(2017) Governing A Sustainable Business Ecosystem in Taiwan's Circular Economy - The Story of Spring Pool Glass
(2017) Governing A Sustainable Business Ecosystem in Taiwan's Circular Economy - The Story of Spring Pool Glass
(2017) Governing A Sustainable Business Ecosystem in Taiwan's Circular Economy - The Story of Spring Pool Glass
Governing a Sustainable Business Ecosystem in
Taiwan’s Circular Economy: The Story of Spring
Pool Glass
Ying-Che Hsieh 1, *, Kuo-Yi Lin 2 , Chao Lu 3 and Ke Rong 4
1 Institute of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, 101, Sec. 2, Kuang-Fu Road,
Hsinchu City 30013, Taiwan
2 Department of Business Administration, Asia University, 500, Liufeng Road, Wufeng Dist.,
Taichung City 41354, Taiwan; [email protected]
3 School of Management, Shanghai University, 99, Shangda Road, Shanghai 200444, China; [email protected]
4 Institute of Economics, School of Social Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +886-3-574-2417
Abstract: The business ecosystem has provided a new paradigm for management research.
Most research in the field has focused on profit-driven industries, neglecting the area of the circular
economy. This research sets out to capture the mechanisms that the leading firm in the circular
economy uses to govern its business ecosystem. The research strategy adopted is a longitudinal
case study of the largest glass recycling company in Taiwan, Spring Pool Glass. Our findings
illustrate that continuous value capture is the key to governing a sustainable business ecosystem
in the glass recycling industry. The mechanisms include continuous value capture to enter new
markets, using stakeholder networks to enlarge the business ecosystem, brand image and corporate
social responsibility, company capabilities and research and development in the recycling process,
and reacting to government policy.
1. Introduction
The concept of the ecosystem provides a systemic way to describe social systems via the business
ecosystem [1], platform ecosystem (mainly information technology based research) [2,3], innovation
ecosystem [4–6], and entrepreneurial ecosystem [7] and thereby to extract theories of complementary
invention and develop indirect network effects. It offers researchers a new concept with which to
capture the complexity and dynamic nature of modern industrial systems [8]. Researchers have
used this concept to capture new phenomena that could not be fully explained by previous theories
(e.g., Shanzhai cellphones, the ARM versus the Intel ecosystem). As the actors to be considered in
investigating new phenomena these days may be dispersed across different firms, industries, or even
countries, previous concepts such as subcontracting or supply chains may not be sufficient to portray
the whole picture [8].
Business ecosystem research has now been carried out in many areas such as strategic
management, innovation, operations management, and others. Most of the current research has
focused on the economic value created by the business ecosystem. For example, Li’s research
claimed that the services, tools, or technologies shared in a platform ecosystem could enhance the
performance of its members [9]. However, little research has focused on how the operations of a
business ecosystem could have a positive impact on our environment (overall sustainability). As global
and regional environmental initiatives have started to emphasize environmental protection, more and
more countries and international organizations have begun to recognize the importance of waste
management, recycling, reuse, and sustainable development. We feel there is a chance and also a ‘need’
to develop a new stream of business ecosystem research linked to the circular economy, with the aim of
contributing to the knowledge of how a leading firm might lead a ‘good’ and ‘sustainable’ ecosystem,
in order to maintain both business and environmental value at the same time.
The concept of the circular economy has prospered in recent years, covering the ideas of industrial
symbiosis and extended product life [10]. The manufacturing operations, delivery processes, and
waste management of companies have also become significant factors in the consumer’s purchasing
decision. In turn, scholars, governments, and industry have started to pay great attention to this area,
embracing the idea of the green economy. Recently, this trend has also swept Taiwan. According to
The Wall Street Journal, in the past, Taiwan was known as ‘the garbage island’, but it has now become
a model of resource recycling [11]. This huge transformation has necessitated numerous industries to
change their old processing patterns.
In the development of industry, Taiwan plays an important role from glass products to high-tech
products and from material extracting to manufacturing. In terms of discarded glass bottles, the average
annual volume of recycling in 2014 and 2015 had reached 227 thousand tons [12]. Moreover, about six
thousand tons of waste liquid crystal display (LCD) are discarded each year due to the growth of the
optoelectronic and high-tech industries [13]. Such waste glass can cause unpredictable contamination
of landfill, incineration, or composting processes. Hence, the treatment of waste glass should be moving
in the direction of the recovery and reuse of LCD. The recycling of glass can help to reduce resource
consumption, waste, the use of energy, and air and water pollution. Glass recycling industries are
being taken more seriously by global policy and environmental trends. However, they face problems
in the form of uncertainty about market needs and low profit margins.
