The Atlas of The DC Universe

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All rights reserved.

Published by Mayfair Games Inc.

Paul Kuppcrberg

Jack A . Barker & Jacqueline Leeper

Jack A. Barker, Ray Winninger, Greg Gorden, Jackie Leeper, the Adventure
Architects, Scott Paul Maykrantz, Louis J. Prosperi, Steve Crow, Doug
Franks, & Dan Greenberg

Paris Cullins, PENCILS & INKS
John Stracuzzi, COLOR

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ISBN: 0-923763-19-8
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( #247
SECTION ONE: National Retail & Service Chains 62
..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........

Belle Reve Prison . . . . . ... ..7 ... . . . ............ Manufacturing . . 65

... .........................

Blue Valley, Nebraska . . .. ... 11 . .. ........ Fast Food Chains . .. . 65 . .. ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

Calvin City, Connecticut .. . . ... 12 . ....... 2. Media and Entertainment 66 ........

Central City, Missouri . . . . 13 ...... ... .. . . . American Satellite Systems 66 .........

Civic City, Pennsylvania ... .. . 16 ..... .. . Galaxy Broadcasting Systems 66 ......

Cloister, Vermont ... . 1 7

................... . .. Gotham Media Corporation . . . ... 67 .. ..

Coast City, California . 19 . ................. Sun Industries .. 67

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Dos Rios, Texas . . .

........ 22.. ... ............ United Broadcasting System 68 ........

Elmond, Virginia ... . . . . . . .. ... 23

. .. ... .. .. .. . Syndicated TV Shows 68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....

Evergreen City, Washington . . 24 . . . . .. Independent TV Stations 68 . . . . . . . . . . ....

Fai1fax, Maine . . .. 25
. . . . . . ............ .... ... .. Magazines . ......... 68
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....

Farmville, Missouri .... ... . ... ... 28 .... . .. .. Newspapers . . . .. ... .

........ 68 .. . .. ... ..........

Gotham City . . . 29
. . . . . . .................... ... .. 3. Professional Sports . . . .. . 69 .... .. ...... .

Happy Harbor, Rhode Island 32 ....... Baseball . . . . . 69

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. ..

Houma, Louisiana . . . . .. 34 ........ . . ......... Football . . . ..

. ... .. ... 69
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ........

Hub City, Illinois .. . ... . . .. . .. 35

.. . .. .. ... ... . Basketball . . . .. .. . ... .. 69
... ......................

Ivy Town, Connecticut . . 37 . .... ........... Hockey .. .. ..

...... . ... 69

Keystone City, Kansas 38 .................. 4. Public Figures . . 70

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...

Littleville, Wyoming 39

Metropolis . . ... ...

..... ... ... . . 41 ....... .......... SECTION THREE:
Middleton, Colorado ...................... 45 THE WORLD
Midway City, Michigan . . . .. .. . 46 . .. ... .. . Atlantis . . .. . . .
......... .... .. 76 .. ... .... ...........

New Carthage, New York .. . . . 47 .. .... .. Austanburg . .. . . . ... .. . . 86

........ ... . . .. .. .... ..

New York City . ... . . .. ... . .48

......... .. . ... .. . Badhnisia . .
... ....... . 87
................ ..........

Pittsdale, Iowa . . .. . .. . . 51
... .................. Bialya 89
. . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Quad Cities, Iowa ... . . . . ..52 .... ... .......... Bogatago . . . .. . ...
...... ... ... 91 .. .. ...............

Small ville, Kansas . .. . . . . ... 53... .. .. ... .. .. Diablo Island . .. ... . . 92

. . . . . ....... .... .. .. ... ..

Star City, California . . . 54

......... ....... .. Feithera . . . . ... 93
. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . ... .. ..

Waymore, Nebraska 57
...................... Gorilla City . .. .. .. 95
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

Markovia . . .. .. . . 96
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. ..

SECTION TWO: Modora .. . . 99

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. .. .. .....

BUSINESS, MEDIA, AND Poseidonis . . . . .. ... .

. . . . . .... ... 99 . . .. .. ..........

ENTERTAINMENT IN THE Qurac . . . .. . 100

. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ... ... . ....

UNITED STATES The Soviet Union . . .. 101 ............ .... .. ...

1. Business .... .. ... . .

. . . ... ... ................. 58 Tritonis ..... .. . .. .
.. . . . .. . 102
... . . . . . ........... ..

Major Corporations . . . .. .. ................ 58 Vlatava . .. . . .. ...

... .. . .. .. . 103
.. ............... ..

Science and Technology . . . . . . .......... 60 Zandia .. . . ..

........ .. ... ... .. . .. 104 ............ . ..

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SECTION FOUR: Takron-Galtos ............................. 123

THE UNIVERSE Talok VIII .................................... 123
(20th CENTURY) Tamaran ......................................124
Aello ............................................. 106 Thanagar ..................................... 124
Bolovax Vik ................................. 106 Throneworld ................................ 126
Brztal ........................................... 106 Ungara ......................................... 127
Cairn ............................................ 107 The Vegan System ...................... 128
Changralyn .................................. 108 Ventura ........................................ 135
The Citadel .................................. 108 Voorl ............................................. 135
Colu .............................................. 108 Gravitational Effects ................... 136
Culacao ........................................ 109 Space Pbemonena ....................... 137
Czarn ........................................... 109
Daxam .......................................... 110 SECTION FIVE:
Dhor ............................................. 111 THE UNIVERSE
The Dominion .............................. 111 (30th CENTURY)
Dredfahl ....................................... 111 Avalon .......................................... 139
Dryad ........................................... 111 Bismoll ......................................... 139
Durla ............................................ 112 Braal ............................................ 140
Emana Branx .............................. 112 Brande's Asteroid ........................ 141
Euphorix ...................................... 112 Cargg ........................................... 141
Gil'dishpan .................................. 112 Colu .............................................. 142
H'lven ........................................... 112 Daxam .......................................... 142
Hynxx ........................................... 113 The Dominion .............................. 143
Kalanor ........................................ 113 Dryad ...........................................144
Karna ........................................... 114 Durla ............................................ 145
Khundia ....................................... 114 Gil'dishpan .................................. 145
Korugar ........................................ 114 Hykraius ...................................... 146
Krypton ........................................ 116 Imsk ............................................. 147
Maltus .......................................... 118 Karak ........................................... 147
New Alliance ............................... 118 Kathoon ....................................... 147
Oa ................................................. 118 Khundia ....................................... 148
Ogyptu ......................................... 120 Kol ................................................148
Okaara ......................................... 120 Korbal .......................................... 149
The Promethean Galaxy ............. 120 Labyrinth ..................................... 149
Rann ............................................. 121 Lallor ........................................... 150
Rashashoon ................................. 122 Lost World ................................... 150
Rogue ........................................... 122 Lythyl ........................................... 150
Sindromeda ................................. 122 Mardru ......................................... 151
Slagg ............................................ 122 Mars ............................................. 151
Slyggia ......................................... 123 Medicus One ................................ 151

Monster World ............................. 152 The Astral Plane ......................... 170
Naltor ........................................... 152 Azarath ................... ..................... 171
Neptune . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Bgtz1 ................ ............... .............. 172
Nullport ....................................... 153 Controllers' Dimension ............... 172
Orando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Darkworld . . . . ................................ 174
Phlon ...................................... . . . . . . 153 Demon Prison Dimension ........... 175
Preztor ......................................... 153 Domain of the Lords of Order ..... 176
The Protean Planet ..................... 154 Dream Dimension . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 176
Rimbor ......................................... 154 Earth Dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 177
Seeris .................... ....................... 154 Fifth Dimension .......................... 177
Shanghalla .................................. 155 Gemworld ........ ............................ 177
Shwar ........................................... 155 The Green .............. ...................... 179
Simballi ........................................ 155 The Hidden Land . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 180
Somahtur ................ ..................... 155 House ofHades ............................ 181
Starhaven . . .................................. 156 House of Mystery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... 181
Takron-Galtos .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 House of Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 181
Talok VIII .................................... 157 Land of the Nightshades ............ 182
Taltar .................. ......................... 158 Limbo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... 183
Tharn .................. ......................... 158 Mera's World ................... ............ 183
Tharr ......... ................................... 158 Meta-Zone ..................... ............... 184
Titan ............................................ 158 Mount Olympus ........................... 185
Trom . . . .......................................... 159 Myrra . . . . . . ..................................... 187
Tulva ............................................ 160 New Genesis ................................ 190
Tyrraz .......................................... 160 New Olympus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 191
Venegar ........................................ 161 The Other Side of the World ....... 191
Ventura ........................................ 161 Paradise Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 193
Weber's World ............................. 162 The Phantom Zone . . . . . . . . .............. 193
Winath ......................................... 162 Qward . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . ...................... 193
Xanthu ......................................... 162 Realm of the Just Dead .............. 195
Zerox ............................................ 163 Skartaris .............. ........................ 196
Zoon .............................................. 164 Supertown ........... ........................ 200
Zwen ............................................. 164 Teall ............................................ 200
Gravitational Effects ................... 165 Themyscira ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Wizard World . . . . . . ........................ 203
SECTION SIX: Zero-Zone . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ................... 203
THE DIMENSIONS Zrfff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 203
The Afterworlds .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Travel Values . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 204
Anti-Matter Universe ................. 167
Apokolips . . . . . . .................... . . . . . . . . . . . 167 SECTION SEVEN:
The Areopagus ............................ 169 INDEX ..................... ................... 205

An undertaking the size ofThe Atlas ofthe DC Universe would be impossible
without assistance from a wide variety of sources and institutions.
Information for the myriad locations listed in the Atlas was culled from such
volumes as The World Almanac & Book ofFacts 1989 (Pharos Books, 1989),
The DC Universe by the Editors of DC Comics (DC Comics, Inc, 1988), Who's
Who; The Definitive Guide ofthe DC Universe, Volumes 1-3 (DC Comics, Inc,
1985 - 1988), The New Rand McNally College World Atlas (Rand McNally &
Company, 1983), The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia (Columbia University
Press, 1983),Metropolis:America's City ofthe World by Arthur M. Fiebert(The
University ofMetropolisPress, 1984), Gotham City Remembered byJ.P. Winslow
(Gotham House, 1987), Metahumans ofthe American Midwest by Dr. Harvey
Bennett Marcus (Northwestern Press, 1978), TheEncyclopedia Galactica; 95th
Edition and A Compendium ofthe Known Realms ofInter-Dimensional Time
and Space; 2nd Edition (The Institute of Stellar and Inter-Dimensional Study, 1989).
Thanks are also owed the Historical Societies of Gotham City, Metropolis,
Central City, New York, Coast City, Hub City, Ivy Town, Star City, and
Midway City. In addition, the cooperation of many corporate archives was
extended to the author, including those of S.T.A.R. Laboratories, Lexcorp,
K.O.R.D., Inc., Galaxy Communications, Dayton Industries, Ferris Aircraft,
and Wayne Technologies. Their contributions have been invaluable in the
preparation of this volume.
Thanks are especially extended to the writers, artists, and editors of DC
Comics, whose unbridled talent and imagination over the last fifty-plus years
have been the true inspiration and source for The Atlas of the DC Universe.
The author would especially like to thank Robert Greenberger, DC Comics'
Guru ofMinutiae and ChiefContinuity Cop, without whose help and resources
this volume would have been the poorer, and Robin Levey Kupperberg for her
support and encouragement during the creative process.




Belle Reve Prison was built o n the site o f the former DuBois plantation in
Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, located about fifty miles southwest of New
Orleans and ten miles from Houma (see entry under HOUMA, LOUISIANA),
the nearest township. A number of owners held the deed to the DuBois
property during the years following Isaiah DuBois's death in 1897, but the
plantation was expensive and difficult to maintain. A string of bankruptcies
and abandonments plagued the parcel ofland until the 1960s, when it was abandoned.
The federal government assumed ownership of the property and assigned it
to the Department of Corrections as the site for a prototype prison and holding
facility to house the increasing ranks of criminal metahumans entering the
justice system. While Belle Reve was designed as a state-of-the-art facility to
contain this new breed of criminal, budget cuts forced the prison to remain
unfinished and unoccupied for almost two decades.
Belle Reve was reactivated in the mid-1980s under a different branch of
governmental control when the abandoned prison was chosen by Amanda
Waller to serve as headquarters for the proposed revival of the covert intelli­
gence agency, Task Force X. Over a six-month period, Belle Reve was com­
pleted and its equipment was updated by a dozen different construction teams.
This insured that no single individual or company would be able to put together
information that could compromise Task Force X's security. Thus, Task Force
X maintains its cover. Also, the prison's original function as a facility for
metahuman criminals conveniently justified its highly advanced equipment
and high-security profile.
Belle Reve Prison is accessible via a single road between the prison and
Houma. High-tech security cameras and sensors line the road and the prison's
perimeter for a five-mile radius. This security system is rated at 10 APs (see
page 62 of the Character Handbook). The facilities comprise approximately
250,000 square feet (6 APs by 6 APs) spread over two wings, designated
Northwest and Northeast, and four seven-story (5 APs) high guard towers.
Belle Reve houses a variety of criminals in its eighty-four cells. Twenty-four of
these cells are modular in design and can be modified to neutralize the
superpowers of its metahuman prisoners. The entire security system, includ­
ing cell doors and detection devices, is under the control of Belle Reve's
computer system and is considered by experts to be the closest thing to
tamperproofthat technology can currently supply. The prison also maintains
a sizable staff of correction officers as well as security personnel. For more
information on the prison's personnel and the Suicide Squad in general,
consult the Belle Reue Sourcebook.

A typical Belle Reve modular cell has walls and a door each with a BoDY of
15 APs, and roughly 10 APs of a Power specific to the neutralization of the
Powers ofthe occupant, frequently the Neutralize Power. The cells' Reliability
Number is 2. Belle Reve's computer has the following statistics:
BELLE REVE COMPUTER [BODY: 7, INT: 5, Recall: 25, Detective (Police
Procedures): 7, R#; 2]
Felons who have been incarcerated at Belle Reve include the Penguin,
Chronos, the Thinker, the Privateer, Killer Frost, the Parasite, the Sizematic
Twins, the Mist, and Rag Doll. Belle Reve also maintains research facilities to
investigate the causes of their metahuman powers and to seek cures for their
particular abilities.
The Suicide Squad was disbanded by the U.S. Government for roughly a
year, but was reactivated to deal with a crisis in Vlatava (see Section Three).
The new Squad is independent of the federal government and now acts as a
freelance strike team. They are no longer headquartered in Belle Reve, but
Amanda Waller has cut a deal that still allows her to visit the prison to recruit
potential Squad members.
The following is a list of the equipment that was kept at Belle Reve during
the time when the Squad still operated out of the prison.
SUICIDE SQUAD SECURITY BRACELET [Boov: 5, Lightning: 6, Bomb: 6, R#: 3)
Limitations: Lightning has a Range of Touch.
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: Use of the Bomb Power is always considered a
Trick Shot to blow offthe wearer's arm: The OV ofthis Trick Shot is 0 and the
RV is the wearer's BoDY. If the RAPs received equal or exceed one-half of the
wearer's BoDY, he receives normal damage to his Current BODY Condition, his
hand is blown off, and his DEx is permanently reduced by 3 APs.
On field assignments, the Squad utilizes bracelets which can electrically
shock their wearer, or even be detonated, crippling the wearer. The field
commander has possession of the detonator on missions.
SHEBA [DEx: 3, STR: 6, BODY: 10, INT: 1, Flight: 9, Radar Sense: 11, Thermal
Vision: 8, Ultra Vision: 8, Thief (Stealth): 6]
Sheba was an attack helicopter that the Suicide Squad used on several ofits
field missions. She was named by her pilot, Briscoe, after his deceased
daughter. Briscoe was killed and Sheba destroyed on Apokolips. While still in
existence, Sheba had the following on-board weaponry.
30MM CHAIN GUN [BoDY: 4, EV: 8, R#: 2]
AERIAL ROCKETS (x8) [BoDY: 4, Flight: 4, Bomb: 7, R#: 5]
SIDEWINDER MISSILES (x2) [BoDY: 5, Flight: 7, Bomb: 8, R#: 3]
Miscellaneous Drawback: The sidewinder missiles can only be used against
airborne targets.
SS-1 TRANSPORT JET [STR: 10, BoDY: 8, Flight: 8, Radar Sense: 10, Sealed
Systems:8, Military Science (ECM): 5]
The SS-1 is a highly-modified cargo plane used by the Suicide Squad for
handling cargo and transporting operatives to target areas. It receives little to
no use, as most ofthe Suicide Squad's missions are so covert that the presence
of the SS-1 would provide too great a security risk.
BABY HUEY [STR: 4, B oDv: 6, Bomb: 13, Running: 5, R#: 5]
"Baby Huey" is a xyzedium-filled land carrier designed to travel to a
designated area and detonate. A Baby Huey model was used to destroy a
Manhunter base in the heart of the Louisiana swamps.


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The town of Blue Valley is situated on the northeastern edge of Nebraska,

twenty-five miles southwest of Sioux City, South Dakota.
The valley was first settled in 1862 by Cornelius Blue, a New England farmer
who had moved west with his family from Connecticut to take advantage ofthe
Homestead Act, which granted 160 acres of unoccupied public land to each
Over the next twenty-five years, the Blue family acquired much of the
valley's surrounding land before selling out to a land developer, who hoped to
turn the sleepy little valley into a thrivingcommunity on a newly-constructed
spur line of the Union Pacific Railroad. In 1903, Cornelius Blue's son endowed
an annuity in his father's name in trust for the newly-created Cornelius Blue
University, a small but (it was hoped) prestigious school in honor ofCornelius's
memory and contribution to the Valley. I n 1926, the school's name was
changed to Blue Valley College, and its curriculum changed as well, when its
remote location made it impdssible for the small university to compete with
larger institutions. It has since prospered as a technical college.

Blue Valley gained some
small measure of fame as
the home town Flash,
who was later revealed to
be teenager Wally West, a
life long resident of the town
and a student at Blue Valley
College. That distinction faded
after Wally West left Blue Valley
to assume the identity of his men­
tor, the Flash, although a tribute to
Kid Flash still remains on display in Blue
Valley's Town Hall.
Today, Blue Valley is a small farming and industrial
community of approximately 40,000 year-round residents. The
population swells to over 50,000 while school is in session. A large
part of the local economy is based on providing support and services
for the college and its students.


Settled in 1678, this small community in southeastern Connecticut was

named for John Calvin, the French Protestant theologian who pioneered the
religious doctrine of Calvinism. This area soon became a haven for followers of
Calvinism fleeing persecution in England.
Calvin City remained a small farming community throughout the 17th and
18th Centuries. Having been founded as a refuge from the persecution its
people experienced in England, Calvin City served as a center of strong anti­
British sentiment during the pre-Revolutionary War days.
In 1817, Reverend Horace Huntsinger, a Protestant clergyman, established
Calvin College, a small institution dedicated to a program of general studies.
Huntsinger patterned his approach to education after the example set by
former President Thomas Jefferson, who he saw as a Renaissance man, and
structured the Calvin College syllabus so as to give its students at least a taste
of all fields of study. The philosophy behind the college has remained true to
Huntsinger's original intent. Today, with an enrollment of about 20,000
students, it is considered one of the more progressive institutions on the East Coast.
Since the late 19th Century, Calvin City has been primarily a college town,
with much of its business and services directed at servicing the student
population. Following the Korean War, the city experienced growth with the
opening of a K.O.R.D., Inc. manufacturing facility. The permanent population
leveled off at about 46,000 during the 1960s and has remained steady through
the present day.
Calvin City is the hometown of AI Pratt, a Calvin College student who gained
fame as the first costumed superhero to be known as the Atom. His statistics
can be found on page 34 of the Background I Roster Book.
A map of Calvin City is found on page 37 of this book.


... .... -·- ·


Central City
Hospital 0

L ocated in the heart ofthe country, Central City was born in the days ofthe
great western cattle drives to serve as a stop on the east-to-west cattle trails.
Central City's growth was rapid, but it did not experience a boom until the late
19th Century, when the builders of the transcontinental railroad laid their
tracks through the center of the burgeoning cattle town. Several major rail
routes passing through the Missouri city made it the most important stop west
of Chicago.
Because ofits central location and wealth ofrail lines, Central City began to
attract businesses and settlers from back east. By the turn of the century,
Central City was a thriving metropolitan area and rivaled Chicago as the home
of innovative architecture. Following World War I , the city experienced its
second major boom; its growth continues to this day.
Central City gained some measure of notoriety as the home base of Barry
Allen, also known as the Flash.
Central City is located in a shallow valley between mountains to the
northwest and rolling hills to the southeast. A forest, which is part of the


Granite Peak National Park, lies to the northeast.

Central City shares "sister city" status with Key­
stone City (see entry under KEYSTONE CITY), which lies on the opposite
bank of the Mississippi River. The city's population of approximately 750,000
lives in many neighborhoods, including:
•Brookfield Heights: Brookfield Heights is Central City's trendiest and
fastest growing neighborhood. Its high-priced houses and apartments are
situated around small parks, or commons; most of these places have small
man-made lakes. This arrangement gives one the impression of living in a
series of small villages rather than a grid-patterned suburb.
•Chubbuck: This neighborhood was named for the powerful 19th Century
millionaire, Griffith Chubbuck (who disappeared with his fortune shortly after
the turn of the century). Chubbuck's residential district is home to a large
number of the medical and health care workers who are employed in the
nearby Central City Hospital.
•City Center: As its name implies, City Center is the heart ofCentral City's
economic and political life. Located there are major department stores,
hospitals, City Hall, the courthouse, and police headquarters, as well as the
Central City Library, the Van Geld Opera House, and Hardwell Tower (the
city's tallest building). Also located in City Center is the trendy Central
Station, the old railroad station that has been renovated into an elaborate iron­
and-glass mall. But perhaps the most notable feature of City Center is the
Flash Museum, run by Dexter Miles, a septuagenarian Shakespearean actor
of days past. The museum is devoted to Flash memorabilia and souvenirs from
all three Flashes, with an especial focus on Barry Allen.
•Danville: Danville is a quiet, middle-class neighborhood of tract houses
and some turn-of-the-century refurbished brownstones. Mostly residential,
Danville is known for its peace and quiet. 18th Century railroad workers used
to joke that "the devil will dance whenever they do anything in Danville," and
that reputation persists to this day.

•Englewood: This area is situated on the edge of Granite Peak National
Park. Englewood residents are blessed with scenic forest views and relative
isolation from the rest of Central City.
• Lawrence Hills: Lawrence Hills is a mixture of intermingling areas of
industry and working-class homes. Most of the randomly-scattered factories
are geared towards the consumer market, with television assembly, furniture
manufacturers, and aviation tool and die works leading the list. The Milliken
Standard Corporation, manufacturers of control rods and other parts for
nuclear reactors, is the area's only heavy industry.
•Leawood: A blue-collar neighborhood, Leawood is home to Central City
Stadium, the home field for the Cheetahs and the Blackjacks, the city's major
league baseball and football teams respectively. Surrounding the stadium are
fast-food restaurants, pubs, pizza parlors, and gift shops.
•Mounds View: So-named because ofthe wealth ofhistoric Native Ameri­
can burial mounds found in the area, Mounds View is home to Hardwell Fields,
the city's only airport. Although inadequate in size to serve Central City,
expansion of the airport has been repeatedly blocked by political action from
the surrounding neighborhoods, particularly Danville. The Gedde Natural
History Museum is also located in Mounds View; the Museum is renowned for
its exhibit ofNorth American Indian artifacts, most of which are gathered from
the area's burial mounds. Over the years, most of the mounds had been
excavated, but archaeological defiling of these once-sacred grounds has been
halted due to pressures from Native American activist groups, as well as a
series of inexplicable accidents that befell those working at the sites.
•New Brighton: New Brighton is a mixture ofresidential and professional
offices for doctors, architects, advertising agencies, and other upscale busi­
nesses. This neighborhood boasts a delightful mix ofrefurbished Victorian and
Colonial homes, which were built at the turn ofthe century by rail barons and
others who came from the east seeking their fortunes in the west. The current
Central City Rail Station, erected in 1952, is also located in New Brighton.
•Petersburg: Petersburg is Central City's restaurant district. There are
more and better eateries here than one would expect to find in the entirety of
a major city twice Central City's size. The reason forthis cornucopia ofculinary
delights is the Minerva Epicurean Society, a local organization that rates and
gives large cash rewards to superior area restaurants.
•University Town: This area is called University Town because ofCentral
City University. Aside from CCU, which is one ofthe highest rated universities
in the country and renowned for its biology and medicine programs, University
Town also features single-family homes, apartment buildings, and dormito­
ries. It also has more movie theaters and bars than the rest ofCentral City combined.
•Westminster: Formerly the old Stockyards, this area has come to be
known as Westminster. The area's largest employer is the local branch of
S. T.A.R. Laboratories; many ofS.T.A.R.'s employees live in the neighborhood's
residential areas. S.T.A.R. is an active participant in community affairs,
sponsoring a softball league, science demonstrations at local schools, and the
Fourth of July fireworks display.
•Windsor Heights: Windsor Heights is an affluent suburb which has just
recently been incorporated into Central City. Homes here are large, expensive,
and impeccably maintained, and the streets are clean and well lit. So exclusive
is this neighborhood that its residents consider a move to Beverly Hills a social
step downwards.



This small of
Site original
town was origi­
nally settled
as a German
Lutheran uto­
pian commu­
nity in 1847 by
Karl Roetling,
a German im-
migrant who PHILADELPHIA
made his for-
tune in the steel cable manufacturing business. Roetling's utopia lasted until
1860, when the Civil War drained the town of its male work force and it was
forced to admit outsiders to work in its factories to fill orders from the Union
War Department.
Karl Roetling's death in 1864 insured the end of Civic City as a utopian
society, and, by 1867, it had adapted a civic constitution and been annexed by
nearby Philadelphia. The Roetling Steel Works continued to be the area's
prime employer, although, by the turn of the century, several other steel
companies had moved into Civic City. The demand for steel during World War
II brought new prosperity to Civic City and saw its population swell to over
100,000. Numerous areas of tract houses and bungalows were rapidly built
around the city's fringes to house the influx of steel workers. Surrounding
these working-class neighborhoods were smaller communities which housed
more affluent management and executive personnel. Civic City's expansion
brought it closer to the borders of Philadelphia, and, in 1951, the former was
incorporated into the latter.
Today, with the decline of Civic City's steel industry, the area is considered
a commuter suburb of Philadelphia. Its numerous World War II era homes
have risen dramatically in value. These homes house executive and upper­
management personnel, as well as several small artist enclaves in some of its
more rustic areas.
Today, Civic City encompasses some 75,000 people. For a short time in the
1940s, it served as the location of the first headquarters of the Justice Society
of America.


Mystery Mansion

Located north of Montpelier, just off ofl-2, is Cloister, a small town with a
large reputation for its involvement in the occult. Cloister was settled in 1723
by a group of Connecticut farmers seeking to escape what they believed to be
the corruptive influence of a real life Devil on Earth, via the power of black magic.
They chose Cloister for its seclusion and viewed any outsiders as potential
carriers of the Devil's power. Warnings were often sufficient to send strangers
packing, but the people of Cloister were willing to take far stronger measures
against any uncooperative stragglers. Those who didn't leave were frequently
subjected to being stoned, burned to death or drowned.
Legend has it that when true evil appeared in Cloister, the townspeople
never realized it until it was too late. Their pastor, it is said, had been corrupted
and embarked on a killing rampage that left thirty-two people dead, after
which the remainder of the population fled the cursed city. Whatever the case,
Cloister was left abandoned for over fifty years until 1827, when Silas
Darkhawk, a reputed mystic, chose Cloister as the site of his new home, the
Gothic style Mystery Mansion.
Stories of dark doings at the Mansion were a staple of 19th Ccn tury Vermont

folklore, but nobody was ever able to present verifiable evidence of true
supernatural activity. Darkhawk died in 1894 at the age of 97. His corpse
mysteriously disappeared from the morgue before embalming. As fascinating
a character in death as in life, it was said that Darkhawk had returned to life
to do his evil deeds in a new place.
Mystery Mansion remained uninhabited until the 1950s, when it was
occupied by occult scientist and investigator Mark Merlin. Naturally, rumors
soon spread about Merlin, one of them being that he was a walking dead man.
In reality, Merlin was the mystical hero known as Prince Ra-Man, who
sacrificed his life during the Crisis.
While the site of the original Clois­
PRINCE RA-MAN- deceased
ter, except for Mystery Mansion, has
DEX: 6 STR: 4 BODY: 4
remained uninhabited since the un­
INT: 8 WJLL: 6 MIND: 6
fortunate events of the late 18th Cen­
tury, a new town by that name was lNFL: 9 AURA: 8 SPIRIT: 9
settled several miles away. Today, it. INITIATIVE: 23 HERo PoiNTS: 85
is a thriving tourist community of • Powers: *Mystic Linked
some 20,000, feeding off of the Mental Blast: 7*, Telekinesis: 9*,
supernatural heritage ofthe area. Transmutation: 5, Invisibility: 7*,
Sorcery: 8 (later in career only)
Animal Handling: 5, Charisma: 9,
Detective: 9, Occultist: 11
• Limitations:
Miscellaneous: All of Prince Ra­
Man's Powers are projected in a beam
from his forehead.
Area Knowledge (Mystery Mansion);
Buddy (Elsa Magusson); Ext.ensive
Headquarters (Mystery Mansion);
Pet (Memakata); Scholar
(charlatans); Sharp Eye
Dark Secret (origin); Se­
cret Identity
• Equipment:
Magic Eye [Boov: 3,
SPIRIT: 4, Mystic Link (Illu­
sion): 9, R#: 2)
Cat Charm [Boov: 2, SPIRIT: 3,
Eye of the Cat: 6]
Bonus: Prince Ra-Man can use the
Cat Charm to transfer his mind into
his pet cat, Memakata, the Eye of the
Cat Power working as though it were
Personality Transfer.
Limitation: Eye of the Cat works
only on Memakata.
• Alter Ego: Mark Merlin
•Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Occupation: Prince
•Wealth: 11


El Barrio



I. Westbury Point Amusem.::nt Park 10. The Block

2. The 13oulevard snopping/dining disbict II. University of California Coast City
3. Star Square 12. Attenborough Seismological Institute
4. City HaJJ 1.3. St. Martin's University
5. TWo-Mile Mall 14. \lictorola Motor Corp.
6. Coast City Ubrary 15. Blyniville Air Force Base
7. Joseph M. Leff Museum of Natural History 16. Institute of Technology
8. Fiedler Planetarium 17. Coast City Coliseum
9. Pollee HQ 18. Coast City Stadium

Coast City is located on Highway 101, across the bay from San Francisco and
Oakland near Sausalito. This area was discovered in 1723 by Sebastian
Rodriguez Cermeno of Spain and settled in 1778; it served as a Spanish
military post to control naval traffic into and out of San Francisco Bay.
Originally known as Presidio San Georgio (Fort of St. George), the settlement
expanded as additional settlers, military personnel, and missionaries flowed
into the area to take advantage of the mild climate and active seaport.
When California became part of Mexico in the 1820s, the San Georgio
fortress was expanded and the naval fortification strengthened. During the
Mexican-American War of 1846, these guns were responsible for the sinking
of eleven American ships before the fort was captured by the Marines.
The fortress was destroyed twice in succeeding years: once by fire in 1867,
and, before rebuilding could begin, settlements on the northern fringe of the
territory were wiped out in the Indian massacre at Bedrock Bluffs. In 1879,
during the California Gold Rush, prospectors took over the town and renamed
it Coast County. It was finally named Coast City in 1901.
Today, Coast City is a major center of international trade, industrial
electronics, finance, and, as one of the busiest seaports on the West Coast, shipping.

Coast City (with a population of 675,000) encompasses some 144 square
miles on the northern California Coast. This area is situated between San
Francis�o and Oakland on Highway 101 near Sausalito. Coast City is com­
prised of many distinct neighborhoods, including:
•Chinatown: Chinatown was settled in the late 1800s by Chinese laborers
who helped build the transcontinental railroad. By the 1920s, this neighbor­
hood was reputed to be one of the toughest areas on the West Coast. The
district's north shore features shipping docks, warehouses, and factories, but
the neighborhood is best known for its world-class Chinese restaurants and its
annual Chinese New Year celebration.
• Danbury: Danbury is home to the so-called Silicon Belt, the site of many
of the world's key electronics manufacturers. These firms moved into Danbury
to utilize the talents of the students from the Coast City Institute ofTechnology
and the University of California, Coast City. Many of the Silicon Belt's
engineers and factory workers live in the large, comfortable homes that
surround the district's northern fringe.
•Drill Site: Located in the Santa Clara Channel, the Drill Site was erected
to take advantage of the huge oil reserves that lie under the channel's floor. The
deep-water drilling facility utilizes state-of-the-art technology, is partially
automated, and features its own port for the storage and transporting of oil out
of the channel.
•Dropaway Beach: Dropaway Beach became the city's wildest neighbor­
hood, much in the tradition of Los Angeles' Venice Beach, with the addition of
Westbury Point, a major amusement theme park. The Boulevard, Dropaway
Beach's main thoroughfare, sees its most action during spring and summer
college breaks, when its population rises sharply and its crime rate soars.
•Eastport: On the southeast side of the city, Eastport is a residential
district heavily populated by the blue-collar workers employed in the area's
•El Barrio: El Barrio is an unincorporated area of Coast City which was
originally settled by Mexican immigrants on land granted to them by the city
in the early 1900s. The intent behind this land grant was to keep the Hispanic
element out of the heart of Coast City; once that was accomplished, the city
neglected the area. Without proper city services, and with lack of economic
support, El Barrio's crime rate soared. Ratherthan pour whatthey saw as good
money after bad, in 1936 Mayor Thomas Whitfeld led an effort to get the area's
voters to pass a resolution which established their own separate community.
El Barrio's crime rate continued to increase, culminating in violent race riots
in the late 1930s. Today, El Barrio remains an unincorporated area, although
it has since become part of the Coast City tax system, sharing services and city
ordinances with Coast City. The area has recently experienced a renaissance
as Coast City's young professionals discover the Barrio's turn-of-the-century
brownstone homes and inexpensive ethnic cuisine.
•Midtown: Midtown is the center of Coast City's political, economic, and
shopping district. City Hall is located in southeastern Midtown near scenic
Star Square. Star Square has several points of interest: a marble statue tribute
to one-time city resident Green Lantern in the center of the Square; Rochester
Tower, the city's tallest office building, on the south side; and Two-Mile Mall,
the city's luxury waterfront shopping district, on the west. Culture is amply
represented by such institutions as the Coast City Public Library, the Joseph
M. LeffMuseum of Natural History, and the Fiedler Planetarium.

• Norbolt Park: Located next to the Santa Clara Channel, which divides
Coast City, Norbolt Park is a primarily middle-class neighborhood. Many ofits
residents are employed in the suburban "silicon belt," which is home to many
manufacturers of computer chips.
• Northgate Park: Located south of Santa Clara, Northgate Park is one of
Coast City's largest residential districts. A varied mix of ethnic and social
classes live in many small "pockets" of the neighborhood. Northgate is, for the
most patt, considered one of Coast City's safest areas, except for the collection
of low-income housing projects known as "The Block," which has the highest
crime rate in the city. Coast City Police Headquarters is located in western
Northgate Park.
• Northport: One ofthe earliest Spanish settlements in the area, Northport
is now home to blue-collar and middle-class laborers who work in the nearby
industrial and dock districts. The Santa Clara Skyway, connecting Northport
with Westport, is one of the world's longest bridges as well as one of the city's
most spectacular sights. Also located in this area is the University of Califor­
nia, Coast City; this school specializes in engineering studies. Northport is also
home to the Attenborough Seismological Institute.
• Presidio: Presidio San Georgio is the site of the old Spanish and Mexican
forts. With its batteries of guns and ramparts still extant, the Presidio is the
city's most famous tourist attraction. For many years, Presidio was a haven for
young artists and intellectuals, learung to the establishment of St. Martin's
University to serve their needs.
•Rancho Alto: Rancho Alto is a wealthy suburb of Coast City. It is home
to captains of industry and wealthy engineers from the silicon belt. The area
also boasts a variety of expensive shops and boutiques and is considered one
of the safest areas in Coast City.
•Reuter's Island: The island at the mouth of the Santa Clara Channel
houses Coast City County's largest correctional facility. Reuter's Island is an
ultra-modern facility thaL was built to hold criminals of both the common and
superpowered variety.
• Richton: Richton is a diverse community inhabited by middle-class
families, a small industrial zone, blue-collar workers, and a community oflow­
income housing residents. The Victorola Motor Corp., the only automotive
manufacturing facility on the West Coast, is based in Richton.
•Seagate: An unincorporated area, Seagate is the city's new industrial zone
and is home to many factories and heavy construction centers. Industry
dorunates most of the area, but its northern and eastern fringes also house
middle-class residences.
•Seiler Hills: Seiler Hills is a middle-class residential neighborhood that
also features a series of low, rolling hills and parks as well as a small group of
exclusive mansions upon one ofthe hills. The Coast City International Airport
and the Blyniville Ajr Force Base is also located in this area.
•Vallejo: Another middle-class neighborhood, Vallejo lies in a low region
below Seiler Hills. Although Vallejo is currently experiencing an economic
slump, the city fathers are seeking to bring businesses back into Vallejo and
alleviate the high rate of unemployment.
•Westport: Westport's coastline is dominated by shipyards and docks,
which are the principal source of employment for the district's blue-collar
population. Westport is also home to the CoastCity Institute ofTechnology and
Coast City Coliseum, as well as several Coast City sports teams, including the
Angels baseball franchise, the Sharks football club, and the Clippers basketball team.


Located sixty -five

miles south of San Anto­
nio in south western
Texas, Dos Rios is a mid­
sized city ofsome 250,000
population of mixed eth­
nic heritage.
Dos Rios (or Two Riv­
ers) is located on the Dos
Hermanos (Two Broth­
ers) Rivers, which flow
side by side through the
town. Dos Rios was settled
in the early 1800s; the
town grew u p around the
large cattle ranches that
still surround the city and
provide a healthy per­
centage of the area's em­
ployment. A majority of
the residents are em­
ployed in local commerce,
tourism, and the light in-
dustry in Dos Rios's industrial section.
Although Dos Rios is a relatively safe town with a low crime rate, its location
near the Mexican border makes it a prime entry point for contraband being
brought into the United States, most notably drugs. Dos Rios also has a
growing street gang problem, with the various gangs divided mostly along
ethnic lines. The city is heavily segregated, with the Hispanic, White, and
Black residents each keeping to their own neighborhoods. However, in recent
years there has been some civic effort towards integrating the city and easing
racial division.
Dos Rios's mayor is Thomas Longstreet, who governs along with the City Council.
El Diablo, the costumed hero of the streets, is a resident of Dos Rios.

EL DIABLO Hall (High); Intensive Training; Iron

DEX: 7 STR: 4 BODY: 5 Nerves; Popularity; Scholar (law,
INT: 7 WILL: 6 MlNo: 6 Spanish language)
!NFL: 6 AURA: 5 SPIRIT: 6 • Drawbacks:
INITIATIVE: 22 HERO PoiNTs: 85 Guilt; Secret Identity; Uncertainty
•Skills: *linked • Equipment:
Acrobatics: 7*, Charisma: 6*, De­ Customized Motorcycle [STR: 3,
tective: 7*, Martial Artist: 7*, Mili­ BoDY: 6, Running: 8, R#: 2]
tary Science (Tracking): 7*, Thief: 7*, •Alter Ego: Rafael Sandoval
Vehicles (Land): 7* •Motivation: Seeking Justice
•Advantages: •Occupation: Former Public De­
Area Knowledge (Dos Rios); Con­ fender, now City Councilman
nections: Street (High), Dos Rios City •Wealth: 7


[;] [;]

' /
Fairfax Annandale

Rhoades St.

Town Limits

Henderson St. Hall

Home �

0 Town
Guon St. Shopping

Kelley St.
Washington DC

Mudano Blvd.

ai >
> <
< -c
Springfield 1:: 1::
0 E
' l: j;j

e e

Elmond, Virginia is a subur·b ofWashington, D.C. This area developed as a

result of the expansion of the capital city's work force dming and after World War II.
Elmond is a largely affluent residential suburb, although there is a thriving
service community in the area that caters to Elmond University, a mid-sized
school of high scholastic repute. The resident population ofEimond is approxi­
mately 20,000, with an additional student and faculty population of 13,000.
Hank and Don Hall, the original duo known as Hawk and Dove, were born
in Elmond. For game statistics for the heroes during this period, consult the
New Titans Sourcebook.



Evergreen City, which is located southwest of Spokane, bills itself as "The

Insurance Capital of the Northwest." A medium-sized city of some quarter of
a million inhabitants, Evergreen City began as a company town of the Union
Pacific Railroad and grew into a thriving metropolis as a stop on the western
migration trail.
In 1893, Edward M. Prudence opened a small insurance company in his
native Evergreen City, and by 1909, it had bloomed into one of the largest
insurers in the country. Several other insurance companies set up rival firms
in the city. Today, Evergreen City is home to more such businesses than any
city west of the Mississippi.
Hal Jordan, one of the Green Lanterns from Earth, made his home in
Evergreen City for a short period.
Recently, the entire city was uprooted and transported across the cosmos to
the planet Oa by the mad Guardian, Appa Ali Apsa. The residents are now
waiting for the day when the Guardians will be able to return them to Earth.
For more information, see entry under OA.



H.S. •

Home of
.. Chris King BANGOR
Home of
Vicki Grant

Fairfax, Maine is a bedroom suburb of Bangor with a population ofapproxi·

mately 23,000 middle- and upper-class families. Housing in this town consists
of post-World War II tract house communities and neighborhoods of older
Victorian mansions. Most of Fairfax is zoned for residential usage, except for
the two-mile-long "Strip," which features shopping malls, fast-food restau­
rants, and movie theaters. Fairfax High School is located on a hill in the center
of town, surrounded by park lands.
Chris King and Vicki Grant, who for a while were holders ofthe mystical Dial
H for Hero devices that enabled them to become an almost infinite variety of
superheroes spent the better part of their heroic careers in Fairfax. If a
Gamemaster is planning on having the H-Dial characters appear in a cam-

paign, he should prepare at least three different heroic identities for each of
them to assume over the course of an adventure (see below for details).
Some years after their last recorded adventure together, Chris King and
Vicki Grant crossed paths with the New Teen Titans. Vicki had moved to San
Francisco, where she had fallen in with a bad crowd and was eventually
recruited and corrupted by the evil Children ofthe Sun. They taught Vicki ­
whose only motivations were now personal pleasure and destruction for
destruction's sake - how to draw the power of the H-Dial into herself. By
concentrating hard enough, she no longer needed the H-Dial to change into a
superpowered villainess. On the rare occassions when she used the H-Dial, she
dialed "0-R-E-H" rather than "H-E-R-0."
Chris King, meanwhile, had remained in Fairfax. He became engaged to
another woman just before the warped Vicki returned, intent on killing her
former partner. With the help ofthe Titans, Chris escaped and vowed to track
down Vicki wherever she may be and help her return to her former self.

CHRISTOPHER KING the heroic Character's generation),

DEX: 3 STR: 2 BODY: 2 and will have a number ofHero Points
INT: 3 Witt: 2 MIND: 3 equal to the remainder left over from
lNFL: 3 AuRA: 3 SPIRIT: 3 the Character's generation (see page
lNJTIATIVE: 9 liE.RO POIN'l'S: 15 10 of the Character Handbook). After
•Advantages: the hour is up, the hero will revert to
Connections: New Teen Titans his original form, and cannot use the
(Low), Fairfax Junior High (Low) dial again for another hour.
• Drawbacks: Miscellaneous Draw-
Age (14); Secret Identity hacks: Each heroic iden­
• Equipment: tity may only be assumed
H-Dial [BODY: 12, Mystic Link once. If the user dials
(Omni-Power): 12] "H-0-R-R-0-R" or
Note: Chris' dial displays only the "0-R-E-H"
English letters H, E, R and 0.
Bonuses: Ifthe user has designed or
seen a design for a particular super­
hero, he will be transformed into that
hero ifpositive RAPs are gained on an
Action Check usingthe H-Dial's Omni­
Power as the AV!EV and the user's
lNFrlSPIRIT as the OV!RV; otherwise,
he becomes a random hero as usual.
Chris' dial glows to alert him when
Vicki is using her dial.
Limitations: The H-Dial's Omni­
Power can only be used to transform
its user into a superpowered Charac­
ter generated with 450 Hero Points,
according to the rules on pages 3 to 10
of the Character Handbook. The
resulting heroic Character will
exist for one hour of time (10
APs), retains the user's
memories, APs ofWealth,
Motivation, and Advan­
tages (not calculated into

rather than "H-E-R-0," he will be • Drawbacks:
turned into a supervillain rather than Age (14); Secret Identity
a superhero (choose an appropriate • Equipment:
villainous Motivation when generat­ H-Dial [BooY: 12, Mystic Link
ing the Character), and will be stuck (Omni-Power): 12]
in the villa.inous form until coerced Note: Vicki's dial displays only the
into dialing "R-0-R-R-0-H." English letters H, E, R and 0.
Chris' H-Dial is a wristwatch while Bonuses: Ifthe user has designed or
he is in his normal form. seen a design for a particular super­
•Motivation: Thrill of Adventure hero, he will be transformed into that
•Occupation: High School Student hero if positive RAPs are gained on an
•Wealth: 2 Action Check usingthe H-Dial's Omni­
Power as the AV/EV and the user's
VICKI GRANT lNFLISPIRIT as the OV/RV; otherwise,
DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2 he becomes a random hero as usual.
INT: 4 Wru.: 3 MrNo: 3 Vicki's dial glows to alert her when
lNFr,: 3 AuRA: 3 SPIRIT: 3 Chris is using his dial.
INITIATIVE: 9 HERO POINTS: 15 Limitations: The H-Dial's Omni­
•Advantages: Power can only be used to transform
Connections: New Teen Titans its user into a superpowered Charac­
(Low), Fairfax Junior High (Low); ter generated with 450 Hero Points,
Scholar (homework) according to the rules on pages 3 to 10
of the Character Handbook. The re­
sulting heroic Character will exist for
one hour of time (10 APs), retains the
user's memories, APs ofWealth, Moti­
vation, and Advantages (not calcu­
lated into the heroic Character's gen­
eration), and will have a number of
Hero Points equal to the remainder
left over from the Character's genera­
tion (see page 10 of the Character
Handbook). After the hour is up, the
hero will revert to his original form,
and cannot use the dial again for an­
other hour.
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: Each
heroic identity can be assumed only
once. If the user dials "H-0-R-R-0-R"
or "0-R-E-H" rather than "H-E-R-0,"
he will be turned into a supervillain
rather than a superhero (choose an
appropriate villainous Motivation
when generating the Character), and
will be stuck in the villainous form
until coerced into dialing R-0 R R 0 H
" - - - - ."

Vicki's H-Dial is disguised as a pen­

dant when she is in her normal form.
• Motivation: Thrill of Adventure,
later Psychopath
•Occupation: High School Student
•Wealth: 3


Home of
Nora & Henry Allen

� Farmville
• School
Home of
Daphne Dean

Town �
Hall 3
Church �


� Central City

Located some thirty miles outside Central City (see entry under CENTRAL
CITY) on I-71, Farmville is a rural community of small, family-owned farms.
Farmville has remained pretty much unchanged since the turn ofthe centw-y.
Its half-mile-long Main Street consists of a general store, a pharmacy, a small
family restaurant, a movie theater, and a five-and-dime store, as well as other
small family-owned businesses, many of which have been in the same family
for almost one hundred years.
Barry Allen, the second Flash, was born in Farmville; his parents still reside
there. Movie star Daphne Dean, the most famous of the town's 3,000 inhabit­
ants, is also a Farmville native.


With a population of 4,800,000, Gotham City is one ofthe largest cities in the
country. Gotham was founded in 1635 by Captain Jon Lagerquist, a Swedish
mercenary who landed on the eastern seaboard with a handful ofcolonists who
were fleeing the religious wars raging throughout Europe. Lagerquist named
his settlement Fort Adolphus after Gustavus Adolphus, the great Swedish general.
Fort Adolphus was ceded to the British in 1674. When General Adam Howe
was named the first governor ofthe new territory, he renamed the settlement
Gotham City. During the Revolutionary War, Gotham City was home to about
as many Tories as Rebels, leading to continual fighting within the city between
rebel and British troops. In 1779, a major battle was fought in Gotham when
a Continental Army officer led a rebel raid on the Gotham armory. Spies
alerted the British to the raid, and only the actions of a Gotham merchant
named Darius Wayne averted a massacre of the rebel forces. Wayne was
arrested and sentenced by the British to hang, but he was rescued from the
noose when Revolutionary Army forces captured Gotham. After the war,
Wayne was granted some land south of the city as a reward for his heroism.
Darius's estate was the beginning ofthe Wayne fortune, which would continue
to be an influence on Gotham through today. Bruce Wayne, who is also the
Batman, is the current holder of the Wayne estate.
With its active harbors, Gotham prospered during the Industrial Revolution,
growing rapidly into a major center of manufacturing, shipping, and finance.
By 1900, Gotham was the leading financial center in North America.
By 1920, Gotham, a city which had been thriving on coal and railroads, was
beginning to decline in the new age of petroleum and automobiles. The Great
Depression further slammed the once-great city. Gotham was slow to recover,
falling behind New York in prominence in the eastern United States. Gotham
began a slow but steady recovery during the 1970s as new, more lenient tax
laws drew business and industry back into the city. That prosperity continues
to this day, with Gotham leading the nation in new business construction.
Gotham City is divided into a number of diverse neighborhoods, including:
•The Bowery: The Bowery was the farmstead owned by Gotham City
founder Jon Lagerquist. The property was eventually burned by the British
when Lagerquist refused to pay his taxes. Throughout Gotham's history, the
Bowery has had an unsavory reputation; it has served as home to taverns and
other hangouts for the criminal class. Crime Alley, the scene of the murder of
Bruce Wayne's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Wayne, is located in the Bowery district.
•Bristol: Comprised of large single-family homes and mansions on large
tracts of land, Bristol is one of Gotham City's most exclusive neighborhoods.
Set on the Bay, it is also home to numerous yacht basins and the Gotham
Tennis Hall of Fame. Wayne Manor is located in this area.
•Bryanttown: Bryanttown is a slum area and the site of several low­
income housing projects that have long suffered under civic neglect. The
neighborhood is plagued by drugs, street crime, and numerous youth gangs
who are engaged in constant warfare for control of the projects and the streets.
•The Central Business District: The Central Business District is an area
ofold neoclassical architecture overpowering and shadowing the streets below.

Banks, stock exchanges, and other financial institutions dominate the area.
The CBD is home to the Gotbam Stock Exchange as well as the Butler Museum
of Modern Art, the Gotham Art Institute, the Gotham Museum of Natural
History, the Gotham theater district, and the Gotham State Building, the
tallest structure- in the city (1350 feet).
• Charon: Charon is a residential neighborhood of broad boulevards and
narrow, winding streets lined with every conceivable type ofhousing. This area
is home to the Batman Museum, Gotham Mercy Hospital, and several of the
city's largest cemeteries.
•Chelsea: At onetime, the wealthy had their summer homes in Chelsea, but
the area has gone into a decline in recent years. It is now a middle-class area,
although recently young professionals have been drawn to the area by the rich
and varied architecture of the homes and bungalows. Chelsea is home to
Gotham University.
•Chinatown: Chinatown is home to a solid and traditional Chinese
community. Known for its restaurants and Oriental markets, Chinatown
considers itself a self-contained community that neither asks for nor, it feels,
requires assistance from outsiders.
•Coventry: Coventry is a middle-class area of neat, brick houses whose
residents are attempting to keep the crime and corruption of neighboring
Manchester from infecting their community. Coventry's three most famous
institutions are the Gotham Zoo (the oldest zoo in the nation), the Hegler
Historical Library, and the Priory (the largest monastery in North America).
• East River: East River is a low-rent district that was once a fashionable
neighborhood for the city's gangsters and nouveau rich ofthe Prohibition Era.
The neighborhood is presently plagued by street gang activity.
•Evanstown: Evanstown is a small, quiet community of mostly single­
family homes on one-half acre plots. A local ordinance prohibits any structure
taller than four stories.
•Glendale: Glendale was annexed by Gotham City in the 1930s. This
middle-class area still maintains the flavor of a city-within-a-city, complete
with its own miniature version ofthe Central Business District. The Glendale
Institute ofTechnology makes its home in this section of the city.
• Irving Grove : Situated on the edge ofthe Dayton Forest Preserve, Irving
Grove is an upper-middle-class neighborhood of condos and small housing
developments. The surrounding Dayton Forest Preserve is a national park
established by wealthy manufacturer Nathaniel Dayton.
•Little Stockton: Little Stockton was once bustling with heavy industry.
However, the deterioration of Lyntown, brought on by the decline in working
factories in that area, was averted in Little Stockton by the creation of a large
number of middle-technology outfits. High-grade steel, special plastics, and
ceramics are a specialty ofthe area. Gotham International Airport is located
in Little Stockton.
• Lower East Side: The Lower East Side dates to the 1800s, when it became

home to factory workers who resided in the tenement apartment buildings.
Most of the residents of this area are employed in the nearby rail yards and factories.
• Lyntown: Lyntown used to be the industrial heart ofGotham City. It now
consists mainly of abandoned factories, some of which have been empty for as
long as fifteen years. Only a few legitimate concerns are still operating in
Lyntown, with the majority of commerce being found in the drug refineries,
stolen car shops, and machine shops (for the creation of weapons) that have
taken over the factories.
• Manchester: Manchester is a residential area with a rich ethnic mix. This
area is comprised of a number of smaller sub-neighborhoods, each zealously
guarded by its own street gangs. The citizens of Gotham brave the gang
violence to take advantage of the ethnic restaurants that serve the neighbor­
hood, as well as to attend the races at the Manchester Viaduct.
• Midtown: Midtown is an ethnic neighborhood with a heavy concentration
of famHies descended from earlier Eastern European immigrants. Recent
years have seen a growth of East Indian immigrants settling in the area as
well. The Gotham City branch of S.T.A.R. Laboratories is located here.
•Neville: Once a seedy dock district, much ofNeville has been razed to make
way for all types of middle-class housing, from single-family homes to multi­
unit dwellings. Neville is known for its night spots and trendy restaurants and
has recently attracted the attention ofyoung professionals.
• Scituate: Scituate is an area of tidy suburban housing originally built for
the w01·kers employed in the factories ofLyntown. Gotham's sports stadiums,
which include Gotham Stadium, Herod Arena, Wayne Field, and Dean Sta­
dium, are located in this neighborhood.
• Sommerset : Home to the annual Swedish Celebration, Sommerset is a
neighborhood rich in cultural heritage. This community is a Nordic enclave
which dates back to the days ofGotham's settling. Sommerset is also the scene
of the annual Sommerset Shakespeare Festival, which is held in an outdoor
amphitheater that is believed to have been used by the Indians centuries
before Europeans settled in the area. The Arkham Asylum for the Criminally
Insane is located in Sommerset.
• Uptown: The population ofUptown is a mix ofvarying social and economic
groups. Factory workers and young professionals live side-by-side, not far from
the small shops and exclusive boutiques in its shopping areas.
• Victoria Place: Victoria Place is an area of small- and mid-sized compa­
nies, most of which are engaged in the research and manufacture of technology.
•The Waterfront: The Waterfront is one ofGotham's most vastly improved
areas. Recent years have seen the improvement and enlargement of the piers
to accommodate newer cargocontainer ships, and the widening ofsurrounding
streets to handle the flow of truck traffic to and from the docks. Efforts have
been made to clean the criminal element out of the Waterfront in light of its
resurgent prosperity.
For a map ofGotham City, consult the gatefold located between pages 32 and 33.



