Abnormal Psychology All Topics
Abnormal Psychology All Topics
Abnormal Psychology All Topics
● Blood (heart): sanguine: cheerful and optimistic; ruddy ● William Turke followed Pinel’s lead in England
in complexion; insomnia and delirium ● Benjamin Rush (founder of U.S. psychiatry)
● Black Bile (spleen); melancholic; depression introduced moral therapy in his early work at
● Phlegm (brain); phlegmatic; apathy and sluggishness; Pennsylvania Hospital.
calm under stress
● Choler/Yellow Bile (liver); choleric; hot tempered Asylums appeared in the 16th century, but they were
more like prisons than hospitals. It was the rise of moral
Two treatments developed:
therapy in Europe and the U.S. that made asylums habitable Neurotransmitters are biochemicals that are released from
and even therapeutic. the amazon of one neuron and transmit the impulse to the
dendrite receptors of another neuron.
After the mid-19th century, humane treatment
declined because of convergence factors. Brain Stem is the lower and more ancient part of the brain. It
is responsible for essential automatic functions like breathing,
Dorothea Dix campaigned endlessly for reform in the sleeping and moving around in a coordinated way.
treatment of insanity.
- Her work became known as the mental hygiene The forebrain is more advanced and evolved more recently.
- She was rightly acknowledged as a hero fo the 19th The hindbrain is the lowest part of the brainstem. It contains
century the medulla, pons, and the cerebellum. It regulates many
autonomic activities like breathing, heartbeat, and digestion.
Franz Mesmer ● The cerebellum controls motor action. Recent
He was widely regarded as the father of hypnosis (a research suggests that abnormalities in is may be
state in which extremely suggestible subjects sometimes associated with autism, although its connection to
appear to be in a trance) motor coordination is not clear.
He suggested the concept of animal magnetism ● The midbrain coordinates with sensory input and
(problems were caused by an undetectable fluid found in all contains parts of the reticular activating system
living organisms which could become blocked) (arousal and tension)
Jean-Martin Charcot At the top of the brainstem are the thalamus and
He demonstrated that some techniques of hypothalamus which are involved with regulating behavior
mesmerism were effective with a number of psychological and emotion. They serve as relays between the forebrain and
disorders. the remaining lower areas of the brain stem.
He did much to legitimize the fledgling practic of
hypnosis. At the base of the forebrain is the limbic system. It regulates
He discovered that it is therapeutic to recall and our emotional experiences and expressions, our ability to learn
relieve emotional trauma that has been made unconscious and and control our impulses, and is involved with the basic drives
to release the accompanying tension (catharsis). of sex, aggression, hunger, and thirst.
No influence operates in isolation. The cerebral cortex contains more than 80% of all neurons,
Each dimension (biological or psychological) is and allows us to plan, reason, and create.
strongly influenced by the others and by developments. They ● The left hemisphere is for verbal and other cognitive
weave together in various complex and intricate ways to create processes.
a psychological disorder. ● The right hemisphere is for perceiving the world
around us and creating images.
● Huntington’s disease has been traced to a genetic ● The temporal lobe is for auditory recognition.
defect that causes deterioration in the basal ganglia. It ● The parietal lobe is for touch and body positioning.
causes broad changes in personality, cognitive ● The occipital lobe is for visual inputs.
functioning, and motor behavior (particularly). ● The frontal lobe is for thinking and reasoning,
● Phenylketonuria (PKU) can results in intellectual planning for the future, and long term memory.
disability. It is present at birth and is caused by the
inability of the body to metabolize phenylalanine. THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
Linkage Studies It coordinates with the brain stem to make sure the
In this, scientists study individuals who have the body is working properly.
same disorder, also share other features.
This allows scientists to attempt to link known gene The Somatic Nervous System controls muscles (voluntray)
locations with the possible location of a gene contributing to The Autonomic Nervous System includes the sympathetic
the disorder. nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system.
● Sympathetic - mobilizes the body in times of stress
Diathesis-Stress Model or danger
Individuals inherit tendencies to express certain traits ● Parasympathetic - balances sympathetic system
or behavior, which then may be activated under conditions of
● Diathesis - inherited tendency; vulnerability Hormones are produced by each endocrine gland as a
● Stressor - life event; the disorder develops chemical messenger.
