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Теорія та методика фізичного виховання ISSN 1993-7989 (print)

Physical Education Theory and Methodology ISSN 1993-7997 (online)

Teorìâ ta Metodika Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ ISSN-L 1993-7989

Original scientific article

Assessing the Effect of Traditional Games on Manipulative

Movements in Elementary School Students Based on Gender
Nugroho Puji Santoso1ABCD, Subagyo1BCD, Nurhadi Santoso1ACD,
Trisnar Adi Prabowo1CDE and Wahyu Dwi Yulianto1CDE
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Authors’ Contribution: A – Study design; B – Data collection; C – Statistical analysis; D – Manuscript Preparation; E – Funds Collection

Corresponding Author: Nugroho Puji Santoso, E-mail: [email protected]
Accepted for Publication: June 10, 2024
Published: June 30, 2024

DOI: 10.17309/tmfv.2024.3.13

Background. Manipulative movements are essential for children’s development, which can be found in traditional
games, representing manifestation of local wisdom that has been passed down from generation to generation.
Objectives. This study aimed to examine the effect of traditional games on the manipulative movements of
elementary school students based on gender.
Materials and methods. This experimental study comprised two pretest-posttest groups without control variables.
Data collection on pretest and posttest was carried out using three types of tests, namely throwing, catching,
and kicking. A total of 60 students aged between 9 and 12 years were selected to participate in this study. The sample
consisted of 30 male students (height 140.21±6.2 cm, and weight 35.77±5.6 kg), and 30 female students (height

138.4±6.8 cm and weight 34±4.1 kg).

Results. The t-test analysis showed that the test results for male students were as follows: throwing 0.011<0.05,
catching 0.007<0.05, and kicking 0.003<0.05. Then, the test results for the female students were: throwing 0.013<0.05,

catching 0.017<0.05, and kicking 0.012<0.05. The results of the independent t-test indicated that the throwing,
catching, and kicking tests revealed a statistical significance (p < 0.05) in both male and female students.
Conclusions. The implementation of traditional games has been found to enhance the manipulative movements
of elementary school students, as evidenced by positive changes observed in the pretest and posttest results. The
improvement was achieved, among others, through the adaptation of traditional games following the characteristics
of students’ development. Therefore, the conceptualization of physical learning within the framework of traditional

games proved to be applicable and practical.

Keywords: traditional games, manipulative movement, elementary school, children’s games.

Introduction running, jumping, and crawling. In contrast, non-locomotor

motion involves changes in body position without significant
Motor development in elementary school-aged children physical displacement, such as bending, bending, and
is an important aspect that influences various aspects of twisting (Siregar et al., 2021; Sunanto et al., 2022). On the
their lives, including learning abilities and social interactions other hand, manipulative motion is concerned with the use
(Samodra et al., 2023). Three types of movements that are of hands and fingers to control, manipulate, and interact with
important in children’s motor development are locomotor objects or the surrounding environment, such as grasping,
movements, non-locomotor movements, and manipulative throwing, catching, and cutting (Setyawan et al., 2024).
movements. Locomotor motion refers to physical Traditional games have become an integral part of the
displacement from one place to another, such as walking, culture and history of Indonesian society (Maulidiyyah &
Purwoko, 2023). However, with technological advancements
© Santoso, N. P., Subagyo, Santoso, N., Prabowo, T. A., & and lifestyle changes, traditional games are often marginalized
Yulianto, W. D., 2024. by more passive modern games. It raises concerns about
the potential impact on children’s motor development of
Santoso, N. P., Subagyo, Santoso, N., Prabowo, T. A., & Yulianto, W. D. (2024). Assessing the Effect of Traditional Games on
Manipulative Movements in Elementary School Students Based on Gender

incredibly manipulative movements (Yılmaz & Griffiths, movements on children’s development, research examining
2023). Games have a significant impact on the development the direct influence of traditional games on this aspect is
of manipulative movements in children. The results of limited. Therefore, this study aims to explore in more depth
previous studies have shown that children who engage in the influence of traditional games in increasing manipulative
varied physical activities, such as throwing and kicking a movements of elementary school students. Through an
ball, crawling around a playground, or holding a pencil while experimental approach, this study seeks to make a significant
colouring, can strengthen the muscles of their hands and contribution to the understanding of the role of traditional
fingers, as well as their legs (Samsudin et al., 2022). Traditional games in supporting children’s motor development, especially
games also provide opportunities for children to engage in in the context of manipulative movements. The results of
sensory exploration by touching, smelling, or sensing different this study are expected to provide a more vigorous basis
objects, so they help increasing their sensory sensitivity for developing more holistic and sustainable educational
and developing the ability to control movement with more strategies for elementary school-age children.
precision (Hartanto et al., 2021; Mujriah et al., 2022).
In addition, games often require strategic thinking
Materials and Methods
and fast movements that require the use of manipulative
motions, such as sodor carts, fish nets, and balloon racing Study Participants

