Optimal Fuzzy Self-Tuning of PI Controller Using Genetic Algorithm For Induction Motor Speed Control
Optimal Fuzzy Self-Tuning of PI Controller Using Genetic Algorithm For Induction Motor Speed Control
Optimal Fuzzy Self-Tuning of PI Controller Using Genetic Algorithm For Induction Motor Speed Control
Optimal Fuzzy Self-Tuning of PI Controller Using Genetic Algorithm for Induction Motor Speed Control
Ismail K. Bouserhane , Abdeldjebar Hazzab , Abdelkrim Boucheta , Benyounes Mazari , and Rahli Mostefa
Center of Bechar, B.P 417 Bechar 08000, Algeria de D veloppement et des Entranements Electriques LDEE, e University of Sciences and Technology of Oran, B.P 1523 El-Mnaouer (31000), Oran, Algeria E-mail: bou [email protected]
Laboratoire University
We present induction motor speed control using optimal PI controller fuzzy gain scheduling. To improve PI controller performance, we designed fuzzy PI controller gain tuning for indirect-eld oriented IM speed control using fuzzy rules on-line to adapt PI controller parameters based on error and its rst time derivative. To overcome the major disadvantage of fuzzy logic control, i.e., the lack of design technique, we propose optimization of fuzzy logic tuning parameters using a genetic algorithm. Optimally designed fuzzy logic provides suitable PI controller gain to achieve the desired speed while varying load torque and parameters. Simulation demonstrated the performance of the proposed optimal fuzzy-logic tuning PI controller, and numerical validation results of our proposal showed performance comparable to a fuzzy controller having parameters chosen by a human operator.
Keywords: vector control, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithm, fuzzy-genetic systems, PI controller tuning
1. Introduction
Important progress in power electronics and microcomputing has enabled considerable advances in the control of AC equipment and real-time implantation applications. AC motors, especially induction motors (IM), enjoy inherent advantages, such as simplicity, reliability, low cost, and almost maintenance-free electrical drives [1, 2], although their control remains challenging in highperformance dynamic industrial applications because signicant nonlinearity and many parameters, mainly rotor resistance, vary with operating conditions. For long years, direct current (DC) equipment constituted the primary electromechanical source for variable speed applications because of ease of control, where torque and ux are naturally decoupled and can be controlled independently by torque and ux producing current [13]. Field-oriented control is widely used in industry for high performance IM drives and provides the same per-
formance as separately excited DC equipment [1, 2, 4]. Knowledge of synchronous angular velocity is often necessary in phase transformation to achieve favorable decoupling control between motor torque and rotor ux, the same as for separately excited DC equipment. This is done by one of two types of vector control, direct or indirect. Both have been implemented in industrial drives demonstrating performances suitable for a wide range of technological applications, but IM control performance is still inuenced by uncertainty such as mechanical parameter variation, external disturbance, and unstructured uncertainty due to non ideal eld orientation in a transient state. To deal with such uncertainty, much research has been applied to lessen effects. PID controllers are most widely used in industrial applications due to their simple structure, easy design, and effectiveness in a variety of operating conditions, but conventional PI and PID controllers, and their various versions are not robust enough to provide high performance if the controlled plant is highly nonlinear [5, 6]. To overcome this problem, the fuzzylogic controller (FLC) is used for motor control. The mathematical FLC tool is fuzzy set theory, introduced by Zadeh [4, 7, 8], which adjusts control parameters using fuzzy rules, i.e., a logical model of human behavior, for process control. The main advantages of FLCs over conventional controllers are there are usefulness in controller design when the plant model is unknown or difcult to develop. It does not require an exact process model and is robust against disturbance, large uncertainty, and variations in process behavior [8, 9]. Efforts have been made to use fuzzy control to control electrical drives [912]. Uddin et al. [9] proposed induction motor speed control based on indirect vector control using fuzzy logic. Liaw and Lin proposed a model following fuzzy adaptation to reduce the effects of parameter variation, but fuzzy rules must be constructed beforehand using time-consuming trial-and-error tuning [10]. Tzou and Lin proposed fuzzy tuning current-vector control, but its the stability can not be guaranteed [11]. Mohamed and Hew [12] proposed applying practical fuzzy logic control (FLC) applied to a two-phase (d-q) current induc-
Bousserhane, I. K. et al.
