Lectures 169

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Nonlinear Phenomena - ME 169 / ECE 183 / PHYS 106

Igor Mezić
University of California, Santa Barbara
Updated Spring Quarter, 2024

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 Points of View in Dynamical Systems Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 One-Dimensional Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3 Existence and Uniqueness, Potentials, Numerical Approximations . . . 21

3.1 Existence and Uniqueness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2 Potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.3 Numerical Solutions of ODE’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Bifurcation Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.1.1 Saddle-node (blue-sky) bifurcation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

A Topological Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
A.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

B Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds, Vector Fields and

Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
B.1.1 N-dimensional manifolds; Invariant manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
B.1.2 Manifolds with Boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

C Operator-Induced Bases in Complex Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

C.1 Complex Inner Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
C.2 Dual Bases Induced by a Linear Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
C.3 Projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
C.4 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Chapter 1

To start with the title, what is the study of nonlinear phenomena in dynamical sys-
tems theory and where does it get applied? The answers are simple: the dynamical
systems theory is the set of propositions that describe properties of systems chang-
ing in time. Therefore it applies to any system that changes in time. Which is pretty
much everything. The changes can be linear or nonlinear. We will discuss both, but
our emphasis is on the understanding and applying the nonlinear aspect. So we need
to reduce the discussion a bit. The main directions in dynamical systems theory
aim to understand properties of systems evolving in continuous time, described by
ordinary differential equations:

ẋ = f(x,t), (1.1)

and those that evolve in discrete time described by maps:

x0 = T (x). (1.2)

In both cases x ∈ M is an element of some space M. The simple case is when this
set is the Euclidean space Rn . The more complex case is when the set is a manifold
- a mathematical structure that is locally ”flat” i.e. looks locally as Rn . An example
fo such an object is the circle. The reader can learn more about manifolds from the
crash course in the Appendix B.

1.1 Points of View in Dynamical Systems Theory

There are three major points of view in dynamical systems:

1. The first one utilizes the value-vs-time perspective, obtained via solving a system
of equations that represent the change in time of an observable of a system. When
the evolution has some degree of smoothness, the mathematical objects at the
center of this point of view are ordinary differential equations on manifolds. Any

6 1 Introduction

ordinary differential equation on a finite-dimensional manifold M (see Appendix

B) can be written in terms of local coordinates x ∈ Rn as

ẋ = F(x,t), (1.3)

where F(x,t) ∈ Rn is a time-dependent vector field. The autonomous (time-

independent) version of this reads

ẋ = F(x), (1.4)

We would like to know the state x(t) at any given time t of the system we are
considering, provided we have an initial condition x(0). This is possible, and the
resulting x(t) is unique, provided that F satisfies some conditions reflecting its
continuity and global behavior [2]. Solving for x as a function of time leads to
x(t) = S(x0 ,t),
where x0 = x(0). We call the time-dependent family of maps1



x1 x0

Fig. 1.1: Trajectory in state (phase) space and flow St .

St (x0 ) = S(x0 ,t) ∈ Rn

the flow of (1.4).

Example 1.1. There are many physical situations when the physics can be de-
scribed by the following equation:

ẋ = λ x. (1.5)
1Note how we call F a vector field, and St a map. Both are space- and time-dependent families of
vectors, but they have different physical interpretations, so the nomenclature is different.
1.1 Points of View in Dynamical Systems Theory 7

For example, the position x of a particle moving rectilinearly in a highly viscous

fluid satisfies (1.5). Its solution is

x(t,t, 0, x0 ) = x(t0 )eλ (t−t0 ) = x0 eλ (t−t0 ) (1.6)

The solution x(t) depends only on the time difference t − t0 , and not indepen-
dently on t and t0 , and thus we can write τ = t − t0 to obtain

Sτ (x0 ) = x0 eλ τ , (1.7)

which is the flow of the system (1.5).

We can present the solution of (1.5) in the “value vs time” plot in figure 1.2

t → ∞, x → ∞
x x

t → ∞, x → 0
∀t, x = 0 ∀t, x = 0
0 t
t → ∞, x → 0

t → ∞, x → −∞

λ>0 λ<0

Fig. 1.2: Value vs. time plot for the linear autonomous system (1.5).

This is the general property of autonomous flows: the final position depends on
the initial position and the time difference between the final and initial time.
In the case of the non-autonomous (time-dependent) version, (1.3), the flow
depends on two time parameters, the initial time t0 and the final time t:

x(t,t0 , x0 ) = Stt0 x0 (1.8)

Example 1.2. Assume the coefficient λ in (1.5) depends on time:

ẋ = λ (t)x. (1.9)

We integrate Z t Z t
= λ (t¯)dt¯, (1.10)
t0 x t0

to obtain
8 1 Introduction
λ (t¯)dt¯
x(t,t0 , x0 ) = x(t0 )e = x0 e t0 (1.11)
Assuming a simple linear dependence λ (t) = at for some constant a, we get
a 2 −t 2 )
x(t,t0 , x0 ) = x(t0 )e 2 (t 0 . (1.12)

a 2 −t 2 )
Stt0 (x0 ) = x0 e 2 (t 0 , (1.13)
which is the flow of the system (1.9). Note that

(t 2 − t02 ) = (t − t0 )(t + t0 ), (1.14)

and thus the final position does not depend only on the difference of the final
and initial time. A bit of the reconciliation between the autonomous and non-
autonomous sytems is to define a new ”independent” variable that is equal to
time. In (1.9) that would amount to setting y = t, and writing

ẋ = λ (y)x,
ẏ = 1. (1.15)

Now the right hand side of this -2D- system depends only on x, y and not on t. We
gained autonomy, at the expense of introducing an extra dimension. Interestingly,
this is a helpful trick and we will use it often when studying systems with external
input depending on time.
First ordinary differential equations were solved during the time of Newton.
Leibnitz, Bernoulli brothers and others in the 1680’s discovered this was a useful
thing to do2 . In their time the components of vector x of interest were positions
and velocities of particles in the universe. Now, on the practical front, plotting
position and velocity value vs. time makes sense, and good information can be
extracted from it, as the following example additionally shows.
Example 1.1.1 In figure 1.4 we plot the case of free, undamped one-degree of
freedom vibrations satisfying the ordinary differential equation

mẍ = −kx, (1.16)

with mass m = 1 kg, and the stiffness k = 50 N/m.

The equation is obtained in the study of mechanical engineering from the basic
mass-spring system oscillating along a line, describes LC circuits in electrical
engineering, and is called the harmonic oscillator equation in physics. It de-
scribes many different physical processes. The expressions for position x and
velocity ẋ as a function of time and initial conditions obtained by solving (1.16)
2 Although, apparently, one of the Bernoulli brothers tried to disprove that planets spin around the
sun, as was proven in Newton’s principia. Scientists that hate other scientist ideas, even if they are
true and revolutionary? Impossible....:-)
1.1 Points of View in Dynamical Systems Theory 9

Fig. 1.3: A mass-spring system.

x(t) = sin ωnt + x(0) cos ωnt.
ẋ(t) = ẋ(0) cos ωnt − ωn x(0) sin ωnt, (1.17)

where ωn = k/m = 7.0711 rad/s is the natural frequency of the oscillation.
The top of the figure 1.4 shows the position of the mass starting from the equilib-
rium x(0) = 0 with velocity ẋ(0) = 1. The amplitude of the periodic oscillation is
ẋ(0)/ωn = 0.1414. The graphic in the middle represents velocity vs. time. Start-
ing from velocity of ẋ(0) = 1, the curve of velocity is also periodic, with the same
period as the position-vs-time curve.

Fig. 1.4: Free undamped vibrations with mass m = 1 kg, the stiffness k = 50 N/m,
the natural frequency ωn = 7.0711 rad/s.Top: Plot of position (vertical axis) vs. time
(horizontal axis). Middle: Velocity vs time. Bottom: State space plot of velocity
(vertical axis) vs. position (horizontal axis).
10 1 Introduction

Value-vs-time plots give us all the information necessary to understand the dy-
namics of the system in time. Let’s call this Newton’s point of view. Note how-
ever that there are a number of things we would like to know that are difficult to
extract from the value-vs-time plots, such as the correlations between behaviors
of different states, if there is more than one. In the example of the mass-spring
system above, suppose we do not know the equations of motion, but we want to
know whether the behaviors of position and velocity we are measuring are cor-
related. The next point of view we describe makes much use of the relationship
between different states, and is less focused on their time-behavior.
2. The second point of view in dynamical systems theory came from a famed mono-
graph of Poincaré [16]. In the course of his studies, Poincaré realized that we
cannot solve an arbitrary, smooth system of ordinary differential equations in a
closed form. In other words, the value-vs-time expression can not be derived in a
simple form for an arbitrary system. This due to nonlinearity. Simple mechanical
systems, such as the mathematical pendulum can be nonlinear.
Example 1.3 (Mathematical pendulum). The pendulum of length l under the ac-
celeration of gravity g, is depicted in figure 1.5. We neglect the weight of the rod.
Using Newton’s law, the equation of motion reads

ml 2 θ̈ = −mglsinθ (1.18)

Setting θ̇ = ω, where ω is the angular velocity, we get the system

θ̇ = ω,
ω̇ = − sin θ . (1.19)

Fig. 1.5: Pendulum.

