Development of Information System For The Needs of Service Tools and Materials (SIMAYA) in Improving The Quality of Dental and Oral Health Services

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Development of Information System for the Needs of

Service Tools and Materials (SIMAYA) in Improving
the Quality of Dental and Oral Health Services
Muh Taufiq Dahlan1; Marsum2; Bedjo Santoso3*
Postgraduate Program
Health Polytechnic of Semarang
Semarang, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:- Bedjo Santoso3*

Abstract:- The process of managing tools and materials at in carrying out the management of public health centers to
the dental clinic in the area of the public health center of achieve the goals of activities [2].
Maros Regency, South Sulawesi, has not been by system
and is still manual, so it does not ensure the availability of The problem encountered by the first-level health
data and information quickly, accurately, up-to-date, facilities in this case is the community health center in the
continuously, and can be accounted for. The Information Maros Regency area in an effort to improve quality services at
System for the Needs of Tools and Service Materials dental clinics, namely the planning system for the needs of
(SIMAYA) is an information system that can overcome medical equipment and consumables (BMHP), non-medical
problems and improve the quality of management of tools materials, equipment needs and service materials are still
and materials at the Dental Clinic of the Public Health manual. Likewise, the process of request, receipt, storage,
Center. The purpose of this research is to produce a web- distribution, control, recording and reporting as well as
based information system for dental and oral health monitoring and evaluation has not been by system. It is still not
service equipment and materials (SIMAYA) that is carried out in a multidisciplinary, coordinated manner and still
feasible and effective for improving service quality and uses the reporting process and manual checks so that it is less
user satisfaction at the Dental Clinic of the Public Health effective, not fast, accurate and up-to-date in providing
Center. This study uses research and development (R&D) information that has an impact on the quality assurance of
methodology, a model trial using a pre-experimental design dental services at dental clinics [3]. The storage of
methodology. The expert validation test of SIMAYA inappropriate materials will result in drug damage and drug
obtained an average feasibility score of 95% which means distribution, monitoring of medical devices and consumable
that it is feasible as an information system for the needs of medical materials that are less than optimal, can provide
tools and materials The results of the effect size test on the reduced quality assessments, and suboptimal service quality. In
aspects of information system quality (d=10.79), tool and an effort to implement community health centers, it is
material management (d=13.60) and user satisfaction necessary to make efforts to improve quality services by
(d=7.27) in the strong effect category means that the web- looking at various aspects including the information system of
based SIMAYA model at the Dental Clinic is very effective public health centers [4].
in improving the quality of service for the needs of tools
and materials at the Dental Clinic. Sustainable development goals or Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) create a global future through
Keywords:- Dental Health, Service Quality, user Satisfaction, society 5.0. In 2016 a concept called society 5.0 with the term
Dental Hygiene Tools and Materials. society 5.0 was first developed in Japan to create a super
intelligent society, this concept was born as the development of
I. INTRODUCTION the industrial revolution 4.0 to anticipate future technological
developments which are considered to have the potential to
In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, we are required degrade the role of humans. In the concept of sociaty 5.0, the
to always be updated about the development and use of order of life must remain human-centered and technology-
information technology in various fields, including in the based [5]. The concept of society 5.0 is currently very relevant
health sector. As we know, information technology has been in efforts to build a health information system (SIK) in
proven to make every activity faster, more effective, and more Indonesia.
efficient [1]. One of the institutions that need information
technology is the public health center. Based on the Regulation An effective health information system provides
of the Minister of Health Number 43 of 2019, it is explained information support for the decision-making process at all
that the information system of public health centers is an order levels of administration, especially in community health
that provides information to assist the decision-making process centers that are basic health service units [6]. The health
information system was developed in order to support the

