LCD Alarm Manual

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Area, Master & Combination

Med Touch Alarm Systems

Installation and
Alarm Systems

Features & Benefits

The Patton’s Medical Med Touch combination area and master alarm panel digitally displays gas pressure (1 psi
increments), monitors and displays normal and alarm conditions from up to 128 remote medical gas source sig-
nals, and provides alarm conditions as required by the latest edition of NFPA 99 for up to 16 medical gases. The
base alarm without Ethernet or Bacnet communication options is ETL listed to UL 1069 and CSA C22.2 # 205
Signal equipment. Transducers & DISS risers are included for area alarm gas boards. Transducers may be installed
remotely or in the back box. Pressure switches and DISS union check valve connectors are sold separately.
Five year parts and one year labor warranty LCD indicators (Green) confirms normal status, (Red)
• 2.85” LCD touch screen displays up to 8 normal and indicates abnormal condition
alarm conditions for pressure switch sensor inputs • Menu of NFPA 99 master alarm signals for quick, easy
• 2.85” LCD touch screen displays up to 8 normal and selection
alarm conditions and provides a digital pressure dis- • Gas specific transducer master signal boards. An error
play for up to 4 transducer sensor inputs message will be displayed if incorrect sensor or no
• 2.85” LCD touch screen displays normal and high/low sensor is attached.
alarm conditions for one 4 – 20 mA sensor input • Transducer master signal boards shall be capable of
• The LCD touch screen allows all alarm programming displaying gas readouts in PSI, kPa, BAR, inHg, or
and set up to be done without the use of tools mmHg.
• A green normal or red alarm condition for each gas ser- • Alarm repeat feature is factory set at 10 minutes, and is
vices confirms the condition for each individual gas adjustable or may be turned off.
service • User programmable high/low set points on transducer
• Emergency preparedness instructions - Med Touch master boards
alarm panels allow users to set up customized in- In addition, each Area Alarm Module shall incorpo-
structions for each alarm signal, to appear on the rate the following features:
screen when the signal is in alarm • Does not require re-calibration
• Up to 128 signal points in a single panel • Gas specific sensor with DISS nut & nipple. An error
• Wireless (minimal low voltage wiring) models available message will be displayed if incorrect sensor or no
(wireless feature for master signal points only) sensor is attached
• Last event history (per gas board /signal point) • Shall be capable of displaying gas readouts PSI, kPa,
• Made in the U.S.A. BAR, inHg, or mmHg.
• NFPA and ISO pre-loaded gas ‘labels’ • Gas alarm repeat feature is factory set at 10 minutes,
• English, and English/French pre-loaded languages and is adjustable or may be turned off .
• Editable text and alarm ‘labels’ The following options shall be able to be added to the
• Self-contained unit - Designed for ease of installation panel at the time of order or after installation;
and service • Optional Ethernet module. This module may be
• Self-diagnostic and error message display for ease of added to any alarm panel. It will provide the follow-
maintenance ing features:
• Audio and visual alarm indicators • Webserver – allows a remote user access to the alarm’s
• Bright easy to read LCD displays – clearly visible in webpage – viewing a graphic image of the alarm
both day and night lighting conditions with all signal conditions, pressure & event / history
• Constant display and monitoring of each gas log information
• User programmable high/low set points on transducer • Text notification of alarm conditions (up to 5 ad-
and 4 – 20 mA sensor input boards dresses)
• Dry contacts provided on the CPU module for general • Event / history log – maintains a rolling list of the
fault condition covering entire panel 100 most recent alarm condition events and a file
• Hinged frame for easy accessibility of the 1,000 most recent alarm events and is
• Color coded displays downloadable through embedded web pages
• Alarm history display of previous alarm conditions • Modbus interface with Ethernet connectivity
• Hinged frame for easy accessibility
• Color coded labeling • Optional BACnet module. - Available for mas-
• Wireless (minimal low voltage wiring) models available ter and area/master combination alarms only. The
Additional features: Ethernet module must be installed in the alarm to
• Individual user programmable remote signal alarm use the BACnet module. Will provide the follow-
points to accept NO or NC signals, or may be disabled. ing features: provides a Modbus to BACnet gate-
Factory preset to accept Normally Closed signals way to interface to a BACnet building manage-
ment system through Ethernet connectivity.
Alarm Systems

Features & Benefits ---------------------- 2 Master point NFPA labels --------------- 24
Introduction ------------------------------- 4 Repeater Delay---------------------------- 25
Major components------------------------ 5 Units of Measure-------------------------- 25
Alarm Panel Installation------------- 6 Digital Calibration ------------------------ 25
Rough-In Box Installation --------------- 6 Com ID------------------------------------- 25
Wiring/AC--------------------------------- 7 Gas Service -------------------------------- 26
Plumbing the riser extension tubes ----- 8 Language & Latching/Non-Latching--- 26
Installing the hinges ---------------------- 9 View Screen ------------------------------- 26
Installing the alarm front panel --------- 9 Text & E Text Gas (Area) --------------- 27
Wiring alarm front panel ---------------- 10 Text & E Text Master (dry contacts) --- 28
Installing the transducers (not remote) - 10 4-20mA Master Module ------------------ 28
Installing the transducers (remote) ----- 11 Ethernet/rabbit ---------------------------- 29
Connecting transducer wiring ----------- 12 Create Receive Connector------------- 30-32
Wiring remote devices (dry contacts) -- 13 Programming the Ethernet/Rabbit Board 32-
Wiring remote devices (transducers) --- 14 34
Wiring remote devices (4-20mA)------- 15 E mail text notifications --------------- 35-36
Wiring general fault (dry contacts) ----- 16 Rabbit board programing commands 37
Power on----------------------------------- 17 Modbus interface ----------------------- 38
Alarm Displays & Functions-------- 18 Website ---------------------------------- 38-39
Button module displays & functions --- 18 BACnet interface----------------------- 40-44
Gas (Area) module ----------------------- 19 Appendix A Glossary of Terms ------------- 45
Alarm conditions ------------------------- 19 Appendix B Specifications ------------------- 46
Emergency instructions (gas module)-- 19 Appendix C Master Signal wire log ------- 47
Master module (dry contacts) ----------- 20 Appendix D Master Alarm Signal listing - 48
Emergency instructions Appendix E Wiring Diagram (AC and DC)
(master modules) ------------------------- 20 Standard Area or Master Alarm ------------ 49
Master module (transducer inputs) ----- 20 Appendix F Wiring Diagram
Master module (4 – 20 mA input) ------ 20 Area Alarm Remote Transducers ------------ 50
Alarm Operation ---------------------- 21 Appendix G Wiring Diagram
Silencing the alarm----------------------- 21 (Master Equipment) --------------------------- 51
Repeater Delay---------------------------- 21 Appendix H Wiring Diagram
Testing the alarm ------------------------- -21 (Master Remote Transducer) ----------------- 52
Gas (Area) modules ---------------------- 21 Appendix I Wiring Diagram
Master module (dry contacts) ----------- 21 Master 4-20mA Signals ----------------------- 53
Master module (transducer inputs) ----- 22 Appendix J Wiring Diagram
Master module (4 – 20 mA input) ------ 22 Ethernet Communication ---------------------- 54
Ethernet module -------------------------- 22 Appendix K Wiring Diagram (AC and DC)
BACnet gateway module ---------------- 22 BACnet ------------------------------------------ 55
Programming the Alarm ----------- 23 Appendix L Wiring Diagram
Accessing the Program Mode ----------- 23 BACnet Communication ---------------------- 56
High & Low Alarm Pressure set points 24 Appendix M Text Message Carriers -------- 57-
Appendix N Ethernet/Rabbit Board
Programming Log ------------------------------ 62

Alarm Systems

This manual covers the installation and operation of the “T” series of Med Touch Alarm Systems. It applies to
three different back boxes and front panel sizes that are described as 2 slot, 3 slot, and 5 slot. These panels can
have a maximum of 4 modules in a 2 slot alarm, 8 modules in a 3 slot alarm, or 16 modules in a 5 slot alarm. Refer
to our Submittal Data Sheet 99-0488 for Master Alarms, 99-0489 for Area Alarms and 99-0490 for Combination
Alarms for details on the physical size and module options in each of these Alarm Systems. These can be found on
our website at and look under Pipeline Products to find the type of Med Touch Alarm Submit-
tal Data (Specification) sheet needed.

The LCD Medical gas alarm system monitors the status of the medical gas distribution system and provides audi-
ble and visual indicators. The master alarm can be furnished with either Modbus or BACnet building management
interface circuit board(s) to communicate status information to the building management system. Any type of
alarm may be equipped with an optional Ethernet board which will; launch a website, send text notifications to five
addresses, maintain a rolling history / event log of 100 recent events and a file of 1,000 events, and provide a Mod-
bus interface. A BACnet interface option may be added to any master alarm with the Ethernet
option. The Medical alarm system monitors the status of the medical gas sources in accordance
with NFPA 99 and CSA Z7396.1.

The Medical gas alarm system is an assembly comprised of a rough-in box, a front panel and
transducers (if it is an area, combination or transducer master alarm).

Rough-in box
The rough-in box houses the power supply, fuse, on/off switch, and a terminal strip for electri-
cal wiring. An isolated transformer reduces the 110V or 220V AC input to low voltage DC.

Front panel
The front panel includes enclosed printed circuit boards with programming circuitry.
The Push Button module includes a power on indicator, quick view information buttons, the
silence button and an audible alarm.
The Remote Signal dry contacts module(s) can monitor up to 8 signals per circuit board. Mul-
tiple remote signal modules can be ordered in a single alarm which would be in communication
with dry contact sensors. The signals can be configured to display an abnormal condition on either
a normally closed (NC) or a normally open (NO) circuit. Each signal may also be turned off if it is
not being utilized.

The Remote Signal transducer contacts module(s) can monitor up to 8 signals from 4 transduc-
ers per circuit board. Multiple remote signal modules can be ordered in a single alarm which
would be in communication with transducer sensors. The signals can be configured to display an
abnormal condition on either a normally closed (NC) or a normally open (NO) circuit. Each signal
may also be turned off if it is not being utilized. The benefits of transducers over dry contacts are:
improved safety (an alarm is immediately triggered when a transducer fails), greater accuracy / re-
peatability, ease of setting (push button vs mechanical adjustment) and lower cost in most cases.

