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Rahman Institute of

Higher Education Journal of Modern Psychology

Research Paper: Effects of Communication Skills in the Physical
Education on Enjoyment and Involvement among High-School
Forough ShafaeianFard*1, Mohammad Karimakhani2, Ali Abedini3, Elay Janamoo
Berenj Abadi4
M. A. Student, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz, Branch, Iran
M. A. Student,, Department of Clinical Psychology,, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch, Iran
M. A., Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University , Arsanjan Branch, Fars, Iran
M.SC., Department of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch,Tehran, Iran
Citation: ShafaeianFard, F., Karimakhani, M., Abedini, A., Janamoo Berenj Abadi, E. (2023). Effects of
Communication Skills in the Physical Education on Enjoyment and Involvement among High-School Students.
Journal of Modern Psychology, 3(1), 1-10.
Communication is associated to the effectiveness and efficiency
Article info: of any sports team function due to its informative, motivational
and evaluative role. However, the effects of communication skills
Received date:
within the physical education context are rarely investigated.
18 Oct. 2022 Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of
Accepted date: communication skills in the physical education on enjoyment and
16 Dec. 2022 involvement of high school students. It was hypothesized that
communication skills within the physical education class have
positive effects on enjoyment and involvement of high-school
students. The method used in this study was a structural equation
Keywords: modelling. The participants included 384 adolescents age 16 to
Communication skills, 18 years old (mean 16.96±0.57 years old) who attended in regular
high-schools. Teacher Communication Behavior Questionnaire
Enjoyment, Involvement,
(TCBQ) and Fragebogens zur Erfassung von Freude am
Physical education Schulsport im Jugendalter (FEFS-J), and Student Engagement
Instrument (SCI) were used for assessing communication skills,
enjoyment, and involvement. To analyze data, we used Pearson
correlation test and structural equation modeling. Results showed
that communication skills had significant effects on enjoyment
(T=4.182) and involvement (T=6.082). In addition, enjoyment
had significant effects on involvement (T=3.291). Results of
evaluating fitness of good showed that our model has a good fit
(GOF=0.93). Communication skills are very important for
engagement and learning of students.

* Corresponding author:
Forough ShafaeianFard
Address: Department of Psychology, Bandargaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz, Iran
Tel: +98 (938) 0786628
E-mail: [email protected]
© 2023, The Author(s). Published by Rahman Institute of Higher Education. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (

Journal of Modern Psychology Winter 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1

1. Introduction adolescents to become more physically active

which can subsequently result in health
Sedentary lifestyles increase all causes of outcomes (Cid et al., 2019).
mortality, double the risk of cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, and obesity, and increase Implementing school physical activity
the risks of colon cancer, high blood pressure, programs reflects a holistic approach that
osteoporosis, lipid disorders, depression and requires children to participate in at least 60
anxiety (Cantell et al., 2008; Caspersen et al., minutes of physical activity each day.
1985; Ghorbani et al. 2021; Haga, 2009; However, research showed that about 80% of
Thivel et al. 2018). According to WHO, 60 to children and adolescents worldwide do not
85% of people in the world-from both follow these recommended guidelines
developed and developing countries-lead (Baddou et al., 2018). Wang et al. (2019)
sedentary lifestyles, making it one of the showed that school-aged adolescents do not
more serious yet insufficiently addressed follow international guidelines for at least 60
public health problems of our time (Bull et al. minutes of daily physical activity. Moreover,
2020). It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of students on the days they had PE in school
children are also insufficiently active, with have more physical activity compared to the
serious implications for their future health days without physical education class in
(Abdoshahi et al., 2022; Basterfield et al., school, which indicates the important role of
2021; Dana & Christodoulides, 2019; Dana et sports and physical education in school in the
al., 2021; Hashemi Motlagh et al., 2022; overall physical activity level of children and
Gholami & Rostami, 2021; Ghorbani et al., adolescents. Therefore, physical activity
2020, 2021; Lahart et al., 2019; Mohammad level of children and adolescents has become
Gholinejad et al., 2019; Mohammadi et al., a key topic in research on physical education,
2022; Naeimikia et al., 2018; Naeimikia & exercise, and health over the past decades.
Gholami, 2018, 2020; Schwartz et al., 2019; School and especially physical education in
Tremblay et al. 2011; Wafa et al. 2016; Yaali school are also considered as a very
et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2021). These facts important environment because at first
increase the importance of early interventions physical education in school has a very
for enhancing the level of physical activity important role in the physical activity of
and sport participation in children and children and adolescents and secondly that
adolescents. one of the important goals in physical
education in school is to motivating children
The school has a significant impact on the and adolescents to be physically active
level of physical fitness of students with the outside the school context, i.e., leisure-time
aim of improving the health or physical context (Cid et al., 2019).
fitness of students, increasing physical
activity, or psychological determinants (such Communication is associated to the
as knowledge, motivation, attitude toward effectiveness and efficiency of any sports
physical activity). The physical education in team function due to its informative,
school offers educational backgrounds to motivational and evaluative role. Coaching,
promote motivation, and real participation in teaching, evaluating and decision making are
activities such as out-of-school physical very important activities, especially when
activity. The school environment is a attempting to help players to enjoy mastering
meaningful and effective environment to new skills, compete with others and feel
stimulate and support all children and good. In small group communication, every

