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Çré Annadä Ekädaçé Issue no: 241 30th August 2024

The Story of the Jewel

The Syamantaka Jewel
Srila Sukadeva Gosvami

The Mock Fighting

His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada

The Story of the Jewel

Srila Jiva Goswami
Issue no 241, Page — 2 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä

The Syamantaka Jewel cherished descendant of Yadu! Lord Savita has

Srila Sukadeva Gosvami come to see You, O Lord of the universe. He is
blinding everyone’s eyes with his intensely efful-
Shukadeva Gosvami said: Having offended gent rays. The most exalted demigods in the three
Lord Krishna, Satrajit tried as best he could to worlds are certainly anxious to seek You out, O
atone by presenting Him with his daughter and Lord, now that You have hidden Yourself among
the Syamantaka jewel. the Yadu dynasty. Thus the unborn sun-god has
Maharaja Parikshit inquired: O brähmaëa, come to see You here.
what did King Satrajit do to offend Lord Krishna? Shukadeva Gosvami continued: Hearing these
Where did he get the Syamantaka jewel, and why innocent words, the lotus-eyed Lord smiled
did he give his daughter to the Supreme Lord? broadly and said, “This is not the sun-god, Ravi,
Shukadeva Gosvami said: Surya, the sun-god, but rather Satrajit, who is glowing because of his
felt great affection for his devotee Satrajit. Acting as jewel.” King Satrajit entered his opulent home,
his greatest friend, the demigod gave him the jewel
called Syamantaka as a token of his satisfaction. festively executing auspicious rituals. He had
Wearing the jewel on his neck, Satrajit entered qualified brahmanas install the Syamantaka jewel
Dvaraka. He shone as brightly as the sun itself, in the house’s temple room. Each day the gem
O King, and thus he went unrecognized because would produce eight bharas of gold, my dear
of the jewel’s effulgence. As the people looked Prabhu, and the place in which it was kept and
at Satrajit from a distance, his brilliance blinded properly worshiped would be free of calamities
them. They presumed he was the sun-god, Surya, such as famine or untimely death, and also of evils
and went to tell Lord Krishna, who was at that like snake bites, mental and physical disorders
time playing at dice. and the presence of deceitful persons. On one
[The residents of Dvaraka said:] Obeisances occasion Lord Krishna requested Satrajit to give
unto You, O Narayana, O holder of the conch, disc the jewel to the Yadu king, Ugrasena, but Satrajit
and club, O lotus-eyed Damodara, O Govinda, O was so greedy that he refused. He gave no thought