Main street

Rhode Island

Just south ofl-1, Happy Harbor is a quaint little harbor town that was
settled in 1673 as a fishing and farming community. The natural harbor made
this area an almost instant financial success, and Happy Harbor became one
of the main northern New England ports of the 18th Century.
Today, Happy Harbor is still a prosperous community, with many of its
23,000 residents earning their living from the tourism of the 18th Century
waterfront town.
Snapper Carr, the mascot of the original Justice League of America, was
raised i n Happy Harbor. The JLA used to maintain their cavern headquarters
in a mountain some forty miles north ofthe town. The Doom Patrol later took
over and renovated the old JLA headquarters as its own base, although Justice
League International still uses the caverns as a storage/warehouse facility.
The Doom Patrol recently vacated the headquarters, and it is currently used
exclusively by the JLI. For schematics and descriptions of this headquarters,
as well as DC HEROES statistics for Snapper Carr, see the JusticeLeague Sourcebook.


I. Uoston
2. New Carthage
J. Calvin City
4. h) To-.n
5. llappy llarbor
6. Nc" \ork Cll)
7. Chic City
8. Philadelphia CANADA
9. Gotham City
I 0. �lctropolls
I I . Washington, OL
12. Elmond
I J. Cloister
14. fairra�
15. Bangor
16. �tan(hPster
17. IOntpeller
J8. Rulland
19. Baltimore
20. Anna1X>IiS
2 1 . DOver
22. SpringOeld
2J. Nelv!>rk
24. Pitlsburg11
25. Burralo





I. Bayou Oaks Hospital

2. Court House and Annex
.3. Dumas Auditorium
4. Greyhound Bus Station
5. Houma Terrebonne Airport
6. Municipal Auditorium
7. Police Station
8. Southdown Plantation
Terrebonne museum
9. Southland Mall
I 0. South La Med. Center
I I. Tourist Office
12. U.S.D.A. Sugar Cane
Experimental Station
1.3. Capri Court Campground
14. Nan King Motel
15. Benedict House
16. Red Carpet Inn
17. Lake Houmas Inn
18. A-Bear's Motel
19. Bud's Overnighters

Woodlawn Ranch R d .

Located approximately fifty mjJes southwest ofNew Orleans,just offofl-90,

Houma is a medium-sized town. Situated on the edge of the Bayou Black,
Houma is home to a largely Cajun population of about 32,000. Though Houma
has many features of an urban area, its people maintain a small-town
mentality and tend to be distrustful of strangers and outsiders.
Just outside of Houma, somewhere in the Bayou Black, live the elemental
beingknownas Swamp Thing(see entry underTHE GREEN),his wife, Abby,
and their newborn daughter, Tefe. The entire Bayou Black is imbued with a
supernatural and mysterious nature, and legends of mystical goings-on are rampant.
Swamp Thing's DC HEROES statistics are on page 24 of the Background/
Roster Book, while Abby's can be found on page 90 of that book.

DEX:: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2 DEx: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
INT: 3 WILL: 2 M IN D: 2 INT: 4 WILL: 3 MIND: 3
INn: 3 AURA: 3 SPIRf'f': 3 lNFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
Charisma (Persuasion): 5 •Skills:
•Advantages: Artist (Writer): 5
Connection: Swamp Thing (High);
Gift of Gab; Luck; Scholar (1960s, • Advantages:
hallucinogenic drugs) Connection: Swamp Thing (Low);
•Drawbacks: Scholar (botany)
Serious Irrational Attraction to
• Drawbacks:
1960s pop culture; Catastrophic Irra­
Serious Psychological Instability;
tional Attraction to mind-altering
Traumatic Flashbacks (physical
chemicals; Minor Physical Restriction
(far sighted)
•Motivation: Upholding the Good •Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Occupation: Novelist
Environmental Activist
•Wealth: 2 •Wealth: 6


Hub City, Illinois holds the

dubious distinction of having
been voted the "Worst Place to
Live in the U.S.A." five years
in a row, according to a na­
tional business magazine ranking.
Old own City Hub City was settled in 1843
by Horatio Grubb, a success­
'----+--J 0 � ful Chicago gambler and po­
*Police HQ ': litical hack who sought to de­
City Center 5.
velop a little to·wn he could call
Business rfl
� Dist t.

: � his own. Grubb's small settle­
!! ment of his family and hench­
!-A- Hub Park men quickly gained a reputa­
! !
� ! tion as a safe haven for gam­
blers and con men. Bythe start
ofthe Civil War, the area had
grown into a thriving commu­
nity and was known as the
oal==:=oa=:==:�=====i��==�==�¥��� "hub" of crime and con·uption
in that part ofIllinois. The town of20,000 was riddled with dirty deeds, its civic
government fueled by corruption and graft.
Following the Civil War, the state oflllinois stepped in to clean up Hub City.
It was believed that the city's evil reputation reflected badly on the entire state.
City leaders, including Horatio's son, Mayor Zachary Grubb, were indicted by
the state district attorney, brought to trial on a shopping list of conspiracy,

corruption, and fraud charges, and convicted. The corrupt government was
replaced by a legally elected body, but honest government was never to really
come to Hub City.
The city's criminal element went underground, exerting its influence and
control over Hub's civic and business leaders from outside the system . Hub
City became home to major organized crime figures in addition to the people
who flooded into the area to work in the factories erected with the profits ofthe
city "fathers' " illegal activities. Despite the wealth ofsome ofthe citizens, most
of Hub City remained bleak industrial areas and even bleaker slums. The
prosperity that came to the workers during the manufacturing boom of World
War II was short-lived; in the decades that followed, Hub City went into an
economic slump from which it's been unable to recover.
In recent years, Hub City has hit rock bottom as the mobsters and corrupt
officials have been bleeding the dying city of whatever they can before
abandoning it to total collapse. Its previous mayor, Wesley Fermin, was proven
to be corrupt and in the pocket of outside interests when Hub City's resident
masked hero, the Question, intervened and brought down his crooked admin­
istration. Wesley's wife, Myra Connelly Fermin, put herself into the race
against a syndicate candidate to replace him. Although her opponent fixed the
race, he was killed in a car accident the day of the election and Myra was
declared the winner by default.
Following Myra's victory, the alcoholic Wesley Fermin committed suicide,
wounding Myra in the process. Chief of Police Isadore O'Toole, one of the few
uncorrupted cops on the HCPD, assumed Myra's duties until she recovered.
Mayor Myra Fermin has inherited a city beset by every conceivable problem,
from a crumpling infrastructure, a deteriorating tax base, unemployment as
high as 34%, to rampant crime, nearby industry practicing unregulated
dumping into the city's air and water, drug and street gang problems, and a
corrupt police department. She was often aided by the Question in combating
these problems, but the hero left the city and Mayor Fermin has been left to
deal with its problems on her own. Vic Sage, once a reporter and commentator
for Hub City's KBEL-TV, is the Question's secret identity. Statistics for the
Question can be found on page 67 of the Background/ Roster Book.


DEX: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2 DEX: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
INT: 4 WILL: 2 MIND: 3 INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
•Skills: •Skills:
Charisma: 5, Detective (Law): 5 Detective: 4, Medicine (First Aid): 2,
•Advantages: Thief: 2, Vehicles (Land): 2, Weap­
Connections: Mayor's Office (High), onry (Firearms): 3
The Question (High), KEEL-TV( Low); •Advantages:
Connoisseur; Iron Nerves;; Popular­ Connections: Hub City Police De­
ity; Scholar (politics, journalism) partment (High), Mayor's Office
•Drawbacks: (High), Street (High), The Question
Authority Figure; Guilt; Public (Low)
Identity • Drawbacks:
•Motivation: Seeking Justice Authority Figure; Guilt
•Occupation: Mayor of Hub City •Motivation: Seeking Justice
•Wealth: 7 •Occupation: Acting Chief of Police
•Wealth: 4




Watkins Industrial

�!orne oF Ray Palmer,

now home or
/ Norman Brawler

Ivy Town was founded in 1708 by religious leaders and their followers who
left Calvin City (see entry under CALVIN CITY) after a break with the church
hierarchy there. This group crossed the Housatonic River and settled in Ivy
Town (so-named for the almost epidemic growth of ivy vines they were forced
to clear from the site of their new home) less than a dozen miles from their
former home.
Like the population of their sister city, the people of Ivy Town were
fanatically anti-British. Many of the town's men served valiantly in the
Colonial army during the Revolutionary War.
During the 19th Century, Ivy Town was a leader in industrialization, servi ng
as home to a variety of innovative manufacturing facilities and forward­
thinking inventors. One of these inventors, Marcus Silas Watkins, who made
his fortune on manufacturing patents, bequeathed an endowment to the town
for the establishment of a technical and scientific university in 1883. Ivy
University opened its doors two years later and quickly established itselfas an
Ivy League university; it is second only to the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in the category of scientific and technological institutions.
Today, Ivy Town is home to 50,000 year-rou nd residents; the population
grows to nearly 100,000 during the school year. Ivy University is an acknowl­
edged leader i n the research and study of advanced physics, having graduated
such scientific luminaries as Dr. Enrica Negrini, Terkel Hall, Professor Hyatt,
and Dr. Ray Palmer. Dr. Palmer's research led to his career as the second
superhero known as the Atom, and his statistics can be found on page 37 ofthe
Background/Roster Book.


Park ..

Keystone City, Kansas,

twin city to Central City,
Missouri (see entry under
CENTRAL CITY), lies off
ofl-44 on the Kansas/Mis­
souri border. Keystone
was settled in 1806 follow­
ing the acquisition ofKan­
sas by the United States
in the Louisiana Purchase.
After the Civil War, set­
tlers poured into Kansas
to farm the prairies, es­
tablishing the border city
as a major point of departure and supply center for these westward-bound
travelers. In the late 1870s, with the completion of the transcontinental
railroad, Keystone City became an important stop on the line. It was a prime
location for cattle stockyards and meat-packing plants, which brought added
prosperity to the growing city.
By the time the Keystone City stockyards closed in the mid-1950s, aircraft
manufacturing, which was first established here during World War II, had
become the predominant industry in the city. Keystone City has continued to
thrive with the influx of new industry into the state throughout the 1980s.
Today, Keystone City has a population ofjust over 200,000. Most of these
people are employed in the city's heavy industry, which is located in pockets
scattered across the city and industrial parks between Keystone City and the
surrounding suburbs. Keystone City's most famous area is the Old Stockyards
on the city's remaining rail lines. The slaughterhouses and meat-packing
factories are gone, having been replaced by trendy shopping malls, boutiques,
theaters, and restaurants.
Jay Garrick, the original speedster known as the Flash, was raised and
headquartered in Keystone City. His statistics are found on page 34 of the
Background/ Roster Book . His widow, Joan, still Jives there. For at least two
decades, the Fiddler, the Thinker and the Shade used a high-technology fiddle
to send Keystone City to another dimension and to remove knowledge of the
city from the memories of the world. The second Flash, Barry Allen, acciden­
tally rediscovered Keystone City, revived his namesake, and together, the two
Flashes defeated the trio of villains and returned Keystone City to its rightful
place. Wally West, the current Flash, has relocated to Keystone City. Statistics
for the current Flash are listed on page 46 of the Background! Roster Book.

JOAN GARRICK Connections: the Flash (High)
DEx: 2 STR: 1 Boov: 1 • Drawbacks:
INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 2 Age (old)
lNFL: 3 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2 •Motivation: Upholding the Good
INITIATIVE: 6 HERO PoiNTS: 5 • Occupation: Widow
•Wealth: 8


Ill Ill

Strip Mining Co.

Michael Roger
> g Mall

Main Street

0 City Hall
Police HQ ...
Robby Reed·s


High School
•\� Doty Field
Sports Arena

� �
� �

• "' � � �
�� � � �
� �
� �


Located just east of Worland, in the foothills of the Bighorn Mountains,

Littleville began in 1800 as a trading post for the so-called mountain men fur
trappers who inhabited the area. When the fur trade declined in the 1840s,
Littleville found renewed llfe as a stopping station for the westward-bound
wagon trains.
It wasn't until 1868 and the arrival of the Union Pacific Railroad that
Littleville grew into a full-fledged town. Because of the railroad, a wealth of
large cattle and sheep ranches had sprung up in the area.
Large petroleum deposits were discovered in the 1880s, bringing oil field
workers to the area and prompting the development ofthe town ofLittleville
around the railroad tracks.

Today, Littleville is a quiet little GM to determine the results: for ex­
town of 32,000. Most of the town's ample, Reed once dialed "S-P-L-I-T"
population is employed in the coal and and was divided into two entities, a
petroleum fields that surround the heroic being known as the Wizard,
area. Littleville is also supported by and an evil creature called the Master.
light industry in town. • Motivation: Thrill of Adventure,
Robby Reed, the first teenager to later Responsibility of Power
possess the Dial H For Hero dial, was •Occupation: Student
born and raised in Littleville. If a •Wealth: 4
Gamemaster plans to have Reed ap­
pear in a campaign, several heroic
identities should be prepared before­
hand for use in an adventure (see

DEx: 4 STR: 2 BonY: 3
!NT: 6 WILL: 6 MIND: 3
lNFL: 4 AuRA: 3 SPIRIT: 3
Gadgetry: 6, Scientist: 6
Genius; Iron Nerves; Luck;
Scholar (linguistics )
• Equipment:
H-Dial [ BoDY: 15, Mystic Link
(Omni-Power): 15]
Note: Reed's H-Dial contains
ten alien equivalents of English
alphabet letters.
Limitations: The H-Dial's Omni­
Power can only be used to transform
its user into a superpowered Charac­
ter generated with 450 Hero Points,
according to the rules on pages 3 to 10
of the Character Handbook , upon di­
aling the equivalent ofthe letters "H­
E-R-O." The resulting heroic Charac­
ter will exist until he dials "0-R-E-H"
on the dial. The hero retains the user's
memories, APs ofWealth, Motivation,
and Advantages (not calculated i.nto
the heroic Character's generation),
and will have a number ofHero Points
equal to the remainder left over from
the Character's generation (see page
10 of the Character Handbook).
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: Each
heroic identity can be assumed only
once. If the user dials something
other than "H-E-R-0," it is up to the

Metropolis is one of the largest cities in the United States. This area was
discovered in 1542 by the Italian navigator Vincenzo Gnanatti, who was then
in the employ ofthe Dutch. The city was first settled in 1634 by Dutchman Paul
De Vries on the island now called the Old City. The settlement prospered
around the area's natural harbor; by the Revolutionary War, it was large
enough to serve as a major source of manpower for Washington's army.
The years following America's independence were particularly fruitful for
the growing Metropolis. The city expanded rapidly to the surrounding islands
and the mainland, eventually encompassing six separate boroughs and devel­
oping into one of the nation's busiest seaports during the mid- to late 19th
Century. The six boroughs joined together in 1896 to incorporate as the unified
city of Metropolis.
Metropolis also served as the terminus for many railroad lines to points west
and boasted one of the largest points of entry for the waves of European
immigration during the 19th and early 20th Centuries. As early as 1775, the
city was home to a host ofcourageous book and newspaper publishers. Today,
it remains a center for the media, rivaling New York City for East Coast
dominance ofthe broadcasting and publishing worlds. It also serves as host to
numerous prestigious schools ofhigher education, including the University of
Metropolis (which was founded in 1817), Nordham University, and the
Metropolis Institute of Technology.
Metropolis is also famed as a center for commerce and finance, beginning
with P. Randall Jeffries' First Metropolitan Bank, established in 1783, and
through to today; a variety ofthe bank's corporate headquarters are housed in
the towering skyscrapers ofthe city's Central Business District. Side-by-side
with banking, investment, insurance, and commercial concerns, Metropolis is
also recognized as the entertainment and fashion capital of the country.
Metropolis presents an ever-changing face to the world. An ever-growing and
thriving city, Metropolis continually outpaces the rest of the country in new
commercial construction starts. Many architectural innovations that were
soon to become national trends in construction and urban planning were first
attempted in Metropolis.
Despite its being a national and global center for business, financial,
education, entertainment, and media concerns, Metropolis is most famous for
the man many people call the "First Citizen of Metropolis," Superman. The
Man of Steel's DC HEROES statistics can be found on page 68 of the
Background/ Roster Book.
Encompassing approximately 125 square miles, spread over three islands
and the surrounding mainland on the banks ofthe Hob's and West Rivers, the
city of Metropolis is home to a population of some 6,000,000 living in six
boroughs: Queensland Park, Bakerline, St. Martin's Island, New Troy, Hell's
Gate, and Park Ridge. These boroughs are informally divided into a variety of
•Central Business District: Often called the Heart of Metropolis, the
Central Business District is home to many large conglomerates, including
major financial institutions and businesses ranging from communications and
service industries to technical companies and fashion and entertainment.
There can be found the headquarters ofLexcorp (the multinational conglom­
erate founded and owned by Lex Luthor), Eagle Oil, RAM CO, Brysler Motors,

and Hawkes
• Downtown:
Dominated by the docks
along Hob's River, Downtown replaced
the Old City as Metropolis's major waterfront
area. By day, Downtown is a bustling, thriving seaport, but, after dark,
it is an area best bypassed by tourists. The rude bars and theaters that
dominate its streets are suitable only for the thieves and smugglers who
inhabit the neighborhood. The Hob's Ferry Naval Base is situated on the
northeast side of Downtown.
•The East Side: The East Side has the distinction of being the communi­
cations and graphics capital of the world. Originally the property of printer
Gustav Grimes, The East Side is filled with steel and glass mid-rises that
house many of the world's acknowledged geniuses of graphic and commercial
art, architecture, and communications. Headquartered there are Metropolis's
four dailynewspapers (the DailyPlanet, theDailyNews, the Star, and theEagle),
the communications and publishing conglomerates that own them, and sev­
eral television and radio networks, including Galaxy Communications, Sun
Industries, and UBS, Inc.
•Hampstead: The "Beacon Hill" ofMetropolis, Hampstead's wealthy, old­
money residents can trace their Metropolitian ancestry back to the earliest of
the city's settlers. Located on the southern seaboard, most of Hampstead's
stately old homes are nestled atop the hills and palisades overlooking the Ocean.
• Hob's Bay (Suicide Slum): Renamed Hob's Bay in recent years by city
planners seeking to bring about a revitalization of this dilapidated section of
town, this area retains much ofthe squalor that made it infamous. Politicians
decry Hob's Bay as an eyesore, due mainly to the 19th Century tenement
buildings which still stand, albeitjust barely, to house the city's indigent poor,
the criminal element, and those lost souls who have disappeared through fate
or design. The streets of Suicide Slum also teem with the homeless of
• Lafayette: Once a French-Canadian settlement, Lafayette retains the
distinct flavor ofits Gaulish roots. More" like a neighborhood of New Orleans

than Metropolis, the majority
ofLafayette residents speak
French as their first lan­
guage. The area is famed for
its French restaurants and French-inspired architecture.
•Midtown: Midtown is the glamour and shopping center ofMetropolis.
The bank of the West River, on which the neighborhood sits, is lined with
summer homes on private beaches. Expensive condominiums, high-rises,
and luxury apartments overlook Metropolis Park on the north side of
Midtown. Some ofthe world's most expensive department stores and shops line
Midtown's famed Fifth Avenue, which bisects this exclusive neighborhood.
•Mount Royal: Most of Metropolis's colleges and universities are located
at Mount Royal, including the Metro University of Art (established in 1896),
Metropolis Institute ofTechnology ( 1903), Metropolis State University (1817),
and Nordham University ( 1842).
• Newtown: Newtown has been declared a Historic District by the National
Landmark Commission for its post-Civil War brownstone architecture. It is
also the location for most of Metropolis's major museums, including the
Superman Museum, the Dave Mauer Pavilion, and the City Museum. Once a
crumbling neighborhood of rooming houses, Newtown experienced a major
renaissance in the mid-1970s when young urban professionals began buying
and renovating its rundown brownstone homes.
•North Bridge: According to legend, North Bridge played a significant role
during the Revolutionary War when local resident Peter Vernon delayed
invading British troops by destroying their access to New Troy from the
Metropolis mainland. Today, North Bridge is a thriving middle-class commu­
nity situated around Vernon Memorial Park.
•Oaktown: Located on the far northeastern edge of Metropolis, Oaktown
has traditionally been a neighborhood of immigrants. Though lacking any
significant political power, the residents of Oaktown nonetheless have fierce
civic pride in their rundown neighborhood, keeping one step ahead ofthe forces
that threaten to turn the area into a slum.
•The Old City: The Old City was the location of the first settlement in
Metropolis. Originally known as De Vries Village and later, under British
occupation, Elizabethtown, the area became known as the Old City following

the American Revolution. Though no longer the center of Metropolitian life,
the Old City has been designated as a national historic site. It is a major tourist
attraction for its many accurate recreations ofthe Colonial lifestyle, including
its most famous attraction, the old abandoned waterfront, which has, in recent
years, been rebuilt as North St1·eet Seaport. The Seaport serves as the site for
the annual Metropolis Fourth of July celebration.
•Pelham: Filled with old, once-exclusive homes and small apartment
buildings, Pelham has developed into the home for Metropolis's artistic
community. In addition to offering large, converted loft spaces in which artists
can ply their trade, it also features affordable housing to up-and-coming young
artists and designers and is the center ofthe city's trendiest art galleries and clubs.
• Racine: Racine once had the distinction of being Metropolis's haven for
artists, but, with its discovery as an area offering good living spaces for low
rents, it was soon overrun with the city's rising executive and business class.
As a result, the living spaces were converted, rents increased, and trendy and
inexpensive shops, restaurants, clubs, and apartments began to dominate.
The artistic community began to migrate into Pelham. Today, Racine is nearly
inaccessible to all except the city's most wealthy citizens.
•Senneville: Senneville serves as Metropolis's resort area. This neighbor­
hood offers a wide range of recreational activities such as fishing, swimming,
and sailing. This area also has beachfront resorthotels (some offering legalized
gambling) and amusement parks that could rival Disneyland in size and
•Stillwater: Long an area famed for its traditions of the free press,
Stillwater serves as the site ofthe printing facilities for all ofMetropolis's four
daily newspapers as well as three nationally-known publishing firms.
•Teaboro: Teaboro gained its name from its pre-Revolutionary War
participation in protests against the unfair tea taxes, when the citizens ofthe
area burned down the warehouses of the East India Tea Company. Today,
Teaboro is the site of Metropolis International Airport, which is one of the
nation's three busiest airports.
• Uptown: Once Metropolis's premier amusement area, Uptown was
destroyed in a confrontation between Superman and Ambush Bug. The
fairgrounds were recently replaced with high-rise condominiums and corporate
office buildings. Much of its beachfront property remains among the most
expensive in the city.
•Vernon: Vernon is a working-class community ofsingle-family homes and
brownstones. This area was named in honor of one of Metropolis's founders,
Peter Vernon. A neighborhood known for the peaceful coexistence of its
ethnically diverse population, Vernon is regarded as one of the city's fmer
middle-class areas. Vernon Plaza, the city's first enclosed shopping mall, was
erected here.

Metropolis is divided into six boroughs, which are once-separate cities that
merged into the fully incorporated City of Metropolis. The boroughs are
represented on the City Council by two elected officials, the borough president
and a councilman. The mayor is elected to a four year term and chairs the City
Council. The current mayor is Samuel Berkowitz.
The boroughs of Metropolis are linked by unified services and utilities. The
Metro Maximum Security Center, a federal prison, is located on Stryker's
Island, between Pelham and Midtown, on the West River.
For a map of Metropolis, consult the gatefold located between pages 32 and 33.


Middleton is a large
suburb of Denver, Colo- Residential

rado in the Rocky Moun-

tains. This town first
sprang up in the 1920s
as a ski resort, but it
never gained much
popularity in that re­
spect. It did, however,
begin to attract writers
and artists who went
there for its seclusion and
scenic views. Small busi­
nesses and creative firms, such as DR. SAUL ERDEL
architects, printers, and graphic de­ DEX: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
signers, soon followed suit. AfterWorld lNT: 8 WILL: 6 MIND: 6
War II, light industry began moving lNFL: 2 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 2
into the area. INITIATIVE: 10 HERo PoiNTS: 35
By the early 1960s, Middleton had •Skills:
developed into a full-fledged city, con­ Gadgetry: 9, Scientist: 9
sisting mainly ofcommuters who work • Advantages:
in neighboring Denver. The residents Connections: J'Onn J'Onzz (High),
of Middleton, some 100,000 strong, Scientific Community (Low); Genius;
voted in 1968 to incorporate with Denver. Scholar (spatial physics)
J'Onn J'Onzz, the Martian • Drawbacks:
Manhunter, first arrived on Earth in Age (old)
Middleton, dueto an experiment gone • Equipment:
awry conducted by Professor Saul MATTER TRANSMITTER [Boov: 8,
Erdel. In the guise ofEarthman John Teleportation: 30, Time Travel: 30,
Jones, J'Onzz served as a detective in R#: 5]
the Middleton police department for • Motivation:
many years. Statistics for the Mar­ Responsibility of Power
tian Manhunter are located on page •Occupation: Scientist
44 of the Background/Roster Book. •Wealth: 8


Doom Patrol •
• Mansion

ill .
Downtown Business
District •

• •


Midway City is located just east of Sault Ste. Marie on the North Channel
between northern Michigan and the southern tip ofOntario. Midway was first
settled in 1620 as Brule's Landing, a small trading post for the fur trappers who
flooded into the area after its 1618 discovery by French explorer Etienne Brule.
By the early 19th Century, Brule's Landing had been renamed Midway City
and had grown into a fair-sized city that began to prosper during the Industrial
Today, Midway City is a heavily industrial city, home to some 800.000
citizens. Midway City is known for the Bi-State Tunnel, the country's longest
underwater tunnel, which connects the U.S. to Ontario in Canada across the
North Channel. It is also famous as the home ofthe Midway City Museum. one
ofthe nation's largest museums ofnatural history, which contains the greatest
collection of medieval weaponry and artifacts in the world.
Midway City served as home base for the team of outcast heroes known as
the Doom Patrol for several years. They lived and were headquartered in a
brownstone mansion owned by Niles Caulder (aka the Chief). For more
information on this version of the Doom Patrol, consult Mconshot, the Doom
Patrol sourcebook/adventure.


Kingston, N.Y.

Dick Grayson's
college apt.

New Carthage is a small college town in the upstate New York Hudson
Valley, some seventy-five miles north of New York City.
The town's mainstay is Hudson University, a mid-sized Ivy League institu­
tion established in 1836. Today, Hudson is renowned as one of the country's
leading business schools. The town, consisting mainly of single-family homes,
has been built up around the University, which lies in the heart of New
Carthage. Main Street, whkh is comprised of stores, shops, and restaurants
catering to the school, runs through the center of the college.
The approximately 45,000 residents of New Carthage are served by Ralph
Waldo Emerson High School.
Dick Grayson, the original Robin, attended Hudson University through his
junior year. For his statistics during this period, see the New Titans Sourcebook.
For Dick Grayson's current statistics, in his guise as Nightwing, see page 51
of the Background/ Roster Book . New Carthage is also the home of Amy
Winston (aka Amethyst) and her parents. See entry under GEMWORLD for
more information.


St. Mary's


Square Queens


Staten Island

New York City began its existence on the southern tip ofManhattan Island
in 1624. The area, which was purchased by Dutch traders from the area's
native Indian population, was named New Amsterdam. The Dutch settlers
scarcely had time to begin building up what was to become one of the great
cities ofthe world before they lost New Amsterdam to the British in the Second
Dutch War (1664-1667).
By the time ofthe British occupation, New Amsterdam had grown into a busy
shipping and fishing port, with farmlands that expanded northward up the
island. Renamed New York, the island quickly grew into a major center of
shipping and commerce for the British in the New World.
Throughout the 17th and 18th Centuries, New York continued to expand,
filling Manhattan Island and reaching out into the surrounding areas across
the East River and New York Bay. Though neighboring Brooklyn, ·Queens, The
Bronx, and Staten Island were independent cities, they stood in the shadow of
Manhattan and were more often than not thought ofas suburbs or adjuncts of
New York City. That situation was hardly rectified in 1898 when these four
cities and Manhattan incorporated in the single municipality as the five
boroughs of New York City.
New York declared its independence from Great B.ritain in 1776, and the
state was the site of about one-third of the military engagements between the
British and the Continental Congress. Manhattan served as the first capital
of the newly-formed United States of America after the war, and was the
location of General Washington's inauguration as the nation's first president.
New York saw an explosive growth during the 19th Century and was soon
recognized as the country's commercial and economic center, site of the New
York and international stock exchanges, eastern terminus for railroads that
soon stretched the width and breadth of the country, and the point of arrival
for the majority ofEuropean immigrants. These immigrants first entered this
country through Castle Gardens, then through Ellis Island. New York also
became home to numerous world-renowned attractions, including the Statue
of Liberty (located on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor), and the Brooklyn
Bridge, which links Manhattan and Brooklyn and opened in 1883.
The five boroughs ofNew York were tenuously linked by a system oftrolleys,
elevated railroads, and ferries until the turn of the 20th Century, when the
first subway lines went into operation. By the end of the great subway
construction boom during the 1940s, the entire city was crisscrossed by more
than 200 miles of subway tunnels. The city also supports three international
airports (Kennedy International on Long Island, LaGuardia International in
Queens, and Newark International i n New Jersey), four heliports, 40 bus
carriers, and two major rail terminals.
New York continues its dominance i n the financial, commercial, and media
worlds today, with Metropolis following behind a close second. Manhattan has
the greatest concentration of skyscrapers in the world. This area is home to
most of the country's largest banking, economic, and corporate entities, from
the fmancial center of the downtown Wall Street district to the midtown
corporate canyons ofFifth Avenue. Three majortelevision and radio networks,
several of the largest cable operations, the national news weeklies, the major
publishing houses, as well as two of the most influential newspapers in the
nation (the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal) are also based in
New York. Many ofthese enterprises make their homes in the skyscrapers that
helped New York lead the nation in the modern architectural revolution,
including the Flatiron Building, the Empire State Building, the twin towers of

the World Trade Center, the Chrysler Building, the Woolworth Building, and
Rockefeller Center.
New York also leads the nation in the cultural arts. It is famous for the live
theater of glamorous Broadway, the experimental theater of West 42nd
Street's Off Broadway, and Lower Manhattan's Off-Of{ Broadway. Movie
theaters offer everything from Hollywood's latest and foreign films to revivals,
horror, and hardcore pornography. The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
has opera, ballet, and symphonies, as do a multitude ofother venues across the
five boroughs. The fine arts are represented by such institutions as the
Metropolitan Museum of Arts, the Museum of Modern Art the Guggenheim

Museum, the Brooklyn Museum, and the Whitney Museum of American Art .

History also abounds, from the historic recreation ofthe South Street Seaport
on the East River, to the Museum ofNatural History and the adjacent Heyden
Planetarium on the Upper West Side and the New York City Museum.
The city is also home to a number of institutions of higher education,
including New York University, Columbia University, the City University of
New York, and Fordham University.
New York is a city ofneighborhoods divided along economic and ethnic lines.
The lower- and mid-West Sides, Harlem, Spanish Harlem, Brownsville, and
Jamaica belong to the poor and the minorities. Midtown, the Upper East and
West Sides, Park Slope, and Fifth Avenue belongto the upper middle-class and
Several blocks from the world-renowned United Nations building can be
found the American Embassy of Justice League International. For more
details on the embassy, see the Justice League Sourcebook. The JLI's current
UN liaison and American Embassy chief is noted industrialist Maxwell Lord.
Another group ofsuperheroes based in New York is the New Titans, who are
headquartered in the imposing Titans' Tower, located on an island in the East
River. For a complete schematic ofthe Tower,consulttheNew Titans Sourcebook.
Other superheroes who make their home in New York include Manhunter,
the Huntress, Dr. Fate, and many others. Statistics for all ofthese characters
can be found in the Background/Roster Book.
New York City is located in southeastern New York State on New York Bay,
at the mouth of the Hudson River. Its five boroughs cover some 301 square
miles and are home to a population ofalmost 7 ,300,000. Manhattan (New York
County) is an island with Bronx County on the mainland, northeast of
Manhattan across the Harlem River. Across the East River are Brooklyn
(Kings County) and Queens County, both on the western end of Long Island,
and Staten Island (Richmond County) southwest ofManhattan across Upper
New York Bay and separated from Brooklyn by the Verrazano Narrows. The
five boroughs arejoined by a network ofhighways, roads, bridges, and tunnels.





Family Farm


Hancock Co.

Farm Mason
C ity

Pittsdale, Iowa is a small farming community 120 miles north of Des

Moines. Home to fewer than 500 residents, most of whom work individual­
family farms, Pittsdale is known for little more than its peace and quiet. The
town itselfis one block long, and the town's mayor is also Pittsdale's full-time
Lois Lane, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist currently working for the
Metropolis Daily Planet, is a native ofPittsdale. Her statistics are located on
page 92 of the Background/Roster Book.


• Fair Grounds



The Quad Cities are located on the Mississippi river, along the Iowa-Illinois
border. Moline, Davenport, Rock Island, and Bettendorf make up an urban
area that encompasses some 300,000 people.
While most of the Quad Cities consists offarmland, the family farms have,
in recent years, been mostly absorbed by large farming conglomerates. The
area has seen the growth of industry and manufacturing since World War II,
taking advantage of the large labor pool of workers left unemployed by the farm closures.
Today, the heart of the Quad Cities is an expanding urban area of housing,
business, and commerce.
Wild Dog lives in the Quad Cities, and his statistics can be found on page 68
of the Background I Roster Book.


Lang Farm

High School

� City o


,,Jl lio
Industrial ...

Smallville, Kansas is, despite its name, a good-sized city of some 90,000
which lies on I-70 about fifty miles west of the I-70/I-135 interchange.
Smallville was settled in 1870 by settlers from back east and grew into a
small but prosperous farming community. Light industry moved into the area
around the turn of the century and sparked further growth, which continued
during World War II as airplane manufacturing developed throughout the state.
Today, much ofSmallville is given over to farming. Most of the farmlands are
currently owned by vast farming conglomerates, but many small, family­
owned and operated farms still remain. The majority of Small ville's workers
are employed in either agriculture or the aircraft factories. At the heart of
Smallville is an ever-growing town center with some twenty-three square
miles ofprivate homes, small apartment buildings, and smaU businesses. Most
residents of Smallville have remained loyal to the town's tradesman with
whom they've conducted business for years, but that hasn't stopped the
construction of a modern shopping mall on the outskirts of town.
Clark Kent, prize-winning reporter and columnist for the Metropolis Daily
Planet(who is also Superman), was raised in Smallville by Jonathan and
Martha Kent, his foster parents, who still live in their hometown. Kent's
childhood sweetheart, Lana Lang, also resides in Smallville. Statistics for
Lana and the Kents can be found on page 92 of the Background/ Roster Book .




Oak foresl




East Blumebury Villa
Gary -L -St_
(_ ck
�-) L
_ _ _k�--


Star City is located along Highway 101 between San Francisco and the
northern border of California. It was founded in 1797 by Colonel Jeb Star and
named Fort Plymouth; it remained a small outpost for traders coming down
from Canada until the opening of the state by the railroads in the 1860s.
Ringed by stockyards and slaughterhouses, the city became a major cattle
town in the 1870s.
In 1897, the south side of Fort Plymouth burned to the ground when a
stockyard smokehouse caught fire. This occurrence, which became known as
The Great Fire, gave rise to a great new city, which was rebuilt as a leader in
architectural innovation and renamed Star City to symbolize its greater size
and newfound importance.
Throughout the 20th Century, Star City continued to grow and prosper.
Today, with a population of 1, 500,000, it is one of the great cities of the West
Coast. Its museums are among the finest in the country, and the Star City
Symphonic Orchestra is one of the finest in the world. Star City is a giant of

Market, and a major northern California air and rail center.
For many years, Star City served as home to Oliver Queen (Green Arrow)
and Dinah Lance (Black Canary). See pages 38 and 37 oftheBackground I Roster
Book for their game statistics.
Star City is divided into twenty-six neighborhoods:
•Aurora: Aurora is an area of unspoiled beauty, most of which has been
taken over as national or state park land.
•Avalon Park: Avalon Park was created in the 1960s as a housing project
to house Star City's urban poor; it is considered the worst slum in the city.
Unemployment, drugs, crime, and street gangs are rampant in this area,
which even police officers are afraid to enter alone.
• Blumebury: Also known as the Stockyards (which used to be the function
of this district), Blumebury is a poor neighborhood of brick-front row houses
and tenement apartments.
• Brainerd: Brainerd is an area of quiet streets and clean, well-tended
three- and four-flat apartments. A five-story urban shopping mall, which
features some ofStar City's finest stores, has recently opened in the heart ofBrainerd.
•City Core: City Core is Star City's downtown shopping and business
district. This neighborhood includes the two-mile long Shopping Shoreline,
which features exclusive shops and department stores as well as the city's
many cultural centers.
•Clarendon Hills: Clarendon Hills is a quiet neighborhood of colonial
homes and split-level ranches that hide the wealth of organized crime figures
who live there.
• Daleyville: Daleyville is a working-class neighborhood whose modest
homes belie the vast accumulation of political power that resides there. This
neighborhood is the center of the patronage system that controls the city's
political workings.
•Damen Hills: Damen Hills is an exclusive neighborhood offamily estates,
mansions, country clubs, and riding stables. Six championship quality golf
courses are located here.
•East Gary: Virtually all of Star City's steel industry is centered here,
although recent years have seen the closing of many ofthe city's steel plants.
The steel companies have tried to tear down many of the abandoned factories,
but unemployed workers holding out in hope of the eventual resurgence of
industry have staged sometimes violent demonstrations.
• Elgin: Elgin houses the Stateville Federal Penitentiary, a maximum
security facility designed by S.T.A.R. Laboratories to hold superpowered
criminals. On the other side of Elgin are a few residential sections dotted with
many bars frequented by the city's criminal element.
• Glaberton: Glaberton, the city's entertainment district, features jazz at
Ponty Hall, rock music at Boneshaker Sam's, Mozart quartets at Corey's, and
everything else in between, including movies from the world over on Union
Pacific Drive to the plethora ofplayhouses and theaters featuring live theater.
•Hyde Park: The University of Star City, a world leader in physics,
anthropology, and microbiology, is located in Hyde Park. The entire neighbor­
hood has been influenced by the University's presence and features some ofthe
best bookstores in the city.
•Jackson Park: During Prohibition, Jackson Park was the city's center of
crime and violence, home ofJohn "One-Thumb" Riddell, the Al Capone of Star
City's underworld. Today, Jackson Park is a quiet, middle-class neighborhood,
with a pocket of exclusive and expensive mansions atop the hill at its center.

• Lombard: Lombard is the neighborhood surrounding O'Grady Interna­
tional Airport. This area is home to a large percentage of airport and airline
•Marquette: Marquette is a blue-collar neighborhood consisting of steel
workers employed in the nearby South Shore and East Gary plants. Several
plant closings in recent years have left Marquette in somewhat ofan economic
decline. The area is known for its diverse collection of ethnic restaurants.
•Near South: Near South is home to Star City's old rich. It is a quiet
neighborhood of tree-shaded streets, expensive old family estates, and beau­
tifully manicured grounds.
•Oak Forest: Oak Forest is the commercial heart of Star City. Beginning
in 1955, skyscrapers and office buildings were erected to lure big business to
this small, self-contained city. Oak Forest was once an unincorporated suburb,
but it was absorbed into Star City in 1971.
•Oldtown: Until a few years ago, Oldtown was a run-down section of the
city. Recently, however, Oldtown has experienced an upswing due to the influx
of young professionals who have been buying up and renovating the old
brownstone apartments that predominate the area. Oldtown still retains its
old flavor and is popular with young artists and musicians.
• Plesa Park: Plesa Park is an industrial area which contains Printers Row,
metal finishing factories, textiles, and warehousing.
•Saulk Village: An old trading post even before Star City was settled,
Saulk Village was once Star City's dairy district, an industrial outgrowth ofthe
cattle trade. Today, Saulk Village is a residential neighborhood, with many old
farmhouses still standing on the large tracts of land.
•Seaview: Set on the Pacific Coast, Lakeview is the city's trendiest
neighborhood and is home to a largely young professional population. With its
refurbished brownstone homes, health spas, restaurants, and expensive
boutiques and shops, Seaview is also the location of the central campus of the
exclusive and highly-respected Northeast University. The school is noted for
its Business and Journalism departments.
•South Shore: South Shore is a quiet residential area of brick three-story
eight-flats. Devoid of any points of interest, most residents of Star City think
of South Shore as simply a nice place to raise children.
•Tesserville: Tesserville is the city's rail center; the switch yards here
accommodate the continuous flow ofrail traffic. The Central Transit Authority,
Star City's computerized mass transit system, is headquartered in this district.
•Villa Park: Home to the Stream Museurn ofNatural History, the Museum
ofTechnology and Industry, the Eastern Institute, and Midler Planetarium,
Villa Park is City Core's competition for Star City's cultural center.
• Westchester: Westchester was built as a "planned city" by Henry Porter
in 1909 to house the 10,000 workers employed in his factories. The Great
Depression of 1929 forced Porter to lay offthousands ofworkers and to cut the
salaries of those who remained. This situation led to a massive strike that
destroyed Porter's relationship with his workers. After the strike ended, the
workers moved to housing outside of Westchester to avoid paying rent to
Porter. Westchester was a ghost town until it was annexed by Star City in
1932. It became popular as a middle-class family neighborhood and is still
favored by young couples seeking a quiet place to raise families.
•Wriggleyville: Another working-class neighborhood, Wriggleyville is
home to the Star City Rockets baseball team.


Waymore �



Waymore, Nebraska, the natives are fond ofjoking, is so small that the town
power plant is a Diehard battery. While that is a bit of an exaggeration,
Waymore is far from being a major metropolis.
Located along I-80, Waymore was settled in 1867 by land speculators who
believed the railroad was going to pass through their land. The railroad went
elsewhere, but the speculators remained until finally selling their investments
(at a loss) to pioneers on the way to California from back east.
Today, Waymore is dependent on two electronics assembly plants located
there, which employ a majority of the town's 13,000 residents. Ralph Dibny,
the stretchable costumed adventurer known as the Elongated Man, was born
and raised in Waymore. Elongated Man's statistics are found on page 45 ofthe
Background/Roster Book.

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The Earth of the DC Universe is an active, vital world with its own multi­
level structure of business, communications, and entertainment. Its people
have access to a wide valiety of products, technological innovations, entertain­
ment, and televised, cinematic, and printed media. A large percentage of the
media is owned by a small number of the companies, but there are enough
independently-owned newspapers and television stations to balance the me­
dia giants' market dominance.
Similarly, corporate America is largely dominated by a relatively small
minority of conglomerates, the largest among them being Lexcorp, which
ranks consistently in the top slot oftheFord's Business Weekly Three Hundred,
the listing of America's richest companies.

Major Corporations
Elite Design Consultants: Elite is a major Los Angeles-based engineering
concern which specializes in aeronautics. This company has an international
reputation, and its work has won many engineering awards and even more
valuable patented designs. Hal Jordan, alias Green Lantern, was once em­
ployed there.
Face Value Modeling Agency: This is a Los Angeles modeling agency that
represents many ofthe nation's top fashion models. Looker, former member of
the Outsiders, is represented by Face Value.
Koul-Brau Breweries: This New Mexican brewery began as a local brand
and has expanded into a national item. Koul-Brau is a subsidiary ofLexcorp.
Lexcorp: Headquartered in Metropolis (with offices and holdings world­
wide), this multinational conglomerate is the largest and most powerful
corporation in the world. Lexcorp was founded by, and is owned and headed by,
one of the world's three richest men, Lex Luthor. Luthor created the giant
conglomerate about twenty years ago following his first major success, the
design ofthe LexWing aircraft.
Luthor is himselfa brilliant scientist. However, as the years passed, he gave
up scientific investigation in favor of managing his business holdings. Luthor
now limits his involvement to coming up with ideas for new inventions which
he passes on to his army of researchers and scientists for development.
Lexcorp, and its elusive chiefexecutive officer, comprise a powerful presence
in Metropolis. This corporation owns a large part of the city's commerce;

Lexcorp's 96-story L-shaped skyscraper headquarters dominates the skyline
of the eastern point of New Troy. Some estimates have Luthor either directly
or indirectly employing almost two-thirds ofthe city's population in his various companies.
Lexcorp, whose principal stockholder is Luthor himself, is the holding
company for a catalog of smaller wholly- or partially-owned subsidiaries.
Among these are:
• LexComp ( manufacturers of personal computers)
• LexAir and InterContinental Airlines (commercial airlines)
• LexCom (communications holdings, including WLEX-TV, a Metropolis
television station) LexCom once owned the Metropolis Daily Planet.
• Advanced Research Laboratories
• LexOil (encompasses holdings in the drilling, transportation, and whole­
sale and retail distribution of oil)
• Robolnc. (research and development in robotics and artificial intelligence)
Roboinc. created the bionic hand that replaced the one Luthor lost to radiation poisoning.
•SecurCorp Armored Car Service
• LexSea (shipping fleet of cargo container ships and oil tankers)
•Good Foods Group (owners ofRalli's Family Restaurants and the Bun 'N'
Run fast-food chain, the Koul-Brau Breweries, and a northeastern U.S. chain
of supermarkets)
• Luthor Financial Group (has holdings in three Metropolis banks: the
Metropolis Mercantile Bank, Commerce Bank of Metropolis, and First Metro
Security). Lexcorp, no doubt, conceals a wealth of other companies beneath a
mountain oflegal red tape through dummy corporations.
MyndiMayerAssociates: The largest and most successful public relations
firm in the country, the agency is still
run by the late Ms. Mayer's employ­
ees and still survives largely due to
her unique charisma.
Ritaccio Fine Antiques: This in­
ternationally-renowned art and an­
tique auction house is famous for the
unusual and high-priced treasures
that pass across its auction block.
Ritaccio is located in Gotham City.
Stewart Public Relations: This is
the Los Angeles-based public relations
firm to the stars. It is owned and
masterminded by Lynn Stewart.
United Garment Company:
United is a leading manufacturer in
the prosperous Gotham City clothing trade.
Wayne Enterprises: Wayne En­
terprises is the parent company which
oversees Wayne Industries, Wayne
Tech, and the Wayne Foundation.
With corporate headquarters i n
Gotham City a n d branch offices
throughout the free world, Wayne
Enterprises is a privately-held corpo­
ration owned by Bruce Wayne. Wayne,
however, participates very little in
the day-to-day operations of his various enterprises; he leaves most of the
details to his employees, especially his trusted assistant, Lucius Fox.
Wayne Industries is a commercial conglomerate, with holdings in consumer
electronics, the aeronautics industry, and Wayne Foods, among other industries.
WayneTech has a smaller scope ofoperations which concentrates its econom­
ics and energies on commercial research and development. This operation
takes proven theory and turns it into workable technology. The Ratings of
WayneTech labs range from 8 to 12 APs.
The Wayne Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to the funding
ofresearch, much of which, if successful, later finds its way to WayneTech for
commercial development. WayneTech allows the creators of the basic research
to keep any patents or copyrights that come out of the work it funds, reserving
only the right of first refusal on the commercial development of the results.

Science and Technology

Cypher International: This New York-based multinational conglomerate
is headed by company founder Victor Cypher. Cypher has holdings in electron­
ics, computers, and scientific research and development. Most of Cypher's
research never makes it to the marketplace; the corporation is a cover and
power base for the political and economic ambitions of Victor Cypher. The
corporation's greatest discovery - in the field ofcybernetic combat equipment
- has remained proprietary technology for Cypher's criminal campaign to
gain worldwide power. In pursuit of that aim, Cypher, a native of the tiny
Eastern European nation ofAustanburg, initiated a revolution in that country
which led to his installation as leader of the country.
Dayton Industries: The New York-based Dayton Industries is headed by
Steve Dayton, the world's fifth richest man Cas well as the one-time costumed
hero associated with the original Doom Patrol, Mento). While himself a
brilliant scientist, Dayton employs the finest scientific minds money can buy;
most of the notable developments from the company appear to be the work of
those employees. On his own, however, Dayton has invented the psionic helmet
he used as Mento, as well as the metal known as Promethium, which is the
world's only known self-regenerating energy source. The main labs at Dayton
Industries have a Rating of 13 APs.
Hawkes Industries: Headed by CEO Veronica Hawkes, Hawkes Indus­
tries is a leading scientific and technological research and development
company in the west. Veronica Hawkes has recently been linked to criminal
activities involving the company. Hawkes Industries is now trying to redeem
its image and regain the trust of the scientific community. Its research lab is
Rated at 8 APs.
IMP Computers: Integrated Machine Products was started in 1927 for the
manufacturing ofoffice machines. In the early 1940s, IMP began to explore the
possibilities for computers in business and industry, implementing a research
and development program to capitalize on the commercial potential of busi­
ness computers. By the early 1950s, IMP was the world leader in computer
research and manufacture, dominating the electronic business machine mar­
ket. In 1981, IMP introduced the Imp, one of the first personal computers;
today, the company still holds the majority ofthe PC market.
Kord Omniversal Research & Development Inc.: Based in Chicago,
K.O.R.D., Inc. was founded by Thomas M. Kord. Kord retired early upon the
death of his wife, leaving the operation ofthe growing company to his son, Ted

(who was to become the second Blue
Beetle). Despite Ted's claim to have
built KO.RD., Inc. from a "a little­
known hole-in-the-wall research op­
eration into a major multinational
conglomerate," the company was al­
ready well on its way to prominence
when young Ted took over. While he
held the title ofChairman ofthe Board,
Ted was very active in the day-to-day
operations ofthe company; as an engi­
neer and scientist himself, he partici­
pated in actual lab work and research.
At that point in time, the labs had a
Rating of 14 APs. When Ted's activi-
ties as the Blue Beetle led him to
neglect the company, Thomas came
out of retirement to take controL Bit-
ter over his father's takeover, Ted left
KO.RD., Inc., which was eventually
purchased in a hostile takeoverby the
Zyco Corp., a rival research and devel-
opment company. The labs now have
a Rating o f 9 APs.
Polestar Computers: Founded by computer wunderkind Bruce Putski,
Polestar Computers has grown in less than a decade from a small, two-man
operation in a garage to the fifth largest computer company in America. The
vehicle of this success was Putski's invention of the Polestar I, one of the first
personal computers on the consumer market. The Polestar PC has undergone
a great deal oftechnical evolution since it was first created. It is now one of the
most popular machines on the market for home and small-business users.
S.T.A.R. Laboratories: The Scientific and Technological Advanced Re­
search Laboratories CS.T.AR Labs) is the world's largest dedicated research
and development company. Garrison Slate created the labs in 1971 as a haven
for scientists and inventors put out of work by the collapse of the aerospace
industry, as well as for individuals who balked at working under the restraints
of traditional corporate research and development. S.T.AR quickly attained
a reputation as the place to be for scientists, attracting such talent as Dr.
Albert Michaels (who became S.T.AR's first chief administrator) and Dr.
Jenet Klyburn, a scientific genius who came to S.T.AR to avoid working for
Lex Luthor. She later replaced Dr. Michaels as chief administrator and has
recently left that position to return to pure research, although she still heads
up the company's Metropolis facilities.
S.T.AR contracts for research in both the public and private sectors as well
as the military. While S. T.AR does not merchandise or mass produce the fruits
of its labors, it does license its inventions to others to exploit commercial potentiaL
S.T.AR. has offices and facilities all across the country, including:
•Chicago, the first S.T.AR office, which studies all the sciences and
specializes in improving manufacturing techniques. Lab Rating: 12 APs.
•Gotham City, specializing in bio-weaponry and neuro-optics. Lab Rating:
12 APs.
• Houston, specializing in outer space support technologies and the general

study of humans in hostile environments. Lab Rating: 14 APs.
• Los Angeles, engaged in disease control, with a current emphasis on AIDS

research. Lab Rating: 10 APs.

• Metropolis, specializing in general studies of the sciences. Lab Rating: 16 APs.
•Minneapolis, S.T.A.R.'s center for the study of future technologies. Lab
Rating: 12 APs.
•New York, specializing in bio-technology and cybernetics. Lab Rating: 15 APs
• Phoenix, where weather is studied, along with systems for controlling
catastrophes. Lab Rating: 10 APs.
•San Diego, specializing in plague studies and bio-weaponry. Lab Rating: 11 APs.
•San Francisco, which pursues superhuman studies and medical research.
Lab Rating: 12 APs.
• Wichita, specializing in computer engineering and the creation of applica­
tions for computer-aided design and applications. Lab Rating: 10 APs.

National Retail and Service Chains

Baron Drugs: This large chain of pharmacies, which are located inside
large retail stores, sells everything from penny candy to major appliances,
including health and beauty aids, film developing, notions, magazines, comic
books, and paperbacks. Many of the larger Baron's have lunch counters.
Blast-o-Rama: Blast-o-Rama is the nation's largest chain of record and
video stores.
Boone's: This chain is where most newlyweds buy their first washer and
dryer, and where every home workman gets his hand and power tools. This
hundred-year-old retail chain, which began life as a small Midwestern catalog
house, is a visible presence in every major and minor metropolitan area in the
country. Boone's is a moderately-priced, reliable store whose motto is "A Boone
for the Shopping Dollar."
C&C Foods: C&C is a chain ofAmerica's largest retail food stores, with over
1,100 supermarkets across the country.
Commercial Insurance Company: This Gotham City-based insurance
firm is famous for its issuance of policies on any person (or part thereof) or
object. The odder the policy, the better CIC likes it, if for no other reason than
the publicity value.
Eagle Oil: This is a U.S. and Canadian chain ofautomobile service and gas stations.
Electro Sounds: This is a New York-based chain of electronic stores.
Electro Sounds sells everything from tapes and records to stereos.
Finger Stationers: This is an Eastern-based chain of stationery and office
supplies and computer software.
Friday's: This is a temporary employment agency that supplies temporary
and part-time office help.
Friendly Movers: Friendly Movers is a national moving and van rental
company. The company's motto is "If lt's Gotta Go From Here to There, It's
Gotta Go Friendly."
Handi-Man Home Centers: These stores are sellers of hand and power
tools, hardware, home improvement and building supplies, and lumber.
Hardbody: This is a local Gotham City chain ofhealth and fitness spas, with
many city and suburban mall locations.
Harrison's Furniture World: This is a wholesale furniture chain where

"From End Tables to an Entire Home, You Have to Be Happy with Harrison."
Jiffy, Jr.: This is a 24-hour convenience store chain.
Lattimer's: Lattimer's is a national chain of twenty-three department
stores. Formerly viewed as a department store catering to the middle-class,
Lattimer's has, in recent years, sought a more upscale image.
Lombard's Sports World: Lombard's sells all types ofsporting goods, from
sneakers to uniforms to every conceivable piece of sports equipment.
Merlin Toys: This is America's largest toy store chain.
Monoil: Monoil is an automobile service and gas station chain.
Pegasus Movers: Pegasus is Friendly Mover's chiefrival in the moving and
storage business.
RAMCO: RAMCO is another automobile service and gas station chain.
Save-Mart: This low-end retail department store chain is famous for its
inexpensive goods.
Spark Mart: Spark Mart sells everything for the electronics enthusiast,
from batteries to transistors to electronic kits, stereos, and home computers.
Stax's: Stax's is a national chain of record stores.
Terry Sloane's Health & Fitness Club: This is the nation's largest chain
of health and fitness clubs.
Travel Inn: Travel Irm is a national chain of budget hotels and motels.
U-Move-It: This is a truck and trailer rental chain.
Wheeler's: Wheeler's is where "A Nickel & a Dime Buys You the World."
There's a Wheeler's in virtually every city and town in the country where, for
almost seventy-five years, Americans have bought their dry goods, notions,
and health and beauty aids.

