Help SIMARIS Project 2
Help SIMARIS Project 2
Help SIMARIS Project 2
1 Introduction 1.1 Determination of space requirements and budget with SIMARIS project 1.2 System requirements 1.3 Setup instructions 1.3.1 Setup from DVD 1.3.2 Setup after download 1.3.3 Registration and read-in of the licence key 1.3.4 Setup of national versions 2 Program Interface and Structure 2.1 Overview of the program sequence 2.2 Navigation bar / workflow bar 2.3 Icon bars 2.3.1 Main window 2.3.2 Graphic area 2.4 Menu bar and key combinations 2.4.1 Project menu 2.4.2 Edit menu 2.4.3 Extras menu 2.4.4 Help menu 2.4.5 Corresponding key combinations 3 First Start 3.1 Call start wizard 3.1.1 Create new project 3.1.2 Import from SIMARIS design 3.1.3 Open existing project 3.1.4 Load demo project 3.1.5 Show introduction movie 4 Project Definition 4.1 Introduction to the project structure 4.2 Handling of systems in the project structure 4.2.1 Create new medium-voltage switchgear 4.2.2 Create new transformer 4.2.3 Create new low-voltage switchboard 4.2.4 Create new busbar trunking system 4.2.5 Create new distribution board 4.2.6 Create new single components 4.3 Favourites 5 System Planning 5.1 User interface variants in System Planning 5.1.1 Overview of the Front View 5.1.2 Overview of the Device list 5.1.3 Overview of the Component list 5.2 Messages 5.2.1 Hints 5.2.2 Input request 5.3 Handling of the System Planning 5.3.1 Handling of medium-voltage switchgear 5.3.2 Handling of transformers
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5.3.3 Handling of low-voltage switchboards Device list Automatic creation of the Front View Editing the front view 5.3.4 Handling of a busbar trunking system 5.3.5 Handling of a distribution board Device list Automatic creation of the Front View Editing the front view 6 Budget Determination 6.1 Budget inquiry 6.2 Budget summary 7 Output and Data Transfer 7.1 Output types and options 7.2 Data transfer 8 Technical Background of the Systems 8.1 Medium-voltage switchgear 8.2 Transformers 8.3 Low-voltage switchboards 8.4 Busbar Trunking System 8.5 Distribution boards
26 26 27 27 29 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 35 36 36 37 39 40 43
1 Introduction
1.1 Determination of space requirements and budget with SIMARIS project
With SIMARIS project you can get an overview of the space requirements for the electric pow er distribution w ithin a building, from medium voltage to distribution boards, and thus get the basis for a cost estimation. Having defined the project structure and selected the technical basic data, the required sections for medium voltage Transformers protective and sw itching devices for low voltage busbar trunking systems, including the specification of special components such as feed-in components, directional change components and pow er tap-off units and other single components can be selected. By automatically selecting and placing suitable pow er distribution board systems based on your specifications, SIMARIS project determines the space requirements of the pow er distribution as w ell as the basic data for determining the required budget, w hich you can either request of your Siemens contact w ith the data from SIMARIS project or determine yourself in a budget sheet that can be saved. From Version 2.0 on, the program also contains the automatic creation of technical specifications.
Clicking the "Import licence key" button starts the read process of your licence key. The brow ser opens w here you can set the file path of your licence key and select the licence file identified by the file extension .lic. As soon as you open this file, the licence file is read in and the program is started. Clicking the "Register now " button automatically opens the registration page for the SIMARIS tools provided you are online. How to proceed from there w as decribed in the previous section. Clicking the "Register later" button takes you straight to the program, but you w ill be asked about registration again during the next program start. You can initiate read-in of the licence key w hile the program is running via the Extras menu Licence Settings.
Project Definition Under , in w hich you can enter the project data and design the project structure from the various systems.
you can find subordinate project steps depending on the selected system, in w hich you can plan the respective system.
from the cubicles library. Transformers, busbar trunking systems and single components are compiled under
from device libraries or a catalogue. Low -voltage sw itchboards and distribution boards are compiled automatically w hen changing from A to B.
Budget Under
in w hich you can either send your project file to your SIEMENS consultant for budget price calculation or calculate a budget yourself in the summary of the configured systems.
Project output Under For the entire project or individual systems you can create a document to be edited in your w ord processing program and/or a tender specification text in German or English in GAEB90 or text format. For sw itchgear, transformers and pow er distribution boards you can generate front view s and a single-line diagram in .dxf format.
you get directly to the output screen w ithout having to select a subordinate project step.