games (Septianto et al., 2024). The social interactions that
occur during play also contribute to the development The sample of this study were elementary school

of manipulative motions, as children learn to share, students from SD Negeri 3 Bantul, SD Negeri 1 Bantul and SD
communicate, and collaborate with peers or family Muhammadiyah Serut. Those students were in grades 4, 5,
members through activities involving ball, such as sepak and 6 with a total of 130 students, but the sample was selected
tekong (Anggraini et al., 2023; Mensa et al., 2023). Games through random sampling. Thus, the selected students were

provide a fun and engaging context for children to practice 60 students aged 9-12 years. The characteristics of students
manipulative movements without feeling like doing a tedious were analyzed based on age, height and weight (mean ± SD).
task or exercise, as they can enjoy playtime while learning and The sample consisted of 30 male students (height 140.21±6.2
developing. Thus, games are a rich and beneficial means for cm, and weight 35.77±5.6 kg), and 30 female students (height
children to practice and develop their manipulative motor 138.4±6.8 cm and weight 34±4.1 kg). In addition, this study
skills in a natural and enjoyable way (Rejeki et al., 2022). has received approval from parents.
The results of further studies show that traditional
games have a significant impact on academic achievement
Study Organization
through increasing students’ manipulative movements
(Nasution et al., 2022). Active participation in traditional The type of this research is an experiment with two
games allows students to develop their fine motor skills in a pretest-posttest groups without control variables. Data
fun and natural way (Hafeez, 2022). This ability is essential collection on pretest and posttest was carried out with
in performing academic tasks such as writing, drawing, and three types of tests, namely throwing, catching, and kicking

colouring. Furthermore, traditional games often involve (Setyawan et al., 2024). The traditional games done were
elements of problem-solving strategy. When students engage gobak sodor, fish nets, engklek and balloon racing. The
in such games, they must think of appropriate steps and treatment was carried out for six weeks with three weeks of

manipulate objects or situations according to the rules or training. Training was conducted on Monday, Wednesday,
objectives of the game (Milenia & Nurharini, 2024). These and Friday from 08.00-09.00, with the duration of one
abilities build the cognitive skills necessary to solve academic game was 30 minutes. The following is the traditional game
problems, such as understanding instructions, planning treatment program in Table 1.
solutions, and evaluating outcomes. Then traditional games

also have story elements or cultural contexts. Through these

Statistical Analysis
traditional games, students can expand their knowledge of
specific cultures, histories, and traditions (Wibowo et al., Analysis of this study was done using a t-test and
2023). This knowledge can increase students' interest and paired sample t-test with a significance value (p < 0.05). The
understanding of history, language, or cultural arts. t-test was carried out to test for differences before and after
Although scientific literature has provided sufficient treatment. At the same time, the paired sample t-test was used
understanding of the importance of manipulative to test the difference in training results of male and female

Table 1. Traditional games program (FN: Fish Nets, GS: Gobak Sodor, EK: Engklek, BR: Balloon Racing)
1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week
Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday
4 Week
5th Week 6 Week

Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday Monday Wednesday Friday


ISSN 1993-7989. eISSN 1993-7997. ISSN-L 1993-7989. Physical Education Theory and Methodology. Vol. 24, Num. 3

students. Before conducting the t-test and paired sample Table 4. T-test results
t-test, it will first pass the normality test and homogeneity
test. Data analysis of this study used the help of SPSS 26. Sig.
Gender Test Test Type t df
Throwing 2.605 59 0.011
Results Pretest-
Male Catching 2.932 59 0.007
The following is a data analysis based on statistical Posttest
analysis to test the purpose of this study. The first analysis Kicking 3.144 59 0.003
is to conduct an assumption test through a normality test. Throwing 2.274 59 0.013
Table 2. Normality test results Female
Catching 2.119 59 0.017

Shapiro-Wilk Kicking 2.645 59 0.012

Gender Test Test Type
Statistic df Sig. that traditional games affect the manipulative movements
Throwing 0.074 29 0.091 of male and female students at the elementary school level.
Pretest Catching 0.144 29 0.127 Subsequent analysis by comparing test results in the male

and female student groups aimed to analyze the effect of
Kicking 0.246 29 0.174 traditional games on the two groups.

