SBC Scx620 Accounting
SBC Scx620 Accounting
SBC Scx620 Accounting
Border Controller
Accounting Guide
Release S-CX6.2.0
Formerly Net-Net Session Director
October 2013
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Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Supported Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Related Documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Standard RADIUS Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Standard RADIUS Attributes Dictionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
RADIUS Accounting Termination Causes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
VSAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Acme Packet RADIUS VSAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Cisco Systems RADIUS Decodes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Mappings and Disconnect Cause Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
SIP, H.323, and Q.850 Mappings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
SIP-SIP Calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
SIP-H.323 Calls with Interworking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
SIP: Call Tear Down Due to Media Guard Timer Expiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
CDR Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2 Configuring Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide iii
Accounting for SIP and H.323 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
RAS Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
Session Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
ACLI Instructions and Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Per Realm Accounting Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
ACLI Instructions and Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Configurable Intermediate Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
RADIUS CDR Content Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
ACLI Instructions and Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Custom RADIUS CDR VSAs for SIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
About User-Defined VSAs for SIP Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Trunk-Group VSA Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
RADIUS Account Server Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
How You Might User Server Prioritization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
ACLI Instructions and Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
Accounting Configuration Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Local CDR Storage and FTP Push. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Local CDR File Format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Local CDR File Naming Convention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Local CDR File Storage Directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Local CDR File Size and Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
RADIUS CDR Redundancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
FTP Push . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
ACLI Instructions and Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Creating a Public Key Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
ACLI Instructions and Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Alarm Generation and Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
RADIUS Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Status and Statistics Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
ACLI Show RADIUS Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Monitoring CDR Push Receivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
SNMP Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
CDR File Transfer Failure Alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
5 Diameter Rf Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Diameter Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Diameter Accounting Messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
ACR AVP Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Configuring Diameter-based Accounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Appendix A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
RADIUS CDR Samples for SIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Basic Successful SIP Call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Unsuccessful SIP Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
SIP Call On Hold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Appendix B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Appendix C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
The Net-Net 4000 Accounting Guide describes:
• The Net-Net™ SBC’s accounting-based on Remote Authentication Dial-in
User Service (RADIUS)
• How to configure RADIUS accounting support, and the features related to it
• Local CDR storage and FTP file push
• Use and maintenance of the Storage Expansion Module
• Diameter-based Rf Accounting
It includes the Acme Packet accounting Vendor-Specific Attributes (VSAs), and the
Cisco Systems, Inc.™ VSAs supported by the Net-Net SBC. This reference guide
indicates the Cisco Systems’ VSAs supported by Acme Packet’s Net-Net products.
This guide also includes RADIUS-related statistics and alarm information and
associated Acme Packet Command Line Interface (ACLI) configuration element
examples. Appendix A of this guide contains a selection of examples of RADIUS logs
for purposes of reference.
Supported Release Version S-C6.2.0 is supported on the Acme Packet 4500 and Acme Packet
Platforms 3800 series platforms.
Related Documentation
The following table lists the members that comprise the documentation set for this
Acme Packet 4500 System Contains information about the components and
Hardware Installation Guide installation of the Acme Packet 4500 system.
Acme Packet 3800 Hardware Contains information about the components and
Installation Guide installation of the Acme Packet 3800 system.
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide vii
Revision History
This section contains a revision history for this document.
August 23, 2010 Revision 1.00 • Adds failed Interim local CSV CDR format to
Appendix C
• Fixed other local CSV CDR errors
• Adds section on IPv6 CDR data in local CSV
files to Appendix C
May 31, 2012 Revision 1.10 • Updates VSAs 69 and 70 in description table to
correct data type
• Adds to Chapter 1, Using RADIUS with the Net-
Net SBC: SIP: Call Tear Down Due to Media
Guard Timer Expiration, which documents CDR
output of specific application scenarios
June 29, 2012 Revision 1.20 • Adds the codec, G722 to the list for Acme-
FlowType_FS1_F, in the Using RADIUS with the
Net-Net SBC chapter, Notes on Media Flow
viii Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
December 17, 2012 Revision 1.30 • Notes the circumstance for including VSA 59 in
Local CDR files
• Corrects recommendation for local CDR
capacity configuration
• Notes vsa-id-range entry specification caveat
• Restates local CDR deletion criteria
• Adds useful accounting termination causes
• Adds missing values to Acme-Disconnect-
Cause 62
• Instructs user on including recursive local
policy lookup events in RADIUS interim records
• Updates list of RADIUS-generated VSAs
February 19, 2013 Revision 1.40 • Updates SFTP push receiver configuration
procedure with corrections and clarifications
RADIUS is an accounting, authentication, and authorization (AAA) system. In
general, RADIUS servers are responsible for receiving user connection requests,
authenticating users, and returning all configuration information necessary for the
client to deliver service to the user.
You can configure your Net-Net SBC to send call accounting information to one or
more RADIUS servers. This information can help you to see usage and QoS metrics,
monitor traffic, and even troubleshoot your system. For more information about
QoS, refer to the Admission Control and QoS chapter of the Net-Net 4000 ACLI
Configuration Guide.
For information about how to configure the Net-Net SBC for RADIUS accounting
use, refer to this guide’s Configuring Accounting (39) chapter.
Licensing In order to use RADIUS with your Net-Net SBC, you must have the accounting
license installed and activated on your system. For more information about licensing,
see the “Software Licensing” section of the Net-Net 4000 ACLI Configuration Guide’s
Getting Started chapter. This chapter provides details about Acme Packet software
licensing, including instructions for how to obtain and install licenses.
For H.323, SIP, and calls being interworked between H.323 and SIP (IWF), you can
obtain sets of records that contain information to help you with accounting and that
provide a quantitative and qualitative measurement of the call. For H.323 and SIP
calls, the Net-Net SBC generates one set of records; for calls requiring IWF, the Net-
Net SBC generates two sets of records.
You can use the RADIUS records generated by your Net-Net SBC to assist you with:
• Usage accounting—See the calling and called parties for a call, the protocol
used, the realm the call traversed (as well as local and remote IP address and
port information), and the codec used
• Traffic monitoring—You can see information about the setup, connect, and
disconnect times, as well as the SIP or H.323 disconnect cause
• SLA monitoring—The Net-Net SBC supports RADIUS attributes that provide
information about jitter, latency, and loss for H.323, SIP, and calls that require
interworking between H.323 and SIP
• Troubleshooting—Obtain information about calls that can help you to identify
and address issues with quality and how calls are setup and torn down.
Standard RADIUS Attributes
This section describes the standard RADIUS attributes that the Net-Net SBC
supports. These attributes appear along with VSAs (Vendor-Specific Attributes) in
the CDRs that the Net-Net SBC generates.
Standard RADIUS The table below lists and describes standard RADIUS attributes.
Attribute Name Attribute Description Value Messages
Attribute Name Attribute Description Value Messages
RADIUS The table below describes the possible session termination causes for the Acct-
Accounting Terminate-Cause RADIUS attribute.
Integer Value
Termination Termination Event Message
(per RFC
User Error 17 Input from user is erroneous; for example, SIP • Stop
signaling failed to establish the session. Used
in combination with the Cisco Systems
Disconnect Cause.
(This termination cause is not used for H.323.)
Admin Reset 6 Net-Net SBC hard reset occurred: A hard reset • Off
occurs when you use the front panel’s orange
Reset button; it reboots the Net-Net SBC.
This section describes the VSAs that the Net-Net SBC supports. These attributes
appear along with standard RADIUS attributes in the CDRs that the Net-Net SBC
VSAs are defined by vendors of remote access servers in order to customize how
RADIUS works on their servers. This section describes the accounting VSAs for
Acme Packet and for Cisco Systems.
Acme Packet Acme Packet’s vendor identification number is 9148. This number refers to the 4-
RADIUS VSAs octet VSA Vendor-ID field. The high-order octet is 0 and the low-order 3 octets are
the SMI Network Management Private Enterprise Code of the Vendor in network
byte order, defined in the Assigned Numbers RFC
(; Reynolds, J. and J. Postel, “Assigned
Numbers”, STD 2, RFC 1700, October 1994).
The table in this section is a dictionary of Acme Packet’s accounting VSAs. You can
use this information to translate the Acme Packet VSAs in Net-Net SBC RADIUS
messages into human-readable form. Acme Packet maintains VSA dictionary
definition files for the most popular RADIUS distributions; ask your Acme Packet
account representative for details.
Grouped according to attribute function, this table contains the following sections:
New in Release S- The Net-Net SBC reports R-Factor and MOS data for the calling and called
C6.0.0 segments at the end of a session. This information appears in RADIUS CDRs, and in
the Acme Packet VSA dictionary:
• Acme-Calling-R-Factor (151)
• Acme-Calling-MOS (152)
• Acme-Called-R-Factor (153)
• Acme-Called-MOS (154)
Notes on Media Flow The Net-Net SBC records media flow attributes in RADIUS CDRs, and there can be
Attributes multiple flows per session. In order to distinguish between the two flows that appear
for a basic session (forward and reverse), the Net-Net SBC supports unique media
flow attribute names.
The term “flow-set” represents a pair of media flows, where one is the forward flow
and one is the reverse. The flow attributes described in the table below have the
designation FS1 or FS2, which identifies it as either the first or the second flow-set.
In addition, all non-QoS attributes have a direction indicator: F for forward, and R
for reverse.
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
General Attributes
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R Unique identifier for every media flow 112 string • Start
processed by the Net-Net SBC, flow-set 2 • Interim-Update
reverse direction. • Stop
• On
This VSA always prefaces other flow • Off
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R Codec that describes the flow, flow-set 2 113 string • Start
reverse direction: PCMU, PCMA, G726, • Interim-Update
G723, G728, G729, H261, H263, T38. • Stop
• On
• Off
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Session Attributes
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-Egress-Final- Final routing number and phone context 134 integer • Stop
Routing-Number (or egress SIP Request-URI).
Acme-SIP-Status SIP status code for RFC 3326 support. 71 integer • Stop
Acme-Session-Ingress- RPH value received in the incoming call 135 string • Start
RPH (e.g., ets.1). • Interim-Update
• Stop
Only populated for NSEP calls.
Acme-Session-Egress- RPH value sent in the outgoing call (e.g., 136 string • Start
RPH ets.3). • Interim-Update
• Stop
Only populated for NSEP calls.
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-Refer-Call- For SIP REFER call method transfer, 141 string • Stop
Transfer-Id communicates a call has been
transferred from the referer to the
QoS Attributes
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-Calling- Bytes of RTP traffic for this call, flow-set 28 integer • Stop
Octets_FS1 1.
Acme-Calling- Bytes of RTP traffic for this call, flow-set 102 integer • Stop
Octets_FS2 2.
Acme-Calling- RTP packets for this call, flow-set 2. 103 integer • Stop
Populated only if QoS is enabled.
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-Called- Bytes of RTP traffic for the ingress side of 44 integer • Stop
Octets_FS1 the call, flow-set 1.
Acme-Called- Bytes of RTP traffic for the ingress side of 124 integer • Stop
Octets_FS2 the call, flow-set 2.
Acme-Called- RTP packets for the ingress side of the 45 integer • Stop
Packets_FS1 call, flow-set 1.
Acme-Called- RTP packets for the ingress side of the 125 integer • Stop
Packets_FS2 call, flow-set 2.