1.1 Points of View in Dynamical Systems Theory 11

While the mathematical pendulum can be solved in closed form - albeit with a
lot of effort, using elliptic functions (trust me, I did a lot of those computations
myself during my thesis work :-) the observation that it cannot always be done
was the root of further investigations into nonintegrability. Laplace famously re-
marked that if one knew positions and velocities of all the particles in the universe
at any given point in time, then one could predict the future precisely. But when
the system has enough complexity, Poincaré has shown that even close-by initial
positions of particles can lead to very different outcomes and “chaotic” solutions,
that oscillate forever without returning to their initial positions.3 He also under-
stood that the right hand side of (1.4) defines a vector field on the underlying
manifold M, and that properties of that vector field can tell us a lot about the
dynamics of the system without ever having to solve for the states as functions
of time!
Example 1.1.2 Rewriting of (1.16) in first-order form, we get

ẋ = y,
ẏ = − x.

The transformation that we did led to the system of the form

ẋ1 = f1 (x1 , ...xn ),

ẋ2 = f1 (x1 , ...xn ),
ẋn = f1 (x1 , ...xn ) (1.20)

which encompasses a vast set of physical models in engineering, physics, biology,

economics... We will study systems like this for n = 1 starting with the next lec-
ture. For n = 2 more complexity ensues. Dimension 3 can bring chaotic behavior.
We will proceed in steps to study properties of all of these.
The graphic at the bottom of figure 1.4 is the representation of motion in the form
of the velocity vs. position curve - the orbit.4 If we take an initial condition on
the vertical axis at position x = 0, where the velocity is ẋ = 1, and look from that
point how the trajectory of the system extends to the right, the motion proceeds so
that the velocity is reduced and the position increases, until the curve hits ẋ = 0.
There, the system reaches the maximum positive x with zero velocity. From that
point, the curve turns to the left, position decreases towards zero and velocity
goes negative and decreases to its maximal negative value ẋ = −1 reached at
3 This, of course culminated in the character of Dr. Ian Malcolm in the Jurrassic Park, played
by the inimitable Jeff Goldblum. Goldblum correctly predicted dinosaurs would escape from the
island. Based on Chaos Theory!!?? Poincaré must have been spinning in his grave.
4 For a smooth dynamical system, ẋ = F(x), the orbit through x is the set of all points y in state

space that can be reached from x by evolving dynamics for some positive or negative time.
12 1 Introduction

x = 0. After that, the velocity increases towards zero and becomes positive again
after the system reaches the maximum negative position x = −0.1414. The sys-
tem returns to its starting position at x = 0, ẋ = 1 to recommence its motion. No
damping means the motion repeats again and again in the same way. All of this
can be proven using only the properties of the vector field

F(x, y) = (Fx (x, y), Fy (x, y)) = (y, −kx/m)

- using its direction of motion and its symmetries.

The velocity-position representation of motion that we just described in the ex-
ample is called the state-space representation. The reason for this is that the
position x and the velocity v = ẋ are the states of the system. Because of rea-
sons going back to statistical physics (where a point in state space represents a
“phase” such as solid or liquid phase), the term phase space is often used, but we
will avoid it in these notes, for the reason that phase has a different meaning for
(quasi-)periodic dynamical systems.5
Poincaré’s advance brought us the notions of fixed points - those x for which

F(x) = 0, (1.21)

in (1.4), periodic orbits - the solutions for which

x(t + T ) = x(t), (1.22)

stable and unstable manifolds (for the case of e.g. fixed point x, those sets
of points in state space such that x(t, x0 ) → x as t → ∞ (stable manifold) and
x(t, x0 ) → x as t → −∞ (unstable manifold)), Poincaré maps - maps that take
current system state into the state observed one period of the motion later - and
unleashed a torrent of research, especially after Ueda’s discovery in 1961 [20],
and Lorenz’s discovery in 1963 [8] of physically motivated systems with ape-
riodic asymptotic dynamics, leading to the notion of strange attractor (roughly
speaking a set toward which the flow converges as t → ∞) with chaotic dynamics.
In the Poincaré point of view, value-vs-time plots are replaced by explicit rela-
tionships between state variables. The focus is on the qualitative aspects of the
dynamics such as the structure of the state space, instead of the explicit knowl-
edge of the value of a state at any given moment in time.
3. An alternative, when faced with a problem in which only data are available and
there is no ODE or other model available to start with, is the spectral point of
view in dynamical systems. It does not seem to be anybody’s in particular, but
the biggest advances were made by Wiener [21] so we’ll call it Wiener’s picture.
It avoids talking about models and equations and talks about data, and how to
decompose data coming from an observable into its harmonic components. We
know this approach under the name of harmonic analysis.
5 Note however that in the Strogatz book the phase space representation terminology is used.
1.1 Points of View in Dynamical Systems Theory 13

Example 1.1.3 One of the important physical concepts arising from a study of
the oscillator (1.16) is its natural frequency. The values of the parameters that
we introduced give the frequency fn = 1.1254 Hz (the angular natural frequency
ωn = 2π fn = 7.0711). The harmonic analysis of the signal (1.17) would reveal
that the signal can be expressed using a single frequency term,

x(t) = A cos φ sin ωnt + A sin φ cos ωnt = A sin(ωnt + φ ),

A2 = + x02 (1.23)
ωn x0
tan φ = ,

where A is the amplitude, ωn the angular natural frequency, T = 2π/ωn the

period, x0 = x(0), ẋ0 = ẋ(0) are intial conditions, and φ the phase of the harmonic
motion. This looks beautiful - instead of the whole value-vs.-time plot, we can
represent the trajectory using three numbers A, ωn and φ . Quite a reduction in the
amount of data. Even better, the frequency is the same for any initial conditions
of the system (1.16) and thus each trajectory is represented by its phase φ and
amplitude A.
The signals and systems theory develops this point of view in detail [14]. The theory
of Fourier transforms and Laplace transform provides insight into periodic and tran-
sient properties of signals, respectively. The impact of application of this approach
is humongous. The invention of the Fast Fourier Transform enabled, among other
things, reduction in size of mobile communication devices, reduction in time for
image processing and speech recognition.
Chapter 2
One-Dimensional Flows

One dimensional versions of ODE’s are given by

ẋ = F(x), x ∈ R. (2.1)

The simplest ones are the free particle equation obtained for a particle moving on
the line, not influenced by any physical forces

ẋ = v ⇒ x(t) = x(t0 ) + vt (2.2)

where v is the constant velocity of the particle. Another simple one is the linear
equation discussed before, that can physically be obtained when particle inertia is
negligible (in EE when there is no induction, i.e. we have an RC circuit with no
constant voltage source)

ẋ = kx, ⇒ x(t) = x(t0 )ek(t−t0 ) (2.3)

The new feature in the solution of this equation - over (2.2) - is that it has a fixed
point: when x = 0, x(t) = 0 for any t. If k > 0 then all other solutions go off to infinity
and we call the fixed point unstable, while when k < 0 all solutions tend to the fixed
point and we call it stable.
Let’s be a little more precise when we talk about stability. We will repeat these
definitions later, but it is useful to introduce them briefly now.
Definition 2.1. (Lyapunov stability) A solution x̄(t,t0 , x̄0 ) of (3.1) is Lyapunov sta-
ble iff given ε > 0 there is a δ (ε) > 0 such that for any solution y(t,t0 , y0 ) with
|x̄0 − y0 | ≤ δ , |x̄ − y| < ε for t > t0 .

Definition 2.2. (Asymptotic stability) A solution x̄(t,t0 , x̄0 ) (3.1) is asymptotically

stable iff it is Lyapunov stable and ∃b such that for any solution y(t,t0 , y0 ) with
|x̄0 − y0 | ≤ b, limt→∞ |x̄ − y| = 0.

For 1-dimensional ODE’s in R, figure 2.2 shows the graphical way of determining
dynamics and stability of 1D ODE’s in the form of Poincaré’s state space portrait.

16 2 One-Dimensional Flows

Fig. 2.1: a) Lyapunov stability b) Asymptotic stability.

The equilibria are labeled in red, the vector field direction is indicated by arrows,
while the stability intervals ε and δ are in green and yellow respectively.

Fig. 2.2: State space portrait for a 1-D ODE.

1-D systems can only have trajectories that are 1) equilibria and 2) orbits that
connect equilibria, the trajectories on which satisfy

lim x(t,t0 , x0 ) = x̄. (2.4)

2 One-Dimensional Flows 17

lim x(t,t0 , x0 ) = x̄, (2.5)

where x̄ is an equilibrium. Because of this, oscillations are impossible in 1D flows.

