Manual Biometra Tadvanced PCR Systems Analytik Jena

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Operating Manual

Biometra TAdvanced
High-performance thermal cycler for
DNA amplification by PCR
Manufacturer Biometra GmbH (Analytik Jena GmbH)
Rudolf-Wissell-Str. 30
37079 Göttingen  Germany
Phone + 49 551 50 68 6-0
Fax + 49 551 50 68 6-66
Email [email protected]

Service Biometra GmbH

Rudolf-Wissell-Str. 30
37079 Göttingen  Germany
Phone + 49 551 50 68 6 -10, -14 or -16
Email [email protected]

General information

Operating manual valid from software version ME 1.70 – RE 1.46

Copyrights and Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
Trademarks The identification with ® or TM is omitted in this manual.

Documentation number 34-3800-000-23-e

Edition 01.21

Implementation of the Analytik Jena GmbH

Technical Documentation

© Copyright 2021 Analytik Jena GmbH

Biometra TAdvanced Manual Contents

1 Basic information ....................................................................................................... 9
1.1 User manual notes ............................................................................................................ 9
1.2 Intended use ................................................................................................................... 10
1.3 Warranty and liability ..................................................................................................... 10

2 Safety instructions .................................................................................................... 11

2.1 General notes .................................................................................................................. 11
2.2 Safety markings on the Biometra TAdvanced .............................................................. 11
2.3 Technical condition ........................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Requirements for the operating personnel ................................................................... 12
2.5 Safety instructions: transport and installation ............................................................. 12
2.6 Safety instructions – operation ...................................................................................... 12
2.6.1 General ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.6.2 Safety instructions: protection against explosion and fire ........................................... 13
2.6.3 Safety instructions: electrical equipment ...................................................................... 13
2.6.4 Handling of samples, auxiliary and operating materials ............................................. 14
2.7 Safety instructions – maintenance and repair .............................................................. 14
2.8 Behavior during emergencies ........................................................................................ 14

3 Function and setup ................................................................................................... 15

3.1 High speed thermoblock ................................................................................................ 16
3.2 High Performance Smart Lid.......................................................................................... 16
3.3 Display ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.4 User-specific quick start of programs ............................................................................ 17
3.5 Easy programming.......................................................................................................... 17
3.6 Linear Gradient Tool....................................................................................................... 18
3.7 GLP compliance .............................................................................................................. 18
3.8 Open system philosophy ................................................................................................ 18
3.9 Order numbers ................................................................................................................ 19

4 Installation and commissioning ............................................................................... 20

4.1 Scope of delivery ............................................................................................................. 20
4.2 Unpacking and inspection .............................................................................................. 20
4.3 Setting the operating voltage ........................................................................................ 20
4.4 Commissioning ............................................................................................................... 21

5 Control elements ...................................................................................................... 22

5.1 Biometra TAdvanced front view .................................................................................... 22
5.2 Biometra TAdvanced rear view...................................................................................... 23
5.3 Quick block exchange ..................................................................................................... 23
5.4 High Performance Smart Lid (HPSL)............................................................................. 24
5.4.1 Closing the lid ................................................................................................................. 24
5.4.2 Opening the lid ............................................................................................................... 25
5.5 The Biometra TAdvanced software ............................................................................... 26
5.5.1 Keyboard ......................................................................................................................... 26
5.5.2 Keypad ............................................................................................................................. 27
5.5.3 Cursor keys ...................................................................................................................... 27
5.5.4 Confirm or Cancel ........................................................................................................... 27
5.5.5 List of commands and icons used .................................................................................. 28

6 Operation.................................................................................................................. 33
6.1 Power on self-test .......................................................................................................... 33
6.2 Login screen .................................................................................................................... 33
6.3 Login................................................................................................................................ 34
6.4 Home screen ................................................................................................................... 35
6.5 Block status ..................................................................................................................... 36
6.6 Quick start function ........................................................................................................ 37
6.7 Incubation mode ............................................................................................................. 40

Version 01.21 3
Contents Biometra TAdvanced Manual

7 Creating, editing and saving programs .................................................................... 44

7.1 Programming modes ...................................................................................................... 44
7.2 Creating a new program/using a program template .................................................... 45
7.3 Assigning program names.............................................................................................. 47
7.4 Setting the heated lid temperature ............................................................................... 47
7.5 Preheating the heated lid............................................................................................... 48
7.6 Editing steps .................................................................................................................... 49
7.6.1 Editing all parameters of a step ..................................................................................... 49
7.6.2 Direct programming of program parameters for a step ............................................... 56
7.7 Inserting a step ............................................................................................................... 60
7.8 Deleting a step ................................................................................................................ 60
7.9 Saving the program ........................................................................................................ 60

8 Starting, coping and deleting programs .................................................................. 63

8.1 Starting a program.......................................................................................................... 63
8.2 Copying a program.......................................................................................................... 65
8.3 Copying all programs ...................................................................................................... 66
8.4 Deleting a program ......................................................................................................... 67
8.5 Deleting all programs ..................................................................................................... 68

9 Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs ........................................... 69

9.1 Display during a run........................................................................................................ 69
9.2 Pausing a program.......................................................................................................... 73
9.3 Continuing the program ................................................................................................. 75
9.4 Skipping a step ................................................................................................................ 75
9.5 Stopping the program .................................................................................................... 75

10 Protocol Wizard ........................................................................................................ 77

10.1 Select Polymerase ........................................................................................................... 77
10.2 Enter a new polymerase or edit a polymerase .............................................................. 78
10.3 Delete a polymerase ....................................................................................................... 80
10.4 Protocol Wizard parameter screen ................................................................................ 80
10.5 Primer Annealing Temperature Calculator ................................................................... 82

11 Tools ......................................................................................................................... 85
11.1 Configuration .................................................................................................................. 85
11.1.1 Setting the date and time............................................................................................... 87
11.1.2 Automatic user logout .................................................................................................... 88
11.1.3 Configuring the beeper................................................................................................... 89
11.1.4 Network ........................................................................................................................... 89
11.1.5 Display brightness........................................................................................................... 91
11.1.6 Screen calibration ........................................................................................................... 92
11.1.7 Factory settings ............................................................................................................... 93
11.2 User management .......................................................................................................... 93
11.2.1 Creating a user ................................................................................................................ 95
11.2.2 Editing user settings ....................................................................................................... 96
11.2.3 Delete user ...................................................................................................................... 99
11.3 Documentation ............................................................................................................... 99
11.3.1 Run log file .................................................................................................................... 100
11.3.2 Power On Logfile .......................................................................................................... 102
11.3.3 Extended self-test log file ............................................................................................ 103
11.3.4 Error log file .................................................................................................................. 104
11.4 Extended self-test ......................................................................................................... 104
11.5 Service info file (SINF) .................................................................................................. 107
11.6 Backup ........................................................................................................................... 108
11.7 Cycler Information ........................................................................................................ 109
11.8 Contact........................................................................................................................... 110
12 Adaptation of programs ......................................................................................... 111

13 Quick reference guide ............................................................................................ 112

4 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Manual Contents

14 Fault removal ......................................................................................................... 116

14.1 Administrator password forgotten .............................................................................. 116
14.2 Slow heating and cooling ............................................................................................. 116
14.3 Auto restart ................................................................................................................... 116
14.4 Auto restart without an apparent cause ..................................................................... 116
14.5 Adaptation of programs from other thermal cyclers .................................................. 117
14.6 Loosening the lid wheel in case of blockage ............................................................... 117
14.7 Recommendations for the use of 384 well sample blocks ......................................... 118

15 Maintenance and care ............................................................................................ 119

15.1 Cleaning the housing.................................................................................................... 119
15.2 Disinfecting the device ................................................................................................. 120
15.3 Firmware update .......................................................................................................... 120

16 Transport ................................................................................................................ 121

16.1 Device return information ............................................................................................ 121
16.2 Packing the Biometra TAdvanced ............................................................................... 122

17 Disposal .................................................................................................................. 123

18 Specifications .......................................................................................................... 124

18.1 Model specific data ....................................................................................................... 124
18.2 Specifications for all models ........................................................................................ 130
19 Declaration of conformity ...................................................................................... 131

20 Index ....................................................................................................................... 132

Fig. 1 The Biometra TAdvanced Thermal Cycler ........................................................ 15
Fig. 2 Voltage selector switch on the underside of the device .................................. 20
Fig. 3 Front view of the Biometra TAdvanced ............................................................ 22
Fig. 4 Rear view of the Biometra TAdvanced ............................................................. 23
Fig. 5 Quick block exchange ........................................................................................ 24
Fig. 6 Placement of sample tubes in different block systems ................................... 25
Fig. 7 Keyboard ............................................................................................................. 26
Fig. 8 Keypad ................................................................................................................ 27
Fig. 9 Start screen......................................................................................................... 33
Fig. 10 Login screen ................................................................................................... 34
Fig. 11 Select user screen ........................................................................................... 34
Fig. 12 Enter password screen ................................................................................... 35
Fig. 13 Home screen ................................................................................................... 35
Fig. 14 Block status/quick start button ..................................................................... 36
Fig. 15 Program quick start screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono).......................... 38
Fig. 16 Program quick start screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin) ........................... 39
Fig. 17 Multiblock selection query ............................................................................ 40
Fig. 18 Incubation mode screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono) .............................. 41
Fig. 19 Incubation mode screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin) ................................ 42
Fig. 20 Multiblock selection query (1) ...................................................................... 43
Fig. 21 Multiblock selection query (2) ...................................................................... 43
Fig. 22 Spreadsheet programming ............................................................................ 44
Fig. 23 Graphical programming................................................................................. 44
Fig. 24 Program overview screen .............................................................................. 46
Fig. 25 BLANK program template ............................................................................... 46
Fig. 26 Program template screen .............................................................................. 47
Fig. 27 Heated lid temperature setting screen ......................................................... 48

Version 01.21 5
Contents Biometra TAdvanced Manual

Fig. 28 Program step editing screen ......................................................................... 50

Fig. 29 PCR program with a loop .............................................................................. 51
Fig. 30 Temperature gradient on a 96 well sample block ....................................... 52
Fig. 31 Linear Gradient Tool screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono)........................ 53
Fig. 32 Standard gradient programming screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono) .... 54
Fig. 33 Temperature gradient on a 48 well sample block ....................................... 54
Fig. 34 Linear Gradient Tool screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin) ......................... 55
Fig. 35 Standard gradient programming screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin) ..... 56
Fig. 36 Temperature gradient query ......................................................................... 56
Fig. 37 Spreadsheet program view ........................................................................... 57
Fig. 38 Graphical program view ................................................................................ 58
Fig. 39 Individual program parameter editing ......................................................... 59
Fig. 40 Gradient view (Biometra TAdvanced Twin) ................................................ 59
Fig. 41 Program overview screen .............................................................................. 61
Fig. 42 Quick selection screen ................................................................................... 62
Fig. 43 Program overview screen .............................................................................. 63
Fig. 44 Program overview screen with preview ....................................................... 64
Fig. 45 Twinblock selection query ............................................................................. 64
Fig. 46 Program overview screen .............................................................................. 66
Fig. 47 Program overview screen .............................................................................. 67
Fig. 48 Confirmation prompt ..................................................................................... 68
Fig. 49 Confirmation prompt ..................................................................................... 68
Fig. 50 Graphical view ............................................................................................... 69
Fig. 51 Spreadsheet view........................................................................................... 70
Fig. 52 Display during the run in a graphical, spreadsheet and gradient view...... 70
Fig. 53 Graphical view ............................................................................................... 71
Fig. 54 Spreadsheet view........................................................................................... 71
Fig. 55 Display during the run in a graphical, spreadsheet and gradient view...... 72
Fig. 56 Spreadsheet view........................................................................................... 73
Fig. 57 Display screen during a program pause (graphical view) ........................... 73
Fig. 58 Spreadsheet view........................................................................................... 74
Fig. 59 Display screen during a program pause (graphical view) ........................... 74
Fig. 60 Confirmation prompt ..................................................................................... 76
Fig. 61 Twinblock selection query ............................................................................. 76
Fig. 62 Confirmation prompt ..................................................................................... 76
Fig. 63 Select polymerase screen .............................................................................. 77
Fig. 64 Edit polymerase screen ................................................................................. 78
Fig. 65 Select polymerase screen .............................................................................. 79
Fig. 66 Security query ................................................................................................ 79
Fig. 67 Protocol wizard parameter screen ................................................................ 81
Fig. 68 Protocol wizard view parameter screen ....................................................... 81
Fig. 69 Security query ................................................................................................ 82
Fig. 70 Primer annealing temperature calculator screen ........................................ 83
Fig. 71 Edit primer concentration screen ................................................................. 83
Fig. 72 Tools screen ................................................................................................... 85
Fig. 73 Settings screen ............................................................................................... 86
Fig. 74 Date and time entry screen ........................................................................... 87
Fig. 75 Automatic user logout screen ....................................................................... 88
Fig. 76 Beeper configuration screen ......................................................................... 89
Fig. 77 Network settings screen, IP settings via static ............................................ 90
Fig. 78 Network settings screen, IP settings via DHCP ............................................ 90
Fig. 79 Display brightness adjustment screen ......................................................... 92
Fig. 80 Calibration screen .......................................................................................... 92
Fig. 81 Confirmation prompt ..................................................................................... 93

6 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Manual Contents

Fig. 82 User management screen .............................................................................. 94

Fig. 83 Configure user management screen ............................................................. 94
Fig. 84 Create new user screen .................................................................................. 96
Fig. 85 User data screen ............................................................................................. 97
Fig. 86 User properties screen ................................................................................... 98
Fig. 87 Confirmation prompt ..................................................................................... 99
Fig. 88 Documentation screen ................................................................................. 100
Fig. 89 Run log file overview screen........................................................................ 100
Fig. 90 Run log file screen........................................................................................ 101
Fig. 91 Program view screen ................................................................................... 102
Fig. 92 Power on log file screen .............................................................................. 103
Fig. 93 Extended self-test log file screen ................................................................ 103
Fig. 94 Error log file screen ...................................................................................... 104
Fig. 95 Sample block loaded with plasticware for the extended self-test ............ 105
Fig. 96 Extended self-test screen ............................................................................ 106
Fig. 97 Extended self-test overview screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono) .......... 106
Fig. 98 Extended self-test overview screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin) ........... 107
Fig. 99 Service info file creation screen .................................................................. 107
Fig. 100 Backup file screen ........................................................................................ 108
Fig. 101 Cycler Info screen ......................................................................................... 109
Fig. 102 Service department contact details screen ................................................. 110

Version 01.21 7
Contents Biometra TAdvanced Manual

8 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Basic information

1 Basic information

1.1 User manual notes

The Biometra TAdvanced is intended for operation by qualified specialist personnel

observing this operating manual.
For the Biometra TAdvanced, there are 12 different models available. In the text
below these devices are collectively called Biometra TAdvanced. Differences are
explained in the corresponding sections.

The operating manual contains information about the design and operation of the
Biometra TAdvanced and provides personnel familiar with PCR technology with the
necessary know-how for the safe handling of the equipment and its components. The
operating manual further includes notes on the maintenance and service of the device
and potential causes and remedies of any faults.
These operating instructions apply to all Biometra TAdvanced as of software version
ME 1.70 - VRE 1.46 (see "Cycler Information" p.109)
Furthermore, sometimes the terms protocol and program are used synonymously,
these are one or more programmed temperature steps with different or the same
holding times and cycles.

Conventions Instructions for actions which occur in chronological order are numbered and
combined in action units.

Safety instructions are indicated by pictographs and signal words. The type and source
of the danger are stated together with notes on preventing the danger.
The elements of the control and analysis program are indicated as follows:
 Program terms are identified with SMALL CAPS (e.g., Menu FILE).
 Buttons are shown by square brackets (e.g., [OK] button)
 Menu items are separated by arrows (e.g., FILE  OPEN).

Symbols and signal words The operating manual uses the following symbols and signal words to indicate hazards
or instructions. The safety instructions are always placed before an action.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which might cause fatal or very serious
injuries (deformities).