● Adrenal glands - epinephrine (adrenaline); in
● Thyroid glands - thyroxine; energy metabolism and
The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord. The PNS growth
consists of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic ● Pituitary gland - master gland; regulatory hormones
nervous system. ● Gonadal glands - sex hormones; estrogen and
Dendrites receive messages, while axons transmit impulses to
other neurons. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA Axis)
It is the cortical part of the adrenal glands that
Synaptic Cleft produce the stress hormone cortisol.
It is a small space between the axon of one neuron
and the dendrite of another. NEUROTRANSMITTERS
It is through which the impulse must pass to get to the
next neuron. Agonists increase the activity of neurotransmitters.
Antagonists decrease or block a transmitter. 4. Amount of psychosocial stress reported
Inverse agonists produce effects opposite to those produced 5. Level of adaptive functioning
by the neurotransmitter.
Amino-acid neurotransmitters: - 1994
● Glutamate - excitatory transmitter - Personality disorders and intellectual ability disorders
● Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - inhibitory were now coded on the Axis II
transmitter for information and action potentials - Axes:
1. Pervasive developmental disorders, learning
Monoamine neurotransmitters disorders, motor skills disorders,
● Serotonin - behavior, mood, and thought process communication disorders
● Norepinephrine - states of panic 2. Personality disorders and intellectual
● Dopamine - catecholamine; schizophrenia; pleasure disability
3. Physical disorders and conditions
Other neurotransmitters: 4. Reporting psychosocial and environmental
● Acetylcholine - learning problems
● Endorphine - euphoria 5. Level of adaptive functioning
● Adrenaline - concentration
- Minor changes to some of the criteria to improve
Clinical Assessment consistency
It is the systemic evaluation and measurement of - Helped clarify many issues related to the diagnosis of
psychological, biological, and social factors in an individual psychological disorders
presenting with a possible psychological disorder.
Diagnosis - 2012
It is the process of determining whether the particular - Divided into 3 main sections:
problem afflicting the individual meets all criteria for a 1. Introduces the manual and describes how to
psychological disorder. best use it
2. Disorders themselves
Affect 3. Descriptions of disorders or conditions that
It is the feeling state that accompanies what we say at need further research
a given point. - Removal of multiaxial system
- “Mental retardation” was idropped in favor of
Computer axial tomography scan gives an image of the “intellectual disability”
brain structure. - Comorbidity
● Trembling/shaking Description: fear of experiencing additional recurrent
● Sensations of shortness of breath unexpected panic attacks
● Feeling of choking Duration: 1 month or more
● Chest pain or discomfort Symptoms: (1 or both of the following)
● nausea/abdominal distress ● Persistent concern or worry about additional panic
● Feeling dizzy/lightheaded attacks or their consequences
● Chill or heat sensations ● Significant maladaptive change in behavior related to
● Paresthesias (numbness/tingling) the attacks (e.g. avoidance of exercise)
● Derealization or depersonalization Criteria:
● Fear of losing control or going crazy ● Description
● Fear of dying ● Duration and symptoms
● Not attributed to physiological effects of a substance
Neurotransmitters involved: serotonin, norepinephrine, and ● Not explained by another mental disorder
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
Therapies for Panic Attack:
● Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) - gold standard; Description: markbed fear or anxiety about public
helping clients identify and challenge worried thoughts situations/settings
and reduce avoidance of triggers Duration: 6 months or more
● Exposure therapy - a specific CBT technique to help Criteria:
desensitize people to anxiety triggers and reduce ● Mentioned description
avoidance behaviors ● Individual avoids these situations due to thoughts that
● Applied relaxation for panic disorder - helps escape might be difficult or help might not be
people identify triggers and early anxiety cues while available in the event of developing panic-like
teaching relaxation techniques symptoms
● Panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy ● Agoraphobic situations almost always provoke fear or
(PPFP) - earliest forms of psychotherapy; 24 sessions anxiety
over a 12-14 week period; focuses on helping people ● Agoraphobic situations are actively avoided, require
build awareness and resolve inner conflicts believed the presence of a companion, or are endured with
to cause anxiety intense fear or anxiety
● Online self-guided CBT and relaxation programs - ● The fear or anxiety is our of proportion to the actual
visual therapy and online self-help programs danger present
● Duration mentioned
Medications: ● The fear, anxiety or avoidance causes clinically
● Antidepressants - like SSRIs; work on some of the significant distress or dysfunction
same chemicals involved in anxiety and can also help ● If another medical condition is present (e.g.