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 241, Page—3
to the seriousness of the offense he committed by inal person, the supreme, all-powerful controller.
denying the Lord’s request. You are the ultimate creator of all creators of the
Once Satrajit’s brother, Prasena, having hung the universe, and of everything created You are the
brilliant jewel about his neck, mounted a horse and underlying substance. You are the subduer of all
went hunting in the forest. A lion killed Prasena subduers, the Supreme Lord and Supreme Soul
and his horse and took the jewel. But when the of all souls. You are He who impelled the ocean
lion entered a mountain cave he was killed by to give way when His sidelong glances, slightly
Jambavan, who wanted the jewel. Within the cave manifesting His anger, disturbed the crocodiles and
Jambavan let his young son have the Syamantaka timingila fish within the watery depths. You are
jewel as a toy to play with. Meanwhile Satrajit, not He who built a great bridge to establish His fame,
seeing his brother return, became deeply troubled. who burned down the city of Lanka, and whose
He said, “Krishna probably killed my brother, who arrows severed the heads of Ravana, which then
went to the forest wearing the jewel on his neck.” fell to the ground.
The general populace heard this accusation and be- Shukadeva Gosvami continued: O King, Lord
gan whispering it in one another’s ears. When Lord Krishna then addressed the king of the bears, who
Krishna heard this rumor, He wanted to remove had understood the truth. The lotus-eyed Per-
the stain on His reputation. So He took some of sonality of Godhead, the son of Devaki, touched
Dvaraka’s citizens with Him and set out to retrace Jambavan with His hand, which bestows all
Prasena’s path. In the forest they found Prasena blessings, and spoke to His devotee with sublime
and his horse, both killed by the lion. Further on compassion, His grave voice deeply resounding
they found the lion dead on a mountainside, slain like a cloud.
by Rksa [Jambavan]. [Lord Krishna said:] It is for this jewel, O lord
The Lord stationed His subjects outside the terri- ofthe bears, that we have come to your cave. I
fying, pitch-dark cave of the king of the bears, and intend to use the jewel to disprove the false ac-
then He entered alone. There Lord Krishna saw cusations against Me. Thus addressed, Jambavan
that the most precious of jewels had been made happily honored Lord Krishna by offering Him
into a child’s plaything. Determined to take it away, his maiden daughter, Jambavati, together with
He approached the child. The child’s nurse cried the jewel.
out in fear upon seeing that extraordinary person After Lord Shauri had entered the cave, the peo-
standing before them. Jambavan, strongest of the ple of Dvaraka who had accompanied Him had
strong, heard her cries and angrily ran toward the waited twelve days without seeing Him come out
Lord. Unaware of His true position and thinking again. Finally they had given up and returned to
Him an ordinary man, Jambavan angrily began their city in great sorrow. When Devaki, Rukmini
fighting with the Supreme Lord, his master. The devi, Vasudeva and the Lord’s other relatives and
two fought furiously in single combat, each de- friends heard that He had not come out of the
termined to win. Contending against each other cave, they all lamented. Cursing Satrajit, the sor-
with various weapons and then with stones, tree rowful residents of Dvaraka approached the Durga
trunks and finally their bare arms, they struggled deity named Candrabhaga and prayed to her for
like two hawks battling over a piece of flesh. The Krishna’s return. When the citizens had finished
fight went on without rest for twenty-eight days, worshiping the demigoddess, she spoke to them
the two opponents striking each other with their in response, promising to grant their request. Just
fists, which fell like the cracking blows of lightning. then Lord Krishna, who had achieved His purpose,
His bulging muscles pummeled by the blows of appeared before them in the company of His new
Lord Krishna’s fists, his strength faltering and his wife, filling them with joy. Seeing Lord Hrishike-
limbs perspiring, Jambavan, greatly astonished, sha return as if from death, accompanied by His
finally spoke to the Lord. new wife and wearing the Syamantaka jewel on
[Jambavan said:] I know now that You are the His neck, all the people were roused to jubilation.
life air and the sensory, mental and bodily strength Lord Krishna summoned Satrajit to the royal
of all living beings. You are Lord Vishnu, the orig- assembly. There, in the presence of King Ugrasena,