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which might cause light or minor injuries.

Provides indications of potential material and environmental damage.

Version 01.21 9
Basic information Biometra TAdvanced

Symbol for waste disposal in accordance with WEEE directive:

Do not dispose of in household waste.

CE marking

China RoHS marking

1.2 Intended use

The Biometra TAdvanced is an end-point thermal cycler. It is designed to amplify

nucleic acids by repeated cycles of heating and cooling using DNA polymerases in a
PCR reaction.
The thermal cycler is developed for Research Use Only (RUO).
The Biometra TAdvanced combines modern design with user-friendly software. The
user interface consists of a touchscreen with a graphical or spreadsheet display that
shows the time, the status and the temperature program for each run. Using the
touchscreen keyboard, information and program parameters can be entered directly
on the screen. Due to the high ramp rates, the Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler is
suitable for fast PCR applications, thereby helping to shorten program run times.

1.3 Warranty and liability

The warranty duration and liability comply with the legal requirements and the
provisions in the general terms and conditions of Analytik Jena GmbH.
Deviations from the intended use described in this manual result in limitations of
warranty and liability in the event of damage.
Warranty and liability claims are excluded for personal injury and property damage
due to one or several of the following causes:
 use of the Biometra TAdvanced other than intended
 improper commissioning, operation and servicing of the device
 modifications of the Biometra TAdvanced without prior consultation with Biometra
 unauthorized intervention in the Biometra TAdvanced
 operation of the Biometra TAdvanced with faulty safety equipment
 use of other than original spare parts, wearing parts or consumables
 improper repairs
 improper transport and storage of the Biometra TAdvanced
 faults due to the non-observance of this manual

10 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

2.1 General notes

For your own safety and to ensure error-free and safe operation of the Biometra
TAdvanced, please read this section carefully before commissioning.
Besides the safety instructions in this user manual and the local safety regulations that
apply to the operation of the device, the general applicable regulations regarding
accident prevention, occupational health and safety and environmental protection
have to be observed and complied with.
References to potential dangers do not replace the work protection regulations which
must be observed.

2.2 Safety markings on the Biometra TAdvanced

Damaged or missing safety symbols can cause incorrect actions leading to personal
injury or material damage. Do not remove safety symbols! Replace damaged safety
symbols immediately!
The following safety symbols are attached to the inside of the heated lid and the rear
of the device:

CAUTION! Hazard area!

Proceed with due care when handling samples and working with the Biometra

CAUTION! Risk of burns!

There is a risk of burning at the heated lid, the thermal block, the samples, and the
rear of the device.

The following sign is attached to the underside of the Biometra TAdvanced:

ATTENTION! Keep ventilation slits clear!

Keep the ventilation slits on the underside and at the rear of the device clear. Make
sure that there are no objects underneath the device (e.g., paper) that may be sucked
against the ventilation slot and thus interfere with ventilation.

2.3 Technical condition

The Biometra TAdvanced has been built and certified according to safety standard
EN 61010-1. Do not modify the device in any way. Any modification of the device will
lead to a loss of warranty and the EN 61010-1 certificate and poses a potential risk.

Version 01.21 11
Safety instructions Biometra TAdvanced

The following has to be observed:

 The operator must only operate the device in a sound and operationally safe
condition. The technical condition must always comply with the legal requirements
and regulations.
 Prior to every use the device must be checked for damage and sound condition.
 Any changes in the device affecting its safety must be reported by the operating
personnel to the operator without delay.

2.4 Requirements for the operating personnel

The Biometra TAdvanced must only be operated by qualified specialist personnel

instructed in the use of the device. The instructions also include imparting the contents
of this manual.
In addition to the safety at work instructions in this operating manual the generally
applicable safety and accident prevention regulations of the respective country of
operation must be observed and adhered to. The operator must ascertain the latest
version of these regulations.
The operating manual must be accessible to the operating and service personnel at all

2.5 Safety instructions: transport and installation

The following has to be observed:

 Drain the sample block before transporting the Biometra TAdvanced. Make sure
there are no sample tubes in the block.
 Only ship the Biometra TAdvanced in its original packaging with the transport lock
 Please verify that the delivery is complete on receipt of the Biometra TAdvanced
and check for possible transport damage. In case of claims please contact Biometra

2.6 Safety instructions – operation

2.6.1 General

The operator of the Biometra TAdvanced must make sure before each commissioning
that the condition of the device including the safety equipment is sound.
The following has to be observed:

 Free access to the power switch on the back of the enclosure has to be ensured
during operation.

12 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Safety instructions

 The ventilation fittings at the rear of the device must be unobstructed and
operational. Covered ventilation grilles or slits etc. may cause the device to break
down or may cause damage to it.
 The use of oil between the samples and the sample block is not necessary to
achieve an improved heat exchange. However, if you still want to use oil, you
should use mineral oil. Do not use silicone oil.
 Be careful to avoid crushing or pinching injuries when closing the device.
The Biometra TAdvanced may cause burns. The following has to be observed:
 The thermal block, the samples and the heated lid reach high temperatures. There
is a risk of burns during contact.
 Ensure that the lid is securely closed before starting the program! Do not touch the
heated lid!
 The rapid heating of the thermal block can cause liquids to boil explosively. Always
wear safety goggles during operation!
 Do not touch hot sample tubes or plates and do not open them or boiling liquid
may escape!
 Only use plates and tubes that are suitable for high temperatures (up to 100°C), fit
well into the thermal block (no shaking) and whose lids seal tightly!

2.6.2 Safety instructions: protection against explosion and fire

The Biometra TAdvanced must not be operated in an explosive environment.

The Biometra TAdvanced must not be operated with flammable, explosive or volatile

2.6.3 Safety instructions: electrical equipment

Work on the electrical components of the Biometra TAdvanced may only be performed
by a qualified electrical technician in accordance with the applicable electrical
engineering rules. Life-threatening electrical voltages may occur in the interior of the
Biometra TAdvanced!
The following has to be observed:
 Any work on the interior of the device may only be carried out by the customer
service of Biometra GmbH and specially authorized technicians.
 The electrical components must be checked regularly by a qualified electrician. Any
defects, such as loose connections, faulty or damaged cables, must be repaired
without delay.
 Before opening the device it must be switched off at the power switch and the
mains plug must be disconnected from the mains outlet!
 The Biometra TAdvanced must be switched off immediately using the power switch
(on the equipment back plate) and the mains plug disconnected from the power
supply if any faults occur in the electric components.

Version 01.21 13
Safety instructions Biometra TAdvanced

 Do not operate the device near sources of strong electromagnetic radiation (for
example, an unshielded, deliberately operated high frequency source), as these
may affect proper operation of the device.

2.6.4 Handling of samples, auxiliary and operating materials

The operator is responsible for the selection of substances used in the process as well
as for their safe handling. This is particularly important for radioactive, pathogenic,
infectious, poisonous, corrosive or otherwise dangerous substances. For details contact
the safety officer responsible for your location. When handling dangerous substances
local safety codes and guidelines must be observed. The following general notes do
not replace the specific local regulations or the regulations in the EC safety data sheets
of the manufacturers for the auxiliary and operating materials.
The following has to be observed:
 Protective goggles and rubber gloves have to be worn when handing reagents.
 If only a few samples are treated, an (empty) tube of the same height must
additionally be placed at each corner position of the block. If the number of
samples in the block is too low, there is a risk of the tubes being damaged and
sample liquid leaking out.
 For your own safety, please observe the potential infectious qualities of the
examined biological material.

2.7 Safety instructions – maintenance and repair

The Biometra TAdvanced is usually repaired by the service department of Biometra

GmbH or its authorized and trained specialist personnel. Unauthorized repairs can
damage the device. Therefore, the operator may generally only carry out the tasks
listed in section "Maintenance and care" p. 119.
The following has to be observed:
 The exterior of the device may only be cleaned with a damp, not dripping, cloth
after the device has been switched off.
 Do not use alcohol (e.g., methanol or ethanol), organic solvents or abrasives to
clean the device.
 Any maintenance on the device may usually only be carried out in the switched-off
condition (unless stated otherwise).

2.8 Behavior during emergencies

In case of danger or accidents, immediately switch off the Biometra TAdvanced using
the main switch on the equipment back plate. Disconnect the mains plug from the
power supply!

14 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Function and setup

3 Function and setup

The Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler is available in the following models:

Biometra TAdvanced 96 with aluminum block
Biometra TAdvanced 96 G with aluminum block with gradient function
Biometra TAdvanced 96 S with silver block
Biometra TAdvanced 96 SG with silver block with gradient function
Biometra TAdvanced 60 with aluminum block
Biometra TAdvanced 60 G with aluminum block with gradient function
Biometra TAdvanced 384 with aluminum block
Biometra TAdvanced 384 G with aluminum block with gradient function
Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 with aluminum twinblock
Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 G with aluminum twinblock with gradient function
Biometra TAdvanced Twin 30 with aluminum twinblock
Biometra TAdvanced Twin combi with aluminum twinblock

The device is controlled by a 7'' touchscreen display and an easy-to-use user interface.
PCR protocols and run log files can be saved to a connected USB stick. By using the
USB functions, PCR protocols can be exchanged easily between devices and run log
files can be stored for documentation reasons on a PC.

Fig. 1 The Biometra TAdvanced Thermal Cycler

Version 01.21 15
Function and setup Biometra TAdvanced

The Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler features an automatic restart. If a power

failure occurs during the run, the device will continue the run as soon as power is
restored. In case of long-term power failure (longer than 30 minutes), the device will
keep the sample block at 4 °C (freeze step) and the user can decide to repeat the run
with the same samples or to discard them.
The block with gradient function can optionally be used for the optimization of new
primer pairs. The Linear Gradient Tool allows the programming of gradients with a
defined temperature difference between the rows or columns of the sample block.
This manual provides information on how to use all models of the Biometra
TAdvanced Thermal Cycler most effectively. Functions that are only available for
certain versions are indicated accordingly, for example, "This function is only available
for gradient-enabled thermal cyclers".

3.1 High speed thermoblock

The Biometra TAdvanced Thermal Cycler is available with different block formats and
with quick block exchange technology that allows easy exchange of block modules in a
few seconds. Most blocks are made of aluminum and offer high ramp rates for fast
protocol running times. Additionally, to achieve ultimate performance, a 96 well block
made of silver is available. Due to its excellent heat conductivity silver equilibrates
extremely quickly, thus providing maximum speed and temperature uniformity. To
protect the valuable silver blocks against corrosion, the block surfaces are gold plated.
A rubber seal on the heated lid forms an encapsulated space around the sample block
as soon as the lid is closed. The closed space serves to improve the temperature
uniformity of the sample block and avoids the formation of condensed water at the
final PCR cooling step. Furthermore all blocks are perfectly sealed to prevent
condensed water from penetrating into the Peltier elements underneath the sample
block and other parts of the electronics. The sealing protects the Peltier elements and
prolongs the lifetime of the device.

3.2 High Performance Smart Lid

The Biometra TAdvanced heated lid has been optimized to heat twice as fast as with
older models and thus helps to shorten protocol run times. Moreover the heated lid
fulfills two other important functions: It prevents the formation of condensation at the
reaction tube portion located above the block surface level and it ensures reliable
contact between the reaction tubes and the thermoblock by applying constant
pressure. Thanks to the integrated clutch mechanism, the pressure applied to the
reaction tubes is always the same, regardless of the plasticware height. The
combination of the heated lid shape and the reliable contact pressure ensures even
temperature distribution between samples, thus significantly improving temperature
With one press on the front button, the heated lid gently swings open and locks in its
end position. This mechanism ensures that the lid cannot fall down and the heated lid
is out of the radius of action while the user inserts PCR tubes or plates. This prevents
any risk of injury from crushing or hot surfaces.

16 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Function and setup

3.3 Display

The Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler features a 7" state-of-the-art color

touchscreen user interface. The touchscreen is built-in at a flat angle to ensure
reflection-free viewing and ergonomic programming. For programming PCR protocols
the software incorporates Biometra's proven spreadsheet philosophy and alternatively
offers graphical programming. One touch of a button leads from the spreadsheet to
the alternative graphical programming mode. This makes the creation of new
programs or editing existing programs fast and easy.

3.4 User-specific quick start of programs

Many other thermal cyclers offer a so-called "List of latest programs used". In the list of
latest programs used a certain number of PCR programs is collected and offered for
quick start. The list is typically ordered only by date and the user has to search for the
desired program. In contrast the Biometra TAdvanced software creates a user-specific
list and only the latest programs started by the currently logged-in user are offered for
quick start. Even if a lab member does not use the device for a longer time, the
information on the latest programs started by this user will not get lost.
For maximum convenience the Biometra TAdvanced software additionally features a
program preview. Before the start of a program the protocol steps are summarized in a
clearly arranged table by the program preview tool. The preview therefore provides a
comprehensive overview of the protocol structure without the need to access
programming screens. The program preview is also available before the quick start of

3.5 Easy programming

Creating new PCR programs takes a lot of time if for each single step all parameters
have to be set manually. The Biometra TAdvanced offers two options for easy protocol
 Pre-installed program templates
 Protocol wizard
The Biometra TAdvanced software offers several pre-installed program templates for
different applications. The program templates provide a general protocol structure and
can be easily adapted for the current experiment.
The protocol wizard offers the comfort to create specific PCR programs by just a few
inputs. The protocol wizard is based on program templates for specific polymerases.
For up to eight different polymerases program templates can be saved in the Biometra
TAdvanced software and just the annealing temperature, cycle number and product
length has to be filled in to create a specific PCR program. Optionally two-step or
three-step PCR programs can be created by the software. Furthermore the protocol
wizard includes a primer annealing temperature calculator and the calculated
annealing temperature Ta value can be used for protocol creation.

Version 01.21 17
Function and setup Biometra TAdvanced

3.6 Linear Gradient Tool

For optimizing new primer pairs in a single run the Biometra TAdvanced can optionally
be equipped with a gradient function. Finding the best primer annealing temperature
is crucial for the specificity and efficiency of PCR reactions. Often the optimization of
experiments is conducted to a limited extent only leading to unspecific byproducts or
reduced PCR sensitivity. By using the gradient function, new primer pairs with
unknown annealing temperatures can be tested quickly and optimized in a very short
For maximum convenience the Biometra TAdvanced offers the Linear Gradient Tool.
For most other devices the temperature difference from row to row or from column to
column in a gradient step varies across the sample block. The Biometra TAdvanced
Linear Gradient Tool enables the programming of gradient steps with a defined
temperature increment between the columns or rows. The Linear Gradient Tool option
allows the comfortable creation of gradient steps and thus the best annealing
temperature can be easily transformed to a non-gradient protocol.

3.7 GLP compliance

The software can manage up to 90 user accounts. With each system start the Biometra
TAdvanced performs an initial self-test and additionally the software offers an
extended self-test that can be initiated by the user. The results of the extended self-
test are summarized in a protocol and stored by the device. In addition to the self-test
functions, the device creates and stores log files for each single run. For long-term
storage, the log files and extended self-test protocols can be exported as a proprietary
file format.

3.8 Open system philosophy

The Biometra TAdvanced is an open system regarding consumables and reagents.