Example 2.1. Consider
ẋ = sin(x). (2.6)
In order to find the solutions, we can do
Z x(t)
= t − t0 (2.7)
x0 sin x

Leading to
x(t,t0 , x0 ) = 2 cot−1 (e−c(x0 ,t0 )−t ), (2.8)
but exploring the properties of the solution this way for any x0 ,t0 seems hard. In-
stead, if we go to Poincaré picture, we get the figure 2.3. From the figure it is evident
that there are an infinite number of fixed points at nπ. The fixed points at 2kπ are
unstable, while those at (2k + 1)π are stable. The space-time trajectories in figure

Fig. 2.3: a) Poincare state-space portrait and stability for 1-D ODE ẋ = sin x.

2.4 show behavior of solutions graphically. For any initial condition, the trajectories
approach stable fixed points.
Isolated equilibria x̄ - corresponding to F whose first derivative is continuous and
non-zero at x̄ are either stable or unstable. Namely, for a 1D ODE

ẋ = F(x), x ∈ R (2.9)

we can perform linearization close to the fixed point x(t) = x̄. Let F be C1 (once
differentiable, and the derivative is continuous) and dF/dx(x̄) = λ . Then by Taylor’s
18 2 One-Dimensional Flows

0 t



Figure 2.1.3
Fig. 2.4: Trajectories in space-time for ẋ = sin x.
In all honesty, we should admit that a picture can’t tell us certain quantitative
things: for instance, we don’t know the time at which the speed x is greatest. But
in many cases qualitative information is what we care about, and then pictures are
ẋ = F(x) = λ (x − x̄) + h(x)(x − x̄), lim h(x) = 0. (2.10)

Setting y = x − x̄, we get

2.2 Fixed Points and Stability
ẏ = λ y + o(y). (2.11)
The ideas
Thus, if λdeveloped in themove
< 0 trajectories last section
x̄ inbe extended
a small to any one-dimensional
neighborhood of x̄ and thus x̄
system x f ( x ). We just need to draw the graph of f ( x ) and then use it to sketch
is a stable fixed point, while for λ < 0 they move away,
the vector field on the real line (the x-axis in Figure 2.2.1).
and thus x̄ is an unstable
fixed point.
The λ = 0 case is indecisive - considerẋ ẋ = x2 . Since F(x) = x2 , the only fixed
point is at 0. The derivative F (0) = 0 and thus we can not conclude stability from
f (x)
this calculation. The phase (state space) portrait is shown in figure 2.5. Colloquially,
we could call the fixed point at 0 half-stable. But, according to our precise definition
of stability in Definition 2.1, it is unstable. x

Example 2.2. For ẋ = sin x F 0 = dF/dx = cos x, and thus F 0 = 1 at 2kπ, k =

0, 1, −1... and F 0 = −1 at (2k − 1)π. Thus, fixed points at 2kπ are unstable, and
those at (2k − 1)π are stable.
Figure 2.2.1

Remark 2.1.
18 Recitation
FLOWS ON THE sessions
LINE for the first week will cover example 2.2.2 from the
book and population growth example section 2.3 in the book, in detail.

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2 One-Dimensional Flows 19

ẋ (c) ẋ (d)

x x

Figure 2.4.
Fig. 2.5: Phase (state space) portrait for ẋ = x2 .

2.5 Existence and Uniqueness

Our treatment of vector fields has been very informal. In particular, we have taken
a cavalier attitude toward questions of existence and uniqueness of solutions to
the system x f ( x ). That’s in keeping with the “applied” spirit of this book.
Nevertheless, we should be aware of what can go wrong in pathological cases.


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Chapter 3
Existence and Uniqueness, Potentials, Numerical

3.1 Existence and Uniqueness

We consider an autonomous ODE

ẋ = F(x), (3.1)

where x ∈ M ⊂ Rn , M is an open set.

On non-bounded domains, for the solution to exist for all time we need that the
Lipshitz condition is satisfied, i.e.

|F(x) − F(y)| ≤ c|x − y| (3.2)

for some constant c. If this is not globally satisfied, the solution can blow up:
Example 3.1.
ẋ = x2 (3.3)
We have, for t0 = 0
Z x(t)
dx 1 1 1 1
=− + =t ⇒ = − t. (3.4)
x0 x2 x(t) x0 x(t) x0

x(t) = 1
, (3.5)
x0 −t
and blows up for positive x0 at t = 1/x0 .
The above example shows that the solution might not exist for all time. Another
example is the one in which solutions are not unique:
Example 3.2. Consider
ẋ = x−1/2 (3.6)

When uniqueness fails, our geometric approach collapses bec
point doesn’t know how to move; if a phase point were started at th
3/ 2
it stay there or would it move according to x(t ) = ( 23 t ) ? (Or a
elementary school used to say when discussing the problem of the
3 Existence and Uniqueness, Potentials, Numerical Approximations

Clearly, x(t) = 2t and

the immovable
is a solution object,
that starts at x = 0. But, so isperhaps
the solution the
x(t) =phase
0. point would explode
So there are two solutions from the same initial condition.
Actually, the situation in Example 2.5.1 is even worse than we’
are infinitely many solutions s
ẋ same initial condition (Exerci
What’s the source of the n
A hint comes from looking at
x (Figure 2.5.1). We see that
x* 0 is very unstable—the
Figure 2.5.1
Chastened by this example
orem that provides sufficient
Fig. 3.1: An example of 1Dand uniqueness
system with non-unique solutions to x f ( x ).
of solutions.

Existence and Uniqueness Theorem: Consider the initial

The problem arises from the fact that F 0 is infinite at the origin! The Lipshitz con-
dition, or conditions stated in the book, in which F 0 exists (i.e. is less than infinity),
and is continuous (does not have jumps), provide a guarantee that at least for some
x f ( x ), x (0)
finite amount of time the solution will exist and be unique. x0 .

3.2 Potentials Suppose that f ( x ) and f ′( x ) are continuous on an open interval

Consider again
and suppose that x0 is a point in R. Then the initial value problem
x ( t ) on some time
ẋ = F(x), x ∈ R.interval ( , ) about
(3.7)t 0, and the solution is
There is always a function V (x) such that

= dV /dxof the existence and uniqueness
= −F(x), (3.8) theorem, see Borrel
just set (1987), Lin and Z x Segel (1988), or virtually any text on ordinary differe
This theorem
V =−
x says that if f ( x ) is smooth
F(x̄)d x̄.
enough, then solution
To show this, by the unique.
theoremso, there’s no guarantee that solutions exist forever,
of calculus,

next− dV
Z x
= ( F(x̄)d x̄) = F(x)! (3.10)
dx dx x0


Strogatz-CROPPED2.pdf 41
3.2 Potentials 23

The function V is called the potential. The negative sign is a matter of convention -
we will se why in a moment.
Example 3.3. Consider the mass-spring-viscous damper system shown in figure 3.2.

Fig. 3.2: Mass-spring-viscous damper system.

The equation of motion is

mẍ = −kx − cẋ. (3.11)
We assume m/c is very small, so we can neglect the inertial force, mẍ ≈ 0. Then

k d kx2 d
ẋ = − x = − =− V (3.12)
c dx 2c dx
where the potential is
V = kx2 /2c. (3.13)
Note that the potential is always defined up to an additive constant, because the
derivative of a constant is 0.
Checking the evolution of V in time,

dV dx dV
V̇ = = V 0 (−V 0 ) = −( )2 < 0 (3.14)
dx dt dx
so the potential decreases in time everywhere, except at the point where dV /dx=0.
dV /dx = −F(x) = 0, (3.15)
indicating that 0 gradient points of the potential are exactly the equilibrium, or fixed
Example 3.4. Consider the highly damped Duffing system shown in figure 3.3 The
full equation of motion is
mẍ = kx − bx3 − cẋ (3.16)
For m/c very small, and k/c = b/c = 1, we get
implies x 0; equilibria occur at the fixed points o
minima of V ( x ) correspond to stable fixed points
local maxima corresp
24 3 Existence and Uniqueness, Potentials, Numerical Approximations

EXAMPLE 2.7.1:

Graph the potential fo

tify all the equilibrium
Fig. 3.3: Duffing oscillator embedded in a viscous solution.
Solution: We ne
x –dV / dx –x. The gen
ẋ = x − x3 . where
(3.17) C is an arbitra
Figure 2.7.2 that
This equation has an unstable fixed point at 0 and two stable fixed points at 1,
We compute
−1. the potential is
x2 x4
V (x) = − + +C,
2 4
(3.18) For conven
and set the constant C = 0.graph of V ( x ) is shown in Figure 2.7.2. The o
The shape of the potential is shown in the figure 3.4. This type of a potential is
0, and it’s stable.
x potential.
called the double-well

V(x) EXAMPLE 2.7.2:

Graph the potential

x identify all equilibriu
−1 1
Solution: Solving
V = − 12 x 2 + 14 x 4 + C
Figure 2.7.3 shows th
Figure 2.7.3
at x ±1 correspon
localFig.maximum at x
3.4: Double well potential.
0 corresponds to an unst
shown in Figure 2.7.3 is often called a double-well
Example 3.5. Consider the highly damped pendulum system, m = 1, g/l = 1
to be bistable, since it has two(3.19)
θ̇ = − sin θ .
stable equilibria.
3.3 Numerical Solutions of ODE’s 25

that has an stable fixed point at 0 and an unstable fixed point at π. We compute
V (θ ) = − cos(θ ) +C. We again set C = 0. When the potential is at its minimum - at
θ = 0, we have the stable equilibrium of teh system (i.e. the straight down position
of the pendulum). Where the potential has its maximum - at θ = π it is equal to 1,
we have the unstable fixed point - the straight up position of the pendulum.

