JCM 13 01810
JCM 13 01810
JCM 13 01810
Clinical Medicine
Systematic Review
Telehealth in Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors:
A Systematic Review
Juan Carlos Zuil-Escobar 1, * , Jose Antonio Martín-Urrialde 1 , Juan Andrés Mesa-Jiménez 1 ,
Rocío Palomo-Carrión 2 and Carmen Belén Martínez-Cepa 1, *
Abstract: Background: There has been an increase in people with disabilities who require continuous
care, which often falls to informal carers (ICs). Stroke is one of the conditions where ICs are most
needed. Therefore, it is necessary for ICs to improve their caregiving skills and self-care capacity.
Telehealth (TH) can facilitate them. The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the evidence of
the effects of interventions on ICs of stroke patients. Methods: The search was conducted in Pubmed,
Scopus, Web of Science, CINALH, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, and APA PsycInfo.
Key search terms included “stroke”, “informal caregiver” and “telemedicine”. Only randomised
clinical trials were included. Results: A total of 2031 articles were found in the databases, 476 were
screened and 19 clinical trials met the eligibility criteria. Different TH programmes have evaluated
many outcomes related to physical and emotional health. The TH tools included phone, videophone,
web-based interventions, and social media. The most investigated outcome was depression; although
contradictory results were found, the TH may have helped to prevent an increase in depressive
symptoms. There were inconsistent results on the caregiving burden and the preparedness of the IC.
However, TH has positive effects on the health of the ICs, reducing the number of unhealthy days,
anxiety, task difficulty perception, and improving psychological health. Conclusions: TH may be a
useful tool to improve the abilities and health of ICs of SS. No adverse effects have been reported.
Citation: Zuil-Escobar, J.C.; Martín-
More quality studies evaluating the effects of telemedicine on the ICs of stroke survivors, as well as
Urrialde, J.A.; Mesa-Jiménez, J.A.;
the most appropriate doses, are needed.
Palomo-Carrión, R.; Martínez-Cepa,
C.B. Telehealth in Informal Caregivers
Keywords: caregiver; caregiver burden; stroke; telemedicine
of Stroke Survivors: A Systematic
Review. J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810.
In the United States, it is estimated that there are 17.7 million people providing
informal care to people over the age of 65 years [7]. There is therefore a need to develop
interventions to support them in their role and improve their health. Although ICs are
aware of the need to look after their health, many find it difficult to find the time to do so
or to follow the advice given by healthcare professionals [15].
Stroke is the third leading cause of disability worldwide [16] and its prevalence con-
tinues to increase [17]. One-third of stroke survivors (SS) suffer permanent disability [18],
while 40% of SS require care, with the IC playing a key role in their recovery [19] and
in preventing further episodes [20]. The ICs of SS do not have the skills to manage the
disease [21]. In addition, most of these ICs are older people with other health problems [22].
For example, up to 50% of them show depressive symptoms, a percentage that rises to 80%
in the acute phase of the disease [23]. The perceived burden of IC is mainly determined
by the functional status of the caregiver, the duration of care, the number of hours of
caregiving per day, and self-efficacy [24]. One of the challenges for health systems and
society is to improve the knowledge of ICs about the pathology and their ability to care, as
well as to provide them with adequate tools for self-care [25]. It is therefore necessary that
ICs in stroke have resources available to them during the post-discharge process, as well as
regular communication and support from healthcare professionals [26].
Telehealth (TH) can help in the workplace [27] by facilitating access to services without
the need to travel, improving adherence to interventions and facilitating care [28]. For ICs,
it helps them by reducing absenteeism [12] and financial costs and facilitating access to
interventions [29]. The TH has been shown to have a positive effect on the emotional and
psychosocial state of ICs in chronic patients [4,12]. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, TH
has been shown positive effects on the health of ICs, helping them with the disease process
and in their caregiving role [30].
Several TH programmes have been used for stroke. Therefore, telerehabilitation
programmes have shown similar results to conventional rehabilitation programmes in
improving patients’ activities of daily living, motor function, balance, and quality of
life [31,32]. In addition, two systematic reviews on the use of telerehabilitation in stroke
care showed that these programmes have positive health outcomes for ICs [33,34].
