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Author Adventure ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Jessica Catalan
Organized Play�������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Mike Kimmel
Editing Lead
Solomon St. John Playtest Home Page: starfinderplaytest.com
Books: Pathfinder GM Core, Pathfinder Player Core, Starfinder Playtest Rulebook
Editors Maps: Starfinder Flip-Mat: Living Starships
Priscilla Lagares and Zac Moran Online Resource: Pathfinder Reference Document at paizo.com/prd
Cover Artist
Michele Giorgi SCENARIO TAGS
Interior Artists Scenario tags provide additional information about an adventure’s contents. For more
Trevor Brown and Wero Gallo information on scenario tags see the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society at
Damien Mammoliti Repeatable
Art Direction and Graphic Design
Sonja Morris
Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)
Thurston Hillman After nearly colliding with an out-of-control starship, the PCs board the vessel to ascertain 6505556
what’s happened to the crew. Inside, they face a dangerous monster and its brood and bargain
Director of Game Development with the ghost of the starship’s captain. In the end, the PCs blow the starship to pieces to
Adam Daigle prevent the monster from spreading to other planets in the Pact Worlds.
Erik Mona
Paizo Inc.
15902 Woodinville Redmond RD NE
Suite B
Woodinville, WA 98072
paizo.com, Vince Romaniello <[email protected]>, Aug 9, 2024 28581380
research laboratory. The Bloom is haunted but that’s the least of your problems. 6505557
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Bloom additionally learns that there are dozens of life forms OMINOUS EVENTS
aboard. Most are Small or Tiny and one is Large.
A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check or a DC The Bloom is haunted by the ghost of Captain Leah
17 Computers, Crafting, or Nature check identifies four airlock Imaaz and infested by Sample 62’s hatchlings. As
doors, two on the port side and two on the starboard side. One the PCs explore the Bloom, they experience various
of the port airlocks is open. If they critically succeed, they ominous events, such as hearing scrabbling in the vents
notice two other airlocks, one per side, closer to the fore of and seeing figments that aren’t there. These events
the starship. These two airlocks are hidden from view by the don’t have mechanical impact—they’re intended to be
Bloom’s leaf fronds. atmospheric and to telegraph the presence of the ghost
and monstrous aliens the PCs encounter later in the
Crafting, Piloting, Society, or adventure. Several sample ominous events are briefly
Xenowarden Lore (Recall Knowledge) noted below, but GMs are encouraged to create more of
A PC who succeeds at a DC 20 Crafting, Piloting, Society, or their own to set the adventure’s tone, as desired.
Xenowarden Lore check to Recall Knowledge knows more • A scrabbling sound reverberates through the
about the Xenowardens and their biomechanical starships. ventilation ducts.
Critical Success As success, plus Xenowardens pilot • The PCs hear weeping but can’t spot the source.
biomechanical living starships grown specially for them • A voice whispers an unintelligible warning in a
by Unified Conservatory (or UC). Most Xenowarden PC’s ear.
captains form a psychic connection with their starship • A broken specimen jar is in an unusual place.
that enables them to control some of its systems with • A scream that only one PC hears echoes through
a thought. The Bloom is a UC Librama class starship, the halls.
marking it as a scouting and research vessel designed for • A PC spots a woman at the end of a corridor, but she
preliminary exploration and analysis of new and distant vanishes a moment later.
planets. Libramas have multiple specimen laboratories • A bulbous, pulsing growth (an alien egg) grows in a
and workspaces to better facilitate the study and hard-to-reach location.
analysis of alien flora and fauna.
Success The Xenowardens are a far reaching and diverse
organization who study and protect natural ecosystems
across the galaxy, explore and survey new planets, and 6505558
create eco-friendly technologies. Much of their technology to the Bloom’s erratic course, this requires a PC to attempt
utilizes biotech, magic, or both. The Xenowardens would a DC 18 Piloting check or a DC 22 Computers check. With
pay well for the return of one of their starships, even if this complete, the PCs can spacewalk from the Overhaul
nothing valuable remains aboard. to the Bloom. The success of their autopilot programming
Critical Failure Xenowardens are a coalition of environmental determines the difficulty of the ensuing spacewalk, as
activists who travel the galaxy in starships that look like noted below.
living trees. Despite their natural appearance, these are Critical Success DC 17 Acrobatics or Athletics to spacewalk.
technological vehicles, like any other starship. Success DC 19 Acrobatics or Athletics to spacewalk.