The Remote Signal 4–20 mA contacts module monitors a single 4–20 mA transmitter. The user is
able to program and name the units of measure represented by the bar graph generated by the mod-
ule. The user is also able to set the high and low alarm set points

The Gas (Area) module(s) on the front panel are identified with gas specific, color coding (per
NFPA 99 or CSA Z7396.1). The display shows the actual gas pressure along with an indication of
the pressure being within the Normal, High or Low pressure range. The gas pressure may be dis-
played in PSI, In Hg, BAR or kPa. The unit is pre-programmed to display PSI / In Hg from the fac-
tory, but may be re-programmed in the field to display BAR or kPa. In addition the display will
indicate System and Program failures. Each module is supplied with dry contacts for remote signal-
ing of high and low pipeline pressure.

Alarm Systems

The transducer converts pressure to an electrical signal and supplies the electrical signal to the alarm Gas and/or
Remote signal transducer modules. After the initial 24 hour 150 psi standing pres-
sure test (required per NFPA 99) has been completed the pressure/vacuum trans-
ducers may be connected to the medical gas pipeline. The transducers may be remotely
attached to the piping system at distances up to 5,000 feet using standard 18 gauge
stranded twisted pair wire. Patton’s Medical recommends mounting the transducers in
the zone appropriate zone valve box (utilizing the E Z Backfeed™ and E Z Find™
features) or in the alarm back box. Should a transducer require service or replacement it is considerably more of a
safety issue and more time consuming to locate and replace transducers which have been remotely located above
the ceiling and eliminates contamination issues – such as having to set up a tent in order to remove ceiling tiles.

DISS x ½ O.D. tube gas specific risers with our Frontall™ front loaded check valve
are provided for each gas service corresponding to the gas boards ordered in an area or
combination alarm. The risers may be installed in the alarm back box or remotely on
the pipeline.

Rough in with power supply Front panel with circuit boards

Transducers Risers

Alarm Systems

Alarm Installation
Installation of the Pattons Medical alarm involves installing the rough-in box, the risers & the transducers (if it is
an area alarm or combination alarm) and front panel and making the necessary conduit, plumbing and electrical
connections. All installation and testing should be done in accordance with NFPA 99 or CSA Z7396.1.
WARNING: Electrical power intended for the alarm to be installed should be disconnected prior to installation.
WARNING: This device should only be installed by qualified personnel. Installation should not be attempted by
anyone not having general experience with the installation of devices of this nature.

Rough-In Box Installation

This is a rough-in box for a combination alarm.
Your rough-in box should look the same or similar
to this unit. The risers are shipped loose, for protec-
tion during shipment, and must be installed. If
transducers are to be mounted remotely, it is rec-
ommended that they be connected to the DISS de-
mand check valves installed in the corresponding
zone valve box equipped with the E Z Backfeed™
and E Z Find™ features.
Refer to the building plans to determine the loca-
tion of the alarm.
The contractor is to provide rigid mounting that
will support the alarm box on both sides. The metal
flanges provided on both sides of the rough-in box
are to rest against the rigid mounting brackets.
Screws (contractor provided) are to be driven thru
the holes in the metal flanges into the mounting
brackets. Flanges are adjustable to allow for a dry-
wall depth of 1/2” to 1 1/8”.
Mount alarm rough-in box so it will be flush or just
below the finished wall surface using the adjust-
ment feature on the flanges.

(Side/end view of rough-in back box)

Alarm Systems

The power supply hole is located in the bottom

(left side) of the rough-in box. Remove the plaster
cover and panel covering the power supply. Make
conduit connections for wiring from the facility
emergency power source.

To remove the power supply cover, loosen the two

screws at the top of the cover and slide the cover
to the right, then lift the cover over the screw
heads. Slide the wiring harness strain relief to the
left until it is free from the cover.


Use either of the two ½” conduit knock-outs provid-

ed on the lower left side and bottom of the rough-in
box to route conduit to supply either 120 or 240
VAC to the power supply. Note: Separate conduit
should be used for low voltage wires (use knock
outs provided on the top of the box). Low voltage
signal wiring must be run at least 6 inches away
from high voltage wiring. (90VAC or greater)

When necessary to cross low and high voltage wir-

ing, maintain minimum 6 inch spacing and cross as
close to 90° as possible.

Route wires through the power supply conduit in-

stalled in the bottom and left side of the rough-in
Neutral box. Connect the 120 or 240 VAC facility emergen-
cy power source electrical wiring to the terminal
strip provided on the lower left side of the box. (N =
Line (Hot)
neutral, L = Line (hot), FG = field ground)

Field Ground

Alarm Systems

The wiring harness will be provided pre-wired

to the power supply. If by chance you are re-
placing a wiring harness, the single green
ground wire should be fastened to the screw
on the top left corner of the power supply
board. The wiring plug in connector (which
should contain the rest of the wires), plugs
into the connector terminal on the upper left
corner of the power supply board. The black
wire will be on the top.

This is how the power supply should look

when the wiring is completed.

Replace the power supply cover and plaster

cover (to protect the unit while the drywall
and wall covering work are being done) after
wiring is complete

Install the risers in the top of the back box as

After removing the protective plastic caps,
connect the riser extension tubes to the gas
Plumbing the Riser Extension Tubes piping system per NFPA 99. Make sure the
drop is for the proper gas service. Using a
Riser extension tubes
purge gas to insure cleanliness in the tubes,
½ inch O.D. tube
silver braze the joints. Do not use soft solder.
Conduct heat away from the check valves.
(Per NFPA 99 Chapt 5 a nitrogen purge is
required). The 150 psi standing pressure test
of the piping system must be successfully
completed and all pressure removed from the
system before connecting the transducers to
the system. Attaching transducers without
depleting the 150 psi standing pressure first
will result in damage to the transducers!

Note: It is recommended that gas piping system tubing be connected from the riser extension tube to the ceiling
for a future or blank gas display even though a transducer is not being installed. Cap the unused tube above the
ceiling. This will simplify future expansion. AU89xx series riser extension tubes are sold separately.

Note: It is also possible to install the transducers remotely (not in the alarm box). In this type of installation the
risers are connected to the gas piping system up to 5,000 feet away from the alarm panel.

Note: Pattons Medical recommends mounting the transducers either in the zone valve box (remote) in conjunction
with the E Z Backfeed™ and E Z Find™ products or in the alarm back box – not remotely above the ceiling.
Should a transducer require service, testing or replacement it is considerably more time consuming to locate and
replace or service transducers remotely located above the ceiling.

Alarm Systems

Installing the Hinges

After the walls are finished, the hinges may

be installed onto the rough-in box. The two
hinges should be fastened to the lower front
edge of the rough-in box using the screws
provided. The hinge should rest flat against
the surface of the drywall.

Installing the Alarm Front Panel

The alarm front panel snaps onto the two

hinge pins. If the hinge gets detached from
the front panel, simply snap it back on.

Attach the two (left & right side) lanyard

cables to the alarm back box and (if neces-
sary) front panel using the screws provided.

Alarm Systems

Wiring the Alarm Front Panel to the Power Supply

Attach the green ground wire, which is in the

wiring harness, to the ground stud on the left side
of the front panel – near the left rear corner of the
button board.

Attach the plug connector at the end of the wir-

ing harness to the appropriate connector located
at the top left corner of the button module circuit
board. The plug should lock into place. The plug
can only be inserted one way.

This is how the wiring harness plug connector

should look when properly installed on the back
of the button module board.

Installing the Transducers (non remote)

After depressurizing the 150 psig standing pres-

sure from the piping system, install the appropri-
ate transducers to the appropriate riser extension
tube connectors inside the rough-in box. Hand-
tighten, then torque lightly with a wrench.

Alarm Systems

Installing the Transducers (remote)

Transducer assemblies with DISS gas specific fittings have

also been provided and, after the 24 hour standing pressure
test is completed and normal operating pressure has been
restored to the medical gas piping system, they must be
connected to the DISS demand valves. Note: maximum
mounting distance of each remote transducer is 5,000 feet
away from the alarm panel to which it will be wired. Fol-
low the wiring instructions in Appendix F.

he transducers have been designed so that they may be

installed in a standard 4”x 4”x 2 1/8” electrical junction
box for added protection.

A panel mount feature has been provided to allow mount-

ing of the transducer using standard 1/2”conduit connec-
tions and 4”x 4”x 2 1/8” junction boxes. Note: The DISS
nut & nipple will need to be removed to allow installation
of the conduit nut and then re-installed using oxygen safe
Teflon tape.

Care should be taken to not allow debris of any type to

enter the transducer during the removal & re-installation
of the DISS nut & nipple as this may prevent the trans-
ducer from functioning properly.

Alarm Systems

Connecting the Transducer Wiring to the Alarm Front Circuit Board

The wire terminal connector on the gas board has

six wire connection slots. The two wires from the
transducer should be installed in the BLK &
WHT SENSOR slots. These are the two slots
closest to the top edge of the gas board (as
shown). If the transducer is installed remotely
and additional wire is used, it is preferred that the
wire polarities remain the same even if the wire
colors are changed.

The other four connection slots are for optional

remote monitoring of the low and high line pres-
sure alarms on a master alarm, building manage-
ment system, or other device.

There are a total of 6 connection points – the first

two connection points are for the transducer sen-
sor, the next two points are for the low line pres-
sure alarm and the last two points are for the high
pressure alarm. The low and high line pressure
contact sets provide a normally closed set of con-
tacts and consist of a normally closed (NC) and a
common (C) connection.

The transducer plug may be removed from the

gas module to make it easier to install
The wires

Visually verify that the appropriate transducer

wire pair has been attached to the appropriate gas
module by looking at the front of the alarm pan-
el. If there is not an Error Condition and a Sys-
tem alarm, the proper (matching gas service)
transducer has been connected to the gas board.

Alarm Systems

Wiring the Remote Devices to Remote Signal Master Board (dry contacts)

Locate the two banks of 8 terminal

connectors on the back of the remote
signal (master) board.

Inputs 1 thru 4 are on the right edge of

the board and 5 thru 8 are on the left
edge of the board

There are a total of 16 connection

points – two connection points for
each remote signal. The pairs are la-
beled 1 IN thru 8 IN on the circuit
board. The NC (normally closed)
labeled terminal of each pair is
where the signal wire should be
landed. The C (common) labeled
terminal of each pair is where the
common wire should be landed.
Note: it is required that polarity be
maintained between the switch being
monitored and the master alarm.

