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Introduction to Nursing Leadership & • Middle level–such as directors of nursing,

Management supervisory staffs and department heads

• First line/front line/ or supervisory

management– such as head nurses and
Leadership is the ability of an individual staffs.
or a group of individuals to influence and
guide followers or other members of an Characteristics of Manager
organization. Successful nurse leaders are
those who engage others to work together Regardless of level, managers have
effectively in pursuit of a shared goal. several common attributes; they are:

1. Formally appointed to positions of

2. Charged with directing and
enabling others to do their work
3. Responsible for utilizing resources
4. Accountable to superiors for results

Management : The act of influencing and

motivating a group of people to act in the
same direction towards achieving a
common goal.

Management : Management is the art of

getting things done through people. It is
the process of reaching organizational
goals by working with and through people
and other organizational resources. It is
the process of planning, organizing,
leading and controlling the work of
organization members and of using all
available organizational resources to reach
stated organizational goals

A Nurse Manager is an individual in a

medical setting with the decision-making
power to influence daily operations. They
can advocate for improved patient care by
optimizing certain processes that a
hospital or healthcare organization fulfills
every day.

What is the importance nursing


Professional nursing managers can

positively influence the quality of care for
patients and the peace of mind for staff
members. By applying effective
management concepts, nurses can play a
role in ensuring health care is safe,
effective, equitable, efficient, patient-
focused and timely

Types of managers

Traditionally classifications of managers

are by level in the organizational
hierarchy; common nomenclature is:
Leadership is a much broader concept
• Top level–such as board of directors, than is management. Although managers
Presidents and vice presidents need to be leaders, management itself is

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C


focused specifically on achievement of

organizational goals. Leadership, on the
other hand.

Nursing Leadership
Nursing Leadership : It is a process
whereby a nurse influences two or more
persons to achieve specific goal in the
provision of nursing care for one or more
clients. Gardner (1986) believes that 90%
of leadership can be taught. When nurses Effective Communication
graduate they are not ready to assume a
Communication : a process by which
leadership role. They require
information is exchanged between
opportunities for self-discovery to
individuals through a common system of
understand their strengths for skill
symbols, signs, or behavior.
*Communication management is the
deliberate art of planning, executing,
Need of Nursing Leadership monitoring, and improving
communication processes within a
⮚High expectation of patient team, project, or organization*
⮚ New technology

⮚Increased diversity in the workplace Components of Communication

⮚ Greater accountability for practice

⮚A new spiritual focus on the mind and

body connection

⮚ Increase in physical facilities and

decrease in nursing personnel in the

⮚Emerging social problems.

Characteristics of Effective Nurse

Methods of Communication
1. Downwards Communication :
➢ Actively engage in planning the current
Highly Directive, from Senior to
and future work of the group.
subordinates, to assign duties, give
➢ Provide direction to staff members the instructions, to inform to offer feed
way the work is to be done. back, approval to highlight
problems etc.
➢ Monitor the work done by the staff
members to maintain quality and

➢ Recognize and reward quality and

Productivity Fast of the development of

➢ Represent both administration &


2. Upwards Communications : It is
non directive in nature from down
below, to give feedback, to inform
Essential competencies for nurse
about progress/problems, seeking

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C


2. Effective communication can help you

influence others.

3. Your capacity to communicate is often

seen as an indicator of your ability and

3. Lateral or Horizontal
Communication: Among
colleagues, peers at same level for Characteristics of effective
information level for information commination
sharing for coordination, to save
time. 1. Clear Message: The message which
the sender wants to convey must
be simple, easy to understand and
systematically framed to retain its

The message may be:

• Verbal, means (Written or Spoken)

• Non-Verbal, means (Symbols,

Quality of Communication Pictures or unspoken).

2. Correct Message: The information

communicated must not be vague
or false in any sense; it must be
free from errors and grammatical
3. Complete Message:
Communication is the base for
decision making. If the information
is incomplete, it may lead to wrong
4. Precise Message: The message
sent must be short and concise to
facilitate straightforward
interpretation and take the desired
Effective communication is a process of 5. Reliability: The sender must be
exchanging ideas, thoughts, knowledge sure from his end that whatever he
and information such that the purpose or is conveying is right by his
intention is fulfilled in the best possible knowledge. Even the receiver must
manner. In simple words, it is nothing but have trust on the sender and can
the presentation of views by the sender in rely on the message sent
a way best understood by the receiver 6. Consideration of the Recipient: The
medium of communication and
other physical settings must be
Why Effective Communication? planned, keeping in mind the
attitude, language, knowledge,
1. The ability to effectively communicate education level and position of the
with others is one of the most important receiver.
tools for professional and personal 7. Sender’s Courtesy: The message so
success. drafted must reflect the sender’s

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C


courtesy, humbleness and respect

towards the receiver.

Characteristics of Critical Thinkers

1. Rational
Thinking Critically
2. Think extra yard than others
Great thinkers are successful leaders
3. Demand reasoning
They know how to solve problems, they
4. Open minded
know how to unleash possibilities, and
they know how to achieve the impossible. 5. Ask right questions
People who go to the top think differently
than others, and they achieve more than 6. Do not take anything for granted
7. Do not jump into conclusions
Effective managers and leaders must
8. Do not fear challenging
be thinking people. They must also be able
politically/culturally dominant fallacies
to create a ‘Thinking Environment’ for
their team members too. Thinkers will How to do critical thinking?
always outdo impulsive doers because
they can see in their ‘mind's eye’ ideas 1. Do careful, intentional thinking
and solutions that those prone to activity 2. Analyze & evaluate each piece of the
cannot even begin to comprehend. argument

- Identify facts and opinions

• Critical Thinking allows leaders at - Evaluate the opinions
every level to evaluate their decision-
making and how these decisions 3. Use of reason or logic to check the
ultimately impact results. validity

• Good Critical Thinkers start by 4. Check truthfulness of each fact to see if

collecting as much high-quality data as it is a sound argument
5. Application/test with real world
• Critical Thinking is a skill that must be scenarios to verify
developed in leaders.

