Embedded Hacking

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FIRST EDITION – Chapter 37

Kevin Thomas
Copyright © 2024 My Techno Talent

I remember when I started learning programming to which my first
language was 6502 Assembler. It was to program a Commodore 64 and
right from the beginning I learned the lowest level development

Literally every piece of the Commodore 64 was understood as it was a

simple machine. There was absolutely no abstraction layer of any

Everything we did we had an absolute mastery of however it was a very

simple architecture.

Microcontrollers are small systems without an operating system and

are also very simple in their design. They are literally everywhere
from your toaster to your fridge to your TV and billions of other
electronics that you never think about.

Most microcontrollers are developed in the C programming language

which has its roots to the 1970’s however dominates the landscape.

We will take our time and learn the basics of C utilizing a Pico

Below are items you will need for this book.

Raspberry Pi Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico Debug Probe


Electronics Soldering Iron Kit


Premium Breadboard Jumper Wires


Breadboard Kit

6x6x5mm Momentary Tactile Tact Push Button Switches

WS2812 NeoPixel Array


RYLR998 UART 915 MHz Lora Module w/ Antenna


NRF24L01+ Wireless Transceiver Module 2.4 G Wireless Transceiver


NOTE: The item links may NOT be available but the descriptions allow
you to shop on any online or physical store of your choosing.

Let’s begin...

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: hello, world
Chapter 2: Debugging hello, world
Chapter 3: Hacking hello, world
Chapter 4: Embedded System Analysis
Chapter 5: Intro To Variables
Chapter 6: Debugging Intro To Variables
Chapter 7: Hacking Intro To Variables
Chapter 8: Uninitialized Variables
Chapter 9: Debugging Uninitialized Variables
Chapter 10: Hacking Uninitialized Variables
Chapter 11: Integer Data Type
Chapter 12: Debugging Integer Data Type
Chapter 13: Hacking Integer Data Type
Chapter 14: Floating-Point Data Type
Chapter 15: Debugging Floating-Point Data Type
Chapter 16: Hacking Floating-Point Data Type
Chapter 17: Double Floating-Point Data Type
Chapter 18: Debugging Double Floating-Point Data Type
Chapter 19: Hacking Double Floating-Point Data Type
Chapter 20: Static Variables
Chapter 21: Debugging Static Variables
Chapter 22: Hacking Static Variables
Chapter 23: Constants
Chapter 24: Debugging Constants
Chapter 25: Hacking Constants
Chapter 26: Operators
Chapter 27: Debugging Operators
Chapter 28: Hacking Operators
Chapter 29: Static Conditionals
Chapter 30: Debugging Static Conditionals
Chapter 31: Hacking Static Conditionals
Chapter 32: Dynamic Conditionals
Chapter 33: Debugging Dynamic Conditionals
Chapter 34: Hacking Dynamic Conditionals
Chapter 35: Functions, w/o Param, w/o Return
Chapter 36: Debugging Functions, w/o Param, w/o Return
Chapter 37: Hacking Functions, w/o Param, w/o Return

Chapter 1: hello, world
We begin our journey building the traditional hello, world example in
Embedded C.

We will then reverse engineer each binary in GDB.

To setup our environment we will follow the details in the link below
which covers all operating systems.


The next thing we will setup is the Raspberry Pi Pico Debug Probe as
there are detailed instructions below as well to get started.


A PicoW-A4-Pinout.pdf file exists in the GitHub repo as well to help

find the respective pins.

If you do not have Git installed, here is a link to install git on

Windows, MAC and Linux.


Clone the repo to whatever folder you prefer.

git clone https://github.com/mytechnotalent/Embedded-Hacking.git

Open VS Code and click File then Open Folder … then click on the
Embedded-Hacking folder and then select 0x0001_hello-world.

Give it a few minutes to initialize.

It may ask you for an active kit of which you will choose Pico ARM

On the left-hand side of the VS code window is a Cmake button. It

looks like a triangle with a wrench through it. Click on the center
icon to build all projects (highlighted in yellow below).

Now we are ready to flash our code onto the Pico.

Press and hold the push button we attached to the breadboard while
pressing the white BOOSEL button on the Pico then release the white
BOOTSEL button on the Pico and then release the push button we
attached to the breadboard.

This will open up a file explorer window to copy our 0x0001_hello-

world.uf2 firmware into the RPI-RP2 drive.

drag and drop 0x0001_hello-world.uf2 file from the build directory to the RPI-RP2

We need to download a serial monitor to interact with our Pico. If

you are on Windows download PuTTY as the link is below.


If you are on Windows you can open up the Device Manager and look for
the COM port that will be used to connect PuTTY to. There are at
minimum two ports one for the Pico UART and the other for the Pico
Debug Probe. Try both and one of them will be UART that we are
looking for.

Next step is to run PuTTY.

You want to put in your COM port, in my case COM6, and click the Open

If you are on MAC or Linux you can follow the instructions in the
below link to use minicom.


Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {

while (true)
printf("hello, world\r\n");

Let’s break down this code.

#include <stdio.h>

This line includes the stdio.h header file, which contains

declarations for standard input and output functions.

#include "pico/stdlib.h"

This line includes the pico/stdlib.h header file, which contains

declarations for various Raspberry Pi Pico standard library

int main(void)

The above line declares the main() function, which is the entry point
for all C and Python programs.


This line initializes the standard input and output system.

while (true)

This line starts a while loop that will run forever.

printf("hello, world\r\n");

This line prints the message, "hello, world", to the console.

When we open up our terminal we will see, hello, world, as expected

being printed over and over in the terminal.

In our next lesson we will debug hello, world using the ARM embedded
GDB with OpenOCD to which we will actually connect LIVE to our
running Pico!

Chapter 2: Debugging hello, world
Today we debug!

Before we get started, we are going DEEP and I mean DEEP! Please do
not get discouraged as I will take you through literally every single
step of the binary but we need to start small.

Assembler is not natural to everyone and I have another FREE book and
primer on Embedded Assembler below if you feel you need a good
primer. PLEASE take the time to read this book if you are new to
this so that you can get the full benefit of this book.


I am going to work within Windows as the majority of people I have

polled for the book operate within Windows.

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0001_hello-world.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

We need to touch base on what XIP is within the RP2040 MCU or
microcontroller. This is the actual chip that powers the Pico.

XIP is called Execute In Place and is capable of directly executing

code from non-volatile storage (such as flash memory) without the
need to copy the code to random-access memory (RAM) first. Instead
of loading the entire program into RAM, XIP systems fetch
instructions directly from their storage location and execute them on
the fly.

We see our PC or program counter is currently at 0x000000ea which is

very low in memory.

Our goal is to find the main function within our binary to reverse
engineer it. Before our main function there will be a large amount
of setup code to include the vector table which will handle hardware
interrupts and exceptions within our firmware which will be at the
address close to the beginning of 0x10000000.

Our XIP address starts at 0x10000000 so lets examine 1000

instructions and look for a push {r4, lr} instruction which would
indicate our main stack frame being called.

(gdb) x/1000i 0x10000000

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

This is our main program. If you are new to Assembler, do NOT be

discouraged as we will take this step-by-step!

We first need to have an understanding of how memory is layed out

within the Pico and specifically the RP2040 chip. The RP2040 uses a
dual-core ARM Cortex-M0+ processor. We begin with the concepts of
the stack and heap as they are fundamental to understanding memory
management in embedded systems.

The stack is a region of memory used for managing function calls and
local variables. It grows and shrinks automatically as functions
like main are called and return. Each time a function is called, a
stack frame is created to store local variables and return addresses.
The stack pointer (SP) register keeps track of the current position
in the stack.

The RP2040 has a dedicated stack for each core, as it is a dual-core

processor. The stack size is typically defined in the linker script
or project configuration and is limited by the available RAM.

Push: Adding data to the stack (e.g., pushing function parameters).
Pop: Removing data from the stack (e.g., popping values after a
function call).

The stack pointer is a register that keeps track of the current

position in the stack. It is automatically adjusted during function
calls and returns.

If the stack grows beyond its allocated size, it can lead to a stack
overflow, causing unpredictable behavior or crashes. In contrast,
the heap is a region of memory used for dynamic memory allocation.
It is managed by the programmer, and memory must be explicitly
allocated and deallocated.

Dynamically allocated memory using functions like malloc() or new in

C or C++. It is useful for managing variable-sized data structures.
The heap on the RP2040 is typically part of the RAM region. The size
of the heap is not fixed and can be adjusted based on application

We can allocate and deallocate memory on the heap. Allocation:

Obtaining a block of memory from the heap. Deallocation: Returning a
block of memory to the heap.

Over time, as memory is allocated and deallocated, the heap may

become fragmented, making it challenging to find contiguous blocks of

The RP2040 uses the C standard library's memory allocation functions

(malloc(), free()) to manage the heap. The size of the heap is often
defined in the linker script or project configuration. Both the
stack and heap are typically located in RAM.

We will not be covering dynamic memory allocation as we will utilize

safer strategies for memory handling.

The RP2040 has a limited amount of RAM, so careful management is

crucial. Code is stored in Flash memory, and it's executed directly
from there.

There are also general-purpose registers that are essential for

program execution, data manipulation, and control flow. Below is an
overview of these registers:

ARM Cortex-M0+ General-Purpose Registers:

1. r0 - r12 (Register 0 - Register 12):

These are general-purpose registers used for temporary storage of
data during program execution.

r0 is often used as a scratch register or for holding function return

r1 to r3 are also commonly used for passing function arguments.

r4 to r11 are generally used for holding variables and intermediate


2. r13 - Stack Pointer (SP):

r13 is the Stack Pointer (SP), which points to the current top of the

The stack, as previously discussed, is used for storing local

variables and managing function calls.

3. r14 - Link Register (LR):

r14 is the Link Register (LR), used to store the return address when
a function is called.

Upon a function call, the address of the next instruction to be

executed is stored in LR.

4. r15 - Program Counter (PC):

r15 is the Program Counter (PC), which holds the memory address of
the next instruction to be fetched and executed.

When a branch or jump instruction is encountered, the new address is

loaded into PC.

5. Application Program Status Register (APSR):

Contains status flags such as zero flag (Z), carry flag (C), negative
flag (N), etc.

The APSR reflects the status of the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) after
arithmetic operations.

6. Program Status Register (PSR):

Combines the APSR with other status information.
Contains information about the current operating mode and interrupt

7. Control Register (CONTROL):

Contains the exception number of the current Interrupt Service
Routine (ISR).

Bit 0 is the privilege level bit, determining whether the processor
is in privileged or unprivileged mode.

Let’s discuss usage and considerations below.

Function Calls:

R0 to R3 are used to pass arguments to functions.

LR is used to store the return address.
The stack (SP) is used to store local variables.

Branch and Jump:

PC is updated to the new address during branch or jump instructions.

Status Registers:

APSR flags are used for conditional branching and checking the
outcome of arithmetic/logic operations.
Stack Usage:

The stack (SP) is used for managing function calls and local

Now let’s examine our main function.

(gdb) x/5i 0x10000304
0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x1000406c
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000314)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10003ff4
0x10000310: b.n 0x1000030a

let’s set a breakpoint to our main function.

(gdb) b *0x10000304
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10000304
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x10000304 in ?? ()

Let’s re-examine our main function and we will see an arrow pointing
to the instruction we are about to execute. Keep in mind, we have
NOT executed it yet.
(gdb) x/5i 0x10000304
=> 0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x1000406c
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000314)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10003ff4

0x10000310: b.n 0x1000030a

We are about to start off pushing the R4 register and the LR register
to the stack.

Keep in mind, the base pointer (BP) is not a register in the RP2040
ARM Cortex-M0+ architecture, and therefore, it is not present as a
dedicated register like in some other architectures such as x86.
Instead, the ARM Cortex-M0+ architecture relies on the use of the
stack pointer (SP) and the link register (LR) for managing the stack
during function calls.