Depending on the sample block, the system can be used with single tubes, strips or
plates. PCR plates can be standard profile or low profile and they can be full-skirted,
half/semi-skirted or non-skirted. The Biometra TAdvanced can handle all kinds of
plates and the plasticware be sealed with domed lids, flat lids, sealing foil or other
technologies. Regardless of the sealing method used, thanks to the HPSL technology
(see section "High Performance Smart Lid" p. 16) the same pressure is always applied
to the consumables for absolutely reproducible conditions.
The Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler is not limited to reagents from a specific
vendor and can be used with any kind of polymerase. Regardless of whether
isothermal, hot start or non-hot start polymerases are used, the Biometra TAdvanced
will produce reliable results. By programming a pause step for the initial denaturation,
for example, the system can be used for manual hot start applications. After inserting
the samples into the heating block, the PCR protocol can be started just by pressing

18 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Function and setup

3.9 Order numbers

Instruments incl. block and base unit

Model Block type Gradient range Block exchange Order numbers

Biometra TAdvanced 96 Aluminum – 846-x-070-211
Biometra TAdvanced 96 G Aluminum 30 °C 846-x-070-201
Biometra TAdvanced 96 S Silver – 846-x-070-251
Biometra TAdvanced 96 SG Silver 40 °C 846-x-070-241
Biometra TAdvanced 60 Aluminum – 846-x-070-210
Biometra TAdvanced 60 G Aluminum 30 °C 846-x-070-200
Biometra TAdvanced 384 Aluminum – 846-x-070-224
Biometra TAdvanced 384 G Aluminum 24 °C 846-x-070-214
Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 Aluminum – 846-x-070-212
Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 G Aluminum 20 °C 846-x-070-202
Biometra TAdvanced Twin 30 Aluminum – 846-x-070-213
Biometra TAdvanced Twin combi Aluminum – 846-x-070-215

G = gradient, S = silver block

X = 2 for 230 V EN/DE, 4 for 115 V EN, 5 for 100 V EN/DE

Base unit and block modules

Block model Block type Gradient range Block exchange Order numbers
Block module 96 Aluminum – 846-070-231
Block module 96 G Aluminum 30 °C 846-070-221
Block module 96 S Silver – 846-070-271
Block module 96 SG Silver 40 °C 846-070-261
Block module 60 Aluminum – 846-070-230
Block module 60 G Aluminum 30 °C 846-070-220
Block module 384 Aluminum – 846-070-234
Block module 384 G Aluminum 24 °C 846-070-224
Twinblock module 48 Aluminum – 846-070-232
Twinblock module 48 G Aluminum 20 °C 846-070-222
Twinblock module 30 Aluminum – 846-070-233
Twinblock module combi Aluminum – 846-070-235
Base unit
TAdvanced base unit 846-x-070-280

G = gradient, S = silver block

Version 01.21 19
Installation and commissioning Biometra TAdvanced

4 Installation and commissioning

4.1 Scope of delivery

The scope of delivery includes:

 Thermal cycler
 Mains cable
 Operating instructions
 Quick reference guide
Please keep the original packaging in case the device needs to be returned. The
shipping box for the Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler contains a specially
developed foam system for the transport of high quality electronic devices.

4.2 Unpacking and inspection

Unpack and carefully check the device. Immediately report any damage to Biometra
GmbH. Do not attempt to operate the device if there is any visible damage.
Keep the original packaging for possible return. The Biometra TAdvanced must always
be transported in its original packaging. If the packaging is no longer available, please
contact Biometra GmbH.

4.3 Setting the operating voltage

Danger of electric shock! Before commissioning the device, make sure that the voltage
selector setting on the underside of the device corresponds to the mains voltage in
your laboratory.

The Biometra TAdvanced can be operated at 100, 115 or 230 volts.

 Set the operating voltage by turning the dial on the underside of the Biometra
TAdvanced to the desired voltage. You can do so with a coin.

Fig. 2 Voltage selector switch on the underside of the device

20 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Installation and commissioning

4.4 Commissioning

Danger of electric shock! Prior to commissioning, please make sure that the operating
voltage set on the device is the same as the mains voltage (see section "Setting the
operating voltage" p. 20).

Do not cover the ventilation slits! Ensure that the ventilation slits are clear. Insufficient
ventilation may cause the device to overheat.
 Make sure that there are no objects underneath the device (e.g., paper) that may
be sucked against the ventilation slot and thus interfere with ventilation.
 Place the device at a minimum distance of 10 cm between the rear of the device
and the wall or other objects.
 In case of several cyclers side by side running simultaneously we would recommend
to keep a distance of at least 10 cm between every thermal cycler.

 Place the Biometra TAdvanced on a solid dry surface.

 If the Biometra TAdvanced has been moved, allow the device to adjust to room
temperature before switching it on for the first time (1 to 6 hours).
 Connect the Biometra TAdvanced to a grounded mains outlet using the mains cable
Make sure that the mains switch and the mains cable are easily accessible. This is
important if the device needs to be disconnected from the mains voltage.
 The display contrast can be adjusted according to the respective lighting conditions
(see section "Display brightness" p. 91).

Version 01.21 21
Control elements Biometra TAdvanced

5 Control elements

5.1 Biometra TAdvanced front view

Fig. 3 Front view of the Biometra TAdvanced

1 Dial for adjusting the contact pressure 3 Display
2 Lid closing button 4 USB port

22 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Control elements

5.2 Biometra TAdvanced rear view

The Ethernet port, mains plug and mains switch are located at the rear of the
Biometra TAdvanced.

Fig. 4 Rear view of the Biometra TAdvanced

1 Ethernet port 3 Fuse holder
2 Mains plug 4 Mains switch

5.3 Quick block exchange

The option for quick block exchange is available for all model types.
To change the block:
1. Switch off the device.
2. Lift release lever on the backside (1 in Fig. 5) then pull block slowly to the back (2).
3. Insert the new block module carefully from the back in the base unit (2) until the
plugs at the front of the module are in contact with the socket inside the
4. Then carefully push down the release lever (1).
5. Switch on instrument.
✓ During boot up the block module (block format and serial number) is
automatically recognized.

Version 01.21 23
Control elements Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 5 Quick block exchange

5.4 High Performance Smart Lid (HPSL)

The Biometra TAdvanced has a height-adjustable lid for optimal contact pressure on
the samples.

5.4.1 Closing the lid

1. Place the samples in the block, then close the lid until you feel the button in the
front click into position.
2. Turn the lid wheel clockwise until the clutch mechanism is activated (you will hear
a clicking noise).

The strength of the lid contact pressure has been designed for a fully populated block.
If only a few samples are to be used in the block, place an additional two (empty)
tubes of the same height in the four corner positions of the block (see Fig. 6).
Otherwise the sample tube may be damaged from excess contact pressure.
Never attempt to close the heated lid with force! This may damage the device.

24 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Control elements

Fig. 6 Placement of sample tubes in different block systems

5.4.2 Opening the lid

Never open the lid under pressure!
Always follow the sequence below when opening the lid. If the lid is opened under
pressure, the locking mechanism may be damaged.

 Reduce the contact pressure of the lid completely by turning the lid wheel
anticlockwise until there is no resistance.
 Open the lid by pressing the button on the front of the lid.
✓ The lid opens and locks in a defined end position.

Version 01.21 25
Control elements Biometra TAdvanced

5.5 The Biometra TAdvanced software

The Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler features a 7" color touchscreen and a
convenient software for operation.

5.5.1 Keyboard

For some applications, names, addresses or passwords have to be defined. For this
purpose, the Biometra TAdvanced software offers a keyboard to enter characters,
digits and special characters.

Fig. 7 Keyboard

The keyboard offers the following special keys:








Note: For some functions the maximum number of characters is limited. Usernames,
passwords and program names can have a maximum of 13 characters and user initials
a maximum of 3 characters.

26 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Control elements

5.5.2 Keypad

In some screens of the Biometra TAdvanced software digits have to be entered. For
this purpose, the software features a keypad integrated in some screens:

Fig. 8 Keypad

The keypad can be used to enter digits, dots, minus signs and infinite. In addition the
following special keys are available:





5.5.3 Cursor keys

The Biometra TAdvanced software uses lists, tables or graphical representations.

Whenever the number of entries becomes higher than the maximum number that can
be displayed on a screen, the software will show cursor keys for navigation.



5.5.4 Confirm or Cancel

On many screens user entries have to be confirmed to avoid unintended operating

errors. Press CONFIRM to accept entries or processes or CANCEL to reject entries or



Version 01.21 27
Control elements Biometra TAdvanced

5.5.5 List of commands and icons used

The Biometra TAdvanced software uses the following icons:

Command Icon




















28 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Control elements

Command Icon



















Version 01.21 29
Control elements Biometra TAdvanced

Command Icon





















30 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Control elements

Command Icon






















Version 01.21 31
Control elements Biometra TAdvanced

Command Icon



















32 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Operation

6 Operation

6.1 Power on self-test

After the Biometra TAdvanced is switched on, the device performs an automatic self-
test (power on self-test). During the test the device shows the following screen:

Fig. 9 Start screen

For the power on self-test a log file is created and stored in the thermal cycler memory
(see section "Power On Logfile" p. 102).

6.2 Login screen

After the Biometra TAdvanced has performed the power on self-test, the login screen
is displayed. The login screen offers the following functions:

Command Function Section

LOGIN Starts the login dialog. See section "Login" p. 34
BLOCK Shows the current block status. If a block is See section "Block status"
free, a touch on the button leads to a list of p. 36 and section "Quick
previously used or changed programs for start function" p. 37
quick start (not user-specific in the login
EN/DE Changes the language setting for the login For user-specific software
screen. language settings see
section "Editing user
settings" p. 96

Version 01.21 33
Operation Biometra TAdvanced

Biometra TAdvanced Mono Biometra TAdvanced Twin

Fig. 10 Login screen

6.3 Login

After starting the Biometra TAdvanced, the login screen is displayed. To log in as an
existing user, press


In the next screen select a user by pressing the corresponding button.

Fig. 11 Select user screen

Note: The position of the buttons can change. The button for the most recently logged
in user is always shown in the first position at the top left of the screen. All the other
buttons become arranged from top left to bottom right according to the date and time
of the latest user login. If more than 6 user accounts are available, you might need to
use the LEFT or RIGHT cursor keys to turn the page (see section "Cursor keys" p. 27).
Touch the PASSWORD input field and enter the password using the Biometra TAdvanced
keyboard (see section "Keyboard" p. 26). The default password for the ADMIN
administrator is "Admin". Please note that the password query is case sensitive.

34 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Operation

Fig. 12 Enter password screen

6.4 Home screen

After user login the Biometra TAdvanced software shows the home screen. The home
screen offers the following functions:

Biometra TAdvanced Mono Biometra TAdvanced Twin

Fig. 13 Home screen

Version 01.21 35
Operation Biometra TAdvanced

Command Function Section

PROGRAMS Viewing, running and editing programs See section "Creating, editing
and saving programs" p. 44
BLOCK Shows the current block status. If a block is See section "Block status"
free, a touch on the button leads to a list p. 36 and section "Quick start
of previously used or changed programs function" p. 37
for quick start
INCUBATE For running a sample block at a constant See section "Incubation
temperature mode" p. 40
TOOLS Settings, documentation, extended self- See section "Tools" p. 85
test, cycler information and diagnosis
LOGOUT User logout

6.5 Block status

In the login screen (see section "Login screen" p. 33) and in the home screen (see
section "Home screen" p. 35) a special button with information on the current block
status is shown. The sample block status can be FREE, RUNNING or PAUSE and is
indicated by the color of the button and the textbox in the middle of the button (2 in
Fig. 14). In the line above the textbox the current block temperature is shown (1)- If
the temperature is higher than 70°C, the characters are shown in red and the warning
Hot plus the corresponding warning symbol are displayed. In the line below the
textbox the remaining runtime is shown (3). The sample block number is shown above
the button.
1 Block temperature
2 Block status
3 Remaining run time / pause time

Fig. 14 Block status/quick start button

The following table summarizes the different button colors and sample block statuses.
When the button is pressed, it depends on the sample block status which function is
activated in the Biometra TAdvanced software. If the status is RUNNING or PAUSE, a
touch of the button will lead to the program view (see section "Display during a run"
p. 69). If the status is FREE, the quick start function is activated (see section "Quick start
function" p. 37).

36 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Operation

Button Block status Color Function

Free Green Quick start function

Running Yellow Program view

Pause Blue Program view

6.6 Quick start function

Biometra TAdvanced Note: Programs can only be started by users with the right START/STOP PROGRAMS
Mono activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The Biometra TAdvanced software offers a quick start function for previously used
programs. To use the quick start function, press the block status display button in the
login screen (see section "Login screen" p. 33) or in the home screen (see section
"Home screen" p. 35).
Note: The quick start function can only be activated if the current block status is FREE
(see section "Quick start function" p. 37). If the status is RUNNING or PAUSE, a touch of
the button will lead to the program view screen instead.
If the block status button is used in the login screen before a user is logged in, a list of
the programs most recently used on the thermal cycler are offered for quick start. If, on
the other hand, the button is used in the home screen after user login, the software
will show a user-specific list of the latest programs used for quick start.

LOGIN SCREEN List containing the latest programs used

HOME SCREEN User-specific list containing the latest programs used

The latest programs used are summarized in a table.

Version 01.21 37
Operation Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 15 Program quick start screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono)

Select the program for quick start in the table and press the [START] button to start the
selected program. If necessary, the program can be edited before the start or a new
program can be created based on a template (see section "Programming modes"
p. 44).


Note: Programs offered for quick start can only be edited or deleted by users with the
right WRITE/DELETE OWN PROGRAMS activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



Press the corresponding button to activate the programming mode or select a program
from the list of templates:



Biometra TAdvanced Note: Programs can only be started by users with the right START/STOP PROGRAMS
Twin activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The Biometra TAdvanced software offers a quick start function for previously used
programs. To use the quick start function, press the block status display button in the

38 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Operation

login screen (see section "Login screen" p. 33) or in the home screen (see section
"Home screen" p. 35).
Note: The quick start function can only be activated if the current block status is FREE
(see section "Quick start function" p. 37). If the status is RUNNING or PAUSE, a touch of
the button will lead to the program view screen instead.
If the block status button is used in the login screen before a user is logged in, a list of
the programs most recently used on the thermal cycler are offered for quick start. If, on
the other hand, the button is used in the home screen after user login, the software
will show a user-specific list of the latest programs used for quick start.

LOGIN SCREEN List containing the latest programs used

HOME SCREEN User-specific list containing the latest programs used

The latest programs used are summarized in a table.

Fig. 16 Program quick start screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin)

Select the program for quick start in the table and press the [START] button to start the
selected program. If necessary, the program can be edited before the start or a new
program can be created based on a template (see section "Programming modes"
p. 44).


To switch between the sample blocks press the button with the corresponding number.



To start a program on both sample blocks press the following button:

Version 01.21 39
Operation Biometra TAdvanced


By activating the checkboxes select the sample blocks for program start.

Fig. 17 Multiblock selection query

Note: Programs offered for quick start can only be edited or deleted by users with the
right WRITE/DELETE OWN PROGRAMS activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



Press the corresponding button to activate the programming mode or select a program
from the list of templates:



6.7 Incubation mode

Biometra TAdvanced Note: Programs can only be started by users with the right START/STOP PROGRAMS
Mono activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The incubation mode allows samples to be incubated at a constant temperature for an

indefinite period of time. Press the [INCUBATE] button and in the next screen set the
values for the block temperature and hold time using the keypad. Set whether the
heated lid should be on or off and whether it should preheat or not using the
corresponding buttons (see Fig. 18).


40 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Operation

Note: To set the time to endless, use the button:


To start incubation, press


Fig. 18 Incubation mode screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono)

During incubation the following commands can be used:





Note: To stop the incubation, use the corresponding command. Do not switch off the
device while the incubation is running. The device will react like after a power failure
and will restart the incubation step when it is switched on next time.

Biometra TAdvanced Note: Programs can only be started by users with the right START/STOP PROGRAMS
Twin activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).

Version 01.21 41
Operation Biometra TAdvanced



The incubation mode allows samples to be incubated at a constant temperature for an

indefinite period of time. Press the [INCUBATE] button and in the next screen set the
values for the block temperature and hold time using the keypad. Set whether the
heated lid should be on or off and whether it should preheat or not using the
corresponding buttons (see Fig. 18).


Note: To set the time to endless, use the button:


To start incubation, press the following button:


Fig. 19 Incubation mode screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin)

To switch between the sample blocks press the button with the corresponding number.



42 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Operation

To start incubation on both sample blocks press the following button:


By activating the checkboxes select the sample blocks for program start.

