A Multilevel Boost Inverter With Removed Leakage Current and A Reduced Number of Elements For Photovoltaic Applications
A Multilevel Boost Inverter With Removed Leakage Current and A Reduced Number of Elements For Photovoltaic Applications
A Multilevel Boost Inverter With Removed Leakage Current and A Reduced Number of Elements For Photovoltaic Applications
Dalya Hamzah Al-Mamoori1,2, Naziha Ahmad Azli1, Shahrin Md. Ayob1, Ali A. Abdullah Albakry2,3
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical College Al-Musaib, Al-Furat Al- Awsat Technical University, Najaf, Iraq
Department of Electrical Engineering, Almamon University College, Baghdad, Iraq
Corresponding Author:
Dalya Hamzah Al-Mamoori
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor Darul Takzim, Malaysia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
In recent decades, renewable energy sources, especially PV, have received more attention due to
evolving critical issues such as global warming and environmental pollution. Various converters with diverse
structures have been presented for renewable energy resources [1]–[4]. Various research has been conducted
in multilevel converters design, including for solar-based applications in [5]–[13]. This paper discusses in the
new inverter topologies, modulation methods, maximum power point tracking systems and special conditions
for PVs and the corresponding solutions. Also, developing of the inverters with low leakage current is the main
objective of these topologies.
Switched capacitors (SC) or switched inductors (SI) inverters are recently developed to obtain higher
voltage gain at the inverter output. This feature allows the inverter to step-up the low input voltage source to
the desired output voltage for grid-connected applications. Recently, some research has been conducted to use
switched capacitors in the structure of neutral point clamped (NPC)-based inverters to increase the voltage
gain [14]–[22]. In these converters, the switched capacitors are discharged in series with the DC link capacitor
to obtain a higher output voltage.
The problem in most of these NPC types of inverters is the existence of current spikes while charging
the capacitors. So, in order to resolve this issue, the papers in [23], [24] are proposed. These papers propose
new active NPC based structures with voltage-boosting capability. However, the maximum voltage gain is
increased up to twice of the input voltage value.
Several studies in [25]–[29] propose the dual mode time-sharing method to prevent additional losses
in two-stage transformer-less inverters. In this method, the boost stage only works when the PV voltage is
lower than the grid voltage. Pourfaraj et al. [25] and Kakar et al. [26] provided a dual-mode transformer-less
interleaved multilevel inverter with an interleaved boost converter. The main contribution of this inverters is
lower current stress across semiconductors and DC-side inductors. Also, the main limitation is the necessity of
a comparatively higher number of semiconductors and the presence of high-frequency components on the
common mode voltage (CMV). The fault tolerant (FT) capability is one of the important features of the
multilevel inverters to keep supplying the output load in various fault conditions in order to increase the
reliability of the inverter. Heydari-Doostabad et al. [27] proposed a single-phase PV inverter with a common
ground and three switches provides reactive electricity to the AC grid. The inverter benefits step-down and
step-up for output voltage, regulate active and reactive power, and have low. Anand et al. [28] proposed a 5-
level common ground type (5L-CGT) inverter with double voltage amplification. However, this inverter is
incapable of boost operation with variable duty cycle. Wang and Shan [29] presented a single-stage common-
ground zeta inverter with a non-electrolytic capacitor. This inverter addresses common mode (CM) leakage
current, voltage step-up/step-down, and electrolytic capacitor lifetime concerns.
In conclusion, propose of a multilevel structure, with eliminated common mode voltage (CMV), zero
leakage current and fault tolerant capable inverter with boost voltage gain feature seems necessary to obtain a
safe and reliable inverter which is suitable for low-voltage renewable applications. The aim of this paper is to
propose a novel 5-level boost inverter with continuous gain control capability. An inductor supplies the input
side of the proposed inverter, so a continuous input current has been provided to the input source, making the
inverter suitable for PV or other renewable energy applications involving DC/AC operation. In addition, the
enhanced levels of the inverter for a 7-level operation have been provided to demonstrate the inverter's
modularity. Furthermore, the number of components is low, and the leakage current is close to zero because
the negative end of the power source is connected via wires in a direct connection to the grid's neutral terminal.
