EM 1110-2-1602 Part 12
EM 1110-2-1602 Part 12
EM 1110-2-1602 Part 12
15 Oct 80
3-1. Location. Sluices for concrete dams are generally located along
the center line of spillway monoliths (plate C-18). When more than one
sluice per monolith is required they are spaced appropriately in each
monolith (plate C-19). A sluice should never be located close to or
straddling a monolith joint. Since it is also general practice to place
crest piers on the center line of spillway monoliths, the sluice air
vent intakes can be placed in the crest pier, eliminating any danger of
submergence during spillway flow. Air vents should not be cross-
connected below the highest possible pressure grade line. In some cases
it may be desirable to locate the sluices in the nonoverflow section of
the dam. Such a location requires either (a) a separate energy dissi-
pater or (b) a careful design for discharging into the spillway energy
3-2. Size, Shape, and Number. The sluices for concrete gravity dams
usually have arelatively small cross-sectional area. One of the prin-
cipal reasons for making the sluices small in cross section is adverse
structural effects of large openings in a concrete gravity section. In
addition, the use of a large number of small sluices, each controlled by
individual gates, provides a finer degree of regulation than could be
obtained from a smaller number of sluices of larger cross-sectional area.
The flood control sluices installed in Corps of Engineers' dams are
predominantly rectangular in cross section. The size of sluices usually
varies from 4 ft 0 in. by 6 ft 0 in. to 5 ft 8 in. by 10 ft 0 in., de-
pending on discharge requirements. Larger sizes may be indicated in
certain cases. All sluices should be large enough for inspection, main-
tenance, and repair purposes.
EM 1110-2-1602 3-3a
15 Oct 80
3-5 EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
trashracks, depending upon the need for protection against clogging and
debris damage to gates and turbines.
EM lll0-2-1602 3-6a
15 Oct 80
The curves that determine the rate of convergence are designated as en-
trance curves. It is the function of the entrance section to guide the
flow with minimum disturbance until it is contracted to the dimensions
of the gate passage or to the upstream transition of an ungated intake.
If the entrance curve is too sharp or too short, negative pressure
areas may develop in the entrance section where the jet is inadequately
supported or improperly guided. On the other hand, a long and gradual
entrance curve may require an unnecessary amount of expensive forming.
The objective is to design an entrance of minimum length in which posi-
tive pressures can be maintained at all flows.
3-7. Intake Energy Losses. Intake head losses are considered to in-
clude all the energy losses between the reservoir and the sluice proper.
The head loss includes the form losses generated by the entrance curves,
bulkhead or stop log slots, gate passage and gate slot, air vents, and
the transition between the intake and the sluice proper. They also in-
clude the friction losses occurring in the intake structure. Intake
losses are experimentally determined (model and prototype) by assuming
3-7 EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
that the fUlly developed turbulent friction gradient exists between the
conduit exit portal and the intake as shown in plate C-2. On the basis
of limited model and prototype intake loss data for sluices, an intake
loss coefficient value of 0.16 is recommended for capacity design and a
value of 0.10 when high velocity is critical. When gate slot losses
are not included in the intake loss, a value of 0.01 for each gate may
be considered. If trashracks are provided this value should be in-
creased in accordance with data referenced in paragraph 3-5b.
EM 1110-2-1602 3-9a
15 Oct 80
operation is not usually used for gates which operate partly open for
long periods of time because of possible vibration. See paragraphs
4-18 and 4-19 for design problems concerning cable-suspended gates.
Hydraulically operated gates are preferred for high heads and for long
periods of operation at partial openings. These gates have rigid
riser stems that recess into bonnets or extend to a higher floor level
where the hydraulic hoist mechanism is located. The hydraulically
operated slide gate is used preponderantly in designs for service gate
installations in sluices of concrete dams. The rectangular slide gate
generally has a height greater than the width to minimize both the
flexure on the horizontal members and the unit loads on the vertical
guides, and to reduce the possibility of binding in the slot. The
cross-sectional shape of the gate passage in the sluice is usually the
same as the shape of the gate. The upstream face of vertical-lift
type gates must be flat rather than "bellied," as some gates were in
the past, and the 45-deg lip should terminate in a l-in. vertical
extension (see plate C-23). Rating curve computations are discussed
in paragraph 4-16 and in Appendix D.
3-10 EM 1110-2-1602
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Q = CAI2gH (3-2)
Q = discharge in cfs
C = discharge coefficient
A = nominal conduit or valve flow area in rt
EM 1110-2-1602 3-lOc
15 Oct 80
3-12 EM 1110-2-1602
15 Oct 80
3-13. Gate Slots. The guide slots of rectangular gates produce a dis-
continuity in sidewalls which may cause cavitation, unless specially
designed. It has been common practice to use metal-liner plates down-
stream from the gate slots to protect the concrete from the erosive
action of cavitation. The recommended guide lines for metal liners are
given in paragraph 3-16. The gate slot in the roof of the gate chamber
and air vent slots present similar design problems. Design details for
slide gate roof, side, and air vent slot details are shown in
plate C-23. Pressure coefficients (item 123) for detailed examination
of this gate slot design for high heads (>250 ft) are given in figure a,
plate C-26. To obtain dimensional local gate slot pressure data, the
pressure coefficients given in this plate are multiplied by the flow
velocity head in the gate passage and algebraically added to the back-
pressure gradient elevation at the gate slot. Tests by Ball (item 6)
show that doubling the downstream taper length from 12 to 24 units re-
duces the severest pressure drop coefficients (C) from -0.16 to -0~.12
for comparable slot geometry. Therefore, it is recommended that for
heads >250 ft the taper downstream of the gate slot be modified to
1:24. For conservative estimates of minimum pressures at gate slots
where streamlining is not provided, the pressure coefficients in fig-
ure b, plate C-26, should be used. In detailed design studies it may be
desirable to check the gate slot design for potential incipient cavita-
tion. This can be done by solving equation 2-19 for the absolute con-
duit pressure p necessary for cavitation and comparing it with the
computed minimum pressure at the slots. Plate C-27 gives incipient
EM 1110-2-1602 3-13
15 Oct 80
cavitation coefficients a. for various slot geometries. These values
were obtained using relati~ely large scale (1:3) plastic models to re-
duce possible errors from scale effects. A a. value of 0.4 is recom-
mended to check cavitation potential. For con§ervative design, the
computed minimum pressure should be appreciably higher (15 ft or more)
than the incipient cavitation pressure. The head losses for gate slots
are generally included in the composite intake loss discussed in para-
graph 3-7. When gate slot losses are not included in the intake loss,
a loss coefficient K value of 0.01 is recommended for each pair of
gate slots for use in equation 2-12.
3-15. Gate Seats. In general, the gate seat is flush with the floor
of the gate passage.
3~16. Steel Liners. Steel liners in concrete conduits have been used
where experience indicates cavitation is likely to occur such as down-
stream from control gates and valves where a high-velocity jet occurs.
For heads above 150 ft, a metal liner should extend 5 ft downstream
from the gate. For heads below 150 ft, no liner should be required.
If a liner is necessary, it should not terminate at a monolith joint
or in a transition.
3-17. Air Vents. The following guidance is recommended for air vent