Geography (1)
Geography (1)
Geography (1)
Principles of Geography
Physical Geography
ii) Climatology : Temperature and pressure belts of the world; heat budget of the earth;
atmospheric circulation; planetary and local winds; monsoons and jet streams; air masses
and fronts; temperate and tropical cyclones; types and distribution of precipitation;
Koppen’s and Thornthwaite’s classification of world climate; hydrological cycle;
climatic change.
iii) Oceanography : Bottom topography of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans;
temperature and salinity of the oceans; ocean deposits; ocean currents and tides; marine
resources and their utilizations, Coral reefs;
iv) Biogeography : Genesis of soils; classification and distribution of soils; soil profile;
soil erosion and conservation; factors influencing world distribution of plants and
animals; problems of deforestation and conservation measures; social forestry,
Human Geography
ii) Resources : Concept and types of resources, land, water, energy, minerals, and biotic
resources, their distribution, utilisation and conservation; energy crisis.
iv) Industry : History of industrial development; locational factors of cotton, jute, iron
and steel, fertilizer and paper, industries, industrial complexes and industrial
regionalisaiton; new industrial policy; role of multinationals, liberalization and
i) Cultural Setting : Racial and ethnic diversities; major tribes, tribal areas and their
problems; role of language, religion and tradition in the formation of cultural regions;
growth, distribution and density of population; demographic attributes–sex-ratio, age
structure, literacy rate, work-force, dependency ratio and longivity; migration
(interregional, intra-regional and international) and associated problems, population
problems and policies.
1: Mark the correct location of the following on the
map given to you and write the most significant
points of each in not more than 10words:
6x10 60
(a) Baffin Bay
(b) Rocky mountains
(c) Falkland current
(d) Great Barrier Reef
( Lima
(c) Narmada River
() Wuhan
() Engish Channei
20x3= 60
5. Anewer dny three of the following:
)Cuarttative revotution in Geography.
examples. 60
S . Mary's Islands
Pichavaram Mangrove
Konkan Coast
h Point Calimere
Taptapani Hot Springs
0 Chotanagpur Plateau
(K) Mawsmai Cave
49Deendayal Port
2Critically analyse how technical and economic
development led to consumption of more biotic
generation. 60
society. 60