Introduction to Cloning
How cloning is done (somatic cell nuclear transfer)
Dolly the sheep
Human cloning
The process of Human cloning
Ethical and moral controversies
Advantages and disadvantages
Human cloning is a controversial and rapidly evolving area of biotechnology that involves
replicating the genetic material of a Human to create a genetically identical Individual. This
investigatory project explores the scientific principles behind cloning, namely the process of
somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), its theorized applications, and ethical and moral dilemmas
surrounding it. While cloning offers possibilities for advancements in medicine, such as organ
regeneration and treatment of genetic diseases, it also raises profound moral, ethical, and societal
concerns. The project aims to provide a well-balanced analysis of the feasibility, challenges, and
consequences of human cloning, seeking to understand its potential impact on humanity.
The word “Clone” means, “Identical”, identical in all aspects. In biological point of view,
two or more organisms are said to be clones of each other if they are morphologically,
anatomically and more important, genetically identical. “Reproductive cloning is defined as the
deliberate production of genetically identical individuals” is how National Center of
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) defines Reproductive cloning or cloning in general. Clones
have identical genome. Since the protein synthesis and metabolism is controlled by an
organism’s genome, clones are identical in all aspects. Cloning is done by nature in many lower-
level organisms like Monerans, Fungi, and in some eukaryotes. Cloning can be clearly observed
during reproduction of these organisms by a process called “binary fission” in which a single cell
grows and divides into two identical daughter cells. They are Clones. This can also be observed
during “multiple fission” in some protozoans like plasmodium.
Technological advancements have made it possible to consider the replication of higher-
order organisms, including humans. The possibility of human cloning was first seriously
explored after the landmark event in 1996 when scientists successfully cloned the first mammal,
a sheep named Dolly, using a technique known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). This
breakthrough opened the door to discussions about the feasibility of applying similar methods to
human beings.
The process of human cloning, particularly reproductive cloning, involves transferring the
nucleus of a somatic cell from the individual to be cloned into an enucleated egg cell. The
resulting embryo is then stimulated to develop into a genetically identical organism. There are
two types of human cloning that scientists are primarily concerned with: reproductive cloning
and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning focuses on creating a cloned individual, while
therapeutic cloning aims at generating tissues or organs for medical use. The potential benefits of
therapeutic cloning, such as growing organs for transplants or understanding genetic diseases, are
vast, but they come with significant ethical concerns, including the status of the cloned embryos
used in the process.
Despite the significant advances in cloning technology, human cloning remains an area
fraught with scientific, ethical, and legal challenges. The success rates for cloning are low, and
the risks of genetic defects and abnormalities in cloned organisms are high. Moreover, human
cloning raises ethical dilemmas about identity, individuality, and the rights of the clone. Many
fear that cloning humans could lead to exploitation, loss of human dignity, and societal
inequality, especially in light of concerns over the misuse of the technology. Governments and
international organizations have implemented strict regulations to curb the practice of human
cloning, especially reproductive cloning, but debates over therapeutic cloning and its medical
potential continue.
This investigatory project delves into the science, potential applications, and ethical
considerations surrounding human cloning. By examining the techniques involved, including
somatic cell nuclear transfer, and exploring real-world scenarios where cloning might be used,
this project aims to present a comprehensive overview of the field. Additionally, the project will
address the concerns posed by religious, philosophical, and legal perspectives, offering a
balanced analysis of the possible future of human cloning.
General Applications of SCNT:
Therapeutic Cloning: In therapeutic cloning, SCNT is used to create stem cells for
medical treatments. The embryo created through SCNT is not implanted in a womb but is
instead used to extract embryonic stem cells. These stem cells are pluripotent, meaning
they can differentiate into any type of cell in the body. Therapeutic cloning holds the
potential for regenerating damaged tissues or organs, treating diseases like Parkinson’s,
and conducting research into genetic conditions. It offers the possibility of creating
patient-specific cells that the immune system would not reject, addressing a significant
hurdle in organ transplantation.
Conservation and Agriculture: SCNT is also used in the conservation of endangered
species by cloning individuals to increase population numbers. In agriculture, cloning
livestock with desirable traits (e.g., increased milk production or disease resistance) can
improve breeding programs. Cloned animals can serve as an exact genetic copy of a high-
yield or resilient organism, aiding in the optimization of food resources.
Application of SCNT in Reproductive Cloning:
Preservation of Endangered Species: SCNT holds great potential in the field of
conservation biology. Endangered or even extinct species can be cloned using this
technology if viable somatic cells are available. By creating genetically identical copies
of animals that are at risk of extinction, SCNT can increase population sizes, maintaining
genetic diversity and helping with species survival. For example, in 2020, scientists
cloned an endangered black-footed ferret using SCNT, marking a significant step in
conservation efforts.