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg- Average jitter reported via RTP measured 132 integer • Stop
Jitter_FS2 in milliseconds for the ingress side of the
realm, flow-set 2.
Acme-Calling-R-Factor QoS R-Factor calculation for the calling 151 integer Stop
side of a session.
New in Release S-
C6.1.0 Populated only if QoS is enabled.
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme-Calling-MOS QoS MOS calculation for the calling side 152 integer Stop
of a session.
New in Release S-
C6.1.0 Populated only if QoS is enabled.
Acme-Called-R-Factor QoS R-Factor calculation for the called 153 integer Stop
side of a session.
New in Release S-
C6.1.0 Populated only if QoS is enabled.
Acme-Called-MOS QoS MOS calculation for the called side 154 integer Stop
of a session.
New in Release S-
C6.1.0 Populated only if QoS is enabled.
Acme-Session-Forked- The VSA is a string value, and appears as 171 string Stop
Call-Id the header-value without the header
parameters from the P-Multiring-
New in release S-C6.2.0 Correlator header for a session identified
as part of a forked call.
IPv6 Support The following table lists the media flow attributes for IPv6 flows.
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Attribute Attribute
Attribute Name Attribute Description Messages
Value Value Type
Acme Packet VSA The table below defines the possible values for several Acme Packet VSAs.
Acme-Session- 60 • 0=unknown
Disposition • 1=call_attempt
• 2=ringing
• 3=answered
Authentication VSAs The table below defines Acme Packet VSAs used for RADIUS authentication.
Acme-User-Class Identifies the type user on the Net-Net SBC; used for 254
RADIUS authentication only and does not apply to
accounting. Values can be user, admin, and
SystemAdmin (only with admin security license
Cisco Systems The following table is a dictionary of the Cisco Systems (vendor identification
RADIUS Decodes number is 9) accounting VSAs. These attribute names are vendor-specific and
subject to change without notice.
You can use the information in this table to translate the Cisco Systems VSAs that
sometimes appear in Net-Net SBC RADIUS messages into a more human-readable
Attribute Name Attribute Description Value Messages
Setup Time Time that a SIP INVITE or H.323 SETUP 25 string • Start
message was received. The SETUP • Stop
message is used to request a connection
(and therefore corresponds with the SIP
Connect Time Time that a SIP or H.323 session was 28 string • Start
accepted. This is the time a 200 OK SIP • Interim-
response to the SIP INVITE message was Update
received or the time that a call • Stop
ANSWERED/CONNECTED response to the
H.323 SETUP message was received.
Attribute Name Attribute Description Value Messages
SIP, H.323, and This section provides tables that show the mappings between SIP Status and: H.323
Q.850 Mappings Disconnect Reason, H.323 Release Complete Reason, and RAS error. It also shows
the mapping for Q.850 cause to H.323 Release Complete Reason.
Q.850 Cause to H.323 The table below describes how the Q.850 Causes and the H.323 release complete
Release Complete reasons are mapped internally on the Net-Net SBC.
Reason Mapping
SIP-SIP Calls The Net-Net SBC maps SIP status codes and events to disconnect cause attribute
values used by Cisco Systems Proxy Server (CSPS) accounting services.
SIP-H.323 Calls For calls that require SIP-H.323 interworking, the Net-Net SBC generates two sets
with Interworking of RADIUS CDRs: one for the SIP call-leg and one for the H.323 call leg. The values
recorded in RADIUS Stop records for the disconnect cause depend on the nature
and source of the call disconnect or rejection.
SIP Events and Errors For calls rejected or disconnected because of SIP events and errors, the Net-Net SBC
records Q.850 cause values mapped from the SIP event/status code in the SIP CDR.
For the H.323 CDR, the SIP status categories and events are mapped to Q.850 cause
The entries in this table are determined by the SIP Status to H.323 Release Complete
Reason Error Mapping (33).
413 Request Entity Too Big 21—Call rejected 28—Invalid number format
414 Request URI Too Large 21—Call rejected 28—Invalid number format
H.323 Events and The Q.850 cause code value is recorded for the disconnect cause in the CDR for the
Errors H.323 call leg if the Q.850 cause is received. H.323 recommendations state that
either Q.850 Cause of RelCompReason is mandatory for the RELEASE COMPLETE;
the Cause information element (IE) is optional everywhere. The Cause IE and the
ReleaseCompleteReason (part of the release complete message) are mutually
If a Q.850 cause code is not received, the Net-Net SBC records a Q.850 cause value
mapped from the received ReleaseCompleteReason as defined in the table below.
The entries in this table are determined by the SIP Status to H.323 Disconnect
Reason Mapping (32).
Bad Format Request 28—Invalid number 400 Bad request 21—Call rejected
H.225 RAS Errors For calls that are rejected because of H.225 RAS, there is no CDR generated for the
H.323 call leg as no Setup message is generated. The Net-Net SBC maps RAS errors
to SIP Status as specified in the table below.The SIP CDR disconnect cause values
are the same as the CSPS disconnect cause values already mentioned and defined.
The entries in this table are determined by the SIP Status to H.323 RAS Error
Mapping (33).
QoS Control Not Supported 501 Not Implemented 38—Network out of order
CDR Output The following five CDR AVPs must be observed in the same CDR.
Acct-Terminate-Cause = Idle-Timeout
h323-disconnect-cause = "6"
Acme-Disconnect-Initiator = 3
Acme-Disconnect-Cause = 0
Acme-SIP-Status = 0
This chapter provides you with information about configuring RADIUS accounting
on your Net-Net SBC.
The Net-Net products support Net-Net SBC RADIUS accounting, including these
essential configurations and specialized features:
• Accounting for SIP and H.323
• Local CDR storage on the Net-Net SBC, including CSV file format settings-
• The ability to send CDRs via FTP to a RADIUS sever
• Per-realm accounting control
• Configurable intermediate period
• RADIUS CDR redundancy
• RADIUS CDR content control
Accounting for SIP and H.323
This section explains SIP and H.323 accounting using the RADIUS Accounting
System (RAS).
For accounting purposes, the Net-Net SBC uses RADIUS to send accounting
messages. These messages are transmitted to one of a predefined list of accounting
servers using a predefined forwarding strategy. RAS provides a mechanism for
temporarily storing session initiation and completion statistics and for delivering
these statistics to accounting servers located elsewhere in the network.
Call Detail Records The Net-Net SBC supports CDRs through RADIUS reporting with additional VSAs
to include information that is not available with the standard RADIUS session
information. CDRs provide billing information on sessions traversed through a
system, as well as troubleshooting information, fraud detection, fault diagnostics,
and service monitoring.
CDRs can contain information about recent system usage such as the identities of
sources (points of origin), the identities of destinations (endpoints), the duration of
each call, the amount billed for each call, the total usage time in the billing period,
the total free time remaining in the billing period, and the running total charged
during the billing period.VSAs are defined by vendors of remote access servers in
order to customize how RADIUS works on their servers.
RAS Overview The RAS acts as a RADIUS client. It provides a mechanism for generating accounting
information in CDRs. The CDRs are transmitted to a RADIUS server in UDP
datagrams, using RADIUS Accounting Request messages.
The RAS receives RADIUS accounting messages when different events occur. The
event and CDR event trigger list information determines which RADIUS messages,
if any, are included, as well as which RADIUS attributes are included. The library
adds RADIUS messages to the waiting queue only when the message is ready to be
sent. The SIP proxy needs to populate the CDR as session information becomes
available so, by the time the session ends, it contains the information necessary to
generate all of the messages.
The RADIUS accounting client process manages its queue and a list of servers. The
servers each have a UDP connection and manage their own pending message
queues. Changes in the state of the server connection might cause interaction with
the client process waiting queue.
When RADIUS messages are added to the RAS waiting queue, the RAS sends them
to a server based on strategy. If the RAS is configured to transmit all the messages
when the session ends, all the messages are sent to the same server. Each session
continues logging messages according to the event logging scheme in effect when
the session began (for example, when the CDR was created).
The RAS notifies the RADIUS server with Accounting-On/Off messages when the
RAS’s entry for that server is enabled/disabled. The response to the Accounting-On
message is the RAS’s first determination of RTT, and serves as notification that the
server is reachable. Until the Accounting-On response is received, the server cannot
send other messages.
RADIUS Accounting The RADIUS accounting client process has a local socket at which it accepts RADIUS
Client messages. RADIUS messages received on the local socket are added to the waiting
queue for transmission to a RADIUS server. The waiting queue is a first-in, first-out
(FIFO) queue.
The RADIUS accounting client process sends messages to a server queue based on
the configuration (servers configured/enable/connected, as well as the strategy).
Messages that return from a server (due to server failure/disabling) are first in the
FIFO queue.
The RADIUS accounting client process interfaces with the RADIUS accounting
servers using the RADIUS protocol with the VSAs outlined above.
The RADIUS server collects a variety of information that can be used for accounting
and for reporting on network activity. The RADIUS client sends information to
designated RADIUS servers when the user logs on and logs off. The RADIUS client
might send additional usage information on a periodic basis while the session is in
progress. The requests sent by the client to the server to record logon/logoff and
usage information are generally called accounting requests.
RADIUS accounting permits a RADIUS server to track when users commence and
terminate their connections. Typical accounting information includes the following:
• Full user name
• RAS identification name or IP address
• RAS port number
• Time connection started
When a client is configured to use RADIUS accounting, it generates an Accounting
Start packet describing the type of service being delivered and the user it is being
delivered to at the start of service delivery. It sends that packet to the RADIUS
Accounting server, which sends back an acknowledgement that the packet has been
received. At the end of service delivery, the client generates an Accounting Stop
packet describing the type of service that was delivered and, optionally, statistics
such as elapsed time, input and output octets, or input and output packets. It sends
that packet to the RADIUS Accounting server, which sends back an
acknowledgement that the packet has been received. The Accounting-Request
(whether for Start or Stop) is submitted to the RADIUS accounting server through
the network.
Transactions between the client and RADIUS accounting server are authenticated
through the use of a shared secret, which is never sent over the network.
Session The RAS client can record SIP, H.323, and IWF session activity based on
Accounting configuration and a CDR. The CDR determines which messages are generated and
determines the RADIUS attributes included in the messages. The RAS client must
be capable of sending CDRs to any number of RADIUS accounting servers, using the
defined hunt, failover, round robin, fewest pending, or fastest server strategies.
The establishment, failed establishment, change, or removal of a session can trigger
RADIUS Accounting Request messages. The RAS might also send notification of its
status (enabled/disabled). RADIUS Accounting Request messages include the
• Start—Session has started.
• Interim-Update—Session parameters have changed.
• Stop—Session has ended.
• Accounting-On—Creation of a new RADIUS client.
• Accounting-Off—RADIUS client has shut down.
Each session might generate Start, Interim-Update, and Stop messages based on the
local configuration when the session is initiated. Each Start message tells the
RADIUS server that a session has started. Each Interim-Update message changes
the session parameters, and may report the session characteristics for the session to
that point. Each Stop message informs the RADIUS server that a session has ended
and reports session characteristics.
The RAS has the ability to transmit all RADIUS messages related to a session at the
end of the session, regardless of which messages are generated and when they are
generated. Some customers might choose this option to reduce the likelihood of the
RADIUS messages being logged to different servers, or in different log files on the
same server.
The RAS always generates a RADIUS Stop message when the session ends,
regardless of the session termination cause. The termination cause and the session
characteristics are reported.
