Leavitt Path Algebras of Finite Gelfand-Kirillov D
Leavitt Path Algebras of Finite Gelfand-Kirillov D
Leavitt Path Algebras of Finite Gelfand-Kirillov D
72 411
4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by A. Alahmadi on 03 June 2014.
1. Introduction.
Leavitt path algebras were introduced in [AA] as algebraic analogs of graph
Cuntz-Kreiger C*-algebras. Since then they have received significant attention
from algebraists. In this paper we (i) find a Groebner-Shirshov basis of a Leavitt
path algebra, (ii) determine necessary and sufficient conditions for polynomially
bounded growth, and (iii) find Gelfand-Kirillov dimension.
3. A Basis of L(Γ)
For an arbitrary vertex v which is not a sink, choose an edge γ(v) such that
s(γ(v)) = v. We will refer to this edge as special. In other words, we fix a function
γ : V \{sinks} → E such that s(γ(v)) = v for an arbitrary v ∈ V \{sinks}.
Key words and phrases. Leavitt Path Algebra. Cuntz-Krieger C*-Algebras. Groebner-
Shirshov Basis. Polynomially Bounded Growth. Gelfand-Kirillov Dimension.
Theorem 1. The following elements form a basis of the Leavitt path algebra L(Γ) :
(i) v, v ∈ V , (ii) p, p∗ ,where p is a path in Γ, (iii) pq ∗ , where p = e1 ...en ,
q = f1 ...fm , ei , fj ∈ E, are paths that end at the same vertex r(en ) = r(fm ), with
the condition that the last edges en and fm are either distinct or equal, but not
Proof. Recall that a well-ordering on a set is a total order (that is, any two elements
can be ordered) such that every non-empty subset of elements has a least element.
As a first step, we will introduce a certain well-ordering on the set of generators
X = V ∪ E ∪ E ∗ . Choose an arbitrary well-ordering on the set of vertices V.
If e, f are edges and s(e) < s(f ) then e < f. It remains to order edges that
have the same source. Let v be a vertex which is not a sink. Let e1 , ..., ek be
all the edges that originate from v. Suppose ek = γ(v). We order the edges as
follows: e1 < e2 < .... < ek = γ(v). Choose an arbitrary well-ordering on the set
E ∗ . For arbitrary elements v ∈ V, e ∈ E, f ∗ ∈ E ∗ , we let v < e < f ∗ . Thus
the set X = V ∪ E ∪ E ∗ is well-ordered. Let X ∗ be the set of all words in the
alphabet X. The length-lex order (see [B, Be]) makes X ∗ a well-ordered set. For
all v ∈ V and e ∈ E, we extend the set of relators (1) - (4) by (5): ve = 0, for
v 6= s(e); ev = 0, for v 6= r(e); ve∗ = 0, for v 6= r(e); e∗ v = 0, for v 6= s(e). The
straightforward computations show that the set of relators (1) - (5) is closed with
respect to compositions (see [B, BE]). By the Composition-Diamond Lemma ([B,
BE]) the set of irreducible words (not containing the leading monomials of relators
(1) - (5) as subwords) is a basis of L(Γ). This completes the proof.
m > n then the path u2 (p, q) returns to the vertex v1 at the n-th step, whereas
u1 (p, q) does not. If m = n, then the left segments of length m of u1 (p, q), u2 (p, q)
are different. This proves the lemma.
Corollary 3. If two distinct cycles have a common vertex, then L(Γ) has exponen-
tial growth.
From now on we will assume that any two distinct cycles of the graph Γ do not
have a common vertex.
′′ ′′
For two cycles C ′ , C , we write C ′ =⇒ C , if there exists a path that starts in
C ′ and ends in C .
′′ ′′ ′′
Lemma 4. If C ′ , C are two cycles such that C ′ =⇒ C , and C =⇒ C ′ , then
C′ = C .
Proof. Choose a path p that starts in C ′ and ends in C . Similarly, choose a
′′ ′′
path q that starts in C and finishes in C ′ . There exists also a path p′ on C ,
′ ′
which connects r(p) with s(q) and a path q on C , which connects r(q) with s(p).
Now, pp′ qq ′ is a closed path, which visits both C ′ and C . Let t be a closed path
with this property (visiting both C ′ and C ) having a minimal length. Write t =
e1 · · · en , ei ∈ E. We claim that the vertices s(e1 ), · · ·, s(en ) are all distinct, thus
t = (s(e1 ), · · ·, s(en ); e1 , · · ·, en ) is a cycle. Assuming the contrary, let s(ei ) = s(ej ),
1 ≤ i < j ≤ n, and j − i is minimal with this property. Then t′ = (s(ei ), s(ei+1 ), · ·
·, s(ej ); ei , ei+1 , · · ·, ej−1 ) is a cycle. Let us ”cut it out”, that is, consider the path
′′ ′′
t = e1 · ·· ei−1 ej · ·· en . This path is shorter than t. Hence t can not visit both
′′ ′′
C ′ and C . Suppose that t does not visit C ′ . Then at least one of the vertices
s(ei ), · · ·, s(ej−1 ) lies in C ′ . Since two intersecting cycles coincide, it implies that
t′ = C ′ , hence s(ej ) lies in C ′ . This contradicts our assumption that t does not
visit C ′ . Hence t = C ′ = C . This proves the lemma.
A sequence of distinct cycles C1 , · · ·, Ck is a chain of length k if C1 =⇒ · · · =⇒
Ck . The chain is said to have an exit if the cycle Ck has an exit (see [AA]), that is,
if there exists an edge e such that s(e) ∈ V (Ck ), but e does not belong to Ck .Let d1
be the maximal length of a chain of cycles in Γ, and let d2 be the maximal length
of chain of cycles with an exit. Clearly, d2 ≤ d1 .
Theorem 5. Let Γ be a finite graph.
(1) The Leavitt path algebra L(Γ) has polynomially bounded growth if and only
if any two distinct cycles of Γ do not have a common vertex;
(2) If d1 is the maximal length of a chain of cycles in Γ, and d2 is the maximal
length of chain of cycles with an exit, then GK dim L(Γ) = max(2d1 − 1, 2d2 ).
Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 1 we consider the generating set X = V ∪ E ∪ E ∗
of L(Γ). Let E ′ be the set of edges that do not belong to any cycle. Let P ′ be the
set of all paths that are composed from edges from E . Then an arbitrary path
from P ′ never arrives to the same vertex twice. Hence, |P ′ | < ∞.
By Theorem 1 the space Span(X n ) is spanned by elements of the following types:
(1) a vertex,
(2) a path p = p′1 p1 p′2 p2 · · · pk p′k+1 , where pi is a path on a cycle Ci , 1 ≤ i ≤ k,
C1 =⇒ · · · =⇒ Ck is a chain, p′i ∈ P ′ , length(p) ≤ n,
(3) p∗ , where p is a path of the type (2),
Now suppose that the vertex v = r(p) = r(q) lies in Ck . Assume at first that
Ck 6= Ds . Then the chain D1 =⇒ D2 =⇒ ... =⇒ Ds has an exit. If k ≤ s, then the
number of the paths of this type is ≤ nk+s ≤ n2d2 .