Understanding b1 and B2 Exams
Understanding b1 and B2 Exams
Understanding b1 and B2 Exams
General Questions
Questions A
1. What are the four papers included in the B1/B2 First exam?
2. How is the overall performance in the B1/B2 exam determined?
3. What types of texts are candidates expected to understand in the Reading and Use of English
4. What are the requirements for the Writing section of the B1/B2 First exam?
5. What kinds of spoken material do candidates need to understand in the Listening section?
6. How is the Speaking test conducted, and what types of interactions are candidates assessed on?
Questions B
1. The weighting of each skill and Use of English in the B1/B2 exam is equal.
2. The Reading and Use of English paper lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes for B1/B2
4. The Listening section requires candidates to understand various spoken materials, including
lectures and radio broadcasts.
Questions C
1. How do the four test components of B1 PET/B2 First contribute to a candidate’s overall language
ability profile?
2. What information does the B1 PET/B2 First exam provide about a candidate’s performance?
3. How long does the Reading and Use of English paper last, and how many tasks does it include?
4. What is the structure of the Writing section in the B1 PET/B2 First exam, and how many tasks are
candidates required to complete?
5. How is the Listening section of the B1 PET/B2 First exam structured in terms of tasks and timing?
6. What is the total duration of the B1PET/B2 First exam, and how does this time contribute to
assessing candidates’ language skills?
Questions D
1. What does a Grade A at B2 level represent on the Cambridge English Scale, and what certi cate
do candidates receive if they achieve this grade?
2. What range of Cambridge English Scale scores corresponds to Grades B and C at B2 Level, and
what certi cate is awarded to candidates who achieve these grades?
3. How does the B2 First exam recognize candidates whose performance is at CEFR Level B1?
4. What does the Cambridge English Scale score range of 140–159 indicate about a candidate’s
language ability?
5. How do the Cambridge English Scale scores re ect the varying levels of ability demonstrated by
candidates in the B2 First exam?
Here are three questions based on the text: Here are three questions based on the text:
1. What does Part 1 of the task involve, and how is it
structured? 1. How is Part 1 of the task structured, and what
do candidates need to do to complete it?
2. How can candidates use visual information to help
them understand the context of the short texts in Part 2. What types of lexical knowledge are tested in
1? Part 1 when filling the gaps?
3. What steps should candidates take when
comparing the options with the text before selecting 3. What additional language elements may
their answer? candidates need to consider when choosing the
correct word or phrase for each gap?
Part 2 Reading. Part 2 Reading and Use of English.
Here are some true or false questions based on
Here are four true or false questions based on
the text:
the text:
1. In Part 2, candidates must match five short
1. In Part 2, candidates are provided with a set
descriptions of people to five out of eight short
of words to choose from to fill the gaps.
texts on a specific topic.
2. The focus of the gapped words in Part 2 can
2. Part 2 tests the candidate’s ability to
be grammatical, such as articles and verb forms,
understand detailed factual material.
or lexico-grammatical, such as phrasal verbs and
3. Candidates should only look for identical words
between the descriptions and the texts to find
3. The correct answer in Part 2 will always be a
single word, and sometimes there may be more
than one possible answer.
4. Candidates need to read all eight texts
carefully and underline any matches with the
4. Spelling mistakes are allowed in Part 2, but the
descriptions before making their final
absence or misuse of punctuation is ignored.
Part 3 Reading. Part 3 Reading and Use of English.
Here are four true or false questions based on
Here are three true or false questions based on
the text:
the text:
1. In Part 3, candidates are required to answer
1. In Part 3, candidates need to form appropriate
five multiple-choice questions based on a text
words from given stem words to fill gaps in the
that expresses an opinion or attitude.
2. Candidates only need to understand the global
2. The primary focus of Part 3 is on grammatical
meaning of the text to answer the questions in
structure, rather than lexical knowledge.
Part 3.
3. Candidates may need to understand the text
3. Candidates should read the text once to get
beyond the sentence level to complete Part 3.
the general idea and then read it again more
carefully for detailed understanding.
Part 4 Reading.
Part 4 Reading and Use of English.