In ARM Cortex-M0+, the stack pointer (SP or r13) is typically used to

point to the top of the stack, and it is adjusted dynamically as
functions are called and return. The link register (LR or r14) is
used to store the return address when a function is called. The base
pointer, as seen in some other architectures like x86 (EBP), is not
explicitly used or available in the same way.

In the context of the RP2040 and ARM Cortex-M0+, you would primarily
rely on the stack pointer (SP) and link register (LR) for managing
the stack and tracking return addresses during function calls. The
base pointer concept is not part of the standard conventions for this

As stated, the LR register contains the return address to return to

after main finishes. Keep in mind, we are using a micro-controller
so main will be in an infinite loop and will never return.

We have not executed our first main Assembler function yet so let’s
first examine what our stack contains.
(gdb) x/10x $sp
0x20042000: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x20042010: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x20042020: 0x00000000 0x00000000

Now lets step-into which means take a single step in Assembler.

(gdb) si
0x10000306 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/5i 0x10000304
0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
=> 0x10000306: bl 0x1000406c
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000314)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10003ff4
0x10000310: b.n 0x1000030a

Now let’s review our stack.

(gdb) x/10x $sp
0x20041ff8: 0x10000264 0x10000223 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x20042008: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000
0x20042018: 0x00000000 0x00000000

We can see that we have two new addresses that were pushed onto our

To prove this, let’s look at the values of R4 and LR.

(gdb) x/x $r4
0x10000264: 0x00004700
(gdb) x/x $lr
0x10000223: 0x00478849

Keep in mind, the stack grows downward so we first see the LR pushed
to the top of the stack. Our stack pointer is currently at

(gdb) x/x $sp+4

0x20041ffc: 0x10000223

We see the stack pointer was first at 0x20041ffc and then it was
pushed DOWN to 0x20041ff8.

(gdb) x/x $sp

0x20041ff8: 0x10000264

I hope this helps you understand how the stack works. We will
continue to examine the stack throughout this book.

Let’s step-over the next instruction as it is a call to our below C-

SDK function which is not of interest to as it simply sets up the MCU
peripherals to communicate.


Because we are working with a binary without any symbol info we need
to do two steps which are si and then ret to return out of the
function call.

(gdb) x/5i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
=> 0x10000306: bl 0x1000406c
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000314)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10003ff4
0x10000310: b.n 0x1000030a
(gdb) si
0x1000406c in ?? ()
(gdb) ret
Make selected stack frame return now? (y or n) y

#0 0x1000030a in ?? ()
(gdb) x/5i 0x10000304
0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x1000406c
=> 0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000314)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10003ff4
0x10000310: b.n 0x1000030a

Now we are about to load the value INSIDE of a memory address at

0x10000314 into R0. The r0, [pc, #8] means take the value at the
current program counter and add 8 to it and take that address’s value
and store it into R0. This is a pointer which means we are pointing
to the value inside that address.

Let’s si one step and examine what is inside r0 at this point.

(gdb) x/x $r0

0x10006918: 0x6c6c6568

Hmm… This does not look like an address however it does look like
ascii chars to me. Let’s look at an ascii table.


We see 0x6c is l and we see it again so another l and 0x65 is e and

0x68 is h.

This is our hello, world string however it is backward! The reason

is memory is stored in reverse byte order or little endian order from
memory to registers within the MCU.

We can see the full pointer to this char array or string by doing the

(gdb) x/s $r0

0x10006918: "hello, world\r"

This has been quite a bit of information but please take the time and
work through this several times and I again encourage you to read the
FREE Embedded Assembler if you want a deeper dive into this.


In our next lesson we will hack this hello, world program!

Chapter 3: Hacking hello, world
Today we hack!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Let’s run our serial monitor and observe hello, world in the infinite

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0001_hello-world.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.
target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

We notice our hello, world within the serial monitor is halted as


Let’s re-examine main.


(gdb) x/5i 0x10000304
0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x1000406c
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000314)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10003ff4
0x10000310: b.n 0x1000030a

The first thing we need to do to hack our system LIVE is to set the
pc to the address right before the call to printf and then set a
breakpoint and then continue.
(gdb) set $pc = 0x1000030c
(gdb) b *0x1000030c
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1000030c
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x1000030c in ?? ()

The next thing we need to do is hijack the value of hello, world from
0x10000314 and create our own data within SRAM and fill it with a
hacked malicious string ;)
(gdb) set {char[14]} 0x20000000 = {'h','a','c','k','y',',','
(gdb) x/s 0x20000000
0x20000000: "hacky, world\r"

Now to need to hijack the address inside r0 which is 0x10000314 and

change it to our hacked address in SRAM and verify our hack.
(gdb) set $r0 = 0x20000000
(gdb) x/x $r0
0x20000000: 0x68
(gdb) x/s $r0
0x20000000: "hacky, world\r"

Now let’s continue and execute our hack!

(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x1000030c in ?? ()

Let’s verify our hack!

BOOM! We did it! We successfully hacked our LIVE binary! You can
see hacky, world now being printed to our serial monitor!

“With great power comes great responsibility!”

Imagine we were in an enemy ICS industrial control facility, say a

nuclear power enrichment facility, and we had to hack the value of
one of their centrifuges.

After we hacked the centrifuges, we need to make sure the value that
the Engineers are seeing on their monitor shows normal.


In our next lesson we will discuss Embedded System analysis.

Chapter 4: Embedded System Analysis
We are working with a microcontroller so there is no operating system
in use. This is what we refer to as bare-metal programming.

Let’s first review the RP2040 datasheet and examine a few areas of
interest before we start to examine our hello world binary.

On page 25 of the RP2040 datasheet, we see area 2.2. Address Map.

We see that ROM begins at 0x00000000 and something called XIP begins
at 0x10000000. We also see SRAM starting at 0x20000000 and our
microcontroller peripherals start at 0x40000000.

Let’s break these down.

Base Address: 0x00000000

ROM is where the initial firmware, often referred to as "boot ROM" or
"mask ROM," resides. It contains the code executed at startup. This
code typically initializes essential system components and sets up
the system for further program execution. Since it is read-only, this
memory is used for storing permanent and unchangeable instructions.

Base Address: 0x10000000

XIP is a mechanism that allows the microcontroller to execute code
directly from external Flash memory. In systems with XIP capability,
the microcontroller fetches and executes instructions directly from
the external Flash, eliminating the need to load the entire program
into RAM first. This can be advantageous in embedded systems where
RAM is limited.

Base Address: 0x20000000

SRAM is volatile memory used for storing data that needs to be
accessed quickly during program execution. Unlike Flash memory (used
for ROM and XIP), SRAM loses its contents when power is turned off.
It is used for variables, stack, and other dynamic data during
program execution.

Base Address: 0x40000000

Microcontroller peripherals include various hardware components like
GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output), UART (Universal Asynchronous
Receiver-Transmitter), SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), I2C (Inter-
Integrated Circuit), timers, and other controllers. These peripherals
are memory-mapped, meaning they have specific addresses in the
microcontroller's address space. By reading from and writing to these

addresses, you can configure and interact with the various hardware
features of the microcontroller.

Understanding these memory regions is crucial for bare-metal

programming because you'll be directly manipulating these memory
addresses to control the behavior of the microcontroller. For
example, configuring GPIO pins, setting up communication peripherals,
or managing interrupts involves writing to specific addresses within
the peripheral memory space.

When writing a "hello world" program in bare-metal, you typically

need to set up the stack, initialize necessary peripherals, and write
your program code. Since there's no operating system, you have full
control over the hardware and must handle everything from
initialization to execution.

Another important area of the datasheet is 2.8.3. Bootroom Contents.

Address Contents Description

0x00000000 32-bit pointer Initial boot stack pointer
0x00000004 32-bit pointer Pointer to boot reset handler function
0x00000008 32-bit pointer Pointer to boot NMI handler function
0x0000000c 32-bit pointer Pointer to boot Hard fault handler function
0x00000010 'M', 'u', 0x01 Magic
0x00000013 byte Bootrom version
0x00000014 16-bit pointer Pointer to a public function lookup table
0x00000016 16-bit pointer Pointer to a public data lookup table
0x00000018 16-bit pointer Pointer to a helper function

Let’s break down these items in more detail and the bootroom contents
exist between 0x00000000 and 0x0000001F.

Initial Boot Stack Pointer (0x00000000):

This 32-bit pointer indicates the initial stack pointer value when
the device boots. The stack pointer is a register that points to the
top of the stack, and it's crucial for managing function calls and
storing local variables.

Pointer to Boot Reset Handler Function (0x00000004):

This 32-bit pointer indicates the address of the function that will
be executed when the microcontroller is reset. The reset handler
typically initializes essential system components and sets up the
environment for the main program.

Pointer to Boot NMI Handler Function (0x00000008):
NMI stands for Non-Maskable Interrupt. This pointer points to the
function that will handle non-maskable interrupts, which are
interrupts that cannot be disabled or ignored.

Pointer to Boot Hard Fault Handler Function (0x0000000C):

This pointer indicates the address of the function that will handle
hard faults. Hard faults occur when the microcontroller encounters an
error that cannot be handled by the normal program flow.

Magic and Bootrom Version (0x00000010 to 0x00000013):

The values 'M', 'u', 0x01 represent a magic number that helps verify
the integrity of the bootrom. This is a common technique to ensure
that the bootloader or bootrom code is valid.
Bootrom version information is also provided.

Pointer to Public Function and Data Lookup Tables (0x00000014 to

These pointers lead to lookup tables that likely contain information
about public functions and data. Public functions could include
services provided by the bootloader that are accessible to user code.

Pointer to Helper Function (0x00000018):

This pointer points to a helper function that may provide essential
services during the boot process.

The Vector Table is a critical part of the microcontroller's startup

process. It contains pointers to various exception and interrupt
handlers. In ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers, the Vector Table is
located at the beginning of the program memory.

The first entry in the Vector Table is the initial stack pointer.
The second entry is the address of the reset handler function.
Subsequent entries are usually addresses of exception and interrupt

These handlers include the NMI handler, Hard Fault handler, and
others. When an exception or interrupt occurs, the microcontroller
looks up the corresponding address in the Vector Table and jumps to
that location to execute the associated handler code.
Understanding and, if necessary, customizing the Vector Table is
crucial for bare-metal programming, as it allows you to define how
the microcontroller responds to various events during its operation.

There are a number of tools to examine our firmware.

"Firmware" and a "regular application" are terms that refer to

different types of software, and their distinction lies in their
intended use and functionality.

Firmware is a specialized type of software that is embedded in

hardware devices to control their specific functionalities. It is
designed to interact closely with the hardware components of a
device, providing low-level control and management. Firmware is
typically stored in non-volatile memory (such as Flash memory) and is
responsible for initializing the hardware and facilitating the
communication between hardware and higher-level software.

In the context of the RP2040 microcontroller, firmware refers to the

low-level software that is executed on the microcontroller itself.
This includes the initial boot code, device initialization, and
drivers for various peripherals. The firmware for RP2040 is often
responsible for setting up the system, configuring peripherals, and
providing a foundation for higher-level software to run on the

A regular application, on the other hand, is a software program

designed to perform specific tasks or functions on a computing
device. Unlike firmware, applications are generally written to run on
top of an operating system and are more abstracted from the hardware.
They leverage the services provided by the operating system and
interact with the hardware through well-defined APIs (Application
Programming Interfaces).

For RP2040, a regular application would be a program written to run

on the microcontroller but not involved in the low-level control of
hardware. Instead, it interacts with the hardware through APIs
provided by the firmware. This application might perform specific
tasks, such as sensor data processing, communication, or control
functions, utilizing the capabilities of the microcontroller.

The Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) is a common file format for
executables, object code, shared libraries, and even core dumps. It
is a standard format used for binaries in many software development

In the context of RP2040 development, the ELF format is often used to

represent the compiled binary of both firmware and regular
applications. The ELF file contains sections like text (executable
code), data (initialized and uninitialized data), and various other

sections that define the structure and layout of the binary. Tools in
the development process, such as compilers and linkers, generate and
manipulate ELF files.

In summary, firmware on RP2040 refers to the low-level software

responsible for managing and controlling hardware, while a regular
application is a higher-level program designed to perform specific
tasks. Both firmware and regular applications for RP2040 can be
represented in the ELF format, providing a standardized way to
organize and distribute executable binaries.

We will revisit our hello world binary and take a deeper look into
how this all works. Keep in mind we debugged with the .bin file
which had no symbols or helpful locators of where things are as in
the real-world of reverse engineering you will rarely get symbols.

I bring this up as to no confuse you as we are going to examine the

elf binary which is a .bin file with symbols in it’s simplest

Let’s do some firmware analysis!

Open VS Code and click File then Open Folder … then click on the
Embedded-Hacking folder and then select 0x0001_hello-world.

Give it a few minutes to initialize.

It may ask you for an active kit of which you will choose Pico ARM

Let’s open up a terminal and take a look at our first tool.

The arm-none-eabi-objdump command is a tool used in the ARM

development environment to display information about object files.
The -h option specifies that you want to display the section headers
of the ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) file.

When you run the arm-none-eabi-objdump -h command on a specific ELF

binary file (in this case, .build\0x0001_hello-world.elf), it
provides detailed information about the various sections in that ELF

Let's break down what this command will show and how it relates to
the RP2040 ELF binary:

Section Headers:
Sections are parts of the ELF file that organize and hold specific
types of data. Section headers contain information about each
section, such as its name, type, virtual address, size, and other

Output Format:
The output of the arm-none-eabi-objdump -h command typically includes
a table with columns representing different attributes of each

The columns may include:

Name: The name of the section.
Size: The size of the section in bytes.
VMA (Virtual Memory Address): The virtual memory address at which the
section is loaded into memory.
LMA (Load Memory Address): The load memory address, which is the same
as VMA for most sections.
Offset: The offset of the section in the file.
Align: The alignment requirement for the section.

For the RP2040 microcontroller, the ELF binary would contain sections
that represent different parts of the program, including code
sections, data sections, and potentially sections related to
microcontroller-specific features.

The ELF file for RP2040 would likely include sections for the
bootloader, firmware, and potentially user applications. The
bootloader, for example, might reside at a specific address in the
memory space, and the ELF file's section headers would provide
details about the location and size of the bootloader code and data.

The information provided by the section headers is crucial for

understanding how the ELF file is mapped into the memory space of the
RP2040. This includes the starting addresses of various sections and
their sizes, which are essential for programming and debugging
embedded systems.

In summary, running arm-none-eabi-objdump -h on the RP2040 ELF binary

will show detailed information about the sections within the binary,
helping developers understand how different parts of the program are
organized in memory and how they relate to the RP2040
microcontroller's architecture.

Let’s run the following.

arm-none-eabi-objdump -h .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: file format elf32-littlearm

Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
0 .boot2 00000100 10000000 10000000 00001000 2**0
1 .text 00006818 10000100 10000100 00001100 2**3
2 .rodata 00001758 10006918 10006918 00007918 2**3
3 .binary_info 00000028 10008070 10008070 00009070 2**2
4 .ram_vector_table 000000c0 20000000 20000000 00009cb8 2**2
5 .data 00000bf8 200000c0 10008098 000090c0 2**4
6 .uninitialized_data 00000000 20000cb8 20000cb8 00009d78 2**0
7 .scratch_x 00000000 20040000 20040000 00009d78 2**0
8 .scratch_y 00000000 20041000 20041000 00009d78 2**0
9 .bss 00000d94 20000cb8 20000cb8 00009cb8 2**3
10 .heap 00000800 20001a4c 20001a4c 00009d78 2**2
11 .stack_dummy 00000800 20041000 20041000 0000a580 2**5
12 .ARM.attributes 00000028 00000000 00000000 0000ad80 2**0
13 .comment 00000049 00000000 00000000 0000ada8 2**0
14 .debug_info 00025b3b 00000000 00000000 0000adf1 2**0
15 .debug_abbrev 00006d3c 00000000 00000000 0003092c 2**0
16 .debug_aranges 00001400 00000000 00000000 00037668 2**3
17 .debug_ranges 00004bd0 00000000 00000000 00038a68 2**3
18 .debug_line 0001804f 00000000 00000000 0003d638 2**0
19 .debug_str 00007638 00000000 00000000 00055687 2**0
20 .debug_frame 00002ac0 00000000 00000000 0005ccc0 2**2
21 .debug_loc 00018ed3 00000000 00000000 0005f780 2**0

1. .boot2 Section:
Size: 256 bytes (0x100)
VMA (Virtual Memory Address): 0x10000000
LMA (Load Memory Address): 0x10000000
File Offset: 0x1000
This section likely contains the bootloader code. It is read-only,
loaded into memory at the specified address (0x10000000), and
contains executable code.

2. .text Section:
Size: 26680 bytes (0x6818)
VMA: 0x10000100
LMA: 0x10000100
File Offset: 0x1100
This is the main code section (.text) of your program. It is read-
only, loaded into memory at 0x10000100, and contains the executable
instructions of your program.

3. .rodata Section:
Size: 5976 bytes (0x1758)
VMA: 0x10006918
LMA: 0x10006918
File Offset: 0x7918
This section likely contains read-only data (constants, strings,
etc.) used by your program. It is loaded into memory at 0x10006918.

4. .binary_info Section:
Size: 40 bytes (0x28)
VMA: 0x10008070
LMA: 0x10008070
File Offset: 0x9070
This section contains binary information. It is loaded into memory at

5. .ram_vector_table Section:
Size: 192 bytes (0xC0)
VMA: 0x20000000
LMA: 0x20000000
File Offset: 0x9CB8
Attributes: CONTENTS
This section likely contains the vector table for interrupts. It's
loaded into RAM at 0x20000000.
6. .data Section:

Size: 3064 bytes (0xBF8)
VMA: 0x200000C0
LMA: 0x10008098
File Offset: 0x90C0
This is the initialized data section. It includes initialized global
and static variables. It is loaded into RAM at 0x200000C0.

7. .uninitialized_data Section:
Size: 0 bytes
VMA: 0x20000CB8
LMA: 0x20000CB8
File Offset: 0x9D78
Attributes: CONTENTS
This section is for uninitialized data. It's likely that the .bss
section will fulfill the same purpose.

8-11. .scratch_x, .scratch_y, .bss, .heap Sections:

These sections represent scratch memory, uninitialized data, heap,
and stack.

12-20. Debug Sections:

These sections contain debugging information
(.ARM.attributes, .comment, .debug_info, .debug_abbrev, .debug_arange
s, .debug_ranges, .debug_line, .debug_str, .debug_frame, .debug_loc).

Understanding these sections is crucial for debugging and memory

management. The .text section contains the main code, .data contains
initialized data, and .bss is for uninitialized data.
The .ram_vector_table is essential for interrupt handling, and other
sections provide additional details and support for debugging.

When programming the RP2040, it's important to know where each

section is loaded in memory, especially when dealing with limited
resources in embedded systems. The memory map and section headers
provide insight into how your code and data are organized in the
memory space of the microcontroller.

Let’s examine our next tool.

The -D option in the arm-none-eabi-objdump command stands for

"disassemble." When used, it instructs the objdump tool to display
the disassembly of the entire ELF file, including all sections. Let's
break down how this option works and why it's relevant.
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

arm-none-eabi-objdump: The main command for disassembling and
inspecting binary files in the ARM embedded toolchain.

-D: This option tells objdump to disassemble the contents of the ELF
file. It means that the tool will convert the machine code
instructions in the binary file into human-readable assembly language
instructions. The disassembly output will include not only the code
sections but also information about other sections like data,
symbols, and more.

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: This is the path to the ELF file that

you want to analyze. Replace this with the actual path to your
compiled program.

| less: The pipe (|) operator is used to send the output of objdump
to the less command. less is a pager program that allows you to
scroll through large amounts of text one screen at a time.

The -D option is crucial for gaining a comprehensive understanding of

the program. It disassembles the entire content of the ELF file,
providing insights into the machine-level instructions generated by
the compiler.

Disassembling all sections means that you get information about not
only the code sections (.text), but also other sections like data
(.data, .bss), symbols, and potentially debug information. This can
be valuable for debugging, analyzing memory usage, and understanding
the structure of your program.

The Vector Table, which contains addresses of interrupt and exception

handlers, is included in the disassembly. By disassembling all
sections, you can locate the Vector Table and understand how the
microcontroller responds to different events.
Memory Layout Visualization:

The disassembly output includes information about the memory layout,

showing where different sections are loaded in memory. This is
particularly important in embedded systems where memory usage is

Disassembly is a powerful tool for debugging and optimization. It

allows you to inspect the generated machine code, identify potential
issues, and optimize the code for size or performance.
By using the -D option in objdump, you obtain a detailed disassembly
of your program, providing a deep insight into how the high-level
code you wrote is translated into low-level machine instructions for
the target microcontroller. This is invaluable for embedded systems

development, especially when working with resource-constrained
devices like the RP2040.

The -D option in arm-none-eabi-objdump instructs the tool to

disassemble the contents of the ELF file, providing a human-readable
representation of the machine code instructions. However,
disassembling data as if it were instructions can result in nonsense
output because the tool interprets arbitrary data as if it were
executable code. Let's explore why this can happen:

One of the issues with this tool is that the data sections are
misinterpreted. The -D option doesn't discriminate between code
sections (text) and data sections. It attempts to disassemble all
sections in the ELF file. This means that sections containing non-
executable data, such as initialized or uninitialized variables, will
be disassembled as if they were instructions.

Data sections might contain values that, when interpreted as

instructions, result in nonsensical or invalid opcodes. For example,
a sequence of bytes representing ASCII characters or numeric values
might not make sense when treated as executable instructions.

When disassembling data, you might see output that appears to be

assembly instructions, but these are essentially meaningless in terms
of program execution. It can be misleading and confusing, especially
if you're expecting only code sections to be disassembled.
Symbol Confusion:

The disassembler might attempt to interpret data values as symbolic

instructions, leading to the creation of pseudo-instructions that
don't correspond to any valid machine code. This can make it
challenging to distinguish between actual instructions and arbitrary

Consider a simple data section that contains an array of 32-bit
// Data section
int data_array[] = {0x12345678, 0xAABBCCDD, 0xDEADBEEF};

When disassembling this data section with -D, the tool might
interpret the data values as instructions and attempt to disassemble
them. However, these values don't represent valid ARM instructions,
leading to nonsense output.

Another import part of this analysis is the Vector Table. The Vector
Table is a critical part of ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers. It

contains addresses of interrupt service routines (ISRs) and is
usually located at the beginning of the program memory. Let's discuss
how you can find and interpret the Vector Table in the disassembly

Scroll through the disassembled code using the arrow keys. The Vector
Table is typically located at the beginning of the disassembly

In the Vector Table, you should see a list of addresses at the

beginning of the disassembly, each corresponding to a specific
interrupt or exception.

The first entry in the Vector Table is the address of the Reset
Handler, which is the starting point of your program. It's the
address where the microcontroller jumps to when it is powered on or

Following the Reset Handler, you'll find addresses for other

exception handlers, such as NMI, Hard Fault, and various interrupts.
Understand the Addresses:

Each address in the Vector Table points to the corresponding handler

function or routine that should be executed when the associated
interrupt or exception occurs.

