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NIM. 0201619










Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Hindu Singaraja

untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Persyaratan Mendapatkan Gelar Sarjana (S1)

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris



NIM. 0201619





Skripsi oleh Komang Kenny Williem Sukamaji telah diperiksa dan disetujui untuk
ujian skripsi


Singaraja, 17 Mei 2023

Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

(Ni Wayan Monik Rismadewi, S.Pd., M.Pd) (Kadek Heni Oktarina Wisudayanti,S.Pd.,M.Pd)

NIDN: 0824108801 NIDN: 0809108901




Hari :

Tanggal :

Tim Penguji: Tanda Tangan

Luh Mila Trisna Dewi, S.Pd., M.Pd ................................

NIDN. 0827088101

I Gede Yoga Permana, S.Pd., M.Pd ................................

NIDN. 0830039401

Ni Wayan Monik Rismadewi, S.Pd., M.Pd ................................

NIDN. 0824108801





Ketua Ujian Sekretaris Ujian

I Luh Meiyana Ariss Susanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. I Gede Yoga Permana, S.Pd., M.Pd.
NIDN: 0814057801 NIDN: 0830039401


Ketua STKIP Agama Hindu Singaraja

Dra. Ni Nyoman Suastini, M.Ag.

NIP. 19621231 198803 2 004


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini


NIM : 0201619

Jurusan/Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni / Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

menyatakan bahwa skripsi saya berjudul, “DEVELOPING INSTRUCTIONAL

ACADENIC YEAR 2022/2023” ini benar-benar merupakan hasil karya saya
sendiri. Selain itu, sumber informasi yang dikutip dari penulis lain telah disebutkan
dalam teks dan dicantumkan dalam daftar pustaka.

Apabila pada kemudian hari terbukti atau dapat dibuktikan skripsi ini hasil jiplakan,

saya bersedia menerima sanksi atas perbuatan saya.

Singaraja, 17 Mei 2023

` Komang Kenny Williem S.


“Don't rely on others, only yourself can save you.”


I dedicate this thesis to :

Since my campus hasn't had its own study guidebook for a number of years, I've

finally managed to produce one piece of work, namely a book that will be used for

learning on campus in the future. Although it's not perfect, I'll keep working to

make it better and create other books that can be used as study guides in the future

and are simple enough for hospitality and cruise ship students to understand.


Komang Kenny Williem Sukamaji

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
[email protected]


This study aimed at describing the English for Food and beverage service
materials needed by students of Kampus Bali International, describing how the
materials were developed, and analysing the quality of the developed materials. This
study used research and development model suggested by (Sugiyono, 2015)
comprising design, development and evaluation. The instruments used were
questionnaires and interview guides. The findings of this study show that there were
8 topics needed to be developed included Introduction of F&B department, preparing
restaurant area, preparing and set up table, sequences of service, cutlery, provide
room service, define menu, alcohol and non-alcoholic beverage. The materials were
designed by following the English for Specific Purposes (ESP) material design
suggested by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) involving input, content focus, language
focus and task. Since English for food and beverage is part of ESP that is under
English for Occupational Purposes, the effectiveness of the developed materials was
evaluated using the criteria of good ESP materials suggested by Litz (2005),
Hutchinson and Waters (2008), and Tomlinson (2009). After gaining the scores from
the expert judges, the data then used the categorization of good teaching materials
proposed by Nurkancana and Sunartana (2011). The quality of the developed
materials was categorized as good material. Thus, it can be used as a main source for
learning English Food and beverage service at Kampus Bali International

Keyword: ADDIE, material development, RnD, Need Analysis, Food and

Beverage Service


All praise goes to the presence of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, God

Almighty, Most Compassionate and Merciful, who gives knowledge, inspiration and

glory. By his blessings, the writer can complete the thesis entitled TEACHER'S



IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2022/2023 on time.

The author realizes that the preparation of this thesis is inseparable from the

help, guidance and support of various parties. In this opportunity the author would

like to thank for the assistance that has been given from all parties in the preparation

of this thesis, especially to:

1. Dra. Ni Nyoman Suastini, M.Ag., as the head of STKIP Agama Hindu


2. I Gede Yoga Permana, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the head of the English Education

Study Program, STKIP Agama Hindu Singaraja;

3. Ni Wayan Monik Rismadewi, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the first supervisor for the

guidance, advice, and motivation given;

4. Kadek Heni Oktarina Wisudayanti, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the second supervisor for

the guidance, advice, and motivation given;

5. Kadek Enggi Aditya Heraldy Sukamaji, A.Md., as the Director of the Kampus

BALI INTERNATIONAL Singaraja for the place that has been given to the

researcher to do the research;

6. All Lecturers of the STKIP Agama Hindu Singraja English Education Study

Program who have given their knowledge to the author;

7. Our parents, brother and sister, for the prayers, guidance, and love that have

always been poured out all this time.

And all parties who helped in the writing of this thesis that cannot be

mentioned one by one. The author realizes that this thesis is still far from being

perfect, so any input for improvement in the future be accepted.

Finally, the writer hopes that this thesis can be accepted and useful for all of

us in the future.

Singaraja, May 15th , 2023

Komang Kenny Williem Sukamaji


LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................................... v

PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN TULISAN.............................................................. vi

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... ix

FOREWORD ......................................................................................................... x

CHAPTER I .......................................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Research Background ........................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Problems ............................................................................... 3

1.3 Research Question ................................................................................ 3

1.4 Research Objectives ............................................................................. 4

1.5 Research Significances ............................................................................ 4

1.6 Scope of Research.................................................................................... 5

1.7 Definition of key terms ............................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II ....................................................................................................... 10

REVIEW OF LITERATURES ............................................................................. 10

2.1 Concepts of Developing English Teaching Material ........................... 10

2.1.1 Definition of English Teaching Material ......................................... 10

2.1.2 Definition of Material Development ............................................... 10

2.1.3 Needs Analysis ............................................................................... 12

2.1.4 English for Specific Purposes (ESP) ............................................... 14

2.1.5 The Definition of ESP..................................................................... 15

2.2 Concepts of Food and Beverage service ............................................. 16

2.2.1 Food and Beverage Service ............................................................. 16

2.2.2 Form of Food and Beverage Service ............................................... 17

2.2.3 Characteristic of Service ................................................................. 22

2.2.4 Definition of Waiter/Waitress ......................................................... 24

2.2.5 Responsibilities of Waiter/Waitress ................................................ 24

2.2.6 Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of Waiters and Waitress in

Serving Guest ............................................................................................... 24

2.3 Conceptual Framework Of Thinking ...................................................... 27

2.4 Empirical Review .................................................................................. 28

CHAPTER III ...................................................................................................... 39

RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................................................... 39

3.1 Research Design .................................................................................... 39

3.2 The Subjects and Objects of the research ............................................... 41

3.2.1 Research Subject ............................................................................ 41

3.2.2 Research Object .............................................................................. 41

3.3 Population ............................................................................................. 42

3.4 Research Setting .................................................................................... 42

3.5 Sample Participant ................................................................................. 42

3.6 Instrument ............................................................................................. 43

3.6.1 Need Analysis Questionnaire .......................................................... 43

3.6.2 Expert Judgment Questionnaire ...................................................... 50

3.6.3 Interview ........................................................................................ 52

3.7 Data Collection ...................................................................................... 55

3.8 Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................... 56

3.8 Data analysis.......................................................................................... 58

3.9 Product design planning ......................................................................... 59

3.10 Design validation ................................................................................... 59

3.11 Experimental design models products that have been designed .............. 60

3.11.1 Input ............................................................................................... 60

3.11.2 Content focus.................................................................................. 60

3.11.3 Language focus ............................................................................... 61

3.11.4 Task................................................................................................ 61

CHAPTER IV...................................................................................................... 63

RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .................................................... 63

4.1 Findings ................................................................................................. 63

4.1.1 The Students’ Needs in Learning English ........................................... 63

4.2 Discussion ............................................................................................. 69

4.2 Initial Product Design ............................................................................ 76

4.3 Results of Product Testing. .................................................................... 81

4.4 Product revision (revised image and its explanation) .............................. 82

4.4.1 Input ............................................................................................... 83

4.4.2 Content Focus ................................................................................. 84

4.4.3 Language Focus .............................................................................. 85

4.4.4 Vocabullary Focus .......................................................................... 86

4.4.5 Task................................................................................................ 86

CHAPTER V ....................................................................................................... 88

CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................................. 88

5.1 Conclusion............................................................................................. 88

5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................. 89

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 90

APENDIXS ......................................................................................................... 92


Table 3.3 Class population data……………………………………..……… 42

Table 3.6.1 Student need analysis questionnaire of students Bali International 45

Table 3.6.2 Expert analysis questionnaire of students Bali International….…. 47

Table 3.6.3 Expert judgment form questionnaire………………………….….. 50

Table 3.8 Likert scale…………………………………………………….…. 59

Table 4.1.1 The Student’s need of language skill…………………….………. 64

Table 4.1.2 The Student’s difficulties in language English…………..………. 65

Table 4.1.3 The Student’s wants in learning English……………..………….. 66

Table 4.1.4 The Student’s purpose of learning English………………………. 67

Table 4.1.5 Summary data of student questionnaire………….………………. 68


Figure 3.1 ADDIE development research model…………………………….. 40

Figure 3.7 The ADDIE instructional design model………………….………. 57

Figure 3.9 Design planning of book…………………………………………. 59



1.1 Research Background

Bali is a tourist destination which has a unique culture and society,

therefore Bali is a famous island in over the world. Bali Island has developed as

one of the world’s premier tourist destinations with over one million foreign

visitors flying directly to Bali. By those reasons many people desire to work in

tourism sector. An important element in tourism industry is a human resource.

The human resource factor plays a major role in promoting tourism industry.

