Scripting2 Summary
Scripting2 Summary
Scripting2 Summary
Abaqus 2018
About this Course
Course objectives
Help students to develop a high level understanding of the Abaqus scripting capabilities and gain some
Organize and present the deeper technical details of Python and the Abaqus Scripting Interface.
Expose the strengths and weaknesses of Abaqus scripting.
Encourage the student to use scripting in new ways.
Targeted audience
Simulation Analysts
Experience scripting with Python and Abaqus is recommended.
2 days
Day 1
• Process Integration
Material Calibration
• Design Optimization
Isight Workflow Automation
• Parametric Optimization Design Exploration
• Six Sigma and Design of Experiments
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Revision Status
Lesson content:
Workshop Preliminaries
Workshop 1: Practice Using a Few More Python Basics
Control Flow: Exceptions
Workshop 2: Working with Exceptions
3 hours
Lesson 2: Functions, Modules, Packages & Performance
Lesson content:
Python Packages
Performance in Python | © Dassault Systèmes
2 hours
Lesson 3: Manipulating Strings and Files
Lesson content:
String Processing
Input and Output
Example: Parsing a File
Manipulating Programs | © Dassault Systèmes
3 hours
Lesson 4: Object Oriented Programming
Lesson content:
3 hours
Lesson 5: Abaqus Scripting Interface – Postprocessing
Lesson content:
Workshop 8: Create a New Custom Field Output Variable
2.5 hours
Lesson 6: Abaqus Scripting Interface – Preprocessing
Lesson content:
2 hours
Lesson 7: Miscellaneous Topics
Lesson content:
Callback Functions
Custom Data
Scripting Ideas for Productivity
Workshop 11: Basic Scripting Style Considerations
Setting Abaqus Defaults | © Dassault Systèmes
3 hours
Lesson 8: Stretching Horizons
Lesson content:
45 minutes
Appendix 1: Optional Topics
Appendix content:
45 minutes