Fig. 20 Multiblock selection query (1)

During incubation the following commands can be used:






Note: To stop the incubation, use the corresponding command. Do not switch off the
device while the incubation is running. The device will react like after a power failure
and will restart the incubation step when it is switched on next time.
After you have pressed the [BLOCK STOP] button, choose the block to stop incubation in
the following query.

Fig. 21 Multiblock selection query (2)

Version 01.21 43
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

7 Creating, editing and saving programs

7.1 Programming modes

The Biometra TAdvanced software offers spreadsheet or graphical programming. Use

the buttons to toggle between the two modes. The following screenshots show the
spreadsheet and graphical programming mode.



Fig. 22 Spreadsheet programming

Fig. 23 Graphical programming

44 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

Both programming modes show the same information but in different ways. In the
spreadsheet mode all parameters are summarized in a table. In the graphical mode
symbols are displayed for some parameters (see the table below). Toggle to the
spreadsheet mode to view the settings for these parameters.

Parameter Spreadsheet mode Graphical mode Section

Program name ① ① See section "Assigning program
names" p. 47
Heated lid temperature [°C] ② ② See section "Setting the heated
lid temperature" p. 47
Preheat lid mode ③ ③ See section "Preheating the
heated lid" p. 48
Step number ④ ④ See section "Editing steps" p. 49
Temperature [°C] ⑤ ⑤ See section "Editing steps" p. 49
Hold time [h:mm:ss] ⑥ ⑥ See section "Editing steps" p. 49
Go to ⑦, ⑫ ⑦ See section "Editing steps" p. 49
Cycles ⑧, ⑬ ⑧ See section "Editing steps" p. 49
Temperature increment [T ⑨ ⑨ See section "Editing steps" p. 49
Time increment [t (s)] ⑩ ⑩ See section "Editing steps" p. 49

Heating rate [R (°C/s)] ⑪ ⑪ See section "Editing steps" p. 49

Gradient ⑭ ⑭ See section "Editing steps" p. 49

Step options ⑮
(go to, temperature
increment, time increment
and heating rate)

If a program has more than 6 steps, use the cursor keys to navigate in the spreadsheet
or the graphical display.

7.2 Creating a new program/using a program template

Note: Only when the right WRITE/DELETE OWN PROGRAMS is activated,

 users can create new programs
 users can edit existing programs
 users can delete programs



Only when right WRITE/DELETE ALL PROGRAMS is activated, users can edit programs
created by other users.
1. To create a new program or open a program template, first log in as an existing

Version 01.21 45
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

2. After login press the [PROGRAM] button in the home screen.


The program overview screen opens:

Fig. 24 Program overview screen

3. In the program overview screen, press the [NEW FROM TEMPLATE] button:


4. The program template screen opens (see Fig. 26). Search for a program template
using the cursor keys and press the corresponding button to select it.



Note: The Biometra TAdvanced offers several program templates for different purpo-
ses. You can either use a template and modify it as desired or select the option BLANK.
BLANK is a program with no predefined steps (see Fig. 25).

Spreadsheet programming Graphical programming

Fig. 25 BLANK program template

46 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

Select BLANK whenever a new program should be created and select another template
from the list whenever an existing program should be edited.
The program structure can be controlled in the program preview (see Fig. 26). If a
template is selected, the program steps and some additional information are displayed
in spreadsheet form. By using the program preview function, templates can be checked
before they are opened.
5. To open a program template, press the [OPEN TEMPLATE] button.


Fig. 26 Program template screen

7.3 Assigning program names

Each template has a specific name which is superimposed in the programming screen.
To enter a name, touch the NAME input field and enter a new name using the Biometra
TAdvanced keyboard (see section "Keyboard" p. 26).
Note: If a character is pressed, the pre-displayed name will be deleted and a new
program name can be set. If the program name should be modified, please first press
another button like delete or space.

7.4 Setting the heated lid temperature

To set the heated lid temperature, touch the LID input field. A small window opens in
the middle of the screen with a keyboard (see Fig. 27). Enter a value between 30 and
110 using the Biometra TAdvanced keyboard.
Note: The default setting for the heated lid temperature is 99 °C. 99 °C is sufficient for
typical PCR programs.
Use the corresponding buttons to switch the heated lid on or off.

Version 01.21 47
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 27 Heated lid temperature setting screen

The heated lid automatically switches off at a temperature difference of >75 °C
between the block and the heated lid. At these low block temperatures, sample
condensation on the tube lid is no longer to be expected. In addition, it supports a
longer service life of the Peltier elements in the block, since no unnecessary cooling
against the heating cover is required.

7.5 Preheating the heated lid

The heated lid can be set to preheating ON or OFF using the corresponding buttons:



If the preheating mode is activated, the heated lid is first heated up to the
programmed temperature while the sample block is held constant at 25°C. After the
heated lid reaches the target temperature, a 40 second equilibration phase follows.
Then the sample block starts to heat up from 25°C to the first programmed target
Note: For most applications it is recommendable to set the preheating mode to "ON".

48 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

7.6 Editing steps

When editing program steps, the following parameters can be entered in the Biometra
TAdvanced software:

Parameter Description and limits

TEMPERATURE Temperature for a step in °C. The target temperature can be set between 3.0°C and 99.0°C in
tenths of a degree.
HOLD TIME Hold time for a step in h:mm:ss. Values between 0 and 9 hours, 0 and 59 minutes and 0 to
59 seconds can be programmed.
To program a pause and set the hold time to infinite, enter ∞ in one of the input fields for
GO TO Defines the step number to which the program returns.
CYCLES Defines the number of repetitions. The maximum number of repetitions is 999.
Temperature increment by which the target temperature is increased or decreased with each
cycle. The temperature increment can be ± 20.0°C.

Time increment (e.g., for long range PCR) by which the time is increased with each cycle. The
time increment can be between 0s and 240s.

Average heating and cooling rate between steps. The heating and cooling rate can be set
from 0.1°C/s to max. in tenths of a degree. (The maximum ramp rate is sample bock
specific). The ramp rate specifies the speed at which the selected step is reached with.
It is possible that in some models this display may show a slightly higher maximum ramping
rate than is achieved according to the technical specifications of the device. This is technically
justified and achieves optimum control of the maximum value. In fact, the maximum heating
and cooling rate is achieved as specified in the technical specifications.
Establishes a temperature gradient across the sample block. The maximum gradient
temperature range and the temperature range that can be used for the gradient will depend
on the installed sample block.

The Biometra TAdvanced offers two options for editing a step in a PCR program:
 Change all parameters for a step on a screen
 Change individual parameters directly in the spreadsheet or graphical display

7.6.1 Editing all parameters of a step

1. Activate a step in the spreadsheet or graphical view (see section "Programming

modes" p. 44).
2. To edit the activated step, press the [EDIT] button.


In the graphical view you can also access the screen for editing a program step by
touching the currently activated step again.

Version 01.21 49
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 28 Program step editing screen

Note: To program a step at least the temperature and the hold time must be defined.
3. To set the temperature, touch the corresponding input field and enter a value
between 3.0°C and 99.0°C. Use the [TAB] button or activate the next input field and
enter a hold time in H:MM:SS.
The Biometra TAdvanced software allows several program steps to be programmed
subsequently (Multi Step Programming).
4. Use the cursor keys to navigate between program steps.



The currently activated step is highlighted in blue in the table above the input fields
(see Fig. 28 on page 48).
Note: By navigating between program steps it is not necessary to confirm the settings
for each single parameter or step and to leave the screen for editing program steps.
Instead, you can fill in the parameters for all steps subsequently and confirm your
entries after all steps are programmed.

Programming loops A typical PCR program consists of repetitive steps for denaturation, annealing and
extension. For the repetition of steps the Biometra TAdvanced software allows the
programming of loops. For a loop two parameters have to be set:
 The step number to which the program should return (GO TO)
 The number of repetitions (CYCLES)
1. To program a loop, select the last step of the loop and enter the step number to
which the program should return in the GO TO input field (see Fig. 28).
2. To define the number of repetitions, enter a number in the CYCLES field
(see Fig. 28).
For example, to program the loop for the following protocol, select step 4 and enter
the value 2 in the GO TO input field and the value 35 in the CYCLES input field.

50 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

Fig. 29 PCR program with a loop

In this example, the device first executes steps 1 to 4, then repeats step 2 to step 4 for
34 times, performs the final extension at 72°C and holds the temperature indefinitely
at 16°C in the last step.

Programming a For some applications, for example touch down PCR, temperature increments are
temperature increment used. The target temperature is increased or decreased in each cycle by the set value.
 To program a temperature increment, touch the [T] button (see Fig. 28) and
enter a value between +20°C and -20°C in the corresponding input field.


Note: Programmed temperature increments only become active if they are in loops. If
a temperature increment has been programmed, the small symbol will be shown
at the corresponding step in the graphical programming mode.

Programming a time For some applications, for example long range PCR, time increments are used. The
increment time is increased in each cycle by the set value.
 To program a time increment, touch the  t button (see Fig. 28) and enter a value
between 0 s and 240 s in the corresponding input field.


Note: Time increments only become active if they are in loops. If a time increment has
been programmed, the small symbol will be shown at the corresponding step in
the graphical programming mode.

Version 01.21 51
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Adjusting the ramp rate The average ramp rate can be adjusted for each step. This adjustment can be useful if
PCR programs are transferred from slower devices to the Biometra TAdvanced or for
special PCR applications, for example, telomerase PCR. The average ramp rate
specifies the speed at which the selected step is reached with.
 To adjust the ramp, press the following button (see Fig. 28):


 Then enter a value between 0.1°C/s and max. in tenths of degree Celsius.
 It is also possible that the entered ramp rate is applied to all steps in the PCR
program. For this the following checkbox to the right of the input field for the ramp
rate must be activated.

Note: The maximum average ramp rate depends on the sample block installed in the
Biometra TAdvanced. If the ramp rate has been adjusted, the small symbol will be
shown at the corresponding step in the graphical programming mode.

Programming a gradient For Biometra TAdvanced monoblock models

Note: To be able to use the gradient function, the sample block needs to be gradient
The gradient function is most often used to optimize new primer pairs. A temperature
gradient is established across the sample block in the annealing step so that there are
different temperatures from column to column:

Fig. 30 Temperature gradient on a 96 well sample block

In a specific column all wells have the same temperature but the temperature differs
from column to column. The temperature gradient can be applied in both directions;
the highest temperature can be either in column 1 or column 12.
Sample replicates are distributed across the columns of the sample block and tested for
the temperature giving the optimal result. To program a gradient step press the
following key (see Fig. 28)

52 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs


There are two options to program a gradient. To toggle between the two options,
press the corresponding button on the Biometra TAdvanced gradient programming
screen (see Fig. 31):



To program a gradient using the Linear Gradient Tool, enter the desired annealing
temperature (ANNEALING TEMP.) and define a temperature increment (GRAD INCR.)
between the individual columns of the sample block. The effective temperatures for all
the other columns are automatically calculated and displayed as a bar chart (see Fig.
Note: The annealing temperature is set for a specific column in the sample block. For
example, the annealing temperature in a 96 well sample block corresponds to the
temperature in column 6. The column number is indicated in parenthesis next to the
corresponding input field (see Fig. 31).
When setting a positive increment, the temperature in column 1 is the lowest and the
temperature in column 12 is the highest. Use the minus button to enter a negative
increment. When a negative value is used, the temperature in column 1 is the highest
and the temperature in column 12 is the lowest.

Fig. 31 Linear Gradient Tool screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono)

To create a gradient using the standard gradient programming screen, enter a

temperature for the first column and the last column in the sample block (see Fig. 32).
The effective temperatures for all the other columns are automatically calculated and
displayed as a bar chart.

Version 01.21 53
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 32 Standard gradient programming screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono)

For Biometra TAdvanced twinblock models

Note: To be able to use the gradient function, the sample block needs to be gradient
enabled. For Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 G this is the left block.
The gradient function is most often used to optimize new primer pairs. A temperature
gradient is established across the sample block in the annealing step so that there are
different temperatures from column to column:

Fig. 33 Temperature gradient on a 48 well sample block

In a specific column all wells have the same temperature but the temperature differs
from column to column. The temperature gradient can be applied in both directions;
the highest temperature can be either in column 1 or column 8.
Sample replicates are distributed across the columns of the sample block and tested for
the temperature giving the optimal result. To program a gradient step press the
following key (see Fig. 28)


54 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

There are two options to program a gradient. To toggle between the two options,
press the corresponding button on the Biometra TAdvanced gradient programming
screen (see Fig. 31):



To program a gradient using the Linear Gradient Tool, enter the desired annealing
temperature (ANNEALING TEMP.) and define a temperature increment (GRAD INCR.)
between the individual columns of the sample block. The effective temperatures for all
the other columns are automatically calculated and displayed as a bar chart (see Fig.
Note: The annealing temperature is set for a specific column in the sample block. For
example, the annealing temperature in a 48 well Twinblock corresponds to the
temperature in column 4. The column number is indicated in parenthesis next to the
corresponding input field (see Fig. 34). When setting a positive increment, the
temperature in column 1 is the lowest and the temperature in column 8 is the highest.
Use the minus button to enter a negative increment. When a negative value is used,
the temperature in column 1 is the highest and the temperature in column 8 is the

Fig. 34 Linear Gradient Tool screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin)

To create a gradient using the standard gradient programming screen, enter a

temperature for the first column and the last column in the sample block (see Fig. 35).
The effective temperatures for all the other columns are automatically calculated and
displayed as a bar chart.

Version 01.21 55
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 35 Standard gradient programming screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin)

Note: Programs with gradient steps can only be started on blocks with gradient
function. Please note that for twinblock models only the left block (block 1) features
the gradient function. If you attempt to start a gradient program on a block without
gradient function, the following message appears:

Fig. 36 Temperature gradient query

7.6.2 Direct programming of program parameters for a step

The Biometra TAdvanced software allows individual parameters (temperature, hold

time, loops, temperature and time increment, as well as the ramp rate) for a step to be
edited directly in the graphical or spreadsheet view.
To edit a parameter for a step, press directly on the cell for the program parameter in
the table (see Fig. 37).

56 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

Fig. 37 Spreadsheet program view

Parameter Spreadsheet view

Temperature (gradient) [°C] ①
Hold time [h:mm:ss] ②
Loops ③
Number of cycles ④
Temperature increment [∆T (°C)] ⑤
Time increment [∆t (s)] ⑥
Ramp rate [∆R (°C/s)] ⑦

To edit program parameters in the graphical view, press the corresponding input field
for the parameter that you want to edit for the step (see Fig. 38).
Program options (loops, temperature and time increment, as well as the ramp rate)
must be activated using a button to the left of the graphical view (see Fig. 38). The
loop setting is predefined.
The activated program option below the graphical view can then be edited by pressing
the input field.

Version 01.21 57
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 38 Graphical program view

Parameter Spreadsheet view

Temperature (gradient) [°C] input field ①
Hold time [h:mm:ss] input field ②
Loop counter option button ③
Temperature increment option button ④
Time increment option button ⑤
Ramp rate option button ⑥
Input field for program option (loop counter ⑦

When you press a cell in the spreadsheet view or an input field in the graphical view, a
small window opens in the middle of the screen with a keyboard (see Fig. 39).
This window allows you to enter the desired value for the parameter using the

58 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

Fig. 39 Individual program parameter editing

If the sample block is gradient-enabled, you also have the option of programming a
gradient step.
To do this, when editing the temperature, press the GRAD button.


A gradient step can be programmed here (see Fig. 40).

Fig. 40 Gradient view (Biometra TAdvanced Twin)

Version 01.21 59
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

7.7 Inserting a step

To insert a step, select a program step on the Biometra TAdvanced spreadsheet or

graphical programming screen and press the [INSERT] button.


When you press the [INSERT] button, the screen for editing program steps opens (see
section "Editing steps" p. 49). Enter the desired parameters for the new step.
Note: The new step will be inserted at the selected program step. If, for example, step
3 is selected, the new step will be inserted at position 3. The existing step 3 is not
overwritten; instead step 3 and all the following steps are moved one position higher.
This means the existing step 3 becomes step 4, step 4 becomes step 5 and so on.
Note: If a new step is inserted in an existing loop, the number of steps within the loop
increases, whereas the number of cycles remains the same.