3.3 Numerical Solutions of ODE’s

In previous sections we have worked with analytical solutions of ordinary differen-

tial equations. But many ODE’s do not have an analytical solution. For these, we
can utilize numerical solvers. The simplest idea is to discretize the time derivative
using the Euler method:
x(t + 4t) − x(t)
ẋ ≈ (3.20)
where 4t is some chosen finite timestep. Then we can write

xapprox (t + 4t) = x(t) + 4tF(x). (3.21)

Euler’s method is visualized in figure 3.5 Because Euler method is based on the




t0 t1 t2

Figure 2.8.1 Fig. 3.5: Euler approximation.

straightforward discretization of the time-derivative, the convergence of the approx-
imate solution to the true one will be of the order 4t. Many researchers worked (and
do) on with the Eulerofmethod
improvements is that ittheestimates
these methods, theone
natural next derivative
being theonly at the
left end of the time interval between t and t . A more sensible approach would
Euler method.
n n+1
be to use the average derivative across this interval. This is the idea behind the
improved Euler method. We first take a trial step across the interval, using the Euler
method. This produces a trial value xn+1 = xn + f ( xn )∆t ; the tilde above the x
indicates that this is a tentative step, used only as a probe. Now that we’ve esti-
mated the derivative on both ends of the interval, we average f ( xn ) and f ( xn 1 ),
and use that to take the real step across the interval. Thus the improved Euler
method is

xn+1 = xn + f ( xn )∆t (the trial step)

26 3 Existence and Uniqueness, Potentials, Numerical Approximations

Here we start with

x̃ = x(t) + 4tF(x) (3.22)
and then use evaluation of F at x̃ to do another step:
xapprox (t + 4t) = x(t) + (F(x(t)) + F(x̃))4t. (3.23)
This method averages the slope of the solution curve between that observed at x(t)
and the one at x̃ obtained by Euler method. It can be shown (see exercise 2.8.7) that
the error of the solution is of order (4t)2 , i.e.

x(t + 4t) − xapprox (t + 4t) = C(4t)2 , (3.24)

for some constant C.

One of the most popular numerical methods for solving ODE’s is the Runge-
Kutta method, that features evaluations of F(x) at 4 different points. If we label
xn+1 the approximation at t + 4t we have
xn+1 = xn + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ), (3.25)
where the cleverly chosen evaluation points are

k1 = F(xn )4t,
k2 = F(xn + k1 )4t,
k3 = F(xn + k2 )4t,
k3 = F(xn + k3 )4t.

The Runge Kutta method is converging as (4t)4 .

Remark 3.1. The recitation sections will consider example 2.5.1

3.0 Introduction
As we’ve
Chapter 4 seen in Chapter 2, the dynamics of vector fields on the line is very limited:
all solutions either settle down to equilibrium or head out to . Given the triv-
Bifurcation Theory
iality of the dynamics, what’s interesting about one-dimensional systems? Answer:
Dependence on parameters. The qualitative structure of the flow can change as
parameters are varied. In particular, fixed points can be created or destroyed, or
their stability can change. These qualitative changes in the dynamics are called
bifurcations, and the parameter values at which they occur are called bifurca-
tion points.
We start with Bifurcations
an example:are important
beam scientifically—they
buckling. In theprovide figuremodels
4.1 ofwetransitions
show a beam
with compression applied from the top. Below the critical amount of compres-
and instabilities as some control parameter is varied. For example, consider the
sion the beam stays vertical, above the critical value, the beam buckles. See exper-
buckling of a beam. If a small weight is placed on top of the beam in Figure
iment at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SunaCJvZueU 3.0.1,
and applications
the beam can support the load and remain vertical. But
at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21G7LA2DcGQ, or try your own experi-if the load is too heavy,
ment with the vertical position
a playing card. becomes unstable, and the beam may buckle.


beam beam ''buckles''

Fig. 4.1: Beam buckling.

Figure 3.0.1

Here the weight plays the role of the control parameter, and the deflection of the
beam from vertical plays the role of the dynamical variable x.


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28 4 Bifurcation Theory

We now consider a dynamical system

ẋ = F(x, p), x ∈ Rn , p ∈ R p (4.1)

The parameter set p is assumed to be constant in time. In the beam buckling exper-
iment the parameter is the amount of axial compression. For each single execution
of the experiment, it is fixed.
A bifurcation occurs when a small continuous change made to the parameter
values p (the bifurcation parameters) of a system causes a sudden qualitative or
topological change in its behavior. Generally, at a bifurcation, the local stability
properties of equilibria, periodic orbits or other invariant sets changes.
4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows 29

4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows

ẋ = f (x, r), f ∈ Ck , k ≥ 2 (4.2)
The parameter p = r is the bifurcation parameter, here just a single scalar. Let

f (0, 0) = 0,
(0, 0) = 0. (4.3)
The second condition is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for the appearance
of local bifurcations at r = 0. If

∂ f /∂ x 6= 0, (4.4)

the implicit function theorem1 shows that the equation f (x, r) = 0 possesses a unique
solution x = x(r) in a neighborhood of 0, for small enough r. In particular x = 0 is
the only equilibrium in a neighborhood of 0 when r = 0, and the same property
holds for r small enough.
Furthermore, the dynamics of in a neighborhood of 0 is qualitatively the same
for all sufficiently small values of the parameter r: no bifurcation occurs for small
values of r.

1 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicit function theorem.

We begin with the most fundamental bifurcation of all.

3.1 Saddle-Node Bifurcation

30 The saddle-node bifurcation is the basic mechanism by which fixed points are Theory
4 Bifurcation

created and destroyed.

4.1.1 Saddle-node As a parameter
(blue-sky) is varied, two fixed points move toward each
other, collide, and mutually annihilate.
Example 4.1. prototypical example of a saddle-node bifurcation is given by the first-order
system ẋ = r + x2 , (4.5)
Since √
2 2
x = r +rx+2 x = 0 ⇒ x = −r ⇒ x = ± −r, (1) (4.6)

for r > 0 there are no fixed points, and for r < 0 there are 2, at ± −r. The situation
where rfrom
with r varying is a parameter,
negative which may beispositive,
to positive negative,represented
graphically or zero. When is nega-4.2.
in rfigure
tive, there are two fixed points, one stable and one unstable (Figure 3.1.1a).

ẋ ẋ ẋ

x x x

(a) r < 0 (b) r = 0 (c) r > 0

Figure 3.1.1
Fig. 4.2: Blue sky bifurcation.

As r approaches 0 from below, the parabola moves up and the two fixed points
move toward each other. When r = 0, the fixed points coalesce into a half-stable
fixed point at x* = 0 (Figure 3.1.1b). This type of fixed point is extremely del-
icate—it vanishes as soon as r 0, and now there are no fixed points at all
(Figure 3.1.1c).
In this example, we say that a bifurcation occurred at r = 0, since the vector
fields for r 0 and r 0 are qualitatively different.

Graphical Conventions
There are several other ways to depict a saddle-node bifurcation. We can show
a stack of vector fields for discrete values of r (Figure 3.1.2).


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4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows stable 31 unstable

The bifurcation diagram is the plot of x vs r shown in figure 4.3. We see that
Figure 3.1.3
the two equilibrium points - one stable and one unstable - appear for r < 0. This
bifurcation is and
labeledso shouldas be
subcritical, plotted
it new solutionshorizontally (Figure
appear below the critical point 3.1.4). The drawback is t
r = 0. the x-axis has to be plotted vertically, which looks strange at first. Arr
sometimes included in the picture, but not always. This picture is called t
x cation diagram for the sadd
Bifurcation theory is r
conflicting terminology. T
r ject really hasn’t settled do
and different people use d
words for the same thing. Fo
stable ple, the saddle-node bifurc
sometimes called a fold bif
(because the curve in Figu
Fig. Figure 3.1.4 saddle-node (blue sky) bifurcation diagram.
4.3: Subcritical


Strogatz-CROPPED2.pdf 61
32 4 Bifurcation Theory

Other one-dimensional flows can have similar properties:

Example 4.2. Consider
ẋ = r − x2 . (4.7)
Since √
r − x2 = 0 ⇒ x2 = r ⇒ x = ± r, (4.8)

√ are 2, at ± r. To calculate
for r < 0 there are no fixed points, and for r > 0 there
stability of these, we compute, for the fixed point at r:

df √ √
|x= r = (−2x)|x=√r = −2 r < 0 ⇒ stable (4.9)

A similar calculation leads to the conclusion that the fixed point at − r is unstable.
This bifurcation is labeled supercritical, as it new solutions appear above the critical
point r = 0. The bifurcation diagram is the plot of x vs r shown in figure 4.3

Fig. 4.4: Supercritical saddle-node (blue sky) bifurcation diagram.