to treat co-occurring symptoms of depression or mood parkinson’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, the
disorders fear, anxiety, or avoidance is clearly excessive
● Beta blockers - off-label medications typically used to ● Not better explained by the symptoms of another
treat high BP but may also be prescribed to people mental disorder and are not related to obsessions,
who struggle with panic attacks; lower risk for serious traumatic events, or fear of separation
side effects
● Benzodiazepines - prescribed short-term or Specific Phobia
as-needed; deactivates nervous system responses
that case physical symptoms of anxiety; very Duration: 6 months or more
addictive and has adverse side effects (black box Criteria:
warning) like risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors ● Marked fear or anxiety about a specific object or
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) ● Phobic object almost always provokes immediate fear
or anxiety
Description: excessive anxiety or worry about a number of ● Phobic object or situations are actively avoided with
events or activities; trigger cannot be pinpointed intense fear or anxiety
Duration: at least 6 months, occurring more days than not ● Fear or anxiety is out of proportion to the actual
Symptoms: (3 or more, only 1 is needed for children) danger posed and to the sociocultural context
● Restlessness ● Mentioned duration
● Easily fatigued ● Causes clinically significant distress or dysfunction
● Difficulty concentrating/mind going blank ● Not better explained by the symptoms of another
● Irritability disorder
● Muscle tension Specifers: (specific type)
● Sleep disturbance ● Animal
Criteria: ● National environment
● The mentioned description and duration ● Blood-injection-injury
● Individual finds it difficult to control the worry ● Situational (e.g. planes, elevators, enclosed spaces)
● Experience of symptoms mentioned ● Other (e.g. clowns, avoidance of situations that may
● The anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause lead to choking, vomiting, or contracting an illness)
● Not due to direct physiological effects of a substance
● Not better explained by another mental disorder Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
Comorbidities: Description: marked fear or anxiety about one or more social
● Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) situations in which the person is exposed to possible scrutiny
● Specific phobia by others
● Social anxiety disorder Duration: 6 month or more
● Panic disorder Criteria:
● Description mentioned
Panic Disorder ● Individual fears that they will act in a way, or show
anxiety symptoms, that will be negatively evaluated
● Social situations almost always provoke fear or d. Repeated or extreme exposure to aversive
anxiety detailed of events (does not include
● Social situations are avoided or endured with intense exposure through electronic media)
fear or anxiety B. Presence of one (or more) intrusion symptoms
● Out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the associated with the traumatic event/s after it occurred
social situation and to the sociocultural context a. Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive
● Duration mentioned distressing memories of the traumatic
● Causes clinically significant distress or dysfunction event/s
● Not attributed to the effects of a substance b. Recurrent distressing dreams in which the
● Not better explained by the symptoms of another content/affect of the dream are related to the
mental disorder traumatic event/s
● If another medical condition is present, the fear, c. Dissociative reactions in which the
anxiety, or avoidance is excessive individuals feels/acts as if the traumatic
Specifier/s: (specify if) event/s were recurring. (in young children,
● Performance only: if fear is restricted to speaking or reenactment may occur in play)
performing in public d. Intense or prolong psychological distress at
exposure to internal or external cues that
Selective Mutism symbolize or represent an aspect of the
Now grouped with the anxiety disorders in DSM-5 event
Description: A rare childhood disorder characterized by lack e. Marked physiological reactions to internal or
of speech in one more setting in which speaking is socially external cues
expected (commonly occurs in some settings but not others) C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the
Duration: more than one month, not counting the first month of traumatic event after it happened (1 or both)
school a. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid distressing
memories, thoughts, feelings, or
Separation Anxiety conversations about or closely associated
Description: a childhood disorder characterized by anxiety with the traumatic event/s
that excessive for the child’s developmental level and related to b. Avoidance of or efforts to avoid external
separation from parents or others who have parental roles reminders that arouse distressing
memories/thoughts/feelings or closely
Factors that Trigger Anxiety; (biopsychosocial model) associated with the event
● Environment - people develop anxiety disorder when c. Inability to recall an important aspect of the
they posses both biological and psychological trauma
vulnerabilities, coupled with a social environment that d. Markedly diminished interest or participation
set-off or trigger these vulnerabilities in significant activities
● Biology/Biological Aspect - refers tot he body’s e. Feeling of detachment or estrangement from
physiological, adaptive responses to fear; also refers others