Here are four true or false questions based on
the text: Here are four true or false questions based on
the text:
1.In Part 4, candidates need to find and place five
missing sentences into a text with five numbered 1. In Part 4, candidates need to complete
spaces, using a total of eight sentences provided. sentences by filling in a gap with between two
and five words, including a key word.
2. Candidates only need to focus on the
grammatical fit of the sentences when selecting 2. The key word in Part 4 can be altered in any
the missing sentences for Part 4. way to fit the sentence.
3. After filling in the gaps, candidates should read 3. Part 4 tests only grammatical knowledge and
the text again to confirm that it is coherent and does not focus on lexical aspects of language.
makes sense.
4. The mark scheme for Part 4 awards one mark
4. Candidates should decide why the remaining for each correct part of the answer, with two parts
sentences do not fit the gaps after choosing a evaluated per question.
sentence for each numbered space.
Part 5 Reading. Part 5 Reading and Use of English.
Here are five true or false questions based on the
Here are two true or false questions based on the
1. In Part 5, candidates must choose the correct
1. In this part, candidates are tested on their
word or phrase from a set of four options to fill
ability to understand the text’s opinion, attitude,
one of six numbered gaps in a short text.
purpose, main idea, and tone, as well as their
recognition of meaning from context and text
2. The gaps in Part 5 are primarily designed to
organization features.
test grammatical knowledge, with vocabulary
being less important.
2.The emphasis in this part is solely on
recognizing the main idea of the text and does
3. Candidates should read only the parts of the
not include understanding detailed aspects like
text with gaps to choose the correct word or
tone or text organization features.
3. In Part 5, candidates answer six multiple-
4. After selecting an answer, candidates need to
choice questions with four options each, which
check the other options and understand why they
test their understanding of content, text
are incorrect.
organization, and attitudes expressed in the text.
5. Candidates are required to skim the text
4. The text in Part 5 is always taken from
initially to understand the topic and general
historical documents or academic papers.
meaning before answering the questions.
5. Questions in Part 5 may focus on the tone of
the text and the writer’s purpose, but they will not
require candidates to infer meanings from
Part 6 Reading.
Part 6 Reading and Use of English.
Here are four true or false questions.
Here are four true or false questions.
1. In Part 6, candidates need to think of a word to
fill each of the six numbered gaps in the text, as 1. In Part 6, candidates are given one text with
there are no sets of words provided. six sentences removed and jumbled, plus one
additional sentence that does not fit any of the
2. Part 6 is designed solely to test candidates’ gaps.
knowledge of phrasal verbs and common fixed
phrases. 2.Candidates need to use all seven sentences to
complete the gaps in Part 6.
3. Candidates should skim the text initially to
understand the general topic and meaning before 3. Part 6 primarily tests candidates' ability to
focusing on each individual gap. follow the development of ideas, opinions, and
events through the entire text, rather than
4. Candidates are allowed to use more than one focusing on individual sentences.
word to fill each gap in Part 6.
4. Each sentence in Part 6 may be used more
than once to fill different gaps in the text.
( BLANK SPACE) 2. The texts used in this part are exclusively long
texts, and no short texts are included.
General Writing Questions
General Writing Questions
Here are some true or false questions.
Here are some true or false questions.
1. Learners should be very familiar with the
writing tasks and their requirements before taking 1. Candidates are required to write 140–190
the exam. words for both Part 1 and Part 2 of the exam.
2. Learners should write exactly the required 2. Writing significantly fewer words than required
number of words during the exam. is likely to mean that the task has been
successfully completed.
3. Including irrelevant information in the writing
task helps clarify the message. 3. Writing approximately the right number of
words is important for task achievement.
4. In digital exams, the word count is displayed
on the screen. 4. Overlong pieces of writing are usually well-
organised and relevant to the task.
5. For paper-based exams, learners should
spend time counting words to ensure they meet 5. Writing too many words can negatively affect
the required length. the target reader.
6. In Part 1, the task will be in the form of an
6. The word length provided is only a guide that essay question with prompts.
learners should aim for.