Interim RADIUS When the Net-Net SBC routes calls, it performs local policy look-ups that can return
Records for Recursive several next hops, ordered by preference. This can also happen as a results of an LRT
Attempts lookup, an ENUM query response, or SIP redirect. To set up sessions, the Net-Net
SBC uses—in ordered preference—and recurses through the list if it encounters
You can configure SIP accounting to send RADIUS Interim records when the Net-
Net SBC encounters these failures. The interim message contains: the destination IP
address, the disconnect reason, a timestamp for the failure, and the number that was
called. This feature is enabled by setting the generate-interim parameter to
RADIUS Messages The following table identifies the relationship between the signaling elements and
the RADIUS attributes included in Accounting Request messages to the RADIUS
NAS IP-Address IP address of the SIP proxy or the H.323 Start, Interim-
stack’s call signal address. Update, Stop, On,
NAS Port SIP proxy port or the H.323 stack’s call Start, Interim-
signaling RAS port. Update, Stop, On,
NAS Identifier Value, if any, set in the optional NAS-ID field Start, Interim-
for the accounting server that you configure as Update, Stop, On,
part of the accounting configuration. This Off
identifier sets the value that the remote server
(the accounting server) uses to identify the
Net-Net SBC so that RADIUS messages can be
Acct-Session-ID Either the “Call-ID” field value of the SIP INVITE Start, Interim-
message, the callIdentifier of the Update, Stop, On,
H.323 message, or RADIUS client information. Off
Called Station ID “To” field value of the SIP INVITE message (a Start, Interim-
type of message used to initiate a session) or Update, Stop
the calledPartyNumber of the H.323
Calling Station ID “From” field value of the SIP INVITE message Start, Interim-
or the callingPartyNumber of the H.323 Update, Stop
Session Termination Sessions are terminated for reasons that include normal termination, signaling
failure, timeout, or network problems. The following table maps RADIUS
accounting termination cause codes to network events.
RADIUS Termination
Event Message
ACLI Instructions This section tells you how to access and set parameters for RADIUS accounting
and Examples support. To use the Net-Net SBC with external RADIUS (accounting) servers to
generate CDRs and provide billing services requires, you need to configure account
configuration and account server list.
Setting Up the You set the account configuration parameters to indicate where you want accounting
Account Configuration messages sent, when accounting messages you want them sent, and the strategy you
want used to select account servers.
To configure the account configuration:
3. strategy—Indicate the strategy you want used to select the accounting servers
to which the Net-Net SBC will send its accounting messages. The following
table lists the available strategies:
Strategy Description
fastest round trip time Selects the accounting server that has the fastest round
trip time (RTT) observed during transactions with the
servers (sending a record and receiving an ACK).
fewest pending Selects the accounting server that has the fewest
number of unacknowledged accounting messages (that
are in transit to the Net-Net SBC).
4. state—Retain the default value enabled if you want the account configuration
active on the system. Enter disabled if you do not want the account
configuration active on the system.
5. max-msg-delay—Retain the default value of 60 seconds or indicate the length
of time in seconds that you want the Net-Net SBC to continue trying to send
each accounting message. During this delay, the Net-Net SBC can hold a
generic queue of 4096 messages.
• Minimum: zero (0)
• Maximum: 232-1
6. max-wait-failover—Retain the default value of 100 messages or indicate the
maximum number of accounting messages the Net-Net SBC can store its
message waiting queue for a specific accounting server, before it is considered a
failover situation.
Once this value is exceeded, the Net-Net SBC attempts to send it accounting
messages, including its pending messages, to the next accounting server in its
configured list.
• Minimum: one (1) message
• Maximum: 4096 messages
7. trans-at-close—Retain the default value of disabled if you do not want to defer
the transmission of message information to the close of a session. Enter enabled
if you want to defer message transmission.
• disabled—The Net-Net SBC transmits accounting information at the start
of a session (Start), during the session (Interim), and at the close of a session
Option Description
reinvite response (default) RADIUS Interim message is generated when the Net-Net
SBC receives a SIP session reINVITE and responds to it
(for example, session connection or failure).
Note: RADIUS will not work if you do not enter one or more servers in
a list.
Setting Up Accounting You must establish the list of servers to which the Net-Net SBC can send accounting
Servers messages.
ACLI Instructions You enable these enhancements using two parameters in the accounting
and Examples configuration.
RADIUS Attribute You enter the list of VSAs that you want included as a comma-delimited list. There
Selection are special entry types you can use in the comma-delimited list to set ranges and
make entries easier:
• X- — Where X is a VSA identifier, the Net-Net SBC will include all attributes
with an identifier equal to or greater than X.
• -X — Where X is a VSA identifier, the Net-Net SBC will include all attributes
with an identifier equal to or less than X.
• - — Use the minus sign (-) alone when you want to turn off attribute selection,
including all VSAs in the CDR.
To enter a list of RADIUS attributes to include in a CDR:
About User- The Net-Net SBC reserves VSAs 200-229 for you to define for use with SIP calls.
Defined VSAs for These VSAs should never be used for other purposes, and their use should never
SIP Calls conflict with the need to add new VSAs in the future. Because this leaves a significant
number of VSAs unused, there is still ample space for any new VSAs that might be
Since RADIUS START records are created on session initiation, their content cannot
be updated. However, the content for INTERIM and STOP records can be.
To configure user-defined VSAs for a SIP call, you use HMR. For example, when you
set up HMR correctly, the Net-Net SBC reports originating or terminating country
codes in CDRs in whatever format they appear in the SIP username field. The HMR
rules you configure uses the SIP header name P-Acme-VSA, adding it to the SIP
header from any part of the SIP message. Then the Net-Net SBC searches for the P-
Acme-VSA header, generates a VSA for it, and then includes that VSA in the CDR
for the call.
You can include multiple custom VSAs per CDR by adding the corresponding
number of rules; in essence, you add in the header as many times as required.
HMR Adaptations The following HMR element rule types support user-defined VSA for SIP calls:
• uri-user-only—The uri-user-only element rule type represents the URI
username without the URI user parameters. You can perform these actions for
the uri-user-only type: store, replaces, delete, and add. This means, for
example, that you can add a username string to SIP or TEL URI without having
any impact on other parameters.
• uri-phone-number-only—The uri-phone-number-only applies when all
rules are met. It refers to the user part of the SIP/TEL URI without the user
parameters when the user qualifies for the BNF shown here:
uri-phone-number-only = [+]1*(phone-digit / dtmf-digit / pause-character)
phone-digit = DIGIT / visual-separator
DIGIT = "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"
visual-separator = "-" / "." / "(" / ")"
dtnf-digit = "*" / "#" / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D"
pause-character = "p" / "w"
HMR String Variable HMR supports the use of a string variable that you can use to populate headers and
elements. You set this value in the hmr-string parameter for a realm, SIP session
agent, or SIP interface. Then, you reference it as the $HMR_STRING variable.
When a message arrives, the Net-Net SBC matches the string you provision to the
closest session agent, realm, or SIP interface. The precedence for matching is in this
order: session agent, realm, and then SIP interface. For example, the Net-Net SBC
populates messages matching a session agent using the $HMR_STRING variable,
but it leaves the value empty for session agents that do not match.
You can use the string variable, for instance, for values specific to realms and session
agents such as country code values when the regular expression pattern used to
match a country code fails to do so.
ACLI Instructions and This section shows you how to configure user-defined VSAs for SIP calls. It also
Examples: User- contains subsections with configuration examples so you can see how this feature is
Defined VSAs put to use.
This section also shows you two configuration examples for this feature.
To create a header manipulation rule that generates user-defined VSAs for SIP
header-name to
action store
comparison-type pattern-rule
match-value .*
msg-type request
methods INVITE
name generateVSA200
header-name P-Acme-VSA
action add
comparison-type case-sensitive
msg-type any
new-value 200:+$storeFrom.$0
methods INVITE
name generateVSA220
header-name P-Acme-VSA
action add
comparison-type case-sensitive
msg-type any
new-value 220:+$storeTo.$0
methods INVITE
The second example shows you how to configure HMR to generate VSA 225, which
contains the customer P_From header when it is present. When that header is not
present, the rule instructs the Net-Net SBC to include the header value from the SIP
From header for VSA 225.
name customVSA1
name storePfrom
header-name P_From
action store
comparison-type pattern-rule
match-value .*
msg-type request
methods INVITE
name storeFrom
header-name from
action store
comparison-type pattern-rule
match-value .*
msg-type request
methods INVITE
name generateVSA225_1
header-name P-Acme-VSA
action add
comparison-type case-sensitive
msg-type request
new-value 225:+$storeFrom.$0
methods INVITE
name generateVSA225_2
header-name P-Acme-VSA
action manipulate
comparison-type pattern-rule
match-value $storePfrom
msg-type request
methods INVITE
name one
type header-value
action delete-element
match-val-type any
comparison-type pattern-rule
match-value ^225.*
name two
type header-value
action add
match-val-type any
comparison-type case-sensitive
new-value 225:+$storePfrom.$0
ACLI Instructions and To use the HMR string variable, you set the hmr-string value in the SIP session
Examples: String agent, realm, or SIP interface where you want the feature applied. The following
Variable sample shows you how to configure the hmr-string parameter for SIP session agent.
Trunk-Group VSA You can force the Net-Net SBC to generate VSAs related to trunk groups even when
Generation you are not using the trunk group feature. With the force-report-trunk-info
parameter turned on in the session router configuration:
• The Net-Net SBC reports terminating trunk group and trunk-context
information even though it has not perform trunk-group routing.
The appropriate VSAs report the terminating trunk-group (VSA 65) and trunk
context (VSA 67) with the information of the matching ingress session agent and
realm of the originator.
• The Net-Net SBC reports the terminating trunk-group (VSA 66) and trunk
context (VSA 68) as the received trunk group and context from the call’s SIP
REQUEST message. If the SIP message has none, then the Net-Net SBC uses
the information from the matching egress session agent (or egress realm, when
available) and next-hop realm.
Note that information is reported after HMR processing—meaning that header
manipulation has been performed on the message information reported.
ACLI Instructions and You enable trunk-group VSA generation on a system-wide basis in the session-
Examples router configuration.
To enable forced trunk-group VSA generation:
Of course, you always have the option of allowing the system to set the priority or
your accounting servers in this way.
The prioritization feature works with all of the strategy types you set in the
accounting configuration. However, it is most applicable to the hunt or failover
strategies. You can assign a number to each server to mark its priority, or you can
leave the priority parameter set to 0 (default) so the Net-Net SBC prioritizes them by
IP address and port.
How You Might This example shows you how you can might benefit from using the prioritization
User Server feature if you have multiple Net-Net SBCs sending RADIUS CDRs to multiple
Prioritization RADIUS servers. Consider the following Net-Net SBCs and accounting servers.
Net-Net SBC1 10 7 4
Net-Net SBC2 7 4 10
Net-Net SBC3 4 10 7
Net-Net SBC4 10 7 4
Net-Net SBC5 7 4 10
Net-Net SBC6 4 10 7
If the strategy for this example is set to hunt or failover and assuming no timeouts
are pending, you can see that Net-Net SBC1 sends its accounting traffic to Account
Server3 over the other two. Net-Net SBC2 sends its traffic to Account Server2 over
the others, and likewise for the remainder of Net-Net SBCs and servers. The traffic,
then, is load balanced across the servers, less likely to overburden any of them.
