Estimating and Costing of CMB 73lakh Revised
Estimating and Costing of CMB 73lakh Revised
Estimating and Costing of CMB 73lakh Revised
Supplying & installation of following fluorescent tube ligth set 14.00 2,459.50 34,433.00
fixture complete with tube, choke, starter, capacitor as per
3 drawing and specification all complete.
4 Supplying & installation of 10 W LED bulb set 14.00 823.00 11,522.00
Supplying and installation of Duct fan of approved quality
as per drawiing and specification instructed by site set 7.00 5,095.00 35,665.00
5 incharge all complete
Supplying and installation of Wall fan of approved quality
as per drawiing and specification instructed by site set 6.00 2,900.00 17,400.00
6 incharge all complete
Supply and installation of light points wiring from DB to
various points with 2 nos of 3/22 copper wire through 16 or
20 mm HDPE conduit concealed via jucntion box and points 82.00 1,440.00 118,080.00
switch as per instruction and drawings including all
7 materials required
Supply and installation of 3 pin power socket point wiring
with 2 nos of7/22 and 1 no of 3/22 copper wire through 16
or 20 mm HDPE conduit concealed from SDB to various points 22.00 1,440.00 31,680.00
points as per instruction and drawings including all
8 materials required
Supply and installation of 3 pin socket point approved
quality 3 pin power socket (CPL Brand) as per specification set 22.00 690.00 15,180.00
9 all complete
Supply And Installation of Switch all complete set as per
set 40.00 580.40 23,216.00
10 site engineer
C Sanitary Items -
Providing and fixing in position 550x400 white glazed
earthen ware single hole hand wash basin with Q standard
brackets with nuts 15 mm dia. CP pillar cock, 32 mm PVC set 3.00 7,321.00 21,963.00
bottel trap with pedestrail stand tail & pieces, 15 mm dia.
CP approved angle cocks with 450 mm long PVC
reinforced connector pipe with both end couping joints etc,
testing & ready for operation as per specification and
1 approval of site incharge, all complete.
Providing and fixing of Stainless Steel Basin Mixture with
set 3.00 7,400.00 22,200.00
2 all complete set as per site engineer
Providing and fixing UPVC floor trap 110 mm dia inlet 75
mm dia outlet with 110 mm dia stainless steel grating of set 2.00 545.80 1,091.60
heavy type including cutting floors & walls & making goods
3 to its original finish all complete.
Supplying And Fixing of CPVC Pipe 3/4" dia for
compressed air pipe fitting and water as per engineer all rm 150.00 264.70 39,705.00
4 complete
Supplying And Fixing of CPVC Pipeline 1" dia all
rm 150.00 388.79 58,318.50
5 complete as per site engineer
Supplying and Fixing of 2" PVC Pipeline (6 kg/cm2) with
rm 150.00 294.40 44,160.00
6 fitting & Bends all Complete
Supplying and Fixing of 4" PVC Pipeline (6 kg/cm2) with
rm 150.00 960.60 144,090.00
7 fitting & Bends all Complete
Providing & fixing in position1000 ltr. Capacity vertical/
horizontal cylinder PVC water tank of syntex or equivalent
make with required supports including hosting and fixing set 1.00 17,000.00 17,000.00
with necessary connection all complete with testing and
8 ready for operation
Providing & fixing 7' height Tank stand with necessary set 1.00 25,000.00 25,000.00
connection all complete with testing and ready for operation
9 as per drawings, specification and approval of site inchrge.
Providing & fixing in position approved 1" GM gate valve all
set 2.00 2,000.00 4,000.00
10 complete.
11 Supply and fixing of CP short body tap set 4.00 1,084.80 4,339.20
Supplying Fitting and fixing of water pump of 1 HP set 1.00 15,405.00 15,405.00
14 (cromptom, monoblock) with necessary all complete fitting
Supply and Fixing of stainless steel Sink all complete as
set 4.00 3,500.00 14,000.00
15 per site engineer
Supplying Fitting and fixing of Wall Mixture with necessary
set 1.00 5,619.97 5,619.97
16 all complete fitting
Providing and fixing of CP Soap case with all necesssary
set 7.00 1,596.40 11,174.80
17 accessories all Complete Set
Supplying Fitting and fixing of Urinal with necessary all
set 3.00 4,830.00 14,490.00
18 complete fitting
Supplying Fitting and fixing of Urinal Partition with
set 3.00 4,640.00 13,920.00
19 necessary all complete fitting
Sub Total 6,538,742.52
VAT @ 13% 850,036.53
Total 7,388,779.05
Bill of Quantities
Supply and installation of 3 pin power socket point wiring Supply and installation of 3 pin power socket point wiring
with 2 nos of7/22 and 1 no of 3/22 copper wire through 16 with 2 nos of7/22 and 1 no of 3/22 copper wire through 16
8 or 20 mm HDPE conduit concealed from SDB to various or 20 mm HDPE conduit concealed from SDB to various points 22.00 1,440.00 31,680.00
points as per instruction and drawings including all points as per instruction and drawings including all
materials required materials required
Supply and installation of 3 pin socket point approved Supply and installation of 3 pin socket point approved
9 quality 3 pin power socket (CPL Brand) as per specification quality 3 pin power socket (CPL Brand) as per specification set 22.00 690.00 15,180.00
all complete all complete
Supply And Installation of Switch all complete set as per Supply And Installation of Switch all complete set as per
10 set 40.00 580.40 23,216.00
site engineer site engineer
C Sanitary Items -