2021 Binarelli Cancer Cog-Stim
2021 Binarelli Cancer Cog-Stim
2021 Binarelli Cancer Cog-Stim
Study Protocol
Multimodal Web-Based Intervention for Cancer-Related
Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Patients: Cog-Stim
Feasibility Study Protocol
Giulia Binarelli 1,2, * , Marie Lange 1,2,3 , Mélanie Dos Santos 1,2 , Jean-Michel Grellard 1 , Anaïs Lelaidier 4 ,
Laure Tron 2,3 , Sophie Lefevre Arbogast 1,2,3 , Benedicte Clarisse 1 and Florence Joly 1,2,3
Citation: Binarelli, G.; Lange, M.; Simple Summary: Cognitive difficulties and their impact on patients’ quality of life are frequently
Dos Santos, M.; Grellard, J.-M.; reported by patients treated for breast cancer, who ask for support to improve these difficulties.
Lelaidier, A.; Tron, L.; Lefevre Cognitive stimulation and physical activity resulted as beneficial for cognitive difficulties, but they
Arbogast, S.; Clarisse, B.; Joly, F. are challenging to generalize in hospitals. To overcome this limitation, home-based computerized
Multimodal Web-Based Intervention
interventions have been proposed. In this study, the feasibility of a combined intervention of
for Cancer-Related Cognitive
web-based cognitive stimulation and physical activity among breast cancer patients undergoing
Impairment in Breast Cancer Patients:
radiotherapy will be investigated. The overall goal is to develop interventions for cognitive difficulties
Cog-Stim Feasibility Study Protocol.
adapted to supportive care units.
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868. https://
Abstract: Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is a frequent side-effect of cancer treatment,
Academic Editors: Thomas Licht, with important consequences on patients’ quality of life. Cognitive stimulation and physical activity
Richard Crevenna and Massimo are the most efficient in improving cognitive impairment, but they are challenging to generalize in
Di Maio hospitals’ routine and to patients’ needs and schedules. Moreover, the added value of a combination
of these interventions needs to be more investigated. The Cog-Stim study is an interventional study
Received: 9 July 2021 investigating the feasibility of a web-based multimodal intervention (combining cognitive stimulation
Accepted: 23 September 2021 and physical activity for the improvement of cognitive complaints among breast-cancer patients
Published: 28 September 2021 currently treated with radiotherapy (n = 20). Patients will take part in a 12-week program, proposing
two sessions per week of web-based cognitive stimulation (20 min/session with HappyNeuron® )
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
and two sessions per week of web-based physical activity (30 min/session with Mooven® platform).
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Cognitive complaints (FACT-Cog) and objective cognitive functioning (CNS Vital Signs® ), anxiety,
published maps and institutional affil-
depression (HADS), sleep disorders (ISI) and fatigue (FACIT-Fatigue) will be assessed before and after
the intervention. The primary endpoint is the adherence rate to the intervention program. Patients’
satisfaction, reasons for non-attrition and non-adherence to the program will also be assessed. The
overall goal of this study is to collect information to develop web-based interventions for cognitive
difficulties in supportive care units.
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Keywords: cancer-related cognitive impairment; web-based interventions; multimodal interventions;
This article is an open access article
breast cancer; physical activity; cognitive stimulation
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
1. Introduction
Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) is one of the most frequent side-effects
of cancer and its treatments [1–5]. The impact of chemotherapy on cognition is the most
documented in the literature [1]. However, studies show that radiation therapy and hor-
mone therapy can also affect cognition [6,7]. However, 20% to 30% of patients were shown
to experiment CRCI even before adjuvant treatment [8]. Furthermore, breast cancer pa-
tients had more objective cognitive impairment before any treatment (including breast
cancer surgery), compared with healthy controls [9]. Patients treated for cancer frequently
report (40–75%) having trouble in remembering, thinking, concentrating or finding the
right words [2,10,11]. These symptoms can persist even 10 to 20 years after breast cancer
chemotherapy [12,13] and the repercussions are so profound that they perceive them-
selves as “chemobrain victims” [14]. Indeed, these symptoms impact patients’ quality
of life [15–17], disrupt their return to work [18] and lead to a decrease in self-confidence
at work or in social relationships [15,19–21]. For example, in interviews conducted one
year after breast cancer treatment, survivors reported deterioration in quality of life and
daily functioning due to cognitive difficulties, as well as coping strategies implemented
to manage their work and social life [15]. Some patients also reported that cognitive im-
pairment was the most troublesome symptom after treatment. In addition, approximately
6 years after chemotherapy, patients in remission from breast cancer found that cognitive
difficulties were frustrating and affected their self-confidence and social relationships [21].
Half of these women reported working harder to complete tasks and using compensatory
strategies to complete tasks at work [21]. Because these symptoms can occur before or
during cancer-treatment, it seems crucial to intervene during medical treatment, to alleviate
their impact on patients’ quality of life and to help them gain self-esteem before returning
to work. Moreover, as suggested by Lonkhuizen et al. [22], an early intervention could
prevent or delay worsening of CRCI, resulting in a better long-term efficacy. To date, there
are still no available and validated guidelines for the management of cognitive complaints.