ACLI Instructions This section shows you how set the priority for an account server.
and Examples
1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press <Enter>.
ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
2. Type session-router and press <Enter>.
ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
3. Type account-config and press <Enter>.
ACMEPACKET(session-router)# account-config
4. Type account-server and press <Enter>.
ACMEPACKET(session-router)# account-server
5. priority—Enter the number corresponding to the priority you want this account
server to have in relation to the other account servers to which you send traffic.
The default for this parameter is 0, meaning the prioritization feature is turned
off—and that the Net-Net SBC will therefore prioritize accounting servers by IP
address and port. Otherwise, you can use any numbering scheme that suits your
needs and ease of use.
6. Save and activate your configuration.
Accounting Configuration Example
Using the Net-Net SBC with external RADIUS accounting servers to generate CDRs
and provide billing services requires you to configure accounting configuration and
any associated accounting servers you might need.
The following example shows how you can set accounting configuration and
accounting server parameters to support multiple RADIUS accounting servers.
ACMEPACKET(account-config)# show
hostname localhost
port 1813
strategy Hunt
state enabled
max-msg-delay 60
max-wait-failover 100
trans-at-close disabled
file-output enabled
max-file-size 1000000
max-files 5
file-path /ramdrv
file-rotate-time 60
ftp-push enabled
ftp-port 21
ftp-user Admin
ftp-password A213HG
ftp-remote-path /sdRADIUS
cdr-output-redundancy enabled
generate-start OK
intermediate-period 0
prevent-duplicate-attrs disabled
port 1813
state enabled
min-round-trip 250
max-inactivity 60
restart-delay 30
bundle-vsa enabled
secret acme
priority 0
port 5050
state enabled
min-round-trip 250
max-inactivity 60
restart-delay 30
bundle-vsa enabled
secret packet
Local CDR File The CDRs are written as comma-delimited ASCII records to files on the Net-Net
Format SBC. The types of records are controlled by the same accounting configuration
parameters used for RADIUS. The fields of the comma-delimited entries correspond
to RADIUS START, INTERIM, and STOP records. Using the accounting
configuration, you can configure the Net-Net SBC to record STOP records only.
Because the record types do not have consistent field positioning, any server parsing
them would need to read the first field to determine the type and learn how to parse
the remaining fields.
Local CDR File Format Unpopulated or unused fields in the RADIUS CDR are omitted from the locally-
Consistency stored CSV file. This means that there is no fixed position for a RADIUS attribute
across all CSV files. Instead, the missing values are skipped in the CSV file so that
the order and appearance for attribute values can differ from record to record.
You can optionally guarantee the placement of attributes in locally-stored CSV files
with the CDR output inclusive parameter. With this enhancement enabled,
RADIUS records sent to a RADIUS client contain even empty attributes with an
integer, date and time, or IP address format; the default value is zero. In other words,
when there is no value to report:
• An IP address attribute will report as
• A date and time attribute will report as 00:00:00.000 UTC JAN 01 1970
• An integer attribute value will report as 0
To maintain RFC 2865 and 2866 compliance, the Net-Net SBC will not send empty
attributes that are string values to a RADIUS client. And when you enable this
feature, the Net-Net SBC adds all attributes to the locally-stored CSV file.
Refer to Appendix C (119) of this document for details about where in locally-
generated CSV file VSAs appear for Start, Interim, and Stop records.
Requirements If you want to guarantee the CSV placement for RADIUS attribute values, you must
use the entire RADIUS dictionary. You cannot use the RADIUS CDR abbreviation
feature. Using an abbreviated form of the RADIUS dictionary results in adverse
effects for the CSV file.
In your configuration, then, you must set the vsa-id-range parameter to use the
entire range of attributes. Leaving this parameter blank disables abbreviation and all
attributes are included. Alternatively, you can specify all of the parameters (by
attribute number) that are used in the Net-Net OS release loaded on your system.
See the RADIUS CDR Content Control (48) section for more information.
Local CDR File Filenames are derived from the date and time that the CDR file is opened for writing.
Naming The format is cdrYYYYMMDDHHMM[a-j], where:
Convention • YYYY=the year
• MM=the month
• DD=the day
• HH=the hour
• MM=the minute
• [a-j]=a suffix that provides additional discrimination in case of changing
system time, setting the rotation time for this feature to one minute, or in case
of another occurrence that might compromise the date and time
Your file name will resemble the following sample: cdr200511151200.
Local CDR File The Net-Net SBC only allows local storage of ASCII CDRs to the /ramdrv and
Storage /ramdrv/logs directories. If you try to save to another directory (such as /code or
Directories /boot), you will receive an error message.
If you are using the ACLI and enter an inappropriate directory, the ACLI will issue
an error message.
Local CDR File You can configure maximum file size, maximum number of local CSV files to store,
Size and Rotation and the interval at which the files rotate.
The Net-Net SBC saves up to the file size limit (max file size) and maintains only
number of files that you configure (max files). When the maximum file size is
reached, the Net-Net SBC closes that file and begins writing VSA attributes and
values to a new local CDR file. When it is time for the Net-Net SBC to write the max
files + 1 file, the oldest file is deleted so that the newest one can be stored.
More About File You can use the CDR local storage feature on its own, without enabling the ftp push
Rotation Time feature. The Net-Net SBC uses a period of time that you set to periodically rotate the
files. The file rotate time parameter rotates the local CSV files regardless of whether
you use the FTP push feature.
RADIUS CDR When you are using the RADIUS CDR storage and FTP push feature, the Net-Net
Redundancy SBC can create a redundant copy of the comma-delimited CDR files that it stores on
the standby system in the HA node.
This enhancement to the CDR storage feature ensures against data loss if, for
example, an active Net-Net SBC fails immediately before an FTP push. The standby
has a duplicate set of records that it sends. This feature is enabled with the CDR
output redundancy parameter found in the account config configuration element.
Caveats for H.323 H.323 calls proceed without interruption over an HA node in the event of a failover
from one Net-Net SBC to another, and RADIUS records are generated and
duplicated across the active and standby systems in an HA node. However if a
switchover occurs during an H.323 call (that has been initiated, but not completed),
the newly active (formerly standby) system will not generate RADIUS Stop records
when the call completes.
FTP Push The FTP push feature is used to copy local CDR files to a remote FTP server on a
periodic basis. This feature is configured by defining push receivers which contain
standard login and FTP server credentials of the remote machine. At the configured
time interval (file rotate time), the Net-Net SBC closes the current file, and pushes
the files that are complete and have not yet been pushed; including the just-closed-
Deprecated ACLI The following parameters in the account-config configuration element are
Configuration deprecated:
• ftp-address
• ftp-port
• ftp-user
• ftp-password
• ftp-remote-path
Multiple Push Net-Net SBC now supports up to five CDR push receivers for use with the local file
Receivers storage and FTP push feature. For each receiver you configure, you can set the file
transfer protocol you want to use—either FTP or SFTP. The system uses the push
receivers according to the priorities you set by giving a 0 through 4 priority number
to the server when you configure it; 0 is the highest priority, and 4 is the lowest. By
default, push receivers always have their priority at the lowest setting (4).
Based on the priority level you set, the Net-Net SBC uses a strategy (which you also
set) to select a CDR push receiver. If the highest priority push receiver selected using
the strategy becomes unavailable (i.e., times out), the Net-Net SBC uses the strategy
(hunt, round robin, etc.) to select another.
This feature is dynamically configurable. When you change the configuration, the
Net-Net SBC updates the list of push receivers if it has changed.
Push Receivers A push receiver configuration includes all the credentials that the Net-Net SBC
needs to log into an FTP server and upload any recent local CDR files. Push receiver
configurations must include:
• the server’s IP address and port
• remote path of where to upload the local CDR files
• protocol used to connect to the server
• account login credentials
Secure FTP Push The Net-Net SD can securely log into a push receiver using one of two methods that
create a secure connection.
You can use password-based SSH authentication for logging into an SFTP server by
setting the push receiver’s protocol parameter to sftp, configuring a username and
password and leaving the public-key parameter blank. Note that you must also
import the SFTP server’s SSH host key onto the Net-Net SD for this authentication.
You can use public key authentcation for loggin into an SFTP server by setting the
push receiver’s protocol parameter to sftp setting the public-key parameter to a
configured public key record name (security > public key > name), including an
account username and configuring your SFTP server with the Net-Net SD’s public
key pair.
It is often difficult to determine whether the SFTP server is using its RSA or DSA key
for its server application. For this reason, it is common for administors to try
importing both RSA and DSA keys onto the Net-Net SD before getting the Net-Net
SD configuration to operate FTP Push properly.
Note that it is also common for the SFTP server to be a Linux machine. In this case,
the command ssh-keygen-e creates the public key you need to import to the Net-
Net SD. This command sequence requires you to specify file export type, as shown
[linux-vpn-1 ~]# ssh-keygen -e
Enter file in which the key is (/root/.ssh/id_rsa/):
If you do not have access to the SFTP server but can access it from another Linux
host, use the command ssh-keyscan to get the key. An example command line is
shown below.
root@server:~$ssh-keyscan -t dsa
ACLI Instructions This section shows you how to configure Local CDR storage and FTP push on your
and Examples Net-Net SBC.
Accessing the To configure parameter for these features, you must access the accounting
Accounting configuration.
To access the accounting configuration:
Configuring a Push You set the push receiver strategy and define the maximum timeout in seconds in
Receiver Fallback the main accounting configuration.
Note: You may ignore the following two parameters if only one push
receiver is configured.
10. ftp-strategy—Set the strategy you want the Net-Net SBC to use when selecting
from multiple push receivers. The default is hunt.
Strategy Description
Hunt The Net-Net SBC selects the push receiver from the available list according
the priority level. The system uses this strategy as its default.
Failover The Net-Net SBC selects the push receiver based on priority level and will
continue to use that same push receiver until it fails over.
RoundRobin The Net-Net SBC selects push receivers systematically one after another,
balancing the load among all responsive push receivers.
FastestRTT The Net-Net SBC selects the push receiver based on best average
throughput. For this situation, throughput is the number of bytes transferred
divided by the response time. The system uses a running average of the five
most recent throughput values to accommodate for network load
Setting the CSV File This section shows you how to guarantee the CSV placement for RADIUS attribute
Format values by using the entire RADIUS dictionary.
To enable fixed value placement in CSV files for RADIUS CDRs:
Creating a Public The Secure Shell (SSH) and related Secure Shell File Transfer (SFTP) protocols
Key Profile provide for the secure transfer of audit files and for the secure transfer of
management traffic across the wancom0 interface. When using password or public
key authentication with push receiver configurations, use the procedures described
below to create your profiles.
Create your profile by configuring:
• SSH Properties
• Import an SSH Host Key
• Create the public key profile
The following two tasks are required for public key authentication mode only.
• Generate an SSH Key Pair
• Copy the Net-Net SD public Key to the SFTP server
After the above, you can use this profile within the context of your FTP push
SSH Operations SSH Version 2.0, the only version supported on the Acme Packet Net-Net SBC, is
defined by a series of five RFCs.
• RFC 4250, The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Assigned Numbers
• RFC 4251, The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol Architecture
• RFC 4252, The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol
• RFC 4253, The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol
• RFC 4254, The Secure Shell (SSH) Connection Protocol
RFCs 4252 and 4253 are most relevant to SBC operations.
