Se SRS-1
Se SRS-1
Se SRS-1
This document is used to define the overall software description or requirements for
"STUDENT RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM". Efforts have been made to define the req.
completely and accurately. The final products will be having only features or function mentioned
in this document and assumption for any additional functionality or feature should not be made
by any of the parties involved in development/testing/implementing or using this product. In case
it is required to have some additional features a formal change request will need to be raised
against and subsequently a new release of this document and/or product will be produced.
1.1 Purpose:
This SRS documents describes the capability that will be provided by the software
application SRMS. It also states the various required constrains by which the system will
abide (follow).the intended audience for this documents are the development team,
testing team and end-users of the product.
1.2 Scope:
1.5 Overview:
Frontend client
Application with
Update / Entry / Data-base Backend
Delete / View /
2.1.7 Operation:
This product release will not covered any automated housekeeping aspects
of the database. The DBA at the client site (that is university) will be
responsible for manually deleting/non required data. Database backup &
recovery will also have to handle by the DBA.
However system will provide “reset system” Function that will delete
(upon confirmation from administrator) all the existing info from the
• The system will allow access to authorized user with specific roles
(Administrator, Coordinator, Data Entry Operator, Marks Entry
Clerk).Depending upon user’s role; he/she will be able to access only specific
modules of the system.
• A summary of the major function that system will performed:
1. Login facility for enabling only authorized access to the system.
2. User (with role data entry operator) will be able add/modified/delete
info about different student that are enrolled for the course in different
3. User (with role data entry operator) about different sub that are offered
in a particular semester. The semester wise the list of sub along with
their credits & typed (i.e. elective, a core paper, a lab paper, a term
paper or a dissertation) will also be displayed.
4. User (with role data entry operator) will be able add/modified/delete
info about the elective sub opted by different student in different
5. User (with role marks entry clerk) will be able add/modified/delete
info regarding marks obtain by different students in different
6. User (with role marks entry clerk) will also be able to print mark sheet
of student.
7. User (with role coordinator) will be able to generate printable report.(
as mentioned in session 2.1.2 above. )
8. User (with role administrator) will be able to reset the system leading
to deletion of all existing information the backend database.
9. User (with role administrator) will be able to create /modified /delete
new existing user accounts.
Educational level:
At list graduate should be comfortable with English
Should be well-versed/informed about the course structure
of MTACH program of university.
Entry of marks for their modification can be done only by
user who is authorized for this job by result preparation
committee of University.
Technical expertise:
Should be comfortable using general purpose application
on a computer.
2.4 Constraints:
• Since the dbms being used is MS ACCESS 2000 which is not a very powerful
dbms, it will not be able to store a very huge number of records.
• Due to limited features of dbms being used performance tuning features will
not be applied to the quarries and does the system may become slow with the
increases in number of records being stored.
• Due to limited features of dbms database auditing will also not be provided.
• Users at university will have to implement a security policy to safe guard the
marks related information from being modified by unauthorized users (by
means of gaining access to the backend database).
3. Specific Requirements
This section contains the software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers
to design the system, and testers to test that system.
Login Screen:
This will be the first screen that will be displayed. It will allow user to access different screens
based upon the user’s role. Various fields available on this screen will be
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Administrator. It will allow the user to enter
the semester number for which the user wants to access the subject information.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Administrator. It will allow user to
add/modify/delete information about new/existing subject(s) for the semester that was selected in
the ‘Subject Info Parameters’ screen. The list of available subjects for that semester, will also be
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Administrator. It will allow user to enter the
Batch Year for which the user wants to access the student information.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Administrator. It will allow user to
add/modify/delete information about new/existing student(s) for a particular Batch Year, Batch
Year-wise list of students will also be displayed. Various fields available on these screens will
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Administrator. It will allow user to enter the
Batch Year and the semester number for which the user wants to access the students’ subject
choice information.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Administrator. It will allow user to
add/modify/delete students’ choices for elective subjects of the semester and batch year selected
in “Students’ Subject Choice Parameters” screen. For the selected semester it will display the list
of available choices for Elective I and for Elective II. The screen will display the list of students
enrolled during the selected batch year and currently studying in the selected semester and the
user will be able to view/add/modify delete the subject choices for each student in the list.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Marks Entry Clerk. It will allow the user to
enter the Batch Year, the semester number and the Subject for which the user wants to access the
marks information.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Marks Entry Clerk. It will allow user to
add/modify/delete information about marks obtained in the selected subjects by different
students of that semester who were enrolled in the Batch Year selected in the ‘Marks Entry
Parameters Screen’. The screen will display the selected subject in the selected semester and the
user will be able to view/add/modify/delete the marks for each student in the list. Various fields
available on these screens will be:
(i). Student Enrollment No: will display the enrollment numbers of all students of the
selected Batch Year studying the selected subject in the selected semester.
(ii). Student Name: will display the name of the student.
(iii). Internal Marks: between 0 and 40
(iv). External Marks: between 0 and 60
(v). Total Marks: sum of Internal Marks and External Marks
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Marks Entry Clerk. It will allow user to
enter the Enrollment Number and the semester number of the student for whom the user wants to
view/print the mark-sheet.
Students’ List Report Parameters Screen:
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Coordinator. It will allow user to enter the
Batch Year for which the user wants to view/print the students’ list report.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Coordinator. It will allow user to enter the
Batch Year and the semester for which the user wants to view/print the marks list report.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Coordinator. It will allow user to enter the
Batch Year and the semester for which the user wants to view/print the rank-wise list report.
This screen will be accessible only to user with role Coordinator. It will allow user to enter the
Batch Year and the semester for which the user wants to view/print the students’ subject choices
list report.