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Issue no 241, Page — 4 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
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Krishna announced the recovery of the jewel and Although Jambavan was a devotee by nature,
then formally presented it to Satrajit. Hanging his he did not know that his opponent was Krishna
head in great shame, Satrajit took the gem and while giving service to the Lord by his bodily
returned home, all the while feeling remorse for strength. But as soon as Krishna was pleased by
his sinful behavior. Pondering over his grievous the fighting, Jambavan immediately understood
offense and worried about the possibility of that his opponent was none other than the Su-
conflict with the Lord’s mighty devotees, King preme Lord Himself. The conclusion is that he
Satrajit thought, “How can I cleanse myself of could understand Krishna by his service, for
my contamination, and how may Lord Acyuta Krishna is sometimes satisfied by fighting also.
become satisfied with me? What can I do to re-
gain my good fortune and avoid being cursed by — Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
the populace for being so short-sighted, miserly, Bonum » Chapter 55 » Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead
foolish and avaricious? I shall give my daughter, » By His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
the jewel of all women, to the Lord, together with
the Syamantaka jewel. That, indeed, is the only
proper way to pacify Him.” Having thus intelli- The Story of the Jewel
gently made up his mind, King Satrajit personally Srila Jiva Goswami
arranged to present Lord Krishna with his fair
daughter and the Syamantaka jewel. The Lord “One day, in the supremely glorious Sudharma
married Satyabhama in proper religious fashion. assembly-house, Sri Krishna played a game of dice
Possessed of excellent behavior, along with beau- with His contemporary kinsmen. As Krishna and
ty, broad-mindedness and all other good qualities, His friends were playing in this way, a group of
she had been sought by many men. frightened citizens making a great tumult and
The Supreme Personality of Godhead told agitated like a storm-tossed ocean flooding its
Satrajit: We do not care to take this jewel back, shores, hurriedly approached and spoke the fol-
lowing words: ‘A glorious person effulgent like
O King. You are the sun-god’s devotee, so let it the sun has come to see You. He is so effulgent
stay in your possession. Thus We will also enjoy that we cannot bear to look at him with our
its benefits. eyes. Please instruct him to make his effulgence
soft and gentle like the effulgence of the moon.’
— Çrémad-Bhägavatam (Bhägavata Puräëa) » Canto 10: The Summum
“Sri Krishna smiled and said: ‘The sun-god does
Bonum » Chapter 56 » Verses 1–45 » Translations by Disciples of His Divine
not disturb Me with his effulgence. This person
Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
you saw was Satrajit. Hew is not a rival to Me. Af-
ter offering a yajïa to the sun-god, he attained the
sun-god’s mercy. From the sun-god he attained
The Mock Fighting a great jewel.
His Divine Grace “‘It is well-known that an unimportant person
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada who attains great power from a person who is
truly great often becomes obnoxious and unbear-
In a sporting attitude, Krishna wanted to engage able for others. The sun itself does not produce
in a mock fight with His devotee. As we have excessive heat. But the sand on which it shines
experienced from the pages of Çrémad-Bhägavat- becomes unbearably hot. However, pushed by
am, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has all the passage of time, even that obnoxious person
the propensities and instincts of a human being. becomes gentle and peaceful.’
Sometimes, in a sportive spirit, He wishes to fight “The people of Dvaraka then laughed, went
to make a show of bodily strength, and when He again to see that effulgent person, and then again
so desires, He selects one of His suitable devo- returned to their homes. Now please hear one
tees to give Him that pleasure. Krishna desired thing more about the character of that very proud
this pleasure of mock fighting with Jambavan.

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 241, Page—5
person. As all the people listened, Uddhava, smiling protect his good reputation, but in the end that act
with a smile of surprise, said: “Look! Look! Not un- only destroyed whatever good reputation he had.
derstanding the glorious and exalted position of Sri Wearing the jewel around his neck, Prasena one
Krishna, who is like a jewel-treasure the sun-god, day mounted his horse, went alone into the forest
who is the origin of all jewels, keeps always in his to gain a wealth of sinful reactions by hunting
heart, Sri Krishna, who is like a glistening jewel fill- wild animals, and was then killed. This was the
ing the sky with light, Sri Krishna, who is like a sun news everyone openly spoke. In this way another
that destroys all darkness, Sri Krishna, who is the calamity fell upon Satrajit. Satrajit and the people
crest-jewel of the three worlds, Sri Krishna, who is that lived in his house claimed: ‘Krishna, pushed
a cintämaëi jewel adorning His glorious dynasty, Sri by a thirst to possess the jewel, killed Prasena.’
Krishna, who is the master of the Kaustubha jewel, Speaking these accusing words, they embarrassed
Sri Krishna, Satrajit, who was very proud of having Lord Krishna.”
obtained a glorious jewel, and who, thinking Him Hearing these descriptions, the people of Vraja
a rival, did not tell Sri Krishna about the jewel, said: “We love to hear of Sri Krishna’s glories. It is
returned to his own home and began a yajïa to be only because we can taste the sublime happiness of
performed by his own faithful family-brahmanas. hearing about Krishna’s activities that we can bear
In this way he carefully kept that jewel always in his the great suffering of being separated from Him.
house. Every day that jewel produced eight bharas People who accuse Sri Krishna in this way are evil
of gold. That jewel also prevented the appearance without limit. Their words fill our lives with suf-
of any calamity. ferings. So be it. Please tell what happened then.”
“What more shall I say? Satrajit is in no way equal The two messengers said: “After that we re-
to the glorious people of Vraja, people whom the turned here.” Day after day the people-of-Vraja’s
demigod Brahma praised by saying (Çrémad-Bhäga- hearts were filled with anguish. For a long time
vatam 10.14.35): “O Lord Krishna, these residents no messengers returned. Then, after a long time,
of Vrindavan have given You everything—their many messengers suddenly returned all at once.
bodies, their minds, their love, their homes. Perspiring, and now motionless, they said, in
Everything is being utilized for Your purpose.” voices choked with emotion: “All is well. All is
Wretched! Wretched is that King Satrajit! When, well.” Without pausing to offer him anything,
in order to see him, Sri Krishna, as if He were a Vraja’s King Nanda asked questions of the leader
beggar, requested that he give the jewel to King of the messengers. The messenger said: “Prasena
Ugrasena, Satrajit refused. Even the ordinary demi- was ripped apart by a lion, and the lion was ripped
gods, who are enamored by the external material apart by a great bear. After following the paths
energy, placed the pärijäta tree and many other they all left, entering the bear’s cave, fighting with
valuable gifts before Lord Krishna. Noble persons the bear for 28 days, and obtaining the jewel,
do not like to accept what is liked by dogs. A dog
will earnestly bark at noble and exalted persons. !! Sri Sri Nitai Gaurchandra Jayati !!
So be it. In time Satrajit will meet his appropriate ISKCON
punishment.” Bhägavata Mahävidyalaya
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Then? Then?” The is a branch of
two messengers said: “After that we came here. International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Founder-Acarya: His Divine Grace
Another pair of messengers will come in the near A.C. BhaktiVedanta Swami Prabhupada
future and report on the latest news.” Another
pair of messengers soon arrived. After arriving Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of
His Divine Grace
and asking the welfare of Vraja’s King Nanda and A.C. Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada
the people of Vraja, the two messengers reported
the most recent events. They said: “Seeing that ©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International.
Krishna thirsted to possess it, Satrajit gave the
©All the paintings are copyrights of their respective
jewel to his own brother Prasena. He did that to artists.

