Aneurysmal Bone Cyst of The Mandible With Conservative

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J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(6):e561-4.

Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with conservative surgical management

Journal section: Oral Medicine and Pathology doi:10.4317/jced.55771

Publication Types: Case Report

Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with conservative

surgical management: A case report

Efraín-del Cristo Álvarez-Martínez 1, Mónica-Vanessa Posso-Zapata 2, Vanessa-Andrea Flórez-Arango 2,

Johan-Sebastián Lopera-Valle 3, Carlos-Martín Ardila 4

Oral and maxillofacial surgeon. University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia
Postgraduate student of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia
Postgraduate student of Radiology. University of Antioquia. Medellín, Colombia
Periodontist, Ph.D. in Epidemiology, Coordinator of the Biomedical Stomatology Research Group. Medellín, Colombia

Calle 70 No. 52-21, Medellín, Colombia
[email protected]
Álvarez-Martínez E, Posso-Zapata MV, Flórez-Arango VA, Lopera-Valle
JS, Ardila CM. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with conservative
Received: 03/04/2019 surgical management: A case report. J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(6):e561-4.
Accepted: 02/05/2019

Article Number: 55771

© Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - eISSN: 1989-5488
eMail: [email protected]
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Pubmed Central® (PMC)
DOI® System

The aneurysmal bone cyst is a nonneoplastic, osteolytic and locally destructive lesion that mainly affects the me-
taphyseal area of long bones and only 2% of it is diagnosed in the maxillofacial skeleton. Although surgical treat-
ment is the most common option, it is associated to high morbidity rates. The case of an aneurysmal bone cyst of
a considerable size in a 27-year-old male patient illustrating a conservative surgical approach with preservation of
the dental structures in the mandible to limit aesthetic and functional side effects is presented. Two-year clinical
follow-up was performed with no evidence of recurrence.

Key words: Aneurysmal bone cyst; curettage, conservative treatment, mandibular osteotomy.

Introduction the mandible (2,3). According to the World Health Or-

The aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign intraos- ganization, this lesion is classified within the giant-cell
seous lesion that develops in patients under 30 years, its lesions, together with central and peripheral giant-cell
location is usually the metaphysis of long bones and only granuloma, cherubism and simple bone cyst (4).
2% of cases are diagnosed in the maxillofacial skeleton; ABC is a rare, expansive, locally destructive lesion and
it represents 1,5% of nonodontogenic maxillary cysts, it constitutes a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in
and has a 3:1 mandible/maxilla rate (especially in the the daily clinical practice (2). Therapeutic management
posterior area) (1). for ABC is still controversial; the approach depends on
The ABC is generally diagnosed in young people be- factors such as age, location, extent and size of the le-
tween their twenties and thirties, has no predilection for sion. Several treatment options, such as simple curetta-
any gender, usually affects long bones (50%), vertebral ge, en bloc resection, radiation therapy, embolization or
column (20%), and around 2% manifests in the bones of a combination of these methods, have been proposed.

J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(6):e561-4. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with conservative surgical management

Although surgical treatment is the most common alter- Panoramic radiography revealed a multilocular radiolu-
native, it is associated to high morbidity rates including cent lesion with no defined borders, extending from the
postoperative aesthetic and functional alterations, usua- mesial root of tooth #36 to tooth #44, that affected the
lly as a consequence of extensive resections, in expansi- interradicular bone, with root resorption of teeth #31,
ve lesions. This article presents the case of a mandibular #41 and #42 (Fig. 1b).
ABC of significant size successfully managed through With a diagnostic impression of ameloblastoma versus
a conservative surgical approach aimed at limiting the central giant-cell granuloma, a biopsy was taken under
aesthetic and functional side effects in a young patient. local anesthesia after 4cc aspiration of dark hematic se-
cretion. Histopathological analysis confirmed the ABC
Case Report diagnostic; blood-filled vesicular channels surrounded
27-year-old male patient with no underlying systemic disea- by lamellar bone with spicules surrounded in turn by
ses who sought medical attention because of a three-month osteoblasts were described. Multinucleated giant cells
medical case of facial asymmetry from increased volume and abundant fibroblasts were also observed (Fig. 1c).
of the left chin area (Fig. 1a), with no other associated Additionally, the CT scan evidenced this expansive lytic
symptoms. The patient claimed he had been subject to fa- lesion of 29 x 45 x 30 mm associated to a perforation of
cial trauma in the same area two years before. the vestibular and lingual bone tables (Fig. 1d).
Adequate mouth opening and mandibular mobility were Considering the patient’s age, the dimensions of the
found in the clinical examination; no reactive lympha- lesion and the potential functional and aesthetic con-
denopathies were found. Permanent dentition, stable oc- sequences of the en bloc resection, bone curettage and
clusion and displacement and rotation of tooth #33 were additional endodontic treatment of the anteroinferior
observed in the intraoral examination; swelling of the teeth was performed, anticipating the compromise of the
soft tissues and effacement of the bottom of the sulcus vascular and nervous contribution due to the extension
between teeth #34 and #42 were found. The oral mucosa of the lesion to the apex of these teeth; Likewise, a se-
was found to be healthy, smooth, firm and with no pain mi-rigid wire and resin splint was used to stabilize the
during palpation. dentoalveolar segment.