Thus, they should have good communication skills. According to,Zahedpisheh,

Bakar & Saffari (2017) employees who work in tourism and hospitality industry are

entirely and highly aware of the importance language proficiency and they need

to have good command of English in their workplace. One of the employees

working in the hotel industry is a Waiter.

Working at tourism sector especially being a Waiter/waitress requires

professional competence in the field of tourism. The needs of qualified and

professional staff in the tourism field as well as ability to communicate English

fluently and accurately must be mastered properly. One solution to cope this

problem is to learn ESP (English for specific purposes) therefore specifically

English for Food and beverage service. Food and Beverage Service covers the

knowledge and skills necessary for those studying or working at a variety of

levels in food and beverage service.

However, in order to develop the quality of English competence, English

for food and beverage service needs to have or develop appropriate material. In
addition, ESP material uses learning-centered approach to English language

teaching whose methodology is based on the specific needs of the learner

Hutchinson and Waters (1987), In other words, knowing the needs of the students

is considered fundamental in developing English for food and beverage service

materials because students come to a class with different need and social

background. Without matching the needs, social background of students and

current technologies to ESP material, it is impossible to create relevant materials

for specific jobs.

Kampus Bali International is Tourism Vocational Campus which is

located at Singaraja. Kampus Bali International offers one major that is Hotel

accommodation which has five programs study such as Food and beverage

service, Food and beverage product, Bartender, House Keeping, and Front office.

The food and beverage service program used an old book. the book has not been

revised and updated yet since it was firstly used in Kampus Bali International.

Another problem was the text book was not well-sequenced. As (Hutchinson and

Waters (1987) state that a well sequenced textbook material consists of input,

content focus, language focus, and task.

In the process of developing teaching and learning material, the first thing

to do is to analyze the needs. Nunan (1988) needs analysis refers to a family of

procedures for gathering information about learners and about communication

tasks. Li (2014) adds that needs analysis is an activity to gather preliminary

information to develop a learning curriculum that includes learning material,

teaching and learning activities, developing tests and evaluating. (Hutchinson and

Waters (1987) define learning needs as what learners need to do in order to learn.

In the same vein, Robinson (1991) states that learning needs are what the learner

needs to do to actually acquire the language. In this sense, learning needs look

for data in relation to the learning situation which take into consideration learners

type, cultural awareness and proficiency level in English, the available materials,

the existing resources and all the information that can help the teacher to provide

the learners with the appropriate knowledge

The existence of textbooks on food and beverage service is needed to

support the teaching and learning process. Therefore, this study aims to develop

English teaching materials for food and beverage service. The results of this study

will be in the form of books that can be used by students at Kampus Bali

International Singaraja.

1.2 Research Problems

Based on the background of study and the problem identification, the

research problems can be formulated as follows.

Many student have difficulties learning food and beverage service,

several factors cause these obstacles because the order of the books is not well

sequenced, what the researcher do is asking the students about difficulties in

learning food and beverage service section

1.3 Research Question

According with the problems faced by students when learning in the

class, These are some question that are formulated as follows:

1. What are the material should be developed for Food and Beverage Service

students of Bali International Singaraja?

2. What are the students’ needs in English language for Food and Beverage


3. What are the designed and developed of English language materials for

Food and Beverage Service Students?

4. What are appropriate English materials for Bali International students of

Food and Beverage Service?

1.4 Research Objectives

In a study, of course it must be accompanied by the purpose of the

study. So that research conducted can be useful both in the fields of education,

social, and community. There are three research objectives of this research

such as:

1. To find out the material should developed for Food and Beverage Service

students of Bali International Singaraja.

2. To find out the students’ needs in English language for Food and

Beverage Service.

3. To find out the designed and developed of English language materials for

Food and Beverage Service Students.

4. To develop appropriate English materials for Bali International students

of Food and Beverage Service.

1.5 Research Significances

The benefit of this research conducted are

1. For teacher

This research can be used to be a reference for English teachers to

solve students problems speaking and understanding in Studying Food and

Beverage Service at Bali International.

2. For students

This research is expected to be important for students learning to

speak and hopefully this research can help students to speak English and

practice Food and Beverage service.

3. For future researchers

This research can provide important information for students

having difficulty to Learn Food and Beverage Service at Kampus Bali

International Singaraja. Hopefully this research can help future researchers

as a reference who wants to do similar research.

1.6 Scope of Research

This research is useful for students who have difficulty studying the

world of Food and Beverage services, in the use of this book contains

important points that do occur in the workplace. In every case of recruiting

workers, of course, there is one problem, namely skills in speaking English

and the introduction of working tools, sequence of service, and how to serve

guests properly

1.7 Definition of key terms

There are some terms wich are use in this study, those terms can

defined as follows:

1) Food and Beverage Service

The workers of food and beverage service are called

Waiters/Waitress. They are on the front line to serve the guest in restaurants.

According to Pendit (1996), a waiter or waitress is a staff of a restaurant in

hotel that has responsibility to serve food and beverages needed by guests.

Moreover, Marsum (1993) expresses that the duties of waiters in a restaurant

are waiting guests, welcoming guests with good service and comfort, taking

orders, serving food and beverages, cleaning the restaurant and its

environment, and preparing the dining table and tableware for the next guests.

2) Responsibilities of Waiter/Waitress

According to Marsum (2005), the responsibilities of waiters and

waitress are:

1. Setting up the table

2. Checking the table

3. Cleaning up the equipment

4. Preparing the menu

5. Helping another employee

3) Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of Waiters and Waitress in

Serving Guest

According to Marsum (1993), SOP of waiters and waitress

generally divided by three periods, they are: pre-opening, during

operation, and closing.

1. Pre-opening

a) Checking table setting

Forks are placed to the left of the plate, knives and spoons to the

right. Stemware is set above and to the right of the dinner plate;

bread-and-butter plates sit above the forks, to the left of the place


b) Cleaning the cutleries

Mix 1 part vinegar to 8 parts hot water in a washing up bowl, add

your cutlery and leave to soak for 5-10 minutes. Rinse clean and

dry straight away using a lint- free cloth.

c) Preparing menu

It is a detailed list of food and beverage offerings with their

respective prices. It is prepared by a food and beverage service

businesses to keep the customers informed about the availability

of various F&B items.

d) Table Setting

The placement of plates, centerpieces, mats, cutlery, glasses,

napkins, etc. for your guests.

e) Grooming

Personal grooming plays a crucial role in creating a positive first

impression. It communicates a sense of professionalism, attention

to detail, and care for one's appearance. This is especially

important in the hospitality industry, where guests expect a high

level of service and attention.

2. During operation

a) Greeting and escorting guest with smile

A good greeting also helps guests feel more welcome and at ease

at your restaurant.

b) Taking order

Record all orders ordered by guests

c) Repeating order

An order placed again by a customer for a product or service they

have ordered before.

d) Checking the menu that has been order

Ensure orders are correct and appropriate

e) Serving order

Serving food that has been ordered by guests

f) Handling complain

The process of attending to and resolving complaints including

ongoing interaction with complainants. It is expected that this

process meets certain minimum standards.

g) Handling bill

Taking care of paying for food and drinks ordered by guests when


h) Farewell the guest

Say goodbye and thank the guests who have enjoyed the food at

the restaurant

3. Closing

a) Setting table

Wipe down and sanitize all seats and surfaces, Flip chairs on top

of tables

b) Taking note on log book

A record used to record states, events, or conditions applicable to

complex machines or the personnel who operate them.

c) Making guest history

Marketing analysis of guests' geographic and demographic

information that also provide information about guest activities

while staying at the hotel.



2.1 Concepts of Developing English Teaching Material

2.1.1 Definition of English Teaching Material

Tomlinson (2011) defines materials as anything which is used

by teachers and learners to facilitate the learning of a language.

Materials could obviously be videos, course books, emails, YouTube,

dictionaries, grammar books, readers, workbooks or photocopied

exercises. They could also be newspapers, food packages,

photographs, live talks given by invited native speakers, instructions

given by a teacher, tasks written on cards or discussions between

learners. Thus, English teaching material is anything which is used by

teachers to facilitate the learning of English language. It also can

support student learning and increase student success. Ideally, it will

be tailored to the content in which they're being used, to the students

in whose class they are being used, and the teacher.

2.1.2 Definition of Material Development

Material development refers to a process of producing and

using the materials for language learning including materials

evaluation adaptation, design, production, exploitation and research

(Tomlinson, 2012). As a practical undertaking it refers to anything

which is done by writers, teachers or learners to provide sources of

language input, to exploit those sources in ways which maximize the

likelihood of intake and to stimulate purposeful output: in other word

the supplying of information about and/or experience of the language

in ways designed to promote language learning. Ideally the ‘two

aspects of materials development are interactive in that the theoretical

studies inform and are informed by the development and use of

classroom materials’ (Tomlinson 2001). Materials developers might

write textbooks, tell stories, bring advertisements into the classroom,

express an opinion, provide samples of language use or read a poem

aloud. Whatever they do to provide input, they do so ideally in

principled ways related to what they know about how languages can

be effectively learned.

Developing materials for a language course or language

program has some advantages compared with using the commercial

course books. Richards (2001) puts four advantages of developing

materials which are presented as follows.

1. Relevance The materials will tend to be more relevant for students

and institutional needs and reflects the local content, issues, and


2. Develop expertise Developing materials benefit the other

language course to improve their expertise, giving them a greater

understanding of the characteristics of effective materials.

3. Reputation It will show the commitment to the language teaching

because of providing relevant, specialized, and contextualized

materials for the students.

4. Flexibility The produced materials can be revised or adapted as

needed, giving them greater flexibility than a commercial course


2.1.3 Needs Analysis

Briefly, objective and perceived needs are seen as derived by

outsiders from facts, from what is known and can be verified, while

subjective needs and felt needs are derived from insiders and

corresponds to cognitive and affective factors Dudley-Evans & John

(1998). Thus, ‘to be able to follow instructions accurately’ is an

objective/perceived need. ‘To feel confident is a subjective/felt need.