Failure DC 21 Acrobatics or Athletics to spacewalk.
BOARDING Critical Failure DC 23 Acrobatics or Athletics to spacewalk.
To board the Bloom, the PCs must first set their starship to A PC who flies to the Bloom using a jetpack or other
autopilot so the Overhaul follows alongside the Bloom. Due means of controlled propulsion can roll a Piloting check
for their spacewalk, rather than an Acrobatics or Athletics
check, if desired. Each PC who fails their check to spacewalk
miscalculates their trajectory to the spinning ship, crashes
into the exterior hull of the Bloom, and takes 4d6 bludgeoning
damage (DC 20 basic Reflex save) before reaching their
intended airlock.
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A9 A10
A7 A7
A6 6505559
A1 A4
A2 A3
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There are six exterior airlocks on the Bloom. At present, twitching erratically and sparks periodically flying from its
only the rear four airlock doors are accessible (two port and circuits. A PC who examines the broken drone can clearly
two starboard). One of these doors is open and is the PCs’ see it’s been damaged and knocked over, though it could be
expected entry point (it leads to area A1). The other three repaired with little difficulty.
airlock doors are locked with a simple biomechanical lock, A PC who spends 1 minute and succeeds at a DC 18
which can be hacked or disabled using Computers, Nature, or Computers check can read the drone’s diagnostics log. On
Thievery, and which requires three successful DC 20 checks to a success, they determine that the drone suffered multiple
unlock. Unlocking these locked airlocks from inside the Bloom instances of blunt force, followed by a barrage of sonic
is an Interact action that doesn’t require a skill check. damage. Once downed, the drone took no further damage.
A PC who spends 10 minutes with the drone and succeeds
A. BLOOM at a DC 20 Crafting check can repair it and sync their comm
unit to the drone’s remote-control interface. Once repaired, the
Each of the Bloom’s airlock doors is protected by an intangible drone gains the minion trait, and a PC can Command the drone
bioseal that keeps the atmosphere naturally created by the using the synced comm unit. Commanding the drone in this
starship contained inside. This negates the need for traditional way is a single action that has the manipulate trait. A porter
airlock chambers. The bioseal is visible as a slightly green drone can only be Commanded to Stride, to Interact to pick up
shimmer in the doorway. or put down an object, or to Interact to open or close a door.
Inside the Bloom, the starship has normal atmosphere and Treasure: PCs who search the cargo bay for useful
standard gravity. The lights are currently off, making it dark equipment discover an autograppler, 200 feet of cable line,
throughout. The doors are ovular and open or close like an and a commercial antigrav harness.
aperture when the control frond is triggered as an Interact
action. The doors connecting areas A1–A7 are all open, while A3. STARBOARD CARGO BAY
the doors from area A8–A11 are closed. The interior doors The starboard cargo bay contains replacement parts for the
don’t lock; each has Hardness 10 and 40 Hit Points (BT 20). starship, as well as UPBs and assorted inedible sundries.
Use the map on page 5 for the Bloom. Treasure: PCs who search the cargo bay for useful
equipment discover an advanced tank of petrol, an advanced
A1. PORT SPECIMEN LAB incendiary grenade, a hacking toolkit, an infiltrator’s toolkit,
and a tactical radiation buffer.
The airlock door to this laboratory is open, and only a shimmering
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green aura in the doorway marks the transition from the void A4. STARBOARD SPECIMEN LAB
of space to the Bloom’s dark interior. Inside, the laboratory is a Much like the port specimen lab (area A1), this laboratory is a
mess of broken specimen boxes and lab equipment. mess of debris and broken specimen containers. Each of the
specimen containers was broken open by Sample 62 and had
If the PCs have a light source or can see in the dark, they its contents consumed.
notice that bloodstains and gore mar the walls and floor, as Treasure: A PC who succeeds at a DC 15 Perception check
well as the interior of the specimen boxes, making it obvious while Searching this room discovers an advanced flamethrower
that something grisly happened on the Bloom. on the ground in the corner, fully emptied of petrol.
