Chap 2
Chap 2
Chap 2
Before we discuss the testing approach, it is helpful to know the system on which it is being
applied. In this chapter, we will describe the design and operation of the system and the way in
which it is modeled in VHDL.
The function of the system is temperature monitoring. It is built around the Motorola
68HC11A8 microcontroller. A simplified schematic of the system is shown in Figure 2.1. The
system program is stored in the external EEPROM. The internal RAM of the microcontroller is
used during the program execution. A latch is used for address/data demultiplexing, whereas a
decoder is used for address decoding. The purpose of external RAM will be explained in Chapter
4. A temperature transducer senses the temperature and outputs the corresponding analog output
voltage. The transducer is so calibrated that +5 V analog output represents +127 0C whereas 0 V
output represents –128 0C. The operation of the transducer is assumed to be linear. This analog
voltage is applied to an analog to digital converter (ADC) which outputs the eight bit unsigned
number representing the temperature. Hence, corresponding to 5 V, it sends out 1111 1111 ,
whereas for 0 V, it outputs 0000 0000.
The ADC output is applied to one port of the Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) through
which the microcontroller reads this value. Microcontroller XORs this value with 1000 0000.
This operation makes the value of the signed data equal to the actual temperature. All these steps
are shown graphically in Figure 2.2
Temperature ADC Microcontroller
transducer XOR 80H
Next, the microcontroller computes the ASCII codes for each numeral that makes up the
temperature value, and sends the serial stream to the LCD driver through the output port of PPI.
The algorithm for converting a signed binary number to a series of ASCII characters representing
the decimal value of the number is as follows:
If number ≥ 60 D, add 36 D to it and go to step (5), else
If number ≥ 50 D, add 30 D to it and go to step (5), else
If number ≥ 40 D, add 24 D to it and go to step (5), else
If number ≥ 30 D, add 18 D to it and go to step (5), else
If number ≥ 20 D, add 12 D to it and go to step (5), else
If number ≥ 10 D, add 6 D to it and go to step (5), else
go to step (5)
5. Check the carry, if it is clear, go to step (6) , if it is set, it means the result is greater than 100
D. So output the most significant 1 to the output by sending 31 H (ASCII ‘1’)
6. The data in accumulator now contains packed BCD result. So, unpack the two digits, convert
them to ASCII by ORing with 30 H and then send them one by one to the output.
The ASCII conversion process is shown in Figure 2.3
0111 1111 (+127) 0011 0111 0011 0010 0011 0001 0010 1011
‘8’ ‘2’ ‘1’ ‘-’
1000 0000 (-128)
0011 1000 0011 0010 0011 0001 0010 1101
‘3’ ‘1’ ‘+’
0000 1101 (+13)
0011 0011 0011 0001 0010 1011
2.2 Hardware description of the circuit
In the first phase of the project, the system was modeled in VHDL and self-test was run from
the model. In the second phase, the code was run from an actual system. There is a slight
difference between the VHDL model and the actual system. This difference lies mostly in the
operation of the LCD driver which is used for displaying system’s normal operation and test
results messages. We will describe below the VHDL model of the system as shown in Figure
2.1. The implemented system is assumed to be similar unless the difference is stated.
The initial work on VHDL modeling of the system was done by Jason Liu. I made the models
of the LCD driver and the ADC. Later on, I also added an external RAM and associated circuitry
to the system. The components of the system are briefly described below:
The 68HC11A8 microcontroller has 64 K of addressable space. It has 256 bytes of internal
RAM and 8 Kbytes of internal ROM. It has five ports A,B,C,D and E. The ports B and C become
the address/data lines when the microcontroller is used in the expanded mode. In the expanded
mode, external chips are connected to the microcontroller to make the whole system. In this
project, the microcontroller is used in the expanded mode. The microcontroller used in the actual
system was 68HC11E9 which has the same pins and ports as the 68HC11A8 but has 512 bytes of
internal RAM.
The crystal used in the circuit runs at 4 MHz. The microcontroller operates at ¼th of the
crystal frequency i.e. at 1 MHz.
The interrupt vector addresses are located in the internal 8 KB ROM by default. So, the
interrupt vectors are placed at the interrupt vector addresses in the internal ROM. Also, after
power up the system starts executing instructions from the starting address of the internal ROM.
Since we are using the external EEPROM for storing the program, we write the opcode for jump
to external EEPROM at the starting location of internal ROM.