For example, if you see an address like 0x10000100 in the disassembly

output, it likely corresponds to the Reset Handler. The exact details
will depend on your specific program and the configuration of your

By examining the disassembly output with objdump, you can gain

insights into how your code is translated into machine instructions,
identify key sections such as the Vector Table, and understand the
flow of control in your program.
arm-none-eabi-objdump -D .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .boot2:

10000000 <__boot2_start__>:
10000000: 4b32b500 blmi 10cad408 <__flash_binary_end+0xca4778>
10000004: 60582021 subsvs r2, r8, r1, lsr #32
10000008: 21026898 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction:
1000000c: 60984388 addsvs r4, r8, r8, lsl #7
10000010: 611860d8 ldrsbvs r6, [r8, -r8]

10000014: 4b2e6158 blmi 10b9857c <__flash_binary_end+0xb8f8ec>
10000018: 60992100 addsvs r2, r9, r0, lsl #2
1000001c: 61592102 cmpvs r9, r2, lsl #2
10000020: 22f02101 rscscs r2, r0, #1073741824 ; 0x40000000
10000024: 492b5099 stmdbmi fp!, {r0, r3, r4, r7, ip, lr}
10000028: 21016019 tstcs r1, r9, lsl r0
1000002c: 20356099 mlascs r5, r9, r0, r6
10000030: f844f000 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction:
10000034: 42902202 addsmi r2, r0, #536870912 ; 0x20000000
10000038: 2106d014 tstcs r6, r4, lsl r0
1000003c: f0006619 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction:
10000040: 6e19f834 mrcvs 8, 0, APSR_nzcv, cr9, cr4, {1}
10000044: 66192101 ldrvs r2, [r9], -r1, lsl #2
10000048: 66182000 ldrvs r2, [r8], -r0
1000004c: f000661a ; <UNDEFINED> instruction:
10000050: 6e19f82c cdpvs 8, 1, cr15, cr9, cr12, {1}
10000054: 6e196e19 mrcvs 14, 0, r6, cr9, cr9, {0}
10000058: f0002005 ; <UNDEFINED> instruction:
1000005c: 2101f82f tstcs r1, pc, lsr #16 ; <UNPREDICTABLE>
10000060: d1f94208 mvnsle r4, r8, lsl #4
10000064: 60992100 addsvs r2, r9, r0, lsl #2
10000068: 6019491b andsvs r4, r9, fp, lsl r9
1000006c: 60592100 subsvs r2, r9, r0, lsl #2:

The contents are quite large but when you run this on your own you
will see the extent of the result. The key is this is everything and
you need to ignore the data representation of attempted Assembler
code as noted above.

Let’s examine our next tool.

The -d flag in the arm-none-eabi-objdump command specifies that you

want to disassemble the executable sections of the ELF file. Here's
what the -d flag does:

arm-none-eabi-objdump -d .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

arm-none-eabi-objdump: The main command for disassembling and
inspecting binary files in the ARM embedded toolchain.

-d: This option stands for "disassemble." It instructs objdump to

disassemble the contents of the ELF file. Unlike the -D option, which
disassembles all sections, the -d option specifically focuses on the
code sections (text sections) of the program.

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: This is the path to the ELF file that

you want to analyze. Replace this with the actual path to your
compiled program.

| less: The pipe (|) operator is used to send the output of objdump
to the less command. less is a pager program that allows you to
scroll through large amounts of text one screen at a time.

The -d option is useful when you specifically want to focus on

disassembling the code sections of your program. This is typically
the section where the machine code instructions of your program's
executable code reside (commonly named .text).

The output of the -d option is human-readable assembly code. It

provides a translation of the machine code instructions into mnemonic
instructions that are easier for a human to understand.

Disassembling the code helps you understand the flow of your program
at the assembly level. You can see the instructions that make up each
function and analyze the control flow between different parts of your

The disassembled code is often used for debugging and analysis. It

allows you to inspect the generated machine code, identify potential
issues, and understand how the high-level code you wrote is
translated into low-level instructions for the target

If you have a simple C program like:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {

while (true)
printf("hello, world\r\n");

This command below will output the disassembled code for the .text
section, showing the assembly instructions generated by the compiler
for your main function and any other code in the program.

The -d option is particularly useful when you are interested in

examining the assembly representation of the machine code
instructions in the code sections of your ELF file.
arm-none-eabi-objdump -d .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .boot2:

10000000 <__boot2_start__>:
10000000: 4b32b500 .word 0x4b32b500
10000004: 60582021 .word 0x60582021
10000008: 21026898 .word 0x21026898
1000000c: 60984388 .word 0x60984388
10000010: 611860d8 .word 0x611860d8
10000014: 4b2e6158 .word 0x4b2e6158
10000018: 60992100 .word 0x60992100

Like our previous command, the results are many pages long but will
be good to run in your terminal to get an idea of how our binary
looks which starts at 0x10000000 XIP as we discussed prior.

Let’s examine our next tool.

The arm-none-eabi-objdump -s command is used to display the content

of sections in a binary file. The -s option specifies that you want
to view the contents of sections, and it is often used for inspecting
the raw data within different sections of an ELF (Executable and
Linkable Format) file. Let's break down what the command does:

arm-none-eabi-objdump -s .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

arm-none-eabi-objdump: The main command for disassembling and

inspecting binary files in the ARM embedded toolchain.

-s: This option tells objdump to display the contents of sections in

a binary file. Unlike the -d option, which disassembles the code
sections into human-readable assembly language, the -s option
displays the raw data within the specified sections.

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: This is the path to the ELF file that

you want to analyze. Replace this with the actual path to your
compiled program.

| less: The pipe (|) operator is used to send the output of objdump
to the less command, allowing you to scroll through large amounts of
text one screen at a time.

Relevance of -s and Displaying Section Contents:

The -s option is used to view the raw binary data within specific
sections of the ELF file. This can include code sections, data
sections, symbol tables, and more.

By inspecting the contents of sections, you gain insights into how

different types of data are organized in memory. This is crucial for
understanding the memory layout of your program and for debugging

For non-code sections, such as .data or .rodata, the -s option allows
you to inspect the actual data values stored in these sections. This
is valuable for understanding the initialized and constant data used
by your program.

The -s option can also be used to inspect symbol tables and other
debug-related sections. This is important for debugging tools and for
understanding the relationship between high-level source code and
low-level machine code.
Inspecting section contents is helpful for low-level analysis,
especially when you need to understand how specific data or code is
laid out in memory. It complements the information provided by
disassembly (-d) by giving you a more direct view of the raw binary
data stored in different sections of your executable.
arm-none-eabi-objdump -s .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: file format elf32-littlearm

Contents of section .boot2:

10000000 00b5324b 21205860 98680221 88439860 ..2K! X`.h.!.C.`
10000010 d8601861 58612e4b 00219960 02215961 .`.aXa.K.!.`.!Ya
10000020 0121f022 99502b49 19600121 99603520 .!.".P+I.`.!.`5
10000030 00f044f8 02229042 14d00621 196600f0 ..D..".B...!.f..
10000040 34f8196e 01211966 00201866 1a6600f0 4..n.!.f. .f.f..
10000050 2cf8196e 196e196e 052000f0 2ff80121 ,..n.n.n. ../..!
10000060 0842f9d1 00219960 1b491960 00215960 .B...!.`.I.`.!Y`
10000070 1a491b48 01600121 9960eb21 1966a021 .I.H.`.!.`.!.f.!
10000080 196600f0 12f80021 99601649 14480160 .f.....!.`.I.H.`
10000090 01219960 01bc0028 00d00047 12481349 .!.`...(...G.H.I

Like many of the previous commands, we are only showing the first

Let’s explore our next command.

The arm-none-eabi-readelf command is a tool that displays information

about ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) files. The -a option in
the command stands for "all," and it instructs readelf to display all
available information about the ELF file. The | less part of the
command pipes the output through the less command, allowing you to
scroll through the information one screen at a time.

Here's a breakdown of what the command does:

arm-none-eabi-readelf -a .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

arm-none-eabi-readelf: This is the command for reading and displaying
information about ELF files in the ARM embedded toolchain.

-a: This option tells readelf to display all available information
about the ELF file. This includes information about the ELF header,
program headers, section headers, symbol tables, and more.

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: This is the path to the ELF file that

you want to analyze. Replace this with the actual path to your
compiled program.
| less: The pipe (|) operator is used to send the output of readelf
to the less command, allowing you to scroll through large amounts of
text one screen at a time.

The -a option provides a comprehensive overview of the ELF file. It

includes information about the ELF header, program headers, section
headers, symbol tables, and more. This is valuable for understanding
the structure and contents of the binary.

The ELF header contains essential information about the binary, such
as the architecture, entry point, program header table offset,
section header table offset, and other metadata.
Program Headers:

Program headers provide information about how the ELF file should be
loaded into memory. This includes details about the different
segments of the program, such as code and data segments.

Section headers provide information about the various sections in the

ELF file, including code sections, data sections, symbol tables, and
more. This helps in understanding the layout of data and code in the

Symbol tables contain information about symbols (functions,

variables) present in the binary. This is crucial for debugging and
understanding the relationship between high-level source code and
low-level machine code.

When running the command, you will see a detailed output that
includes information about the ELF header, program headers, section
headers, symbol tables, and other relevant information about the
structure and content of your ELF file.

This command is particularly useful for gaining a deep understanding

of the ELF file, especially when you need detailed information beyond
what is provided by tools like objdump. It's a versatile tool for
inspecting various aspects of the binary, making it valuable in the
context of embedded systems development and low-level programming.
arm-none-eabi-readelf -a .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

ELF Header:

Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF32
Data: 2's complement, little endian
Version: 1 (current)
OS/ABI: UNIX - System V
ABI Version: 0
Type: EXEC (Executable file)
Machine: ARM
Version: 0x1
Entry point address: 0x100001e9
Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file)
Start of section headers: 524904 (bytes into file)
Flags: 0x5000200, Version5 EABI, soft-float ABI
Size of this header: 52 (bytes)
Size of program headers: 32 (bytes)
Number of program headers: 3
Size of section headers: 40 (bytes)
Number of section headers: 26
Section header string table index: 25

Section Headers:
[Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
[ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0
[ 1] .boot2 PROGBITS 10000000 001000 000100 00 AX 0 0 1
[ 2] .text PROGBITS 10000100 001100 006818 00 AX 0 0 8
[ 3] .rodata PROGBITS 10006918 007918 001758 00 A 0 0 8
[ 4] .binary_info PROGBITS 10008070 009070 000028 00 WA 0 0 4
[ 5] .ram_vector_table PROGBITS 20000000 009cb8 0000c0 00 W 0 0 4

Like the rest, this is just a small section you can try this out on
your own to get the full contents.

There are two more useful commands to review.

The arm-none-eabi-nm command is a tool that displays symbol

information from object files or executables. The command you
provided, arm-none-eabi-nm .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less, is
using nm to display symbol information for the specified ELF
(Executable and Linkable Format) file and piping the output through
the less command for easier navigation.

arm-none-eabi-nm .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

arm-none-eabi-nm: This is the command for displaying symbol

information from object files or executables in the ARM embedded

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: This is the path to the ELF file that

you want to analyze. Replace this with the actual path to your
compiled program.

| less: The pipe (|) operator is used to send the output of nm to the
less command, allowing you to scroll through large amounts of text
one screen at a time.

The nm displays information about symbols in the ELF file. Symbols

include functions, variables, and other program entities. This
information is crucial for understanding the structure of your
program at the symbol level.

For each symbol, nm provides its address in memory. This is useful

for understanding where functions and variables are located within
the program's memory space.

Symbols are categorized into different types, such as functions,

variables, or sections. This helps you quickly identify the role of
each symbol in your program.

Symbol information is essential for debugging. When you encounter

issues in your program, knowing the addresses and types of symbols
can aid in identifying problems and understanding the program's

nm is often integrated into build systems or used as part of the

development process to inspect and analyze ELF files. It can be part
of scripts or automation workflows for examining symbols and

Example Output:
You will see an output that lists symbols along with their addresses
and types. Here's a simplified example:
08000100 T _start
08000104 T main
08000120 T printf
08000200 D data_variable
T: Indicates a code symbol (function).
D: Indicates a data symbol (variable).