Revival of Extinct Species (De-extinction): SCNT offers theoretical possibilities for the
revival of extinct species, a concept known as de-extinction. By using preserved tissues
of extinct species, scientists can potentially clone these organisms if a closely related
species is available as a surrogate. While this has not yet been achieved on a large scale,
there is significant interest in the revival of species such as the woolly mammoth using
SCNT combined with genetic editing techniques.
Biomedical Research: Reproductive cloning using SCNT can create genetically identical
animal models, which are invaluable for scientific research. Cloned animals provide
consistent genetic backgrounds for studying diseases, testing medical treatments, and
understanding genetic disorders. For example, cloning can help create populations of
genetically identical mice or other laboratory animals, which minimizes variables in
experiments, leading to more accurate research results in areas such as cancer research,
stem cell therapies, and pharmacology.
Now that we got a brief overview on Somatic Cell Nuclear transfer (SCNT). We can look
into the first successful case of Mammal cloning done by scientists, Dolly the first sheep to be
Scientists have managed to clone a number of animals like sheep, cow, mice etc. But, their dream
of cloning a human remained unfulfilled. There have been many attempts of cloning a human. It
has become more of an ethical and social issue rather than a scientific advancement. Many
scientists claimed that they have cloned a human. In 2004, a South-Korean scientist and his team
claimed that they have successfully cloned 11 human embryos for the purpose of extracting stem
cells; later it was confirmed that it was a false statement. Scientists say that is in fact possible to
clone a human by using the famous SCNT.
A cell, which contains DNA, is taken from the person who is being cloned. Then the enucleated
egg is fused together with the cloning subject's cell using electricity. This creates an embryo,
which is implanted into a surrogate mother through invitro-fertilization. If the procedure is
successful, then the surrogate mother will give birth to a baby that's a clone of the cloning subject
at the end of a normal gestation period. Success rate is estimated to be about 2%.
Though we have already seen how SCNT is done, once again we will see how it is done in case
of Human Cloning:
1. Firstly, you have to get an unfertilized human egg. Scientists get them from the egg banks
where the eggs are stored safely in an extremely cold environment, perhaps about -196 degree
2. The next step is to obtain any body cell other that the reproductive cells from the individual to
be cloned. These cells are called Somatic cells. They are preferably obtained from soft tissues of
the body where the cells are active and young.
3. After getting the somatic cell, the next step is to extract its nucleus carefully. After the nucleus
is extracted, the remaining part of the cell is thrown away and the nucleus is kept safe for the
following process.
4. Now we take the egg again and extract its nucleus. This time, we throw the nucleus away and
keep the hollow cell with us. Only the enucleated cell is going to be part of the process.
5. Now we have all the raw material for the cloning process. In this step, the nucleus extracted
from the somatic cell is carefully injected into the enucleated egg. This looks like a brand-new
cell. But the process will be incomplete without the next step.
6. To make the cell actually work, the cell has to be activated by using an electric spark. Then the
nucleus fuses with the cell and forms a kind of pseudo zygote. This is the last step of the human
cloning. Since we have produced a zygote, the rest of the process follows the regular steps like
embryogenesis etc.
Further development of the zygote needs it to be implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother.
In conclusion, this investigatory project on human cloning underscores both the immense
scientific potential and the profound ethical challenges that this technology presents. The ability
to create genetically identical humans through cloning, particularly using Somatic Cell Nuclear
Transfer (SCNT), could revolutionize fields such as medicine, offering groundbreaking
opportunities in areas like regenerative medicine, organ transplantation, and the treatment of
genetic disorders. Therapeutic cloning, for instance, has the potential to generate patient-
specific stem cells, providing new treatments for diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and
diabetes, while minimizing the risks of immune rejection.
However, the project also highlights significant ethical dilemmas and societal concerns,
particularly surrounding reproductive cloning. Creating human clones raises difficult questions
about individuality, identity, and human dignity, as the cloned individual may face unique
psychological and social challenges. The potential for exploitation, such as cloning for specific
traits or organ harvesting, presents serious moral risks. Furthermore, the high failure rates and
health risks associated with cloning experiments, as evidenced in animals like Dolly the sheep,
call into question the safety and feasibility of cloning in humans. The disruption of traditional
family structures, and the fear of reducing human beings to "products" or "designer babies," adds
further complexity to the debate.
Religious, philosophical, and social objections also loom large, with many arguing that cloning
interferes with the natural order or divine will, and may lead to unintended consequences such as
eugenics or genetic inequality. The creation and destruction of embryos in therapeutic cloning
raises ethical concerns about the moral status of embryos, even when the intent is to save lives or
advance medical research. These concerns highlight the need for society to approach cloning
technologies with caution and a deep sense of moral responsibility.
As we move forward, the future of human cloning will depend on finding a delicate balance
between scientific progress and ethical considerations. It is essential that strict guidelines and
regulations are put in place to ensure that cloning technologies are used responsibly, respecting
human rights, and preserving the dignity of individuals. Ongoing dialogue between scientists,
ethicists, policymakers, and society at large will be critical in ensuring that the potential benefits
of human cloning are realized without compromising the core values that define our humanity.