Quarterly Exam - Q1 English 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XI

SY 2024- 2025

Name: Section: ____

Subject Teacher: Date:

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Shade the circle on your answer sheet that corresponds to the letter of
the correct answer. D. garden

1. What is the relationship of the following

analogy? strong: weak :: big: small 6. Which of the following completes the analogy
A. Antonym kind : _____ :: fast : slow?
B. Synonyms A. Cruel
C. Part to whole B. Honest
D. Cause and effect C. diligent
D. responsible
2. The following are examples of correct
analogy, except one: 7. Which of the following completes the analogy
A. Which is to witch as night is to tight dog : bark :: ______: chirp?
B. Sound is to hear as odor is to smell A. bird
C. Comma is to pause as period is to B. horse
beginning C. rooster
D. Up is to down as inside is to outside D. elephant

3. What is the relationship of the following 8. Which of the sentences below is expressed in
analogy? dog: bark:: rat: squeak passive voice?
A. antonym A. They had so much fun.
B. characteristic B. Kurt cooked spaghetti for dinner.
C. tool to worker C. The spaghetti was enjoyed by his friends.
D. item to category D. After eating, they washed the dishes
4. Which of the following is an example of tool to
worker relationship? 9. Janna composed a beautiful song. This
A. pen : write sentence is expressed in active voice. Which
B. knife : cut of the following explains why the verb is in
C. book : read active voice?
D. hammer : carpenter A. The subject performs the action.
B. The subject is the receiver of the action.
5. Which of the following completes the analogy C. The verb is formed by using the verb to be
leaf: tree:: petal: _____? and the past participle of the main verb.
A. Stem D. The verb is formed using has/have/had
B. Plant and the past participle form of the main
C. flower verb.

10. Which sentence is expressed in the passive 16. Choose from the given statements which
voice? is an example of a Direct Speech.
A. Our house was robbed. A. Abby said, “I have decided to take up
B. A masked guy robbed our house. medicine.”
C. The guy in mask robbed our house. B. Yana asked him what are his plans after
D. The guy who wears a mask robbed our school.
house. C. Ian says to him, “When will we be having the
11. Claire was tasked to create a sentence about
D. Uno told him to go to the quarters after their
the recent typhoon. Her teacher emphasized
monthly training.
that she should express it in active voice.
17. Choose from the given statements which is an
Which sentence should Claire use?
example of a Direct Speech.
A. The relief goods were distributed to the
A. Thalia told her classmates to study for the
victims of the typhoon.
quarterly test.
B. The volunteers distributed the relief goods to
the victims of the typhoon. B. Primo said to me, “Can you let me borrow
your notes and pen?”
C. Food packs were distributed to everyone in
the evacuation site. C. The teacher asked the students to be
quiet and listen to her words.
D. Used clothes were donated by the Grade 7
students for the victims of the typhoon. D. Their adviser is asking, “What important
lesson did you learn today?”
12. Gavin is expressing his idea in passive
voice. Which sentence should Gavin use? 18. Choose from the given statements which is an
A. The typhoon was destructive. example of a Reported Speech.
B. The typhoon caused heavy rain C. The A. I will bring home the bacon.
forest was destroyed by the typhoon. B. They will be going to the symposium.
D. Floods due to typhoon destroyed some C. She is learning to play the harmonica.
houses. D. Anabeth said that she is going to do well
in her studies.
13. Which verb best completes the sentence
in the past tense? “You ____ well!” 19. Choose from the given statements which is an
A. did example of a Reported Speech. A. He is
B. do happy.
C. does B. He will join the contest.
D. doing C. He is excited for the test.
D. He said that he won the contest.
14. Which verb completes the sentence in the
past tense? 20. Which pair of sentences is correctly
“Hannah _______ the topic very well.” transposed from direct speech to indirect
A. explains speech?
B. explaining A. DS – Alona says, “I like durian candy”.
C. explained IS – Alona says that I like durian candy.
D. explain B. DS – Alona says, “I like durian candy”. IS
– Alona says that she likes durian candy.
15. Which verb completes the sentence in the C. DS – Alona said, “I like durian candy”. IS
past perfect tense? – Alona said that she liked durian candy.
“When they arrived, we ____________ the D. DS – Alona said, “I like durian candy”. IS
analysis.” – Alona says that she likes durian candy.
A. has already created
B. had already created
C. have already creating
D. had already creating
21. Which verb best completes the sentence
below? ____26. You want to know what time your
Direct Speech – Our teacher said, “Time will favorite coffee shop opens on weekends, so
come that computers will take over all man’s you are looking at their website to find out.
tasks”. What reading strategy applies when you look
Indirect Speech – Our teacher said that time for the time they open?
_______ that computers will take over all man’s A. Skimming
tasks. B. Scanning
A. will come C. Close Reading
B. would come D. Intensive Reading
C. will have come __ 27. What reading strategy is used when
D. would have come reading a novel?
22. Which verbs best complete the sentence? A. Skimming
B. Scanning
C. Close Reading
Direct Speech – Hemingway said, “Human
beings may be destroyed but they will never be D. Extensive Reading
Indirect Speech – Hemingway ____ that human
beings _____ but they will never be defeated.
A. said, may be destroyed
B. says, may be destroyed
C. said, might be destroyed
D. says, might be destroyed