Hence, this study seeks to investigate the largest glass recycling firm in Taiwan, Spring Pool Glass,
in the hope of learning from their experience of governing their business ecosystem under the circular
economy, which has demonstrated both economic and environmental value, in the Asian context.
2. Literature Review
ecosystem. The lifecycle approach provides scholars with a valid framework through which to analyze
the evolution of major businesses. Moore provided cases from the retail and automobile industries
to demonstrate his lifecycle approach [1]. Rong et al. also used the lifecycle approach to analyze the
platform strategy within the semiconductor industry [17].
The Cambridge Group extended business ecosystem research by proposing a 6C framework [18]
and a schema for regional ecosystems [7]. Rong et al. [18] proposed the 6C framework, comprised
of context, construct, configuration, cooperation, capability, and change, based on their research in
Internet-of-Things-based sectors. They argued that the 6C framework was useful for understanding
the complex network system that forms the business ecosystem. The context dimension looks at
how firms’ missions, drivers, and barriers change at different stages of the lifecycle. The construct
dimension, namely the ‘structure-infrastructure’ framework commonly used in manufacturing systems
and supply-chain management, defines the fundamental structure and supportive infrastructure in the
ecosystem. The configuration dimension defines the configuration patterns and external relationships
among partners in the ecosystem. The cooperation dimension illustrates the mechanisms by which
partners interact with each other to achieve common goals. The capability dimension reflects the
key success factors of a supply network such as communication and accessibility, integration and
synergy, learning ability, and adaptation and mobility. The change dimension seeks to identify how
system configuration patterns shift over time. Overall, the 6C framework provided a whole-system
architecture with which to study networks from a more comprehensive perspective [18].
Another model proposed by the Cambridge Group was a schema for regional ecosystems [7],
which takes a geographic perspective. Researchers have started to realize that there are regional
impacts on value creation and technology transfer in the ecosystem [19]. The Cambridge Group’s
conceptual model illustrated that startups would access the resource pool in social networks embedded
in a particular region. These resources might be human resources such as fresh graduates and skilled
workforces and institutions such as venture capitalists or local infrastructure. Then the value creation
process would transform the local resources embedded in the social network into value networks.
Finally, the value network would create a feedback loop back to the local resource pool, accompanied
by the clustering of manufacturing industries in a certain region. Their work provided a different
perspective on business ecosystems in a geographic regional setting.
combine their individual offerings into a coherent, customer-facing solution’. Adner’s work provides
a different angle for looking at how firms should develop their innovation strategy while considering
three fundamental risks. Researchers have also identified how external innovators influence the focal
firm’s (technology leader’s) new innovation. Adner and Kapoor found that the ‘location’ of the external
innovators could either enhance or erode the focal firm’s technology leadership [22]. Later, Adner
and Kapoor developed a framework considering focal competing technologies and the innovation
ecosystem in which they were embedded [23]. Their results identified four distinct regimes predicting
the pace of substitution of technology.
Research on the circular economy has focused on three streams [30]. The first stream is policy
instruments and approaches. Research in this stream covers the topics of eco-industrial parks,
eco-industrial networks, and industrial symbiosis. It views the circular economy within a regional
setting, taking a government perspective to analyze how different countries have inspired and
supported eco-industrial parks. Governments are also actively moving towards a recycling economy
by converting waste into renewable resources through the circular economy’s business model.
The second stream has focused on the value chain, material flows, and products. It looks at
how materials are managed or reused through the value chain, covering wood and paper, plastics,
metals, phosphorus and other chemicals, water, etc. It has gradually increased its scope from narrow
waste to extensive economic orientation control, especially in the closed stages of the raw material
cycle, including production, distribution, consumption, and other steps [33]. The aim is to restore and
stabilize waste in such a way as to allow the supply chain to reuse raw materials repeatedly, creating a
circular economy. The three criteria of reduction, reuse, and recycle have been applied in materials
and energy areas [34]. National governments, industry, and other mainstream areas focus on product
design trends, the supply chain, the manufacturing process, and usage for sustainable development.