The system will maintain information about various subjects being offered during different
semesters of the course. The following information would be maintained for each subject:
Subject code, Subject name, Subject Type (Core/Elective1/Elective 2/Lab1/Lab 2/Term Paper/
Minor Project/Dissertation/Se minar), Semester, Credits.
The system will allow creation/modification/deletion of new/existing subjects and also have the
ability to list all the available subjects for a particular semester.
Validity Checks
(i). Only user with role Data Entry Operator will be authorized to access the Subject
Information Maintenance module.
(ii). Ist, IInd and IIIrd semesters will have 2 core papers, 2 Elective Papers, 2 lab papers
and 1 term paper/Minor Project.
(iii). Ist, IInd and IIIrd semesters will have 3 choices(subjects) each of type Elective1 and
of type Elective 2.
(iv). IVth semester will have only 1 dissertation and 1 seminar.
(v). No two semesters will have the same subject i.e., A subject will be offered only in
a particular semester.
(vi). Subject code will be unique for every subject.
(vii). Subject code cannot be blank.
(viii). Subject name cannot be blank.
(ix). Credits cannot be blank.
(x). Credits can have value only between 0 and 20.
(xi). Subject Type cannot be blank.
(xii). Semester cannot be blank.
Sequencing Information
Subject Info for a particular semester will have to be entered in the system before any
student/marks information for that semester can be entered.
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages
will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.
The system will maintain information about various students enrolled in the M.Tech(IT) course
in different years. The following information would be maintained for each student :
(i). Only user with role Data Entry Operator will be authorized to access the Student
Information Maintenance module.
(ii). Every student will have a unique Enrollment Number.
(iii). Enrollment Number cannot be blank.
(iv). Student name cannot be blank.
(v). Enrollment Year cannot be blank.
Sequencing Information
Student Info for a particular student will have to be entered in the system before any marks
information can be entered for that student.
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages
will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.
The system will maintain information about choice of different Elective subjects opted by
various students of different enrollment years in different semesters. The following information
would be maintained:
Student Enrollment Number, Semester, Student’s Choice for Elective 1 subject, Student’s
Choice for Elective 2 subject.
Validity Checks
(i). Only user with role Data Entry Operator will be authorized to access the Students’
Subject Choices Information Maintenance module.
(ii). The subject choice for Elective 1 and Elective 2 can be made only from the list of
available choices for that semester.
Sequencing Information
Students’ Subject Choices Info for a particular student can be entered in the system only after
Subject Info has been entered in the system for the given semester and the Student Info for that
student has been entered in the system.
Students’ Subject Choices Info for a particular student will have to be entered in the
system before any marks info can be entered for that student in the given semester.
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages
will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.
The system will maintain information about marks obtained by various students of different
enrollment years in different semesters. The following information would be maintained:
Student Enrollment Number, Semester, Student’s Code, Internal Marks, External Marks,
Total Marks and Credits.
The system will allow creation/modification/deletion of marks information and also have
the ability to list all the available marks information for all students for a particular subject in the
given semester.
Validity Checks
(i). Only user with role Marks Entry Clerk will be authorized to access the Marks
Information Maintenance module.
(ii). Internal Marks for any subject cannot be less than 0 and greater than 40.
(iii). External Marks for any subject will be calculated as: Internal Marks in that
subject + External Marks in that subject.
(iv). If the total Marks in a subject are >= 50, all the credit points associated with that
subject will be given to the student, else the credit points earned by the student
will be 0 for that subject.
Sequencing Information
Marks Info for a particular student can be entered in the system only after Subject Info has been
entered in the system for the given semester, the Student Info for that student has been entered in
the system, and the Students’ Subject Choice Info has been entered in the system for that student
in the given semester.
Marks Info for a particular student will have to be entered in the system before any that
student’s mark-sheet can be generated.
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages
will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.
The system will generate mark-sheet for every student in different semesters.
There will be a ‘Print’ icon at the top of mark sheet for printing the mark-sheet.
Validity Checks
(i). Only user with role Marks Entry Clerk will be authorized to access the Mark-
sheet Generation module.
Sequencing Information
Mark-sheet for a particular student can be generated by the system only after Subject Info has
been entered in the system for the given semester, the Student Info for that student has been
entered in the system, the Students’ Subject Choice Info has been entered in the system for that
student in the given semester, and the Marks Info has been entered in the system for the given
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages
will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.
For each year a report will be generated containing the list of students enrolled in that batch year.
Report Format:
For each batch year a report will be generated containing the list of students and their choices for
Elective subjects in the selected semester. For Ist, IInd and IIIrd semesters the list will contain the
names of elective subjects opted by each student. For IVth semester the list will contain the
topic/subject area of dissertation for each student.
For each semester a mark list will be generated that will have the total marks (internal + external
) of all students (enrolled in the selected Batch Year) of that semester in all subjects.
Report Format:
Rank-wise List Report
This report will be generated for each semester of every Batch Year. It will show the Grand Total
Marks, Percentage, Rank and Division secured of all students of that semester. The report will be
stored in increasing order of Percentage/Rank.
Report Format:
The system will maintain information about various users who will be able to access the system.
The following information would be maintained:
Validity Checks
(i). Only user with role Administrator will be authorized to access the User Accounts
Information Maintenance module.
(ii). User ID cannot be blank.
(iii). User ID should be unique for every user.
(iv). Password cannot be blank.
(v). Role cannot be blank.
Sequencing Information
User Account for a particular user has to be created in order for the system to be accessible to
that user. At the startup, only a default user account for ‘Administrator’ would be present in the
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages
will be prompted to the user for doing the needful.