A PC who sifts through the debris in this lab finds the half-
eaten corpse of a crew member still wearing a tattered lab A5. ENGINE ROOM
coat. A PC who examines the corpse and succeeds at a DC 18
Medicine check or a DC 20 Nature check determines that the The Bloom’s engine room was clearly once a marvel of
spacefarer was killed at least a week ago by a creature with biomechanical engineering, containing a high-speed Drift
insectile mandibles. engine, four sleek workstations with state-of-the-art
A PC who examines the specimen boxes and succeeds at a biomechanical interfaces, and four plush chairs grown from
DC 19 Crafting, Survival, or Thievery check determines that leaf fronds and flower petals. Now, the engine room is a mess.
the boxes once held a variety of flora and fauna, but that The front panel is torn off the broken Drift engine, tools are
each box was torn open from the outside and the contents scattered around the floor, and something has taken bites out
within consumed. Only one of the containment boxes was of the chairs and other biomass. The ground near the forward
broken open from the inside, indicating that the creature it doors is coated in a sticky looking slime, which trails through
once contained escaped confinement. Judging by the size of the open doors to midship. Through these doors, midship is
the box, this creature was 1 foot in size or smaller. The box is coated entirely in a thick layer of slime and pulsing organic
labeled “Sample 62.” masses. Amid these alien egg-sacs crawl grub-like creatures
Treasure: A PC who searches the specimen lab uncovers with oddly humanoid bone faceplates, each engorged and
two tactical medpatches. nearly a foot in length. Movement in the distance indicates
there’s likely additional grubs in adjoining chambers.
The port cargo bay contains scientific equipment and survey Looking Ahead: It’s clear to the PCs that there are alien
gear. A broken porter drone lies on the ground, its legs creatures midship (area A6), with more in the adjoining rooms
paizo.com, Vince Romaniello <[email protected]>, Aug 9, 2024 28581384
(areas A7). Canny PCs will likely shut the doors between area ADJUSTING
A5 and A6 so they can explore the rear of the starship at ENCOUNTER A6
their leisure, perhaps even using the porter drone to close the
doors without endangering themselves. If the PCs don’t, warn This combat encounter is designed to challenge a
them that the hatchlings midship have noticed them and are group of four PCs. Make the following changes to
wriggling toward area A5. If the PCs still don’t shut the doors, accommodate larger groups (these changes are not
the encounter in area A6 begins, spreading into this chamber cumulative).
and the rear of the starship, as appropriate. 5 PCs: Increase the Hit Points of each hatchling
Maintenance Controls: The engine room contains some swarm by 15.
basic controls that the PCs can use to operate the lights and 6 PCs: Add one hatchling swarm to the encounter.
control the ship’s interior temperature. These controls have
safeguards that prevent users from making the temperature
dangerously hot or cold. Furthermore, the ship’s atmosphere
and gravity can’t be adjusted, as these effects are created
naturally by the starship itself. The PCs can use these controls Success During a routine survey mission to a newly
to turn on the lights throughout the Bloom, shedding some discovered dwarf planet in the Vast currently known
light on their surroundings. If they do, they hear a distant by the temporary identifier VDP-32074-S, the crew
screech coming from the fore of the ship. of the Xenowarden starship Bloom collected a variety
Malfunctioning Engines: The Bloom’s engine is damaged of biological and environmental samples. After these
and its Drift engine is broken completely. It’s obvious that samples were secured in the Bloom’s laboratories for
repairing the engine or Drift engine will take days (to further study, the Xenowardens departed, plotting
weeks) of work. A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Crafting a course through the Drift to the Pact Worlds to drop
or Nature check or a DC 20 Arcana check determines that off their samples at the Xenowarden arkship Verdant
someone purposefully caused this damage, intentionally Paradise, which serves as a mobile research laboratory
sabotaging the engines using the tools littered across the and is currently in orbit around Bretheda. The Bloom has
floor. Additionally, they discover that the Drift engine’s core five crew members, including Captain Leah Imaaz, an
contains radioactive components, though the containment engineer, a surveyor, and two scientists (a botanist and
casing is thankfully undamaged. (GMs should note that the a zoologist).
