CHAPTER 1 Economics - 9bfff893 A816 4855 Af13 9c208b986a27
CHAPTER 1 Economics - 9bfff893 A816 4855 Af13 9c208b986a27
CHAPTER 1 Economics - 9bfff893 A816 4855 Af13 9c208b986a27
Stock variable refers to that variable, which is measured
at a particular point of time.
For example, stock of goods in the godown as on 31st
January, 2023. It means, stock variable is not time
dimensional. Some more examples of stock variables are
national wealth, national capital, money supply etc. Flow
Flow variable refers to that variable, which is measured
over a period of time.
For example, production of goods during the month of Stock
January 2023, birth rate in the year 2022, national
income in the year 2022 are flow variables. The ‘period
of time’ could be a day, a week, a year, etc.
Tarun Sir, Mo.7000303881, 9993419889
Real Money
Flow Flow
Tarun Sir, Mo.7000303881, 9993419889
Real Flow
Real flow refers to the flow of factor services from households to firms and
the corresponding flow of goods and services from firms to households.
There is an exchange of goods and services only between the two sectors
without the involvement of any money.
It is also known as ‘Physical flow’.
There may be difficulties with the barter system of exchange of goods and
Real flow determines the magnitude of the growth process in an economy.
Money Flow
Money flow refers to the flow of factor payments from firms to households
for their factor services and the corresponding flow of consumption
expenditure from households to firms for the purchase of goods and
services produced by the firms.
It involves an exchange of money between the two sectors.
It is also known as ‘Nominal flow’.
Tarun Sir, Mo.7000303881, 9993419889
The four major sectors in an economy according to the macroeconomic point of view are :
Household It includes consumers of goods and services and also the owners of factors of production.
They supply factors like land, labour, capital and entrepreneur and receive income in
Sector return in the form of rent, wages, interest and profit respectively.
Producing It includes all producing firms in the economy. To produce goods and services, the firm
hires factors of production from the households. Households consume goods and services
Sector (Firms) to satisfy their wants and firms produce goods and services to make a profit.
Foreign Sector
This sector includes transactions with the rest of the world. It is involved in the
(Or External Sector or
export and import of goods and the flow of capital between the domestic
Rest of the World
economy and other countries of the world.
Tarun Sir, Mo.7000303881, 9993419889
The circular flow in two- sector economy can be understood with the
help of diagram given below :
Factor Services
The outer loop of the diagram shows
(Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise) the real flow, i.e. flow of factor
Consumption Expenditure services from households to firms and
(On Goods and Services) the corresponding flow of goods and
services from firms to households.
Households Firms
The inner loop shows the money
flow, i.e. flow of factor payments
Factor Payments from firms to households and the
(Rent, Wages, Interest and Profit) corresponding flow of consumption
Goods and Services expenditure from households to
Tarun Sir, Mo.7000303881, 9993419889
Real flow in the form of factor services and final goods and
services is equal to Money Flow between firms and households.