The majority of cancer survivors reporting CRCI (75%) would like to receive support,
especially cognitive stimulation (72%) combined or not with physical activity [2].
Different methods have been evaluated and preliminary findings have shown benefi-
cial effects of non-pharmacological approaches [23]. Among these, cognitive stimulation
and physical activity are especially promising for the improvement of cognitive complaints
and quality-of-life of cancer patients [2,22,24–26].
Nevertheless, further high-quality studies are needed to identify the best efficient
approach between these interventions. Indeed, to date, the efficacy of either cognitive
stimulation or physical activity has been only compared to “standard care” (“standard
group” or “wait-list” group only). Therefore, comparative studies are needed to identify
the best possible intervention.
Furthermore, the intervention, whatever its modality, has been proposed mostly to
survivors a long time after the start of symptoms, and few of these studies evaluated
adherence ratings in the different groups of interventions.
The possible cognitive enhancing effects of a combination of physical activity and
cognitive stimulation have been suggested by several authors. Indeed, it seems that both
interventions can increase neuroplasticity and processes related to cognition and associative
learning, but via different neuronal mechanisms [27,28]. Fissler et al. (2013) [28] proposed
the model “guided plasticity facilitation” in which they suggest physical activity to be
the “plasticity facilitator” because it facilitates synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis, while
cognitive training regulates (guides) synapse formation and elimination [29].
This hypothesis has been confirmed by several studies outside oncology re-
search, [27,28,30–35] although, in the field of CRCI, to our knowledge, only two small
(10 and 28 patients, respectively) studies, with low statistical power, have reported some
preliminary results on the potential effect of a computer-based intervention combining cog-
nitive stimulation and physical activity [36,37]. In both studies, the intervention consisted
of 12 weeks of computer-based cognitive training; aerobic training, or a combination of
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868 3 of 14
both cognitive and aerobic training followed by flexibility (30 min-stretching). In both stud-
ies, the control group performed a 30-min flexibility training. The combined intervention
was done on a Motion Fitness Brain-Bike, on which it was possible to do cognitive and
physical exercises at the same time. The electric bicycle was equipped with a screen on
which patients did cognitive exercises while pedaling. In neither study did the combined
intervention lead to a significant increase in cognition. Authors suggested that the absence
of significant beneficial effects could be a result of the high level of difficulty and stress
reported among patients included in the combined intervention group. Results from these
studies differ from previous results from studies investigating the efficacy of simultaneous
combined intervention in other populations [28,32,38]. It can be suspected that the mode
of intervention in these two studies was too overwhelming and stressful for patients so
that it could result with beneficial effects on cognition.
The setup of such multimodal interventions in standard supportive care is difficult,
due to structural or health system-related barriers (such as cost and lack of trained health-
care providers). Such programs are also not adapted to patients’ schedule and needs (e.g.,
patients had to return frequently to the care center for the center’s sessions in addition to
their doctor’s appointments). E-Health approaches represent one solution to overcome
these barriers because it allows home-based and remotely supervised interventions. The
potential of such approaches has already been shown in multiple domains of mental
health [39–42] and also for the improvement of quality of life [43] and CRCI in cancer pa-
tients [44–50]. Furthermore, e-Health interventions have been shown to improve patients’
engagement [51] and to promote physical activity [52]. However, patients’ acceptance and
easiness in the use of computerized interventions, and their opinion concerning the length
of the program and frequency and length of the sessions is still unclear.
In conclusion, while previous studies have enlightened the interest of using a com-
puterized multimodal intervention, combining cognitive stimulation and physical activity,
it is imperative to investigate further the feasibility and acceptability of a computerized
multimodal intervention, before exploring their efficacy for cognitive improvement in
randomized controlled studies. Thus, in this pilot study, we aim to bridge this gap, investi-
gating the feasibility and acceptability of a program proposing a web-based multimodal
intervention combining cognitive stimulation and adapted physical activity (APA) to breast
cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy who have cognitive complaints.
2.2. Objectives
2.2.1. Primary Outcome
The main objective of the Cog-Stim study is to evaluate adherence of breast cancer
patients with cognitive complaints undergoing radiotherapy to a 12-weeks intervention
combining web-based cognitive stimulation and web-based adapted physical activity.
A patient will be considered as adherent to the 12-weeks intervention if 70% of the planned
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868 4 of 14
sessions or more are realized. A session will be considered performed if at least 70% of the
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868 4 of 14
session has been completed.
Figure 1.
1. Study
Study flowchart.
flowchart. APA:
APA: adapted
adapted physical
physical activity.