The terminal connector may be un-

plugged from the circuit board to sim-
plify installation of the remote signal

Land the corresponding signal on the

NC (normally closed) & common
wires on the C (common) terminal of
each pair of terminal connectors. It is
imperative that the signal wires are
landed in the NC position and that the
common wires are landed in the C po-

Remote signal #1 Remote signal #2

ommon wire signal #1 Common wire signal #2

Alarm Systems
Wiring the Remote Devices to Remote Signal Master Board (transducer sen-

Locate the bank of 8 terminal connectors

on the right edge of the back of the re-
mote signal (master) board.

There are a total of 8 connection points –

two connection points for each transduc-
er sensor. The pairs are labeled 1 IN thru
4 IN on the circuit board. The white
wire from the transducer should be
landed in the WHT position and the
black wire from the transducer should
be landed in the BLK position. Note:
only Pattons Medical D and T series
alarm transducers are compatible with
the Med Touch alarm system.

The terminal connector may be un-

plugged from the circuit board to simpli-
fy installation of the remote signal wires.

The sequence in which the transducers

are connected to the board correspond
with the order in which they will appear
on the display. The #1 transducer will be
displayed on top and the #4 transducer
will be displayed on the bottom. There
will be up to two display positions (high
line pressure and low line pressure) for
each transducer.

Remote signal #1 Remote signal #2

Common wire signal #1 Common wire signal #2

Alarm Systems

Wiring the Remote Devices to Remote Signal Master Board (4-20mA transmitters)

Locate 3 port terminal connector on the

right edge of the back of the remote signal
(Master) board.

The terminal connector will be labeled 4-


The terminal connector may be un-plugged

from the circuit board to simplify installa-
tion of the wires.

For 4-20mA transmitters with loop pow-

er supplied by an external source.

Land the 4-20mA signal wire in the Num-

ber 2 terminal port. Land the (-) ground
wire to the Number 3 terminal port

For 4-20mA transmitters with loop pow-

er supplied by the Alarm Circuit Board

Land the 4-20mA signal wire to the Num-

ber 2 terminal port. Land the +12VDC wire
to the Number 1 terminal port.

Alarm Systems

Wiring general fault dry contacts to building automation system or remote alarm

The button board (shown here) is located

in the top left corner of the alarm panel.
The dry contacts which provide the general
fault alarm condition are located on the
bottom edge of the board.

Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed

(NC) and Common (C) connections are

The terminal connector may be un-plugged

from the circuit board to simplify installa-
tion of the remote signal wires

Alarm Systems

You are now ready to supply power to the

alarm. Restore power to the circuit feeding
this alarm panel. The toggle switch on the
front of the power supply should be placed
in the ON position.

Check the green power LED indicator on

the front of the button module. It should be

If you haven’t already, you are now ready to

pressurize the piping system to normal oper-
ating pressures. The alarm is shown here
with Medical Vacuum at normal operating
pressures. All remote signal points (master
alarm signals) are shown in normal condi-

Alarm Systems

Alarm Displays & Functions

Button Module

Power on Indicator Alarm Silence

The power on indicator (green LED) is illuminated button
whenever electrical power (120 or 240 VAC) is
connected to the alarm and the on/off switch is Clear Last Event
turned on. History button

Test Button View Last

When the Test button on the front panel is pressed, Event History
the alarm illuminates all circuit boards and sounds button
the buzzer.

Alarm Silence
In the event of an alarm condition an audible alarm Power on Indicator Test button
sounds. The audible alarm can be silenced by
pressing the alarm silence button. The alarm will
alternate displaying the rooms/area monitored with ▲ (up arrow)
the emergency instructions until the alarm condi- The up arrow may be pressed & held at any time to
tion is rectified. Depressing the silence button will display the high line pressure alarm set points of the
silence the alarm for approximately 10 minutes gas module (area) boards, the remote signal trans-
(factory setting). After approximately 10 minutes, ducer boards and the 4 – 20mA boards.
the audible alarm will sound again. (See alarm op-
eration section on page 21 for more detail). ▼ (down arrow)
The down arrow may be pressed & held at any
View Last Event Alarm History Button time to display the low line pressure alarm set
The Last Event History button may be pressed and points of the gas module (area) boards, the remote
held at any time to view last event alarm history. signal transducer boards and the 4 – 20mA
Viewing alarm history is only active while the Last boards .
Event History button is pressed, releasing the but-
ton returns the alarm to normal operation. Pressing ► (right arrow)
the Last Event History Button will display the fol- The right arrow may be pressed & held at any time
lowing: to display the gas service for which the gas mod-
ules (area) boards are currently programmed. (See
Gas (Area) and Remote Signal Transducer Mod- list on page 26).
ules - The High and/or Low Pressure indication
will be displayed along with the actual highest or ◄ (left arrow)
lowest pressure which occurred. The left arrow may be pressed & held at any time
to display the type of transducer that is connected
Remote Signal (Master) Module – If there was an to each gas module (area) board. The 3 types are 0
alarm condition for any Remote Signal the Red – 30 In Hg, 0 – 100 psig and 0 – 250 psig. When
LCD will be illuminated. All other LCD’s will be the left arrow is pressed “30” will be displayed for
off. a 0 – 30 In Hg transducer, “100” will be displayed
for a 0 – 100 psig transducer and “250” will be
4–20 mA Module - The High and/or Low value displayed for a 0 – 250 psig transducer.
indication will be displayed along with the actual
highest or lowest value which occurred

Clear Last Event Alarm History Button – To

clear Last Event Alarm History you simply press the
Clear History button.

Alarm Systems

Gas Module (Area alarms)

occurred. When the line pressure is neither high nor
low it is considered within the normal range and the
green Normal LCD is illuminated. These indications
are relative to the high and low pressure set points
which have been programmed into the alarm. These
high and low set points should be set in accordance
with NFPA 99 at ± 20% of the normal operating pres-
Other possible Conditions
Other possible system conditions
may occur in the event of a wiring
problem, sensor problem or board
malfunction. The following codes
will be displayed when a System
Gas Service Error or Failure is detected, or
(see programming – page 26) when the View Recent History
button is pressed:
Gas Pressure
The LCD Digital Pressure Display displays the pres-
sure as indicated by the transducer. The gas pressure
may be displayed in PSI, kPa, BAR, inHg, or mmHg.
PSI and inHg is the factory setting.
Alarm Reason
Note: Vacuum & EVAC / WAGD may be dis- No Sensor Sensor wire(s) not connected
played as inHg or mmHg. Only the applicable unit
selection buttons will be active based on the gas No Sensor Data No data sent within allotted time
service selected. For example - the PSI, kPa and
Bad Sensor Data Corrupt data, sensor noise
BAR selection buttons will be displayed but are not
active when a negative pressure gas has been se- Wrong Gas Miss-matched sensor & gas board
lected. In kPa mode the Nitrogen gas display indi- Type
cates one tenth of the actual pressure when the pres-
sure exceeds 999 kPa (i.e. 1100 kPa is displayed as Low Pressure Pressure is below low alarm set point
110 and the kPa and (x 10) appears in the pressure High Pressure Pressure is above high alarm set point
text box.
Note: this table covers all alarm modules used in both
Note: Alarm settings are maintained even if power area & master alarm panels
is interrupted.
Rooms / area covered & alarm / emergency instruc-
Units of Measure tions
The Units of Measure is displayed as PSI/inHg,
BAR or kPa (whichever is selected during program- When in the Normal Condition,
ming – PSI and inHg is factory setting) providing the the rooms / area covered infor-
unit of measure displayed on the LCD pressure read- mation which has been entered
ing. In the kPa mode the Nitrogen gas display indi- by the user is displayed. When
cates one tenth of the actual pressure when the pres- in an alarm condition, the emer-
sure exceeds 999 kPa (i.e. 1100 kPa is displayed as gency instructions which have
110 and the kPa and (x 10) appears in the pressure been entered by the user are
text box displayed alternately with the
rooms/area monitored infor-
High / Normal / Low Condition Status mation. In addition the display
Should the line pressure of a gas exceed the pro- will flash on and off. (See Pro-
grammed alarm set points for low or high line pres- gramming Text – page 27).
sure, the corresponding low or high line pressure
LCD will be illuminated simultaneously with the
buzzer sounding to announce an alarm condition has

Alarm Systems

Master Remote Signal (dry contacts)

Alarm Gas Service

Alarm Gas Pressure &
condition Units of Measure

Alarm signal #1

Alarm signal #2

Master (dry contact) modules will provide up to 8 Emergency instructions may also be input (by the user)
alarm signals when used in communication with dry for each of the signal points. The normal display will
contact sensors. For each signal point a ‘label’ must appear and react just like a conventional remote signal
be selected from a pre-loaded database of NFPA 99 master dry contact display (shown on the left side of this
master alarm signals. You also have the option of page), but a touch of the display will change the display
creating your own ‘label’. Emergency instructions (for 30 seconds) to look and react similar to an area
may also be input (by the user) for each of the sig- alarm gas display (photo above). The advantages of us-
nal points. The master boards are pre-programmed ing transducers over pressure switches are;
with all signal points programmed NC (normally • Digital display of actual gas pressure
closed). There is an alarm condition indicator for • Greater accuracy / repeatability
each signal point. The alarm condition indicator will • Improved safety (an alarm condition notification is
be green when the signal is in a normal state and red created immediately should a transducer fail)
when in an alarm state. When an alarm condition • Easy / fast push button re-setting of alarm set points
occurs in addition to the condition indicator turning • Lower cost (in most cases)
red, the signal will flash on and off and the emer-
gency instructions will alternate being displayed Master 4 – 20 mA Remote Signal
with the alarm signal label. Monitors the status of a source of the medical gas distri-
bution system (i.e. – liquid level of bulk oxygen) in com-
Emergency Text munication with one 4 – 20 mA signal transmitter and
(displays in red) displays a bar graph with user defined units, provides
high & low alarms with user defined set-points and pro-
vides the emergency instructions (programmed by the
user). Other applications may include monitoring flow
rates, levels, concentrations, humidity, etc.

