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Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

Ministry of Education
Sector: -Economic Infrastructure
Sub Sector:-Information communication Technology
Occupation:-Information Technology Service Mgt _LV
Knowledge Assessment
The assessment covers the following units of competence:
1. EIS ITM5 01 0811 Establish and Maintain Client User Liaison
2. EIS ITM5 02 0811 Prepare Disaster Recovery and Contingency Plan
3. EIS ITM5 03 0811 Develop System Infrastructure Design Plan
4. EIS ITM5 04 0811 Plan and Monitor the System Pilot
5. EIS ITM5 05 0811 Research and Review Hardware Technology Options for
6. EIS ITM5 06 0811 Match IT Needs with the Strategic Direction of the Enterprise
7. EIS ITM5 07 0811 Implement Quality Assurance Processes for Business Solutions
8. EIS ITM5 08 0811 Facilitate and Capitalize on Change and Innovation
9. EIS ITM5 09 0811 Establish and Conduct Business Relationship
10. EIS ITM5 10 1012 Develop and Refine Systems for Continuous Improvement in
Candidate Name
Registration Number
Name of Assessment Center
Name of Training Provider

Structure of Test
Section No of questions No of marks Suggested time
A-Multiple choice questions 21 21 30min
B-Matching Type 15 15 20min
Total 36 50min


Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

Multiple Choice Questions /21

Matching Type /15
Final Mark /36
Dec 2013
1. Write your name, Registration number, name of training provider and
Assessment center name in the space provided.
2. You have 10 minutes reading time and opportunity to ask questions to the
3. All written responses must be in English.
4. At the end of the examination return this book to the assigned Accredited
5. You may use the following references in this test
 Non-programmable calculators
6. Do not bring the following items into the assessment venue
 Mobile telephones
 Written notes
Instructions for Section A
a. There are twenty one [21] questions in this section.
b. Select the best answer for each question. Do this by encircling the letter that
corresponds to your answer in the test package.
c. If you wish to change an answer, place an X mark through the letter you have
circled and then encircle the letter of your preferred answer.
d. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. No marks will be given
for a question if more than one answer is supplied.

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

1. Which of the following is not common in conducting an applied research regarding

the improvement of an ICT infrastructure in an organization?
A. Acknowledge others to communicate with you verbally and non-verbally.
B. Organizational needs and selection criteria are taken for granted.
C. Reporting your findings to an appropriate person.
D. Maintain a positive attitude for your research area.
2. One of the following skill is not expected to be attained by an IT service manager
A. Skill for solving unknown problems in a range of contexts, particularly in
developing new approaches with new technology.
B. Basic planning skills in relation to scope, time, cost, quality,
communications and risk management.
C. Participating in the development of reports and summary findings Plain.
D. Meager English literacy and communication skills in relation to analysis,
evaluation and presentation of information.
3. Which of the following is the final step in conducting an applied research to solve
organizational problems?
A. Feasibility study
B. Statement of the problem
C. Background of the study
D. Findings and Recommendation
4. When developing a disaster recovery plan (DRP) we should.
A. Consult competitor business organization
B. Focus only on the organizational profit
C. Identify critical systems and ensure they are restored as soon as possible.
D. Prepare an organizational structure of our stakeholder
5. In determining customer needs, which one of the following should NOT be fulfilled?
A. Understanding Who they are
B. Understanding What they do
C. Understanding What they expect of you
D. Understanding how they wear.

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

6. Service-level agreement may exist for many different infrastructure services but one
of the following is not included.
D. SLAs for vendor products
7. Computer based information system(CBIS) typically composed of the following
elements except.
A. People
B. Network
C. Procedure
D. Business firm
8. Microsoft is a software developing firm. Suppose you are a system administrator of
this company’s branch in Ethiopia. Which one of the following would be the best
possible appropriate person to whom you would report to?
A. Your immediate supervisor.
B. Your company’s supplier.
C. Your customer.
D. Your company’s lawyer
9. Which one of the following is not included under the aim of organizational
effectiveness and efficiency?
A. Using resources wisely and in accost effective way.
B. Doing the right thing in the right way at the right time.
C. Using Maximum resources to produce the desired volume of output.
D. Improved information flows. (MIS).
10. Solution developers ,business clients working together, or number of third-party
solution developers working together are :
A. Manager
B. Project Team
C. Client

