Big Java Wiley
Big Java Wiley
Big Java Wiley
Java Page ii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01 Page iii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Big Java
Cay Horstmann
San Jose State University
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This book is an introductory text in computer science, focusing on programming
prin- ciples and practices. Why should you choose this book for your first course
in com- puter science? Here are the key reasons:
● I take a point of view that goes beyond language syntax and focuses on computer
science concepts.
● I stress the object-oriented paradigm, starting with the first example—an object-
oriented version of the traditional “Hello, World” program.
● I motivate students to master the practical aspects of programming, with lots
of useful tips and a chapter on testing and debugging.
● I present a carefully selected subset of the Java library that is accessible to begin-
ners and rich enough to create interesting programs.
● I use the standard Java language, library, and tools—not a specialized “training
wheels” environment.
● In the final chapters of the book, I cover important techniques for server-side pro-
gram development such as database programming, XML and Java Server
v Page vi Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
I rarely use static methods other than main. As a result, students think in terms
of objects from the outset—they don’t have to spend the second half of the course
unlearning bad habits developed in the first half.
When designing classes, I strictly separate the classes from the test driver programs. (In
fact, if you use an environment such as BlueJ, then you don’t need the test driver programs
at all. This book doesn’t require that you use BlueJ or any other particular environment, but
it works very well with BlueJ. Give it a try and you too may become a convert—my
students were delighted when they were able to interact with their objects in an intuitive
Another notable aspect of this book is that I cover interfaces before subclasses. This
has a great advantage: Students see the power of polymorphism before having to worry
about technicalities of extending classes.
Of course, there are many object-oriented programming languages besides Java. In prin-
ciple, one can teach object-oriented programming using the C++ language. However, Java
has a fundamental advantage over C++, namely its safety. Students can—and do—make an
amazing number of errors when using C++, many of which lead to mysterious and
irrepro- ducible program behavior. When using C++, an instructor must spend a great
deal of class time on safe programming habits, or students will end up with a well-deserved
lack of con- fidence in their creations—hardly an ideal situation for a beginning course.
Another major advantage of Java is its simplicity. Although it is not a reasonable
goal to cover all constructs of Java in the first course, instructors can master all of the
syntax and semantics of the Java language and can answer student questions with complete
con- fidence. In contrast, the C++ language is so complex that very few people can
truthfully state that they understand all features of the language. Even though I
have used C++ extensively for over a dozen years, I regularly get stumped by freshmen
who show me a particularly baffling compiler error message. Simplicity is
important, especially for a foundational course. It is not a good practice to choose as a
foundational tool a program- ming language that students and instructors cannot
master with confidence.
Finally, the standard Java library has sufficient breadth that it can be used for most
courses in a computer science curriculum. Graphics, user interface construction, database
access, multithreading, and network programming are all part of the standard library.
Thus, the skills that students learn in the beginning course will serve them well
through- out the curriculum. Again, C++ falls notably short in this regard. There are no
standard toolkits for any of the above-mentioned programming domains in C++. The
Java library subset that this book covers enables students to handle a wide variety of
common pro- gramming tasks.
Part A
Chapters 1 through 8 cover the fundamentals of object-based programming:
objects, methods, classes, variables, number types, strings, and control structures. Students
learn how to build very simple classes in Chapter 2. Chapter 7 takes up the subject
of class design in a more systematic fashion. Page vii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Part A
1. Introduction
5. Decisions
6. Iteration
14. Exceptions 15. Streams
Part D
19. Intro
to Data
Figure 1
Chapter Dependencies
Advanced Page viii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Starting with Chapter 7, I use a very small subset of the UML notation—just
class diagrams and four arrow types for dependency, realization of interfaces, inheritance,
and directed association. That small subset is useful for visualizing the relationships
between classes, but it minimizes issues that beginners find complex, such as when
to choose association, aggregation, or attributes.