TH can help solve some of the problems faced by ICs of stroke patients. They use
internet tools, such as Google, to search for information about their unmet needs and to
connect with other caregivers [35]. Similarly, there are also a number of mobile applications
available to support these ICs. A scoping review found that these apps provide help in three
main areas: caregiver support, barriers, and informal caregiver support [36]. In addition, the
mHealth tools for ICs of stroke survivors include several functionalities such as information
resources, risk assessment, remote monitoring, data sharing or reminders [37]. However,
no systematic reviews were found that evaluated the effects of TH programmes specifically
targeted at ICs of stroke survivors.
The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the evidence of the effects of
interventions on ICs of patients who have suffered a stroke.
3. Results
3.1. Study Selection
Figure 1 shows the PRISMA flowchart describing the selection process for this system-
atic review. Two thousand and thirty-one preliminary articles were found in the databases.
After removing duplicates and records marked as ineligible by automated tools, 476 articles
were scanned for title and abstract, and 429 were excluded. A total of 47 articles were
read in full, and 28 articles were excluded. Nineteen articles [43–61] met the eligibility
criteria and were included in the final review. No further articles were found by searching
other sources.
3.2. Sample Size and Participant Characteristics (Age and Number of Women per Study) of the
Articles Reviewed
A total of 1483 ICs were included in all the articles reviewed. Table 1 shows the main
characteristics of the population included in the articles reviewed.
Table 1. Population.
Table 1. Cont.
1. Prisma
largestFlowchart showing
sample size was the
for review process.
the article by Goudarzian et al. [54], which included
152 ICs. On the other hand, Grant et al. [43] included 30 participants.
3.2. Sample Size
In terms ofand Participant
gender, Characteristics
the majority of the ICs(Age
are and Number
women of Women per Study)
[43–47,50–56,58–61] and of
in the
Articles Reviewed
articles, the IC was the spouse or the daughter/son of the SS [43–45,47,49,50,52,55,60]. The
A total
average ageofof1483 ICs is
the ICs were included
over 50 years,inwith
all the articles
the reviewed.
exception Table 1 shows
of Goudarzian et al.the
Mohammadi et
characteristics ofal.
the[61], Mou et included
population al. [57], and Hussin
in the et al.
articles [60], where it is over 45 years.
Only Elsheikh et al. [56] and Demir et al. [59] included ICs below 40 years old.
Table 1. Population.
3.3. Interventions
Article n Age Women
Table 2 shows the characteristics of the interventions and the outcomes of the articles
included in this systematic review. In terms of interventions, the reviewed articles included
Grantintervention programmes IG:
et al., 1999 [43]
10 telephone [43–45,50–55,57–59,61], videophone [47],
using 56 years 21
web-based interventions [46,48,49,52,59],CG: 10 mobile applications [60], and social media [61].
PAG: 10
Table et al., 2002 [44]
2. Interventions 74
(both in the intervention 56 ±groups),
and control 12 years 67
main outcome measures, and
follow-up carried out in the articles reviewed.
IG: 56.43 ± 9.61 IG: 13
Bakas et al., 2009 [45] IG: 21
Article Interventions CG: 57.84 ± 11.8 Measurement 16
CG: 19 Outcomes Times
Table 2. Cont.
Table 2. Cont.
Comparisons included home visits [43], sham telephone calls [44,52], usual care [44–
47,49,51,53–55,57–61], online basic information [48], and information letters [50] and book-
let [56].
In addition to the heterogeneity of the interventions, there was also wide variation in
the duration of the interventions and the follow-up.
3.4. Outcomes
The interventions focused on different aspects of the CI, and the studies that were
reviewed were concerned with the effects of interventions on the health of ICs. Depression
was one of the most important outcomes evaluated [43–48,50–53,55]. General health
perceptions were assessed in six articles [43–45,53,59,61]. The burden of the care was also
evaluated in nine articles [43,44,47,53,55–59]. Changes in the lifestyle of the CIs have also
been studied [60].