Similarly, product-oriented needs derive from the goal or target

situation and process-oriented needs derive from the learning

situation. These pairs can be seen as corresponding to a target

situation analysis (TSA) and a learning situation analysis (LSA); a

third piece of the jigsaw is what learners already know, a present

situation analysis (PSA), from which we can deduce their lacks. Thus,

a TSA includes objectives, perceived and product-oriented needs;

LSA includes subjective, felt, and processoriented needs; a PSA

estimates strengths and weaknesses in language, skills, and learning


Similarly, Hutchinson & Waters (1987) identify target needs and

learning needs. Target needs are ‘what the learner needs to do in the

target situation’ and learning needs are ‘what the learner needs to do

in order to learn’. Target needs include necessities, lacks and wants.

Necessities refer to ‘the type of needs determined by the demands of

the target situation, that is, what the learner has to know in order to

function effectively in the target situation’. Lacks refers to the gaps

between the existing proficiency of the learner and the target

proficiency, or the gaps between what the learner knows and the

necessities, and wants are described as ‘what the learners think they


The framework proposed by Nunan (2004) for analysis of

learning needs is the following:

1. Goals ‘Goals’ are the vague, general intentions behind any

learning task. They provide a link between the task and the

broader curriculum.

2. Input ‘Input’ refers to the spoken, written and visual data that

learners work with in the course of completing a task. Data can be

provided by a teacher, a textbook or some other source.

Alternatively, it can be generated by the Input learners


3. Procedures ‘Procedures’ specifies what learners will actually do

with the input that forms the point of departure for the learning

task. In considering criteria for task selection (and, in the next

section, we will look at what Task components research has to say

on this matter), some issues arise similar to those as we

encountered when considering input.

4. Teacher and learner roles ‘Role’ refers to the part that learners and

teachers are expected to play in carrying out learning tasks as well

as the social and interpersonal relationships between the


5. Settings ‘Settings’ refers to the classroom arrangements specified

or implied in the task. It also requires consideration of whether the

task is to be carried out wholly or partly outside the classroom. A

wide range of configurations is possible in the communicative

classroom, although practical considerations such as class size can

constrain what is possible in practice.

Finally, as Allwright (1982) says the investigation of learners’

preferred learning styles and strategies gives us a picture of the

learners’ conception of learning.

The concepts of needs analysis which are applied in this

research are based on the concepts offered by Hutchinson and Waters

(1987) describe target needs and learning needs then it is modify to

fill the purposes of this research.

2.1.4 English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

The need for an international language in the global society

was underlain the development of ESP. In accordance to this fact, the

application of ESP approach is relevant to the goal of English teaching

in vocational high school which is to equip the students with language

proficiencies and skills which are required in the target situation in the


2.1.5 The Definition of ESP

ESP is narrower in focus than general English because it

centres on analysis of learners’ needs. Nevertheless, ESP is not

different in kind from any other forms of language teaching.

Hutchinson and Waters (1987) argue that ESP is not a language

methodology which teaches specialised varieties of English and

consists of a specific type of learning materials but it is an approach

to language learning which is based on learners’ needs.

The idea that ESP is not completely different from other

language teaching forms is also proposed by Holme (1996) in

Basturkmen (2010). The separation process of ESP should not result

in the complete separation of one part of the language from another.

There are no pieces of a language or of skills which can exist

independently because they refer to each other and they are drawn on

the same language, A material design model consist of Input, Content

Focus, Language Focus, Task

2.2 Concepts of Food and Beverage service

2.2.1 Food and Beverage Service

According to Soekresno and Pendit (1998) food and beverage

department is part of the hotel that has job and responsible for food

and beverage services and other related needs, from guests staying or

not staying in the hotel and managed commercially and


According to Rachman (2005) food and beverage department

is in charge of part processing, producing and serving food and drinks

for the purposes of hotel guests, both in the rooms, restaurant, coffee

shop, banquet (receptions and meeting), food employees, and so on.

As a conclusion food and beverage is a part that has a job and

responsible to prepare and serving the food for guests of hotel and

hotel’s employee.

According to Moenir (2002) states that service as the activity

carried out by a person or group of people with a particular basic

where the level of satisfaction can only be felt by those who serve or

served, depend on the ability of service providers to meet the user's


Service is any action or activity that can be offered by one

party to another, which is basically intangible and does not result in

any ownership According to Kotler (2002). Another opinion

expresses that service is an activity or a sequence of events that occur

in direct interaction with the human or physical machines to provide

customer’s satisfaction Lehtinen, (1983).

According to Grönroos (2001) defines service as an activity

that cannot be seen which occurs as a result of the interaction between

consumers and employees or things provided by the service provider

organization in view to solve the problems of the community served.

According to five experts above, the writer concludes that the

service is an activity which is done by a person or group of people

which is intangible to meet customer’s expectation.

2.2.2 Form of Food and Beverage Service

There are many different types of food and beverage service

types or procedures, but the major category of the food service

is 1) Plate Service, 2) Cart Service, 3) Plater Service, 4) Buffet

Service and 5) Family style service.

Types of restaurants:

Below is the list of different type of food and beverage service

followed by hotel, resorts, restaurants, fast food establishments etc.

1. English Service / What is a English Service / Family Style F&B


- English service requires the food to be placed on large platters or

in large bowls.

- These food portions are then delivered to the guest's table by


- Once the host checks and approves the food the same is placed

on the table.

- The guests then pass the food around the table and serve


- In some cases, the host may also ask the waiter to serve the food.

- This is a common type of F&B service style as the ease of

service and waiters shouldn’t be highly skilled.

- The Family style F&B service is easy to implement.

- The servers or waiters shouldn't be that much skilled.

- This type of service also requires little dining area or

space.There is a higher or rapid table turnover rate with this type

of service.

- One of the major disadvantages of the family style service is the

difficulty to control the portion sizes.

- This is because the last guest who gets served may not get

enough item if other guest had taken more.

2. Cart Service / What is a Guèridon Service / Cart Service?

- In this type of F&B Service partially cooked food from the

kitchen is brought to the service area in a Guèridon trolley.

- The Gueridon troll has a portable heating unit for completing the

cooking process.

- A wide variety of fish, meat and poultry is either cooked or

flamed (flambéed) in the trolley.

- Chef du rang is responsible for taking orders, serving drinks and

preparing food at the table.

- In a large hotel, Commis du rang assists the Chef du rang.

- Both the Chefs should know how to use a spoon and fork for

serving the cooked food to the guest.

- The prepared food should be garnished as per the standards

before serving.

- This type of F&B service can be only implemented on a well

planned and designed dining room.

- The Food is always served from the right hand side of the guest.

- All the fixtures furniture, layout etc should be compatible with

the elegant service style offered.

- Gueridon Type of F&B service provides highly personalised

guest service.

- High level of customer satisfaction as the dishes are prepared,

carved or flamed in their presence.

- Good merchandising device.

- The average Spending power is high.

3. Self Service / What is a Self Service?

- In this type of Food and Beverage Service the guest/customer is

required to help himself/herself.

- Normally food is either kept on a counter or buffet.

- The customer picks up the required food from the buffet.

- Payment is either done prior to the food pickup or after food is

picked up.

- The layout for such F&B service type should be done for free

guest flow.

4. Buffet Service / What is a Buffet Service?

- Buffet service displays food in a chafing dish on counters or


- Guests or customers help themselves to pick up as many and as

many items, they would like to eat.

- Plate and cutlery (fork and spoon) is kept at the starting of the

buffet counter.

- There are servers behind the counter who helps the guests with

serving the food from the chafing dish to the plate.

- Buffet can be a simple food spread to very elaborate food,

beverage, starters, dessert, salad presentation.

- The staff should consistently keep the buffet containers full.

- In some kind of buffet setup like sit-down buffet serves to serve

the food to the guest sitting the table.

- There are on the spot cooking in some buffet counter eg.

counters which cook the displayed fish or meat, or counters for

pasta etc.

- Guest are also allowed to replenish any item they prefer.

- Special attention and planning are required for buffet layout.

- The recommended number of guests one a buffet counter can

server is 70 - 75.

- The number of buffet counter and the banquet layout to be

decided as per the total min guaranteed guests who will attend

the party.

- This type of service is recommended for large gathering or party.

- The banquet staff should maintain cleanliness and order during

buffet service.

5. Cafeteria Service / What is a Cafeteria Service?

- This type of service is generally used in Canteens, Industries,

Staff Cafeterias etc.

- Has limited or fixed menu.

- The pricing may or may not be at a subsidised rate.

- Entry to such cafeteria may be restricted to authorised people


- There is limited space with basic facilities.

- Clearance of the used plates and soon is done by the guest itself.

- Narrow tables with high tables are often placed to save space.

- 13. Room Service - What is a Room Service / In Room Dining


- This type of f&b service as per the name suggest is provided in

the guest room.

- The room service menu should match with the guest needs,

expectations and hotels operations.

- Guest make food and beverage order from the room telephone,

interactive television or hotels mobile app.

- Maximum of the room service orders in a hotel is for breakfast.

- For small orders the room service tray is properly laid out is used

for serving the guest.

- For large orders, a room service trolly is used for serving.

6. Take Away Service / What is a Take Away Service?

- Similar to the single point style of F&B service.

- Take away orders are received either over the counter, driveway,

telephone, website or mobile app.

- Payments are either made in advance via online payment or paid

by cash at the time of order pickup.

- All Fast food restaurant provide take away option.

