ENG4U - Learning Portfolio Assignment

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Name: _______________________________ Course: ENG4U

Learning Portfolio Assignment

DUE DATE(S): April 16 and May 10 by 4:00pm

Learning Goals: (1) I will create a portfolio to maintain a record of my work. (2) I will write a
reflection based on my portfolio that reflects my learning.

Your Job

PART 1: Portfolio

For this part of the assignment, you will be required to create a portfolio that includes all of the
work that you will complete throughout the semester. A portfolio is a collection of work that
demonstrates your learning and skills. This assignment will be completed throughout the

To create your portfolio, you will need to do the following:

1. Buy a 3-ring binder. You will put all of your work for this assignment in the binder.

2. Every time you receive a worksheet from your teacher or other written activity on paper,
put the sheet inside your binder. This includes tests and quizzes.

3. Use dividers to organize your work into the different units of the course. Make sure to
place your worksheets or written activities in the correct section. If you don’t want to
use dividers, you can use post-it notes instead. If you choose to organize your binder
this way, make sure to label each section with the unit number and/or title. If you want,
you can also include additional sections for notes and assignments.

Please understand that if you do not include all of your work inside the binder, or if you fail to
complete your written reflections by the due dates, you will not do well on the assignment. See
the rubric at the end for information on how you will be assessed.

PART 2: Written Reflection

Once you have placed all of your work inside your binder, you will write a written reflection that
summarizes and explains your learning.

Please include your answers to the following questions in your reflection:

1. Choose ONE (1) activity from your portfolio that you think is an example of your best work.
Why do you think it’s your best work? Explain.
2. Choose ONE (1) activity from your portfolio that you think is an example of your weakest
work. Why do you think it’s your weakest piece of work? Explain.

3. Out of all the activities that you have completed so far in ENG4U, which one did you find the
most difficult? Why? explain.

4. What is one skill that you think you need to improve for the remainder of ENG4U? Identify
the specific steps that you can take to improve this skill.

In addition to the above, your work must be:

● At least ONE AND A HALF pages long, double-spaced.

● Written in size 12 Times New Roman font.
● Written in sentences and paragraphs.
● Formatted according to the example in the instructions.
John Smith (#12345)

Ms. Francesca Caruso


April 16, 2024

Portfolio Assignment: Written Reflection (Term 1)

For this assignment, you need to make sure that you write in sentences and paragraphs.

Indent the first line of each new paragraph, and ensure that your entire assignment is

double-spaced. Use size 12 Times New Roman font throughout. Your first and last name, student

number, teacher’s full name, course code, and the due date must appear on the first page of the

assignment. Your work must also include a title; please see above. Write at least one and a half


For this assignment, you need to make sure that you write in sentences and paragraphs.

Indent the first line of each new paragraph, and ensure that your entire assignment is

double-spaced. Use size 12 Times New Roman font throughout. Your first and last name, student

number, teacher’s full name, course code, and the due date must appear on the first page of the

assignment. Your work must also include a title; please see above. Write at least one and a half


For this assignment, you need to make sure that you write in sentences and paragraphs.

Indent the first line of each new paragraph, and ensure that your entire assignment is

double-spaced. Use size 12 Times New Roman font throughout. Your first and last name, student

number, teacher’s full name, course code, and the due date must appear on the first page of the

assignment. Your work must also include a title; please see above. Write at least one and a half

Learning Portfolio Assignment (Term 1) - Rubric


(0-49%) (50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80-100%)

K The student
demonstrates a strong
understanding of how
to create a cohesive,
organized portfolio. All
work from has been


C Written reflection is
clear, logical, and
organized. Appropriate
vocabulary is used to
express the student’s
ideas. There are no
spelling or grammatical
/30 errors.

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