The third stream looks at technological, organizational, and social innovation. This stream has
sought to link circular economy research to business-oriented research. As most research on the circular
economy is technical and economical, this has led to a lack of stakeholder involvement and a lack of
shared vision [30]. The existing research has put emphasis on the interaction of process and planning
design [10,33]. The structure and interaction of process and planning that exist in the communication
system model and frame the actions of firms, highlighting the importance of the interrelationships
between multiple organizations and how this interaction could represent sustainable product-service
solutions as an important source of competitive advantage and the circular economy. The way that
circular economy agents interact is drawing more attention, offering a great opportunity to link the
circular economy to the business ecosystem literature.
Our review has illustrated that research on the circular economy has gradually expanded from
government policy to the management of the value chain and material flows and now to a more
business-oriented perspective. On the other hand, in the business ecosystem literature, research
has mainly focused on the network of various stakeholders and how it achieves economic value.
The two bodies of knowledge, initially unrelated, seem to have coincided as both have started to
expand. We believe this offers a good opportunity to investigate a new research area of how different
stakeholders could work in a more systematic way to achieve both environmental and business goals
at the same time, thereby ensuring overall sustainability.
92.1% [37], while the overall recycling rate is 55% [11], placing Taiwan’s recycling rates among the
highest 2017, 9, 1068
worldwide. 6 of 15
Thus, Taiwan represents the ‘best practice’ of the glass recycling industry globally.
The results could be beneficial for other glass recycling ecosystems wishing to emulate Taiwan’s
industry in Taiwan will contribute greatly to the knowledge of both business ecosystems and the
success. Hence, we believe that studying the leading firm in the glass recycling industry in Taiwan
circular economy.
will contribute greatly to the knowledge of both business ecosystems and the circular economy.
We adopted a single case study approach, focused on the leading firm in Taiwan’s glass
We adopted a single case study approach, focused on the leading firm in Taiwan’s glass recycling
recycling industry. Whether single or multiple cases generate better theory has been rigorously
industry. Whether single or multiple cases generate better theory has been rigorously discussed.
discussed. Eisenhardt argued that multiple cases were a powerful means of creating theory because
Eisenhardt argued that multiple cases were a powerful means of creating theory because they permit
they permit replication and extension [38]. However, Dyer and Wilkins claimed that a single case
replication and extension [38]. However, Dyer and Wilkins claimed that a single case study was able to
study was able to capture a more in-depth and richer background [39]. The ‘optimal’ number of
capture a more in-depth and richer background [39]. The ‘optimal’ number of cases is still a question
cases is still a question of academic debate and strongly ‘depends on how much is known and how
of academic debate and strongly ‘depends on how much is known and how much new information is
much new information is likely to be learned from incremental cases’ [38] (p. 622).
likely to be learned from incremental cases’ [38] (p. 622).
We selected the leading glass recycling company in Taiwan, Spring Pool Glass, as our main
We selected the leading glass recycling company in Taiwan, Spring Pool Glass, as our main case.
case. Spring Pool Glass has a market share of over 70% in Taiwan’s glass recycling industry
Spring Pool Glass has a market share of over 70% in Taiwan’s glass recycling industry (including
(including both industrial and household recycling). As of January 2017, it had 120 employees, five
both industrial and household recycling). As of January 2017, it had 120 employees, five factories,
factories, 30 logistic cars (capacity per car above 35 tons), and 30 points of sale (for recycled glass
30 logistic cars (capacity per car above 35 tons), and 30 points of sale (for recycled glass artwork).
artwork). Its main business covers glass recycling, an industrial tourism factory (a working factory
Its main business covers glass recycling, an industrial tourism factory (a working factory that tourists
that tourists can visit to observe the work carried out and purchase artwork), recycled-glass building
can visit to observe the work carried out and purchase artwork), recycled-glass building materials,
materials, and recycled artistic glass (use in works of art). The business coverage of Spring Pool
and recycled artistic glass (use in works of art). The business coverage of Spring Pool Glass in the
Glass in the circular economy is presented in Figure 1.
circular economy is presented in Figure 1.