7.8 Deleting a step

To delete a step, select a program step on the Biometra TAdvanced spreadsheet or

graphical programming screen and press the [DELETE] button.


Note: If a step is deleted, all the following steps will be moved one position lower. If,
for example, step 3 is deleted, step 4 will become step 3, step 5 will become step 4 and
so on.
Note: If a step is deleted in an existing loop, the number of steps within the loop
decreases, whereas the number of cycles remains the same.

7.9 Saving the program

To save a program, press the [DONE] button.


On the Biometra TAdvanced spreadsheet or graphical programming screen. In the next

program overview screen (see Fig. 41), touch the corresponding buttons to select a
user directory and a program storage location.
If the number of user directories or programs is higher than the maximum number
that can be displayed in the list, the buttons above and below the list can be used to
scroll up and down.
Note: The user directory of the logged in user is automatically preselected.

60 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Creating, editing and saving programs

Note: If a new program is to be saved, the first free storage location in the directory of
the currently logged in user is automatically selected. However, the storage location
can be changed using the cursor keys above and below the lists. If the selected storage
location is already in use, the stored program will not be overwritten; instead this
program and all other following programs will be moved one position higher. The
storage location number for these programs will increase by +1 and the new program
is saved at the selected location.

Fig. 41 Program overview screen

There is also the option of selecting a user directory or a program location using the
quick select function.
Touch the icon above the user or program view (see Fig. 41).


An overview screen opens in which a maximum of 50 users or 50 user programs are

displayed. If more than 50 users are saved, scroll through the user list using the cursor
keys. This is also true for more than 50 user programs (see Fig. 42).



To select a user or program, press the corresponding button with the user or program
name. The user or the program will be selected and the program overview screen (see
Fig. 41) appears again.

Version 01.21 61
Creating, editing and saving programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 42 Quick selection screen

Before saving the program there is still the possibility of changing the program name.
To do this, press the [SAVE AS] button and enter the new program name using the
Biometra TAdvanced keyboard (see section "Assigning program names" p. 47).


After selecting the user directory and the storage location and possibly changing the
program name, press the [SAVE] button on the Biometra TAdvanced program overview
screen (see Fig. 41) to save the program.


62 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Starting, coping and deleting programs

8 Starting, coping and deleting programs

8.1 Starting a program

Note: Programs can only be started by users with the right START/STOP PROGRAMS
activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96). Additionally the right READ ALL
PROGRAMS defines, if a user is allowed to read all programs or if the access is limited to
own programs. A user who is not allowed to read all programs cannot start programs
of others even if the right START/STOP PROGRAMS is activated.





The Biometra TAdvanced software offers a quick start function for previously started
programs (see section "Quick start function" p. 37).
This section describes the process of selecting and starting stored programs from a
user account. To select a program to be started, press the [PROGRAMS] button on the
Biometra TAdvanced home screen (see section "Home screen" p. 35).


The program overview screen opens with the directory of the logged in user
preselected (see Fig. 43).

Fig. 43 Program overview screen

Version 01.21 63
Starting, coping and deleting programs Biometra TAdvanced

Touch the corresponding buttons to select a user directory and a stored program. If the
number of user directories or programs is higher than the maximum number that can
be displayed in the list, the buttons above and below the lists can be used to scroll up
and down.
There is also the option of selecting a user directory or a program location using the
quick select function.
For the selected program a preview opens with general information on the program
and the steps listed in a table (see Fig. 44). The program preview can be used to check
the program before it is started. To start the selected program, press the [START]


Fig. 44 Program overview screen with preview

For twinblock models select the sample block to start and confirm your selection. The
program will be started on the selected sample blocks.

Fig. 45 Twinblock selection query

64 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Starting, coping and deleting programs

8.2 Copying a program

Note: Users can only copy and save their own programs when the right WRITE/DELETE
OWN PROGRAMS is activated. Programs of others can be copied and saved with the right
WRITE/DELETE ALL PROGRAMS activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).





To copy a program, touch the corresponding buttons to select a user directory and a
program on the Biometra TAdvanced program overview screen (see Fig. 43 p. 63). If
the number of user directories or programs is higher than the maximum number that
can be displayed in the list, the buttons above and below the lists can be used to scroll
up and down. To copy the selected program, press the [COPY] button.


Touch the corresponding buttons to select a user directory and a storage location on
the Biometra TAdvanced program overview screen (see Fig. 46). The program to be
copied is highlighted in green. If the number of user directories or programs is higher
than the maximum number that can be displayed in the list, the buttons above and
below the lists can be used to scroll up and down. To save the selected program, press
the [SAVE] button.


Note: If the selected storage location is already in use, the stored program will not be
overwritten; instead this program and all other following programs will be moved one
position higher. The storage location number for these programs will increase by +1
and the new program is saved at the selected location.

Version 01.21 65
Starting, coping and deleting programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 46 Program overview screen

8.3 Copying all programs

Note: Users can only copy and save their own programs when the right WRITE/DELETE
OWN PROGRAMS is activated. Programs of others can be copied and saved with the right
WRITE/DELETE ALL PROGRAMS activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).





To copy all programs, touch the corresponding button to select a user directory on the
Biometra TAdvanced program overview screen (see Fig. 43 p. 63). If the number of
user directories or programs is higher than the maximum number that can be
displayed in the list, the buttons above and below the lists can be used to scroll up and
down. To copy all the programs, press the [COPY ALL] button.


Touch the corresponding button to select a user directory on the Biometra TAdvanced
program overview screen (see Fig. 46 p. 66). If the number of user directories or
programs is higher than the maximum number that can be displayed in the list, the
buttons above and below the lists can be used to scroll up and down. To save the
programs, press the [SAVE] button.


66 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Starting, coping and deleting programs

Note: The programs will be copied into the selected user directory beginning at the
first free storage location.

Fig. 47 Program overview screen

8.4 Deleting a program

Note: Users can only delete their own programs when the right WRITE/DELETE OWN
PROGRAMS is activated. Programs of others can be deleted with the right WRITE/DELETE
ALL PROGRAMS activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).




To delete a program, touch the corresponding buttons to select a user directory and a
program on the Biometra TAdvanced program overview screen (see Fig. 43 p. 63). If
the number of user directories or programs is higher than the maximum number that
can be displayed in the list, the buttons above and below the lists can be used to scroll
up and down. To delete the selected program, press the DELETE button.


Confirm the confirmation prompt to delete the program.

Version 01.21 67
Starting, coping and deleting programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 48 Confirmation prompt

Note: If a program is deleted, all the following programs will be moved one storage
location lower. The storage location number for these programs will decrease by -1.

8.5 Deleting all programs

Note: Users can only delete their own programs when the right WRITE/DELETE OWN
PROGRAMS is activated. Programs of others can be deleted with the right WRITE/DELETE
ALL PROGRAMS activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).




To delete all programs, touch the corresponding buttons to select a user directory on
the Biometra TAdvanced program overview screen (see Fig. 43 p. 63). If the number
of user directories is higher than the maximum number that can be displayed in the
list, the buttons above and below the lists can be used to scroll up and down. To delete
the programs, press [DELETE ALL].


Confirm the confirmation prompt to delete the programs.

Fig. 49 Confirmation prompt

68 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs

9 Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs

Biometra TAdvanced To switch the display of the sample blocks during a run press the button with the
Twin number of the corresponding sample block.



9.1 Display during a run

After a program has been started (see section "Starting a program" p. 63) the Biometra
TAdvanced software can display the currently running program in a spreadsheet or
graphical view. In addition, the curve of the gradient can be displayed in gradient
steps. Use the following buttons to toggle between the different views.




Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 50 Graphical view

Version 01.21 69
Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 51 Spreadsheet view

Fig. 52 Display during the run in a graphical, spreadsheet and gradient view

70 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs

Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 53 Graphical view

Fig. 54 Spreadsheet view

Version 01.21 71
Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 55 Display during the run in a graphical, spreadsheet and gradient view

The following parameters are summarized in the headline in the table:

 Program name
 Sample block temperature
 Estimated end
 Heated lid temperature
 Remaining runtime
 Sequential number of working step
If the heated lid is set to preheating ON (see section "Preheating the heated lid" p. 48),
during the preheating of the heated lid the word "Preheat" will be displayed in the STEP
field in the table. After the heated lid has reached the target temperature and the 40s
equilibration phase has passed, the first program step starts. During the program run,
the current step is highlighted in yellow in the graphical and spreadsheet view. In the
graphical view, each step is divided into a heating phase and a hold time and both
parts are highlighted separately. Time and temperature increments and ramp rate
adjustments cannot be shown in the graphical view. Instead the symbols T, t or !
are displayed (see section "Programming modes" p. 44).
If it is a gradient program, GRAD is also displayed in brackets in the NAME field after the
program name (for example see Fig. 52).
During a gradient step, the temperatures present in each individual column in the
sample block can be checked in the gradient display.

72 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs

9.2 Pausing a program

To pause a program, press the [PAUSE] button on the Biometra TAdvanced run display
screen (see Fig. 52 p. 44).


The word "Pause" is shown and the pause time is counted in the REMAIN. TIME field.

Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 56 Spreadsheet view

Fig. 57 Display screen during a program pause (graphical view)

Version 01.21 73
Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs Biometra TAdvanced

Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 58 Spreadsheet view

Fig. 59 Display screen during a program pause (graphical view)

Note: Pressing the [PAUSE] button requires manual interaction. The Biometra
TAdvanced software also allows pauses to be programmed (see section "Editing steps"
p. 49), then the pause step is automatically started by the device.
Note: If the device is switched off during a pause step, this will be recognized as a
power failure (a corresponding error message is written to the run log file). If, for
example, the last step in a program is a pause, the program has to be stopped by
pressing the [STOP] button (see section "Stopping the program" p. 75), before
switching off the Biometra TAdvanced.

74 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs

9.3 Continuing the program

To continue a paused program, press the CONTINUE button on the Biometra TAdvanced
run display screen (see Fig. 57 p. 73).


The Biometra TAdvanced will continue the program from exactly the point at which it
was paused.

9.4 Skipping a step

To skip a program step, press the [SKIP] button on the Biometra TAdvanced run display
screen (see Fig. 52 p. 70).


The Biometra TAdvanced will continue with the next program step and skip the
current step.

9.5 Stopping the program

Note: Programs can only be stopped by users with the right START/STOP PROGRAMS
activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



To stop a program, press the [STOP PROGRAM] button on the Biometra TAdvanced run
display screen (see Fig. 52).


Confirm the confirmation prompt to stop the current program:

Version 01.21 75
Running, pausing, continuing and stopping programs Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 60 Confirmation prompt

After confirmation of the confirmation prompt the Biometra TAdvanced stops the
current program.

Biometra TAdvanced If two sample blocks are running the Biometra TAdvanced offers the option to stop
Twin only one block or to stop both blocks simultaneously. Therefore, press the following


Activate the corresponding checkboxes to select the sample blocks to stop.

Fig. 61 Twinblock selection query

Confirm the confirmation prompt to stop the current program:

Fig. 62 Confirmation prompt

After confirmation of the confirmation prompt the Biometra TAdvanced stops the
program on the selected blocks.

76 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Protocol Wizard

10 Protocol Wizard
The protocol wizard is a helpful tool for automatic creation of PCR programs and
primer annealing temperature calculation. To start the protocol wizard press the
following button in the Biometra TAdvanced home screen (see section "Home screen"
p. 35):


10.1 Select Polymerase

The protocol wizard uses polymerase-specific program templates to create PCR

programs. Program templates for up to 8 polymerases can be stored by the TAdvanced

Fig. 63 Select polymerase screen

Pre-installed in the software is the program template for Analytik Jena Innupure
polymerases. To create a PCR program select a polymerase from the list and press the
[NEXT] button.


In the next screen (see section "Enter a new polymerase or edit a polymerase" p. 78)
enter values for the requested parameters to continue with the automatic program

Version 01.21 77
Protocol Wizard Biometra TAdvanced

10.2 Enter a new polymerase or edit a polymerase

To enter program templates for new polymerases or to edit preset program templates
for polymerases press the corresponding button:



In the next screen (see Fig. 64) touch the corresponding input boxes to enter a name
for the polymerase and set parameters for all requested program steps. With two
exceptions for most program steps the temperature and the hold time must be
 The temperature for the annealing step depends on the calculated primer melting
temperature (Tm value) and has to be set individually for each primer pair (see
section "Primer Annealing Temperature Calculator" p. 82).
 The hold time for the elongation step becomes calculated by the expected product
The corresponding input boxes for the annealing temperature and elongation time are
shown in grey and cannot be activated.

Fig. 64 Edit polymerase screen

After creating the program template for a new polymerase or editing the program
template of a polymerase press the [DONE] button.


In the next screen (see Fig. 65) touch the corresponding button to select a storage
place for the program template (polymerase). If the number of polymerases exceeds
the number of polymerases than can be displayed in the list, the cursor key function
above and below the polymerase list can be used to scroll up and down.

78 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Protocol Wizard

Fig. 65 Select polymerase screen

Note: If a new or edited polymerase is to be saved, the first free storage place in the
polymerase list is pre-selected. However, the storage place can be modified by using
the cursor key function above and below the list.
To save the new or edited polymerase press the [SAVE] button.


Note: If the selected storage place is already in use, the stored polymerase will be
overwritten. Confirm the security query to overwrite the existing polymerase:

Fig. 66 Security query

Version 01.21 79
Protocol Wizard Biometra TAdvanced

10.3 Delete a polymerase

To delete a polymerase press the [DELETE] button.


Note: The Template INNUTAQ cannot be deleted.

10.4 Protocol Wizard parameter screen

For automatic calculation of PCR programs in the protocol wizard parameter screen
(see Fig. 67) some parameters have to be set by the user:
1. Touch the corresponding checkbox to select between two step and three step
Note: The protocol wizard offers to create two step or three step PCR programs. A
three step program consists of separated steps for denaturation, annealing and
extension. In a two-step program the annealing and extension steps are combined
to one single step. In consequence for a three step protocol different temperatures
for the annealing and extension steps are used and for a two-step program the
primer annealing temperature Ta (see below) is used for the annealing and
extension step.
2. Enter the PCR product length.
Note: The product length is used by the software to calculate the elongation time.
The software uses the following equation:
Elongation time [s] = product length [bases]/1000 [bases]*60 s
For very short products the minimum elongation time is set to 6 s.
3. Enter the primer annealing temperature
Note: In general the annealing temperature (Ta) should be set approximately 5 °C
below the calculated mean primer pair melting temperature (T m). The theoretical
Ta value can also be calculated by the Biometra TAdvanced protocol wizard ("Primer
Annealing Temperature Calculator" p. 82).
4. Enter the number of cycles.

For gradient enabled 5. Optional: To define a temperature gradient for the annealing step press the [GRAD]
TAdvanced models button.


An additional input box GRAD. INCR. opens. Set the value for the temperature
gradient increment. For more information on the gradient temperature increment
see section "Editing steps" p. 49.

80 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Protocol Wizard

6. To set the parameters touch the corresponding field in the protocol wizard
parameter screen and enter the desired values.

Fig. 67 Protocol wizard parameter screen

7. After setting all program parameters press the [NEXT] button.


The next screen lists the all steps of the program that will be created by the

Fig. 68 Protocol wizard view parameter screen

Press the [CREATE PROGRAM] button to enter the TAdvanced programming screen (see
section "Creating, editing and saving programs" p. 44). In the programming screen the
program is displayed in graphical or spreadsheet mode and can be edited. To save the

Version 01.21 81
Protocol Wizard Biometra TAdvanced

program created by the protocol wizard follow the instructions in section "Saving the
program" p. 60.