Other outcomes assessed were the CI’s ability to cope with the tasks [43–45,53] and
the caregiver’s preparedness [43,44,48–50,53,58,59], satisfaction [43,44,46,47], and func-
tional independence [51]. The impact of caregiving on the life of the CI [45,56], the num-
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 9 of 20
ber of unhealthy days [52], self-esteem [48], threat appraisal [45], anxiety [53,54] or the
caregiver’s stroke risk [60], social support [48,53], and the family functioning were also
evaluated [51,57].
3.5. Results
Table 3 shows the main outcomes of the studies.
Pierce et al., 2009 [46] CES-D = 12.3 ± 9.8 vs. 9 ± 9.1 (p > 0.05) No statistical difference between groups was found
SWLS = 21.7± 6.7 vs. 24.6± 6 (p > 0.05) in depression and satisfaction.
CSI 1–3 months a = −1.64 ± 3.31 vs. 2 ± 6.26 (p < 0.05) The IG shows significantly lower caregiver strain at
Perrin et al., 2010 [47] 3 months. The IG showed also less depression than
CES-D = −1.81 b (p > 0.05) the CG, but without statistical significance.
The IG showed significantly lower depression than
Smith et al., 2012 [48] CES-D week 11 = 13.9 ± 2 vs. 19.7 ± 1.8 (p < 0.05) the CG in weeks 11 and 15. No significant differences
CES-D week 15 = 13.4 ± 1.6 vs. 24.1 ± 0.5 (p < 0.05)
were found for other variables.
Kim et al., 2013 [49] CGMS = (19.7 ± 2.8 vs. 22.8 ± 2.5) (p < 0.05) The IG improved significantly in mastery.
The IG showed significantly lower levels of
Pfeiffer et al., 2014 [50] CES-D months 3 = 17.3 ± 7.55 vs. 20.4 ± 9.44 (p < 0.05) depressive symptoms after both 3 and 12 months. No
CES-D months 12 = 2.4 ± 7.52 vs. 18.2 ± 10.87 (p < 0.05)
significant differences were found for other variables.
FAD months 3 = 2.4 ± 4.6 vs. −2.5 ± 3.5 (p < 0.05) The IG showed an improvement in both
Bishop et al., 2014 [51] FAD month 6 = 2.7 ± 6.4 vs. −2.8 ± 4 (p < 0.05) independence functioning in months 3 and 6 and
FAI month 3 = −0.65 ± 5.4 vs. 2.13 ± 3.72 (p < 0.05)
FAI month 6 = −0.84 ± 4.5 vs. 1.74 ± 3.8 (p < 0.05) family functioning in months 3 and 6.
PHQ-9 weeks 1–8 = −3.6 ± 0.8 vs. −0.9 ± 0.7 (p < 0.05)
PHQ.9 weeks 1–12= −3.9 ± 0.8 vs. −2 ± 0.7 (p < 0.05) There was a statistically significant reduction in
PHQ-9 weeks 1–24 = −3.6 ± 0.7 vs. −1.6 ± 0.6 (p < 0.05) depression in weeks 8, 12, 24, and 52; an
Bakas et al., 2015 [52] PHQ-9 weeks 1–52 = −4 ± 0.8 vs. −1.1 ± 0.7 (p < 0.05)
BCOS weeks 1–8 = 2.9 ± 1.3 vs. 1.2 ± 1.2 (p < 0.05) improvement in life changes in week 8 and a
Unhealthy days weeks 1–8 = −1.1 ± 0.9 vs. 1.8 ± 0.9 reduction in unhealthy days in week 8 in the IG.