Winter 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1 Journal of Modern Psychology

person can participate actively with other Challenging, Encouragement and Praise,
members, so that whatever their makeup, Non-verbal Support, Understanding and
small groups process characteristics that are Friendliness and Controlling all with an
not present in a dyad (Athanasios, 2005). acceptable Cronbach’s alpha value of over
Communication is the verbal or nonverbal 0.70 (Matos et al., 2014). Likewise, the above
transfer of information, ideas and feelings scale has an overall Cronbach alpha of 0.96.
from one individual to another or from one
group to another (Küçükahmet, 2009). In 2.2.2 Enjoyment: We used Fragebogens zur
order to be able to communicate there is a Erfassung von Freude am Schulsport im
need to meet at a mid-point, which, to a great Jugendalter FEFS-J (Engels & Freund, 2019)
extent, is realized in the first moments of the for measuring enjoyment in physical
communication. However, the effects of education. This questionnaire consisted of
communication skills within the physical nine questions scored based on a 4-point
education context are rarely investigated. Likert scale from “never” to “always”. We
Hence, the aim of this study was to measured the reliability of this questionnaire
investigate the effects of communication with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.91.
skills in the physical education on enjoyment
2.2.3. Student Engagement Instrument:
and involvement of high school students.
Appleton et al. (2006) devised Student
Engagement Instrument (SCI) used to
measure involvement of students in physical
2. Methods
education. This scale consisted of 35 item
2.1 Participants which assesses two subtypes of student
engagement: affective and cognitive. All
The method used in this study was a items were scored through a five-point
structural equation modelling. The Likert-type rating where lower score
participants included 384 adolescents age 16 indicated higher levels of engagement with
to 18 years old (mean 16.96±0.57 years old) the exception of items of intrinsic motivation
who attended in regular high-schools. All in cognitive engagement which had reverse
participants have voluntarily attended in the scoring. We measured the reliability of this
study. The parents of participants gave questionnaire with a Cronbach’s alpha
informed consents for participation of their coefficient of 0.89.
children in this study. Protocol of this study
was in accordance with ethical guidelines of 2.3 Data analysis
declaration of Helsinki.
Mean and standard deviation were used for
data description. Normality of data was
2.2 Measures assessed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
The associations between research variables
2.2.1. Teacher Communication Behavior were analyzed using Pearson correlation test.
Questionnaire: Teacher Communication Finally, structural equation modelling was
Behavior Questionnaire (TCBQ) created and used to measure structural associations
validated by She and Fisher (2000) to between research variables. SPSS software
measures students’ perception of the type of version 26 and Lisrel version 8.2 were used
communication used by teachers in their to analyze the data. P-value was set at P <
classrooms. The TCBQ is composed by 40 0.05.
items distributed in 5 dimensions including
Journal of Modern Psychology Winter 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1