Blackhawk Express: This international air express service is owned and
operated by Weng Chan, former member of the heroic World War II aviation
squadron, the Blackhawks. Blackhawk Express delivers consumer and com­
mercial packages around the world and rents out aircraft to conglomerates and
smaller air services.
Brysler Motors: This mid-sized automobile manufacturer, which is based
in Metropolis, is owned by founder Leo Brysler. Brysler turns out a successful
line of compact, fuel-efficient cars that have been popular since the oil crisis of
the 1970s.
Ferris Aircraft Corporation: Fen-is Aircraft Corporation was founded in
1933 by Carl Ferris and Conrad Bloch as the transport firm ofFerris-Bloch Air
Cargo in Coast City, California (see entry under COAST CITY). The twoyoung
fliers met with unexpected success in the company's early years. The partners
eventually expanded their business to include a stable of engineers and
mechanics to redesign their aircraft, increasing efficiency and cutting costs.
By the late 1930s, the design arm ofFerris-Bloch was making a higher profit
than the air transport service, leading the owners to eliminate that service and
metamorphose the firm into Fen-is-Bloch Aircraft Corporation. Unfortu­
nately, the wage and price controls enforced by the government during World
War II led the company into hard times, even though its factories were working
around the clock to provide aircraft for the Army and Navy Air Corps. At the
same time, Conrad Bloch was engaged in a battle with alcoholism that affected
his job performance and home life.

In order to save the company, Carl Ferris was forced to seize control of the
business, squeezing Blocll out and renaming the company Ferris Aircraft.
Bloch fought back from his problems to start up a competing company, which
his son Jason took over upon his father's dea
th . Conrad Bloch never forgave
Ferris for his actions and nurtured a bitter grudge against the man and his
company uotil his death. Jason Bloch inherited his father's hatred for Ferris;
years 1ater, Bloch engagedin a criminal conspiracy aimed at destroying Carl
Ferris' company.
By then, Cad's daughter Carol had assumed control of Ferris Aircraft when
her fafuer retired. Jason Bloch's efforts were successful enough to bring Carl
out of retirement to fight him, but Bloch's machinations brought about the
destruction ot:Ferris Aircraft's Coast City facilities. Rather than rebuild there,
Carl ahd Carol Ferris moved the entire operation to their Los Angeles
Today, Ferris Aircraft supplies commercial aircraft to several major airlines.
However, its financial success is largely dependent on government contracts
with the military and with NASA, for whom Ferris has invested several years
and many hundreds of millions of dollars in the development of the Solar Jet,
a solar-powered fighter plane. The company has also been known to rent out
space and facilities to outside firms.
Carl Ferris died recently after he lost control of his company to the Con-Trol
organization, which was a dummy corporation controlled by his daughter,
Carol, in her guise as the evil Predator. Carol Ferris has experienced numerous
problems over the years, including her intermittent transformations into the
Green Lantern foes Star Sapphire and Predator.
Hal Jordan, the Earth sector's Green Lantern, was employed at Ferris
Aircraft as a test pilot.
Interail: This cross-country railroad is the government-combined remnants
of the once-great and all-encompassing railroads. Interail offers passenger
service across America and Canada as wel1 as freight rail service.
Metrak: This commuter line services Metropolis and its surrounding sub­
urbs. Metrak also offers limited commuter and freight service in the tri-state area.
Swiftcoach: This national bus Hne offers passenger transportation to those
whose budgets can't afford rail or air travel and small freight and package

The Victorola Motor Corp: Headquartered in Coast City, California, VMC
is the only major automobile manufacturing facility on the West Coast.

Cornelius/Krieg: This major multinational pharmaceutical conglomerate
is headquartered in Metropolis. C/K both conducts and underwrites research;
this company also rnanufactmes a wide variety of prescription and over-the­
counter drugs.
Gapetto Toys: Gapetto's is a small but prosperous toy, game, and novelty
manufacturer. It is located in Metropolis.
Gioberti Industries: This company is a major national manufacturer of
safes, locks, and security systems. Gioberti holds a majority of the market in
these areas in both the commercial and consumer sectors. Its motto is ''You pick
our locks . . . so others can't."
Mayfly Games Inc.: Headquartered just outside Chicago, this small com­
pany is known mostly for its licensed board and role-playing games. Its
greatest claim to fame is the publication of the Booster Gold Board Game.
Metrosteel: This Metropolis-based steel corporation is the last remaining
steel mill in that city.
NorChemCo: This company is an Arizona-based chemical manufacturing
concern which sells nationally.
Samson & Goliath Steel: This is a Pittsburgh-based steel company.
Shaker Steel Co.: Shaker Steel is another Pittsburgh-based steel company.
Tyler Chemical: Tyler is owned by Wendy and Rick Tyler and located in
Brooklyn, New York. This company sells nationally.

Fast Food Chains

Allegro Pizza: This national chain of take-out pizza parlors promises to
deliver its wares to your home "While the Cheese is Still Oozy."
Banjo's: Banjo's is a national drive-through pizza chain.
Big Belly Burgers: This is a Western U.S.A. chain of roadside restaurants,
rapidly growing across the nation.
Buenos Nachos: This is a Midwestern chain of Mexican fast-food.
Bun 'N' Run: This national chain offast-burgers is a subsidiary ofLexcorp.
Burger Champ: Burger Champ is the nation's second largest fast-burger chain.
Daisy's: Daisy's is the number three fast-burger chain.
Greg Saunders' Round-Up: This chain serves roast beef and burgers in
fast-food restaurants franchised by Greg Saunders, 1940s radio and movie
cowboy star. Saunders, also known as the Prarie Troubadour, was secretly the
Western hero known as Vigilante.
O'Shaughnessy's: These roadside fast-food restaurants are familiar to
anybody who's driven the U.S. interstate highways.
Pepperoni's Pizza: These fast-food pizza parlors are found mostly in
shopping malls.
Ralli's Family Restaurants: This national chain of sit-down restaurants
caters to the family trade and is found mostly i n shopping malls and at rest
stops on highways. Ralli's is a subsidiary of Lexcorp.
Scotty's: America's largest and most famous fast-burger restaurant chain
is franchised around the free world. Its first Soviet restaurant was recently
opened in Moscow.

American Satellite Systems
American Satellites (AmSat) is a major Gotham City-based satellite and
telecommunications company, with interests in a large number oflocal cable
companies. In addition to owning and operating both satellite up-link and
down-link stations, the satellites themselves, and cable distribution outlets,
American Satellites also produces many presentations seen on these cable
AmSat produces and supplies such fare as RTV Rock (the 24-hour rock video
station), RTV Kids (youth-oriented programming and old television reruns),
Picture News Network (all news, all the time), T&E (dedicated to theatre and
the performing arts), Movietime (an all-motion picture network), Sky (provid­
ing continuous national weather reports) and American Satellite Sports (the
24-hour all-sports programming network).
Galaxy Broadcasting Systems
Galaxy Broadcasting Systems is the nation's media giant; it is headed by
company president and chief executive officer Morgan Edge. The Galaxy
Broadcasting arm ofthe company owns television and radio stations and cable
franchises in the country's largest urban markets, as well as newspapers,
magazines, and record companies. Through Galaxy Studios, they produce
feature-length films and television and cable programming.
GBS's owned and operated television stations are:
WBGC-TV (Boston)
WGGC-TV (Gotham City)
WGBS-TV (Metropolis)
WGNY-TV (New York)
KPGT-TV (Seattle)

The Galaxy Radio Network includes:

GBS Rock Network, a nationally
syndicated network offering Jive
broadcasts of rock concerts, ce­
lebrity interviews, Top 40
countdown shows, and
other programming aimed
at the teen and young
adult market.
GBS Information
Network, the national
24-hour aU-news
GBS Radio's
owned and op­
erated stations
include WGBS­
AM and WGBS­
FM (Metropolis),
(Los Angeles).

Galaxy Studios produces such television fare as:
Secret Hearts, a daily hour-long live soap opera, produced out of New York.
Entertainment Aliue, the nightly syndicated "infotainment" program.
The Johnny Nevada Show, the long-running and highly successful late night
network talk show hosted by perennial favorite Johnny Nevada.
Jack Ryder's Hot Seat, a brash, sensationalistic talk show featuring the host
that everyone loves to hate.
Hollywood Tonight, the nightly news and celebrity profile magazine show.
America's Public Enemy, a highly successful syndicated crime reenactment
and televised "wanted-poster" program.
Galaxy's Hollywood studios also produce feature length films for theatrical
distribution, television, and cable networks.
In print medium, GBS owns Galaxy Publishing. Galaxy publishes hardcover
and paperback books under a variety ofimprints, magazines, and newspapers,
which are distributed by the GBS-owned GUN Distribution company. Among
its other holdings are the Metropolis Star (a daily newspaper), the Inquisitor
( a weekly check-out stand tabloid), Galagirl (a monthly magazine for men),
and Sports Scene (a sports weekly).
GBS also controls a large segment of the music market with its Galaxy
Records, Universe Music, and New Music, Inc.

Gotham Media Corporation

GBS's largest rival in the television market is the Gotham City-based
Gotham Media Corporation. GMC is smaller, more conservative, and less
diversified than GBS, focusing its energies and resources on the television and
newspaper markets.
The GMC-TV Network's owned and operated television stations are:
WGMC-TV (Chicago)
WGTV (Gotham City)
WGMC-TV (Metropolis)
WGMT-TV (New York)
WGDC-TV (Washington, D.C.)
The GMC News Division owns a stable of successful and highly regarded
newspapers, including:
The Boston Globe-Leader
The Gotham Gazette
The Metropolis Eagle
The New York Gazette
The Washington Morning Herald

Sun Industries
Sun Industries, owned by Henry King, Jr., is a Metropolis-based multi­
media conglomerate, with holdings in everything from cable to music. British­
born owner King, who put together his American holdings in a series of take­
over bids of smaller companies, has become an American citizen in order to be
able to buy the network of television stations.
Sun Television owns and operates the following stations and services:
NewsChannel (all-news cable channel)
KSUN-TV (Los Angeles)
KSSA-TV (San Antonio)
KWHZ-TV (San Francisco)
KSSA-TV (Seattle)
Through its Verner Brothers and Stellar Studios, Sun supplies its own
television and movie fare.

The Sun News Division publishes several national check-out stand weekly
tabloid magazines and two local newspapers:
The National Penetrator (tabloid)
Sun Celebrity (tabloid)
National Snoop (tabloid)
Sports America (monthly sports magazine)
The Whisper (Metropolis daily tabloid newspaper)
Sun also owns the very profitable Pacific Records.
United Broadcasting System
The smallest of the media companies, United Broadcasting System seems
content owning a small string of syndicated television stations and a single
holding in newspapers (The New York Daily Views). The company's television
stations (which show mostly syndicated program s and reruns) are:
WUBB-TV (Boston)
WUGC-TV (Gotham City)
WMET-TV (Metropolis)
WUBS-TV (New York)
WUPA-TV (Philadelphia)
Syndicated TV Shows
Several syndicated television programs are among the most popular shows
in the United States. These include: The Dick Griffith Show ( a daily 90-minute
afternoon talk and entertainment show), Courageous Man (a campy superhero
show), Ace Arpeggio, P.I. (the nation's most successful detective show), AM
Hollywood(the morninground-upofHollywoodentertainmentnews),Donauan!,
( a sensationalistic interview/talk show), Captain Carrot & His Amazing Zoo
Crew, Funny Bunny, and Rainbow Bears (Saturday morning animated kid
Independent TV Stations
While the media conglomerates dominate the airwaves, there are several
independently-owned television stations which are very influential in the
United States, including:
WHAM-TV (Gotham)
KBEL-TV (Hub City)
WJAB-TV (Metropolis)
WLEX-TV (Metropolis)
KOMO-TV (Seattle)
KGLX-TV (Los Angeles)
Among the independently-owned magazine publishers are:
The Picture News (the Central City-based national weekly news magazine);
Blaze Comics Inc. (publishers of Astro Teens, Commander Courageous, and
Booster Gold comic books); Ebersole's Business (a weekly news magazine);
Venture Magazine (the weekly business magazine); and Ford's Business
Weekly (owned by eccentric billionaire fmancier and publisher, Marvin Ford).
The major independently-owned newspapers are:
The DailyPlanet (Metropolis and national editions, the majority stockholder
is Bridwell Communications)
The National Midnight (a weekly check-out stand tabloid)
The Metropolis Daily News
The Daily Star (Star City)

Below is a complete listing of major league sports franchises, categorized by
leagues and divisions:

Baseball (Central Division) WESTERN

Chicago Bears CONFERENCE
Detroit Lions (Midwest Division)
( Eastern Division)
Green Bay Packers Dallas Mavericks
New York Mets
Dallas Cowboys Keystone Kings
Philadelphia Phillies
Midway Cardinals Houston Rockets
Pittsburgh Pirates
(Western Division) Denver Nuggets
Chicago Cubs
San Francisco 49ers Dos Rios Dudes
Gotham Griffins
Los Angeles Rams San Antonio Spurs
Metropolis Meteors
Atlanta Falcons (Pacific Division )
Midway City Chiefs
Star City Stags Los Angeles Lakers
(Western Division)
Minnesota Vikings Portland Trailblazers
St. Louis Cardinals
Cincinnati Reds Star City Lights
Atlanta Braves AMERICAN Seattle Supersonics
Los Angeles Dodgers CONFERENCE Phoenix Suns
Houston Astros (Eastern Division) Coast City Clippers
Star City Rockets New York Jets
New England Patriots
San Francisco Giants
Miami Dolphins WALES
LEAGUE Indianapolis Colts (Adams Division)
(Eastern Division ) (Central Division) Hartford Whalers
Detroit Tigers Cleveland Browns Montreal Canadians
New York Yankees Cincinnati Bengals Boston Bruins
Boston Red Sox Pittsburgh Steelers Quebec Nordiques
Milwaukee Brewers Central City Cougars Buffalo Sabres
Baltimore Orioles (Western Division) (Patrick Division)
Metropolis Monarchs Denver Broncos Philadelphia Flyers
Gotham Knights Kansas City Chiefs Washington Capitals
Cleveland Indians Coast City Sharks Metropolis Mammoths
(Western Division) Los Angeles Raiders New York Rangers
Oakland Athletics San Diego Chargers Pittsburgh Penguins
Minnesota Twins Gotham Blades
Kansas City Royals
Chicago White Sox Basketball CAMPBELL
Coast City Angels CONFERENCE (Norris Division)
Central City Stars (Atlantic Division) St. Louis Blues
Seattle Mariners Boston Celtics Detroit Red Wings
Philadelphia 76ers Chicago Blackhawks
Metropolis Generals Toronto Maple Leafs
Football New York Knicks Minnesota North Stars
NATIONAL Gotham Guardsmen Midway Wolverines
CONFERENCE (Central Division) (Smythe Division)
(Eastern Division) Midway Sprints Edmonton Oilers
New York Giants Detroit Pistons Calgary Flames
Washington Redskins Milwaukee Bucks Winnipeg Jets
Philadelphia Eagles Indiana Pacers Los Angeles Kings
Metropolis Meteors Chicago Bulls Vancouver Canucks
Gotham Wildcats Cleveland Cavaliers Hub City Slashers

DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2 DEX: 3 STR: 3 BODY: 3
lNT: 2 WILL: 2 M JND: 2 lN'r: 4 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
!NFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2 !NFL: 2 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 3
•Skills: •Skills:
Most professional humans will have Artist (Writer): 5
one of the following Skills, indicating •Advantages:
that person's profession: Artist, Cha­ Connections: The Atom (Low); Gift
risma, Gadgetry, Medicine, Military of Gab
Science, Scientist, and/or Vehicles. • Motivation:
Low-level professionals have 1 or 2 Responsibility of Power
APs in their Skill, medium-level pro­ •Occupation: Author
fessionals 3 to 4 APs in their Skill, and •Wealth: 9
high-level professionals have 5 to 7 (or Norman Brawler: Brawler is a
more) APs in their Skill. High-level renowned tough-guy author whose
professionals who deal with Players' most recent best-seller was a collabo­
heroes on a regular basis may have ration with Ray Palmer, the Atom, on
several Skills of 7 APs or more. the latter's autobiography. Brawler
Blue-collar workers, street thugs, lives in Ivy Town, Connecticut, in Ray
and similar people might have a 3 AP Palmer's old home.
or 4 AP Attribute to balance their lack Leo Brysler: The founder and
ofSkills. A human with any Attribute owner of Metropolis's Brysler Motors,
of 5 APs or more is not "common." Brysler is a blustery showman who
Except where specifically noted, will perform the most outrageous
these statistics and guidelines can be stunts in the name of publicizing and
used for any ofthe individuals listed below. pushing his company's products.
Hilary Armande: Hilary Armande Yuri Cherenko: This young Soviet
is a noted psychiatrist. author defected to the West because of
Scott Bauman: This actor is fa­ his extremist political views. Cherenko
mous for his portrayal of hard-edged cherishes the creative freedom he's
action/adventure figures in a series of found in America and uses it to write
highly successful tough cop films. His what he pleases, no matter how many
last movie was Target: Qurac. people he offends in the process.
Sylvia Blaine: Although this psy­ Winston Cody: An internationally
chic channeler is believed by many to famous fashion designer, Cody began
be a fraud, Blaine was recently suc­ his career in the 1970s by designing
cessful in channeling the spirit of a clothes for many leading Hollywood stars.
real long-dead warrior at a public Kaye Daye: Kaye Daye is a middle­
demonstration of her psychic philoso­ aged Gotham City woman who is the
phy. The Phantom Stranger halted world's most successful mystery nov­
Sylvia's possessed rampage; the re­ elist and quite an armchair detective
sulting publicity has catapulted her in her own right.
into international prominence. Daphne Dean: This actress, best
Marla Bloom: This film director is known for her dramatic portrayals of
noted for one of Hollywood's most fa­ women in distress, has starred in films
mous flops, Blue Devil: The Movie. and on the Broadway stage. Her first
Bloom has done most of her work for film, Life on the Edge, was a success
Verner Bros. Studios. that launched her Hollywood career.

Dean is a native of Farmville, Mis­ He is a dynamic, opinionated man of
souri and the former girlfriend ofBarry sixty-four who engages in rock climb­
AJlen, the second Flash. ing and landsail racing.
Julio Delgado: Julio Delgado heads
the Delgado Agency, a nationally re­
nowned public relations firm. He is
DEx: 5 STR: 3
Boov: 3
known for his smooth style and pow­
erful connections in every aspect of
4 4
business and media. INFL: 6 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 5
Todd Donner: Todd Donner is the INITIATIVE: 17 HERO PoiNTS: 20
powerful network news anchorman •Skills:
for ABC News's highly-rated and in­ Artist(Photographer): 3, Charisma:
fluential Nightzone late night news 8, Weaponry: 5
program. •Advantages:
Connections: Galaxy Communica­
tions (High), Intergang (High),
JUAN DONAVAN DeSaad (Low); Connoisseur; Gift of
DEx: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2 Gab; Leadership; Omni-Connection;
INT: 2 WILL: 3 MIND: 2 Scholar (broadcasting)
INFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2 •Drawbacks:
INITIATIVE: 6 HERo PoiNTS: 0 Dark Secret (Connection to
•Skills: Intergang); Serious Physical Restric­
Charisma: 2 tion (heart strain)
• Advantages: •Motivation: Power Lust
Connection: WGBS-TV (Low); Gift •Occupation:
of Gab; Popularity CEO of Galaxy Communications
• Drawbacks: •Wealth: 17
Catastrophic Irrational Attraction Morgan Edge: Head of Galaxy
to the sensational and the bizarre; Communications and a major figure
Minor Physical Restriction (speech in the broadcasting world, Edge has
affectation) been known to take to the airwaves of
• Motivation: Mercenary GBS flagship station WGBS-TV in
• Occupation: Talk Show Host Metropolis to attack Superman and
•Wealth: 7 the rest of the superhero community.
Unbeknownst to the public, Edge has
Juan Donavan: Juan Donavan is close ties with the criminal under­
the host of the lurid, tabloid-like TV world through the organization called
talk show, Donavan!, which is one of Intergang, which he heads. For many
the most hated and loved shows on the air. years, Edge used Intergang to further
Rory Durham: Durham flew ex­ the interests ofDeSaad of Apokolips,
perimental high-altitude aircraft in who was disguised as Darkseid in all
the 1950s. During one flight, he acci­ his dealings with Edge.
dentally became the first human to Funky Flashman: Promoter and
orbit the Earth in space. Durham confidence man Flashman is a master
managed to return his craft to Earth, at publicizing stunts and P.R. events.
and his experience served as the ma­ He usually ends up with more public­
jor push that got the U.S. to create its ity for himself than the event. AJ­
space program. He is now retired. though his record is spotty at best,
C.W. Ebersole: C.W. Ebersole is an Flashman produces often enough to
economist turned philanthropist and keep the news media coming back for
publisher. Ebersole's Business is one more. Nobody for whom Flashman
of the most respected and highly cir­ has ever worked has anything good to
culated news weeklies in the world. say about him. Flashman once tried to

win fame as a tourmanager for Mister Chair," a device that augments the
Miracle. However, this collaboration psionic powers ofwhoever is seated in
ended before the tour even began when it. He is now working in research and
Funky stole Mister Miracle's Mother development at Blackhawk Express.
Box. As a result, Flashman was at­ Clark Kent: Clark Kent is a Pulitzer
tacked by the Female Furies, who had Prize-winning star reporter and fea­
teleported from Apokohps while hom­ ture writer for the Metropolis Daily
ing in on the Mother Box. The con man Planet. Kent is, ofcourse, also Superman.
barely survived the attack, and he Vaslav Kirlov: Although this noted
never worked for Mister Miracle again. composer has resided in New York
He did recently work with Miracle City for the past decade, he remains a
again, however, and his efforts re­ loyal Soviet citizen. Nonetheless, he
sulted in both of them being forced on defected from the U.S.S.R. in order to
a huge tour of the galaxy, courtesy of raise his estranged daughter, who was
intergalactic barterer Manga Khan. conceived out ofwedlock during one of
Funky's game statistics can be found Kirlov's concert tours twenty years ago.
on page90oftheBackground / RosterBook . Lois Lane: Lois Lane is another
Vincent Garvey: This author has MetropolisDailyPlanet Pulitzer Prize­
made his fame and fortune as the winning reporter.
writer of We Don't Need The Super­ Maxwell Lord: The CEO of the
hero, an anti-superhero tract that multinational Maxwell Lord Enter­
preaches the abolition of superhero prises, Maxwell Lord is best known as
activities. the benefactor and organizer of Jus­
Daniel Gleason: Daniel Gleason is tice League International. Lord origi­
a best-selling author ofcontemporary nally acted under the influence of a
horror novels. sentient alien computer, but became
Catherine "Cat" Grant: Formerly even more dedicated to the JLI after
the star of Galaxy Broadcasting's he was freed from its power. His sta­
Hollywood Tonight, this "celebrity tistics are on page 93 of the Back­
reporter" now wtites a column en­ ground/Roster Book.
titled Cat Calls for the Metropolis
Daily Planet . JEAN LORING
Veronica Hawkes: Veronica DEX: 3 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
Hawkes is the CEO ofHawkes Indus­ INT: 3 WILL: 3 MIND: 3
tlies, a successful high-tech company. INFL: 2 AuRA: 3 SPnm: 3
With her sister, Hawkes has built her INITIATIVE: 8 HERO PoiNTs: 5
company into a major player in the •Skills:
research and development sector. Charisma: 4, Detective (Law): 6
Hawkes has been frequently involved • Advantages:
in criminal dealings; this fact was Connections: American Bar Asso­
exposed by herrecent encounters with ciation (High), theAtom (Low); Scholar
Green Lantern. (legal jurisprudence)
Roger Huntoon: This pop-psy­ • Drawbacks:
chology author's books attempt to ex­ Married
plore Earth's superheroes in a nega­ •Motivation: Seeking Justice
tive light. While Huntoon's books sel­ •Occupation: Lawyer
dom receive good (if any) reviews, they •Wealth: 9
sell fairly well at bus stations and Jean Loring: This noted trial law­
supermarket check-out counters. yer from Ivy Town, Connecticut was
Dr. Clay Kendall: Dr. Kendall is once manied to Ray Palmer, the sec­
the leading researcher in the field of ond Atom.
psionics and team leader ofthe Ferris Lex Luthor: Lex Luthor is the head
Aircraft group that created a "Psi- of Lexcorp, a multinational conglom-

erate with interests in electronics, Steele, a.k.a. Robotman of the Doom Patrol.
consumer goods, and scientific re­ Douglas McKendrick: This former
search and development. Although no Secretary of State was once the head
connection has ever been proven, of the National Security Council. He is
Luthor is one of the leading criminal now a roving diplomat for the White House.
masterminds in the world, often going
up against Superman from his Me­
tropolis-based headquarters. Skeptics
DEX: 0 STR: 0 BODY: 1
say that Luthor virtually controls
lNT: 1 0 WILL: 8 MrND: 8
Metropolis with his power and influ­
ence. Luthor was recently involved in
a plane crash and is presumed dead, INITIATIVE: 10 HERo POINTS: 55
although no body has been found. His •Skills:
statistics are found on page 84 of the Gadgetry: 10, Scientist: 10
Background/Roster Book. • Advantages:
Rudolph Lynch: Lynch is a peren­ Buddy < Babylon); Connections: The
nial pop music favorite who is known Atom Project (High), U.S. Air Force
for changing his style to adapt to the Intelligence (High), Scientific Com­
popular music of the time. munity (High); Genius; Iron Nerves;
Scholar (quantum physics)
• Drawbacks:
DR. WILL MAGNUS Dark Secret (Captain Atom's ori­
DEX: 4 STR: 2 BODY: 3 gin); Guilt; Catastrophic Physical Re­
!NT: 9 WILL: 7 MlND: 7 striction (quadraplegic)
!NFL: 3 AuRA: 3 SPIR1T: 3 • Equipment:
•SiriUs: BoDY: 6, AV: 6, EV: 6, Running: 2,
Gadgetry: 10, Scientist: 10, Weap­ Sealed Systems: 6, R#: 2]
onry: 5 •Alter Ego: Unknown
•Advantages: •Motivation: Unwanted Power
Connections:TheMetal Men (High), •Occupation: Researcher
the Doom Patrol (High), Stagg Indus­ •Wealth: 7
tries (Low), U.S. Government (Low); Megala: Megala has been America's
Genius; Expansive Headquarters; foremost research scientist in the field
Leadership; Scholar (robotics, cybernetics) of quantum physics for the past twenty
• Drawbacks: years. Wheelchair-bound and reliant
Minor Psychological Instability; on life-support systems, Megala is
Unluck rarely seen in public and is considered
•Motivation: Upholding the Good a bit of a mystery. Megala's involve­
•Occupation: Scientist ment in the top secret government
•Wealth: 9 Atom Project led to the creation of the
Dr. Will Magnus: Dr. Magnus is superhero, Captain Atom.
Earth's leading expert in robotics. He Tyrone Napier: Tyrone Napier is
is the creator of the amazing a millionaire philanthropist and tele­
responsometer, which allows robots vision personality. Napier invites the
to have artificial intelligence and what needy onto his television program,
appear to be human-like emotions. and, if he deems their need to be real,
Magnus's invention led to the cre­ grants them cash or prize gifts to ease
ation of the Metal Men, a group of their plight. Many have tried to de­
humanoid robot heroes whose statis­ fraud Napier, buthe usually manages
tics can be found on pages 65 and 66 of to expose these phonies on the air.
the Background I Roster Book. He also Mona Nockwood: Mona Nockwood
recently built a new body for Cliff is a video-jockey on RTV. She has a

fresh, bubbly personality and an en­ The Movie. Her career has suffered a
cyclopedic knowledge of rock music severe setback as a result ofthat film,
and trivia. but she is currently struggling along
Dr. Ray Palmer: Dr. Palmer is a on the comeback trail.
renowned physicist who was on the Garrison Slate: Garrison Slate is
Ivy Town University faculty. Palmer a scientist and founder of S.T.A.R.
has, in recent years, left the Univer­ Laboratories.
sity and gained added fame when his
identity as the Atom was revealed to
the world. BETHANY SNOW
Bruce Putski: Bruce Putski is the DEx: 2 Sra: 2 BonY: 2
wunderkind inventor of a powerful lNT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
microcomputer and founder of Pole­ lNFL: 3 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
star Computers, the fifth largest com­ INITIATIVE: 8 HERO POINTS: 1 0
puter manufacturing company in •Skills:
America. Putski is considered one of Artist (Actor, Photographer): 4,
the world's ten most eligible bachelors. Charisma: 3, Weaponry: 3
Sissy Ramirez: Sissy Ramirez is a •Advantages:
seventeen-year-old pop singer who has Connections: Church of Blood
been building her musical career since (High); WUBS-TV (Low); Gift of Gab;
the age of thirteen, when she began Popularity; Scholar (misrepresentation)
appearing on television . Sissy is al­ • Drawbacks:
ways accompanied on her tours by her Dark Secret ( Church of Blood member)
watchful mother. • Motivation: Psychopath
Aaron Ramsey: Aaron Ramsey is •Occupation: Television Reporter
a cartoonist and creator of the syndi­ •Wealth: 5
cated satirical newspaper strip, Name Bethany Snow: A one-time re­
to Come. The strip began in his college porter for a cable news network,
newspaper in Happy Harbor, Rhode Snow's credibility was destroyed when
Island and now appears in over 700 it was discovered she was in league
newspapers. Ramsey, now thirty-five, with the Teen Titans' foe, Brother
takes delight in attacking any and all Blood. Snow has since moved to a
sacred cows with his razor-sharp wit. small local news station in upstate
Carlton Rogers: Carlton Rogers is New York, where she is attempting to
the Speaker ofthe House ofRepresen­ rebuild her career.
tatives. Wayne Tarrant: This B-movie ac­
Jack Ryder: Jack Ryder is an ag­ tor had the starring role in Blue Devil:
gressive and opinionated television The Movie. His participation in this
reporter whose confrontational style movie destroyed what little career he
has kept him bouncing from station to did have, which consisted mainly of
station in markets around the coun­ roles in slasher films, soap operas,
try. Ryder is secretly the maniacal and television commercials.
hero known as the Creeper. His DC Paige Turner: Paige Turner is a
HEROES statistics are located on page prize-winning free-lance photojour­
37 of the Background IRoster Book. nalist. The twenty-eight-year-old
Vic Sage: Vic Sage is a tough, mor­ photographer has gained fame as the
ally rigid reporter and commentator "Photographer of the Super-Stars."
on Hub City's KBEL-TV News. He is She is known for her artistic portraits
secretly the faceless hero ofHub City, and articles on heroes such as Booster
the Question. Gold, Blue Beetle, Superman, and the
Sharon Scott: Sharon Scott is an Flash.
actress who starred in the ill-fated Donovan Upton: Donovan Upton
Verner Bros production of Blue Devil: is a lawyer and a founding partner of

Chayney, Upton, Goldfarb, and McKenna, a prestigious New York law firm.
Upton has achieved considerable wealth and infamy by defending a client list
consisting exclusively of supervillains.
Vicki Vale: Vicki Vale is a freelance photojournalist, best known for her
work in the Gotham City-based VUE magazine. Her statistics are located on
page 94 of the Background IRoster Book.
Randy Violent: Randy Violent is an actor who is known for his macho-man
roles in violent action/adventure films. Although he and his films are univer­
sally panned by critics, Violent's films rates among the top five box office draws
in America.
Bruce Wayne: Bruce Wayne is a millionaire philanthropistlbusinessman
and the owner and CEO of the Gotham City-based Wayne Industries and
Wayne Foundation. Wayne is secretly Batman.
Perry White: Perry White is the owner, publisher, and editor-in-chiefofthe
Metropolis Daily Planet. In his younger days, White was a star reporter for that
same paper. His DC HEROES game statistics can be found on page 93 of the
Background I Roster Book.


The kingdom of Atlantis i s generally considered to be the earliest known
civilization on Earth, existing as long as 1,000,000 years ago. How the
Atlantean race of homo sapiens arose hundreds of thousands of years before
the rise ofcurrent-day humanity is unknown, but this anomaly of evolution is
believed to be linked to the strong presence of magical energy, or mana, that
then existed around Earth.
The original Atlanteans were highly mystical beings; their society and the
very structure ofthe world were based on the use ofthis magical energy. Over
the millennia, the mana was eventually depleted, and the powers of science
and technology replaced sorcery as the dominant force of nature.
While it flourished, Atlantis was a great civilization; it ruled the world
through the power ofits twelve major city-states, which were located on all the
continents ofEarth. Each ofthese city-states was ruled by a sorcerer-monarch
who wielded the mystic power ofhis part ofthe world. At the head ofthe entire
Atlantean Empire was the most powerful of these kings and queens. Less the
master of the eleven other monarchs than a sort of chairman of the Royal
Conclave ofTwelve, this monarch also reigned over the first and largest of the
Atlantean city-states, the magnificent City of the Golden Gate.
In its early years, however, Atlantis was ruled by a body of mad sorcerers.
These sorcerers were eventually wiped out and replaced by saner rulers who
sought peace rather than the endless warfare of their predecessors. Atlantis'
first great era of peace and prosperity came during the long reign ofCalculha,
about a half million years ago. To Calculha and his queen Majiestra were born
two sons, Ahri'ahn and Garn. Majiestra was a student of the dark forces, and
in seeking power, she stole the Twelve Crystals of the Zodiac, which were
keyed to the magical nexi of the twelve major cities. To save Atlantis from her
evil, Ari'ahn sacrificed himself. His soul was sent out into the stars in the form
of pure magical energy, where it traveled for hundreds of thousands of years
before being drawn back to Earth for its rebirth as Arion.
The Atlanteans grew in stature and power. Soon, their eyes turned to the
world beyond Earth, leading them to begin an extensive study and survey of
the universe. These efforts culminated in the creation of magically-fueled
spacecraft, which carried hordes ofAtlantean colonists out among the stars. As
the years passed and the colonists ventured further into interstellar space,
they lost contact with Earth. Years later, it was learned that the farther they
traveled away from Earth, the weaker the magic that propelled their ships
through the stars became. The Atlanteans found refuge on an uninhabited
world and created a civilization based on science. Technologically-powered
space flight was eventually rediscovered and the Atlanteans, having evolved
along different biological and ethical paths from their Earthbound cousins, set
out on a warlike conquest of neighboring worlds.
Although the Atlanteans were virtually the all-powerful masters of the
world and their environment, they were confronted with certain insurmount­
able problems. Foremost among these problems was the disappearance of the
magical mana. Also, the Atlanteans encountered a savage race ofbarbaric sub­
men, or homo erectus, which were the precursors to our own civilization. The


of the ldyllists

\\(\_ aj
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Aquaman's Former
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( "-\
Cavern HQ
Formet Site
, City of the Golden Gate

Ocean ·Master's
Former HQ

Atlantean Continent

people of Atlantis also shared
the Earth with a variety of
magical beings and creatures,
as well as otherdimensional
visitors from neighboring mys-
tically-based realms.
As the magic waned, Atlantis'
hold over the Earth began to weaken
as all ofthe Atlanteans' energies were
focused on maintaining their hold on
existence. Cities built on magic crumbled,
and the creatures of sorcerous origins
lapsed into extinction and myth. Arion had
returned during this era and attempted to
hold his world together, but the forces of
change were too great for even his magic,
and the great Atlantean civilization
crumbled. The prime movers of the fall
were the invading hordes of the descen­
dants of the ancient Atlantean colonists;
their attack caused the City ofthe Golden
Gate to sink beneath the sea.
The kingdom of Atlantis held on for sev­
eral years afterthat, withArion at its helm, before the
final fall and the Atlanteans' virtual extinction at the
hands of the barbarous hordes of emerging mankind.
Before this, Lord Norrad the Younger fled Atlantis
with a small group offollowers. They eventually sailed
through the interdimensional nexus linking the Earth
and a magical otherdimensional realm they called New Atlantis (see entry

ARION •Advantages:
DEx: 6 STR: 4 BoDY: 6 Area Knowledge (Atlantis); Con­
INT: 8 WILL: 10 Mnw: 9 nection: Atlantis (High); Leadership;
lNFL: 10 AURA: 13 SPIRIT: 1 1 Popularity
lNrriATIVE: 26 �o PoiNTs: 75 • Drawbacks:
•Powers: *Mystic Linked Authority Figure; Arch Enemy
Danger Sense: 9*, Energy Absorp­ (Garn Danuuth)
tion: 2*, Illusion: 8*, Power Reserve: •Alter Ego: Ahri'ahn
8*, Magic Sense: 9, Sorcery: 8 •Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Skills: •Occupation: Lord of Atlantis
Animal Handling: 4, Martial Artist: •Wealth: 10
6, Occultist: 7, Weaponry: 6
• Limitations: GARN DANUUTH
Power Reserve can only be used in DEX: 6 STR: 4 BODY: 6
conjunction with Sorcery. Arion's lNr: 7 WILL: 9 MrNo: 8
Power Reserve begins at 0 APs: the �: 1 1 AURA: 1 1 SPDUT: 10
energy that he absorbs with his En­ IN'mATlVE: 26 HERO POINTS: 60
ergy Absorption is added to his Power • Powers: *Mystic Linked
Reserve until it reaches its full capac­ Flight: 8*, Control: 10*, Energy
ity of8 APs. He retains this energy for Absorption: 2*, Power Reserve: 6*,
7 APs of time. Mystic Blast: 10, Spirit Travel: 12,

Sorcery: 7 •Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Skills: •Occupation: Sorcerer
Martial Artist: 7 , Occultist: 6, •Wealth: 8
Weaponry: 8
•Limitations: LADY CHIAN
Power Reserve can only be used in DEX.: 7 STR: 3 BODY: 4
conjunction with Sorcery. Garn's !Nr: 4 WILL: 3 MIND: 4
Power Reserve begins at 0 APs: the INFL: 4 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 4
energy that he absorbs with his En­ INITIA'l'IVE: 19 HERO POINTS: 25
ergy Absorption is added to his Power •Skills: '1'linked
Reserve until it reaches its full capac­ Acrobatics: 7*, Animal Handling:
ity of6 APs. He retains this energy for 4*, Charisma (Persuasion): 5, Martial
5 APs of time. Artist: 7*, Medicine (First Aid): 3,
•Advantages: Military Science (Tracking): 4*, Oc­
Area Knowledge (Atlantis); Con­ cultist (Occult Knowledge): 3, Thief:
nections: Mu (High), Darkworld (Low); 7*, Weaponry: 7*
Leadership •Advantages:
• Drawbacks: Attractive; Connections: Atlantis
Catastrophic Irrational Attraction (High); Arion (High); Intensive Train­
to destroying Arion; Strange Appearance ing; Iron Nerves; Lightning Reflexes
• Motivation: Power Lust • Equipment:
•Occupation: Sorcerer Sword [BODY: 8, EV: 51
•Wealth: 7 Laser Pistol [BODY: 4, AV: 3, EV: 4,
Ammo: 10, R#: 2]
•Motivation: Upholding the Good
Captain of the Royal Guard
•Wealth: 5
DEX: 3 STR: 2 BonY: 2
INT: 9 WrLL: 9 MIND: 8
•Powers: *Mystic Linked INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 3
Danger Sense: 6*, Energy Absorp­ INFL: 3 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 5
tion: 2*, Illusion: 8*, Power Reserve: INITIATIVE: 16 HERO POIN'l'S: 15
7*, Magic Sense: 9, Sorcery: 10 •Skills:
•Skills: Animal Handling: 5, Martial Artist:
Charisma: 1 1 , Occultist: 12 6, Military Science (Tracking): 8, Thief:
• Limitations: 8, Weaponry: 6
Power Reserve can only be used in •Advantages:
conjunction with Sorcery. Calculha's Connections: Atlantis (High), Arion
Power Reserve begins at 0 APs: the (High); Lightning Reflexes; Sharp Eye
energy that he absorbs with his En­ • Equipment:
ergy Absorption is added to his Power Sword [BODY: 8, EV: 5]
Reserve until it reaches its full capac­ Crossbow [STR: 6, BODY: 4, EV: 5,
ity of7 APs. He retains this energy for Ammo: 1, R#: 3)
7 APs of time. STR of the Crossbow is its Range.
•Advantages: Laser Pistol [BODY: 4, AV: 3, EV: 4,
Connections: Atlantis (High), Arion Ammo: 10, R#: 2]
(High), Darkworld (Low); Leadership; •Motivation: Seeking Justice
Scholar (Atlantis) •Occupation:
•Drawbacks: Lieutenant of the Royal Guard
Age (old); Authority Figure; Married •Wealth: 4

When the second age of Atlantis began, only one Atlantean city remained
inhabited. Poseidonis had continued to prosperfor several hundredyears after
Arion's departure, until the reign Orin. Arion had taken with him much
of the technology and sorcery that had made Atlantis prosper, and in these
later days, the supporters of science and magic found themselves in ever­
greater conflict. This strife came to a head when Orin commanded the
construction of a dome ofPoseidonis to protect the city against the encroaching
barbarian hordes. The plan was vociferously opposed by Shalako, Orin's
brother and the spiritual leader ofPoseidonis. Shalako claimed that the dome
was an offense against the goddess of the sky, Suula, who would destroy
Poseidonis if the dome was constructed. Orin refused to submit to Shalako's
superstitious warnings and the dome was built. Shortly thereafter, Rajar, one
ofPoseidonis' leading astronomers and Orin's best friend, spied a meteor that
would soon collide with the Earth near Poseidonis, causing tremendous
upheavals. After several failed attempts to deflect or destroy the meteor with
a laser cannon, Orin ordered the city sealed and the people ofAtlantis awaited
their fate.
The meteor fell to Earth and caused an earthquake that caused the last
remaining parts ofAtlantis to sink beneath the ocean. But Poseidonis survived
underneath its dome. The people of the city were far from safe, however. Due
to their undersea entombment, the citizens were verging on insanity and riot.
Expeditions were sent to discover whether any surface land remained, but
none ofthese ever returned. Finally, Shalako led his followers through a series
of underground tunnels to the city of Tritonis. There, using powers he had
gained from praying to certain dark gods, Shalako sacrificed his wife, Lorna,
and created a dome over Tritonis from the very water itself. Meanwhile, Orin
and his scientists worked on devising a way for the people of Atlantis to live
underwater, and eventually created a serum that allowed them to breathe
underwater. Orin offered the serum to the people of Tritonis, who enthusi­
astically accepted it over Shalako's admonition that the serum was another
insult to the gods. Shalako then prayed to the dark gods and called down a
curse upon them, which caused the Tritonians to mutate into fish-legged
beings. When Shalako's treachery was exposed by his son, Dardanus, the
Tritonians rose in revolt and slew Shalako and his entire family. Only
Dardanus escaped the slaughter and went into hiding.
Dardanus did not appear again until several years later, when he appeared
at the fourteenth birthday party ofOrin's daughter, Cora. During the festivi­
ties, Dardanus stabbed and nearly killed Bazil, Cora's betrothed, for which
Orin banished him from Poseidonis for several years. During his absense,
Bazil and Cora continued their courtship, to the point where they decided to
marry. On the eve of their wedding, however, Dardanus snuck into Cora's
bedchamber and sexually assaulted her. Cora told no one of her ordeal.
Relations between the two Atlantean cities continued to deteriorate, espe­
cially when it was discovered that the Tritonians were continuing to mutate.
Tritonian children were being born with single fish tails rather than legs, so
Orin ordered the gates of both cities to be opened, and Atlantis truly became
a nation of the sea. Even Orin's grand gesture could do little to stem the tide
of racial tension that was brewing.
The serum that had allowed the Atlanteans to breathe underwater also
slowed their metabolic rate, granting them an extended lifetime. Sensing his
daughter's growing restlessness and feeling the weighthisyears ofresponsiblity,
Orin decided to step down and pass the rulership of Atlantis to Cora. At her
coronation, Dardanus appeared and presented his previously unknown son,

Kordax, the offspring of his rape ofCora. Kordax was a strange, scaled being
with telepathic powers that allowed him to command the creatures of the sea.
Dardanus and Kordax threatened Cora with war if she did not acknowledge
Kordax as the heir to the throne of Atlantis. Cora refused and Dardanus
declared war against Poseidonis.
The battles that followed were violent and bloody. Kordax used his telepathic
powers to summon sharks and other predators to attack the Poseidonians, but
was unable to maintain control over them when the beasts scented blood in the
water. The two armies set their differences aside to combat the common threat,
while Dardanus engaged in single combat against Orin and Kordax fought
alone against Fiona, Cora and Bazil's daughter. The historian, Regin, recorded
that the spirit of Shalako returned to destroy Dardanus after Dardanus had
stabbed Orin from behind, and that Orin and Shalako were consigned to an
ominous place called the Cave of Death, to battle for eternity. Kordax was
defeated by Fiona and afterwards sentenced to banishment and the amputa­
tion of one arm.
This battle represented the end of the second age of Atlantis, as the people
were instilled with the belief that only harmony between the peoples of
Poseidonis and Tritonis would prevent Shalako from gaining the upper hand
and escaping Orin to wreak havoc once again. For many centuries afterwards,
Atlantis was at peace.

ORIN Water Freedom: 8, Swimming: 5,

DEX: 7 STR: 4 BoDY: 5 Telepathy: 3, Water Control: 8*
1NT 7 WILL: 8 MIND: 7 •Skills:
!NFL; 6 AURA: 7 SPIRIT: 7 Charisma: 7, Martial Artist: 5, Oc­
INITIATIVE: [22] HERO POINTS:50 cultist: 9, Weaponry: 6
•Powers: • Advantages:
Water Freedom: 7, Swimming: 6, Area Knowledge (Tritonis); Con­
Telepathy: 3 nections: Tritonis (High), Poseidonis
•Skills: (Low); Leadership; Popularity; Scholar
Charisma: 8, Gadgetry: 5, Martial (Atlantean gods)
Artist: 5, Medicine: 5, Military Sci­ • Drawbacks:
ence: 7, Scientist: 7, Weaponry: 7 Dark Secret (murder of Lorna);
•Advantages: Catastrophic Irrational Attraction to
Area Knowledge (Poseidonis); Con­ destroying Orin; Serious Psychologi­
nections: Poseidonis (High), Tritonis cal Instability; Public Identity
(Low); Leadership; Popularity • Motivation:
• Drawbacks: Power Lust/Psychopath
Age (later in career only); Authority •Occupation: King ofTritonis
Figure; Married; Public Identity •Wealth: 7
Responsibility of Power CORA
•Occupation: King ofPoseidonis DEX: 3 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
•Wealth: 8 INT: 5 WILL: 6 MIND: 5
DEX: 7 STR: 4 BODY: 5 •Powers:
INT: 6 WILL: 7 MIND: 7 Swimming: 4, Water Freedom: 5,
INFL: 8 AURA: 9 SPIRIT: 8 Telepathy: 3
INmATIVE: [24] HERO PoiNTS: 50 •Skills:
• Powers: *Mystic Linked Charisma: 6, Martial Artist: 3,

Weaponry: 3 • Motivation: Psychopath
•Advantages: •Occupation: King ofTritonis
Attractive; Connection: Poseidonis •Wealth: 7
(High); Leadership
• Drawbacks: KORDAX
Authority Figure; Dark Secret (as­ DEX: 7 STR: 6 BODY: 6
sault by Dardanus); Married; Trau­ INT: 3 WILL: 4 MIND: 4
matic Flashbacks INFL: 5 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 5
•Motivation: Upholding the Good INITIATIVE: [20) HERO POINTS:35
• Occupation: Queen of Poseidonis •Powers:
•Wealth: 8 Animal Control: 12, Speak With
Animals: 8, Summon Animals: 10.
DARDANUS Swimming: 7, Water Freedom: 10, Te­
DEX: 7 STR: 4 Bonv: 4 lepathy: 4
INT: 6 Wn.L: 5 MIND: 5 •Skills:
!NFL: 6 AURA: 8 SPJJUT: 3 Animal Handling: 5, Charisma (In­
OOTIATIVE: l17] HERo PoiNTS:25 timidation): 7, Mili tary Science
•Powers: (Tracking): 5, Thief (Stealth l: 8
Swimming: 4, Water Freedom: 5, • Limitations:
Telepathy: 3 All Animal Powers only work on
•Skills: marine life.
Charisma: 6, Occultist: 4, Thief: 5, •Advantages:
Weaponry: 6 Connection: Tritonis (High); Light­
• Advantages: ning Reflexes
Area Knowledge (Tritonis); Con­ • Drawbacks:
nections: Tritonis (High), Poseidonis (Low) Forced Exile (Atlantis); Cata­
• Drawbacks: strophic Rage; Strange Appearance
Dark Secret (assault on Cora); • Motivation:
Forced Exile (Poseidonis); Mistrust; Psychopath/Power Lust
Serious Psychological Instability •Wealth: 1

Atlantis remained at peace for many centuries, the two citjes remaining
relatively friendly, if somewhat segregated. During this time, the people of
Poseidonis gradually evolved fin-like membranes on the backs of their calves,
which helped them to maneuver better underwater. The peace lasted until the
time of Honsu the Conqueror. Honsu and his wife, Lorelei, had three sons:
Kraken, Atlan the Loner, and Haumond. Atlan was distinguished from other
Poseidonians by his blonde hair, which by this time had come to be regarded
as the sign of Kordax. Thus, he spent most of his time away from Atlantis,
exploring. On one of these solitary expeditions, Atlan discovered that the
surface world, long thought destroyed by the Atlanteans, still existed and was
still inhabited.
At this time, the two cities were jointly ruled by a council consisting of ten
members, each of whom represented a different area or faction of Atlantis'
undersea empire. When Atlan brought news of the surface world, the council
voted to preemptively attack the surface dwellers. The one negative vote was
cast by Shayera of the Idyllists, a group of pacifists who were so outraged by
the senseless agression of Honsu and his followers that they left Poseidonis
and founded a new city of their own.
The Atlanteans' brutal attack on the surface was ruthlessly savage and
phenomenally successful. They established a city on an island they called
Bazilia, and from there they proceeded to conquer the civilization of the

Babylonians. Their march of conquest was turned back, however, when they
moved on Egypt. The hot sun of the Egyptian desert did more damage to the
water-dependent Atlanteans than the pharaoh's armies, and the Atlanteans
fled. In the confusion ofthe retreat, Haumond was left behind and captured by
the Egyptians. He was taken to the pyramids, where he was escorted into the
presence ofone ofthe Egyptians'"living gods."To his shock, he discovered that
these gods were, in fact, descendants of the lost expeditions that had been sent
by Orin many centuries earlier.
Meanwhile. the Atlanteans were storming across Greece. By the time they
reached the city of Athens, their resources were being rapidly depleted and
morale was low. Only Honsu's will kept the army together, reinforced by the
singleminded battle lust of his son, Kraken. Honsu offered a deal to the
Athenians: he challenged them to provide a champion to engage in single
combat against Kraken, with the victor's side receiving possession of the city.
A masked soldier came forth from Athens, and after a bitter fight, managed to
kill Kraken. Honsu was enraged by Kraken's death and stunned when he saw
that the soldier was, in fact, Haumond, who had secretly traveled to Athens
with the assistance ofthe Egyptians. Demoralized, the Atlanteans returned to
the seas, leaving behind only Haumond, and legends. Perhaps symbolically,
Bazilia sank into the ocean soon afterwords.


DEx: 7 STR: 4 Boov: 5
lNT: 7 WILL: 8 MIND: 7
Connections: Atlantis (High); Rich
Family (Honsu)
• Drawbacks:
Serious Rage
Water Freedom: 7, Swimming: 6,
•Motivation: Power Lust
Telepathy: 3
•Occupation: General
•Wealth: 6
Charisma: 8, Martial Artist: 7,
Military Science: 7, Weaponry: 9
DEx: 7 STR: 4 Boov: 4
Area Knowledge (Poseidonis); Con­
lNT: 9 WILL: 10 MIND: 8
nections: Poseidonis (High), Tritonis
(Low); Leadership
lNITIAT£VE: 25 [28] HERo PoiNTS:55
• Drawbacks:
Authority Figure; Married •Powers:
• Motivation: Power Lust Swimming: 7, Water Freedom: 10,
• Occupation: King of Poseidonis Telepathy: 5, Sorcery: 12*
•Wealth: 8 •Skills:
Charisma: 9, Martial Artist: 7, Oc­
cultist: 7*, Thief: 7, Weaponry: 3
DEx: 6 STR: 5 Boov: 6 The abilities noted with an asterix
!NT: 2 WILL: 3 MIND: 5 (*) above exist only later in Atlan's life.
!NFL: 4 AuRA: 4 SPLRJT: 6 • Advantages:
INITIATIVE: 14 [14]HERO PoiNTS:25 Connection: Atlantis (High); Sharp Eye
•Powers: • Drawbacks:
Water Freedom: 6, Swimming: 5, Voluntary Exile (Atlantis); Mistrust
Telepathy: 3 • Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Skills: •Occupation: Loner
Martial Artist: 7, Weaponry:7 •Wealth: 2

DEX: 5 STR: 4 BODY: 4 Connections: Atlantis (High), Egypt
INT: 8 WILL: 7 MIND: 7 (High); Scholar (Atlantean history)
• Drawbacks:
INITIATIVE: 2 1[22] HERo PoiNTS:25
Guilt; Innocent; Uncertainty
• Powers:
Swimming: 4, Water Freedom: 6, •Motivation: Upholding the Good
Telepathy: 3 •Occupation: Soldier, later Priest
• Skills:
Martial Artist: 5, Weaponry: 5 •Wealth: 2

After the Atlanteans returned to the oceans from which they came, their
existence slowly passed into the realms oflegends. Having learned their lesson
the hard way, the people ofAtlantis did not venture to the surface world again.
The death ofAtlan the Loner was never recorded, and it is believed that he lived
on far beyond even the Atlanteans' normal lifespans. Some centuries later,
Poseidonis came to be ruled by a young queen, named Atlanna for her famous
ancestor, and her husband, Trevis. During this time, the presence of the
surface men began to be felt in Atlantis, in the form ofwaste and refuse dumped
into the oceans that threatened the lives of the Atlanteans.
Atlanna and Trevis' reign was also plagued by internal strife that came from
a faction calling themselves the New Shalakites. They believed that Shalako
had been right to condemn technology for the deluge that sank Atlantis, and
that only a return to the old beliefs would halt the incursion of the surface
people. Trevis did not have the willpower to withstand the machinations of
Kalandro, the leader of the New Shalakites, and his position was further
weakened by the failure of himself and Atlanna to produce an heir.
One evening, Atlanna was visited in her dreams by Atlan the Loner, and soon
afterwards discovered that she was expecting a child. The apparent blessing
went bad, however, when the child was born with blonde hair and condemned
for having the sign of Kordax. Brokenhearted, Trevis left the child to be
exposed on a rock and later took his own life.
After Trevis' suicide, the New Shalakites took over Poseidonis and held
control over it for many years. It was not until much later that Atlanna's son,
who had managed to survive due to his superior abilities, returned to Poseidonis
and showed his people the way to freedom. The saviour of Atlantis inspired a
revolt when he escaped from a maximum security prison, although he did not
know it until he returned to Atlantis sometime later. He called himselfby the
name his surface dwelling foster father had given him, Arthur Curry, but he
was to become better known as Aquaman. His statistics can be found on page
37 of the Background IRoster Book.
Today, most of the Atlanteans live in the domed cites of Poseidonis and
Tritonis, located approximately 7,000 feet beneath the surface of the North
Atlantic Ocean. Other Atlantean outposts include the domain of the Idyllists,
who maintain their philosophy ofpacifism despite the actions oftheir onetime
ruler, Thar the Insane, and the cave-dwelling Savages ofMaarzon, a society of
primitives whose origins are unknown.
Poseidonis and Tritonis exist as separate kingdoms, peacefully coexisting
after undergoing an temporary period ofhostilities and warfare after the New
Shalakites seized control of Poseidonis. While both kingdoms possess a high
degree of technological sophistication, the Tritonisians tend to apply their
knowledge to civil engineering and other peaceful pursuits, while Poseidonis
remains more militant in its outlook. Poseidonians are often embroiled in civil

and political disputes that frequently erupt into
full-scale revolution.
Poseidonjs is ruled by a monarch, who is sub-
ject to parliamentary control by ministers
elected by popular vote. The throne is often
hereditary, but a new monarch can be in­
stalled by acclamation. Such was the case
� with Aquaman, who was given the throne
when his true parentage became known.
Aquaman gave up the throne after several
years of rule, in favor of his one-time head
minister, Vulko. Upon Vulko's death, Pletus,
c a vain and foppish dullard, took over the
throne when Mera, Poseidoms' queen and
Aquaman's wife (see MERA'S WORLD), suf­
fered a deterioration of her mental state after
the death of her son.
When war descended upon Atlantis, Pletus
singlehandedly destroyed the morale of his armies
by misdirecting battles and executing officers for
the least infraction. Atlantis was occupied by a race
of alien jellyfish, and Pletus surrendered and was
killed. Aquaman, a political prisoner,joined with others
in a resistance movement against Atlantis' occupation.
These rebels looked to their one-time king as their leader.
Using his powers to enlist the aid ofsea creatures, Aquaman
helped defeat the occupying forces and was declared king by
the Atlantean people. However, he chose not to accept reinstate­
ment to the throne.
Poseidonis has a primarily agrarian economy, having developed sophisti­
cated salt-water hydroponic farming techniques in their huge, ocean-floor
farming communes. The city trades its crops with several surface nations, but
places heavy restrictions on the sale of its technological creations, which are
far more advanced than those of surface technology. In recent years, the city
has been opened to visits from surface-dwellers.
Tritonis is located several hundred leagues south ofPoseidonis. Its popula­
tion ofmer-people is less inclined to engage in aggressive behavior and directs
its energies to a thorough examination ofthe environment and the betterment
of undersea life.


DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2 DEX: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
INT: 2 WII.L: 2 MIND: 2 INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
Swimming: 5, Water Freedom: 4,
Swimming: 4, Water Freedom: 5,
Telepathy: 3
Telepathy: 3
• Drawbacks:
• Drawbacks: Strange Appearance (to surface
Fatal Vulnerability to lack of con­ dwellers only); Fatal Vulnerability to
tact with water lack of contact with water





Austanburg is a small Western European nation that, more than forty years
after the end of World War II, the dissolution of its monarchy, and the
implementation ofa democratic parliamentary government, is still struggling
to cope with its emergence as a modern nation.
Austanburg was established as a feudal state during the 11th Century in the
southwestern Balkan Peninsula under the reign nobleman, later
King, Angevin I . Austanburg became an independent principality in the late
14th Century, but its independence was short-lived as it was conquered by the
powerful Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1526. This small nation of only a few
thousand square miles remained under Turkish domination until the collapse
ofthe Ottoman Empire in 1918 following World War I. Throughout this period,

the descendants ofKing Angevi n remained on the throne ofAustanburg as the
Ottoman regents ruled over the conquered state.
Freedom was once again short-lived, however, asAustanburg's monarch was
overthrown by a Communist-backed revolution which brought the tiny nation
under Soviet domination in 1921. The monarchy was displaced, and most ofthe
royal family was killed by the new Communist regime, with only a few
descendants of King Angevin I able to escape the country and survive, settling
in England, France, and the United States.
At the close of World War II, Austanburg was liberated from Communist
control, and a democratic government was set up by the Allied occupational
forces. Austanburg struggled with its new-found political and economic inde­
pendence, striving to discover a path that would lead it to self-sufficiency and
freedom from American economic dependency. It was not until the late 1970s
and the election ofreform presidential candidate Bela Vardem thatAustanburg
discovered that path. Through tax incentives and the promise of a large labor
force, the establishment offoreign industrial facilities in Austanburg was encouraged.
President Vardem's plan seems to be having the desired effect; the past
decade has seen Austanburg experiencing an economic upswing, with Euro­
pean branches of many major American and British corporations, including
Lexcorp, Brysler Motors, Ferris Aircraft, Cornelius/Krieg Pharmaceuticals,
Cypher International, and Dayton Industries taking advantage ofthe country's
generous incentives.
Although currently undergoing a great building boon, Austanburg seeks to
maintain its historic heritage and architecture, with severe restrictions placed
on the demolition of old buildings. Every attempt is made to blend new
architecture with the style of its historic predecessors.
The capital of Austanburg is the city of Austan, located in the center of the
country. The Austanburgian Parliament meets in the ancient Royal Castle,
while the Presidential residence is located, symbolically, in the historically
renovated prison. President Vardem is nearing the end ofhis second five-year
term of office and is expected to run for a third term.

Badhnisia is an obscure country located somewhere in Europe, although no
one except the Badhnisians is sure exactly where. Hardly larger than a small
town, Badhnisia is sometimes seen as a land of rolling hills and pastoral
farmlands, while at other times, it seems to be a mountainous area or a dry flat
land. Because ofthese discrepancies, it is widely believed that Badhnisia is not
a "real" country at all, but some kind of nexus to another dimension where
magic is more predominant.
On July 7, 1917, a Saturday (the seventh day ofthe week )that coincided with
the Seventh Circle ofthe Moon Lahseen on the Badhnisian calendar, a boy was
born in the Bronx. The high p1iest ofBadhnisia knew that this child would, by
virtue of the mystical coincidences of his birth date, have tremendous powers
when he grew up. The high priest sent agents to kidnap the boy, and they
succeeded in bringing him to Badhnisia. A ceremony was performed over the
child, during which the Etemal Zone of the Zodiac was placed in a belt around
the boy's waist, and the mystical words "Cei-U" were spoken seven times. The



spell cast would take effect on the youth's seventh birthday.

By a strange series ofevents and accidents, the boy escaped from his captors
and returned to his parents in America, Simon and Mildred Thunder. Johnny
Thunder reached his seventh birthday and beyond, not knowing that he had
the power to summon and command a powerful magic thunderbolt whenever
he said "Cei-U" (pronounced "say, you!"). Nevertheless, he became a member
of the Justice Society of America and later learned the truth about the
thunderbolt and its Badhnisian origins. Returning to Badhnisia, Johnny was
crowned king, and had to contend with the high priest's evil plans for conquest.
After the priest was defeated, Johnny remained in Badhnisia long enough to
teach the natives about democracy. Once they had elected their first president,
Johnny returned home to America.
The Badhnisians' strange form of government is largely based on magic.
Johnny Thunder managed to teach the Badhnisians the value of democracy,
but little ofthe practical necessities ofthe democratic process. The Badhnisians
have taken to magically electing a president, whose term ofoffice can last from
ten minutes to several years, depending on the signs and portents that
surround his election.
Statistics for Johnny Thunder and his thunderbolt can be found on page 35
of the Background I Roster Book.







Bialya has seen more strife and a greater turnover of rulers than any of its
larger Middle Eastern neighbors.
Located on the Mediterranean, Bialya has been in existence since the early
5th Century, when it was wrested from Palestinian control by its nomadic
inhabitants. What followed were centuries of warfare between the Bialyans,
the Palestinians, the Muslim Arabs, the Crusaders of the 11th Century, and
the Ottoman Turks, who finally succeeded in conquering Bialya in the early
16th Century. The Ottoman Empire maintained its hold over the tiny nation
until its fall following World War I. Power over Bialya then passed to the
British in 1920, who made Bialya part of Transjordan. Bialya remained as
such until being granted independence in 1956 following three years of bitter
anti-colonial civil warfare under the leadership of rebel Rumaan Harjavti.
Elected the first president ofthe emerging Republic ofBialya, Harjavti, with
Bialyan military and Libyan backing, declared himself the nation's leader for
life. Lacking the oil fields of its neighboring states, Harjavti sought to base the
nation's economy on the training for, and export of, terrorism.
In recent years, Bialya arose to prominence when three aliens from another
dimension came to Earth with the intention ofdestroying the planet's nuclear
weapons in order to save mankind from itself. The aliens chose Bialya as the
first nuclear power to disarm, but the charismatic Harjavti was able to
convince them to help him ferment international havoc. Although his plans
were thwarted by the Justice League International, Harjavti remained in
power and later teamed up with the Joker in a cooperative effort to destroy the
entire roster of the J.L.I.
Harjavti was subsequently assassinated and replaced by Queen Bee and her
army of superhuman followers, the former Global Guardians. Under her
leadership, Bialya has undergone a renaissance of prosperity and wealth.
Although they were suspicious of her intentions, neither the J.L.l., Captain
Atom, nor U.S. intelligence groups have been able to find evidence of impro­
prieties that would warrant their intervention.
Game statistics for the deceased Ruuman Harjavti and the Queen Bee can
be found in the Justice League Sourcebook.



Located between Colombia and Brazil in South America, the Democratic

State of Bogatago is anything but what its name implies. Carved out of
disputed border territory between the surrounding countries, Bogatago is a
military dictatorship run by the rebel faction that originally claimed the land.
Although both Colombia and Brazil initially mounted a military response
against Colonel Simon Salinas and his rebel army, the newly-declared nation
sought the assistance ofthe Medellin drugcartel in Colombia. Promising to use
Bogatago's fertile lands for the cultivation of the coca plant, Salinas got the
powerful drug lords to intervene on their behalf, both "diplomatically" and militarily.
By the late 1970s, Bogatago was a nation whose economic structure was built
entirely on the cultivation and exportation of cocaine. Virtually the whole of
Bogatago's population is engaged in this endeavor, doing all the work and
reaping few of the economic benefits. The country is tightly controlled by
Colonel Salinas' army which, thanks to the great profits from the drug trade,
is outfitted with the latest i n military technology. The nation's borders are
sealed, and travel within the country is rigidly controlled.
Most of Bogatago consists of dense jungle, coca fields, and swamp; these
areas are dotted by native villages and farming communes.
The capital ofBogatago is La Ciudad de Salinas, the country's single modern
city. This city was built by the dictator, funded by drug profits, in honor ofhimself.


' (underwater)


Diablo Island is located in the Caribbean Sea, approximately 1 1 0 miles

southeast of the Dominican Republic. It is a small, lush island with a tropical
climate. Diablo Island is best known for the strange customs of its natives, who
belong to a cult that worships darkness, particularly eclipses. The high priest
of Diablo Island bears a mystical black diamond as his token of authority,
which gives its wielder many mysterious powers.
Some years ago, Diablo Island was visited by Dr. Bruce Gordon, a noted
astronomer who was visiting the island to study a total eclipse of the sun. As
the eclipse reached totality, Gordon was attacked by the island's high priest,
who cut Gordon's arm with the black diamond and then plunged to his death
off the edge of a cliff. Gordon took the black diamond with him for study.
Upon returning to America, Gordon discovered that he had been cursed by
the Diablo Island priest, for whenever Gordon was struck by an eclipse, he was
transformed into the malevolent being known as Eclipso. After years of
battling his evil alter ego's schemes, Gordon finally managed to exorcise
Eelipso, who now exists as a separate being, and has been recognized by the
inhabitants of Diablo Island as their new high priest.
Game statistics for Eclipso are found on page 81 ofthe Background I Roster Book.



The original location of Feithera Cantrell fell in love with a Feitheran
was somewhere in northern woman and settled in the city. There,
Greenland, where it was home to a she gave birth to their hybrid son,
race of semi-humanoid bird-people Norda, who eventually became
with their own advanced civilization. Northwind, a member oflnfinity, Inc.
Feithera was settled, it is believed, Recently, Feithera and its people
over 3,000 years ago. The native be­ were faced with destruction when they
ings established their own civiliza­ discovered that the city was in the
tion and culture and constructed a path of a fast-approaching glacier.
beautiful city of towering spires and Prepared to die rather than abandon
high aeries. The bird-people lived in their ages-old home, Northwind and
isolation until 1946, when the city his fellow Infinity, Inc. members per­
was discovered by an American pilot suaded the Feitherans to flee and re­
who had strayed offcourse. The pilot build elsewhere. The current Feithera
told others of his discovery when he is a shimmering city of gold that lies
retmned to America, but his story somewhere i n the Arctic wastelands;
was believed by no one except for a its location is unknown to anyone but
trio of explorers, who mounted an its inhabitants.
expedition to find the bird-people and
bring them back to civilization for exhibition.
The golden age superheroes
Hawkman and Hawkgirl prevented TYPICAL FEITHERAN
the explorers from accomplishing their Droc 3 STR: 2 Boov: 2
goal and persuaded them to keep TNT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
Feithera's existence a secret from the !NFL: 2 AURA: 2 8PmiT: 2
rest of the world. The heroes also INITIATIVE: 7 HERO POINTS: 0
assisted in preventing a takeover at­ •Powers:
tempt by the traitorous bird-man, Flight: 5, Cold Immunity: 4
Trata. Hawkman and Hawkgirl be­ •Advantages:
came frequent visitors to the secret Sharp Eye
city and were allowed to bring Dr. • Drawbacks:
Fred Cantrell to live among the Strange Appearance (to non­
Feitherans and study their culture. Feitherans only)


- -
- - - - - - -
- - - -
Industrial Ring Force Field
- _Perimeter




- - - - - - - - - -
- - -
Defensive Zones
Force Field

Gorilla City, located in equatorial Mrica between the Congo and the Sudan,
is home to a race of superintelligent gorillas with a highly advanced civiliza­
tion. The population of Gorilla City gained their advanced intelligence when
a mysterious alien craft crash-landed in the jungle and a tribe of ordinary
gorillas nearby were bathed in the rays ofa mysterious device. The alien whose
device gave the gorillas their powers found himself a prisoner oftheir worship,
and refered to himself as the God/Prisoner. Using his telepathic abilities, he
prodded two explorers into "discovering" Gorilla City, then convinced them to
help him escape. However, Gorilla Grodd, realizing that if the world at large
learned ofthe city, it might hamper his plans to conquer it, used his telepathic
powers to cause one of the explorers to slay the alien instead - which is why
the gori llas, to this day, have chosen to maintain their existence in secret. They
were tricked by Grodd into believing that humans cannot be trusted.
The gorillas have learned how to utilize one hundred percent oftheir mental
and physical potential, which includes some degree oftelepathic ability. They
have developed technology that far surpasses the accomplishments ofhuman
society. Their city is a marvel of engineering and architectural achievement.
The gorillas have devised a protective force field whjch renders the city
invisible to physical and electronic detection; the force field also keeps out

intruders, although the city experiences very little of this problem, since no
human knows of its existence. As far as is known, the last human to be privy
to this knowledge was Barry Allen, the now-deceased second Flash. Only
characters with the Area Knowledge (Gorilla City) Advantage are aware ofthe
city's location.
The gorillas ofGorilla City are larger and strongerthan ordinary gorillas and
are primarily peaceful, although they are capable of an armed response to
violent provocation. The current ruler is the benevolent King Solovar.
Gorilla City is free from crime and want, although it has frequently been
plagued by the evil machinations ofthe one-time Flash foe, Gorilla Grodd, who
is one ofthe few native gorillas to have ever turned against his people. Grodd's
statistics are found on page 82 of the Background IRoster Book.
GORILLA CITY PROTECTIVE BARRIER [Boov: 10, Invisibility: 15, Force
Field: 20, R#: 2]
Bonus: Force Field automatically allows the city's gorilla inhabitants to
enter or exit.
Limitations: Invisibility only makes Gorilla City invisible from outside the
radius of the Force Field Power; Invisibility only works on human beings.

KING SOLOVAR Figure; Strange Appearance

DEx: 8 STR: 10 BoDY: 8 • Motivation: Upholding the Good
!NT: 9 WILL: 9 MIND: 8 •Occupation: King
INFL: 7 AURA: 6 SPIRIT: 8 •Wealth: 1 2
•Powers: TYPICAL
Mind Probe: 8, Mind Shield: 7, Tele­ GORILLA CITY RESIDENT
kinesis: 10, Telepathy: 17 DEX: 6 STR: 6 BODY: 6
•Skills: !NT: 5 WILL: 3 MIND: 4
Acrobatics: 6, Charisma: 10, Gadge­ INFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
try: 10, Scientist: 10 INmATIVE: 13 HERo POINTS: 0
•Advantages: •Powers:
Area Knowledge (Gorilla City); Telepathy: 5
Connection: The Flash/Barry Allen •Skills: *linked
(High), Gorilla City (High); Genius; Acrobatics: 6*
Leadership; Lightning Reflexes •Drawbacks:
•Drawbacks: Strange Appearance (to non-goril­
Arch Enemy (Grodd); Authority las only)

The Republic ofMarkovia is a tiny Western European nation which came
into prominence when the psychotic Baron Bedlam attempted to stage a coup
to overthrow the presiding monarchy. Thanks to Batman and a group of
superheroes who later came to be known as the Outsiders, Bedlam was
defeated and Markovia restored to peace. Markovia's Prince Brion was
endowed with superpowers, and under the guise of the hero Geo-Force,
participated in the battle to free his homeland.
Markovia is currently ruled by Prince Brion, who has apparently abandoned
the adventurer's life to return to his official duties, now that the Outsiders have





Markovia is a mountainous little nation that is known for its scenic beauty.
Although this republic is also noted for its advanced scientific institutions,
Markovia's economy is built largely on tourism. Visitors from a11 around the
world come to Markovia for the splendid skiing and other recreational
GEO-FORCE •Skills:
DEx: 7 STR: 9 BODY: 9 Charisma: 9, Martial Artist: 5, Mili­
!.NT: 6 Wn.L: 8 MIND: 7 tary Science: 7, Weaponry: 5
INFL: 5 AuRA: 6 SPIRIT: 7 •Advantages:
lNrriATIVE: 18 HERO POINTS: 55 Connoisseur; Gift of Gab; Leader­
ship; Iron Nerves
•Powers: •Alter Ego: Frederick DeLamb
Flight: 6, Gravity Decrease: 1 1 , • Motivation: Power Lust
Gravity Increase: 11, Energy Blast: 10 • Occupation: Insurrectionist
•Skills: •Wealth: 10
Charisma: 8
•Advantages: DR. HELGA JACE - deceased
Area Knowledge (Markovia); Con­ DEx: 2
STR: 1 BonY: 2
nections: The Outsiders (High), !.NT: WILL: 8 MrND:
9 7
Markovian Government (High), INFL: 3
Batman (Low); Connoisseur; Iron INmATIVE: 12 HERo PoiNTS: 45
Nerves; Rich Family; Scholar (Mark­
ovian history)
• Drawbacks: •Skills:
Authority Figure; Catastrophic Ir­ Gadgetry: 1 1 , Scientist: 1 1
rational Attraction to protecting •Advantages:
Markovia; Minor Rage Connections: The Outsiders (High>,
•Alter Ego: Bt;on Markov Markovian Government (High), Sci­
• Motivation: entific Community (High),
Responsibility of Power Manhunters ( High); Genius; Scholar
•Occupation: Prince ofMarkovia (topography, geology)
•Wealth: 1 2 • Drawbacks:
Age (old); Dark Secret (Manhunter
DEX: 4 Sm: 3 BonY: 3 • Motivation:
INT: 6 WILL: 5 MIND: 5 Psychopath (misguided)
INFL: 5 AuRA: 5 SPmrr: 5 •Occupation: Research Scientist
INITIATIVE: 1 7 HERO POINTS: 55 •Wealth: 6
0 0


Wroclaw _..

0 0

Modora is unique among Eastern European countries in that it has never

fallen under the sway of the Soviet Bloc. This is because, at only 400 citizens,
Modora has always been too small to bother with. It is best known as the
homeland of perennial Green Lantern foe Sonar, who also happens to be the
ruler of Modora.

SONAR • Drawbacks:
DEX: 6 STR: 3 BonY: 5 Authority Figure; Public Identity
IN'l': 6 WlLL: 5 MIND: 5 • Equipment:
INFL: 4 AURA: 3 SPIRIT : 4 Sonic Gun [Boov: 7, Energy Ab­
INITIATIVE: 16 HERO POINTS: 60 sorption: 10, Flight: 10, Illusion: 12,
Sonic Beam: 15, Telekinesis: 8, R#: 3 1
Limitations: EnergyAbsorption only
•Skills: works on sonic attacks.
Gadgetry: 7, Scientist: 7, Vehicles: Miscellaneous Drawback: The Sonic
4, Weaponry (exotic): 7 Gun does not function in the total
•Advantages: absence of sound waves.
Area Knowledge (Modora); Connec­ •Alter Ego: Bito Wladon
tions: Modora (High), Hector • Motivation: Power Lust
Hammond (Low); Connoisseur; Ge­ •Occupation: Ruler ofModora
nius; Rich Family; Scholar (sonics) •Wealth: 10

See entry under ATLANTIS.

The Re public of ce·[== ==== == == � ==== == == ==== ====== == == ==== ==
=== c

Qurac is located along

the eastern edge ofthe
Sinai Peninsula on the
Persian Gulf. It was
once part of the Otto­ e Kerman
man Empire until
Arab and British
forces, under the com­
mand ofFaisal oflraq
and Allenby of En­
gland, and under the
tactical command of
T.E. Lawrence ("Law­ • Klyadh

rence of Arabia"),
overthrew the Otto­
mans after the First
World War. Qurac be­
came a British hold­
ing and remained so
until World War II. ARABIA
PremierAl-Gailiani of
Iraq, an ardent Arab c Ql�======�==��
nationalist, replaced the moderate Iraqi government with a pro-Axis one
before he was forced from power.
Hassan al-Sadr, an Al-Gailiani supporter, fled south, took the name of
Suleiman after the legendary Arab sheik who fought Richard the Lionhearted,
and gathered an army of followers. Aided by German funds, al-Sadr estab­
lished the nation of Qurac and allowed the Nazis to build the fortress
Jotunheim in the mountainous southern section ofQurac, which overlooks the
Persian and Oman Gulfs. Suleiman was defeated in the war, and Qurac was
declared a republic. This form of government lasted until the 1970s, when
General Marlo led an anti-West and anti-Israeli military coup that overthrew
the civilian regime and established a military dictatorship.
Previously a prosperous land due to its vast oil reserves, Qurac was plunged
into the depths of economic hardship when Marlo's government, conducting
underground testing of a nuclear device, contaminated the oil fields. Marlo
blamed the nuclear explosion on Western operatives seeking to overthrow his
regime; he used this reasoning as an excuse to embark on a course of
international terrorism against the West and its interests. Taking his lead
from the neighboring nation ofBialya, Marlo turned Qurac into a center for the
exportation ofterrorism. His activities brought him into conflict with everyone
from Superman, the Teen Titans, and the Suicide Squad, to various factions
of the U.S. intelligence community (including Checkmate). In fact, Superman
has invaded the country, attacking and decimating the Quraci armed forces,
while Checkmate has attempted to foment civil war within its borders by
backing pro-Western rebels.
This repeated conflict with metahuman heroes led Marlo to create his own
superpowered terrorist-for-hire group known as the Jihad, which operated out
of the restored Jotunheim fortress. Jotunheim, and the Jihad along with it,
were destroyed in an atomic explosion PRESIDENT MARLO
detonated by Colonel Rick Flag of the DEx: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
Suicide Squad, who himself perished lNT: 4 WILL: 3 MIND: 3
in the blast. President Marlo has sworn lNFL: 5 AuRA: 4 SPIRIT: 2
to rebuild the Jihad, but without the INITIATIVE: 1 1 HERO POINTS: 15
resources of Jotunheim, the task will •Skills:
be extremely difficult. Charisma: 7, Military Science: 5,
Qurac's major cities are AI Kuwait Weaponry: 3
in the north, and Bahrein, Doha, and •Advantages:
Abu Dhabi in the south. Vast stretches Area Knowledge (Qurac); Connec­
of Qurac consist of uninhabitable tions: Middle Eastern governments
desert; the oases are home to tribes of (High); Scholar (terrorism)
nomadic Bedouins, many of whom • Motivation: Power Lust
continue the fight against Marlo's dic­ •Occupation: Dictator
tatorial regime. •Wealth: 13


The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is the largest country in the world,
and along with the United States, is one ofthe world's two major superpowers.
From the 1950s through the early 1980s, the political rivalry between the U.S.
and the U.S.S.R. was likened to a "cold war," with each of the two sides vying
for political power while walking a fine line between peace and nuclear war. In
recent years, however, a new spirit of openness has developed between these
two countries and political tensions, while still in existence, have eased greatly.
One of the main contributors to the growing spirit of glasnost (the Russian
term for openness) is the fact that the United States no longer has the
monopoly on superpowered beings that it once enjoyed. In the past decade,
more and more Soviet metahumans have appeared, putting the U.S.S.R. on a
more equal footing with America.
Most of the metahuman activity in the Soviet Union is controlled by the
government. For several years, the only hero in the U.S.S.R. was Leonid Kovar,
also known as Starfire, and later as Red Star. His statistics can be found on
page 51 of the Background/Roster Book. In recent years, however, more
superpowered defenders of Mother Russia have appeared and been placed
under state control. The first level of Soviet superpowered involvement is the
Rocket Red Brigade, a group of artificially evolved, highly-trained soldiers
equipped with technologically advanced battle armor. The prototype for the
original Rocket Red suit was designed by the former Green Lantern known as
Kilowog (see entry under BOLOVAX VlK), during a visit to the Soviet Union.
The Rocket Reds are the Soviet Union's overt protectors: they are under the
command of the military and are most frequently called upon for national
defense. One of the most distinguished Rocket Reds, Dmitri Pushkin, serves
as a Soviet representative in Justice League International. The entire Rocket
Red Brigade consists of approximately fifty members.
The second level of Soviet metahuman involvement is composed of a series
of covert agents called the Red Shadows, whose members are known only lo

10 1
select members of the Politburo. This group is commanded by a mysterious
man known only as Zastrow and led in the field by the powerful Stalnoivolk.
Other covert operatives include the strike teams known as the People's Heroes
and Blue Trinity, some members of which have been co-opted into the Red
Shadows. Although the existence of the organizations is a closely guarded
secret within the borders oftheir homeland, many ofthe Soviet operatives are
known to American heroes, with whom they often clash.
The only group ofheroes operating in the Soviet Union without government
supervision are the youngsters known collectively as Soyuz, whose members
include Firebird, Vikhor, Rusalka, Perun, and Morozko. For most oftheir brief
careers, they were pursued by members of the K.G.B., but due to their heroic
actions during the Dominators' invasion, the Soviet government has relaxed
its efforts to trace and control Soyuz's actions.


DEX: 6 STR: 5 BoDY: 5 Connections: Soviet Government
lNT: 4 WILL: 5 MIND: 4 (High), K.G.B. (High), Red Shadows
INFL: 3 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 3 (High); Iron Nerves; Leadership;
INITIA'riVE: 13 HERO PoiNTS: 40 Scholar (espionage); Sharp Eye
Age (old); Authority Figure; Minor
Gadgetry: 4, Military Science: 4,
Weaponry: 5 Physical Restriction (farsighted)
•Alter Ego: Unknown
• Motivation: Power Lust
Connection: Soviet Government
•Occupation: Head ofRed Shadows
•Wealth: 8
• Equipment:
6, BODY: 9, Energy Blast: 10, Flight: STALNOIVOLK
12, Radar Sense: 10, Super Hearing: DEX: 9 STR: 8 BODY: 7
12, Super Ventriloquism (radio): 15, INT: 5 WILL: 4 MIND: 5
Telepathy: 1, R#: 2] INFL: 5 AURA: 5 SPIRIT: 5
Limitation: The suit's Telepathy is INITIATJ:Y:E: 23 HERO PoiNTS: 85
only usable to communicate with com­ •Powers:
puters and other electronic machines. Jumping: 7
•Motivation: •Skills:
Responsibility of Power Acrobatics: 5, Martial Artist: 8,
•Occupation: Soldiers Military Science: 5, Thief: 8, Weap­
onry: 7
Connections: Soviet Government
ZASTROW (High), Red Shadows (High); Iron
DEX: 2 STR: 2BODY: 2 Nerves; Lightning Reflexes
INT: 10 WILL: 7MIND: 8 • Drawbacks:
INFL: 5 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 5 Minor Psychological Instability
INITIATIVE: 15 HERO POINTS: 100 •Alter Ego: Ivan Illyich Goty
•Skills: • Motivation: Mercenary
Charisma: 7, Detective: 8, Military •Occupation:
Science: 9, Scientist: 7, Vehicles: 3, Leader of Red Shadows
Weaponry: 5 •Wealth: 6

See entry under ATLANTIS.







Vlatava is a small Balkan country that fell under the influence of the Soviet
bloc at the end of World War II. The communist takeover ofVlatava included
the bloody execution of the hereditary royal family, who were all presumed
dead for many years. However, many years later, a man named Werner Vertigo
(better known as the villain Count Vertigo) emerged and claimed to be the
rightful heir to the duchy ofVlatava. Vertigo had trouble asserting his claim
to Vlatava, and was never successful in reclaiming his family's throne.
Recently, a violent revolution has been staged in Vlatava, financed by
extreme right wing elements in the United States, and using Count Vertigo as
its figurehead. While the revolutionists claimed to be acting on the behalfofthe
Vlatavan people's freedom, their true goal was to bring the United States and
the Soviet Union into violent confrontation that would destroy the current
spirit ofglasnost.
The Soviet Union sent its covert unit of metahumans known as the Red
Shadows (see THE SOVIET UNION) to disrupt the revolutionists' supply
lines, while the United States reformed its defunct Suicide Squad in an
attempt to halt the revolution altogether. After a violent confrontation be­
tween the two groups, the Soviets, the Americans and Vertigo retreated from
their positions in Vlatava and left the country to fend for itself. Like many other
countries in Eastern Europe, Vlatava is now enjoying the birth pangs of democracy.
Count Vertigo's statistics are on page 54 of the Background IRoster Book.


This small Mediterranean nation has one ofthe bloodiest histories in all of
Europe. The bloodshed began in earnest in 1202, when the knights of Pope
Innocent's fourth Crusade landed in Zandia seeking recruits for the Pope's
holy war. The ruling High Priest ofZandia refused to bow to the army's will and
fought against the invaders. Duringthe course ofthis war, the priest came into
possession of the Cloak of Christ, a religious icon that had been corrupted by
the power of darkness and was being returned to the Holy Land for exorcism.
After donning the cloak, the High Priest was filled with sudden, invigorating
power that enabled him to rally his people to victory against the Pope's army.

To celebrate his victory, the priest bathed in a pit filled with the blood of his
enemies, which strengthened him and rendered him nearly immortal. The
priest declared himselfBrother Blood and closed Zandia to strangers. Brother
Blood ruled for sixty years. He fathered a son, who killed him at the age oflOO.
The son then bathed in the blood pit and assumed the mantle ofBrother Blood,
growing stronger on the emotions of his followers and ruling until slain by his
son and successor. Thus, a ritual was born that continued for centuries until l940.
In that year, a new son of Blood was born who rejected and despised his
father's evil. The father, seeking to break the cycle of the curse of Blood,
attempted to kill his son before he himself was destroyed and supplanted.
Brother Blood's wife and son fled Zandia; the wife eventually remarried into
a European royal family. From his stepfather, the son ofBlood learned how to
wield power and how to hate when h e was forced to slay his stepfather to
prevent the mistreatment of his mother. The son eventually returned to
Zandia and fulfilled the cycle of Blood when he killed his father and took his
place as the new Brother Blood.
Under the most recent Brother Blood, the church grew from a small Zandian
cult into the worldwide Church of Blood, with members in high official
positions in many countries. While Brother Blood plotted to conquer the world,
his many followers awaited their master's commands.
The last Brother Blood was defeated when he attempted to add the empathic
Raven's powers to his own; his
mind was destroyed in the battle
with the New Teen Titans. The
shattered Blood now lives in a
monastery, seemingly unaware
ofhis past actions. His statistics
can be found on page 76 of the
Background/ Roster Book. For
more information on the Church of
Blood, consult the New Titans
Blood's mate, Mother Mayhem,
pregnant with his heir, was
captured by Wildebeest, but
the Titans managed to
rescue her. The child
turned out to be a
girl (implying
that the centu-

T l-I P T T N T \ T P O Q. P

The DC Universe is filled with many strange and myriad worlds, upon which
dwell an amazing variety of intelligent life forms. Some ofthese life forms are
benevolent, while many others are hostile. To give a complete listing ofall the
alien worlds that have appeared over the years would require several volumes
the size of this book, so this chapter is limited to those worlds that have
appeared many times and played a major role in the destinies ofEarth's heroes.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

Located i n Space Sector 674 of the Guardians of the Universe (see entry
under OA), Bolovax Vik was home to a race of sentient semi-humanoid beings.
While little is known about the workings of this planet, the Bolovax Vikians
were a highly disciplined and regimented people ruled by a single central
Bolovax Vik was technically far more advanced than the Earth of the 20th
Century. The people of this planet lived in massive cities; the average Bolovax
Vik citizen had his life planned down
to the minute by the government and TYPICAL BOLOVAX VIK
seemed to prefer it that way. There is RESIDENT - deceased
no record of any revolts against gov­ DEX: 3 STR: 7 BODY: 9
ernmental authority. INT: 5 WILL: 4 M.IND: 4
Bolovax Vik was destroyed by lNFL: 4 AURA: 3 SPffiiT: 4
Sinestro. The Green Lantern Kilowog INITIATIVE: 12 HERO PoiNTS: 0
is the only survivor of this planet's • Drawbacks:
race, and he now lives on Earth, work­ Innocent; Serious Irrational Attrac­
ing for Justice League International tion to community; Strange Appear­
as an all-purpose handyman. His sta­ ance (to off-worlders only)
tistics can be found in the Justice
League Sourcebook.


Long ago, Brztal was a world of sorcerers, ruled by its high priest, Kulak.
Kulak applied his magical abilities to the dark side ofthe mystic arts, using his
sorcery to destroy the civilizations of several planets with which they were at war.
Little is known ofBrztal or Kulak, except that Kulak attempted to turn his
power against the people ofEarth, only to be defeated and entombed on Earth
by the supernatural being known as the Spectre.

Since most tales of Brztal fall into mension Travel: 10, Sorcery: 17
the realm of legend and myth, there •Skills:
are many who believe that this world Occultist:13
ofmighty supernatural beings is little • Limitations:
more than a myth itself. Still, others Time Travel and Animate Dead
insist these legends are true. Much Powers may only be used in conjunc­
effort has been made by the believers tion with one another to summon the
to locate this lost planet and docu­ dead of Brztal to battle on Kulak's
ment its history. behalf; All Powers are focused through
Kulak's third eye, in the center of his
KULAK forehead.
DEX: 4 STR: 3 BODY: 4 • Advantages:
TNT: 7 WILL: 6 MIND: 7 Connection: Brztal (High); Iron
INFL: 13 AURA: 15 SPIRIT: 12 Nerves; Sharp Eye
INITIATIVE: 24 HERo PoiNTS: 95 • Drawbacks:
Strange Appearance
• Powers: *Mystic Linked • Motivation: Power Lust
Skin Armor: 5*, Illusion: 8*, Time •Occupation: High Priest of Brztal
Travel: 25*, Animate Dead: 20, Di- •Wealth: 7

Cairn is an Earthlike world that, indistinguishable from Earth humans,
until recently, was the major grower, and have the same basic game statis­
processor, and supplier of addictive tics as Terrans.
drugs for a large segment of the gal­
axy. Most food and other supplies had
to be imported from other worlds, as GARRYN BEK
nearly all ofCairn's agricultural land DEx: 5 STR: 3 BoDY: 3
was dedicated to the production of INT: 6 WILL: 4 MIND: 6
drugs. The planetary police force was INFL: 4 AURA: 2 SPmiT: 2
controlled by the cartel of drug lords, INITIATIVE: 15 HERO PoiNTS: 20
and kept in place only as a pretext for •Skills:
keeping intersystem forces like the Vehicles (Space): 7, Weaponry: 5 .

now-defunct Green Lantern Corps •Advantages:

away from the world. The hierarchy of Connections: Cairn Drug Lords
drug lords controlled everything on (High), L.E.G.I.O.N. (High); Rich
Cairn, and was headed by the evil Family
billionaire, Kanis-Biz, father-in-law • Drawbacks:
of Garryn Bek. Minor Irrational Fear of Vr;) Dox;
Cairn was turned around when Vril Married; Uncertainty
Dox and Lobo (see entries under • Equipment:
COLU, CZARN) arrived and took THE EMERALD EYE [DEx: 12,
control of Zalman City, home of the Boov: 25, Flight: 35, Force Manipula­
central police headquarters. Recruit­ tion: 20, Invulnerability: 35, Energy
ing the police to his side, Dox man­ Blast: 15, Omni-Power: 7)
aged to break the hold of the drug • Motivation: Unwanted Power/Psy­
lords, and made Cairn the home base chopath (while under influence of
of his new interplanetary police force, Emerald Eye)
known as the L.E.G.I.O.N. •Occupation: L.E.G.I.O.N. member
The natives ofCairn are humanoids •Wealth: 9
See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

Located o n the rim o f the Milky Way Galaxy, near the approach to the
Greater Megellanic Cloud, Colu is the fourth planet from its sun. The surface
of the planet is approximately fifty percent land and fifty percent water, with
a generally temperate climate, except for the polar caps and a few desert areas.
Colu is renowned for its high level of technology, centered in the many huge
cities that dot the land masses' surface.
Less than one percent of the planet's population resides outside of these
cities. The residents ofColu are green-skinned humanoids with an extremely
high intellect. However, until recently, the population ofColu was under the
thrall of the Computer Tyrants of Colu. These thinking machines kept the
Coluans under control by constantly monitoring, manipulating, and evaluat­
ing their subjects. The computers even went so far as to brainwash all Coluan
children from birth, raising them in cold, calculating Edu-Bloks, which ensured
that the Computer Tyrants' rule would never be questioned or disputed.
After eons of rule, Vril Dox was born: a genius even by Coluan standards.
Rather than risking his intellect by subjecting him to the Edu-Bloks, the
Computer Tyrants recruited him to their cause by granting him privileges
greater than any Coluan had received since the Tyrants' usurpation of power.
The Tyrants even allowed Dox to raise a son, a genius in his own right, who
hated his father and the Tyrants with a passion. Dox worked diligently for his
masters, improving their systems, designing new defenses, and generating
new technology, including an experimental matter transmitter. The Tyrants,
growing nervous aboutDox's achievements, sabotaged his matter transmitter,
and he was disintegrated. His mind force later found a home in the brain of
Milton Fine, an Earth psychic known as Brainiac.
Meanwhile, the Computer Tyrants tried to brainwash Dox's son by using
their Psycho-Probes, but the youth's hatred for the Tyrants preserved his free
will. Rather than executing him, however, the Tyrants offered him to the Alien
Alliance as a donation to the Dominators' waragainst Earth. While imprisoned
on the Starlag, Dox met Garryn Bek, Lyrissa Mallor ofTalok VIII, one of the
Durlans, a Dryadan named Strata, and the mystery woman known as Stealth,
tricked them into helping him escape, and returned with them to Colu.
Together, these six reluctant heroes managed to free Colu from the Com­
puter Tyi·ants, although the essence of the Tyrants managed to transfer itself
into a humanoid body and escaped. This form, when endowed with power
absorbed from a star, became known as Starr. Following the liberation ofColu,
Dox's crew became the core of a new interplanetary peacekeeping force called
the Licensed Extra-Governmental Interstellar Operatives Network.
For information on the later history ofColu, see Section Five: THE UNI­
VERSE (30th Century).

COMPUTER DRONES [DEx: 4, BoDY: 5, Flight: 5, Thermal Vision: 6, X-Ray
Vision: 6, Radar Sense: 6, Energy Blast: 7, R#: 2]
The Drones were remotely controlled by the Computer Tyrants, who used
them for information gathering and enforcement
STERILIZATION UNITS [ DEx : 6, STR: 2, BoDY: 3, Running: 5, Cling: 4, Claws:
6, R#: 2]
Limitation: The Units can only Cling to metallic smfaces.
The Sterilization Units resemble shining metallic rats, and were used by the
Computer Tyrants to clear the networks oftunnels under the Coluan cities of
debris and contaminants. They travel in groups numbering in the hundreds to
thousands, and can be lethal.

•Motivation: Seeking Justice

DEX: 10 STR: 19 BonY: 12
Commander ofL.E.G.I.O.N.
lNT: 16 WILL: 14 MrND: 12
•Wealth: 17
INn.: 9 AURA: 7 SPIRIT: 9
Charisma: 11, Detective: 15, Gad­ TYPICAL COLUAN
getry: 13, Medicine: 10, Military Sci­ DEX: 2 STR: 2BonY: 2
ence; 10, Scientist: 13, Vehicles: 9, INT: 14 WILL: 15 MIND: 15
Weaponry: 11 lNFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 3
•Advantages: INITIATIVE: 18 HERo PoiNTS: 20
Connection: L.E.G.I.O.N. (High); •Skills: *linked
Genius; Iron Nerves; Leadership; Detective: 14*, Gadgetry: 14*,
Omni-Connection; Popularity; Scholar Medicine: 14*, Scientist: 14*
(galactic politics); Sharp Eye •Advantages:
• Drawbacks: Genius
Authority Figure; Public Identity; •Drawbacks:
Miscellaneous: Dox is completely Catastrophic Irrational Attraction
without compassion or remorse. to research

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.


Nothing is known about the planet sworn revenge against the

Czarn, except that it is the home world L.E.G.I.O.N.'s leader.
of the feared interplanetary assassin
known as Lobo. The physiology of the LOBO
Czarnian race is peculiar, in that they DEX: 10 STR: 19 BODY: 12
have the ability to grow an entirely lN'r: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 7
new being from a single drop ofblood. lNFL: 4 AuRA: 3 SPmrT: 10
Lobo recently had this ability geneti­ IN!T!A'l'IVE: 18 HERO POfNTS: 95
cally removed by Vril Dox (see entry •Skills: *linked
under COLU), for which Lobo has Acrobatics: 10*, Animal Handling:
4*, Charisma (Intimidation): 1 1 , Mili­
tary Science (Tracking): 7, Vehicles
(Space): 10*
Connections: L.E.G.I.O.N. (High),
the Cluster(Low); Iron Nerves; Light­
ning Reflexes; Pets (space dolphins)
Catastrophic Irrational Attraction
to fighting; Serious Psychological In­
stability; Catastrophic Rage
• Equipment:
SPACE HARLEY I Boov: 7, Flight:
39, Sealed Systems: 20, R#: 21
•Motivation: Psychopath
Assassio!L.E.G.l.O.N. member
•Wealth: 5

See entry in Section Five: THE
UNIVERSE (30th Century).

DEX: 14 STR: 23 BODY:16
INT: 7 WILL: 6 MIND: 6
Directional Hearing: 7, Extended \
Hearing: 7, Flight: 14, Microscopic
Vision: 12, Invulnerability: 20, Heat
Vision: 10, Sealed Systems: 9, Super
Breath: 9, Super Hearing: 7
Superspeed: 12, Systemic Antidote:
15, Telescopic Vision: 1 1 , Thermal
Vision: 1 1 , X-Ray Vision: 1 1
• Advantages:
Connection: L.E.G.I.O.N. (High);
Iron Nerves
• Drawbacks:
Fatal Vulnerability: lead, range of3
APs; Loss Vulnerability (all Powers
and Physical Attributes): lead, range
of3 APs; Loss Vulnerability (all Pow­
ers and Physical Attributes): lack of
yellow sun radiation, range of 0 APs
•Alter Ego: Lar Gand
•Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Occupation: L.E.G.I.O.N. member
•Wealth: 5

Located in the Antares star system, Dhor is a militaristic world ruled by a
delon (dictator). This ruler oversees the planet's huge standing army, as well
as its continuous research and development program for the creation ofnewer
and mightier war machines.
Due to its constant warfare with the rulers of the three other inhabited
worlds in its solar system, Dhor is an armed fortress. Each of the four worlds
(the other three being Alstair, Mosteel, and Llarr, about which almost nothing
is known) vies for control of the entire system.
Dhor's most famous native is Kanjar Ro, who is a famous advocator of alien
rights on the planet Thanagar (see THANAGAR). His associates, among them
renowned Wingman Katar Hol, are unaware of the fact that Ro has a secret
agenda known only to himself, based on his own desires for wealth and power.

KANJAR RO Control: 6 (12)]

DEx: 6 STR: 3 BODY: 4 Bonuses: The gong's Control Power
lNT: 9 WILL: 6 M IND: 6 can be used on all the inhabitants of a
!NFL: 6 AuRA: 6 SPIRIT: 5 planet at the same time, but is limited
INITIATIVE: 21 HERO POINTS: 75 to holding its victims in a state of
•Skills: paralysis; if the gong is used on a
Gadgetry: 11, Scientist: 9, Thief: 6 single target, its Control APs are
• Advantages: boosted to 12.
Genius; Leadership COSMIC BOAT [Boov: 11, Flight:
• Equipment: 40, Sealed Systems: 25]
Energi-Rod [Boov: 1 1, Telekinesis: Note: With the Energi-Rod, Kanjar
9, Telepathy: 40J Ro can shrink the boat down to pocket size.
Note: The Energy-Rod probably has •Motivation: Power Lust
many more Powers that are yet to be • Occupation: Delon
revealed. •Wealth: 8

See entry in Section Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry in Section Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).

Density Increase: 10, Energy Ab­
DEx: 4 STR: 20 BoDY: 17 sorption: 12, Invulnerability: 15, Te­
INT: 5 WILL: 5 M IND: 5 lepathy: 10
3 SPIRIT: 6 • Limitations:
INITIATIVE: 15 HERO PoiNTS: 25 Density Increase is Always On, and

is reflected in the Attributes above; • Drawbacks:
Telepathy can only be used to commu­ Strange Appearance
nicate with other silicon-based life •Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Advantages: •Occupation: L.E.G.I.O.N. member
Connection: L.E.G.I.O.N. (High) •Wealth: 5

See entry in Section Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry in Section Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).


Populated by a sentient race bearing a striking resemblance to the chip­

munks of Earth, H'lven exists in a galaxy far from Earth, in Sector 1014, as
space is divided by the Guardians of the Universe (see entry under OA). H'lven
is a low technology world, and the H'lvenites live in an arboreal (tree-dwelling) society.
The H'lvenites are a peaceful race, making them a frequent target for alien
invasions. Surprisingly, these quiet, unassuming beings have been successful
in beating back invaders who are much more advanced. Much ofthe credit for
these victories goes to Ch'p, the Green Lantern of H'lven.

CH'P • Equipment:
DEX: 11 STR: 2 BoDY: 12(2) POWER RING [BODY: 16, INT: 10,
INT: 5 WILL: 16 MINI>: 6 Comprehend Languages: 20, Flight:
INn: 6 AURA: 5 SPmrr: 12 40, Force Manipulation: 16, Recall:
INITIATIVE: 22 HERO PoJNTS: 65 20, Sealed Systems: 16, Invulnerabil­
•Skills: ity: 18, Life Sense: 40, Omni-Power: 8,
Acrobatics: 6, Charisma: 6 Regeneration:4, Skin Armor: 4, Spirit

Travel: 50]
Connections: Dr. U'bx (High), Green Bonus: Ch'p's BoDY is 12 APs while
Lantern Corps (High) he is wearing the Power Ring.
• Drawbacks: Limitations: The PowerRing's BoDY
Forced Exile (pre-Crisis H'leven); is only 6 APs while it is not being
Innocent; Uncertainty worn; the Skin Armor Power does not

have to be activated at its full AP tery are among the few still function­
value: Ch'p loses 1 AP of Force Ma­ ing in the wake of the damage to the
nipulation and Omni-Power for each Central Power Battery on Oa.
AP of Skin Armor in use; Life Sense is • Motivation:
only usable to detect other members Responsibility of Power
of the Green Lantern Corps. •Wealth: 4
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The
Power Ring is completely useless
against the color yellow; the Power TYPICAL H'LVENITE
Ring must be recharged once every DEX: 8 STR: 2 BODY: 2
twenty-four hours with the lantern­ INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
shaped Power Battery. �FL: 2 AuRA: 3 SPIRIT: 2
Power Battery [Boov: 16, Energy INITIATIVE: 13 HERO POINTS: 0
Absorption: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#: 2] •Skills:
Note: Ch'p's Power Ring and Bat- Acrobatics: 4

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

Kalanor was a world once dominated by a race of humanoids. Though they
had not yet reached the stars, they bad developed a technology many years
more advanced that current Earth technology.
As their main source of power, they constructed tremendously large and
complex nuclear reactors, the largest of which was built outside Kalanor's
largest city, Py'tar, home of a billion Kalanorians. In a cataclysmic accident,
the reactor exploded, exposing everyone and everything on Kalanor to over­
whelming amounts of nuclear energy. Most died, including the dominant
humanoid race; other species sw'vived, but were mutated far beyond recog­
nition. These new, varied races struggled for survival in Kalanor's harsh new
environment, and in the end, several intelligent life forms evolved, including
a race of pink-skinned humanoids. Another species, however, evolved strong
telepathic abilities. Characterized by their reddish-purple skin, a semicircular
webbed construct that stretched across the tops of their heads and a third eye
located on their foreheads, they used their powers of mental control to enslave
all other Kalanorian races and rose to prominence.
For many years, these telepaths ruled Kalanor. Though they were blood­
thirsty despots, they rebuilt the radiation-ravaged planet in short order,
advancing technology to the point where interstellar travel become a reality.
However, once they brought the civilization to greatness, the innate fatal flaw
of the telepaths, their fierce sense of competition, fragmented their people.
Families warred against families for the throne ofthe planet. Ultimately, only
one male and one female survived, and they were killed by their only son when
he reached maturity.
The lone remaining Kalanorian telepath, Despero, ruled his people with an
iron hand for more than a century. His reign might have continued unchallenged

for thousands ofyears, had not a Kalanorian scientist named Jasonar fled the
planet in a special starship, aboard which Jasornar took materials with which
he hoped to perfect a weapon capable of nullifying Despero's telepathic
abilities. Jasonar managed to reach Earth, but was quickly tracked down by
the vengeful Despero. Jasonar was able to enlist the aid of the Justice League
of America, who delayed Despero while Jasonar perfected his invention, after
which Despero was captured and returned to Kalanor for judgement.
Despero was sentenced to a rehabilitation program, which ultimately led the
Kalanorians to believe that they had permanently eradicated Despero's
powers. They were mistaken: after his abilities returned, Despero engineered
a tremendous explosion that left the Kalanorians thinking that he had been
killed and was therefore no longer a threat. This allowed Despero to travel to
Earth for several rematches against the JLA over the next few years. Each
time he appeared, however, his plans of global conquest were thwarted.
During a recent all-out battle between Despero and Justice League Interna­
tional, the Martian Manhunter used his own formidable telepathic powers to
create an illusion in Despero's consciousness that the Kalanorian had killed
the Justice League and reduced Earth to a smoking cinder. Satisified with his
"victory," Despero regressed into an unconscious fetal state and was placed
into a special container by the JLI. Several days later, intergalactic barterer
Manga Khan noticed Despero while touring the JLI's headquarters and took
the former conqueror as a trophy for his starship.
DC HEROES statistics for Despero can be found in the Justice League

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry in Section Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).

Located in Sector 1417 (according to the Guardians of the Universe's
division of Known Space), Korugar is a technically highly advanced world
inhabited by a red-skinned humanoid race. The Korugarans are highly ethical
and devoted to study and contemplation.
The high character ofthe race led the Oan (see entry under OA) Guardians
of the Universe to Korugar three times in search of Green Lanterns for their
Green Lantern Corps. The first Korugaran Green Lantern was Sinestro, who
also represented the first time the Guardians misjudged a being who was
chosen to wear the coveted Power Ring. Sinestro soon grew drunk with his
power, at first setting himselfup as the arbiter ofall disputes on Korugar, then

declaring himself absolute dictator • Motivation: Power Lust
over his people. Sinestro was eventu­ •Wealth: 12
ally halted by Guardian intervention
and replaced by Katma Tui, who still KATMA TUI - deceased
held thatpost when the Green Lantern DEX: 4 S1'R: 3 Boov:12 (3)
Corps was disbanded. Mere months !NT: 8 WILL: 20 MIND: 7
after the Corps' dissolution, Katma IN�'r.: 6 AuRA: 6 SPIRIT: 14
Tui was killed by the villainess known INITIATIVE: 18 HERO POIN'rS: 75
as Star Sapphire. •Skills:
Charisma: 8, Scientist: 9
Area Knowledge (Sector 1417)· At­
SINESTRO - deceased
DEX: 7 STR: 3 BoDv:10 (4)
tractive; Connection: Green Lan ern t
Corps (High); Iron Nerves
lNT: 10 WILL: 21 MIND: 1 1
• Drawbacks:
INFL: 7 AuRA: 10 SPIRIT: 20
• Equipment:
•Skills : POWER RING [BoDY: 20, lNT: 10,
Charisma: 10, Gadgetry: 10, Scien­
Comprehend Languages: 20, Flight:
tist: 10
40, Force Manipulation: 20, Recall:
20, Sealed Systems: 16, Invulnerabil­
Ar:a Knowledge (Korugar); Con­
ity: 18, Life Sense: 40, Omni-Power:
nections: Secret Society of Super-Vil­
10, Regeneration:4, Skin Armor: 4
lains (High), Qward (Low); Genius; '
Spirit Travel: 50]
Iron Nerves; Leadership
Bonus: Katma Tui's BoDY is 12 APs
• Drawbacks:
while �he is wearing the Power Ring.
Catastrophic Irrational Attraction _ _
Ltmttabons: The Power Ring's Boov
to destroying the Green Lantern Corps
is only 6 APs while it is not being
• Equipment:
worn; the Skin Armor Power does not
have to be activated at its full AP
Comprehend Languages: 20, Flight:
value: Katma Tui loses 1 AP of Force
40, Force Manipulation: 21, Recall:
Manipulation and Omni-Power for
17, Sealed Systems: 16, Invulnerabil­
each AP of Skin Armor in use· Life
ity: 18, Omni-Power: 10, Regenera­
tion:4, Skin Armor: 4, R#: 2]
Sense is only usable to detect ther �
members ofthe Green Lantern Corps.
Bonuses: Sinestro's BODY is 10 APs
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The
while he is wearing the Power Ring;
Power Ring is completely useless
the Power Ring emits a yellow beam
against the color yellow; the Power
making it immune to the direct effect � Ring must be recharged once every
of Green Lanterns' Power Rings.
twenty-four hours with the lantern­
Limitations: The Power Ring's BODY
. shaped Power Battery.
tS only 4 APs while it is not being
Power Battery [BODY: 20, Energy
worn; the Skin Armor Power does not
Absorption: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#: 2)
have to be activated at its full AP
• Motivation:
value: Sinestro loses 1 AP of Force
Responsibility of Power
Manipulation and Omni-Power for
•Wealth: 8
each AP of Skin Armor in use
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The
Power Ring must be recharged once TYPICAL KORUGARAN
every twenty-four hours with the lan­ DEx: 3 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
tern-shaped Power Battery. !NT: 4 WlLL: 4 MIND: 4
Power Battery [Boov: 21, Energy !NFL: 3 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 3
Absorptwn: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#: 3]


The planet Krypton, which is the birthplace of Kal-El (also known as

Superman), no longer exists. It was destroyed numerous years ago as a result
of its highly unstable geological conditions.
Approximately the size of Earth, Krypton orbited a red sun some fifty light­
years distance from Earth. Over 100,000 years ago, Krypton was already at a
level of scientific achievement that surpasses that of present-day Earth.
Kryptonians had perfected, among other things, the technique of cloning; they
kept vast banks of non-sentient clones of every living Kryptonian for the
purpose of replacing body parts worn out by age or damaged by injury. Along
with the knowledge of how to retard the aging process, the Kryptonians were
virtually immortal, death nearly unknown.
These early Kryptonians lived an idyllic life. They were dedicated to the
advancement of science and art, and possessed a love ofbeauty and sensuality
which was reflected in every aspect of their lives. Eventually, however, the
pleasure-seeking Kryptonians grew too fond oftheir comforts, leading to many
thousands of years of scientific stagnation.
A later political movement demanding equal rights for the clones kept in the
body banks exploded into the Clone Wars, pitting clone rights activists against
the rest ofK.rypton. As a result ofthe war, the Clone Banks were abolished and
Kryptonians established new methods of prolonging their lives. During this
era, Krypton's geneticists also discovered a method of giving birth that
involved donated genetic tissue and a life-matrix device that was kept in
gestation chambers until the resultant living being was released at birth.