The 74HC573 latch is used to demultiplex addresses from the shared address/data lines.
An 8255 Programmable peripheral interface (PPI) is used to get additional ports for input-
output operations. The PPI is programmed in mode 0 with its port A and upper half of port C
acting as input ports, while port B and the lower half of port C act as output ports. The digital
output of the ADC is applied to the input port A while the ASCII data representing the
temperature value is send to output port B. The lower half of port C is used for sending control
The analog to digital converter (ADC) takes an analog input voltage and converts it into an 8-
bit digital signal. The analog input voltage ranges from 0 to 5 volts with the corresponding
digital output ranging from 0000 0000 to 1111 1111. It accepts the input voltage and does the
conversion process only when the control signal INPACTIVE is high. This control signal comes
from line 0 of port C of PPI which is made high through the system program. In the system
implementation, we applied the digital value directly to the PPI through Dual-inline-Package
(DIP) switches. There is no INPACTIVE signal for the implemented system since there is no
A/D conversion.
The LCD driver takes the 8-bit ASCII code of the characters as input and displays the
corresponding characters. There are two control signals connected to the LCD driver. When we
want to send a stream of characters, we should tell the LCD driver when this stream starts and
when it ends, and secondly we should tell it when the next character is to be send. So, the first
control signal DATAVAIL is high as long as the microcontroller is sending the ASCII data to the
LCD driver. The LCD driver puts all the ASCII data in its data buffer when the DATAVAIL
signal is high and displays the corresponding characters when the DATAVAIL signal goes low.
The DATAVAIL signal comes from line 2 of PORT C of PPI. The second control signal
STROBE comes from line 1, PORTC of PPI. Before an ASCII data is to be sent, this signal is
made high. The LCD driver then treats the data at its input to be the valid ASCII data. Then the
STROBE is made low. It is again made high before sending the next character and this process is
repeated for all the characters.
For the actual system, we used the Hitachi HD44780 16 character × 2 line Dot matrix LCD
Module. The data lines of the module again connect to PORT B of the PPI. The values sent by
the system on this port are treated as either data or instruction values depending on the mode of
operation. The mode of operation is selected by the RS pin of the module. Initialization software
is also required to be written for the module. Typically, during the initialization, the parameters
set are cursor position, cursor blink/no blink, cursor and/or display right/left shift etc. Two
control signals were used from the PPI to the module. One was connected to the RS pin to select
the data or instruction mode, the other was connected to the enable E input of the module. The
module works only when the enable input is set to 1. The initialization software is included in the
main program given in Appendix A
We made a chip level structural model of the system in VHDL. For the chips 68HC11A8,
X2864A, P8255, 74HC138 and 74HC573, we used the VHDL models from the Synopsys
Smartmodel library. For the other components i.e. ADC, LCD driver, crystal etc., we
developed our own behavioral VHDL models using the Synopsys Simulation Graphical
Environment (SGE). All the components were put together in SGE to form the complete system.
This system was then simulated using Synopsys VHDL simulator/debugger to confirm the
The introductory window of the library browser is shown in Figure 2.4. The main window
shows all the models of components. Due to the large number of components, it is very difficult
to find a component by scrolling this window. To avoid this, we can use the filter dialog box. It
is invoked by selecting the filter option in the Actions menu or by clicking on the second item
from the top in the vertical icon list on the left side. The filter dialog box is shown in Figure 2.5
There are several filtering options. We can filter by (1) string of characters that appear in the
model name, (2) manufacturer’s name, (3) function/sub-function, or (4) licensed package name.
The results of the selected filtering process appear in the main window.
For example, in Figure 2.5, we are searching for the Intel ROMs which have a 64 in their part
name. We put *64 in the string search option, select Intel in the Vendors name list, and select
ROM in the function/sub-function list. We keep the licensed package name option disabled since
we are not looking for a specific package. After setting these options, we press the Filter button.
This starts the filtering process and displays the result in the main window. The results are shown
in Figure 2.6. After finding the desired component, we can select the option “Display data sheet”
in the Actions menu to find more detailed information.
2. In the VHDL source program where smart model library components are to be used, we have
to make the smart model library visible. For that, we add the following line at the start of the
3. After finding the required component in the smart model library, we then use it in the VHDL
program. The smart model library contains a file “components.vhd” that contains the VHDL
entity level description of all the available components. From the entity specification, we can
obtain the input-output signals and generics associated with a component.