7. Candidates are required to write a narrative
7. To improve email-writing, learners should essay in grammatically correct English using a
ignore the typical language and phrases used in casual register.
8. The input for Part 1, including the rubric, may
8. Learners should plan and write short articles be up to 120 words.
on topics that interest them to improve their
article-writing skills. 9. The essay prompts will always be unrelated to
the question or statement.
9. Reading articles from magazines and websites
can help learners understand the structure and 10. Candidates must address both given prompts
language features of article-like texts. and introduce a third distinct idea of their own.
10. To practice story-writing, learners should only 11. Effective organisation and cohesion are not
write stories in class, not at home. important features of a successful essay.
11. Reading short stories, such as simplified 12. A range of structures and appropriate
English readers, helps learners understand how vocabulary are required to communicate ideas
stories start, develop, and end. and opinions in the essay.
B1 PET Part 1 Writing Compulsory Task
Part 1 Writing Compulsory Task
Here are some true or false questions.
Here are some true or false questions.
1. Part 2 will always have three different tasks.
1. Candidates must answer the question provided
in the task.
2. In Part 2, students should use a limited
number of grammatical structures and avoid
2. The input material for the task consists of 100–
exploring new vocabulary.
120 words, including a standard rubric and an
3. Since there is always a choice of task types in
Part 2, students should always choose the task
3. The task requires candidates to write an email
type, regardless of their interests or experience.
response of around 200 words.
4. Every word in the instructions for Part 2 is
4. Candidates must include only two of the four
important to the task.
content points provided in the task.
5. The task types in the Writing paper are
5. The task requires candidates to demonstrate
designed to help candidates develop their ideas
their ability to use the language of functions, such
on a topic with a purpose and a target reader in
as agreeing, disagreeing, and offering opinions.
6. Before writing their reply, candidates should
6. The purpose of an article is mainly to provide
ignore who they are writing to and focus only on
factual information without any personal opinion
the content points.
or comment.
7. It is recommended that candidates memorize a
7. An email or letter in the Writing paper should
pre-prepared answer to use in the exam.
always be written in an appropriate register and
tone for the specified target reader.
8. Candidates should practice planning and
writing timed answers to ensure their responses
8. A report is usually written for a superior or peer
are well-organized and within the recommended
group and should include factual information and
word length.
9. Evaluating their own and others’ answers can
9. A review’s main purpose is to express a
help candidates improve their organization,
personal opinion about something the writer has
language, and communication skills.
experienced, such as a film or product.
10. After writing their response, candidates
10. A report should be disorganized and informal
should review their answer to ensure clarity and
without any specific structure.
that all content points are included.
11. A review does not need to include a
recommendation to the reader.
General Listening Questions General Listening Questions
Here are some true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. Teachers should expose learners to only one 1. The Listening paper contains four parts, each
type of listening situation to avoid confusion. with recorded texts and corresponding
comprehension tasks.
2. Conversations at home or between friends
may appear in Parts 1 and 2 of the Listening 2. Each part of the Listening paper is heard only
paper. once.
3. Radio announcements can be found in Parts 1 3. Candidates are advised to write their answers
and 4 of the Listening paper. in the spaces provided on the question paper
while listening.
4. Parts of talks are included in Part 3 of the
Listening paper. 4. There are no additional instructions for the
tasks beyond what is printed on the question
5. The Listening paper does not include recorded paper.
5. Candidates have 10 minutes at the end of the
6. The recordings in the Listening paper will test to transfer their answers to a separate
feature only one standard native-speaker accent. answer sheet.
7. Teachers can use the topics list to help select 6. Candidates indicate their answers by shading
suitable listening materials for learners. the correct lozenges or writing the required word
or words in capital letters on the answer sheet.
8. Helping learners identify and understand the
type of text they are listening to and the purpose 7. The instructions for each task include
of the task will aid them in choosing the most announcements of pauses, during which
appropriate listening strategies. candidates can familiarise themselves with the
task and predict what they are likely to hear.
9. Classroom discussion activities are sufficient
for developing listening skills, and learners do not 8. The Listening paper features a variety of
need to listen to a range of recordings. voices, styles of delivery, and accents to reflect
the international contexts of the test takers.