The paper is organized as follows: the structure of proposed 5-level multilevel fault-tolerant boost inverter in
section 2. The methodology and switches pulses generation scheme in section 3. MATLAB/Simulink results
for inverter in section 4. And finally, conclusion is presented in section 5.
C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1
C2 S5
A multilevel boost inverter with removed leakage current and a reduced … (Dalya Hamzah Al-Mamoori)
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In the proposed inverter, the capacitors have been charged to the same value, and the corresponding voltage of
each capacitor can be obtained as (2).
𝑉𝐶1 = 𝑉𝐶2 = (2)
Consequently, the maximum peak voltage is equivalent to the summation of the voltages present on mentioned
capacitors. Therefore, it can be obtained as (3).
𝑉𝑂,𝑀𝑎𝑥 = (3)
The equations in Table 1 illustrates the association between the output voltage and modulation index.
The output voltage peak value can be changed by the duty-cycle (D) variations. Table 2 demonstrates the peak
output voltage value variations. For the modulation indexes higher than 0.5, due to the level shift PWM (LS-
PWM) strategy employed, the inverter output will have a 5-level waveform based on a sinusoidal reference
voltage signal. Also, for M<0.5, the converter output will be changed to 3-level.
Table 1. The relationship among the modulation index and the output voltage
Output voltage Modulation index range Output voltage range
2𝑀𝑉𝐷𝐶 0 to 1 2𝑉𝐷𝐶
𝑉𝑂 = 𝑉𝑂 => 0 𝑡𝑜
1−𝐷 1−𝐷
Table 2. Application of the proposed method and the resulting output voltage gain for different modulation
index ranges
Modulation index Possible output levels Output voltage peak gain
M>0.5 5 Levels 𝑉𝑂,𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 2
M<0.5 3 Levels 𝑉𝑂,𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 1
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𝐶1,2,...𝑛 ≥ (6)
𝑓𝑠 𝛥𝑉𝐶
The proposed inverter structure provides a common ground between the output and input sides, which
results in a zero CMV and removes leakage current for PV to grid applications. According to
Figure 3(a), it can be found that the voltage from point B to the neutral point N (V BN=0) is equal to zero. So,
by considering this figure, the total common mode voltage of the inverter can be written as (7):
𝑉𝐶𝑀.𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = + (𝑉𝐴𝑁 ) ( )=0 (7)
2 2(𝐿1 )
Which, the total CMV is equal to zero. Also, according to Figure 3(a), the parasitic capacitor of the PV (C PV)
is short-circuited. As a result, the leakage current through CPV is also zero. Furthermore, the proposed inverter
has the capability of continuous boost operation, which allows the inverter to obtain a wider output voltage
range for lower input voltage sources.
(a) (b)
Figure 3. The proposed inverter connection to grid and modulation scheme: (a) the general schematic of
proposed inverter connection to the AC grid and (b) the waveform of the triangular carrier signals in
comparison with the reference sinusoidal waveform of the proposed inverter
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C1 SX1 S7
Vdc S1
SX2 C2 S3 S8
S5 C3
Figure 4. The 7-level structure topology based on the proposed circuit
Table 4. The key parameter values for the proposed inverter simulation
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Input voltage (Vdc) 24 V Input inductor (Lb) 3 mH
Capacitor values (C1 and C2) 1200µF Output load 100 Ω + 10 mH
Switching frequency 10 kHz PWM Level shift PWM
Modulation Index (M) 1 D 80%
Table 5. Comparative analysis of the proposed structure and its comparable topologies
Structure NS NDiode NCap NL NLevel Gain CC CG
[27] 3 6 2 2 3 𝐷𝑉𝑑𝑐 /(1 − 𝐷)
[28] 7 0 2 1 5 2𝑉𝑑𝑐
[29] 6 3 2 1 3 𝐷𝑉𝑑𝑐 /(1 − 𝐷)
Proposed 5-level 8 0 2 1 5 2𝑀𝑉𝑑𝑐 /(1 − 𝐷)
Proposed 7-level 11 0 3 1 7 3𝑀𝑉𝑑𝑐 /(1 − 𝐷)
*NS: Switches count, NDiode: Diodes count, NCap: Capacitors count, NL: Inductors count, NLevel: Number of voltage levels, Gain: Voltage
boost gain, CC: Continuous input current, CG: Common ground and M: Modulation index
According to the Figure 7(a), the leakage current through the input source parasitic capacitance is
zero. Moreover, the output current waveform of the inverter with the aforementioned characteristics in
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Table 4, is shown in Figure 7(b). Furthermore, Figure 8(a) reveals the total harmonics distortion (THD) of
26.76% and Figure 8(b) shows 1.11% for the inverter output voltage and current, respectively.