Scale Reading
User entered Equipment Name

User entered Numeric Value

for 20mA
Master Remote Signal (transducer con-
Scaled bar graph
Master (transducer contact) modules will provide
User entered Numeric Value
up to 8 alarm signals when used in conjunction
for 4mA
with Pattons Medical transducer sensors. For
each signal point a ‘label’ must be selected from
User entered Units of measure
a pre-loaded database of NFPA 99 master alarm
signals. You also have the option of creating your
User entered Text and E-Text
own ‘label’.
Alarm Systems

Alarm Operation
This section deals with the daily operational aspects of the alarm panel. After installation has been completed
and the final user programming of the panel has been properly configured, it is ready for operation.

Silencing the Alarm

Press the Silence button when the alarm is sound- If the pressure of one of the gases rises above the
ing and the alarm will be silenced. programmed high limit setting, the following events
take place simultaneously: 1) the Normal LCD will
Area alarm modules are programmed with a Re- be extinguished 2) the Pressure High LCD (red) will
peater Delay feature which monitors only the Gas illuminate 3) an audible alarm will sound 4) the
Module (Area) alarms. The Repeater Delay has emergency instructions will be displayed alternately
been factory programmed to make the alarm re- with the pressure high (red) alarm display if they
sound every 10 (ten) minutes as long as the alarm have been programmed by the user.
condition exists. Note: the repeater delay may be re
-programmed to a different duration or turned-off Master Remote Signal (dry contacts)
(see programming page 25). Master remote signal Monitor the status of the sources of the medical gas
modules may be programmed by the user with the distribution system in communication with the re-
same repeater delay feature (see programming page mote equipment dry contacts connected to it and
25). provide the emergency instructions (programmed by
the user).
Testing the Alarm
Pressing and holding the Test button initiates a self The remote signals (master) module displays (via
-test of the alarm. All LCD’s will illuminate for as green or red indicators) the normal/abnormal status
long as the Test button is depressed. In addition the of the remote equipment connected to the alarm. All
buzzer will sound. If any LCD is faulty the circuit alarm panels are pre-programmed upon leaving the
board should be replaced. If the buzzer does not factory to monitor normally closed signals (per
sound, it is faulty and the circuit board should be NFPA 99). In normal operation all active signals will
replaced. be green. Whenever an abnormal status signal is de-
tected the corresponding green LCD will be extin-
Note: The alarms (both Area & Master) have a guished and the red LCD will illuminate. Simultane-
filter programmed to ignore transient signals that ously an audible alarm will sound. Pressing the Si-
are less than 0.7 seconds in duration. lence button silences the audible alarm (the Red
LCD continues to be lit). Emergency instructions
Area Alarm Gas Modules will be displayed alternately with the signal point
Monitor the status of the medical gas ‘areas’ of the text if they have been programmed by the user. The
facility. Gas modules communicate with transduc- appropriate personnel should be notified immediate-
ers and provide: 1) the pressure readings of the gas ly of the alarm condition. When the alarm condition
on each gas display 2) the Normal LCD (green) or has been rectified the Red LCD is automatically ex-
Alarm Conditions LCD (red) on each gas display tinguished and the Green LCD illuminates. Note:
and 3) the emergency instructions (programmed by master alarm signals shipped programmed to not
the user). repeat – but may be re-programmed (see page 25)
to repeat incorporating the Repeater Delay feature.
If the pressure of one of the gases drops below the
programmed low limit setting, the following events
take place simultaneously: 1) the Normal LCD will
be extinguished 2) the Pressure Low LCD (red)
will illuminate 3) an audible alarm will sound 4)
the emergency instructions will be displayed alter-
nately with the pressure low (red) alarm display if
they have been programmed by the user.

Alarm Systems

Master Remote Signal (transducer inputs) BACnet Gateway module

Monitor the status of the sources of the medical gas This optional module may be added to any alarm
distribution system in communication with the trans- panel. It will provide a built-in Ethernet connec-
ducers connected to it (up to 4) and provide the tion for transmission of master alarm remote sig-
emergency instructions (programmed by the user). nals to a building automation system. See page
40 for set-up and operation instructions.
The standard display will appear and react just like
the conventional remote signal master dry contact
displays that the industry is used to (reference page
20), but a touch of the display will change the dis-
play (for 30 seconds) to look and react just like the
conventional area alarm gas display that the industry
is used to (reference page 20). The advantages of
using transducers over pressure switches are;
• Digital display of actual gas pressure
• Greater accuracy / repeatability
• Improved safety (an alarm condition notifica-
tion is created immediately should a trans-
ducer fail)
• Easy / fast push button re-setting of alarm set
• Lower cost (in most cases)

Master 4 – 20 mA Remote Signal

Monitors the status of a source of the medical gas
distribution system (i.e. – liquid level of bulk oxy-
gen) in communication with one 4 – 20 mA signal
transmitter and displays a bar graph with user de-
fined units, provides high & low alarms with user
defined set-points and provides the emergency in-
structions (programmed by the user). Other applica-
tions may include monitoring flow rates, levels, con-
centrations, humidity, etc.

Ethernet Module
This optional module may be added to any alarm
panel. It will provide the following features:
• Webserver – allows a remote user access to the
alarm’s web page – viewing a graphic image of the
alarm with all signal conditions, pressure and event /
history log information
• Text notification of alarm conditions (up to 5
• Event / history log – maintains a rolling list of
the 100 most recent alarm condition events
and a file of the 1,000 most recent alarm
• Modbus interface

Alarm Systems
Programming the Alarm
This section covers the procedures to follow in order to configure a module with site specific information such as;
master alarm signals, room / area coverage information, or emergency preparedness instructions. The Program-
ming The Alarm section is also used when adding or deleted a module to an alarm panel.
The alarm has been programmed at the factory prior Accessing the Alarm Program Mode
to shipment. Programming of the alarm may be neces- To program the alarm, the circuit boards must be placed
sary if: individually, one at a time in the program mode. To place
• a) the high or low pressure limits for a gas a circuit board in the programming mode, simply touch
need to be modified the board to be programmed (once for all other panels and
• b) to identify the rooms or area covered twice for a remote signal transducer input board) until you
• c) to provide custom user emergency response see this security screen:
instructions with each area gas and with each All alarm panels have been pre-
master signal point programmed to allow access with
• d) if a gas service is being changed the pin # 0711. Type in 0711 and
• e) if a remote signal alarm point needs to be re- touch Enter. You will have 30
configured or de-activated seconds to make selections when
• f) if a remote signal module is being added in programming. After 30 seconds
the place of a blank module of no key touch, the display will
• g) if the Com ID number needs to be changed return to its standard view and
• h) you wish to change the repeater delay time any information which has not
• i) you wish to change the units of measure from been saved will be lost.
psig and In Hg to either BAR or kPa
• j) you wish to have master remote signal alarm The next screen which will ap-
notifications repeat pear is the function options.
• k) you wish to have alarm notifications There are eleven different func-
‘latched’ (requiring manual acknowledge- tion options. Simply touch the
ment by pressing the Silence button to clear icon representing the function
an alarm after the source of the alarm initia- you wish to program. The fol-
tion has been rectified lowing table provides a brief
description of each function:
Note: Only authorized personnel should program
the alarm! It is important to note that while the panel
being programmed is in the program mode, it is not
monitoring the medical gas system and alarm condi-
tions will not trigger an alarm. Function Description
High Set high alarm set point
Low Set low alarm set point
Gas Set gas service
Repeat Set repeater delay (in minutes)
Cal Change calibration of pressure reading
Units Change units of measure
ComID Change Com ID number
Text Input room / area and emergency instruc-
tions & master alarm signal selection

Set Change labelling and latching

Back Return to previous screen
Input Master alarm NC NO Disable options
View Synopsis view of programming

Alarm Systems
Re-Programming the Remote Signal (Master)
Programming the High & Low Alarm Pressure set
Alarm Points (NO or Disable)
After placing the board in the
After placing the board in the
program mode and touching the
program mode and touching
Input function icon, the remote
the High function icon, the
signal input screen (shown here)
high line pressure set point and
is displayed. The input number
programming keypad is dis-
displayed on the top line of the
played. The currently pro-
white box corresponds to the
grammed high pressure alarm
signal being programmed. You
set point is displayed in the
may toggle to the next or previ-
white box in the top left corner.
ous signal by using the double
If the gas module being pro-
arrow buttons in the bottom row. The master boards
grammed is a typical 50 psig
are pre-programmed with all signal points pro-
delivery pressure, the board has been pre-programmed
grammed NC (normally closed) in compliance with
at the factory with the high line pressure set point at 60
NFPA 99. You may re-program each individual signal
psig, so the display should show the number 60. If you
as NO (normally open) or you may Disable each indi-
wish to change this setting, simply
vidual signal point by touching the NO or Disable
• type in the new High pressure
button. You may re-program all of the signal points
• touch Enter,
(up to 8) before
• on the next screen touch Back
• touching the OK button
• on the next screen touch Save to adjust the pres-
• on the next screen touch Back
sure setting.
• on the next screen touch Save.
After placing the board in the program mode and touch-
Programming the Remote Signal (Master) Alarm
ing the Low function icon, the low line pressure set
Points – NFPA alarm menu
point and programming keypad
is displayed. The currently
programmed low pressure
alarm set point is displayed in
the white box in the top left
corner. If the gas module being
programmed is a typical 50
psig delivery pressure, the
board has been pre-
programmed at the factory
with the low line pressure set
point at 40 psig, so the display
After placing the board in the program mode and
should show the number 40. If you wish to change this
touching the Text function icon (see left display
setting, simply
above), the remote signal input screen (right above) is
• type in the new Low pressure
displayed. The input number displayed on the top of
• touch Enter
the second white box corresponds to the signal being
• on the next screen touch Back
programmed. You may toggle to the next or previous
• on the next screen touch Save to adjust the pres-
signal by using the Down or Up buttons. When you
sure setting.
are on the label number that you wish to program, use
the double arrow buttons in the bottom row to toggle
Note: The alarm is designed with a safety feature so
thru the database of NFPA 99 master alarm signals.
that the high and low set points must be at least 1 (psig /
The sequence of the master alarm signals is per Ap-
in Hg), 1 (bar) or 1 (kPa) increments apart. The high set
pendix D. You may program all of the signal points
point will not be able to be set below the low set point
(up to 8) before
and vice versa.
• touching the OK button
• on the next screen touch Back
• on the next screen touch Save.