- Automated Kiosk is also used for selecting and ordering


- The automated vending machine is also used for this type of


2.2.3 Characteristic of Service

Kotler (1994) explains that there are four characteristics of

service; they are: intangibility, inseparability, variability, and


2. Intangibility Intangibility means that service is not concrete, that

cannot be seen, touched, felt, heard, and smelled before the

transaction. This means that the buyer do not know certainly the

outcome of a service before the service is consumed.

3. Inseparability Inseparability is the service cannot be separated, it

means that it is sold then produced and consumed at same time

because it cannot be separated. Because of that, the consumers are

also participated in producing services.

4. Variability Variability is variety of services, it is always changing

so the quality is not always the same, but depending on who is

providing, when and where it is available.

5. Perishability Perishability is the service cannot be stored and

demand fluctuates. The durability of service depends on the

situation created by variety of factors.

Meanwhile, Normann (1991) explains the characteristics of

service as follows:

1. Services are intangible.

2. A service in fact consists of real action and an effect that is social


3. Production and consumption activities in service cannot be

separated significantly, as generally occurs in the same time and


2.2.4 Definition of Waiter/Waitress

The workers of food and beverage service are called

Waiters/Waitress. They are on the front line to serve the guest in restaurants.

According to Pendit (1996), a waiter or waitress is a staff of a restaurant in

hotel that has responsibility to serve food and beverages needed by guests.

Moreover, Marsum (1993) expresses that the duties of waiters in a restaurant

are waiting guests, welcoming guests with good service and comfort, taking

orders, serving food and beverages, cleaning the restaurant and its

environment, and preparing the dining table and tableware for the next guests.

2.2.5 Responsibilities of Waiter/Waitress

According to Marsum (2005), the responsibilities of waiters and

waitress are:

1. Setting up the table

2. Checking the table

3. Cleaning up the equipment

4. Preparing the menu

5. Helping another employee

2.2.6 Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) of Waiters and Waitress

in Serving Guest

According to Marsum (1993), SOP of waiters and waitress

generally divided by three periods, they are: pre-opening, during

operation, and closing.

1. Pre-opening

f) Checking table setting

Forks are placed to the left of the plate, knives and spoons to the

right. Stemware is set above and to the right of the dinner plate;

bread-and-butter plates sit above the forks, to the left of the place


g) Cleaning the cutleries

Mix 1 part vinegar to 8 parts hot water in a washing up bowl, add

your cutlery and leave to soak for 5-10 minutes. Rinse clean and

dry straight away using a lint- free cloth.

h) Preparing menu

It is a detailed list of food and beverage offerings with their

respective prices. It is prepared by a food and beverage service

businesses to keep the customers informed about the availability

of various F&B items.

i) Table Setting

The placement of plates, centerpieces, mats, cutlery, glasses,

napkins, etc. for your guests.

j) Grooming

Personal grooming plays a crucial role in creating a positive first

impression. It communicates a sense of professionalism, attention

to detail, and care for one's appearance. This is especially

important in the hospitality industry, where guests expect a high

level of service and attention.

2. During operation

i) Greeting and escorting guest with smile

A good greeting also helps guests feel more welcome and at ease

at your restaurant.

j) Taking order

Record all orders ordered by guests

k) Repeating order

An order placed again by a customer for a product or service they

have ordered before.

l) Checking the menu that has been order

Ensure orders are correct and appropriate

m) Serving order

Serving food that has been ordered by guests

n) Handling complain

The process of attending to and resolving complaints including

ongoing interaction with complainants. It is expected that this

process meets certain minimum standards.

o) Handling bill

Taking care of paying for food and drinks ordered by guests when


p) Farewell the guest

Say goodbye and thank the guests who have enjoyed the food at

the restaurant

3. Closing

a) Setting table

Wipe down and sanitize all seats and surfaces, Flip chairs on top

of tables

b) Taking note on log book

A record used to record states, events, or conditions applicable to

complex machines or the personnel who operate them.

c) Making guest history

Marketing analysis of guests' geographic and demographic

information that also provide information about guest activities

while staying at the hotel.

2.3 Conceptual Framework Of Thinking

Target needs

Need Analysis Necessities Student’s Needs


Develop the Materials Design Course Books

Prepare draft and activities - Translate course

- Write learning objectives.
- Determine topics to be covered
- Determine Language Functions
and Skills
Formative Evaluation - Determine Grammar or
Expression to be used
Validated by expert - Identify learning activities

This conceptual framework is the representation of this research. This

research would conduct in Kampus Bali International First Semester which

have been learned of Food Beverage Service. The researcher would focus on

the students target needs and design the course book. Food and Beverage
Service Book which are provide and deliver food and beverages to customer

at certain location, and 4 speaking skill. The students would be asked about

their perception on the use of Food and Beverage Service Book through

Interview and questionnaire.

2.4 Empirical Review

No Author The Study

1 (Mahardika, Every ESP course should be based on an analysis

2018) of needs. The current study was aimed at

analysing the target needs related to the English

for F&B Service course. It was revealed that; (1)

The language functions of waiters in F&B

Service department were closely related to the

service sequence applied in the restaurants.

Mostly, the functions for all hotels were the

same, in which the differences were based on the

characteristics of the hotel and restaurant, types

of service, as well as the circumstances; (2) The

language expressions needed were basically

based on the tasks and varied based on the

characteristics of the hotel and restaurant, types

of service, the situation and condition. Results of

the study implied that there was something

beyond language skills that needs to be

comprehended in order to be able to perform the

tasks at F&B Service, especially as waiters. Task

Based Learning with role play activities is

suggested to facilitate the needs of

communicative tasks.

Strength: needs analysis focus: The study

emphasizes the importance of conducting a

needs analysis for ESP courses, specifically for

the English for F&B Service course. This

highlights the researcher's recognition of the

importance of tailoring the course to meet the

specific needs of the learners.

Identification of language functions: The study

identifies the language functions required by

waiters in the F&B Service department and

relates them to the service sequence applied in

restaurants. This provides a clear understanding

of the specific language skills and functions

necessary for effective communication in the


Weakness: Limited information on the research

methodology: The study does not provide details

on the research methodology employed, such as

the sample size, data collection methods, or data

analysis procedures. This limits the ability to

evaluate the reliability and validity of the


Lack of evidence of empirical research: The

study does not indicate whether it is based on

empirical research, such as data collected from

observations, surveys, or interviews. This raises

questions about the empirical foundation of the

study's findings.

2 (Putu, 2020) This study aimed at describing the English for

Food and beverage service materials needed by

students of SMK SMSR Ubud, describing how

the materials were developed, and analysing the

quality of the developed materials. This study

used research and development model suggested

by Richey and Klein, (2007) comprising design,

development and evaluation. The instruments

used were questionnaires, interview guides,

document analysis, and checklist. The findings

of this study show that there were 7 topics

needed to be developed included Preparing

restaurant area, preparing and set up table, greet

the guest, taking order, serving food, closing

restaurant area, and non-alcoholic beverage. The

materials were designed by following the

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) material

design suggested by Hutchinson and Waters

(1987) involving input, content focus, language

focus and task. Since English for food and

beverage is part of ESP that is under English for

Occupational Purposes, the effectiveness of the

developed materials was evaluated using the

criteria of good ESP materials suggested by Litz

(2005), Hutchinson and Waters (2008), and

Tomlinson (2009). After gaining the scores from

the expert judges, the data then used the

categorization of good teaching materials

proposed by Nurkancana and Sunartana (2011).

The quality of the developed materials was

categorized as good material. Thus, it can be

used as a main source for learning English Food

and beverage service at SMK SMSR Ubud.

Strength: The study clearly states its aims,

which are to describe the English for Food and

beverage service materials needed by students

and analyze the quality of the developed

materials. This provides a clear focus for the

research. And The study utilizes a variety of

instruments, including questionnaires, interview

guides, document analysis, and checklist. This

multi-method approach increases the reliability

and validity of the data collected and enhances

the comprehensiveness of the study.

Weakness: The study briefly mentions that the

materials were evaluated using established

criteria and expert judges' scores, but it does not

provide specific information on the evaluation

criteria or the expertise of the judges. This limits

the transparency and reproducibility of the

evaluation process.

3 (Praptono, 2020) This study aimed at describing the English for

Food and beverage service materials needed by

students of SMK SMSR Ubud, describing how

the materials were developed, and analysing the

quality of the developed materials. This study

used research and development model suggested

by Richey and Klein, (2007) comprising design,

development and evaluation. The instruments

used were questionnaires, interview guides,

document analysis, and checklist. The findings

of this study show that there were 7 topics

needed to be developed included Preparing

restaurant area, preparing and set up table, greet

the guest, taking order, serving food, closing

restaurant area, and non-alcoholic beverage. The

materials were designed by following the

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) material

design suggested by Hutchinson and Waters

(1987) involving input, content focus, language

focus and task. Since English for food and

beverage is part of ESP that is under English for

Occupational Purposes, the effectiveness of the

developed materials was evaluated using the

criteria of good ESP materials suggested by Litz

(2005), Hutchinson and Waters (2008), and

Tomlinson (2009). After gaining the scores from

the expert judges, the data then used the

categorization of good teaching materials

proposed by Nurkancana and Sunartana (2011).

The quality of the developed materials was

categorized as good material. Thus, it can be

used as a main source for learning English Food

and beverage service at SMK SMSR Ubud.

Strength: Comprehensive approach: The study

aimed to cover the entire process of developing

English for Food and Beverage Service

materials, including describing the needed

materials, the development process, and

evaluating the quality. This comprehensive

approach ensures a thorough investigation of the

subject matter.

Research and development model: The study

employed the research and development model

suggested by Richey and Klein (2007), which is

a widely recognized framework for developing

educational materials. This model provides a

systematic and structured approach to ensure the

effectiveness and quality of the materials.

Diverse data collection instruments: The use of

questionnaires, interview guides, document

analysis, and checklists as data collection

instruments increases the reliability and validity

of the study. It allows for multiple perspectives

and sources of information, enhancing the

overall robustness of the findings.