I cover graphics very early, in Chapter 4, because many students enjoy writing programs
that create drawings, and because rectangles, ellipses, and lines are good examples of
objects. I use the “2D graphics” classes in the java.awt.geom package throughout, not
the out- dated procedural methods in the Graphics class. Calling g.drawRect(x,y,w,h)
is not object-oriented. Manipulating geometric objects is both object-oriented and fun for
the stu- dents. I use applets because students can program them with very little technical
knowledge. However, coverage of graphics is entirely optional. All material has been
carefully pre-
sented so that you can skip all chapters that cover graphics and graphical user interfaces.
Chapter 8 covers testing and debugging, a subject that is unfortunately given short
shrift in many textbooks.
As explained in Chapter 3, you can either use the JOptionPane class to read input
from a dialog box (even in a console program), or you can use a BufferedReader. The
latter forces you to tag the main method with throws IOException, which I used to
find unacceptable until I reorganized all programs so that the main method is just a
“throwaway” test driver class. I don’t find it problematic if methods in a test driver
class throw exceptions. (By the end of the first semester, students will know how to
catch exceptions.)
Part B
Chapters 9 through 16 cover inheritance, arrays, exceptions, streams and, optionally,
graphical user interface (GUI) programming.
The discussion of inheritance is split into two chapters. Chapter 9 covers interfaces
and polymorphism, whereas Chapter 11 covers inheritance. Introducing interfaces
before inheritance pays off in several ways. Students immediately see polymorphism
before getting bogged down with superclass construction. It becomes possible to
discuss event-driven programming at an early stage. Students are naturally led to
local inner classes for event handlers, a more robust technique than the “opportunistic”
realization of event interfaces that one still finds in older textbooks.
GUI programming is split into two chapters. Chapter 10 covers event-driven
pro- gramming, relying just on the notion of an interface introduced in Chapter 9.
Chapter 12 covers GUI components and their layout. This chapter requires some
knowledge of inheritance (extending frames and panels and invoking
super.paintComponent). It is possible to cover both of these chapters together, either
before or after Chapter 11.
Again, let me stress that coverage of graphics and graphical user interfaces is
entirely optional. One alternative is to cover graphics and applets (which are quite
simple to pro- gram) and skip GUIs and event handling.
I cover arrays and streams after inheritance. From an object-oriented point of view,
inheritance is a crucial concept, and I find that it helps to introduce it as early as
possible. However, if you prefer to cover arrays and streams earlier, you can simply
switch the chapters without incurring any problems. Page ix Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
I prefer to cover array lists first before covering arrays. In my experience, students find
the get/set syntax perfectly natural and have surprisingly little attachment to the []
operator. They aren’t even overly bothered by the cast required when using the
get method. By using array lists, you avoid the unpleasantness of partially filled arrays
alto- gether—it is no wonder that most professional programmers use array lists (or
vectors) all the time and rarely resort to arrays. Of course, you need arrays for
numbers, but lists of numbers aren’t all that common in object-oriented programs.
I highly recommend covering object streams and serialization, especially if the course
involves significant programming projects. In my experience, students are
delighted when they discover that they can store the entire state of their application
with a single writeObject call and retrieve it again just as easily.
Part C
Chapters 17 through 20 contain an introduction to algorithms and data structures, cov-
ering recursion, sorting and searching, linked lists, binary trees, and hash tables. These
topics are probably outside the scope of a one-semester course.
When discussing recursion, I find that the object-oriented point of view is very help-
ful. In my introductory examples, an object that solves a problem recursively constructs
another object of the same class that solves a simpler problem. Having the other object
do the simpler job is much more plausible to students than having a function call itself.
I place the data structures into the context of the standard Java collections library.
Stu- dents will learn the essential abstractions of the standard library (such as iterators,
sets, and maps) as well as the performance characteristics of the various collections.
However, a detailed discussion of the implementation of data structures is beyond the
scope of this book.
