Acolytes Guide Chimera

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Inquisitorial Field Manual #465

Acolytes guide: CHimera-II

Acolytes guide: CHimera-II

1-Crew & Comfort:

The Chimera-2 Features a whole host of improved features,
including Better armor, speed, and drive capability.

However, the most desired feature is its long range abilities. ALL
seats both for crew and passengers have been equipped with
Double-Stuff Grox-Hide Leather. Including Pillows.

In addition, passenger bay can Unfold to a Long Bed Platform,

supporting up to five Individuals or two Humans and one Ogryn.

An excess of escape hatches and firing ports allows an

observant crew to both defend and flee their vehicle, ensuring
that no valuable personel, resources or intelligence are lost.

2-Armament and ammo:

Equipped with a Bow-Heavy Bolter, and a choice between
Multilaser or Mortar Launcher, this offensive equipment is
capable of supporting the crew and companions.

The Heavy bolter while powerful, should be savored for

defensive fire, its frontal mount only provides good offensive
capability when on direct assaults.

In contrast however, the Turrets weaponry is capable of a 3600

Traverse, allowing for full defensive and offensive potential.

The Chimera-2 Carries 500 Rounds for its heavy bolter, and 1000
rounds for the Multilaser or 30 for the Mortar. Due to its need to
operate behind enemy lines, and its access to supplies limited, it
is advised to expend ammunition carefully, and not get caught in
long term engagements. Such as holding objectives.
3-Armor and enemies:
Armor has been improved overall, with an 20mm Increase in
thickness, and an increase in plasteel alloy mixture, the armor of
the chimera-2 allows it to engage anything from Infantry to older
chimera varients, with a high likelyhood of success.

However, one should never rely on armor alone. Melta weapons

if allowed to close in will cut the vehicle in half, infantry that get
close can damage tracks, preventing escape from such weapons.

Remember to keep eyes open, never expose yourself while

under fire, and if infantry are approaching your flank, make use
of firing ports to pin them down, until heavier weapons can fire.

4-Mobility and me:

The biggest advantage compared to older models is the greatly
enhanced Fuel system. While only slightly larger, it allows for a
much greater distance of travel compared to Older Models.

The bio-Electric Engine grants access to all fuel sources, while

designed to run off of two Heavy Power Cells, it can utilise
Promethium and even Wood! The Engine is able to Share power
between both Engines, this will however cut your fuel in half.

5-Survival skills:
A: When Necessary, The Multilaser can share Cells with Engines.
B: Your armor is thickest at the front, NEVER show your rear.
C: Your vehicle is able to withstand Atomic & Chemical Weaponry.
D: Unless unable to leave, NEVER cook Inside the Vehicle.
E: Blue Bay Lights have proven to soothe Ogryn fear, Use them!.
F: Be aware that Blue Bay Lights reduce visability from Red ones.
G: The switch from Red/Blue Lights is located under the Driver.
H: Multilasers Kill Infantry and Mortars Kill their Bunkers.

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