Figure 5. Output voltage waveforms: (a) output voltage waveform (D = 80%, M = 1), (b) sweeping the duty-
cycle from D = 80% to D = 20, and (c) sweeping the modulation index from M = 0 to M = 1
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Voltage waveforms of the inverter capacitors: (a) VC1 and (b) VC2
(a) (b)
Figure 7. The current waveforms of the inverter: (a) leakage current waveform and
(b) zoomed output current waveform
(a) (b)
Figure 8. The harmonic spectra and THD of the inverter: (a) output voltage and (b) output current
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Figure 9. The simulated converter with PLECS software: (a) control system and (b) proposed converter
Figure 10. The voltage gain comparison and loss analysis of the proposed inverter: (a) output voltage gains
vs duty cycle, (b) loss per components, and (c) efficiency curve
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The present study has proposed a new multilevel boost inverter that features a non-pulsating current
at the input, specifically designed for utilization in photovoltaic and other renewable energy systems. For the
proposed inverter, the various switching methods for each output voltage level have been illustrated, resulting
in advantages such as voltage balancing of capacitors and simple duty-cycle control. In addition, the structure's
boost gain is doubled (2𝐷/1 − 𝐷) for the 5-level structure and tripled (3𝐷/1 − 𝐷) for the 7-level structure.
The mathematical analysis of the inverter has been highlighted, and a comparison has been made between the
proposed structure and other new relevant structures. Finally, the MATLAB/Simulink environment simulation
results have been provided to demonstrate the inverter's efficacy.
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1
Vdc S1
C2 S5 S5
(a) (b)
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1 Vdc S1
C2 S5 C2
SX2 S5
(c) (d)
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1 Vdc S1
C2 S5 C2 S5
(e) (f)
Figure 2. Various operational modes for the proposed 5-level structure, (a) state CN1, (b) state CN2,
(c) state CN3, (d) state CN4, (e) state CN5, and (f) state CN6
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Lb Lb
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1 Vdc S1
C2 S5 C2 S5
(g) (h)
Lb Lb
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1 Vdc S1
C2 S5 C2 S5
(i) (j)
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1 Vdc S1
C2 C2 S5
S5 SX2
(k) (l)
Lb Lb
C1 SX1 S4 C1 SX1 S4
Vdc S1 Vdc S1
C2 C2 S5
S5 SX2
(m) (n)
C1 SX1 S4 S1-GatePulse OFF
Vdc S1 IL t
C2 S5 IC1,C2 t
Mode1 Mode2
(o) (p)
Figure 2. Various operational modes for the proposed 5-level structure: (g) state CN7, (h) state CN8,
(i) state CN9, (j) state CN10, (k) state CN11, (l) state CN12, (m) state CN13, (n) state CN14,
(o) state CN15, and (p) key waveforms of the inverter in charge and discharge operations (continue)
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Naziha Ahmad Azli received her B. Sc. Degree in Electrical Engineering from
University of Miami, Florida, USA and M.E.E. and Ph.D. from Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia in 1986, 1992 and 2002 respectively. She is now an Associate Professor at
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) with which she has been affiliated since 1988. She
currently teaches Power Electronics at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels at the
university. Her research interests are power quality, renewable, alternate, distributed energy,
and intelligent systems applied to power electronics converters. She can be contacted at
email: [email protected].
Shahrin Md. Ayob was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He obtained his first
degree in Electrical Engineering, Master in Electrical Engineering (Power), and Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2001, 2003, and 2009,
respectively. Currently, he is an associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He is a registered Graduate Engineer under the Board of
Engineer Malaysia (BEM) and Senior Member of IEEE. His current research interest is the
solar photovoltaic system, electric vehicle technology, fuzzy system, and evolutionary
algorithms for power electronics applications. He can be contacted at email: e-
[email protected].
Int J Pow Elec & Dri Syst, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2024: 312-322