PCs can use these radioactive components to destroy the Critical Failure The computer releases a burst of toxic 6505561
Bloom later in the adventure). pollen, dealing 4d6 poison damage to the user (DC 20
Workstations: The Xenowarden scientists used these basic Fortitude save). Then, the computer withers,
workstations in their study and observation of collected destroying itself. Once destroyed, this console regrows
specimens and samples. By sifting through the computer in 1 week.
files, the PCs can learn about the Bloom, its current mission,
some of the crew, and Sample 62’s original forms. Most of the Treasure: Collectively, the tools scattered on the ground
floral chairs have been consumed by the hatchlings in area form a repair kit.
A6, as have part of the workstations and computer consoles.
One of the computers remains functional. Due A6. MIDSHIPLOW TO MODERATE 5
to its biomechanical nature, the PCs can
hack this computer by attempting a DC This large chamber is completely coated, from
15 Computers or Nature check, with the floor to ceiling, in slimy effluence, spotted with
following results. pulsing growths the size of a brutaris ball.
Critical Success As success, and Numerous grub-like creatures with mandibles
they also learn that Sample and bony growths—that look disturbingly like
62 was of particular interest to a humanoid skull—writhe amid the alien
the team zoologist. Originally egg sacs.
catalogued as a simple flatworm
of about two inches in length, Sample 62 laid eggs in this
Sample 62 proved capable chamber, many of which
of rapid bio adaptations— have hatched into small,
the creature adopts the insectile monsters. The
characteristics of organic doors in this area are open,
materials they consume. enabling the hatchlings
The last records of Sample in area A7 to converge
62 indicate the creature on this room when they
was a foot long, grub-like, notice the PCs, increasing
and had sharp mandibles the difficulty of the listed combat
and an impressive shriek. HATCHLING SWARM encounter. The PCs can close the
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Skills Acrobatics +10, Athletics +9 fragments, and a stray shoe are 6505562
Str +3, Dex +4, Con +4, Int –5, visible amid the debris.
Wis +0, Cha –3 LEAH IMAAZ
AC 20; Fort +10, Ref +14, Will +8 A9. WASHROOM
HP 32; Immunities precision, swarm mind (Pathfinder Monster This washroom has an airlock door in the port wall,
Core 360); Weaknesses area damage 5, fire damage 5, splash camouflaged behind a hanging garden coating the wall.
damage 5; Resistances bludgeoning 2, piercing 5, slashing 5 This airlock exit has an exterior ladder, making it a possible
Speed 20 feet, climb 20 feet route the PCs might take to reach the exterior hull near the
Sonic Chorus [two-actions] The swarm emits a chorus of ear-splitting adventure’s climax (page 10).
shrieks and screeches, dealing 5d6 sonic damage to
creatures in a 10-foot radius emanation (DC 21 basic Reflex A10. CAPTAIN’S CABIN
save). It can’t use Sonic Chorus again for 1d4 rounds. This private cabin belonged to Leah Imaaz, captain of the
Swarming Bites [one-action] Each enemy in the swarm’s space takes Bloom. The room is messy, but not destroyed, as Captain
2d8 piercing damage (DC 21 basic Reflex save). Imaaz desperately rifled through her room for useful gear in
her attempts to destroy Sample 62. Her death prevented her
A7. CREW QUARTERS TRIVIAL 5 from ever tidying up.
The four rank and file members of the crew slept in these There’s an airlock door in the starboard wall that has an
communal bedrooms, two per room. exterior ladder, making it a possible route the PCs might take
Creatures: A half dozen hatchlings root around in each to reach the exterior hull near the adventure’s climax (page 10).
of these bedrooms, eating the biomass composing the bed Treasure: A PC who succeeds at a DC 18 Perception check
frames. If encountered alone in this room, these hatchlings are discovers an advanced laser rifle and spell gem of personal
too weak to pose a threat to the PCs and are easily dispatched gravity that Captain Imaaz missed in her haste.
without difficulty.