3. Results tests showed significant associations between

communication skills with enjoyment and
3.1 Bisectional associations involvement (both p=0.000). In addition,
Table 1 shows descriptive data including enjoyment was significantly associated with
mean and standard deviation as well as involvement (p=0.000).
bidirectional associations between research
variables. First of all, the results of
Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests showed that our
data were normally distributed (all P>0.05).
In addition, results of Pearson correlation

Table 1
Descriptive data and bidirectional associations
Mean ± SD 1 2 3
1. Communication skills 2.68 ± 0.81 1
2. Enjoyment 2.21 ± 0.69 1
r=0.534 r=0.409
3. Involvement 3.15 ± 1.02 1
p=0.000 p=0.000

involvement (T=3.291). Results of

3.2 Structural associations evaluating fitness of good showed that our
model has a good fit (GOF=0.93).
Table 2 and Figure 1 show the results of
structural equation modeling. The results
showed that communication skills had
significant effects on enjoyment (T=4.182)
and involvement (T=6.082). In addition,
enjoyment had significant effects on

Table 2
Results of path analysis
Path β T-value
1 Communication skills => Enjoyment 0.521 4.182
2 Communication skills => Involvement 0.638 6.082
3 Enjoyment => Involvement 0.305 3.291

Winter 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1 Journal of Modern Psychology

Figure 1. Structural equation modelling

4. Discussion sources), in a way that captures their attention

and listens to their questions or problems and
Communication is associated to the solve them. Teacher is also responsible to
effectiveness and efficiency of any sports adapt content to different learning styles,
team function due to its informative, motivate students to learn, build supportive
motivational and evaluative role. However, relationships with encouragement, manage
the effects of communication skills within the the classroom and provide feedback, make
physical education context are rarely the classroom a safe learning environment
investigated. Hence, the aim of this study was and become a supporter. All this requires
to investigate the effects of communication good communication skills. The better
skills in the physical education on enjoyment communication skills, the more effectively
and involvement of high school students. It the teacher can perform these tasks. In turn,
was hypothesized that communication skills the students will make more academic
within the physical education class have progress. Studies have shown that the success
positive effects on enjoyment and of students is directly related to the
involvement of high-school students. interactive and attractive environment of
Regarding communication skills, we education by capable teachers. In addition,
found that communication skills in the the way to communicate with students can
physical education class had significant affect their understanding of school, their role
effects on enjoyment and involvement of in the classroom, their abilities and their
high-school students. Communication skills motivation to succeed have a positive impact.
in the classroom are critical to interacting Poor communication skills as a result of poor
with students, as the very nature of teaching teaching methods that reduce the level of
demands them. Teacher is responsible for students’ understanding and may negatively
understanding and analyzing complex affect their academic progress. It can also
information and conveying information lead to students being demotivated, not liking
clearly to students (both oral and written school and believing that they are not able to

Journal of Modern Psychology Winter 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1

reach them. Therefore, effective enjoyment and participation of students in

communication between teachers and sports.
students is very important. Effective
communication allows the teacher to do his
job well and create positive outcomes for
students. Another benefit is that the students
can use the teacher as a role model to improve Acknowledgment
their communication skills, which are crucial Hereby, we sincerely thank all the
for their future learning and development. As participants in the research as well as
a result, it can be said that communication whomever cooperated with us.
skills are very important for engagement and
learning of students.
In addition, as the results of this study
showed, enjoyment can be considered as an Conflict of interest
important factor for increasing involvement
of students in physical education, as it may The Authors declare that there is no conflict
ease the classroom management, and of interest with any organization. Also, this
improve physical education’s status and research did not receive any specific grant
perceived value in physical education from funding agencies in the public,
(Grasten & Watt, 2017; Leisterer & commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Gramlich, 2021). The role of positive affect
such as enjoyment is previously stated in
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