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Issue no 241, Page — 6 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
the bear’s daughter, and Satrajit’s daughter, Sri in that way. Please tell what happened next.” The
Krishna returned to His home. Now become messenger said: “Sri Krishna followed the bear’s
peaceful, Vraja’s King Nanda fed the messengers pawprints and thus found the entrance to the
and saw to their needs. Then, in the assembly of bear’s cave.” Vraja’s King Nanda and the other
the people of Vraja, he again asked them: “Please people of Vraja anxiously said: “Then? Then?”
tell everything in detail.” The messenger said: “Seeing that everyone else
A messenger said: “Day after day Satrajit and was afraid at heart to enter the cave, your son
his companions defamed Krishna with a host of Sri Krishna, who is filled with auspicious blisses,
secretly spoken blasphemous rumors. Your son entered the cave alone.”
Krishna, who is the most intelligent of all who Hearing these words, all the people of Vraja said:
are intelligent, pretending not to know what was “Then? Then?” After speaking these words, their
happening although he knew everything very voices became choked and they could not speak
well, assembled a group of a hundred righteous another word. The messenger said: “Entering the
persons not specifically partial to Him and ad- cave, with His sunlike effulgence breaking apart
dressed them, saying: ‘Please see how suddenly the cave’s blinding darkness, and then wonderful-
I am now under attack. Some people even crit- ly walking ahead, Sri Krishna finally saw the bear’s
icize King Ugrasena, the leader of the Yadavas. small son, who bore the name Sukumära, sitting
Therefore, let Us all go now and search for the on the ground and playing with the jewel. Seeing
dead body of Prasena.’ the child, not interfering in any way, not taking
Placing persons inclined to believe Satrajit’s away the jewel, waiting for the appropriate time
version in front and persons inclined to accept to act, and with curiosity watching the child as he
His version in the rear of the search party, even- played, Sri Krishna, who is glorified by the verses
tually finding the hoofprints of a horse, worrying of the scriptures, stood there. Seeing the sudden
that the hoofprints were largely obscured by the entrance of the wonderful and unprecedented
marks left by various vehicles, and in the end visitor, the nurse taking care of the child trembled
walking with His own lotus feet, Sri Krishna in fear. She thought: “This person is splendid
found the dead bodies of both Prasena and his like a new cloud. His face is effulgent like a rising
horse. Seeing there the pawprints of a lion, He nectar-ray moon. His eyes are like two beautiful
followed those prints until He found the dead lotus flowers. He seems interested in both the
body of the lion, a lion that had been killed by child and the jewel. Now my heart trembles in
a great bear. The paw-marks of the bear on the fear. Now I can no longer walk on the path of
ground restored the purity of Sri Krishna’s repu- peaceful calmness.” Considering the situation,
tation amongst the people.” and concerned for the welfare of the child, the
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “What happened to nurse began to call out. When the nurse called out,
the jewel that had caused Sri Krishna’s rivals to Jambavan, his eyes bitten by ferocious anger, and
become anointed with so many doubts?” The with those eyes sipping the nectar of Sri Krishna’s
messenger said: “Even after a great search, no one handsomeness, and, manifested great chivalrous
could find the jewel.” Vraja’s King Nanda said: power and fought with Sri Krishna.
“Aha! Why was that?” The messenger said: “First Agitated, the people of Vraja said: “Then?
the lion took the jewel, and then the bear took Then?” After speaking the words, “For eighteen
it from the lion.” Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Did days and eighteen nights Krishna and Jambavan
either the lion or the bear benefit even slightly fought without stop,” the messenger, trembling
from possessing that jewel?” The messenger said: with anguish, became silent. Stunned, he could
“For the lion that jewel was a toy only. The lion not speak another word,. Hearing these words,
played with it as he might play with a mouse. Vraja’s King Nanda and Queen Yashoda fainted.
The great bear was the famous Jambavan him- Now very agitated, the people of Vraja said: “Please
self.” Vraja’s King Nanda said: “A great soul like stop here. Tell us instead some other, more pleas-
Jambavan would not act in that impious way. I ing narrations of Sri Krishna.” The messenger
think only a cruel person or a demon would act said: “His limbs pounded to bits by the blows of