Save project as
In the selection m ode you can select required components (e.g. complete sections, devices) w ithin the graphic. In the area selection m ode you can select several required components (e.g. complete sections, devices) w ithin the graphic. In the zoom m ode you can zoom into a cut-out of the graphic. By clicking the general view button, the entire plant is show n in the graphic. By clicking this button, the entire plant is displayed horizontally aligned. By clicking this button, the entire plant is displayed vertically aligned. By clicking this button, a small overview w indow opens, show ing w hich cut-out is currently displayed in the graphic. The cut-out can also be moved directly in this w indow to display the required cut-out in the graphic. Minim ise w indow Maxim ise w indow
When selecting "Hints" it is possible to enable or disable the hint texts below the navigation bar in the right part of the w indow .
When selecting "Language Settings" it is possible to change the language in SIMARIS project in the right part of the w indow . Note: The language changeover w ill only become effective after a restart of SIMARIS project.
Edit m enu
Ctrl + X +
Ctrl + C +
Ctrl + V +
3 First Start
3.1 Call start wizard
When starting the SIMARIS project softw are, the start w izard opens automatically.
With "Next" you are requested to save the project in a freely selectable project path. With "Finish" the project file is saved.
4 Project Definition
After having loaded or created a project and finished the start w izard, you automatically get to the Project Definition. To see, complete and change the data stored in the project definition from other editing steps of a project, click in the navigation bar on
. Project data In an existing project, the master data, customer data and comment can be completed and changed under
Project tree
Systems library
you can select the systems required for the project structure.
To add a system - select the system in the systems library and drag it to the project tree by keeping the left mouse button pressed. - or double-click the required system in the systems library. To cut, copy or delete a system - right-click the required system in the project tree and select "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" from the context menu or select the system in the project tree and then select the corresponding icon ,
or from the icon bar or choose from the Edit menu "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" on the menu bar. To paste a system after having cut or copied it - right-click the desired position in the project tree and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the desired position in the project tree and then select the icon from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu bar. If a system in the project tree is marked by the yellow icon , characteristics are missing for the specification. To enter these - double-click the selected system in the project tree and then select in the follow ing w indow s - stepw ise, if necessary - the missing characteristics w hich are also marked by the yellow icon, either by entering them or using the drop-dow n menu, - or select the system in the project tree and then click "System Planning" in the navigation bar so that you can select the missing characteristics in the same w ay. -
By clicking the "Next" button you get to the w indow for entering the master data on the system. Since this step is the same for all systems, it is show n exemplarily here and w ill not be show n anymore for the follow ing system types.
By clicking the "Next" button, you get to the w indow for selecting the system characteristics. Having selected all relevant data, click the "Finish" button to get to the program step 'System Planning'. If not all relevant system data have been selected, you w ill remain in the program step Project Definition.
By clicking the "Next" button, you get to the w indow for selecting the system characteristics. Having selected all relevant data, click the "Finish" button to get to the program step 'System Planning'. If not all relevant system data have been selected, you w ill remain in the program step Project Definition.
By clicking the "Next" button, you get to the w indow for selecting the busbar material.
By clicking the "Next" button, you get to the w indow for selecting the busbar trunking system characteristics. Having selected all relevant data, click the "Finish" button to get to the program step 'System Planning'. If not all relevant system data have been selected, you w ill remain in the program step Project Definition.
By clicking the "Next" button, you get to the w indow for selecting the system characteristics. Having selected all relevant data, click the "Finish" button to get to the program step 'System Planning'. If not all relevant system data have been selected, you w ill remain in the program step Project Definition.
4.3 Favourites
It is possible to save favourites for each available system type, w hich can later be integrated in projects to be edited. To this end, you first have to create a folder on an available drive, in w hich you w ant to save your favourites. But you can also use the "My Library" folder w hich w as created during setup. By clicking the icon you can define the desired / this folder as storage location in the explorer. You can now save individual systems from each edited project as favourites by selecting a system w ith the left mouse button, dragging it to the list of favourites keeping the left mouse button pressed and dropping it there by releasing the mouse button. The system is then added to the alphabetically sorted list. In the folder on the drive you can identify the files containing favourites by the file extension .spx. If you w ant to delete or rename systems from the Favourites folder, you have to do that directly in the created folder on the drive. Subsequently, you can update the list of favourites displayed in SIMARIS project by clicking the icon. To integrate the saved favourites in a project to the edited, select the desired favourite w ith the left mouse button, drag it to the desired position in the project tree by keeping the left mouse button pressed and place it there by releasing the left mouse button.