08000100, 08000104, etc.: The address in memory.

By inspecting the symbol table, you can gain insights into the
structure of your program, understand the memory layout, and use the
information for debugging and analysis. It's a valuable tool for low-
level programming and embedded systems development.
arm-none-eabi-nm .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less
10006888 t ____aeabi_idiv0_veneer
10006858 t ____aeabi_ldiv0_veneer
20000b30 t ____assert_func_veneer
20000b20 t ____wrap___aeabi_lmul_veneer
20000b60 t ____wrap_memcpy_veneer

20000b50 t ____wrap_memset_veneer
10006908 t ___hw_endpoint_buffer_control_update32_veneer
10003534 t __aeabi_bits_init
10003a76 t __aeabi_dfcmple_guts
10003bc0 T __aeabi_double_init
10003d00 T __aeabi_float_init
20000b08 W __aeabi_idiv0
20000b08 W __aeabi_ldiv0
10003d88 T __aeabi_mem_init
10002290 T __assert_func
20000b90 t __best_effort_wfe_or_timeout_veneer
10007c8c r __bi_188.0
100002ac t __bi_22
100002a0 t __bi_30
10007be8 r __bi_33.4
10007bf4 r __bi_34.5
10000294 t __bi_38
10007b7c r __bi_44
10000288 t __bi_50
10007b88 r __bi_75
10007b94 r __bi_81
10008094 d __bi_ptr188.4
10008070 d __bi_ptr22
10008074 d __bi_ptr30

When you run on your own you will see the entire contents.

Our final command is the strings command.

The arm-none-eabi-strings command is used to extract printable

character sequences (strings) from binary files. When applied to an
ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) file, it can reveal human-
readable strings embedded within the binary. The | less part of the
command pipes the output through the less command, allowing you to
scroll through large amounts of text one screen at a time.

arm-none-eabi-strings .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

arm-none-eabi-strings: This is the command for extracting printable

strings from binary files in the ARM embedded toolchain.

.\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf: This is the path to the ELF file that

you want to analyze. Replace this with the actual path to your
compiled program.

| less: The pipe (|) operator is used to send the output of strings
to the less command, allowing you to scroll through large amounts of
text one screen at a time.

The strings command helps you identify and inspect human-readable
text within the binary. This includes strings used in your code, such
as debug messages, error messages, and other informative text.

Extracted strings can be useful for debugging and analysis. By

reviewing the strings present in the binary, you may gain insights
into the behavior of the program and identify specific points of

It allows you to verify that constants or string literals in your

code are present in the binary as expected. This is particularly
useful for confirming that messages and constants defined in your
source code are correctly included in the compiled binary.

Analyzing strings in a binary is also a common practice for security

analysis. It can help identify sensitive information or hardcoded
credentials that should not be exposed in a production binary.

You'll see a mix of strings that are part of your code, standard
library functions, and potentially other information embedded in the
binary. By examining these strings, you can gain a better
understanding of the content and functionality of the compiled
program. Keep in mind that not all strings extracted may be directly
visible in your source code; some might be library or system-related.
arm-none-eabi-strings .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | less

2K! X`
pG H
""@ *


Keep parsing through the output. You should see our hello, world
sting in there.

You can use grep to find specifically what you are looking for like
arm-none-eabi-strings .\build\0x0001_hello-world.elf | grep -i "hello"

hello, world

I know this was a longer chapter but please take the time and
understand these tools and getting a better understanding of what
firmware is and in this case how it is specific to the M0+ and RP2040

In our next lesson we will have an intro to variables.

Chapter 5: Intro To Variables
In this chapter we are going to introduce the concept of a variable.
If we have a series of boxes all layed out in a row and we numbered
them from 0 to 9 (we start with 0 in Engineering) and then placed
item 0 in box 0 and then item 1 in box 1 all the way to item 9 in box

The boxes in this analogy represents our SRAM. The items are nothing
more than variables of different types, which we will discuss later,
that are stored in each of these addresses.

For the Developer, you simply provide a type and a name and the
compiler will assign to the value to an actual address.

One of the most important considerations is that you have to declare

variables before you use them in a program.

The process of declaration provides the compiler the size and name of
the variable you are creating.

The process of definition allocates memory to a variable.

These two processes are usually done at the same time.

Let’s look at some code.

uint8_t age;

Here we have a data type which is uint8_t and the name of the
variable which is age.

The data type determines how much space a variable is going to occupy
in memory. This will signal the compiler to allocate space for it.

A semicolon signals to the compiler that a statement is complete. In

our case the statement was the uint8_t age.

The uint8_t type takes up 1 byte of memory it is an unsigned integer

type that can store a value between 0 and 255.

If you declare a value during declaration it is referred to as


Let’s open up our folder 0x0005_intro-to-variables.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {
uint8_t age = 42;

age = 43;


while (true)
printf("age: %d\r\n", age);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

The first lines you should be familiar with and if not again refer to
Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with those lines.

Let’s break down this code.

uint8_t age = 42;

We start by declaring and initializing the variable to hold a 1 byte

unsigned integer and assign the value of 42 to it.

age = 43;

We then change the value stored in age to 43.

Then inside the while loop we have a printf where we print text to
indicate that we are going to print the age and then use what we
refer to as a format specifier which is %d to indicate we are using a
decimal value and then our new line chars \r\n and then we have the
value that will populate %d which is 43.

Let’s open up PuTTY or your terminal editor of choice and we will see
our values being printed in an infinite loop.

In our next chapter we will debug this.

Chapter 6: Debugging Intro To Variables
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0005_intro-to-variables.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

I want to make sure you REALLY understand what is going on. The XIP
is the start of FLASH at 0x10000000. The entry point to our vector
table begins with the MSP or master stack pointer and this will be at

(gdb) x/x 0x10000100

0x10000100: 0x20042000

This should make sense if not please re-read the last chapter.

We are dealing with a raw binary with no symbols so we have to find

our main function.

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000308: push {r4, lr}

=> 0x1000030a: bl 0x10004064
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000318)
0x10000310: movs r1, #43 ; 0x2b
0x10000312: bl 0x1000404c
0x10000316: b.n 0x1000030e

Let’s do the following.

set $pc = 0x10000308

b *0x10000308

Then we can look at a few instructions.

(gdb) x/6i $pc

=> 0x10000308: push {r4, lr}
0x1000030a: bl 0x10004064
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000318)
0x10000310: movs r1, #43 ; 0x2b
0x10000312: bl 0x1000404c
0x10000316: b.n 0x1000030e

We see 43 decimal being moved into r1 however we do not see the 42

initialized value as the compiler optimized that away as it then
assigned 43 into it to be called by the printf function.

In our next lesson we will hack this!

Chapter 7: Hacking Intro To Variables
Let’s pick up where we were in our last lesson and set a breakpoint
on the line after the assignment of decimal 43.

(gdb) b *0x10000312
Breakpoint 2 at 0x10000312
(gdb) c

Let’s examine what is in r1.

(gdb) x/x $r1

0x2b: 0x701c18d1

Let’s hack r1!

(gdb) set $r1 = 1337

(gdb) x/x $r1
0x539: 0xc3702a35

Let’s open PuTTY or our terminal emulator of choice.

Success! We hacked it! In our next lesson we will look at

uninitialized variables.

Chapter 8: Uninitialized Variables
In this chapter we are going to examine what happens in memory when
we create variables that are not initialized.

Let’s open up our folder 0x0008_unitialized-variables.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {
uint8_t age;


while (true)
printf("age: %d\r\n", age);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

The only difference is that we have no idea what the value will be
inside of age or do we?

In other versions of C you would see garbage data if a value is

uninitialized however what we see in the C Pico SDK is that like
other modern compilers, if you have a value that is not initialized,
it will get assigned to the .bss section of memory.

The entire .bss section is assigned an address in RAM via the linker
and does not reside in the binary or flash.

When the Pico boots, behind the scenes memset which is a C standard
lib function is zeroing out the entire .bss so this is why these
values are in fact 0.

When you initialize a variable it will go into the .data section.

When you initialize a constant it will go into the .rodata section.

Let’s flash and examine the binary.

In our next lesson we will debug this.

Chapter 9: Debugging Uninitialized
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0008_uninitialized_variables.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Remeber, the XIP is the start of FLASH at 0x10000000. The entry

point to our vector table begins with the MSP or master stack pointer
and this will be at 0x10000100.

(gdb) x/x 0x10000100

0x10000100: 0x20042000

This should make sense if not please re-read the last few chapters.

We are dealing with a raw binary with no symbols so we have to find

our main function.

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting at offset 304.

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

0x10000306: movs r4, #0
0x10000308: bl 0x10004070
0x1000030c: movs r1, r4
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000318)
0x10000310: bl 0x10004058
0x10000314: b.n 0x1000030c
0x10000316: nop

We know that 308 offset is our C SDK init which we have seen before.

Let’s set a breakpoint after the ldr instruction and see what is
going on.

(gdb) b *0x10000310
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10000310
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) c
Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x10000310 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/x $r0
0x10006920: 0x3a656761
(gdb) x/s $r0
0x10006920: "age: %d\r\n"

We see our age variable however what does it store? If you look at
the movs r4, #0 it tells us our answer. In the last chapter we
talked about how initialized variables were init to 0.

In our next chapter we will hack this!

Chapter 10: Hacking Uninitialized
Let’s pick up where we were in our last lesson and set a breakpoint
on the line after the assignment of decimal 0.

(gdb) b *0x10000308
Breakpoint 2 at 0x10000308
(gdb) c

Let’s examine what is in r4.

(gdb) x/x $r4

0x0: 0x0

Let’s hack r4!

(gdb) set $r4 = 42

(gdb) x/x $r4
0x2a: 0xf7

Let’s open PuTTY or our terminal emulator of choice.

Hooray! We hacked to 42! In our next lesson we will handle the

integer data type.

Chapter 11: Integer Data Type
In this chapter we are going to discuss the integer data type. We
have already covered examples with this however this book’s goal is
to continue to reinforce learning so that you have a mastery of the
embedded process.

Let’s open up our folder 0x000b_integer-data-type.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {
uint8_t age = 0;
int8_t range = 0;

age = 43;
range = -42;


while (true) {
printf("age: %d\r\n", age);
printf("range: %d\r\n", range);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

The first lines you should be familiar with and if not again refer to
Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with those lines.

Let’s break down this code.

uint8_t age = 0;

We start by declaring and initializing the variable to hold a 1 byte

unsigned integer and assign the value of 0 to it.

age = 43;

We then change the value stored in age to 43.

We also create another signed 8-bit integer.

int8_t range = 0;

Then we assign a value to it.

range = -42

Then inside the while loop we have a printf where we print text to
indicate that we are going to print the age and then use what we
refer to as a format specifier which is %d to indicate we are using a
decimal value and then our new line chars \r\n and then we have the
value that will populate %d which is 43.

We also print out the value of range which is -42.

Let’s open up PuTTY or your terminal editor of choice and we will see
our values being printed in an infinite loop.

In our next chapter we will debug this.

Chapter 12: Debugging Integer Data Type
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x000b_integer-data-type.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

=> 0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

0x10000306: bl 0x10003be8
0x1000030a: movs r1, #43 ; 0x2b
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; (0x10000320)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bd0
0x10000312: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x10000314: negs r1, r1
0x10000316: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000324)

0x10000318: bl 0x10003bd0
0x1000031c: b.n 0x1000030a

Let’s do the following.

b *0x10000304

Then we can look at a few instructions.

