Raised Beds
Raised Beds
Raised Beds
Raised Beds
Constructing Raised Beds for the Home Vegetable Garden
There are many great reasons to grow vegetables in a
raised bed in your home landscape. Raised beds are
Before You Build,
perfect for smaller yards. They’re also good for people Remove Grass and Weeds
who don’t own large garden equipment and those Removing weeds before you build will make
who don’t want to constantly fight encroaching grass. maintaining the garden much easier in the future. You
This guide will help you determine where to place your can remove weeds and grass in several manners.
raised bed vegetable garden and how to construct it. 1. Use a nonselective herbicide to kill broadleaf and
You’ll be gardening before you know it! grassy weeds. Allow the plants to completely die
and then remove all plant material from the area
where you plan on placing your bed. This includes
Where Should I Place My removing roots.
Vegetable Garden? 2. Use black plastic, cardboard or some other material
to smother weeds and grass from sunlight. This
You are not the only one who likes homegrown process will take at least a month for complete
vegetables, so keeping the garden near your house kill. Again, remove all plant shoots ad roots before
can help to ensure you get to eat the majority of building the raised bed.
produce. Placing your raised bed far from your house
will be more attractive to animals such as possums, 3. Use a string trimmer to remove all grass and weeds
rabbits, deer, raccoons and squirrels, who will quickly in the area. Completely remove all green portions
eat a lot of the results of your hard work. of the grass and then dig at least 3 inches into the
ground with the trimmer to remove roots. Rake it
In addition, seeing your garden will remind you to out and then construct your raised bed.
check on it. Be prepared to visit your garden at least
twice a week. Scouting for insects and disease often
will allow you to treat problems early before they wipe
out your crops.
Be sure the raised bed is near a water faucet. Easy
access to water will ensure you water your vegetables
when it’s needed. Irrigation requirements vary by soil
type. Check your garden often to make sure plants
are not wilting. The soil should feel moist but not
saturated. Place your index finger into the soil. If it
feels moist, you do not need to water. If it feels dry,
If you have a poorly drained yard, place your raised
bed in a high location, or build a taller bed.
TIPS Cut one of the 8-foot boards to half its length (4 feet).
Hold the 4-foot board at a right angle to an 8-foot
All Raised Beds Must Be board. Use three screws to hold the board together,
placing one at the top, one in the middle and one at the
At least 8 inches in depth. This allows for adequate bottom of the joint. Repeat again until all four corners
root-ball growth for optimum yields. are connected. This bed can be built to any length. If
No wider than you can comfortably reach connecting boards together to make a very long bed,
the middle. Constantly stepping in raised beds reinforce with a 2-by-4-inch board at each connection.
compacts soil, making it necessary to till and thus Fill with soil and plant.
defeating the purpose of building the raised bed.
Made with treated wood or other suitable
materials. Treated wood made after 2003 is
completely safe for vegetable gardens. Untreated
wood will not hold up in Louisiana’s wet climate.
Fresh wood treated with creosote, such as
railroad ties or telephone poles, may burn roots
of vegetable plants. Bricks, pavers, stones,
cinderblocks and other building materials are
suitable building materials for raised vegetable
Bed Shapes
Get creative with landscape timbers. Landscape timbers
are easy to use if you want to fashion a raised bed into a
Use at least four landscape timbers on top of one
another to form the sides. Then just use your imagination Raised Beds Can Be Constructed From…
to create the shapes and sizes you desire.
Raised beds can be constructed from many different
You can construct a triangle. building materials. People use lumber, bricks, cinder
Or you can construct a hexagon. blocks, pavers, sandbags and anything else that will hold
soil in place.
Remember, however that drainage is crucial. If using
an old container or a bed with a bottom, drill holes for
adequate drainage.