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

achievement of Indonesia's vision and mission of health health centers that have not been able to reach the set standards
development, namely Healthy Indonesia 2025. Information has or cannot guarantee the quality of health equipment [13].
a very important role in an organization. A good decision must
be supported by clear and valid information. The speed of Limited access to information and doubtful quality of
presenting data and information is very helpful for an existing data, this is evidenced by the frequent differences in
organization in an agency, so it is necessary to implement an data between health offices and public health centers regarding
information system that can improve employee performance in information on the need for materials and tools. And in various
managing data and information to provide fast and accurate countries there are studies that have been found to show that a
services [7]. large number of systems obtained are less accurate and
incomplete. Data reports that have been worked on are even
A community health center, hereinafter referred to as a lost.
community health center, is a health service facility that
includes services for public health efforts and individual health Quality information system components must meet the
efforts. Dental clinics in community health centers are a means criteria, namely they must be complete, relevant, timely, easily
of dental and oral health services provided to the community accessible, accurate, and safe. One form of evaluation of
[2]. Occupational safety and health (K3) in health care facilities information systems is seen from the satisfaction of system
in community health centers are part of the overall management users. According to the McGill et al. indicators, user
system of health facilities, in the context of controlling risks satisfaction consists of three indicators, including efficiency,
related to work processes in health care facilities. One of the effectiveness and overall satisfaction [14]. System user
K3 risk control hierarchies from NIOS (National Institute For satisfaction is a feedback and response of users after using an
Occupational Safety and Health) is administrative control, information system. The user's attitude towards the information
namely arrangements related to equipment maintenance [8]. In system is subjective about how much the user likes the system
an effort to implement community health centers, it is used [15].
necessary to make efforts to improve quality services by
looking at various aspects including the information system of Everyone has the right to quality and affordable health
public health centers [9]. services. This condition is only met if the availability of health
service facilities is easily accessible. The availability of safe
The information system of the community health center is and well-used facilities, infrastructure, medical equipment and
an order that provides information to assist the decision-making medical support equipment as well as the availability of
process in carrying out the management of the public health medical supplies. The availability of safe and ready-to-use
center in achieving its activity goals [10]. The management of facilities, infrastructure and medical equipment and medical
the public health center is a series of activities of planning, support equipment in health service facilities not only supports
mobilizing and implementing, supervising, controlling and quality services but will also reduce unnecessary referrals due
assessing in order to improve the management of the to problems with health facilities, infrastructure and equipment
implementation of the community health center, it needs the [16]. This condition will only be achieved if stakeholders
support of the central information system public health that is obtain data and information to monitor and map the fulfillment
able to ensure the availability of data and information quickly, of health service tools and materials properly.
accurately, up-to-date, sustainable, and accountable.
The existence of information system-based management
One of the most important drug and consumable medical of tools and materials is urgently needed to overcome problems
materials management activities is planning the need for drugs in dental clinics, public health centers in terms of fulfilling
and consumable medical materials. This is important because information on the needs of tools and materials to support
it is the starting point for drug and ingredient management dental and oral services [17]. This system is one of the
activities in community health centers. Improper planning of technological solutions in overcoming management problems
the need for drugs and consumable medical materials can affect with ease in the process of data collection, activity monitoring,
the availability of drugs and consumable medical materials cost-effective, time-efficient and reducing errors in making
[11]. Quality health services in health care facilities require reports and decisions. The community health center program
assurance of equipment and infrastructure, both medical and that has used the application program is the application of
non-medical, related to the performance of health workers in public health center facilities and infrastructure which is still in
providing services [12]. general and has not been detailed in terms of the need for dental
clinic tools and consumables. Meanwhile, in the management
In a journal of health service research and development of BMHP and the fulfillment of dental and oral needs, a manual
published in 2020, it is estimated that between 40-70% of system is still used, by filling out forms in writing.
medical equipment in poor and developing countries is
damaged. According to the World Health Organization This study aims to produce a web-based dental and oral
(WHO), medical equipment contributes to the achievement of health information system for the needs of dental and oral
the highest health standards for the Community. Based on the health tools and materials (SIMAYA) that is feasible and its
results of the 2019 Health Facility Research (Rifakes), the application is effective in improving the quality of service and
availability of medical and non-medical equipment in public user satisfaction in dental community health centers.
health centers is quite varied and there are still many public

