of the SiO4 tetrahedra.
The mode Grüneisen parameters can be cast into a microscopic
thermal Grüneisen parameter (γth,1) with the following average
∑ C .γ V ,i i
γ th,1 = i
∑C i
V ,i
the pressure medium (a 16:4:1 methanol-ethanol-water mixture) amounts of impurities in the Lrn phase (such as 0.32% iron
used by Reynard et al. (1997) was not able to maintain a fully and aluminum oxides and 0.14% magnesia; Todd 1951) have
hydrostatic pressure environment at P > ~10 GPa (Klotz et al. insignificant influence on the heat capacity and vibrational en-
2009), which should have led to some overestimate in the P tropy. Our first-principles simulation, combined with the newly
measurements (He et al. 2004). Indeed, the νi-P curves of the experimentally determined volumetric thermal expansion coef-
Lrn phase shown by Reynard et al. (1997; their Fig. 7) bend ficient and bulk modulus, provides an independent examination
toward the P-axis. This situation was exacerbated by the fact on the results from the heat capacity measurements carried out
that they only used the data in the P range of 6–16 GPa to derive with the metastably formed material (Todd 1951; Coughlin and
the P dependence of the Raman frequency, which was thus pos- O’Brien 1957). The agreement between the results from these
sibly substantially underestimated. Consequently, all the mode two completely different lines is good (Fig. 8); for example, the
Grüneisen parameters could have been strongly underestimated relative difference between the values of the standard entropy
according to Equation 14. Second, the factor-group analysis is ~1.6% only.
(Piriou and McMillan 1983; Remy et al. 1997a) predicted 84 Lrn has been discovered as tiny inclusions in diamonds
normal modes for the Lrn phase, with 42 Raman-active modes, originating from the deep interior of the Earth (Joswig et al.
39 infrared-active modes, and 3 acoustic modes. Since the 1999; Nasdala et al. 2003; Brenker et al. 2005), which provides
number of the Raman peaks observed in Reynard et al. (1997) a means to explore the P-T conditions of the diamond formation
was limited to 20 only, it is thus possible that the microscopic (or the P-T condition for trapping the Lrn). Accurate estimates
isothermal Grüneisen parameter γth,1 obtained here might have of the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, bulk modulus
been strongly biased. Third, the polyhedral bulk moduli of the and Grüneisen parameter are critical in constraining the remnant
Ca polyhedra and the Si tetrahedron in the Lrn phase should pressures of the Lrn inclusions (Ye et al. 2001; Gillet et al. 2002;
be significantly different (Hazen and Finger 1979), a different Joswig et al. 2003; Nasdala et al. 2003). With the formation
conversion and average scheme employing the polyhedral bulk T of the diamond host independently estimated from some
moduli, as the one proposed by Hofmeister and Mao (2002), geothermometer or assumed from some typical geotherm, the
might be more appropriate than derived from Equations 14 and formation P of the diamond host can be accurately constrained
15. Fourth, the assumption of a harmonic Einstein oscillator (Barron 2005). According to Kagi et al. (2009), the coexisting
(Eq. 16) might be a poor approximation to the actual chemical of Lrn with other calcium-rich silicates such as Wal and Ttn
bonds in the Lrn phase, and the contribution of an anharmonic can be extremely useful, and capable to constrain the formation
component may be significant (Fujimori et al. 2002). Whatever P without any extra estimate of the formation T, provided the
the actual reasons are, more spectroscopic investigation on the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient, bulk modulus and
Lrn phase is deemed necessary to solve the discrepancy between Grüneisen parameter of the coexisting Wal or Ttn known well.
the microscopic isothermal Grüneisen parameter γth,1 and the
macroscopic isothermal Grüneisen parameter γth,2. 16
Cold Hot Normal
Implications 14 slab slab mantle
Pure Lrn of large quantity has been successfully synthe-
sized for the first time in its P-T stability field by using high-P CaPv
experimental technique. Its thermal expansivity has been ac- 10 L + Ttn
P (GPa)
One exercise has been carried out to constrain the P-T system involving diamond. Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 203–224.
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condition for trapping the Lrn inclusions by the diamonds Bowen, N.L. (1940) Progressive metamorphism of siliceous limestone and dolomite.
from the Kankan district of Guinea (Fig. 10). Joswig et al. The Journal of Geology, 48, 225–274.
(1999) reported the unit-cell parameters of five Lrn inclusions Brenker, F.E., Vincze, L., Vekemans, B., Nasdala, L., Stachel, T., Vollmer, C,. Kersten,
M., Somogyi, A., Adams, F., Joswig, W., and Harris, J.W. (2005) Detection of a
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