(gdb) x/10i $pc

=> 0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x10003be8
0x1000030a: movs r1, #43 ; 0x2b
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; (0x10000320)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bd0
0x10000312: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x10000314: negs r1, r1
0x10000316: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000324)
0x10000318: bl 0x10003bd0
0x1000031c: b.n 0x1000030a

We see 43 decimal being moved into r1 and later we see 42 decimal

being moved into r1 and then we see the negs instruction which will
negate this to provide our -42 and then with each decimal value being
loaded into r1 we call printf respectivly.

In our next lesson we will hack this!

Chapter 13: Hacking Integer Data Type
Let’s pick up where we were in our last lesson and set a breakpoint
on the line after the assignment of decimal 42.

(gdb) b *0x1000030a
Breakpoint 2 at 0x1000030a
(gdb) c

Let’s examine what is in r1.

(gdb) x/x $r1

0x2b: 0xeb20041f

Let’s hack r1!

(gdb) set $r1 = 1337

(gdb) x/x $r1
0x539: 0xc3702a35

Let’s hack r1 again for our second value!

(gdb) b *0x10000312
Breakpoint 3 at 0x10000312
(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 3, 0x10000312 in ?? ()

(gdb) si
0x10000314 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/x $r1
0x2a: 0x1c18d1f7
(gdb) set $r1 = 66
(gdb) x/1i $pc
=> 0x10000314: negs r1, r1

Let’s open PuTTY or our terminal emulator of choice.

Success! We hacked it! In our next lesson we will look at the

floating-point data type.

Chapter 14: Floating-Point Data Type
In this chapter we are going to discuss the floating-point data type.

Let’s open up our folder 0x000e_floating-point-data-type.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {
float fav_num = 42.5;


while (true)
printf("fav_num: %f\r\n", fav_num);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

The first lines you should be familiar with and if not again refer to
Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with those lines.

Let’s break down this code.

float fav_num = 42.5;

We start by declaring and initializing the variable to hold a float

and assign the value of 42.5 to it.

Then inside the while loop we have a printf where we print text to
indicate that we are going to print the fav_num and then use what we
refer to as a format specifier which is %f to indicate we are using a
float value and then our new line chars \r\n and then we have the
value that will populate %f which is 42.5.

Let’s open up PuTTY or your terminal editor of choice and we will se

our values being printed in an infinite loop.

In our next chapter we will debug this.

Chapter 15: Debugging Floating-Point Data
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x000e_floating-point-data-type.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000308 : push {r4, lr}

0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b80
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x10000310: movs r2, #0
0x10000312: ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000314: bl 0x10003b68

0x10000318: b.n 0x1000030e
0x1000031a: nop ; (mov r8, r8)

We see two values being loaded in the first at 0x1000031c.

(gdb) x/s *0x1000031c

0x10003e60: "fav_num: %f\r\n"

We see another at 0x10000320.

(gdb) x/f 0x10000320

0x10000320: 42.500012410475414

And there we have it! In our next lesson we will hack this value.

Chapter 16: Hacking Floating-Point Data
Let’s pick up where we were in our last lesson and set a breakpoint
at the beginning of main and at the end of our main after we assign
the value into R3.

(gdb) b *0x10000308
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10000308
(gdb) b *0x10000314
Breakpoint 2 at 0x10000314
(gdb) c

Let’s examine some instructions.

(gdb) x/8i $pc

=> 0x10000308: push {r4, lr}
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b80
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x10000310: movs r2, #0
0x10000312: ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000314: bl 0x10003b68
0x10000318: b.n 0x1000030e
0x1000031a: nop ; (mov r8, r8)

Let’s get to after the step where our 42.5 is assigned into R3.

(gdb) si
0x1000030a in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10003b80 in ?? ()
(gdb) ret
Make selected stack frame return now? (y or n) y
#0 0x1000030e in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10000310 in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10000312 in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10000314 in ?? ()

Let’s look in r3 as it should have our float.

(gdb) x/f $r3

0x40454000: 0

Uh oh! So now we need to reverse engineer how this works! We know

that 0x40454000 is 42.5 so what if we try 0x40455000?

(gdb) set $r3 = 0x40455000
(gdb) c

In Putty, we see fav_num: 42.625000.

Ok well this is a start! Let’s try another.

(gdb) set $r3 = 0x40456000

(gdb) c

In Putty, we see fav_num: 42.750000.

(gdb) set $r3 = 0x40550000

(gdb) c

In Putty, we see fav_num: 84.000000.

Success! We hacked it! In our next lesson we will look at the

double floating-point data type.

Chapter 17: Double Floating-Point Data
In this chapter we are going to discuss the floating-point data type.

Let’s open up our folder 0x0011_double-floating-point-data-type.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {
double fav_num = 42.52525;


while (true)
printf("fav_num: %lf\r\n", fav_num);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

The first lines you should be familiar with and if not again refer to
Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with those lines.

Let’s break down this code.

double fav_num = 42.52525;

We start by declaring and initializing the variable to hold a souble

and assign the value of 42.52525 to it.

Then inside the while loop we have a printf where we print text to
indicate that we are going to print the fav_num and then use what we
refer to as a format specifier which is %lf to indicate we are using
a double value and then our new line chars \r\n and then we have the
value that will populate %f which is 42.5.

Let’s open up PuTTY or your terminal editor of choice and we will se

our values being printed in an infinite loop.

In our next chapter we will debug this.

Chapter 18: Debugging Double Floating-
Point Data Type
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0011_double-floating-point-data-type.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

0x10000306: bl 0x10003be4
0x1000030a: ldr r2, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000318)
0x1000030c: ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000310: bl 0x10003bcc

0x10000314: b.n 0x1000030a
0x10000316: nop ; (mov r8, r8)

We see two values being loaded in the first at 0x10000320.

(gdb) b *0x10000310
(gdb) x/s *0x10000320
0x10003eb8: "fav_num: %lf\r\n"

Let’s look at what is in R3.

(gdb) x/f $r3

0x4045433b: 0

Here we see a different pattern than in our float! In our next

lesson we will hack this value.

Chapter 19: Hacking Double Floating-Point
Data Type
Let’s pick up where we were in our last lesson and set a breakpoint
at the point before we call printf and we assign the value into R3.

(gdb) b *0x10000310
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10000310
(gdb) c

Let’s examine some instructions.

(gdb) x/7i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x10003be4
0x1000030a: ldr r2, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000318)
0x1000030c: ldr r3, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #16] ; (0x10000320)
=> 0x10000310: bl 0x10003bcc
0x10000314: b.n 0x1000030a

Here we are after that strange value assigned into r3.

(gdb) x/f $r3

0x4045433b: 0

Once again we need to reverse engineer how this works! We know that
0x4045433b is 42.52525 so what if we try 0x40455000?

(gdb) set $r3 = 0x40455000

(gdb) c

In Putty, we see fav_num: 42.625012.

Success! We hacked it! In our next lesson we will look at static

Chapter 20: Static Variables
In this chapter we are going to discuss static variables.

Let’s open up our folder 0x0014_static-variables.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {

while (true) {
static int static_fav_num = 42;
int regular_fav_num = 42;

printf("static_fav_num: %d\r\n", static_fav_num);

printf("regular_fav_num: %d\r\n", regular_fav_num);


Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

The first lines you should be familiar with and if not again refer to
Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with those lines.

Let’s break down this code.

Take note that we are initializing two variables within a while loop.

The static_fav_num is a static int and the regular_fav_num is a

regular int and both are init to 42.

The difference here is that when we iterate through the while loop
the static_int_fav_num will increase where the regular_fav_num will
get re-initialized through each run of the loop.

Let’s look at the compilation. We see that that static actually


In our next lesson we will debug this.

Chapter 21: Debugging Static Variables
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0014_static-variables.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000308: push {r4, lr}

0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b90
0x1000030e: ldr r4, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000328)
0x10000310: ldr r1, [r4, #0]
0x10000312: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x1000032c)
0x10000314: bl 0x10003b78
0x10000318: ldr r0, [pc, #20] ; (0x10000330)
0x1000031a: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a

0x1000031c: bl 0x10003b78
0x10000320: ldr r3, [r4, #0]
0x10000322: adds r3, #1
0x10000324: str r3, [r4, #0]
0x10000326: b.n 0x1000030e

We see two values being loaded in below, 31a offset is where we load
42 and the 326 offset we jump back to the beginning of our while

(gdb) b *0x1000031a
(gdb) b *0x10000326

We see our format strings below.

(gdb) x/s *0x1000032c

0x10003e70: "static_fav_num: %d\r\n"
(gdb) x/s *0x10000330
0x10003e88: "regular_fav_num: %d\r\n"

We see our value of 42 as well.

(gdb) x/x 0x1000031a

0x1000031a: 0x2a

Here I have let the program iterate a bit and when we look at r3 we
can see the value of our static variable. When it iterates next it
will be 673 decimal as the current value in PuTTY is 672 on

(gdb) i r
r0 0x15 21
r1 0x0 0
r2 0x0 0
r3 0x2a1 673
r4 0x20000378 536871800
r5 0x20041f01 537140993
r6 0x18000000 402653184
r7 0x0 0
r8 0xffffffff -1
r9 0xffffffff -1
r10 0xffffffff -1
r11 0xffffffff -1
r12 0x20000305 536871685
sp 0x20041ff8 0x20041ff8

In our next lesson we will hack these values.

Chapter 22: Hacking Static Variables
Let’s pick up where we were in our last lesson and set a breakpoint
at the point before we call printf and we assign the value into r3.

First we need to make sure we have all the proper breakpoints.

(gdb) info breakpoints

Num Type Disp Enb Address What
1 breakpoint keep y 0x10000308
breakpoint already hit 2 times
2 breakpoint keep y 0x10000326
breakpoint already hit 19 times
3 breakpoint keep y 0x1000030e
breakpoint already hit 6 times
4 breakpoint keep y 0x1000031c
breakpoint already hit 3 times

Let’s examine some instructions.

(gdb) x/13i 0x10000308

0x10000308: push {r4, lr}
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b90
=> 0x1000030e: ldr r4, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000328)
0x10000310: ldr r1, [r4, #0]
0x10000312: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x1000032c)
0x10000314: bl 0x10003b78
0x10000318: ldr r0, [pc, #20] ; (0x10000330)
0x1000031a: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x1000031c: bl 0x10003b78
0x10000320: ldr r3, [r4, #0]
0x10000322: adds r3, #1
0x10000324: str r3, [r4, #0]
0x10000326: b.n 0x1000030e

Let’s set a breakpoint and continue at the call where it is about to

print the static_fav_num.

(gdb) b *0x1000031c

Let’s verify 0x2a or 42 is in r1.

(gdb) x/x $r1

0x2a: 0xf7

Let’s set r1 to be 44.

(gdb) set $r1 = 44

Let’s examine where we are at.

(gdb) x/13i 0x10000308
0x10000308: push {r4, lr}
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b90
0x1000030e: ldr r4, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000328)
0x10000310: ldr r1, [r4, #0]
0x10000312: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x1000032c)
=> 0x10000314: bl 0x10003b78
0x10000318: ldr r0, [pc, #20] ; (0x10000330)
0x1000031a: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x1000031c: bl 0x10003b78
0x10000320: ldr r3, [r4, #0]
0x10000322: adds r3, #1
0x10000324: str r3, [r4, #0]
0x10000326: b.n 0x1000030e

Let’s first delete all of our breakpoints.

(gdb) del br 1
(gdb) del br 2
(gdb) del br 3
(gdb) del br 4

We have to set a new breakpoint where R3 is going to store its

incremented value into the contents of the address within R4.

(gdb) b *0x10000324

0x10000324: str r3, [r4, #0]

Remember str instructions store the left value into the right value!

Now let’s set r3 to 1337 and continue.

(gdb) set $r3 = 1337

(gdb) c

Let’s look in PuTTY!

Success! We hacked both vars! In our next lesson we will look at


Chapter 23: Constants
In this chapter we are going to discuss constants.