(p < 0.05)
CGS week 26 = 12.02 ± 1.79 vs. 11.16 ± 2.35
CGS week 32 = 12.31 ± 1.46 vs. 10.65 ± 2.07 The IG improved, compared to CG, throughout the
CGS week 40 = 12.48 ± 1.28 vs. 10.65 ± 2.10 (p < 0.05) study in caregiving competence problem-solving
PSI week 26 = 94.69 ± 12.56 vs. 103.67 ± 19.08 (p < 0.05) coping abilities (T0–T1: −5.93 (−11.08, −6.81);
Cheng et al., 2018 [53] PSI week 32 = 93.96 ± 13.89 vs. 106.70 ± 20.12 (p < 0.05) T0–T2: −8.74 (−13.81, −3.67); T0–T3: −12.34
PSI week 40 = 92.59 ± 10.82 vs. 108.08 ± 18.61 (p < 0.05) (−17.88, −6.81) and social support satisfaction
SSQ week 26 = 5.15 ± 0.55 vs. 4.90 ± 0.84 (p < 0.05) (T0–T1: 0.28 (0.08, 0.47); T0–T1: 0.42 (0.20, 0.64);
SSQ week 32 = 5.23 ± 0.51 vs. 4.83 ± 0.88 (p < 0.05) T0–T3: 0.33 (0.10, 0.55) (p < 0.01).
SSQ week 40 = 5.11 ± 0.49 vs. 4.81 ± 0.80 (p < 0.05)
Goudarzian et al., 2019 [54] BAI = 30.18 ± 5.53 vs. 33.59 ± 6.4 (p < 0.05) The IG statistically improved in anxiety, but not
BDI = 35.41 ± 9.34 vs. 35.85 ± 7.8 (p > 0.05) (p > 0.05) in depression.
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 10 of 20
Table 3. Cont.
LS7 c = 9.29 (1.59) vs. 8.41 (1.87) (p < 0.05) The IG showed a better improvement in LS7 than CG
Hussin et al., 2023 [60] Stroke risk 5 years c = 2.04 (1.21) vs. 2.57 (1.70) (p > 0.05) at 3 months (median difference = (95% CI) = 0.88
(1.68–0.08) (p < 0.05). No differences were found in
Stroke risk 10 years c = 3.53 (2.50) vs. 4.34 (3.28) (p > 0.05) the risk of stroke (p > 0.05).
SF-36 psychological subscale = 64.4 ± 14.53 vs. The IG showed significant differences in the
Mohammadi et al., 2023 [61] 51.09 ± 14.07 (p < 0.05) psychological subscale of the SF-36 compared to the
SF-36 physical subscale = 80.98 ± 17.06 vs. 77.71 ± 15.21
(p > 0.05) CG, but not in the physical domain.
ACS: Appraisal of Caregiving Threat Subscale; BAI: Beck Anxiety Inventory; BCOS: Bakas Caregiving Outcomes
Scale; BDI: Beck Depression Index; CBI: Caregiver Burden Inventory; CBS: Caregiving Burden Scale; CCS:
Caregiving Competence Scale; CES-D: Centre For Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; CGMS: Caregiving
Mastery Scale; CGS: Caregiving competence; CSI: Caregiver Strain Index; ; eHLS: e-Health Literacy Scale; F-COPES:
Family Crisis-oriented Personal Evaluation Scale; FAD: Family assessment device; FAI: Frenchay activities index;
GAD-7: Generalised anxiety disorder scale-7; LOT-R: revised life orientation test; LS7: Lifestyle 7 scores; MBIGF:
Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Form; OCBS: Oberst Caregiving Burden Scale Difficulty Subscale; PCS:
Preparedness For Caregiving Scale; PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale; PSI: problem-solving
inventory; SSQ: Six-item Social Support Questionnaire; SWLS: Satisfaction with Life Scale; WHOQOL-BREF:
WHO Quality of Life-BREF; ZBISF: Zarit Burden Interview-Short Form; ZCBS: Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale.
a : mean differences (standard deviation); b : t-statistic; c : medians (interquartile range).
Depression was assessed in most of the articles. Some articles showed that the TH
interventions led to an improvement in the depressive symptoms of the CIs compared
to control interventions [43,44,48,50,52,55]. However, other articles found no significant
improvement [45–47,51,53,54].