to genetic trains and the brain functioning that we f. Restricted range of affect (e.g. unable to
inherit have loving feelings)
● Psychological Factors - our thoughts, beliefs, and g. Sense of a foreshortened future (e.g. does
perceptions about or experiences, our environment, not expect to have a career, marriage,
and ourselves; cognitive patterns that affect our children, or a normal life span)
perceived sense of control over our environment; D. Negative alterations in cognitions and mood
cognitive patterns influence how we assess and associated with the traumatic event/s beginning or
interpret events in our environment as either worsening after it occurred (2 or more)
threatening or nonthreatening a. Inability to remember an important aspect of
the traumatic event due to dissociative
Living with Anxiety: (RASH) amnesia not due to physiological factors
● Regular exercise b. Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs
● Adequate sleep aor expectations about oneself, other, or the
● Healthy diet world
● Stress reduction techniques c. Persistent distorted cognitions about the
cause or consequences that lead the
Trauma- and Stress-Related Disorders individual to blame themselves or others
d. Persistent negative emotional state
DSM-5 consolidates a group of formerly disparate e. Markedly diminished interest or participation
disorders that all develop after a relatively stressful life event, in significant activities
often an extremely stressful or traumatic life event. f. Feelings of detachment or estrangement
This set of trauma and stressor-related disorders from others
include attachment disorders in childhood following inadequate g. Persistent inability to experience positive
or abusive child-rearing practices, adjustment disorders emotions
characterized by persistent anxiety and depression following a E. Duration of disturbance: more than 1 month
stressful life event, and reactions to trauma such as PTSD and F. Causes significant distress or dysfunction
acute stress disorder. Specifiers: (specify if)
● With delayed expression - if the diagnostic threshold
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not exceeded until at least 6 months after the event
Criteria: ● With dissociative symptoms: in response to the
A. Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, stressor, the individual experiences persistent or
or sexual violence recurrent symptoms of depersonalization or
a. Direct experience derealization
b. Witnessing in person that occurred to others Causes:
c. Learning that the event/ occurred to a close ● Family history of anxiety (generalized biological
relative or friend. Must be violent or vulnerability for PTSD)
accidental. ● Serotonin transporter gene involving 2 short alleles
(SS) (increasing probability of becoming depressed)
● Family instability (may instill a sense that a world is an nonthreatening interactions with adult
uncontrollable, potentially dangerous place) caregivers
● Psychoanalytic therapy = catharsis Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
● Cognitive therapy = correct negative assumptions
Description: might engage in inappropriately intimate behavior
Adjustment Disorder by showing a willingness to immediately accompany an
unfamiliar adult figure somewhere without first checking back
Describe anxious or depressive reactions to life stress with a caregiver
that are generally milder than one would see in acute stress Criteria:(at least 2)
disorder or PTSD A. a pattern of behavior in which a child actively
Nevertheless impairing in terms of interfering with approaches and interacts with unfamiliar adults
work or school performance, personal relationship or other a. Reduced or absent reticence in approaching
areas of living and interacting with unfamiliar adults
Criteria: b. Overly familiar verbal or physical behavior
A. Development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in that is not consistent with culturally
response to an identifiable stressor/s occurring within sanctioned and age-appropriate social
3 months of the onset of the stressor/s boundaries
a. Symptoms or behaviors are clinically c. Diminished or absent checking back with
significant as evidenced by one of both of adult caregiver after venturing away, even in
the following unfamiliar settings
b. Marked distress that is out of proportion to d. Willingness to go off with an unfamiliar adults
the severity or intensity of the stressor with minimal or no hesitations
(taking into account the external context and B. Behaviors in criterion a are not limited to impulsivity
cultural factors) (e.g. ADHD) but include socially inhibited behavior
B. Significant impairment in social, occupational, or other C. (1 or more) experienced a pattern of extremes of
areas of functioning insufficient care
C. Stress-related disturbance does not meet the criteria a. Social neglect or deprivation in the form of
for another mental disorder and is not merely an persistent lack of having basic emotional
exacerbation of a preexisting mental disorder needs met by caregiving adults
D. Symptoms do not represent normal bereavement b. Repeated changes of primary caregivers that
E. Once the stressor or its consequences hce limit opportunities to form stable attachments
terminated, the symptoms do not persist for mote than c. Rearing in unusual setting that severely limit
an additional 6 months opportunities to form selective attachments
Specifiers: (specify whether) D. Care in criterion c presumed to be responsible for
● F43.21: with depressed mood - predominant low disturbed behavior in criterion a
mood, tearfulness, or feelings or hopelessness E. Child has a developmental age of at least 9 months.