10. Learners should make sure to read the
instructions on the question paper and listen to
them on the recording to ensure they understand
the task.
Listening Part 1 Listening Part 1
Here are some true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 1 of the Listening paper, there are 1. Each question in Part 1 is followed by a
seven short listening texts, each accompanied by context sentence that is read out on the
a question and three visual images. recording.
2. Each recording in Part 1 is played only once. 2. In Part 1, the recordings are played three times
to allow candidates to answer the questions.
3. Candidates need to choose the visual image
that best answers the question based on what 3. Each correct answer in Part 1 receives 2
they heard in the text. marks.
4. The task in Part 1 requires candidates to listen 4. The eight questions in Part 1 are not preceded
for general ideas rather than specific information. by any context sentence.
5. While listening for the first time, candidates 5. Candidates have time to read each question
should focus on checking the accuracy of their before hearing the recording in Part 1.
Listening Part 2 Listening Part 2
Here are some true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 2, there are six short dialogues, each 1. Each correct answer in Part 2 receives 2
with a context sentence and three options to marks.
choose from.
2. The 10 questions in Part 2 are presented as
2. Candidates need to listen for specific details in multiple-choice questions.
Part 2 rather than for gist.
3. The questions in Part 2 follow a random order
3. The task in Part 2 requires candidates to listen in relation to the information in the listening text.
to the text and choose the option that best
answers the question or completes the sentence. 4. Answers in Part 2 will not exceed three words
in length.
4. While listening for the first time, candidates
should choose the best option based on their 5. Candidates will need to change the word,
understanding of the gist. number, or phrase they hear on the recording to
complete the sentences.
5. Candidates need to repeat the process of
listening and checking answers for all questions 6. Minor spelling errors in Part 2 are penalised if
in Part 2. they affect the clarity of the answer.
Listening Part 3 Listening Part 3
Here are some true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 3, candidates receive a page with notes 1. Candidates need to match an option to the
or sentences summarizing the content of the text, correct speaker in Part 3.
with six pieces of information removed.
2. Each correct answer in Part 3 receives 2
2. The task in Part 3 requires candidates to locate marks.
and record specific information from the text.
3. In Part 3, candidates listen to five long texts
3. Candidates should listen to the instructions with multiple speakers.
and then use the pause to write down the
information without reading the text on the page. 4. The texts in Part 3 may all be related by
discussing aspects of the same subject or similar
4. Using the order of the information on the page experiences.
helps candidates follow the recording.
5. Candidates choose the option that best
5. While listening for the first time, candidates matches what each speaker says from a set of
should focus on writing detailed paragraphs to ten options.
complete each gap.
Listening Part 4 Listening Part 4
Here are some true or false questions.
Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 4, candidates listen to a longer text
which is always an interview. 1. Each correct answer in Part 4 receives 2
2. Candidates have to answer six multiple-choice
questions by selecting the correct answer from a 2. The seven questions in Part 4 are 4-option
choice of four options. multiple-choice questions.
3. Candidates should start by reading and 3. The questions in Part 4 follow the order of the
listening to the instructions, then use the pause to interaction on the recording.
read the questions and consider the context.
4. Texts in Part 4 are usually interviews or
4. While listening for the first time, candidates discussions featuring one speaker.
should focus on detailed understanding of the
text and choose the best option for each
Speaking General questions Speaking General questions
Here are some true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. The standard format for the Speaking test 1. The Speaking test contains four parts.
includes two candidates and two examiners.
2. There are three candidates and two examiners
2. The interlocutor manages the interaction and in the Speaking test.
speaks directly with the candidates.
3. One examiner acts as both the interlocutor and
3. The assessor joins in the conversation and assessor.
assesses the candidates’ performances.
4. The interlocutor manages the interaction by
4. When there are three candidates, the asking questions or providing cues for the
Speaking test timing is longer, lasting 15–17 candidates.
minutes instead of 10–12 minutes.
5. The second examiner only acts as an assessor
Speaking Part 1 B2 FIRST
Speaking Part 1
Here are some true or false questions.
Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 1, the interlocutor has a general
1. Part 1 of the test assesses the candidates’
conversation with both candidates at the same
ability to use social and interactional language.
2. In Part 1, candidates are encouraged to talk
2. The interlocutor asks questions about
to each other and discuss their answers.
personal details, daily routines, likes, and
3. The questions in Part 1 focus on the
candidates' own lives, such as work, leisure
3. Candidates are required to speak directly to
time, and future plans.
each other in Part 1 of the Speaking test.
4. Part 1 gives candidates an opportunity to
4. This part of the test assesses the candidates'
provide basic personal information about
ability to participate in spontaneous
communication in an everyday setting.
5. Part 1 is designed to make candidates feel
5. The conversation in Part 1 is designed to
comfortable before moving on to more specific
make candidates feel more comfortable and
tasks in later parts of the test.
settle into the test.
6. The interlocutor does not ask questions in
6. Candidates should only give one-word
Part 1 of the test.
answers to the questions in Part 1.
B1 PET Speaking Part 2
Speaking Part 2
Here are true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 2, the interlocutor instructs each 1. Part 2 tests the candidates’ ability to produce
candidate one at a time. an extended piece of discourse.
2. Each candidate speaks for about 2 minutes 2. In Part 2, candidates are interrupted
while describing their photograph. frequently while speaking about the
3. The photographs given to the candidates
show everyday situations relevant to their age 3. Each candidate is asked to compare two color
group. photographs and make a further comment in
response to a task.
4. Candidates should speculate about the
context and discuss wider issues raised by the 4. Candidates should point out similarities and
photographs. differences between the photographs and then
answer the question related to both
5. Candidates are encouraged to describe the photographs.
people, activities, and details of the photograph
as if explaining it to someone who cannot see it. 5. The listening candidate is allowed to speak
during their partner’s long turn.
Speaking Part 3
Speaking Part 3 Here are some true or false questions.
Here are six true or false questions.
1. Part 3 tests the candidates’ ability to engage
1. The prompt material consists of images in a discussion and work towards a negotiated
designed to generate the candidates' ideas outcome of the task set.
about an imaginary situation.
2. In Part 3, candidates are given five written
2. Candidates are assessed on the quality of prompts that must all be discussed within the
their ideas rather than their use of appropriate time available.
language and interactive strategies.
3. The interlocutor asks a second question
3. The interlocutor reads the instructions twice designed to encourage candidates to summarise
while candidates look at the prompt material. their discussion and work towards a negotiated
5. Candidates should discuss all visual prompts
and not come to a conclusion too quickly to 4.Candidates are penalised if they fail to reach a
demonstrate their full range of language ability. negotiated decision in Part 3.
6.If the interaction breaks down, the interlocutor 5. The task in Part 3 is opinion-based, and there
will help redirect the candidates without joining is no right or wrong answer.
in the task.
6. Candidates are expected to take turns
appropriately and use the language of
negotiation and collaboration.
Speaking Part 4 Speaking Part 4
Here are six true or false questions. Here are some true or false questions.
1. In Part 4, the interlocutor asks questions to 1. Part 4 tests the candidates’ ability to engage
encourage candidates to discuss and broaden in a discussion based on the topic of the
the topic introduced in Part 3. collaborative task in Part 3.
2. The questions in Part 4 will focus on the 2. In Part 4, the interlocutor asks questions that
candidates’ likes, dislikes, habits, and opinions. encourage candidates to discuss and broaden
topics introduced in Part 1.
3. The questions in Part 4 can only be
addressed to one candidate at a time. 3. The questions in Part 4 primarily ask for an
evaluation rather than just information.
4. This part of the test lasts about 5 minutes in
total. 4. Part 4 of the test gives candidates an
opportunity to discuss issues in greater depth
5. Candidates are encouraged to talk about their than in Part 3.
personal experiences and give full answers to
the questions asked. 5. The questions in Part 4 are designed to help
candidates demonstrate their ability to discuss
6. Candidates are assessed on their opinions as topics in more detail.
well as the language they use to express
themselves. 6. In Part 4, the topics for discussion are
introduced for the first time.