Weakness: Limited generalizability: The study

was conducted specifically for students at SMK

SMSR Ubud. Therefore, the findings and

developed materials may have limited

applicability to other contexts or educational

institutions. The lack of a wider sample reduces

the generalizability of the results.

Lack of information on participant

demographics: The text does not provide details

about the participants involved in the study, such

as their language proficiency levels or prior

knowledge of food and beverage service. These

factors could influence the specific needs and

effectiveness of the developed materials, and

their omission limits the depth of the analysis.

Absence of comparison or control group: The

study does not mention the inclusion of a

comparison or control group. Without a baseline

or a point of comparison, it becomes challenging

to determine the specific impact or effectiveness

of the developed materials in relation to

alternative approaches or existing materials.

It's important to note that these strengths and

weaknesses are based solely on the information

provided in the text. A more detailed

examination of the actual study would provide a

more accurate and comprehensive evaluation.

4 Ketut Eni The study aimed at describing the English for

Ariyanthi (2020). restaurant materials needed by restaurant

students at Apollonia Hotel School. This study

employed to research and development

suggested by Richey and Klein (2007) which

consists of design, development, and evaluation.

The respondents involved were 34 restaurant

students and 10 instructors. Data in this study

were obtained from document analysis,

questionnaires, and interviews. The results of the

study revealed that there were eight topics

needed, namely the procedure of handling

cleanliness, maintain kitchen and restaurant

equipment, renew local knowledge, provide a

link between the kitchen and service area,

provide gueridon service, provide silver service,

provide food and beverage service, and provide

room service. The materials designed that used

were suggested by Hutchinson & Waters (1987)

involving input, content focus, language focus,

and task. While, the effectiveness of the

developed materials was suggested by

Tomlinson (1998), and evaluated using the

criteria of good ESP materials suggested by Litz

(2005), Tomlinson (1998), and Hutchinson &

Waters (1987). The results of the evaluation

from experts concluded that the quality of the

books developed was very good. For further

research, it is better to use the native speaker in

the audio rather than an Indonesians since there

are some listening tasks in some units of ESP


Strength: The study follows a research and

development model, which provides a structured

approach to designing, developing, and

evaluating the English for restaurant materials.

This model ensures a systematic process for

creating effective instructional materials.

The developed materials undergo an evaluation

process using criteria suggested by experts in the

field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The

conclusion that the quality of the books is very

good indicates that the materials meet high

standards and are deemed effective.

Weakness: Lack of detail on evaluation process:

While the study mentions the criteria used for

evaluating the materials, it does not provide

specific details on how the evaluation was

conducted or the specific findings from the

evaluation process. More information on the

evaluation process would enhance the

transparency and understanding of the results.

Recommendation for native speaker audio: The

study suggests using native speakers for audio in

listening tasks. However, it does not provide a

clear rationale or justification for this

recommendation. Further explanation or

research could support the reasoning behind this




3.1 Research Design

This study employs the research and development (R&D)

methodology. This research model aims to produce a specific product and test

the effectiveness of the developed product Sugiyono, (2015). The resulting

product should not only be effective but also meet the needs in the field.

The development research process starts with initial observations to

identify the problems and potential at Kampus Bali International. One of the

potentials at Kampus Bali International is the high demand for English

language learning by students. However, in the first semester, the lack of a

comprehensive English language textbook for food and beverage service

learning poses a challenge. Therefore, research is needed to determine the

usefulness of the developed product.

In this development research, the researcher adopts the ADDIE

development model. ADDIE model Tegeh, (2014). The evaluation is

conducted before testing the product in the field, aiming to reduce errors and

shortcomings when conducting field tests. The ADDIE instructional design

model is a simple and easily applicable procedural model for creating and

developing instructional materials for short-term or continuous training. The

ADDIE model consists of five steps: Analysis, Design, Development,

Implementation, and Evaluation Hasyim, (2016), Implementation and

Evaluation stages were not included in this present study.

Figure 3.1 : ADDIE Development Research Model Procedure

The following is a description of each stage in the research and development

model ADDIE Hasyim, (2016):

Analysis: This stage involves determining the problem and finding the

appropriate solution. The analysis includes problem identification, target

needs and students need. The output of this stage is the characteristics or

profile based on developing books, identification of problem, identification

of needs, and detailed task identification based on student needs.

Design: This stage involves developing objectives, test items, and learning

strategies. It also includes planning activities and creating a design or action

plan to solve the problem.

Development: This stage involves producing media or teaching materials to

be used in the learning activities. It includes selecting and combining the

best media for learning purposes.

Implementation: This stage involves implementing the designed plan and

carrying out the learning activities. It is the realization of the design and

development by guiding students to achieve learning objectives and

effectively solve a problem.

Evaluation: This stage involves evaluating the developed product and

assessing learning outcomes. Evaluation is seen as the process of assessing

the value of a learning program. Evaluation includes pre-tests, process

evaluations, and post-tests.

3.2 The Subjects and Objects of the research

3.2.1 Research Subject

The subject of this study is student in Kampus Bali

International semester 1, Majoring Food and Beverage Service.

This study aims to deternine the dominant factor difficulty faced by

students understanding and speaking English.

3.2.2 Research Object

The object of this study is to find out the difficulties that

faced by the student Kampus Bali International Singaraja, in order

to get data respondent the researcher use two instrument is that is

questionnaires and interview. Quistionaire used to get data from t

he students difficulties. Interview I conducted to the 1 teacher to

determine the method that is use to teach speaking in the


Steps I

3.3 Population

Sugiyono (2019) states that population is a generalization area

consisting of objects / subjects that have certain quantities and

characteristics that are determined by researchers to study and then draw

conclusions. In this case the population of this study are Food and beverage

students of Kampus Bali International Singaraja.

Table 3.3 Class Population Data

No Class total

1 B 20

2 C 20

3.4 Research Setting

This research was carried out at the Kampus Bali International

which is located on Jl. Yudistira Sel. No. 17A, Kp. Singaraja, Kec.

Buleleng, Buleleng Regency, Bali 81117

3.5 Sample Participant

The sample of this study was chosen by using purposive sampling

technique where only the students who still active studying were taken as the

sample. Therefore, the sample of this study was the first semester students

class B and C of Food and Beverage Service in the academic year of

2023/2024. There were 2 classes with 40 students.

3.6 Instrument

An instrument, in the context of research, refers to a tool or device

used to collect data or gather information for the purpose of conducting a

study or investigation. Interview instruments can take various forms

depending on the nature of the research and the type of data being collected.

They are designed to systematically gather data in a standardized and reliable

manner, allowing researchers to measure and analyze variables of interest.

Instruments can include surveys, questionnaires, interviews,

observations, tests, scales, checklists, and document analysis tools, among

others. Each instrument is designed with specific questions, prompts, or tasks

to elicit responses from participants or to collect relevant data. The choice of

instrument depends on the research objectives, the nature of the data being

sought, and the characteristics of the target population.

A well-designed instrument is essential for collecting valid and

reliable data. It should be clear, unbiased, and effectively capture the

information needed for the research study. Researchers need to consider

factors such as validity (the instrument measures what it intends to measure)

and reliability (the instrument produces consistent results) when

developing and selecting appropriate instruments for their research.

3.6.1 Need Analysis Questionnaire

In this research, the researcher use the questionnaire as an

instrument to collect the data. Surveys in education often use test

results, self-completion questionnaire and attitude scale ( Louis,

Cohen., Lawrence Manio., and Keith, Marrison, 2007, p. 206) .

According to Babbie, (2014, p. 262) questionnaire is form of a list

containing questions and designed to obtain information needed by

researcher. The type of research that provides a number of

questionnaires to the respondent in order to obtain information

needed by the researcher to answer a research question. In this

research the questionnaire will be used to determine students

needs. The researcher adopted a questionnaire from Gardner's

Attitudes and Outcomes learning. researcher distributed

questionnaires via google form. the researcher share questionnaires

to the student WhatsApp class group, In the questionnaire there

are 10 questions written in Indonesian to make it easier for students

to understand and answer questions. Plus one decisive question

related to the problem of students' language skills in learning

English. In this questionnaire, students were asked to answer

questions by choosing four categories SA (Strongly Agree), A

(Agree), D (Disagree), and SD (Strongly Disagree). Each student is

given questions based on their opinions and feelings. In the

question of Food and Beverage Material, the problem uses a Likert

Scale. The data obtained were interpreted in a qualitative sense

based on their opinion in the question. This questionnaire is made

for students need about the instructional material developing for

food and beverage service

Table 3.6.1 Student Need analysis questionnaire of student Bali International

No Questions SA A N D SD

1 I’m interested in having a book about

food and beverage (FnB) that includes

various recipes?

2 To what extent do you want an FnB book

that focuses on regional or specific

country cuisine?

3 To what extent do you want an FnB book

that includes cooking or drink-making

tips and tricks?

4 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "An FnB book

should have picture descriptions."

5 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "English learning

should involve more practice than


6 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "A waiter/waitress

should have a neat and clean


7 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "Is it more suitable

for an FnB book to use the Indonesian


8 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "Food and beverage

service learning should focus not only on

practice but also on the English


9 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "An FnB service

book should also include exercises."

10 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "A waiter/waitress

should be fluent in English."

According to the data table above from indicator of Students

need the total from the results of the student using a questionnaire

can be seen by the number of scores on the indicator multiplied

score of each liker scale. In this case, the students need about this

book are more important than just calculate the data of percentage


Table 3.6.2 Expert analysis questionnaire of student Bali International

No Question Y N Comment

1 Does this English book for F&B Service

include an explanation of language skills in


2 Does this English book for F&B Service

include an explanation of language skills in


3 Does this English book for F&B Service

include an explanation of language skills in


4 Does this English book for F&B Service

include an explanation of language skills in


5 Is intermediate-level English proficiency

required for students in their future


6 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students communicate in the workplace?