Alarm Systems
Programming the Repeater Delay
After placing the board in the program mode and touch-
After placing the board in the program mode and ing the CAL function icon, the calibration input screen
touching the Repeat function (shown here) is displayed. The alarm panel has been cali-
icon, the remote signal input brated and programmed and does not ever require recali-
screen (shown here) is dis- bration. If you wish to slightly change the calibration
played. The current repeater (usually to match another alarm panel in immediate area)
delay programmed is dis- you may. The number displayed in the white box at the
played in the white box at top of the display is the current pressure reading.
the top. In the example Simply
shown here, Rp 10 means • touch the Down or the Up button until you achieve
the repeater delay is pro- the pressure reading desired
grammed for 10 minutes. • touch OK
Entering zero will disable • on the next screen touch Back
the repeater. Use the keypad • on the next screen touch Save
to type in the number of minutes you would like
(maximum is 240),
• then touch Enter
Programming the Board Com ID
• on the next screen touch Back
• on the next screen touch Save Note: This feature is used when the alarm is used in con-
junction with the optional Ethernet module or as a com-
ponent in a wireless master panel.
Programming the Units of Measure
After placing the board in the Note: When used in conjunction with the Ethernet mod-
program mode and touching ule, each circuit board must have a sequential Identifica-
the Units function icon, the tion Number from 1 to 16 based on its position in the
units input screen (shown alarm panel. 1 thru 4 would be from the top of the second
here) is displayed. The alarm slot to the bottom of the second slot. 5 – 8 would be from
panel has been pre- the top of the third slot to the bottom of the third slot, etc.
programmed with the units
desired based on the part Note: When used as a component in a wireless master.
number which was ordered. Each 8 remote signal dry contact circuit board must have
The positive gas service op- a UNIQUE sequential Identification Number from 1 to 8
tions are; PSI, kPa and BAR. based on its position in the alarm panel. For additional
The negative gas service options are; inHg and information see the Pattons Medical Wireless Master
mmHg. Simply Alarm literature.
• touch the button you would like to re-program the
units After placing the board in the program mode and touch-
• then touch Enter ing the COMID function icon, the remote signal input
• on the next screen touch Back screen (shown here) is displayed.
• on the next screen touch Save The current Com ID # pro-
grammed is displayed in the
Adjusting the Digital Pressure Calibration white box at the top. Entering
zero will disable the Com ID for
The digital line pressure may this board. Use the keypad to;
be adjusted slightly (per the • type in the Com ID number
chart below) by following you would like
the simple procedure below. • then touch Enter
This can be done by one per- • on the next screen touch
son at the alarm panel – no Back
need to open/adjust the • on the next screen touch
transducers! Save.
Range of adjustment:
100 psig transducers ± 3 PSI
250 psig transducers ± 5 PSI

Alarm Systems

Programming the Gas Service (area alarm) screen. The first line provides the software version.
The Cal value represents any re-programmed change
After placing the board in from the factory calibration. The High and Low Limit
the program mode and values are the high and low pressure alarm set points.
touching the GAS function The Units value is the units of measure. The Repeat
icon, the gas input screen value is the number of minutes in which an alarm will
(shown here) is displayed. be repeated after it has been silenced but remaining in
The alarm panel has been an alarm condition. The Gas Type number is a code
pre-programmed with the (see table below) which corresponds to the gas ser-
gas service desired based on vice which has been programmed for the board. The
the part number which was Com ID number is the communication ID number
ordered. To select a different which has been programmed for the board. The Lan-
gas service use the double guage Set is an abbreviation for the label set which
arrow left or right buttons to has been programmed for the board. The Alarm Logic
scroll thru the database of gas services until you find is the latching or non-latching software which has
the one you need been programmed for the board. MSG 1 are the
• then touch Enter rooms or area(s) covered by the alarm. MSG 2 are the
• on the next screen touch Back emergency instructions programmed for the board.
• on the next screen touch Save
The gas boards are pre-programmed for a specific gas
Programming language and latching or non- service from the factory. After placing a gas board in
latching alarm relays the program mode, it is possible to change the gas
After placing the board in service of the board. It is an NFPA 99 requirement
the program mode and that the transducer gas service match the gas service
touching the Set function of the gas board to which it is connected. The follow-
icon, the sets input screen ing list cross references the number that is actually
(shown here) is displayed. displayed on the gas board numeric display with the
The alarm panel has been full names of the gases:
pre-programmed with the
language desired based on Gas # Gas service Transducer
the part number which was displayed type
ordered. Choose a different
language set by simply 12 Nitrogen 250
touching the button you 24 Oxygen 100
would like. Your selection will take you immediately
to the next screen on which you should touch Back 04 Nitrous oxide 100
and on the next screen touch Save. You will need to 08 CO2 or CO2-O2 mix 100
re-enter the program mode and again select the Set
function icon to choose Latching (LATCH) or Non- 22 Medical Vacuum 30
Latching (NLATCH) software. Your selection will 32 Wagd / AGSS 30
take you immediately to the next screen on which you
should touch Back and on the next screen touch Save. 16 Medical air 100
View screen 06 Helium or Heliox 100
After placing the board in
the program mode and H16 Instrument air 250
touching the VIEW function H24 Hyperbaric oxygen 100
icon, the view screen
(shown here) is displayed. H08 Medium pressure carbon 100
The view screen provides a dioxide
summary view of all of the
SP Gas mixture 100
programming for the circuit
board. It does not provide HSP High Pressure gas mix 250
any programming options. It
3SP Tri-Gas 100
is simply a view only

Alarm Systems

Programming Text and E Text (gas / area E Text instructions are entered in the same method as
alarm & transducer master boards) described above. Note that E Text instructions will
appear in red and will be displayed alternately with the
After placing the board in the normal display screen only when the board is in an
program mode and touching the alarm condition.
Text function icon, the text in-
put screen (shown here) is dis-
played. To enter text such as the
room(s) or area(s) monitored by
the alarm panel, touch the Text
button. To enter emergency
instruction text, touch the EText
button. The two white areas
represent a top and bottom line
of text which will be displayed at the bottom of the gas
board or transducer master board display. Touch the
top white area to enter the top
line of text or the bottom white
area to enter the bottom line of Programming E Text (master boards with dry
text. Use the character keypad contacts)
(shown here) to enter the text
message you would like dis- After placing the board in the
played. Note: each text display program mode and touching
line is limited to 20 total char- the Text function icon, the
acters or spaces. When fin- Alarm Label / E Text input
ished touch Enter, on the next screen (top photo) is displayed.
screen touch OK, on the next
screen touch Back and on the To enter emergency instruction
next screen touch Save. text touch the EText button, the
screen shown (second photo)
will appear. The two white
Below are examples of a completed Text display areas represent a top and bot-
screen and how it appears as displayed as part of the tom line of text which will be
gas or transducer master display. When an alarm oc- displayed at the bottom of the
curs the emergency instructions will appear alternately master board display. Touch the
with the normal information label Note: the text will top white area to enter the top
automatically be centered. line of text or the bottom white
area to enter the bottom line of

Use the character keypad (third

photo) to enter the text or E
Text message you would like
displayed. Note: each text dis-
play line is limited to 20 total
characters or spaces. When
• touch Enter
• on the next screen
touch OK
• on the next screen
touch Back
• on the next screen
touch Save

Alarm Systems

Below are examples of a completed Text display The HIGH and LOW icons are used to set the respec-
screen and how it appears as displayed as part of the tive numeric values that will trigger these alarms
master board display. When an alarm occurs the E based on the units that are selected.
Text emergency instructions will appear alternately
with the normal alarm signal label. Note: the text will Programming the equipment Name or Units of
automatically be centered. measure;

Programming the 4-20mA Master Remote Signal

Module After entering the 0711 access code, touch the
TEXT button. A screen with programming choic-
Most of the programming for the 4-20mA board is es will appear as shown below.
done the same way as described in the previous pages.
After entering the 0711 access code the programming
screen will appear as shown below.

Touch the Name or Units button that you want to

program. A character keypad will be displayed as
shown below. Type in the information you want to
There are a few new Icon buttons that are unique for be displayed. Note: there is a limit of 12 charac-
this module. The 4MA icon is used to set the numeric ters or spaces. The Name will automatically be
value that a 4mA signal will represent based on the centered in the box at the top of the display. The
units you will be using i.e. 100 gallons. The 20MA Units will be displayed to the right of the bar
icon is used to set the numeric value that a 20mA sig- graph. When finished touch OK, on the next
nal will represent i.e. 2000 gallons. These values will screen touch OK, on the next screen touch BACK,
represent the span of the 4-20mA device. on the next screen touch SAVE.

Programming the Label text and EText is done

the same way an Area Alarm is done as described
on pages 27 and 28. Programming the REPEAT-
ER, COMID, and the functions under the SET
button are the same as described on pages 25 and

Alarm Systems
Installing the Ethernet/ Rabbit boards

CAUTION: The Ethernet/ Rabbit boards should only Integrating the Ethernet/ Rabbit boards into a net-
be installed after all wall construction and finishing is work
completed to prevent ingress of dust and debris. This
contamination can adversely affect their proper func- To integrate the Ethernet/ Rabbit boards into your facil-
tion. ities network and allow communication to the internet,
various setting must be checked and/or changed in the
The Ethernet/rabbit board networks Router and Server. Refer to the check list
module (photo at right) may below for configuring your network.
be ordered initially as part
of the alarm or added later Note: networking options only work when used with
as a simple retro-fit assem- manufactured supported software systems (currently)
bly. To install the Ethernet Windows 7 or newer.
kit, follow the installation
instructions included with 1. Configure Router Port
the kit. Refer to Appendix J The port on the router, that the Ethernet cable from the
for proper Ethernet and Rabbit board will be plugged into, must be configured
Ribbon cable connections. for half duplex. Most routers will auto set for this how-
ever if you experience communication difficulties, the
Always turn the power off router port setting should be checked.
to the alarm panel before
making any electrical con- 2. Check the Local Network Settings on your Server
nections or disconnections. The E-mail server in the rabbit board resides
on port 587. Your server gateway IP address
needs to be assigned to port 587 and the IP
address of each rabbit board added as a remote
server. See pages 30-32 for an example of how
to do this. Note: The IP address of the Rabbit
board is defaulted to as shipped.
The IP address must be unique for each Rabbit
board and may need to be changed to be com-
patible with your network. The IP address in
the Rabbit board can be changed during step 3.

3. Program the Rabbit Board

Program the Rabbit board using Real Term:
Serial Capture Program and 35-3033 Program-
ming kit, as described on page 33-36.