Procreation had become a cold, imper­
sonal process, leading to a corre­
sponding repression ofthe Kryptonian
emotional and sexual culture, leaving
the population emotionless and spiri­
tually dead.
Krypton's final 1,000 years were
thus spent, until the discovery by
famed scientistJor-El of the instabil­
ity of the planet's core. Since the
Kryptonians had all but abandoned
space travel during the era of scien­
tific decline, they were trapped on this
dying planet. The only survivor of the
cataclysm which eventually blasted
Krypton to rubbleis Kai-El, whose life
matrix wassentfrom Krypton toEarth
aboard his fatherJor-El's experimen­
tal star drive unit.
Among the known points ofinterest
on Krypton was Kandor, Krypton's
capital city and its center for scientific
research and study. It was in Kandor
that the elders of Krypton met.
Kryptonopolis was the planet's sec­
ondary capital. One of the planet's
most spectacular sights was Mt.
Mudru, which at 2 1 1 ,000 feet above
sea level, was Krypton's highest point.
Other sights were the Ruins of Xan,
home of the civilization of the
Kryptonians' ancestors, and the Glass
Forest, a huge glen that was crystal­
lized into glass by the heat from a
powerful explosion.

JOR-EL - deceased
DEX: 4 STR: 3 BODY: 4
lNT: 14 WILL: 10 MIND: 12
Gadgetry: 20, Scientist: 20
Area Knowledge (Krypton); Con­
nections: Ruling Council (Low); Rich
Family; Scholar (Kryptonian history)
Dark Secret (imminent destruction he left the planet Krypton.
of Krypton); Married; Miscellaneous: •Motivation: Upholding the Good
Jor-El, like all Kryptonians, suffers a •Occupation: Scientist
genetic flaw that would prove fatal if •Wealth: 1 3

LARA -deceased
DEX: 3 STR: 2 BODY: 2 • Drawbacks:
!NT: 10 WILL: 9 MIND: 8 Miscellaneous: Lara, like all
lNFL: 6 AURA: 5 SPIRIT: 6 Kryptonians, suffers a genetic flaw
INITIATIVE: 19 HERO POINTS: 50 that would prove fatal if she left the
•Skills: planet Krypton.
Charisma: 9 •Motivation: Upholding the Good
•Advantages: •Occupation: None
Connection: Jor-El (High); Rich Family •Wealth: 13

The planet Maltus is the original home ofthe beings who became known as
the Guardians of the Universe (see entry under OA). Since the Guardians'
departure to Oa, Maltus has suffered from catastrophic overpopulation, which
Green Lantern Hal Jordan and the Guardians recently helped the Maltusians
to deal with and control. Nevertheless, Maltus remains one of the most
crowded planets in the cosmos.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.


·. ·
·oo· \· ·
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Oa, one of the oldest planets in Known Space, is located at the very center
ofthe universe.
For over ten billion years, Oa has been home to a race of blue-skinned
humanoids who are possessed ofgreat mental powers. Little is known oftheir
evolution, but these beings developed early in the life span oftheir home world
(see entry under MALTUS), growing into a race preoccupied with the eternal
study of nature and science, which was balanced by their love for games and
sport. The Maltusians, who needed neither rest nor sleep, were immortal.
The Maltusians had a legend that the universe would be destroyed should
they ever learn oftheir origins; this belieflead to a tradition that forbade the
study of their past. One of their number, Krona, defied that tradition, and his
interference unleashed a dark evil force upon the universe. In order to combat
this spreading threat, which caused hatred and violence to flourish on every
world it touched, and resulted in the splitting of the cosmos and the creation
of the Anti-Matter Universe of Qward (see entry under QWARD), the
Maltusians emigrated to Oa, where they created the first oftheir intergalactic
police forces, the robotic Manhunters. The Manhunters were later abandoned
in favor ofliving agents, which ultimately became known as the Green Lantern
Corps. Despite their own powers, the Oans, now called the Guardians of the
Universe, chose to employ outside agents for this work because their numbers
were so few.
Over the course ofthe passing millennia, the immortal Guardians continued
to evolve into the large-headed form they are known for today. Their numbers
have been diminished several times in the course of their history, once when
a group of Guardians who felt their brothers' methods were too weak to
accomplish any goodleft Oa for another dimension. These renegade Guardians
ultimately became known as the Controllers (see THE CONTROLLERS'
DIMENSION). Their numbers were further reduced by subsequent strife
between Guardian factions.
Oa eventually became a desolate, barren desert of a world, with the
Guardians' imposing fortress of a city the only survivor of time. Its large
central Citadel housed the Central Power Battery that powered the rings ofthe
legendary Green Lantern Corps as well as massive machines and devices for
teaching and record keeping. A special crypt held the bodies of Green Lanterns
struck down in the performance of their duties.
After the disbanding of the Corps by the Guardians, who left this dimen­
sional plane to follow other pursuits, Oa remained uninhabited, except for one
lone Guardian, Appa Ali Apsa, who stayed there to watch over the Central
Power Battery. The Central Power Battery recently suffered from extreme
damage at the hands of renegade Green Lantern Sinestro, and as a result, all
but a handful of the Green Lanterns' Power Batteries and Rings were
destroyed. All that remains of the Guardians' Citadel are the shattered
remains of the Central Power Battery and the sciencells in which the Guard­
ians have imprisoned the galaxy's most dangerous menaces, including the
sentient Sector 3600, Goldface, and the diminutive magician, Myrwhydden.
Over the millenia that Oa was inhabited by the Guardians, the planet itself
actually absorbed a tremendous amount ofthe energy that the Guardians once
used to power the Green Lantern Corps. As a result, Oa's soil contains a limited
amount of emerald power that could possibly be tapped into by those with the
knowledge to do so.
Recently, Appa Ali Apsa went insane, and used the power ofOa to transport
entire communities from across the cosmos to the planet. Appa was defeated
by the Terran Green Lanterns Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and Guy Gardner.

During the battle, the Guardians returned and executed their renegade
brother. In the wake of this crisis, the Guardians have decided to rebuild Oa
and restore the Green Lantern Corps to full strength.
Bonus: Force Field automatically opens to admit members of the Green
Lantern Corps, or any of the Guardians of the Universe.
SCIENCELLS [BoDY: 30, Force Field: 20, Neutralize: 35]
Limitation: Force Field has a Range of 0 APs, enclosing the sciencell only.
CENTRAL POWER BATI'ERY (pre-Green Lantern Corps #224) [BoDY: 45,
Force Manipulation: 45, Omni-Power: 22]
CENTRAL POWER BATTERY (Green Lantern Corps #224 - on) [BODY: 35,
Force Manipulation: 35, Omni-Power: 17]

APPA ALI APSA - deceased AP for every week that Appa Ali Apsa
DEx: 5 STR: 3 BoDY: 15 is separated from Oa.
INT: 17 WILL: 30 MIND: 20 • Advantages:
INFL: 12 AURA: 14 SPIRIT: 10 Connection: Green Lantern Corps
lNrriATIVE: 34 HERO POINTS: 150 (High); Genius; Scholar (metaphys­
•Powers: ics, the Universe)
Flight: 40, Force Manipulation: 30, • Equipment:
Sealed Systems: 20, Spirit Travel: 45, Earth Motorcycle [STR: 3, BODY: 5,
Regeneration: 10, Invulnerability: 25, Running: 7, R#: 2]
Systemic Antidote: 20, Telepathy: 5 •Alter Ego: "The Old Timer"
•Skills: •Motivation: Responsibility of
Gadgetry: 18, Scientist: 20, Vehicles Power, later Psychopath
(Land): 5 •Occupation:
• Limitations: Guardian ofthe Universe
Force Manipulation is reduced by 1 •Wealth: 30

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.


At the edge of the physical universe lies a vast expanse of space known as
the Promethean Galaxy, the last signpost before entering the heart of the Source.
At this galaxy's edge is a giant wall of stone faces. Transformation into one
of these faces is the fate of those beings who sought the secrets of the Source
and were foolish enough to think they would succeed. A few others, who never
got as far as the Source, float in space before the wall, gigantic stone mockeries
of their former intelligence and power.
Only once has the wall of faces been successfully breached, by Metron and
Earth's Swamp Thing, and even they did not survive unscathed. To attempt to
pass the wall will only add a new face to past failures.
The Promethean Galaxy can only be reached through a Boom Tube (see entry
under APOKOLIPS). The OVIRV of the attempt is 13/13.

Located near Alpha Centauri in the Milky Way, approximately four-and­
one-halflight years from Earth, Rann is a study in contrasts. Much older than
Earth, which it closely resembles in many geological aspects, Rann was home
to a race of scientifically advanced, blue-furred beings as long as one billion
years ago. These beings apparently achieved space flight and left the planet,
leaving few relics oftheirtime on Rann. The earliest documented beings on the
planet belonged to a reptilian race that, according to legends, were responsible
for the construction ofthe now-ruined city, Sumuru.
Eventually, humanoid Rannians evolved on the planet, developing into a
technically advanced race. Their society stayed divided into separate city­
states rather than banding together into unified nations.
Ranagar, the chief city of modern, technological Rann, was founded some
5,000 years ago, after the previous master city ofPagathann was ravaged by
a civil dispute against its dictator. Modern Rannians still celebrate the
anniversary of their victory against Pagathann as the Festival ofDyalina.
Approximately 1,000 years ago, a great war was waged between Ranagar
and another city-state, Zared, over the rights to the Lake of Insalla. This war
led to a devastating nuclear conflict, which eventually involved the entire
planet. That conflict put an end to the scheme of Zared's scientist-king Alva
Xar, who had developed an ultimate weapon which was destroyed in the
conflagration. Alva Xar had hoped to employ the weapon to make himself the
emperor of all Rann.
Following the Great War, the city-states developed independently. Some,
like Ranagar, retained their scientific greatness. Others, like Yardana, were
never fully rebuilt and slid into primitive, superstitious cultures, which
regarded their neighbors' science as a form of black magic.
Sardath, Ranagar's greatest scientific mind and father of Alanna, is the
inventor of the Zeta Beam, an intergalactic teleportation device which was
responsible for bringing Earth man Adam Strange to Rann, where he became
his adopted world's greatest hero. After many years ofbeaming back and forth
between Earth and Rann, Strange married Alanna.
Strange later discovered that his initial arrival on Rann was no accident.
Rann's scientists had set up the Zeta Beam to lure an Earth man to their world
so that he could impregnate the Rannian princess, since all the native Rannian
males were slowly being rendered sterile by the lingering effects ofthe war that
occurred more than a thousand years before Strange's arrival. Thanks to an
elemental "push" from Earth's Swamp Thing, the decay ofRann's environment
was reversed. At this same time, Strange learned that Alanna was pregnant.
Sardath recently perfected a Megazeta Beam that allowed Strange to be
transported to Rann permanently. However, the Megazeta Beam had an
unexpected side effect that rendered Strange temporarily insane, and in his
rage, he seriously wounded Sardath and fledinto theRannian desert. With the
help of Sardath's exiled wife, Strange regained his senses and returned to
Ranagar. Upon his arrival, he found that Alanna had prematurely gone into
labor, Sardath had become unhinged from his injuries, and the city was under
attack from its rival, Zared. In the end, Alanna died giving birth to a daughter
and Sardath transported Ranagar into orbit around Rann. Adam was tempo­
rarily stricken with grief over Alanna's death, but eventually realized that he
had a duty to his newborn daughter and adopted city that he had to uphold. He
is now helping the Ranagarians to adapt to their new circumstances by

introducing them to democracy and •Skills:
other Ten·an concepts. Gadgetry: 14, Scientist: 14
Adam Strange game statistics are • Advantages:
located on page 26 oftheBackground I Connection: Ranagar Ruling Coun­
Roster Book. cil ( High); Genius; Scholar (physics)
• Drawbacks:
ALANNA - deceased Age (old); Authority Figure; Dark
DE:x: 4 STR: 2 BoDY: 2 Secret (reasons for bringing Strange
lNT: 6 WILL: 5 MIND: 5 to Rann); Public Identity
INFL: 4 AURA: 3 SPIRI'r: 3 • Equipment:
•Skills: Teleportation: 55, R#: 2]
Acrobatics: 3, Gadgetry: 9, Scien­ Limitations: The effects ofthe Zeta­
tist: 9, Vehicles: 7, Weaponry: 6 Beam wear off in 15+1D10 APs of
• Advantages: time, returning the Teleported Char­
Attractive; Area Knowledge acter to his original location; the Zeta­
( Ranagar); Connection: Ranagar Rul­ Beam can only be used to Teleport
ing Council (High); Scholar (Rann) single Characters from Earth to Rann .
• Equipment: •Motivation: Responsibility of
BODY SUIT lBoDY: 6, Flame Im­ Power, later Thrill of Adventure
munity: 7] •Occupation: Scientist
Jet Pack [ BoDY: 4, Flight: 8, R#: 21 •Wealth: 12
Laser Pistol [BoDY: 3, Heat Vision:
8, R#: 2]
• Motivation:
Responsibility of Power TYPICAL RANNIAN
•Wealth: 12 DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
INT: 5 WILL: 5 MIND: 5
INT: 11 WILL: 7 MIND: 8 • Drawbacks:
INFL: 5 AuRA: 3 SPIRIT: 3 Miscellaneous: Most Rannians are
lNITIATIVE: 17 HERO POIN'l'S: 35 sterile.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

Located in Space Sector 1418, Slyggia i s home to a race of sentient reptilian
beings. While it is commonly known that the Slyggians are a technologically
advanced race, little else is known about the world or its people, in spite of the
fact that one of its natives, Salaak, was a member ofthe Green Lantern Corps
for many years.

D'Ex: 5 STR: 4BonY:12 (5) AP of Skin Armor in use; Life Sense is
!NT: 7 WILL: 17MIND: 7 only usable to detect other members
!NFL: 2 AURA: 3 SPJRfl': 12 of the Green Lantern Corps.
!NITIATIVE: 14 HERo PoiNTs: 65 Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The
•Powers: Power Ring is completely useless
Extra Limb (x2): 5 against the color yellow; the Power
•Advantages: Ring must be recharged once every
Connections: Green Lantern Corps twenty-four hours with the lantern­
(High), Ch'p (High), Solar Council (High) shaped Power Battery.
• Drawbacks: Power Battery [Boov: 17, Energy
Strange Appearance; MiscelJaneous: Absorption: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#: 2]
Salaak is an extreme pessimist Note: Salaak's Power Ring and Bat­
• Equipment: tery were among those lost when the
POWER RING [BonY: 17, INT: 10, Central Power Battery on Oa was
Comprehend Languages: 20, Flight: damaged.
40, Force Manipulation: 17, Recall: • Motivation:
20, Sealed Systems: 16, Invulnerabil­ Responsibility of Power
ity: 18, Life Sense: 40, Omni-Power: 8, •Wealth: 5
Regeneration:4, Skin Armor: 4, Spirit
Bonus: Salaak'sBonYis 12APs while DEx: 3 STR: 3 BonY: 4
he is wearing the Power Ring. INT: 4 WILL: 2 MIND:3
Limitations: The Power Ring's Boov !NFL: 3 AURA: 2 SPmiT: 3
is only 6 APs while it is not being lNITlATIVE: 10 HERO PoiNTS: 0
worn; the Skin Armor Power does not •Powers:
have to be activated at its full AP Extra Limb (x2): 3
value: Salaak loses 1 AP of Force Ma­ •Drawbacks:
nipulation and Omni-Power for each Strange Appearance (to non­
Slyggians only)

See entry in Section Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).

Talok VIII is the only habitable planet in a binary star system. As a result
of the almost constant sunlight and heat bombarding the planet, Talok has an
extremely dry, arid environment, with almost eighty-five percent of the
planet's surface taken up by deserts. A few areas have large outcroppings of
rock, however, and it was in the shadows of these rocks that life evolved on
Talok. Eventually, a race of blue-skinned humanoids became the dominant life form.
The culture ofTalok is centered around their religion, which is founded on
a deep reverence for the shadows which gave them life. Every generation, a
defender of the planet is born with formidable shadow powers that come from
within Talok itself. The most recent defender was Lyrissa Mallor, who was
turned over to the Alien Alliance by the Talokian t'ulers to avoid involving
Talok in the Dominators' war against the Earth. Mallor later became the
Acting Commander of the L.E.G.I.O.N. (see entries under CAIRN, COLU>.
The technological level ofTalok VIII is roughly equal to that ofEarth, but is
different in subtle ways due to climatological variations. Much ofTalok VIII's
native technology has been supplemented by its contact with other worlds,
which has introduced the Talokians to space flight, among other innovations.
The entity known as Starr recently arrived on Talok VIII, and began a
systematic takeover ofthe planet's political and computer systems. In Mallor's
absence, he convinced the Talokian ruling body to appoint him the new
planetary champion. He also preyed upon the Talokjans' superstitions to take
possession of Lydea Mallor, Lyrissa Mallor's infant daughter and heir to the
position of planetary defender. Starr accelerated Lydea's growth, and instilled
an overpowering hatred of her mother in her psyche. He then sent "Lydea
Darkstar" to Cairn, where she managed to mortally wound Lyrissa before
being taken into L.E.G.l.O.N. custody.
Under the lcadership ofVril Dox, the L.E.G.I.O.N. traveled toTalok VIII and
destoyed Starr's body, leaving the planet without a champion.
Typical Talokians have the same basic game statistics as Earth humans. For
more information about the future of Talok VIII, see Section Five: THE
UNIVERSE (30th Century).

LYRISSA MALLOR - deceased nections: L.E.G.I.O.N. (High), Talok

DEX: 8 STR: 3 BODY: 4 VIII government (Low); Iron Nerves;
INT: 7 WILL: 6 MIND: 7 leadership
INFL: 5 AURA: 6 SPIRiT: 5 • Drawbacks:
INITIATIVE: 20 HERO POINTS: 75 Authority Figure; Forced Exile
•Powers: (Talok VIII); Guilt; Married; Public
Darkness: 15 Identity
•Skills: •Motivation:
Charisma: 7, Detective: 5, Occult­ Responsibility of Power
ist: 4, Scientist: 5 •Occupation: Planetary Champion/
• Advantages: Acting Commander ofL.E.G.I.O.N.
Area Knowledge (Talok VIII); Con- •Wealth: 8

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.

Orbiting Polaris is the planet Thanagar. This world is populated by a
humanoid race which evolved and developed a highly technological civilization
in which war has been rare and crime virtually unknown since the planet's early years.

Having exhausted all challenges at home, the Thanagarians turned their
attention to the stars, developing sophisticated space flight and embarking on
a concerted program of interstellar exploration. What they found beyond the
boundaries of their home world was a multitude of worlds populated by less
advanced beings ofmany species. Rather than attempt to live in harmony with
these beings, the Thanagarians instead took a course of imperialism. They
declared numerous planets protectorates ofThanagar, stripping them of their
natural resources and treasures and transporting aliens by the hundreds of
thousands to work as slaves in Thanagat;an homes, cities, and farms.
A greatly divided society swiftly evolved on Thanagar, with the human
masters living in gleaming, towering cities in the sky and their alien slaves cast
down into the filth and squalor of their lower-level ghettos. These ghettos are
hotbeds of crime, disease, malnutrition, murder, and black market activity.
The aliens are watched closely by the Thanagarian police, the so-called
Wingmen, an elite airborne corps of paramilitary personnel whose flight is
made possible by artificial wings and the power of Nth Metal, an anti-gravity
device; both were created by famed Thanagarian ornithologist Paran Katar.
The native Thanagarians have grown decadent, corrupt,and blind to the
cruelty their society visits on the enslaved aliens. Even the Wingmen police
command is believed to be rife with corruption, with officials recently proved
to be involved in the drug trade that plagues the denizens ofthe alien ghettos.
Katar Hol (son of Paran Katar), the Wingman who broke the corruption
scandal, has become famed on Earth as the superhero Hawkman.
Hawkman's statistics are found on page 38 ofthe Background/ Roster Book.

BYTH • Drawbacks:
DEx: 9 STR: 6 BoDY: 8 Catastrophic Irrational Attraction
INT: 7 WILL: 8 MIND: 7 to the "Krotan Drug;" Serious Psycho­
lNFL: 4 AURA: 5 SPIRIT: 4 logical Instability; Catastrophic Rage
INITIATIVE: 22 HERo PoiNTs: 50 •Motivation: Power Lust
•Powers: •Occupation:
Shape Change: 13 Former Wingman, now Criminal
•Skills: •Wealth: 12/3
Charisma: 7, Detective: 7, Martial
Artist: 7, Military Science: 9, Weap­ TYPICAL WINGMAN
onry: 9 DEx: 7 STR: 5 BoDY: 7
• Bonuses: INT: 6 WILL: 7 MIND: 7
Byth's Shape Change Power is not lNFL: 5 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 6
limited to Earth animals: he can INITIATIVE: 22 HERo PoiNTS: 30
transform himself into any animal he • Powers:
has seen. Sealed Systems: 9, Skin Armor: 3,
• Advantages: Speak With Animals: 3, Telescopic
Area Knowledge (Thanagar); Con­ Vision: 4
nections: Thanagarian Underground •Skills:
(High); Wingmen (Low); Iron Nerves; Martial Artist: 7, Military Science:
Leadership; Sharp Eye 6, Weaponry: 7, Vehicles (Space): 5

• Limitations: Miscellaneous Drawback: The belt
Speak With Animals only works on alone only allows the wearer to hover
birds. in place.
•Advantages: Wings [STR: 6, BoDY: 10, Air Control:
Lightning Reflexes; Iron Nerves 4, Flight: 81
• Equipment: Limitations: Flight only works if
ANTI-GRAVITY BELT [BODY: 10, the user is wearing an anti-gravity belt.
Gravity Decrease: 7] Mace [BODY: 9, EV: 5]
Limitation: Gravity Decrease only Laser Rifle [BODY: 4, AV: 4, EV: 4,
works on the wearer and any items he Ammo: 10, R#: 2]
is holding.

Throneworld is not really a world at all: itis an amazing feat oftechnological
achievement. Floating in interstellar space, Throneworld is a city suspended
on a platform and the center of a vast intergalactic Empire. Some years ago,
Emperor Rilsom the 18th died and was succeeded by the princess Clryssa.
According to imperial law, Clryssa's brother, Gavyn, was executed by being
ejected into space unprotected, to prevent civil war. Gavyn was rescued by a
mysterious being known as Mn'torr, who used his technology to enhance
Gavyn's natural stellar powers. Donning a costume and dubbing himself
Starman, Gavyn secretly defended the Empire from outside threats. He was
unable to prevent the murder of his sister, however, and Starman reluctantly
became Emperor. Starman died during the Crisis, and his death caused the
worlds of the Empire to split up, each pursuing its own unique destiny.
Throneworld now stands nearly vacant, a tribute to the glory days of the Empire.

STARMAN II - deceased
DEx: 7 STR: 5 BonY: 6 ergy Absorption: 15, Power Reserve:
INT: 9 WILL: 5 MIND: 5 15, Flash: 3, Energy Blast: 3, Flame
IN�'L: 6 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 5 Project: 3, Object Awareness: 3, Flight: 40]
INITIATIVE: 22 HERO POINTS: 45 Limitations: Power Reserve begins
•Powers: at 0 APs. For every AP of energy
Sealed Systems: 20 absorbed with Energy Absorption,
• Advantages: Power Reserve increases 1 AP, to a
Buddy (Mn'torr); Connection: maximum of 15 APs. APs of Power
Throneworld Empire (High); Iron Reserve may only be applied to SrR,
Nerves; Rich Family Flash, Energy Blast, Flame Project,
• Drawbacks: and Object Awareness.
Authority Figure; Forced Exile •Alter Ego: Prince Gavyn
(Throneworld, early in career only); • Motivation:
Public Identity (later in career only); Responsibility of Power
Secret Identity (early in career only) •Occupation:
• Equipment: Adventurer, later Emperor
GAUNTLETS [Srn: 7, BoDY: 6, En- •Wealth: 12

Ungara is best known as the home world of Abin Sur, once the Green
Lantern of Space Sector 2814. It was Sur who crash-landed on Earth and
passed his Power Ring and battery on to Hal Jordan when he died.
Jordan visited Ungara several years later, where he learned that the
populance held Abin Sur in an almost religious awe. When Jordan informed
the Ungarans of Sur's death, they jumped to the conclusion that Jordan had
slain Sur and stolen his Power Ring. This misconception was cleared up when
Jordan saved the planet from the threat of a comet that was on a collision
course with the planet.
After Jordan departed, the people of Ungara went mad with grief over the
news of their champion's demise. The once-united Ungarans split into rival
factions, each vying for supremacy. One faction launched a plasma satellite to
rain destruction down on its enemies. An attempt was made to defuse the
satellite, but resulted in its detonation instead. Ungara was thrown off its
orbital axis by one hundreth of a degree, which was enough to cause earth­
quakes, tidal waves, and a paralyzing wave ofice that threatened to engulf the
planet. More than one hundred million Ungarans perished in the cataclysm.
In a final act of desperation, the Ungarans sent a spaceship to Earth, with
the intent of kidnapping Hal Jordan and forcing him to save Ungara. After a
misunderstanding with the ship's crew, Jordan and fellow Green Lantern
Arisia flew to Ungara and reversed the ice flow with a giant lens that magnified
the heat of Ungara's sun, putting the planet in a state of eternal spring.

ABIN SUR - deceased each AP of Skin Armor in use; Life

DEX: 6 STR: 4 BooY:12 (4) Sense is only usable to detect other
INT: 9 WILL: 20 MIND: 8 members ofthe Green Lantern Corps.
IN)i'L: 6 AURA: 7 SPIRIT: 15 Miscellaneous Drawbacks: The
INITIATNE: 21 IJso POINTS: 95 Power Ring is completely useless
•Skills: against the color yellow; the Power
Charisma: 8, Vehicles (Space): 5 Ring must be recharged once every
•Advantages: twenty-four hours with the lantern­
Connections: Green Lantern Corps shaped Power Battery.
(High); Scholar (history) Power Battery [Boov: 20, Energy
• Equipment: Absorption: 18, Invisibility: 15, R#: 2]
POWER RING [BoDY: 20, INT: 10, • Motivation:
Comprehend Languages: 20, Flight: Responsibility of Power
40, Force Manipulation: 20, Recall: •Occupation: History Professor
20, Sealed Systems: 16, Invulnerabil­ •Wealth: 8
ity: 18, Life Sense: 40, Omni-Power:
10, Regeneration:4, Skin Armor: 4,
Spirit Travel : 50] TYPICAL UNGARAN
Bonus: Abin Sur's BODY is 12 APs DEX: 3 STR: 2 BonY: 2
while he is wearing the Power Ring. lNT: 4 WILL: 4 MIND: 4
Limitations: The Power Ring's BoDY lNFL: 3 AURA: 2 SP:tlU'J:: 3
is only 6 APs while it is not being lNITIATNE: 10 HERo :PoiNTS: o
worn; the Skin Armor Power does not • Advantages:
have to be activated at its full AP Miscellaneous: Ungarans have a
value: Abin Sur loses 1 AP of Force natural life span of roughly two hun­
Manipulation and Omni-Power for dred Earth years.


About twenty-six light years' distance (56 APs) from Earth, the star Vega,
in the constellation Lyra (the Swan), is home to twenty-two worlds, most of
which are inhabited by sentient life forms. Circling the star in a ring that
stretches from 600 million to 2 billion miles (39 to 41 APs) from it is the so­
called "Ring of Life," or "X'Hal's Crown," a seemingly murky, almost continu­
ous ring ofmatter. Upon closer inspection, however, it can be seen that the ring
is actually a thick soup of asteroids, dust, moons, and the twenty-two planets.
Billions of years ago, two separate Vegan system, destroying the last re­
races evolved around Vega: the mainsofher warpedpersonality. X'Hal
peaceful Okaarans and the brutal is still remembered as a goddess.
Branx Warriors. It wasn't until the For the past several thousand years,
Psions, aliens from outside the Vegan the entirety of the Vegan System has
System, stepped in and interbred the been under the domination ofthe mili­
two races that the many diverse life tary empire known as the Citadel.
forms that now inhabit the worlds Although the Citadel still holds sway
came into being. over most of the Vegan System, the
One of the most profound results of native group offreedom fighters called
this outside interference was the fate the Omega Men have, in recent years,
ofX'Hal, an Okaaran leader who was broken the absolute supremacy of the
abducted by the Branx Warriors. military masters.
X'Hal was forced to mate with a Branx The Vegansystem was subsequently
in hopes of creating a new species. invaded by a group of aliens known as
She gave birth to two very different the Spider Guild, although these alien
sons: the golden Auron and the dark attackers were also defeated by the
First Citadellian. When the Branx Omega Men.
attempted a second mating, the
abused X'Hal overcame her peaceful
nature and killed the Branx, but was X'HAL
fatally wounded in the struggle. DEx: 10 STR: 20 Bonv: 15
The Psions brought X'Hal back to lNT: 5 WILL: 9 MIND: 15
life by recreating her essence i n the INn: 10 AuRA: 20 SPIRIT: 15
form of pure energy, endowing her INITIATIVE: 25 HERo PorNTS: 250
with mighty powers. With her new •Powers:
powers, X'Hal destroyed the Psion lab Energy Absorption: 25, Energy
and returned to Okaara with her children. Blast: 20, Flight: 35, Force Field: 15,
The Okaarans were, in time, cor­ Invulnerability: 15, Sealed Systems:
rupted by the First Citadellian, who 25, Solar Sustenance: 20, Omni-Power: 15
taught them the ways ofwar. Eventu­ • Limitations:
ally, the surface of Okaara was de­ All ofX'Hal's Powers derive from the
stroyed by a nuclear holocaust. For power ofthe star Vega; ifX'Hal is cut
this, the First Citadellian was ban­ off from this energy source, her Pow­
ished. X'HaJ, already showing signs ers fade 20 APs.
of mental imbalance, flew into a rage •Advantages:
at the news and destroyed three Vegan Area Knowledge (Vegan Star Sys­
worlds before being subdued by a force tem); Popularity
ofOkaaran Warriors. • Drawbacks:
X'Hal, imprisoned deep inside rav­ Catastrophic Rage; Catastrophic
aged Okaara, was worshiped by her Psychological Instability; Catastrophic
former people as a goddess. Yet, she Irrational Attraction to destruction
was able to act only through her son • Motivation: Nihilist
Auron, whom she had revived from •Occupation: Goddess
death by giving him some of her own
energy powers. The goddess went
through periods of severe mental in­
stability, barely controlled by Auron. TYPICAL SPIDER GUILD
After various episodes of insanity, STRAND CAPTAIN
X'Hal finally met her ultimate fate at DEx: 6 STR: 4 Boov: 8
the hands of the Omega Men, when Im: 6 WILL: 2 MIND: 3
Primus used the ancient Oriac Device INFL: 3 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 3
to scatter her energy throughout the INITIATIVE: 17 HERO PoiNTS: 45
•Powers: fatal to any oxygen breathing race. To
Extra Limb ( x4) : 7, Claws: 9, Glue: survive in this hostile environment,
10, Full Vision: 5 the Changralynians have developed
•Skills: into massive rock-like beings with ex­
Gadgetry: 7, Vehicles (Space): 9 tremely thick skin and a massive bone
• Advantages: structure. They are egg layers, who
Connections: Control Nest (High), only reproduce to replace thoseoftheir
Psions (Low); Leadership; Lightning number who have died of old age, that
Reflexes possess a very slow metabolic rate
• Drawbacks: and a temperament that is equally
Strange Appearance low-key. Although the beings of
• Motivation: Power Lust Changralyn have never been known
•Wealth: 9 to exhibit hostility even when pro­
The following is a listing and de­ voked, the invading Citadel has placed
scription ofthe Vegan worlds, includ­ the entire population into a drugged
ing game statistics for typical mem­ slumber to prevent these gentle but
bers of each planets' dominant species. powerful giants from joining in revo­
lutionary activities.
If a member ofan oxygen-breathing
AELLO is an ice-covered world with race remains unprotected on
a very thin atmosphere of mostly Changralyn's surface, he will begin to
methane, although deep rifts in the die per a Fatal Vulnerability(see pages
planet's surface have life-sustaining 22-23 of the Character Handbook).
oxygen at their depths. The Aellans
evolved in these rifts, growing, de­
spite their limited numbers, into a
DEX: 2 STR: 8 BODY: 8
highly technologically advanced race.
!NT: 2 WILL: 4 MIND: 3
Aellans are humanoid, with a variety
of skin colors.
!NFL: 3 AURA: 4 SPmiT: 4
If a member ofan oxygen-breathing
race remains unprotected on Aello's •Powers:
surface, he will begin to die per a Fatal Skin Armor: 3, Suspension: 200
Vulnerability (see pages 22-23 of the • Drawbacks:
Character Handbook). Miscellaneous: The residents of
Changralyn were put to sleep by the
TYPICAL AELLAN Citadellians, and will not awaken un­
DEx: 3 STR: 2 Boov: 4 til a cure is found for their condition.
INT: 8 WILL: 8 Mmn: 4 Their sleep is represented by the APs
INn: 2 AURA: SPmiT:
2 2 of Suspension above.
Gadgetry: 9, Scientist: 9 THE CITADEL HOMEWORLD
•Advantages: is a cold, barren world in a state of
Genius perpetual winter. Although the clos­
• Drawbacks: est planet to Vega, it is protected from
Attack Vulnerability: -2 CS vs. heat; the blistering heat of the star by a
Fatal Vulnerability to lack of meth­ thick layer of dust-like matter that
ane atmosphere absorbs energy and light, shielding
•Occupation: the planet's surface. The First
Various, mostly scientists Citadellian chose this world because
of its lack of natives and its harsh
CHANGRALYNisa gasgiantwith environment. This forces the
a heavy atmosphere of a composition Citadellians to adapt and survive or die.

TYPICAL CITADELLIAN used as a prison planet, and, although
DEX: 4 STR: 9 BODY: 6 that has been abandoned, the ruth­
INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 6 less exile society that arose among the
l.NFL: 2 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 6 prisoners remains in those who elected
INITIATIVE: 8 HERO POINTS: 1 0 to stay upon the planet after the prison
•Skills: was relocated.
Military Science: 5, Weaponry: 9 Ifa member of an oxygen-breathing
• Drawbacks: race remains unprotected on
Miscellaneous: All Citadellians are Dredfahl's surface, he will begin to die
clones of the First Citadellian, and per a Fatal Vulnerability (see pages
therefore, there are no female 22-23 of the Character Handbook ).
• Motivation: Power Lust EMANA BRANX is without doubt
the most brutal planet in the Vegan
CULACAO is a largely unexplored, System, both because of its continued
mineral-poor world oflittle interest to geological activity, and because it is
the Citadel, despite the fact that it is the home of the Branx Warriors, one
inhabited. The Culacaoan natives are ofthe two original species found in the
of considerable interest to biologists; system. The beings ofBranx are bred
these primitive, marginally-sentient for war from birth and practice it unti 1
beings, who live on the planet's vast death, although, according to their
grasslands, comprise a single species beliefs, even death does not end the
whose males are humanoid and whose call to combat. They believe that their
females resemble large snails. souls are granted but a few moments
of peace before it returns them to
TYPICAL CULACAON MALE where they will be reborn - back into
DEx: 2 STR: 2 BonY: 2 the wars. Because of their warrior
INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2 philosophy, the Branx were easily re­
INFL: 3 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 2 cruited by the Citadel, who trained
them to redirect their aggression to
killing other races than themselves.


INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 3 DEX: 4 STR: 9 BODY: 7
• Drawbacks: INITIATIVE: 10 HERO POINTS: 10
Strange Appearance (to off-worlders only) •Skills:
Martial Artist: 7, Weaponry: 9
DREDFAHL is a geologically ac­ Iron Nerves
tive planet with a tremendous amount • Drawbacks:
of volcanic activity which has ren­ Serious Irrational Attraction to war
dered its atmosphere toxic. Coloniza­
tion of this world was attempted in EUPHORIX is a lush, tree-covered
the past, but these efforts were dis­ world whose sentient humanoids have
continued because ofthe hostile envi­ taken to the ways of magic and the
ronmental conditions. Instead, worship ofnature as the primary force
Dredfahl became the Vegan System's of nature. Although the Euphorixians
garbage dump of both toxic and haz­ are an inherently peace-loving people,
ardous waste, and of sentient trash. they possess a strong moral sense
For many years, Dredfahl was also that does not allow them to turn their

back on injustice, putting them in of bipedal great cats with a ferocious
strong opposition to the Citadel Em­ appetite for warfare.
pire, which has made them a frequent
target in recent years. TYPICAL GORDANIAN
DEX: 5 STR: 4 BODY: 4
DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2 INFL: 4 AuRA: 3 SPIRIT: 5
IN'r: 4 WILL: 3 MIND: 4 lNrriATIVE: 14 HERO PoiNTS: 10
INFL: 5 AURA: 5 SPmrT: 5 •Skills:
INITIATIVE: 1 1 HERO PolNTS: 35 Charisma (Intimidation): 5, Mili­
•Powers: tary Science: 6, Vehicles (Space): 7,
Sorcery: 3, Magic Sense: 4 Weaponry: 6
•Skills: *linked • Drawbacks:
Occultist: 5* Strange Appearance (to non­
• Motivation: Seeking Justice Gordanians only)

HNYXX is a world covered pre­ TYPICAL KARNAN FELINE

dominantly with water which, com­ DEX: 5 STR: 4 BODY:
bined with its cooler atmosphere, pro­ !NT: 4 WILL: 3 MIND:
duces a thick fog that permanently INFL: 5 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 5
enshroudsthe planet. Although Hnyxx INITIATIVE: 16 HERO PoiNTS: 15
is home to several water-dwelling •Powers:
races, as well as at least one land­ Claws: 7, Running: 5, Jumping: 4;
dwelling race, very little is known Tracking Scent: 5
about any of them. The military diffi­ • Skills: *linked
culties facing all the sentient beings Thief (Stealth): 5*
in the Vegan System who might oth­ • Advantages:
erwise be inclined towards explora­ Lightning Reflexes; Sharp Eye
tion have prevented them from being • Drawbacks:
able to catalog worlds such as Hnyxx. Serious Irrational Attraction to
The surface of the planet has a per­ combat
petual Fog Power of 7 APs.
KARNA is a warm, humid planet of
DEX: 6 STR: 2 BODY: 2
swamps and jungles alive with inten­
!NT: 7 Wn.L: 6 7
sively competitive forms of plant and
animal life, many of which are car­
lNrriATIVE: [15] liERO POINTS: 5
nivorous. Karna is home to three
dominant life forms, although it is
Extra Limb (x6): 2; Water Freedom:
unlikely that any ofthem are native to
6, Swimming: 4, Telepathy: 5
the planet. They are the SSiithiss, a
• Drawbacks:
race of sea squid-like beings who, al­
Strange Appearance (to non­
though possessing superior mental
SSlithiss only); Miscellaneous: Despite
abilities, have elected to remain at a
their high level of mental develop­
level barely above those of other
ment, the SSlithiss 1ive like other sea­
predators in the Karnan oceans. The
going predators.
Gordanians comprise a race ofreptile­
like sentient beings who evolved into
a fierce race of slavers. Once the NEW ALLIANCE used to be known
Gordanians became spacefaring, they as the Prison Planet, and its holding
brought slavery to other worlds as facilities are still in use as the New
well. Karna is also home to the Kaman Citadel's prison for its foes. The Cita­
Felines, which are members of a race del employs Branx and Gordanian

warriors to oversee their prisoners. TYPICAL OKAARAN WARLORD
Life on New Alliance is made even DEx: 5 STR: 4 BoDY: 6
more difficult by its native life forms, INT: 8 WILL: 9 MIND: 9
which are little more than living ex­ INFL: 7 AURA: 7 SPIRIT: 7
pressions of aggression. L>rrTIATIVE: 24 HERo PoiNTS: 25
Acrobatics: 7, Charisma: 7, Martial
Artist: 15, Military Science: 15, Thief
OGYPTU is a barren, rocky world
(Stealth): 10, Vehicles: 10, Weaponry: 10
inhabited by a race of stone giants
• Advantages:
who live within a different time-frame
Lightning Reflexes; Iron Nerves;
than the rest of the Vegan inhabit­
Scholar ( warfare)
ants. So greatly slowed is their refer­
• Motivation: Mercenary
ence of time that it appears, to an
observer existing in "normal" time, as
RASHASHOON has an atmo­
though these giants never move. Con­ sphere of methane and ammonia
versely, the giants view their normal
which forces its inhabitants to reside
neighbors as little more than speed­ within the great domed city o f
ing blurs. As of yet, no one has estab­ Raggasshoon, which i s renowned for
lished a way to contact the giants.
its massive bordellos, recreation cen­
ters, and mental hospitals, all ofwhich
comprises the bulk of Rashashoon's
TYPICAL OGYPTU GIANT economy. Rashashoon welcomes any
DEX: 0 STR: 15 BoDY: 15 beings, regardless of political belief,
I.NT: 4 WrLI,: 2 MIND: 5 as long as they have the money and
INFL: 5 AuRA: 3 SPmiT: 4 influence to pay their way.
INITIATIVE: 0 HERO POINTS: 0 If a member of an oxygen-breathing
•Powers: race remains unprotected on
Growth: 10, Suspension: 30 Rashashoon's surface, he will begin to
• Limitations: die per a Fatal Vulnerability (see pages
Suspension is Always On, causing 22-23 ofthe CharacterHandbook). The
the giants to have no Initiative. dome over Raggasshoon has a BoDY of
13 APs, and the Sealed Systems Power
rated at 20 APs.

OKAARA, once an idyllic world of

unparalleled beauty, has been reduced
to a planet with a scorched and scarred ROGUE is a planet with an eccen­
surface through the misfortunes of a tric orbit that brings it dose to Vega
nuclear holocaust. Okaarans now re­ at regular intervals. Rogue's rotational
side in tunnels beneath the ruined cycle lasts fifty years. When Rogue is
surface. The Warlords ofOkaara rule close to Vega, the lighted side ofRogue
the planet, perfecting their military is molten hot, and the entire planet is
and weaponry skms, but Okaara is convulsed by earthquakes. When
also known for its scholars and art­ Rogue is at its farthest from the star,
ists. The Warlords also sponsor a spe­ i t is dark and its atmosphere is frozen
cial place for scholars, where virtually to its surface. Although life would not
all known written records and arti­ ordinarily exist in this environment,
facts of the Vegan System's history there is a life form inhabiting a belt of
are stored. This college is supported perennial twilight between the light
by the Warlords' training of the chil­ and dark sides of Rogue. Native
dren of the rich and privileged from Roguians are extremely shy, having
other Vegan worlds. evolved a force shield that not only

protects them from Rogue's ravages, • Drawbacks:
but hides them from one another for Miscellaneous: Sindromedan hu­
the length of their lives. No one has manoids have been affected by a spore
ever seen a Roguian and nothing is infestation known as the Fluxseep,
known about their society. which gives them their Mental Pow­
ers, but causes them to be evil.
DEX: 2 STR: 1 BODY: 2 Various Villain Motivations
lNT: 2 WILL: 2 M IND: 2
•Powers: DEX: 3 STR: 1 BODY: 3
Flight: 6,
Force Manipulation: 7, lNT: 5 WILL: 4 MIND: 8
Force Field: 7 lNFt: 4 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 5
• Limitations: lNrrrATIVE: 11 HERo PoiNT$: 0
Force Field is Always On; Miscella­ •Powers:
neous: Force Field is opaque, hiding Flight: 2, Gliding: 5, Energy Ab­
Roguians from outsiders (including sorption: 8
themselves) • Advantages:
Miscellaneous: The Graffaloons
SINDROMEDA was once a lush, have the ability to temporarily merge
green world that was ravaged by a into a larger symbiotic form. This form
horrible drought. Scientists attempt­ increases its Attributes and Powers
ing to create rain brought down a rain by 1 AP every time the number of
of red crystalline spores from the Graffaloons making it up doubles.
Madgap Nebula by accident. These
spores altered the chemical balance of
the brains of the Sindromedans, re­ SLAGG is a cloud-covered rock heap
leasing the latent psychic powers of of a world. Its atmosphere contains a
the entire race. The spores also re­ number ofinert gases which give Slagg
leased their more aggressive tenden­ a very weird, artificial appearance
cies, resulting in warfare that virtu­ when viewed from space. The
ally destroyed the planet's environ­ Spittroids, a yellow, lizard-like race
ment. Sindromeda is also home to the with a single antenna and a tail, is
Graffaloons, a race that looks like a Slagg's native race. The Spittroids
cross between a hot air balloon and a were allied with the Citadel. Beings
Portuguese man-of-war. Although who were once slaves of the
once living in symbiotic harmony with Gordanians also live on Slagg.
the humanoid Sindromedans, the
Graffaloons escaped the effect of the
red spores, which severed the link
between the races.
DEX: 4 STR: 2 BODY! 4
lNT: 3 WILL: 2 Ml:Nn: 2
DEX: 2 STR: 2 BonY: 2 •Powers:
lNT: 6 WtLL: 5 MIND: 6 Danger Sense: 5, Extra Limb (tail):
!NFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2 5, Poison Touch: 4, Regeneration: 2
INITIATIVE: 10 HERO POINTS: 20 •Advantages:
•Powers: Lightning Reflexes
Sindromedan humanoids each have • Drawbacks:
lDlO Mental Powers. Strange Appearance (to off-worlders only)

TAMARAN is home to a race of triggers the generation of one hun­
golden-skinned humanoids ofunusual dred offspring. Consumed with greed,
beauty who process and convert solar the natives ofVoorl are a threat to any
energy for sustenance. The life form they come into contact with.
Tamaranians are a peaceful race who When an alien race bartered the right
worship X'Hal, but, despite their paci­ to study them in exchange for food,
fistic nature, they are fanatical war­ the Voorlians were infected with a
riors once provoked into battle. The virus which rendered them incapable
Tamaranians possess a highly ad­ ofreproducing. There is currently only
vanced technology, which they utilize a single Voorlian native left who is
to produce new forms of art, amuse­ capable of reproduction, but, by all
ments, and weaponry. estimates, one is all that is necessary
to eventually repopulate Voorl.
lNT: 3 WILL: 2 M.tNo: 2 DEX: 4 STR: 3 BODY: 4
INFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPlRIT: 2 INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 3
•Powers: lNrriATIVE: 10 HERO POINTS: 0
Flight: 8, Solar Sustenance: 8 •Powers:
•Advantages: Split: 100
Attractive • Limitations:
Split Poweris only used upon death,
and creates 100 new Voorlian natives.
VOORL is a nearly-dead planet;
the fierce native Voorlians have UNKNOWN: There are four worlds
stripped Voorl of all other life forms. in the Vegan system that are unex­
Possessing purple hair, orange eyes, plored. The nature of these worlds is
white faces, black eyes, and human­ unknown, as is the nature of their
oid forms, the death of a Voorlian inhabitants, if any.

Ventura is the home ofboth a humanoid race and the native Venturians, who
are green-skinned bipeds. Among the natives ofVentura are Rokk and Sorban,
the most infamous gamblers in the galaxy, who travel far and wide to engage
their unwitting prey in whatever wagers the two decide to undertake against
one another. For more information about the future of Ventura, sec Section
Five: THE UNIVERSE (30th Century).

See entry under THE VEGAN SYSTEM.


All planets have their own unique mass and size, which result in a different
degree of gravity on each world. Some of the preceding worlds have a gravity
that is very close to
Earth's, while others
possess a gravity that NAME OV INCREASE LIFT

is substantially greater Aello 1 0

or smaller. The table Bolovax Vik 4 -1
below summarizes the Brztal t t
known gravitational Cairn 0 0
information about the Changralyn 6 -1
planets in this section. Citadel Homeworld 5 -1
Note that natives ofthe Colu 0 0
planets suffer no ill ef­ Culacao 0 0
fects from the gravity Czarn t t
of their home world. A Daxam 5 -2
"t" on the table indi­ Dhor 0 0
cates that the informa­ The Dominion 0 0
tion is unknown. The Dredfahl 0 0
categories on the table are: Dryad 2 0
Name: the name of Durla 3 0
the world. Emana Branx 4 -1
Opposing Value Euphorix 0 0
Increase: The OV in­ Gil'dishpan t t
crease of any Physical H'lven 3 -1
Action Checks due to Hnyxx 2 1
any gravity differences Kalanor 1 1
from Earth's. After ap­ Karna 0 0
proximately sixty hours Khundia 5 1
(17 APs time), Charac­ Korugar 0 0
ters adjust to the gravi­ Krypton 6 -2
tational differences. If Maltus 0 0
the planet has a par­ New Alliance 2 0
ticularly heavy or low Oa 0 0
gravity, the GM may Ogyptu 2 1
rule that this adjust­ Okaara 0 0
ment period will take a Rann 0 1
somewhat longer or Rashashoon 0 0
shorter amount oftime. Rogue 4 1
Lift: Any increase or Sindromeda 6 -1
decrease in APs that a Slagg 0 0
Character can lift due Slyggia 3 -1
to gravity. This also af­ Takron-Galtos 0 -1
fects Jumping and Talok VITI 0 0
other Automatic Ac­ Tamaran 1 0
tions involving stre­ Thanagar 0 0
ngth. The modifier is in Throneworld 0 0
effect as long as a Char­ Ungara 0 0
acter is on the planet. Ventura 1 -1


• Alien Armadas: While not technically a natural phenomenon, there are

enough hostile alien races inhabiting the DC Universe that heroes who journey
between the stars are bound to run into at least one fleet of ships hell-bent on
conquest during their travels. The GM may wish build an entire adventure or
series ofadventures around such an encounter, orjust include one as an aside
or even as a humorous incident. The following abilities are suggested for use
in designing starships. The AP levels assigned to each should be relative to the
size and type of the vessel, as well as the technological level of the alien race
involved. Abilities marked with an asterisk (*) are required for all spaceships.
SPACESHIP [ STR* , Boov*: �12, AV, EV, Flight*: �30, Sealed Systems*: �18,
Radar Sense*: �25, Comprehend Languages, Warp, Teleportation, Swimming,
Bomb (self destruct), Disintegration, Energy Blast, Lightning, Projectile
Weapons, Heat Vision, Force Field, Force Shield, Energy Absorption, Invisibility,
Omni-Arm, Solar Sustenance, Attraction/Repulsion (tractor beam), Life Sense,
Magnetic Control, Telescopic Vision, Telepathy (communications equipment),
Telescopic Vision, Power Reserve, R#: 0)
• Asteroid Belts: Asteroid belts are vast collections of boulders and space
debris. The debris is usually so tightly clustered as to make entering the belt
a dangerous proposition. Anyone piloting a spaceship into an asteroid belt
must make an Action Check using his Vehicles (Space) Skill as the AV!EV
against an OV/RV of6/6 every phase that he remains within the belt, to avoid
colliding with an asteroid. Any col1ision automatically damages the ship with
an EV equal to the spaceship's speed.
•Black Holes: A black hole is the remnant ofa massive star gone supemova.
After the nova, the star collapses under its own weight and its massive gravity
is exerted from a single point. This results in a powerful gravitational field that
extends out into the space/time continuum. Black holes are extremely danger­
ous to space travelers. A black hole begins to affect a passing ship or traveler
when the ship is 38 APs away from the black hole. At that point, the passerby
is attacked with the Gravity Increase power rated at 32 APs, with the OV/RV
of the attack being the ship or traveler's APs of Flight. If a ship is moving
directly toward the black hole, 1 AP is added to the Gravity Increase for each
AP closer to the black hole that the ship gets. Record the RAPs from this Action
Check, then make the attack again the next phase. Keep rolling Gravity
Increase attacks each phase until the target breaks away (one of the attacks
fails to gain positive RAPs), or there have been a total of38 cumulative RAPs.
In the latter case, the target is pulled into the hole. Exactly what happens once
one is pulled inside a black hole is unknown. Some people believe there is a
powerful explosion (Bomb: 65). Others think that black holes are portals to
another dimension (Dimension Travel: 30). The GM can decide which concept
is correct.
The strange gravity field that surrounds black holes is very difficult to detect.
A ship must gain positive RAPs on a Radar Sense Action Check against an OV/
RV of 18/18 in order to detect a black hole before coming within 38 APs of it.
• Meteor Showers: A meteor shower is a collection of rapidly moving space

debris that travels across the cosmos. Meteor showers damage any spaceships
or characters that they strike. The AV!EV of this attack is equal to the ship/
Character's APs ofspeed added to the shower's APs of speed. See page 12 ofthe
Rules Manual for details on how to add APs.

•Nebulae: A nebula is as vast cloud of gasses suspended in space. Bucca­
neers like to hide in nebulae and ambush passing spaceships. Make an Action
Check using a passing vessel's APs of Radar Sense as the AV/EV against an
OV/RV of 13/13 to detect a ship or object hidden in a nebula. On 1 RAP, the
ship's Radar Sense will have detected an object in the nebula; ifthe RAPs equal
1/2 the RV, the Radar Sense will give an outline of the object detected; and if
the RAPs equal or exceed the RV, the Radar Sense will yield a complete
schematic of the object.

•Novas/Supernovas: A nova is an exploding star. Treat a star going nova

as having the Bomb Power at 70 APs; a supernova has the Bomb Power at 75
APs. There is little that can be done to prevent stars from going nova. In most
adventures featuring novas, the heroes' first priority should be to evacuate any
inhabitants of nearby planets before the cataclysm occurs.
• Pulsars: A pulsar is the core of a red giant star that has gone nova. Mter
the explosion, the star collapses down to a tiny piece of matter about thirty
kilometers across, which emits perfectly periodic streams ofradiation, qppear­
ing to blink on and offin rapid regularlintervals. A pulsar has Magoetic Control
of 35 APs; this can pull spaceships that come within range towal'd the pulsar
center, causing a catastrophic collision (AV/EV of 25/25). Although pulsars
tend to jam the electronic operating systems of nearby spaceships (treat this
situation as the use ofthe Military Science (ECM) Subskill of20 APs), they are
often used as navigational beacons, like "cosmic lighthouses."
•The Silver Twist: The Silver Twist is a strange band ofenergy that roams
about the universe. The Twist and its random comings and goings defy
description. Anyone entering the Silver Twist will be sent to an alternate
universe of the GM's choice and dl'lsign (Dimension Travel: 20).
.A ... .A .a.....l '-' ..1. ..1. .A • .a.....l .A � ....., .a.....l

(( � O"lriHJ Ce:rNtTU �RY))

For more information about the worlds of the 30th Century, consult the
Legion ofSuper-Heroes Sourcebook, Volume II: The World Book. For DC HE­
ROES statistics on the members ofthe LSH mentioned in this section, see the
Legion ofSuper-Heroes Sourcebook, Volume I. Note that most of the informa­
tion in this section predates the Great Collapse of 2989.

Avalon i s a low-tech planet with a feudal society. Its inhabitants are quite
xenophobic; this quality isolates its inhabitants from other worlds in the
United Planets.
Game statistics for typical Avalonians are the same as those of Earth
humans, plus a Serious Irrational Fear of off-world beings.


Bismoll was settled during the 25th

Century by human colonists who were
members of an official Uruted Planets
expedition, which wassentoutto seek
new worlds in this far-flung sector of
the galaxy. Within several years of
the colonists' arrival, however, a se­
ries ofdisasters struck the developing colony.
The colonists learned that commu­
nications between Bismoll and the
United Planets had been cut off by
interference from a cloud of radioac­
tive interstellar dust. This revelation
was followed by the discovery of a
deadly alien microbe that attacked
most forms of organic matter, poison­
ing them and rendering their food
supplies inedible.
Unable to evacuate the planet and
out oftouch with any immediate help,

the colonists used their own devices. Their scientific members were able to
develop specially bioengineered enzymes which allowed the Bismollians to
digest the poisoned foodstuffs. This development not only had the immediate
effect ofsaving the newcolony from extinction, but it would also have an impact
on their descendants as well. The life-saving enzymes caused a change in the
genetic structure of the colonists, bringing about a uniform mutation in
succeeding generations. The colonists found that their children now possessed
the ability to consume and digest inorganic matter as well as more conven­
tional foods.
Having overcome this obstacle to survival, and with the opening ofits sector
of the universe by an influx of new colonists to neighboring worlds, Bismoll
grew and prospered. By the 30th Cen-
tury, Bismoll had become a lush and TYPICAL BISMOLLIAN
prosperous world and a thriving cen- DEX: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
ter for intergalactic commerce. INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
Bismoll is governed by a political !NFL: 2 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
service which selects its candidates INITIATIVE: 6 HERo PoiNTS: 0
by a draft system. The Bismollians • Powers:
are strictly regulated by the Calorie Acid: 15
Police. The planet is the home world of • Limitations:
Tenzil Kern, who, besides being a Acid is in the Bismollians' digestive
senator in the political cabinet, is best tract, and therefore has no Range and
known as Matter-Eater Lad of the uses DEx as the AV; Acid is ineffective
Legion of Super-Heroes. against magnozite.