5 System Planning
5.1 User interface variants in System Planning
5.1.1 Overview of the Front View
The follow ing is a definition of the terms used in the individual areas of the Front View user interface in System Planning. This user interface is available for medium-voltage sw itchgear, low -voltage sw itchboards and distribution boards.
Front view
Device list
Component list
5.2 Messages
5.2.1 Hints
Below the navigation bar, comments are displayed. Here you are informed on w hat you can/should do next. Information
Move section
Right-click the desired position in the graphic area and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu
Select the section and overw rite the corresponding input field in the "Properties" area. Select the section, click in the desired input field in the "Properties" area and select the desired data item from the drop-dow n menu.
Move transformer
Right-click the desired position in the project tree and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu
Enter quantity
If you need several identical transformers you can enter the desired Quantity in the "Properties" area in the corresponding input field by overw riting it.
Select a device and enter the desired quantity in the corresponding input field in the "Properties" area or click the desired line in the "Quantity" column and change the quantity there. Select the desired device and overw rite the name in the "Name" input field in the "Properties" area.
To create the front view the spare space has to be specified. The default spare space can be adapted in the follow ing w indow w hich opens automatically as soon as the already existing front view is dismissed by clicking the "Next" button and a new front view is created. To this end, click the corresponding input field and change the numeric value there. This input is not applied as default but has to be entered correspondingly upon every new creation of the front view .
The graphic w hich is generated automatically from the device list can be post-processed later. Move section Select a section in the graphic area and move it to the desired position keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select the desired section(s) in the graphic area and then select "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" from the context menu (right mouse button) or the corresponding icon , or "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" on the menu bar. Paste section again after cut or copy from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu
Right-click the desired position in the graphic area and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu 27
bar. Move w ithdraw able unit Select a w ithdraw able unit in the graphic and move it to the desired position keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select the desired w ithdraw able unit(s) in the graphic area and then select "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" from the context menu (right mouse button) or the corresponding icon , or "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" on the menu bar. Paste w ithdraw able unit again after cut or copy from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu
Right-click the desired position in the graphic and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu
Select the desired section and enter the desired name in the "Name" input field in the "Properties" area or change a possibly already existing name there. Select the section and in the "Properties" area in the input field Connection type click drop-dow n list Door hinges click and select the cable or busbar trunking system from the
Internal separation click in the desired input field in the "Properties" area and select the desired data item from the drop-dow n menu. Cubicle w idth [m m ] click and select the desired w idth from the drop-dow n list.
Depending on the type of cubicle you may have more options for change. Attention: changes of the cubicle w idth must be re-entered after an automatic placement, since this automatic process resets all cubicle w idth values to the default values.
To change the length of a busbar or the com ponent quantities, click the appropriate line in the "Length / Quantity" column and change the length / quantity by overw riting it.
It is also possible, for example, to enter the ratio of vertical installation w ith regard to the total length "busbar horizontal" by selecting the corresponding line in the "Length / Quantity" column. Correspondingly, the quantity and length of the remaining com ponents can be adapted in the parts list according to the project requirements.
Select a tap-off unit in the library and drag it to the busbar in the parts list keeping the left mouse button pressed. Then, select the missing technical data of the tap-off unit (input fields marked in yellow ) in the "Properties" area. Select the tap-off unit in the parts list and move it to the desired position keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select the desired tap-off unit(s) in the graphic area and then select "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" from the context menu (right mouse button) or the corresponding icon , or "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" on the menu bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu
Right-click the desired position in the systems tree of the component list and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the desired position and then select the icon in the icon bar.
Select a busbar track in the library and drag it to the systems tree of the component list keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select one or several busbar tracks from the component list and select "Delete" from the context menu (right mouse button) or select the icon from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Delete".
Select "User-configurable component list item" in the library and drag it to the systems tree of the component list keeping the left mouse button pressed. You then have to enter an order number and further data for specification in the "Properties" area.
Right-click the desired position in the device list and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu
Select "User-selectable device" in the library and add it to the device list. Enter an order number and the w eight of the device in the "Properties" area. The desired Quantity of a selected device can be entered in the "Quantity" column.
Enter quantity
Select the desired device and change the name in the "Name" input field in the "Properties" area. When the quantity of a device is changed, the term inal connection area is adapted autom atically according to the default set during the plant creation (project definition). Select "Terminal connection area" in the library and drag it to the device list.