4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows 33

As we could see from the similarity of the examples above, there might be a way
to connect them to a larger theory. Here is a theorem that does that:
Theorem 4.1. (Saddle-node (blue sky) bifurcation). Assume that the vector field f
is a Ck , k ≥ 2, in a neighborhood of (0, 0) and satisfies:

(0, 0) = a 6= 0,
∂2 f
(0, 0) = 2b 6= 0. (4.10)
∂ x2
The following properties hold in neighborhood of 0 in R for small enough r:
1. if ab < 0 (resp. ab > 0) the differential equation has no equilibria for r < 0 (resp.
for r > 0),
pab < 0 (resp. ab > 0) the differential equation possesses two equilibria x± (ε), ε =
2. if
|p| for the r > 0 (resp. r < 0), with opposite stabilities. Furthermore, the map
ε → x± (ε) is Ck−2 in a neighborhood of 0 in R, and x± (ε) = O(ε).
34 4 Bifurcation Theory

Recall the Taylor expansion of a function of two variables, f (r, x) performed

close to x = 0, r = 0:
f (x, r) = ar + a1 x + (bx2 + b1 rx + b2 r2 ) + o(r2 , x2 , rx), (x, r) → (0, 0) (4.11)
A direct consequence of conditions

f (0, 0) = 0,
(0, 0) = 0 ⇒ a1 = 0 (4.12)
(0, 0) = a 6= 0,
∂2 f
(0, 0) = 2b 6= 0. (4.13)
∂ x2
, and that the curve of equilibria is parabolic near (0, 0) and thus

x2 ≈ r, ⇒ rx ≈ x3 , r2 ≈ x4 (4.14)

is that a1 = 0 and that xr and r2 terms are smll compared with x2 .

The function f than has the Taylor expansion:

f (x, r) = ar + bx2 + o(r, x2 ), (x, r) → (0, 0) (4.15)

Note that the terms in parentheses are of order x3 and higher, due to x2 ≈ r.

Proof. Since we have the Taylor expansion is given by (4.15), we neglect x3 order
terms and we get
f (x, r) = ar + bx2 = 0 ⇒ r = − x2 . (4.16)
Consequently, depending on the sign of ar/b, or equivalently a · b · r, there are no
equilibria, one equilibrium at x = 0 or two equilibria at
x± = ± −ar/b. (4.17)

One equilibrium x+ is stable, the other, x− unstable.

4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows 35

Example 4.3. Consider the following one-dimensional system:

ẋ = f (r, x) = r − x − e−x (4.18)

We can expand e−x into its Taylor series around 0:

e−x = 1 − x + x2 /2 − x3 /6 + ... (4.19)

Thus to order x3 (remember r ≈ x2 ) we have

ẋ = r − x − (1 − x + x2 /2) = r − 1 − x2 /2 (4.20)


p = r − 1,

y = x/ 2, (4.21)

and we obtain
ẏ = p − y2 (4.22)
As shown before, (4.22) exhibits the supercritical blue sky bifurcation at (y, p) =
√ √
(0, 0), where the stable fixed point is at y = p and the unstable one at y = − p. In
the original “coordinates”
√ (x,p
r) the bifurcation occurs at x = 0, r = 1, and the fixed
points are at x = ± 2p = ± 2(r − 1).
This is an example of a commonly used method in dynamical system: use a
change of variables to represent the system in a simpler form for which the solution
is easy to find.
In fact, what we have shown in general above is that all the one-dimensional
systems on the line exhibiting the blue sky bifurcation can be transformed to the
same normal form close to the bifurcation point in the x, r plane, given by

ẋ = r − x2 . (4.23)
36 4 Bifurcation Theory

Theorem 4.2. (Pitchfork bifurcation). Assume that the vector field f is a Ck , k ≥ 3,

in a neighborhood of (0, 0) and satisfies:

f (−x, p) = − f (x, p)
∂2 f
(0, 0) = a 6= 0,
∂ p∂ x
∂3 f
(0, 0) = 6b 6= 0. (4.24)
∂ x3
The following properties hold in neighborhood of 0 in R for small enough p:
1. if ab < 0 (resp. ab > 0) the differential equation has one equilibrium at 0 for
p < 0 (resp. for p > 0). The equilibrium is stable when b < 0 and unstable when
b > 0.
2. if ab < 0 (resp. abp> 0) the differential equation possesses two symmetric equi-
libria x± (ε), ε = |p| for the p > 0 (resp. p < 0), that are stable when b > 0
and unstable when b < 0. Furthermore, the map ε → x± (ε) is Ck−3 in a neigh-
borhood of 0 in R, and x± (ε) = O(ε).

A direct consequence of conditions is that f has the expansion:

f (x, p) = axp + bx3 + o(px + x3 ), (x, p) → (0, 0) (4.25)

The situation described in the above theorem is called a pitchfork bifurcation that
occurs at p = 0.

Fig. 4.5: Pitchfork bifurcation diagram.

Theorem 4.3. (Transcritical bifurcation). Assume that the vector field f is a Ck , k ≥

2, in a neighborhood of (0, 0) and satisfies:
4.1 Bifurcations of One-Dimensional Flows 37

∂2 f
(0, 0) = a 6= 0,
∂ p∂ x
∂2 f
(0, 0) = 2b 6= 0. (4.26)
∂ x2
The following properties hold in neighborhood of 0 in R for small enough p:
1. The system possesses a 0 equilibrium and another equilibrium x(p).
2. if ap < 0 (resp. ap > 0) the 0 equilibrium is stable (respectively unstable) and
x(p) has the opposite stability.
A direct consequence of conditions is that f has the expansion:

f (x, p) = axp + bx2 + o(px + x2 ), (x, p) → (0, 0) (4.27)

The situation described in the above theorem is called a transcritical bifurcation that
occurs at p = 0. The above are examples of bifurcations that occur when a real

Fig. 4.6: Transcritical bifurcation diagram a > 0.

eigenvalue crosses the imaginary axis. When a complex conjugate pair crosses the
imaginary axis, the Hopf bifurcation occurs. A simple example is

ṙ = pr − r3 ,
θ̇ = ω. (4.28)

Definition 4.1. 1. A bifurcation of an equilibrium of a dynamical system for which

a pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues λ1,2 = ±iω0 , appears, is called the Poincaré-
Andronov-Hopf bifurcation, or the bifurcation of the birth of a limit cycle.
The way to transform a 2 − D system ẋ = F(x, p), x = (x, y) for which the equilib-
rium has complex conjugate eigenvalues λ = p ± iω to the one in which the prop-
erties of the Hopf bifurcation become transparent is to rescale time by the period
38 4 Bifurcation Theory

Fig. 4.7: Hopf bifurcation diagram.

T corresponding to frequency ω, and bring the linear part to the Jordan form, after
rescaling time with the complex frequency
p 1
A= (4.29)
−1 p

where p is the parameter we are varying. It turns out that if we additionally use
complex variable z = x + iy, the system reduces to the simple form

ż = λ z − z|z2 | (4.30)

that looks very much like the pitchfork bifurcation, just in complex variables. The
sign of p controls the stability of the fixed point. In fact, setting z = reiθ , we get

ṙ = r(p − r2 ),
θ̇ = 1. (4.31)
Appendix A
Topological Dynamics

In this Appendix we present the basic objects of topological dynamical systems the-
ory, such as the notion of compact metric space, ω-limit sets, α-limit sets, attractors,
homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits,...we start with the concept of topology itself.

A.1 Introduction

Given a set M, the topology on it is defined by selecting a family of sets, T that we

will call open sets that satisfy the following properties:
1. Both the empty set and M are elements of T,
2. Any union of elements of T is an element of T,
3. Any intersection of finitely many elements of T is an element of T.
If T is a topology on M, then the pair (M, T) is called a topological space.
Example A.1.1 In this example, we describe the standard topology on Rn .
Definition A.1.1 Suppose x ∈ Rn and r ∈ R with r > 0. We define the open ball of
radius r centered at x to be

B(x, r) = {y ∈ Rn |d(x, y) < r},

where d(x, y) = (x − y)2 is an example of a metric, the concept we describe below.