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

II. RESEARCH METHODS AND SAMPLE infrastructure experts, and pharmaceuticals, the analysis was
carried out using the Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)
The method of research to be carried out is the Research test. Meanwhile, in the model trial using a pre-experiment
and Development (R&D) method. The research and design with a one-group pre-post test design on 33 dental and
development procedure has five steps, namely: 1) Collecting oral therapists, the test analysis was carried out using the
information, 2) designing and building the product/model, 3) Wilcoxon test.
expert validation and revision, 4) testing the product/model and
5) producing the product/model. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

The sample of the information collection stage was  Information Collection Stage
carried out through the method of interviews and observations Information collection was carried out by interview
to the person in charge of individual health efforts (UKP), the method to 7 people, namely the head of the community health
coordinator of the dental clinic, the person in charge of center 1 person, the person in charge of the finance of the
materials/pharmaceuticals, the person in charge of community health center, the person in charge of the facilities
infrastructure and administration, the person in charge of and infrastructure of the community health center, the person
finance and the head of the public health center. At the expert in charge of individual health efforts, the person in charge of
validation stage, 3 experts were tested, namely information materials/pharmaceuticals, the coordinator of the dental clinic,
systems experts, public health center facilities and the service implementer (dental therapist) 1 person.

Table 1 Conclusions of Respondents' Answers

Source Question Conclusion Answer
1 How is the implementation of the The management of tools and materials has been carried out according
management of the management of tools to the management cycle of the community health center and
and service materials at the dental clinic according to the established flow. The service implementer (Dental
that is currently running, has it gone well? Therapist) provides information on the need for tools/materials to the
person in charge of the dental clinic and the proposal is forwarded to
the person in charge of the tool/material. The management of tools
and materials is carried out manually using a proposal sheet and has
not been by the system by the dental and oral service implementing
officer and the person in charge of the dental clinic in terms of requests
and procurement as needed. The process of monitoring material tools
can only be known by each person in charge with inaccurate and
poorly stored data.
2 What obstacles are experienced in The management of medical consumables and materials is currently
managing the needs of dental clinic tools not running well. The monitoring system for the use of tools and
and materials that are currently running? materials has not been carried out according to accreditation standards
because it has not been by the system in management at the dental
clinic unit level. The stock of medical consumables and materials that
have been stored and used is not recorded accurately so that
monitoring cannot be carried out as a basis for planning tools and
materials. The recording and reporting system does not automatically
describe the condition of needs both daily and monthly in terms of the
management of medical equipment and materials at the dental clinic.
Is the information on the needs of dental Information is not timely and cannot be monitored regularly both daily
3 clinic tools and materials currently and monthly so that the materials used or damaged tools are not
available on time, can be retrieved at any automatically updated in the Dental Clinic stock card so that the
time and meets the necessary needs? validation of needs is not accurate.
Is the information on the needs of dental The monitoring system for the use of materials/tools is not updated so
4 tools and clinics currently available, that the planning information is not complete and accurate as needed
complete, accurate and informative?
What is your suggestion if the The development of a website-based information system is very much
5 development of information systems in the needed to be implemented in an effort to improve the quality of
future is carried out based on a website? services at dental clinics.

The results of interviews from seven respondents became The results of the interview obtained information that in
a recommendation in making the design of SIMYANDU to the Soppeng Regency area, dental and oral health services for
obtain a posyandu management information system according adolescents are integrated in the adolescent care health
to the needs of dental and oral therapists and can be used in program, the delivery of information is only carried out at
adolescent health services. meetings or whatshapp groups that manage children's health
programs in the field of public health. Regarding community-