7 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in welcoming guests?

8 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in escorting and seating guests?

9 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in taking beverage orders?

10 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in explaining the restaurant menu?

11 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in giving advice or recommendations

about food and beverages or making sales?

12 Do students use English to speak with guests,

colleagues, native or non-native speakers?

13 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in communicating with restaurant


14 Can this English book for F&B Service help

students in introducing wine?

15 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain workplace cleanliness procedures?

16 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain workplace cleanliness and equipment


17 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain local knowledge?

18 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain the connection between the kitchen

area and the service area?

19 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain gueridon service?

20 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain silver service?

21 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain food and beverage service?

22 Can this English book for F&B Service

explain room service?

23 Do students have to use English to

communicate in the restaurant?

24 Do students use English to serve guests in the


25 Do students use English not only to serve

guests in the restaurant but in other situations

as well?

3.6.2 Expert Judgment Questionnaire

The expert judgment questionnaire intended to gain data from

an expert in English teaching and the head of department about the

validity of the materials. The questionnaire consisted of several points

of evaluation. The points were the appropriateness of the contents, the

appropriateness of the vocabulary and structure, the appropriateness

of the activities, the appropriateness of supplementary/supportive

materials, and the appropriateness of the illustrations then it was

analyze to find out that the material were appropriate for the students

or not. The questionnaire was analyzed by using frequency and


Table 3.6.3 Expert Judgment Form Questionnaire

5 1
4 3 2
Dimension No. Item (
(good) (Average) (Poor)
very Poor
good) )
Layou 1. The textbook includes a
t and detailed overview of the
Desig functions, structures and
n vocabulary that will be
taught in each unit.
2. The layout and design
areappropriate and clear.
3. The textbook is
4. The textbook provides
avocabulary list.
5. The textbook
6. The textbook
Activities 7. The textbook provides
abalance of activities.
8. The activities encourage
meaningful practice.
9. The activities incorporate
an individual, pairs
andgroup work.
10. The grammar points and
vocabulary items are
introduced in
motivatingand realistic
11. The activities promote
creative, original and
Skill 12. The materials include and
focus on the skills that
students need to
13. The materials provide
practice of listening
andspeaking skills
14. The textbook helps
students to practice
15. The practice of individual
skill is integrated into
practice of other skills.
16. The language used in the
textbook is authentic, that
is, like real-life English.
17. The language used is at the
right level for students'
current English ability.
18. The progression of
grammar points and
vocabulary items is

19. The grammar points are
presented with brief and
easy examples and
20. The language functions
exemplify English that
I/my students will be likely
to use in the future.
21. The subject and contents of
the textbook are relevant to
students' needs as an
English language
22. The subject and contents of
the textbook are generally
23. The subject and contents of
the textbook are
interesting, challenging and
24. There are sufficient
varieties in the subject and
content of the textbook.
25. The materials are not
culturally biased and they
do not portray any negative
Source: Product Evaluation Checklist for Expert Judges (Adapted from
Litz 2005)
3.6.3 Interview

Creswell (2017) said that unstructured, often open-ended

interview questions are asked sparingly and are meant to elicit ideas

and opinions from the participants. Interviews are a way to get clear

information from participants. The interview does not limit the

answers that be given by the interviewee. Where the interviewer can

prioritize not only finishing replies but also going into detail about

concerns, and the interview process can be controlled while still

allowing for spontaneity. Researchers used open interviews to get

views and perspectives from students and teachers to collect in-depth

information. Researchers conducted face-to-face interviews with

teachers who have implemented online assessments. In addition,

researchers also dig up in-depth information through English lecturer

at Kampus Bali International Singaraja. The supporting instrument

that used to record lecturer interviews used cell phone recordings

Question of Interview

1. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation

of language skills in listening?

2. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation

of language skills in speaking?

3. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation

of language skills in reading?

4. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation

of language skills in writing?

5. Is intermediate-level English proficiency required for students in

their future workplace?

6. Can this English book for F&B Service help students

communicate in the workplace?

7. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in

welcoming guests?

8. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in

escorting and seating guests?

9. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in taking

beverage orders?

10. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in

explaining the restaurant menu?

11. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in giving

advice or recommendations about food and beverages or making


12. Do students use English to speak with guests, colleagues, native

or non-native speakers?

13. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in

communicating with restaurant guests?

14. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in

introducing wine?

15. Can this English book for F&B Service explain workplace

cleanliness procedures?

16. Can this English book for F&B Service explain workplace

cleanliness and equipment maintenance?

17. Can this English book for F&B Service explain local


18. Can this English book for F&B Service explain the connection

between the kitchen area and the service area?

19. Can this English book for F&B Service explain gueridon


20. Can this English book for F&B Service explain silver service?

21. Can this English book for F&B Service explain food and

beverage service?

22. Can this English book for F&B Service explain room service?

23. Do students have to use English to communicate in the


24. Do students use English to serve guests in the restaurant?

25. Do students use English not only to serve guests in the restaurant

but in other situations as well?

3.7 Data Collection

In this study the researcher collected the data by distributing the

questionnaire through google form into WhatsApp Group Class and take

interview to the 1 lecturer ESP for Food and Beverage Service. After finish

answer the question, the researcher collected the questionnaire and analyze it

The questionnaire was prepared using a Likert Scale. This

questionnaire was distributed to determine the percentage of students

difficulties in learning food and beverage service and speaking english. In

addition to the questionnaire, interviews were also conducted with 1

participants who are English lecturer. Interviews were conducted to

determine design of book and the teaching material to teach speaking in the


In collecting questionnaire data, researchers use Google Forms to

make it easier for researchers and respondents to send questionnaires and

minimize costs that must be incurred by researchers,because using paper will

increase the cost of printing questionnaire forms. Even though using the

Google form, the questionnaire was distributed throught whatsapp groups

calss. Before students filled out the questionnaire, the researcher

explained in advance the procedure for filling out the questionnaire and the

purpose of the questionnaire.

After the researcher collected the data, then the data was analyzed

using qualitative methods to find the conclusion of students needs. Then, 1

English lecturer are selected to be interviewed.Interviews were conducted

face to face alternately so that respondents could answer more freely. In order

to avoid misunderstandings, the interviews were conducted in Indonesian and

recorded with the respondent's permission. Interviews were conducted to find

the food and beverage teaching material and to teach speaking skill in the

classroom. The results of the interviews will be analyzed based on the theories

of the experts and supported by previous research studies. The result of the

data was presented by the writer in chapter IV.

3.8 Technique of Data Analysis

The procedure of conducting Research and Development in this

research applied the ADDIE model that stages covered Analysis, design,

develop, and implement or try out the draft while the testing or evaluation

stages covered the field testing in the big classes. Developing the draft of the

English Material course for Food and beverage service was based on the

English needs of the students in the implementation of SOPs in restaurant

services. The figure of the ADDIE instructional design model from Gagne

(2005) can be seen in the following figure

Figure 3.7 The ADDIE Instructional Design Model


Design Formative Evaluation


Table 3.1 The Five Phases of the ADDIE Instructional Designs

Phases SAMPLE Task Sample Output

Analysis Needs assessment Learner profile

Problem identification Description of
The process of defining Task analysis constraints Needs,
what is to be learned Problem Statement Task

Design Write objectives Develop Measurable objectives

test items Plan Instructional strategy
The process of specifying instruction Identify
how it is to be learned resources

Development Work with producers Storyboard Script

Develop workbook, flow Exercises Computer
the process of authoring chart, program assisted instruction
and producing the


The process of installing

the project in the real
world context


The process of
determining the
adequacy of the

However, due to the scope limitation in this present study, this

research was limited to the implementation of ADDIE models just until the

development stages. Implementation and Evaluation stages were not

included in this present study. Therefore, the procedure of this research was

as follows:

1. Analyze stage

In this stage, collecting the data to analyze the English needs of the

students food and beverage service.

2. Design stage

In this stage, designing the English teaching material based on the results

of the analysis stage.

3. Develop stage

In this stage, developing English teaching material from the design stage

food and beverage as the prototype.

4. Formative Evaluation

In this stage, the prototype validated by expert to find out if the material

of studying were suitable with the students or not

3.8 Data analysis

According to Sugiyono, (2019) Analyzing data entails conducting a

thorough search for, collating, and presenting field notes, questionnaires,

interview transcripts, and other information gathered in order to better

comprehend it and communicate what has been discovered to others. The

instrument that u s e b y researcher in data collection in this study are in

the form of distributing questionnaires to the students. This research

instrument uses a Likert scale or the conclusion based on students choice.

Table. 3.8 Likert Scale

Alternative Answer Item Score

Strongly Agree 5

Agree 4

Neutral 3

Disagree 2

Strongly Disagree 1

3.9 Product design planning

Figure. 3.9 Design Planning of Book

Research and Data Product

Information collection Design
Collecting Design

3.10 Design validation

Design validation is the process of evaluating product designs in a

rational manner. It is called rational because this validation is still based on

rational thinking rather than field facts.

The steps in validating media design involve communicating with

experts in instructional materials, ESP lecturer, and F&B learning experts,,

as implementers of the learning process. The researcher requests the experts

to act as validators to assess and provide feedback on the strengths and

weaknesses of the development product. The evaluation results provided by

the experts will be used as a basis for improving and refining the

instructional material development to align it with the desired product by

the researcher.