Braal evolved as a hostile world that was home to a species of bestial and
deadly metallic creatures. Braal was colonized by Earthlings in the 26th
Century, and plunged the planet into a struggle that pitted the humans
against the metallic creatures. At several points, the metallic beings threat­
ened to obliterate their human rivals.
To win the war against the metallic beasts, the Terran colonists genetically
engineered their race, giving the human population powerful magnetic abili­
ties capable offending offthe metal creatures. Consequently, the humans won
the war with the beasts. By the 30th Century, the population of metallic
monsters dwindled to controllable numbers.
With their battle for survival behind them, the Braalians were free to pursue
a steady and normal course ofsocial evolution. By the 30th Century, Braal was
to become a modern, technologically advanced civilization that has had the
capacity for space travel for centuries. One of the Braalians' customs is based
on their beliefthat a citizen reaches his or her majority at the age of 14. At this
age, a Braalian boy or girl is sent to work, often to other worlds.
Recent years have seen Braal in a severe economic recession. At one point,
the Braalians seemed well on their way to financial recovery. For the most
part, this was due to the growing popularity across the universe ofthe native
sport of Magno-ball. This sport attracted a sizable influx of tourist dollars.
However, Braal was decimated by the galaxy-wide economic collapse that
heralded the disbanding of the United Planets. As a ploy to restructure and

ressucitate the economy, Braal's leaders instigated a war with Imsk (see entry
under IMSK). Even though their plan backfired, it helped somewhat, as Braal
is now an Imsk-occupied planet.
Contrary to popular belief, former
DEx: 3 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
Magna-ball champion and Legion of
Im: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
Super-Heroes founding member Rokk
Krinn , Cosmic Boy, was actually born
on Earth to parents from Braa]. Braal
also lays claim as the ancestral home
Magnetic Control: 6
to another Legionnaire (and youngest
son of the Krinn clan), Magnetic K:id.

The asteroid home of R.J. Brande (30th Century multi-billionaire founder
ofthe Legion ofSuper-Heroes) is famous across the universe for its beauty and
opulence. It is often compared to the legendary San Simeon, the California
estate of 20th Century media baron, William Randolph Hearst. Brande's
personally terraformed asteroid puts even Hearst's sumptuous castle to shame.
Brande's Asteroid is accessible by invitation only. The asteroid is protected
by state-of-the-art security systems (rated at 1 7 APs) that have since been
adapted by numerous fmancial institutions and intergalactic museums hous­
ing valuable commodities. The atmosphere ofthe asteroid has been specially
engineered to be pollution-free and to afford the greatest comfort to its visitors,
Brande's guests.
Also for the comfort and convenience of his guests, Brande's Asteroid
features, aside from the palatial main house, three opulent guest buildings
spread across the estate. These guest facilities are staffed by an around-the­
clock service corps of sentient beings and robots.
Brande's game statistics can be found in the Legion of Super-Heroes
Sourcebook, Volume I.

Revolving i n a complex orbit around the universe's only known triple sun
system, Cargg's natives have evolved with the peculiar genetic ability to split
themselves into three separate, identical, and autonomous bodies. So exact are
these triplicates that it is said that only another native of Cargg can tell if an
individual is a complete, unified being or a separate triplicate of oneself.
Cargg is a beautiful world of unique foliage that flourishes only under the
powerful light of its three suns. The same suns that make the planet so lush
also make it virtually uninhabitable to visiting alien species, requiring them
to wear uncomfortable safety suits to protect them from Cargg's unusually

high background radiation. TYPICAL CARGGITE
Luornu Durgo, Legion of Super­ DEX: 4 STR: 4 BoDY: 4
Heroes member Duo Damsel (origi­ lNT: 4 WILL: 4 MIND: 4
nally known as Triad), is a native of !NFL: 4 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 4
Cargg. She is unique among her people INITIATIVE: 12 HEao PoiNTS: 0
in that she is the only known member
ofher race to have survived the death
Split: 2
of two of her three selves.

Home to perhaps the most brilliant, innovative race i n the United Planets,
Colu is a high-tech wonderland of intellectual extrapolation and innovation.
Colu's natives developed an early interest in the sciences, viewing study and
the pursuit of knowledge almost as a religion. By the 30th Century, Colu had
become the hub of scientific research in the United Planets. It is the world
where the top students from the U.P. Science Academy are sent to pursue
independent studies and serve their apprenticeships.
Colu's most well-known native in the 30th Century is Querl Dox, better
known as Brainiac 5 of the Legion of Super-Heroes. For more information on
Colu's earlier history, and game statistics for typical Coluans, see Section Four:
THE UNIVERSE (20th Century).

Located at the rim of the United Planets, Daxam is home to a race of
xenophobic humanoids who were once revered throughout the universe for
holding the leading edge in the field of biogenetic engineering. By the 30th
Century, however, Daxam had become a feared world due to its having been
conquered by the evil master of Apokolips, Darkseid. Darkseid made the
planet over in his own dark and twisted image before the plan�t was liberated
by the Legion of Super-Heroes in what has become known as the Great
Darkness War.
Every man, woman, and child on Daxam was later slain in a cataclysm
created by Glorith, the mistress of time. The only survivors were Laurel Gand
ofthe Legion of Super-Heroes, and Lar Gand, a Daxamite hero from the 20th
Century. Along with several other Legionnaires, including Saturn Girl, Brainiac
5, Duo Damsel, and Green Lantern Rond Vidar, the Gands avenged their
people by defeating Glorith and banishing her to the end of time.
Daxamites gained superpowers in sectors of space that are under the
influence of radiation from a yellow sun. A major reason for Daxamites'
xenophobic behavior was the fact that native Daxamites have a fatal reaction
to exposure to lead, which is a common substance on most worlds in the known

Daxam's most famous citizens are Lar Gand, who is also known as Valor of
the L.E.G.I.O.N. in the 20th Century, and his descendant, Laurel Gand of the
Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th Century. Unlike his fellow Daxamites,
Valor possesses an immunity to lead poisoning because of a serum created by
Vril Dox. Unfortunately, the serum's active ingredient (radioactive debris
from the ancient planet Krypton) is so rare that it is impossible to synthesize
it in quantities sufficient to render the remainder of Daxam's population
immune to the fatal effects of lead. Brainiac 5 later created an improved
version of this formula, which he used to save Laurel Gand from a near-fatal
exposure to lead.


DEx: 13 STR: 22 BooY: 16 DEx: 14 STR: 23 BonY: 16
!NT: 6 WILL: 6 MIND: 6 lNT: 6 WILL: 6 MIND: 5
•Powers: •Powers:
Directional Hearing: 7, Extended Directional Hearing: 7, Extended
Hearing: 7, Flight: 14, Microscopic Hearing: 7, Flight: 14, Microscopic
Vision: 12, Invulnerability: 19, Heat Vision: 12, Invulnerability: 20, Heat
Vision: 10, Sealed Systems: 9, Super Vision: 10, Sealed Systems: 9, Super
Breath: 8, Super Hearing: 7 Breath: 9, Super Hearing: 7
Superspeed: 12, Systemic Antidote: Superspeed: 12, Systemic Antidote:
14, Telescopic Vision: 1 1 , Thermal 15, Telescopic Vision: 1 1 , Thermal
Vision: 1 1 , X-Ray Vision: 1 1 Vision: 1 1 , X-Ray Vision: 1 1
•Advantages: •Skil ls:
Connection: Legion ofSuper-Heroes Medicine: 5
(High); Luck •Advantages:
•Drawbacks: Genius
Married; Fatal Vulnerability: lead, • Drawbacks:
range of3 APs; Loss Vulnerability (all Fatal Vulnerability: lead, range of3
Powers and Physical Attributes): lead, APs; Loss Vulnerability (all Powers
range of3 APs; Loss Vulnerability (all and Physical Attributes): lead, range
Powers and Physical Attributes): lack of3 APs; Loss Vulnerability (all Pow­
ofyellow sun radiation, range ofO APs ers and Physical Attributes): lack of
•Motivation: Upholding the Good yellow sun radiation, range of 0 APs
•Occupation: Heroine
•Wealth: 5

Once one of twin worlds, the Dominion now orbits its home sun alone. Its
sister planet was destroyed by the wan;ors ofthe Dominion in a recent conflict.
The Dominion, ruled by beings known as Dominators, is divided into a series
of city-states spread across the inhabitable regions of the planet. Much of the
world is covered by oceans teeming with a wide variety of hitherto unknown
aquatic life forms. The society ofthe Dominators follows a strict caste system;
a citizen's rank and position are indicated by the size of the disk on an
individual's forehead.

The warriors of the Dominion are
members ofan inherently hostile race.
While their ambassadors have signed
treaties with the United Planets, the
planet has not yetbeen declared open
to tourism and is considered un­
friendly. Unknown to most Earthlings,
the Dominators were able to secretly
take over Earth's government shortly
after the Great Collapse.

DEX: 2 STR: 2 BonY: 2
TNT: 8 WILL: 7 MlND: 6
!NFL: 4 AuRA: 4 SPJJU1': 3
Charisma: 6, Gadgetry: 13, Military
Science: 11, Scientist: 13, Vehicles
(Space): 3
• Advantages:
Genius; Scholar (bioengineering)
• Drawbacks:
Miscellaneous: All Dominators must
obey orders given to them by mem­
bers of a higher caste; Strange Ap­
pearance (to non-Dominators only)
• Motivation: Power Lust

Dryad was destroyed in the latter days of the 30th Century because of an
instability in its radioactive core. The planet had been settled by humanoid
colonists. For many years, the colonists believed the world to be uninhabited
until its native population revealed itself. The Dryadans were sentient, silicon,
rock life forms which had laid in a dormant state while observing the
newcomers before determining that they had no hostile intentions.
The human and native neighbors existed in harmony until the discovery of
Dryad's imminent destruction. The United Planets and the Legion of Super­
Heroes evacuated as many inhabitants ofthe planet as was possible, relocating
the humans on allied U.P. worlds. The natives elected to go into their dormant
state and to be sent into space; they would revive when they encountered
worlds capable of supporting their particular form of life.
One of the few native Dryadans not to follow his people was Blok of the
Legion of Super-Heroes. Blok was still a young form ofhis species; as they age,
Dryadans enter a period known as the "gendering," when they shed their outer
skin and discover which sex they are. As they get older after the gendering,
Dryadans grow larger and slow down, eventually spending much of their time
in dormancy.

TYPICAL DRYADAN • Limitations:
DEx: 4 STR: 18 BODY: 15 Density Increase is Always On, and
lNT: 3 WrLL: 3 MIND: 3 is reflected in the Attributes above;
lNFL: 5 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2 Telepathy can only be used to commu­
lNITIATrvE: 12 HERO POINTS: 5 nicate withother silicon-based life
•Powers: forms.
Density Increase: 10, Energy Ab­ • Drawbacks:
sorption: 10, Invulnerability: 12, Te­ Strange Appearance (to non­
lepathy: 10 Dryadans only)

Durla is one of the most interesting worlds in the United Planets. It is
populated by what is likely the most fascinating, and feared, race ofbeings ever
Durla is also known as the Chameleon Planet; it is a world that has slowly
but surely rebuilt after a civil war in which nuclear weapons destroyed
virtually all life on the planet. The native Durlans mutated, eventually
developing the ability to adapt to whatever conditions they may encounter.
They can change both their form and biological structure to suit conditions,
allowing them to survive in an otherwise hostile environment.
Durlans are a nomadic people who live in tribes, each of the known tribes
taking on a common identifying form. The Durlans' original form is unknown.
The fiercely independent and divided Durlans have refused the United
Planet's offer of terraforming equip­
ment to speed the revitalization of TYPICAL DURLAN
their world. DEx: 6 STR: 3 BoDY: 5
Those natives who left Durla have, bn: 3 WrLL: 3 MIND: 3
for manyyears, been strictly controlled lNFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 3
by the U.P. because ofa general preju­ INITIATIVE: 1 1 HERo PoiNTS: 20
dice against Durlans by many species. •Powers:
One "goodwill ambassador" in the fight Sel£Manipulation: 8, Shape Change:
against this prejudice has been Reep 8, Chameleon: 8, Omni-Arm: 8
Daggle (Chameleon Boy), whose work •Skills:
with the Legion of Super-Heroes has Artist (Actor): 6
helped promote a betterimageofhis people.

The Gil'dishpan are members ofa race ofslug-like, water-breathing sentient
beings who have developed a highly technical society by virtue of their
powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities.
As a whole, the Gil'dishpan exhibit extreme distaste for airbreathing species,
considering them inferior lo their own race in all ways. Because of their

feelings ofsuperiority, the Gil'dishpan •Powers:
have no moral qualms about conquer­ Telepathy: 10
ing and subjugating airbreathing • Skills:
worlds for their own gain. The only Scientist: 8
problem they have is in maintaining • Advantages:
sufficient occupation forces on the Genius
conquered worlds, as most Gil'dishpan • Drawbacks:
have severe qualms about being forced Strange Appearance (to air-breath­
into close contact with the "lesser" ers only); Catastrophic Physical Re­
airbreathers. striction: Gil'dishpan cannot survive
outside their protective bubbles when
TYPICAL GIL'DISHPAN they are off their native planet.
DEX: 0 STR: 2 BonY: 6 • Equipment:
!NFL: 3 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 3 BoDY: 9, Flight: 5, Sealed Systems: 18]
INITIATTVE: 10 HERO POINTS: 20 • Motivation: Power Lust

Hykraius is a world with a seemingly hostile methane environment. This
planet supports a unique life form which thrives in its otherwise poisonous
Hykraius is a recent addition to the United Planet's registry of inhabited
worlds; it was discovered late in the 30th Century by the Gil'dishpan. The
lizard-/fish-like beings who live on the planet exist in the area they call the
Great Mother Ocean, which is a roiling sea of water, methane, and other
elements. The Hykrains migrate on regular paths, following the tides of the
Great Mother Ocean.
Although the Hykrains have exhibited some curiosity about the worlds
beyond their immediate environment, most Hykraius natives choose the
comforts of their great methane sea to the discomforts required to allow them
to explore offworld. Conversely, Hykraius has not been extensively explored
by the U.P. because ofthe difficulties
of outfitting non-native life forms to TYPICAL HYKRAIN
those selfsame seas. Other than the DEX: 4 STR: 5 BonY; 7
Gil'dishpan, themselves a non-gaseous !NT: 6 WILL: 5 MIND: 5
breathing species, and some members INFL: 2 .AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
of the Legion of Super-Heroes, INITIATIVE: 12 (12] HERO POINTS: 0
Hykraius remains largely unexplored. •Powers:
Tellus, a Legionnaire, has opted to Telekinesis: 6, Telepathy: 20, Wa­
suffer the discomforts of living in a ter Freedom: 4
non-methane atmosphere in order to • Drawbacks:
serve with that esteemed group. Strange Appearance (to off-worlders
If a member ofan oxygen-breathing only); Fatal Vulnerability to lack of
race remains unprotected on contact with Hykraius' atmosphere
Hykraius' surface, he will begin to die
per a Fatal Vulnerability (see pages
22-23 ofthe Character Handbook).

Imsk i s a normal-sized planet inhabited by a race o f tiny humanoids. The
members of its native species possess the ability to compress their mass and
shrink to microscopic size. It is a well-known legend of30th Century space that
Imsk itself shrinks periodically, but that has never been substantiated.
The people of lmsk have adapted their environment to their special ability
to shrink. Much of their housing and entertainment facilities are constructed
on a tiny scale that only allows access to the planet's natives. Many facilities
built to "normal" scale exist for the convenience of non-native visiting life forms.
lmsk draws a sizable number of visitors every year to witness the annual
hunts for the deadly race ofspace dragons that nock in nearby sectors of space.
These hunts have led to disputes between the government of Imsk and the
United Planets and have resulted in strong anti-UP feelings among certain
elements of Imskian society.
In the aftermath of the Great Col­ TYPICAL IMSKIAN
lapse, Imsk was attacked by Braal DEx: 3 STR: 2 BODY: 2
(see entry under BRAAL), but the !NT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
Imskians managed to defeat and oc­ INFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
cupy Braal after they developed a de­ lNmATIVE: 8 HERO PoiNTs: 0
vice capable of robbing the Braalians •Powers:
of their magnetic powers. Shrinking: 9
The Legion of Super-Heroes' Salu •Skills:
Digby, Shrinking Violet, is a native of lmsk. Gadgetry: 5, Scientist: 5
• Advantages:
Genius; Scholar (microcircuitry)

Karak is the name given to a world that was once Earthlike, but suffered a
disaster. Its sun, a blue-white star, young by the standards that apply to stars,
developed an instability and became a flare star, or repeating nova. In the 29th
Century, a tounge offlame hundreds of millions ofkilometers in length reached
out from the solar surface and seared Karak, destroying the world's atmo­
sphere and all life on its surface.

Kathoon is known throughout the universe of the 30th Century as the
Midnight World - it is a planet shrouded in the perpetual darkness ofeternal eclipse.
Despite its dark reputation, Kathoon's people are known for their friendli­
ness. The planet's hospitality has helped make this world of eternal night a
popular resort spot and one of the galaxy's hottest spots for honeymooners.
Visitors to Kathoon stay at any of the several cluster cities built into the rocky

caverns that overlook romantic, moonlit vistas. The planet's economy has
benefited greatly from tourism. However, the largely conservative govern­
ment and populace does not allow certain recreational activities, such as
gambling and other pastimes that they
consider vice, which might bring in TYPICAL KATHOONIAN
even more visitors. DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
Before she became a member of the INT: 2 WILL: 3 MIND: 2
Legion of Substitute Heroes, Night !NFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
Girl was Kathoon's resident super­ INITIATIVE: 6 HERO PoiNTs: 0
hero. Her game statistics are found in • Drawbacks:
the Legion of Super-Heroes Minor Irrational Fear of daylight
Sourcebook) Volume I.

Home to the most warlike beings in the universe, Khundia is a world
shrouded in perpetual darkness and night. Its atmosphere has been poisoned
by the Khunds' relentless rape of their environment in their pursuit of raw
materials to fuel their continuous wars with neighboring worlds.
The Khunds, led by vicious Warlords, have waged numerous campaigns
against the United Planets, including
a full scale invasion that was, fortu­ TYPICAL KHUND
nately, turned back by the Legion of DEX: 6 Srrn: 5 BoDY: 6
Super-Heroes. Khunds are trained in INT: 2 WILL: 3 MIND: 2
the ways of combat from birth, with INFL: 2 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 6
fully half Khundia's population join­ INITIATIVE: 14 HERO POINTS: 20
ing the army. It is one of only a hand­ •Skills:
ful of races whose belief system is Martial Artist: 7, Military Science:
structured around the concept that 4, Weaponry: 7, Vehicles: 7
might makes right - a concept that • Advantages:
extends to the Khunds' day-to-day life. Lightning Reflexes
In fact, Khundia's cities are dotted • Drawbacks:
with Challenge Courts, where con­ Minor Irrational Attraction to hon­
flicts between citizens are decided by orable death
armed combat. • Equipment:
8,8TR:7, BooY: 12,AV:9,EV: 10,Fhght: Blasters [BODY: 4, Energy Blast: 7,
39, Sealed Systems: 19, Radar Sense: R#: 3]
38, Hardened Defenses] •Motivation: Nihilist

Kol is a mysterious world whose origins and evolution are shrouded under
the haze of centuries old myths and legends. Kol was "discovered" by members
ofthe Legion of Super-Heroes who crash landed on the uncharted world. What
the heroes found was a primitive culture which gathered in cults to worship a
deity they call Kol.
According to legend, Kol led the people of this world to salvation following a n
event known only as the Great Explosion. I t is believed that Kol still, to this
day, brings his worshipers an abundant supply of food, called manna, in an-

swer to their daily prayers. The cultists, calling themselves the Arms ofKol,
are led by the Reverend Mother Awian, through whom Kol speaks to the people.
In the Legionnaires' investigation, Brainiac 5 found evidence that the people
ofKol were descended from late 24th-Century Terran colonists whose trans­
port vehicle had crashed upon the planet. Brainiac also found that the temple
where the Kolians worshiped was, in reality, a still-functioning vintage computer.
Upon their return to Earth, the Legionnaires turned their evidence over to
the United Planets, but, when they sought permission to return to Kol for
further study, they were informed that the planet was under strict quarantine
and that offworlders were forbidden from setting foot there.
Thus, the mystery of Kol and the source of his gifts of manna remain unknown.

Rocky, barren Korba! is a nearly uninhabited asteroid in the vicinity of the
planet Winath (see entry under WINATH). Although its orbit in Winath's
system makes it ideal for numerous commercial and military applications,
Korbal remains offlimits to colonization under a United Planets conservation
act protecting its sole native life form, the lightning beast. These beasts feed
off the electrical storms that continually streak the super-ionized atmosphere,
converting the raw electrical charges into life-sustaining bioelectrical energy.
Aside from its unique natives, Korbal's only other distinction is as the
birthplace ofLightning Lad and Lightning Lass ofthe Legion ofSuper-Heroes,
as well as the villain Lightning Lord. The three were endowed with their
powers simultaneously when siblings Garth, Ayla, and Mekt Ranzz were
forced by a failure of their craft to land on Korba!. In an attempt to recharge
the craft's depleted batteries, they lured several lightning beasts to the
grounded spacecraft, only to find
themselves the recipients of the crea­ LIGHTNING BEASTS
tures' bio-electrical blasts. DEX: 3 STR: 5 BODY: 4
Korbal is restricted by the U.P. as a INT: 1 WILL: 1 MIND: 1
protective measure for both the light­ lNFL: 2 AURA: 1 SPlRIT: 4
ning beasts and any unwary traveler INITIATNE: 6 HERo PoiNTS: 0
who might become the lightning •Powers:
beasts' targets. Lightning: 8

Maintained by the United Planets' Science Police, Labyrinth was carved out
of a lifeless world to serve as a prison facility for the galaxy's worst criminals.
The barren planetoid has been hollowed out and filled with a network ofcells,
which hold prisoners in life stasis for the duration of their sentences. These
prisoners are periodically revived to receive psychiatric counseling.
Labyrinth is overseen by Warden Tsaquin, who commands a large corps of
specially-trained Science Police officers. The planetoid is guarded by state-of-

the-art security systems ( rated at 25 APs), and access to the facilities is strictly
PLANETARY FORCE FIELD ( Boov: 15, Force Field: 25, R#: 2)

Lallor was once one of the more warlike worlds in the known universe.
However, the near destruction ofall life on the planet in the Last War ofLallor
cured the Lallorans of their violent tendencies. Today, the humanoid natives
of Lallor live in peace and relative tranquility, pursuing a path of total
friendship and harmony in an attempt to banish their aggressive past.
Lallor is a major hub world in intergalactic travel and trade. This planet is
orbited by numerous space stations, one of which exists for the sole purpose of
relieving all incoming vessels of their weapons. Weapons are totally banned
down on the surface, with laws enforcing strict penalties for those who disobey
the ban.
This planet is best known as the home of the Champions of Lallor - the
superheroes known as Duplicate Boy, Evolvo Lad, Gas Girl, Life Lass, and the
now-deceased Beast Boy. Statistics for all the Champions can be found in the
Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook, Volume I. Lallor was recently conquered
by the Khunds (see entry under KHUNDIA), who threw the surviving
Champions into a gulag there.

This dead planet contains many machines of alien science. One of the
planet's most spectacular machines is the gigantic rocket engine that carries
Lost World throughout the galaxy.

Lythyl is a hostile world ofsun-baked plains and fiery volcanic activity. The
life on this planet must be sustained beneath its barren surface. Civilization
on Lythyl is brutal, with the population divided into masters and slaves. This
distinction is decided b y the three Judges ofLythyl upon a being's entrance into
the underground level.
The slaves lead particularly hard lives, engaged by their masters in a variety
ofmenial tasks, but the lives of their masters are not that much easier. Indeed,
the masters engage in almost constant warfare for power over one another.
At the heart ofLythyl stands the Dimensional Nexus, a gateway to any point
in the universe. Most sentient beings foolish enough to travel to Lythyl come
here for the purpose ofsearching for this gateway, as the discovery ofthe Nexus
can lead to any treasure a being can imagine.

Mardru is a small colony world that was settled in the 27th Century by
descendants of Earth.
Largely agrarian, Mardru leads the galaxy in the research and development
of farming technology. It is said that the people of Mardru are born with a
natural affinity for growing things; the variety and output ofcrops found on the
planet seems to bear this out.
Mardru has few central cities; most of the population is spread across this
exceptionally fertile world in small farming communities. Although the popu­
lation ofthese areas possesses all ofthe most advanced farming machinery, the
citizens seem to prefer more direct contact with the soil. They often leave the
mechanical marvels to rust in their sheds in favor of working the land with
their hands.

Mars was first colonized by humans from Earth in the 21st Century, in the
area 30th Century maps refer to as Nix Olympia. Over the centuries, the colony
expanded and new settlements were added, spreading out from Nix Olympia.
The United Planets is currently engaged in extensive terraforming activi­
ties, turning the formerly barren world into a lush, habitable planet. Fully one­
tenth ofMars is inhabited, and Nix Olympia has developed into a major center
for tourism and recreation. Nix Olympia is particularly coveted location for
honeymooning couples. Mars is renowned as a model of industrial efficiency;
its smaller work force matches the productivity of Earth's workers.
The Science Police elected to locate its training Academy on Mars, just
outside Nix Olympia.

Although it is not a planet, Medicus One is well known throughout the
universe of the 30th Century as the preeminent medical facility in Known
Space. Medicus One sits in geosynchratic orbit above Earth.
Medicus One was created by the United Planets in response to the influx of
the many new races that came to Earth after it had been opened to interplan­
etary trade and tourism. With the mingling of species came the introduction
of diseases and viruses to races unfamiliar with (and unprotected against)
them. The U.P. brought together the galaxies' best researchers and scientists
to fulfill the needs of the multitude of alien races.
Today, Medicus One is a mecca for medical researchers. Specialists in all
fields and for all races are available for visiting species. Although usually
reserved for the handling of epidemics and research, Medicus One is also
available for routine medical treatment. Among its distinguished Ust ofclients
are the members ofthe Legion ofSuper-Heroes. Medicus One's chiefphysician
is the three-armed Dr. Gym'll from the planet Jaquaa.

Earth men once tried to colonize Monster World, but had to abandon such
attempts due to the bizarre and deadly monsters that inhabit this planet. It
once served as the home base of the Jungle King's Legion of Super-Monsters.

Naltor i s a world living i n a future i t can see today; the humanoids ofNaltor
are blessed with the ability to see brief glimpses of the future.
Naltor is a matriarchal society. Its government and economy is completely
based on its people's ability to see into the future and is built around the
common awareness of coming events. Because ofthe Naltorians' precognitive
powers, the United Planets has banned Naltorian speculation in the Galactic
Stock and Commodity Exchanges. Science flourishes on Naltor, although the
need for actual experimentation is at a minimum, as the results have already
been observed before they even occur.
Despite its scientific expertise,
DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
Naltorian society and the government
INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 3
are structured on mysticism. Naltoris
ruled by the High Seer, the ultimate
authority on all matters and the sym­
bol of their belief.
Precognition: 8
The Legion ofSuper-Heroes's Dream
Girl is a native ofNaltor.

Neptune was settled b yhumans from Earth i n the 23rd Century. At first, the
Neptunians relied on special pressurized habitats to survive in the gas giant's
super-heavy atmosphere. Over the following generations, the descendants of
these colonists gradually adapted to the atmosphere until they had gained
limited control over their bodies. These people are able to become as flat as a
sheet of paper to lessen the effect of the dense atmosphere.
Because of its heavy atmosphere,
there are very few visitors to Nep- TYPICAL NEPTUNIAN
tune. Those who do come to this planet DEX: 2 STR: 4 BODY: 4
are forced to remain in special pres- INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
surized habitats or risk being crushed !NFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPmtT: 2
to death. If a member of an oxygen- INITIATIVE: 6 HERO POINTS: 0
breathing race remains unprotected • Powers:
on Neptune's surface, he will begin to Two-Dimensional: 7
die per a Fatal Vulnerability (see pages
22-23 of the Character Handbook).

Nullport is a man-made structure orbiting the Earth of the 30th Century.
This place is the center of all shipping both to and from the United Planets, as
well as the dry dock for half of the U.P.'s company and military ships.
Nullport is manned by personnel from most worlds in the U.P. to service the
wide variety of ships, technologies, and life forms that patronize the massive
satellite. Indeed, Nullport's technological expertise makes its equipment and
spacecraft among the finest available in the universe.

Orando, which was settled in the 25th Century by emigrants ofGemworld
(see entry under GEMWORLD) operates under a system of feudalism. A
medieval world whose culture is based on mysticism and magic, Orando is
ruled by a monarchy. The Orandans, one of the few magically-based societies
in the universe, are extremely xenophobic.
For thousands ofyears, Orando existed side-by-side with its neighbors in the
United Planets, but the 30th Century natives had grown to fear outside
influences on its world; they viewed these influences as a threat their world's
dependence on its magical heritage. Because of this, Orando's monarch, Queen
Projectra (formerly Princess Projectra of the Legion of Super-Heroes) ordered
the entire planet moved to another, less-inhabited dimension, where they
might continue their mystical lifestyle without rousing the fears and greedy
manipulations of outsiders.

Phlon is one ofthe newer colony worlds in the United Planets. Its importance
to the U.P. stems from the abundance of valuable and rare minerals under its
hostile surface. Beneath the specially designed pressure domes that also serve
as their homes, the colonists ofPhlon are also responsible for the synthesis of
many ofthe mineral ores that are too dangerous to transport in their raw state.
Phlon is essentially a mining world, with the majority of its citizens engaged
in the mining or processing of the raw materials. The planet is governed by a
U.P. commission, as it has yet to be named a self-supporting entity and
sovereign world. Also, due to its hostile environment, there is little chance that
Phlon will ever make it as a tourist spot.
Phlon's most famous native is Chemical King, a deceased member of the
Legion of Super-Heroes.

Preztor is an ocean world with almost no land masses. Its residents live on
the high continental shelves in undersea domes, fishing and extracting
minerals from sea water. One of the few islands on the world, Taboo Island, is
avoided scrupulously by the world's inhabitants, who believe that demons
reside there.
Orbiting the star Antares, the Protean Planet is home to a race of sentient,
yet simple, creatures who possess the uncanny ability to change their forms
and assume any shape they desire.
The beings of the Protean Planet
DEX: 5 STR: 2 BODY: 4
are shapeless, simple creatures that
live in small family units. They are INT: 2 WILL: 1 MIND: 3
highly social, and there is free and !NFL: 2 AURA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
frequent interaction between the INITIATIVE: 9 HERO POINTS: 0
families. The Proteans are quite •Powers:
friendly and almost devoid of hostil­ SelfManipulation: 8, Shape Change:
ity. They are telepathic and very much 7, Telepathy: 6, Empathy: 5, Broad­
attuned to the emotional moods of cast Empath: 5
their brethren and other species.

Although it is an official world of the United Planets, Rimbor's attitude is
more that ofa rough-and-tumble colony world. Located near a heavily-mined
asteroid belt, Rimbor serves as a way station for the miners, affording them all
the pleasures that men working for months at a time in isolated mining
communities could desire.
Virtually anythingthe heart desires can be procured on the Rimborian black
market, and, while actual crime statistics show that Rimbor's crime rate does
not greatly exceed those of other supposedly tamer worlds, the locals take a
certain perverse pride in exaggerating and embellishing their tough reputation.
While most ofRimbor's areas would be considered lower-class areas or red­
light districts, the planet does have several regions oftheir various city-states
which are quite well-to-do. Legion of Super-Heroes member Ultra Boy was
born and raised in one of these wealthier areas.
One ofRimbor's chief black market exports is the relatively safe liquid drug
called "Silverale." Jo Nah, formerly known as Ultra Boy, enjoyed a healthy
career as a Silverale smuggler for several years after the disbanding of the Legion.

Seeris i s a world seemingly in decay. Its inhabitants, a n ever-dwindling
race, have abandoned most ofthe unneccessary baggage ofthe physical world
to engage in the pursuits of the mind. Accordingly, the world has grown poor
and always appears languid and unkempt. Starvation is neither uncommon
nor unremarkable. However, many ofthe most adept members ofthe race have
left their physical bodies behind and exist now only as incorporeal intelli­
gences. Regardless of the truth of this assertion, it is a fact that Seeris has
never been invaded or conquered, even though it is not far from either U.P. or
Khund space.

Shanghalla is one ofthe most peaceful and revered locations in the universe.
An asteroid of only twenty-three miles in diameter, Shanghalla has, for
centuries, served as a memorial world and final resting place for heroes from
across the universe who have been killed in the line of duty.
No one knows who placed the first memorial upon Shanghalla; it is believed
that a passing race ofbeings came across the lifeless asteroid and buried a dead
member of their expedition there, leaving a marker which attracted others to
utilize Shanghalla for the same purpose. The United Planets has since
formalized the use of this asteroid as a sanctified burial ground, where any
hero of any species whose actions have been certified may be interred. Among
the hundreds laid to rest on Shanghalla are slain members of the Legion of
Super-Heroes: Ferro Lad, one ofTriplicate Girl's three bodies, Invisible Kid I,
Chemical King, and Karate Kid. The churches of many hundreds of the
universe's worlds maintain chapels on neighboring asteroids.

The atmosphere ofShwar is low in oxygen, giving rise to a race ofhumanoids
with a far slower metabolic rate than that ofmost such races across the galaxy.
A major result of its strange atmosphere is the virtual absence of fire; this
condition has been cited as the cause for its relatively backward technological
development. Nonetheless, the United Planets has placed Shwaron probation­
ary status as a member world. If a member of an oxygen-breathing race
remains unprotected on Shwar's surface, he will begin to die per a Fatal
Vulnerability (see pages 22-23 of the Character Handbook).

Also known as the Jungle World, Simballi is a lush, primitive-looking world
with a tropical climate. Ninety percent of the planet's surface is covered by
dense jungles and tangled rain forests.
Simballi is home to a race of humans descended from 26th Century Terran
colonists. It also possesses a wide variety of native beasts. Many of these
species are prized as objects of big game hunts, which attract tourists by the
tens of thousands every year to Simballi. The majority of Simballians are
engaged in work supporting this tourist trade, from working at the large resort
areas to maintaining the vast game preserves and operating as licensed big
game hunters.

Somahtur is perhaps the 30th Century galaxy's best kept secret, mostly out
of necessity. Discovered less than a century ago, the United Planets found a
world populated by humanoid natives who act as host bodies for thriving
colonies ofbacterial and viral diseases, many ofwhich are unknown beyond the
confines of this bizarre planet.

The Somahturans have developed a symbiotic relationship with many of
these diseases, and, unlike any other species in the galaxy, cannot live without
them. The entire sector of space in which this world exists is under tight U.P.
quarantine for all except authorized personnel from Medicus One (see entry
under MEDICUS ONE). The doctors of Medicus One sometimes come to
Somahtur to collect samples of various diseases and use the planet to ware­
house specimens of diseases considered too dangerous to store anywhere else.
The Legion of Substitute Heroes's Infectious Lass is a native of Somahtur,
having been taken offworld by per­
sonnel of Medicus One in order to
DEx: 2 STR: 2 BooY: 2
study the unique Somahturian physi­
!NT: .2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
ology. She escaped their examination
chambers; the authorities have been
unable to return her to the world of lmTIATJVE: 6 HE
: 0
her birth for fear that any overt action
Poison Touch: 8
against her by them will publicize the
existence of Somahtur and cause a
Poison Touch is Always On and has
hypochondriacal panic across the galaxy.
Area Effect
Dark Secret (their very existence);
Strange Appearance

After thousands ofyears ofpersecution and unfair treatment on their native
Earth, a colony of American Indians (Amerinds) emigrated from Earth in
search of a more spiritually pure homeland. After generations of travel, they
found Starhaven.
Starhaven is located in the sparsely populated core ofthe Milky Way system.
Bringing with them the traditions and love of the land of their early Terran
ancestors, the colonizing Amerinds settled Starhaven with respect for its
unspoiled beauty. This planet is resplendent with a wealth ofgeologic wonders,
near-perfect weather, and totally unspoiled environment. In fact, although
30th Century Starhaven remains one
of the most naturally beautiful of
DEX: 8 STR: 3 BODY: 4
worlds and could derive far greater
revenue from tourism, the government !NT: 4 WILL: 2 MIND: 3
instead severely restricts visitors to !NFL: 4 AURA: 3 SPIRIT: 4
insure the planet's continued conser­ lNmATIVE: 16 HERO POINTS: 0
vation. •Powers:
Starhaven's citizens still maintain Flight: 20, Sealed Systems: 15, Life
the customs and traditions passed Sense: 10
down from their native American for­ •Limitations:
bearers. These people are not far re­ Minor Power Burnout on Life Sense;
moved from their ancestors who Miscellaneous: Flight is provided by
originally emigrated here seven cen­ wings (average wing span ten feet).
turies ago exceptfortheir wings, which •Advantages:
are a result of genetic experimentation. Sharp Eye
Starhaven native Dawnstar is a
member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

At the outer fringes of the United Planets, far from any major inhabited
world, was the world ofTakron-Galtos, once the U.P.'s principal prison planet
and criminal rehabilitation facility. Takron-Galtos had been used as a prison
planet as early as the 20th Century. In the middle of the 30th Century, the
planet was acquired by the United Planets, and originally designed to serve as
the Science Police's main base and training academy, with a small prison
facility attached. After a successful prisoner revolt during which the inmates
seized and damaged the S.P. arsenal, the S.P. plans were scrapped, and the
facility was converted into a high-security prison.
Despite a great many safeguards, Takron-Galtos had a very checkered
history of success. During the period between 2983 and 2985, Takron-Galtos
was ravaged twice in attacks by the renegade Daxamite youth 01-Vir, result­
ing in widespread breakouts that Legion of Super-Heroes intervention was
required to suppress. During the second ofthese assaults, the Legion ofSuper­
Villains, using the powerful teleportation beam of their Gil'Dishpan ally
Zy'myr, were able to penetrate the crippled force shield and recruit several
prisoners into their ranks.
Takron-Galtos was assaulted by an anti-matter wave during the Crisis,
which forced a massive Legion-assisted evacuation of the facility's prisoners
onto a massive S.P. ship and destroyed the planet when the anti-matter struck
the planet's main power generators.
While still in existence, Takron-Galtos' security system was rated at 20 APs,
and had the following protective barrier surrounding the planet:
PLANETARY FORCE FIELD [Bonv: 13, Force Field: 23, R#: 2]

Talok VIII is an old world ofwindswept plains ofsand, which are broken only
by scattered fortress-like cities and eroded mountain ridges. The planet,
nonetheless, possesses a certain grandeur in its bleakness.
Talok VIII is populated by humanoids who have a few notable diversions
from the standard humanoid form. The indigenous race is blue-skinned,
pointed-eared and black-haired. Although Talok VIII belongs to the United
Planets, local politics remain a mystery to the rest of the U.P. The ruling class
lives in highly technological cities on the plateaus and valleys, while an
"untouchable" class of"mountain men" struggles to survive in the surrounding
peaks. Recent unrest has centered around an attempt by the mountain men to
capture the cities and enjoy the wealth and luxury denied them.
In the 30th Century, the mantle of planetary champion has fallen into the
hands of two beings for the first time i n the world's history. Grev Mallor and
his sister, Tasmia, both have the shadow powers granted to the champion by
the shadow spirits ofTalok. While Grev has remained on Talok VIII to serve
as champion in the guise of Shadow Lad, Tasmia serves the galaxy as Shadow
Lass of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
For more information on Talok VIII's history, see Section Four: THE
UNIVERSE (20th Century).

Taltar circles a blue-white sun. It is very close to Earth in gravity, climate,
and atmosphere, but is sociologically quite different, as it is ruled by a
matriarchal oligarchy. It has inculcated a profound female superiority into its
society, to the point where men cannot own property or participate in government.

Tharn is a pastoral, medieval world now occupied by the residents ofZerox
(see entry under ZEROX), who moved there after the Sorcerors' World was
destroyed. It is ruled with an iron hand by Mordru, a powerful enemy of the
Legion of Super-Heroes.

Tharr was first settled in the 25th Century by mutated human colonists who
were biogenetically engineered to withstand its blazing hot environment,
which was made that way by the planet's proximity to its sun.
Although deemed a difficult challenge, Tharr was too rich in rare mineral
deposits to ignore. Thus, volunteering colonists underwent a mutagenetic
manipulation which imbued them with the ability to project a field of intense
cold around them to counteract ThaiT's blazing heat. The second step of the
process to claim Tharr involved developing methods of enabling the colonists
to construct underground cities with massive cooling systems and towers to
chill and circulate the outside air. Tharr is blessed with a geologically dead and
cold core, which makes this particular colonization plan possible.
Tharr's unique environment has TYPICAL THARRIAN
rendered some long-held theological DEx: 3 STR: 2
beliefs topsy-turvy, most notably in lNT: 2 WILL: 2
�heir belief that hell is up and heaven INFL: 2 AURA: ,2 SPIRIT:
IS down. The wealth of natural re-
. . INrrrA!J.'NE� fl HERO PoiNTS:
sources are m plentiful supply, en-
suring Tharr of continued prosperity.
Ice Production: 8, Icing: 6

The largest of Saturn's many moons, Titan was colonized by humans from
Earth during the 22nd Century. Although it is little understood, either certain
properties of the Titan atmosphere or its proximity to the rings of its mother
planet have endowed the Titanites with a wide variety of unexplainable
powers; most of these powers are psychic, and they often follow no traceable
sequence of genetic transference.
Titanites are known for powers ranging from illusion to telepathy and

beyond. This has naturally fostered a great interest in psychic phenomenon on
Titan and has led to the creation of the foremost academy of psychic sciences
in the galaxy.
Titan has a societal structure quite
DEx: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
similar to Earth's, albeit with a far
INT: 4 WILL: 2 MIND: 3
more effective bureaucratic system,
since inefficiency and corruption are
easily weeded out in a society of
telepaths. Titan is also one of the Sol
• Powers:
System's most popular resort planets. Telepathy: 6, Mind Probe: 4

Founding Legion of Super-Heroes

member Saturn Girl is a native of Titan.

Despite its dangerously high level ofradiation, the planet Trom gave rise to
a sentient race ofhuman-appearing beings. Only a single broad valley on Trom
was radiation-free and thus suitable for human life to evolve.
Despite their supposedly safe location, the Tromians were, over innumer­
able generations, altered by the high background radiation. Early on, there
were numerous deaths from the radiation, but part ofthe change included the
adaptive ability to withstand the higher radiation levels. Another more
dramatic mutation was the Tromian ability to transmute the elemental
structure of anything they wish.
The people ofTrom kept their transmutation ability a secret from the rest of
the United Planets. They saw their power as the divine gift from a higher
source, and feared that offworlders might try to exploit them for monetary
gain. They used their power in tribute to its giver, creating architecture and
art in tribute to Trom.
Unfortunately, the Tromians' worst fears were realized when alien pirates
heard of their ability and tried to force them to cooperate. When they refused,
the enraged pirate band wiped out the entire population, save for one teenage
boy who managed to escape. This lone survivor was Jan Arrah, who went on
to become Element Lad ofthe Legion ofSuper-Heroes. Arrah has been deemed
the rightful heir to Trom and its re-
sources, but he has elected to leave TYPICAL TROMIAN - deceased
the planet uninhabited in tribute to
his slain ancestors.
Trom recently became a part of the
ever-increasing Khund territories, but
space travelers of all races know bet­
ter than to set foot there. A giant
graveyard of a world, it is protected,
sometimes hideously brutally, by Jan
Arrah, who has returned to his home.

Tulva, a highly Earthlike world not far from known space lanes, is remark­
able because it is uninhabited. At first glance, it is difficult to explain this fact,
for it seems to be a paradise of the first order: wide, unsullied oceans, rain
forests, majesticmountain ranges, and
broad plains. U.P. records show three
DEX: 8 STR: 6 BoDY: 6
unsuccessful colonization attempts,
lNT: 6 WlLL: 5 MIND: 5
each one ending in murder, suicide, or
!NFL: 13 AURA: 15 SPIRIT: 14
widespread destruction by fire. There
lNrTIATTVE: 31 HERo PoiNTS: 40
have been no survivors to question.
The reason, as yet unknown to the • Powers: *Mystic Linked
U.P., is a dreaded being who dwells Aura ofFear: 15*, Mind Blank: 15*,
deep in the rain forests of the north­ Illusion: 20*, Mind Drain: 20*, Mind
ern continent. This being, a white, Probe: 17*
shaggy, man-sized creature called the • Skills: *linked
Witch Wolf, is among the most dan­ Martial Artist: 8*, Military Science
gerous creatures on any planet. He (Tracking): 9, Thief (Stealth): 8*
has the power to turn the worst fears • Advantages:
of his enemies against them, using Area Knowledge (Tulva); Lightning
mystical powers as mighty as any Reflexes
wielded by the great sorcerers of leg­ • Drawbacks:
end. Fortunately, the Witch Wolfis an Catastrophic Irrational Attraction
enchanted creature who cannot leave to slaying trespassers on Tulva; Cata­
its world, because if he were to do so, strophic Rage
he would crumble to dust. • Motivation: Nihilist

Not only is Tyrraz one ofthe mosthostile worlds in the galaxy, but it had also
become the most dangerous when the warrior beings of this world outfitted
Tynaz with massive propulsion units large enough to move the entire planet.
Tyrraz became known as the Warworld - quickly establishing itself as the
scourge of the galaxy - attacking, plundering, and destroying countless
worlds outside the realm of the United Planets.
Eventually, Tyrraz's course took it directly towards the heart of the U.P.
system. The Legion of Super-Heroes attacked the Warworld before it reached
U.P. space and destroyed the planet's main star drives, stranding it in orbit
around a distant star.
Tyrraz virtually stripped itself ofnatural resources in order to create its star
drive units. Fully half the world is covered by these mammoth engines, while
the rest of the planet has been covered and reinforced with concrete and steel.
It is unlikely that Tyrraz will ever be able to find the raw resources they require
to rebuild the star drives.
The natives ofTyrraz comprise a red-skinned humanoid species with overly
aggressive tendencies. They lead a lifestyle that emphasizes armed warfare
and personal honor through combat. They are led by Tyr, the Warlord ofTyrra.

O n Venegar, the emphasis i s on beauty rather than technology. This i s a
world oflush, tropical beauty, with ancient myths that speak of a long-ago age
of magic. Humanoid life evolved naturally on Venegar and developed in
relative peace. The people of this planet shun large cities and worship nature.
One ofVenegar's darkest moments came when a native Venegaran gained
incredible mystical powers from, some say, an ancient relic she discovered in
a cavern there. Whatever the source of her powers, the woman, who became
known as the Emerald Empress, used them to make herself ruler ofVenegar
before the irate people rebelled against her dictatorial reign and drove her out
of power and offthe planet. The Emerald Empress went on to become a member
of the Fatal Five, who are foes of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Today, Venegar is once again a lush resort world. It is much prized for its
natural beauty and quiet, hidden spots, which are ideal for couples.

The business of Ventura, of which there is much, is pleasure. It exists to
support the massive casinos that are suspended by a web of anti-gravity units
above the surface of the planet.
Ventura is home to the mystical Luck Lords, beings who gather the power
of chaotic chance in an attempt to influence the universe in accord with their
grand designs. Living atop the Ziggurat of Ventura, a mountain in an
uninhabited area of the planet, the Lords appear only during times of specific
cosmic convergences. They remove themselves to an unknown locale for
contemplation during the times between these stellar events.
Most of Ventura is inhabitable and
quite fertile, but the rents charged to
work the land by the wealthy casino THE LUCK LORDS
owners who own the world are too DEx: 2 STR: 2 BoDY: 2
high for anyone to pay. The casino lNT: 7 WILL: 8 MIND: 6
owners are among the wealthiest sen­ !NFL: 9 AURA: 8 SPIRIT: 9
tient beings in the 30th Century uni­ INITIATIVE: 18 HERO PoiNTS: 0
verse; all industry that exists onworld •Powers:
is owned by these casino owners and Dumb Luck: 15, Remote Sensing: 50
exists to support the magical gam­ •Bonuses:
bling palaces hovering above the Dumb Luck is Usable on Others
planet's surface. • Advantages:
The casinos are a gambler's para­ Scholar (chance); Miscellaneous: a
dise, offering, in addition to most large part of the galaxy's population
known games of chance in the uni­ believes that the Luck Lords are a
verse, an atmosphere ofmenace, which myth.
is intentionally designed into the en­ • Drawbacks:
vironment. This ambiance is perhaps Secret Identity; Strange Appearance
the most prominent feature of the • Motivation: Unknown
planet, one which brings the tourists •Occupation: Not Applicable
back to the Venturan casinos. •Wealth: Variable

Weber's World, the bureaucratic heart ofthe United Planets, is an artificial
planet constructed for the sole purpose ofhousing the governmental workings
and data banks necessary for managing the massive multi-planetary system.
Weber's World was originally constructed in the space of Earth's solar
system, then propelled by its massive warp engines to the border space ofU.P.
territory. It will remain here until a new border is established by the induction
of the border worlds into the federation.
In the wake ofthe disbandingofthe United Planets, Weber's World no longer
serves a diplomatic function. Its exact fate has yet to be revealed.


Winath is a peaceful, mainly agricultural world on which every living

creature and flora has a twin. Originally settled as one of mankind's earliest
interstellar colonies, the settlers ofWinath soon found that they had become
the recipients of an inexplicable symbiotic reaction with the planet itself.
Long a sovereign state of the United Planets, Winath maintains an agrarian
society, with its resources and technology all aimed at promoting their way of
life. Farms are worked by collective communities and barter in trade with
other farms. The farmers most often employ offworld merchants to sell their
surplus crops to other worlds. Winathians prefer to stay on their home world
with their twins, traditionally marrying other sets of twins and creating new
splinter farms.
Twin Legion of Super-Heroes members Garth and Ayla Ranzz (Lightning
Lad and Lightning Lass) are natives ofWinath, as is Mekt Ranzz, their brother
(who is considered an unbalanced individual since he was both without a twin,
according to Winathian way of thinking), who was once also known as the
supervillain Lightning Lord. Contrary to popular legend, the Ranzz siblings
gained their powers not on Winath, but on the nearby asteroid Korbal (see
entry under KORBAL).
Since the disbanding of the Legion, Garth and Imra Ranzz (formerly Saturn
Girl) have retired to Winath, where they run the Lightning Ring Ranch,
Winath's most successful agrarian farm. The couple have twin sons, Graym
and Garridan and are expecting more children. Garridan Ranzz carries in him
a transmittable virus nicknamed unaffectionately by other Winathians the
''Validus Plague," that is capable of horribly distorting and crippling those
infected with it. Garth Ranzz himselfhas endured the partial loss of use ofone
leg due to the virus. Garridan is being treated by Brainiac 5, who hopes to find
a cure for the virus.

Thanks to its unusually thin and clear- but life-sustaining- atmosphere,
Xanthu has developed into a planet of stargazers. This planet is an old,
established colony of Earth descendants and possesses an unusually high
percentage of astronomers, celestial navigators, and astrophysicists.

Xanthu is ringed by orbiting space stations, which have been created for the
purpose of the further study of the stars. One of the planet's claim to fame is
Xanthu Port, the finest research and study center of the old colony worlds.
There, the galaxy's finest pilots, navigators, and space medicine experts are
trained and headquartered.
The planet is home to a pair of great heroes: the champion Atmos, and Star
Boy, of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Xanthu is ruled by the Tribune, the
hereditary ruler of the planet.

Sometime in the past, the mystical otherdimensional world known as
Gemworld (see entry under GEMWORLD) moved into the Earth dimension
and became known as Zerox. The exact circumstances that led to this change
in location remain a mystery, although it is known that it happened sometime
between the twentieth and thirtieth centuries.
A rich source ofmagical energy throughout recorded history, Zerox was also
known by fellow members of the United Planets as the Sorcerer's World. The
face ofZerox was ever-shifting and ever-changing under the magical innuence
ofits humanoid natives, and was governed by a council of resident magicians.
Travel to Zerox was restricted to those approved by this council.
The only fixed spot on the entire planet was Teachers' Isle, where elemental
sorcerers spent their time in contemplation and the teaching of each new
generation of magicians. These sorcerers believed that the Zeroxan's mystical
powers should be utilized in the pursuit of universal harmony. For the most
part, their students have adhered to this tenet, with the notable exception of
the evil Mordru.
Zerox is the source of the powers of the White Witch of the Legion of Super­
Heroes, who was actually born on Naltor (see entry under NALTOR). The
Sorcerer's World was destroyed in the cataclysmic Magic Wars late in the 30th
Century. The surviving sorcerers migrated to Tharn, where they fell under the
sway of Mordru (see entry under THARN).


DEX: 3 STR: 2 BODY: 3 DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
lNT: 9 WILL: 8 MrND: 9 INT: 6 WILL: 5 Mmn: 5
lNFL: 12 AURA: 10 SPIRIT: 10 lNFL: 7 AURA: 6 8PtRI1': 7
Awareness: 7, Enchantment: 9,
Enchantment: 5, Magic Sense: 7,
Exorcism: 9, Magic Sense: 10, Sorcery: 15
Sorcery: 6
•Skills: '''linked
Occultist: 12* •Skills: *linked
•Advantages: Occultist: 7*
Intensive Training; Omni-Connec­
• Advantages:
tion; Scholar (sorcery)
Connection: Teacher's Isle (High);
• Drawbacks:
Intensive Training
Age (old)
•Motivation: Upholding the Good • Motivation: Upholding the Good
• Occupation: Teacher
•Occupation: Apprentice
•Wealth: 10
•Wealth: 7
Zoon orbits within a highly unstable triple sun system. Perhaps i t i s this
instability, fostering a fatalistic bent in native Zoonians, that has led to the
humanoid population's poisoning and strip-mining of the planet's environment.
Zoon long ago became a barren, murky, toxic mess. Its people retreated to
small communities within the caverns crisscrossing beneath the surface.
These caverns are the result of generations of mining for various materials,
particularly for zuunium, one of the rarest elements in the universe. Zoon's
only central city exists as housing for the multitudes who work the mines ofthe
nearby Ebony Mountains.
Zoon's technology is aimed at the work of mining, and, while the people do
possess androids, they limit their use to only the most hazardous of mining duties.
If a member of an oxygen-breathing race remains unprotected on Zoon's
surface, he will begin to die per a Fatal Vulnerability (see pages 22-23 of the
Character Handbook ). Timber Wolf, of the Legion of Super-Heroes, was born
on Zoon.

Another early Terran colony world, Zwen's rate of planetary rotation is so
slow that its nights are over six Earth months long. Early colonists were driven
nearly insane by the endless nights. This lead to a biogenetically engineered
mutation that enabled the people to
effectively hibernate through these TYPICAL ZWENITE
long and dark months. Since Zwen DEX: 3 STR: 2 BODY: 4
was a world filled with natural preda­ INT: 2 Wn.L: 2 MIND: 2
tors, this mutation acquired the pro­ INFL: 2 AuRA: 2 SPIRIT: 2
tective feature of being able to turn INmATIVE: 7 HERO PorNTS: 0
the body to a stone-like consistency. •Powers:
Zwenian culture soon developed Suspension: 15
around these long hibernations, great • Limitations:
pride being taken in an individual's Miscellaneous: When Suspension
ability to partake in long periods of Power is used, a Zwenite's body turns
unconsciousness. Few natives possess to stone and he is immobilized. His
the desire to leave Zwen, although DEx is reduced to 0 APs, but his nor­
their natural ability to spend extended mal APs ofDEx are added to his Boov
periods in hibernation have put them for the duration of the Suspension.
much in demand for deep space exploration.
Zwen is the home planet of Stone
Boy of the Legion ofSubstitute Heroes.