Part D
Chapters 21 through 25 cover advanced Java programming techniques that definitely
go beyond a first course in Java. Although, as already mentioned, a comprehensive
cover- age of the Java library would span many volumes, many instructors
suggested that a textbook should give students additional reference material of lasting
value beyond their first course. Some institutions also teach a second-semester course
that covers more practical programming aspects such as database and network
programming, rather than the more traditional in-depth material on data structures and
algorithms. Personally, I think this is a very viable approach. Thus, this book can be
used in a two-semester course to give students an introduction into programming
fundamentals and a broad coverage of applications. Alternatively, the material in the
final chapters can be useful for student projects.
When selecting topics for the latter part of the book, I purposefully included those
technologies that are of particular interest to server-side programming, such as network-
ing, databases, XML, JavaServer Pages, and servlets, rather than including more
advanced material on user interface construction. The Internet has made it possible to
deploy many useful applications on servers, often accessed by nothing more than a
browser. This new server-centric approach to application development was in part made
possible by the Java language and libraries, and today, most of the industrial use of Java is
in server-side programming. Page x Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Appendix A1 contains a style guide for use with this book. I have found it highly benefi-
cial to require a consistent style for all assignments. If this style guide conflicts
with instructor sentiment or local customs, it can be modified. The style guide is
available in electronic form for this purpose. Other appendices contain an overview
over the parts of the standard library that this book covers, as well as quick references
on HTML, UML, Java syntax, Unicode, the applet viewer, and javadoc.
The Pedagogical Structure
The beginning of each chapter has the customary overview of chapter objectives and
motivational introduction. Throughout each chapter, margin notes show the places at
which new concepts are introduced. The notes are summarized at the
To help students locate end of the chapter.
key concepts easily, margin notes show the place at which new concepts are introduced.
Throughout the chapters, there are five sets of notes to help your
students, namely those entitled “Common Errors”, “Productivity
Hints”, “Quality Tips”, “Advanced Topics”, and “Random Facts”.
These notes are specially marked so that they don’t interrupt the flow of
the main material. I expect that most instructors cover only a few of
these notes in class and assign others for home reading. Some notes are quite short;
others extend over a page. I decided to give each note the space that is needed for a full
and con- vincing explanation, rather than attempting to fit them into one-paragraph
● Common Errors describe the kinds of errors that students often make, with
an explanation of why the errors occur, and what to do about them. Most
students quickly discover the Common Errors sections and read them on their
● Quality Tips explain good programming practices. Since most of them require
an initial investment of effort, these notes carefully motivate the reason behind
the advice, and explain why the effort will be repaid later.
● Productivity Hints teach students how to use their tools more effectively. Many
beginning students put little thought into their use of computers and software.
They are often unfamiliar with tricks of the trade such as keyboard shortcuts,
glo- bal search and replace, or automation of common tasks with scripts.
● Advanced Topics cover nonessential or more difficult material. Some of these topics
introduce alternative syntactical constructions that are not necessarily technically
advanced. In many cases, the book uses one particular language construct but
explains alternatives as Advanced Topics. Instructors and students should feel free to
use those constructs in their own programs if they prefer them. It has, however, been
my experience that many students are grateful for the “keep it simple” approach,
because it greatly reduces the number of gratuitous decisions they have to make.
● Random Facts provide historical and social information on computing, as required
to fulfill the “historical and social context” requirements of the ACM curriculum
guide- lines, as well as capsule reviews of advanced computer science topics. Many
students will read the Random Facts on their own while pretending to follow the
lecture. Page xi Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Web Resources
Additional resources are found on the book’s web site at
horstmann. These resources include:
● Solutions to selected exercises (accessible to students)
● Solutions to all exercises (for instructors only)
● A test bank
● A laboratory manual
● A list of frequently asked questions
● Help with common compilers
● Presentation slides for lectures
● Discussion boards for instructors and students
● Source code for all examples in the book
● The programming style guide in electronic form, so you can modify it to suit local
● A “crash course in C++” that takes students rapidly from the material covered
in this book to C++ programming
Many thanks to Paul Crockett, Bill Zobrist, Katherine Hepburn and Lisa Gee at John
Wiley & Sons and Jerome Colburn, Lori Martinsek, and the team at Publication Ser-
vices for their hard work and support for this book project.