23. Change the sentence to reported speech: The

policeman said to the boy, “Where do you
A. The policeman asked the boy where
he lives.
B. “Where do you live?” the policeman
asked the boy.
C. The policeman wanted to know where
the boy lives.
D. When speaking to the boy, the
policeman asked where do you live?
For items 28-30, refer your answer to the
____ 24. Your sister successfully passed the infographic above. ____ 28. What is NIPAH
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Their virus?
names are posted on the PRC website. What A. An infectious disease caused by the
reading strategy applies when you search for her SARS- CoV-2 virus.
name? B. A disease which can be transmitted to
A. Skimming humans from animals
B. Scanning C. An infection of the nose, throat and
C. Close Reading lungs, which are part of the respiratory
D. Intensive Reading system D. An inflammation of the liver that can
cause a range of health problems and can
_____ 25. Your mother asked you to find the be fatal.
phone number of your English teacher in her
phone book. What reading strategy applies when ____ 29. How can the NIPAH virus be prevented?
you search for the number? I. Avoid contact with infected persons.
A. Skimming II. Get vaccinated at the nearest health
B. Scanning centers. III. Clean your hands with alcohol
C. Close Reading oftentimes. IV. Avoid exposure to sick pigs
D. Extensive Reading
and bats and by not eating fruits bitten by D. Adverb Phrase
A. I & II For items 36 - 38
C. III & IV The moon is a close neighbor
D. I & IV
(36)________. It is 2,160 miles in diameter.
Light from the moon reaches the earth in about
____ 30. What are the symptoms that one may
experience after catching NIPAH Virus? I. 1 ¼ seconds. Like the earth, the moon has no
Inflammation of the brain. light of its own. The moonlight we see
II. Fever, headache, drowsiness, and mental (37)_______ is only a reflection of sunlight.
confusion III. Yellowish The surface of the moon is rough. The moon,
skin and eyes swings (38) _______ around it, the only natural
IV. Muscle and body pains and fatigue satellite of the earth. One complete revolution
A. I, II & III of the moon around the earth is 28 days.
B. I, II & IV
C. I & II
D. II & III 36 . Which phrase is appropriate to use in the
Sean is a ten-year old boy. After school, he A. of sun
immediately opens the computer and plays B. in space
C. on earth
computer games. Whenever his mother sees
D. of space
him, she would just ignore what Sean is doing.
During the releasing of grades, Sean received 37. Which phrase is appropriate to use in the
poor marks in his major subjects; particularly sentence?
English. A. up above
B. in the dark
Source: Bernardo, Alejandro S. (2009). C. at a hazy night
Developmental Reading 1. D. on a clear night
38. Which phrase is appropriate to use in the
31. Which of the following is a noun phrase?
A. in a slightly elliptical orbit
A. would just ignore
B. of a slightly elliptical orbit
B. a ten-year old boy
C. to a slightly elliptical orbit
C. opens the computer
D. under a slightly elliptical orbit
D. received poor marks