The transport layer protocol (RFC 4253) provides algorithm negotiation and key
exchange. The key exchange includes server authentication and results in a
cryptographically secured connection that provides integrity, confidentiality and
optional compression. Forward security is provided through a Diffie-Hellman key
agreement. This key agreement results in a shared session key. The rest of the
session is encrypted using a symmetric cipher, currently 128-bitAES, Blowfish,
3DES, CAST128, Arcfour, 192-bit AES, or 256-bit AES. The client selects the
encryption algorithm to use from those offered by the server. Additionally, session
integrity is provided through a crypto-graphic message authentication code (hmac-
md5, hmac-sha1, umac-64 or hmac-ripemd160).
The authentication protocol (RFC 4252) uses this secure connection provided and
supported by the transport layer. It provides several mechanisms for user
authentication. Two modes are supported by the Net-Net SD: traditional password
authentication and public-key authentication.
ACLI Instructions This section provides ACLI procedures for SFTP push configurations, including SSH
and Examples property configuration, certificate import, and public key profile configuration on
your Net-Net SD.
Configure SSH The single instance ssh-config configuration element specifies SSH re-keying
Properties thresholds.
1. From admin mode, use the following command path to access the ssh
configuration element:
ragnarok# configure terminal > security > admin-security >
ssh configuration element properties are shown below with their default values
rekey-interval 60
rekey-byte-count 31
2. rekey-interval—specifies the maximum allowed interval, in minutes, between
SSH key negotiations
Allowable values are integers within the range 60 through 600, with a default of
60 (minutes). Shorter lifetimes provide more secure connections.
Works in conjunction with rekey-byte-count, which sets a packet-based
threshold, to trigger an SSH renegotiation. If either trigger is activated, an SSH
renegotiation is begun.
Retain the default value, or specify a new value.
ragnarok(ssh-config)# rekey-interval 20
3. rekey-byte-count—specifies the maximum allowed send and receive packet
count, in powers of 2, between SSH key negotiations
Allowable values are integers within the range 20 (1,048,576 packets) through
31 (2,147,483,648 packets), with a default of 31 (231). Smaller packet counts
provide more secure connections.
Works in conjunction with rekey-interval, which sets a time-based threshold,
to trigger an SSH renegotiation. If either trigger is activated, an SSH
renegotiation is begun.
Retain the default value, or specify a new value.
ragnarok(ssh-config)# rekey-packet-count 24
Import an SSH host Importing a host key requires access to the SFTP server or servers which receive
Key audit log transfers. Access is generally most easily accomplished with a terminal
emulation program such as PuTTY, SecureCRT, or TeraTerm.
1. Use a terminal emulation program to access the SSH file system on a configured
SFTP server.
2. Copy the server’s base64 encoded public file making sure in include the Begin
and End markers as specified by RFC 4716, The Secure Shell (SSH) Public Key File
For OpenSSH implementations host files are generally found at
/etc/ssh/, or etc/ssh/ Other SSH
implementations can differ.
3. From admin mode use the ssh-pub-key command to import the host key to the
For importing a host key, this command takes the format:
ssh-pub-key import known-host <name>
where name is an alias or handle assigned to the imported host key,
generally the server name or a description of the server function.
Please paste ssh public key in the format defined in rfc4716.
Terminate the key with ";" to exit.......
4. Paste the public key with the bracketing Begin and End markers at the cursor
5. Enter a semi-colon (;) to signal the end of the imported host key.
6. Follow directions to save and activate the configuration.
The entire import sequence is shown below.
ragnarok# ssh-pub-key import known-host fedallah
Please paste ssh public key in the format defined in rfc4716.
Terminate the key with ";" to exit.......
It is important to note that it is often difficult to determine whether the server is using
RSA or DSA keys for your application. Unless you can definitively determine this,
bear in mind that you need to try importing both.
Create the Public Key The initial step in generating an SSH key pair is to configure a public key record
Record which will serve as a container for the generated key pair.
Generate an SSH key 1. Now use the ssh-pub-key generate command, in conjunction with the name
pair of the public key record created in Step 3, to generate an SSH key pair.
For importing an SSH key pair, this command takes the format:
ssh-pub-key generate <name>
selection: 3
ragnarok(public-key)# show
name tashtego
type rsa
size 1024
last-modified-by admin@console
last-modified-date 2009-03-06 11:24:32
5. Verify that the record has been updated to reflect key generation by examining
the value of the last-modified-date field.
Copy a client public Copying the client public key to an SFTP server requires server access generally
key to an SFTP server. using a terminal emulation program such as PuTTY, SecureCRT, or TeraTerm.
1. Use a terminal emulation program to access the SSH file system on a configured
SFTP server.
2. Copy the client key to the SFTP server.
On OpenSSH implementations, public keys are usually stored in the
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Each line this file (1) is empty, (2) starts with a pound
(#) character (indicating a comment), or (3) contains a single public key.
Refer to the sshd man pages for additional information regarding file format.
Use a text editor such as vi or emacs to open the file and paste the public key to
the tail of the authorized_keys file.
For SSH implementations other than OpenSSH, consult the system administrator
for file structure details.
View a Public key on You can use the show security ssh-pub-key command to display information
the Net-Net SD about SSH keys imported to the SBC with the ssh-pub-key command; you cannot
display information about keys generated by the ssh-pub-key command.
ragnarok# show security ssh-pub-key brief
This command displays summary information for all SSH imported keys.
contains the name assigned to the RSA or DSA public key when it was first
contains the output of an MD5 hash computed across the base64-encoded
public key
contains the output of an MD5 hash computed across the binary form of
the public key
modulus: (256)
exponent: (1)
This command displays detailed information for specific SSH public key (in this
case fedallah, an RSA key).
contains the name assigned to the RSA key when it was first imported
contains the output of an MD5 hash computed across the base64-encoded
RSA public key
contains the output of an MD5 hash computed across the binary form of
the RSA public key
public key
contains the base64-encoded RSA key
contains the hexadecimal modulus (256) of the RSA key
(also known as public exponent or encryption exponent) contains an integer
value that is used during the RSA key generation algorithm. Commonly
used values are 17 and 65537. A prime exponent greater than 2 is generally
used for more efficient key generation.
p: (128)
q: (20)
g: (128)
pub_key: (128)
This command displays detailed information for specific SSH public key (in this
case acme74, a DSA key).
host name
contains the name assigned to the DSA public key when it was first
contains any comments associated with the DSA key
contains the output of an MD5 hash computed across the base64-encoded
DSA public key
contains the output of an MD5 hash computed across the binary form of
the DSA public key
public key
contains the base64 encoded DSA key
contains the first of two prime numbers used for key generation
contains the second of two prime numbers used for key generation
contains an integer that together with p and q are the inputs to the DSA
key generation algorithm
This chapter provides information about management and monitoring of RADIUS
accounting functions on your Net-Net SBC.
• Net-Net SBC alarm generation and monitoring
• Status and statistics monitoring
Alarm Generation and Monitoring
The Net-Net products generate alarms when certain hardware and software events
occur. For more information about Net-Net SBC alarms for RADIUS, refer to the
Net-Net Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide.
The RADIUS ACCOUNTING CONNECTION DOWN alarm, detailed in the table
below, is directly associated with the Net-Net SBC’s RADIUS functionality. When
enabled connections to RADIUS servers have timed-out without a response from
the RADIUS server, the alarm is activated. The RADIUS ACCOUNTING
CONNECTION DOWN alarm triggers a Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) trap that is sent via the syslog Management Information Base (MIB) (ap-
syslog.mib). For a list of all SNMP-related alarms and their associated traps, refer to
the table of SNMP trap correlation to Net-Net SBC’s alarms in Acme Packet’s MIB
Reference Guide.
This alarm has no impact on a the health score of a Net-Net SBC that is part of an
HA Node.
RADIUS Alarms The table below describes the Net-Net SBC’s alarms for RADIUS.
Alarm Alarm Severity Cause Log Message Actions
RADIUS 327681 CRITICAL if all enabled The enabled CRITICAL: All • apSyslogMess
ACCOUNTING and configured RADIUS connections to enabled ageGenerate
CONNECTION accounting server RADIUS accounting d trap
DOWN connections have servers have connections have generated
timed-out without a timed-out been lost. Check • critical, major
response from the without a accounting status dry contact
RADIUS server. response from for more details. • syslog
MAJOR if some, but not server. MAJOR: One or
all configured RADIUS more enabled
accounting server accounting
connections have connections have
timed-out without a been lost. Check
response from the accounting status
RADIUS server. for more details.
ACLI Show The show radius command can take one of the three available arguments:
RADIUS Display • authentication—Shows authentication statistics for primary and secondary
RADIUS servers, including: server IP address and port; round trip time;
information about failed and successful requests/authentications; number of
rejections; number of challenges; number of time-outs, number of
• accounting—Shows the information described in this table:
Section Description
• all—Shows all of the information for both the authentication and accounting
The following is an example of the ACLI show radius authentication command
ACMEPACKET# show radius authentication
Active Primary Authentication Servers:
server ipAddr:
Authentication Statistics:
RoundTripTime :0
AccessRequests :2
BadAuthenticators :0
AccessRetransmissions :5
AccessAccepts :0
Timeouts :6
AccessRejects :0
UnknownPDUTypes :0
AccessChallenges :0
RoundTripTime :0
AccessRequests :2
BadAuthenticators :0
AccessRetransmissions :9
AccessAccepts :0
Timeouts :10
AccessRejects :0
UnknownPDUTypes :0
AccessChallenges :0
Authentication Statistics:
RoundTripTime :0
AccessRequests :2
BadAuthenticators :0
AccessRetransmissions :5
AccessAccepts :0
Timeouts :6
AccessRejects :0
UnknownPDUTypes :0
AccessChallenges :0
RoundTripTime :0
AccessRequests :2
BadAuthenticators :0
AccessRetransmissions :9
AccessAccepts :0
Timeouts :10
AccessRejects :0
UnknownPDUTypes :0
AccessChallenges :0
SNMP Support The Net-Net SBC sends traps when a single push receiver or all push receivers
become unavailable.
• When one CDR push receiver becomes unavailable, the
CDR_PUSH_RECEIVER_FAIL_TRAP trap is sent and a minor alarm is generated.
• When all of the configured CDR push receivers become unavailable, the
CDR_ALL_PUSH_RECEIVERS_FAIL_TRAP is sent and a major alarm is generated.
When one or more of the push receivers comes back, the
CDR_ALL_PUSH_RECEIVERS_FAIL_CLEAR_TRAP is sent and the alarm is cleared.
All of the traps contain information about the type of push receiver, the address of
the push receiver, and the failure reason code.
All of the traps contain information about the type of push receiver, the address of
the push receiver, and the failure reason code.
The trap and corresponding clearing trap for single push receiver failure are:
• apSysMgmtCDRPushReceiverFailureTrap
• apSysMgmtCDRPushReceiverFailureClearTrap
The trap and corresponding clearing trap for global push receiver failure are:
• apSysMgmtCDRAllPushReceiversFailureTrap
• apSysMgmtCDRAllPushReceiverFailuresClearTrap
Local CDR Storage To save local CDR files to the Storage Expansion Module, configure the file path
Directory parameter in the account config with a volume and directory located on the Storage
Expansion Module.