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 241, Page—7
Sri Krishna’s fists, feeling great distress, and his garments effulgent like gold, a person that again
pride and glory now destroyed, the bear-king and again attracts me?”
Jambavan glorified Sri Krishna with many Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Then? Then?” After
prayers.” being requested by Jambavan, who remembered
The people of Vraja said: “This narration is the nectar of the touch of Sri Krishna’s hand, Sri
not pleasing to us. Please don’t tell us of these Krishna slightly touched Jambavan’s daughter and
sorrowful events.” The two messengers said: restored her consciousness, and after she stood
“Unwilling to hear Jambavan glorify Him with up from that unconscious swoon, Jambavan,
many prayers, Sri Krishna, who is very kind to thinking himself very fortunate, arranged for the
the poor and suffering souls, with His hand that performance of auspicious music, and, carrying
grants all auspiciousness mercifully touched his daughter and your son, Sri Krishna, on his
Jambavan. Touched by Sri Krishna, Jambavan shoulders, as if on a great palanquin, walked to
felt all his sufferings vanish. He gazed at the the entrance of his cave. Meanwhile, the people in
sweet handsomeness of Sri Krishna’s form. the committee from Dvaraka waited at the cave’s
Jambavan decided that all the handsomeness entrance. After 13 days they departed, disappointed
manifested by Lord Ramacandra, handsome- and dejected, for their own homes. They did not
ness he had personally seen, was included enter the cave.
within he sublime handsomeness manifested Hearing this news from the messenger’s mouth,
by Lord Krishna. As he gazed on Lord Krishna the people of Vraja suddenly turned pale and said:
for some moments, Jambavan became filled “Alas! Why did they do that?” The messenger said:
with ecstasy. “The frightened people of Dvaraka did that to save
The eight symptoms of sättvika-bhäva ec- their lives.” After thus repeating the messenger’s
stasy were manifested on his body. Joyful at words, Madhukantha said: Some days after Sri
heart because of your son Krishna’s mercy, Krishna had returned to Dvaraka, Uddhava, seeing
Jambavan stood with folded hands. He awaited an appropriate time to do it, playfully rebuked the
Lord Krishna’s command. Lord Krishna then saintly people of Dvaraka by saying, “Why were
briefly explained why He had come there. After you so foolish, foolish like the people of Gokula
thinking for a moment, pure-hearted Jam- who worried for Sri Krishna’s safety as He fought
bavan, now somewhat embarrassed, entered with Kaliya?” Hearing this, Vraja’s Queen Yashoda
his house and offered both the jewel and his said: “Please ask the king of Vraja why he does not
jewellike daughter to Lord Krishna. Then he take my little boy Krishna by the hand and bring
pleased Lord Krishna by offering Him water Him back here?” Then again she said: “Alas! Alas!
for drinking and bathing and many other gifts What shall I say? Why is my heart not now ripped
also. Now attaining as her husband the person into shreds? It cannot be a mere heart. It must be
whose sublimely handsome form she had from a stone, a stone disguised as a heart.”
her birth seen again and again in a trance of Hearing these words, everyone loudly wept.
meditation, Jambavan’s daughter fell uncon- With a voice choked with emotion, Vraja’s King
scious. In this way she filled her father’s heart Nanda said: “Then? Then?” The two messengers
with a host of worries. said: “After a long and anguished wait, and after
Jambavan’s daughter thought: “My father is having heard, from the people now returned to
an elderly bear. So is my mother. My other asso- Dvaraka, the news of all the troubles that had
ciates are bears like them. My home is within a fallen, Balarama and the other leaders of Dvaraka,
mountain cave. How is it that such a wonderful on Uddhava’s advice, were making preparations
person now walks upon the pathway of my to go to the forest to rescue Krishna, and as many
eyes? Who is this person glistening like the king people were performing various kinds of worship
of many great hosts of regal sapphires, a person to bring auspiciousness to Sri Krishna, and as many
whose smiling eyes the glorious lotus flowers others were loudly complaining about Satrajit,
praise with many prayers, a person glorious in Sri Krishna, at that moment returned from Jam-
bavan’s place, suddenly sounded His päïcajanya