One round after combat begins in area A6, these hatchlings A11. BRIDGE TRIVIAL 5
move to the center of area A6. If both groups reach the center
of the room, they mass together into an additional hatchling The bridge of the Bloom is surprisingly pristine. Though dried
swarm and attack the PCs, increasing the difficulty of that blood stains one of the consoles, everything else is seemingly
encounter to Moderate. intact. The air is chilly, and the mournful sound of weeping
Port Treasure: The PCs discover a jetpack and an old echoes through the room from everywhere all at once.
fashioned, coded letter, written in a cipher. A PC who succeeds
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Captain Imaaz was killed on the bridge of the Bloom and ZERO GRAVITY
has yet to leave. Tormented by guilt, she returned as a ghost
determined to destroy the Bloom, Sample 62, and the brood. While on the exterior hull, the PCs are in zero gravity
Confused and frustrated by her inability to physically interact (also referred to as zero-g). Creatures in zero-g have
with any of the starship’s systems and mentally influence the the clumsy, off-guard, and untethered conditions. A
starship that was once psychically bonded with her, Captain creature in a zero-gravity environment can lift and
Imaaz has become lost in her memories and is reliving the last carry 10 times their normal amount of weight and
days of her life. multiplies the ranges of thrown weapons by 10.
Hazards: When the PCs enter this room, Captain Imaaz is A creature with the untethered condition can’t take
lost in her memories, which take the form of a haunt. move actions unless the action specifies it can be used
in zero gravity. At the end of the creature’s turn, they
DESPERATE FINAL MOMENTS HAZARD 5 move 5 feet in the last direction they moved deliberately.
UNIQUE COMPLEX HAUNT Creatures with the untethered condition can take the
Stealth +8 (trained) Push Off action (Starfinder Playtest Rulebook 256) to
Description Captain Imaaz relives the last gruesome change directions and the distance moved.
moments of her life, as she’s devoured by a terrifying and
unstoppable monster.
Disable DC 24 Diplomacy to calm Captain Imaaz, DC 20
Occultism or Religion (trained) to weaken the haunt, or
DC 22 Society (trained) to ground Captain Imaaz in the “The Bloom is a biomechanical starship and will self-repair
present moment; two total successes are required to in time. However, it’s highly vulnerable to radiation. You’ll
disable the haunt. first need to harvest the radioactive components from the
Ambush [reaction] (emotion, fear, illusion, mental, occult) Trigger Drift engine. With this material, climb onto the exterior hull
A living creature enters the bridge; Effect The triggering and sabotage the starship’s weapons, so they explode when
creature senses a monstrous form leaping on them, triggered to fire. Be sure to integrate the radioactive material.
emerging from the dark and knocking them to the ground. Then, you can flee back to your starship. I’ll trigger the guns
The triggering creature must attempt a DC 26 Will save. myself, from the bridge—I retain enough of a connection to
On a failure, they become frightened 2 (frightened 3 on a the Bloom for that, at least. Once you’re away, send my final
critical failure). The haunt then rolls initiative. message to the Xenowardens on the Verdant Paradise. They’ll 6505563
Routine (3 actions) The haunt uses 3 actions to attack know what to do and will ensure that Sample 62’s home
creatures in the bridge, Striking with a jaws, claw, and tail planet is quarantined. Can I count on you?”
attack each round, and targeting each creature in the room
no more than once. Captain Imaaz does her best to convince the PCs to follow her
Melee [one-action] jaws +15, Damage 2d8+7 piercing plan and warns them against confronting Sample 62 directly,
Melee [one-action] claw +15 (agile), Damage 2d6+7 slashing noting that with everything the creature consumes, they grow
Melee [one-action] tail +15, Damage 2d8+7 piercing and learn. Already, they are cunning and cruel, and she fears
Reset After 1 hour, Captain Imaaz slips back into memories of what they could become if they consume another intelligent
her painful death, resetting the haunt. creature. When the PCs agree, she informs them that four of
the Bloom’s airlocks have an exterior ladder that runs along the
Developments: When the PCs disable the haunt, the ghost hull and up to the weapons systems. These airlocks are located
of Captain Imaaz emerges from the central console, looking at areas A1, A4, A9, and A10. Additionally, she urges the PCs
heartbroken but determined. She speaks with the PCs, to access the console and pull up her warning message, which
quickly sharing any information they may have missed in they can easily upload to a comm unit.