4. Test E-mail Contacts

If E-mail contacts were programmed into the
Rabbit Board they can be tested using the
MCx (Test Command) while in the Real Term
Program, as described on page 37.

5. Website Access
If multiple alarm panels are to be viewed as
websites from outside the facility, a reverse
proxy server needs to be set up in the facility
with each alarm panel having a unique name
i.e. etc. See
page 38 for more information.

Alarm Systems
Create Receive Connector – Exchange 2007/2010

“SMTP” (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is one of the most common ways of sending e-mail. SMTP is a simple
text conversation across a TCP/IP connection. The Email Server resides on port 587, and so, that is what the rabbit
board SMTP _ PORT is currently defined.

Alarm Systems

Alarm Systems

Programming the Ethernet/Rabbit boards (e Always turn the power off to the alarm panel before
mail/text messages, accessing alarm website, inter- making any electrical connections or disconnections.
face Modbus with building automation system & Warning: Uncoupling the rabbit board from the
access event log). NOTES: Networking options Ethernet board (red and green boards in photo be-
only work when used with manufacturer support- low) will result in loss of all of the programming.
ed software systems (currently Windows 7 or After the Ethernet kit is installed in the alarm panel
newer). System router ports must be configured and the Real Term: Serial Capture Program soft-
for ‘half duplex’. ware is installed on a laptop and the 35-3033 rabbit
board programming kit is connected properly, you are
To program the rabbit board, you will need to down- ready to begin.
load Real Term: Serial Capture Program.
This is a free software download available on the
internet. You will want to install the Real Term soft-
ware on a laptop so that you have the mobility to
bring the laptop close to the alarm panel. You will
also need a 35-3033 rabbit board programming kit.
Note: If your operating system doesn’t pull in the
driver for the 35-5069 cable, you must download
the driver from the website.

Once you open the website scroll down to Currently

Supported VCP Drivers – the first box is Windows*
- Comments – click on set-up executable – than
click on CDM21218_Setup.exe to install the drivers.

Alarm Systems

Launch the Real Term: Serial Capture Program. The set-up screen should look like this. Under the Display Tab
check the Half Duplex Box.

Under the Port Tab;

1. Select a baud rate of 9600
2. Leave the defaults of Parity= None, Data Bits = 8, and Stop Bits = 1
3. Select the port in use on the laptop
4. Click the Open button

Alarm Systems

To set up a new Ethernet/Rabbit board, the following 4 commands must be completed:

INIT (Initialize) – this command MUST be run first after installing a new rabbit board or after if a battery was
replaced on the rabbit board when the alarm panel was not under 120 VAC power.

PPN (program panel name) – this command programs the name of the alarm panel as it will be displayed on the
website and recorded in the event log. In the example below, we have named the alarm panel West Wing.

PDT (program date/time) – this command programs the date and time as it will be displayed on the website and
recorded in the event log.

PIP (program panel IP) – this command programs the rabbit board’s IP address

Alarm Systems
To set up users to receive e-mail or text notifications when alarm conditions occur, the following 4 commands
must be completed:
PMI (program SMTP mail server IP) – this command establishes the mail server IP address.

PUN (program user name) – this command establishes the SMTP user name. In the example below, we have used

PUP (program user password) – this command programs the SMTP password. In the example below, we have
used Foastt29. (Case Sensitive)

PCx (program contact) – this command is used to program a contact to be notified where x is the contact number.
The contact number(s) will be displayed on the event log. Up to five contacts may be programmed. See Appendix
M for Text Message carriers access information.

Alarm Systems
To set up communication through the facilities network server with the internet, the Program Gateway must be
PGW (program gateway) – this command establishes communication from the alarm rabbit board through the fa-
cilities network server to the internet.

Below is an illustration of a simplified typical managed network at a facility. Both the rabbit boards IP address and
network gateway IP address must be programmed into the rabbit board of any alarm panel desired to be connected
to the internet.
Area Alarm
Area Alarm Area Alarm


Hub or Switch

Master Alarm

Network Router


Master Alarm
Alarm Systems
The following additional commands are available for reviewing and testing:

SCx (show contact) – this command is used to verify the contact entry. For example - SC2 would display the con-
tact entry for user #2.

MCx (test command) – this command is used to verify that a contact and e mail server is set up correctly. It sends
a test e mail to that contact.

Following is a complete list of the available commands:

All commands are issued from the command prompt over the serial port. Set the PC's serial port to 9600 8N1.
Boot the rabbit board.


Usage: Enter the command as shown.

SCx // SHOW CONTACT where x is contact number 1-5. Usage: SC1 will show email contact 1 of 5.

PPN // PROGRAM PANEL NAME. Usage: PPNMyPanel will set the Panel Name to MyPanel.

PMB // PROGRAM MODBUS ID. Usage: PMB01 will set the Modbus ID to 1.

PDT // PROGRAM DATE/TIME. Usage: PDT0129160842 will set RTC to Jan 29th, 2016 at 8:42am.
PDT0203162042 will set rtc to Feb 3rd, 2016 at 8:42pm.

PIP // PROGRAM IP. Usage: PIP192.168.0.50 will set the rabbit board IP address to

PGW // PROGRAM GATEWAY. Usage: PGW192.168.0.1 will set the gateway IP address to

PMI // PROGRAM SMTP MAIL SERVER IP. Usage: PMI192.168.0.50 will set the SMTP mail server to PMI will clear the SMTP mail server.

PUN // PROGRAM USER NAME. Usage:PUNMyUserName will set the SMTP user name to MyUserName
PUN will clear the user name.

PUP // PROGRAM USER PASSWORD. Usage:PUPMyPassword will set the SMTP password to MyPassword,
(Case Sensitive) PUN will clear the password.

PCx // PRGRAM CONTACT where x is contact number 1-5. Usage: [email protected] will set contact 1 to
[email protected] PC1 will delete the contact.

MCx // MAIL CONTACT where x is contact number 1-5. Usage: MC1 will send contact 1 a test email.

To setup a new Rabbit board... If SMTP mail server is to be used...

1. INIT 6. PMIx.x.x.x replace x's with Server's IP address.
2. PPNPanelName 7. PUNMyUserName
3. PDT0129160842 replace with current date and time. 8. PUPMyPassword…(Case Sensitive)
4. PIPx.x.x.x replace x's with board's IP address. 9. [email protected] and/or [email protected]
5. PGWx.x.x.x replace x's with gateway's IP address. …up to 5 contacts total.
10. Use the show and test mail commands as necessary to
check setups.
Note: See Appendix N on page 62 for a useful Programming Log Sheet to record your settings.

Alarm Systems
Modbus Interface-

The command list on the previous page includes commands for Modbus ID and Gateway IP programming. The
only setup needed to run Modbus is the Modbus ID. The Gateway IP address is used for getting messages out of
the local area network. This is typically a router on the LAN.

SMB – Show Modbus ID SGW – Show Gateway IP

PMG – Program Modbus ID PGW – Program Gateway IP

An example Modmap is shown on page 44. The Read Scan Lines are generated automatically by the Ethernet /
Rabbit board and will match the configuration of the alarm panel. Individual informational items may be selected
from the complete Modbus map to be communicated to the building management system or to the BACnet module
for use on the building automation system.
See page 43 for an example of the complete Modbus map.

If it is desired to communicate with the building management system using Modbus only (not BACnet) – then only
the Ethernet module is required.

Website Access–

Web access to the overview and alarm log pages can be done in several ways.

Viewing the Website of the Alarms Panels from within your facility ONLY:

Add the IP address of each rabbit board to your local network as a remote server.
You can then point a web browser at each of the alarms panels to view their webpage using their unique IP ad-
dresses. Consult your network administrator if you want to assign a name to each of the panels in your facility in-
stead of using the IP address. It is recommended that the same panel name used when programming the rabbit
board be used here to avoid confusion.

Viewing the Website of the Alarm Panels from outside your facility over the Internet:

If there are multiple alarm panels on the network in a facility then a reverse proxy server must be set up
with software such as Microsoft TMG (Threat Management Gateway) or other similar software to manage
the multiple panel traffic. The website uses port 80 by default. Each alarm panel must be assigned a
unique name such as west and the name DNS mapped to the corresponding
alarm panels rabbit board IP address. It is recommended that the same panel name used when program-
ming the rabbit board be used here to avoid confusion. This mapping is set up using the software chosen
for the reverse proxy server.

Alarm Systems
This is an example of how the website would look for a one gas (oxygen) area alarm module with a 4 – 20 mA
master module for oxygen liquid level. Note there will be 16 ‘boxes’, one for each of the potential circuit boards
on the alarm panel.

Below is an illustration of the event log. The event log is viewed by clicking on the Alarm Log button on the left
side of the website (see above). This event log will display up to 100 recent events with the most recent event on
the top line and the oldest event on the bottom line.

Alarm Systems
BACnet Interface –
• The 460MMBS Gateway
The 460MMBS Gateway device seamlessly connects
• The provided CD-ROM
Modbus RTU Slave devices to a BACnet/IP client. By follow-
ing this guide, you will be able to configure the 460MMBS
• The provided Ethernet Crossover Cable
Gateway for basic operation. You will set the devices network
settings and parameters to the proper configuration for initial
• A Working PC (Windows based)
operation and physically place the device in the network.

• A 12-24 VDC power source

Connecting the 460MMBS Gateway device to the Alarm:

CAUTION: The Gateway device should only be installed after all wall construction and finishing is completed to prevent ingress
of dust and debris. This contamination can adversely affect its proper function.

An Ethernet/Rabbit board should have already been installed in the back box and programmed as described in the previous
pages. See the section on Integrating the Ethernet/Rabbit boards into a network.

The Gateway device configuration should be done at the Alarm panel. The device can be clipped to the provided bracket in
the top right hand corner of the back box or be loose near the PC being used to configure the device.

The power for the 460MMBS Gateway device will come from the Orange (+) and Black (-) wires in the Alarm back box. Con-
nect the orange wire to the plug labeled RED (+) and the black wire to the plug labeled BLACK (-). Refer to the wiring diagram
on the page 55 for proper connections.

The RS485 data wires, blue, white and black, have been pre-wired to the input plug of the 460MMBS gateway. Connect the
ends of these wires the “MODBUS/RS485” plug on the rabbit board, White wire to the “A” port, Blue wire to the “B” port and
Black wire to “GRD” port. Refer to the wiring diagram on page 56 for proper connections.