Throwing 0.067 29 0.103
Table 5. Independent sample t-test results
Posttest Catching 0.139 29 0.158
Kicking 0.253 29 0.131 Male – Female Test Differences t df

Throwing 0.082 29 0.145 Equal variances assumed 1.854 59 0.071
Pretest Catching 0.125 29 0.147 Throwing
Equal variances not assumed 1.854 7.867 0.071
Kicking 0.239 29 0.112 Equal variances assumed 1.770 59 0.083
Female Catching
Throwing 0.073 29 0.186 Equal variances not assumed 1.770 7.188 0.083
Posttest Catching 0.129 29 0.181 Equal variances assumed 1.812 59 0.077
Kicking 0.233 29 0.193 Kicking
Equal variances not assumed 1.812 7.312 0.077
Based on the results of Table 2, the normality test using Based on the results of Table 5, regarding the throwing
Shapiro-Wilk from the pretest-posttest results on male test results of the male and female students, the significance
and female students showed a significance value (> 0.05), value showed 0.071 > 0.05. The results of catching tests of
meaning that the data were normally distributed. The second the male and female students showed a significance value of

analysis is a homogeneity test to test whether the sample 0.083 > 0.05. The results of the kicking test of the male and
comes from the same population. female students showed a significance value of 0.077 > 0.05.
Based on the results of Table 5, there were no differences in

Table 3. Hypothesis test results throwing test, catching test, and kicking test of the male and
Levene female student groups, so traditional games were effective in
Gender Test Test Type df1 df2 Sig. improving the manipulative movements of male and female
elementary school students.
Throwing 0.798 1 59 0.379
Male Pretest-Posttest Catching 0.867 2 58 0.386 Discussion

Kicking 0.394 1 59 0.551

This study aims to explore the effect of traditional games
Throwing 0.582 1 59 0.483 on manipulative movements of elementary school students
Female Pretest-Posttest Catching 0.822 2 58 0.231 based on gender. The results showed that traditional games
can affect manipulative movements in elementary school
Kicking 0.441 1 59 0.428 students based on gender. It can be seen from the difference
in increasing values from pretest and posttest tests. In
Based on the results of Table 3, the homogeneity test addition, the results showed a significant increase after
of the pretest-posttest results in male and female students being given traditional game materials. The results of this
came from the same population. Therefore, from the results study are supported by previous studies that explain that
of the assumption test through the normality test and traditional games can improve body skills and balance and
homogeneity test, the research data is feasible to do t t-test build a fit physique (Kusuma et al., 2021). The increase also
and independent sample t-test. occurs because traditional games provide opportunities for
Based on the results on Table 4, male students showed children to play in groups, the equipment used is simple,
pretest-posttest results on the throwing test 0.011 < 0.05, the contains cultural values, and is carried out with pleasure
catching test 0.007 < 0.05, and the kicking test 0.003 < 0.05. without pressure (Suryadi, Nasrulloh, et al., 2024) Other
Then, the female students showed pretest-posttest results on research results also show that traditional games serve as an
the throwing test 0.013 < 0.05, the catching test 0.017 < 0.05, element of education that encourages the development of
and the kicking test 0.012 < 0.05. Thus, it can be explained fundamental movement skills (Suherman et al., 2019).

Santoso, N. P., Subagyo, Santoso, N., Prabowo, T. A., & Yulianto, W. D. (2024). Assessing the Effect of Traditional Games on
Manipulative Movements in Elementary School Students Based on Gender