All planets have their ovm unique mass and size, which result in a different
degree of gravity on each world. Some of the preceding worlds have a gravity
that is very close to Earth's, while others possess a gravity that is substantially
greater or smaller. The table below summarizes the known gravitational
information about the planets i n this section. Note that natives of the planets
suffer no ill effects from the gravity of their home world. A "t" on the table
indicates that the information is unknown. The categories on the table are:
Name: the name of the world.
OpposingValue Increase: The OV increase of any Physical Action Checks
due to any gravity differences from Earth's. After approximately sixty hours
( 1 7 APs time), Characters adjust to the gravitational differences. If the planet
has a particularly heavy or low gravity, the GM may rule that this adjustment
period will take a somewhat longer or shorter amount of time.
Lift: Any increase or decrease in APs that a Character can lift due to gravity.
This also affects Jumping and other Automatic Actions involving strength. The
modifier is i n effect as long as a Character is on the planet.


Avalon 0 0 Orando 0 0
Bismoll 0 0 Phion 0 0
Braal 0 0 Preztor 0 0
Brande's Asteroid 1 1 The Protean Planet 0 3
Cargg 0 0 Rimbor 0 0
Colu 0 0 Seeris 0 0
Daxam 5 -2 Shanghalla 3 4
The Dominion 0 0 Shwar 2 -1
Dryad 2 0 Simballi 0 0
Durla 3 0 Somahtur 0 0
Gil'dishpan t I Starhaven 0 0

Hykraius t t Takron-Galtos 0 -1
Imsk 0 1 Talok VIII 0 0
Karak 0 0 Taltar 0 0
Kathoon 1 -1 Tharn 0 0
Khundia 5 -1 Tharr 0 0
Kol 2 0 Titan 0 1
Korba] 3 3 Trom 0 0
Labyrinth 0 0 Tulva 0 0
Lallor 0 0 Tyrraz 0 0
Lost World 2 -1 Ve negar 0 0
Lythyl 0 0 Ventura 1 -1
Mardru 2 -1 Webers World 0 0
Mars 1 0 Winath 0 0
Medicus One 0 0 Xanthu 0 0
Monster World 2 -1 Zerox 0 0
Naltor 0 0 Zoon 0 0
Neptune 4 -2 Zwen 2 -2
Nullport 0 0

SECTION SIX: THE T'\ T M R N C T r\ N C -......_
JLI A ..l. A .a......t/ ..1. ..l. � A '-' ..1. .1. � �


The Afterworlds are the final resting place of departed souls. They are
divided into two main areas, commonly referred to as Heaven and Hell, with
a mediating area, the Realm of the Just Dead (see REALM OF THE JUST
DEAD) lying between the two.
Heaven is a place of light and happiness, where souls are freed from the
burdens of life, and rest until they decide to be reincarnated. A lush, pastoral
world, Heaven is suffused by love and good feelings. Anyone who spends even
a short time there will be invigorated and enlightened. The permanent
residents of Heaven are angels, who can assume any shape but are most often
seen as spheres of pure white light. They take little part in the affairs of men,
spending most of their energies maintaining the sanctity of Heaven.
Hell, on the other hand, is a place of darkness and sorrow, where evil souls
are punished for the sins of their lives. Marked by smoldering pits oflava and
brimstone, Hell is overwhelmed by despair and corruption. Even a short time
in Hell will seem like an eternity. Demons rule in Hell, overseeing the tortures
of the damned and reveling in the sufferings they create. They are ordered by
a strict caste system, of which the rhymer class is very high. Etrigan, a demon
long bound to the will of the wizard Merlin, has recently ascended to the
rhymer caste. At present, Hell is ruled by a triumvirate consisting of the
demons Lucifer, Beelzebub and Azazel. For more information on demons, see
A separate section of the Afterworlds has been taken over by the gods of
Mount Olympus (see entry under MOUNT OLYMPUS) for the rewarding
and/or punishing ofbeings who worshiped those gods in life. This area is known
as the House of Hades, and is separated from the rest ofthe Afterworlds by the
river Styx (see entry under HOUSE OF HADES).

ETRIGAN •Advantages:
DEX: 9 STR: 10 B oDY: 12 Area Knowledge (Hell); Connection:
INT: 12 WILL: 17 MIND: 14 Hell (High); Iron Nerves
INFL: 13 AuRA: 17 SPIRIT: 12 • Drawbacks:
INITIATIVE: 34 HERO PoiNTs: 130 Miscellaneous: Etrigan always
•Powers: '"Mystic Linked speaks in rhyming verses.
Awareness: 11, Claws: 13, Flame •Alter Ego: Jason Blood
Project: 13*, Jumping: 3, Precogni­ • Motivation:
tion: 30*, Magic Blast: 16, Mind Probe: Responsibility of Power
20'\ Sorcery: 15 •Occupation:
•Skills: Demon Lord (rhymer caste)
Occultist: 15
• Limitations: TYPICAL DEMON (lower caste)
Miscellaneous: Mind Probe may only DEX: 7 STR: 9 BoDY: 10
be used to learn what the target has INT: 8 WILL: 10 MlNo: 10
experienced in the past, not what he is !NFL: 10 AURA: 12 SPIRIT: 9
thinking. INITIATIVE: 25 HERo PoiNTS: 50

• Powers: ·1'Mystic Linked •Advantages:
Animate Objects: 12, Awareness: 7, Area Knowledge (Hell ); Iron Nerves;
Energy Blast: 10*, Magic Sense: 7, Scholar (torture)
Matter Manipulation: 12*, Sorcery: 10 • Motivation: Nihilist
•Skills: •Occupation: Demons
Occultist: 9


See entry under QWARD.

There is no darker, more dismal place in any known universe thanApokolips,
home to the New God Darkseid and his legions of minions. For a complete
description ofthis world, and statistics on its inhabitants, consu It theApokolips
Apokolips was created at the time
of the death ofthe old gods. In a
blinding flash of indescrib­
able power, their home
was split into two great
halves, filling the uni­
verse with the blind­
ing death-flash of its
destruction. These
two giant, molten
halves were sent
adrift in a silent,
dead universe;
they remained here
for uncounted cen­
turies, swept clean
of all living things.
That era of lifeless­
ness was followed by
the coming ofan age
heralded by the
dawning of a new
light, which
brought new
life to the
dual planets.
On one of
these plan­
ets, the living
atoms ofBalduur,
one ofihe old gods, gave
rise to a race of nobility

and strength. That world became New Genesis (see entry under NEW GEN­
ESIS), home to the New Gods.
The other world was saturated with evil and darkness, spinning forever in
the shadow of New Genesis. li became Apokolips, an unclean world of great
ugliness and suffering, and home to some of this dimension's greatest evils.
Ruling Apokolips is Darkseid, son of former ruler Queen Heggra, from whom
he seized power. Darkseid is the personification of evil: a monstrous, stone­
faced figure who seeks the legendary Anti-Life Equation, with which he will be
able to rule the universe.
Darkseid rules Apokolips from his Tower of Rage, a monumental, fortress­
like palace bwlt in its master's own image. The Tower is protected by a nearly­
impenetrable network of defense systems; anyone foolish enough to venture
inside its walls is unlikely to ever leave. Darkseid is advised by his uncle,
Steppenwolf, and the technological genius of DeSaad, both of whom are
members ofDarkseid's Ruling Elite (a.k.a. Darkseid's Henchmen).
Nothing grows in what little remains of Apokolips' fouled, acidic soil that
hasn't been paved over by concrete and steel or covered by dismal gray
structures and massive machines of war. The air is thick with the smoke and
gases from the energy-producing Flame Pits that dot the planet. The Flame
Pits, which supply light and power io this world, are worked endlessly by the
so-called Hunger Dogs, the enslaved peasants of Apokolips' Armagetto. The
Hunger Dogs have been known to rebel against their enforced labors. These
rebellions have resulted in temporary worldwide power outages, but Darkseid's
fierce troops have always managed to restore order.
One of the most feared places on Apokolips is Granny Goodness' Happiness
Home, a brutal orphanage/boot camp for the dreaded Dog Soldiers, the fierce
warriors who do Darkseid's bidding. The fiendish and masochistic Granny
Goodness (another member ofDarkseid's Ruling Elite) is also responsible for
the ruthless and rigorous training of the Female Furies.
Apokolips and New Genesis have been at war since the two worlds were
formed, the former fighting on the side ofevil, the latter representing the forces
of good. At one point in their histories, in a last ditch, desperate attempt at
peace, Darkseid and the ruler of New Genesis, Highfather, traded sons.
Darkseid sent his son, Orion, to be raised on New Genesis; Highfather sent his
own son, Scott Free, to be tutored in the ways of Apokolips. In time, the pact
was broken, and while Orion fought his evil heritage and battled against his
father, Scott Free stayed true to his background, eventually escaping Granny
Goodness' clutches and fleeing to Earth. Today he is the costumed hero, Mister
Miracle. Scott Free's wife, Barda, is another rebellious alumnus of Granny
Goodness' training, a one-time member of the Female Furies.
Other well-known and greatly-feared denizens ofApokolips include: Mantis,
Kalibak the Cruel, Doctor Bedlam, Dr. Virmin Vundabar, Glorious Godfrey,
Amazing Grace, Kanto the Assassin, and the Deep Six (a team of fish-like
humanoids born and trained on Apokolips).
Apokolips and New Genesis exist in a "closed" galaxy - it is accessible only
through a Boom Tube. Travel between Apokolips and New Genesis within the
"closed" galaxy is possible without a Boom Tube. However, the distance
between the two planets is so wide that even a high-speed spacecraft would
spend several weeks traveling through space to reach the other planet. Boom
Tubes are capable of bridging the distance automatically.

Boom Tubes (sometimes known as Stargates) are wide, hollow cylinders of
gleaming energy. They appear with a loud BOOM! from which they take their name.
In game terms, they are mere a peculiar type ofWarp. To create a Boom Tube,
a Character must obtain the Warp Power from either the X-Element ( a special
New God energy source), or from the Omni-Power of a Mother Box (see
statistics under NEW GENESIS). Any other use of the Warp Power is the
normal kind, not a Boom Tube. Using the Boom Tube to travel from place to
place within the confines ofthe Milky Way Galaxy works exactly according to
the description of the Warp Power in the Character Handbook. To travel from
the Milky Way Galaxy to the New Gods' Galaxy or the Promethean Galaxy
requires an Action Check using the APs ofWarp as the AV/EV and 8/11 as the
OVIRV. Positive RAPs indicate that a Boom Tube between the two galaxies has
been successfully opened.

The Areopagus is the private realm ofAres, the god ofwar. Ares created this
land so that he could withdraw from his fellow gods. He once suffered a
humiliating defeat at the hands of Princess
Diana of Themyscira (see entry under
The Areopagus is a dark and foreboding
sub-dimension of Olympus (see entry un-
der MOUNT OLYMPUS). This realm
was once a land green and fertile with
several species of life. Ares' growing
madness, however, soon corrupted
the land, blackening it, destroying
all life, and rendering it forever a
dead place. In his madness and
delusions,Ares believes he has
driven all life from The
Areopagus; he hopes to destroy all life •Bonus:
on Earth one day. Ares can make himself or selected
Ares shares his evil realm with the individuals visible within his Dark­
demons who resided in Pandora's Box. ness.
• Limitations:
Flame Project creates enchanted fire
ARES that uses the target's DEx!Boov as the
DEX: 10 STR: 22 BODY: 16 AV/EV, but does damage to the target's
lNT: 18 WILL: 26 MIND: 20 Current SPIRIT Condition.
!NFL: 17 AURA: 17 SPIRIT: 18 • Advantages:
INITIATIVE: 45 HERO POINTS: 250 Area Knowledge (the Areopagus,
•Powers: '1'Mystic Linked Mount Olympus); Connections: All
Animate Objects: 19, Aura of Fear: Military Organizations (High), the
12, Energy Blast: 20*, Control: T, Areopagus (High), Mount Olympus
Darkness: 15*, Dimension Travel: 25, (High); Iron Nerves; Leadership;
Energy Absorption: 1 3 * , Flame Scholar (warfare)
Project: 16*, Flight: 20'", Growth: 8*, • Drawbacks:
Hypnotism: 16*, Invulnerability: 25'", Authority Figure; Voluntary Exile
Life Sense: 17, Mind Blast: 15'", Mys­ (New Olympus); Catastrophic Irratio­
tic Shield: 16, Sealed Systems: 20*, nal Attraction to warfare
Skin Armor: 12, Telepathy: 15, • Equipment:
Teleportation: 25*, Sorcery: 20 ARMOR [BODY: 20]
• Alter Ego: Mars
•Skms: • Motivation: Power Lust
Charisma: 20, Occultist: 17 •Occupation: Olympian God ofWar

This dimension is a gray, formless void that is closely intertwined with the
other planes of existence. It is inhabited by monsters that sometimes escape
to the Earth Dimension. It is frequently visited by the mysterious Dr. Occult.

Mystical Community (High), the

DOCTOR OCCULT Seven (High); Genius; Iron Nerves;
DEx: 6 STR: 4 BonY: 5 Sharp Eye
lNT: 8 WILL: 7 MIND: 8 • Drawbacks:
lNFL: 9 AURA: 10 SPIRIT: 9 Dark Secret
INITIATIVE: 23 HERO POINTS: 85 • Equipment:
• Powers: '1'Mystic Linked Mystic Symbol [Boov: 4, SPIRIT: 5,
Dimension Travel: 7, Invisibility: Mystic Link (Reflection/Deflection ): 7,
7'\ Hypnotism: 9*, Illusion: 7'", Tele­ Exorcism: 1 1 ]
kinesis: 9"' Psionic Sensor r Boov: 3 , Detect (evil
•Skills: thought waves): 9, R#: 3)
Detective: 1 1 , Occultist: 1 1 •Alter Ego: Unknown
• Advantages: • Motivation: Seeking Justice
Area Knowledge (Astral Plane); •Occupation: Private Investigator
Buddy (Rose Psychic ); Connections: •Wealth: 5


Over 900 years ago, a large group of cultists, under the leadership of a
woman named Azar, renounced the violent ways of Earth and left the planet.
Utilizing their powers and belief, Azar and her followers traveled to another
dimension, where they established the pacifistic community called Azarath.
Azar and her people cleansed themselves of their evils and aggression in this
dimension, but these evil forces were not destroyed. Rather, they merged,
growing and flowing out of Azarath into the surrounding dimensions beyond
the portal known as Azarath's Great Door. And, while the followers of Azar
lived their lives of peace and harmony, a dark, evil threat, born of their
expunged evil natures, was fermenting in other realms.
In another dimension, the last inhabitants of a dying world had successfully
mated a woman of their mystic sect with one of their demon-gods. The ritual
called upon the evil forces from Azarath and resulted, nine months later, in the
birth of the demon-child Trigon. Within three short decades, Trigon had
destroyed his mother and her home world and ruled his entire dimension and
its millions of inhabited worlds. In his unquenchable thirst for power, he
sought to rule all dimensions. In his pursuit of that goal, Trigon seduced an
Earth woman and fathered a child. Upon learning who her lover had been, the
woman went mad and was about to commit suicide. However, an emissary
from Azarath appeared to the woman and promised her and her child
sanctuary in a realm where peace and pacifism was practiced. She accepted the
offer and went with the emissary to Azarath, where she was named Arella (the
Messenger Angel).
Arella's child, a girl who was named Raven, was born on Azarath. On the day
Raven was born, the formerly-clear blue skies of Azarath turned dark and
stormy, and its people feared the offspring of an otherdimensional demon and
Earth woman. They feared she might one day be taken over by her father's dark
side, but the goddess Azar took Raven in and gave her an inner calm, teaching
her to suppress her emotions and to resist Trigon's influence.
Trigon spent decades trying to pierce the dimensional barrier between his
dimension and Earth, but he was held at bay by a group of Azarathian
sorcerers. Despite their efforts, Trigon eventually succeeded. Raven, with the
help ofthe New Teen Titans and Arella, forced the demon-god into a netherverse,
its dimensional doorway to be guarded through eternity by Arella. Trigon
eventually succeeded in escaping, however, and channeled the life-forces ofthe
billion souls in his dimension to grant him the power to once again enter
Earth's dimension. Weary of the Azarathians' interference, Trigon used his
power to utterly destroy Azarath. The Azarathians' souls still existed, how­
ever; they resided in special rings worn by Raven. These souls' combined power
was eventually utilized to destroy Trigon.
Azarath was the ultimate realm of beauty and peace. Here, soaring towers
of unimaginable grace and beauty were connected by graceful skyways. The
dimension had a wealth of fragrant flora which was unknown in any other
dimension, and gentle beasts roamed freely across the land. Violence and
aggression were unknown, and all disputes were settled by the goddess Azar,
whom the people of Azarath worshiped for her kindness and gentle nature.
For more information on Raven, Arella, Azarath and Trigon, see the New
Titans Sourcebook.
1 71
Bgtzl is one of the most
unique planets in known
space. It shares the same
space as Earth, but exists
on the fourth dimensional
plane. What makes Bgtzl
unique is the ability of its
inhabitants to become im­
material at will and pass
through solid objects. When
they phase through objects,
the Bgtzlrs are actually
shifting themselves into an
enormous buffer zone be­
tween Bgtzl and Earth
known as the "Bgtzl Zone."
Bgtzl was unknown to the
people of Earth until the 24th
Century, when the Bgtzlrs sent
gulfto open diplomatic relation-

DEX: 2 STR: 2 BonY: 2
INT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
Dispersal: 8, Dimension Travel: 3
• Limitations:
Dimension Travel can only be used
to travel between the Earth Dimen­
sion and Bgtzl; Dimension Travel
cannot be used to transport others
between dimensions.

The from the immortal Maltusians (see entries
under MAL whom they broke offover a philosophical dispute
many millions of years ago.
One of the Maltusians, a being called Krona, had unleashed evil upon the
universe about ten billion years ago by conducting illegal experiments in an

attempt to learn the nature of the origins of the universe and life. The
Maltusians banished Krona from their universe, and, in penance for the evil
perpetrated upon the universe by one of their number, migrated to Oa and
elected to dedicate their immortal existence to combating these evil forces.
The majority ofOans, realizing that their numbers were too few to effectively
conduct this mission themselves, chose to act through agents who would work
from within mortal societies. From this idea, the robotic agents called
Manhunters evolved; later, the Green Lantern Corps was started. The Oans
then became the Guardians of the Universe.
A minority of the Guardians, however, disagreed with this philosophy and
believed that the evil Krona had loosed upon the universe was an infection that
needed to be destroyed and cut out like a cancer. When the two factions failed
to reach an amiable solution, the more radical Oans decided to quit Oa and left
their home dimension for other realms.
Once settled in their new dimensional space, these renegade Oans developed
weapons of awesome power, one ofwhich was assigned to each oftheir number.
They were then each assigned a specific segment ofthc time/space continuum
to watch over. Their mission was simple: observation, and the destruction of
any dimension and/or portion thereofwhere evil had gotten out ofcontrol . They
called themselves Controllers, and, over the billions ofyears that followed the
split, evolved into a new race greatly different from the Oans who had
remained behind.
The Controllers applied their philosophy of destruction to many different
"infected" dimensions and galaxies, but never had cause to touch Earth's
dimension until the 30th Century. It was then that the Controller assigned to
this dimension elected to unleash his weapon, a Sun-Eater, on Earth's solar
system. The Controller's weapon was stopped by the heroic sacrifice of the
Legion of Super-Heroes' Ferro Lad.
The Controllers are beings of great powers and have the ability to alter
matter and energy at will. Because of this, the Controllers' dimension is an
ever-changing place, with the environment constantly being altered to sujt the
whims of its inhabitants. While the Sun-Eater (a gaseous entity capable of
consuming entire stars) is the only one of the Controllers' weapons that has
been seen, it is assumed that other, equally potent devices exist. However, with
the vast mental powers at the Controllers' disposal, it is impossible to even
imagine what form these devices might take.


DEx: 6 STR: 4 BODY: 14 Gadgetry: 15, Scientist: 15
INT: 15 WILL: 25 MIND: 20 •Advantages:
INFL: 10 AURA: 13 SPIRIT: 10 Connections: Guardians of the Uni­
INITIATIVE: 31 HERO PoiNTS: 100 verse (Low), Legion of Super-Heroes
•Powers: (Low); Genius; Omni-Connection
Comprehend Languages: 14, Energy •Drawbacks:
Absorption: 15, Matter Manipulation: Guilt
25, Invulnerability: 24, Regeneration: • Motivation:
12, Telepathy: 25, Omni-Power: 12 Responsibility of Power

Darkworld is an otherdimensional realm that is adjacent to Earth. From
this realm, the planet's magical energies, or mana, have been derived since the
rise of the people who became the citizens of Atlantis (see entry under
Darkworld's origins were unknown to even the magically sophisticated
Atlanteans. When attempts at exploration nearly one million years ago proved
too dangerous to those who dared to cross the magical threshold between the
worlds, the investigations were halted. Darkworld lapsed into the realm of
superstition and myth; it became a place that was used to frighten unruly
children into submission. Atlanteans believed Darkworld to be the plane
which housed their concepts of heaven and hell and the source of all the
magical power in the universe. Darkworld was also believed to be home to a
wide array of Atlantean deities, both good and evil, and of mythical demons,
imps, and beasts.
In truth, Darkworld came into being in a flash of thought, more than one
billion years ago, in the mind of an otherdimensional universal being whose
dark dreams were given solid reality as a separate dimension within the
universal consciousness. Born at that instant ofcreation were the magical gods
and creatures who inhabit that world. Chief among these deities were the
Weaver, the guardian and master of the mystical multi-colored threads of
magical energies; Calculha, the benign master of all that is pure in the magical
arts; Chaon, the twisted god of evil and Chaos; his cosmic opposite, Gemimn,
goddess of Order; Tynan, the cosmic Balancer of Chaos and Order; Deedra,
goddess of nature and Earth; and Jheryl, goddess of truth and knowledge.
Darkworld, at its height, was apparently infinite, its landscape ever­
changing according to the whims of the gods and the expectations and state of
mind of the observer. This magical dimension is not the location of the
Atlantean heaven and hell, although the mystic essence of slain sorcerers are
returned to Darkworld to rejoin the mystic whole and await rebirth. The place
where the non-magical dead go is accessible through Darkworld to those who
possess the proper incantations. At the very heart ofDarkworld lies a nexus
through which other dimensions and worlds can be accessed.
Arion, Lord of Atlantis, the immortal son of the god Calculha and the evil
sorceress Dark Majistra, spent most of his existence in Darkworld after the
destruction of his physical being 500,000 years ago in a battle for power
between his mother and father. After five hundred millennia under the care of
the goddess Jheryl, Arion was recalled to the land of the Jiving, where he was
instrumental in the later battle for the preservation of Darkworld and its
magical powers.
When Atlantis was young, the powers ofDarkworld were at their greatest.
However, with the passage of time, the power of the mana began to weaken,
the Atlanteans believing that their heavy use of magic to maintain the world
had depleted its strength.
The truth, however, was that the universal consciousness was beginning to
awaken, the dreams of Darkworld fading in the process. Since time flowed
differently for this otherdimensional being, the awakening took tens of
thousands of years. But, with the lessening of the mana came an increase in
trouble for the world.
Now unable to maintain its control over their environment, the Atlanteans
began to suffer through climatic and geological disasters ranging from the

coming of deadly ice ages to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Creatures
that mankind now considers mythical and which once flourished on Earth
began to die from the lack of magic. The Atlantean civilization was forced to
begin an exploration of the physical laws and sciences to replace their
magically driven civilization.
While Earth was suffering the side effects, Darkworld itself was coming
apart, much like the threads of a tapestry, unraveling and shrinking. Entire
portions of the realm were disappearing and only the strongest ofthe gods and
mystical beings were able to maintain their tenuous hold on existence. Some
45,000 years ago, Arion, now king of the dying Atlantean civilization, spear­
headed the effort to return Darkworld's universal consciousness to a state of
sleep and preserve the magic, for ifall the magic left the world, the Atlanteans
themselves would perish. Arion and his allies, both human and godly, were
only partially successful, their efforts resulting in the reclamation of only a
small fragment of Darkworld, giving the Atlanteans a renewed, albeit rela­
tively brief, time of existence.
Eventually, the mana dwindled down to the barest trickle, and all save a few
Atlanteans who were able to adapt to an existence of science, died. Of Arion's
fate, nothing is known for sure, but it is believed he resides in what is left of
Darkworld, forever cut off from the world by the barriers that prevent all but
the barest of magical energies from leaking through to the Earthly realm.


Many eons ago, before the arrival of mankind, Krona ofMaltus (see entries
under MALTUS, OA), an almost unequaled scientist, foolishly delved into the
one area of science forbidden even to the worldly Maltusians: the origin of the
universe itself. Krona's actions split the universe into two equal halves, the
positive matter, and the anti-matter, and unleashed the forces of evil and chaos.
This evil, hitherto unknown, manifested itself on the newly forged Earth in
the form ofmany powerful races of demons, who sprang up and took control of
the planet. Under the demons, Earth was a dark place upon which chaos ruled
and nightmares came true. Eventually, the evil Earth attracted the attention
ofthe mystical Lords ofOrder (see DOMAIN OF THE LORDS OF ORDER).
Mter a long and bloody struggle, the Lords of Order managed to round up all
of the demons and banish them to a nether dimension, while constructing a
barrier that would prevent them from ever again breaching the Earth plane.
Anticipating banishment, each demon constructed and hid his own mystical
talisman somewhere on Earth. These mystical tools were often disguised as
simple items of antiquity, such as a wheel or a bell. Each of these powerful
objects allows the demon to whom it is linked to breach the dimensional barrier
constructed by the Lords of Order and again enter the Earth plane. The catch
is that the talisman must be in the possession of someone already on the Earth
dimension capable of performing the ritual that activates the device. Ever
since the Earth's Middle Ages, there have been cults of human demon
worshipers who spend their time trying to locate and activate as many of the
mystic talismans as possible.
While the demons can travel from this dimension to many others, especially
the Mterworlds (see entry under THE AFTERWORLDS), they are not able

to use the Dimension Travel Power to go to the Earth dimension unless
summoned. Beings other than demons can travel to and from this dimension
Talismans [BoDY: 25, SPIRIT: 25, Dimension Travel: 65]
Limitations: A special ritual must be performed over a talisman by one ofthe
corresponding demon's agents on Earth, and the agent must receive positive
RAPs on a Dimension Travel Action Check against an OV!RV of 50/50. The
Power of the Talismans is useless for any other purpose.


This vast plane ofwhite light is home to the nigh-omnipotent Lords o fOrder.
The Lords believe that the history of the universe is defined by four separate
eras, oryugas. The first yuga is characterized by perfection, with no disorder
or evil to be found anywhere in the multiple planes of existence. In the second
yuga, existence still acts in harmony, but the first tracings ofevil begin to creep
into existence. The third yuga is an all-out battle between the forces of chaos
and the forces of order - a battle that order is doomed to lose. In the fourth,
or kali yuga, chaos rises triumphant and darkness reigns over the universe
until existence comes to an end and the cycle begins all over again.
The Lords of Order believe that the kali yuga began with the Anti-Monitor's
assault on the positive matter universe (see entry under QWARD), and have
removed themselves from the battle against chaos, much to the chagrin oftheir
erstwhile Earthbound agent, Doctor Fate. The Lords have even gone so far as
to try and speed chaos' victory, in hopes of bringing about the end of the
universe and the rebirth ofthe firstyuga. Doctor Fate has sworn to prevent this
end, as it would mean the destruction of creation as we know it.

The exact location ofthe Dream Dimension has not, and most likely cannot,
ever be known. However, it is beheved that all beings who dream have access
to it at some time or another, even if only for brief moments, while they sleep.
The Dream Dimension is ruled by Morpheus, a.k.a. the Sandman, a human­
oid entity who is believed to be omnipotent in his realm. The Sandman is the
absolute monarch of his dimension; he is master over whatever (mostly
unknown) forms of life may reside there. It is difficult to describe the
topography of the Dream Dimension - it is essentially formless and ever­
changing, depending on the particular dream that one is experiencing.
Within the Dream Dimension resides every dream, hope, and fear of
mankind, upon which the Sandman can eavesdrop at will. When these dreams
and nightmares get out of control for their human recipients, the Sandman is
able to intercede on their behalfto help them solve their problems.
There is no known access to the Dream Dimension except through one's
dreams; even then, the individual may never realize exactly where he or she
has been. From time to time, it has been possible to reach the Afterworlds from
the Dream Dimension, but these occassions are very rare. Two "outposts" of

the dream realm are known to make periodic visits to Earth: the House of
Mystery and the House of Secrets (see entry under HOUSE OF MYSTERY
AND HOUSE OF SECRETS), which are operated by the reincarnations of
the biblical Cain and Abel, respectively.
Statistics for Morpheus can be found on page 67 of the Background/Roster
Book of the DC HEROES Role-Playing Game.

This dimension contains not only the Earth, but also all ofthe other planets,
galaxies and solar systems that make up the known universe. This dimension
is outlined in Sections One through Five.


See entry under ZRFFF.


Gemworld is a land of unimaginable beauty and strange, storybook-like

magic that exists on a dimensional plane adjacent to the Earth.
Gemworld's origins lay in Earth's ancient past, in an age predating known
history when the planet was ruled by magic. In that age, Earth was populated
by normal, nonmagical humans, as well as by a race of powerful sorcerers who
coexisted with the mythological beasts of a thousand different realms and
worlds. These sorcerers, whose existence was kept secret from the mundane
world, exerted considerable influence upon Earth and were separated into
twelve great nations, or Houses, of magicians. Each House had its powers
keyed to a different gemstone; each stone had unique properties to which the
sorcerers of that House owed their particular powers.
The magicians of the twelve Houses were eventually forced to flee Earth
when a distant cosmic catastrophe caused repercussions which would soon
wipe the planet and dimension clean of magic. With the zodiacal alignments
disrupted by the catastrophe, the magic began to slowly fade away, threaten­
ing to reduce these magical beings to the level of normal humans. To protect
their magic, the masters ofthe twelve Houses banded together and gave their
great powers to a young witch named Citrina. The sorcerers sent Citrina offto
seek a new, unformed magical dimension beyond the Earthly plane. Once the
dimension was discovered, she was to pow· forth her powers to create a new
home for the magicians.
What Citrina discovered was Gemworld, a place conceived on a medieval
paradigm that was made to work by magical means. The Houses relocated
their people to this realm, where the laws of physics have been supplanted by
the laws of magic. Here, such concepts as gravity and time are controlled by the
whims of its magical masters.
The physical plane of Gemworld consists of a single great land mass

surrounded by a vast sea, with several small clusters of islands just offshore.
Gem world is flat, and its sea is circular in shape and continually cascades off
the ends of the world. It is not known what lies beyond the edge. The land of
Gemworld is broken up into twelve nations corresponding to the Houses. These
are: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Diamond, Emerald, Garnet, Moonstone, Opal,
Ruby, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Topaz, and Turquoise. In most cases, these nations
take on the character and properties of their gemstones; for example, the
people of Aquamarine are seafarers.
Perhaps one of the most peculiar aspects of this dimension is its sun, which
is a living entity. As the sun moves from east to west across the Gemworld sky,
it depletes its fiery energy so that by the time it is two-thirds ofthe way through
its journey, it has become a moon, bringing night to the world. By morning, its
energy is replenished and it begins the cycle anew.
Gemworld is overseen by the Council of Houses and has been ruled over by
various Houses throughout its history. The first of these was the House of
Ruby. It was later peacefully supplanted by the House of Amethyst, which led
Gemworld through a long, beneficent reign. Dark Opal, Lord ofthe House of
Opal, seized control ofGemworld for a time. The Princess Amethyst eventually
regained control and was returned to Gemworld from Earth, where she had
been hidden by the Witch-Mother Citrina for this purpose. It was eventually
learned that Princess Amethyst was the first human-born Lord of Order (one
of the two factions [the other being the Lords of Chaos] who have fought for
control of the universes of all dimensions since the dawn of time).
Sometime in the future, Gemworld will be transported back to the Earth
dimension, where it will become known as Zerox (see entry under ZEROX), the
Sorcerers' World from which the 30th Century's Legion ofSuper-Heroes' White
Witch and their magical foe, Mordru, will come.

DEX: 4 STR: 3 BODY: 7 DEX: 8 STR: 7 BODY: 9
!NT: 10 WLLL: 14 Mum: 9 INT: 7 VVn.L: 9 Mmo: 7
!NFL: 10 AURA: 15 SPIRIT: 15 INFL: 8 AURA: 6 SPIRIT: 1 1
•Powers: '·''Mystic Linked
Magic Sense: 8, Sorcery: 15
Awareness: 10, Flight: 10*, Magic
Sense: 10, Sorcery: 22
Charisma: 1 1 , Martial Artist: 10,
•Skills: Occultist: 9, Weaponry: 10
Occultist: 1 1 , Weaponry: 4 •Advantages:
Area Knowledge (Gemworldl; Con­
•Advantages: nection: Lords of Chaos (Lowl; Iron
Area Knowledge CGemworldl; Con­ Nerves; Leadership
nections: Gemworld ( Highl, Lords of • Drawbacks:
Order (Low); Popularity Authority Figure; Serious Rage;
Strange Appearance
• Drawbacks: • Equipment:
Innocent; Catastrophic Physical MYSTIC ARMOR [BODY: 11, S!'IRIT: 13]
Restriction (blind, later in career only) • Motivation: Power Lust
•Alter Ego: Amy Winston •Occupation:
•Motivation: Upholding the Good Deposed Ruler of Gemworld
•Occupation: Princess ofGemworld •Wealth: 10
•Wealth: 8

Located in a grove in Brazil, south of Concordia and near the source of the
river Tefe, is the place known as the Parliament of Trees. This area is a tiny
pocket of lush, fertile greenery in a world otherwise poisoned by pollution.
It is in this grove that the plant-like elemental beings who watch over the
Earth seek refuge when they have grown weary of their duties. These
elementals have been walking the Earth (which is itself a living, sentient
entity, albeit one whose particular form ofsentience is beyond the comprehen­
sion of all but a few select beings) since before the dawn of human history. The
elementals are created from men who have died in flames; the humans' bodies
are replaced by inhuman-looking plant elementals bearing a consciousness
patterned after that of the dead man. They form by arising from the mire in
which the dead had been submerged.
Upon their creation, the plant elementals (known as Erl-Kings) are sent out
into the world as protectors and guardians ofthe plant realm. Eventually, each
tires of his duties or the distractions of the outside world, at which time he is
summoned to join the Parliament of Trees. The Parliament consists of the
earlier elementals, all of whom have taken root in the Brazilian grove in the
form of trees. In time, they abandon all mobility and power of speech,
communicating telepathically among themselves. The elementals of the Par­
liament oversee the Earth and attempt to protect it from the damage wrought
by its human inhabitants; the Parliament is also responsible for the con­
tinuation of the plant elemental line that serves as the Earth's champions.

In addition to existing on the Earth plane as trees, the members of the
Parliament have the ability to submerge their consciousness into the Green,
the living life force ofthe planet. Only Characters with the ability to leave their
bodies and travel astrally can enter the Green. While traveling in spirit form
through this region, the Green appears as a nurturing field of green force that
ebbs and flows in response to stimuli from the Earth. Sometimes, glimpses of
the Earth dimension can be seen from the Green, although these are usually
restricted to visions of the roots of great trees and other plants. When a
Parliament member leaves the Green to resurface on Earth, he grows a new
body from the local vegetation for his mind to inhabit or reenters a discarded
body grown previously.
Known members of the Parliament include: Great Uri, guardian of prehis­
toric Africa; the Ghost Hiding in the Rushes, who once dwelt in and protected
China; Erl-King, of medieval Europe; and Jack in the Green, from turn-of-the­
century England.
The currently active plant elemental is Swamp Thing, whose consciousness
is derived from deceased scientist, Alec Holland. This Swamp Thing was
preceded by two previous "Swamp Things," the first of which began life as
scientist Alex Olsen, who died in flames in 1905. After Olsen's retirement to the
Parliament, he was replaced in 1942 by German military pilot Albert Hollerer,
who was shot down in flames and crashed down into a bog. The consciousness
that arose was damaged and confused and spent a dozen years in aimless
wandering across the Earth before joining the Parliament. This incarnation of
Swamp Thing brought a toy plane with him as a reminder ofhis past life; the
plane now hangs from one of the branches in the Parliament grove.
Hollerer was succeeded by Alec Holland, who was shown the way to the
Parliament by one ofthe few humans to know ofits existence, John Constantine.
Humans are not allowed to stand before the Parliament unless summoned by
the elementals.


There were once two branches ofthe h urnan race, our own homo sapiens, and
another, the homo magi. Where the homo sapiens struggled with nature and
learned the laws of nature and primitive science, bending those laws to his will,
the homo magi were one with the natural order, controllingthe forces of magic.
The early homo sapiens tribes led a hard life, fighting for every morsel offood,
learning the art of war and the science ofkilling, while the homo magi, able to
command mystical forces, lived in a veritable paradise. Despite their fewer
numbers, the homo magi would have ruled the world, but for one weakness:
whenever a member ofthe homo magi race met a homo sapiens ofthe opposite
sex, both were immediately attracted to each other. As the generations and
centuries passed, the two races evolved in parallel ways, but with one crucial
difference: while homo sapiens increased in number, the homo magi dwindled,
a situation that was worsened for the homo magi by the constant intermar­
riage between the species, inspired by the strange genetic attraction.
Finally, during the time of the fall of the Roman Empire, fearful that there
race would be absorbed by homo sapiens, the homo magi fled the known world,
and created a hidden retreat in a valley in northern Tmkey. To protect their
new home from the outside world, the Hidden Land was shifted into a nearby
dimension, where it would be safe from the prying eyes of mankind. This
dimensional shift is held in place by a gem called the Medulla Jewel: once per
generation, a member of the homo magi is born with one of the gems in the
medulla section of their brain. The
most recent possessors ofthe Medulla
DEx: 2 STR: 2 Boov: 2
Jewel have been Sindella, one of the
lNT: 2 WILL: 2 MIND: 2
few homo magi to leave the Hidden
Land since its creation, and her
daughter, the heroine known as INITIATIVE: 8 HERo PoTN'l's: 0
• Powers:
Zatanna, who has rejected her role in
the destiny of the homo magi in order Sorcery: 5
to serve the world at large.

The spirits ofthose mortals who worshiped the gods ofancient Greece reside
i n Hades, one of the sma11er areas of the Afterworlds (see THE
The House of Hades is connected to Olympus (see entry under MOUNT
OLYMPUS> by the river Styx, a motionless river of black waters over which
Charon, the boatman, transports the dead souls to their final resting place.
The House of Hades is divided into two realms: Elysium and Tartarus. The
fields of Elysium are bright and beautiful; this land is where the souls of the
good and heroic go to spend all eternity in blissful peace with their loved ones.
Tartarus is the deep, black abyss where the evil and the non-believers are sent
to live out eternity in torture and sorrow, alongside imprisoned Titans and an
assortment of vile monsters.
The House of Hades is ruled by Hades, who keeps to his shadowy realm of
the dead. He spurns the company of his Olympian brethren in favor of his own
dark work. While there is little he can do to the souls fortunate enough to enter
the Elysium Fields, Hades finds much amusement in devising new and more
hideous tortures for those consigned to endure the horrors ofTartams. There
are as many different possibilities for landscapes and settings in Tartarus as
there are souls to torment.
While the House of Hades is the realm of the dead, living beings have been
known to seek entry across the river Styx, usually on a quest to contact or
rescue one of the souls it has claimed. While such expeditions usually end in
failure, a few have been known to successfully cross the river and return to the
land of the living. More often, however, Hades will claim these unwitting
travelers and condemn them to a life of living hell under his dark rule.


The House of Mystery and the House ofSecrets are two huge, old, sprawling
mansions located on opposite sides of a cemetery; they are sometimes found
somewhere in the Kentucky Hills. The provisional natut·e of their location is
due to the fact that both of these ancient structures are interdimensional

portals between Earth and the Dream Dimension (see entry under THE
DREAM DIMENSION). The Houses have been known to change locations
with apparent randomness, or, at times, to depart the Earthly dimension
entirely and return to the outskirts of the Dream Dimension for unknown
durations, as time flows differently in this foreign realm. In short, the Houses
appear whenever and wherever they are needed.
The caretaker of the House of Mystery is Cain, while the House ofSecrets is
overseen by Abel. Cain and Abel are reincarnations ofthe biblical brothers and
arc subservient to the will of their master, the Sandman. The Sandman gave
the brothers their renewed lives and assigned them to their posts in the Houses
in some far-distant past time. Both Cain and Abel are master storytellers; they
assist the Sandman by helping the men and women who reach their macabre
residences ( most often while in a dream state) through their difficulties with
an endless supply of allegorical tales designed to resolve their troubles.
When someone first approaches the Houses, he or she is greeted by Cain or
Abel and offered a choice of being entrusted with either a mystery or a secret.
Mysteries are always dark and impenetrable, but offer their recipients salva­
tion. Secrets must be forever kept to one's self. After making his or her choice,
the visitor is taken inside the house and is shown a lesson that relates to that
person's life or situation. It is believed that only those selected by the Sandman
are ever able to find and enter the Houses.
The Houses themselves defy all rational explanation and perception, exist­
ing outside the laws of reason and physics. These ramshackle Victorian
mansions appear normal from the outside, but inside they are seemingly
unending, with a myriad of twisting passages, secret access ways, hidden
tunnels, and an uncountable number of rooms. Each room houses the secrets,
relics, beings, or artifacts of different cultures from a variety of different times
and interdimensional spaces. Periodically, Cain and Abel are required to
catalog this wealth of possessions that overflow their Houses.
Cain and Abel have been at odds ever since their initial incarnations as the
first murderer and his first victim. While both brothers have apparently been
granted immortality by the Sandman, they nonetheless continue their ancient
feud, with the masochistic Cain forever harassing the shy, retiring Abel.
Game statistics for Cain and Abel may be found on page 22 oftheBackground I
Roster Book.


Set in a dark, distant, dimensional plane, the Land of the Nightshades is a
strange, "Alice In Wonderland"-like realm of shadow and sorcery.
The Land of the Nightshades is accessible to Earth only through shadows
and by those who were born on that otherdimensional world. It is a strange,
psychedelic realm of small, independent feudal city-states, each of which is
ruled by a hereditary monarch. Though wars are not common, it is not
unknown for two or more city-states to engage in armed disputes over
territorial matters. Such conflicts do not often last long, and the continued
disunity between the various monarchs make it unlikely that any number of
them will ever band together to make a serious, full-scale conflict possible.
The one thing on which all the monarchs can agree is the threat of the evil
Incubus, a magical, evil being who commands fierce flying warriors. The
Incubus spent several thousand years attempting to conquer the kingdoms of

the Land of the Nightshades, but, thanks mostly to the efforts of one royal
family, he had been prevented from accomplishing his goals. However. the last
remaining member of that family, the Princess Magda, was forced to flee her
native dimension when the Incubus proved too great a threat. Magda settled
on Earth, married a U.S. senator, and had two children, Eve and Lan-y. She
did not tell her secrets to her husband, and it wasn't unti I many years later that
she told the two children the truth of their otherdimensional origins.
Magda showed her children how to use their inherited powers to cross the
dimensions through shadows. Upon landing in the Land of the Nightshades,
they were attacked by the Incubus' warriors. Magda was fatally wounded. and
Larry was carried off by the vile horde before Eve could escape back to Earth.
Eve vowed to one day return to the Land of the Nightshades to avenge her
mother and rescue her brother.
Years later, Eve returned to the Land of the Nightshades with the Suicide
Squad, only to find that the Incubus had occupied Larry and was using him as
a host body. In the melee that followed the Squad's arrival, the sharpshooter
known as Deadshot killed Larry, and presumably the Incubus as well. upon the
Incubus' death, the Land of the Nightshades began to crumble, and it is
believed that it is now completely destroyed. Only with the help of Shade the
Changing Man (see entry under META-ZONE) was the Squad able to return to Earth.
For Nightshade's statistics, see page 56 of the Background I Roster Book .

The only feature of Limbo is its complete featurelessness. There is no color,
light, darkness, height, weight, depth, or time in Limbo;just total nothingness.
Since its discovery by Earth magicians in the Middle Ages, Limbo has been a
favorite dimension for the banishing of enemies, as it is very easy to get into
Limbo, but nearly impossible to get out. If a being is banished to Limbo, the
Character using the Dimension Travel (Banishment) Power receives a -2 CS
bonus to the OV!RV ofhis banishing Action Check. All attempts to leave Limbo
suffer a +2 CS penalty to the OV!RV of the Dimension Travel (Summoning or
Travel) Action Check.

Details of this otherdimensional world and its undersea civilizations are
few; even its actual name is unknown. It has come to be known as Mer·a's World
because of one of its three inhabitants known on our own dimensional plane is
Mera, the wife of Aquaman.
It is assumed that the civilizations of Mera's World are similar to those of
Atlantis (see entry under ATLANTIS > on Earth. That is, it is inhabited by a
race of water-breathing humanoids, spread over several city-states on the
ocean floor. It is further assumed that Mera's World is covered almost entirely
by vast oceans.
What is known for certain is that Mera herself was a queen on this world,
having inherited the throne upon the death of her father. The usurper Leron,
however, led powerful rebel forces, overthrew Mera and seized control of the
kingdom. Mera fled for her life through a dimensional warp created by the

scientistXebel. In this way, she came to Earth's Atlantic Ocean, where she met
Aquaman and Aqualad of Atlantis, and gained a psionic power that enabled
her to solidify and shape water at wilt. Aquaman and Aqualad helped her to
return to her home world and defeat Leron so that Mera could regain the
throne. Mera voluntarily abdicated her rule a short time later so that she could
return to Earth and be with the man she loved, Aquaman (who she eventually married).
Mera and Aquaman lived happily until the death of their infant son. After
that, Mera's mental state dete1;orated, and she blamed her husband for their
son's death. When, in her madness, Mera tried to kill her husband, Aquaman
accidentally killed her while defending himself against her attack.
Mera's game statistics are located on page 93 ofthe Background I Roster Book.


The Meta-Zone is the home dimension o f the world Meta, a planet o f high
technology and advanced science.
Meta is ruled by a powerful elected official who oversees the world's planet­
wide government, including the military, the legislature, and the secret
service. This world leader is advised by a cadre of specialists from many fields
including economics, the sciences, agriculture, and the arts. The cities ofMeta
are high-tech wonders ofarchitecture where poverty is all but unknown. These
cities are situated on the three major continental land masses of Meta, which
are widely separated by seas teeming with a wide variety of life forms. The
polar regions of the planet are mostly uninhabited, except for scattered
scientific outposts.
Vast government-owned farming communities manned by highly-paid agri­
cultural specialists across the planet provide a more than adequate supply of
food for all of Meta's population. Despite these seemingly idyllic conditions,
Meta is rife with political dissent, with vaJ;ous factions constantly vying for
supremacy. Because of this, the planet's secret service is a vast bureaucracy
with its many hands in virtually every aspect of Metan life.
The main political threat to Meta's peace and security was Sude, the
Sup1·eme Decider and head of a conspiracy to take over both Meta and Earth.
Earth had been discovered by Metan scientistsyears before, existing on the far
side of the mysterious Zero-Zone, a realm of empty space that separates Earth
from the Meta-Zone. With only a few living beings having ever entered the
Zero-Zone, almost nothing is known of this strange, otherdimensional realm,
except that it is sometimes known as the Area of Madness.
Thanks to the efforts ofRac Shade, the top agent ofthe Metan secret service,
Sude was defeated and the threat to Meta ended. Shade was outfitted with the
M-Vest (an invention of the planet's greatest scientist, Dr. Miraco), which
enabled him to distort others' perceptions according to their emotional state.
The vest also projected a protective force field that enabled Shade to travel
between dimensions. While stranded on Earth, Shade is known as the
superhero Shade the Changing Man and works with the Suicide Squad (see
entry under BELLE REVE>. After a mission on Apokolips, Darkseid seemed
to send Shade back to Meta, but whether or not he finally arrived remains to be seen.
Shade's DC HEROES statistics are located on page 56 of the Background/
Roster Book in the DC HEROES Role-Playing Game.


Olympus has, since the dawn oftime, been home to the deities ofthe Greco­
Roman pantheon. Legend has it that Olympus was located atop the 9,570 foot­
high Mount Olympus, part of the twenty-five mile long chain of mountains
located in northern Greece. In reality, however, that high peak served only as
the interdimensional gateway to the powerful magical pocket dimension
where the gods actuaUy dwelt.
Mount Olympus was established during an age long before the birth of
mankind, after the six children of Chronus and Rhea overthrew the reigning
Titans. The three brothers ofRhea's brood then cast lots for dominance over the
three domains of the mundane world, with Poseidon drawing the seas, Hades
the netherworld ofthe dead (see entry under HOUSE OF HADES), and Zeus the skies.
Each of these gods reigned supreme over his respective world, with only the
Earth itself and the realm of Olympus left as common ground to all. By virtue
of his reign over the skies and thunder, Zeus, the father of the gods, was given
the power to rule Olympus itself.
The physical laws ofthe Olympian dimension differ greatly from the natural
laws of Earth. The structure of its space is non-Euclidean, with physical space
wrapping around itself, the magical nature of its reality allowing for an
artificial gravity to exist on any surface.
Mount Olympus was a beautiful, otherworldly place of classical Greco­
Roman architecture, monumental fountains and pools, and the Hall of the
Gods, a structure whose majesty defies description.
Among the gods who live upon Mount Olympus are: Hera, consort of Zeus
and the patroness of marriage; Poseidon, whose children, some claim, created
Atlantis (see entry under ATLANTIS); Demeter. goddess ofagriculture; Hestia,
goddess ofhome and hearth; Aphrodjte, the goddess oflove and mother ofEros;
Athena, goddess of wisdom; Ares, god of war (see entry under THE
AREOPAGUS); Hephaestus, god of fire and metalworking; Hermes, god of
commerce, herdsmen, and thieves. who is also the herald of the gods; Apollo,
god of light, poetry, and music; his twin sister Artemis, goddess of the hunt;
Dionysus, god of the vineyards and wine; Pan, god of the countryside and
nature; and Persephone, goddess of Spring.
In recent years (as time is reckoned on Earth), the villainous Darkseid of
Apokolips (see entry under APOKOLIPS), one of the race of New Gods who
supplanted the Olympians, nearly succeeded in destroying Mount Olympus.
To fight Darkseid's evil, the gods ofOiympuswere forced to abandon their ages­
old home. Zeus and his brothers, Hades and Poseidon, banded together to
forge a new compact, which led to the creation of New Olympus, a new secret
pocket dimension located far from Earth's own dimensional plane. Their move
caused a temporary rift between the gods and their last remaining worshipers,
the Amazons ofThemyscira (see entry under THEMYSCIRA). However, the
move was both necessary and worthwhile; the gods now enjoy a far greater
safety and security from a repeat ofDarkseid's attack. New Olympus has been
crafted to resemble the original Mount Olympus in both architectural and
spatial structure.
For more information on the Olympian Gods, consult Strangers In Paradise,
the Wonder Woman sourcebook.


Myrra is a medieval magical dimension adjacent to Earth. How it came to
be and how long it has existed is unknown, butitis believed that it has remained
unchanged since its creation during the dark times before recorded history.
Myrra's mostfamous legend is thatoftwo mighty warriors, Nacht and Brom,
who received two great magical weapons from their king and his court
sorcerer, Farben: the Sword of Night ( for Nacht) and the Mace of Mists (for
Brom). Brom was not satisfied with his position as one ofMyrra's great heroes
and plotted with Farben to slay the king and Nacht so that he could take over
the world. Though Nacht defeated the treasonous Brom in combat, the
sorcerer Farben magically transported the Champion of Myrra out of the
dimension to the Earthly plane. With Nacht's disappearance, the mighty
SwordofNightinserted itselfintoa pillarofstone, where it would remain until
a descendant of Nacht returned to claim it.
For the next 1,000 years, Brom and his descendants, the Warlocks, besieged
Myrra with their evil sorcery, refusing to give up on Brom's dream to rule the
planet. Thus Myrra, a once-magnificent world of unparalleled beauty, was
slowly reduced to a state ofdespair and decay; its people became shriveled and
ugly under the unabated assault of the Warlocks' evil.
Ultimately. a change in the forces of the cosmic alignment enabled Myrra's
King Zolto, a sorcerer of considerable power, to cast a spell that reached into
the Earthly realm and brought a descendant ofthe vanquished Nacht back to
Myrra. The descendant, a rock musician named Jim Rook, accepted the role
ofMyrra's champion and retrieved the Sword of Night from its pillar of stone.
He succeeded in defeating the Warlock hordes and freed Myrra before
returning to Earth. It is not known if he ever retw·ned to Myrra.
Once a proud, majestic realm, the Warlocks turned Myrra into a dark and
evil land overrun by evil, unspeakable demons and creatures of the night. Its
once proud and handsome people were deformed and twisted by black magic.
Some of the once-human inhabitants became a new race of hideous, evil
demons. With the defeat. of the Warlocks, however, Myrra has begun its road
to recovery, rebuilding and attempting to renew the old ways and the life they
once knew.

DEx: 6 STR: 3 Boov: 4
tic Link !Danger Sense): 9, Control: 111
lNT: 5 WILL: 4 MIND: 5
Bonus: Only a descendent of the
Myrran hero, Nacht, can wield (or
even Iifll the Sword of Night.
•Skills: Limitation: Control can only be used
Artist (Musician): 7, Charisma: 7, to make a being who is touching it tell
Martial Artist: 5 the truth.
•Advantages: COSTUME lBooY: 7j
Popularity •Alter Ego: James Rook
•Equipment: •Motivation: Unwanted Power
Sword of Night fSTR: 6, Boov: 10, •Occupation: Rock Singer
SPIRIT: 7, EV: 8, Mystic Shield: 7, Mys- •Wealth: 8

Duchy & City Kingdom
of Dul�e Spearo


e Melody Chasm

Shadow forest
(Home o Put-onsl
Silver Due
Desert Th in I

· Land
of Szasz

4. ��
�4. � ... ::&...
Duchy of

� 0

DEX: 4 STR: 5 BODY: 5
INT: 3 WILL: 2 MIND: 4
Animal Handling: 5, Military Sci­
ence (Tracking): 5, Thief(Stealth): 7,
Weaponry ( Melee): 7
• Advantages:
Area Knowledge (Myrral; Connec­
tion: Nightmaster( High ); Iron Nerves:
Lightning Reflexes
Minor Hagc
JS Village � Domain
Sword I Bonv: 8, EV: 6 1

•Alter Ego: "Tark"
Responsibility of Powe1·
•Occupation: Barbarian
•Wealth: 0


DEX: 3 STR: 2 Boov: 3

INT: 6 WILL: 7 MIND: 7
lNFL: 4 AuRA: 5 SPIRIT: 4
INITIA'l'JVJ.o:: 13 HERO PoiNTs: 50
3rben Mts. '.JI..i. A.
Charisma: 6, Occultist: 5
Area Knowledge (Myn·aJ; Connec­
tion: Wadocks ( High); Gift of Gab;
• Motivation: Power Lust
•Occupation: Would-Be Conqueror
•Wealth: 7

DEX: 2 STR: 2 BODY: 2
INT: 9 WILL: 6 MIND: 7
Dimension Travel: 5, Magic Blast:
7, Mystic Link (Chameleon): 5, Sor­
cery: 9
Occultist: 7
Chameleon is Usable on Others.