There are conflicting results regarding caregiver burden. Perrin et al. [47] showed
that the intervention reduced burden at 3 months and LeLaurin et al. [55], Mou et al. [57],
and Betik et al. [58] also found a reduction in burden. However, Grant et al. [43,44] and
Elsheikh [56] did not find a reduction in caregiver burden.
The TH has a positive effect on the lives of CIs, reducing the number of unhealthy
days [52], anxiety [54], functional independence and family functioning [51], and increasing
lifestyle changes [60]. In terms of general health perception, only Mohammady et al. [61]
found an improvement in the psychological domain of the SF-36.
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 21
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 11 of 20
3.6. Risk
Risk of
of Bias
Nine articles have
articles have aa low
low risk
risk of
of bias
bias [48–53,55,57,59],
[48–53,55,57,59], nine
nine have
have some
some concerns
concerns [44–
47,54,56,58,60,61] and one study has a high risk of bias [43]. Figure 2 shows the
and one study has a high risk of bias [43]. Figure 2 shows the results of
results of
the RoB2 scale.
the RoB2 scale.
Figure 2.
2. RoB
RoB assessments
assessments for
for each
each study.
study. The
The plus
plus sign
sign means
moderate RoB and minus sign denotes high risk of bias and [43–61].
moderate RoB and minus sign denotes high risk of bias and [43–61].
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
Nineteen clinical
Nineteen clinicaltrials
this systematic
this systematicreview. It should
review. be noted
It should that
be noted
a variety of TH tools were used, in particular the use of telephone calls; video conferencing,
that a variety of TH tools were used, in particular the use of telephone calls; video confer-
messaging, and mobile applications were also used. These interventions may be helpful
encing, messaging, and mobile applications were also used. These interventions may be
to ICs to support them in their caregiving role. In all cases, these systems have shown no
helpful to ICs to support them in their caregiving role. In all cases, these systems have
worse results than conventional interventions, and in some trials have been superior to
shown no worse results than conventional interventions, and in some trials have been
them. No adverse effects have been reported.
superior to them. No adverse effects have been reported.
ICs need tools and interventions that enable them both to improve their capacity to
ICs need tools and interventions that enable them both to improve their capacity to
provide care and to improve their own health [62]. Therefore, it is necessary that ICs of
provide care and to improve their own health [62]. Therefore, it is necessary that ICs of SS
SS have resources available to them during the post-discharge process, as well as regular
have resources available to them during the post-discharge process, as well as regular
communication and support from health professionals [26].
communication and support from health professionals [26].
The use of TH in IC can serve several purposes: education, counselling, therapy, social
The use of TH in IC can serve several purposes: education, counselling, therapy, so-
support, and data monitoring [4,27]. There are several TH technologies that can be used to
cial support,
perform theseand data monitoring
functions, [4,27]. There
including telephone calls,are several TH technologies
videoconferencing, that canand
text messaging, be
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 12 of 20
the use of web-based interventions or mobile applications [4]. There is also a wide choice
of providers. Piran et al. [63] identified 843 mobile applications on iTunes in 2019. These
apps had different functions: communication, stroke risk calculation, speech therapy, motor
recovery, etc. Lobo et al. [37] identified 47 apps for IC stroke survivors. They focused on
several functionalities, such as educational resources, risk assessment, remote monitoring,
data sharing, and reminders. However, there was no single application that covered all
these aspects.
4.1. Population
One of the most important issues in the design and use of HT in SS ICs is the consider-
ation of their demographic characteristics. Previously, it has been noted that in most cases,
the IC is a close relative, with this role mainly falling to the spouse and/or children of the
caregiver [7]. In the studies included in this systematic review, the CI has a direct family
relationship with the SS, being mainly the spouse or daughter/son [43–45,47,49,50,52,55].
In terms of age, previous studies have shown that the ICs are usually older people [22], as
we found in our systematic review; ICs were over 45 years old, with the majority of articles
being over 50 years old [43–52,55,58]. And it is worth noting that there are more women
than men in most studies [43–47,50,52–55,58–61].