2.2. Objectives
2.2.2. Secondary Outcomes
Primary Outcome
objectives are:
(1) The main objective
To evaluate of the Cog‐Stim
the proportion study (attrition)
of acceptance is to evaluate adherence
of the study amongof breast cancer
breast can-
cer with cognitive
patients complaints
starting adjuvantundergoing
radiotherapy, radiotherapy
and accordingto a 12‐weeks
to previous intervention
combining web‐based
chemotherapy. Thecognitive
numberstimulation and web‐based
of patients contacted, adapted
program physical
rejection activity. A
and acceptance
patient will as
rates, bewell
considered as adherent
as reasons to thewill
for rejection 12‐weeks intervention
be recorded, along if 70%the
with of the planned
presence or
sessions or more
absence are realized.
of prior A session
chemotherapy will be considered performed if at least 70% of the
(2) Tohas been completed.
evaluate patients’ satisfaction regarding the proposed intervention program (fre-
quency, duration, content of the sessions, whether the moment to initiate cognitive
2.2.2. rehabilitation
Secondary Outcomesthroughout the oncologic management is appropriate, obstacles to ac-
cess and use
Secondary the different
objectives are: software, and the perceived usefulness of the program).
information will
To evaluate the be proportion
collected using a 13-item questionnaire,
of acceptance (attrition) of thedeveloped in our
study among
institution for this study.
breast cancer patients starting adjuvant radiotherapy, and according to pre‐
(3) To identify viousbarriers
adjuvant to accessing the program
chemotherapy. The number(impossibility
of patientsor contacted,
inability toprogram
use the
computer, no access to internet connections etc.) or to achieve its completion
rejection and acceptance rates, as well as reasons for rejection will be rec‐ (motives
orded, along with the presence or absence of prior chemotherapy treatment.
(2) To evaluate patients’ satisfaction regarding the proposed intervention pro‐
gram (frequency, duration, content of the sessions, whether the moment to
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868 5 of 14
2.5. Assessments
The baseline assessment (T0), before participating in the intervention program, will be
performed by a neuropsychologist in the Cancer Comprehensive center and the follow-up
assessment after the 3-month intervention program (T1), on-site or at home, based on the
patient’s preference. The MoCA test will be performed at baseline (inclusion criteria).
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868 6 of 14
Table 2. Cont.
Participants will have access to the training session through a link sent by e-mail and
will have access to it until they receive another mail with the next planned session. All
patients will start with the first difficulty’s level, which will increase accordingly with
their performance during exercises. Patients will reach the next level after two successful
repetitions of the exercise at the given level. Instructions and demonstrations precede each
exercise as well as a test to verify if instructions have been well understood. Automatic
feedback is generated after each exercise to congratulate patients or to encourage them to
persevere if they fail. When starting a new session, patients will carry on at the level they
stopped during the previous session.
The neuropsychologist will have access to patients’ results to estimate the evolution
of their performance and to verify the frequency with which sessions are being completed.
The neuropsychologist also will perform a weekly check for patients’ achievement to the
cognitive stimulation program and in case of non-achievement of two following sessions,
he/she will contact the patient to verify reasons of non-achievement.
3. Discussion
Breast Cancer patients are actively demanding interventions to improve their cancer-
related cognitive impairment [14,65]. Nevertheless, without available and validated guide-
lines for the management of cognitive complaints, only 30% of patients receive the help
demanded for their cognitive impairment [66]. While the beneficial effects of both cognitive
stimulation and physical activity have been proved [2,23–26], many barriers limit the setup
of such interventions in supportive care units in hospitals. Web-based interventions have
been used to reduce some of these barriers, including the cost of interventions, while
increasing convenience for patients, also reaching patients who are normally isolated and
cannot benefit from these interventions [67] and have resulted as efficient in the improve-
ment of CRCI [44–50]. Nevertheless, little is known about patients’ preferences in terms
of length of the program, length, and frequency of the sessions. This pilot study aims to
bridge this gap, collecting patients’ opinion on this topic. Thereafter, based on the results
from this pilot study, a multisite randomized controlled study will be conducted, to identify
the best computerized intervention for the improvement of CRCI.
The web-based/home-based nature of the Cog-Stim study program will allow a
generalization of this intervention for all cancer patients with cognitive complaints. This
will provide better support for cancer patients with cognitive difficulties by helping them go
back more smoothly to daily living activities, social interactions and work, thus improving
their quality of life during and after cancer treatments. The value of such interventions
has also increased with the COVID-19 outbreak, during which, thanks to web-based
approaches, it has been possible to provide remote support.
4. Conclusions
The efficacy of web-based cognitive stimulation and physical activity has been demon-
strated, but the added value of a combination of these interventions needs to be more
Cancers 2021, 13, 4868 11 of 14
investigated. This study will assess the acceptability and feasibility of such combined in-
tervention using web-based platforms in breast cancer patients with cognitive complaints.
The data collected from the Cog-Stim study will be the base for the development of a
personalized combined intervention to help patients to cope with CRCI.
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