● F43.22: with anxiety - predominant nervousness, Specifier:
worry, jitteriness, or separation anxiety ● Persistent - more than 12 months
● F43.23: with mixed anxiety and depressed mood: ● Current severity - mild,/severe
predominant combination of depression and anxiety
● F43.24: with disturbance of conduct Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
● F43.25: with mixed disturbance of emotions and
conduct Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
● F43.20: unspecified - maladaptive reactions that are
not classifiable as one of the specific subtypes of Criteria:
adjustment disorder ● Presence of obsession, compulsions, or both:
● Obsessions are defined by:
Attachment Disorders ○ Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or
images; intrusive and unwanted; marked
Refers to disturbed and developmentally anxiety or distress
inappropriate behaviors in children ○ Attempts to ignore or suppress such
Emerging before 5 years of age thoughts/urges/mage or to neutralize them
Child is unable or unwilling to form normal attachment with some other thought or action
relationships with caregiving adults ● Compulsions are denied by:
○ Repetitive behavior or mental acts; individual
Reactive Attachment Disorder feels driven to perform; obsession or
according to rules
Description: very seldomly seek out a caregiver for protection, ○ Behaviors or acts are aimed at preventing or
support, ad nurturance and will seldom respond to offers from reducing anxiety/distress or preventing some
caregivers to provide this kind of care dreaded event or situation
A. Consistent pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn Four major types:
behavior toward adult caregivers, manifested by both
of the following; Symmetry obsession - 26.7%
a. Rarely or minimally seeks comfort when Forbidden thoughts or actions - 21%
distressed Cleaning and contamination - 15.9%
b. Rarely or minimally responded to comfort Hoarding - 15.4%
when distressed
B. A persistent social and emotional disturbance Tic Disorder
characterized by at leat 2 of the following: Characterized by: involuntary movement (ex.sudden
a. Minimal social and emotional jerking of limbs)
responsiveness to others Co-occurs in: patients with OCD (particularly
b. Limited positive affect children) or in their families
c. Episodes of unexplained irritability, sadness, More complex: Tourette;s disorder, with involuntary
or fearfulness that are evident even during vocalizations
Causes of OCD: Trichotillomania (Hair Pulling Disorder)
● Thought-action fusion - clients with OCD equate
thoughts with the specific actions or activity Description: the urge to pull out one’s own hair from anywhere
represented on the body, including the scalp, eyebrows, and arms
● This may be because of attitudes of excessive Results in; noticeable hair loss, distress, and significant social
responsibility and resulting guilt developed during impairments
childhood, when een a bad thought is associated with Prevalence: more common thant once believed; observed
evil intent between 1% and 5% of college students, with females
reporting the problem more than male
Treatment for OCD:
● Inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin - most effective Excoriation (Skin Picking Disorder)
(up to 60% of patients with OCD)
● Exposure and ritual prevention (ERP) - most effective Description: characterized by repetitive and compulsive
approach; rituals are actively prevented and the picking of the skin, leading to tissue damage
patient is systematically and gradually exposed to the Results in: significant embarrassment, distress, and
feared thoughts or situations impairment in terms of social and work functioning
Prevalence; largely a female disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder Prior DSM-5: both trichotillomania and excoriation were
classified under impulse control disorders, but it has been
Criteria: established that these disorders often co-occur with OCD and
A. Preoccupation with one or more defects or flaws in BDD as well as with each other
physical appearance that are NOT OBSERVABLE or
APPEAR SLIGHT to others Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
B. At some point during the course of the disorder, the
individual has performed repetitive behaviors (e.g. Somatic Symptom Disorder
mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking) in
response to appearance concerns It used to be called Briquet’s Syndrome.