Definition A.1.2 We call a subset A ⊂ Rn open if for every x ∈ A, there exists ε > 0
such that B(x, ε) ⊂ A. A subset F ⊂ Rn is called closed if its complement F c is open.
It is easy to see that the collection of open sets defined in such a way satisfies the
above axioms for a topology on Rn .
A subset of M is said to be closed if its complement is in T (i.e., its complement is
open). A subset of M may be open, closed, both (clopen set), or neither. The empty

40 A Topological Dynamics

set 0/ and M itself are always both closed and open. A set N ⊂ M containing an open
set V such that x ∈ V is called a “neighborhood” of x.
Let M be a topological space with a topology T. A set V ⊂ M is a topological
subspace of M under the induced topology . The induced topology on V is the topol-
ogy TV on V formed by all intersections V ∩ A, where A ∈ T. It is easy to see that
TV satisfies the properties of topology on V .
A connected space is a topological space that cannot be represented as the union
of two or more disjoint nonempty open subsets. Connectedness is one of the prin-
cipal topological properties that is used to distinguish topological spaces1 . A subset
of a topological space M is a connected set if it is a connected space when viewed
as a subspace of M.
A simply connected domain is a path-connected domain where one can contin-
uously shrink any simple closed curve into a point while remaining in the domain.

Fig. A.1: Simply connected and non-simply connected 2-dimensional sets.

The topologies that we consider in this book are largely introduced by metrics.
A metric is a non-negative function d(·, ·) : M × M → R that is symmetric in its
arguments, and has the property that d(x, y) = 0 if and only if x = y and

d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z), for any x, y, z ∈ M,

(the triangle inequality). Once a metric on M is defined, open sets can be defined to
be the so called balls that are sets of points

B(x, ε) = {y ∈ M|d(x, y) < ε}.

Intuitively, a metric gives us a good notion of a “distance” between points in a

set, that satisfies the principle that distance between x and y added to the distance
1 A stronger notion is that of a path-connected space, which is a space where any two points can
be joined by a path, where a path between two points a, b ∈ M is a continuous map f : [0, 1] → M
such that f (0) = 1, f (1) = b.
A.1 Introduction 41

between y and z should not be smaller than the distance between x and z. The
standard example is the Euclidean space metric

d(x, y) = [(x − y) · (x − y)]1/2 ,

where x, y ∈ Rn . A topological space M together with a metric d on it is called a

metric space and often denoted by (M, d), although in this book we commonly drop
the d from the notation. In most examples in the book, the spaces that we consider
are metric spaces. On metric spaces, we can define the notion of convergence. As-
sume x j is a sequence of points in a metric space M. Then x j converges to x∞ as
j → ∞ provided d(x j , x∞ ) → 0 as j → ∞.
Often (especially when ergodic theory considerations are deployed) the space we
consider is compact. Compactness is an important property of a topological set or
space.2 In metric spaces, compactness is equivalent to sequential compactness. The
idea is to consider all the possible sequences of points in a metric space M. Then,
M is sequentially compact if every infinite sequence has a convergent subsequence
which converges to a point in M.
In metric spaces, it is also easy to define the notion of closure of a set: let S ⊂ M
with a metric d. Then, x is a point of closure of S if for every r > 0, there is a y
in S such that the distance d(x, y) < r. The set closure of S is denoted by cl S and
the boundary of the set S is defined by the difference of cl S and the interior of S,
int S - the set of all points in S that have a neighborhood in S. The boundary of a set
denoted by ∂ S, such that
cl S = int S ∪ ∂ S
Another example of a metric is that of the Hausdorff distance between sets on
the underlying metric space M that can be derived by a series of natural extensions
of the distance function d(x, y) on M, as follows: Firstly, define a distance function
between any point x of M and any non-empty set Y of M by:

d(x,Y ) = inf{d(x, y)|y ∈ Y } .

Next, we define a distance function between any two non-empty sets X and Y of M
d(X,Y ) = sup{d(x,Y )|x ∈ X} .
If X and Y are compact then d(X,Y ) will be finite; d(X, X) = 0; and d inherits the
triangle inequality property from the distance function in M. As it stands, d(X,Y )
is not a metric because d(X,Y ) is not always symmetric, and d(X,Y ) = 0 does not
imply that X = Y (It does imply that X ⊆ Y ). However, we can create a metric by
defining the Hausdorff distance to be:

dH (X,Y ) = max{d(X,Y ), d(Y, X)} .

2 In general, compactness on topological spaces is defined more broadly, see [13].
42 A Topological Dynamics

Maps between spaces are important objects in topology. Continuity of maps is at

the first encounter defined on R, where f : R → R is continuous provided for every
δ there is an ε(δ ) such that if |x − y| < ε then | f (x) − f (y)| < δ . We used notation
| · | for absolute value of a scalar. Since |x − y| < ε is an open set, it is easy to extend
this to define continuity of maps between arbitrary sets A and B provided they have
topologies defined on it:
Definition A.1.3 A map f : A → B is continuous at x ∈ A if and only if for any open
V ⊂ B, such f (x) ∈ V there is an open U ⊂ A, x ∈ A and f (U) ⊂ V .
Appendix B
Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds,
Vector Fields and Flows

In this Appendix we present some basic concepts from theory of manifolds that
we require for the smooth reading of the main text. We start with one-dimensional
manifolds in two dimensions, as these are easy to visualize and grasp intuitively. In
fact they are just a smidge away from the concept of a graph of a function that we
learn in elementary school. The concept of tangent space is also quite easy for one-
dimensional manifolds. Once these are introduced, the extension to n-dimensional
manifolds embedded inside d-dimensional real vector spaces should flow easily.
As a consequence, some basic concepts such as vector fields and their flows on
manifolds are defined with little effort. In case the introduction here is insufficient
for either clarity or scope, Spivak’s little book [19] is a wonderful introduction to
the subject.

B.1 Introduction

The set of real numbers R is a vector space - if one associates every real number
a with an arrow extending from 0 to a along a straight line. Choose a basis for R,
a unit vector e such that any other vector f ∈ R is given as f = se, s ∈ R. Also,
choose an orthonormal basis for R2 vectors e1 and e2 such that any other vector f ∈
R2 = xe1 + ye2 . Recall that “Cr map” means ”r−times differentiable” map.
The following definition can be understood provided the reader is familiar with
the concepts of set topology introduced in appendix A:

Definition B.1. A set of points M ⊂ R2 is called a Cr 1−dimensional manifold if

for any point p = (x, y) ∈ M there is a neighborhood U of (x, y) in induced topology
on M and a Cr map ϕ : U → V - where V is an open set in R - which has a Cr inverse
ϕ −1 : V → U.

Note that ϕ is a smooth, 1 − 1 mapping between U and V whose inverse is also

smooth. We call such mappings diffeomorphisms. The graphical representation for

44 B Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds, Vector Fields and Flows

the next set of descriptions is shown in figure B.1. A very important concept related
to that of a manifold is the tangent space.
Definition B.2. The tangent space at a point (x, y) of a 1−dimensional manifold M
in R2 is the line tangent to M at (x, y).

Fig. B.1: The geometry of a 1D manifold and its tangent space.

Calculating the tangent space at a point is simple if we know the map ϕ. Let s be a
coordinate on V (think of just the linear coordinate on R restricted to the open set
V ). We will call s a local coordinate around p ∈ U. As ϕ −1 is a map from a subset
of R to R2 it can be represented by two components,

ϕ −1 = (ϕx−1 , ϕy−1 ).

Define the derivative of the map ϕ −1 at point t ∈ V to be the vector

∂ ϕx−1 ∂ ϕy−1
dϕ −1 (t) = ( (t), (t)).
∂s ∂s
The tangent space T M|p of M at p = (ϕx−1 (t), ϕy−1 (t)) is

∂ ϕx−1 ∂ ϕy−1
dϕ −1 (R) = c( (t), (t)), c ∈ R
∂s ∂s
B.1 Introduction 45

The collection of points (p, v), where p ∈ M, v ∈ T M|p is called the tangent bundle.

Example B.1. A simple example of a 1-dimensional manifold in a two-dimensional

space is the graph of a function. Let f :R → R be a Cr function defined on the real
line. The set of points

G( f ) = {(s, f (s)) ∈ R2 |s ∈ R}

is called the graph of f . Let V be any open interval on R. It is clear that

U = {(s, f (s)) ∈ G( f )|s ∈ V } is an open subset of G( f ), since U = V × R ∩ G( f ),
which is the intersection of the open set V × R in R2 with G( f ). Define ϕ :
G( f ) → R by ϕ(s, f (s)) = s. Clearly this map is Cr and its inverse, given by
ϕ −1 (s) = (ϕx−1 (s), ϕy−1 (s)) = (s, f (s)) is also Cr . The derivative of the inverse reads

∂ ϕx−1 ∂ ϕy−1 df
dϕ −1 |t = ( (t), (t)) = (1, |t ).
∂s ∂s ds
Thus, the tangent space at a point (s, f (s)) is given by all the vectors of the form

(c, c |t ), c ∈ R.
The slope of this line is d f /ds|t , and so the tangent space is just a one-dimensional
vector space with a slope equal to the tangent to f at t ∈ R.