4. In our VHDL program, we define an entity which has the same number and type of I/O pins
Figure 2.5 Filter dialog box
as the model in the smart model library. We then instantiate this entity in the architecture of the
main program. In the configuration section, we bind this instantiated component to the
architecture of the smart model component.
In our project, since we are modeling the whole system in SGE, we first need to make a
symbol for every smart model component. We then define the input-output pins whose number
and type match those of the corresponding smart model component. When we extract the VHDL
file from the symbol, it gives us the component entity with our supplied pin names and types,
empty architecture body, and empty configuration. We then instantiate the component in the
architecture. In the configuration, we bind this component with the architecture of the
corresponding smart model component. We explain this process with an example:
Figure 2.6 Results of the filtering process
Suppose we want to use the 74573 latch in our system. First we invoke the smart model library
browser and in the string option of the filter dialog box, we enter 573. All the model names
having the string 573 appear. Suppose we decide to select the model for SN74AS573.
We then go to the components.vhd file and find the entity description for SN74AS573. We get
the following description:
component ttl573
--Available timing versions:
generic (
TimingVersion : STRING := “SN74AS573”;
DelayRange : STRING := “MAX”;
ModelMapVersion : STRING := “01003”);
port (
D0 : in STD_LOGIC;
D1 : in STD_LOGIC;
D2 : in STD_LOGIC;
D3 : in STD_LOGIC;
D4 : in STD_LOGIC;
D5 : in STD_LOGIC;
D6 : in STD_LOGIC;
D7 : in STD_LOGIC;
Y0 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y1 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y2 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y3 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y4 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y5 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y6 : out STD_LOGIC;
Y7 : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
We see here that there are many components that have the same input-output pins and perform
the same function, but can differ in timings and delays. The different versions differ from each
other in timings, whereas for the same version, we can choose to simulate for maximum, normal
or minimum pin to pin delay. We can put any of the available options in the generics. Here we
are putting SN74AS573 for the timing version, MAX (maximum) for pin to pin delay and the
given value for the model version. After setting the generics, we need to reanalyze the
components.vhd file so that changes in the generics take effect. But the preferred approach is to
leave the library file unchanged and change the generics during the component instantiation.
Next we make a symbol for 74573 with the same I/O pins as the smart model ttl573. The
VHDL output of this symbol is as follows:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_components.all;
entity HC573 is
Port ( D : In std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
LE : In std_logic;
OE : In std_logic;
Y : Out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) );
end HC573;
end for;
We fill the empty architecture and configuration bodies and also make the smart model library
visible. The complete VHDL file for the component thus is :
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_components.all;
entity HC573 is
Port ( D : In std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
LE : In std_logic;
OE : In std_logic;
Y : Out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) );
end HC573;
U1: ttl573
generic map(
TimingVersion => “SN74AS573”,
DelayRange => “MAX”,
ModelMapVersion => “01003”)
port map(
Y(0),Y(1),Y(2),Y(3),Y(4),Y(5),Y(6),Y(7) );
We apply the same procedure to all the components and then interconnect all the symbols in
the SGE schematic editor to create the model for the whole system. The complete model of the
system is shown in Figure 2.7
The component Control is used for assigning permanent ‘1’ or ‘0’ to some pins of the
microcontroller. For example, to set the mode as expanded mode, the pins MODA and MODB of
the microcontroller must both be made ‘1’. Also, the interrupt pins XIRQ and IRQ should be
made ‘1’ since they are not used here. The OE pin of the 74573 latch had to be made ‘0’.
The component Connector connects the 8-bit bus A(15:8) to 8 separate pins. By giving its
input the name AD(15:8), we can then combine it with the multiplexed bus AD(7:0) so we can
trace the complete address A(15:0) as a single signal on the waveform viewer of the VHDL
The reset of the 8255 is of opposite logic value to the reset of the microcontroller. So, a
component inverter is used which is connected between the reset pin of the microcontroller and
the 8255.
During simulation, we enter the analog signal value from the standard input i.e. keyboard. To
take this input and give it to the ADC, we have made the model Analog_Therm2. This
component is activated from the line 0 of PORTC. It operates in Text I/O mode of VHDL and
after activation, takes the input real number and passes it to the ADC through its output port of
type real. The VHDL source listing of the main program and all the components is given in
Appendix C.