Yi Sing Factory
(Spring Pool LCD Recycle and Acoustic and
Heat Insulation Block)
Market Share
Birt Expansion Leadership
LCD Waste
AH (Acoustic
and Heat)
Event: SEG Block
50% Market Financial Tourism
Share Crisis Factory
Spring Pool Glass
20% Event:
Trend Spring Pool Glass
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Event: Oil
1961 1972 1978 1981 1991 1994 2002 2008 2013 2017
Figure 2.
Figure Developmentof
2. Development ofSpring
Spring Pool
Pool Glass’s
Glass’s ecosystem.
4.1. Birth
4.1. BirthStage:
Before Mr.
Before Mr.WuWu started Spring
started Pool Pool
Spring Glass Glass
in 1972,inhe1972,
had been
he working
had been in the glass manufacturing
working in the glass
industry since his
manufacturing graduation
industry from
since his elementary
graduation school
from in 1961. school
elementary Initially
inhe joined
1961. the Hsinchu
Initially he joinedGlass
Factory to
Hsinchu obtain
Glass basic knowledge
Factory of glass
to obtain basic manufacturing.
knowledge of glass Two years later, he
manufacturing. Twowas transferred
years later, hetowas
China Glass Industrial Research Institute, a research institute sponsored by the Hsinchu
transferred to the China Glass Industrial Research Institute, a research institute sponsored by the Glass Factory,
to learn how
Hsinchu GlasstoFactory,
melt glass, mix colors,
to learn how toandmeltmake
mix artwork. From
colors, and make1969 to 1972,
glass Mr. From
artwork. Wu served in
1969 to
the military
1972, Mr. Wu soserved
as to fulfill
in thethemilitary
mandatoryso asmilitary
to fulfillservice required by
the mandatory the Taiwan
military government.
service required by the
Taiwan government.
After Mr. Wu resigned from the military in 1972, he decided to start his own business in the
glass recycling industry, sensing its potential. At that time, the industry was dominated by small
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1068 8 of 15
After Mr. Wu resigned from the military in 1972, he decided to start his own business in the glass
recycling industry, sensing its potential. At that time, the industry was dominated by small recyclers.
Recyclers would gather waste glass from households (the recycler did not have to pay for this) or
factories (over a certain amount of waste glass, these recyclers did have to pay) and sell it to glass
manufacturers as an input. Mr. Wu started his business as a self-employed individual, carrying waste
glass, mainly cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors and waste glass bottles, with his own scooter and
crushing the waste glass in his own backyard. Due to his previous experience and contacts in the glass
industry, his initial sales strategy was to provide high-quality recycled glass to small factories so as to
build a good reputation.
Next, to enlarge his glass supply, Mr. Wu also started to collect waste glass from other counties
and bought a second-hand truck to increase his capacity. However, local factions from other counties
were a big challenge to Mr. Wu’s attempts to collect waste glass. He later resolved this problem by
using the contacts he had made during his military service and a former colleague from the Hsinchu
Glass Factory.
In 1975, when the ‘Taiwan Economic Miracle’ started to boom, the market for waste glass was
seen as having a bright future due to the oil crisis. Hence, Mr. Wu bought his first land to use to stack
waste glass (2000 m2 ). During the same period, Mr. Wu also owned his own fleet of trucks, helping
him to secure his waste glass supply. However, in 1978, the glass industry in Taiwan went through a
depression due to the trend of offshoring manufacturing. Glass factories were not buying waste glass
due to the shortage of demand. In order to stack his oversupply of waste glass, Mr. Wu was forced to
buy another plot of land in 1978 (this time 10,000 m2 in size). However, this investment later became a
great advantage for his company, while there was a high entry barrier for latecomers to the industry.
glass from the electronics industry, Spring Pool Glass invested more in R&D, seeking opportunities to
transform such glass into standalone products. In 2002, Spring Pool Glass cooperated with Company
A, the largest manufacturer of LCD glass, ceramics, and related materials, primarily for industrial and
scientific applications. Spring Pool Glass purchased Company A’s waste LCD glass and transformed
it for use in ceramics and to make cement aggregate. Spring Pool Glass also began to export some
recycled glass that was not suitable for Taiwan’s manufacturers to its foreign partners.