ICs do not have specialised training to perform their role [7], but they are willing to
improve their caring function [8]. This may also be one of the points where TH can help
the ICs.
4.2. Interventions
The studies reviewed included specific care programmes for ICs using different types
of TH, including telephone [43–45,50,51,53,56–59], videophone [47], web-based interven-
tions [46,48,59], mobile applications [60], and social media [61]. ICs’ familiarity with TH
tools may facilitate their acceptance, thereby improving adherence to these interventions.
However, even if ICs are unfamiliar with the technology, they can adhere to the pro-
gramme properly if they receive the right support [46]. TH can improve the interventions
received by ICs by facilitating access, limiting travel problems, and improving adherence
to programmes [28].
In addition to TH, the studies reviewed included specific care programmes for ICs,
aimed at meeting their needs. Thus, the use of the TH tool in isolation, without including a
programme tailored to the needs of the ICs, did not show significant effects on some of the
CGs [45,48,52]. When the programme allows the IC to contact a health professional [54],
adherence is higher than 96%.
Although new technologies can be challenging for ICs [64], many ICs find that TH
helps them in their care work [65], offering new opportunities for care and improving
their own health [66]. It is also noteworthy that the ICs find TH to be very positive and
useful and recommend its use [67–70]. In fact, in some cases, they have higher ratings than
face-to-face interventions [71]. Even if users have no previous experience, they can use the
tools if there is adequate technical support [69,70,72,73]. Users should be given appropriate
information, and it should not be assumed that they are familiar with the tools, even if they
are similar to those they use in their daily lives [73].
4.3. Outcomes
The articles included in this systematic review assessed several outcomes. One of the
most important outcomes was depression. Depressive symptoms were assessed in most
articles, using the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale [43,44,46–48,50,53,55].
Other instruments used were the Patient Health Questionnaire Depression Scale [45,48,52]
or the Beck Depression Index [54]. Caregiving burden was assessed using the Caregiving
Burden Scale [43,44], the Caregiver Strain Index [47,53], the Zarit Burden Interview-Short
Form [55,56,58] or the Caregiver Burden Inventory [57].
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 13 of 20
Self-perceived general health was assessed using one instrument, the SF-36 [43–45,61]
or the SF-12 [53]. The WHO-Quality of Life was used in one article [56]. However, for other
outcomes, the articles used different instruments. For example, the ability of the CI to cope
with the tasks was assessed using the problem-solving inventory [43,44,53] or the Perceived
Difficulty with Tasks [45]. Caregiver preparedness was assessed using the Preparedness for
Caregiving Scale [43,44,59], the Mastery Scale [48], the Caregiving Mastery Scale [49], the
Caregiving Competence Scale [53,59], and the Sense of Competence Questionnaire [50]. IC
satisfaction was assessed using the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire [43,44], the VA Care
Coordination and Home Telehealth Patient Satisfaction Survey [47] and the Satisfaction
with Life Scale [46]. The fact that the reviewed articles used different assessment tools
makes it difficult to compare their results. The anxiety was evaluated using the Beck
Anxiety Inventory [54] or the generalised anxiety disorder scale-7 [57]. Social support was
also evaluated [48,53] as well as family functioning [51,53].
Some outcomes were only assessed in one article: the impact of caregiving on the life
of the CI (using the Caregiving Outcomes Scale) [45], the number of unhealthy days [52],
self-esteem [48], threat appraisal [45], functional independence [51] or the caregiver´s
stroke risk [60].
4.4. Results
One of the most investigated outcomes in the articles was depression. The results
found were contradictory, with some studies showing a reduction in depressive symp-
toms [43,44,48], and others not [45,47]. Of particular interest are the results of Pfeiffer
et al. [50] and Bakas et al. [52], who found that improvements in depressive symptoms
were sustained for up to 12 months. TH programmes may be useful in the prevention of
depression. For example, although Perrin et al. [47] did not find a statistically significant
reduction in depression, they suggest that the telehealth intervention may have helped to
prevent an increase in depressive symptoms in those ICs who did not suffer from depres-
sion at baseline. Pierce et al. [46] found that ICs did not increase depressive symptoms after
1 year of web-based intervention; however, they suggested that the main reason was that
the ICs were not depressed at baseline.