the adventure’s background, including her ill-fated attempt PCs who attempt to use the consoles for any other purpose,
to kill Sample 62, warn the Verdant Paradise, and scuttle the such as flying the starship, find the controls non-responsive—
ship. Knowledge imparted, she begs a favor of the PCs, asking the Bloom is bonded with Sample 62 and accepts commands
them to help her destroy Sample 62 and the creature’s brood, from no other.
and to dispatch her message to the Verdant Paradise. If they
agree, read or paraphrase the following. EXECUTING THE PLAN
There are four primary stages of the plan that the PCs must
“Sample 62 knows you’re here. They psychically bonded execute. Each stage is detailed below.
with the Bloom after my death. I’m no longer in control.” The Download the Message: The PCs can download Captain
ghost frowns for a moment, lost in a glimmer of a memory, Imaaz’s final message onto a comm unit or datapad while
then refocuses on the present with a shake of her head. on the bridge, as noted in area A11. This takes 1 minute and
“Time is short. To kill Sample 62 and their brood, you must doesn’t require a check to accomplish.
destroy the Bloom completely. Not even one of Sample 62’s Gather Radioactive Material: The PCs can gather
hatchlings or eggs can survive to reach Bretheda or the radioactive material from the broken Drift engine. Doing so
Verdant Paradise.” requires a PC to spend 10 minutes and succeed at a DC 17
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PCs are on the exterior hull—there are no rooms, and the entire
area is dark, a vacuum, and zero-gravity. The only features on
the hull are the airlock doors, exterior ladders, and the four
starship guns. The leaf fronds on the side of the starship are
sturdy enough to support creatures. The hull over area A11 is
10 feet lower in height than the rest of the hull.
One round after the first PC reaches the starship’s
weapons, Sample 62 clambers up the side of the hull
and attempts to sneak up on them, catching the
PCs by surprise if none of them notice the
creature coming. Remember that they
won’t hear Sample 62 in the vacuum
of space! See hazards and creatures for
more information.
Hazards: After combat begins (see page 11), at the beginning
of their turn, each PC on the exterior hull who is not wearing
magboots must succeed at a DC 18 Reflex save to avoid falling
prone. A creature knocked prone that is not hanging onto a
ladder or secured to the hull (such as by cable line) is knocked
20 feet to either port or starboard (GM’s choice) and 20 feet
to the rear (due to the forward movement of the starship).
A creature adrift in this way can attempt to Grab an Edge
after moving 10 feet. A PC who drifts completely off the map
and doesn’t have a way to return drifts off into space and is
effectively out of this encounter—though they may have a
long-range weapon that lets them contribute while drifting
away for an extra round or two.
Once combat begins, Sample 62 tugs on their empathic
connection with the starship, causing the Bloom to act in
paizo.com, Vince Romaniello <[email protected]>, Aug 9, 2024 28581388
the creature’s defense each round. While Sample 62 doesn’t trait (see sidebar) and ignores the effects of zero-g, instead
yet understand how the starship’s guns work, the creature treating zero-g as low gravity.