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Issue no 241, Page — 8 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä
conchshell. The sound was very purifying and to Sri Krishna was a source of great wonder to
auspicious. Hearing that sound, and making a great Satrajit and his associates.
and blissful tumult of rejoicing, Balarama and the “From the moment of her birth Satyabhama
other people of Dvaraka approached Sri Krishna, loved Krishna and no one else. Pushed by shy-
the jewel delightful and effulgent like the sun now ness, she carefully concealed that truth from
an ornament tied about His neck, and escorted her father and kinsmen. Still, when she attained
Him to His palace. the full-bloom of teenage youth, how could she
Hearing of this, Vraja’s King Nanda gave to the continue to conceal that love? How could her
messengers many ornaments of gold and jewels. He kinsmen keep her hidden from Sri Krishna?
eagerly asked each pair of messengers to recount all From earliest childhood, when she looked out
the news of Lord Krishna. When another pair of of the filigree-windows in the rooftop-room, Sa-
messengers had returned, Vraja’s King Nanda, as tyabhama always wonderfully saw Lord Krishna
before, asked them to recount the news. The two everywhere. Look at her now. The tears flowing
messengers said: “Returned from His auspicious from her black-mascara-decorated eyes are like a
expedition, Sri Krishna called Satrajit to the royal dark Yamuna river flowing from Mount Kalinda.
assembly and, in the presence of everyone, smiled Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Then? Then?” The
and returned to Satrajit the jewel. Vraja’s King Nan- two messengers said: “Then we returned here.
da said: “Then? Then?” The two messengers said: Now you should please wait for the return of the
“At first the jewel made Satrajit turn his face away next pair of messengers.” Seeing that the narra-
from Krishna. Now the jewel made him bow his tor’s narration had thus come to its conclusion,
face in embarrassment, even though he continued the glorious poets of Vraja began to praise Sri
to turn his face away from Sri Krishna. Krishna. They sang the following song describ-
“Satrajit thought: ‘What can I do so that Sri Krish- ing what the messenger had already narrated.
na, who was secretly angry with me, will be pleased
with me? What can I do so that Krishna’s kinsmen aghärir atha sabhyaiù sabhlantar upaveçé
and friends will not make a curse fall upon me? prajäbhir abhiyätaù sametya çubha-veçé
Yes! Yes! I should be intelligent like Jambavan, who avädi punar etad ravis ca tava pädau
gave both the jewel and his jewellike daughter vilokayitum agad ihodyad upasädau
far more precious than any jewel to Krishna as a
doubly valuable gift, and who in this way pleased When glorious Sri Krishna entered
Krishna, even though previously he had fought the assembly, the people told Him, “The
with Krishna as an enemy.’ sun-god has come to see Your feet.”
“Satrajit, who was always diligent in performing
his duties, decided: ‘I should give my daughter, is hasaàs tu harir üce na cäyam abhimaàçuù
named Satyabhama, to Krishna, give her and the paraà tu bada saträjid eña maëiù jaàçuù
jewel also.’ Satrajit did not know that from a very tad etad avakarëya prajäs tu gatavatyaù
ancient time intense devotion to Lord Krishna had sa kåiñëam abhi nägäd yathäçu kåta-hatyaù
existed within Jambavan’s daughter, Jambavati.
When Satrajit offered his daughter, and the jewel, Lord Krishna smiled and said, “He is not
to Him, Sri Krishna accepted the daughter, who the sun-god. He is Satrajit holding a splendid
was fortunate and glorious in that she considered jewel. Hearing this, the people left. Satrajit did
Sri Krishna to be as dear to her as her own life. not approach Krishna, but quickly left also.
Sri Krishna did not accept the jewel. In this way
Sri Krishna revealed both the presence of sincere haris tad-ati-garva-prakäça-kåta-kämaù
devotion in the daughter and its absence in Satrajit nåpäya maëim asminn athärdad anu rämaù
himself. The absence of that devotion in Satrajit adatta maëim eña praseëam anu yarhi
is seen in the following statement: Satyabhama's prahäsam anu cakre murärir api tarhi
pure, eternal, limitless, and uncheckable devotion