There were also inconsistent results on caregiver mastery and preparedness, with
statistically significant differences found in some studies [44,46,53,57,59] but not in oth-
ers [43,48,50].
The effects of the TH in the lives of ICs have also been studied, and it has been
found that TH reduces the number of unhealthy days [52] and anxiety [54] and improves
the psychological domain of the SF-36 [61], the functional independence, and the family
functioning [51]. The TH helps also the CIs to modify their lifestyle [60]. The TH has
also been found to have a positive effect on task difficulty perception [45] and threat
appraisal [45]. However, TH has not shown positive effects on IC satisfaction [43,44,46,47].
An important point to consider in TH programmes is the real needs of the ICs. It
has been shown that the needs identified by ICs differ from those perceived by health
professionals and/or those designing HT tools [65,74]. If TH programmes are not aligned
with the real needs of end-users, their use and adherence will be hampered [75]. For this
reason, it is necessary to involve all of them in the design of health technology tools [65].
No adverse effects have been found in any case, showing that TH programmes may
be at least as appropriate as the usual care received by ICs of SS.
group allocation and the guess of the data collectors. This could be due to participants
commenting in a way that could alert the assessors to the intervention that the caregivers
were receiving. It is therefore necessary to monitor the correct blinding of the evaluators.
4.7. Limitations
This review contributes to improving the knowledge about the TH in ICs of stroke
patients. However, there is a potential for selection bias because we did not include
conference abstracts or any other grey literature. We have tried to include as many studies
as possible; we have screened the references of the papers included in the review and we
have searched whether the protocols of the clinical trials found in the databases have been
carried out.
Another limitation is that we did not conduct a meta-analysis of the trials included in
the review.
There is great variability in the objectives of the articles reviewed, in the intervention
programs, and in the outcome measures, which limits the comparability of their results.
Another limitation to be considered is the lack of studies evaluating which of the
ST systems is the most appropriate. There were no studies comparing different TH tools.
The opinion of the ICs on the most appropriate TH system could be assessed before the
development of the TH interventions [76].
There is also no clear evidence on the most appropriate dosage of ST programs. Only
LeLaurin et al. [55] compared the feasibility and use of a ST programme with different
dosages. In addition, studies of TH that extend interventions over time are rare; only one
study [50] was found to maintain the programme for one year. Although the needs of ICs
are known at the time of discharge [77], stroke is a chronic condition, and needs change
over time [78]. Similarly, no long-term follow-up of outcomes has been found.
The results of this systematic review show that telemedicine can help the ICs of
patients who have had a stroke. Although contradictory results were found for some of
the variables studied, in no case were the groups receiving telemedicine services shown to
have worse outcomes than the control groups, with results at least similar to those of the
control interventions [43–61]. As stroke is a pathology that requires survivor care, which
often falls to ICs, it is necessary to consider this type of intervention. In addition, there
may be interventions that reduce the cost of caring for these patients, as has been shown in
other pathologies [30,79]. However, more controlled clinical trials are needed to investigate
the most appropriate tools and doses. It is also necessary to use technologies that are
user-friendly and do not require sophisticated equipment. This will help to overcome
barriers to technology use [80]. Involving users of these technologies in the development
of telehealth programmes can also be an important element in facilitating adherence and
success. [81].
5. Conclusions
Based on the results of this systematic review, TH may be a useful tool to improve the
abilities and health of ICs of SS. Although there are contradictory results on the effects of
TH on depression and caregiver burden, positive effects have been found on the health
of ICs as well as on their ability to care. No adverse effects have been reported in any of
the articles.
More quality studies evaluating the effects of telemedicine on the ICs of stroke sur-
vivors are needed. These studies should also assess which tools are most useful, as well as
the most appropriate doses.