FTP Push Backup When FTP push is enabled, if all FTP push servers are unreachable, then local CDR
files are written to local file system until the FTP push servers return to service. Once
an FTP Push server becomes reachable, the Net-Net SBC transfers all local CDR files
to the remote server automatically. After all local CDR files have been successfully
transferred to the FTP server from the Net-Net SBC, they are deleted from the local
Local CDR File You can configure the Net-Net SBC to compress local CDRs in zip format to save
Compression disk space. The local CDRs will be compressed and appear with a .zip file extension.
This feature is enabled with the cdr compression parameter.
1. Note the volume name on the Storage Expansion Module you wish to use for
local CDR output using the show space hard-drive command. The following
example indicates that there are 4 partitions, which are set in bold:
To configure a Net-Net 3800 or Net-Net 4500 to write local CDRs to the Storage
Expansion Module:
Identifying Storage You can identify volumes that exist on the Storage Expansion Module using the
Expansion Module show space hard-drive command. In addition, free and used space are reported
Volumes too. For Example:
SYSTEM# show space hard-disk
Viewing You can view files and directories on the Storage Expansion Module using the show
Directories and directory <path> command. Remember to use absolute paths beginning with the
Files forward slash. For example:
Formatting the You can use the Storage Expansion Module’s default partition configuration, or you
Storage Expansion can create your own scheme creating a maximum of 4 volumes.
Default Format Plan When formatting the Storage Expansion Module, the ACLI’s default partitioning
scheme is as follows:
Storage Expansion Module Default Format Plan:
1 /sys 10%
2 /app 90%
Custom Format Plan Before formatting the Storage Expansion Module, plan the number of volumes,
volume names, and relative percentage of Storage Expansion Module disk space. For
Storage Expansion Module Format Plan:
1 /archive 20%
2 /misc 35%
3 /localcdrs 45%
• ramdrv
• code
• boot
Custom Partition To format the Storage Expansion Module using a custom partition scheme:
1. Type format hard-disk <Enter>. You will be prompted to confirm this action.
SYSTEM# format hard-disk
Continue [y/n]?:
Type y <Enter> to continue
2. Type n <Enter> when prompted to use the factory default partitions.
Use factory default partitions [y/n]?:
3. Enter the number of volumes you wish to create and press <Enter>.
Enter the number of partitions to create: 3
4. Enter the name of volume 1 and press <Enter>
Total unallocated space = 100 %
Enter the name of volume 1 (or 'q' to quit): archive
Continue [y/n]?: y
10. The formatting process displays progress on the screen and concludes after
several minutes.
[progress text removed for brevity]
Default Partition To format the Storage Expansion Module using the factory default partitions:
1. Type format hard-disk <Enter>. You will be prompted to confirm this action.
SYSTEM# format hard-disk
Continue [y/n]?: y
Type y <Enter> to continue
2. Type y <Enter> when prompted to use the factory default partitions. The factory
partition scheme will be displayed on the screen. Type Y <Enter> at the prompt
that confirms you wish to commit this.
Use factory default partitions [y/n]?: y
Continue [y/n]?: y
5. The formatting process will display progress on the screen and concludes after
several minutes.
Low Disk Space The Net-Net SBC can initiate an alarm and an SNMP trap when a volume reaches a
Warning configured threshold of remaining free disk space, configured as a percentage of
volume. You can configure multiple alarms, each with increasing severity that
indicate less free disk space.
Low Disk Space The low disk space threshold alarm is configured in alarm threshold configuration
Threshold Alarm element. It is non-health affecting. The threshold alarm appears as follows:
SYSTEM# display-alarms
1 alarms to show
ID Task Severity First Occurred Last Occurred
131142 547896076 4 2009-08-25 13:36:26 2009-08-25 13:36:26
Count Description
1 Volume /misc space used 81% is over major threshold of 80%.
Low Disk Space For any threshold reached, an SNMP trap will be sent to all configured trap-
Threshold SNMP Trap receivers. The apSysMgmtStorageSpaceAvailThresholdTrap trap contains the
following information:
• VolumeName—name of the volume where a threshold was exceeded
• CurrentValue—current percentage of disk space value that is exceeding one of
the thresholds.
• MinorThreshold—configured minor threshold for this volume, if none then this
is 0.
• MajorThreshold—configured major threshold for this volume, if none then this
is 0.
• CriticalThreshold—configured critical threshold for this volume, if none then
this is 0.
Local CDR File You can configure the Net-Net SBC to initiate an alarm and send an SNMP trap
Delete Warning when the oldest local CDR file was deleted under fault conditions. This feature is
enabled with the file delete alarm parameter.
The Net-Net SBC deletes a local CDR file in the following three cases:
1. After the local CDR file has been successfully transferred to a push receiver
2. The number of local CDR files exceed the limit configured in the account-config
> max-files parameter
3. No free disk space remains on the partition where the local CDR files are
written: account-config > file-path
If a local CDR file is deleted after it was successfully uploaded to a push receiver, no
fault is triggered because this is standard, expected operation. But if a local CDR file
is deleted for case 2 or 3 above, it is considered a fault condition initiating an alarm
and SNMP trap.
Local CDR File Delete The CDR file delete alarm is configured in account config configuration element by
Alarm enabling the file-delete-alarm parameter. This is a minor severity alarm and is non-
health affecting. This alarm has no clearing condition and must be manually cleared.
Local CDR File Delete Under the same circumstances that cause a CDR file delete alarm, an SNMP trap will
SNMP Trap be sent to all configured trap-receivers. The apSysMgmtCdrFileDeleteTrap trap
contains the following information:
• File Name—name of the file that was deleted
Querying Storage You can monitor currently used and remaining storage space on the Storage
Space Expansion Module by ACLI, SNMP MIB, and HDR collection group.
ACLI To view the total disk space used percentage remaining with the ACLI, use the show
space hard-drive command. For example:
SYSTEM# show space hard-disk
Unmounting The This section explains the ACLI unmount hard-disk command, which—as its name
Storage Expansion indicates—unmounts the storage expansion module. This command should only be
Module run when you plan to shut down the system. You issue this command to ensure the
integrity of the disk when you power off the Net-Net 4500 System or Net-Net 3800
using the power switch. If you do not run the command and use the power switch
to power down the system, the Net-Net 4500 System runs a checkdisk on the
module the next time the system boots. The checkdisk lasts one to two minutes.
Note that once you run the unmount hard-disk command, any application
configuration set to use a module partition will no longer work. The only way to
regain access is to reboot or power cycle the system.
ACLI Instructions and To ensure the storage expansion module’s integrity when powering down the
Examples system (using the power switch), use the unmount hard-disk command:
ACMEPACKET# unmount hard-disk
SNMP MIB The following MIB Objects are available to query the amount of remaining drive
apSysStorageSpaceTable OBJECT-TYPE
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A table to hold the total space and available space
per volume arranged into rows, and indexed by the
volume name.
These are all read only."
::= { apSysMgmtMIBGeneralObjects 23 }
apSysStorageSpaceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX ApSysStorageSpaceEntry
MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
STATUS current
"A table entry designed to hold storage space data, on a
single volume"
INDEX { apSysVolumeName }
::= { apSysStorageSpaceTable 1 }
apSysVolumeName OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The name of the volume"
::= {apSysStorageSpaceEntry 1}
apSysVolumeTotalSpace OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total size of the volume, in bytes"
::= {apSysStorageSpaceEntry 2}
apSysVolumeAvailSpace OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS obsolete
"The total space available on the volume, in bytes"
::= {apSysStorageSpaceEntry 3}
HDR Historical Data Record statistics are available that track the amount of storage space
available on each Storage Expansion Module partition. At each collect interval, space
consumption statistics are gathered for every partition. The Storage Space collect
group, configured as space, contains these statistics. The contents of this Storage
Space group are:
• TimeStamp
• Partition
• Space used
• Space available
Diameter Accounting
The Net-Net SBC supports the Diameter charging interface, Rf. This interface
provides similar functionality to the RADIUS interface, but utilizes Diameter as the
underlying application layer protocol. As a result, the Net-Net SBC can integrate
more thoroughly with IMS standards as well as provide a more dynamic, secure, and
robust accounting interface.
Diameter The Rf interface can send two types of messages based on the signaling application’s
Accounting actions. These messages are Accounting Charging Request (ACR) Start and ACR
Messages Stop messages.
• ACR start messages are sent at the start of service delivery and describes the type
of service being delivered and the user to whom it is being delivered.
• Additional ACR Start messages are sent when service changes; this roughly
maps to a RADIUS Interim-Update message. See Accounting-Record-Type AVP
(480) (90).
• ACR Stop messages are sent at the end of service delivery.
The Net-Net SBC sends a set of a AVPs in each ACR start and stop message that
make up the charging data. The following table lists which AVPs are included in
ACR Start and ACR Stop messages. Individual AVP descriptions are located in the
following section.
Session-Id AVP (263) Uniquely identify this session. It is a string value and is delimited by semi-colons.
hostname of the accounting server the communication is to out on.
The second two parts are values that get generated by the signaling application
related to the signaling session that is occurring. It is a number that gets increased
every time a new signaling session is created. An example of a Session-Id from the
SD is as follows, acmesystem;0;1.
Origin-Host AVP (264) Contains the account-server configuration element’s hostname parameter followed
by the "@" character, followed by the account-server configuration element’s
origin-realm parameter. For example: [email protected].
Origin-Realm AVP Contains the account server configuration element’s origin-realm and domain-
(296) name-suffix parameters where the server request is sent.
Destination-Realm Contains the value of the Origin-Realm AVP in the CEA received from the
AVP (283) accounting server for this connection.
Destination-Host AVP Contains the value of the Origin-Host AVP in the CEA received from the accounting
(293) server for this connection.
Accounting-Record- Contains the value indicating the type of accounting message being sent.
Type AVP (480)
• start record = 2
• interim record = 3
• stop record = 4
If this is an interim-type message, it’s still included in an ACR Start message but with
the value of this AVP set to “3”.
Accounting-Record- A value that uniquely identifies this message in the session, i.e., a sequence number
Number AVP (485) for this connection. This value is arbitrarily created by the Net-Net SBC with the
caveat that it is unique for a session.
Acct-Application-Id Set to value “3”; This value indicates Diameter-based accounting messages.
AVP (259)
User-Name AVP (1) Contains the account-server configuration element’s hostname parameter followed
by the "@" character, followed by the account-server configuration element’s origin-
realm parameter. For example: [email protected].
Event-Timestamp AVP Contains the number of seconds since January 1, 1900 when this accounting event
(55) took place.
Event-Type AVP (823) A grouped AVP containing information about the signaling event. It contains the
following AVPs:
• SIP-Method AVP (824)—Contains the exact string payload from the SIP request
line; i.e., the Method that triggered the accounting event.
• Content-Type AVP (826)—Contains the exact string payload from the
"Content-Type" SIP header of the message that triggered the accounting event.
• Content-Length AVP (827)—Contains the exact string payload from the
Content-Length" SIP header of the message that triggered the accounting
Role-of-Node AVP Set to the value “2” which indicates that the Net-Net SBC is operating in a PROXY
(829) role.
Calling-Party-Address Contains the calling party address in the SIP message. The Net-Net SBC first checks
AVP (831) for a P-Asserted-Id header. If present, its value is used for this AVP. If not present,
the Net-Net SBC inserts the "To:" field from the SIP message into this AVP. ONLY
IN ACR Start.