Let’s open up our folder 0x0017_constants.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

#define FAV_NUM 42

const int OTHER_FAV_NUM = 1337;

int main(void) {

while (true) {
printf("FAV_NUM: %d\r\n", FAV_NUM);
printf("regular_fav_num: %d\r\n", OTHER_FAV_NUM);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

We can define constants globally by #define them in a global space.

We can also define a constant within the local scope as we do here in


Let’s look at the compilation. We see both constants.

In our next chapter we will debug this.

Chapter 24: Debugging Constants
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0017_constants.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

0x10000306: bl 0x10003be8
0x1000030a: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bd0
0x10000312: ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000324)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003bd0

0x1000031a: b.n 0x1000030a

We see 42 loaded into r1 so that is our global constant. If we

examine 2 hex bytes from 0x10000320 we see 0x39 and 0x05 which in
decimal is 1337 in little endian format.

(gdb) x/2x 0x10000320

0x10000320: 0x39 0x05

In our next lesson we will hack these values.

Chapter 25: Hacking Constants
Let’s examine 9 instructions.

(gdb) x/9i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x10003be8
0x1000030a: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bd0
0x10000312: ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000324)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003bd0
0x1000031a: b.n 0x1000030a


We saw 42 loaded into r1 so that is our global constant. When we

examined 2 hex bytes from 0x10000320 we see 0x39 and 0x05 which in
decimal is 1337 in little endian format.

(gdb) x/2x 0x10000320

0x10000320: 0x39 0x05

Let’s set three breakpoints on our loop.

(gdb) b *0x1000030a
Breakpoint 1 at 0x1000030a
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) b *0x10000314
Breakpoint 2 at 0x10000314
(gdb) b *0x1000031a
Breakpoint 3 at 0x1000031a

Let’s continue once.

(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x1000030a in ?? ()

(gdb) x/9i 0x10000304
0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x10003be8
=> 0x1000030a: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bd0
0x10000312: ldr r1, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x10000324)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003bd0
0x1000031a: b.n 0x1000030a

Let’s step into once and set R1 to 44 instead of 42.

(gdb) si
0x1000030c in ?? ()
(gdb) set $r1 = 44

Let’s continue and set R1 to 74 and continue.

(gdb) set $r1 = 74

We see that when we continue we see 44 and 74 hacked successfully!

When we continue the loop iteration everything is back to normal as

In our next lesson we will cover operators.

Chapter 26: Operators
In this chapter we are going to discuss operators.

Let’s open up our folder 0x001a_operators.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {

int x = 5;
int y = 10;
int arithmetic_operator = (x * y);
int increment_operator = x++;
bool relational_operator = (x > y);
bool logical_operator = (x > y) && (y > x);
int bitwise_operator = (x<<1); // x is now 6 because of x++ or 0b00000110 and (x<<1) is
0b00001100 or 12
int assignment_operator = (x += 5);

while (true) {
printf("arithmetic_operator: %d\r\n", arithmetic_operator);
printf("increment_operator: %d\r\n", increment_operator);
printf("relational_operator: %d\r\n", relational_operator);
printf("logical_operator: %d\r\n", logical_operator);
printf("bitwise_operator: %d\r\n", bitwise_operator);
printf("assignment_operator: %d\r\n", assignment_operator);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

Arithmetic Operator (*):

int arithmetic_operator = (x * y); multiplies the values of x and y
together, storing the result in arithmetic_operator.

Increment Operator (++):

int increment_operator = x++; post-increments the value of x, meaning
the current value of x is used in the expression, and then x is
incremented by 1.

Relational Operator (>):

bool relational_operator = (x > y); checks if the value of x is
greater than the value of y and stores the result in the boolean
variable relational_operator.

Logical Operator (&&):

bool logical_operator = (x > y) && (y > x); uses the logical AND
operator to check if both conditions are true and stores the result
in the boolean variable logical_operator.

Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<):

int bitwise_operator = (x << 1); left-shifts the bits of x by 1
position. In this case, it effectively multiplies x by 2 because it
shifts the bits to the left by 1 position.

Assignment Operator (+=):

int assignment_operator = (x += 5); adds 5 to the value of x and
assigns the result back to x. The result is then stored in

Let’s look at the compilation.

In our next chapter we will debug this.

Chapter 27: Debugging Operators
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x001a_operators.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

0x10000306: bl 0x10003c14
0x1000030a: movs r1, #50 ; 0x32
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #44] ; (0x1000033c)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bfc
0x10000312: movs r1, #5
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #40] ; (0x10000340)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003bfc

0x1000031a: movs r1, #0
0x1000031c: ldr r0, [pc, #36] ; (0x10000344)
0x1000031e: bl 0x10003bfc
0x10000322: movs r1, #0
0x10000324: ldr r0, [pc, #32] ; (0x10000348)
0x10000326: bl 0x10003bfc
0x1000032a: movs r1, #12
0x1000032c: ldr r0, [pc, #28] ; (0x1000034c)
0x1000032e: bl 0x10003bfc
0x10000332: movs r1, #11
0x10000334: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000350)
0x10000336: bl 0x10003bfc
0x1000033a: b.n 0x1000030a

We see 50 loaded into r1 as that is our arithmetic_operator.

After that bl to printf, we see 5 being loaded into r1 which is our


After the next bl to printf, we see 0 being loaded in to r1 for our

relation_operator which is false.

After the next bl to printf, we see 0 being loaded into r1 for our
logical_operator which is false.

After the next bl to printf, we see 12 being loaded into r1 for our
bitwise_operator as we need to recall earlier we had x++ so x
originally was 5 but is now 6 and when we use the << bitwise operator
with 1 that literally doubles the value and if we used >> 1 that
would floor divide the value by 2.

Finally we see the assignment_operator which adds 5 to the current x

which is 6 so we get 11.

In our next lesson we will hack some of these values.

Chapter 28: Hacking Operators
Let’s examine 21 instructions.

(gdb) x/21i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: bl 0x10003c14
0x1000030a: movs r1, #50 ; 0x32
0x1000030c: ldr r0, [pc, #44] ; (0x1000033c)
0x1000030e: bl 0x10003bfc
0x10000312: movs r1, #5
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #40] ; (0x10000340)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003bfc
0x1000031a: movs r1, #0
0x1000031c: ldr r0, [pc, #36] ; (0x10000344)
0x1000031e: bl 0x10003bfc
0x10000322: movs r1, #0
0x10000324: ldr r0, [pc, #32] ; (0x10000348)
0x10000326: bl 0x10003bfc
0x1000032a: movs r1, #12
0x1000032c: ldr r0, [pc, #28] ; (0x1000034c)
0x1000032e: bl 0x10003bfc
0x10000332: movs r1, #11
0x10000334: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000350)
0x10000336: bl 0x10003bfc
0x1000033a: b.n 0x1000030a


Let’s hack the first 50 going into R1.

(gdb) b *0x1000030c
(gdb) c
(gdb) set $r1 = 42
(gdb) c

We now see arithemetic_operator is 42! Now that you have enough

experience with this go ahead and set breakpoints after the value you
want to hack and set it like we did above and continue and see the
values update!

In our next lesson we will cover static conditionals.

Chapter 29: Static Conditionals
In this chapter we are going to discuss static conditionals.

Let’s open up our folder 0x001d_static-conditionals.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

int main(void) {

int choice = 1;

while (true) {
if (choice == 1) {
} else if (choice == 2) {
} else {

switch (choice) {
case 1:
case 2:

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

We start with an int of choice assigned to 1 and then we check to see

if choice == 1 and if so follow that branch and if it satisfies that
it will ignore the else if and else and go to the switch.
When we go to the switch it will parse the list to find the correct
item, in our case 1 and exit otherwise it will follow the default.

In our next lesson we will debug this.

Chapter 30: Debugging Static Conditionals
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x001d_static-conditionals.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000308: push {r4, lr}

0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b80
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x10000310: bl 0x10003b08
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003b08
0x1000031a: b.n 0x1000030e

We see the compiler optimized away our conditionals. This is why we
will have different chapters so you understand that values are static
likely the compiler will simply optimize away.

(gdb) x/s *0x1000031c

0x10003e60: "1\r"
(gdb) x/s *0x10000320
0x10003e64: "one\r"

In our next lesson we will hack this.

Chapter 31: Hacking Static Conditionals
Let’s examine 7 instructions.

(gdb) x/7i 0x10000308

0x10000308: push {r4, lr}
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003b80
0x1000030e: ldr r0, [pc, #12] ; (0x1000031c)
0x10000310: bl 0x10003b08
0x10000314: ldr r0, [pc, #8] ; (0x10000320)
0x10000316: bl 0x10003b08
0x1000031a: b.n 0x1000030e


We are dealing with a string literal so we will have to hijack our

address pointer in R0 with RAM.

Let’s break and hack.

(gdb) b *0x10000310
(gdb) x/x $r0
0x10003e60: 0x31
(gdb) set {char[3]} 0x20000000 = { '2', '\r', '\0' }
(gdb) set $r0 = 0x20000000
(gdb) x/s $r0
0x20000000: "2\r"
(gdb) b *0x10000316
(gdb) c
(gdb) set {char[5]} 0x20000000 = { 't', 'w', 'o', '\r', '\0' }
(gdb) set $r0 = 0x20000000
(gdb) x/s $r0
0x20000000: "two\r"
(gdb) c

Let’s look at our output!

Isn’t hacking fun! In our next lesson we will cover dynamic conditionals.

Chapter 32: Dynamic Conditionals
In this chapter we are going to discuss dynamic conditionals.

Let’s open up our folder 0x0020_dynamic-conditionals.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "input.h"

#define ONE 0x31

#define TWO 0x32

int main(void) {

uint8_t choice = 0;

while (true) {
choice = on_uart_rx();

if (choice == ONE) {
} else if (choice == TWO) {
} else {

switch (choice) {
case '1':
case '2':

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

In order to properly handle input, I created a driver that is
abstracted away at this time as I do not want to cover functions and
drivers at this early stage so you can focus on the basics first.

Here when we press 1 in the terminal we will get the 1 printed along
with the word one.

When we press 2 in the terminal we get the 2 printed along with the
word two.

If we press anything else, we will get ??.

We then check to see if choice == 1 and if so follow that branch and

if it satisfies that it will ignore the else if and else and go to
the switch.

If it is not choice == 1, we then check to see if choice == 2 and if

so follow that branch else will print ??.

When we go to the switch it will parse the list to find the correct
item if a 1 or 2 is selected otherwise it will follow the default.

In our next lesson we will debug this.

Chapter 33: Debugging Dynamic
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0020_dynamic-conditionals.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}

0x10000306: movs r1, #225 ; 0xe1
0x10000308: lsls r1, r1, #9
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000324)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10001e50
0x10000310: movs r1, #2

0x10000312: movs r0, #0
0x10000314: bl 0x10000734
0x10000318: movs r1, #2
0x1000031a: movs r0, #1
0x1000031c: bl 0x10000734
0x10000320: pop {r4, pc}
0x10000322: nop ; (mov r8, r8)
0x10000324: ands r0, r0
0x10000326: ands r3, r0
0x10000328: sub sp, #8
0x1000032a: ldr r3, [pc, #48] ; (0x1000035c)
0x1000032c: ldr r3, [r3, #24]
0x1000032e: lsls r3, r3, #27
0x10000330: bmi.n 0x10000336
0x10000332: add sp, #8
0x10000334: bx lr
0x10000336: movs r2, #0
0x10000338: mov r3, sp
0x1000033a: adds r1, r3, #7
0x1000033c: cmp r2, #0
0x1000033e: bne.n 0x10000354
0x10000340: ldr r3, [pc, #24] ; (0x1000035c)
0x10000342: ldr r3, [r3, #24]
=> 0x10000344: lsls r3, r3, #27
0x10000346: bmi.n 0x10000340
0x10000348: ldr r3, [pc, #16] ; (0x1000035c)
0x1000034a: ldr r3, [r3, #0]
0x1000034c: strb r3, [r1, #0]
0x1000034e: adds r2, #1
0x10000350: adds r1, #1
0x10000352: b.n 0x1000033c
0x10000354: mov r3, sp
0x10000356: ldrb r0, [r3, #7]
0x10000358: b.n 0x10000332

Let’s set a breakpoint on our first compare and continue.