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

based health efforts that involve adolescents as targets and "SIMYANDU" is needed to improve the managerial ability of
drivers in an adolescent care health program activity, it consists dental and oral therapists in health services for adolescents.
of health services (counseling, KIE and peer counselors), case
management of growth and development (nutrition, short  Product Design and Design of Website-Based Information
posture, puberty anemia problems), genetics, infections, System Model for Tools and Service Materials
sensory health, other health and referrals. Dental and oral health The system that runs manually causes many problems,
of adolescents is included in other health and referrals. For the including long, overlapping, unsystematic management flows
management of dental and oral health services at the posyandu, and problems with user satisfaction because it often does not
which is integrated with the adolescent care health program, in meet needs because the stock of materials that have been used
recording and reporting there is a special format for the results and medical equipment that has been damaged or will be used
of dental and oral examinations of adolescents but the is not updated. With this manual system, the quality of dental
management is still manual. The implementation of the clinic services is reduced because there is no monitoring and
management of dental and oral health care services has begun evaluation carried out.
to be carried out at the stage of preparation, implementation,
simple promotive, preventive and curative efforts in all life It is necessary to make efforts to improve the quality of
cycles as needed, at the planning stage has not run according to management services for the management of medical
the stages, cadres have participated in health services for consumables and equipment at dental clinics comprehensively
adolescents related to coordination, preparation of activities at through an integrated information system that is oriented
the posyandu, starting to call targets (adolescents), scheduling, towards the quality of the information system, the quality of
recording, reporting and together with dental officers material management and the satisfaction of system users.
(therapists teeth and mouth) to conduct counseling.
The "web-based information system model for the need
Based on the information and data that has been obtained, for tools and service materials at the dental clinic of the
there has been no special program formed to improve the community health center (SIMAYA)" was designed as an
managerial ability of dental and oral therapists in adolescent auxiliary tool in the management of tools and materials at the
health services using the website. So far, dental and oral dental clinic which was previously with a manual system into
therapists in providing dental health services to adolescents a website-based information system that will help make it
after the activity is carried out have not taken steps to analyze easier for officers at the dental clinic to fulfill the facilities and
program problems, there is no good planning. As an effort to infrastructure of dental clinic services.
improve the managerial ability of dental and oral therapists in
accordance with the management stages, it needs to be  Expert Validation
supported by a website-based information system that can Expert validation was carried out on information
make it easier to make problem identification, problem technology experts, experts in facilities and infrastructure of
priorities, problem causes, alternative solutions to problems public health centers, and pharmaceuticals, the analysis was
and dental and oral health planning for adolescents so that carried out using the Interclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)

Table 2 ICC Test

Item Validator Score Average ICC p-Value Category
1 Pharmacist 95%
2 IT Expert 94% 95% 0,976 0.000 Highly Worthy
3 Infrastructure Expert 95%

The results of the assessment from expert validators strategies. These might include contingency plans, backup
assessed using the correlation reliability test resulted in an systems, or data security measures to address potential issues.
interclass correlation value of 0.976. It can be interpreted in the
category of excellent reliability because of the > value of 0.91.  Model Test Results
The p-value is P< 0.000. The average percentage of the three The product trial used in the SIMAYA model innovation
experts with an achievement score of 95% thus there is an uses a method with the design of One group Pre-Post Test. This
expert agreement that the website-based dental and oral health research was conducted in 14 community health centers with
Equipment and Service Information System (SIMAYA) model 33 dental and oral therapists. The researcher collected
at the dental clinic is relevant and feasible as an information information from respondents to find out the need for good
system at the dental clinic. The high level of expert agreement management of tools and materials in order to build a website-
provides robust evidence supporting the implementation of the based information system model for the needs of tools and
SIMAYA model in dental clinics. service materials.

A high level of expert agreement can mitigate the risk of This model was used to analyze the feasibility and
implementing a system that is not aligned with the clinic's effectiveness of the website-based dental and oral health
requirements or capabilities [18]. By involving experts in the information system (SIMAYA) for dental and oral health
evaluation process, clinics can develop effective risk mitigation equipment needs. The initial measurement is in the form of a
pre-test after the introduction of the model and then after the

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

model test according to the set time, the measurement is carried

out again in the form of a post test.

Table 3 Results of Menu Assessment Analysis and SIMAYA Understanding

NO Assessment Aspects Category N %
1 Start Menu Strongly Agree 11 33
Agree 20 61
Disagree 2 6
2 Planning Menu Strongly Agree 15 45.5
Agree 18 54.5
Disagree 0 0
3 Menu Monitoring Strongly Agree 14 42.5
Agree 19 57.5
Disagree 0 0
4 Usage Menu Strongly Agree 16 48.5
Agree 17 51.5
Disagree 0 0
5 Menu Master Strongly Agree 12 36.3
Agree 21 63.7
Disagree 0 0