Fig. 1: a. Pre-surgical evaluation with evident asymmetry of the lower third, mainly the left side. b. Pre-
treatment panoramic radiograph with multilocular radiolucent lesion showing irregular edges and extend-
ing from the mesial root of tooth #36 to #44 with compromised interradicular bone. Note the root resorption
of teeth #31, #41 and #42. c. Histopathology study (Hematoxylin Eosin) with blood-filled vesicular channels
surrounded by lamellar bone, with spicules surrounded in turn by osteoblasts. Multinucleated giant cells and
abundant fibroblasts are also described. d. 3D reconstruction of front-view computed tomography showing
29 x 45 x 30 mm expansive lithic lesion related to the perforation of the vestibular and lingual bone tables.

J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(6):e561-4. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with conservative surgical management

A circumvestibular surgical incision of approximately le maintaining a stable occlusion, feeding was achieved
34 to 43 was performed under general anesthesia to gain via nasogastric tube for 15 days.
access to the lesion; a highly vascularized lesion with After two months of postoperative follow-up, an 8mm
evident angiogenesis was observed; profuse bleeding dehiscence with root exposure of tooth #33 was obser-
was controlled through local procedures and cauteriza- ved in the vestibular area, so it was extracted considering
tion. Once the tumor was removed, the surgical site, in- its poor prognosis. The patient was evaluated through to-
cluding the basilar rim, was extended 5mm; to stabilize mographies (Fig. 3a,b), clinically (Fig. 3c) and radiogra-
the mandible, two 2.7 mm preformed reconstruction pla- phically (Fig. 3d) for two years, no tumoral recurrence
tes associated to the filling of the defect with bone graft was identified during that time; aesthetic and functional
were placed. Flaps were repositioned and the procedure results were satisfactory. A written consent of the patient
finished with no immediate complications (Fig. 2). Whi- according to ethical principles was signed.

Fig. 2: a. Aneurysmal bone cyst removal. b Surgical site with preservation of dental structures.

Fig. 3: a,b. 3D reconstruction of front-view computed tomography 6 months after the

postoperative check-up showing adequately positioned titanium plates and ongoing bone
remodeling. c. Twenty-four months of postoperative follow-up, with no facial asymmetry.
d. Panoramic radiograph after 24 months of postoperative follow-up showing bone defect
in the surgical site associated with corticalization of the edges and absence of residual

J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11(6):e561-4. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible with conservative surgical management

Discussion tence of residual lesion, considering the absence of we-

The etiology and pathogenesis of ABC is not very clear. ll-defined edges or capsule at the time of the procedure
The most accepted theory is the existence of previous (11,12). In this case, no recurrence was observed during
trauma (5,6), which corresponds to what the patient re- the follow-up of two years, which is the time in which
ported in this case. Likewise, as described in the litera- most scientific evidence reports it (11-15).
ture, it also develops in young patients (2,3).
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performed endodontics had a positive response, the le-
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tances of rehabilitation due to the high degree of aesthe-
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The highest ABC recurrence rates (21%) (10) have been
reported in relation to bone curettage due to the persis-


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