DS Assignment 2024-25
DS Assignment 2024-25
DS Assignment 2024-25
Name of Student
Enrollment No.
CO and PSO
Course Outcome (CO)
Students will be able to:
Course CO Statement
CO1 Define and classify various data structures, storage structures and common operations on
CO2 Create various linear data structures with their representation and perform different
operations on them
CO3 Create various nonlinear data structures with their representation and perform different
operations on them
CO4 Apply various searching sorting techniques on data set
CO5 Solve the given a problem using an appropriate data structure to achieve optimal
performance and compare its performance with other possible data structures
Name of Student
Enrollment No.
Sr.No Title Date Grade Sign
1 Introduction to Data Structures
2 Stack, Queue and Linked List
3 Tree and Graph
4 Sorting and Searching
5 Hashing and File Organizations
[Batch 1]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
Q.1 What does abstract data type mean? U
Q.2 Define data structure. List the various linear and non-linear data structures R
and explain them in brief with its applications .
Q.3 Define Algorithms. Write an algorithm to multiply two matrices. Also U+A
Perform Time Analysis for the same.
Q.4 Given a two dimensional array Z1(2:9, 9:18) stored in column-major order E
with base address 100 and size of each element is 4 bytes, find the address of
the element Z1(4, 12).
[Batch 2]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
Differentiate the following terms: A
Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures
Primitive and Non-Primitive Data Structures
[Batch 3]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
Q.1 Discuss the basic operations performed with linear structure. U+R
Q.3 Given a two dimensional array Z1(2:9, 9:18) stored in column-major order E
with base address 100 and size of each element is 4 bytes, find the address of
the element Z1(4, 12).
[Batch 1]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
Q.1 Write an algorithm to convert infix expression to postfix expression. U
Q.4 Write an algorithm for circular queue that insert an element at rear end. U
Q.5 Write an advantage of link list , doubly link list and circular link list.
[Batch 2]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
Q.1 Write an algorithm for stack operations Push, Pop and Empty. Assume stack U
is implemented using array.
Q.2 E
Write an algorithm for evaluation of postfix expression and evaluate the
following expression showing every status of stack in tabular form.
a. 5 4 6 + * 4 9 3 / + *
b. 7 5 2 + * 4 1 1 + / -
Q.3 Write an algorithm for Double Ended Queue that insert an element at front U
Q.3 Write an algorithm to implement ascending priority queue using singular A+U
linear linked list which has insert() function such that queue remains ordered
list. Also implement remove() function.
[Batch 1]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 How many null branches does a binary tree possess? U
[Batch 2]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 Mention the properties of a B-Tree. R
3 Write recursive ‘C’ functions for (1) in-order (2) pre-order and (3) U
post-order traversals of binary search tree.
4 What is a binary search tree? Create a binary search tree for the following R+E
data. 14, 10, 17, 12, 10, 11, 20, 12, 18, 25, 20, 8, 22, 11, 23 Explain
deleting node 20 in the resultant binary search tree.
2 Construct a binary tree from the traversals given below: In-order: 1, 10, 11, E
12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21 Post-order: 1, 11, 12, 10, 14, 18, 21, 17, 15, 13
3 With a suitable example, explain steps for conversion of a general tree into a U
binary tree.
5 Draw a Binary expression tree for the following and perform pre-order E
traversal: (A $ B $ C) + (D – E * F)
7 Apply Dijkstra’s algorithm for the following graph with Node S as the U
starting node.
[Batch 1]
[Batch 2]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 “If no interchanges occurred, then the table must be sorted and no further U+E
passes are required.” Which sorting method works on this principle? Apply
above sorting technique on the following data : 5, 1, 4, 2, 8
2 Explain the difference between insertion sort and selection sort with an U+N
example. What is the time complexity of these algorithms? How?
[Batch 3]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 Sort following with Selection Sort Method : 20, 50, 30, 75, 90, 60, 25, 10, E
2 Apply a merge sort algorithm for the following data and show the steps. 66, E
33, 40, 22, 55, 88, 11, 80, 20, 50, 44, 77, 30.
Data Structures (3130702)
Assignment –V: Hashing and File Organizations
[Batch 1]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 How do the following hash functions work? (i) The mid-square method U
(ii) Digit analysis
2 Explain Sequential file organizations and list its advantages and R+U
[Batch 2]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 What is hashing? What are the qualities of a good hash function? Explain R+U
any two hash functions in detail.
[Batch 3]
Q. Questions (Total Marks: 10) Level of
No Bloom’s
1 Explain various Hash collision resolution techniques with examples. U