Bring The Ocean Into Your School MOOC LS Template
Bring The Ocean Into Your School MOOC LS Template
Bring The Ocean Into Your School MOOC LS Template
The creation and submission of a Learning Scenario on ocean-related topic(s) is one of the requirements to complete
the course and be awarded a certificate of participation to the MOOC. The primary goal of this activity is to help you
integrate what you have learnt in the last weeks into a comprehensive Learning Scenario, which can serve as a solid
basis to prepare your application for the European Blue School certification. Make sure to plan your lesson well, so
it can be connected to the Find the Blue challenge and become an impactful blue project!
Please summarise your Learning Scenario in 1 – 3 sentences. Please try to be as clear and concise as possible.
Maximum 5 keywords.
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This is the license used by Wikipedia and is recommended for materials that would benefit from incorporating content
from Wikipedia and similarly licensed projects.
Subject(s) List all the subjects that this Learning Scenario is intended for. If this is an interdisciplinary
lesson, list multiple subjects.
Topic(s) Add here the ocean topic(s) that the Learning Scenario addresses.
This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of
#EU4Ocean Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an
initiative of European Schoolnet. The content included in this document is the sole responsibility of
the authors, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC
is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
Preparation time How many hours, per subject, are needed to prepare the Learning Scenario.
Teaching time How many hours, per subject, are needed to teach this Learning Scenario.
Online teaching List here all the links to online tools, applications, and support documents that you will use
material during the lesson, such as: Padlet, Kahoot, Graasp, Google Classroom, Socrative, etc.
Please make sure to grant access to all the links you include.
Offline teaching List here all the offline tools, such as: paper, glue, etc.
Resources used List here links to all the resources used for this Learning Scenario (links to YouTube
videos, links to online articles, publications, resources, etc.).
Describe what you would like to achieve with your students by the end of the lesson. You can structure your answer
by replying to the following three questions:
▪ What do you as the teacher want your students to achieve at the end of the lesson?
▪ What do your students want to achieve with this lesson?
▪ Is the outcome relevant for the school, the community, and the ocean?
Describe what kind of outputs the lesson will have. This can be tangible end-products or any other particular outputs.
Detail in a few sentences how the topic of the Learning Scenario will fit into your national curriculum. If possible,
follow a multidisciplinary approach.
List the relevant pedagogical approaches and trends that the lesson incorporates:
Green Competences
This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of
#EU4Ocean Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an
initiative of European Schoolnet. The content included in this document is the sole responsibility of
the authors, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC
is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
Indicate and explain below which of the 12 Green Competences your Learning Scenario addresses (for more
information, refer to pages 14 to 15 here).
Area 4: Acting for sustainability – Individual initiative and collective action.
In the context of this learning scenario, the students will, as a school project, produce and distribute pamphlets in
their neighbourhoods, to raise awareness on the importance of ocean literacy. A workshop on the topic will also be
organised with the aim of making pledges for concrete actions the community can do.
☐ Valuing sustainability
☐ Supporting fairness
☐ Promoting nature
☐ Systems thinking
☐ Critical thinking
☐ Problem framing
☐ Futures literacy
☐ Adaptability
☐ Exploratory thinking
☐ Political agency
☐ Collective action
☐ Individual initiative
Explain here which SDG(s) your lesson plan addresses. To find out more:
Collaborative work is key to success. Explain how you will engage with local partners (e.g., marine scientists, NGOs,
science centres, maritime companies, and/or governmental bodies) to help facilitate the creation, implementation,
and communication of your lesson plan. See examples of possible collaborators at the EU4Ocean Platform members.
But remember, there is no need to look too far to find a relevant partnership!
This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of
#EU4Ocean Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an
initiative of European Schoolnet. The content included in this document is the sole responsibility of
the authors, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC
is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
In this Learning Scenario, the following STEM elements and criteria are addressed (provide details for all that
apply).To know more about the STEM Strategy Criteria, see here.
Elements and criteria How is this criterion addressed in the Learning Scenario
Personalization of learning
Problem and project-based learning (PBL)
Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE)
Curriculum implementation
Emphasis on STEM topics and competencies
Interdisciplinary instruction
Contextualization of STEM teaching
Continuous assessment
Personalized assessment
Professionalization of staff
Highly qualified professionals
Existence of supporting (pedagogical) staff
Professional development
School leadership and culture
School leadership
High level of cooperation among staff
Inclusive culture
With industry
With parents/guardians
With other schools and/or educational platforms
With universities and/or research centers
With local communities
School infrastructure
Access to technology and equipment
High quality instruction classroom materials
Describe here the activities your students will follow, adding all the necessary steps, details, and duration (in minutes
/ hours) for each activity. If you are using any external documents, please scroll to the end of the document and add
This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of
#EU4Ocean Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an
initiative of European Schoolnet. The content included in this document is the sole responsibility of
the authors, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC
is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
them to the Annex. Add more rows to the table if needed. Remember that the lesson plan activities should lead to
the creation of a project linked to the Find the Blue challenge.
Describe here the assessment method of the lesson, if any. For example, if you plan on assessing your students with
a quiz, include here questions and answer options with color-coding the correct answers.
Student feedback
Add here the method with which your students will be able to give you feedback and discuss the lesson.
Teachers’ remarks
Add here your comments and evaluation after the implementation of this lesson if you have time to test it, otherwise
leave it blank.
The EU4Ocean coalition is a European Union initiative dedicated to advancing ocean literacy and fostering a deeper
understanding of the vital role oceans play in our lives. It brings together diverse stakeholders, including
policymakers, educators, scientists, and citizens, to promote ocean awareness and action. By organising various
activities, such as educational programs and outreach efforts, the coalition strives to empower individuals and
communities to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to safeguard our oceans and combat climate
change, ultimately contributing to the sustainable management of marine ecosystems in the EU and beyond.
Scientix, the community for Science Education in Europe, promotes and supports a Europe-wide collaboration
among STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teachers, education researchers, policymakers,
and other STEM education professionals. If you need more information, check the Scientix portal, or contact either
the Scientix National Contact Point or Scientix Ambassadors in your country.
This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of
#EU4Ocean Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an
initiative of European Schoolnet. The content included in this document is the sole responsibility of
the authors, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC
is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.
This MOOC has received funding from the EU4Ocean Coalition of the Directorate General of
#EU4Ocean Maritime Affairs and Fisheries of the European Commission and is co-branded with Scientix, an
initiative of European Schoolnet. The content included in this document is the sole responsibility of
the authors, and it does not represent the opinion of the European Commission (EC), and the EC
is not responsible for any use that might be made of information contained.