The concept of the manifold was invented exactly as a generalization of the above
example to the case of more complicated object that can be represented as graphs
of functions ”locally” i.e. in a neighborhood of each of their points. General one-
dimensional manifolds are grouped in two classes: those that can be smoothly trans-
formed (meaning Cr mapped) to a circle and those that can be transformed to the
real line.
Now we can define a vector field on a 1-D manifold as a section of the tangent
bundle, i.e. a collection of points (p, vp ) where p ∈ M, vp ∈ T M|p . Note that here
we select 1 point in the tangent space T M|p for every point p ∈ M as opposed to
the definition of the tangent bundle, where to every point p ∈ M we associated the
whole set of vectors in T M|p . It is now easy to see how to define Cr vector fields,
by requiring that our selection of vectors is r times differentiable with respect to the
−1 ∂ ϕ −1
local coordinate s: recall that p(s) = (ϕx (s)−1 , ϕy−1 (s)), vp (s) = ( ∂ ϕ∂xs (s), ∂ys (s)).
If for any p ∈ M we can r times differentiate vp (s) with respect to (local1 ) coordinate
s, we say the vector field is Cr .
1 We say local because there might be different such coordinates for different points p ∈ M.
46 B Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds, Vector Fields and Flows

B.1.1 N-dimensional manifolds; Invariant manifolds

Let us define an n−dimensional Cr manifold in analogy with previous definitions

for the 1−dimensional case:

Definition B.3. A set of points M ⊂ Rm is called a Cr n−dimensional manifold if

for any point (x, y) ∈ M there is a neighborhood U of (x, y) in M and a Cr map
ϕ : U → V ⊂ Rn which has a Cr inverse ϕ −1 : V → U.

We define the tangent space of an n−dimensional manifold. We will use the fol-
lowing extension of the notion of the derivative of a function (that we utilized for 1-d
manifolds in the previous section: for any vector of functions f = ( f1 (x), ..., fm (x)))
considered as a map between Rn and Rm , we can define its derivative Df|x as the
m × n matrix of partial derivatives of f. Thus, Df|x is a linear map that takes vectors
in Rn into vectors in Rm . The derivative map satisfies the following chain rule: if
f : Rl → Rm , and g : Rn → Rl then

Df ◦ g|x = Df|g(x) Dgx . (B.1)

If n = 1, then
Dg = .
Definition B.4. The tangent space T |p at a point p of an n−dimensional manifold
M embedded in Rm is the set of all the vectors tangent to M at p. The tangent space
at p is the image of the derivative map Dφ −1 |φ (p) of φ −1 at φ (p) ∈ Rn .

The associated tangent bundle is defined as follows.

Definition B.5. The set T M consisting of all points (p, v), where p ∈ M, v ∈ T M|p
is called the tangent bundle.
Note that the set of all the vectors tangent to a point of an n−dimensional manifold
is an m−dimensional vector space and thus isomorphic to Rm . Vector field on a
manifold is again defined analogously with the 1D case, as a section of the tangent
Definition B.6. A vector field v on M is a section of the tangent bundle defined by
(p, v|p ), where p ∈ M, v|p ∈ T M|p .
In figure B.2 the n-dimensional definitions are illustrated in the example of a two-
dimensional spherical surface M = S. In contrast to the one-dimensional case, a
section of the tangent bundle now consists of a single vector that does not span the
tangent space.
Exercise B.1. Show that a two-dimensional sphere in R3 is a 2−dimensional mani-
B.1 Introduction 47

Fig. B.2: The geometry of a 2D manifold, its tangent space and a curve St (p) on the

It is interesting to consider trajectories of vector fields v on M. For that purpose,

we introduce the notion of a smooth curve p(t) : R → M, where p is a differentiable
function. We can define a vector field
vp(t) = (p(t), |t )
along the curve. To show that vp(t) is in the tangent bundle, note that p(t) = φ −1 c(t)
for some curve c(t) ⊂ V ⊂ Rn . Then, by the chain rule above,

dp(t) dc(t)
= Dφ −1 .
dt dt
Since dc(t)/dt is a vector in Rn , then dp(t)/dt is in T M|p(t) .
Now consider a differentiable vector field v ∈ T M. One can associate with it a
flow St : M → M that is obtained by integrating

ϕ̇(p) = Dϕv|p

locally in V to obtain ϕ(t, p) as its solution and transporting it back to the manifold
St (p) = ϕ −1 ϕ(t, p),
48 B Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds, Vector Fields and Flows

to obtain the local mapping in U. This can be, on a compact manifold, “stitched
together” to obtain a global family of mappings St that we call the flow of v.2 Now
note that St (p) is a curve in M since it is a mapping from R to M. That curve passes
through vp at t = 0. In fact,
|t=0 = v p ,
dϕ(t, p)
|t=0 = ϕ̇(p) = Dϕ|p v|p
dSt dϕ(t, p)
|t=0 = Dϕ −1 |ϕ(0,p) |t=0 = Dϕ −1 |ϕ(p) Dϕ|p v|p = v|p .
dt dt
Also, by definition of St and the chain rule

DSt |p = Dϕ −1 |ϕ(t,p) Dϕ|p

and thus it is clear that DSt maps T Mp into T MSt (p) , but also that

DSt |p v|p = v|St (p) .

A single point is by definition a 0−dimensional manifold, as is a discrete collec-

tion of points. Compact manifolds in low dimensions are classified in simple uni-
versality classes: as mentioned above, the only compact 1−dimensional manifold
without boundary is a circle (up to a mapping).
The concept of an invariant manifold is a generalization of the concept of tra-
Definition B.7. Let v be a steady vector field in a set A. A Cr manifold M ⊂ A is
called an invariant manifold iff St (M) ⊂ M for every t ∈ R.
It is useful to know that manifolds can sometimes be defined by functions that vanish
on them.
Theorem B.1.1 Assume f (p) is a function on Rn . Assume that D f |p 6= 0 for every
p on the level set f = c. Then that level set is an n − 1 dimensional manifold in Rn .
For the proof see e.g. [19].
Example B.1.1 Using the above theorem it is easy to prove what was requested in
Exercise B.1 namely that a sphere in 3D is a manifold. namely, let

f (x, y, z) = x2 + y2 + z2 − R2 ,

where R 6= 0 is a constant, and consider the level set f = 0. Now,

∂f ∂f ∂f
Df = ( , , ) = (2x, 2y, 2z) 6= 0, ∀(x, y, z) 6= 0.
∂x ∂y ∂z
2 For more information, look up the excellent exposition in Chapter 5 of Arnold’s book [2].
B.1 Introduction 49

Since (x, y, z) 6= 0 for any such function f except when R = 0, we just proved that
f = 0 for any finite radius R is a C1 manifold.
We can ask the question: if we have m functions f1 , ..., fm , is the joint level set, (the
set of points on which the value of each fi is constant) a manifold, and if so, of
which dimension. Intuitively, each additional function reduces the dimension of the
resulting set by 1. For example, a sphere defined by zero level set of f 1 (x, y, z) =
x2 + y2 + z2 − R2 in 3D and a cylinder defined by zero level set of f 2 (x, y, z) =
x2 +y2 −r2 intersect in two circles provided r < R. That union of two circles is a one-
dimensional manifold (indeed, apply the definition for each of the circles separately,
and you will see that their union satisfies the conditions to be a manifold. In this case
the manifold is not a connected set). It should be intuitive that the condition for a
joint level sets L of m functions to form an n − m-dimensional manifold in an n-
dimensional space is that the matrix D( f1 , ..., fm ) has rank m. Indeed, we have
Theorem B.1.2 Assume the vector function f : Rn → Rm has the differential D f
that is of rank m on the level set f = c = (c1 , ..., cm ) ∈ Rm . Then that level set is an
n − m dimensional manifold in Rn .

B.1.2 Manifolds with Boundary

The boundary of M is denoted by ∂ M. Further discussion of theory of manifolds

would take us to integration, and thus the vast subject of differential forms, treated
e.g. in Guillemin and Pollack [6], on which we do not expand in this book, but which
is fundamentally important in differential geometry and dynamical systems theory
Appendix C
Operator-Induced Bases in Complex Spaces

In a number of places in the book we use the concept of projections of vectors onto
eigenspaces, in both the finite and infinite-dimensional context. If a linear operator
on a Hilbert space (a vector space equipped with an inner product) has a set of
eigenvectors whose linear combinations span that space (i.e. they form a basis),
then we can define dual bases corresponding to the operator, as shown below. This
is useful, as projection to eigenspace of the operator is achieved by an inner product
with members of the dual basis.

C.1 Complex Inner Product

Let vectors v1 , ..., vn (where n could go to ∞) be a set of independent eigenvectors of

an operator A on a complex vector space V , labeled A : V → V . Assume the closure
of the linear span of these vectors is V . Then, any vector x in V can be expanded as

x = ∑ ci vi

Let h·, ·i be the complex inner product defined by

hx, yi = ∑ xi · yci

For any complex number k

hx, kyi = ∑ xi · kc yci = kc ∑ xi · yci = kc hx, yi

i i
hkx, yi = ∑ kxi · yci = k ∑ xi · yci = khx, yi (C.1)
i i

hx, yi = hy, xic

52 C Operator-Induced Bases in Complex Spaces

C.2 Dual Bases Induced by a Linear Operator

To deal with the simple case first, let V be a vector space and assume A : V → V has
a simple, finite or countable, discrete spectrum, in which algebraic and geometric
multiplicities of eigenvalues1 are finite and the same. Let A∗ be the adjoint of A, i.e.
hAx, yi = hx, A∗ yi for any x, y ∈ V . Let w1 , ..., wn be the adjoint vector basis, i.e.

