DCIT 318 - Syllabus

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Course Lecturer: Mr
Paul Ammah
P. O. Box LG 163 Legon, Accra
Email: [email protected]
Office Location: Room 109, Ground Floor, Department of Statistics
Office Hours: Fridays 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Course Overview
The course introduces students to advanced application software development using
Microsoft application development platform. It teaches students how to design desktop
and web based application software using the design tools available in Microsoft
Visual Studio. Topics to be covered in this course include introduction to C# Syntax,
Methods, Classes and Inheritance, Exceptions handling and Monitoring, UI design
using windows forms, controls, menus, and toolbar, Reading and writing files on to
local disk and Accessing a Database using ADO.Net, LINQ and Entity Data Models,
Accessing Remote Data using the types in the System.Net namespace, and WCF
Data Services, UI design using XAML.

The general objective of this course is to introduce students to Microsoft application
development platform. The specific objectives are:
• To ensure students get complete knowledge of Microsoft .NET Framework and
its internals.
• To ensure that students acquire deep understanding of C# language features;
• To help students understand the different aspects of the application
development process with respect to tools available in Microsoft Visual Studio;
• To enable students to understand the application design principles; and
• To ensure that students can develop an application that runs on the Microsoft
Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes for the course are outlined along three strands: knowledge,
skills and outcomes. Students who successfully complete this course (grade of C* or
better) will be able to do the following:
Students must have knowledge on
1. The key technological principles and methods for delivering and maintaining
desktop and Web applications.
2. The requirements for desktop and Web applications to establish appropriate
strategies for development and deployment.
3. The design and architecture of a desktop and web application.
4. The selection and evaluation of suitable software tools and APIs for the
development of a particular desktop or Web application and understand their
strengths, scope and limitations.

Students must be able to
1. Outline logical actions needed to convert an idea to a fully functioning desktop
or web application.
2. Address the limitations and challenges of working in a desktop environment.
3. Develop an application that uses .NET framework library.
4. Develop database centric applications using ADO.NET.
5. Build and use the reusable components and controls

Students should in the future be able to
1. Initiate and lead application development groups to achieve directive of
completing a working desktop or web application.
2. Troubleshoot applications to fix bugs and ensure performance.
3. Conduct in-class presentations including demonstration of application.

Course Delivery Plan

• The course will be delivered through online lectures and laboratory work to support
group projects. The laboratory work will take two hours, and will begin from the first
week of lecture to the end of the course.
• Weekly assessed and non-assessed lab exercises will be used to extend the
students' theoretical knowledge.

Lecture Plan
The following plan gives details of the broad topics that will be covered with
appropriate references where applicable. Detailed notes will be given in the lectures.
Week Broad Topics Lab Activity Lecture Lab
(Hours) (Hours)
Week 1 Introduction to C# Lab 1: Installation and familiarization with 2 4
Visual Studio.
and .NET

Week 2 OOP using C# Group Project Assignments and Topic 2 4

Part 1
Assignment 1& 2 Out

Week 3 OOP using C# Group Project Presentations 2 4

Part 2
Assignment 3 Out
Week 4 Collections and Group Project Presentations 2 4
Assignment 4 Out

Week 5 Exception Group Project Presentations 2 4

Assignment 5 Out

Week 6 Interim Assessment Assessed Labs/Written

Week 7 Developing GUI 2 4

Application with Assignment 6
Window Forms
Week 8 Database 2 4
Group Project Assignments
Using ADO.NET , Assignment 7 Out
LINQ and Entity
Data Models
Week 9 WCF Data Group Project Presentations 2 4
Services Part 1 Assignment 8, 9 Out

Week 10 WCF Data 2 4

Group Project Presentations
Services Part 2

Week 11 UI design using 2 4

XAML Assignment 10 Out
Week 12 Packaging & 2 4
Final Group Project Presentations
Key Reading List
Troelsen, A. W., & Japikse, P. (2022). Pro C# 10 with. NET 6: Foundational Principles
and Practices in Programming. Apress

Giretti, A. (2022). Introducing ASP. NET Core 6. In Beginning gRPC with ASP. NET
Core 6: Build Applications using ASP. NET Core Razor Pages, Angular, and Best
Practices in. NET 6 (pp. 33-81). Berkeley, CA: Apress.

Strauss, D. (2022). Working with Visual Studio 2022. In Getting Started with Visual
Studio 2022: Learning and Implementing New Features (pp. 65-163). Berkeley, CA:

Griffiths, I. (2022). Programming C# 10. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".

Sarcar, V. (2020). Getting Started with Advanced C#. Apress.

Albahari, J. (2022). C# 10 in a Nutshell. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.".

Software Applications
Microsoft Visual Studio

Class Power Point Slides

To obtain a copy of the class power point slides, consult your instructor.

Programming assignments may be written and run on the Windows PCs available at
UGCS or on your own computer. ALWAYS BE SURE TO BACKUP YOUR WORK and
store incremental copies in multiple places (see “Storage Media” below). The lecturer
is very unlikely to perceive a dead or full disk (or even a system crash) as adequate
grounds for an extension of the due date! Explicitly: There will be no extensions due
to computer or storage failure.

Storage Media
Invest in a USB flash drive so that you can back up your personal files. Buy one, use
it and carry it with you even if you are using your own laptop for your assignments
(you’d be surprised how often that can be a lifesaver!).

Assessed Labs
Lab-based practical exercises are a major component of this course. Not all practical
exercises are assessed. You are, however, required to be present at all your
scheduled labs and complete both assessed and non-assessed practical exercises.

For assessed labs, practical exercises will be graded by a marker during your
assigned lab sessions. So you must be present from the start of all your labs.
Individuals and groups will be asked to demo their work and explain their code to get
full marks. You will be awarded a mark per fully correct task.
Deadline for Submission
Completion deadlines for assessed labs will be communicated in class

Assessed Labs, Quizzes, Class Assignments

Individual and in-lab group assignments will be periodically given to students.
Unannounced quizzes and graded labs may be given during the semester. They will
be counted as part of the exam grade. No make-up labs or quizzes will be given for
those who miss classes and labs. This will make 40% of the total score (subject to

Materials included in the exams will be taken from the text, class lecture and lab
exercises. Exams will be administered on the dates scheduled by the University. Tests
will be multiple choice, fill-in, short answers and React Native application software
design. The exams will comprise 40% of the total score (subject to change).
Grading Factors:
Main Exams 60%
Attendance & Class Participation 10%
Assignments, Quizzes, Tests 30%

Total 100%

Testing: Class Tests/Assignments are expected to be taken at the times scheduled,
and make up work will be permitted only for the following reasons:

1) Death of an immediate family member.

2) Personal illness requiring attention by physician.
3) Illness of an immediate family requiring your personal attention.
4) Unplanned holidays/ interruption by other college activities.
5) Travel out-of-town required by your employer (with proof). 6) An emergency
and/or situation at the discretion of the instructor.
Attendance: Regular class attendance is expected. If a student misses class, the
student is responsible for obtaining class notes from other students.

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