Figure 2.7 Complete model of temperature control system
A # symbol at the start of a line denotes a comment. The data and address are assumed to be in
hexadecimal form.
To convert an HC11 assembly program to Memory Image File format, two programs are
needed, CASM11.EXE and IMAGE.EXE. CASM11 is a commercial program used for
converting assembly to object code while IMAGE is written by Jason Liu in C to convert the
object code to a .mif file. Both of these programs run on a PC. Therefore, the assembly program
must be assembled and converted to .mif file on a PC.
In our temperature monitoring system model, the assembly program must be loaded into the
external 2864 EEPROM and the interrupt vectors must be loaded into the internal ROM of the
68HC11. The translator program IMAGE translates the executable file (.s19) produced by the
CASM11 assembler into memory image file format. Two files are produced upon execution of
image.exe, memory.mif and rom.mif. Memory contents at address $6000 - $7FFF are stored in
rom.mif; all others are stored in memory.mif. The interrupt vector addresses are located in the 8
KB ROM which is internal to the microcontroller. These addresses are loaded with interrupt
vectors by the file “memory.mif”. Also when the system powers up, it starts its operation from
the location E000, which is the first address of the internal ROM. Since we are using the external
EEPROM as the storage location for our system program, we write the opcode of the jump
instruction at E000 which then jumps to the external EEPROM for executing program
instructions. This opcode at E000 is also written in the “memory.mif” file. At the beginning of
the simulation, EEPROM 2864 loads memory from rom.mif; and 68HC11A8 loads memory
from memory.mif. The translator image.exe is specifically written for the temperature monitor
model. If the external EEPROM is mapped into different addresses or there are more external
ROM or RAM, the translator must be modified. The source file image.cpp is included in
appendix B.
The syntax for running the assembler is:
casm11 <filename.ASM> l s
With the option ‘s’, we are telling the assembler to form the object code in Motorola hex
format. The resulting file has the extension .s19. With the option ‘l’ (lower case L), we are
telling the assembler to make a list file (.lst) also which contains the object code as well as
source listing of the code.
image <filename.s19>
This gives us the two files, rom.mif and memory.mif as described above. After analyzing the
system model, we then have to simulate it using the VHDL simulator/debugger. We need to
transfer the .mif files from the PC to the Sun Sparc platform before starting the simulation.
A control file was written in Synopsys Simulation Control Language (SCL) to aid the
simulation process. The control file specified the signals to be traced and generated an output
window to show the results. These input and output windows are shown in Figures 2.8 And 2.9
respectively. The control file is given in appendix C.17
Figure 2.9 Output window
(1) Build the system using 68HC11 EVBU, external chips for EEPROM, latch, decoder, PPI,
display and control, and the prototyping wires
(3) Set the jumper settings on the system corresponding to the special bootstrap mode of the
microcontroller. In the bootstrap mode, the system can read in the program code from the
outside using the serial communications interface of the microcontroller [SpasovP96].
The PCBUG11 software communicates with the system in the bootstrap mode only.
(5) Run the PCBUG11 software from the host
(6) Whenever the 68HC11 powers up, it starts executing instructions from the internal
location $B600. Since we are using the external EEPROM for program storage, we need
a jump to the starting address of the external EEPROM from this location. To do this, we
first need to define the internal EEPROM locations and then unprotect them i.e. make
writing on them possible. We use the following commands from PCBUG11:
MS $1035 $10
(7) Write the instruction for jump to external memory location at the location $B600.
ASM $B600
JMP $6000
(8) In the bootstrap mode, the microcontroller operates in a stand alone mode and does not
recognize the external circuitry attached to it. To load and run the program on external
EEPROM, we first need to define the external EEPROM locations and then change the
operating mode of the microcontroller to expanded mode. Use the following commands:
MS $103C $26
(9) Load the object code file (.S19) of the system on the external EEPROM using the
(10) Run this program from the system using the command:
G $6000
Steps (6) and (7) can also be done in another way. We can define a macro and put the
PCBUG11 instructions in it and can then execute them all at once. The following macro was
written for the sytem:
MS $1035 $10
MS $103C $26
Once the macro is loaded, we can then load a program into memory and run it.
To run the program previously loaded into the external EEPROM, we just need to change the
jumper settings on the EVBU corresponding to the expanded mode. Then we power on the
board. The system will start from $B600 and then jump to the system program at external
location $6000.