C. The preoccupation causes clinically significant Description: Excessive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors,
distress or dysfunction related to the somatic symptoms
D. The appearance preoccupation is not better explained Duration: State of being symptomatic is persistent (typically
by concerns with body fat or weight (does not meet more than 6 months)
the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder) Specify if:
Specifiers: (specify if) ● With predominant pain (previously pain disorder)
● With food or fair insight - BDD beliefs are definitely Specify current severity:
/probably/may/may not be true ● Mild
● With poor insight - BDD beliefs are probably true ● Moderate
● With absent insight/delusional beliefs - completely ● Severe
convinced that BDD beliefs are true
● With muscle dysmorphia - his or her body build is too Illness Anxiety Disorder
small or insufficiently muscular
It was formerly known as hypochondriasis.
In Men vs. Women Disease conviction is a core conviction.
Description: It is severe anxiety that is focused on the
● Equally seen in both sexes possibility of having or developing a serious disease.
● Men tend to focus on body build, genitals, and Specify whether:
thinning hair and tend to have more sever BDD ● Care-seeking type - medical care is frequently used
● Women focus more on varied body areas and are ● Care-avoidant type - medical care is rarely used
more likely to also have an eating disorder Statistics:
● Onset ranges from early adolescence through the ● 1-5% prevalence
20s, peaking at the age of 16-16 ● Culture specific: koro (severe anxiety that the genitals
are retracting into the abdomen), dhat (anxiety about
Hoarding Disorder losing semen)
Description: excessive acquisition of things, difficulty ● Faulty interpretation of physical signs and symptoms
discarding anything, and living with excessive clutter under ● “Benefits” of being sick
conditions best characterized as gross disorganization Treatment:
Criteria: ● Reassurance and education
A. Persistent difficulty discarding items, regardless of ● Explanatory therapy
actual value ● CBT
B. Due to perceived need to save the items and distress
associated with discarding them Conversion Disorder
C. Resulting in accumulation of possessions that clutter
living areas thus substantially interfering with function It is a disorder characterized by altered motor or
and activities sensory function, which cannot be explained by a medical
D. Causes clinically significant distress or dysfunction disorder or condition
E. Not attributed to a medical condition (e.g. brain injury,
stroke, etc.) Factitious Disorder
F. Not better explained by the symptoms of another
mental disorder (e.g. dementia, MDD, schizophrenia, It is the falsification of physical or physiological
autism, OCD) ailments for “benefits” of having it.
Specifiers: (specify if) Statistics:
● With excessive acquisition ● Relatively rare in mental health settings
● With good/poor/no insight ● Primarily found in women and typically develop during
adolescence or slightly thereafter
● Indifference to conversion symptoms They become hyperactive, require little sleep and may
● Occur in less educated, lower socioeconomic groups develop grandiose plans.
● Freud: primary gain (to reduce anxiety about a Duration: at least 1 week and present most of the day
traumatic event), secondary fain (to receive attention
and/or to avoid a difficult task/situation) Hypomanic episodes are less severe and do not
Treatment: cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning
● reexperiencing/reliving the event (catharsis) and need only last for 4 days rather than a full week.
● Reduce any reinforcing or supporting consequences
Major Depressive Disorder
Dissociative Disorders
It is the most easily recognized mood disorder,
Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder defined by the absence of mani or hypomanic episodes before
or during the disorder.
During an episode of depersonalization, you If two or more MDE occurred and were separated by
temporarily lose the send of your own reality, as if you were in at least 2 mos in which the individual was not depressed, the
a dream and you were watching yourself. MDD is noted as being recurrent.
During an episode of derealization, your sense of the
reality of the reality of the external world is lost. Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthimia)
Mean age of onset is 16 and the course tends to be
chronic. It is defined as a depressed mood that continues for
at leat 2 years, during which the patient cannot be symptom
Dissociative Amnesia free for more than 2mos at a time even though they may not
experience all of the symptoms of MDE.
In most cases of dissociative amnesia, the forgetting Differs from MDD as it is considered more severe.
is selective for traumatic events or memories rather than
generalized. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
A subtype is dissociative fugue, wherein a person
takes trips and are unable to remember why or how they got It is described as severe and sometimes
there. incapacitating emotional reactions during the premestrual
Dissociative Identity Disorder It is a combination of physical symptoms, sever mood
swings, and anxiety, which are associated with incapacitation
It is the disruption of identity characterized by two or during this period of time.
more distinctive personality states, which may be described in It must occur in most menstrual cycles in the
some cultures as an experience of possession. preceding year.