3.11 Experimental design models products that have been designed

According Product design, according to Tomlinson, Brian. (2011)

and Hutchinson & Waters (1987), each material consist

3.11.1 Input
This may be a text, dialogue, video recording, diagram, or

any form of communication data, depending on the needs identified

in your analysis. The input serves several purposes:

1. It provides material to stimulate activities.

2. It introduces new language items.

3. It presents correct models of language usage.

4. It offers a topic for communication.

5. It allows learners to utilize their information processing skills.

6. It encourages learners to apply their existing knowledge of both

the language and the subject matter

3.11.2 Content focus

Language is not an end in itself, but a means of transferring

information and feelings about something. Non-linguistic content

should be exploited to generate meaningful communication in the

3.11.3 Language focus
Our aim is to enable learners to use language, but it is unfair

to give learners communicative tasks and activities for which they

do not have enough language knowledge. In language focus, learners

have the chance to take the language to pieces, study how it works

and practice putting it back together again.

3.11.4 Task
The ultimate purpose of language learning is language use.

Materials should be designed to lead towards a communicative task

in which learners use the content and language knowledge they have

built up through the unit.

These four elements combine in the model as follows

1. The primary focus of the unit is task

2. The language and content are drawn from the input and are

selected according to what the learners will need in order to do

the task.

3. It follows that an important feature of the model is to create

coherence in terms of both language and content throughout the


4. This provides the support for more complex activities by building

up a fund of knowledge and skills

The results of the study reveal that there are eight

topics needed, including cleanliness handling procedures, kitchen

and restaurant equipment maintenance, updating local

knowledge, establishing a relationship between kitchen staff and

restaurant staff, providing Gueridon service, providing silver

service, providing food and beverage service, and providing

food ordering service through the room.



4.1 Findings

The data presented in this chapter covers the stages of research and

development by using the ADDIE phases: analyze, design, develop,

implement, and evaluate. However, in this present research the researcher

only focused on the three main phases of the ADDIE phases; from analysis

to development while implement and evaluation were conducted by doing

the validation from the experts. In the analyzing stage, the needs of the

students in learning English for Food and Beverage Service were analyzed

and identified. In the designing and development stage, the course

framework and the teaching material were designed, developed based on the

results of needs analysis and then the prototype of the developed material is

validated by the experts in the implementing and evaluating stages.

4.1.1 The Students’ Needs in Learning English

A. Target needs

1. Necessities

The English language skills are important for the students of

Food and Beverage Service department. So. it cannot be separated

from each other as they are all integrated skills. Speaking skills, for

example, cannot be separated from listening skills, writing skills

cannot be separated from reading skills. In this question the

researcher want to know the most skill that the students should be

able to mastery in order to achieve the target situation. The students’

needs in English language skills can be seen in the following table


Table 4.1.1 The Students’ needs of language skills

Language Skill Frequency Percentage

Speaking 19 47,5

Listening 6 15

Reading 10 25

Writing 5 12,5

Total 40 100

2. Lacks

The gap between the students’ existing knowledge and agreed

objectives they have to achieve refers to lack Hutchinson & Waters, (1987).

In this question, the researcher wants to find out the students’ difficulties in

learning English, there are four type of responds in this question. The result

can be seen in the table 4.1.2

Table 4.1.2 The Students’ difficulties in language skills

Language Skill Frequency Percentage

Speaking 20 50

Listening 9 22,5

Reading 9 22,5

Writing 2 5

Total 40 100

3. Wants

The gap between the students’ existing knowledge and agreed

objectives they have to achieve refers to lack Hutchinson & Waters,

(1987). In this question, the researcher wants to find out the students’

difficulties in learning English, there are four type of responds in this

question. The result can be seen in the table 4.1.3

Table 4.1.3 The Students’ wants in learning English

Students’ wants in learning English Frequency Percentage

Be able to communicate in English both in written

25 62.5
and spoken fluently

Be able master the vocabulary of the FnB Service

5 12,5

Be able to understand and use the words, sentences,

7 17,5
and clauses in English well

Be able to use English Grammar very wel 3 7,5

Total 40 100

B. Learning Needs

Learning needs are the knowledge and abilities that learners will require in

order to be able to perform to the required degree of competence in the

target situation. Learning needs are related to input, procedures, setting,

learner’s role, and teacher’s role.

1) Goals

Goals are used to find out the students’ reasons in learning English.

They are related to a range of general outcomes (communicative,

affective, or cognitive) or may directly describe teacher or learner

behavior. It can be concluded that besides providing a relation between

the task and the curriculum, goals are also related to a range of general

outcomes or related to the description of teachers or learner’s behavior.

a) The students’ purposes of learning English at the present In this

question, the researcher wanted to find out the students’ purposes of

learning English at the present, there are four type of responds in this

question. The result can be seen in table 4.1.4

Table 4.1.4 The Students’ purpose of learning English at

Language Skills Frequency Percentage

Be able to communicate in English both in written

2 62.5
and spoken fluently

Be able master the vocabulary of the restaurant well 5 12,5

Be able to understand and use the words, sentences,

7 17,5
and clauses in English well

Be able to use English Grammar very wel 3 7,5

Total 40 100

Based on the questionnaires given to the students the materials

that were needed for the students are as follows

1. The topics should add images to give an idea expressions

2. The material should contain language expressions

3. The topics needed should be specific for Food and Beverage services

4. The most skill needed by the students is speaking skill

5. The material should consist of information and explanation

The materials were designed based on student need. After analyzing

the students’ need, the researcher designed the product by creating draft of

the product and determining the units of the English learning materials. There

were eight units in the book, they are F&B Department, F&B Restaurant,

F&B Service, F&B Menu, F&B Service Equipment, F&B Folding Napkin,

F&B Room Services, and F&B Operation, Inorder to know the quality of the

product, the researcher did expert judgment. The product is measured by two

experts by fill in the questionnaire given. The questionnaire consisted of scale

and the scale is from

Product Design Introduction

Table 4.1.5 Summary data of student questionnaire

Strongly Disagree Netral Agree (4) Strongly

Questions Disagree Total
Disagree (1) (2) (3)
1 3
112 55 170
2 6 3 124 25 153

3 1 2 3 108 50 162

4 108 65 173

5 2 88 85 134

6 2 80 95 176

7 1 10 96 25 152

8 4 116 45 165

9 1 4 136 15 156

10 2 104 65 170

Total 3 32 9 1.056 525 1.611

4.2 Discussion

As the research conducted This study aimed at describing the English

for Food and beverage service materials needed by students of Kampus Bali
International, describing how the materials were developed, and analysing the
quality of the developed materials. This study used research and development
model suggested by Richey and Klein, (2007) comprising design,
development and evaluation. The instruments used were questionnaires,
interview guides, document analysis, and checklist. The findings of this study
show that there were 7 topics needed to be developed included Preparing
restaurant area, preparing and set up table, greet the guest, taking order,
serving food, closing restaurant area, and non-alcoholic beverage. The
materials were designed by following the English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
material design suggested by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) involving input,
content focus, language focus and task. Since English for food and beverage
is part of ESP that is under English for Occupational Purposes, the
effectiveness of the developed materials was evaluated using the criteria of
good ESP materials suggested by Litz (2005), Hutchinson and Waters (2008),
and Tomlinson (2009). After gaining the scores from the expert judges, the
data then used the categorization of good teaching materials proposed by
Nurkancana and Sunartana (2011). The quality of the developed materials
was categorized as good material. Thus, it can be used as a main source for
learning English Food and beverage service at Kampus Bali International

1. Are you interested in having a book about food and beverage (F&B)

that includes a variety of recipes?

Image 4.2.1 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 70% agree having book about food and beverage that includes a

variety of recipe, 27.5% strongly agree having book about food and beverage

that includes a variety of recipe 2.5% voted neutral having book about food

and beverage that includes a variety of recipe.

2. Do you want an F&B book that focuses on the specialties of a

particular region or country?

Image 4.2.2 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 77,5% agree about book that focuses on the specialties of a

particular region or country, 12,5% strongly agree about book that focuses on

the specialties of a particular region or country, 7,5% disagree about book

that focuses on the specialties of a particular region or country and just 2.5%

voted neutral

3. Do you want an F&B book that includes tips and tricks on cooking or

making drinks?

Image 4.2.3 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 67,5% agree about that includes tips and tricks on cooking or

making drinks, 25% strongly agree about that includes tips and tricks on

cooking or making drinks, and just 2.5% voted neutral, strongly disagree,

disagree about that includes tips and tricks on cooking or making drinks

4. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "F&B

books should have captions with pictures."

Image 4.2.4 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 67,5% agree about F&B books should have captions with pictures

and 32.5% strongly agree F&B books should have captions with pictures.

5. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "learning

English should be more practical than theory."

Image 4.2.5 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 55% agree about learning English should be more practical than

theory, 42.5% strongly agree learning English should be more practical than

theory, and just 2.5% voted disagree for learning English should be more

practical than theory.

6. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "a neat and

clean appearance is a must for a waitress."

Image 4.2.6 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 50% agree about a neat and clean appearance is a must for a

waitress, 47.5% strongly agree about a neat and clean appearance is a must

for a waitress, and just 2.5% voted disagree for a neat and clean appearance

is a must for a waitress.

7. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "is the

F&B Service book more suitable for using Indonesian."

Image 4.2.7 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 60% agree about the F&B Service book more suitable for using

Indonesian, 12.5% strongly agree the F&B Service book more suitable for

using Indonesian, 25% disagree about the F&B Service book more suitable

for using Indonesian and just 2.5% voted strongly disagree for the F&B

Service book more suitable for using Indonesian.

8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "learning

food and beverage service is not just practice but focuses more on


Image 4.2.8 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 72,5% agree about learning food and beverage service is not just

practice but focuses more on English, 22.5% strongly agree learning food and
beverage service is not just practice but focuses more on English, and just 5%

voted disagree learning food and beverage service is not just practice but

focuses more on English.

9. To what extent do you agree with the following statement: "food and

beverage service books should also contain practice questions too".