The table above shows that the assessment of the For the assessment of respondents on the monitoring
respondents in the initial menu trial was very satisfied, satisfied menu who agreed with as many as 19 respondents (57.5%),
and quite satisfied. This is because 11 respondents (33%) strongly agreed with 14 respondents (42.5%), stated that they
strongly agreed, 20 respondents (61%) agreed, and 2 did not agree with nothing. Respondents' assessment of the
respondents (6%) disagreed. The assessment of respondents on usage menu stated that 16 respondents strongly agreed (48.5%),
the planning menu who stated that they strongly agreed with as agreed as many as 17 respondents (51.5%), stated that there
many as 15 respondents (45.5%), agreed as many as 18 was no disagreement. And for the master menu that stated that
respondents (54.5%), stated that there was no disagreement, they strongly agreed with as many as 12 respondents (36.3%),
this means that the respondents were very satisfied and satisfied agreed as many as 21 respondents (63.7%), stated that they did
with the planning menu. not agree with nothing. This means that the assessment of the
monitoring menu, the use and the master menu of the
respondents are very satisfied and satisfied in the initial trial of
the SIMAYA menu.

Table 4 Average Value of Quality Aspects of Information System Before

It Assessment Aspects
Before After Delta (Δ) P-Value
1 Data Completeness Aspect
a. Mean ± SD 15.3±0.918 18.97±0.770 3,67 0.000
b. Min-Max 14-17 17-20
2 Convenience Aspect
a. Mean ± SD 15.33±0.736 19,00±0,866 3,67 0.000
b. Min-Max 14-17 17-20
3 Aspects of Punctuality
a. Mean ± SD 15.15±0.619 19.33±0.777 4,18 0.000
b. Min-Max 14-17 18-20
4 Accuracy Aspect
a. Mean ± SD 15.27±0.944 19.33±0.595 4,06 0.000
b. Min-Max 14-18 18-20
5 Security Aspects
a. Mean ± SD 15.3±0.585 18.91±0.947 3,61 0.000
b. Min-Max 15-17 16-20
6 Total System Quality Score
a. Mean ± SD 76,36±3,802 95.55±3,955 19,190 0.000
b. Min-Max 71-86 86-100

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

Based on the results of the study, it is known that the 19.33 P-Value of 0.000, this result means that the use of the
average value of the overall data completeness aspect after the information system for the needs of tools and materials
implementation of SIMAYA dental clinic is greater than before (SIMAYA) of the dental clinic is effective in providing timely
the implementation of SIMAYA. Respondents showed a mean data information on the management of the needs of tools and
value of 15.03 before the intervention and 18.97 after the materials.
intervention P-Value of 0.000, this result means that the use of
the information system for the needs of tools and materials An information system must be in accordance with the
(SIMAYA) of the dental clinic is effective in providing benefits time needed [24]. If the time is late, it will hinder the planning
to the completeness of the data in the dental clinic. This is in process for the needs of tools and materials. In this aspect of
line with previous research which states that the design of a file timeliness, the researcher looks at the planning, use,
completeness information system can help officers in effective availability of materials and information as well as the overall
and efficient data management [19]. management of tools and materials.