Always turn the power off to the alarm panel before making any electrical connections or disconnections.

Alarm Systems

BACnet Interface (continued) –


Before you can configure the gateway itself, you must configure the network settings to connect the gateway. The
following steps will connect the gateway properly.

1. Using the provided Ethernet crossover cable, connect the device to the PC.

2. Turn the power ON to the Alarm Panel and the PC.

3. The gateway device is shipped with a default IP Address of and a Subnet of
Change the IP Address and Subnet of your PC, if necessary, to allow communication to the gateway device.

4. Open a Web browser and enter the device IP Address in the URL.

5. The Main page should appear as shown below.

6. Click on Configuration Mode in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

7. Next to Device Configuration. Click the Edit button to modify the Network Settings.

8. Enter the new IP Address, Subnet, and Default Gateway to work in your network.

9. Click Save Parameters to save the network setting. Restart the gateway by clicking Restart Now.

10. Change your PC back to its original IP and Subnet setting for your network.

11. Enter the gateway’s new IP Address in the Web browser to launch the Main Page.

12. Continue with the Gateway Port Configuration section.

NOTE - Browser configuration is compatible with Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.

Alarm Systems

BACnet Interface (continued) –

Gateway Port Configuration

1. On the Main Page, click on Port Configuration. It should appear as shown below.

2. Enable port 0 and set Mode to RS485 (2-wire: Half Duplex)

3. Set Serial Baud to 9600, Parity: None, Data Bits: 8, and Stop Bits 1.

4. Click Save Parameters. Return to Main Page.

If you are experiencing any difficulty programming the gateway device, insert the provided CD-ROM and refer to
the trouble shooting section and other applicable tools on the CD.

Alarm Systems

A complete Modbus map for the largest Pattons Medical alarm panel is embedded in the rabbit board. An example
of what the Modbus map looks like is shown below. The Board ID numbers in the left hand column refer to the
boards COM ID numbers as explained on page 25. On the Modbus map, there is also an explanation of the values
used within the map such as Board Type character 1 is a Gas Board or 2 is a Master Board etc.

Pattons Medical ModMap

Board ID MOD Name Address Gas/Master Description Size Word Size 4-20ma Description

ID 1 400000 0 CommFail 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400001 1 SetupChanged 1 int (2 bytes) 1 SetupChanged

400002 2 BoardType 1 int (2 bytes) 1 BoardType

400003 3 Horn 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Horn

400004 4 ETextState 1 int (2 bytes) 1 EtextState

400005 5 MasterAlarm 1 int (2 bytes) 1 MasterAlarm

400006 6 GasAlarm[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400007 7 GasAlarm[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400008 8 GasAlarm[2] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400009 9 GasAlarm[3] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400010 10 Pressure[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Current Value

400011 11 Pressure[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Current Value

400012 12 Pressure[2] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Current Value

400013 13 Pressure[3] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Current Value

400014 14 AlarmRepeatDelay 1 int (2 bytes) 1 AlarmRepeatDelay

400015 15 LogicType 1 int (2 bytes) 1 LogicType

400016 16 Language 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Language

400017 17 GasType[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400018 18 GasType[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400019 19 GasType[2] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400020 20 GasType[3] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400021 21 Units[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400022 22 Units[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400023 23 Units[2] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400024 24 Units[3] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400025 25 HiLimit[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 HiAlarm LS Word

400026 26 HiLimit[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 HiAlarm MS Word

400027 27 HiLimit[2] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Scale 20ma LS Word

400028 28 HiLimit[3] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Scale 20ma MS Word

400029 29 LoLimit[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 LoAlarm LS Word

400030 30 LoLimit[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 LoAlarm MS Word

400031 31 LoLimit[2] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Scale 4ma LS Word

400032 32 LoLimit[3] 1 int (2 bytes) 1 Scale 4ma MS Word

400033 33 PressureOffset[0] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

400034 34 PressureOffset[1] 1 int (2 bytes) 1

Alarm Systems
Modbus Interface -

From the Main Page of the RTA website, click on Modbus RTU Master. An example Modmap of what is dis-
played is shown below. The Read Scan Lines are generated automatically by the Ethernet/Rabbit board and will
match the configuration of the alarm panel. Individual informational items may be selected to communicated to the
BACnet module for use on the building automation system.

BACnet/IP Server Settings

1. Click on the BACnet/ IP Server button. This will put the gateway into configuration mode so you can edit the
BACnet settings.

2. Enter the Device instance that the 460MMBS will have on the BACnet/ IP Network. Note that this must be
unique amongst all BACnet devices on the network.

3. In the Name field enter a unique name for the device.

4. The Description and Location fields are optional. Filling in this information is recommended to identify the
device on a network.

5. Beneath the Read Groups, verify the number of Analog Input (AI), Analog Outlet (AO), Binary Input (BI)
and Binary Output (BO) objects that you will be exposing to the BACnet/ IP Client.

6. Click Save Parameters.

7. To save changes and force the gateway back to running mode, click on the Reboot Now button and after 5
seconds hit the Refresh button. You should see the gateway appear in the Mode: Running.

Alarm Systems

Appendix A
Glossary of Terms

AC Alternating Current NO Normally Open

An electric current that reverses direction or An electrical circuit in which the switch is
polarity at regular intervals. normally open. No current flows through the
circuit in normal operation. Only when the
BAR A measurement of force in a compressed switch is closed is the flow of current started.
gas system. 1 BAR = 14.5 PSI or 1 BAR = 100
kPa Non-Latching Alarm Relay
The alarm buzzer will silence itself when the
DC Direct Current alarm condition is corrected.
An electric current that flows in one direction.
The current can be steady or pulse. NC Normally Closed
An electrical circuit in which the switch is
inHg Inches of Mercury normally closed. Current flows through the
A measurement of the force in a gas vacuum circuit in normal operation. Only when the
system. 1 inHg = .49 PSI or 1 inHg = 25.4 switch is opened is the flow of current
mmHg stopped.

kPa Kilopascals PSI Pounds per Square Inch

A measurement of the force in a compressed A measurement of the force in a compressed
gas system. 1 kPa = .14 PSI or 1kPa = .01 gas system. 1 PSI = 6.9 kPa or 1 PSI = .069

Latching Alarm Relay Transducer

Requires manual intervention (pressing the A device that converts pressure into an electri-
Silence button) to silence the alarm buzzer if cal signal.
the alarm condition has corrected itself
V Voltage
LCD Liquid Crystal Display Voltage is electrical pressure or force. One
A semiconductor liquid crystal film sealed volt is equal to the difference of electrical po-
between glass plates that changes its optical tential between two points on a conducting
properties when voltage is applied. wire carrying a constant current of one ampere
when the power dissipated between the points
LED Light Emitting Diode is one watt.
A semiconductor diode that converts applied
voltage to light. Transient Signal
An intermittent and brief signal that quickly
mmHG A measurement of force in a gas vacu- corrects and returns the alarm to a normal op-
um system. 1 mmHg = .019 PSI or 1 mmHg erating mode before monitoring personnel can
= .039 inHg silence the alarm.

NFPA National Fire Protection Association

The National Fire Protection
Association is an association engaged in stand-
ards development.

Alarm Systems

Appendix B – Medical Gas Alarm Specifications

Operating Ambient Temperature range: +10C(50F) to +50C(122F)

Storage Temperature: -20C(-4F) to +85C(185F)

AC Input: 120 - 240 volts AC - 50-60 Hz

DC output (to remote signal devices): 5 VDC

Input Fuse: 5 amp input AC line fuse protects the input wiring to power supply

Power Consumption: 45W maximum @ 120 V

50 W maximum @ 240 V

Pressure Measurement Accuracy: 0-30 inHg transducer +/-1%

Vacuum, Gas Evacuation

0-100 PSIG transducer +/-1%

Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, Medical Air, Carbon Dioxide

0-250PSIG transducer +/-1%



Rough-in Box - All dimensions are in inches and cover the basic box only (mounting flange excluded)

Two vertical slot panel

8.125W x 11.875H x 4.000D

Three vertical slot panel

13.625W x 11.875H x 4.000D

Five vertical slot panel

19.625W x 11.875H x 4.000D

Front Panel

Two vertical slot panel

10.945W x 13.125H x 1.250D

Three vertical slot panel

14.870W x 13.125H x 1.250D

Five vertical slot panel

22.720W x 13.125H x 1.250D

Transducers: Housing dimensions: 1.990W x 1.990H x 3.625 Length including inlet fittings

Alarm Systems

Appendix C Signal Wire Color Code Log

Remote Signals

Alarm Systems

The master alarm signals which are pre-loaded in the database (see page 24) will appear in the sequence below
starting at the top of the first column to the bottom of the first column, then to the top of the second column to the
bottom of the second column, etc. Using the back double arrow will start at the bottom of the fourth column and
progress backwards.
Master alarm signal has pre-loaded language sets please refer to page 26 on Programming language.

