Exercise 1 Answer
Exercise 1 Answer
Exercise 1 Answer
1. Scenario 1:
A study aimed at understanding the impact of climate change on local farming
practices by interviewing farmers across different regions in the Philippines.
o Classifications:
2. Scenario 2:
A researcher is analyzing previously collected data from the Philippine Statistics
Authority to study trends in employment rates over the past decade.
o Classifications:
3. Scenario 3:
A project designed to develop a new software tool for improving online education by
testing its effectiveness in different educational settings.
o Classifications:
4. Scenario 4:
A study that tracks the health outcomes of individuals who have been exposed to a
specific environmental pollutant over the course of 15 years.
o Classifications:
5. Scenario 5:
A doctoral dissertation that explores the theoretical underpinnings of public
administration models without collecting new data, but through a review of existing
o Classifications:
SUMMARY A growing body of empirical We investigate the empirical China is expected to become an
work measuring different relationship between ethnicity and increasingly important market for
types of cultural traits has culture, defined as a vector of traits global organic food producers. This
shown that culture matters for reflecting norms, values, and study aims to obtain a new and
a variety of economic attitudes. Using survey data for 76 deeper understanding of how
outcomes. This paper focuses countries, we find that ethnic various antecedents affect organic
on one specific aspect of the identity is a significant predictor of food purchase behavior. Here, a
relevance of culture: its cultural values, yet that within- survey based on validated measures
relationship to institutions. group variation in culture trumps is designed, and a total of 1750
We review work with a between-group variation. Thus, in consumers are interviewed. In
theoretical, empirical, and contrast to a commonly held view, addition to traditionally held beliefs
historical bent to assess the ethnic and cultural diversity are concerning organic food, three
presence of a two-way causal unrelated. Although only a small unique perspectives, i.e., that
effect between culture and portion of a country’s overall organic foods are “luxuries for the
institutions. cultural heterogeneity occurs rich”, “upscale”, and the objects of
between groups, we find that “marketing hype”, are confirmed
various political economy outcomes for the first time. Furthermore, the
(such as civil conflict and public influence of subjective norms on
goods provision) worsen when purchase intention is verified to be
there is greater overlap between completely mediated by purchase
ethnicity and culture. attitude, suggesting that up to now,
the role of social norms may have
been simplified, and even
underestimated by marketing
researchers. These findings will be
valuable for marketing scholars and
all stakeholders in the organic food
industry, particularly international
agribusinesses that are wishing to
enter the Chinese market.
- In this paper, we -In this paper we conduct a - “The current study aims to
investigate what we systematic investigation of obtain a new and deeper
know about one the links between culture understanding of how
specific mechanism: and ethnicity. In doing so, various antecedents affect
the relationship we aim to answer the organic purchases, based on
between culture and following questions: Is an TPB”
institutions. Both individual’s ethnolinguistic
terms are often vague identity a predictor of his
in the literature; we norms, values, and
devote space to preferences? Are
defining them ethnolinguistic
properly, and we also heterogeneity and cultural
sum up how various heterogeneity highly
authors have defined correlated? What is the
them differently. degree of overlap between
ethnicity and culture?
- “In this section we use the - To understand concepts,
- “the Authors use data World Values Survey to thoughts, or experiences.
from European Social examine the relationship - “a total of 1750
Survey and Study between ethnic identity and respondents were
immigrants in twenty- cultural attitudes. The interviewed”
six countries” exercise requires
- Uses the survey, individual-level data on
experiment, and answers to questions on
analysis data from the norms, values, and
various sources to preferences, and
review the two-way corresponding data on the
casual effect between respondent’s ethnic or
culture and linguistic identity. We
institutions” examine the joint statistical
significance of indicators of
ethnolinguistic identity as
determinants of survey
responses, proceeding
question by question and
country by country and
controlling for observable
individual characteristics.”