Automatic adaptation of the terminal connection area Manual expansion of the terminal connection area
Move section
Right-click the desired position in the graphic area and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu
Select a device in the library and drag it to the graphic area keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select one or several device(s) in the graphic area and move it/them to the desired position keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select the desired device(s) in the graphic area and select "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" from the context menu (right mouse button) or the corresponding icon , or "Cut", "Copy" or "Delete" on the menu bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu
Move device
Right-click the desired position in the graphic and select "Paste" from the context menu or select the icon bar. from the icon bar , or select in the Edit menu "Paste" on the menu
Select "Terminal connection area" in the library and drag it to the graphic area keeping the left mouse button pressed. Select the desired section in the graphic area and enter the desired name in the "Name" input field in the "Properties" area:
The w eights of the distribution board and devices are added up automatically. The w eights of cables, term inals, etc. are taken into account proportionally via the w eight factor. To change the w eight factor, select the respective section and change the w eight factor in the corresponding input field in the "Properties" area (see graphic above). When the front view is generated, it is determined based on the selected devices w hich distribution board size is required. All further added distribution boards in this plant - also empty distribution boards - w ill then be selected in the same size. If you w ant to select a different distribution board size, the distribution board size can be specified in the "Properties" area of the system by selecting a different value in the input field "maximum MW".
6 Budget Determination
6.1 Budget inquiry
To determine a budget for the plants w hich you configured, please get in touch w ith your responsible Siemens planner contact. Send him your saved project (filename.sp) by e-mail. You can find the contact person responsible for you at the follow ing Internet address: w w w
An alternative w ay how to select or deselect all plants is to open the context menu w ith the right mouse button and make the respective selection.
You can insert your ow n logo into the complete document by clicking at the top right. Then, select the desired logo via "Brow se...".
Start output Start output To start the output, select and click
. The complete document is output in a modifiable rtf format and automatically opens your installed w ord processing program. The thus created file can then be saved; this can also be done in the Word format (.doc) w hich considerably decreases the file volume. If many plants have been selected for the output, the output might take several minutes depending on the processing pow er of your computer. Extent The complete output of the plants comprises a cover sheet, - a general description of the systems used in the project, - technical data on the configured plants, for low -voltage sw itchboards and distribution boards also including a heating estimation - a cover sheet for each plant on the created view s - a front view of the plants (only for medium-voltage sw itchgear, low -voltage sw itchboards and distribution boards) - and a circuit diagram (single-line) (only for medium-voltage sw itchgear and low -voltage sw itchboards). Furthermore, the complete output comprises a disclaimer in w hich statements - on disclaimers of liability - on cost estimates - on the project transfer from SIMARIS design - on the front view s created - on the circuit diagram (single-line) are made. Finally, this output provides a list of relevant standards for the plants and devices configurable w ith SIMARIS project.
Output cover sheet Output front view For each selected plant the follow ing output options can be selected and thus be integrated in the output. Output cover sheet Select and click . One sheet is output each for the technical data and the comment (only for medium-voltage sw itchgear, low -voltage sw itchboards and distribution boards). Output front view Select and click . A front view is output (only for medium-voltage sw itchgear, low -voltage sw itchboards and distribution boards). Output circuit diagram (singleline)
Select and click . (only for medium-voltage sw itchgear and low -voltage sw itchboards).
Create specification in GAEB 81 form at Create specification in .rtf format Create specification in GAEB 81 format
Select and click . A w indow opens in w hich you can select the desired storage path via the "Brow se..." button and in another w indow the file name. Then, click "Save" to return to the first w indow in w hich you can then complete the process by clicking the "Finish" button. Files in German are automatically stored w ith filename.d81, files in English w ith filename. x81.
Select and click . A w indow opens in w hich you can select the desired storage location via the "Brow se..." button and in another w indow the file name. Then, click "Save" to return to the first w indow in w hich you can complete the process by clicking the "Finish" button. Files in German and English are automatically saved w ith filename.rtf. In the .rtf document that is generated, you can add a Table of Contents by selecting the follow ing text on the second page of the document and pressing F9, or by selecting "Update Fields" from the context menu using the right mouse button.
In this case, location and name of the files to be created are queried one after another similar to the procedure described above.