understands violence, and they urge the Bloom to lash at AC 24; Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +11
creatures on the ladders with vines and deploy symbiotic pods HP 90; Resistances piercing 5, slashing 5; Weaknesses fire 9
to heal Sample 62’s wounds. This functions as a complex hazard. Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet
Melee [one-action] jaws +17 (reach 10 feet), Damage 2d8+7 piercing
UNIQUE COMPLEX MAGICAL PLANT TECH Melee [one-action] claw +17 (agile, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+7 slashing
Stealth +10 (trained) Melee [one-action] tail +17 (reach 15 feet), Damage 2d6+7 piercing
Description The Bloom acts to defend Sample 62, attacking plus Grab
with lashing vines and releasing biopods to heal the Ranged [one-action] psychic screech +15 (mental, range increment 60
monster’s wounds. feet, sonic), Damage 3d6 sonic
Disable DC 23 Computers (trained) or Crafting (trained) to Adaptation Whenever Sample 62 damages a living creature
scramble the Bloom’s sensors, DC 23 Arcana (trained) with a jaws Strike, they can choose to absorb one of the
or Nature (trained) to manipulate the Bloom’s magical creature’s characteristics, gaining any one of the following
or natural components, DC 20 Occultism (expert) to abilities (and selecting only from the abilities the target
psychically bond with the Bloom and urge it to stop its has): any precise or imprecise sense, resistance (up to 5) to
assault (counts as two successes); three total successes are one type of damage, any Speed (up to 20 feet), the ability to
required to disable the trap understand (but not speak) any language, fast healing (up
Awaken [reaction] Trigger Sample 62 rolls initiative; Effect The to half Sample 62’s level). The adaptation lasts 1 minute or
hazard rolls initiative. until Sample 62 gains another adaptation. On a critical hit,
Shielding Fronds [reaction] Frequency once per round; the adaptation is permanent instead.
Trigger A creature attacks Sample 62; Effect The Bloom Canny Assault [two-actions] Sample 62 Climbs or Strides, makes two
adjusts its leaf fronds to shield Sample 62 from attacks, claw Strikes, then urges the Bloom to shield it from harm,
granting Sample 62 cover until the beginning of the gaining Cover until the beginning of their next turn.
hazard’s next turn. Dislodge [one-action] Requirements Sample 62 has a Medium or smaller
Routine (3 actions) The trap uses 3 actions, 2 actions to attack creature grabbed with their tail; Effect Sample 62 attempts
PCs on the hull with a vine Strikes (favoring anchored or an Athletics check against the creature’s Fortitude DC.
stable targets over untethered targets), and 1 action to Critical Success Sample 62 knocks the creature prone and 6505565
bolster Sample 62 with a biopod hurls them into space, moving them 20 feet away from
Melee [one-action] vine +12, Damage 1d10+6 slashing; no multiple Sample 62. This movement occurs even if the target is
attack penalty wearing magboots, hanging onto a ladder, or secured to
Bolstering Biopod [one-action] (healing) The Bloom surrounds Sample 62 the hull.
with a rejuvenating biopod, granting Sample 62 Success Sample 62 knocks the creature prone and hurls
5 temporary Hit Points which last for 1 minute. them into space, moving them 10 feet away from Sample
Reset Once Sample 62 is defeated, the hazard is disabled and 62. This movement occurs even if the target is wearing
doesn’t reset. magboots, hanging onto a ladder, or secured to the hull.
Failure The creature is unaffected.
Creatures: Sample 62 is a cunning foe who fights to their Critical Failure Sample 62 no longer has the
death, favoring melee combat over ranged combat. They focus creature grabbed.
their attacks on creatures who deal fire damage, followed by
those who have solid footing, are causing them the most pain, CONCLUSION
or are using the flashiest attacks. They prefer to fight in melee,
using jaws and tail attacks and Dislodging any creatures they With Sample 62 defeated and the weapons sabotaged, the
grab. When reduced to 40 Hit Points or less, they take a more PCs can return to their starship and leave. Once they’re
defensive approach, using Canny Assault and psychic screech out of range of the blast, Captain Imaaz triggers the
Strikes. When Sample 62 is defeated, the Bloom catches them weapons as promised, causing a series of explosions that
in its leaf fronds and cradles them close, aiming to regrow the destroy the Bloom and everything left on it. The PCs can
creature—this has the happy side effect of keeping Sample 62’s fly away and dispatch Captain Imaaz’s final message to the
corpse from drifting off into space and escaping destruction. Verdant Paradise.