(gdb) b *0x1000033c
(gdb) c

We see that if we press 1, and we do an info registers we will see


(gdb) i r $r3
r3 0x31

If you continue it will print out 1 and one.

In our next lesson we will hack this.

Chapter 34: Hacking Dynamic Conditionals
Let’s examine 40 instructions.

(gdb) x/40i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: movs r1, #225 ; 0xe1
0x10000308: lsls r1, r1, #9
0x1000030a: ldr r0, [pc, #24] ; (0x10000324)
0x1000030c: bl 0x10001e50
0x10000310: movs r1, #2
0x10000312: movs r0, #0
0x10000314: bl 0x10000734
0x10000318: movs r1, #2
0x1000031a: movs r0, #1
0x1000031c: bl 0x10000734
0x10000320: pop {r4, pc}
0x10000322: nop ; (mov r8, r8)
0x10000324: ands r0, r0
0x10000326: ands r3, r0
0x10000328: sub sp, #8
0x1000032a: ldr r3, [pc, #48] ; (0x1000035c)
0x1000032c: ldr r3, [r3, #24]
0x1000032e: lsls r3, r3, #27
0x10000330: bmi.n 0x10000336
0x10000332: add sp, #8
0x10000334: bx lr
0x10000336: movs r2, #0
0x10000338: mov r3, sp
0x1000033a: adds r1, r3, #7
0x1000033c: cmp r2, #0
0x1000033e: bne.n 0x10000354
0x10000340: ldr r3, [pc, #24] ; (0x1000035c)
0x10000342: ldr r3, [r3, #24]
=> 0x10000344: lsls r3, r3, #27
0x10000346: bmi.n 0x10000340
0x10000348: ldr r3, [pc, #16] ; (0x1000035c)
0x1000034a: ldr r3, [r3, #0]
0x1000034c: strb r3, [r1, #0]
0x1000034e: adds r2, #1
0x10000350: adds r1, #1
0x10000352: b.n 0x1000033c
0x10000354: mov r3, sp
0x10000356: ldrb r0, [r3, #7]
0x10000358: b.n 0x10000332


Let’s break and hack.

(gdb) b *10000386
(gdb) c

Press 1 in the terminal and lets look at R0!

(gdb) i r $r0
r0 0x31 49

Let’s hack R0 to 0x42!

(gdb) i r $r0
r0 0x31 49
(gdb) x/5i 0x10000386
=> 0x10000386: movs r4, r0
0x10000388: cmp r0, #49 ; 0x31
0x1000038a: beq.n 0x1000036c
0x1000038c: cmp r0, #50 ; 0x32
0x1000038e: beq.n 0x10000374
(gdb) set $r0 = 42
(gdb) c

BOOM! We entered in 1 and should have got 1 one but we got ?? ??!

In our next lesson we will cover functions, w/o param, w/o return.

Chapter 35: Functions, w/o Param, w/o
In this chapter we are going to discuss functions that do not have
any params nor any return value.

Let’s open up our folder 0x0023_functions-wo-params-wo-return.

Now let’s review our main.c file as this is located in the main

#include <stdio.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"

#define FAV_NUM 42

void print_me(void);

int main(void) {

while (true)

void print_me(void) {
printf("FAV_NUM: %d\r\n", FAV_NUM);

Let’s flash the uf2 file onto the Pico. If you are unsure about this
step please take a look at Chapter 1 to get re-familiar with this

This is our first use of working with our own custom functions.

When we write professional development code, each function prototype,

will exist in it’s own header file or .h file and the functions will
exist in their on .c file.

In our examples we start with the forward declaration which means

this function will be visible everywhere within our module.

void print_me(void);

If we did not have the forward declaration, the function would not be
seen under main.

Our function print_me takes no parameters nor does it return any
value. We use void to preface the function name to indicate there is
no return value and we put void within the param to indicate no

When we run we simply print the FAV_NUM: 42 within the terminal


In our next lesson we will debug this.

Chapter 36: Debugging Functions, w/o
Param, w/o Return
Today we debug!

Lets run OpenOCD to get our remote debug server going.

Open up a terminal within VSCode.

cd ..

If you are on MAC or Linux, simply run the below command.

openocd -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/rp2040.cfg -c "adapter speed 5000"

Open up a new terminal and cd .\build\ dir and then run the

arm-none-eabi-gdb .\0x0023_functions-wo-params-wo-return.bin

Once it loads, we need to target our remote server.

target remote :3333

We need to halt the currently running binary.

monitor reset halt

Let’s examine instructions from the beginning of our vector table.

x/1000i 0x10000100


We see something interesting here.

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x10000308: ldr r0, [pc, #4] ; (0x10000310)
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003bc8
0x1000030e: pop {r4, pc}
0x10000310: subs r6, #176 ; 0xb0
0x10000312: asrs r0, r0, #32
0x10000314: push {r4, lr}
0x10000316: bl 0x10003be0
0x1000031a: bl 0x10000304
0x1000031e: b.n 0x1000031a

We notice 42 being moved into r1 and then a branch and link to

0x10003bc8. Let’s disassemble there.

(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8

0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3

Let’s set a breakpoint on our function.

(gdb) b *0x10003bc8
Breakpoint 1 at 0x10003bc8
Note: automatically using hardware breakpoints for read-only addresses.
(gdb) c
(gdb) x/11i $pc
=> 0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3

Let’s set another breakpoint after the bl to printf. Then step.

(gdb) b *0x10003bd8
Breakpoint 2 at 0x10003bd8
(gdb) c


Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 2, 0x10003bd8 in ?? ()

(gdb) x/4i $pc
=> 0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) si
0x10003bda in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10003bdc in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10003bde in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x1000030e in ?? ()

Now we can see we are back in main.

(gdb) x/11i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x10000308: ldr r0, [pc, #4] ; (0x10000310)
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003bc8
=> 0x1000030e: pop {r4, pc}
0x10000310: subs r6, #176 ; 0xb0
0x10000312: asrs r0, r0, #32
0x10000314: push {r4, lr}
0x10000316: bl 0x10003be0
0x1000031a: bl 0x10000304
0x1000031e: b.n 0x1000031a

Let’s better understand what happens when we enter into a function in

Embedded C.

(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8

0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3

We see we are pushing the first 4 registers onto the stack in

addition to the link register.

The first four registers are where params are utilized. In our case
we do not have any params.

The R0 register is where the return value is sent back to the calling
function. In our case we do not have any.

The LR is the link register which holds the address of where we need
to return to in our main function.

We see a sub sp, #12 where we are setting up room on our stack, in
our case 12 bytes, for local variables. Remember that the stack
grows downward.

Let’s continue and re-examine our function.

(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 1, 0x10003bc8 in ?? ()

(gdb) x/11i $pc
=> 0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) x/x $sp
0x20041ff0: 0x10000264
(gdb) si
0x10003bca in ?? ()
(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
=> 0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3

Here we see the stack pointer at 0x20041ff0.

(gdb) x/x $sp

0x20041fe0: 0x10003eb0

(gdb) si
0x10003bcc in ?? ()

We see the stack pointer is now at 0x20041fe0. This is a difference

of 16 bytes.

(gdb) si
0x10003bcc in ?? ()
(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
=> 0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) x/x $sp
0x20041fdc: 0x1000030f

We see the stack pointer is now at 0x20041fdc. This is a difference

of 4 bytes.

(gdb) si
0x10003bce in ?? ()
(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
=> 0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) x/x $sp
0x20041fd0: 0x18000000

We see the stack pointer is now at 0x20041fdc. This is a difference

of 12 bytes.

Before we execute the add instruction, we know R1 is going to have 42

or 0x2a. Let’s verify

(gdb) x/x $r1

0x2a: 0x1c18d1f7

Let’s set a breakpoint to then understand how the stack will return
from the function.

(gdb) b *0x10003bd8
Note: breakpoint 2 also set at pc 0x10003bd8.
Breakpoint 3 at 0x10003bd8
(gdb) c

Thread 1 "rp2040.core0" hit Breakpoint 2, 0x10003bd8 in ?? ()

(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
=> 0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3

We verify SP is still at 0x020041fd0.

(gdb) x/x $sp

0x20041fd0: 0x18000000

Let’s step once.

(gdb) si
0x10003bda in ?? ()
(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
=> 0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) x/x $sp
0x20041fdc: 0x1000030f

We see the stack pointer increased by 12 bytes. This is the

difference between 0x20041fdc – 0x20041fd0.

Let’s step again.

(gdb) si
0x10003bdc in ?? ()
(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
=> 0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) x/x $sp
0x20041fe0: 0x10003eb0

We see the stack pointer increased by 4 bytes. This is the

difference between 0x20041fe0 – 0x20041fdc.

Let’s step again.

(gdb) si
0x10003bde in ?? ()
(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
=> 0x10003bde: bx r3
(gdb) x/x $sp
0x20041ff0: 0x10000264

We see the stack pointer increased by 16 bytes. This is the

difference between 0x20041ff0 – 0x20041fe0.

Here we see the stack at it’s original value 0x20041ff0.

Higher Memory Addresses
| 0x10000264 | <-- Original Stack Pointer (sp = 0x20041ff0)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 0x10003eb0 | <-- Value at sp = 0x20041fe0
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 0x1000030f | <-- Value at sp = 0x20041fdc
| 0x18000000 | <-- Value at sp = 0x20041fd4
| 0x10003eb0 | <-- Value at sp = 0x20041fd0
| |
| |
| |
| |
| 0x1000030f | <-- Value at sp = 0x20041fe0

Now you have the full picture of how a function works in Embedded C!

In our next lesson we will hack this!

Chapter 37: Hacking Functions, w/o Param,
w/o Return
Let’s examine our main function.

(gdb) x/11i 0x10000304

0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x10000308: ldr r0, [pc, #4] ; (0x10000310)
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003bc8
0x1000030e: pop {r4, pc}
0x10000310: subs r6, #176 ; 0xb0
0x10000312: asrs r0, r0, #32
0x10000314: push {r4, lr}
0x10000316: bl 0x10003be0
0x1000031a: bl 0x10000304
0x1000031e: b.n 0x1000031a

Let’s examine our print_me function.

(gdb) x/11i 0x10003bc8
0x10003bc8: push {r0, r1, r2, r3}
0x10003bca: push {lr}
0x10003bcc: sub sp, #12
0x10003bce: add r1, sp, #16
0x10003bd0: ldmia r1!, {r0}
0x10003bd2: str r1, [sp, #4]
0x10003bd4: bl 0x10003b88
0x10003bd8: add sp, #12
0x10003bda: pop {r3}
0x10003bdc: add sp, #16
0x10003bde: bx r3


Here we can hack R1 either in main or in print_me.

Let’s break and hack the one in main.

(gdb) b *10000304
(gdb) c
(gdb) x/11i $pc
=> 0x10000304: push {r4, lr}
0x10000306: movs r1, #42 ; 0x2a
0x10000308: ldr r0, [pc, #4] ; (0x10000310)
0x1000030a: bl 0x10003bc8
0x1000030e: pop {r4, pc}
0x10000310: subs r6, #176 ; 0xb0
0x10000312: asrs r0, r0, #32
0x10000314: push {r4, lr}
0x10000316: bl 0x10003be0
0x1000031a: bl 0x10000304

0x1000031e: b.n 0x1000031a
(gdb) si
0x10000306 in ?? ()
(gdb) si
0x10000308 in ?? ()

Let’s hack R1 to be 0x66 and continue.

(gdb) set $r1 = 0x66

(gdb) c


In our next lesson we will cover functions, w param, w/o return.


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