tion motor. The combination of conventional and intelligent fuzzy control for electrical motor control has also grown rapidly [6, 1315]. Radaideh and Hayajneh [13] derived fuzzy gain scheduling for the PID controller, in which fuzzy rules are used online to adjust controller parameters based on error and its derivative. Fuzzy logicbased self-tuning PI control proposed by Abdul-Mannan et al. [6] for IM drive speed control with IFO used welldesigned fuzzy logic providing suitable PI controller gain. Wai et al. [14] proposed adaptive fuzzy sliding-mode control with an integral-operation switching surface to control electrical servo drive positioning. Visioli [15] proposed a different way based on fuzzy logic for tuning PID controllers, in which a fuzzy mechanism is used to improve performance by Ziegler-Nichols parameters. The major drawback of fuzzy control is the lack of design techniques [16, 17]. Most fuzzy rules are based on human knowledge and differ among persons despite the same system performance. The selection of suitable fuzzy rules, membership functions, and their denitions in the universe of discourse invariable involves painstaking trialand-error [17]. We address using genetic algorithms to overcome these drawbacks to make design tasks easier. Our goal was to nd an optimal rule-base and membership functions of fuzzy logic. Such an optimal FLC could provide ideal control performance and achieve desired speed. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are general-purpose optimization techniques that use the direct analogy of natural evolution involving survival of the ttest [18]. GAs, developed by Holland in 1962, use multiple concurrent search points called chromosomes, that process three genetic operations reproduction, crossover, and mutation to generate new search points called offspring for subsequent iterations. Some or all members of the current solution set are replaced with newly created members to improve solution set quality with increasing numbers of iterations. Since GAs simultaneously evaluate many points in parameter space, they are likely to converge toward a global solution [18, 19]. GAs have been implemented in control for improving overall system performance [2024]. In most controller design, parameters must be optimized to give better overall control performance [16, 19]. Sundareswaran and Vasu [20] proposed designing an optimal PI controller for separately excited DC motor drive speed control. Elsewhere [21], GAs are proposed for online auto tuning PID controller parameters in which GAs are used to search for optimal PID parameters that minimize integral absolute error (IAE). Rahman [22] proposed laboratory testing GAs based on a self-tuned PI controller. We used GAs to obtain optimized PI constants for interior permanent synchronous motor (IPMSM) speed control. Lin and Chou [23] developed an adaptive sliding mode controller based on real-coded GAs for the online tuning of adaptive algorithm adaptation gain in sliding mode controllers to enhance IM servo drive control. In [24], online tuning of control gain in multi segment sliding mode control MSSMCs was proposed to reduce chatter in torque commands while retaining favorable control 86
performance. This underlying GA-based global optimization was applied to several FLC applications [25]. In [25], fuzzy controller parameters, including normalization factors, and membership functions are translated into binary bit strings and processed using GAs to be optimized for the object function used. Kuo and Li [26] used GAs to produce rule tables for fuzzy PI and PD controllers. Xia et al. [27] proposed auto-tuning of fuzzy controller based on GAs for brushless DC motor speed control. Uddin et al. [28] used GAs to design speed control based on FLCs for an interior permanent synchronous motor. With this design, the controller has less computational burden, making it suitable for real-time use. We propose designing optimal PI controller fuzzy gain tuning based on GAs to enhance IM drive control performance. We studied fuzzy gain tuning of conventional PI controllers in which fuzzy logic is used online to generate PI controller parameters. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the indirect eld-oriented control (FOC) principle of induction motors. Section 3 discusses the development of online PI controller tuning using FLC based on error and its rst time derivative. Section 4 develops optimization to optimize FLCs and optimal fuzzy gain tuning of PI controllers. Section 5 presents simulation results and Section 6 presents conclusions.
diqs dt
d dr dt d qr dt d r dt
Where Rs is the stator resistance per phase, Rr rotor resistance per phase referencing the stator, Lm magnetizing inductance per phase, Ls stator inductance per phase, Lr rotor inductance per phase referencing the stator, e synchronous frequency, r rotor frequency, P the number of pole pairs, J inertia moment, r Lr Rr the rotor timeconstant, 1 L2 Ls Lr the leakage coefcient, ids m and iqs d-axis and q-axis stator current, dr and qr d-axis and q-axis rotor ux, and Vds and Vqs d-axis and q-axis Int. J. of Automation Technology Vol.2 No.2, 2008