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nityaà bhägavata-sevayä Issue no 241, Page—9
Desiring to expose Satrajit’s selfish pride, Lord babhüva saha tena prakåñya kåta-buddhiù
Balarama asked him to give the jewel to King
Ugrasena. When Satrajit gave it to his brother When Lord Krishna wanted to take the jewel,
Prasena instead, Lord Krishna laughed aloud. the frightened and trembling nurse screamed.
Intelligent Jambavan came at once and, his in-
yadä tu sa-maëià taà jaghäna vana-siàhaù telligence now clouded, attacked Lord Krishna.
gabhira-manasäsét tadä ca yadu-siàhaù
tadéya-jana-saìghas tadätha mura-çatrum sahäñöädaça-yugmäàça tena divasänäm
apävadad avetya prati svam api çatrum vyadhäta yugmam uccair anudyad avasänäm
vihåtya mura-vairé sa tena cira-kälam
When the lion in the jungle killed Prase- cakära karuëäktaà svakéyam iva bälam
na, Lord Krishna became heavy at heart.
Then Satrajit and his friends spoke badly of Lord Krishna and Jambavan fought for
Lord Krishna, thinking Him their enemy. twenty-eight days, but neither could defeat the
other. After playing in this way for a long time,
haris tu pura-sadbhir vimågya parinañöam Lord Krishna finally bestowed His mercy on
dadarça haya-yuktaà tam eva hari-dañöam Jambavan as if Jambavan were His own son.
mågendra-pada-cihnaiù prapadya giri-deçam
dadarça saha sarvair hataà ca sa mågeçam sa cätha hådi çuddhas tam etya gati-säram
nivedya nijam aghaù prasannam akåtäram
Searching with many exalted persons, Lord syamantam api kanyäà dade tu vara-bhaktyä
Krishna found Prasena’s body mauled to death by sa jämbavad-abhikhyaù paraà ca para-çaktyä
a lion. Following the pawprints to a mountainous
country, Krishna found the lion was also dead. Pure-hearted Jambavan surrendered to Lord
Krishna, begged forgiveness for his offense of fight-
athätra padam åkña-prabhoç ca sa luloke ing with the Lord, and with great devotion offered
maëià tu na hi tac ca pratétävati loke the jewel and his daughter, Jambavati, to the Lord.
tadéta-padam åcchan jagäma girir okam
viveça tad amatväkhilasya nija-çokam sa-kanyä-maëi-rägän murärir atha geham
samarpya maëim éçe nananda valiteham
Lord Krishna found Jambavan’s foot- trapärta-mati-saträjid atra nija-kanyäm
prints, but not the jewel. Leaving the oth- maëià ca mura-çaträv aditsad ati-dhanyäm
er people behind, Lord Krishna followed
the footprints into a mountain cave. Returning with Jambavati and the jewel, and giv-
ing the jewel to Satrajit, Lord Krishna was happy
praviçya sa maharkña-prakåñöa-puru-gämé at heart. Embarrassed, Satrajit decided to give his
apaçyad atha rathnaà tadéya-håti-kämé own daughter, as well as the jewel, to Lord Krishna.
yad eva khila dhätrém upetya sukumäraù
vihära-padam agät tad åkña-kula-säraù murärir atha kanyäm iyeña na tu ratnam
sa-bhaktir iha sa yat paraà tu kåta-yatnam
Entering Jambavan’s home, and seeing the dravantam atha Satrajitas tu kåta-ghätam
jewel, Lord Krishna wished to take it. Jamba- syamanta-haram Akrurakädi-mata-yätam
van’s son, the prince of the Rksas, who had upetya-çata-cäpaà jaghäna vana-mälé
been playing with the jewel, ran to his nurse. syamanta-maëim Akrurakäc ca mati-çälé
sa-ratnam ajihérñan murärir iti dhätré Lord Krishna accepted Satrajit’s daughter, Saty-
aküjad ati-bhétä sa-kampätara-gätré abhama, but not the jewel. With great devotion Sa-
sa bhalla-kula-mukhyas tadätha hata-buddhiù tyabhama had endeavored to attain Lord Krishna.
Then, in a conspiracy led by Akrura and others,

