COA Assignment 2-1

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COA Assignment 2

Part A
1. Draw pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor.

2. Explain function of each pin of 8085 microprocessor.

➢ X1 & X2:
− It is a crystal oscillator with frequency 6.014 MHz with operating
frequency 3.07 MHz. It is known as clock input.
− When these pin is at logic 1 (set) then clock input given to the IC.
➢ VSS & VCC:
− VCC given with respect to VSS (Ground).
− The supply voltage is +5V DC.
− When these pin is at logic 1, then supply voltage given to the
➢ CLK Out:
− It is known as clock out.
− It is one type acknowledgment signal.
− When this pin at logic 1, then microprocessor receive & process clock
input (X1,X2).
➢ A8-A15:
− It is higher order address bus.
− When this pin at logic 1, then higher order address bus is active.
➢ ALE:
− It is known as Address Latch Enable.
− It is used to separate the address and data on multiplexed lines (AD0-AD7)
in microprocessors.
− When this pin is at logic 1 (set), then lower order address bus is active (A0
➢ AD0-AD7:
− It is a multiplex address data bus.
− Address bus behave like output and data bus behave like I/O.
− When ALE is high or logic 1, then address bus A0 to A7 is active.
− When ALE is low or logic 0, then data bus D0 to D7 is active.
➢ Ready:
− When this pin at logic 1 then microprocessor is ready to perform
➢ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
− When this pin at logic 0 then microprocessor receive the reset signal and
process the operation from the initial location.
− When this pin at logic 1 then microprocessor receive the reset signal and
process the operation from the initial location.
➢ SID:
− When this pin at logic 1 then microprocessor perform the serial operation
as input.
➢ SOD:
− When this pin at logic 1 then microprocessor perform the serial operation
as output.
− When this pin at logic 1, then microprocessor holds the operation at the
same location and when this is at logic 0, then microprocessor continues
the operation.
− When this pin at logic 1, then microprocessor receive the hold signal and
process on it.
➢ S0 & S1:
− Both are status signals means it provides status of operation of
− The operation are initial, read, write and END state.
➢ IO/𝐌
− It is an input output / Memory
̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ signal.

− When this pin is at logic 1(set) then microprocessor performs input output
related operation.
− When this pin is at logic zero, (reset) then microprocessor performs
memory related operations.
− It is combined with status signal S0 and S1.
➢ ̅̅̅̅
− It is a Read
̅̅̅̅̅̅ signal.

− When this pin is at logic 1 (set), then microprocessor read the data from
device or memory.
➢ ̅̅̅̅̅
− When this pin at logic 1, then microprocessor write the data.
− When this pin at logic 1 then microprocessor receives the interrupt signal
in form of trap then program control transport to location 0024H.
➢ RST 7.5:
− When this pin at logic 1 or set then microprocessor receive the interrupt
signal 7.5 and program control transfer to location 003CH.
➢ RST 6.5:
− When this pin at logic 1 or set then microprocessor receive the interrupt
signal 6.5 and program control transfer to location 003CH.
➢ RST 5.5:
− When this pin at logic 1 or set then microprocessor receive the interrupt
signal 5.5 and program control transfer to location 003CH.
− When this pin at logic one or set then microprocessor receive the interrupt
signal and perform control transfer to the location which is decided by
➢ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
− When this pin at logic 0 or set then microprocessor receive any of above
interrupt signal and perform interrupt population.
Part B
1. Explain flag register of 8085 microprocessor.

➢ It provides the status of program in terms of Set and Reset condition.

➢ It is made up of flip flop.
➢ It provides the status after performing arithmetic and logical operation.
➢ Sign flag (S):
− After performing arithmetic & logical operation if the answer is negative
then this flag is set otherwise reset.
➢ Zero flag (Z):
− After performing arithmetic & logical operation if the answer is zero then
this flag is set otherwise reset.
➢ Carry flag (C):
− After performing arithmetic & logical operation if carry is generated then
flag is set otherwise reset.
➢ Parity flag (P):
− After performing arithmetic & logical operation if the answer with even
parity (no. of 1 is even) then this flag is set otherwise reset.
➢ Auxiliary Carry (AC):
− After performing arithmetic & logical operation if carry is generated from
D3 to D4 or lower nibble to upper nibble then flag is set otherwise reset.
2. Explain 8085 bus organization in brief.
➢ Bus is a group of wire that connect all devices within a computer system.
Each wire can transfer I/O information. A bus carries data, address, and
control information. There are three types of buses: Address bus, data bus,
& control bus.
➢ Address bus: Carries memory addresses from the CPU to memory or I/O
devices. It is unidirectional.
➢ Data bus: Transfers data between the CPU and other components. It is
➢ Control bus: Sends control signals, such as read/write commands, to
coordinate CPU actions
Part C
1. Explain architecture of 8085 microprocessor with neat diagram.
1. Accumulator (A):
− An 8-bit register used for arithmetic, logical, and data transfer operations.
− The result of operations performed by the ALU is stored in the accumulator.
2. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU):
− Performs arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, and logical
operations such as AND, OR, XOR.
− Interacts with the accumulator and temporary registers for processing.
3. Registers (B, C, D, E, H, L):
− General Purpose Registers: B, C, D, E, H, and L are 8-bit registers that
can also be paired (BC, DE, HL) to store 16-bit data.
− Program Counter (PC): A 16-bit register that holds the address of the next
instruction to be executed.
− Stack Pointer (SP): A 16-bit register used to point to the top of the stack in
4. Instruction Register and Decoder:
− The instruction register holds the opcode (operation code) of the current
instruction being executed.
− The instruction decoder decodes the opcode and determines the actions to be
taken by the microprocessor.
5. Temporary Register:
− Used internally by the microprocessor for temporary storage of intermediate
results during execution of instructions.
6. Flag Register:
− An 8-bit register that indicates the status of the processor after an arithmetic
or logical operation. Important flags include:
o Sign (S) Flag
o Zero (Z) Flag
o Auxiliary Carry (AC) Flag
o Parity (P) Flag
o Carry (CY) Flag
7. Timing and Control Unit:
− Controls the flow of data between the microprocessor and peripherals.
− Provides timing signals to synchronize the microprocessor’s operations.
8. Address Bus:
− A 16-bit bus used to carry the address of memory locations, allowing the
processor to access 64KB of memory.
9. Data Bus:
− An 8-bit bus used to transfer data between the processor, memory, and I/O
10. Interrupt Control:
− The 8085 supports 5 interrupt signals: TRAP, RST7.5, RST6.5, RST5.5, and
INTR, which allow peripherals to interrupt the normal execution of the

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