Data transfer from SIMARIS design To determine a budget and also the space requirements for a pow er distribution dimensioned w ith SIMARIS design, you can import a corresponding export file from SIMARIS design into SIMARIS project. Directly select "Import from SIMARIS design" in the start w izard w hen starting the program or, if the program is open, via the menu item Project Import from SIMARIS design and then select a SIMARIS design file w ith the extension .sx by clicking the "Brow se..." button. By clicking the "Next" button, the SIMARIS design file is imported and w hen subsequently clicking the "Finish" button the corresponding view s and lists are created. Depending on the size of the project, this process might take some time. Based on the data applied from SIMARIS design, the required plants are directly generated, listed in the project tree and displayed in the program step "System Planning" as parts list or front view . Unrecognized components are marked or listed correspondingly. Detected protective devices at outgoing feeders of busbar systems are transferred to the respective tap-off units. Subsequently, the individual, automatically generated plants can be post-processed as required.
Gas-insulated for secondary distribution level - Up to 17.5 kV, 25 kA or 24 kV, 20 kA - Busbar 630 A, feeders up to 630 A - Factory-built, type-tested sw itchgear in accordance w ith IEC 62271-200 - Metal-enclosed - Single busbar - Gas-insulated, tight for lifetime - Flexible because mountable side by side and blockable - Individual panels and block versions - Fully flexible system concept expandable to both sides w ith panels or blocks - Sw itching devices and protection schemes optimised for each sw itching task
8.2 Transformers
GEAFOL cast-resin transform ers Wherever distribution transformers must insure utmost safety in areas frequented by people or w hich require protection of w ater, Siemens GEAFOL cast-resin transformers are the perfect solution. Properties High operating safety Very good electrical, mechanical and thermal properties Hardly inflammable, self-extinguishing, no toxic gas emission in case of fire Vacuum casting of the high-voltage w inding allow s for a long lifetime because of freedom from partial discharges up to tw ice the rated voltage Particularly environmentally friendly, maintenance-free, no structural requirements w ith regard to oil pan and low -noise
Cast-resin transformers for highest requirements in terms of personal protection and fire load, suitable for operation in buildings w ithout additional measures Variants provided in SIMARIS project: - Apparent pow er from 250 kVA to 2,500 kVA - Rated voltage (primary voltage) from 6 kV to 30 kV Cast-resin transformers for highest requirements in terms of personal protection and fire load, suitable for operation in buildings w ithout additional measures, particularly economical Variants provided in SIMARIS project: - Apparent pow er from 630 kVA to 2,500 kVA - Rated voltage (primary voltage) from 10 kV to 30 kV
Oil transform ers On the last transformation stage from the pow er plant to the consumer, distribution transformers provide the required energy for systems and buildings. Therefore, they must not only operate reliably and economically but also silently. Siemens oil distribution transformers meet these demands and are suitable for extreme climatic conditions and for installation in confined spaces in distribution systems as w ell as in industrial plants. Properties Excellent electrical, mechanical and thermal properties Use of biodegradable cooling liquids Customized distribution transformers for almost every application and site Low values of loss and noise emission due to the use of silicon-alloyed electrical sheets
For economic operation w ithout specific requirements, maintenance -free Variants provided in SIMARIS project: - Apparent pow er from 50 kVA to 2,500 kVA - Rated voltage (primary voltage) from 10 kV to 20 kV For economic operation w ithout specific requirements, higher thermal load Variants provided in SIMARIS project: - Apparent pow er from 50 kVA to 2,500 kVA - Rated voltage (primary voltage) from 10 kV to 20 kV
BD01 system
BD2 system
LD system
LX system
The overview states the designations of the various components of a busbar trunking system taking the BD2 system as an example.
For surface-mounting, degree of protection IP 43, safety class 1, for use up to 400 A
For surface-mounting, degree of protection IP 43, safety class 2, for use up to 160 A
The components of the ALPHA distribution boards, i.e. the mounting kits and accessories, are provided in a platform structure.
When configuring w ith SIMARIS project, types from the ALPHA SIMBOX small distribution boards product range are used as sub-distribution boards for low er currents up to 63 A. These have been tested in accordance w ith DIN VDE 0603, DIN 43871, IEC 60439-3. ALPHA SIMBOX sm all distribution boards (DIN) 8GB For flush-mounting, degree of protection IP 30, safety class 2
In order to be able to plan the functionality required for the project to be edited, the devices suitable for the respective distribution board size are provided for selection, such as built-in equipment for electrical installations, compact circuit-breakers, sw itch disconnectors, in-line fuse sw itch disconnectors, etc.
Siemens AG Infrastructure & Cities Sector Low and Medium Voltage Division Low Voltage Distribution P.O. Box 48 06 90026 NUREMBERG Germany The information provided in this brochure contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in actual case of use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners. Subject to technical changes without prior notice 10/11 Siemens AG 2011 Printed in Germany