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Issue no 241, Page — 10 nityaà bhägavata-sevayä

Shatadhanva killed Satrajit, stole the jewel, Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Why is the
and fled. Lord Krishna pursued him, killed wedding delayed?” The two messengers
him, and later took the jewel from Akrura. said: “They think you will not give your per-
mission for the wedding. They think King
sametya yadu-våndaà pratoñya ba- Vasudeva and the other elders of the family
hu-karmä are shy to ask you to give your permission.”
sa eña tava goñöha-kñitéça kåta-çarmä Then Vraja’s King Nanda said to everyone:
vrajasya nayanälià bibharti jita-tandraù “Many fortunate and glorious girls are now
sadäpi paripürëas tvadéya-kula-candraù being offered to my son. Still, there is hesi-
tation because of me. A general letter should
O Nanda, O king of Vraja, Lord Krishna be sent to remove this hesitation.”
then met with the Yädavas and pleased them Everyone then said: “ Yes. The letter should
in many ways. Lord Krishna is a full moon be given to Uddhava.” Vraja’s King Nanda
eternally rising in your family, a full moon said: “Please write down the words as I
that is the life of all the eyes of Vraja. speak: “O Uddhava, destiny has now broken
into pieces and scattered here and there the
Then Madhukantha said: Then the next thing that was my great desire. O Uddhava,
pair of messengers arrived and said to Vraja’s I hereby grant you permission to arrange for
King Nanda: “All happiness stays in Dvaraka Sri Krishna’s marriage with any devoted and
City. Still, one suffering has also taken its even slightly virtuous girls you think are suit-
birth there, a suffering that cannot be pulled able for Him. Let these girls become His wives
out by its roots. That suffering is: We do not and my daughters-in-law. May they, each in
know what will happen in the future.” her own house, serve my son Krishna.”
Vraja’s King Nanda said: “Alas! What
do you mean?” The two messengers said: — Çré Gopäla-Campü of Srila Jiva Gosvami » Translation by
“Because to this day the ceremony of their Kushakratha Das
wedding to Sri Krishna is not yet performed,
the two girls Jambavati and Satyabhama are
fasting. They refuse to eat.”

Bhāgavata Mahāvidyālaya www.ibmedu.org

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