In 1997, the Taiwanese government implemented a new policy, the ‘four-in-one resource recycling
project’, seeking to build a complete recycling system in Taiwan. This act brought Spring Pool Glass
both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage was that, due to the government promotion,
the overall recycling rate increased. With the involvement of cleaning teams and recyclers, Spring
Pool Glass is saved the effort of collecting waste glass with its own fleet of trucks. However, the main
disadvantage stemmed from the resulting transparency of the recycling market. All waste glass
collected by the cleaning team and recyclers now had a ‘price’ and competitors had to bid to obtain it
from the government. To win the bid, Spring Pool Glass had to pay a slightly higher price than it had
done previously. Moreover, one of Spring Pool Glass’s strengths, its stakeholder network (for waste
glass collection), was limited after the launch of this project.
By the end of the expansion stage, Spring Pool Glass was processing more than 50% of all glass
recycling in Taiwan, making it a leading firm in the glass recycling ecosystem. Two main factors
enabled Spring Pool Glass to maintain its advantage. First, it had achieved an economic scale that
produced a profit. As glass recycling is a very low-margin business, firms need to achieve a certain
scale in order to generate a profit. Second, its competitors faced high barriers to entry. Spring Pool
Glass had continually aligned its recycling technology with changes in the country’s development.
As glass products changed over time (e.g., from household glass waste to LCD waste), Spring Pool
Glass was always learning and researching how to recycle the latest waste glass. Any new firm would
have to gain this knowledge in order to compete.
Glass is also selling products directly to end customers. It produces three main products from its
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1068 10 of 15
recycled glass: (1) artistic glass manufactured in its industrial tourism factory, (2) ‘glass beans’ used for
roads and walls,
beans’ used for and (3) ‘insulation
paving roads andblocks’ used(3)as‘insulation
walls, and a construction material.
blocks’ used as a construction
addition to its supply and demand advantages, Spring Pool Glass is the only company to have
joined commercial
In addition associations
to its supply forandboth the glass
demand manufacturing
advantages, Spring Pooland Glass
glass isrecycling
the only industries
company tosuch
as the have
Taiwanjoined commercial
Glass Commercial associations for both Hsinchu
Association, the glass manufacturing
Glass Commercial and glass recycling industries
Association, and Taiwan
Resource as the Taiwan Glass Commercial
Industries Association. Association, Hsinchu Glass
This has enlarged SpringCommercial
Pool Glass’sAssociation, and
social network,
Taiwan Resource Recycling Industries Association.
enabling it to capture value more quickly than its competitors. This has enlarged Spring Pool Glass’s social
network, enabling it to capture value more quickly than its competitors.
In sum, as of 2017, Spring Pool Glass dealt with 70% of the recycled glass in Taiwan. 70% of its
In sum, as of 2017, Spring Pool Glass dealt with 70% of the recycled glass in Taiwan. 70% of its
revenue comes from selling recycled materials for reuse, mainly in glass manufacturing, ceramics,
revenue comes from selling recycled materials for reuse, mainly in glass manufacturing, ceramics,
asphalt, and and
asphalt, cement.cement. 20%20%ofofits
its revenue comesfrom
revenue comes from its sales
its sales of building
of building materials,
materials, namely thenamely
glass the
glass bean
bean and the insulation block. 10% of its revenue comes from selling recycled-glass artwork.artwork.
and the insulation block. 10% of its revenue comes from selling recycled-glass The
The corporate
corporateimageimageof ofSpring
Spring Pool
Pool Glass is that
Glass is thatofofproviding
high-quality recycled
recycled glass
glass at aat a reasonable
price. price.
The Thesocial network
social networkofofits its founder,
founder, Mr.Mr.Wu, Wu,andand the company’s
the company’s abilityability to capture
to capture value have value
enabled itit to
have enabled tobecome
becomeand andremain
remain thethe
leading firmfirm
leading in theinglass-recycling ecosystem
the glass-recycling in Taiwan.
ecosystem The
in Taiwan.
The recycling ecosystem of of Spring
SpringPool PoolGlass
Glass is presented
is presentedin Figure 3. 3.
in Figure
Commercial Commercial Products
Associations in Glass Associations
Commercial Art Piece
Household Associations
Waste Glass in Recycling
Glass Bean
Spring Pool
Recycling Insulation
Station Block
System Spring Pool Glass
Squadron Recycled Raw
Sales Abroad
(Raw Materials)
Glass Manufacturer
(e.g., Taiwan Glass)
Shops Raw Materials
(e.g., Restaurants)
LCD Manufacturer
(e.g., Corning)
Waste Glass
5. Discussion
5. Discussion
Our research illustrates
Our research thatthat
illustrates continuous
value capture is the
capture is the key
governing a sustainable
a sustainable
business ecosystem.
business Through
ecosystem. Throughthethe
case analysis
case analysisofofSpring
Spring Pool Glass,we
Pool Glass, weidentified
fivefive elements
elements of of
continuous valuevalue capture
capture in the
in the glass
glass recycling
recycling business.