What is thinking?
What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the ability to think

clearly and rationally about what to do or
what to believe.

What is not critical thinking?

1. Mere criticize everything

2. Thinking a lot
Types of thinking

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C


1. Creative thinking elements that could have impacted

An ability to conceive new and conclusions.
innovative ideas by breaking from
established thoughts, theories,
rules, and procedures.
People who use this thinking often
hear that they “think outside the

Examples of creative thinking skills


1. Problem Solving
4. Concrete Thinking
2. Writing
Concrete thinking is literal
3. Visual Art thinking that is focused on the
physical world. It is about thinking
4. Communication Skills of objects or ideas as specific
5. Open-mindedness. items, rather than as a theoretical
representation of a general
concept. It involves practical
thinking only, always literal, and to-
2. Analytical thinking 5. Abstract thinking:
An ability to separate a whole Involves the ability to understand
into its basic parts in order to and think with complex concepts
examine the parts and their that, while real, are not tied to
relationships. People with this type concrete experiences, objects,
of thinking are great problem- people, or situations. People with
solvers and have a structured and this type of thinking pay attention
methodical way of approaching to the hidden meanings behind
tasks. things relating them to other items,
events, or experiences. Abstract
The process of applying your thinkers usually can observe things
analytical skills usually involves as theories and/or possibilitie
several steps, including:

1. Identifying a topic, problem, or issue

Conflict and Negotiation
2. Gathering information through testing
and observation

3. Developing solutions or deepening your Conflict: The dissension that occurs when
understanding of the topic two or more individuals with different
values, interests, goals, or needs view
4. Testing solutions or new ideas based on things from dissimilar perspectives
what you’ve learned
What are the source of conflict in
5. Post-analysis, or reviewing what organization?
solutions worked, to assess and apply your
new knowledge

3. Critical thinking
The process of exercising careful
evaluation or judgment. Critical
thinkers do this in order to
determine the authenticity,
accuracy, worth, validity, or value
of something. Rather than strictly
breaking down information into
parts, critical thinkers explore other

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C


something positive through the

process of negotiation and both
Positive Aspects of Conflict sides feel their point of view has
1. Conflict is impetus for change been taken into consideration.
5. Agreement
2. helps with understanding of others jobs Agreement can be achieved once
and 3. Responsibilities understanding of both sides’
viewpoints and interests have been
4. Facilitator for communication
5. Energizing 6. Implementing a Course of
6. Unifying From the agreement, a course of
action has to be implemented to
Negotiation is a dialogue between two or
carry through the decision.
more people or parties intended to reach a
beneficial outcome over one or more
issues where a conflict exists with respect
to at least one of these issues

Stages of Negotiation

The process of negotiation includes

the following stages:

1. Preparation

2. Discussion

3. Clarification of goals

4. Negotiate towards a Win-Win outcome

5. Agreement

6. Implementation of a course of action

1. Competition (win-lose):

A competitive negotiation style is the

1. Preparation classic model of “I win, you lose.” This
Before any negotiation takes place, style of negotiation considers winning at
a decision needs to be taken as to all costs even at the expense of the other
when and where a meeting will party.
take place to discuss the problem
The competition negotiation style is,
and who will attend. Setting a
however, very risky. It can be costly and
limited time-scale can also be
time consuming and often lead to a
helpful to prevent the
disagreement continuing.
2. Discussion 2. Accommodation (lose-win):
During this stage, individuals or
members of each side put forward This style can be described as the “I lose,
the case as they see it, i.e. their you win” model and is the direct opposite
understanding of the situation. Key of the competitive style. For
skills during this stage include accommodating negotiators, the
questioning, listening and relationship means everything and the
clarifying. outcome is not important. The
3. Clarifying Goals accommodating style might be used in
From the discussion, the goals, situations where one party has caused
interests and viewpoints of both harm to another party and needs to repair
sides of the disagreement need to the relationship.
be clarified. 3. Avoidance (lose-lose)
4. Negotiate Towards a Win-Win
Outcome This style is the “I lose, you lose” model.
This stage focuses on what is This style is used when both outcome and
termed a 'win-win' outcome where relationship are not important.
both sides feel they have gained

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C


Negotiations can be costly in terms of time

and energy.

4.Collaboration (win-win):

In contrast to the competitive style, a

collaborative negotiation style seeks a “I
win, you win” outcome. This win-win
model focuses on making sure all parties
have their needs met. With this style, both
relationship and outcome are important.
The purpose is to maximize outcome and
preserve the relationship.

5.Compromise (split the difference):

Unlike the collaborative style, the

compromising negotiation style follows a
“I win/lose some, you win/lose some”
model. Compromising is the style most
people think of as negotiation, but it is
really only bargaining. Compromisers use
this style instead of finding a solution that
fully benefits everyone

David Dwane Art C. Silorio | BSN IV C

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