Oxygen Medical Air WAGD Vacuum#1

Main Liquid Level Low Hydrocarbons High Main Line Low High Temperature

Oxygen Medical Air Nitrous Oxide Vacuum#1

Reserve Liquid Level Low Carbon Monoxide High Reserve Low Pressure Low Service Water

Oxygen Medical Air Nitrous Oxide Vacuum #2

Reserve Low Pressure Carbon Dioxide High Line Pressure High Lag / Failure

Oxygen Medical Air Compressor Nitrous Oxide Vacuum #2

Reserve in Use Transformer Failure Line Pressure Low Lag in Use

Oxygen Medical Air Nitrous Oxide Vacuum #2

Abnormal Line Pressure Secondary Supply in Use Secondary Supply In Use Motor Overload

Oxygen Medical Air Nitrous Oxide Vacuum#2

Line Pressure High Lag / Failure Main Liquid Level Low Transformer Failure

Oxygen Medical Air Nitrous Oxide Vacuum #2

Line Pressure Low Lag Pump In Use Reserve Liquid Level Low Low Oil Level

Oxygen Medical Air Nitrous Oxide Vacuum#2

Secondary Supply in Use Water in Receiver Reserve in Use High Temperature

Carbon Dioxide Medical Air Nitrogen Vacuum#2

Reserve Low Pressure Receiver Flooded Main Liquid Level Low Low Service Water

Carbon Dioxide Medical Air Nitrogen Vacuum

Reserve in Use Dewpoint High Reserve Liquid Level Low Lag / Failure

Carbon Dioxide Medical Air Nitrogen Vacuum

Line Pressure High Dewpoint Low Reserve Low Pressure Lag in Use

Carbon Dioxide Medical Air Nitrogen Vacuum

Line Pressure Low Reserve in Use Reserve in Use Motor Overload

Carbon Dioxide Medical Air Nitrogen Vacuum

Secondary Supply in Use Reserve Low Line Pressure High Transformer Failure

Medical Air Dryer Medical Air Dryer Tower Nitrogen Vacuum

Power Failure Switching Failure Line Pressure Low Low Oil Level

Medical Air Dryer Medical Air Dryer Nitrogen Vacuum

High Temperature Low Outlet Pressure Secondary Supply in Use High Temperature

Medical Air Compressor Instrument Air Vacuum #1 Vacuum

High Temperature Line Pressure High Lag / Failure Low Service Water

Medical Air Compressor Instrument Air Vacuum #1 Vacuum

Motor Overload Line Pressure Low Lag in Use Main Line Low

Medical Air Instrument Air Vacuum #1 Blank – Create your own

Abnormal Line Pressure Dewpoint High Motor Overload

Medical Air WAGD Vacuum#1

Line Pressure High Lag in Use Transformer Failure

Medical Air WAGD Vacuum #1

Line Pressure Low Pump High Temperature Low Oil Level

Alarm Systems

Appendix E Digital Alarm or Master Alarm Wiring Schematic

Alarm Systems

Appendix F Remote Mounting of Digital/Touch Screen Alarm Transducers

Alarm Systems

Appendix F Remote Mounting of Digital/Touch Screen Alarm Transducers

Alarm Systems

Appendix G Wiring Schematic Equipment Wiring to Digital/Touch Screen Master

Alarm Systems

Appendix H Remote Mounting of Digital/Touch Screen Master Alarm Transducer

Alarm Systems

Appendix I Equipment wiring to Digital/Touch Screen 4-20mA Master Alarm

Alarm Systems

Appendix J Digital/Touch Screen Alarm Ethernet Ribbon Cable Connection Diagram

Alarm Systems

Appendix K Electrical Wiring Schematic with BACnet Interface

Alarm Systems

Appendix L Ethernet Ribbon Cable and BACnet Connection Diagram

Alarm Systems
Text Message Carriers
char Carriers[SMS_MAX_CARRIERS][2][64] = {

"", "3 Rivers Wireless",

"", "ACS Wireless",
"", "Advantage Communications",
"", "Airtouch Pagers",
"", "Airtouch Pagers1",
"", "Airtouch Pagers2",
"", "Airtouch Pagers3",
"", "Alltel",
"", "Alltel PCS",
"", "AlphNow",
"", "American Messaging (SBC/Ameritech)",
"", "Ameritech Clearpath",
"", "Ameritech Paging",
"", "Ameritech Paging1",
"", "Andhra Pradesh Airtel",
"", "Arch Pagers (PageNet)",
"", "Arch Pagers (PageNet)",
"", "AT&T Free2Go",
"", "AT&T PCS",
"", "AT&T Pocknet PCS",
"", "AT&T SMS",
"", "BeeLine GSM",
"", "Beepwear",
"", "Bell Atlantic",
"", "Bell Canada",
"", "Bell Canada",
"", "Bell Mobility (Canada)",
"", "Bell Mobility",
"", "Bell South (Blackberry)",
"", "Bell South Mobility",
"", "Bell South",
"", "Bell South",
"", "Bell South",
"", "Bell South",
"", "Blue Sky Frog",
"", "Bluegrass Cellular",
"", "Boost Mobile",
"", "BPL Mobile",
"", "Cable & Wireless, Panama",
"", "Carolina Mobile Communications",
"", "Carolina West Wireless",
"", "Cellular One East Coast",
"", "Cellular One PCS",
"", "Cellular One South West",
"", "Cellular One West",
"", "Cellular One",
"", "Cellular One",
"", "Cellular One",
"", "Cellular One",

Alarm Systems
Text Message Carriers

char Carriers[SMS_MAX_CARRIERS][2][64] = {

"", "Cellular One",

"", "Cellular One",
"", "Cellular South",
"", "Centennial Wireless",
"", "Central vermont Communications",
"", "CenturyTel",
"", "Chennai RPG Cellular",
"", "Chennai Skycell/Airtel",
"", "Cincinnati Bell",
"", "Cingular Wireless",
"", "Cingular Wireless",
"", "Cingular Wireless",
"", "Cingular",
"", "Cingular",
"", "Cingular",
"", "Cingular",
"", "Cingular",
"", "Clearnet",
"", "Comcast",
"", "Communication Specialist Companies",
"", "Communication Specialists",
"", "Comviq",
"", "Cook Paging",
"", "Corr Wireless Communications",
"", "Delhi Airtel",
"", "Delhi Hutch",
"", "Digi-Page/Page Kansas",
"", "Dobson Cellular Systems",
"", "Dobson-Alex Wireless",
"", "Dobson-Cellular One",
"", "DT T-Mobile",
"", "Dutchtone/Orange-NL",
"", "Edge Wireless",
"", "EMT",
"", "Escotel",
"", "Fido",
"", "Galaxy Corporation",
"", "GCS Paging",
"", "Goa BPLMobile",
"", "Golden Telecom",
"", "Graylink/Porta-Phone",
"", "GTE",
"", "GTE",
"", "GTE",
"", "Gujarat Celforce",
"", "Helio",
"", "Houston Cellular",
"", "Idea Cellular",
"", "Illinois Valley Cellular",

Alarm Systems
Text Message Carriers

char Carriers[SMS_MAX_CARRIERS][2][64] = {

"", "Infogage Systems",

"", "Inland Cellular Telephone",
"", "IPIPI.COM",
"", "JSM Tele-Page",
"", "Kerala Escotel",
"", "Kolkata Airtel",
"", "Kyivstar-contract",
"", "Kyivstar-prepaid",
"", "Lauttamus Communication",
"", "LMT",
"", "MCI",
"", "Maharashtra BPL Mobile",
"", "Maharashtra Idea Cellular",
"", "Manitoba Telecom Systems",
"", "MCI Phone",
"", "MCI",
"", "Meteor",
"", "Meteor",
"", "Metrocall",
"", "Metrocall 2-way",
"", "Metro PCS",
"", "Metro PCS",
"", "Microcell",
"", "Midwest Wireless",
"", "MiWorld",
"", "Mobilcom PA",
"", "Mobilcomm",
"", "Mobileone",
"", "Mobilfone",
"", "Mobility Bermuda",
"", "Mobistar Belgium",
"", "Mobitel Tanzania",
"", "Mobtel Srbija",
"", "Morris Wireless",
"", "Motient",
"", "Movistar",
"", "MTS",
"", "Mumbai BPL Mobile",
"", "Mumbai Orange",
"", "NBTel",
"", "Netcom",
"", "Nextel",
"", "Nextel",
"", "Nextel",
"", "NPI Wireless",
"", "Ntelos",
"", "O2 (M-mail)",
"", "O2",
"", "O2",

Alarm Systems
Text Message Carriers

char Carriers[SMS_MAX_CARRIERS][2][64] = {

"", "Omnipoint",
"", "Omnipoint",
"", "One Connect Austria",
"", "OnlineBeep",
"", "Optus Mobile",
"", "Orange-NL/Dutchtone",
"", "Orange Mumbai",
"", "Orange",
"", "Oskar",
"", "P&T Luxembourg",
"", "Pacific Bell",
"", "PageMart Advanced/2way",
"", "PageMart Canada",
"", "PageMart",
"", "PageNet Canada",
"", "PageOne NorthWest",
"", "PCS One",
"", "Pelephone Israel",
"", "Personal Communication",
"", "Pioneer/Enid Cellular",
"", "PlusGSM",
"", "Pondicherry BPL Mobile",
"", "Powertel",
"", "President's Choice",
"", "Price Communications",
"", "Primtel",
"", "ProPage",
"", "Public Service Cellular",
"", "Qualcomm",
"", "Qwest",
"", "RAM Page",
"", "Rogers AT&T Wireless",
"", "Rogers Canada",
"", "Safaricom",
"", "Satelindo GSM",
"", "Satellink",
"", "SBC Ameritech Paging",
"", "Southwestern Bell",
"", "Sprint",
"", "SCS-900",
"", "SFR France",
"", "Simple Freedom",
"", "Skytel Pagers",
"", "Skytel Pagers",
"", "Smart Telecom",
"", "Southern LINC",
"", “Southwestern Bell",
"", "Sprint PCS",
"", "Sprint",

Alarm Systems
Text Message Carriers

char Carriers[SMS_MAX_CARRIERS][2][64] = {

"", "ST Paging",

"", "Suncom",
"", "Suncom",
"", "Sunrise Mobile",
"", "Sunrise Mobile",
"", "Surewest Communications",
"", "Swisscom",
"", "Tamil Nadu BPL Mobile",
"", "T-Mobile",
"", "Tele2 Latvia",
"", "Telefonica Movistar",
"", "Telenor",
"", "Teletouch",
"", "Telus",
"", "The Indiana Paging Co",
"", "TIM",
"", "T-Mobile UK",
"", "T-Mobile",
"", "T-Mobile",
"", "Tracfone",
"", "Triton",
"", "TSR Wireless",
"", "TSR Wireless",
"", "UMC",
"", "Unicel",
"", "Uraltel",
"", "US Cellular",
"", “US Cellular",
"", "US West",
"", "Uttar Pradesh Escotel",
"", "Verizon Pagers",
"", "Verizon PCS (MMS)",
"", "Verizon PCS (MMS)",
"", "Verizon PCS (SMS)",
"", "Vessotel",
"", "Virgin Mobile (CA)",
"", "Virgin Mobile (US)",
"", "Virgin Mobile",
"", "VoiceStream/T-Mobile",
"", "WebLink Wireless",
"", "WebLink Wireless",
"", "WEBTEXT",
"", "West Central Wireless",
"", "Western Wireless",
"", "Wildmist Wireless",
"", "Wyndtell"

Alarm Systems

Appendix N Ethernet/Rabbit Board Programming Log

List the information used for Programming the Alarm (s) Ethernet/Rabbit Board using the commands on page 37.

3201 South Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28209

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