Two graduate theses or dissertations from your institution’s repository or an online database
TITTLE & An Evaluation of Middle School Literacy Obesity, a Disease of Adaptation to
AUTHOR’s Coaching in a Central Florida District Environmental & Physiological Stressors
(by Brian C. Dorman) (Bijaoui, Nadia Judith)
SUMMARY The study evaluated the effectiveness of literacy The educational intervention of this Applied
coaching in a central Florida district (CFD) as Dissertation consisted of a presentation during
perceived by teachers and literacy coaches which self-selected volunteers were introduced
working in the district’s middle schools. to relevant literature focusing on less known
Additionally, the study evaluated the factors causing the disease of obesity and
effectiveness of literacy coaches improving contrasting from behavior. Purpose: The
instructional practices and determined the workshop was structured to address the
impact coaching had on student achievement. problem statement: "The researcher will
develop and implement an educational
intervention for professional adults and
students of a higher-education community in
California and assess a change in attitudes
toward obesity." Setting: A higher-education
community in Southern California. Study
Sample: The sample consisted of self-selected
participants of a higher-education community.
It was intended to be comprised of students,
staff, and faculty.
- “This applied dissertation evaluated the - The purpose of the study was to
effectiveness of literacy coaching in a develop an educational intervention to
central Florida district as perceived by be presented to an adult academic
teachers working in the district’s middle community in California.
schools. The study investigated teacher’s
perceptions of literacy coaches, the
literacy coaches’ perceptions of their
roles within the schools, and the literacy
coaches’ impact on student proficiency
data as measured by the Lexile
- “The mixed methods research study was - “The project involved collection of
designed to provide information about quantitative and qualitative data using
teachers’ perceptions of literacy coaches corresponding tools, within a pre-and-
and to determine the impact coaching posttests design. The researcher
had on student achievement data. The compared findings from two measures
research design utilized surveys and a that capture information about the
case study approach. Qualitative data attitudes of a projected subset of 55
included school-based observations and participants.”
survey data from 112 middle school
teachers and 10 literacy coaches.
Quantitative data included student
proficiency percentages as measured by
the Lexile assessment for 12 teachers
from the case study sites.”
Comparative Analys
Research is a process of systematic inquiry, a collection of data, analysis and interpretation of data
that is suitable for its specific methods and field of studies. Research varies in its purpose,
methodology, time dimensions and data source.
After classifying all five pieces of research the common types of research I encountered are the Basic
Research and applied Research. In basic research, quantitative approach is commonly used as the
methodology, on the other hand the applied research uses the mixed method, it's the combination of
quantitative and qualitative approach in a single research study.
In journal articles that I picked, the commonly used research is the quantitative research which is
focuses on the quantifying problems, testing hypothesis or theories. Statistical analysis expressed in
numbers, tables, and graphs. While, in theses the commonly used method is mixed method research. It
involves the quantitative and qualitative data for a better understanding of a phenomenon or
theoretical questions. Combining qualitative and quantitative approach is the best way if you are
exploring a complex research issue. It's using interviews and a survey as its method in gathering
various data. Cultural diversity, ethnicity, health related topics, economics, study of literacy are
commonly used in research study. It examines the historical data uncovering the insights of the past
trends and predict future development.
While doing the research classification according to its purpose, methodology, time dimensions and
data source, several patterns is noticeable in my field of disciplines which are the basic vs applied
research, exploratory vs explanatory research, quantitative vs qualitative research, and lastly, the
mixed method. These patterns reflect the diverse methods researchers take to address the different
types of questions and issues in their disciplines.
Alesina, A., & Giuliano, P. (2015). Culture and Institutions. Journal of Economic Literature, 53(4),
Desmet, K., Ortuño-Ortín, I., & Wacziarg, R. (2017). Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity. The American
Economic Review, 107(9), 2479–2513.
Bai, L., Wang, M., & Gong, S. (2019). Understanding the Antecedents of Organic Food Purchases:
The Important Roles of Beliefs, Subjective Norms, and Identity Expressiveness. Sustainability,
11(11), 3045-.