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

D. Suppliers and Vendors.

11. Which one of the following is not considered as Business-Critical Function?
A. Financial Systems
B. Customer service functions
C. Payroll
D. Attending regular monthly meetings.
12. One of the following is correct order about risk analysis stages.
A. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider Probability Estimate
Loss consider safeguards Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan.
B. Identify Threats  Identify Assets  consider Probability Estimate
Loss consider safeguards Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan.
C. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider Probability Estimate
Loss consider safeguards Implement Plan  Cost Benefit Analysis
D. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider ProbabilityConsider
safeguards Estimate Loss Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan.
13. Suppose you are an employee in XYZ Company as a system Administrator. Your
company need to shift its process to an on-line service thorough out the branches.
Which one of the following solution is not good enough in shifting the process from
manual to a web-based online service?
A. Installing new hardware or hardware upgrades that could satisfy the
B. Installing new up-to date operating system software or application
software upgrades to newer versions.
C. User training before implementing a new system.
D. Promoting the new implemented system to clients so that they can benefit
from the system.
14. Which of the following skill is not a management skill for system Analyst?
A. Resource Management
B. Project management
C. Risk management
D. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

15. For an IT service Manager, one of the following is not a MUST to know about.
A. Broad knowledge of technology and product directions for evaluating and
forecasting vendor and technology trends
B. Broad knowledge for evaluating current system functionality to forecast for
C. Broad knowledge for evaluating external disputes of the organization.
D. Broad knowledge for evaluating the operating systems supported by the
organization to forecast for planning.
16. A person or organization that has an interest in system or is impacted by the
A. System Analyst.
B. Network Admin
C. Database Admin
D. Stakeholder.
17. A way of preventing mistakes or defects and avoiding problems when delivering
solutions or services to customers.
A. Quality Control
B. Quality Assurance
C. Quality Improvement
D. Quality management Plan
18. Which of the following phase is correct about plan and monitors the system pilot
from Final to Initial?
A. Install Pilot system Monitor implementation of Pilot system  prepare
for Pilot System Evaluate pilot System
B. Monitor implementation of Pilot system Install Pilot system prepare
for Pilot System Evaluate pilot System
C. prepare for Pilot System Install Pilot system Monitor implementation
of Pilot system  Evaluate pilot System
D. Evaluate pilot System  Monitor implementation of Pilot system
Install Pilot system prepare for Pilot System.

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5

19. Which one of the following is FALSE about assessing risks and implementing risk
control measures?
A. Knowledge of problem identification and resolution.
B. Pitiable knowledge of factors which lead/cause resistance to change.
C. Good record keeping and management methods
D. Good consultation and communication techniques.
20. Part of normal work and that does not require a special event to occur and alien with
a sequence of events or project.
A. Continuous improvement
B. Organizational Knowledge.
C. Breakthrough Improvement.
D. Relevant Metrics
21. The recruitment, selection, as+signment, training, development, evaluation and
compensation of staff.
A. Organizing
B. Staffing
C. Leading
D. Planning

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)
Occupational Code: EIS ITM5


Instructions for Section B
1. There are fifteen [15] questions in this section.
2. Match column A with column B. Select the letter of the correct answer from
column B and write your answer on the provided space.
3. If you wish to change your answer place an x mark on your previous answer and
write your preferred answer
4. A correct answer scores 1, an incorrect answer scores 0. No marks will be given
for a question if more than one answer is supplied
Column A Column B
_____1 Information technology failure (hardware, software) A. Decomposition
_____2. Provide a coordinated approach to the disaster B. Manger
recovery process
C. Installation
_____3. Directly or indirectly related to a loss of life.
D. contingency plan
_____4. A person with frontline management roles and
E. Sabotage
responsibilities, regardless of the title of their position.
F. Breakthrough Improvement
_____5. An authorized access to the system in any
G. Muda
H. Critical System
_____6. Breakdowns of internet or wide Area Network.
I. Management
-------- 7. Identification and elimination of waste
J. Kaizen
_____8. The speed, Capacity.& Reliability of the system
K. Performance
_____9. Variables of Project Plan
L. Security
_____10. The process of breaking down a system in to
M. Establish contact with
smaller components.
_____11. Continuous improvement.
N. Threats
_____12. identifying points of agreement and points of
difference O. Negotiation techniques
_____13 .process during which the current system is
P. Welcoming customer
replaced by the new system.
Q. Customer contact
_____14. Kaizen Blitz
R. External threats
_____15. Data and software are intentionally destroyed or
S. Scope, Objective & Budget

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V3 (Oct 2014)

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