Note: Programs have to be saved before they can be started. If the program has been
created but should not be saved confirm the following security query to discard the

Fig. 69 Security query

10.5 Primer Annealing Temperature Calculator

Based on the primer sequences the Biometra TAdvanced protocol wizard can calculate
the theoretical primer annealing temperature (Ta). Press the [CALC TA] button in the
TAdvanced protocol wizard parameter screen (see Fig. 67 p. 81) to access the primer
annealing temperature calculator screen (see Fig. 70).


In the annealing temperature calculator screen enter the sequences for the forward
and reverse primer using the button below the input fields. The sequence length is
counted by the software and displayed in brackets left to the input fields.

82 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Protocol Wizard

Fig. 70 Primer annealing temperature calculator screen

To adjust the primer or salt concentration press the [EDIT CONCENTRATION] button.


In the next screen the primer concentration, salt concentration and magnesium
concentration can be adjusted. Touch the corresponding input field and enter values
using the keypad. The concentrations have the following default values and ranges:

Function Default value Range

Primer concentration 200 nmol/l (nM) 0-2.000 nmol/l
Salt concentration 50 mmol/l (mM) 0-200 mmol/l
Magnesium concentration 0 mmol/l (mM) 0-200 mmol/l

Fig. 71 Edit primer concentration screen

Version 01.21 83
Protocol Wizard Biometra TAdvanced

Press the [EDIT PRIMER] button to toggle to the primer annealing temperature
calculator screen (see Fig. 70) or press the [CALC. PRIMER] button to calculate the
theoretical primer annealing temperature (Ta).



The calculated values for the forward primer melting temperature (T m), reverse primer
melting temperature (Tm), mean primer melting temperature (Tm) and calculated
annealing temperature (Ta) are displayed.
Press the [SAVE TEMP.] button to transfer the calculated primer annealing temperature
to the protocol wizard (see Fig. 67 p. 81). The calculated Ta value will be displayed in
the input box for the primer annealing temperature.


Press the [INFO] button to get information on the algorithms used for annealing
temperature calculations.


For short sequences of 14 nucleotides or less the software calculates the primer
annealing temperature (Ta) based on the primer Tm values as follows:
1. For each primer the melting temperature is calculated using the following equation
according to Wallace et al. (1):
Tm = ((w*A + x*T)*2) + ((y*G + z*C)*4)
Where w, x, y and z are the number of the bases A, T, G and C in the primer
sequence, respectively.
2. The average Tm value is calculated from the Tm values for both primer sequences.
3. The annealing temperature Ta is calculated based on the average Tm value by
applying the following rules:
 If the difference between the primer Tm values is 4 °C or less, the Ta is
calculated as the average Tm value minus 5 °C.
 If the difference between the primer Tm values is higher than 4 °C, the Ta is
calculated as the lower Tm value plus 2 °C.
For long primer sequences of 15 nucleotides or more the software calculates the
primer annealing temperature (Ta) based on the nearest neighbor method according
to SantaLucia (2) and von Ahsen et al. (3).
1 Wallace et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 6, 3543, 1979
2 SantaLucia, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Feb 17;95(4):1460-5
3 von Ahsen et al., Clin Chem. 1999 Dec;45(12):2094-101

84 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

11 Tools
The Biometra TAdvanced software provides the following tools:

SETTINGS Defines basic device settings See section "Configuration" p. 85

USER MANAGEMENT Tool for user management See section "User management" p. 93

DOCUMENTATION Access to stored log files See section "Documentation" p. 99

SELF TEST Executes the extended self-test See section "Extended self-test" p. 104
SERVICE INFO FILE Creates service info files (SINF) See section "Service info file (SINF)"
p. 107
BACKUP Saves all folders, programs, users and user rights to See section "Backup" p. 108
CYCLER INFO General information on the device See section "Cycler Info" p. 109
CONTACT Biometra contact data See section "Contact" p. 110

Fig. 72 Tools screen

Press the corresponding button to access the desired function.

11.1 Configuration

Note: System settings can only be modified by users with the right SYSTEM
CONFIGURATION activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96). The system
configuration affects all functions listed below expect of the user management.



Version 01.21 85
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

The Biometra TAdvanced software offers the following setting options:

DATE AND TIME Sets the date and time See section "Setting the date and time"
p. 87
AUTOMATIC USER LOGOUT Switches automatic user logout on or off and See section "Automatic user logout"
time settings p. 88
BEEPER Switches the beeper on or off See section "Configuring the beeper"
p. 89
NETWORK Defines network settings See section "Network" p. 89
DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS Adjusts the display brightness See section "Display brightness" p. 91
TOUCH SCREEN CALIBRATION Calibrates the touchscreen See section "Screen calibration" p. 92
FACTORY SETTINGS Resets all the settings See section "Factory settings" p. 93

Fig. 73 Settings screen

Press the corresponding button to access the desired function.

86 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

11.1.1 Setting the date and time

The Biometra TAdvanced software allows the user to set the date and time. The date
has the format DAY:MONTH:YEAR and the time the format HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.

Fig. 74 Date and time entry screen

Activate the corresponding input field and use the keypad on the right side of the date
and time entry screen to enter digits. The following buttons may also be helpful when
completing the fields:




Note: The following buttons are inactive on the date and time entry screen and cannot
be used:

Version 01.21 87
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

11.1.2 Automatic user logout

Note: The automatic user logout can only be configured by users with the right SYSTEM
CONFIGURATION activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The Biometra TAdvanced features an automatic user logout function. The automatic
user logout can be switched ON or OFF by using the corresponding button:



If automatic user logout is switched on, the time after which the user is logged out
from the system can be set. You can enter values between 30 and 60 minutes.

Fig. 75 Automatic user logout screen

Note: The standard setting is automatic user logout OFF.

Note: The following buttons are inactive on the automatic user logout screen and
cannot be used:

88 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

11.1.3 Configuring the beeper

Note: The beeper can only be configured by users with the right SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The Biometra TAdvanced has a beeper which, if switched on, will issue an acoustic
signal when a PCR program is finished. The beeper can be switched ON or OFF by
activating the corresponding checkbox.

Fig. 76 Beeper configuration screen

11.1.4 Network

The NETWORK menu item can be used to configure basic settings or show a list of
network users. Press the corresponding button



Network settings Note: The network settings can only be configured by users with the right SYSTEM
CONFIGURATION activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The Biometra TAdvanced can handle static and dynamic IP addresses. Activate the
corresponding checkbox to choose between dynamic (DHCP) and static IP address

Version 01.21 89
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

If DHCP (Fig. 78) is activated, the device automatically receives the network
configuration settings. If the static checkbox is activated, you can enter the IP address
and the subnet mask using the keypad on the right side of the screen.
The port number can entered manually in both setting types (static and DHCP).
The following buttons may be helpful when completing the fields:




Fig. 77 Network settings screen, IP settings via static

Fig. 78 Network settings screen, IP settings via DHCP

Note: The network cable must be at least performance class Cat 5e and the cable
configuration has to be STP.

90 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

Network users The software stores the users who access the Biometra TAdvanced via the network
and lists them in chronological order in a table. The function makes it possible to check
if only authorized persons have network access to the device.
PCR control App The app is available for iOS (Apple App Store) and Android (Google Play Store) driven
The PCR Control App offers the following functions:
 Live monitoring of PCR runs on network-integrated thermal cyclers- Starting and
stopping PCR protocols are stored on the thermal cycler
 Notification system for monitoring status changes on selected blocks of a thermal
 Store PCR protocols on the terminal. This can be stored on a PC using a USB stick
 Copy PCR protocols from the terminal to a selected thermal cycler
 Read device-specific parameters
 Read out thermal cycler error messages

11.1.5 Display brightness

Note: The display settings can only be edited by users with the right SYSTEM
CONFIGURATION activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



The display brightness can be adjusted to the local light conditions. To adjust the
display brightness, use the corresponding buttons or the slider:



Version 01.21 91
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 79 Display brightness adjustment screen

11.1.6 Screen calibration

Note: The touch screen can only be calibrated by users with the right SYSTEM
CONFIGURATION activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



To calibrate the screen, follow the instructions and touch the screen at the center of
the displayed circle. This procedure is repeated three times at different positions on
the display. If, at the end of the procedure, a small cross is shown within the large
circle, the calibration was successful.

Fig. 80 Calibration screen

92 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

11.1.7 Factory settings

Note: Factory settings can only be reset by users with the right SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
activated (see section "Editing user settings" p. 96).



Press the [FACTORY SETTINGS] button and confirm the following confirmation prompt:

Fig. 81 Confirmation prompt

Using the factory settings tool will delete all users and programs! Use a backup file to
restore the system (see section "Backup" p. 108).

11.2 User management

The Biometra TAdvanced can manage up to 90 user directories. User management

allows new users to be created and user rights to be set. User management is a
complex tool. Please observe the following guidelines:
1. The factory setting for the administrator password is ADMIN. Please change the
password after switching on user management to protect the system from
unwanted modifications.
2. Use the backup function to create backup files. Backup files can be used to restore a
system or to synchronize the memory contents of Biometra TAdvanced thermal
3. Do not switch off the user management if you are not absolutely sure. All rights
settings will get lost and can only be restored if a backup file is available.
The user management can be switched on or off. To set the user management on or
off press the [USER MANAGEMENT] button in the Biometra TAdvanced user management
screen (see Fig. 82).


Note: The [USER MANAGEMENT] button is only available for the user group
ADMINISTRATOR. Only an administrator can switch on or off the Biometra TAdvanced

Version 01.21 93
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

user management. Also with the user management switched off the administrator
ADMIN has to log in.

Fig. 82 User management screen

In the next screen activate the corresponding checkbox to configure the Biometra
TAdvanced user management:

Fig. 83 Configure user management screen

If the user management is switched off, all new users have all rights and can access all
software functions.
With the user management switched on, the Biometra TAdvanced Thermal Cycler
supports 3 different user groups with pre-defined rights:

Administrator User with generic User with limited

rights rights

94 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

Administrator User with generic User with limited

rights rights




* An administrator can create users of all groups and modify their rights settings. A
user with generic rights is only allowed to create users with generic or limited rights
but no administrator. In addition, the user with generic rights cannot modify the rights
settings of other users.
The settings for each user can be modified by the administrator and will be stored by
the Biometra TAdvanced software.
Note: If the user management is switched off, user accounts and programs are not
protected and can be modified or deleted by all users.
Available users are listed on the Biometra TAdvanced user management screen (see
Fig. 82) sorted by the date and time of the last login and the username, the initials
and the group assignment are shown. Depending on the settings a user can be
grouped as:
 Administrator  User with limited rights
 User with generic rights  User defined
If more than 8 users have been created, you can use the cursor keys to navigate
through the table with the list of users (see Fig. 82).



To select a user, press on the corresponding row in the table.

11.2.1 Creating a user

Note: New users can only be created by users with the right CREATE USER activated.


An administrator can create users of all groups and modify their rights settings. A user
with generic rights is only allowed to create users with generic or limited rights but no
administrator. In addition, the user with generic rights cannot modify the rights
settings of other users.

Version 01.21 95
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

To create a new user, press the [NEW USER] button.


In the next screen enter the using the Biometra TAdvanced keyboard (see section
"Keyboard" p. 26)
 USERNAME (up to 13 characters or numbers)
 INITIALS (2 to 3 characters)
 PASSWORD (up to 13 characters, numbers or special characters)
Set the language by activating the corresponding checkbox.

Fig. 84 Create new user screen

Note: The password protection is optional. However, if no password is used, your

account containing all of your programs might be modified or deleted by unauthorized
Note: The language setting is user specific. For each user the language setting is saved
by the device. The language setting can be changed during operation and the device
does not need to be switched off and rebooted.

11.2.2 Editing user settings

Note: User rights can only be edited by users with the right EDIT USER activated.


To edit the user settings, select a user on the Biometra TAdvanced user management
screen (see Fig. 82 p. 94) and press the [EDIT USER ACCOUNT] button.

96 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools


On the next screen the user data and the language settings can be changed.

Fig. 85 User data screen

Note: For the administrator ADMIN the user name and the initials ADM cannot be
modified. It is recommended to change the password for the administrator ADMIN after
the first system start and to create a backup of the system. Folders, programs, users
and rights settings can be restored from a backup file.
To modify the user rights press the [USER PROPERTIES] button.


In the next screen the user can be defined as:

 Administrator
 User with generic rights
 User with limited rights
For each user group templates defining the user rights are available. However, the pre-
defined settings can be modified. You can activate or deactivate single rights. Activated
rights are highlighted blue, deactivated rights are shown in grey.

Version 01.21 97
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 86 User properties screen

Right Function
SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Provides access to several system settings like date and time,
screen saver, beeper, network settings, display brightness,
touch screen calibration and factory settings
EDIT USER Allows to modify the user name, user initials, password,
language setting and user rights
CREATE USER Allows to create new user accounts. A user with generic rights
can only create generic or limited users and is not allowed to
modify the rights settings. An administrator is allowed to
create all user types and to modify the rights settings for each
DELETE USER Allows to delete existing user accounts
WRITE/DELETE PROGRAMS OF Allows to edit/copy and delete all programs of all users

READ ALL PROGRAMS OF OTHER If inactive the access is limited to own programs. Programs of
USERS others cannot be viewed (if a program cannot be viewed it
also cannot be edited or started by the user).
START/STOP PROGRAMS Allows to start or stop programs
WRITE/DELETE OWN PROGRAMS Allows to edit/copy and delete own programs but not those of
other users.
SHOW YOUR OWN PROGRAMS TO Allows users to hide their own programs from other users.

Note: The settings for the administrator ADMIN cannot be changed. The administrator
always has all rights since at least one user needs to have all rights.
Press the [USER DATA] button to go back to the user data screen (see Fig. 85 p. 97).
The settings for each user will be stored by the Biometra TAdvanced software and are
shown in the user management screen.

98 Version 01.21
Biometra TAdvanced Tools

11.2.3 Delete user

Note: User accounts can only be deleted by users with the right DELETE USER activated.


To delete a user, select the user on the user management screen (see section "User
management" p. 93) and press the [DELETE USER ACCOUNT] button.


Note: The administrator ADMIN cannot be deleted because at least one user must be
the administrator of the Biometra TAdvanced.
Confirm the confirmation prompt to delete the user:

Fig. 87 Confirmation prompt

After confirmation the user and all of his programs will be deleted.

11.3 Documentation

The Biometra TAdvanced software provides the following documentation tools:

RUN LOG FILE Documentation of PCR runs See section "Run log file" p. 100
POWER ON LOG FILE Result of the latest initial self-test See section "Power On Logfile" p. 102
SELF TEST LOG FILE Result of the extended self-test See section "Extended self-test log file
p." 103
ERROR LOG FILE List of all the error messages detected by the device See section "Error log file" p. 104

Version 01.21 99
Tools Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 88 Documentation screen

Press the corresponding button to access the desired function.

11.3.1 Run log file

The Biometra TAdvanced lists up to 24 run log files for the programs that were last

Fig. 89 Run log file overview screen

The run log files are sorted by date and time. The run log file for the program that was
last started is shown at the first position in the table. The initials of the user who
started the program, the number of the sample block being used, the program name,
the directory and the program number are also shown.
If more than 6 run log files have been created, you can use the following cursor keys to
navigate through the table with the run log files (see Fig. 89).

100 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Tools



To view the collected data, select a run log file by activating the corresponding row in
the table and press the [VIEW RUN LOG FILE] button.


In the run log file screen the following information is listed:

 Name of the run log file  Cycler type
 Login time and date  Serial number of the Biometra
TAdvanced thermal cycler
 Start and end time of the program run  Sample block type
 Date of the program run  Block serial number
 Name of the vendor  Block number
 Software version  Messages
 User initials  Cycler type

Fig. 90 Run log file screen

To view the corresponding program, press the [VIEW PROGRAM] button.


The Biometra TAdvanced offers the option to show the program in graphical from or
as a spreadsheet (see section "Programming modes" p. 44). To toggle between the
graphical and spreadsheet view, use the buttons:

Version 01.21 101

Tools Biometra TAdvanced



Fig. 91 Program view screen

Use the buttons to toggle between the overview screen, the run log file screen and the
view program screen.




