Shatadhanva killed Satrajit, stole the jewel, Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Why is the
and fled. Lord Krishna pursued him, killed wedding delayed?” The two messengers
him, and later took the jewel from Akrura. said: “They think you will not give your per-
mission for the wedding. They think King
sametya yadu-våndaà pratoñya ba- Vasudeva and the other elders of the family
hu-karmä are shy to ask you to give your permission.”
sa eña tava goñöha-kñitéça kåta-çarmä Then Vraja’s King Nanda said to everyone:
vrajasya nayanälià bibharti jita-tandraù “Many fortunate and glorious girls are now
sadäpi paripürëas tvadéya-kula-candraù being offered to my son. Still, there is hesi-
tation because of me. A general letter should
O Nanda, O king of Vraja, Lord Krishna be sent to remove this hesitation.”
then met with the Yädavas and pleased them Everyone then said: “ Yes. The letter should
in many ways. Lord Krishna is a full moon be given to Uddhava.” Vraja’s King Nanda
eternally rising in your family, a full moon said: “Please write down the words as I
that is the life of all the eyes of Vraja. speak: “O Uddhava, destiny has now broken
into pieces and scattered here and there the
Then Madhukantha said: Then the next thing that was my great desire. O Uddhava,
pair of messengers arrived and said to Vraja’s I hereby grant you permission to arrange for
King Nanda: “All happiness stays in Dvaraka Sri Krishna’s marriage with any devoted and
City. Still, one suffering has also taken its even slightly virtuous girls you think are suit-
birth there, a suffering that cannot be pulled able for Him. Let these girls become His wives
out by its roots. That suffering is: We do not and my daughters-in-law. May they, each in
know what will happen in the future.” her own house, serve my son Krishna.”
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Alas! What
do you mean?” The two messengers said: — Çré Gopäla-Campü of Srila Jiva Gosvami » Translation by
“Because to this day the ceremony of their Kushakratha Das
wedding to Sri Krishna is not yet performed,
the two girls Jambavati and Satyabhama are
fasting. They refuse to eat.”