5.1. Continuous
5.1. Continuous ValueValue Capture
Capture to Enter
to Enter NewNew Markets
Continuous value value capture
capture by by
thethe leadingfirm
leading firmin
in this
this circular
circular economy
economyis is
critical for for
critical several
reasons. First, the demand and supply of the waste glass industry is unbalanced most of the time.
reasons. First, the demand and supply of the waste glass industry is unbalanced most of the time.
Spring Pool Glass needs to search continually for new uses for its recycled materials, and for new
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1068 11 of 15
uses for different sources of waste glass. For example, recycled LCD glass is turned into insulation
blocks, glass products are turned into glass beans, and other recycled materials that Taiwan’s market
cannot consume are exported. These value-capturing activities bring innovative ways of transforming
the recycled glass into new products, which brings high value/margins for the company. Second,
through the value-capturing activity, the leading firm will play the lead role in joining with other
ecosystems to create new business models. For example, Spring Pool Glass has joined the electronics
manufacturing ecosystem to recycle its waste LCD glass. Also, by remodeling waste glass, Spring Pool
Glass participates in the artwork ecosystem, selling its recycled art pieces. In the recycling business (as
a part of the circular economy), continuous value capture, as a mechanism for linking the ecosystem to
other ecosystems to create higher margins, is very important.
Balancing and maintaining the proper margins of different stakeholders to retain the overall
health of the ecosystem is also critical [41]. As the margins in the glass recycling business in Taiwan
are very low, it is critical that the leading firm supports some of the stakeholders such as individual
recyclers and cleaning teams so as to secure the ecosystem.
6. Conclusions
This research has identified a set of mechanisms by which the leading glass-recycling firm in
Taiwan governs its ecosystem. First, continuous value capture is important for the leading firm as the
demand and supply of waste glass are mostly unbalanced. Second, the entrepreneur’s social network
has been found to have influenced his business’s development throughout its ecosystem’s lifecycle.
Third, brand image and CSR have influenced the company’s relationships with its stakeholders, acting
as an invisible force that binds their connections. Moreover, the company’s capabilities in the recycling
process determine its costs and quality, which are critical factors to surviving in the glass recycling
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1068 13 of 15
industry (due to its low margins). Finally, we have also observed that government policy has had
a huge impact in reframing the relationships between the various stakeholders.
Theoretically and practically, this research makes several contributions. First, to our
understanding, we believe we are breaking new ground in seeking to link the concepts of the business
ecosystem and the circular economy, which we believe will be an important research stream in the
future, embracing economic and environmental value simultaneously. Second, this research has
provided evidence from a different research context than the prior literature. Most research on
business ecosystems has focused on (high-margin, profit-driven) industries such as information and
communication technology, automobiles, and retail. This research provides a different perspective,
investigating how a leading firm governs its ecosystem under low-margin conditions. Finally, as
Taiwan is also a pioneer of the circular economy in Asia, this research provides an informative case
study illustrating how the leading firm in the recycling ecosystem has adjusted to (1) a new government
policy and (2) an increase in silicon-related waste due to regional development. These lessons could
also be valuable for the future development of the Southeast Asian countries.
In spite of the rigorous research methods, the case mainly concerns the glass recycling industry
alone, which will limit its generalizability to other industries. Future research could be conducted in
other recycling industries, as different recycling ecosystems will likely have their own characteristics
(related to the recycled materials). We also suggest that future research should seek further
opportunities for linking business ecosystem and circular economy research.
Acknowledgments: The authors gratefully acknowledge Chun-Tzu Wu and Ting-An Wu from Spring Pool
Glass who supported this research by providing access to their company, as well as sharing their experience
and knowledge.
Author Contributions: Ying-Che Hsieh designed this study, carried out the empirical work, wrote the literature
review, and drafted the manuscript. Kuo-Yi Lin participated in the empirical studies and helped to draft the
literature review. Chao Lu and Ke Rong participated in the design of the study and the data analysis. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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