To export all the saved run log files on USB, press the [SAVE ALL RUN LOG FILES ON USB]
button. To export a specific run log file, select a log file from the list on the run log file
overview screen (see Fig. 89 p. 100) and press the [SAVE RUN LOG FILE ON USB] button.



11.3.2 Power On Logfile

With each system start, the Biometra TAdvanced performs an initial self-test and
stores the results in a power on logfile.
In the power on logfile screen the following information is listed:
 Power-on by date and time
 Last power-on by date and time

102 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Tools

 Last power-down by date and time

 A table with a list of error messages by number, date, time, error code and message

Fig. 92 Power on log file screen

11.3.3 Extended self-test log file

During the extended self-test the Biometra TAdvanced checks several functions and
components like cooler, thermal tracking, heating and cooling rate, refrigeration,
gradient, heated lid and regulation (see section "Extended self-test" p. 104). Press on
the corresponding button to see the results for a specific test summarized in
spreadsheet form.

Fig. 93 Extended self-test log file screen

The test result can be PASSED or FAILED and is listed in the last row of the table for each

Version 01.21 103

Tools Biometra TAdvanced

11.3.4 Error log file

The Biometra TAdvanced records all errors by date and time. The latest error is shown
at the first position in the error table. The error code and the message are also listed.

Fig. 94 Error log file screen

11.4 Extended self-test

The Extended Self-Test must be performed under the following conditions to achieve
reproducible and meaningful results:
 Ambient temperature in the range 20 °C to 25 °C
 Mains voltage depending on the voltage type of the device: 100 V/115 V/230 V,
±10 % each
 The device must be cooled to the ambient temperature of 20 °C to 25 °C after the
last application.

During the extended self-test the Biometra TAdvanced checks several functions and

Test Function
Cooler Incubates the sample block to 4°C and checks if the
temperature in the block is reached and can be held for a
longer time.
Thermal tracking Checks the synchronism of the control circuits and if they work
together in a coordinated way.
Heating and cooling rate Checks if the specified average heating and cooling rate is
Refrigeration Checks if the heat sink and the fans are working properly

104 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Tools

Test Function
Gradient1 Checks if the sample block reaches the set gradient
Heated lid Tests if the heated lid reaches the set temperature and can
hold it for a longer time.
Regulation Tests if the sample block is controlled properly.
for gradient-capable models only

The Biometra TAdvanced software will automatically recommend at regular intervals

to carry out an extended self-test. Although it is not absolutely necessary to perform
the test, it is highly recommendable to follow the prompt and to let the device check
Before starting the extended self-test, insert a microplate or, if applicable, two strips
or a row of tubes in the first and last row into the sample block (see Fig. 95). It is very
important to load the sample block as described with plasticware because during the
extended self-test the operation of the heated lid is tested and this test can only be
carried out with a correctly loaded sample block. The position of the plasticware in the
block is also very important to ensure optimal contact pressure and uniform horizontal
alignment of the heated lid.

96 well sample block (Biometra TAdvanced Mono) 48 well sample block (Bioemtra TAdvanced Twin)

Fig. 95 Sample block loaded with plasticware for the extended self-test

When the plasticware has been properly inserted and the heated lid is closed, the
extended self-test can be started. To start the extended self-test press:


Version 01.21 105

Tools Biometra TAdvanced

Fig. 96 Extended self-test screen

The software provides a progress overview during the extended self-test. When a test
has finished, the result PASSED or FAILED is displayed. For the currently running test, the
status RUNNING is shown and all other tests for which no result is shown are not
finished yet.
Note: The extended self-test will take approx. 30 minutes. The device is blocked while
the test is running and no other program can be started. To stop the extended self-
test, press the [CANCEL SELF TEST] button.


If the extended self-test is canceled, either no log file or an incomplete log file will be

Fig. 97 Extended self-test overview screen (Biometra TAdvanced Mono)

106 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Tools

Fig. 98 Extended self-test overview screen (Biometra TAdvanced Twin)

The results of the extended self-test are summarized in a log file, stored by the device
and can be viewed by the user (see section "Extended self-test log file" p. 103).

11.5 Service info file (SINF)

The service info file is a helpful tool for remote fault diagnosis by the Biometra service

Fig. 99 Service info file creation screen

To create a service info file, connect a USB stick to the Biometra TAdvanced and press
the [INFO FILE TO USB] button.


Version 01.21 107

Tools Biometra TAdvanced

The service info file can be sent by e-mail to the Biometra service department. For
contact details, refer to the inside front cover.

11.6 Backup

The backup function is used to synchronize the memory contents between Biometra
TAdvanced thermal cyclers. With the backup all folders, programs, users and user
settings can be stored to USB and transferred to another Biometra thermal cycler of
the same type.

Fig. 100 Backup file screen

Connect a USB stick to the device and press the [SAVE BACKUP FILE] button to create a
backup file.

Save backup file

To load a backup file, select it in the list and press the [LOAD BACKUP FILE] button.


Backup files that are no longer used can be deleted using the functions:

Delete all backup files

Delete backup file

108 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Tools

11.7 Cycler Information

The Cycler Info screen provides general information about the device like:
 Cycler type  Revision number power board
 Company  Software version power board
 Serial number cycler  Software version power board logic
 Block type  Revision number processor board
 Block serial number  Software version processor board
 Software version  Revision number IO
 Protocol version  Software version IO

The information is summarized in two screens. Press the [SYSTEM/CYCLER INFO] button
to toggle between the two screens.

System/Cycler Info

Fig. 101 Cycler Info screen

Version 01.21 109

Tools Biometra TAdvanced

11.8 Contact

Shows contact details for the Biometra service department.

Fig. 102 Service department contact details screen

110 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Adaptation of programs

12 Adaptation of programs
If programs are exchanged between different thermal cycler models or the sample
block is exchanged, programs might need to be adapted to the installed sample block
type prior to the start or during editing. The following table provides an overview of
possible program adaptations:

Cause Example Adaptation

The maximum gradient A program for the 96 well silver block The temperature range of the gradient will be
range is exceeded. with a programmed gradient range of reduced based on the average temperature of the
>30°C is to be started on a 96 well maximum permitted range. If, for example, the
aluminum block and exceeds the average temperature of the programmed gradient
block's maximum permitted gradient is 60°C and the gradient range is ± 20°C, the
range. gradient will be reduced to 60°C ± 15°C.
A program with a gradient The program with the gradient step is The gradient will be deleted and the average
step is transferred to a started on a sample block without temperature or annealing temperature will be used
non-gradient-enabled gradient function. for this step. If the average temperature or
device. annealing temperature of the programmed
gradient is, for example, 60°C, this value will be
used for the step.
The gradient is outside the A program for the 96 well silver block The lower temperature is increased to the
permitted limit. with a gradient temperature below minimum permitted value. If, for example, a
20°C is to be started on a 96 well gradient is programmed from 5°C to 25°C, the
aluminum block and falls below the gradient is changed to 20°C to 25°C.
minimum permitted temperature.
A program with a A TOS program is transferred from The average value of the temperatures
temperature optimization the Biometra TRIO to another cycler programmed in the TOS step for the left and right
step (TOS) is transferred to type. sample block is used.
a device that does not
offer this function.

The heating and cooling A program for a 96 well silver block is The heating and cooling rate will be adjusted to the
rate is exceeded. to be started on a 96 aluminum block. maximum possible value for the installed sample
block type. If the programmed heating and cooling
rate is, for example, 8°C/s, it will be reduced for the
aluminum block to 6°C/s.
The heating and cooling A program for a 96 well aluminum The heating and cooling rate will be increased to
rate is not reached. block is to be started on a 96 silver the maximum possible value for the installed
block. sample block type. If the programmed heating and
cooling rate is, for example, 6°C/s, it will be
increased for the silver block to 8°C/s.
User-defined heating and The heating and cooling rate is lower The user-defined value is maintained and not
cooling rate. than the maximum value for a adjusted.
program step.

Note: If programs need to be adapted to the installed sample block, a message is

always displayed prior to the start or during editing. The user can confirm or reject the
adaptations. If a necessary adaptation is rejected during the attempt to start a
program, the program cannot be started by the device.

Version 01.21 111

Quick reference guide Biometra TAdvanced

13 Quick reference guide

Before initial operation check the correct operating voltage is set on the voltage
selection switch on the underside of the device. Do not open the housing of the device
unless you are authorized to do so. Danger of electric shock!

The sample block and the heated lid can reach high temperatures during operation.
Both the sample block and the heated lid can burn you. The samples are heated up
quickly and may come to an explosive boil. Wear goggles when handling hot samples.
Make sure that the lid is closed securely before starting the program!

The use of oil between samples and sample block is not necessary to achieve an
improved heat exchange. If you wish to use oil, never use silicone oil. Use mineral oil.
Ensure that the ventilation slits are clear. Insufficient ventilation may cause the device
to overheat. Tip: Clean the air inlets on the underside of the device at regular intervals
to ensure optimum airflow.
Important: Release the lid wheel before opening the lid! Adjust the lid wheel for
every individual run!

Login After the initial self-test, the login screen is displayed:

Login screen for Biometra TAdvanced Mono for Biometra TAdvanced Twin
 Press [LOGIN] to log in as an existing user.
 Press [QUICK START] for the non-user-specific quick start of programs.
 Press [EN/DE/CN] to change the language setting of the login screen.
Home screen After login the Biometra TAdvanced home screen opens.

 Press [QUICK START] for the user-specific quick start of programs.

 Press [PROGRAMS] to edit, save, copy or run programs.
 Press [INCUBATE] to incubate the sample block at a constant temperature.
 Press [TOOLS] to access the system settings, user management, documentation,
backup tool or self-test functions.
 Press [LOGOUT] to log out.

112 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Quick reference guide

Home screen for Biometra TAdvanced Mono for Biometra TAdvanced Twin

Editing, saving and  Press [PROGRAMS] on the home screen to open the program overview:
copying programs

 To edit a template, press [NEW FROM TEMPLATE], select a template from the list and
 To edit a stored program, select a user directory and a program and press [EDIT].
 Alternatively, a user or a program can be selected via the quick selection.
The Biometra TAdvanced programming screen opens. Use the following buttons to
toggle between the different programming modes:

Quick selection Graphical mode

Spreadsheet mode Gradient mode

Spreadsheet programming screen Graphical programming screen

 Enter a program name. To do this, touch the NAME input field and enter a name
using the Biometra TAdvanced keyboard.
 Define the status and the temperature of the heated lid. Touch the HEATED LID input
field and switch the heated lid on or off. If the heated lid is switched on, enter a
temperature between 30°C and 110°C.
 To switch the heated lid preheating on or off, press the corresponding button.
 Select a program step and press [EDIT]. The screen for editing program steps opens:

Version 01.21 113

Quick reference guide Biometra TAdvanced

 Use the cursor keys above the keyboard to switch between program steps. The
number of the currently activated step is displayed on a blue background in the
table at the top of the screen.
 Touch the TEMPERATURE input field and enter a temperature [°C].
 Touch the HOLD TIME input field and enter a time. To program a pause step press .
 To program a loop, touch the GO TO input field and enter the step number to which
the program should return. Then touch the CYCLES input field and enter how often
the loop should be repeated.
 To reduce or increase the annealing temperature from step to step within a loop,
press ∆T and set a negative or positive temperature increment.
 To reduce or increase the hold time from step to step within a loop, press ∆T and
set a time increment.
 To adjust the heating rate, press ∆R and enter a value between 0.1 °C and max. You
can accept the heating rate for all steps in the program by activating the [APPLY

For gradient-capable  To program a gradient, press GRAD. On the next screen you can choose between
devices only standard [STD.] and linear gradient programming [LIN.]. For standard programming
enter a temperature for both the first and last row in the sample block. For linear
programming enter the primer annealing temperature and set a temperature
increment. The gradient curve is displayed. Press ✓ to confirm your entries.

Programming of linear gradient at TAdvanced Mono at TAdvanced Twin

 Press ✓ on the screen to accept the settings. The software leaves the screen and
opens the spreadsheet or graphical program display.
 Alternatively, individual program parameters for a step can be edited. In the
spreadsheet view press directly on the cell in the program table which you want to
edit. In the graphical view press on the desired parameter edit field. Program
options (loops, temperature and time increment, heating and cooling rate) must be
activated using the button to the left of the graphical display.
 To insert a program step, select a step and press [INSERT]. In the next screen enter
the desired parameters and confirm the settings by pressing ✓.

114 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Quick reference guide

 To delete a program step, select it and press [DELETE].

Incubation at 15 °C rather than 4 °C at the end of a run increases the device's life time.
 When all the parameters for all steps have been entered, confirm the settings on
the programming screen with [DONE].
 To save the program, select a user directory and a storage location in the next
screen. Then press [SAVE]. The program is now saved.

 To copy programs, press [PROGRAMS] on the Biometra TAdvanced home screen.

 To copy all programs located in a directory, select a directory and press [COPY ALL].
Select a directory to which the programs should be copied and press [SAVE].
 To copy a single program, select a directory and a program and press [COPY]. Select
a directory and a storage location and press [SAVE].
 To delete all programs located in a directory, select it and press [DELETE ALL].
Confirm the confirmation prompt.
 To delete a single program, select a directory and a program and press [DELETE].
Confirm the confirmation prompt.
Starting, stopping and  The Biometra TAdvanced stores the latest 5 started or edited programs for each
pausing programs user. To quick start a program, press the [QUICK START] button on the Biometra
TAdvanced home screen. Select a program from the list and press [START].
 To start a program from a user directory, press [PROGRAMS] on the Biometra
TAdvanced home screen. Then select a directory and a program and press [START].
After the start the current program is shown in a spreadsheet, graphical or gradient
view. Use the same buttons as in the programming screen to switch between the
different views. The active step is highlighted in yellow (see below).
 To pause an active program, press [PAUSE]. The color of the highlighted step
changes to blue and the message PAUSE is shown in the STEP field.
 To continue a paused program, press [CONTINUE]. To skip a step, press [SKIP].
 To stop an active program, press [STOP PROGRAM] and confirm the prompt.
Programs with a pause in the last step have to be stopped manually as well.

Spreadsheet view Graphical view

Version 01.21 115

Fault removal Biometra TAdvanced

14 Fault removal

14.1 Administrator password forgotten

If the administrator has forgotten his password, use the FACTORY SETTINGS function (see
section "Factory settings" p. 93) to reset the system and download a backup file for
recovery (see section "Backup" p. 108).

14.2 Slow heating and cooling

The Biometra TAdvanced is equipped with strong fans that remove the heat from the
heat sink. The air supply to these fans is located on the underside of the device. Make
sure that the inlet is not clogged by dust or other material (e.g., a piece of paper under
the device may be sucked into the fan and restrict its functionality). Dirt should be
frequently removed from the air supply of the fan with a vacuum cleaner or a brush.

14.3 Auto restart

The Biometra TAdvanced features an auto restart function. If a power failure occurs
during a run, the device will continue the run at the same point when the power
returns. In case of long-term power failure (longer than 30 minutes) the device keeps
the sample block at 4°C (freeze step) and the user can decide whether the device
should continue the run or whether the samples should be discarded.
Note: After an auto restart the user has to log in again. In addition information can be
displayed for a limited time.

14.4 Auto restart without an apparent cause

High voltage fluctuations may lead to a restart of the Biometra TAdvanced. The device
will then react similar to a power failure.
The following messages are displayed (see section "Auto restart" p. 116):
 A power failure occurred during the run.
 Time and step at which the program was restarted.
To avoid high voltage fluctuations, do not connect the Biometra to a socket shared by
other, very strong power consumers (such as refrigerators or centrifuges).
Note: After an auto restart the user has to log in again. In addition information can be
displayed for a limited time.

116 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Fault removal

14.5 Adaptation of programs from other thermal cyclers

Since the Biometra TAdvanced thermal cycler is a very fast device, it may be necessary
to reduce the heating and cooling ramp when running protocols from other (slower)
thermal cyclers (see section "Adjusting the ramp rate" p. 52). Alternatively, the hold
times may be extended.