I am very grateful to the many individuals who reviewed the manuscript, made
valu- able suggestions and brought an embarrassingly large number of errors and
omissions to my attention. They include:
Sven Anderson, University of North Dakota, Robert Burton, Brigham Young Univer-
sity, Bruce Ellinbogen, University of Michigan-Dearborn, John Franco, University of
Cincinnati, Rick Giles, Acadia University, John Gray, University of Hartford, Joann
Houlihan, John Hopkins University, Richard Kick, Hinsdale Central High School,
Michael Kölling, University of Southern Denmark, Miroslaw Majewski, Zayed Univer-
sity, Blaine Mayfield, Oklahoma State University, Hugh McGuire, University of Cali-
fornia-Santa Barbara, Jim Miller, Bradley University, Jim Miller, University of
Kansas, Don Needham, US Naval Academy, Ben Nystin, University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs, Hugh O’Brien, University of California-Santa Barbara, Kathleen
O’Brien, West Valley College, Richard Pattis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pete
Peterson, Texas Page xii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
A&M University, Sarah Pham, SGI, Stuart Reges, University of Arizona, Jim Roberts,
Carnegie Mellon University, John Rose, University of South Carolina-Columbia,
Kenneth Slonneger, University of Iowa, and Monica Sweck, University of Florida.
Finally, as always, my gratitude goes to my family—Hui-Chen, Thomas and Nina—
for their never-ending encouragement and patience. Page xiii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Preface v
► Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 What Is a Computer? 2
1.2 What Is Programming? 2
1.3 The Anatomy of a Computer 3
1.4 Translating Human-Readable Programs to Machine Code 8
1.5 Programming Languages 10
1.6 The Java Programming Language 11
1.7 Becoming Familiar with Your Computer 13
1.8 Compiling a Simple Program 17
1.9 Errors 24
1.10 The Compilation Process 26
► Chapter 3
Fundamental Data Types 77
3.1 Number Types 78
3.2 Assignment 84
3.3 Constants 88
3.4 Arithmetic and Mathematical Functions 92
3.5 Calling Static Methods 98
3.6 Type Conversion 100
3.7 Strings 107
xiii Page xiv Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
► Chapter 4 Applets
and Graphics 133
4.1 Why Applets? 135
4.2 A Brief Introduction to HTML 136
4.3 A Simple Applet 140
4.4 Graphical Shapes 145
4.5 Colors 147
4.6 Fonts 148
4.7 Drawing Complex Shapes 154
4.8 Reading Text Input 164
4.9 Comparing Visual and Numerical Information 167
4.10 Coordinate Transformations 171
► Chapter 7 Designing
Classes 281
7.1 Choosing Classes 282
7.2 Cohesion and Coupling 283
7.3 Accessor and Mutator Methods 286
7.4 Side Effects 287
7.5 Preconditions and Postconditions 293
7.6 Static Methods 297
7.7 Static Fields 299
7.8 Scope 304
7.9 Packages 310
► Chapter 8 Testing
and Debugging 329
8.1 Unit Tests 330
8.2 Test Case Evaluation 337 Page xv Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
► Chapter 9
Interfaces and Polymorphism 363
9.1 Developing Reusable Solutions 364
9.2 Converting between Types 370
9.3 Polymorphism 372
9.4 Using a Strategy Interface for Improving Reusability 373
9.5 Processing Timer Events 381
► Chapter 10 Event
Handling 395
10.1 Events, Event Listeners, and Event Sources 396
10.2 Processing Mouse Input 398
10.3 Processing Text Input 404
10.4 Multiple Buttons with Similar Behavior 409
10.5 Frame Windows 418