● The average number of alters is closer to 15. Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
● The onset is almost always in childhood, as young as
4 years of age. Criteria:
● The ratio of females is as high as 9:1. A. This refers to severe recurrent temper outburst
● Often misdiagnosed as a psychotic disorder because manifested verbally and/or behaviorally that are
auditory hallucinations are common. grossly out of proportion in intensity or duration
Causes: to the situation or provocation.
● Abused as a child B. The temper outburst are inconsistent with
● Sexual or physical abuse developmental level.
● Chaotic, unsupportive family environment C. The temper outbursts occur 3 or more times per
● Suggestibility week.
● Self-hypnosis D. The mood between temper outbursts is persistently
Treatment: irritable or angry most of the day, nearly every
● Therapeutic resolution of the distressing situation and day, and is observable by others.
personal coping mechanism E. Present for 12 or more months, not had a period
● Recalling what happened during the amnesic or fugue lasting 3 or more consecutive months without all
states of the symptoms
● Hypnosis or benzodiazepines F. Present in at least ⅔ settings and are severe in at
least one of those
Mood Disorders and Suicide G. Diagnosis should not be made for the first time
before age 6 years or after age 18 years
They are called mood disorders because they are H. Age of onset of Criteria A-E is before 10 years
characterized by gross deviations in mood. I. No distinct period lasting more than 1 day during
which full symptom criteria for a mani or hypomanic
Major Depressive Episode episode have been met
J. Not better explained by another mental disorder
Anhedonia is the loss of energy and inability to K. Not attributed to the physiological effects of a
engage in pleasurable activities or have any “fun” substance
- believed that suicide intication unconscious hostility ● Binge-eating/purging type: during the last 3 months,
directed inward to the self rather than outward to the the individual has engaged in recurrent episodes of
person or situation causing the anger. binge-eating or purging behavior
v. Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed,
Central Sleep Complete cessation Polysomnograph
or very giolty afterward Apnea of respiratory activity y of at least 5
c. Marked distress regarding binge-eating is present for brief period obstructive
d. This bing-eating occurs on average at leat one a Often associated with apneas or
week for 3 months CNS disorders hypopneas per
e. This binge-eating is not associated with the recurrent Wake up frequently at hour of sleep
use of inappropriate compensatory behavior as in night but not aware of
having a serious
bulimia nervosa
breathing problem
e. In boys, a strong rejection of typically
masculine toys, games, and activities and Six General Categories of Substances:
avoidance of rough-and-tumble play; the
same with girls Depressants
f. A strong dislike of one’s sexual anatomy - Induce relaxation
g. A strong desire for the primary/secondary - Include alcohol, barbiturates (sedatives), and
sex characteristics that match one’s benzodiazepines (hypnotic drugs)
experienced gender
B. The condition is associated with clinically significant Stimulants
distress/impairment in social, school, or other areas of - Makes us active and alert
functioning - Elevates mood
- Include amphetamines, cocaine, nicotine, and
In Adolescents and Adults: caffeine
A. A marked incongruence between one’s
experienced/expressed gender and assigned gender, Opiates
of at least 6 months’ duration, as manifested by at - Produces analgesia temporarily and euphoria
least 2 of the following: - painkillers
a. A marked incongruence between one’s - Include heroin, opium, codeine, and morphine
experienced/expressed gener and
primary/secondary sex characterstics Hallucinogens
b. A strong desire to be rid of one’s - Alter sensory perception
primary/secondary sex characteristics - Produce delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations
because of marked incongruence with one’s - Include cannabis and LSD
experienced/expressed gender
c. A strong desire for the primary/secondary Other Drugs of Abuse
sex characteristic of the other gender ● Inhalants (e.g. airplane glue)
d. A strong desire to be of the other gender ● Anabolic steroid
e. A strong desire to be treated as of the other ● OTC and prescription medications (e.g. nitrous oxide)
f. A strong conviction that one has the typical Gambling Disorder
feelings and reactions of the other gender - Unable to resist the urge to gamble which results in
B. This condition is associated with clinically significant negative personal consequences (e.g. divorce, loss of
distress/impairment in social, school, or other employment)
important areas of functioning
Biological Treatment
Substance-Related, Addictive, and Impulse-Control
Disorders Agonist Substitution
- Providing the person with a sage drug that has a
Any substance abuse should be occurring within a chemical makeup similar to the addictive drug
12-month period to be diagnosed as such. - Methadone is an opiate agonist that is often given as
a heroin substitute.