14.6 Loosening the lid wheel in case of blockage

When the heated lid is in the highest or lowest position, it may happen that the lid
wheel is uncoupled. In this situation the clutch mechanism is active in both directions
(there is a clicking noise in both directions).
To unlock the lid wheel, press down the metal pin on the top of the lid wheel with a
pen. This overrides the clutch mechanism. Take care not to apply excessive pressure.
Lid blocked in the top position:

1. Press down the metal pin.

2. Carefully turn the lid wheel clockwise until it moves
again without resistance (no more clicking). Release
the pin and turn the lid down until the clutch
mechanism is activated (clicking noise, optimum
1 contact pressure reached).

Lid blocked in the bottom position:

2 1. Press down the metal pin.

2. Carefully turn the lid wheel counterclockwise until it
moves again without resistance (no more clicking).
Release the pin and turn the lid wheel upward until
the pressure is completely released. Open the lid.

Important: When the clutch mechanism is active (= optimal contact pressure reached)
do not, under any circumstances, press the metal pin again to increase the contact
pressure further. This will damage the samples and the device.

Version 01.21 117

Fault removal Biometra TAdvanced

14.7 Recommendations for the use of 384 well sample blocks

 Reduce the temperature of the heated lid

Due to the fact that the heated lid of a 384-well plate is very close to the reaction
volume, the lid temperature can have a significant effect on the effective incubation
For reaction volumes below 10 μl it is recommended to set the lid temperature to
95 °C.
If you are working with a reaction volume of 10 μl or more, set the lid temperature to
85 °C.
Note: This applies to usual PCR conditions with up to 95 °C for denaturation and
with a room air humidity up to 70 %.
In case you are using higher denaturation temperatures than 95 °C or if the local room
air humidity is higher than 70 %, then you should set at least the same lid temperature
you are using as highest block temperature.

For example:
- Using 96 °C then please set 96 °C lid temperature, independent from sample volume.
- Using 94 °C at air humidity > 70 %, please set 95 °C for sample volumes < 10 µl resp.
set 94 °C for sample volumes > 10 µl.

Even with these reduced lid temperatures, condensation will not be a problem. It is
recommended to reduce the lid temperature according to the reaction volume.
Otherwise sample volumes or amplification yields could be reduced.

118 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Maintenance and care

15 Maintenance and care

The Biometra TAdvanced is mainly maintenance-free.
The care and maintenance tasks which can be performed by the customer are limited
to the cleaning and disinfection of the housing and sample block.
All maintenance work and repairs beyond this scope must only be performed by
Biometra GmbH customer service personnel or authorized and trained persons. Any
unauthorized intervention limits warranty entitlements. If the device exhibits any
faults or defects, please contact the Biometra GmbH customer service department
In order to guarantee sound and safe operation and to ensure laboratory certification,
we recommend concluding a maintenance agreement with regular device validation.

15.1 Cleaning the housing

Risk of electric shock! Prior to commencing any maintenance or cleaning work, switch
off the device and pull out the mains plug. After cleaning, wait until the Biometra
TAdvanced is completely dry before recommissioning it.

If you are handling infectious and pathogenic materials observe the relevant safety
regulations. Decontaminate the device in accordance with section "Disinfecting the
device" p. 120.
The professional decontamination of radioactive contaminations depends on the type
of substance used. Please contact your radiation protection officer on this matter and
observe the relevant safety regulations!

The use of alcohol, organic solvents or abrasives can damage the paintwork. When
cleaning, please also pay attention to the notes in section "Safety instructions –
maintenance and repair" p. 14.

 Only wipe the housing of the Biometra TAdvanced with a soft clean cloth which
may be slightly wetted with a commercial neutral detergent, if necessary.
 Clean the ventilation slits on the underside and at the rear of the device with a
vacuum cleaner.

Version 01.21 119

Maintenance and care Biometra TAdvanced

15.2 Disinfecting the device

Biological hazard! Clean the Biometra TAdvanced with particular care after analyzing
potentially infectious material. Wear suitable protective equipment, e.g., protective

The only suitable cleaning method for the housing is wipe disinfection.
When using spray disinfectants there is a risk that the liquid enters the sensitive
electronic system through the ventilation slits. If the disinfectant has a spray nozzle,
apply disinfectant to a suitable cloth before using it on the device.

 Avoid contamination by handling sample substances with care.

 Wipe spilled samples or reagents immediately with an absorbent cloth or piece of
 If the Biometra TAdvanced is used for the analysis of infectious material, great care
must be taken because the TAdvanced cannot be decontaminated as a whole
 Immediately remove visible contamination by suitable means. Do not allow
solvents to enter the device.
 The sample block is also suitable for wipe and spray disinfection. The only suitable
cleaning method for the housing is wipe disinfection.

Device part Recommended disinfectants Provider

Sample chamber Descosept AF Dr. Schuhmacher GmbH

Meliseptol HBV (cloths) B. Braun company
Housing Descosept Spezial Dr. Schuhmacher GmbH

15.3 Firmware update

Please contact the Biometra customer service department or your local dealer for
instructions on how to upgrade the Biometra TAdvanced firmware.

120 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Transport

16 Transport
If you have any problems with the device, please contact the customer service
department or your local Biometra dealer. For the address of the Biometra customer
service department refer to the inside front cover of this operating manual.
Please observe the return information (see section "Device return information" p. 121)
if you wish to return a device to Biometra.

16.1 Device return information

Risk of damage to health due to improper decontamination! Perform a professional
decontamination before returning the device to Analytik Jena AG.

Biometra GmbH must refuse acceptance of contaminated devices. The sender may be
liable for any damage caused by inadequate decontamination of the device.

 Please clean all device components from biologically hazardous, chemical or

radioactive contamination (see also section "Disinfecting the device" p. 120).
 Download the decontamination declaration as an editable PDF document in
German or English from the Internet:
Complete the form and attach the signed decontamination declaration to the
outside of the shipment.
 Only use the original packaging for the shipment and insert the transport lock.
If the original packaging is no longer available, please contact Biometra GmbH or
your local dealer.
 Please attach the warning note
 Please include a sheet containing the following data:
 Name and address of the sender
 Name and telephone number of a contact for inquiries
 A detailed description of the fault, the precise conditions and situations under
which the fault occurs

Version 01.21 121

Transport Biometra TAdvanced

16.2 Packing the Biometra TAdvanced

Biometra uses an extra designed packaging system with inserts of foamed material.

The thermal cycler is only protected from transport damage if the original packaging is
used and the packing instructions are followed. Biometra is not liable for transport
damage due to incorrect packaging.

122 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Disposal

17 Disposal
The user of the Biometra TAdvanced must dispose of any waste materials that occur
during measurements (sample materials) in accordance with statutory and local
At the end of its service life, the Biometra TAdvanced and all its electronic components
must be disposed of as electronic waste in accordance with valid regulations.

Version 01.21 123

Specifications Biometra TAdvanced

18 Specifications

18.1 Model specific data

There is a range of 12 models with monoblocks or twinblocks, with specific capacities

and block materials as well as with and without gradient function.

Order number 846-x-070-211 846-x-070-201

Model Biometra TAdvanced 96 Biometra TAdvanced 96 G

Capacity 96 x 0.2 ml tubes, 96 well micro plates or 12 x 8 well strips

Block material Aluminum

Block coating Special alloy

Block exchange (optional) Quick-X-change

Block exchange time less than 10 sec
Max. heating rate* 6.0 °C/sec
Max. cooling rate* 4.0 °C/sec
Avg. heating rate* 5.5 °C/sec
Avg. cooling rate* 3.5 °C/sec
Gradient – 30 °C
Gradient temperature range1 – 20 °C to 99 °C
Temperature uniformity 95°C +/- 0.60 °C after 15 s
72°C +/- 0.30 °C after 15 s
55°C +/- 0.20 °C after 15 s
Temperature range 3 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Lid temperature range 30 °C to 110 °C
* measured inside the block
only for model type “G” featuring gradient function
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V

124 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Specifications

Order number 846-x-070-251 846-x-070-241

Model Biometra TAdvanced 96 S Biometra TAdvanced 96 SG

Capacity 96 x 0.2 ml tubes, 96 well micro plates or 12 x 8 well strips

Block material Silver

Block coating Gold

Block exchange (optional) Quick-X-change

Block exchange time less than 10 sec
Max. heating rate* 8.0 °C/sec
Max. cooling rate* 5.5 °C/sec
Avg. heating rate* 7.0 °C/sec
Avg. cooling rate* 4.5 °C/sec
Gradient – 40 °C
Gradient temperature range1 – 4 °C to 99 °C
Temperature uniformity 95°C +/- 0.50 °C after 15 s
72°C +/- 0.25 °C after 15 s
55°C +/- 0.15 °C after 15 s
Temperature range 3 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Lid temperature range 30 °C to 110 °C
* measured inside the block
only for model type “G” featuring gradient function
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V

Version 01.21 125

Specifications Biometra TAdvanced

Order number 846-x-070-210 846-x-070-200

Model Biometra TAdvanced 60 Biometra TAdvanced 60 G

Capacity 60 x 0.5 ml tubes

Block material Aluminum

Block coating Special alloy (gold color.)

Block exchange (optional) Quick-X-change

Block exchange time less than 10 sec
Max. heating rate* 6.0 °C/sec
Max. cooling rate* 4.0 °C/sec
Avg. heating rate* 5.5 °C/sec
Avg. cooling rate* 3.5 °C/sec
Gradient – 30 °C
Gradient temperature range1 – 20 °C to 99 °C
Temperature uniformity 95°C +/- 0.60 °C after 15 s
72°C +/- 0.30 °C after 15 s
55°C +/- 0.20 °C after 15 s
Temperature range 3 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Lid temperature range 30 °C to 110 °C
* measured inside the block
only for model type “G” featuring gradient function
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V

126 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Specifications

Order number 846-x-070-224 846-x-070-214

Model Biometra TAdvanced 384 Biometra TAdvanced 384 G

Capacity 384 well micro plates

Block material Aluminum

Block coating Special alloy

Block exchange (optional) Quick-X-change

Block exchange time less than 10 sec
Max. heating rate* 4.0 °C/sec
Max. cooling rate* 2.0 °C/sec
Avg. heating rate* 3.8 °C/sec
Avg. cooling rate* 1.7 °C/sec
Gradient – 24 °C
Gradient temperature range1 – 20 °C to 99 °C
Temperature uniformity 95°C +/- 0.60 °C after 15 s
72°C +/- 0.25 °C after 15 s
55°C +/- 0.15 °C after 15 s
Temperature range 3 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Lid temperature range 30 °C to 110 °C
* measured inside the block
only for model type “G” featuring gradient function
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V

Version 01.21 127

Specifications Biometra TAdvanced

Order number 846-x-070-212 846-x-070-202

Model Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 Biometra TAdvanced Twin 48 G

Capacity Two blocks with

2 x 48 x 0.2 ml tubes, 2 x 48 well micro plates or 2 x 6 x 8 well strips
Block material Aluminum

Block coating Special alloy

Block exchange (optional) Quick-X-change

Block exchange time less than 10 sec
Max. heating rate* 5.2 °C/sec
Max. cooling rate* 4.1 °C/sec
Avg. heating rate* 5.1 °C/sec
Avg. cooling rate* 4.0 °C/sec
Gradient – 20 °C
Gradient temperature range1 – 20 °C to 99 °C
Temperature uniformity 95°C +/- 0.60 °C after 15 s
72°C +/- 0.30 °C after 15 s
55°C +/- 0.20 °C after 15 s
Temperature range 3 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Lid temperature range 30 °C to 110 °C
* measured inside the block only for model type “G” featuring gradient function
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V

128 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Specifications

Order number 846-x-070-213 846-x-070-215

Model Biometra TAdvanced Twin 30 Biometra TAdvanced Twin combi

Capacity Two blocks with Two blocks with

2 x 30 x 0.5 ml tubes 2 x 48 x 0.2 ml tubes,
2 x 48 well micro plates
2 x 6 x 8 well strips or
2 x 35 x 0.5 ml tubes**
Block material Aluminum

Block coating Special alloy

Block exchange (optional) Quick-X-change

Block exchange time less than 10 sec
Max. heating rate* 4.2 °C/sec 3.1 °C/sec
Max. cooling rate* 3.3 °C/sec 2.3 °C/sec
Avg. heating rate* 4.1 °C/sec 3.0 °C/sec
Avg. cooling rate* 3.1 °C/sec 2.2 °C/sec
Gradient – –
Gradient temperature range1 – –
Temperature uniformity 95°C +/- 0.60 °C after 15 s +/- 0.50 °C after 15 s
72°C +/- 0.30 °C after 15 s +/- 0.25 °C after 15 s
55°C +/- 0.20°C after 15 s +/- 0.20 °C after 15 s
Temperature range 3 °C to 99 °C
Control accuracy +/- 0.1 °C
Lid temperature range 30 °C to 110 °C
* measured inside the block
** special tubes with small caps
only for model type “G” featuring gradient function
x = 2 for 230 V, 4 for 115 V, 5 for 100 V

Version 01.21 129

Specifications Biometra TAdvanced

18.2 Specifications for all models

The following specifications apply to all models:

Software User-specific quick start option for the five most recent programs;
program preview before start; option for toggling between spreadsheet
and graphical programming mode; Linear Gradient Tool1, service info
file (SINF) generation; expanded self-test; adjustable ramp rates;
Ethernet-based PC control; comprehensive user administration tool;
Protocol Wizard
Program memory Total capacity of 350 programs à 6 steps in up to 90 user directories
Language English, German, Chinese
Display 7" color touchscreen
Automatic restart after power failure Yes
High Performance Smart Lid (HPSL) technology Yes
Power consumption 850 watt
Operating voltage 100, 115, 230 Volt, 50-60 Hz
Noise emissions Very low, max. 45 dB
Interfaces2 USB A, Ethernet
Environmental conditions 15 °C to 35 °C, 70 % air humidity, max. 2,000 m above sea level
Dimensions (WxDxH) 277 mm x 457 mm x 264 mm
Dimensions (WxDxH) with open lid 277 mm x 457 mm x 414 mm
Weight 15 kg
The network cable must be at least performance class Cat 5e and the cable configuration has to be STP

130 Version 01.21

Biometra TAdvanced Declaration of conformity

19 Declaration of conformity

Version 01.21 131

Index Biometra TAdvanced

20 Index
Auto restart 116 Heated lid temperature 47
Backup 108 Loop 50
Block module exchange 23 Name 47
Block status 36 New 45
Care 119 Pause 73
Cleaning the housing 119 Preheating 48
Configuration 85 Ramp rate 52
Declaration of conformity 131 Save 60
Decontamination 120 Spreadsheet programming 44
Disinfection instructions 120 Start 63
Display Stop 75
Run 69 Temperature increment 51
Disposal 123 Template 45
Documentation 99 Time increment 51
Error log file 104 Program preview 64
Extended self-test 103 Protocol Wizard 77
Power on logfile 102 Quick reference guide 112
Run log file 100 Quick start function 37
Emergency 14 Safety instructions 11
Firmware update 120 Settings
Heated lid 24, 117 Automatic user logout 88
Home screen 35 Beeper 89
Icons 28 Date and time 87
Incubation 40, 42 Display brightness 91
Liability 10 Factory settings 93
Login 34 Network 89
Login screen 33 Screen calibration 92
Maintenance 119 User management 93
Manual Step
Symbols 9 Skip 75
Operating voltage 20 Technical specifications
Packaging 122 Data for all models 130
Password Model specific data 124
Administrator 34 Tools 85
Forgotten 116 Contact 110
User 96 Cycler Info 109
Personnel 12 Extended self-test 104
Power on self-test 33 Service info file 107
Program Touch screen
Continue 75 Calibration 92
Copy 65 User management 93
Copy all 66 Create a user 96
Cycles 50 Delete user 99
Delete 67 Edit user settings 96
Delete all 68 Switch on or off 93
Editing steps 49 User properties 96
Gradient 52 User rights 94
Graphical programming 44 Warranty 10

132 Version 01.21

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