The Xenowardens stationed on the Verdant Paradise reach
SAMPLE 62 CREATURE 6 out to the PCs immediately, paying each PC 1,000 credits for
UNIQUE LARGE BEAST their trouble—and their silence—noting that any information
Perception +13; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet on Sample 62 and its planet of origin could spark corporate
Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +17, Stealth +14, Survival +11 or public interest and is best kept confidential. They thank the
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +5, Int –2, Wis +3, Cha +2 PCs for saving the Pact Worlds from an incredibly dangerous
Bonded with the Bloom As long as Sample 62 is in physical creature, noting that the PCs are heroes even if no one in the
contact with the Bloom, the creature gains the cosmic Pact Worlds will ever know it!
paizo.com, Vince Romaniello <[email protected]>, Aug 9, 2024 28581389
Adventure Name:
28581390 6505566
paizo.com, Vince Romaniello <[email protected]>, Aug 9, 2024 28581390
Creative Directors • James Jacobs and Luis Loza Vice President of Technology • Rei Ko
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Senior Developers • Jessica Catalan, Eleanor Ferron, and Director of Licensing • John Feil
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Organized Play Line Developers • Josh Foster and Shay Snow Organized Play Coordinator • Alex Speidel
Design Manager • Michael Sayre Director of Project Management • Glenn Elliott
Pathfinder Lead Designer • Logan Bonner Project Manager • Lee Aula
Senior Designer • Jason Keeley Finance Operations Specialist • B. Scott Keim
Designers • Joshua Birdsong and Ivis K. Flanagan
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Simone D. Sallé Software Test Engineer • Erik Keith
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Senior Graphic Designer • Emily Crowell
Graphic Designer • Adriana Gasperi Customer Service Representatives • Kait Chase,
Production Designer • Danika Wirch Summer Foerch, and James Oakes 6505567
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This product is licensed under the ORC License located Material under the ORC License. To avoid confusion, such
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If you use our Licensed Material in your own published work, contains no Expressly Designated Licensed Material.
please credit us in your product as follows:
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! ©
2024, Paizo Inc.; Jessica Catalan Starfinder Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! © 2024, Paizo
Reserved Material: Reserved Material elements in this Inc. Paizo, the Paizo golem, Starfinder, and other trademarks owned
product include all elements designated as Reserved by Paizo are property of Paizo Inc. All rights reserved.
paizo.com, Vince Romaniello <[email protected]>, Aug 9, 2024 28581391
Starfinder Character Chronicle #
- — —
Character Name Organized Play # Character # Faction LEVELS Normal
Starfinder Playtest Tracking Boon — —
Thank you for participating in the Starfinder Playtest! When you complete an adventure before July 31, 2025, mark
off the corresponding checkbox on this boon. Participants earn rewards for all three active Organized Play programs
for completing these adventures.
— —
⃞ A Cosmic Birthday, Chapter 1 ⃞ Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet LEVELS Normal
⃞ A Cosmic Birthday, Chapter 2 ⃞ Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast!
⃞ A Cosmic Birthday, Chapter 3 ⃞ Playtest Scenario #3: Wheel of Monsters — —
⃞ Empires Devoured, Chapter 1 ⃞ Playtest Scenario #4: Rescue at Shimmerstone Mine
⃞ Empires Devoured, Chapter 2
⃞ Empires Devoured, Chapter 3
Pathfinder Society (second edition): Participants who check off at least four boxes gain access to the contemplative Starting XP
ancestry (Starfinder Galaxy Guide) for use in Pathfinder Society (second edition). Participants who check off all 10
boxes gain access to the dragonkin ancestry (Starfinder Galaxy Guide) for use in Pathfinder Society (second edition).
Starfinder Society (first edition): Players and GMs earn Starfinder Achievement Points for each session reported. XP Gained (GM ONLY)
Additionally, checking off all 10 boxes unlocks the use of the astrazoan species (Starfinder Interstellar Species 50)
for use on all their characters.
Starfinder Society (second edition): Participants will earn access to campaign-exclusive backgrounds in Starfinder
Second Edition themed around each adventure. More information on these backgrounds will be published upon the Final XP Total
launch of Starfinder Society (second edition).
Starting Credits
Credits Spent
For GM Only