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 15 of 20
Appendix A
Search strategy: Pubmed
((“stroke”[MeSH Terms] OR “stroke”[All Fields] OR “strokes”[All Fields] OR “stroke
s”[All Fields] OR (“cerebrovascular”[All Fields] AND “accident”[All Fields]) OR “cere-
brovascular accident”[All Fields] OR “cva”[All Fields] OR (“cerebrovascular”[All Fields]
AND (“event”[All Fields] OR “event s”[All Fields] OR “events”[All Fields])) OR “cve”[All
(“caregiver s”[All Fields] OR “caregivers”[MeSH Terms] OR “caregivers”[All Fields]
OR “caregiver”[All Fields] OR “caregiving”[All Fields] OR (“informal”[All Fields] AND
“caregiver”[All Fields]) OR “informal caregiver”[All Fields] OR “family”[MeSH Terms]
OR “family”[All Fields] OR “relative”[All Fields] OR “relatives”[All Fields] OR “relative
s”[All Fields] OR “relatively”[All Fields] OR (“family”[All Fields] AND “members”[All
Fields]) OR “family members”[All Fields] OR “caregiver burden” [MeSH Terms] OR (“care-
giver”[All Fields] AND “burden”[All Fields]) OR “caregiver burden”[All Fields] OR (“care-
giver”[All Fields] AND “stress”[All Fields]) OR “caregiver stress”[All Fields] OR “caregiver
fatigue”[All Fields] OR ((“caregiver s”[All Fields] OR “caregivers”[MeSH Terms] OR “care-
givers”[All Fields] OR “caregiver”[All Fields] OR “caregiving”[All Fields]) AND (“fatigua-
bility”[All Fields] OR “fatiguable”[All Fields] OR “fatigue”[MeSH Terms] OR “fatigue”[All
Fields] OR “fatigued”[All Fields] OR “fatigues”[All Fields] OR “fatiguing”[All Fields]
OR “fatigability”[All Fields])) OR (“caregiver”[All Fields] AND “burden”[All Fields]) OR
“caregiver burden”[All Fields] OR (“caregiver”[All Fields] AND “burnout”[All Fields]) OR
“caregiver burnout”[All Fields]))
(“mobile applications”[MeSH Terms] OR (“mobile”[All Fields] AND “applications”[All
Fields]) OR “mobile applications”[All Fields] OR (“mobile”[All Fields] AND “applica-
tion”[All Fields]) OR “mobile application”[All Fields] OR (“mobile”[All Fields] AND
“app”[All Fields]) OR “mobile app”[All Fields] OR “mhealth s”[All Fields] OR “telemedicine”
[MeSH Terms] OR “telemedicine”[All Fields] OR “mhealth”[All Fields] OR “ehealth”[All
Fields] OR “internet based intervention”[MeSH Terms] OR (“internet based”[All Fields]
AND “intervention”[All Fields]) OR “internet based intervention”[All Fields] OR (“web”[All
Fields] AND “based”[All Fields] AND “intervention”[All Fields]) OR “web based inter-
vention”[All Fields] OR (“internet”[All Fields] AND “based”[All Fields] AND “interven-
tion”[All Fields]) OR “internet based intervention”[All Fields] OR “telehealth s”[All Fields]
OR “telehealth”[All Fields] OR “telemonitor”[All Fields] OR “telemonitored”[All Fields] OR
“telemonitoring”[All Fields] OR “telemonitors”[All Fields] OR “telepractice”[All Fields] OR
“telenursing”[MeSH Terms] OR “telenursing”[All Fields] OR “telecare”[All Fields] OR “com-
puters, handheld”[MeSH Terms] OR (“computers”[All Fields] AND “handheld”[All Fields])
OR “handheld computers”[All Fields] OR (“computer”[All Fields] AND “handheld”[All
Fields]) OR “computer handheld”[All Fields] OR “telerehabilitation”[MeSH Terms] OR
“telerehabilitation”[All Fields] OR (“tele”[All Fields] AND “rehabilitation”[All Fields]) OR
J. Clin. Med. 2024, 13, 1810 16 of 20
Appendix B
Table A1. JADAD scale for each article.
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