Research On How AI and Deep Learning Are Changing The Healthcare Industry.
Research On How AI and Deep Learning Are Changing The Healthcare Industry.
Research On How AI and Deep Learning Are Changing The Healthcare Industry.
B. Interviews
There has been data collected about our topic by interviewing
several individuals who are proficient in the field of artificial
intelligence and health care. The interview process will
involve approximately six experts, 2 medical professionals
and 4 professional researchers.
Figure 1: Deep Learning Network
can bring massive changes in the healthcare industry
This section will cover the cumulative results obtained from
our research methodology outlined in Section II.
F. Interview Responses
After providing an interview questionnaire to four
professionals, two within the medical field and two
researchers studying artificial intelligence and machine
learning, I’ve been able to receive responses to support the
literary study that was conducted within the research. This
also gives an opportunity to get a better understanding from
those who have valuable professional experience because
their opinions can highlight differences within the research as
well. Since this data is qualitative and not quantitative, this
subsection will discuss the exact responses from the
interviewees. The next section will go further to explain
similarities and differences in perspectives from both sides of
the professionals to suggest important considerations in
regard to topics discussed in this current section. The first
part of this subsection will highlight the responses from the
medical professionals who perform clinical work. Below will
list the questions that were asked specifically to them and
their relative responses:
Have you ever used AI technology in your area of
o Dr. Ellis: Yes
o Dr. Gray: Maybe
If selected no or maybe please answer
applications-artificial-intelligence-healthcare/ : This
link leads to a list of potential uses of AI
technology in the healthcare industry. Please list at
least three
of which you believe would be most impactful in care and empathy to the patient during
your field and why? encounters, and performing "hands on"
o Dr. Ellis: “I did not select no or maybe.” physical examination of the patient is all
o Dr. Gray: “AI for health monitoring (fit too often being diminished in patient
bits, sleep tracking - this is what patients encounters. They are being replaced by a
have usd to help us make behavioral health reliance on tests, imaging, and patient
changes; more of this would be helpful so surveys (like this) regarding things like
we know what patients are ACTUALLY depression. This reduces the somewhat
doing and how well they are moving subtle but important human aspect of a
toward their goals). AI for review of health practitioner being a healer that gives the
records would be helpful & for system patient a sense of confidence in his/her
analysis (to see what components are most care.”
helpful in patients who make the most
o Dr. Gray: “Negatives could be patients
progress, identify errors, etc)”
using/misinterpreting information, mass
If selected yes: How has this AI technology availability of individual patient data
impacted the healthcare/medical industry? If it has (patient confidentiality). Benefits are more
not, how can you potentially see this technology information to guide decisions.”
bringing change to the healthcare/medical industry? Next, the responses from the researchers in artificial
o Dr. Ellis: “It has helped in diagnosis and intelligence and deep learning that volunteered to interview
treatment support in my practice. For will be expressed below. Two questions are slightly tailored
example if I diagnose a patient with low to fit their profession because technology is where they are
back pain, my electronic medical record most experienced:
has built in to it the next step an array of What Artificial Intelligence technology have you
choices such as ordering physical therapy, used or discovered within your field of
back X-rays, medications often used, etc. research/work? (List 1-3 of the ones you find most
o Dr. Gray: “AI could help to make big data
o Dr. Johnsen: “That's a pretty broad
more accessible to providers and help
question. Most of my data analytics work
providers make decisions to guide
is done in Python, so the SciPy stack of
individual treatment progress based on
technologies. I also used Unity3D for
more data/info (either from that patient or
interactive graphics.”
from other patients)”
What are positive and negative effects that you can o Dr. Moayed: “I have used the Chaotic
see occurring if this technology was used in your
Neural Network, Swarm Intelligence, and
Evolutionary Algorithms as well as Deep
o Dr. Ellis: “Positive: greater speed and
Learning. Currently, the most valuable
efficiency in managing patient care in the
technologies in AI are all in the area
case of diagnosis and decision support.
known as Deep Learning and include in (in
Greater objectivity in the grading of visual
no specific order) (1) Transformers (and its
clinical data in the case of biopsies and
predecessors such as Google-developed
pictures as described above. Negative: the
BERT, OpenAI-developed GPT-1,2,3 used
human elements of listening carefully to
for Natural Language Processing), (2)
establish the source of a problem, showing
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
(3) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
and (4) Deep Reinforcement Learning
(DRL). These areas are fast-changing and
as we speak new areas of AI are emerging
such as Meta-learning.”
What are their purposes and functionalities?
o Dr. Johnsen: “Much of the work is data
wrangling, which is elegant using Python.
Unity3D is used more for developing
intelligent agent simulations that you can
interact with.”
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, the healthcare industry is still at the beginning
stages in regard to the implementation of AI and deep learning
technologies in practice when comparing where the future is
headed to. There are small usages and complex usages in
today’s time, but as said before it’s not standardized for the
community of physicians and medical professionals. It will
take years, but the amount of time to invest in this is
quality and valuable. This process should not be rushed
people’s lives are at stake, and with the proper precautions and
risk evaluations that need to constantly take place then it will
be clear that the benefits outweigh the deficits.