An information produced by an information system can Based on the results of the study, it is known that the
be said to be of high quality if the information produced is average value of the accuracy aspect after the implementation
complete regarding information about data according to the of SIMAYA dental clinic is greater than before the application
needs of the organization. Information is said to be complete if of SIMAYA. Based on the results of the analysis on the
the information needed by the user in using the information accuracy aspect, the respondents showed a mean value of 15.27
system is available [20]. If the information available in the before the intervention and 19.33 after the intervention. The P-
information system is complete, it will satisfy the user. In this Value is 0.000, this result means that the use of the tool and
aspect, the researcher looks at the ability of the system to material needs information system (SIMAYA) of the dental
provide complete information on the data on tools and clinic is effective in providing accurate data information on the
materials needed, can find out the stock data of tools and management of tool and material needs. This is in line with
materials, can find out the development of the process of previous research that states that web-based information
procurement of materials or tools, and can access reports on the systems can improve accuracy in patient data management
management of the overall needs of tools and materials so that [21].
it becomes report data.
The output quality of a system can be measured in terms
Based on the results of the study, it is known that the of accuracy, precision, reliability, completeness, relevance and
average value of the overall convenience aspect after the timeliness. Accuracy is how much truth the information
implementation of SIMAYA dental clinic is greater than before produced by the system is. In this aspect of accuracy, the
the implementation of SIMAYA, showing a mean value before researcher sees in terms of ease of data input, data collection,
the intervention of 15.33 and after the intervention of 19.00 P- data processing, the information produced is accurate and
Value of 0.000, this result means that the use of the information trustworthy and can be done accurately.
system for the needs of tools and materials (SIMAYA) of
dental clinic is effective in providing ease of management the Based on the results of the analysis on the safety aspect,
need for tools and materials. This is in line with previous respondents showed a mean value of 15.3 before the
research that states that web-based information systems can intervention and 18.91 after the intervention. The P-Value is
improve the quality of health services in terms of providing 0.000, this result means that the use of the information system
easy access to services [21], [22]. for the needs of tools and materials (SIMAYA) of the dental
clinic can provide accurate information and data security for
A quality information system if the system will provide the management of the needs of tools and materials. The results
convenience for users. This website-based information system of the analysis of the quality aspect of the information system
was chosen because it has the advantage of ease and are in line with previous research which states that the
convenience in accessing and storing large amounts of data. In information system facilitates the process of recording patient
terms of convenience, the researcher looks at the ease of data identities, speeds up data search, and facilitates the process of
input, ease of accessing data, ease of correcting or editing data, making reports [17].
ease of users in using menus and providing convenience in
presenting data per semester [23]. The quality of the information system from the security
aspect aims to ensure that the data on the system can be safe
Based on the results of the study, it is known that the from all harmful things. In the security aspect in this study,
average value of the punctuality aspect after the which is assessed in terms of storage security, data files,
implementation of SIMAYA dental clinic is greater than before confidentiality, not easy access, and data is easy to search at
the application of SIMAYA. Showing a mean value before the any time if needed.
intervention was given of 15.15 and after the intervention of

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Volume 9, Issue 7, July – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Table 5 Results of the Paired Test of Aspects of the Management of the Needs of Dental Clinic Service Tools and Materials
Before and After the Implementation of the Model
It Assessment Aspects
Before After Delta (Δ) P-Value
1 Planning Aspects
a. Mean ± SD 15.24±0.969 19.36±0.895 4,12 0.000
b. Min-Max 14-18 17-20
2 Procurement Aspects
a. Mean ± SD 15.30±0.585 19.52±0.566 4,22 0.000
b. Min-Max 15-17 18-20
3 Usage Aspects
a. Mean ± SD 15.15±0.364 19.48±0.755 4,33 0.000
b. Min-Max 15-16 18-20
4 Storage Aspects
a. Mean ± SD 15.12±0.331 19.15±0.834 4,03 0.000
b. Min-Max 15-16 17-20
5 Reporting Aspects
a. Mean ± SD 14.52±0.792 18.91±0.947 4,39 0.000
b. Min-Max 15-17 18-20
6 Total Management Aspect Score
a. Mean ± SD 75,33±3,041 96,76±3,997 21,090 0.000
b. Min-Max 74-84 88-100