10.6 Text Components 419
► Chapter 11 Inheritance
11.1 An Introduction to Inheritance 430
11.2 Inheritance Hierarchies 434
11.3 Inheriting Instance Fields and Methods 436
11.4 Subclass Construction 442
11.5 Converting from Subclasses to Superclasses 443
11.6 Access Control 451
11.7 Object: The Cosmic Superclass 454
► Chapter 12
Graphical User Interfaces 473
12.1 Using Inheritance to Customize Panels 474
12.2 Layout Management 480
12.3 Using Inheritance to Customize Frames 483
12.4 Choices 489
12.5 Menus 501
12.6 Exploring the Swing Documentation 507
► Chapter 13
Array Lists and Arrays 521
13.1 Array Lists 522
13.2 Simple Array List Algorithms 526
13.3 Storing Numbers in Array Lists 530 Page xvi Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
► Chapter 14 Exception
Handling 557
14.1 Throwing Exceptions 558
14.2 Checked Exceptions 561
14.3 Designing Your Own Exception Types 565
14.4 Catching Exceptions 565
14.5 The finally Clause 568
14.6 A Complete Example 570
► Chapter 18 Sorting
and Searching 703
18.1 Selection Sort 704
18.2 Profiling the Selection Sort Algorithm 707
18.3 Analyzing the Performance of the Selection Sort Algorithm 710
18.4 Merge Sort 712
18.5 Analyzing the Merge Sort Algorithm 715
18.6 Searching 722
18.7 Binary Search 724
18.8 Searching and Sorting Real Data 726 Page xvii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
► Chapter 19 An
Introduction to Data Structures
19.1 Using Linked Lists 738
19.2 Implementing Linked Lists 742
19.3 Abstract and Concrete Data Types 754
19.4 Stacks and Queues 757
► Chapter 20
Advanced Data Structures 767
20.1 Sets 768
20.2 Maps 772
20.3 Hash Tables 775
20.4 Computing Hash Codes 782
20.5 Binary Search Trees 787
20.6 Using Tree Sets and Tree Maps 798
► Chapter 21
Multithreading 809
21.1 Thread Basics 810
21.2 Synchronization 819
21.3 Avoiding Deadlocks 827
21.4 An Application of Threads: Algorithm Animation 835
► Chapter 22
Internet Networking 851
22.1 The Internet Protocol 852
22.2 Application Level Protocols 856
22.3 A Client Program 859
22.4 A Server Program 862
22.5 URL Connections 870
22.6 Posting Form Data 874
► Chapter 23
Relational Databases 885
23.1 Organizing Database Information 886
23.2 Queries 894
23.3 Installing a Database 903
23.4 Database Programming in Java 908
23.5 Case Study: A Bank Database 916
23.6 Advanced Database Concepts 928
24.3 Creating
ts 970
24.4 Document
s 977
24.5 Parsing
s 987 Page xviii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
► Chapter 25
JavaServer Pages and Servlets 1003
25.1 Dynamic Web Content 1004
25.2 Encapsulating Computations in JavaBeans 1006
25.3 Handling Request Parameters 1015
25.4 HTML Forms 1021
25.5 Session Tracking 1025
25.6 Branching and Forwarding Pages 1032
25.7 A Three-Tier Application 1038
25.8 Servlets 1047
25.9 Compilation of JSP Pages 1053
► Appendix A1
Java Language Coding Guidelines 1063
► Appendix A2 Java
Syntax Summary 1072
► Appendix A3
Java Operator Summary 1082
► Appendix A4
Java Keyword Summary 1084
► Appendix A5 The Java
Library 1086
► Appendix A6
The Basic Latin and Latin-1 Subsets of Unicode 1149
► Appendix A7
Metric Conversion Factors 1152
► Appendix A8 HTML
Summary 1153
► Appendix A9 Tool
Summary 1156
► Appendix A10
javadoc Summary 1159
► Appendix A11
Number Systems 1162
► Appendix
A12 Bit and Shift Operations 1167
► Appendix A13 UML Page xviii Monday, January 28, 2002 4:01
Summary 1170
► Appendix A14 Glossary
► Index 1186