Called-Party-Address Contains the "From:" field of the SIP message. ONLY IN ACR Start.
AVP (832)
Time-Stamps AVP A grouped AVP that contains timestamps for the related SIP signaling. It contains
(833) the following AVPs.
• SIP-Request-Timestamp AVP (834)—A UTC formatted timestamp that
corresponds to when the SIP INVITE that started the session was received.
• SIP-Response-Timestamp AVP (835)—A UTC formatted timestamp that
corresponds to when the SIP 200 OK response to the INVITE that started the
session was received.
Inter-Operator- A grouped AVP that indicates the ingress and egress networks from the Net-Net
Identifier AVP (838) SBC’s perspective. It contains the following AVPs.
• Originating-IOI AVP (839)—The realm where the Net-Net SBC received the
SIP signaling messages.
• Terminated-IOI AVP (840)—The realm where the SIP signaling message exit
the Net-Net SBC.
SDP-Session- This AVP may occur multiple times in an ACR message. It is populated with SDP
Description AVP (842) attribute-lines from the SIP messages to which this ACR Stop message refers. Thus,
all "i=", "c=", "b=", "k=", "a=", etc.., lines comprise multiple instances of this AVP.
If the Net-Net SBC is configured to generate Start events on the INVITE, the calling
SDP will be used; if the Net-Net SBC is configured to generate Start events on the
OK, the called SDP will be used. ONLY IN ACR Start.
Session-Media- A grouped AVP that contains information about the media session. It contains the
Component AVP (845) following AVPs. ONLY IN ACR Start.
• SDP-Media-Name AVP (844)—populated with the "m=" line from the SDP
being used.
• SDP-Media-Description AVP (845)—this AVP may occur multiple times in this
grouped AVP. It is populated with SDP attribute-lines from the media
component as specified by the media described in the SDP-Media-Name AVP.
Thus, all "i=", "c=", "b=", "k=", "a=", etc..., lines related to the above specified
"m=" line comprise multiple instances of this AVP.
Cause AVP (860) A grouped AVP that contains the reason for the termination event and the
role/function of the node where the call was terminated. It contains the following
• Cause-Code AVP (861)—Set to value “0”.
• Node-Functionality AVP (862)—Set to value “0”.
ACLI Instructions and To configure the global Diameter-based accounting (Rf) features in the account-
Examples config:
Value Description
fastest round trip time Selects the accounting server that has the fastest round
trip time (RTT) observed during transactions with the
servers (sending a record and receiving an ACK).
fewest pending Selects the accounting server that has the fewest
number of unacknowledged accounting messages (that
are in transit to the Net-Net SBC).
Value Description
Value Description
Configuring You must create one or more servers to which the Net-Net SBC can send accounting
Accounting Servers messages.
Several examples of RADIUS logs appear in this appendix. These logs were
processed and the output generated by a FreeRADIUS server; the labels for each
field come from the installed VSA dictionaries, including the Acme Packet RADIUS
As you review these examples, please note:
• The Client-IP-Address =, Acct-Unique-Session-Id = and Timestamp
= fields shown in the following examples are generated by the RADIUS server
and not by the Net-Net SBC.
• The Client-IP-Address = may not appear in your output as later versions of
freeRADIUS no longer include this field.
• For non-QoS calls, the attributes appear in the record, but their values are
always zero (0).
Basic Successful The following sample CDRs are for a successful SIP call.
SIP Call Successfull SIP Call - Peer
Acct-Status-Type = Start
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Session-Id = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Egress-CallId = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Protocol-Type = "SIP"
Calling-Station-Id = ""7812223001"
<sip:[email protected]>;tag=40335A3-29FEF610"
Called-Station-Id = "<sip:[email protected];user=phone>"
h323-setup-time = "16:43:42.452 EST JUL 02 2008"
h323-connect-time = "16:43:53.517 EST JUL 02 2008"
Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id = "M10"
Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value = 0
Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id = "M00"
Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value = 0
Acme-Session-Egress-Realm = "Core"
Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm = "Peer"
Acme-FlowID_FS1_F = "localhost:65594"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_F = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 49188
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F = "Core"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F = 49152
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 2222
Acme-FlowID_FS1_R = "localhost:65595"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_R = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 49152
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R = 49188
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 2224
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 223
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 99
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "5af95b6a3259b428"
Timestamp = 1215033670
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 49188
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F = "Core"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F = 49152
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 2222
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS1_R = "localhost:65595"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_R = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R = 2222
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 49152
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R = 49188
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 2224
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
100 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 223
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Session-Disposition = 3
Acme-Disconnect-Initiator = 1
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 101
Acme-Disconnect-Cause = 0
Acme-SIP-Status = 0
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 100
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "5af95b6a3259b428"
Timestamp = 1215033681
Unsuccessful SIP The following sample CDRs are for an unsuccessful SIP call.
Call Acct-Status-Type = Stop
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Session-Id = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Egress-CallId = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Protocol-Type = "SIP"
Calling-Station-Id = ""7812223002"
<sip:[email protected]>;tag=591ADA30-B9864E09"
Called-Station-Id = "<sip:[email protected];user=phone>"
Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Error
Acct-Session-Time = 0
h323-setup-time = "16:46:09.612 EST JUL 02 2008"
h323-disconnect-time = "16:46:18.762 EST JUL 02 2008"
h323-disconnect-cause = "3"
Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id = "M10"
Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value = 0
Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id = "M10"
Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value = 0
Acme-Session-Egress-Realm = "Core"
Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm = "Core"
Acme-FlowID_FS1_F = "localhost:65596"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_F = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 49154
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F = "Core"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F = 49156
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
102 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS1_R = "localhost:65597"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_R = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 49156
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R = 49154
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 2226
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 103
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 210
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Session-Disposition = 2
Acme-Disconnect-Initiator = 1
Acme-Disconnect-Cause = 47
Acme-SIP-Status = 487
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 101
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "f1c5761c4d973242"
Timestamp = 1215033815
104 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
SIP Call On Hold The following sample CDRs are for SIP call on hold.
Acct-Status-Type = Start
NAS-IP-Address =
NAS-Port = 5060
Acct-Session-Id = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Egress-CallId = "[email protected]"
Acme-Session-Protocol-Type = "SIP"
Calling-Station-Id = ""7812223001"
<sip:[email protected]>;tag=29749EE9-79CDC11E"
Called-Station-Id = "<sip:[email protected];user=phone>"
h323-setup-time = "16:47:28.630 EST JUL 02 2008"
h323-connect-time = "16:47:34.016 EST JUL 02 2008"
Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id = "M10"
Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value = 0
Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id = "M00"
Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value = 0
Acme-Session-Egress-Realm = "Core"
Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm = "Peer"
Acme-FlowID_FS1_F = "localhost:65598"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_F = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 49190
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F = "Core"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F = 49158
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 2228
Acme-FlowID_FS1_R = "localhost:65599"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_R = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 49158
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R = 49190
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 2226
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 105
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 217
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 102
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "972a994cb16bcdc0"
Timestamp = 1215033890
106 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 107
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
108 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 217
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Intermediate_Time = "16:47:42.877 EST JUL 02 2008"
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 103
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "972a994cb16bcdc0"
Timestamp = 1215033899
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 109
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F = 49158
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F = 2228
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS1_R = "localhost:65599"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_R = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 49158
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R = 49190
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 2226
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
110 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 217
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Intermediate_Time = "16:47:47.186 EST JUL 02 2008"
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 104
Client-IP-Address =
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 111
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "972a994cb16bcdc0"
Timestamp = 1215033904
112 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS1_R = "localhost:65599"
Acme-FlowType_FS1_R = "PCMU"
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R = "Core"
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R = 2228
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 49158
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R = "Peer"
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R = 49190
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R = 2226
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_F = ""
Acme-FlowType_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-FlowID_FS2_R = ""
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 113
Acme-FlowType_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R = ""
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R =
Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Octets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Called-Packets_FS2 = 0
Acme-Firmware-Version = "C6.0.0 GA (Build 13)"
Acme-Local-Time-Zone = "GMT-05:00"
Acme-Post-Dial-Delay = 217
Acme-Primary-Routing-Number = "sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Local-Addr = ""
Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr = ""
Acme-Session-Disposition = 3
Acme-Disconnect-Initiator = 1
Acme-Disconnect-Cause = 0
Acme-SIP-Status = 0
Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number =
"sip:[email protected];user=phone"
Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number = 105
Client-IP-Address =
Acct-Unique-Session-Id = "972a994cb16bcdc0"