Substance - It is combined with counseling.
- Chemical compounds that are ingested to alter mood - Nicotine patches, gums, inhalers, or nasal sprays
or behavior are provided to smokers.
- It lacks the carcinogens in cigarette smokes.
Psychoactive substances - The dose is later tapered off to lessen
- Alter mood, behavior, or both withdrawal from the drug.
People having episodes in which they act out on - Excessively mistrustful and suspicious of others
aggressive impulses that result in serious assaults or without any justification
destruction of property. - Assume people are out to trick or harm them
It is not often diagnosed. - Tend to not confide in others
This diagnosis is controversial and has been debated
throughout the development of the DSM. Schizoid Personality Disorder
- Neither desire nor enjoy closeness with others
Kleptomania - Appear cold and detached
- Do not seem to be affected by praise or criticism
It is the recurrent failure to resist urges to steal things - Consider themselves to be observers rather than
that are not needed for personal use nor their monetary value. participants in the world around them (Beck &
The person begins to feel a sense of tension just Freeman)
before stealing, which is then followed by feelings of pleasure
or relief while the theft is committed. Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Have no memory about the act. - Have psychotic-like symptoms (such as believing
Naltrexone is somewhat effective in reducing the urge everything relates to them personally)
to steal. - Have social deficits and sometimes cognitive
impairments or paranoia
Pyromania - Often considered odd or bizarre because of:
● How they relate ot other people
It involves having an irresistible urge to set fires. ● How they think and behave
The person feels tension before setting a fire, and a ● how they dress
sense of gratification or relief while the fire burns. - Have odd beliefs or engage in “magical thinking”
Treatment is generally CBT, helping the person
identify signals that initiate urges and teaching coping
Cluster B - Dramatic, Emotional, or Erratic
strategies to resist the temptation.
Positive Symptoms Specifiers:
● Bipolar type - manic episodes as part of the
Delusions presentation
- Misinterpretation of reality ● Depressive type - only if major depressive episodes
- “The basic characteristic of madness” are part of the presentation
Specify if:
● Delusions of Grandeur ● With catatonia
○ Mistaken belief that the person is famous or
powerful Substance/Medication-Related Psychotic Disorder
● Delusions of Persecution
○ Others are “out ot get them” A. Has delusions and/or hallucinations
● Capgras Syndrome B. There is evidence from history that both (1) Criterion
○ Believes someone they know has been A happened during or after substance intoxication and
replaced by a double (2) involved substance/medication is capable of
● Cotard’s Syndrome producing Criterion A.
○ Believes he is dead C. Not explained by another psychotic disorder
● Erotomania D. Not exclusively during the course of a delirium
○ Believes someone is in love with them E. Causes clinically significant distress or impairment
without justifiable cause
Hallucinations Brief Psychotic Disorder
- Experience of sensory events without any input from
the surrounding environment A. Present of 1 or more (must be 1,2, or 2) of (1)
- Broca’s area is the most active part of the brain during delusions, (2) hallucinations, (3) disorganized speech,
hallucinations or (4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior).
B. At Least 1 day but less than 1 month
Negative Symptoms C. Not better explained by MDD or BD with psychotic
Avolition Specify if:
- Little interest in performing even the most basic ● With marked stressors (brief reactive psychosis)
day-to-day functions ● Without marked stressors
● With postpartum onset (within 4 weeks postpartum or
Alogia during pregnancy)
- Respond to questions with brief replies that have little ● With catatonia
content and may appear uninterested in the
conversation Neurodevelopmental Disorders
3. Combined Approach to Treatment ● Peirnatal (difficulties during labor and delivery)
● Postnatal (infections and head injury)
Specific Learning Disorder
Treatment of ID:
It is characterized by performance that is substantially ● Biological treatment is not a viable option as of today.
below what would be expected given the person’s age, IQ ● Generally are attempts to teach them the skills they
score, and education. need to become more productive and independent.
● Communication training:
Autism Spectrum Disorder ○ Mild = improving articulation
○ Most severe = sign language and/or
It must be present in early developmental period but augmentative communication strategies
may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed ● Supported employment
limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in
later life. Neurocognitive Disorders
Due to Vascular Neurocognitive Disorder