Types of managers
Nursing Leadership
Nursing Leadership : It is a process
whereby a nurse influences two or more
persons to achieve specific goal in the
provision of nursing care for one or more
clients. Gardner (1986) believes that 90%
of leadership can be taught. When nurses Effective Communication
graduate they are not ready to assume a
Communication : a process by which
leadership role. They require
information is exchanged between
opportunities for self-discovery to
individuals through a common system of
understand their strengths for skill
symbols, signs, or behavior.
*Communication management is the
deliberate art of planning, executing,
Need of Nursing Leadership monitoring, and improving
communication processes within a
⮚High expectation of patient team, project, or organization*
⮚ New technology
2. Upwards Communications : It is
non directive in nature from down
below, to give feedback, to inform
Essential competencies for nurse
about progress/problems, seeking
3. Lateral or Horizontal
Communication: Among
colleagues, peers at same level for Characteristics of effective
information level for information commination
sharing for coordination, to save
time. 1. Clear Message: The message which
the sender wants to convey must
be simple, easy to understand and
systematically framed to retain its
What is thinking?
What is critical thinking?
2. Thinking a lot
Types of thinking
1. Problem Solving
4. Concrete Thinking
2. Writing
Concrete thinking is literal
3. Visual Art thinking that is focused on the
physical world. It is about thinking
4. Communication Skills of objects or ideas as specific
5. Open-mindedness. items, rather than as a theoretical
representation of a general
concept. It involves practical
thinking only, always literal, and to-
2. Analytical thinking 5. Abstract thinking:
An ability to separate a whole Involves the ability to understand
into its basic parts in order to and think with complex concepts
examine the parts and their that, while real, are not tied to
relationships. People with this type concrete experiences, objects,
of thinking are great problem- people, or situations. People with
solvers and have a structured and this type of thinking pay attention
methodical way of approaching to the hidden meanings behind
tasks. things relating them to other items,
events, or experiences. Abstract
The process of applying your thinkers usually can observe things
analytical skills usually involves as theories and/or possibilitie
several steps, including:
3. Developing solutions or deepening your Conflict: The dissension that occurs when
understanding of the topic two or more individuals with different
values, interests, goals, or needs view
4. Testing solutions or new ideas based on things from dissimilar perspectives
what you’ve learned
What are the source of conflict in
5. Post-analysis, or reviewing what organization?
solutions worked, to assess and apply your
new knowledge
3. Critical thinking
The process of exercising careful
evaluation or judgment. Critical
thinkers do this in order to
determine the authenticity,
accuracy, worth, validity, or value
of something. Rather than strictly
breaking down information into
parts, critical thinkers explore other
Stages of Negotiation
1. Preparation
2. Discussion
3. Clarification of goals
5. Agreement
4.Collaboration (win-win):