32. Which of the following is a verb phrase?

A. is doing
B. releasing of grades
C. opens the computer
D. received poor marks

33. Which of the following is a noun phrase?

A. his mother
B. would just ignore
C. opens the computer
D. received poor marks
______35. What kind of phrase are the
underlined group of words? I saw a black zebra
at the zoo.
A. Verb Phrase
B. Noun Phrase
C. Prepositional Phrase
For Items 39 – 40
Most people await the coming of the town
fiesta. The reason
______34. is thatkind
What this occasion
of phrase comes
are the
only underlined
once a year. group of words? Manywhole
Many families save the cities with
round (39) _______.
factories It is problem.
have a smog also a Filipino
tradition to hold family reunions on this day. The
A. Verb Phrase
people takeB.timeNounout from their daily activities
to have fun during the fiesta,Phrase
C. Prepositional (40) _______.
D. Adverb Phrase

39. Which clause is appropriate to use in the 43. A: Did you enjoy reading the new books?
sentence? B: _______________________________
A. because they can have a sumptuous
feast on fiesta day A. Yes, I absolutely enjoy reading the new
B. so that they can have a sumptuous books.
feast on fiesta day B. Yes, I absolutely enjoyed reading the new
C. when they can have a sumptuous books.
feast on fiesta day C. Yes, I had absolutely enjoyed reading the
D. after they can have a sumptuous feast new books.
on fiesta day D. Yes, I am absolutely enjoying reading the
41. A: What did the students do before they left B: After she finished her assigned chore,
new books.
40. Which clause is appropriate to use in the
sentence? 44. A: What was his reaction after the test?
A. yet, most of all to pay homage to the B: _______________________________
town’s patron saint.
B. but, most of all to pay homage to the A. He calls his friends after getting a perfect
town’s patron saint. score in the test.
B. He called his friends after getting a perfect
C. when, most of all to pay homage to the
score in the test.
town’s patron saint.
C. He is calling his friends after getting a
D. before, most of all to pay homage to the
perfect score in the test.
town’s patron saint.
D. He has called his friends after getting a
perfect score in the test.
For items. 41-45, complete the dialogue with the
correct sentence using Past Tense. 45. A: What did Ana do after cleaning the house?
the class? A. I researched about the lesson on
B: ________________________________ chemistry yesterday.
B. I am researching about the lesson on
A. The students turn the electric fans off. chemistry yesterday.
B. The students turned the electric fans off. C. I will be researching about the lesson on
C. The students are turning the electric fans chemistry yesterday.
off. D. I have been researching about the lesson
D. The students have turned the electric fans on chemistry yesterday.
off. __________________________

42. A: What did you do after class yesterday? A. She goes outside to bond with her best
B:_________________________________ friends.

B. She went outside to bond with her best B: ______________________________.
C. She had gone outside to bond with her A. I am sorry. By the time got to the bank, it
best friends. has already close.
D. She will be going outside to bond with her B. I am sorry. By the time get to the bank, it
best friends. had already close.
C. I am sorry. By the time I get to the bank,
For items. 46-50, complete the dialogue with the it has already close.
correct sentence using Past Perfect Tense. D. I am sorry. By the time I got to the bank,
it had already closed.
46. A: Have you deposited
the money in the bank
47. A: What happened to Jan at the store? B: After trying on
twenty blouses,

A. Jan discovers she left her wallet at home.

B. Jan had discovered she left her wallet at home.

C. Jan discovered she has left her wallet at

D. Jan discovered she had left her wallet at home.

48. A: Why was Miss Angelica, the class adviser,
happy when she arrived? B:
A.The students clean the table before the teacher
arrived. B.The students are cleaning the table before
the teacher arrived. C. The students had cleaned
the table before the teacher arrived. D. The students
will be cleaning the table before the teacher arrives.

49. A: Why did Kenneth and Angel miss the jeepney?


A.They arrived early, but the jeepney had already left.

B. They are arriving early, but the jeepney

already left. C. They will be arriving early,

but the jeepney will be leaving. D. They have
been arriving early, but the jeepney already left.

50. A: Where did Ana go after she arrived from

B: __________________

A. Ana goes to the study area when she
arrived from school. B. Ana went to the study area
when she arrived from school.

C. Ana had gone to the study area when she arrived

from school.
D. Ana will be going to the study area when she
arrived from school.

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