Timestamp = 1215033909
114 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Appendix B
# dictionary.acme
# Version: dictionary.acme,v 1.0 2001/11/19
# Updated 2009/01/20
# For documentation on Acme Packet RADIUS attributes, see:
# Net-Net Accounting Guide
# Voice over IP attributes.
ATTRIBUTE Acme-FlowID_FS1_F 1 string Acme
ATTRIBUTE Acme-FlowType_FS1_F 2 string Acme
ATTRIBUTE Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId 3 string Acme
ATTRIBUTE Acme-Session-Egress-CallId 4 string Acme
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 115
116 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 117
118 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
Appendix C
Comma-Delimited Entries for Local Files
1 Acct-Status-Type
2 NAS-IP-Address
3 NAS-Port
4 Acct-Session-Id
5 Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId 3
6 Acme-Session--Egress-CallId 4
7 Acme-Session-Protocol-Type 43
8 Acme-Session-Forked-Call-Id 171
9 Acme-Session--Generic-Id 40
10 Calling-Station-Id
11 Called-Station-Id
12 h323-setup-time
13 h323-connect-time
14 Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id 139
15 Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value 140
16 Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id 137
17 Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value 138
18 Acme-Session-Egress-Realm 42
19 Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm 41
20 Acme-FlowId_FS1_F 1
21 Acme-FlowType_FS1_F 2
22 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F 10
23 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F 11
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 119
24 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F 12
25 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 13
26 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F 14
27 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F 20
28 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F 21
29 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F 22
30 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 23
31 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F 24
32 Acme-FlowID_FS1_R 78
33 Acme-FlowType_FS1_R 79
34 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R 80
35 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R 81
36 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R 82
37 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 83
38 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R 84
39 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R 85
40 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R 86
41 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R 87
42 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 88
43 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R 89
44 Acme-FlowID_FS2_F 90
45 Acme-FlowType_FS2_F 91
46 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F 92
47 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F 93
48 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F 94
49 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 95
50 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F 96
51 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F 97
52 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F 98
53 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F 99
54 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 100
55 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F 101
56 Acme-FlowID_FS2_R 112
57 Acme-FlowType_FS2_R 113
120 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
58 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R 114
59 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R 115
60 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R 116
61 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R 117
62 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R 118
63 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R 119
64 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R 120
65 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R 121
66 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_R 122
67 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_R 123
68 Acme-Session-Charging-Vector 54
69 Acme-Session-Charging-Function_Address 55
70 Acme-Firmware-Version 56
71 Acme-Local-Time-Zone 57
72 Acme-Post-Dial-Delay 58
73 Acme-Primary-Routing-Number 64
74 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Group 65
75 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Group 66
76 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Context 67
77 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Context 68
78 Acme-P-Asserted-ID 69
79 Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr 74
80 Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr 75
81 Acme-Egress-Local-Addr 76
82 Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr 77
83 Acme-SIP-Diversion 70
84 Acme-Egress-Final-Routing-Number 134
85 Acme-Session-Ingress-RPH 135
86 Acme-Session-Egress-RPH 136
87 Acme-Custom-VSA-200 200
88 Acme-Custom-VSA-201 201
89 Acme-Custom-VSA-202 202
90 Acme-Custom-VSA-203 203
91 Acme-Custom-VSA-204 204
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 121
92 Acme-Custom-VSA-205 205
93 Acme-Custom-VSA-206 206
94 Acme-Custom-VSA-207 207
95 Acme-Custom-VSA-208 208
96 Acme-Custom-VSA-209 209
97 Acme-Custom-VSA-210 210
98 Acme-Custom-VSA-211 211
99 Acme-Custom-VSA-212 212
118 Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number 59
1 Acct-Status-Type
2 NAS-IP-Address
3 NAS-Port
122 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
4 Acct-Session-Id
5 Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId 3
6 Acme-Session--Egress-CallId 4
7 Acme-Session-Protocol-Type 43
8 Acme-Session-Forked-Call-Id 171
9 Acme-Session--Generic-Id 40
10 Calling-Station-Id
11 Called-Station-Id
12 h323-setup-time
13 h323-connect-time
14 Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id 139
15 Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value 140
16 Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id 137
17 Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value 138
18 Acme-Session-Egress-Realm 42
19 Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm 41
20 Acme-FlowId_FS1_F 1
21 Acme-FlowType_FS1_F 2
22 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F 10
23 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F 11
24 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F 12
25 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 13
26 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F 14
27 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F 20
28 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F 21
29 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F 22
30 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 23
31 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F 24
32 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 32
33 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 33
34 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 34
35 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 35
36 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 36
37 Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 37
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 123
38 Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 38
39 Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 39
40 Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1 28
41 Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 29
42 Acme-Calling-R-Factor 151
43 Acme-Calling-MOS 152
44 Acme-FlowID_FS1_R 78
45 Acme-FlowType_FS1_R 79
46 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R 80
47 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R 81
48 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R 82
49 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 83
50 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R 84
51 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R 85
52 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R 86
53 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R 87
54 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 88
55 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R 89
56 Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 46
57 Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 47
58 Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 48
59 Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 49
60 Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 50
61 Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 51
62 Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 52
63 Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 53
64 Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 44
65 Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 45
66 Acme-Called-R-Factor 153
67 Acme-Called-MOS 154
68 Acme-FlowID_FS2_F 90
69 Acme-FlowType_FS2_F 91
70 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F 92
71 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F 93
124 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
72 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F 94
73 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 95
74 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F 96
75 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F 97
76 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F 98
77 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F 99
78 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 100
79 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F 101
80 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 104
81 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 105
82 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 106
83 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 107
84 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 108
85 Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 109
86 Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 110
87 Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 111
88 Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 102
89 Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 103
90 Acme-FlowID_FS2_R 112
91 Acme-FlowType_FS2_R 113
92 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R 114
93 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R 115
94 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R 116
95 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R 117
96 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R 118
97 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R 119
98 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R 120
99 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R 121
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 125
112 Acme-Session-Charging-Vector 54
113 Acme-Session-Charging-Function_Address 55
114 Acme-Firmware-Version 56
115 Acme-Local-Time-Zone 57
116 Acme-Post-Dial-Delay 58
117 Acme-Primary-Routing-Number 64
118 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Group 65
119 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Group 66
120 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Context 67
121 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Context 68
122 Acme-P-Asserted-ID 69
123 Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr 74
124 Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr 75
125 Acme-Egress-Local-Addr 76
126 Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr 77
127 Acme-SIP-Diversion 70
128 Acme-Intermediate_Time 63
129 Acct-Session-Time
126 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
164 Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number 59
Interim (unsuccessful
attempt) Record CSV
Placement CSV Placement AttributeName VSA ID Number
1 Acct-Status-Type
2 NAS-IP-Address
3 NAS-Port
4 Acct-Session-Id
5 Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId 3
6 Acme-Session--Egress-CallId 4
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 127
7 Acme-Session-Protocol-Type 43
8 Acme-Session-Forked-Call-Id 171
9 Acme-Session--Generic-Id 40
10 Calling-Station-Id
11 Called-Station-Id
12 h323-setup-time
13 h323-connect-time
14 Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id 139
15 Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value 140
16 Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id 137
17 Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value 138
18 Acme-Session-Egress-Realm 42
19 Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm 41
20 Acme-FlowID_FS1_F 1
21 Acme-FlowType_FS1_F 2
22 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F 10
23 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F 11
24 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F 12
25 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 13
26 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F 14
27 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F 20
28 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F 21
29 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F 22
30 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 23
31 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F 24
32 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 32
33 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 33
34 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 34
35 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 35
36 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 36
37 Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 37
38 Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 38
39 Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 39
40 Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1 28
128 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
41 Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 29
42 Acme-Calling-R-Factor 151
43 Acme-Calling-MOS 152
44 Acme-FlowID_FS1_R 78
45 Acme-FlowType_FS1_R 79
46 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R 80
47 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R 81
48 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R 82
49 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 83
50 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R 84
51 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R 85
52 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R 86
53 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R 87
54 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 88
55 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R 89
56 Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 46
57 Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 47
58 Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 48
59 Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 49
60 Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 50
61 Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 51
62 Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 52
63 Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 53
64 Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 44
65 Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 45
66 Acme-Called-R-Factor 153
67 Acme-Called-MOS 154
68 Acme-FlowID_FS2_F 90
69 Acme-FlowType_FS2_F 91
70 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F 92
71 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F 93
72 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F 94
73 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 95
74 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F 96
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 129
75 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F 97
76 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F 98
77 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F 99
78 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 100
79 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F 101
80 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 104
81 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 105
82 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 106
83 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 107
84 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 108
85 Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 109
86 Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 110
87 Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 111
88 Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 102
89 Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 103
90 Acme-FlowID_FS2_R 112
91 Acme-FlowType_FS2_R 113
92 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R 114
93 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R 115
94 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R 116
95 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R 117
96 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_R 118
97 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_R 119
98 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_R 120
99 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_R 121
130 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
112 Acme-Firmware-Version 56
113 Acme-Local-Time-Zone 57
114 Acme-Post-Dial-Delay 58
115 Acme-Primary-Routing-Number 64
116 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Group 65
117 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Group 66
118 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Context 67
119 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Context 68
120 Acme-P-Asserted-ID 69
121 Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr 74
122 Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr 75
123 Acme-Egress-Local-Addr 76
124 Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr 77
125 Acme-SIP-Diversion 70
126 Acme-Intermediate_Time 63
127 Acct-Session-Time 46
129 Acme-Session-Disposition 60
130 Acme-Disconnect-Initiator 61
131 Acme-Disconnect-Cause 62
132 Acme-SIP-Status 71
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 131
164 Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number 59
1 Acct-Status-Type
2 NAS-IP-Address
3 NAS-Port
4 Acct-Session-Id
5 Acme-Session-Ingress-CallId 3
6 Acme-Session--Egress-CallId 4
7 Acme-Session-Protocol-Type 43
8 Acme-Session-Forked-Call-Id 171
132 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
9 Acme-Session--Generic-Id 40
10 Calling-Station-Id
11 Called-Station-Id
12 Acct-Terminate-Cause
13 Acct-Session-Time
14 h323-setup-time
15 h323-connect-time
16 h323-disconnect-time
17 h323-disconnect-cause
18 Acme-Egress-Network-Interface-Id 139
19 Acme-Egress-Vlan-Tag-Value 140
20 Acme-Ingress-Network-Interface-Id 137
21 Acme-Ingress-Vlan-Tag-Value 138
22 Acme-Session-Egress-Realm 42
23 Acme-Session-Ingress-Realm 41
24 Acme-FlowId_FS1_F 1
25 Acme-FlowType_FS1_F 2
26 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_F 10
27 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_F 11
28 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_F 12
29 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 13
30 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_F 14
31 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_F 20
32 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_F 21
33 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_F 22
34 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_F 23
35 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_F 24
36 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 32
37 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 33
38 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 34
39 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 35
40 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 36
41 Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 37
42 Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 38
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 133
43 Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 39
44 Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1 28
45 Acme-Calling-Packets_FS1 29
46 Acme-Calling-R-Factor 151
47 Acme-Calling-MOS 152
48 Acme-FlowID_FS1_R 78
49 Acme-FlowType_FS1_R 79
50 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS1_R 80
51 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS1_R 81
52 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS1_R 82
53 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 83
54 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS1_R 84
55 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS1_R 85
56 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS1_R 86
57 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS1_R 87
58 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS1_R 88
59 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS1_R 89
60 Acme-Called-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS1 46
61 Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 47
62 Acme-Called-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS1 48
63 Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS1 49
64 Acme-Called-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS1 50
65 Acme-Called-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1 51
66 Acme-Called-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS1 52
67 Acme-Called-RTP-MaxJitter_FS1 53
68 Acme-Called-Octets_FS1 44
69 Acme-Called-Packets_FS1 45
70 Acme-Called-R-Factor 153
71 Acme-Called-MOS 154
72 Acme-FlowID_FS2_F 90
73 Acme-FlowType_FS2_F 91
74 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_F 92
75 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_F 93
76 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_F 94
134 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
77 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 95
78 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Port_FS2_F 96
79 Acme-Flow-Out-Realm_FS2_F 97
80 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Addr_FS2_F 98
81 Acme-Flow-Out-Src-Port_FS2_F 99
82 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Addr_FS2_F 100
83 Acme-Flow-Out-Dst-Port_FS2_F 101
84 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Packets-Lost_FS2 104
85 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 105
86 Acme-Calling-RTCP-Avg-Latency_FS2 106
87 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxJitter_FS2 107
88 Acme-Calling-RTCP-MaxLatency_FS2 108
89 Acme-Calling-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS2 109
90 Acme-Calling-RTP-Avg-Jitter_FS2 110
91 Acme-Calling-RTP-MaxJitter_FS2 111
92 Acme-Calling-Octets_FS2 102
93 Acme-Calling-Packets_FS2 103
94 Acme-FlowID_FS2_R 112
95 Acme-FlowType_FS2_R 113
96 Acme-Flow-In-Realm_FS2_R 114
97 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Addr_FS2_R 115
98 Acme-Flow-In-Src-Port_FS2_R 116
99 Acme-Flow-In-Dst-Addr_FS2_R 117
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 135
116 Acme-Session-Charging-Vector 54
117 Acme-Session-Charging-Function-Address 55
118 Acme-Firmware-Version 56
119 Acme-Local-Time-Zone 57
120 Acme-Post-Dial-Delay 58
121 Acme-Primary-Routing-Number 64
122 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Group 65
123 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Group 66
124 Acme-Originating-Trunk-Context 67
125 Acme-Terminating-Trunk-Context 68
126 Acme-P-Asserted-ID 69
127 Acme-Ingress-Local-Addr 74
128 Acme-Ingress-Remote-Addr 75
129 Acme-Egress-Local-Addr 76
130 Acme-Egress-Remote-Addr 77
131 Acme-SIP-Diversion 70
132 Acme-Session-Disposition 60
133 Acme-Disconnect-Initiator 61
134 Acme-Disconnect-Cause 62
135 Acme-SIP-Status 71
136 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0
171 Acme-CDR-Sequence-Number 59
Version S-C6.2.0 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide 137
138 Oracle Communications Session Border Controller Accounting Guide Version S-C6.2.0