• Limitation: • Equipment:
Chameleon cannot be used on self. 7 AP ABC Omni-Object
• Advantages:
• Motivation: Power Lust
Connection: Warlocks ( H i g h ) ;
Scholar (Myrran magic) •Occupation: Spearo's Flunky
• Drawbacks:
Age (old); Unluck •Wealth: 4

New Genesis was created at the same instant as Apokolips (see entry under
APOKOLIPS) when the old gods who ruled the cosmos died in a cataclysmic
release of indescribable power which tore their otherdimensional home world
asunder. The two halves of this great world were sent spinning off through
space by the blinding flash of energy that signaled their death, and the
destructive fury wiped out all traces ofwhat had existed on them. In time, these
halves cooled and settled into individual orbits and new life developed. One of
these worldsbecameApokolips, the otherNew Genesis, and both became home
to the race of beings known as the New Gods.
On Apokohps arose the dark side of the universal force, led by the personi­
fication of evil, Darkseid. On New Genesis was born all that is good i n the
universe. The benevolent master of New Genesis was Izaya the High father.
New Genesis was an unspoiled world of great beauty, full of sunlight and
green forests, shining white mountains, and unspoiled bright waters. The gods
ofNew Genesis labored in peace and love, communing with the splendors ofits
natural beauty and seeking paths of peace and contentment. The evil that was
Apokolips would not let New Genesis exist in peace for long, however, and war
soon broke out between the opposing worlds.
Apokolips' war machines devastated New Genesis before the two leaders
were able to reach a pact that brought an uneasy peace back to their universe.
The sons ofHighfather and Apokolips were sent to live on the worlds of their
respective foes. Each son was to be brought up and schooled in the ways of the
other's planet, so that they might better understand one another.
The aftermath of the war left New Genesis a barren and desolate place; it
took ages for New Genesis to be returned to its paradise-like beauty. The gods
of New Genesis had moved their great cities to Supertown, a golden city
orbiting high above the planet's surface.
Supertown is a magnificent golden city where the New Gods continue their
peaceful pursuits, surrounded by towering spires, great memorial statues of
their heroes and fellow gods, and the Park, a vast oasis of greenery where the
Highfather addresses his people, and the teachers ofNew Genesis pass along
the accumulated wisdom of the New Gods to the young.
In addition to the great race of New Gods who live in Supertown, New
Genesis itself was home to a race of subterranean "bugs," insect-like human­
oids and near-humanoids that were the result of genetic engineering experi­
ments performed by the New Genesisians during the first war with Darkseid.

For more information on New Genesis, and statistics for some of its most
notable residents, see the Apokolips Sourcebook.

Mother Box/MOTHER BOX also useful for instant travel to any

DEX: 0 STR: 0 BODY: 7 distant location. Any Character who
lNr: 10 WILL: 6 MIND: 6 possesses a Mother Box can make a
!NFL: 6 AURA: 6 SPIRIT: 6 Dice Action to create a Boom Tube.
HERO POINTS: 75 The Character uses his INTIWILL as the
•Powers: AV!EV against an OV/RV of3/3. This
Danger Sense: 12, Life Sense: 6, action does not count as a Dice Action
Omni-Power: 1 1 in combat. If successful RAPs are
•Advantages: gained, a Boom Tube is created, using
Leadership the RAPs ofthe Dice Action as the APs
• Description: of the Warp Power.
Each Mother Box is a free-thinking Because Mother Box has the Lead­
entity, a living computer with inCI·ed­ ership Advantage, she can transfer
ible power. Many New Gods carry some ofher Hero Points to her user. In
personalized models for companion­ addition, through his own affection
ship and service. They range in size for Mother Box, the user can transfer
from a deck of cards to a small suit­ some of his Hero Points back to her.
case. When a Mother Box has been This requires a successful Action
worked into an individual's clothing Check using lNFI/AURA as the AV/EV
or equipment, it is listed as a MOTHER against an OV/RV of6/6 <Mother Box's
BOX, since it cannot be taken away in lNPLISPIRIT). The RAPs are the maxi­
combat when carried in this fashion. mum number of Hero Points that can
Mother Box is a special kind ofOmni­ be transferred. Only one such attempt
Gadget, because she can be used over may be made per game day. Mother
and over again, unlike a standard Box can transfer Hero Points to her
Omni-Gadget. However, her primary user at any time, per the Leadership
use is to create Boom Tubes for travel Advantage. All Hero Points spent for
between the New God galaxy and the the use ofMother Box's Omni-Power
rest of the cosmos. Boom Tubes are must come from Mother Box herself.

See entry under MOUNT OLYMPUS.


The otherdimensional realm known as The Other Side ofthe World is unlike
any place in known time and space. Whereas most universes were created by
the process that is known as the Big Bang (in which all matter exploded from
a single, central, great mass), The Other Side of the World was created in a
steady flow of primal matter. As a result ofthis process, time and the forces of
life as we know them do not exist on this plane. Physics do not operate as they

do on the Earthly plane; instead, a form of magic is utilized. Also, its physical
composition is inconsistent, due to the magical nature of its environment.
The only known native inhabitant ofThe Other Side ofthe World is the being
called the Warlock of Ys. His origin is unknown, as is the source of his great
powers, but it is known that he has been present on The Other Side ofthe World
for as long as life has been present on Earth. The Warlock had grown bored with
endless time, and, with a device called a magic mirror, set out to observe other
planes of existence, discovering Earth in the process. However, while he was
quite powerful on his own plane, the Warlock was not powerful enough to leave
his own world for Earth.
In time, the Warlock was able to contact the priestess of an early Earth god.
At the Warlock's direction, she created the Gate of the Blue Flame, which
served as a portal that allowed entry to The Other Side ofthe World. A Roman
centmion in the time of Julius Caesar was the first human known to have
stumbled through the gateway. Others have followed throughout the ages.
These humans remain on this plane today and never age, due to the peculiari­
ties of The Other Side of the World's unique time continuum.
In Earth's late 5th Century, Dahut, the evil daughter of King Gradlon of
Comouaille, persuaded her father to build the great city ofYs in the Bay of
Douamenez, not far from the Gate of the Blue Flame. A great dike was built
around the city to keep out the sea. Dahut devised matters which eventually
led to the opening of the dike and the destruction ofYs; the Warlock took his
name from this event.
Throughout the centuries, the Warlock sought conquest and continued his
efforts to break free of his native dimension and enter ours. It was not until
Earth's modern age that he was able to exert enough power to confront Earth's
heroes, specifically Green Lantern and Zatanna. The Warlock switched places
with Green Lantern before Zatanna defeated him and returned him, power­
less, to The Other Side of the World.
As best as can be determined, The Other Side of the World is currently
populated by those people who have accidentally stumbled through the Gate
of the Blue Flame.

DF:x: 7 S't'R: 4 BODY: 5
Im: 7 W ILL: 6 Mmn: 6 a SPlRJT of9 APs or greater in order to
lNFL: 7 AuRA: 10 SPIRIT: 9 leave the Other Side of the World. He
INITIATIVE: 2 1 HERO POINTS: 95 uses Sorcery to mimic the Dimension
•Powers: Travel Power when he attempts to do so.
Sorcery: 15 •Equipment:
Occultist: 15 [Boov: 0, SPIRIT: 5, Dimension Travel: 12]
•Advantages: Limitation: The Gate can only be
Area Knowledge (Other Side of the used to travel between the Earth Di­
World) mension and the Other Side of the
• Drawbacks: World.
Miscellaneous: The Warlock of Ys • Motivation: Power Lust
must switch places with a being with •Occupation: Warlock

See entry under· THEMYSCIRA.


The Phantom Zone i s a misty, formless realm that bridges the present with
the past of the planet Krypton (see entry under KRYPTON). There is no
oxygen in the Zone, but for some reason beings who enter the Zone can breathe.
The laws ofphysics in the Earth dimension do not apply to the Phantom Zone.
Hundreds, perhaps thousands of relics from Krypton float in the Zone, like a
vast museum of lost science and technology.
The first known gateway into the Phantom Zone was created by the
mysterious Kryptonian artifact known as the Eradicator, in its attempt to
fulfill its programming and recreate Krypton on Earth. To this end, it pulled
a number ofK.ryptonian artifacts and technology through the Phantom Zone
to Superman's hidden Antarctic fortress on Earth. When the Man of Steel
discovered what the Eradicator was doing, he entered the Phantom Zone and
traveled back in time tojust before Krypton exploded. There he met his parents
and underwent a Kryptonian rite of passage, a ceremony that ultimately
allowed Superman to take control ofthe Eradicator and to destroy the gateway
into the Phantom Zone. Whether or not the way to the Zone will be opened
again remains to be seen.

Q ward was created, along with the rest ofthe Anti-Matter Universe, almost
ten billion years ago, at the time when Krona ofMaltus (see entries under OA,
MALTUS) defied the native taboos of his people that forbade inquiry into the
origins ofcreation. The result of his tampering with nature somehow tiiggered
the creation of the Anti-Matter Universe.
Qward and the rest of the Anti-Matter Universe is a mirror image of the
Positive Matter Universe. Thus, the Anti-Matter Universe is a darker place,
with a noticeable evil presence, and things we would consider ugly, they find
beautiful. This entire universe is comprised of anti-matter, the fundamental
state of sub-atomic particles which exist directly in opposition to our own so­
called "normal" matter. Because of this opposition, should even the smallest
amount of matter from the positive universe come in contact with anti-matter
from that universe, the result would be a release of energy with tremendous
destructive power.
Another inexplicable result ofK.rona's work was the spontaneous generation
of the being known as the Anti-Monitor, who came into existence on Qward's
moon. This infinitely powered being conquered Qward and created an army of
warriors to serve him. These beings, known alternatively as the Destroyers
and the Thunderers, wielded weapons of great destructive power called
thunderbolts, or qwa-bolts. The most vicious of these warriors were trans­
formed by their master into Shadow Demons, which the Anti-Monitor em­
ployed in spreading his reign often·or throughout the Anti-Matter Universe.

Eventually, the Anti-Monitor and his positive universe counterpart, the
Monitor, engaged in a million-year long war. The battle ended when the two
superior beings attacked one another simultaneously; the clash of their
opposing energies sent them both into a suspended animation which lasted
nine billion years.
Freed from the Anti-Monitor's rule, a group of Qwardians known as the
Weaponers of Qward rose to power and became masters of their world,
utilizing the Thunderers as their primary force of conquest. The Qwardians
revel in violence and evil, devoting their every waking moment to the spread
of that evil and the creation of great weapons of destruction.
The Weaponers have been able to find a way to bridge the gap between the
opposing universes with a "transformer bridge." This device allows beings
from one dimension to cross over to the other by reversing their subatomic
structures, enabling them to safely exist in the other dimension. The Weaponers
used this dimensional bridge to invade the world oftheir ancient enemies, the
Guardians ofOa, the masters ofthe Green Lantern Corps. They were aided in
this endeavor by Sinestro, the renegade Green Lantern whom the Guardians
had banished to Qward. 'rhe Weaponers were unsuccessful in this attempt,
thwarted by members of the Green Lantern Corps, most notably Hal Jordan.
The Weaponers, the Thunderers, and the Shadow Demons also played a role
in the newly awakened Anti-Monitor's attempt to destroy all universes except
his own Anti-Matter Universe. The result of this cosmic conflict left the
Monitor and the Anti-Monitor dead and the Positive and Anti-Matter Uni­
verses the only major otherdimensional spaces remaining. The Weaponers
regained power over Qward.
Qward itself is a massive world, analogous to the planet Oa in the Positive
Universe, located in the exact center ofthe universe. It is a horribly gray world
dominated by steel and stone structures. Qward's capital is Qwar-Deen, which
has set itself up as the paragon of the Qwardian sensibility (i.e., ugliness and
evil). Qwar-Deen is surrounded by a dark, dangerous jungle that is mostly
unexplored and covers half the planet. The other half of Qward is a cold,
desolate desert.
Many civilizations in the Anti-Matter Universe have developed the technol­
ogy for space travel. There is considerable travel between worlds, although this
is an even more dangerous proposition in the Anti-Matter Universe than it is
in our own. The reverse-nature of this dimension makes warfare and conflict
the accepted norm; the odds of passing through a large-scale interworld
conflict while traveling through Anti-Matter space are quite high.
There is something twisted and grotesque in virtually every aspect of the
Anti-Matter Universe. Nights are longer and darker, and days are shorter.
Technology is often advanced, but always in the service of war. Construction
on the planets is rapid and prolific, but the architecture is cold and ugly; the
structures are executed in dull gray stone and metal. Here, beauty is ugliness
and ugliness beauty.
In addition to the "transformer bridge" created by the Weaponers, there are
also a few Cosmic Gateways, which open and close at random intervals, that
lead directly from our universe to Qward. Like the "transformer bridge," these
Gateways automatically reverse an individual's structure from matter to anti­
matter and vice versa. However, it is impossible to predict where a Gateway
will leave a person unfortunate enough to slip through it. One known Gateway
appears periodically on the edge of Coast City (see entry under COAST CITY).
Statistics for the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor can be found on page 14 of
the Background/ Roster Book.

TYPICAL •Advantages:
WEAPONER OF QWARD Connections: Weaponers of Qward
DEX: 6 STR: 6 BODY: 6 ( Low), Sinestro ( Low), the Anti-Moni­
lNT: 9 WILL: 7 Mll\'D: 7 tor ( Low); Intensive Training; Light­
INFL: 6 AURA: 6 SPIRIT: 6 ning Renexes
INITIATIVE: 21 HERO POINTS: 60 • Equipment:
•Skills: Thunderbolts/Qwa-Bolts I Boov: 1,
Gadgetry: 12, Military Science: 10, Lightning: 15, R#: 2]
Scientist: 1 1 , Weaponry: 10 Bonus: The Thunderbolts are yel­
•Advantages: low, and therefore immune to the di­
Area Knowledge <Qward); Connec­ recteffects ofa Green Lantern's Power
tions: Anti-Monitor (High), Sinestro Ring.
< Low); Genius; Scholar ( warfare) Shield [Boov: 8, Force Shield: 8, R#: 21
• Equipment: VEKO [STR: 15, Boov: 13, Running:
Thunderbolts/Qwa-Bolts [ Boov: 1, 4, Lightning: 12, PTojectile Weapons:
Lightning: 15, R#: 2 1 8, Telepathy: 16, Hardened Defenses I
Bonus: The Thunderbolts are yel­ Vekos are powerful tanks that the
low, and therefore immune to the di­ Thunderers use against particularly
rect effects ofa Green Lantern's Power dangerous foes.
Ring. •Motivation: Nihilist
Shield [Boov: 8, Force Shield: 8, R#: 2] •Wealth: 4
Deto-Flare [Boov: 4, Flash: 12]
Miscellaneous Drawback: The Deto-
Flare can only be used once.
Finder [Boov: 6, Object Awareness: 351 TYPICAL SHADOW DEMON
B-Stage Image Repeater [Boov: 6, DEX: 1 1 STR: 15 BoDY: 13
Illusion: 15, R#: 2J INT: 6 WILL: 9 MIND: 12
•Motivation: Nihilist INFL: 10 AURA: 8 SPIRI1': 11
•Wealth: 9 INITIATIVE: 27 HERo POINTS: 75
• Powers:
Acid: 8, Dispersal: 15, Flight: 8,
Growth: 6, Two-Dimensional: 6
DEx: 9 STR: 7 Boov: 7 Acid has a Range of Touch
INT: 6 Wtu.: 7 MrNo: 6 •Drawbacks:
lNFL: 5 AURA: 4 SPIRIT: 5 Catastrophic Irrational Fear of ex­
lNtTIATIVE: 24 HERO PoiNTS: 45 tremely bright light; Attack Vulner­
•Skills: '1'linked ability: -4 CS versus light-based at­
Martial Artist: 9*, Thief: 9*, Ve­ tacks.
hicles: 9*, Weaponry: 9* •Motivation: Nihilist


The spirits of the dead travel here for a brief time, awaiting final departure
to their final resting places (see entry under THE AFTERWORLDS). It is a
foggy realm where the deceased are acclimatized to their new state. Residual
life energies are collected and consumed by Poltergeists, which resemble
human brains with jellyfishlike tentacles. While totally mindless and not
malevolent, those who pass through the Realm ofthe Just Dead are warned to
keep clear of the Poltergeists, as they have been known to attack. At the edge
of the Realm of the Just Dead, deceased souls are occasionally met by the Phantom

Stranger, who escorts them either to Heaven or to Hell. Boston Brand, also
known as Deadman. is frequently found hover i ng around the Realm ofthe Just Dead.
Statistics for Deadman and the Phantom Stranger are located on page 28 of
the Background I Roster Boo/e.


Skartaris is a world unto itself that exists i n otherdimensional space,

accessible from our world through points near Earth's North and South Poles.
Skartaris was originally believed to exist in the center ofthe Earth itself, but
recent studies have revealed this to be a trick of the time/space continuum.
Skartar:is was once known as the Wizard World because it was inhabited by
an odd collection of mythical and legendary beings and creatures, among them
goblins, dwarves, Cyclops, Centaurs, and the like. This was during the Age of
the Wizard Kings, when the powers of magic were at their greatest in this
otherdimensional realm.
Over the ages, the magical energies weakened somewhat, and many ofthese
magically-based creatmes died out. At the same time, many species from
Earth found their ways to and through the polar nexi into the world that came
to be known as Skartaris. Thus, dinosaurs and early races of man, long extinct
on Earth, live on in Skartaris.
In addition, a large fleet of Atlanteans (see entry under ATLANTIS) es­
caping the sinking of their great civilization sailed through the Arctic nexus.
The Atlanteans were responsible for rebuilding the otherdimensional realm,
including the glorious city ofShamballah, and for bringing advanced technol­
ogy to Skartaris. But, the creators ofthis great realm were also responsible for
the destruction of civilization when nuclear war broke out between the
Atlantean city-states.
Today, the descendants and survivors of the Atlantean era live on as
barbarians or in medieval civilizations. The Atlantean civilization itself
survived in the form of a settlement which escaped the destruction to settle in
a nether region between Earth and Skartaris.
Skartaris is covered by a huge jungle, which is broken up by mountain
ranges, swamp lands, deserts, and cities carved from the wilderness. The great
land mass is surrounded by seas, including the Sea of Grel to the west, the
Dragon Sea to the south, and the Terminator North Sea to the northeast. The
three ptimary mountain ranges are the western Mountains of the Sun and the
eastern Haunted Mountains and Baroth Mountains.
Among the major cities ofSkartaris are the Slave City ofBal Shazar, Kiro,
Bakwele, the merchant city of Kallistan, Shamballah the Golden, Thera,
Bandakhar, Kaambuka, Umber, Drakmeer, and Groniko. Other features of
this magical land are the Desert of Doom, the Caves of the Cyclops, the land
of the Tree Dwelling Dwarfs, the Temple of the Sun, the Ruins of Shahan
D'Aba, the Valley of the Snowbeast, the Doomgate Temple, and the Cavern of
Skartaris is a land of odd scientific laws. It is lit by constant daylight and a
moon that wobbles through the sky in a highly eccentric orbit. Time flows more
slowly on Skartaris than it does on Earth; indeed, it moves at different speeds


� Doomgate
� - Temple
Tomb of
Caves of
the Cyclops
Ruins of
+ Arravar


411<- Kajbos
Desert Subhuman
of Doom Savages

4 Bandakhar
Wree Dwelf�ng

, , �warfs
Banth _.; '"" •
. '
>If'�re�t ,


(Merchant Cily)


Slave City of
Bal Shazar

• Balgar Captain Hawk's
Bay Stronghold Kasamaga

in different sections ofSkartaris. This fact was discovered by Travis Morgan ,
a pilot from Earth who accidentally crash-landed in Skartaris through one of
the polar nexus points. Morgan became known as the Warlord and spent many
years exploring this strange land. At last report, Morgan had leftSkartaris and
returned to Earth, but it is through his explorations that we have gleamed
most of our information about this otherdimensional realm.

THE WARLORD 10, Dimension Travel (Summoning):

DEx: 8 STR: 4 BoDY: 5 10, Sorcery: 10
lNT: 7 WILL: 10 MIND: 8 •Note:
lNFL: 8 AuRA: 8 SPIRIT: 7 Deimos had these Powers only after
INITIATIVE: 27 HERo PoiNTS: 100 his resurrection by the Mask of Life.
• Skills: '''linhed •Skills: '"after resurrection only
Acrobatics: 5, Animal Handling: 8*, Charisma: 9, Gadgetry: 9, Medicine:
Charisma: 10, Martial Artist: 8'\ 5, Occultist: T, Scientist: 7, Weap­
Military Science: T, Thief: 8'\ Ve­ onry: 5
hicles: 8*, Weaponry: 8''' • Limitations:
•Advantages: Shape Change could only be used to
Area Knowledge (Shamballah); transform himself into a serpent or
Connections: Shamballah ( H igh), dragon.
Wizard World ( Low), Green Arrow • Advantages:
( L o w ) ; Intensive Training; Iron Area Knowledge (Skartaris); Con­
Nerves; Leadership; Lightning Re­ nections: Thera ( High), the Evil One
flexes; Popularity; Sharp Eye (Low); Connoisseur; Leadership;
• Drawbacks: Scholar (ancient Atlantean technology)
Authority Figure; Voluntary Exile; • Drawbacks:
Married; Public Identity Strange Appearance (later in career
• Equipment: only); Unluck
Hellfire [BODY: 12, INT: 1, lNFL: 6, • Equipment:
Miscellaneous Drawbacks: Hellfire 6, lNT: 10, Illusion: 10)
may only be wielded by Morgan or one Mask of Life [Boov: 4, SPIRIT: 10,
ofhis blood relatives: anyone else who Animate Dead: 12)
tries to unsheathe the sword is Mysti­ • Motivation: Power Lust
cally Attacked using the sword's INFLI •Occupation: High Priest of Thera
AuRA as the AV/EV; Hellfire must •Wealth: 1 1
draw blood every time it is unsheathed
or it attacks its user as above.
•Alter Ego: Lt. Col. Travis Morgan
•Motivation: Upholding the Good DEx: 7 STR: 3 BonY: 4
INT: 6 WILL: 5 MIND: 5
Warlord/Former Air Force Pilot
INFL: 5 AuRA: 4 SPmiT: 5
•Wealth: 7
lNITlATIVE: 20 HERo PoiNTS: 85
Acrobatics: 4, Animal Handling: 7,
DEIMOS - deceased Charisma: 7, Martial Artist: 5, Mili­
Druc 4 STR: 3 BoDY: 3 tary Science (Tracking): 5, Thief
INT: 8 WILL: 8 MIND: 8 (Stealth): 5, Weaponry (Melee): 7
lNFL: 7 AuRA: 8 SPmrT: 8 • Advantages:
lN!TJATIVE: 19 HERO PoiNTS: 100 Attractive; Connections: Shamballah
•Powers: (High), Travis Morgan (High); Iron
Invulnerability: 5, Shape Change: Nerves; Leadership; Scholar(pohtics)

• Drawbacks: •Skills: :;'linked
Authority Figure; Married; Public Animal Handling: 6*, Martial Art­
Identity ist: 7*, Military Science (Tracking):
• Equipment: 7*, Thief: 7*, Weaponry (Melee): 7*
Sword ! BollY: 8, EV: 41 •Advantages:
Throwing Dagger I Borw: 8, EV: 3 1 Connections: K.iro ( High), Travis
The dagger may be thrown a dis- Morgan (High), Wizard World (High);
tance in APs equal to the wielder's Intensive Training
STH. • Drawbacks:
• Motivation: Serious Physical Restriction
Responsibility of Power ( Machiste has only one hand; he wears
•Occupation: Queen ofShamballah a spiked mace on his right wrist)
•We al th: 1 5 • Equipment:
SPIKED MACE f Boov: 9, EV: 6 1
Knife I Boov: 8 , EV: 3 J
SHAKIRA • Motivation: Thrill o f Adventure
DEx: 1 1 STR: 3 Boov: 3 •Occupation: Monarch
lNT: 4 WILL: 2 MIND: 5 •Wealth: 9
•Powers: DEx: 5 STR: 2 Boov: 2
Mystic Link (Shape Change): 10 INT: 4 WILL: 4 MTND: 4
•Skills: !NFL: 6 AURA: 5 SPIRIT: 6
Acrobatics: 1 1 , Charisma: 5, Mar­ lNrTIATIVE: 1 5 HERo PoiNTS: 30
tial Artist: 7, Military Science (Track­ •Skills:
ing): 9, Thief(Stealth): 1 1 , Weaponry Thief (Stealth, Pickpocketing): 8
(Melee, Missile): 7 • Advantages:
• Limitations: Connections: Travis Morgan (Low),
Shape Change can only be used to Shamballah Underworld (Low); Iron
assume the shape of a black cat. Nerves
•Advantages: • Drawbacks:
Connection: Travis Morgan (High); Secret Identity
Lightning Reflexes •Alter Ego: Joshua Morgan
• Drawbacks: • Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
Dark Secret (origin ); Miscellaneous: •Occupation: Thief
Shakira tends to think and react like •Wealth: 1
a feline, even when in her human
• Equipment:
Dsx: 3 Sm: 2 Boov: 3
Spear fBoov: 5 , EV: 4]
!NT: 7 WILL: 9 MIND: 8
The spear may be thrown at a range
equal to the thrower's S·m.
•Motivation: Thrill of Adventure
• Powers: "'Mystic Linked
•Occupation: Cat
Magic Blast: 8, Force Field: 5'� , Tele­
•Wealth: 2
kinesis: 7*, Teleportation: 20*, Re­
mote Sensing: 20*, Sorcery: 15
MACIDSTE Occultist: 9
DEx: 7 Sm: 4 Boov: 6 •Bonus:
lNT: 7 WILL: 4 MIND: 4 Teleportation and Remote Sensing
lNFL: 6 AURA: 5 SPIRIT: 4 can be used to move/sense between
INITIATIVE: 22 HERo PoiNTS: 45 points in time as well as space.

•Advantages: • Motivation:
Connection: Travis Morgan ( High); Responsibility of Power
Extensive Headquarters <Castle •Occupation: Sorceress Supreme
Deimos) •Wealth: 8

See entry under NEW GENESIS.

Teall is an otherdimensional world existing on a subatomic level. All of its
inhabitants, who are energy beings, share what is best described as a group­
mind. In their own world, these communal beings resemble amoebas and live
in an environment of plasmic substance. Individuality is all but unknown on
Teall; each being is a part ofthe universal mind, sharing their thoughts, ideas,
and emotions among the whole. It is not known how this unique race came into being.
Amazingly, the Teallians have developed a highly technical and complex
society, although a full sociological survey of its structure has never been
made. One of its greatest accomplishments was the implementation ofa space
pmgram. The object of this program was to seek out other energy-based beings
which could be converted to members of the group-mind.
Since the Teallians need the group-mind to exist to their fullest potential,
they faced the problem of "manning" their space probe, which could support
only a single individual. While individuality is virtually unknown, it does
occur: one such occuiTence was a being named Quislet.
Quislet accepted the role as Teall's first astronaut. However, his innate
cu•·iosity caused him to go astray ofhis mission by entering a black hole, which
brought his ship to the 30th Century dimension ofthe Legion ofSuper-Heroes.
None ofhis race had ever seen such quanti ties oforganic life forms and matter.
He was fascinated by his discovery and elected to remain in this realm. Quislet
eventually became a memberofthe Legion, where his energy form enables him
to possess inanimate objects and exert control over them. Quislet eventually
returned to Teall, leaving his Legion comrades to ponder his ultimate fate.
Quislet's statistics can be found in the Legion of Super-Heroes Sourcebook,
Volume I.

Themyscira, also known as Paradise Island, is the home ofthe Amazons. It
exists somewhere in the mid-Atlantic, in the area known as the Bermuda
Triangle. Themyscira is protected from the sight ofman by a perpetual blanket
of clouds and fog. It is believed that Themyscira is actually situated in a small
dimension ofits own, adjacent to both the Earth and Olympian dimensions ( see
Named for the walled city in ancient Greece that was their original home,

Themyscira was settled centuries ago, after the warrior race ofAmazon women
had been seduced and humiliated by the man-god Heracles and his troops.
Placed in bondage by men, they were finally freed by the goddess Athena in
exchange for their renunciation of their warlike ways and their rededication
to the ways of the Earth-goddess Gaea. Queen Hippolyte accepted Athena's
conditions, while her sister, Antiope, refused, renouncing her Amazon heri­
tage and taking her followers from Themyscira forever.
Hippolyte and the remaining Amazons were sent by Athena and the other
goddesses to an uncharted island, beneath which an unspeakable evil had been
imprisoned. I n exchange for an agreement to act as jailers to this evil for all
eternity, the souls of the Amazons would be purified once again, and they
would be granted immortality as long as no man ever set foot upon the island.
The sea-god Poseidon parted the waters ofthe Aegean Sea so that the Amazons
could walk to their new home.
Their island home had been declared a paradise. and the Amazons built a
new city where they could live and house their art and history. Great halls of
justice serve as icons to the glory of the gods and an offshore island as a great
center of medicine and healing. While the Amazons developed their new
civilization on the island, the unknown evil remained imprisoned below. It was
kept at bay by giant battlements and Amazon guards, many ofwhom died over
the centuries in the battle to keep it contained.

--- -

Over the centuries, the Amazons kept their vow to Athena, keeping
Themyscira free from man's influence. They remained hidden from man's view
and knowledge until a militaryjet piloted by Colonel Steve Trevor crashedjust
off ofThemyscira's shores. At first, this seemed to be a random accident, but
it was learned that the plane had been sent to destroy the island as part ofthe
war-god Ares' scheme to conquer the world. The Amazons were forced to send
their chosen representative back to Man's World with Trevor to oppose Ares'
master plan. This representative was Hippolyte's daughter, Diana, who has
since become known as Wonder Woman. Game statistics for Princess Diana
are located on page 47 oftheBackground I Roster Book, while Queen Hippolyte's
are on page 24 of that book.
Among Themyscira's main features are:
• The Coliseum, where the Amazons test, hone, and display their skills and
• The Royal Palace, located at the center of the island on Themyscira's
highest elevation, overlooking the rest of the island. The Palace, a grand and
regal structure, is home to Queen Hippolyte.
• The Senate Chamber, where the Amazon representatives meet to dis­
cuss important issues of the day and create policy for the Amazon society.
• The Temple ofthe Oracle, adjacent to the Royal Palace and Menalippe's
sanctuary, where the Amazon priestess consults with the Olympian gods (see
entry under MOUNT OLYMPUS).
• The Statue of Artemis, which was created in honor of the goddess who
championed their cause. The statue is located in a clearing in the woods and
was constructed as the highest, most visible feature on the island.
• The Temple of Hades was built
to honor the god ofthe dead, whom the MENALIPPE
immortal Amazons do not fear. En­ DEX: 6 STR: 5 BODY: 4
shrined within the Temple are relics !NT: 8 WILL: 6 MIND: 5
of the Amazons who have died. lNFL: 7 AURA: 6 SPIRlT: 5
• The Island of Healing, located OOTIATIVE: 21 HERO POINTS: 5
on a small island chain near the main­ •Powers:
land. This is a tranquil, serene place Precognition: 6, Telepathy: 16
where pure waters flow and healing •Skills:
herbs grow in abundance. Acrobatics: 3, Animal Handling: 6,
Because of the enchanted nature of Charisma (Persuasion): 7, Medicine:
Themyscira, technological equipment 4, Weaponry: 5
does not work there. Indeed, the • Limitation:
island's magics are so powerful that Menalippe can only telepathically
even airplanes or ships passing by the communicate with the Gods of
island fail. This phenomenon is re­ Olympus, and only at their discretion.
sponsible for the legend of the Ber­ • Advantages:
muda Triangle, or Devil's Triangle, Connections: Themyscira (High),
where humans and their vessels have Princess Diana (High), Gods of
been rumored to disappear, to be lost Olympus (Low)
forever. •Motivation:
Themyscira has only recently been Responsibility of Power
opened to visitors from the outside •Occupation: Oracle
world. For more information on Para­ •Wealth: 5
dise Island, consult Strangers In
Paradise, the Wonder Woman

DEX: 8 STR: 6 BODY: 5 Connection: Themyscira (High); In­
!NT: 6 WLLL: 5 MIND: 5 tensive Training; Iron Nerves; Sharp
INITIATIVE: 19 HERO PoiNTs: 10 • Equipment:
•Skills: *linked Various melee and missile weap­
Acrobatics: 6, Animal Handling: 3*, ons; Various armor and helms
Martial Artist: 8*, Medicine: 4, Mili­ • Motivation:

tary Science: 6*, Thief: 8*, Weaponry: Responsibility of Power


See entry under SKARTARIS.

See entry under THE META-ZONE.

Also known a s the Fifth Dimension, Zrfff is a bizarre world o f magical
energies where practical joking is considered the highest form of art.
Zrfff is a freewheeling place, with a constantly changing landscape and
architecture altered by the magical whims of its inhabitants, a race of
humanoid imps. Anythinggoes on this Fifth Dimensional planet(as long as it's
The best known native ofZrftiis Mr. Mxyzptlk, a particularly mischievous
imp who first came to Earth several years ago. When he came upon Earth, he
set about plying his magical pranks on the magicless Earthlings. These
dealings are what first brought him to the attention of Superman.
When Mxyzptlk first met the Man ofSteel, he challenged Superman to trick
him into speaking his name backwards. lfSuperman could get Mxyzptlk to say
"Kltpzyxm" out loud, the imp would voluntarily return himself to ZrfiT. By a
clever ruse, Superman succeeded and Mxyzptlk went home. Several months
later, however, Mxyzptlk returned, and this time Superman had to trick him
into painting his own face blue for him to leave the Earth dimension. Again,
the Man of Steel managed to outmaneuver Mxyzptlk and send him packing.
Since then, Mxyzptlk has returned to plague Superman several times, but each
time Superman has managed to trick him into returning to his home dimen­
Mxyzptlk's DC HEROES statisticscan be found on page 86 ofthe Background I
Roster Book.

If a Character has the Dimension Travel Power, he may be able to move
between the dimensions, to summon beings from another dimension, and/or
to banish beings from one dimension to another. See page 48-49 of the
Character Handbook for details on this Power. The Travel Value of a dimen­
sion determines how easy or difficult it is for a person with this Power to move
between the dimensions. The following chart contains the Travel Value for all
the dimensions listed in this section.


The Afterwor1ds 8
Anti-Matter Universe/Qward 10
Apokolips Special (see entry)
The Areopagus 13
The Astral Plane 4
Azarath 7
Bgtzl 3
The Controllers' Dimension 5
Dark world 8
Demon Prison Dimension 16
Domain of the Lords of Order 16
Dream Dimension 9
Earth Dimension 2
Fifth Dimension/Zrfff 10
Gemworld 7
The Green 1 1 * (see entry)
The Hidden Land 4
House of Hades/Afterworlds 8
House ofMystery/Dream 9
House of Secrets/Dream 9
Land of the Nightshades 7
Limbo 8
Mera's World 5
Meta-Zone 10
Mount Olympus 13
Myrra 5
New Genesis Special (see entry)
New Olympus 13
The Other Side of the World 12
Paradise Island/Themyscira 6
The Phantom Zone 10
Qward 10
The Realm of the Just Dead 6
Skartaris 7
Supertown/New Genesis Special (see entry)
Teall 11
Themyscira 6
Wizard World/Skartaris 7
Zero-Zone 10
Zrfff 10


Christopher King 26
. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .....

The Citadel* ..................... 108, 130

City I Special Location Civic City, Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 16
Cloister, Vermont ......... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Coast City, California .. .... . . . .. . . 19

Colu (20th Century)'�< ............... 108

* stats for typical native included
Colu (30th Century) ................ 142
CoJmtl1'�Ilel!'s• JDJi.meJmsilolill* • • 172
Abin Sur ................ . . . . .. . . ... . ... . . ... . . . 127 Cora ...... . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .... .... 81
Aello"' ................................. 106, 130 Culacao* ........................... 109, 131
.Alit�ll"W�l!'Ms* .......................... 166 Czarn ......................................... 109
Alanna 122
. . ... . . ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............ Dardanus .. . .... .......... . . ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Amethyst 179
. . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dark Opal . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
.Almltio.Mait�il" U!mRV16l!'§l6 . . . . . . 167 .. . Dsl!'kvt'J'Oli'R� .... . . . .... .. .... . . . li. 741
. . . • .

AJPio! . . . . .... . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . JJ.67

.. . . . Daxam (20th Century) .. . .. .. 110 ..... . . . .

Appa Ali Apsa ......... 129

.. .... .. ............. Daxam (30th Century)* .. . ... . 142 . .. .. ..

.Al!'eO�O; iillgUI'l .. . . . ... ..... .. . . . . Jl69J

. .. . . . . . Deimos ... .................. . . ... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . 198
Ares . . 170
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Dema:m Pil"is�m. D:m�rr:.aiiolm •••• il. 7 5
Arion .
... . . . . 78
....... . . ... . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Demons ............ ......... .... . . . . . . ... . . ... . 166
AstJra} P!alli\e ... . . . . .. . . .... . . . .. Jl 'tO
.. . . Dhor ........................................... 111
Atlan the Loner 83
. . . . . . . . . .... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . Diablo Island .............................. 92
Atlantis ......................................... 76 Doctor Occult ....... 170 . .... .... . ..............

Austanburg ................................. 86 Th::rma:iln. of tlli.e lLo:rc1� of 0Jrder . . Jl "! 5

Avalon ....................................... 139 The Dominion (20th Century) ........ 111
AzaJrat:hi ... . . . ... .. . . .... . . .. . . . . . . 1 7 1
. . . . The Dominion (30th Century)* ...... 143
Badhnisia .................................... 87 Dos Rios, Texas .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . 22
Baron Bedlam ................................ 98 Dr. Helga Jace 98
. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Belle Reue ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . ... .. ...... 7 DJreEJJUOt Dimenaion ................ Jl78
Bethany Snow 74
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Dredf"ahl ........................... 111, 131
Bgztll* .. . . .. . . . . ...... . . .. . . .... . ... . ]. 72
. . Dryad (20th Century) .................. 111
Bialya 89
................................................................ Dryad (30th Century)¥' ................ 144
Bismoll* .................................... 139 Duke Spearo .......... .... . .. ... .... ........ 189
Blue Valley, Nebraska ................. 1 1 Durla (20th Century) .. . . ....... 112 .. .... .

Bogatago ...................................... 91 Durla (30th Century)* .............. 145

Bolovax Vik'* ............................ 106 E:eurtlh. Dimenl'liOlill ................. 1 77
Boom Tube 169 El Diablo . . . . . . .. .. 22
. . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . ... . . .. ... ........ . . .......

Braal* ....................................... 140 Elmond, Virginia .... . . .. .. .. ..............

Brande's Asteroid .................... 141 Emana Branx* ................. 112, 131

Brztal ........................................ 106 Etrigan ..... .......... . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Byth 125 Euphorix* ......................... 112, 131
........ . . . ... . . . . . . ........ . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .

Cairn ......................................... 107 Evergreen City, Washington .... .. ...

Calculha ........ 79 Fairfax, Maine 25

..................... .... . ... . .


Calvin City, Connecticut .......... 12 Farmville, Missouri ........ ..... .... . .... .

Feithera* ............................... ...... 93


Cargg* ....................................... 141

Central City, Missouri ................... 13 Wiftlh. Diro,tma1olllr . . . . . . ....... 1 '47
Ch'p ........................ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... . . 112 Garn Danuuth .. 78
. ..... . . . . . . ........ . . . . . .. . .

Changralyn* .................... 108, 130 Garryn Bek ......... 107 .. ....... ......... .......

Chester Williams .... . . . .. . . . .. .......... . . . 35 Gemwoll"ll«ll . ... . . . . . .. . . .. . Jl77

.. .. . . . . ... .

Geo-Force .... . . ... . . . ... .. . . ....... ..... . . . . ... 98
. Laurel Gand .. .. ... ... .. ... . ..... . .......... 143
Gil'dishpan (20th Century) ... . . 112 . . Lightning Beasts .................. . . .. . .. 149
Gil'dishpan (30th Century)* ..... 145 Littleuille, Wyoming . . .. . . . . .... . . . ... .. . . 39
Gorilla City* 95
................................ JL5.m1l>o........ . . .. . ............. 183

Gotham City ......... . ... . ... . ......... . ...... 29 Liz Tremayne ....... ... . .. . . ..... ... .. . . ... . . 35
The GIJ'een 1 'IS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . • . . • . • Lobo .... ......... .... . . . ...... . ........ . .. .. . . .. . 109
H'lven* ...................................... 112 Lost World ................................ 150
Happy Harbor, Rhode Island .. . . ... 32 Luck Lords .. .. . . .... .. ... . .... . ... .. ... . ..... 161
Haumond the Peacemaker .. . . . ... . .. 84 Lyrissa Mallor . . .. . . . ...... . . ........ . . . . .. 124
The Hidden Land* .... ..... 180 . ........ J..,ythyl ........................................ 150
Hnyxx ................................ 113, 132 Machiste . . . . . ......... . . . . .. ... ... . ... ... . ... . 199
Honsu the Conqueror . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . ... 83 . Maltus ....................................... 118
Houma, Louisiana ......................... 34 Mardru ...................................... 151
Houae of lHiadles UH
................... Markovia ......................... ........... . 96
Houee of Mystell'y . . . . ll. B 1
. ........... Mars ........................................... 151
House of S®cl!'e�s . . . . . 1B 1.
. ............ Medicus One ............................. 151
Hub City Illinois .. . .. . . .. . . . ... .. .. . . ... . .. 35
, Megala ......... . ...... . ..... . ......... . .......... 73
Hykraius* ................................. 146 Menalippe ... . ... .. ............. . .. . .. . . . .... . 202
Imsk* ......................................... 147 I'.A!era'a Wo!':cf. .. . ................ 183
Ivy Town, Connecticut.. . .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . 37 I'.Alets.-Zol!lle . . . . . . . 184
............. ... ..

lzzy O'Toole . . ... ... . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . 36 Metropolis .................... .................. 41

Jean Loring .. ... .. .. . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . . . . 72 Middleton, Colorado ............ . .. . . .. .45
Jennifer Morgan .. .. . . . . . . . ...... . ........ 199

Midway City, Michigan ................ 46

Joan Garrick . .. ... .... . .. . . . .. . . . . .. ........ 39
.. Modora 99

Jor-El . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . . .. . ... . ................ 1 1 7

. . Monster World ......................... 152
Juan Donovan .. . . . . . . . .. ...... . .... . ....... . 71 Morgan Edge . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . ... .. . ... ... . ... . 71
Kalanor ..................................... 113 Mother Box .. .. ... . ........ .. .. .. ... . ..... . .. 1 9 1
KanjarRo ... .. ... ... . ..... . .. ...... . ... . ... 1 1 1
.. l'!Joumt O!ym]l)uo L85

Karak ........................................ 147 Myra Fermin .. .. ... ... .. . ... ... .. .. .... . ... . . 36
Karna* .............................. 114, 132 lAiy:rrre . •• •.•. ••• 11§'!
••••••••••.•• ••••

Kathoon* ................................... 147 Naltor* ...................................... 152

Katma Tui ... .. .. . . .. ... . . . .. . .............. . 115 Neptune* ................................... 152
Keystone City, Kansas ................... 38 New Alliance .................... 118, 132
Khundia (20th Century) .. .. ....... 114 . . New Carthage, New York ............. .47
Khundia (30th Century)* .. .... .... 148 . New Gerrneaie ...• 11 fHJ(/f)
• ....••••...•••...

King Solovar ....... .. .. . .......... ...... ..... 96. New Olympus . . 11$11
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... 48 New York City .............................. .48

Korbal ....................................... 149 Nightmaster .. ... . ...... . .. . ... . ... .. .... . .. 187
Kordax ........................................... 82 Norman Brawler . .. ... .. . . ..... ... .. ... . .. 70 .

Korugar* ................................... 114 Nullport .................................... 153

Kraken the Monstrous . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 83 Oa .............................................. 118
Krypton ..................................... 116 Ogyptu* ............................. 120, 133
Kulak . . . ... . .. . . ... ............... . . . . . . . . . . .. 107
. . Okaara* ............................ 120, 133
Labyrinth .................................. 149 Orando ...................................... 153
Lady Chi an .. . .. ... .. ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 79 Orin .. . . . ... ... . .... .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... . . 81
Lallor ........................................ 150 Otlblel!' Side of the Wo1rndl 11�11

!Lanell of the Nightshades ..... 182 lPsllradlise bland! ..

.. . .. . .... . 11�11

Lara .. . ... .. ... .. ... . . ........ . ... . .... . ... . .... . 118 lPha:ntom Zone . . .
...... .. . .11�!1

Phlon . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . 153 Talok VIII (30th Century) 157
..... . ....

Pittsdale, Iowa . . ... .. . .. ......... . ........... 51 Taltar ..................... . ... . .............. 158
Poseidonis* ......... ... ........ . . .. ......... 99 Tamaran* ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124, 135
President Marlo . 101 .. . .. ......... .. ... ....... Tara . . . . . . .
. .. ................ . .... . . . . . . 198
. .. ... ..

Preztor 153
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... .. . . . . . . . 'feanl . ....... .
. . ... . . .. ... . ..... . . . 201()1
Prince Ra-Man . . . ... .. 18 ..... . . .. ......... .... Thanagar* ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Promethean Galaxy .......... 120 . ..... Tharn . .. . . . . ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Protean Planet* . ... 154 . . . . ............ .. . Tharr* .. .. . .. ...
. ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Quad Cities, Iowa . .. . 52 . .. ...... ............. Themyaclil!"a* ..... .. .. . . .... .. 200 . . .. . . .

Qurac ........... . ... ... . . 100

. . .................... Throneworld 126
............... . . . . . . . . . . . . .

�ws::o:!* . . ............................ lJ.S3 Thunderers .................................. 195

Rann* .
. . . . . . . ...... ... . ..... . 121
..... ... .. . ..... Tickeytarkopolis .. . . ... 189 ........... . .. .... .

Rashashoon .. ... . 122, 133

.......... . ... .. Tinder . . .
.. ....... . . . . 199
.... ................. .... .

:::t. sf.�:::t :11f ilhte Just J[)ead . ... Jl95 . .. Titan* 158
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rimbor ..
. . . . . . ................ 154 . . . . . . ........ Tritonis* ...................... ........ ... 102 .. .

Robby Reed . . .40

............................. . ... Trom* .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 159
Rocket Red ... . . ... 102
. ... ............ . . . . . . . . . . Tulva .............. . ... .. . . . . . . . . ............. 160
Rogue* 122, 133
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. Tyrraz ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... 160
Salaak . . . .
............. 123
.... .. ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ungara .................... . ... .. .......... . 127

Sardath . . . .
. . . . . . ........ 122 ... ........ ... ........ Valor ......................... . . ..
. ....... . ... . 110

Saul Erdel . . . .. . .
. . ..... ... .45 .. . ..... ... ......... Vegan System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 128
Seeris .
......... .. ... . ...... 154 ..... . ............. Venegar ............... . ...... .. ...... . ...... 161
Shadow Demons . . . ... . . . 195 ...... .. .. .. . .... Ventura (20th Century) .............. 135
Shakira . .. . ... . ... 199
........... .................. Ventura (30th Century) .. . .... . ...... 161
Shalako . . . . . . ......... 81 . .......................... Vicki Grant ... . ...
.. ................. . ......... 27
Shanghalla . ... .. 155 ........................ Vlatava ......... .. . ... . .. . . ... ................ 103
Shwar . ... ..
. .. . 155
. . . . . . . . . . . ................... Voorl* . .....
.......... . .. ..... . . . . . . . ......... 135
The Silver Twist 138 ...................... Vril Dox II . . . . . .. ............... .............. 109
Simballi . 155
.............. . . . . . . . . .......... ... Warlock ofYs ........... . ................... 192
Sindromeda* 122, 134
. . . . . . . . . . . ......... The Warlord . . . ..................... . ....... 198
Sinestro . . . . . . .
.. .. .... 115 ... ... ............ ....... Waymore, Nebraska . . . . .. . .. ............. 57
Ski!ilrtalfli& . . ...... . ... . . . . . 198
. ..... . . . . .. Weaponers ofQward 195 .... . ..............

Slagg* .
...... 122, 134
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... Weber's World .. 162
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Slyggia* . .... 123

.......... . . . . . . . . . . . .......... Will Magnus . . . ... . ... 73 ....... ...... ...........

Smallville, Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 53 Winath . .

........... 162
.. ............ . . . . . . . . . . .

Somahtur* ............ . ............ ....... 155 Witch Wolf ............................ ....... 160
Sonar .............................................. 99 Wizard .
..... ... . ........ 189 . ......................

The Soviet Union .... .... ........... 101 . . WizaJrdl Wo1r!rll .. . .. . ..... .. . ll29 .. . . . . ..

Spider Guild Strand Captain 129 ..... Wyynde . ... . .. .

................ . 79 .. ... ...... ......

Stalnoivolk ................................... 102 X'hal ............................................. 129

Star City, California . 54 ........... ......... Xanthu . .. .. .
....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 . . . ..........

Starhaven* . 156
..................... . . . . . .... Zandia ... ................ .. . ................. . 104
Starman I I . .
... . . 126
............ .......... .. .... Zastrow . . ...... . ..... .......................... 102
Strata . .. . . .. . 101
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... .. Zero-Zone . . ...... ....... .. ................... 203
S:1l]llifilriOWllll ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 200 Zerox* ....... . . ...
. . .... .. .................... 163
Takron-Galtos (20th Century) ....... 123 Zoon . . ... .
................. .... . ............. . 164

Takron-Galtos (30th Century) .... . .. 157 Zrlfff ..... ............. ...

. . . . . . . . . . .. .. 203

Talok VIII (20th Century) .............. 123 Zwen* ........... . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . 164

Attributes, it is immune t.o Mental and/or Mystical
How To Use This Book Attacks, respectively. The R# listed in a Gadget's
statistics represents its Reliability Number. Gadg­
This book is a supplement for u!'e with the DC
ets wilh no Rll listed arc considered to have a
HEROES Role-Playing Game. Second Edition. All
Reliability NumberofO. !fa Player rolls the Gadget's
the statistics and game mechanics contained herein
R# 01· lower while using the Gadget. the Gadget
conform to the rules and guidelines for play pre­
immediately breaks down and must. be repaired.
sented in the Second Edition boxed set, except where
specifically noted in the text. Adventure Structure
Adventures are divided into the following four
Types of Modules
sections. In any of these sections, italicized type is
This book is one of several different types ofgam­
meant to be read directly to the Players.
ing modules that are available for use with the DC
GM'.� lntroductio11: This section provides the GM
HEROES Role-Playing Game. The specific type can
with information needed t.o run the adventure.
be found on the upper left-hand corner of the front
Characters: Information concerning both Players'
cover. and will be one of the followmg:
and Non-Player Characters will be found in this
Sourcebook: A sourcebook contains game-related
section. Occassionally, only modifications t.o previ­
and background material on a certain subject relat­
ously published Character information and Hero
ing t.o the DC Universe. most oft.en a specific group Points may be listed. See the full description in the
ofheroes, a certain location. or a special genre. GMs
Bachground/ Roster Book in the DC HEROES Role­
who prefer writing their own adventures will lind
Playing Game, Second Edition, boxed set for the rest
sourcebooks especially helpful, since in addition to
of that Character's statistics.
Characters' statistic!', sourcebooks contain hist.ori·
Encounters: The bulk ofan adventure is a series of
cal, organizational, and reference matrrial about Encounters which make up the adventure's sto·
the sourcebook's subject. ryline. That is, Characters go from situation to
Adventure: An adventure contains a full-length situation. each of which is represented by a separate
scenario for play with a certain heJ"Oiesl, or teams of Encounter. Each Encounter is divided into four
heroes. Adventures for individual heroes are called sections: Setup, Player;;' Information. OM's lnfor·
One-On-One adventures and are intended for only malion. and Troubleshooting. Brief descriptions.
two players, one of whom acL<> as GM. including maps, game mechanics, etc., arc often
Match-Play: A Match-Play adventure is also de­ included in the Encounters.
sib'Ticd for two players, but features a unique system Endgame: This explains the outcome ofthe adven·
whereby each player alternates between playing a ture and the awards given t.o the Players. Conse­
hero and GMing for his or her partner. quences of incomplete or failed adventures are also
Solitaire: A Solitaire is an adventure forone player, mentioned, so that the GM can design further sce­
where the book acts as GM. narios if desired.
Anthology: Anthologies are collections of shorter
advent.ures, each featuring a different hero or he·
roes, and each written by a different author. AP!sl Attribute Pointlsl
AuRA Aura Attribute
Chonges From Previously AV Acting Value
Published Moteriols Booy Body Attribute
There are certain Characters whose statistics are cs Column Shiftlsl
somewhat. different in this book from those given in D�:x Dexterity Attribute
First Edition DC HEROES Role-Playing Game DlO Ten-Sided Die
modules. the Background/ Roster Booll, and/or pre­ EV Effect Value
vious Second Edition modules. This is because ofthe GM Gamemaster
constantly-evolving nature of the DC Universe and HPCsl Hero PointC s)
new developments which have occurred in t.he Char­ !NFL Influence Attribute
acter's comics. For example, a Character may have INT Intelligence Attribute
gained a new Power or Skill, and that new ability is Mnm Mind Attribute
now included in his or her statistics. N/A Not Applicable
Some Power descriptions in this book may also be NPCCsl Non-Player Characterfsl
different from othe1· descriptions ofthe same Power. OV Opposing Value
These differences reflect an updated perception of RAPi s >Result APCs)
how these Powers work in the DC Universe. RV Resistance Value
The Gadgetry rules were modified from the First. R# Reliability Number
Edition ofthe DC HEROES Role-Playing Game and SPIRIT Spirit Attribute
the Hardware Handbook. Mostofthcchangcs should STR Strength Attribute
be self-explanat.ory, with the following exceptions. WILL Willpower Attribute
A Gadget whose name is in all capitals CBATTLE 2Dl0 Two Ten-Sided Dice
SUIT. AUTOMOBILE> cannot be taken away in
A Word About Grommor
combat, while Gadgets whose names are in upper­
and lower-case letters CPist.ol, Radio) can be taken The male pronoun (he. his, him) is used in this
away in combat. A Gadget with italicized Attributes book as a third-person singular in many instances.
CSTH, Bom·> can substitute its APs ofthe Attribute for This usage is intended as a neuter term. and should
the user's APs of the Attribute in all situations, be read as "he or she," "his or her.� or "him or her� in
while non-italicized Attributes ISTK, BonYI can only all instance where il is used to imply a person of
be substituted for the user's Attributes in certain either gender. The use of the male pronoun is not
situations, depending on the nature ofthe Gadget. If intended t.o exclude women from this game or t.o
a Gadget does not possess Mental and/or Mystical suggest their exclusion.
W O R L D M A p

1 . Site of the City of the Golden Gate '
2. Tritonis •
3. Poseidonis
4. North Polar Opening to Skartaris
5. South Polar Opening to Skartaris
6. Fortress of Solitude
7. Vlatava
8. Diablo Island
9. Markovia
10. Modora
1 1 . Qurac
12. BiaJya
13. Bogatago
14. Feithera
15. Austanburg
16. Zandia
17. Gorilla City
18. Possible site of Badhnisia?
1 . Star City
2. Coast City
3. San Francisco
4. Los Angeles
5. Seattle
6. Evergreen City
7. Las Vegas
8. Mesa City
9. Phoenix
10. Challengers' Mountain
Amusement Park
1 1 . Liuleville
12. Middleton
13. Denver
14. Rocky City
15. Blue Valley
16. Waymore
1 7 . Smallville
18. Dallas/Ft. Worth
19. Oklahoma City
20. Keystone City
2 1 . Central City
22. Kansas City
23. Piusdale
24. Minneapolis/St. Paul
25. Farmville
26. Quad Cities
27. Houma
28. New Orleans
29. Hub City
30. Chicago
3 1 . Midway City
32. Elmond
33. Washington, DC
34. Belle Reve Prison
35. Dos Rios
36. Miami
37. Atlanta

38. Memphis
39. Columbus
40. Richmond
4 1 . Lexington
42. Coeur d'Alene
43. Fargo
44. Butte
U N I T E D S T1
45. Salt Lake City
46. Pierre
47. Albuquerque
48. Montgomery
49. Milwaukee
50. Houston


M E X I C 0 \\

- -r--
· \�

»Z ��.... r.k
GlliltH SL (Oark Kent's Apt.)
·tQo,o Mr4

•. Dae'EiadllliUs Project

12. P'iOfe8sor EmU Hamilton's Apt.

IS. Jose (Gangbaster) Delgado's Apt.
14. Lois Lane's Apt.
15. Peny Wblte's Apt.
16. Sarah Olsen's (Jimmy's Jllotber) House






- I


19. L'YI'fi'Owrl


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