Chapter 8 Managing Visitor Impacts
Chapter 8 Managing Visitor Impacts
Chapter 8 Managing Visitor Impacts
Managing Visitor
ENVI 102: Ethics and Sustainable Tourism
Explain why visitor have to be managed;
Explain the concept of carrying capacity and why it is
needed in managing visitors;
city centers 8. Training local planners and managers in the use of various
techniques; and
are: 9. Marketing and communication strategy to pursue certain market
segments during periods when there is available carrying capacity.
1. Facility design
2. Use of vegetation barriers
3. Site hardening
4. Closure of facilities
3. zoning
2. Site 1. Adopt an ecosystem-based approach in tourism
Design and development planning
4. Law 1. Soft enforcement includes facility design and
Enforcemen signage or the visibility of a security officer.
Discussion Why should visitors be managed at destinations? In
what ways do visitors impact destinations?