A∗ w j = λ jc w j .

hAvi , w j i = λi hvi , w j i.
hvi , A∗ w j i = λ j hvi , w j i.
Thus, if eigenvalues are non-zero, hvi , w j i = 0 for i 6= j. Now fix vi and assume
that hvi , wi i = 0. This could not be, since then the projection of vi on n independent
vectors in an n-dimensional space would vanish (for space with n = ∞ the same
conclusion follows if the space is complete, i.e. we can expand any vector into a
linear combination of eigenvectors). Thus, hvi , wi i 6= 0, and hvi , wi i can be made 1
by e.g. normalizing the eigenvector sets by setting the matrix V = [v1 , ..., vn ] and
[w1 , ..., wn ]T = V −1 .
Now we consider the case when an eigenvalue λk has algebraic multiplicity mk
and geometric multiplicity 1. Putting v0k ≡ 0, the generalized eigenvectors satisfy

(A − λk I)vkj = vkj−1 , ( j = 1, . . . , mk ).

To this basis there is an adjoint basis {w1k , . . . , wnk } which satisfies hvkj , wik i = δ j,i .
Consider A∗ wkj . Expand this in the basis {wik }i=1 .
1 Recall that the algebraic multiplicity of an eigenvalue is, in finite dimensions, the number of
times an eigenvalue appears in the characteristic polynomial of the operator. The geometric mul-
tiplicity in the finite-dimensional case is the number of eigenvectors corresponding to an eigen-
value. The geometric multiplicity is always smaller than or equal to the algebraic multiplicity. The
infinite-dimensional case we consider here has finite-dimensional blocks that have characteristic
polynomials associated with them.
C.2 Dual Bases Induced by a Linear Operator 53
A∗ wkj = ∑ hA∗ wkj , vik iwik
= ∑ hwkj , Avik iwik
= ∑ hwkj , λk vik + vi−1 i
k iwk
mk n
= ∑ λkc hwkj , vik iwik + ∑ hwkj , vki−1 iwik
i=1 i=1

= λkc wkj + wkj+1

m +1
Now, for two different eigenvalues λk , λl , and letting wk k ≡ 0, we have

hA∗ wkj , vil i = λkc hwkj , vil i + hwkj+1 , vil i. (C.2)

hwkj , Avil i = λlc hwkj , vil i + hwkj , vi−1
l i. (C.3)
Now take j = mk and i = 1 in (C.2), and (C.3) to show that hwk k , v1l i
= 0 for k 6= l.
Taking j = mk − 1, it is again clear, by using hwk k , v1l i = 0 for k 6= l, from (C.2),
m −1
and (C.3) that hwk k , v1l i = 0. Repeating this process, we prove orthogonality for
any j, with i = 1, when k 6= l. Now we proceed with j = mk , i = 2. Continuing this
process by first decreasing j and keeping i constant, and then increasing i leads to
verification of hwkj , vil i = 0 for k 6= l.
We can simply remove the restriction of geometric multiplicity being 1 as fol-
lows: count eigenvalues λk , k = 1, s in a way that if a certain eigenvalue λ j has more
than one eigenvector, then set it as a separate eigenvalue as many times as the dimen-
sion of geometric eigenspace g j (i.e. the number of eigenvectors associated with λ j ),
and label those eigenvalues λ j1 , λ j2 , ...λ jg j , although they have the same numerical
value. Each such eigenvector might have some generalized eigenvectors associated
with it, with multiplicity m jk , k = 1, ..., g j . Clearly, ∑k=1 m jk = m j .
Now, expanding any vector x as
s mk
x= ∑ ∑ ckj vkj ,
k=1 j=1

it turns out that

ckj = hx, wkj i,

and a bit of geometry shows that hx, wkj ivkj is the skew-projection of x onto the
direction of vkj , “along” the eigenspace spanned by the rest of the (generalized)
eigenvectors: See figure C.1 for the graphical representation of this geometry in the
case of two eigenvectors and their duals. We can see that the projection of x on the
subspace spanned by w1 is given by hx, w1 i w1 . Label the projection of x on the
54 C Operator-Induced Bases in Complex Spaces

Fig. C.1: The geometry of eigenvector basis and its dual in the two-dimensional

subspace spanned by v1 by cv1 . Noticing that both w1 and v1 are of unit length,
the projection of cv1 on the subspace spanned by w1 is given by hcv1 , w1 i w1 =
cw1 . From this, we conclude c = hx, w1 i. A similar calculation can be done for the
projection of x on the subspace spanned by v2 to show that it is equal to hx, w2 i

C.3 Projections

A linear operator P that satisfies P2 = P is called a projection. The image (or range)
of such an operator is a linear subspace VP of the vector space V : Let g1 = Pf1 , g2 =
Pf2 . Then
c1 g1 + c2 g2 = c1 Pf1 + c2 Pf2 = P(c1 f1 + c2 f2 ) (C.4)
The kernel of P - the set of all the vectors that P maps to 0 - is given by (I − P)V :

P(I − P)v = Pv − P2 v = 0. (C.5)

The kernel subspace (I − P)V is denoted by VI−P .

Let v j , w j be dual with respect to a linear operator A on V . The projection Pvk on
the subspace of V spanned by vk , “along” the vector subspace span{v1 , ...vk−1 , vk+1 , ..., vn }
is then given by
Pvk x = hx, wk i vk . (C.6)
To show this, we have
C.4 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse 55

Pvk Pvk x = Pvk hx, wk i vk = hhx, wk i vk , wk i vk = hx, wk i vk = Pvk x. (C.7)

where in the one but the last equation we used the fact that vk , wk are unit vectors.
Also, all the vectors in the span{v1 , ...vk−1 , vk+1 , ..., vn } map to 0 under Pvk , by
orthonormality of the dual bases (to see this, set x = v j , j 6= k into (C.6)).
Let’s see how the projections get constructed using matrices. Let B be the matrix
whose columns are the basis vectors vk spanning a subspace VB , and C the matrix
whose columns are the dual basis vectors wk . Then, the projection PB on the sub-
space VB is given by
P = BC† (C.8)
where C† is the complex conjugate (Hermitian) transpose of C. To show this, let’s
first consider the example where VB = span{vk }:
(Pvk x) = hx, wk i vk = ( ∑ xl wckl )vk = BkCk† x. (C.9)

Now, for the case when VB = span{vk , k ⊂ I ⊂ {1, ..., n}}:

(PB x) = ∑ hx, wk i vk = ∑ ( ∑ xl wckl )vk = ∑ BkCk† x = BC† x. (C.10)
k∈I k∈I l=1 k∈I

BC† = ∑ BkCk† . (C.11)

C.4 Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse

The following situation commonly occurs when we consider the action of an op-
erator A on V and a vector b which is outside of the range R of A: the equation

Ax = b, x, b ∈ V, (C.12)
is then not solvable. In some sense the best we could do is to try to solve

Ax = PR b = BC† b, (C.13)

where PR b is the projection of b along the null space of A to the range of A. Thus,
there is a vector x̂ that satisfies (C.13).
Given A, It is simple to find the so-called Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse starting
from (C.12)
(A† A)−1 A† Ax = (A† A)−1 A† b, x, b ∈ V, (C.14)
x̃ = (A† A)−1 A† b, (C.15)
56 C Operator-Induced Bases in Complex Spaces

but of course this means that x̃ is in the range of A. In fact

A† (Ax̃ − b) = A† Ax̃ − A† b = 0, (C.16)

indicating that the vector (Ax̃ − b) is orthogonal to the range of A (since the range of
A is the span of the columns of A. Thus, the vector b splits into Ax̃ - the orthogonal
projection of b on R - and b − Ax̃.
The matrix
A+ = (A† A)−1 A† , (C.17)
is called the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of A.
In the case of the operator A that has a null space N, we can similarly get

(C† A)−1C† Ax = (C† A)−1C† b, x, b ∈ V, (C.18)

where C is a matrix whose columns contain a basis of the orthogonal complement

of the null space of A. The notation is intentional: C could be precisely the ma-
trix whose columns are eigenvectors of A† , defined in (C.13). Thus, the nullspace
pseudoinverse of A can be defined by

A+n = (C† A)−1C† . (C.19)

If we set
x̂ = (C† A)−1C† b, (C.20)
we get
(C† A)x̂ = C† b, (C.21)
C† (Ax̂ − b) = 0, (C.22)
and thus Ax̂−b is in the nullspace of A. In the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, Ax̃−b
was orthogonal to the range of A, and thus was not necessarily in the nullspace.

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