Image 4.2.9 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 85% agree about food and beverage service books should also

contain practice questions too, 7.5% strongly agree food and beverage service

books should also contain practice questions too, 5% disagree for food and

beverage service books should also contain practice questions too, and just

2.5% voted strongly disagree food and beverage service books should also

contain practice questions too.

10. how far do you agree with the following statement:"a waiter must be

able to speak english fluently."

Image 4.2.10 Diagram of Questionnaire

According to the replies gathered, researchers discovered that among 40

students, 65% agree about a waiter must be able to speak english fluently,

32.5% strongly agree a waiter must be able to speak english fluently, and just

2.5% voted disagree for a waiter must be able to speak english fluently.

4.2 Initial Product Design


UNIT 1 Containing knowledges

about F&B Department








UNIT 2 Containing materials about



















UNIT 3 Containing materials about

F&B Service









UNIT 4 Containing materials about

types of Menu






UNIT 5 Containing materials about

F&B Equipment









UNIT 6 Containing materials about

Table Set Up



UNIT 7 Containing materials about
Provice Special Service











UNIT 8 Containing materials about

Managing F&B Area





4.3 Results of Product Testing.

The testing scenario for the book is conducted by combining 4 skills

(Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing) in English, designed to meet the

needs in the field of food and beverage service. This book is designed to

facilitate students in learning food and beverage service.

After conducting testing on this book, the author obtained several

conclusions from the trial results of the food and beverage service book.

The conclusions drawn by the author are as follows:

1. Based on the testing results, Students can quickly and accurately find the

material student want to learn.

2. The book material of the food and beverage service is not difficult to use,

as the table of content clearly placed according the steps of learning food

and beverage service

3. Material on this book well sequenced, make easier for every students to

find what kind of material they want to learn

From the above conclusions, it is explained that the objective of creating

this book has been achieved as it provides accurate information to the

Student. Therefore, the researcher conducted testing to determine whether

this book has achieved its goal as a development materials.

4.4 Product revision (revised image and its explanation)

Based on the results of the validation test conducted by 2 experts, 1

ESP expert, and 1 practitioner expert, there were some shortcomings

identified regarding the addition of a few materials in the book on cutlery

for seafood, the definition of a seafood restaurant, and the explanation of

authentic food. All of these categories are essential in a Food and beverage

service book.

4.4.1 Input

Each unit begins with monologue or dialogue related to the

restaurant activities which are related to material being discussed

and some relevant pictures or illustrations. An activity involves

group work or pairs to encourage students to stimulate their

comprehension about the topic that they will learn. In this case,

the students are expected to think about the subject of material

being discussed by drawing on what they have already known,

eliciting their opinion through the monologues or dialogues and

pictures or illustrations that have been provided. They are

expected to be able to motivate and attract the course participants’

attention and motivation then meet their needs.

4.4.2 Content Focus

This section contains the materials that students need to be

understood. It is designed based on the materials needed for the

F&B Service, which were contained example materials for F&B

Service knowledge and activities. The students are expected to be

ready to know the implementation of these materials in restaurant


4.4.3 Language Focus

This section more focuses on the ability of a material to encourage

students in using the language. It contains some language

expression which needs to be considered by course participant

connected to the materials being discussed. In this section, course

participants are given information about the language patterns in

the form of grammar review which example related to the

restaurant activities

4.4.4 Vocabullary Focus

Vocabulary focus is an important part of a book, because many of

the vocabulary in the unit are listed in the vocabulary focus,

therefore people who use this book can try to learn vocabulary and

construct sentences through the vocabulary focus.

4.4.5 Task

This section is designed to lead to communicative competence

based on what they learned on the input, content focus, and

language focus. It contains some exercise for the fourth language

skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing which, the

grammar exercise also provided.



5.1 Conclusion

This study has weaknesses in measuring the product, that is, the

product should be implemented and tested to the students to know whether

the product can be applied or not. In fact, to know the quality of the product,

the researcher only uses the validation given by experts judges because the

limitation of time. For the future research, the process of measure the

quality of the product was expected until the implementation of the product.

The researcher suggests the instructor to use the book because the

book can assist the students in gaining the knowledge. This book can be

used for expert food and beverage service learner but it also can be used by

people who want to learn food and beverage services. This book consists of

some topics that can be used as a resource ofgaining the knowledge.

The researcher suggests the students to use the book because it could

help them to obtain the information needed. The book provided some

additional information that can give the students the new knowledge related

to the food and beverage service.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on the result of the data, the researcher would like to give

suggestion dealing with the students, the Teacher and next researchers.

1. For students

For the students, the researcher suggest to use this book for

learning food and beverage service and do more practice speaking to

improve 4 skill English and memorize vocabulary so that they can utterance

what they want to speak about. The students should be confidents with

themselves. Especially when speaking English and do more practice in

speaking English to improve speaking skill more better. and then the

students can practice doing speaking English through youtube video, or do

conversation with Native speaker

2. For teacher

The teacher should give the students more to practice

speaking and experiences to speak English all the time in speaking

class, because the main thing that must be passed to become a

waiter, can speak English

3. For the future researcher

For the future resarcher, researcher hope the next researcher

can find solution for improving and developing food and beverage



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Apendix 1 : Research Sertificate

Appendix 2 : Interview Questions

How many years have you been teaching?

Answer: Thank you for your question, I have been teaching is about 3 years

from 2020

What grade or department do you currently teach and how many students?

Answer: now I have 4 classes, 1 class 18 students. And then I teach in ESP

for F&B.

What is your goal in teaching ESP for F&B at Kampus Bali International?

Answer: My goal is, I want student can applying their skills and speak

English fluently, I mean like the students know how to greet the guest

directly, know about F&B equipment, know how to say when they guest

paying the bill what would they say when they guest like closing, like

introduction so they know how to say the English properly when they serve

the guest. Yaahh that’s the point.

What are ESP materials that your students need in F&B Service?

Answer: The materials of ESP do you mean like the kind of unit, something

like that, so they have to know how to speak English in basic professional

level and then they have to know how to speak, how to use telephone,

communicate on the telephone, I mean an use English and then depends on

their department and also and then the materials that they need is provide

Glassware, provide room service, and sequence of service.

What are activities that you want to conduct in your ESP lesson to help your

students learn more effectively?

Answer: role play, watch the video “how to become a good waiter”, and


What is the main weakness in taking guest order that found from waitress or

waiter in the restaurant?

Answer: The weaknesses from the student who learn ESP, they cannot

speak English like properly I mean maybe the basic is still, they don’t have

basic at all, so they have difficult to speaking English properly I think that is

hard to make them understand the basic first and then because when we

learn about the basic. When we expect the basic they can speak properly,

they don’t know about the basic yet. the hard thing is I have to teach the

basic first I mean the like vocabulary or something like that because they

lack of vocabulary

Do you have any solution to solve the problem?

Answer: the solution, one of the solution is for example when I teach F&B

Service, I play role play in the class, so they can memorize when they

impersonate being a waiter and guest, so that the solution, role play is best

solution for the weakness

What are the standard or qualifications for professional waitress or waiter?

Answer: The standard is they have to speak English fluently.

What are your suggestions for student who learn Food and Beverage


Answer: my suggestion for student I think they have to watch more the

video. They have to learn through video. Yes off course like I said before

that they have to do role play always when they take ESP class and also

practice in real situation When we learn about sequence of service they have

to practice do the role play there and also at home they have watch more

video about that, they have to practice in real situations .

Can you describe what kind of English for Food and Beverage Service

material do you and your students need?

Answer: So the first one is like I said before is speak English in basic professional

level, and then after that how to communicate using English, The material easily to

understanding, material is well sequenced, the use of images each thing in the F&B

Service, and Conversation between guest and customer

Appendix 3 : Transcript Student Questionnaire

No Question SA A N D SD

1 Are you interested in having a book about

food and beverage (FnB) that includes

various recipes?

2 Do you want an FnB book that focuses on

regional or specific country cuisine?

3 Do you want an FnB book that includes

cooking or drink-making tips and tricks?

4 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "An FnB book

should have picture descriptions."

5 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "English learning

should involve more practice than


6 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "A waiter/waitress

should have a neat and clean


7 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "Is it more suitable

for an FnB book to use the Indonesian


8 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "Food and beverage

service learning should focus not only on

practice but also on the English


9 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "An FnB service

book should also include exercises."

10 To what extent do you agree with the

following statement: "A waiter/waitress

should be fluent in English."

Appendix 4 : Transcriprt Teacher Questionnaire

1. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation of language

skills in listening?

2. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation of language

skills in speaking?

3. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation of language

skills in reading?

4. Does this English book for F&B Service include an explanation of language

skills in writing?

5. Is intermediate-level English proficiency required for students in their future


6. Can this English book for F&B Service help students communicate in the


7. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in welcoming guests?

8. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in escorting and

seating guests?

9. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in taking beverage


10. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in explaining the

restaurant menu?

11. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in giving advice or

recommendations about food and beverages or making sales?

12. Do students use English to speak with guests, colleagues, native or non-

native speakers?

13. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in communicating

with restaurant guests?

14. Can this English book for F&B Service help students in introducing wine?

15. Can this English book for F&B Service explain workplace cleanliness


16. Can this English book for F&B Service explain workplace cleanliness and

equipment maintenance?

17. Can this English book for F&B Service explain local knowledge?

18. Can this English book for F&B Service explain the connection between the

kitchen area and the service area?

19. Can this English book for F&B Service explain gueridon service?

20. Can this English book for F&B Service explain silver service?

21. Can this English book for F&B Service explain food and beverage service?

22. Can this English book for F&B Service explain room service?

23. Do students have to use English to communicate in the restaurant?

24. Do students use English to serve guests in the restaurant?

25. Do students use English not only to serve guests in the restaurant but in

other situations as well?

Appendix 5 : Expert Validation (Practical)

Appendix 6 : Teacher Validation (English Teacher)


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