The table above shows that the p-value before and after management of tools and materials before and after the
the application of the SIMAYA model in the planning aspect is administration of SIMAYA. The p-value value in the reporting
P< 0.000. This shows that there is a difference in effectiveness aspect of tool and material management before and after the
in the quality of management of tool and material needs in the implementation of the SIMAYA model is P<0.000, this shows
planning aspect before and after the administration of that there is a difference in the effectiveness of the information
SIMAYA. The p-value value in the aspect of procurement of system in the reporting aspect before and after the
dental clinic tools and materials before and after the administration of SIMAYA. The use of the SIMAYA model is
implementation of the SIMAYA model is P<0.000, effective in terms of reporting output compared to the old
system 55. The planning output is better so that the service
The value shows that there is a difference in effectiveness needs of equipment and consumables at the dental clinic can be
in the management of equipment and material needs with the met with good planning. This affects the quality of service at
procurement aspect before and after the provision of SIMAYA. dental clinics.
The use of the SIMAYA model is effective in increasing the
convenience of procurement of tools and materials compared The procurement of assessed materials is the process of
to the old system. The p-value in the aspect of use before and procurement of tools and materials in accordance with the
after the implementation of the SIMAYA model is P<0,000, planning and control of the stock of name as well as the details
this shows that there is a difference in the effectiveness of the of available and necessary tools and materials. The
information system in the aspect of using tools and materials procurement of materials and tools is a crucial step in
before and after the administration of SIMAYA. The use of the management, especially in the context of management in public
SIMAYA model is more effective in terms of use compared to health centers [25]. This process involves not only purchasing,
the old system. The p-value in the aspect of storing tools and but also effective planning and control to ensure that all
materials before and after the implementation of the SIMAYA necessary resources are available on time and to the required
model is P<0,000, this shows that there is a difference in the specifications.
effectiveness of the information system in the aspect of storage

Table 6 Results of Paired Tests on user Satisfaction Aspects before and after Model Implementation
It Assessment Aspects
Before After Delta (Δ) P-Value
1 Effectiveness Aspect
a. Mean ± SD 15.09±0.292 19.64±0.603 4,55 0.000
b. Min-Max 15-16 18-20
2 Efficiency Aspect
a. Mean ± SD 14.88±0.740 15.21±0.781 0,33 0.000
b. Min-Max 13-17 12_16
3 Total Satisfaction Aspect 4,3

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ISSN No:-2456-2165

a. Mean ± SD 15.06±0.740 19.36±0.929 0.000

b. Min-Max 13-16 17-20
4 Total Score of Satisfaction Aspect
a. Mean ± SD 45.03±1,772 54,21±2,313 9,18 0.000
b. Min-Max 42-47 48-56

The table above shows that the p-value before and after Effectiveness in information systems includes aspects of
the application of the SIMAYA model on the aspect of user effectiveness in managing data, producing information that is
satisfaction in terms of effectiveness is P< 0.000. This shows easy to understand, and able to produce data and reports that
that there is a difference in effectiveness in user satisfaction are in accordance with user needs [26]. The information system
before and after the administration of SIMAYA. This shows will be more effective for users if it can make it easier for
that the use of the SIMAYA model provides more benefits than service implementing officers and those in charge of dental
the old system. The p-value in the efficiency aspect before and clinics to manage the needs of dental clinic tools and materials.
after the implementation of the SIMAYA model is P<0,000,
this shows that there is a difference in efficiency in the aspect The efficiency assessed in this research process includes
of user satisfaction before and after the application of aspects of ease of staff in managing tools and materials,
SIMAYA. The use of the SIMAYA model provides more improved coordination between service officers (dental
efficient benefits in the procurement of tools and materials therapists) and the person in charge of dental clinics as well as
compared to the old system. The p-value in the overall the person in charge of tools and materials in charge,
satisfaction aspect was P<0.000. This shows overall accelerating performance and saving costs. The process of
satisfaction with the use of the SIMAYA model at the Dental managing tools and materials can be well controlled according
Clinic of the district health center. to procedures.

Table 7 Effect Size Analysis of SIMAYA Dental Clinic Model

Before After Delta (Δ) ± Elementary School Effect Size
Quality Aspects of Information Systems 76,36 95,55 19,19 1,77 10,79
Aspects of Tool and Material Management 75,33 96,76 21,09 1,57 13,60
User Satisfaction Aspect 45,03 54,21 9,18 1,26 7,27

The table above shows that all composite variables have developed by the Health Office and can be applied in health
an effect size above 1 so that they can be categorized as having facilities throughout Indonesia
a high effect, meaning that the overall SIMAYA Dental Clinic
model has a great effect on the management of tools and ACKNOWLEDGMENT
materials in the dental clinic from the aspects of information
system quality, tool and material management, and user The author would like to thank all respondents who were
satisfaction. The highest effect size value in the tool and willing to participate in this study.
material management aspect with a value of 13.60 means that
the SIMAYA model has an influence on tool and material REFERENCES
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