Based on this foundation, the movement activities in- positive­changes in the results of the pretest and posttest.
cluded in the modified traditional games include basic move- The improvement was carried out, among others, through
ments. Modification of traditional games in accordance with the adaptation of traditional games in accordance with the
the principle of development has contributed to the improve- characteristics­of students’ development. These games com-
ment of students’ movement skills (Suryadi, Nasrulloh, et al., bine a fun approach, tailoring activities to students’ move-
2024). The games are arranged in a straightforward manner, ment skills. Furthermore, game modification adheres to
ensuring that students can easily engage and understand the the principles and aspects that are conducive to the learn-
gameplay. The game is designed not only to improve and ing experience of elementary school students. The results
foster students’ manipulative movement abilities but also to contribute valuable insights in the field of physical educa-
encourage decision-making during gameplay and encourage tion for elementary school students. To further enhance the
students’ motor skills. Achieve and advance game goals and study findings,­future researchers may consider or evaluate­
align with learning principles. the appropriateness of different methods of adjusting
The result of the research is to improve manipulative demographics.
movements through traditional games for elementary
school students based on gender. In addition, traditional Conflicts of Interest
games contribute to improving students’ movement skills

so as to help students develop their motor skills (Harianto No conflicts of interest exist.
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Нугрохо Пуджі Сантосо1ABCD, Субагйо1BCD, Нурхаді Сантосо1ACD,

Триcнар Аді Прабово1CDE, Вахʼю Дві Юліанто1CDE

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Реферат. Стаття: 7 с., 5 табл., 38 джерел.

Історія питання. Маніпуляційні рухи є важливим компонентом в процесі розвитку дітей, які можна зустріти в тра-
диційних іграх, представляючи втілення місцевої мудрості, що передається з покоління в покоління.

Мета дослідження. Метою цього дослідження було вивчення впливу традиційних ігор на розвиток маніпуляційних
рухів учнів початкових класів з урахуванням статевої приналежності.
Матеріали та методи. Експериментальне дослідження складалося з двох передтестових і післятестових груп за від-
сутності контрольних змінних. Збирання даних на етапах передтестового та післятестового дослідження було проведено
за допомогою трьох типів тестів, а саме: виконання кидка, ловіння предмета та удару ногою. Для участі в дослідженні було
відібрано 60 учнів віком від 9 до 12 років. Вибірка складалася з 30 хлопців Вибірка складалася з 30 студентів чоловічої статі
(зріст – 140,21±6,2 см, вага – 35,77±5,6 кг), та 30 студенток (зріст 138,4±6,8 см і вага 34±4,1 кг).
Результати. Аналіз t-критерію показав наступні результати для учнів чоловічої статі: виконання кидка 0,011 < 0,05,
ловіння предмета 0,007 < 0,05 і удар ногою 0,003 < 0,05. Тоді як результати тесту для дівчат були представлені наступ-
ним чином: виконання кидка 0,013 < 0,05, ловіння предмета 0,017 < 0,05 і удар ногою 0,012 < 0,05. Отримані результати
t-критерію для незалежних вибірок свідчать про те, що показники тестів на виконання кидків, ловіння предмета та ударів
ногою мають статистичну значущість (p < 0,05) як у дітей чоловічої, так і жіночої статі.
Висновки. Встановлено, що впровадження традиційних ігор сприяє підвищенню рівня розвитку маніпуляційних
рухів в учнів початкових класів, про що свідчать позитивні зміни, які спостерігаються в результатах передтестового та
післятестового етапів дослідження. Покращення показників було досягнуто, зокрема, шляхом адаптації традиційних ігор
відповідно до особливостей розвитку учнів. Таким чином, концептуалізація фізичного навчання в рамках застосування
традиційних ігор довела свою доцільність і практичну значущість.
Ключові слова: традиційні ігри, маніпуляційні рухи, початкова школа, ігри для дітей.

ISSN 1993-7989. eISSN 1993-7997. ISSN-L 1993-7989. Physical Education Theory and Methodology. Vol. 24, Num. 3

Information about the authors:

Santoso, Nugroho Puji: [email protected];; Department of Sport and
Health Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok,
Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Subagyo: [email protected];; Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Universitas
Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Santoso, Nurhadi: [email protected];; Department of Sport and Health
Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok, Kabupaten
Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Prabowo, Trisnar Adi: [email protected];; Department of Sport and
Health Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok,
Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.
Yulianto, Wahyu Dwi: [email protected];; Department of Sport
and Health Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta No.1, Karang Malang, Caturtunggal, Kec. Depok,
Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.

Cite this article as: Santoso, N. P., Subagyo, Santoso, N., Prabowo, T. A., & Yulianto, W. D. (2024). Assessing the Effect of
Traditional Games on Manipulative Movements in Elementary School Students Based on Gender. Physical Education Theory and
Methodology, 24(3), 441-448.
Received: 24.05.2024. Accepted: 10.06.2024. Published: 30.06.2024

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